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This comprehensive tool covers the key questions needed to
accurately assess an organization’s cybersecurity posture
1 Do you have
visibility of all
users, devices,
data and
services across
your network?
If you don’t know that something is happening, you can’t do anything about it. That’s why
network visibility is a key component of NIST’s Identity and Access Management.
With increased visibility, you can better protect your network from problematic devices, users
and services. This is because you have a much better chance of intervening if something
unusual, dangerous or unexpected happens.
With the right tools and services, you can see and interpret everything that takes place on
your network.
For example, you can monitor network activity, see what devices have connected, who owns
which device, what services are accessed by whom and when.
There is a wealth of useful information available that can better protect the network, its
users and your business partners and customers. But a note of caution: if an administrator is
presented with too much information, illogically organized, it can lead to security oversights.
Choosing visibility tools that simplify monitoring activities taking place on the network is the
and security requirements.
integrate remote desktop, backup, disaster recovery, AI-based protection against malware and
ransomware, and security tools in a single agent.
Simple detection and onboarding of new devices needing management and protection
reduces both workload and potential exposure.
TIP: Ensure your access management tools provide easy-to-digest log information for
stakeholders that highlight any important issues. These can simplify information security
authorization requests.
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2 Is your
approach to
aligned with
the needs and
of your
taking into
and legal
ID.DE and
State laws regarding cybersecurity requirements vary from state to state, just as industry
compliance regulations vary depending on your industry sector. It is important to understand
the requirements and how they impact your organization.
But this alone will not help your business to grow. Today’s security is about understanding
your organization’s objectives and then aligning your security policies and procedures to
protect these objectives.
For example, let’s say your company sells widgets to a customer base. Each of these
customers has an account on your network, and these are regularly accessed by managers.
And let’s add that we know that a key company objective is to grow the customer base.
The security goal should underpin this main business objective:
protect that customer’s data from unauthorized access. (protecting this information
is a key requirement for many industry bodies and state regulators, so this business
objective aligns nicely); and
ensure authorized access is as frictionless as possible (this security goal is unlikely to be
mentioned by any regulatory body, but it is a key organization and security concern: if
the entire network at risk).
The key to a strong security policy is a deep understanding of the business objectives, as well
as understanding the regulatory requirements.
TIP: Stay on top of changing business needs and regulations by regularly checking in
with all relevant personnel to ensure their needs are being met, and updating policies to
accommodate new legal or business requirements. Regular (ideally monthly) surveys or all-
hands calls can be a good way to monitor satisfaction.
3 Are you
performing risk
to measure
your threat
those from
your supply
chain, users,
partners and
Risk assessments perform a number of key tasks to reduce an organization’s overall exposure
hardware implementation, etc.
These risk checks ensure that those in charge of the infrastructure are aware of how the
vulnerabilities, lax security protocols, or authentication oversights.
Business partners that provide products and services to you and your customers should be
in the partnership.
TIP: Regular risk assessment is a proven method to evaluate your threat exposure.
Depending on the industry and the amount of sensitive information processed, they should
be performed quarterly to yearly.
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4 Are you
insured against
any damage
or loss from
negligence or
insider threats?
consequences of online disasters, be they a bad agent attack, data loss, data theft,
ransomware, malvertising, etc.
established insurers.
As it’s new, it is a complex space to navigate. Players are still jockeying for position in what is
touted to be a huge market.
the cheapest rates may not be the one that returns its investment in any meaningful way.
narrow your choices to a strong shortlist.
TIP: As it has not been around for long, be very careful not to assume it is a one-size-ts-all
market. Insurers oer a variety of cover options, so it’s key to get proper advice on which
policies are right for you, should a cyber threat be successful.
5 Is your
compliant with
the industry's
and/or region's
as appropriate?
(e.g. HIPAA,
State laws regarding cybersecurity requirements vary from state to state, just as compliance
While industry standards vary, depending on the industry and its individual requirements,
there is overlap between these bodies (e.g. many regulators will require that sensitive and PII
information must be stored securely, that backups are kept and regularly updated, and yearly
organizations providing medical services, and the individual regulatory stipulations take these
all into account.
It is important to understand which of these bodies impact the organization. Then you can
prioritize the requirements and recommendations these regulatory bodies require your
business to follow.
There are few things to look out for here. First, ensure your information security partner
understands your regulatory compliance needs, whether they are tied to industry standards,
federal law, or state law.
Building an information security infrastructure to protect your organizations’ people, services
approach can dramatically reduce the network’s operational risk, as well as help you future-
proof the organization against tomorrow’s threats.
You can simplify the work of ensuring compliance with many regulations, particularly those
regarding data retention, with a high-quality backup solution like Acronis Cyber Protect, which
is designed for even organizations with strict compliance regulations, e.g. GDPR, NIS Directive,
Telecom Framework Directive, or eIDAS regulation.
TIP: By using one trusted integrated solution that includes data compliance reporting, you
can eliminate complexity, improve security capabilities and uptime, all while reducing costs.
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6 Do you
manage and
monitor all
user accounts
and login
events on
your network?
Being able to centrally manage and monitor all user accounts and login events on your
network gives you real-time control of which users are allowed to access what services at
which time.
For example, you can set your centralized system to alert you whenever an unexpected or
unwanted account request is made, allowing you review it before access is granted. Or you
might want an easy way to onboard new hires, or indeed retire accounts of leaving employees.
Or, say you notice a huge amount of data being unexpectedly downloaded, a reputable
centralized system would allow you to review who is accessing what service at any given time,
and select appropriate action.
And considering today’s internet of things, wearables and personal devices, not to mention
BYOD policies, being able to quickly see and control any device goes a long way to protecting
your digital assets against unauthorized access, vulnerabilities, or lax security protocols.
A good centralized management will store all user activities in a single secure location. The
word secure is key here, otherwise a centralized management could become a single point of
TIP: A comprehensive o-boarding policy is just as important as proper onboarding of
new employees. When a user leaves the organization, or changes role, there should be a
standard set of steps to ensure any unneeded accounts are disabled or deleted quickly
and eciently.
7 Can you
monitor and
permissions on
your network
to ensure that
data sets are
only accessed
by active and
users? PR.AC
important to make sure that all users can only access those items and areas they need for
their work, and no more. Having central oversight of which users have access rights to which
to-day business.
This particularly applies to shared storage areas, where a simple error in assigning rights can
grant a user access to large amounts of information they should not be able to see. Getting
this right requires careful structuring of both your data and your rights assignment, usually
managed through groups of users aligned to roles or departments.
TIP: Routinely review and update your le permissions at the same time you review user
groups and rights allocations, to keep things in sync.
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8 Do you
sharing across
all services
and users as
part of your
security policy?
Most of us know that account sharing is a big no-no, and yet many organizations continue
to operate with shared accounts for a variety of reasons: reduce spend, ease of access,
But it can cripple your chances of spotting and deterring potential threats.
Here are a few security considerations:
all users?
case of ransomware) can spread more widely and quickly.
There is no valid audit trail, and without it, accountability and responsibility become
Regularly review your accounts, ensuring that every user is using unique log-in credentials that
follow security best practice.
Remote desktop access, a feature seen in products like Acronis Cyber Protect, can
dramatically reduce the time and resource required to manage users working from home, or
anywhere for that matter.
TIP: To ease the burden on sta and simplify IT’s tasks during the onboarding of new
users or the removal of old ones, consider employing a reputable, network-wide, centrally
managed password management service.
9 Do you
control and
monitor what
your users
are allowed to
install and use?
complex. The set of applications needed within the network can expand rapidly. This can be
It’s important to restrict users to only known and trusted applications managed and
A good rule of thumb is to operate by least privilege: only give users access to what they need
for their work, and nothing more. By controlling and limiting what applications each user has
access to, you can hinder even a successful attacker’s attempts at accessing your sensitive
Plus, with central management software, not only can you instantly view the login attempts
and services.
TIP: Try to make sure all potential user requirements can be met using the set of trusted
tools maintained within your system. If a new workow is scheduled to launch, locate the
appropriate software to facilitate it, and set it up, test it, and connect it to your patching
and version management processes so it is available when needed. With a little foresight,
you can avoid having to urgently add new services at short notice – hurried changes add risk
and uncertainty.
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10 Do you enforce
best security
practices, such
as unique
and where
single sign
on to users?
Many companies rely only on a username and password to allow a user to log into a service
on the network. The problem with this as a single security measure is that it can also be a
single point of failure
We know that the majority of successful data breaches begin with an authorized agent getting
Implementing secure authentication policies can greatly reduce your exposure to the risk of
hijacked accounts. Multi-factor authentication can be a particularly strong protection against
stolen or guessed login details, making a password of limited value to an attacker. Centralized
password-management can reduce the overhead of keeping up with large numbers of
complex passwords, and helps enforce password strength and account re-use policies.
TIP: Educate your users on the reasons for imposing secure authentication, so they
understand the risk, and the counter-measures they can employ. Combine this with training
in how to use any multi-factor or password-management tools, which should emphasise the
added ease of use.
11 Do you have an
inventory of all
running on
your system,
including their
patch level?
The accelerated rate of technological change means that companies today often need to
evaluate, install and decommission applications so frequently, it is easy to lose track of the
applications running on the system.
Every application, if not properly managed, could open the door to unwanted activity on your
available or installed to a network.
Being able to see what applications are installed across your network requires an up-to-date
inventory that is both easy to access and understand.
tasks without having a solid system to monitor all the applications across the network.
At-a-glance management interfaces can provide a wealth of real-time information regarding
the applications on your network: version number, patch levels, users etc. This is a powerful
tool, giving the administrator full control on the applications available.
Say for instance an application was found to be vulnerable. An at-a-glance look at your
inventory will tell you whether it is installed anywhere, and whether it is patched. That
information will allow you to make the decision to suspend its access until it is properly
protected, or to implement a workaround to mitigate the danger.
TIP: There are a number of considerations when choosing inventory tools, including ease of
use, reliability, features, customer support, user reviews, and versatility. Make sure to assess
the considerations against your specic organizational goals and objectives.
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12 Do you allow
IoT devices
such as digital
smart white
goods etc. to
connect to
your network?
As more and more hardware devices become “smart” and “connected”, the divide between
the “computers” managed by the IT team and other devices acquired and owned by other
departments - such as catering and facilities - can become blurred. With many IoT device
makers paying minimal attention to security issues such as patching and built-in admin
passwords, granting such devices access to your key company networks can be risky.
If IoT hardware is in use within your environment, there is rarely any need for it to connect to
your core systems or networks. To provide internet access to these devices, the best policy is
to run a segregated network, keeping all non-IT devices separate from your carefully secured
and managed systems. Pay attention also to whether devices require updates or other
maintenance from the IT side.
TIP: Implement a policy requiring IT vetting and approval of all devices connecting to your
networks, even low-impact segregated areas.
13 Do you prevent
users from
devices to
your network
(physically or
If a hacker or another unauthorized user connects to your network, it is important to be
able to identify and block this user from accessing any areas that might contain sensitive
Blocking unknown devices is important, but equally important is having real-time remote
management capabilities. A remote access feature, like that found in Acronis Cyber Protect,
can radically simplify this task of only allowing known devices onto the network.
Here’s why: say the boss loses his phone and buys a new one and requires immediate access
changes quickly and securely (including blocking the old phone and authorizing the new
device, without hindering business operations).
Of course, having mobile device management in place to approve and secure new devices
is key, as is multi-factor authentication, wherever it can be implemented. You should have a
security policy that is clear enough that users - be they the CEO or a new entry-level employee
- know what their responsibilities are when they use the device, and/or access the network.
TIP: Consider disabling unwanted connection ports, such as USB sockets. This can be
done using cheap blanking plates, or by disconnecting the ports internally, and prevents
connection of unwanted physical devices.
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14 Have you
or disabled
accounts and
for all devices,
services and
IoT devices
(e.g. smart
white goods,
etc.)? PR.AC
Default administrator accounts and passwords are a major risk point, especially common in
“Internet of Things” devices.
Often created by companies specialising in the hardware side with limited experience or
expertise in software or security, IoT devices are often found to have extremely weak privacy
and security, with some hardware proving impossible to update when vulnerabilities are
As connected devices become more common, businesses need to carefully review the kit they
plan to acquire, making sure it not only performs its key function properly, but does so in a
secure and manageable way. Selecting based on brand is less of a guarantee of quality in this
lines with little thought for the security implications. This makes it all the more important that
factors like ease of updating and control of login accounts are checked for compliance with
security standards.
Once a device has been acquired, any built-in accounts, especially those with admin rights,
are likely to be readily available online. Set up your own accounts with strong passwords, and
disable any built-in ones, before connecting the device to any important networks.
TIP: When connecting smart devices within an oce setting, consider using a segregated
wi or wired network which is kept separate from your key business network and data. If
the device only requires access out to the internet and does not need to connect directly to
anything internal, this segregation can hugely reduce the risk from poorly-secured devices.
15 Do you allow
"Bring Your
Own Device"
(BYOD) at your
and if so, do
you have an
policy to
manage and
control their
access to your
services and
data? PR.AC
Bring your own device (BYOD) is not a recommended approach to security, but truth be told,
we know that many companies rely on users’ personal equipment. This can be due to users
preferring to use their own devices rather than company-provided machines. It could also
simply be a cost-saving exercise - both valid reasons, but operating with BYOD does increase
your cyber risk.
If you do allow personal devices to connect to your network and access your organization’s
online systems, services and data, it is strongly recommended to have an up to date BYOD
policy to control what devices can access what services. The policy should also tell users what
access the network.
For example, you might only authorize access to the network from personal devices that
password manager, etc), all controlled by centralized mobile device management.
Being able to manage devices remotely and securely is key. For instance, Acronis Cyber
Protect, with its single interface across all its services, can radically simplify remote device
TIP: Always aim to grant the least amount of access rights possible, without impacting
business growth.
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16 Do you allow
users to access
your network
remotely (e.g.
from home
or while
and are you
is properly
encrypted, and
tracked? PR.AC
around other commitments, improving job satisfaction and ultimately productivity. It can also
travel or other commitments.
Depending on your policy, some users will be accessing the network from their own devices,
while others will be using company-owned hardware. Either way, it’s crucial to ensure all
devices accessing your networks and data are known and trusted, ideally centrally managed
with enforceable protections conforming to your core security policies. Make sure secure
authentication is required to access your network, track what devices are connecting and
when, and block all unapproved and unmanaged devices.
TIP: Make sure any mobile device management software is properly congured to allow
remote location tracking and remote wiping of devices, in case something which could be
storing company data gets mislaid or stolen.
17 Can you
audit, track
and securely
wipe any
devices you
allow on your
network, even
when they
are outside of
your network?
Being able to manage remote workers’ accounts, devices and access rights at the touch of
a few buttons is an incredible advantage, particularly when, in 2020, we are facing so many
Device management refers to software that is used to oversee, regulate, and secure
employees’ portable devices. It can include a host of services, including user, application,
service, access and content management.
Users may try to access the network with unauthorized devices or accounts; they may have
they belong to the company, the user or a third party.
TIP: Complete oversight of your network is key to ensure the systems are healthy and
running smoothly, but too much information can be worse. Set your console to provide the
right level of information for your needs.
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18 If you provide
guest access to
your networks,
do you provide
from your
critical systems
and sensitive
data? PR. AC
but if you do not secure guest internet access for business visitors you will be exposing
yourself – and them – to considerable risk.
Segmenting your network is important for a few reasons. It stops visitors gaining access to
parts of the network used by your employees for business operations. Guest users should not
Recommendations include:
internal WiFi network, and make sure it is password protected.
Choose the SSID name wisely – so that it does not advertise the fact that the network
belongs to your business. This will make it harder for hackers to attack your WiFi network.
Disable remote admin access on wireless networks – if a hacker succeeds in gaining access
to your WiFi network, this will limit the harm that can be caused.
Use a management solution that collects guest credentials so you can monitor guest
behavior to ensure no one is trying to abuse the system. -Modern routers and access
points support WPA2 encryption. Make sure this is enabled – or WPA3 if it is supported.
TIP: In the event of a malware or ransomware infection, a segregated network can be very
eective in limiting the harm caused.
19 If you are
storing any
data in the
cloud (e.g.
AWS, Google,
etc.), have
you used
all available
tools and
best practices
to harden
its security?
How many times have we read about a company, even those boasting a strong reputation,
some of these cases, the organization has been lucky and gets a chance to harden its security
against unauthorized access before anything gets stolen. Others however have been dragged
through the press for leaving sensitive information about employees, customers, services or
business partners open for anyone who happens to land on the page.
Set up role-based access and permissions for accessing all your cloud resources, and even
your database instances.
During transit, your data is vulnerable to failures, outages or attacks that may result in data
loss or cause compliance issues. Make sure you secure the data by encrypting in transit
and at rest.
Make sure to back up all the information for optimum security.
TIP: Default conguration is rarely designed to oer optimal security. It is often balanced
between some security and additional services. It is vital to read through all the
congurations and assess if the settings meet your particular organization’s requirements.
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20 Do you track
all systems,
services, users,
and contact
lists to ensure
or expired is
or disabled?
Accidentally sending unauthorized users’ sensitive information can lead to a whole world of
trouble. Not only can it be embarrassing and likely to have a reputational impact, but in some
cases, you will even need to notify the authorities, especially if user account information might
have been accessed by an unexpected user.
Regularly reviewing the network to see what systems, services, and users are currently
authorized is highly recommended.
A key question is this: Do any accounts need to be removed? Added? Permissions edited?
accessed by the right people at any given time, and that old, unwanted or expired information
is removed.
complexity of a network. These reviews, done regularly, can reduce your threat exposure
Integrated management software like Acronis Cyber Protect can simplify tracking your systems
and onboarding new ones, ensuring all required security and backup protections are in place
as soon as a new device is detected.
TIP: Set an expected expiry date for all services, systems and accounts at creation time,
reviewing as that date approaches and only extending it for as long as required.
21 Are all users
given regular
and training,
how to avoid
the latest
threats (e.g.
phishing, social
Most security incidents take advantage of a user’s lack of information security knowledge.
Having a cyber-smart user base is a strong line of defence, underpinning your security
Most people who work in information security know that the online world is rife with phishing
attacks, malvertising and other scams, often employing social engineering tactics - all designed
to dupe the user.
With a little education, users can change how they interact with the internet, making each of
them safer online, both as an employee and an individual.
Explaining how social engineering tactics work, and why they are successful - using examples
where possible - is key. Many users do not understand or believe how they could ever fall into
a trap, so teaching them why the information or access rights they possess must be properly
guarded will go a long way to safeguard your network environment.
Cyber awareness training should be provided regularly to inform users what the latest threats
- and the latest tactics - are, so they can help safeguard your environment. Along with a strong
security policy, cyber protection training is a proven method to help defend the network, and
the organization, from headaches.
TIP: Talk to users about improving personal security, using ID theft as a case study. This
approach will help engage them with the issue by applying it to their own lives. Then you can
show how these security lessons can apply to safeguarding the organization.
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22 Do you
testing to
identify poor
practices (e.g.
attacks)? PR.AT
Social engineering has proven a highly successful route for cyber criminals to get inside an
organization. All it takes is one employee to give away their credentials accidentally, potentially
giving the social engineer attacker the keys to your organizational kingdom.
To help mitigate against social engineering attacks - attacks where the attack dupes the victim
need to have wary and educated users.
Educating users is not always easy. Imagine trying to explain how a car functions to an average
driver - most are not interested. However, by making the training personal, you can reach a
new level of understanding. For example, talk about how an attacker might try to trick a user
to access their personal bank account or picture folders. And then share the steps to mitigate
against such an attack. This approach goes a long way to help them be much wary in an
organizational environment.
Once you have given the appropriate training, you can test its success. Often, simulations are
run before and after a training session to see if users have evolved their online behavior to
your REAL operational risk.
TIP: Simulations are very useful. Try to run them even in small environments at least every
six to twelve months for maximum return on investment.
23 Do you encrypt
all sensitive
Securing data in transfer is important not only through public networks but also in
interception could lead to a security incident.
and Availability). This is an important concept in information security. If there is a possibility
Where a device that can access sensitive information is reachable via a web interface, web
such as Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Sensitive data transmitted over email should be secured using cryptographically strong email
encryption tools such as PGP or S/MIME. Or, prior to sending the email, the user should
email for transmission.
TIP: Strong encryption can consume more CPU resources than weak encryption. So make
sure you nd an encryption solution that best meets the needs of the organization, and the
information it is trying to protect, all without negatively impacting performance.
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24 Do you encrypt
all sensitive
data? PR.DS
Encryption can help protect data you send, receive, and store, using any device (a networked
computer, or a remote device). It is a key security initiative that every company - large or small
- should take advantage of as much as possible.
It helps provide data security for sensitive information. Encryption plays an essential role in
the person who has the decryption key.
A vast amount of sensitive information is managed online and stored in the cloud or on
servers with an ongoing connection to the internet, and far too much of it is not properly
Not only does encryption help to protect your data from unauthorized access, it is also a
regular requirement by governing bodies (eg, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), NIS Directive, Telecom Framework
Directive and even eIDAS regulations.
TIP: Using a centrally-managed encryption system can help reduce the danger of data being
lost or inaccessible due to forgotten passwords, or key users being unavailable.
25 Do you have
a reliable and
tested backup
and restore
strategy for
all important
data and
systems, with
and diversity of
storage? PR.DS
Keeping secure and reliable backups of all vital data and systems is a key step in
any cybersecurity process. Following these guidelines will ensure that you cannot
be taken offline by a ransomware attack that encrypts data, effectively holding it
ransom until the attackers get what they want:
Keep at least three separate copies of your data (so no single event will destroy all copies).
And don’t think that typical cloud storage (e.g. like that provided by Google Drive or Dropbox)
and backup storage are the same thing - they aren’t. A true cloud backup service enables you
to create automated backups of complete systems and store as many versions of backups as
you need.
Leading backup solutions like that from Acronis come with a stellar reputation from users
and industry analysts alike. The new Acronis Cyber Protect solution integrates its backup
simplifying the management of information security across the organization.
TIP: Remember what back-ups are for. Making backups and keeping them safe is only the
rst step - the important part is reinstating your environment after an unforeseen event.
Being able to quickly and easily restore important data is key - make sure to document
and test this process regularly to make sure nothing is preventing a speedy return to a
trusted state.
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26 Do you
monitor all
data leaving
your devices
and networks
to prevent
leaks (e.g.
being copied
to USB sticks)?
Keeping logs to uncover what data is leaving the organization is a very important
step to preventing data leaks. There are number of ways data can leave an
a cyber event led by an unknown attack agent;
a disgruntled employee wanting to cause trouble for the organization; and
an “unhappy accident” where a user has inappropriate access rights to information they
should not be viewing (e.g. remuneration information).
By keeping records of all data, and when it is added, edited, or deleted - along with the
username and timestamp - lets you both monitor for suspicious or unwanted activity.
to track where the breach happened and outline what was taken. It also provides necessary
where the attack stemmed from.
TIP: Ensure to set up alerts so that when unusual, suspicious or unwanted activity takes
place, you have a better chance of preventing the behavior from being completed.
27 Are all devices
and storage
media properly
and secured
access or theft?
Any organization here who says yes, without any tools to help them monitor and review
wearables, mini usb-c devices, and other IoT devices which are provided by the organization.
Make sure you protect these devices, which are easily portable and easily lost. If they end up
in the wrong hands, no information should be retrievable without proper authorization.
TIP: Keep an inventory that is regularly reviewed of all devices and storage media that has
been vetted and approved for network access.
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28 Have you
and regulated
which users
require access
to which
systems, data
and other
(following the
principle of
least privilege)?
The principle of least privilege means granting access only to that which is needed, and no
more. Security policies should not prevent anyone from getting hold of information, or making
use of systems, which are vital to the performance of their work, but should equally not allow
anyone to access anything not strictly required.
who needs access to what. Tracking this matrix of information, and ensuring it keeps up to
The most common way to simplify this is to use groups, each with their own sets of rights.
A user is assigned to a group as required. This means you need to consider your group
formation very carefully, and be open to reviewing it regularly so that it does not cause a
bottleneck in IT services.
management software with full visibility of all your users and systems in a single interface, like
that found in Acronis Cyber Protect.
TIP: A clear and simple naming convention, for both users and devices, can help keep track
of things. To further minimize confusion, make sure to use separate top-level groups for
users, workstations, servers, and other device types.
29 Have you
your security
and policies
and involved
all the
partners and
the supply
chain? PR.IP
Many organizations rely upon suppliers to deliver products, systems, and services. You
probably have a number of suppliers yourself.
Yet a vulnerable supply chain can cause damage and disruption. Damaging attacks on
companies have demonstrated that attackers have both the intent and ability to exploit
vulnerabilities in supply chain security. This trend is real and growing.
You would be surprised at how few organization could list the following without
having to go digging:
Who is in your supply chain?
What does their individual security look like? Is it mature or practically non-existent?
How do your suppliers manage their own supply chains, as their failure may impact you?
By setting minimum security requirements that your supply chain must meet in order to do
TIP: Be strategic. Contracts that provide basic commodities such as stationery, or cleaning
services require entirely dierent approaches to information security management to those
that provide critical services.
www.acronis.com 16
30 Do you
track that all
System, device
and security
patches are
up-to-date and
updated where
No complex software is perfect, and the more complicated something becomes, the more
Keeping on top of all the software running in a business is a major task, especially when you
also need to align what you have installed with new versions and patches being released at
often unpredictable schedules.
When major new vulnerabilities emerge, patches can be released very quickly, but new threats
exploiting those vulnerabilities can come out very rapidly too. Getting those patches in place
immediately keeps you safe from these emerging threats.
Centralized monitoring and management of software versions and patch levels across your
environment can massively reduce the workload of keeping track. Leading providers like
Acronis Cyber Protect can even manage patch levels inside backups of systems, ensuring
that if a server or a user’s desktop has to be restored, it comes back online with all the latest
patches and updates.
TIP: Subscribe to reputable alerts on emerging vulnerabilities and patches that aect your
key software and tools to get an early alert of potential problems.
31 Do you
have fully
patched and
your endpoint
devices and at
your network
have unusual, unexpected or unwanted behavior.
disgruntled employee tries to copy over your entire customer account list.
The tighter the controls over ports and services, the lower your overall risk level.
TIP: Make sure your rewalls are properly congured and operational with regular
penetration testing.
www.acronis.com 17
32 Do you have
good quality
installed, active
and updated
on all devices
that access
your network?
Malware can sneak into your systems and networks via all sorts of unexpected vectors. Having
protection in place at all levels minimizes the risk of something nasty slipping through the net.
requirements, and that it remains active and updated at all times.
This is another area where central management is a must, not just to give visibility over which
systems have which protections in place, but also to simplify the tasks of applying updates and
patches. It can also let you roll out changes to policies as your business needs evolve and new
types of threat emerge.
Best-of-breed providers like Acronis Cyber Protect include on-access and on-demand malware
visibility and control of malware protections with other related features, such as backups and
patch management, all accessed from the same user interface.
TIP: Avoid using real (and potentially dangerous) malware les to verify your protection is
working - try the free, safe simulators provided by organizations like EICAR and AMTSO.
33 Is your email
scanned to
remove any
spam, phishing
and other
content? PR.PT
Email remains a primary vector for scammers to dupe users into falling for a popular threat,
be it a phishing attack, a malvertising stunt, or a ransomware attack.
Scanning your email for threats before it lands in your users’ inboxes will boost your security
posture measurably.
While no solution is perfect, a few will provide excellent protection, blocking all known threats
as well as new, previously unseen threats by relying on behavior analytics. This refers to the
security software looking at thousands of tiny behaviors and if too many are unpredictable, it
slams the dodgy components of the email - its attachment for instance- into quarantine for
further review.
unwanted mail, but if you have a strong front line reliant upon email communications running
smoothly, it is worth considering adding an additional layer of email protection to further
reduce the risk.
TIP: Set your mail lters to automatically block any le types you denitely have no need
to be sending or receiving via email - for example, few organizations need to be able to
transfer executables this way. Automatic blocking can signicantly reduce scanning time
and increase throughput.
www.acronis.com 18
34 Is your web
to detect
and block
or unwanted
In terms of cybersecurity, the web is both a vital resource and a major risk point.
operate their tools, that same internet is the source of most potential dangers and the
pathway of most data leaks.
It’s therefore vital to ensure that this key data vector remains fully accessible to everyone who
data types and protocols in use. They may also check the source and destination points
to known-bad or even suspicious URLs, a large portion of the malware threat is immediately
prevented; no matter how sophisticated or hard-to-detect a piece of malware is, it presents
other security features in a single simple control interface, like Acronis Cyber Protect.
TIP: In some circumstances, more complex ltering can prevent access to gaming, gambling,
porn or even social media sites. Depending on your environment, it may be suitable to
reduce employee distraction, but these lters can be prone to both gaps in prevention and
false positives, frustrating employees and reducing eciency. If such additional lters are
required, be sure to educate users on the reasons for blocking such content, and on how to
report inappropriate blocking.
35 Are you
scanning all
the data on
your network,
backups and
archives, to
ensure it is
not harboring
malware and
has not been
with? PR.PT
Malware detection can be a multi-stage process. While we rightly expect top-quality anti-
malware to spot and block all unwanted items immediately on arrival, some things may
especially where such threats have a delayed or event-triggered payload so no suspicious
data storage.
To make sure anything like this doesn’t lurk around long enough to cause problems, regular
scanning is a must, and this should include data that is in regular use, data being archived,
and the content of backups themselves.
It’s also wise to regularly check the integrity of your backups to make sure there haven’t been
any unwanted changes which might impact the viability of the backup when you need to
restore from it quickly. Leading providers like Acronis Cyber Protect which integrate backup
TIP: Consider scanning your storage with a secondary anti-malware product on a regular
schedule, for a belt-and-braces approach.
www.acronis.com 19
36 Do you have
in place to
ensure that
all external
you provide
websites, web
and databases,
remote login
systems, etc.)
are resilient to
and distributed
service (DDoS)
attacks? PR.PT
Pretty much everything has some sort of upper limit to the amount of work it can do before
the cracks start to show. Network infrastructure tends to be designed to be able to handle
much more than the everyday baseline usage, so small upturns in activity can be handled with
no issues.
But once something is exposed to the internet, these calculations become much more
(a trending new app or website has a name similar to your company or product, and you end
up getting a glut of visits from the world’s more confused and typo-prone users).
Internal measures, such as load-balancing between multiple servers, can provide some
support for lower-risk or low-exposure systems, but for most internet-facing services,
These distributed networks have huge numbers of connections to the internet spread all
TIP: While many free CDNs are available, paying for a fully supported option may come with
a range of additional benets, such as improved speeds or assistance with recovery from
37 Do you
monitor for
insider threats,
such as
analyzing user
activity to spot
any anomalous
behavior (e.g.
logging in from
an unusual
Bad digital actors rarely like to announce their presence until their tasks are done. Once they
the tools to alert when unwanted, suspicious or unusual behavior is spotted, is much better
positioned to stop an attack dead in its tracks.
Not only will you have the right information to inform stakeholders on what has happened,
added bonus, you are more likely to have pertinent information to share with the authorities,
which may lead to an arrest.
TIP: If you use behavior-tracking software to ag up unexpected activity, be sure to train it
properly for your environment - you don’t want the boss’s planned trip to China to sound
www.acronis.com 20
38 Do you ensure
tests, including
scans, are
across all
your systems,
and services
party and
A key part of securing your systems and data is regularly testing that your protections are in
place and properly functioning.
Penetration tests exercise various aspects of your networks, systems and even personnel, to
make sure that physical, software and hardware protections are operating properly, processes
are being followed and no gaps can be found in your attack surface.
This includes regularly checking for new vulnerabilities in any tools or systems you may be
Bad actors are extremely fast at jumping on any newly-discovered vulnerability and making
data and services secure.
Keeping track of your entire estate of software and operating systems, and making sure
they’re kept up to date, can be a resource-intensive task. Quality patch management software
like that included as part of Acronis’s Cyber Protect solution can automate the patching
TIP: In the case of “zero-day” vulnerabilities, which have been discovered but for which
patches or xes have not yet been made available, workarounds should be found to keep
things running while minimizing the exposure until a proper x comes online.
39 Do you employ
a defence—
approach to
e.g. multiple
layers of
your network
and services?
Defence in depth is the belt-and-braces approach to security, covering every potential
vector for unwanted intrusion or compromise with multiple protective layers so that if one is
breached, there are additional barriers in place.
is not spotted by the perimeter scanning there is a better chance of it being picked up and
blocked when it reaches a user’s system.
It could also include requiring approval from multiple team members for a major action,
such as a transfer of funds, reducing the chances of a sneaky spear phishing attack tricking
someone into handing over cash to a scammer.
TIP: Think about every process and protective tool and look out for potential single points of
failure - these should be backed up by extra layers to minimize risk.
www.acronis.com 21
40 Are you
aware of any
systems or
devices in your
that cannot
be patched
or updated?
Eventually, everything needs some sort of updating, patching or other general maintenance.
careful testing in the case of mission-critical systems.
purpose, running some bespoke software which cannot be ported to a more modern
platform. Or it might be a shiny new IoT device whose makers omitted to include any way of
applying updates.
Either way, if there are potential security vulnerabilities, they need to be addressed somehow.
First, make sure you know which devices are lacking patches, and exactly what risks this
leaves you exposed to. These risks need to be weighed against the importance of the system
in question - is the pain of replacing the system with something more modern and resilient
greater than the potential nightmare of having it compromised, any data it holds leaked, or
even used as a stepping-stone to get access into the rest of your networks?
Keeping track of all potentially vulnerable systems and devices, and the related risks, will
help you keep on top of this balancing act, and let you retire old devices as soon as the risk
becomes greater than their importance to your business.
TIP: If replacement is not an option, there are usually some mitigations you can put in place
to limit your exposure. Keeping such “zombie” systems in a segregated network, well away
from your key systems and services, is often a good rst step.
41 Have you an
alert system
to inform key
IT personnel
of unwanted
behavior or
activity on
the network?
Most security monitoring systems are constantly active, always on the look-out for indicators
of potential danger. If the alerts they push out are only reviewed manually, for example when
the person tasked with maintaining IT security is on duty and has time for this work, there can
Automated alerting, going out to everyone who needs to know about these things, is vital to
minimize the gap between detection by systems and any manual intervention required to
prevent a problem getting any bigger. It’s also important to ensure duties are properly shared
and distributed, so an alert isn’t missed because the lead person is unavailable.
TIP: Consider regularly testing your alerting system to check messages are getting through,
and requiring a response from recipients to conrm this.
www.acronis.com 22
42 Do you
review the
output from
your security
systems —
etc. — to spot
behaviors or
activity on
the network?
While we become ever more reliant on systems to alert us to any security problems, we can
also get complacent at reviewing alerts, especially if there are a lot of false positives, or if the
system security level is incorrectly set.
Those responsible are inundated with alerts, so much so that they stop responding. This is a
common scenario. Make sure the security output is properly collected and reviewed, so that
automated alerts are responded to appropriately.
Not only does this allow an individual to spot oddities that alerting systems might have
missed, but it also helps to ensure that those responsible for the security system have a
clear understanding of how each component works (both independently and as part of the
collect and whether there are any holes that can be proactively closed before they are taken
advantage of.
It can help a lot if your main security monitoring tasks are combined in a single central
management system, like Acronis Cyber Protect.
TIP: If reviewing duties are shared among multiple sta, keep a simple tracker which each
member updates when the day’s reviewing tasks are completed. This helps avoid duplication
of eort, and can ag up when a sta member is failing to fully review information.
43 Are your
to produce
and easily
logs? DE.DP
Monitoring systems come in all shapes and sizes. Not all will meet your needs. Some might
even introduce more complexity to information system management - not what any company
wants to hear.
understanding of your objectives as an organization, as well as be aware of the legal and
industry security information requirements that impact your organization.
And this is where logs come in. Not only can they help you track down and stop unwanted or
questionable behavior, but logs are invaluable resources to understand how your network
But this is only true if the logs are easy to understand and parse. Otherwise, it can be a needle
in the haystack job - not fun for anyone.
Make sure you review how logs are accessed and used before you purchase any security
log to get key information.
will not lose their data, including logs.
TIP: Make sure you have a plan B, should the logs somehow get corrupted (e.g. back them to
a separate location and/or a physical drive).
www.acronis.com 23
44 Do you secure
your logs (using
as well as
their access?
huge quantities of tiny events.
This data can be overwhelming in real time, and is best automatically processed and parsed.
to play. It is extremely useful for post-incident analysis, to get a clear picture of exactly what
happened and what might need addressing to circumvent future similar incidents.
In some cases, there are legal requirements covering what data needs to be retained, and for
how long.
Keeping logs well protected and backed up ensures these requirements can be met. The
content of logs may be sensitive and should be kept away from those not authorised to see it.
Not only is it vital to control who can access the logs, limiting to only those who have a
pertinent role to play. You want to prevent unwanted viewing or changing of log data.
TIP: There’s always the possibility that those behind an incident may try to cover their traces
by doctoring or deleting logs, so all access needs to be tracked and recorded so that any
changes made by a malicious insider, or an attacker using stolen credentials, can be rolled
back to a known-trusted state.
45 Do you
regularly test
your incident
response plan
to ensure that
it's not only
at mitigating
but that it is
also easily
and actioned
by all parties?
Testing is a vital part of any response plan. It’s no use drafting a hugely detailed,
when you most need the plan to work - in the middle of an incident.
Once you’ve laid out the plan, and agreed on all the required steps with everyone involved,
you need to test it out to make sure it works in practice.
Testing should involve everyone who has roles to play in the incident response process,
It should fully exercise all aspects of the plan from all possible angles, and most importantly
it should be run regularly - your systems and teams are rarely static, and small changes
can have unexpected impacts. Once a year is a bare minimum (and is required by some
regulations, such as PCI DSS) - quarterly is much better.
TIP: After each round of testing, make sure any issues noticed are rolled back into the plan
to keep it up to date, not just making sure that it addresses the latest threats and attack
vectors, but that it properly reects the changing set of people, hardware and software
involved, and the changing needs and priorities of your business.
www.acronis.com 24
46 Does your
plan include
with your
partners, users,
and where
necessary law
No business operates in a vacuum. There will always be at least some customers, partners,
suppliers, regulators, auditors and others who interact with your business, and when a
cybersecurity incident targets you, there may well be an impact on some or all of these
It’s vital that your incident response plan includes any required communications with these
third parties, making sure they are kept informed of how the incident (or the cleanup process)
TIP: Keep contact details of key people and teams alongside or within the incident plan
documentation for easy access.
47 Have you
created and
maintained a
plan to help
guide your
action during
an unwanted
event? RS.RP
Having an incident response plan to follow is a fundamental element to ensure a quick and
least painful recovery process.
Without a plan, an organization can quickly lose communication with important parties,
Even if you have all the tools, but you have not set them to work correctly when the proverbial
hits the fan, then they won’t provide nearly as much value to you.
Creating a plan means you have to look at your environment, what your key users require and
damage if a potential threat is successful. From a power surge to a power cut; from a data
leak to a denial-of-service attack; from ransomware to an insider attack, where an employee
walks away with your entire customer list.
TIP: What should happen, who should be contacted, what services are vulnerable? Having
all this information listed in an easy- to-follow incident response plan can save you tons of
recovery headaches, resource requirements and expenditures.
www.acronis.com 25
48 Should a
event take
place, can you
ensure that
any restoration
are properly
partners, users,
and law
When you’re busy trying to get your business back into shape after a damaging attack or
incident, it’s easy to focus only on your internal needs; it’s your business that has been mainly
impacted, after all.
process as by the incident itself, and it’s important to keep them in the loop so they know
what to expect.
For example, if your website has customer accounts which need to be rolled back to a trusted
state, you may need to inform customers that any changes made recently may be lost. If law
enforcement or third-party investigators are involved, they may need to have access to the
pre-recovery state of your systems and data for their investigations, so you need to talk to
them to ensure they’re ready for the restoration to happen.
your incident response policy, will help you ensure that all the right people get the right
information, and aren’t taken by surprise when you restore or roll back your systems and
TIP: Remember to review your State’s and federal legislation on computer incidents and
make sure you inform the right authorities where necessary. There is little sympathy for the
organization which tries to hide an incident from aected parties, let alone the authorities,
and playing the I-didn’t-know-card will not get you very far.
49 Does your
policy include
a post—
mortem plan
so that you can
learn from a
event and
any lessons
learned? RC IM
In the aftermath of an outage or compromise, once everything has been cleaned up and
restored to normal working order, it’s tempting to sit back and relax after a hectic and
stressful time, putting the incident behind you.
gaps in your security and recovery processes which could have made things worse, so that if
there is ever a “next time”, you are as well-prepared as possible.
The plan needs to evolve with your environment and the threats that it faces. It needs to be
up to date. A three-year old plan will not have the right contact details, procedures, policy
references, etc. It could even cause more confusion than the actual incident.
TIP: Try walking through your incident response plan and rating how well each step was
performed, and noting whether anything could have been done better (or more quickly).
Take these learnings and roll them into the next version of your plan.
www.acronis.com 26
50 Do you
regularly test
that you are
able to quickly
repair or
restore any
data, devices
or services that
may have been
by a
event? RC.RP
Recovering from a cybersecurity event needs to be fast and painless to minimize the business
have to be kept within acceptable limits.
Testing your recovery and restoration processes regularly ensures that, when they are needed
for real, everything runs smoothly and quickly.
Potential gaps include key personnel: if your lead admin is the only one who fully understands
what needs to be done, or has the only login accounts to key restoration systems, are you
to get online?
In ransomware cases where large amounts of data have been encrypted to prevent access,
you need to know you have reliable backups safely stored well away from any area which
could potentially be impacted by the attack. You want to make sure that all data can be
restored to the most recent possible version without risking any re-infection.
If a website or online service has been hijacked, you need to regain control ASAP. If a user’s
desktop machine has been compromised with malware, a secure wipe and re-imaging of
the entire system is preferable to attempting to clean up the malware alone, and if a good,
reliable, well-tested system is in place to do this, it could even be quicker than cleanup.
Quality backup management software like Acronis Cyber Protect can radically reduce the
overhead of ensuring your backups are reliable and can be rapidly restored with minimal
back to work.
TIP: Regular testing is not just about making sure your systems and processes are actually
working - it’s also good practice for all sta involved, so that in the panic of a real event they
are well-prepared and able to jump into action.
ID Identify
ID.AM Asset Management
ID.BE Business Environment
 Governance
ID.RA Risk Assessment
ID.RM Risk Management Strategy
PR Protect
PR.AC Access Control
PR.AT Awareness and Training
PR.DS Data Security
PR.IP Information Protection Processes and Procedures
PR.MA Maintenance
PR.PT Protective Technology
DE Detect
DE.AE Anomalies and Events
DE.CM Security Continuous Monitoring
DE.DP Detection Processes
RS Respond
RS.RP Response Planning
RS.CO Communications
RS.AN Analysis
RS.MI Mitigation
RS.IM Improvements
RC Recover
RC.RP Recovery Planning
RC.IM Improvements
RC.CO Communications
illustrations are reserved; errors are excepted. 2020-05
Learn more at
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