Computer Clerk and Assistant TS-40 February 1980
Position Classification Standard for
Computer Clerk and Assistance Series,
Table of Contents
SERIES DEFINITION....................................................................................................................................3
OCCUPATIONAL INFORMATION...............................................................................................................4
DISTINGUISHING FACTORS ....................................................................................................................10
EVALUATION OF POSITIONS ..................................................................................................................12
GRADE CONVERSION TABLE.................................................................................................................13
FACTOR LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS.............................................................................................................13
FACTOR 1, KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED BY THE POSITION................................................................13
FACTOR 2, SUPERVISORY CONTROLS.............................................................................................17
FACTOR 3, GUIDELINES......................................................................................................................19
FACTOR 4, COMPLEXITY.....................................................................................................................20
FACTOR 5, SCOPE AND EFFECT........................................................................................................22
FACTOR 6, PERSONAL CONTACTS...................................................................................................23
FACTOR 7, PURPOSE OF PERSONAL CONTACTS ..........................................................................24
FACTOR 8, PHYSICAL DEMANDS.......................................................................................................24
FACTOR 9, WORK ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................................................25
OPM BENCHMARK DESCRIPTIONS .......................................................................................................26
COMPUTER CLERK, GS-0335-2, BMK #1 ...........................................................................................26
COMPUTER CLERK, GS-0335-03, BMK #1 .........................................................................................27
COMPUTER CLERK, GS-0335-03, BMK #2 .........................................................................................30
COMPUTER CLERK, GS-0335-04, BMK #1 .........................................................................................32
COMPUTER CLERK, GS-0335-04, BMK #2 .........................................................................................35
COMPUTER CLERK, GS-0335-04, BMK #3 .........................................................................................38
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-05, BMK #1.................................................................................40
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-05, BMK #2.................................................................................43
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-05, BMK#3..................................................................................46
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-05, BMK #4.................................................................................49
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-06, BMK #1.................................................................................52
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-06, BMK #2.................................................................................55
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-06, BMK #3.................................................................................58
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-06, BMK #4.................................................................................61
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-07, BMK #1.................................................................................65
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-07, BMK #2.................................................................................68
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-07, BMK #3.................................................................................71
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-08, BMK #1.................................................................................75
U.S. Office of Personnel Management 1
Computer Clerk and Assistant TS-40 February 1980
Position Classification Standard for
Computer Clerk and Assistance Series,
Table of Contents
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-08, BMK #2.................................................................................78
COMPUTER ASSISTANT, GS-0335-09, BMK #1.................................................................................82
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This series covers positions involving performance or supervision of data processing support and
services functions for users of digital computer systems including such work as: (1) receiving,
maintaining, and issuing data storage media for computer operations; (2) collecting and
sequentially staging input media with associated program instructions for processing; (3)
scheduling the use of computer time for program processing; (4) collecting, maintaining, and
distributing program and systems documentation; and (5) collecting raw information, preparing
flow charts, and coding in program languages; or, (6) other support functions. This work
requires knowledge of external data processing sequences, controls, procedures, or user and
programming languages, rather than in-depth knowledge of computer requirements or techniques
associated with development and design of data processing systems.
This standard cancels and supersedes the fly sheet for the Computer Aid and Technician Series,
GS-0335 which was issued in October 1965 (TS 58).
1. Positions operating or supervising the operation of the control console of a digital
computer system are classified in the
Computer Operation Series, GS-0332.
2. Positions requiring knowledge and ability to operate peripheral computer equipment
(card readers/punches, tape and disk drives, high speed printers, etc.) or other related
equipment as paramount qualification requirements in support of computer production
services are classified to the
Equipment Operator Series, GS-0350.
3. Positions involved in operating keyboard controlled equipment to transcribe, verify or
input data in a form acceptable to data processing systems are classified in the
Transcribing Series GS-0356.
4. Positions involved in verifying, coding or correcting information according to
numerical, alphabetical, or alphanumeric symbols for input to data processing systems
are classified in the
Coding Series, GS-0357.
5. Positions involving responsibility for information technology systems and services
used in the automated acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement,
control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, assurance, or reception of
information. Such positions are classified in the
Job Family Position Classification
Standard for Administrative Work in Information Technology, GS-2200.
6. Positions operating telecommunications equipment in transmitting and receiving
computer data, primarily requiring knowledge of communications systems, operations,
and procedures are classified in the appropriate communications equipment operating
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series: Telecommunications Processing Series, GS-0390; or General Communications
Series, GS-0392.
7. Positions involved in general clerical support in a data processing organization;
AND/OR, clerical positions which involve incidental operation of data processing related
or computer connected equipment (e.g., keypunch, terminals) that do not require
knowledge of data processing methods, procedures, or languages as paramount
qualifications requirements, are classified to an appropriate clerical series.
Employees in this occupation support or assist other employees who design, operate, or use
automatic data processing systems applications and products. Most positions involve work in
one or a mix of functional areas typically identified as tape library, production control,
scheduling or direct support to subject matter or computer specialists. Descriptions of the work
and the qualifications required are discussed under those headings.
Tape Library
Employees in tape libraries store, control, clean, repair and issue magnetic tapes and other
portable storage media.
Tape libraries are storage and control centers for processing media, most commonly magnetic
tapes, although disk packs, punched cards, and other materials or documents used in computer
processing may also be stored in the library. Typically, the library work includes a variety of
duties such as applying labels, flashers, and protection rings to tapes; cleaning and repairing
tapes; recording changes in tape inventory; and, issuing tapes for use in program processing.
Performance of some duties requires operation of equipment such as a tape verifier/cleaner to
check tape condition and remove excess oxide build-up; a degausser to demagnetize tapes so
they can be re-used; and on-line remote terminals to transcribe or verify tape inventory entries.
This work requires knowledge of data processing terminology and abbreviations related to
program identification, tape selection, and inventory entries. This knowledge is also used to
interpret and follow abbreviated instructions concerning tape sequencing for multiple use during
operations, and similar instructions represented by abbreviated or coded instructions.
Production Control
Employees working in production control gather, check and annotate processing material and
instructions prior to submission to computer operations. Some employees resolve tape, card or
control problems during processing and some review products for quality and accounting
purposes or for indications of processing problems. Typically this work involves some operation
of equipment such as card readers, optical character readers and remote terminals.
Production control work requires knowledge of data processing codes and abbreviations,
production schedules, system control languages and security controls over access to computers
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and products. Some employees follow step by step instructions to identify tapes, change a few
specified control cards and pass along operator instructions. Others advise users on how to
prepare requests and then plan and insert control streams, establish priorities and write special
instructions for operators. Many employees review computer products for a variety of purposes.
This ranges from checking for proper number of copies and proper print alignment through
reviewing system reports and dumps for flow and control problems and to work analyzing and
writing production preparation, control and review procedures for accepting new processing
Some employees prepare computer operating schedules specifying the sequence for processing a
number of programs or jobs. Effective use of computer operating time and processing capacity
must be considered in writing schedules. Capacity considerations include the available
combinations of equipment, operating speeds, number of units of core, number of core partitions
and other similar features. Time considerations include set-up, run and output times required to
complete each job. Also, schedulers consider job priorities and needed input from prior
processing. Schedulers for multiprogramming systems consider job separation within parallel
schedules to preclude programs from contending for data bases, system utilities or core capacity.
Some employees may do little scheduling because processing is primarily controlled by a
detailed master schedule or the operating system includes a scheduling software routine. These
employees commonly enter ad hoc jobs in time gaps in the master schedule or assign priorities,
adjust controls and enter such jobs to an automated queue. They may also use override
commands to restructure master or automated schedules in solving operating or production
Support to Computer Specialists
Some computer assistants at full performance levels perform duties much like those assigned to
entry and trainee level computer specialists. They assist computer specialists in collecting,
organizing and maintaining computer program documentation and manuals. As directed they
code programs, draw flowcharts and diagrams and perform other similar duties. Within
prescribed limits, some employees write small link, merge or edit programs or work directly
from user instructions to write modifications to existing programs.
Such support work typically requires knowledge of the scope, contents and purposes of program
documentation (e.g., project proposals, data sources, report exemplars, access methods, etc.).
Many positions include work requiring knowledge of programming languages (COBOL,
FORTRAN PL/1) and job control languages for coding and program testing duties. In addition,
some work requires knowledge of system hardware such as the number and kind of devices,
operating speeds, amount of core and other equipment characteristics. Knowledge of equipment
is often supplemented by knowledge of internal software routines such as schedulers, reports
generators, link, merge or other built in routines. Typically, computer assistants acquire
knowledge for these support positions through a mix of experience in related computer clerk or
assistant positions and, training in on-the-job or after hours programs of study and experience.
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Support to Subject Matter Users
Some computer clerks and assistants provide data processing support to subject matter specialists
through distributed processing networks. They work at remote terminal stations entering raw
data to update or change information files, preparing and entering commands to execute
established programs and performing non-routine data searches. Some remote processing
stations contain “mini-computers” in addition to terminals and related peripheral equipment.
Such minis serve as intermediate storage and control devices (buffers) or may provide local
ability to structure and manipulate data. Work involving support to subject matter users varies in
difficulty ranging for example, from highly structured input and retrieval methods and
procedures for recurring production jobs to tailored search and manipulation strategies for
special purpose products. Some employees discuss product requirements with users and give
advice on how to structure job requests to obtain data desired.
Computer clerks or assistants use knowledge of data base contents, access authorizations, control
methods and program output options to structure coded retrievals through a terminal and provide
video display or printed reports, graphs or charts. Data manipulation and information retrieval
work requires the same kind of knowledges, skills and abilities whether executed through a
remote central computer or through a local mini-computer. This work is distinguished from
computer and other equipment operations work in the requirement for paramount knowledges of
program contents and retrieval methods rather than paramount knowledges of equipment
operation techniques.
Computer Languages
Computers function on the basis of instructions developed in an artificial form of language
acceptable for electronic translation and execution within the machine system. There are many
languages and variations used for general and special purposes. Most computer clerks and
assistants commonly use at least some terminology from programming, system control and user
access languages. Some employees, especially those supporting computer programming work,
use higher level languages extensively. Requirements for knowledge of computer language are
evaluated according to the degree and manner of use or application rather than the language from
which applied terminology is derived.
Quality Control
Most computer clerks and assistants perform quality control duties and responsibilities before,
during or after computer processing. Typically this work is included with other duties and
responsibilities although there are some fulltime quality control positions.
Quality control prior to processing involves checking set-up packages of tapes, run sheets,
special instructions and schedules. During processing quality is maintained through such work as
adjusting priorities, correcting run controls, adding jobs or accommodating run specifications to
most current data. Post processing quality review and control encompasses a wide range of
considerations. This work may involve readily apparent conditions such as print clarity or
alignment, number of copies and user identity. Quality control extends to employees who
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examine operator logs, system reports and dumps and program documentation to identify trends
and recurring problems and to develop new operating controls and procedures.
Quality control work requires many of the knowledges of programs, equipment, languages and
processing procedures and methods needed for production control and scheduling work.
Some data processing terms and abbreviations common to this occupation are provided below.
For a more comprehensive list of data processing terminology and definitions, refer either to the
Job Family Position Classification Standard for Administrative Work in the Information
Technology Group, GS-2200, or, the Federal Information Processing Standards publication 11-1
(American National Dictionary for Information Processing, X3/TR-1-77, Computer and Business
Machine Manufacturer’s Association, Washington, D.C. September 1977)
BLOCK DIAGRAM – A diagram of a system, instrument, or computer in which the principal
parts are represented by suitably annotated geometrical figures to show both the basic functions
of the parts and the function interrelationships between them.
CODE – To represent data or a computer program in a symbolic form that can be accepted by a
data processor.
CODER – A person who writes but does not usually design computer programs.
CONTENTION – Program or data requirements needed by two or more programs within the
same scheduling period, requiring adjustment of processing sequence.
CORE – A magnetic storage in which the data medium consists of magnetic cores (also referred
to as “main storage”).
CORE DIVISION/SEGMENT/PARTITION – Separate portions of core capacity, each capable
of accepting and processing different programs or jobs for multi-programming within a single
DATA BANK – A set or comprehensive collection of libraries of data.
DATA BASE – A set of data, part or the whole of another set of data, and consisting of at least
one file that is sufficient for a given purpose or for a given data processing system.
DEBUG – To detect, trace and eliminate mistakes in computer programs or in other software.
DEPENDENCY – Processing in which output from one program or job becomes input for
another program or job.
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DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING – A method to provide direct computer access to users located
outside the data processing center, normally through a remote terminal communications network.
FAILURE – (Also, abnormal termination, unscheduled halt) Unanticipated termination of
processing due to a fault or error.
FILE – A set of related records treated as a unit.
FILE MAINTENANCE – The activity of keeping a file up to date by adding, changing or
deleting data.
FLOWCHART – A graphical representation of the definition, analysis, or method of solution of
a problem, in which symbols are used to represent operations, data, flow, equipment, etc.
JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE – A problem-oriented language designed to express statements in
a job that are used to identify the job or describe its requirements to operating system.
JOB – A set of data that completely defines a unit of work for a computer and usually includes
all necessary computer programs, linkages, files, and instructions to the operating system.
MODEM – (Modulator-demodulator) – A device that modulates and demodulates signals
transmitted over data communications facilities.
MULTI-PROCESSOR – A computer employing two or more central processing units under
integrated control.
MULTI-PROGRAMMING – A mode of operation that provides for the interleaved execution of
two or more computer programs by a single central processing unit.
PROGRAM – The full collection of instructions that serve to cause the computer to use and
manipulate data to solve a problem.
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE – An artificial language established for expressing computer
REMOTE JOB ENTRY (RJE) – Submission of jobs through an input unit that has access to a
computer through a data link.
REMOTE STATION – Data terminal equipment for communicating with a data processing
system through a data link.
ROUTINE – An ordered set of instructions that may have some general or frequent use.
SETUP – An arrangement of data or devices to solve a particular problem.
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SOFTWARE – Computer programs, procedures, rules, and possibly associated documentation
concerned with the operation of a data processing system.
SPOOLING – The reading of output from and the writing of input onto auxiliary storage
concurrently with job execution in a form suitable for later processing or output operations.
STAGING – The manual process of collecting, checking and placing in a designated location all
the instructions and materials (tapes, disks, cards, instructions, etc.) needed by a computer
operator to set up and run a program.
SYSTEM – 1. The total collection of interconnected and interrelated equipment and its
processing capabilities available to perform data processing functions. 2. A collection of
interrelated computer processing programs, typically using a common data base or
interconnected data bases to produce output for a functional program such as personnel, supply,
finance and others.
TIME SHARING – The interleaved use of time on a computing system that enables two or more
users to execute computer programs concurrently.
USER LANGUAGE – Essentially conversational languages constructed specifically, or by
extraction from higher level languages to enable lay users to communicate with and execute
established programs, normally through a remote terminal.
USER TERMINAL – An input-output unit by which a user communicates with an automatic
data processing system.
UTILITY PROGRAM – A computer program in general support of the processes of a computer
(e.g., a diagnostic program, trace program, sort program).
UTILITY ROUTINE – A routine in general support of the processes of a computer (e.g., input
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Positions classified in this series are typically distinguished from related computer specialist
positions in that they do not require: (a) a knowledge of overall program or system design and
logic; (b) the use of the principles for managing and organizing work for computer processing;
or, (c) an intensive understanding of the work processes to be automated. Distinctions between
positions in this occupation and work in the computer specialist and other occupations are
described below:
Computer Clerk & Assistant,
Information Technology Specialist,
Uses practical knowledge of data processing
system, workflow, and controls.
Uses in-depth knowledge of requirements,
techniques, applications, and practices of
automatic data processing equipment
systems and methods.
Collects raw information, records
specifications as designed by others, draws
flow charts, and codes programs to machine
acceptable language according to a
specialist’s design specifications and
Collects and analyzes information,
coordinates and defines requirements,
conducts feasibility studies, designs systems,
programs, and equipment configurations.
Prepares rough scale drawings of floor plans
and equipment arrangement for new
installation. Coordinates with
manufacturer’s representative regarding
installation plans and timing.
Reviews and recommends acquisition of
hardware and software based on technical
evaluation of cost, capability, speeds,
capacities, etc. in relation to known and
anticipated processing requirements.
Codes standardized applications (merge,
edit, etc.) as supplements to programs.
Adds, changes, or removes control language
instructions according to instructions.
Designs program content for new
applications, modifies existing applications,
provides for standardized routines,
incorporates comprehensive run stream to
provide for recurring fixed and variable
Responsible for data element accuracy.
Responsible for system and program design
Typically schedules applications on a daily
basis, ensures master schedule processing,
and provides time in schedules for demand
processing. May develop long term
schedules based on general statements of
processing frequency.
Responsible for system and program design
integrity. Designs and controls master data
flow and processing schedule to meet known
recurring requirements, and to provide
system readiness for demand processing.
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Computer Clerk & Assistant,
Computer Operator,
Provides tapes, sometimes disks, and
program documentation to operators, may
mount tapes.
Mounts and dismounts tapes and disks, sets
up and runs programs on the computer
according to run instructions.
Uses remote terminal to update and query
automated tape inventory system or to
support subject matter information needs.
Requires knowledge of program contents
and access methods.
Operates control console to control computer
and all peripherals during processing.
Requires knowledge of internal computer
and peripheral equipment flow and work
Follows run sheet instructions to provide
input tapes and to receive, label, control, and
store output tapes. Maintains tapes by
cleaning, degaussing, and making minor
Uses run book or run sheet to monitor run in
progress to ensure that hardware and
software systems are working according to
design and program specifications. (In a
small processing center, the computer
operator may perform all tape library
functions in addition to operating the
computer system.)
Operates some peripherals as an incidental
part of processing preparation and control
Operates mainframe computer and controls
peripherals as a regular, recurring part of
program processing.
Peripheral Equipment Operator,
May operate some of the same equipment as
the Peripheral Equipment Operator,
incidental to primary duties.
Essentially full time operation of peripheral
and related equipment.
Computer Clerk & Assistant,
Other Occupations
Performs some general, clerical and
equipment operating duties as elements of
work that supports data processing
operations, or computer specialists.
Paramount qualifications requirements are
based on knowledge of data processing
methods, controls or languages, and an
understanding of how data processing
systems operate.
Perform some duties associated with data
processing occupations such as operate
terminals to input, format, and retrieve data,
or to store, edit, and produce finished textual
material. Such work normally requires use
of specified controls and commands in a
subject oriented user language. However,
paramount qualifications relate to clerical
skills in support of functional or subject
matter specialist.
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The title Computer Clerk is established for non-supervisory positions in grades GS-1 through
The title Computer Assistant is established for non-supervisory positions in grade GS-5 and
Positions which meet the criteria of the
General Schedule Leader Grade Evaluation Guide for
evaluation as leaders should have the titles listed above prefixed by the word "Lead."
Positions which meet or exceed the criteria of the
General Schedule Supervisory Guide for
evaluation as supervisors should have the titles listed above, prefixed by the word "Supervisory"
(e.g., Supervisory Computer Clerk).
Non-supervisory positions should be evaluated on a factor-by-factor basis using, to the extent
possible, one or more of the Office of Personnel Management benchmarks for GS-3 through
GS-9 contained in this standard. The benchmarks are representative of positions in the
occupation. The factor levels contained in this standard are used to point rate positions that
cannot be matched to the benchmarks provided. The
primary standard may be used to evaluate
factors of positions that significantly exceed the factor level descriptions contained in this
standard. (See
Introduction to the Position Classification Standards).
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Factor 1 measures the nature and extent of information or facts which the worker must
understand to do acceptable work (e.g., steps, procedures, practices, rules, policies, theories,
principles and concepts) and the nature and extent of the skills needed to apply those
knowledges. To be used as a basis for selecting a level under this factor, a knowledge must be
required and applied.
Level 1-1 -- 50 points -
The work at this level involves routine repetitive tasks requiring knowledge of: (1) a numeric,
alphabetic or alphabetic-numeric filing system in order to hang, pull-stack-place, and rehang
tapes in a tape library by following step by step instructions and tape identification lists; or, (2) a
log control system in order to receive input media make in/out log entries, and to sort and place
finished work in pick-up bins for across the counter processing requirements.
Many positions require knowledge of step-by-step instructions to set-up and operate equipment
that perform repetitive operations (e.g., decollator, burster, electro-static copies, tape degausser).
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Level 1-2 -- 200 points -
Employees at this level perform clerical support duties such as storage, control, distribution and
records work requiring knowledge of established rules such as those for: collecting and staging
tapes, instructions and other items needed for processing programs; accepting and controlling
priority jobs; or, monitoring retention periods for computer tapes.
Employees at this level also use knowledge of procedures and control systems to ensure that
work steps are performed in proper sequence (i.e., work that directly supports processing is
performed before maintenance work) and that log and inventory entries are current and accurate.
The work also requires knowledge of a few standard codes and abbreviations such as those: on
tape labels and inventory records; that define repetitively used control language entries; and used
for entries to production reports.
Many employees use knowledge of codes, basic keyboarding techniques and operating
instructions to set-up and operate equipment such as computer terminals, tape and disk cleaners
or input devices (card reader, optical character reader).
Level 1-3 -- 350 points -
The work at this level requires knowledge of standardized data processing rules, operations and
procedures enabling employees to resolve common or recurring problems or to perform
standardized variations in work methods.
For example:
-- To resolve a request when Privacy Act restriction apply, a control unit employee
works with the requester to satisfy statistical data requirements and amends the request to
suppress personal identifications in the output.
-- Employees in production control or the tape library recognize conflicting or
overlapping use of tape or other input needed for more than one job and annotate
operator instructions accordingly.
Employees use knowledge of a system control language to adjust data definition and command
variables during each processing cycle for an assigned block of programs. This knowledge is
also used to identify and resolve control related processing problems involving options in format,
content and dependency. For example, production controllers follow run instructions to insert
controls providing for variations in product format, annotate run sheets to make allowance for
dependent and follow-up processing and correct control and sequence problems during
Some employees use knowledge of computer equipment characteristics and constraints (e.g.,
number and kind of devices, operating speeds, memory sizes) in basic scheduling, production
control and programming support work. For example, jobs are spaced in an operating schedule
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according to the number of input and output devices available, the amount of core available for
sequential or parallel processing, need for single or multiple tape passes and the amount of time
needed for each job.
Some employees use knowledge of a user oriented processing language in order to provide
output support to subject matter users.
Such work involves using entry, command and action codes to retrieve standardized reports,
schedule and control a number of job requests and produce and distribute products according to
job priorities.
Level 1-4 -- 550 points -
Employees at this level perform a wide range of preparing, advising, assisting, coding and
procedure related problem solving duties using knowledge of data processing rules, operating
procedures and processing methods similar to those described at the 1-3 level. In addition, work
at this level involves knowledge of one or more of the following:
-- at least one programming language such as COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/1 or ALGOL;
-- system control language at a level that provides for devising run control streams
according to general instructions and review of product specifications;
-- system hardware, software and program capabilities and limitations for
multi-programming systems operating in more than two partitions.
-- terminology, codes, abbreviations and graphics for preparing systems documentation
or programs;
-- program data contents, standardized jobs within programs and methods for defining
and retrieving non-standard data and reports.
Some or all of these knowledges are used in assisting programmers and other users or in
scheduling, controlling and problem solving work. For example, work at this level includes:
-- assisting computer specialists by coding programs from detailed specifications or,
arranging for test runs and checking results for flow, control and specified kinds of
coding errors,
-- explaining program, job and random access production capabilities, discussing
information requirements, advising users about how to write product specification and
setting up and scheduling jobs,
-- scheduling a mix of programs for a multi-program system or, resolving priority,
product options, multiple dependency, job control and related problems,
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-- setting up job control streams for multi-program systems, annotating operator
instructions to define special conditions, providing input media for each job and
resolving failures caused by control stream, tapes or disks, or
-- preparing coded retrieval strategies, executing jobs through a remote terminal, storing
and retrieving data in a buffer computer and advising users on how to define and
structure non-routine data and product requirements.
Some employees use knowledge of languages and equipment in conducting system
record searches to identify and/or resolve procedural errors. They review system reports,
operating schedules, operator logs, selected system dumps and other documents and
sources. They compare processing plans against experience, identify scheduling, input,
data, tape, disk or other sources of errors or delays in processing. They record patterns of
recurring conditions or combinations of conditions contributing to processing failures or
delays and find other indicators that operating conditions, equipment or methods are
causing problems in processing. They amend schedules and set-up procedures. They
also prepare summaries of problem conditions and, for program or system corrections
they report their findings to specialists.
Level 1-5 -- 750 points -
At this level employees carry out limited specialized projects and assignments using knowledge
of fundamental data processing methods, practices and techniques in work involving
development, test, implementation and modification of computer programs and operating
In addition, employees use knowledge of data content and output options for a variety of
administrative, scientific and/or technical program applications that are processed on any of
several multi-program operating systems. These knowledges are used in coding program
segments for several computers or in such duties as developing control streams and schedules for
a mix of independent and interdependent programs.
Employees also use knowledge of time sharing, RJE, batch and demand processing in work such
as allocating core, assigning input/output channels, describing scheduling conventions, preparing
limited subject matter data base routines or programs or writing new program documentation and
operating procedures.
Employees use the knowledges at this level as the bases for analysis and decision making in
several functional settings. For example, they: accept, reject or modify work requests in
developing new or projected schedules; explain to and advise users about schedules, codes,
operating variations (including coded shortcutting techniques) and product options; maintain,
interpret and write portions of program and operational manuals for programming, scheduling
and production control functions; and similar duties when decisions are based on in-depth
knowledge of the systems and programs.
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Level 1-6 -- 950 points -
In addition to the knowledges previously described, at this level employees use extensive
knowledge of at least one multi and, typically several single processor computer systems. They
monitor processing work flow and diagnose and resolve error and problem conditions involving
many program interrelationships and interlocking computer systems. The work at this level
encompasses many of the problem solving aspects of computer specialist work concerned with
effective program implementation and processing except those requiring programming
corrections or equipment repair. This work requires extensive knowledge of computer
equipment, internal computer processes, applications and utility programs and magnetic media.
It also requires knowledge of a wide range of analytical and diagnostic methods, procedures and
principles. In addition knowledge is required of some elements of programming, systems
analysis and equipment operations.
These knowledges are used to identify the nature and source of problems occurring during
processing and to plan and implement solutions. Employees at this level commonly use these
knowledges to advise specialists in setting up run instructions and developing effective operating
The work at this level commonly involves taking action to order and interpret system dumps,
order and implement back-up recovery procedures to replace faulty tapes or disks, reallocating
equipment usage in order to work around equipment malfunctions, recognizing priority
contentions and removing work from an operating schedule and other similar actions involving
knowledge of the equipment, programs and operating options. This work often requires that the
employee implement decisions by taking action to change run streams, correct operating
instructions, restructure full or partial schedules after system failures are resolved and other
actions involving analysis and decision making responsibilities.
"Supervisory Controls" covers the nature and extent of direct or indirect controls exercised by
the supervisor, the employee's responsibility, and the review of completed work. Controls are
exercised by the supervisor in the way assignments are made, instructions are given to the
employee, priorities and deadlines are set, and objectives and boundaries are defined.
Responsibility of the employee depends upon the extent to which the employee is expected to
develop the sequence and timing of various aspects of the work, to modify or recommend
modification of instructions, and to participate in establishing priorities and defining objectives.
The degree of review of completed work depends upon the nature and extent of the review, e. g.,
close and detailed review of each phase of the assignment; detailed review of the finished
assignment; spot-check of finished work for accuracy; or review only for adherence to policy.
Level 2-1 -- 25 points -
The supervisor makes assignments and gives specific directions as to what is to be
accomplished; how it is to be done and the deadline for completion. Duties are performed within
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the specific instructions. Work is spot checked or reviewed in progress. Completed work is
reviewed for adherence to schedule and compliance with detailed instructions. The supervisor or
a senior worker is normally available to provide direction or assistance.
Level 2-2 -- 125 points -
The supervisor gives instructions for non-recurring work assignments, deviations from normal
schedules or new procedures. Within established procedures the employee independently
performs recurring work making adjustments to accommodate deviations in work methods based
on experience and precedent actions. Unfamiliar situations or deviations from established
practices are referred to the supervisor or computer specialists for resolution.
Completed work is reviewed on the basis of system reports, customer comments, specialist or
operator notification of problems during processing. Review is to determine that the employee
has used proper procedures and methods, and that the work is completed within established
Level 2-3 -- 275 points -
The supervisor provides direction on objectives and priorities for new work, deadlines and
deadline changes for new and established work.
The employee identifies the work to be done, plans and carries out the steps required and
submits completed work to users (programmers, operators, functional users) without supervisory
review. Independently deviates from instructions to provide for unspecified dependencies, lower
or higher priorities, extended run time, additional core and other changes based on past
experience and flexibility within processing specifications. Incumbent commonly adapts or
develops new work procedures and instructions for application by self and others.
Incumbent seeks supervisory assistance and discusses problems related to the work when
processing requests appear to exceed system capacity (I/O requirements, excessive core,
throughput time) or could have adverse effect on other processing requirements (excessive level
of priority, equally important but conflicting requirements against the same data base or
Completed work is reviewed for conformity to deadlines and accepted practices on the basis of
end of shift reports, operator log notes, and responses from technical and functional users
regarding the quality and accuracy of work products. Work methods are not normally reviewed
unless a recurring, common pattern of problems develops.
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This factor covers the nature of guidelines and the judgment needed to apply them. Guides used
in General Schedule occupations include, for example: desk manuals, established procedures
and policies, traditional practices, and reference materials such as dictionaries, style manuals,
engineering handbooks, the pharmacopeia, and the Federal Personnel Manual.
Individual jobs in different occupations vary in the specificity, applicability and availability of
the guidelines for performance of assignments. Consequently, the constraints and judgmental
demands placed upon employees also vary. For example, the existence of specific instructions,
procedures, and policies may limit the opportunity of the employee to make or recommend
decisions or actions. However, in the absence of procedures or under broadly stated objectives,
employees in some occupations may use considerable judgment in researching literature and
developing new methods.
Guidelines should not be confused with the knowledges described under Factor 1, Knowledge
Required by the Position. Guidelines either provide reference data or impose certain constraints
on the use of knowledges.
Level 3-1 -- 25 points –
Guidelines are available and are written in step by step sequence, or are presented orally in detail
and are readily memorized. They are complete, specific and permit no deviation in their
application. Employees work strictly according to the guidelines, referring all exceptions to the
Level 3-2 -- 125 points –
The guidelines at this level are in the form of terminal and other equipment manuals, program
run books or run sheets, flow charts, master schedules, and others that are detailed as to what is
to be done. Selection of an appropriate guideline is usually clear. However, the guidelines may
provide for judgmental deviations in the work processed, such as alternative methods for coding,
applying system control language, or performing a retrieval through a terminal. Digression from
guidelines which has not been established by experience and precedent actions is referred to the
Level 3-3 -- 275 points -
The employee works with new requirements or new applications for which only general
guidelines are available. The employee uses judgment in adjusting the most appropriate
guidelines to fit new processing requirements or develops new methods for accomplishing the
work. Guidelines may require modification to provide for adding new forms of input, allowing
for flexible as opposed to fixed scheduling, adjusting to new or conflicting requirements, or to
adapting to a new hardware/software capability.
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This factor covers the nature, number, variety, and intricacy of tasks, steps, processes, or
methods in the work performed; the difficulty in identifying what needs to be done; and the
difficulty and originality involved in performing the work.
Level 4-1 -- 25 points -
Employee performs tasks that are clear-cut, repetitive and directly interrelated, such as the basic
pull, stage, label, and hang stages of tape library functions; the input/output control functions in
a production control unit; and similar structured work processes. While several kinds of duties
may be included in each position, the work is segmented so that performance of each step is
separate and discrete from others. The nature of the work provides little opportunity for the
employee to decide what is to be done, or the methods to be used.
Level 4-2 -- 75 points -
The employee performs a few different although related tasks, using specified procedures and
methods such as: (1) inventorying, cleaning and repairing tapes, and annotating run sheets to
show multiple use of tapes; (2) arranging for input conversion from one medium to another,
modifying job control stream to provide for product variations, and adjusting priorities; (3)
adjusting schedules to accept late requirements, shifting programs between systems, and adding
new recurring requirements to a master schedule; or, (4) relating flow chart, block diagram, logic
specifications and control requirements to a program coding assignment.
The employee decides what needs to be done, identifies and carries out methods and variations
within established procedures, and makes other similar decisions to perform such work.
The actions to be taken are determined by the product description on each job request. The
employee selects and applies established procedures and methods to satisfy product
Level 4-3 -- 150 points -
The employee performs a variety of tasks involving discrete methods and procedures, or a
variety of related tasks that require a sequence of actions involving differing methods and
The decision regarding what is to be done results from studying each job order, assignment or
processing problem situation. The employee identifies the sequence of standard and variable
procedures and methods needed to prepare and process the request, or to resolve error
Actions to be taken differ according to the equipment or program system appropriate to satisfy
the request, and whether the job is processed in batch or time sharing mode.
For example, work involving this level of complexity includes the following.
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-- In work directly supporting specialists, employees participate in each phase of a
project ranging from problem definition by the user through implementation of a
program. This includes working in such phases of program development as information
collecting, analyzing, charting, designing, coding, testing, documenting and
-- In scheduling work employees consolidate several schedules for different computer
systems into a comprehensive operating schedule. Such work involves trading off and
adjusting processing time between systems to balance overall utilization, and other
similar work requiring consideration of a variety of operating schedules, systems
specifications and processing demands. This level of scheduling requires relating a
number of program characteristics to a variety of computer systems and deciding how an
effective and balanced use of facilities can be accomplished.
In production control employees work with a variety of subject matter program
applications and a wide variety of output options. The employee explains system
capabilities, limitations and output variations to users, advises on the formulation of job
requests based on customer description of product requirements, describes remote entry
methods and language variations, and resolves problems for terminal users who
encounter system related problems during remote processing.
Level 4-4 – 225 points -
This level is distinguished from the previous level by: (1) the variety and complexity of
operating systems monitored (2) the nature and variety of problems encountered and resolved;
and, (3) the nature of independent decisions made by the employee. At this level the employee
typically monitors the operations of several major computer systems (e.g., a multi-processor with
four interconnected CPU's and two multi-program systems each operating in 5-10 partitions).
Programs run on these systems are a mix of independent and interdependent applications.
Specifically, employees at this level perform problem solving duties involving a wide range of
problem or error conditions in equipment, program data and processing methods and procedures.
This diagnosis and resolution of error and problem conditions involves equipment
configurations having different operating characteristics, a wide variety of data and programs
and many different processes and methods to arrive at solutions or develop new procedures.
Decisions regarding what needs to be done include assessing unusual circumstances or
conditions, developing variations in approach to fit the specific problems or dealing with
incomplete or conflicting data. For example, in cases of major equipment failure or excessive/
unexpected amounts of input data, the employee commonly takes a series of actions affecting a
number of programs. This can include transferring programs to other computer systems,
removing jobs from an operating schedule, reassigning equipment allocations to work around
program software or equipment deficiencies and other similar actions.
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The employee makes decisions and devises solutions based on program, equipment and systems
knowledge. This involves interpreting considerable data to identify the problems, planning and
implementing solutions and refining or designing operating methods or techniques.
Scope and effect covers the relationship between the nature of the work, i.e., the purpose,
breadth, and depth of the assignment, and the effect of the work products or services both within
and outside the organization.
In General Schedule occupations, effect measures such things as whether the work output
facilitates the work of others, provides timely services of a personal nature, or impacts on the
adequacy of research conclusions. The concept of effect alone does not provide sufficient
information to properly understand and evaluate the impact of the position. The scope of the
work completes the picture, allowing consistent evaluations. Only the effect of properly
performed work is to be considered.
Level 5-1 -- 25 points -
Employees perform specific, repetitive operations that are designed to provide tapes or other
media for operations, to receive job orders and distribute products, or comparable levels of work.
The work facilitates the timeliness of other work processes in operations, scheduling, production
control and staging functions.
Level 5-2 -- 75 points -
Employees at this level perform a range of duties in scheduling, production control, library or
other computer support positions according to established procedures and methods. The results
of the work are complete products or complete segments of other products or work processes.
Examples of work at this level are: (1) Tape library employees who regularly perform the full
range of inventory, staging, annotating instructions and maintenance duties in the library; (2)
production controllers who review and amend control streams according to instructions, perform
staging functions for a number of applications, and monitor and correct control language coding
errors for jobs in process; (3) schedulers responsible for a range of programs with variable I/O,
core, runtime and dependency requirements; and (4) assistants to specialists who collect raw
information, prepare finished flowcharts, code programs and other similar kinds of work on a
variety of projects.
The work affects the accuracy of processing by providing the required tapes; applying complete
control amendments; providing for data contention and other potential conflicts during
processing; and, coding according to specifications. Reliability and acceptability are affected by
completion of the work within deadlines; ensuring against media and control related processing
failures, and providing the requested output.
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It also affects the reliability and acceptability of subsequent processes by providing requested
output and project segments within established deadlines.
Level 5-3 -- 150 points -
This level is distinguished from the next lower level by addition of requirements for solving
problems and answering technical questions about control, scheduling and/or direct support
functions. The problems and error conditions encountered are conventional to data processing
although solutions are not always covered by established or standardized procedures. Results of
the work affect the efficiency of processing services, adequacy of products used in subsequent
activities and processing procedures and methods. Examples of work at this level are:
-- Explaining to and assisting customers in the application of system capabilities when
the customer has unusual or unique processing requirements that are difficult to
-- Maintaining established applications programs and modifying program contents to
provide for new data and output when such changes do not modify the original
programming logic and techniques.
-- Adjusting and rebalancing a number of single system schedules to enhance processing
services by using the capacities of several computer systems.
-- Reviewing, testing, and correcting control and run stream procedures to resolve
processing delays or failures.
This factor includes face-to-face contacts and telephone and radio dialogue with persons not in
the supervisory chain. (NOTE: Personal contacts with supervisors are covered under Factor 2,
Supervisory Controls.) Levels described under this factor are based on what is required to make
the initial contact, the difficulty of communicating with those contacted, and the setting in which
the contact takes place (e.g., the degree to which the employee and those contacted recognize
their relative roles and authorities).
Above the lowest level, points should be credited under this factor only for contacts which are
essential for successful performance of the work and which have a demonstrable impact on the
difficulty and responsibility of the work performed.
The relationship of Factors 6 and 7 presumes that the same contacts will be evaluated for both
factors. Therefore, use the personal contacts which serve as the basis for the level selected for
Factor 7 as the basis for selecting a level for Factor 6.
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Level 6-1 -- 10 points -
Personal contacts are with other employees in the immediate unit, with computer operators, or
user representatives such as clerical personnel who drop off program and processing requests.
The contact typically takes place at the work station, over the counter, or by telephone.
Level 6-2 -- 25 points -
Contacts are with specialists and other recipients of DPC services who are employees of the
same agency, but outside the data processing organization; or, contact with employees of other
agencies or non-governmental organizations who use the DPC facility on a direct submission,
RJE or time sharing basis; or, contacts with contractors representatives such as vendor repair
technicians or customer engineers. The contacts are structured and routine and the role of each
participant is readily determined.
In General Schedule occupations, purpose of personal contacts ranges from factual exchanges of
information to situations involving significant or controversial issues and differing viewpoints,
goals, or (()) objectives. The personal contacts which serve as the basis for the level selected for
this factor must be the same as the contacts which are the basis for the level selected for Factor 6.
Level 7-1 -- 20 points -
The purpose of contacts is to exchange factual information such as processing status, deadline
for input submissions, tape or disk availability or condition and similar kinds of factual
information; or to explain established work methods and processes.
Level 7-2 -- 50 points -
The purpose of contacts is to plan or coordinate changes in scheduling requirements or priorities
due to data or equipment related problems; to participate with users in planning and coordinating
new or modified requirements when the work fits generally within system options, schedules,
etc., or, to plan user participation, methodology and deadlines for new projects.
The "Physical Demands" factor covers the requirements and physical demands placed on the
employee by the work assignment. This includes physical characteristics and abilities (e.g.,
specific agility and dexterity requirements) and the physical exertion involved in the work (e.g.,
climbing, lifting, pushing, balancing, stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling or reaching). To
some extent the frequency or intensity of physical exertion must also be considered, e.g., a job
requiring prolonged standing involves more physical exertion than a job requiring intermittent
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NOTE: Regulations governing pay for irregular or intermittent duty involving unusual physical
hardship or hazard are in Chapter 550, Federal Personnel Manual.
Level 8-1 -- 5 points -
The work is generally sedentary, although there may be some nominal walking or standing for
short periods of time, or carrying of light loads of papers, books, reports and the like that require
only moderate physical ability and physical stress.
Level 8-2 -- 20 points -
The position requires extended periods of standing, walking, stretching, bending, stooping or
carrying of loads of paper, tapes, or cards that may weigh as much as 20 kilograms (45 pounds).
Level 8-3 -- 50 points -
The work requires regular and recurring lifting and carrying of objects of heavy weight (over 50
pounds) and occasional lifting and carrying of heavier materials.
The "Work Environment" factor considers the risk and discomforts in the employee's physical
surroundings or the nature of the work assigned and the safety regulations required. Although
the use of safety precautions can practically eliminate a certain danger or discomfort, such
situations typically place additional demands upon the employee in carrying out safety
regulations and techniques.
NOTE: Regulations governing pay for irregular or intermittent duty involving unusual physical
hardship or hazard are in Chapter 550, Federal Personnel Manual.
Level 9-1 -- 5 points –
The work involves the common risks or discomforts, requiring normal safety precautions typical
of offices, meeting rooms, libraries and the like. The work area is adequately lighted, heated,
and ventilated. Employees in or adjacent to computer rooms may be within environmentally
controlled areas and, although relatively cool, require only normal clothing to compensate for
minor discomfort.
Level 9-2 -- 20 points -
Some work involves moderate risk requiring exercise of safety precautions when operating or
working around equipment with exposed moving parts such as decollators, bursters and others.
Special clothing or protective equipment is not normally required although there is moderate risk
of bodily injury.
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This position, in the tape library, has the following duties.
-- Places labels on and removes labels from magnetic tapes according to instructions from
the supervisor.
-- Files tapes in assigned location and pulls requested tapes for processing as instructed.
-- Delivers and retrieves tapes from the computer room.
-- Serves on a team to conduct physical inventory by locating and identifying tapes in the
-- Makes entries on forms and log books to control tapes.
-- Unpacks new tapes and packs tapes for shipment.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-1 -- 50 Points
-- Knowledge of the procedures used to file and retrieve tapes from the library and to
deliver them to the computer room, change labels on tapes and post entries to inventory
records, as well as methods for packing and unpacking tapes.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 points
-- The supervisor explains assignments and any unusual instructions. After initial
instruction, employee performs recurring assignments independently but asks questions
to clarify unfamiliar situations. The supervisor insures that finished work is completed
according to instructions.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-1 -- 25 Points
-- Written guidelines or easily memorized verbal instructions cover most library
practices including labeling, filing, inventory, distribution and control of tapes. The
employee must adhere to the guidance and has no authority to deviate or exercise
personal judgment without approval of the supervisor.
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Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-1 -- 25 Points
-- Performs repetitive duties such as tape handling, labeling and filing where there is
little choice in deciding what is to be done. Variations in the performance of the work
are few because of the structured nature of the work.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-1 -- 25 Points
-- The purpose of the work is to route tapes between the library and data processing
users as well as to record the use and location of tapes through logs and inventory sheets.
The work services and supports the work of others within the data processing facility.
Factor 6, Personnel Contacts -- Level 6-1 -- 10 Points
-- Contacts are with co-workers, computer assistants, and computer operators.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
-- The purpose is to exchange information pertaining to tapes.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-2 -- 20 Points
-- The work requires long periods of standing, stooping and recurring lifting of up to 50
lb. cartons.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
-- The tape library work setting is comparable to offices and book libraries and has no
unusual risks or discomforts. The employee is expected to exercise safe work practices.
GS-2 = 255-450
As a tape librarian, incumbent of this position uses knowledge of the tape library operating
procedures to . . .
-- make print out changes as tapes change classification, e.g. from input to output,
current to historical, retained to deleted; pull punched cards which indicate the new
identification and forward cards to update the master tape library inventory listing.
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-- complete forms, log books, listings or other records of actions taken in order to control
the work flow and identification of tapes processed through the data processing center.
-- pull tapes to be erased and question unusual listings, e.g. tapes retained for long
periods and suddenly released to be "scratched".
-- locate and forward tapes within and outside the DPC as requested, making appropriate
entries in journals for control purposes.
-- make tape labels from run-sheets or print outs.
-- file and retrieve tapes.
-- sequence tapes properly for jobs being assembled for processing.
-- operate tape cleaner to remove surface particles and a degausser to erase tapes,
reviewing listings carefully to detect improper entries which could cause good tapes to be
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-2 -- 200 Points
-- Knowledge of the rules and procedures applied to accomplish the work functions of
the tape library, to include those for routing, identifying, filing and cleaning tapes as well
as the forms and documents used to control the flow of tapes.
-- Knowledge of common computer codes and abbreviations, printout listings, tape
handling procedures, and data processing center organization.
-- Skill in operating a tape degausser to erase tapes and in operating a tape cleaning
machine to remove particles from the surface of tapes without erasing the content.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
The supervisor provides additional instructions as required for new or unusual work
assignments, e.g., to explain changes in tape retention practices. Employee carries out
assignments independently, reporting unfamiliar situations to the supervisor for assistance.
Review for compliance with established procedures is accomplished through spotchecks of work
in progress.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-1 -- 25 Points
Employee adheres to the written guidelines such as the tape library procedures guide and the
master tape listing which cover most work situations. Unusual situations not covered are
referred to the supervisor. Employee is not permitted to deviate from the published guides and
supplementary oral instructions.
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Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The work consists of tasks which are usually performed in a prescribed sequence and require
close attention to details to avoid mistakes. Program changes, adding new runs and deleting
others are conditions which result in daily changes to the tape inventory in addition to effecting
routing and identification of other tapes. Additionally, procedures are continuously revised for
improvement or to meet changes in program requirements. The employee must quickly adjust to
the revisions.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-1 -- 25 Points
The purpose of the work is to perform tape labeling, filing, cleaning, routing and control duties.
The care and maintenance of tapes affects the reliability of subsequent processing and products.
Sequential staging affects the timeliness and accuracy of computer operations.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-1 -- 10 Points
Contacts are with co-workers, and other data processing center employees.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
The purpose of contacts is to discuss tape routing procedure, clarify instructions, locate
misplaced tapes, verify the list of tapes to be degaussed and to exchange other factual
information related to the work.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-2 -- 20 Points
The work requires long periods of standing, stooping and recurring lifting of up to 23 kilogram
(50 lb). cartons.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work environment involves normal risks and discomforts and the employee is expected to
observe normal safety precautions.
GS-3 = 455-650
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This position is in the production control unit of a data processing center. The employee is
responsible for receiving, checking, assembling, and submitting production computer programs to
the computer operations unit in accordance with established procedures.
-- Receives job request forms from programmers or user representatives.
-- Checks identification markings on input decks, control decks and processing
instructions; compares to run sheet; orders required tapes; logs program on production
forms by job name, date, programmer and additional information as indicated. On receipt
of tapes, completes set-up and forwards to computer operations for processing.
-- Receives completed output and the run sheets. Checks for correct identification,
number of copies and print legibility. Forwards products to user.
-- Key punches small quantities of cards as assigned, operates card reader and sorter.
-- Searches for lost or misplaced input/output documents.
-- Maintains stock of supplies including internal control forms, blank punch cards, log
books, etc.
-- Maintains production reports by extracting and recording information from the system
printer such as tape utilization, completed programs, internal failure reports giving
reasons for failures, and computer equipment and operating time used.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-2 -- 200 Points
Knowledge of input/output data requirements and processing control information as shown on
the run sheet, in order to complete the assembling of programs for processing.
Knowledge of the procedures to (1) obtain tapes from the tape library, (2) insure that jobs are
complete prior to forwarding for processing, (3) receive and check output, and, (4) complete
production and historical processing records.
Knowledge of abbreviations and computer codes used in documentation to identify program
input/output items and to describe processing steps.
Skill to operate peripheral equipment such as card reader/sorter and keypunch.
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Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
The supervisor provides standing operating procedures for continuing assignments, explains and
demonstrates procedures for changed or new assignments. The employee carries out recurring
assignments according to established procedures, adhering to processing schedules, resolving
minor problems related to incorrect tapes, missing control deck or cards and unclear or erroneous
program identification. Assembly problems, poor quality print and similar problems not covered
by established procedures are referred to the supervisor. The supervisor spot checks work in
progress. The primary source of work review is from processing reports and comments made by
programmers, operators and functional users.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-1 -- 25 Points
Production programs are normally well documented through run sheets and books, and are
supplemented by processing instructions and procedures for assembling programs and operating
equipment. Updates and changes to programs, procedures or new requirements are accompanied
by detailed guidelines. The employee selects the appropriate procedure according to program
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The employee works with a variety of program applications requiring review of input, control
language and run instructions with each job request. The employee recognizes processing
variations in job requests and stages each according to specified requirements and designated
priority. Actions to be taken are decided by the employee depending on the need to provide
some or all of the input media, add pre-punched control decks and similar considerations for
each job.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-1 -- 25 Points
The work involves support to users and the data processing center by receipt and preparation of
programs to be processed, and distribution of output. Decisions affecting the programs and
processing procedures are made by others. The work provides a connection between users and
computer operations which affects the timeliness of processing.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-1 -- 10 Points
Personal contacts are with specialists, operators and others in the data processing unit, and
over-the-counter contact with user representatives.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
The purpose of the contacts is to discuss and clarify factual information about processing
procedures, schedules and utilization records.
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Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-2 -- 20 Points
The work requires long periods of standing, frequent bending, stooping and lifting of moderately
heavy boxes of printed output.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work environment is comparable to an office setting except that nominal safety precautions
related to equipment operation must be exercised to avoid moderate danger of personal injury.
GS-3 = 455-650
Incumbent of this position serves in a computer center performing tape library and other related
functions such as processing and reviewing the quality of microfilm, and tape shipping and
receiving functions.
-- Pulls tapes from racks, places them with run sheets and positions in designated
locations for operations.
-- Receives tapes returned from operations, reviews to identify active, scratch and new
-- Removes labels and protective rings from scratch tapes, makes entries on code sheets
to remove tapes from active inventory, and places in appropriate location for subsequent
-- Verifies identification and retention entries on active tapes and hangs in racks in
control number sequence.
-- Verifies program identifiers, retention and active dates for new tapes, applies labels,
makes inventory adjustments and hangs tapes.
-- Operates keypunch equipment to prepare cards providing update input for tape library
inventory system (TLS).
-- Participates in periodic tape inventory by physically locating and verifying the
presence of tapes listed in the inventory, searching for lost or misfiled tapes, and
extending search outside the tape library if necessary in order to find tapes which may
have been improperly removed.
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-- Maintains control records and control logs for master tapes, prepares automatic scratch
notifications for users and participates in the maintenance and control of back up files in
a security vault.
-- Performs tape cleaning, verification and repair functions, erases tape contents on a
degausser and maintains logs of actions taken, errors corrected, length of tape, date,
condition of tape and need to replace tape if condition indicates potential problems.
-- Operates magazine loaded microfilm processor and conducts visual and densitometry
spot check of processed film to detect obvious quality problems and to refer them to the
supervisor for solution.
-- Assembles, verifies identifications against appropriate documents, packs, wraps,
prepares way bills and receipts and addresses shipments of tapes and film for air and
surface shipments.
-- Receives incoming shipments of tapes. Verifies contents against manifest, checks
tapes for obvious evidence of physical damage, makes entries to tape inventory system
and submits tapes for inclusion in the tape library.
-- Maintains appropriate records, receipts and manifests and notifies others of missing,
lost or damaged shipments.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-3 -- 350 Points
-- Knowledge of the full scope of library functions, procedures, controls, methods,
storage, issue and quality control requirements.
-- Knowledge of backup tape storage system, rules, controls, etc. to initiate tape
duplication, documentation, control and rotation of tapes in/out of one on-site and one
off-site security vault.
-- Knowledge of shipping procedures by type of carrier, the controls, records and
methods for preparation and receipt of shipments; ability to pack tapes to prevent damage
and to receive, verify and control incoming shipments, or to note and report shipment
discrepancies by number, kind, shipper, or packing method.
-- Additional knowledges of lower level are required for recurring tape issuance, control
and inventory and for equipment operating duties.
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Factor 2, Supervision -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
At this level the employee is expected to perform in any of the three major functional areas of
the library: tape control and issuance; microfilm processing and editing; or, shipping and
receiving. The supervisor makes the assignment and advises of procedural changes or alerts to
anticipated high priority requirements. The employee performs in the assigned function for a
period of one day or more on a rotating or infrequent basis, applying acquired knowledges and
skills while performing the work with little direct supervision. The supervisor conducts
infrequent spot checks to review the flow of work in progress. Completed work is reviewed for
timeliness and acceptability on the basis of production and error reports.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-1 -- 25 Points
Guidelines for each function are relatively few, are a combination of written and verbal and are
easily committed to memory after relatively short experience with their applications. The
employee applies the guidelines appropriate to assigned library, shipping or microfilm functions.
The guidelines are specific, providing for only minor deviation or tolerances. Conditions which
do not fit within the guidelines are referred to the supervisor.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The incumbent performs the various functions in the library and adapts to and applies
appropriate work methods, procedures and controls. Production and quality levels are
maintained during rotations among library, shipping and microfilm duties.
The employee decides what needs to be done according to special instructions for each work
station, quality control tolerances, priority schedules and related controls over the work.
Actions to be taken involves following established instructions or selecting from precedent
variations on instructions for each phase of the work.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
Functions performed in the library cover the receipt, storage, maintenance, shipping and control
of computer tapes, and the secondary functions of microfilm processing and quality control. The
incumbent of this position is required to perform all those functions as workload requires or on a
regular rotating basis. The product of the work is of a service nature which affects the accuracy
and timeliness of computer processing in the local and subordinate computer centers.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-1 -- 10 Points
Contacts are with operators, specialists and other clerks and assistants in the local computer
center and occasionally in subordinate centers.
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Factor 7, Purpose of the Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
To obtain or furnish factual information relating to assigned duties, status of shipments, missing
tapes and similar concerns.
Factor 8, Physical Requirements -- Level 8-2 -- 20 Points
The work requires physical exertion such as long periods of standing, reaching, stooping,
pushing carts and lifting boxes weighing up to 20 kilogram (45 pounds).
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
Work is performed in an environment similar to an office setting. Normal safety precautions are
required in the operation of equipment but there are no unusual risks or hazards involved.
GS-4 = 655-850
The incumbent of this production control position is responsible for preparing and submitting to
operations instructions and materials used in processing a variety of programs, each having
multiple run requirements and variable product capability.
-- Receives customer originated input materials (cards, tapes, code sheets) and
processing instructions. Arranges for conversion of raw data to tape or cards, lists and
requests appropriate tapes from the tape library, and inserts designated control deck.
Assembles all data, instructions and materials and places in pre-designated position for
operator use.
-- Makes minor modifications to control deck to change "as of" dates, customer
designation and command and control cards according to sequence and location defined
in instructions.
-- Assembles jobs in priority order, allowing for designated dependency and data
contention considerations in sequencing according to customer designated priority. If
there is conflict in priority, refers the request to the scheduling unit for resolution.
-- Checks job status through a direct inquiry remote terminal to determine estimated
completion time, or to identify and explain reasons for delays, such as equipment failure,
power outage, backlog or priority jobs.
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-- For control stream related unplanned halts corrects portions caused by incorrect card
sequence, incorrect parameter card, invalid parameters or other comparable situations.
Substantive control stream and program logic induced failures are referred to the
appropriate control stream specialist.
-- Receives completed jobs, checks output for correct format, printing alignment,
customer and program identification, number of copies and processing materials to be
returned to the customer. Distributes output according to run sheet instructions.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-3 -- 350 Points
-- Knowledge of processing flow to understand how the sequencing of input, use of job
control statements, order of scheduling, time of execution and production of output are
interrelated to create the desired product.
-- Knowledge of manual processing control procedures in order to interpret the number,
kind and sequence of steps necessary to prepare a job for processing, including the
variations necessary to initiate multiple passes of the same program data to arrive at
differing products.
-- Knowledge of system control decks in order to understand basic control language
modification instructions and to adjust parameter and data cards in the assigned deck
with each assigned program and production processing requirement.
-- Knowledge of codes and abbreviations in order to follow program run books and run
sheets, to distinguish between independent and interdependent jobs, to sequence
accordingly, and to adjust priorities within prescribed limits to accommodate these
variations. This knowledge is also used to interpret output specifications, to detect errors
in format, headings, dates, compliance with procedural changes, or partial listings, and to
check for proper print alignment prior to release to customers.
-- Knowledge of the priority setting system in order to recognize conflicting priority
requirements, to adjust staging if possible to satisfy the conflicts, or to refer to schedulers
if the apparent conflicts give appearance of delaying a processing request.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
Processing control assignments are recurring at scheduled intervals. The supervisor instructs on
changes in processing schedules and methods of processing. The employee works independently
to control processing of assigned jobs from receipt of material through completion of set-up.
Receives completed work and after checking format, etc, distributes to customers. Problems
which can cause processing delays, such as late receipt of input, improper instructions,
conflicting priorities that cannot be easily accommodated and others are referred to the
supervisor or to the scheduling unit. The supervisor spot-checks job status and reviews job
set-up records for conformance to established procedures, and to ensure completion within
established schedules.
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Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
Production programs are well documented and prescribed procedures are normally clear and
applicable for assigned programs. Since product format, content and control requirements are
variable for assigned programs, each run requires exercise of judgment to select the proper
combination of guidelines for variations, tape selection options and error correction procedures.
Work requests for products, controls or priorities in excess of the options provided in run books
are referred to the supervisor.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The employee sets up the materials, controls and instructions for a variety of program
applications requiring proper identification of each job in order to determine how it is to be
prepared for processing.
The employee decides what standardized procedures to follow on the basis of job instructions
that specify the kind of data conversion, control amendments, dependencies or similar variations
needed for each run.
Actions to be taken depend on needed adjustments for scheduling requests, dependencies, known
contentions or availability of input materials.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
The purpose of the work is to assemble all instructions and materials necessary to process an
assigned block of programs, and to distribute the output from that processing. The work affects
the timeliness of processing and provides for accurate and timely satisfaction of customer
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
The employee maintains contact with employees throughout the data processing center,
especially programmers, computer operators and tape library personnel. There is almost daily
contact with subject-matter specialists in the organization and occasionally in the central office.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
Contacts are to receive work requests and instructions, to explain system or processing status,
request or provide clarification of work processes, or to exchange factual information about work
procedures or schedules.
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Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-2 -- 20 Points
The work requires long periods of standing, frequent bending and stooping and lifting and
carrying of loads of reports, tapes, etc., up to 20 kilograms (45 lbs).
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work involves only normal risks or discomforts typical of an office setting and requires no
special safety precautions.
GS-4 = 655-850
Incumbent assists computer specialists in the Data Processing Division, Systems and
Programming Branch. The Branch has responsibility to develop and design standardized and
special computer applications systems.
-- Maintains a variety of computer systems manuals including: operations manuals
covering start-up instructions, system loading, restart and recovery procedures;
diagnostic aids and similar information related to computer operating procedures;
program library update procedures covering narrative instructions; flow process charts,
block diagrams and other information that defines data element content, program output
variables and procedures for their use in the automated program library; and the data
element catalog which serves as the input base for the data element dictionary.
-- Maintains files and records pertinent to Branch functions and prepares charts and
instructions for code sequence conversion steps following standardized procedures.
-- Reviews system manuals to ensure that required documentation is prepared, is
complete, updated and distributed as necessary.
-- Receives system implementation, scheduling and operational deficiency reports for
headquarters and field elements. Consolidates reports contents, reviews for completeness,
requests missing reports and data entries and prepares summary charts and/ or worksheets
for analysis by appropriate specialists.
-- From data submitted by others, codes and updates program library procedures through
a remote terminal.
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Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-3 -- 350 Points
-- Knowledge of operating procedures, methods and problems sufficient to understand
and act on their effect on documentation requirements. The ability to discern similar but
differing documentation requirements in order to maintain several operating, procedural
and data definition manuals.
-- Knowledge of organization priority and deadline policy and systems in order to
complete own work, and to initiate action to be completed by specialists in preparing and
issuing program and systems documentation. Ability to write step by step instructions,
ensure that others submit completed work and to order the distribution of new or
amended manuals and procedures.
-- Knowledge of a computer terminal user language sufficient to understand, translate,
communicate and document program and system changes designed by others and to
update program library data content and procedures through an on-line remote terminal.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
The supervisor or a computer specialist provides instructions as to the scope of new assignments,
specifying the techniques to use, deadlines and results expected. The employee performs special
and continuing assignments independently within those specified or standing instructions.
Completed work is reviewed for compliance with instructions, adequacy of methods and content,
and to ensure completion within deadlines.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
Guidelines for recurring work are contained in various procedural and operating manuals, and
internal notices. New work is defined by written or verbal instruction. The manuals and other
records maintained by the incumbent vary in contents and format requiring selection of
guidelines or procedures appropriate for each job according to program, operating system or
program library update and documentation requirements. Overlapping, conflicting or new
applications of guidelines are discussed with the supervisor for clarification.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The employee maintains manuals, related records and on-line data files for a variety of program
applications which vary in content and in documentation requirements. The employee
determines what needs to be done to update or complete records and manual entries, and initiates
actions to acquire needed information and data from responsible specialists and operators.
Actions to be taken are determined by the employee after identifying such things as the stage of
program development, installation of new equipment, or modifications to ongoing programs or
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Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
The employee supports computer specialists by assuming records and documentation
maintenance functions, and some data collection, input and summary reports functions. The
work affects the accuracy of the data dictionary, and the timeliness and availability of required
procedures and program specifications used in data processing operations.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-1 -- 10 Points
Contacts are with other clerks and assistants, computer specialists and computer operators within
the Data Processing Division. Occasionally contacts are with system users in the organization
with concerns and interests related to the preparation and use of the manuals.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
Personal contacts are established or maintained to provide, collect, or exchange factual
information about the work processes and products.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
Physical demands are limited to normal walking, carrying of small batches of documents or
punched cards and walking between the work station and other work locations in the vicinity of
the office. There are no unusual physical requirements.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is performed in an office like setting, requiring safety considerations normal to such
settings such as closing file drawers, but not of the nature that requires special precautions.
GS-4 -- 655-850
Serves as the production control contact between programmers or functional users and computer
organizations for an assigned block of program applications.
-- Collects and consolidates input data and program documentation.
-- Inserts or modifies program control deck as appropriate.
-- Identifies tape requirements.
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-- Verifies that required information is available, and places in operations for processing
according to schedule.
-- Reviews documentation and stages materials to allow for data and program
dependencies. Ensures that input data is current and annotates operator instructions to
show multiple program runs.
-- Enters jobs into priority queue through a card reader according to simple or priority
sequence, dependency sequence or by special priority indicator. Accepts priorities as
indicated by users, or upgrades priorities on customer request if it does not interfere with
established production or existing priorities. Adjusts priorities by making coded entries
through a remote terminal.
-- Monitors programs in progress through terminal inquiry or system printer status
reports. Advises users of current status of job, estimates time of completion, or advises of
processing problems such as conflicts of priority, equipment or power failure and similar
-- Responds to operator notification of control parameter processing problems. Reviews
instructions and program specifications and corrects control codes. Advises operator of
restart or rerun instructions, adjusting priority if necessary.
-- Reviews run sheet instructions and stages test runs under varying priority and control
-- Spot checks output to determine that it is properly formatted, and that the quantity and
print quality are as required. Notifies users of completed high priority work.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-3 -- 350 Points
-- Knowledge of production processing procedures and flow, and knowledge of
computer equipment utilization options for processing each assigned program. This
knowledge is used to set-up and assign processing to computer systems according to
program and control variations required for each local machine system.
-- Knowledge of program documentation, terms and usage of system control language
and run-sheet instructions in order to interpret repetitive and one time processing
requests. This knowledge is used to amend control streams and to provide for
identification, dates, and parameters specified in processing requests. It is applied to
select the appropriate machine system or alternate for processing the requirement. It is
also used to interpret and accommodate to conflicting data and program requirements,
and to work with operators to correct control related problems.
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-- Knowledge of organization policies and procedures controlling the assignment of
processing priorities to accommodate customer requests or to refer conflicting priorities
to specialists for resolution.
-- Knowledge of recurring and production workload requirements and the distribution of
processing among the available systems in order to assure that demand and test
requirements are properly inserted within available capacity and time availability.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
The work is assigned in terms of responsibility for a block of applications programs. Changes in
procedures, schedule modifications or changes in policy that effect work assignments or methods
are explained by the supervisor. The employee performs on-going and special processing work
independently according to standing instructions and procedures, making adjustments based on
experience or precedent processing actions. Requirements that cannot be accommodated
according to established practices or precedents are referred to the supervisor. Finished work is
reviewed on the basis of processing reports, and contact with users to determine that objectives
have been properly and timely accomplished.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
Written guidelines are supplemented by verbal instruction for minor modifications in procedures.
The written guides include manuals for control language applications, processing procedures
(priority setting, queue loading, schedules, etc.) and program run books. In addition,
dependencies and contentions are depicted in, or can be determined from flow charts and block
diagrams. The guidelines cover the procedures necessary to accomplish recurring work. The
employee selects from available guidelines and precedent actions to adapt to new programs or
test requirements, and adjusts existing procedures for contentions, priorities and multiple-pass
processing. New requirements that cannot be adapted and processed within existing guidelines
are referred to the supervisor.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
This employee is responsible for the pre-processing preparation of a variety of program
applications processed on several computer systems. Each job requires consideration of variables
in processing specifications such as the system on which the processing is to be accomplished,
product format, and the number and kind of control variables (dates, input identification, one or
more levels of totals or data summaries) appropriate to the requirements. The employee
determines what is to be accomplished, job priority, and the appropriate processing and control
methods to acquire the requested products.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
The purpose of the work is to maintain a flow of processing work to and through the computer
systems, ensuring that the computer operator has all required information and materials to
successfully complete processing requirements. The work affects the accuracy of production
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depending on proper combinations of control, input and program specifications. The results of
the work contribute to user acceptance of system reliability and ensures timeliness of computer
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Primary contacts are with co-workers, programmers and operators in the data processing center.
There is frequent contact with functional users of the systems, located within the agency.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
For new or test applications the employee participates in work planning efforts by adapting,
devising, and recommending the control methods to be applied. The majority of contacts are for
the purpose of exchanging or explaining factual information about the work processes, such as
data needs, schedules and priority setting procedures.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-2 -- 20 Points
The work requires long periods of standing and frequent bending and stooping. The employee is
occasionally required to lift and carry cards, printed reports, tapes and other materials that may
reach loads of about 20 kilograms (45 lbs).
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work environment is comparable to an office setting with a controlled environment,
requiring normal safety precautions and involving only nominal risk of injury.
GS-5 = 855-1110 Points
Incumbent is responsible for scheduling work in a computer center performing applications
processing on a modern, stand alone system capable of two level multi-processing.
-- Develops schedules for 1-3 day periods to include recurring jobs, established and ad
hoc priorities, special and test requirements and system maintenance time.
-- Reviews run books, system status reports, prior schedules, tape library records and
flow charts. Identifies computer time required for each job; the availability of input data;
and program dependencies.
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-- Ensures that input media and control decks are matched. Reviews control cards for
correct user and input identification, as of date, and the presence of special controls.
Adds, changes or removes control cards as required from a specified, limited number of
those that control processing variables.
-- Adjusts established schedules due to late receipt of requests, program changes, new
priorities, late or non-receipt of input, or machine failure.
-- Coordinates with users to clarify instructions, obtain missing data, explain processing
delays, discuss priority adjustment options, discuss alternative processing methods and
anticipated time of program completion. Coordinates with computer operators to
determine system status, to correct minor set-up and control errors and to determine
status of previously scheduled programs, or to adjust the priority of programs.
-- Compiles statistics on the number, kinds and elapsed processing time of computer
usage. Identifies users and forwards summaries to accounting section to be used for
billing purposes.
-- Reviews information from the operating system reports to determine reasons for
processing failures, for compliance or non-compliance with schedules (overload, too
much slack time, failed to consider dependencies, etc.) Identifies trends in peak and slack
processing periods and similar information that can impact on future scheduling or advice
to users.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-4 -- 550 Points
-- Knowledge of the operating system in terms of the number and kinds of I-O devices,
gross core size, how the core can be used for parallel processing, operator set-up
procedures, set-up time required, and any constraints that effect the spacing of programs
in the schedule.
-- Knowledge of codes, abbreviations and qualifying instructions in program
documentation. This knowledge is used to interpret core requirements; interpret flow
charts which define dependencies; identify throughout time requirements and multiple
pass tape requirements; and to discern related system factors effecting processing
-- Knowledge of system control language sufficient to understand its functions, to
recognize its presence or absence, and to make command card changes as may be defined
in processing specifications or run books.
-- Knowledge of system operating and trouble codes in order to interpret system
printout to determine whether processing proceeded according to schedule, causes of
failures or processing problems, or to resolve error conditions related to control or
program sequencing.
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- Knowledge of system processing status is also used to report job status, problems and
approaches to solutions, and, to adjust current scheduling efforts to compensate for error
related backlogs.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
The supervisor explains new processing requirements, or changes in procedures and defines the
scope of the scheduling responsibility. The employee carries out day to day assignments with
little direct supervision. This includes the determinations of need for and carrying out some
customer contacts and coordination to obtain materials or to clarify instructions. Work that does
not fit within prescribed procedures is referred to the supervisor. Finished work is spot checked
to determine that the employee is adhering to established procedures and schedules.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
Guidelines are primarily written, consisting of operating procedures, program and system control
language manuals. In addition, the employee uses a manual defining system processing speeds,
core capacity and related information used in scheduling programs for parallel processing. The
employee adapts scheduling instructions to core requirements, run times, precedent processing
requirements (contingencies) and parallel processing conflicts (data or program contention).
This requires exercise of judgment to select and cross reference among guidelines covering
variations in products, procedures and processing capacities. Work requests requiring deviation
from guidelines (written, verbal or precedent action) such as an unusual priority program with
core requirements that temporarily preclude normal parallel processing are referred to the
supervisor for instruction.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
Incumbent of this position schedules program processing for a variety of administrative
applications programs covering personnel, accounting and supply functions. Programs are
processed on a computer system having two level multiple-processing capability. Scheduling
decisions, (e.g., time of day, sequence, sizes of parallel programs) are based on several factors
such as priority, back-log, system status, core requirements (each program and total) through-put
time, and others. Scheduling actions are also effected by dependency considerations and
recurring production requirements that take precedence over demand processing.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
Incumbent of this position performs scheduling and production preparation duties in the data
processing center. The work encompasses daily scheduling of recurring and demand program
processing, and assembly of the data, media and instructions needed by operators. The work
includes resolution of scheduling conflicts, assembly problems and processing failures related to
program controls. The work affects the timeliness and accuracy of data processing efforts, and
contributes to user acceptance of system services and products.
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Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Contacts are with functional and technical users of the computer system, and other data
processing personnel in the immediate organization and other directorates.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
Contacts are for the purpose of coordinating, explaining, or requesting factual and procedural
information about the work, its input requirements, and production schedules.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
A limited amount of walking between the work station, user offices, and/or computer operations
is required, however the work is primarily sedentary, requiring only normal physical exertion.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is performed in an office type setting requiring normal safety precautions common to
such an environment and poses no unusual risk of injury or damage to health.
GS-5 = 855-1100
Incumbent of this position provides support to Computer Specialists involving work in computer
program preparation, testing and documentation.
-- Codes applications programs in COBOL and system control language from detailed
logic charts and related instructions developed by computer specialists.
-- Reviews processing failures and corrects program coding and most control errors,
referring program logic question to responsible specialists.
-- Codes minor maintenance changes such as increasing the size of an array to
accommodate additional data, providing for a summation of figures within an existing
capability and others of a relatively routine nature.
-- Codes approved requests for new listings from an established data base and program
option and others of a relatively routine nature.
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-- Makes retrievals through a direct access remote terminal using a user oriented
language, and forwards output to requester.
-- From drafts or detailed definition provided by specialists draws finished flow charts
and diagrams showing I/O identification, processing and decision sequence and related
-- Updates on-line procedure library data bases through a terminal input device to add,
change or delete data elements defined by specialists.
-- Maintains program and control language documentation and guides in appropriate
files, binders, etc., and ensures preparation and distribution of copies to all appropriate
system users.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-4 -- 550 Points
-- Knowledge of COBOL, system control and user language codes in order to perform
coding according to detailed chart and narrative instructions.
-- Knowledge of operating system structure and logic as it relates to the inter-relationships
between programs and; input, memory, software, CPU size and function, buffer storage, and
output. This knowledge is used in coding functions to ensure the proper sequence of actions
and controls.
-- Knowledge of program documentation including run books, in order to locate such
information as logic definition for programs and subroutines, or the source of input for a
specific program sequence.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Levels 2-1 -- 25 Points
The supervisor or a specialist makes assignments by providing instructions as to deadlines,
objectives, and methods for doing the work. Guidelines are suggested by the supervisor. The
employee performs the work as instructed, adjusting methods and procedures only as established
by precedent assignments. Each phase of the work, and completed assignments are reviewed for
technical accuracy, compliance with instructions and accepted methods and for completion
within deadlines.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
Guidelines are established in the form of manuals relating to the operating systems,
programming methods, coding procedures and terminal usage; and internal operating procedures,
handbooks and files that define local practices, adaptations and precedent projects. The
employee exercises judgment in selecting and adapting guidelines to assure continuity and
accuracy in the relationships between charting, coding, data library and program maintenance
duties. Work that does not fit within established methods and procedures, or that may cause
discrepancies in other program or work segments are referred to the project supervisor.
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Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The work requires consideration of a variety of detailed and interrelated information to
accomplish coding, control, processing, error correction and related aspects of program
development, testing and implementation. The work is comprised of segments of larger, more
complex projects which places limits on the degree of involvement or decision making required
of the incumbent. Decisions regarding what is to be done and the methods to employ are defined
by others, although the incumbent must consider a few variables related to program logic,
structure of data fields, report format, program execution and computer resources capabilities.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
The purpose of the work is to support program design, maintenance and modification work by
performing those coding and charting functions that result from the analysis and design work
performed by Computer Specialists. Results of employee efforts contribute to the general
efficiency and timeliness of the programming functions.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-1 -- 10 Points
Contacts are with specialists in the branch and other computer support personnel outside the branch
in related data processing units.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
Contacts with specialists are to clarify instructions, receive work assignments, pass factual
information, or seek interpretations. With other computer support personnel the incumbent
exchanges factual information about schedule requirements, test results, processing problems
and status of processing or status of work in progress.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
The work is primarily sedentary with nominal walking and carrying of light items such as small
stacks of computer output, decks of punched cards and the like.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
Incumbent is located in an office type setting having adequate heating, light and ventilation, with
no unusual safety hazards or risk of injury. Safety precautions are only those normal to an office
GS-5 = 855-1100
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Serves as a computer assistant in a functional area providing a service and processing link with
the organization's computer processing capabilities through a remote terminal. In addition to the
remote terminal, the work station includes computer linked card reader, line printer and a
teletypewriter and, off-line peripheral equipment such as card punch, paper decollator, forms
burster, card sorters, collators, reproducers and interpreters.
-- Incumbent of this position supports subject matter specialists by entering and
retrieving information through a computer connected terminal.
-- Reviews workload, machine utilization estimates and operator reports in order to assist
in planning, developing and maintaining daily remote processing schedules. Prepares, or
arranges for preparation of input cards and/or program run instructions.
-- Reviews staging packages for card initiated jobs for program and user identification,
specified dates and control stream changes specified in processing instructions. Loads
cards to system through an on-line card reader.
-- Reviews demand processing requests in order to identify customer needs, structures
the request in machine acceptable access language and enters job to the system through a
remote terminal.
-- Reviews standing run instructions for recurring jobs accessible through the terminal,
remote job entry system to identify control, date or parameter modifications required;
codes and structures the job entry control and execution commands and enters the job
through the terminal.
-- Performs quality control review of output by verifying record count against control
figures, ensuring that data is as requested, print is clear, totals are provided and similar
concerns based on product specifications.
-- Monitors jobs in process to detect equipment or potential program problems and
monitors the equipment (on and off-line) to ensure continuity of operations and to make
minor adjustments during operations and as required at planned program stops.
-- Identifies recurring irregularities and inadequacies in processing that can be attributed
to control stream or equipment problems and works with programmers and customers to
modify procedures.
-- Assists programmers in testing new or modified programs by identifying equipment or
processing problems that occur as a result of prescribed methods for setting up and
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running test programs and recommending variations in preparation and control methods
to resolve such problems.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-3 -- 350 Points
-- Knowledge of a user oriented access, command and control language in order to
structure the terms, codes and controls necessary to execute remote job entry and demand
processing requirements through a remote, on-line computer terminal.
-- Knowledge of on and off-line machine load capacities, processing priorities and
sequence of processing (dependency) requirements in order to assist in work and machine
scheduling at the beginning of each shift.
-- Knowledge of product formats, kinds of data content, control or total levels, input
record counts and similar information in order to conduct product quality control review
and provide for correction, rerun, or other appropriate action.
-- Knowledge of system job control language in order to set up or modify run stream
control and parameter cards or codes according to program specification, especially for
demand processing and for recurring jobs in which some controls change with each job
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
Recurring work assignments are identified from a master processing schedule. Special or
demand processing requirements are picked up from a customer drop point for job requests. The
supervisor provides written or verbal instructions for changes in processing methods and
techniques, alerts the employee to equipment or program problems, and recommends methods
for working around problems and provides special instructions for new or highly unusual
processing requirements.
The employee performs most of the work independently according to established procedures and
methods. Problems in setting up, entering or completing jobs that cannot be resolved by
standardized methods are discussed with the supervisor, a programmer or computer operator for
approaches to solutions.
Completed work is spot checked for accuracy and use of proper procedures and methods. In
addition, reports of processing problems from system reports, operators or customers normally
require review for technical accuracy and compliance with instructions or established
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
Written guidelines are present at the work station in the form of operating manuals for the
equipment used, a users guide and language structure for entering jobs (or queries) through the
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terminal, operator and programmer instructions for set-up, control language and card or terminal
command requirements for assigned programs.
The guidelines are clear, generally concise, and provide little room for deviation, except as
provided in documented precedents or handbook suggestions for alternative job entry, retrieval
strategies and language structuring. The employee locates and applies an appropriate (())
guideline according to the identification of recurring jobs or kind of demand job to be processed.
New or revised job requirements or recurring problems with established jobs that cannot be
processed within the existing guidelines or precedent deviations are discussed with the
supervisor including identification of problems and possible sources or methods to resolve them.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The work consists of job entry by card and terminal, structuring job processing requirements
(recurring and demand) in a user oriented, machine acceptable language, and receiving,
conducting quality review, preparing (bursting, etc.) and distributing output from a computer
The employee decides what to do by identifying the data content and information structure
needed for each demand processing request and selecting the appropriate command strategy to
set up, retrieve and format each job.
Actions to be taken are established for recurring processing requirements, including variations in
control levels and parameters that change with each run. Demand processing is accomplished
within a framework of established procedures, although the source of the request, format, data
content, and controls requested must be considered in order to determine the specific processing
actions that are required.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
As appropriate to a remote access terminal location, the work encompasses, scheduling, control,
structuring in a computer acceptable language, job entry and receipt and control of data
processing requirements. This is a support and services function providing access to and
products from a separately located computer facility for subject matter users of the products.
The results of the work affect the timeliness, efficiency and accuracy of subsequent work
processes and products.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Personal contacts in person or by telephone are with programmers, operators and other
employees in or directly associated with the data processing function.
In addition, the employee has regular contacts with subject matter specialists and their
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Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
Contacts with subject matter specialists are frequently for the purpose of explaining system
capabilities and limitations appropriate to the terminal and distribution facility and to discuss
alternative means of acquiring desired products, including discussion of the intended use of
products and suggested variations in data and format retrievals. Contacts with data processing
personnel and subject-matter representatives are to exchange factual information about such
things as problems or status of the system, to accept work, advise of job status, notify of
completed jobs and similar matters.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-2 -- 20 Points
The work requires frequent movement between equipment stations, walking, bending, stretching,
stooping and similar actions when adjusting, loading and unloading cards, changing paper and
like activities. In addition, the employee often carries boxes of punched cards and stacks of
finished reports weighing as much as 18 kilograms (40 pounds).
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-2 -- 20 Points
There is moderate risk of bodily injury when working around equipment with open moving parts
such as decollators, bursters and others, requiring exercise of safety precautions to prevent hands
or clothing from becoming entangled in the moving equipment.
GS-5 = 855-1100
Incumbent of this position performs production preparation and control duties for computer
processing of special, modified and recurring production jobs in a multi-computer,
multi-programming data processing center.
-- Reviews new and recurring production packages for completeness and consistency of
operating instructions such as name of field or library, file retention periods, input file
number, as of date, job number and headers, type and number of program decks.
-- Checks tape library inventory to assure that all related input is identified for most
current date, assures punches in card decks relate to type of equipment to be used and
ensures that output is compatible with follow-on requirements for disk or card output.
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-- Locates and adds missing input cards and tapes; corrects file identification, as of dates,
job number and similar obvious discrepancies. Changes priorities from personal
knowledge of the relationship between new and previously established priorities.
-- Ensures that input forms and formats received from external users are compatible with
local requirements. Initiates tape conversion from 7 to 9 track, card punching from code
sheets, or correction of coded or punched data as required. Codes small quantities of data
from customer supplied forms and submits to keypunch.
-- Investigates production delays, and determines impact on related processing
requirements. Checks input for missing data fields, incorrect punches, control cards out
of sequence, and related problems. Notifies schedulers when delays or stoppages will
affect timely program completion or subsequent, dependent processing.
-- Ensures that output combinations are properly identified (print/tape, tape/disk, etc). to
satisfy a variety of customer requirements.
-- Monitors output to ensure that processing was executed as planned in format,
alignment and print clarity.
-- Reviews console printout sheets to assure that proper input tapes were specified and
used, program patches or system library updates were properly executed before the
processing of production requirements and that all special instructions for changes in the
processing sequence were properly executed during the cycle. Problems related to those
items are resolved, programs rescheduled as necessary and procedures are modified for
subsequent processing guidance.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-4 -- 550 Points
-- Knowledge of local and other-agency computer input/output characteristics in order to
ensure compatibility with local requirements and to initiate conversion of submitted data
for processing purposes, such as; conversion of 7 track to 9 track tape format, card to tape
conversion, conversion of raw or coded data to card or tape, and similar considerations.
-- Knowledge of operating hardware relationships in order to identify the use of tape
drives for input and output and to ensure that output from one run is compatible with
input requirements for a subsequent run.
-- Knowledge of production control functions is used to maintain continuity of
production flow, apply optional methods to new or developmental requirements and
provide for program dependencies and priorities.
-- Knowledge of sequencing and priority rules and procedures in order to accept and
adjust priorities within local practices. This includes consideration of dependencies,
previously established priorities and special purpose processing requirements.
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-- Knowledge of system control languages is used to modify the variable portions of
program run stream either from instructions provided with requirements or by
recognizing the need to add, change or remove a command or identifier. Changes are
made in report date, input tape identifiers, file retention dates, job number, header
information, user identification and like controls.
-- Knowledge of production flow and problems is used to resolve production delays
caused by missing data, incorrect library or media identification, incorrectly punched
control cards or cards improperly sequenced. This knowledge is also used to recognize
production delays that are beyond personal skills and require computer specialist
assistance, such as possible faulty program logic.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-3 -- 275 Points
The supervisor sets the objectives for new work or advises of changes in general procedures and
deadlines, and is available to assist on difficult or unusual problems. The employee performs the
work independently, conducting coordination with specialists and users in this and other
agencies, and making independent determinations of when and how to correct errors. The
employee determines the approaches to solving problems, and the establishment or modification
of customer requested priorities for processing services. Completed work is reviewed for
technical soundness, accuracy, compliance with deadlines, and customer satisfaction by their
reactions to products.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
The guidelines for the work are written in various forms such as program run books, equipment
specifications, system operating characteristics and procedures relating to the objectives, nature
and general methods for accomplishing the work. The employee exercises judgment in the
selection of guidelines depending on the phase of the work and kind of product requested. For
new projects the employee makes minor modifications or adapts established variations to fit the
processing requirements. Absence of guidelines or problems with adaptions that can cause
major delays in processing are discussed with the supervisor.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
Production control preparations are performed for new, changing and recurring processing
requirements for production processing for this and other user agencies. The employee reviews
each request to identify actions needed to supplement instructions in the job requests such as
adding or changing processing controls, identifying the appropriate machine system, arranging
for media conversion, and adjusting priorities. The steps to be taken or adjustments to be made
vary from job to job for new, changed or recurring work, and the user agency submitting the
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Factor 2, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
The purpose of the position is to assist local users and users from other agencies in the final
preparation of specifications and materials for processing on computer systems. The incumbent
provides completed set-up of program documentation, input media, run instructions and
production specifications to computer operations. Processing halts related to media and control
instructions are corrected by the incumbent. The results of the work affect the accuracy,
timeliness and acceptability of computer processing services and products.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Contacts are with computer specialists and functional specialists in the immediate organization,
and with functional specialists in other organizations.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
The purpose of the contacts is to exchange factual information, seek, or provide information to
complete processing specifications, (()) to explain options in timing or methods of processing,
and to clarify instructions.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
There is moderate walking between office locations in the building, but no special physical
demands or hardships.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work environment is comparable to that found in a typical office setting, with no unusual
risks, discomforts, nor need for special safety precautions.
GS-6 = 1105-1350
This position is located in the Computer Operations unit and serves to schedule production and
one-time computer programs for processing on several computing systems.
-- Writes the daily schedule of computer jobs to be processed including both production
and one-time runs.
-- Checks job control cards for correct job control language on all jobs submitted for
processing. Returns jobs having control deficiencies to programmers.
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-- Monitors job status in order to (1) know equipment abnormally terminated utilization
status, (2) add jobs which will fill the time vacated by abnormally terminated runs, (3)
catch up on backlogs by adding to the schedule when computer resources are available,
(4) shift jobs between computers when equipment failures occur and (5) advise the user
of job status and estimated completion time.
-- Works with computer operators to expedite processing throughout by upgrading job
priority or changing the order of processing and to keep informed of job problems as
soon as they occur. Informs the user of problems and schedules job re-runs after user
makes corrections.
-- Reviews production results to determine accuracy of schedules.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-4 -- 550 Points
-- Knowledge of computer equipment capacity and speed for several hardware systems
in order to schedule jobs in a manner that fully utilizes available computer resources by
processing a maximum number of jobs within normal processing hours. This knowledge
is applied in altering the schedule throughout the operating day as priorities and
equipment resource availability change.
-- Knowledge of job priority categories and the standing procedures relevant to assigning
priorities to jobs, in order to accept, reject or amend priority levels.
-- Knowledge of how the operating system software places incoming jobs in queue,
initiates a job from the queue, terminates the job when it is completed and produces the
output, in order to amend control instructions, adjust priorities and to remove and re-enter
jobs without loss of place in queue.
-- Knowledge of system control languages in order to amend processing instructions
coded on the run sheet, including job name, accounting data, programmer and job
priority, and program input and execution statements.
-- Knowledge of processing specifications such as dependencies and planned halts for
individual programs.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
Procedures and priorities for scheduling production runs are established by management.
Production jobs are scheduled for daily, weekly, monthly or other recurring intervals. Test runs
and other one-time jobs are processed on an "as required" basis. The supervisor provides
information on available computer resources and hardware/ software problems that may effect
processing. The employee uses this information in planning and developing schedules to avoid
backlogs and to maximize throughput by shifting jobs between computers and scheduling to
insure that all available resources are at maximum utilization. Review of finished work is
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accomplished through system reports to compare planned versus actual runs, reasons for failures,
or incompleted schedules and to confirm that acceptable methods were applied.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-3 -- 275 Points
Guidelines include system operating written procedures, job control (()) language guides,
processing documentation, program run books and tape inventory listings. There are separate
sets of guides for each computer system for which the scheduling is performed, and variations in
program documentation depending on the system on which processed. Guides for developing
schedules are limited to general statements and samples. Organizing schedules to achieve
maximum equipment utilization is the primary responsibility of this position, requiring that the
employees select the proper guideline, exercise sound judgment and rely on experience and
precedent to apply the guidelines in proper combination to program, system and priority
characteristics and requirements. Only those problems for which guidelines are unavailable or
which exceed system limitations are referred to the supervisor or a specialist.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The incumbent must consider queue sequence in relation to dependencies; constraints in the
system on which programs are to be processed; total load balances in each system; input,
program and software compatibility; and backlog or high priority work requirements. The queue
is modified during the processing day on the basis of special requirements and processing
problems. Incumbent adapts to the variety of programs, system requirements, and problem
situations within a framework of several interrelated but different procedures and methods.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
The purpose of the work is to systematically organize jobs to be processed according to priority,
contingency or dependency on other jobs and in a manner to achieve maximum utilization of
computer resources. The work affects the timeliness of batch processing production jobs which
comprise the majority of data processing work of the agency, and the accuracy, reliability and
timeliness of ad hoc special processing.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Personal contacts are with DPC co-workers in computer operations, (()) production control and
the tape library, and with programmers and other users and functional managers.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
The purpose of the contacts is to explain or to clarify scheduling problems, obtain additional
information about program requirements, discuss schedule changes, advise on processing status
and plan schedule revisions.
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Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
The work is primarily sedentary, with some walking and standing required during coordination
with users and operators, but not to an unusual degree. The physical demands are typical of a
normal office setting and impose no unusual hardships.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is performed in an office like setting that is adequately heated, lighted and ventilated,
posing no unusual risks, discomforts or safety requirements.
GS-6 = 1100-1350
Serves as a Computer Assistant supporting a team of Computer Specialists. The team has
application program development and maintenance responsibilities. This position supports the
programming functions by performing program maintenance, documentation and coding duties
according to specific instructions.
-- Converts program routines and programs depicted in block diagrams and written
directions into program instructions and codes, using COBOL or occasionally, limited
FORTRAN coding.
-- Follows program logic, detailed flow charts and instructions for program segments of
limited scope and difficulty in modification of existing program capability.
-- Prepares limited technical documentation and performs limited problem solving on
system and program failures.
-- Prepares program tests and reviews results for specialist initiated programs. Results of
problem identification and recommended changes are reviewed by a responsible
-- Draws finished flowcharts and codes program logic and controls from system
specifications provided by analysts.
-- Collects and organizes input and arranges for time on operating schedules for test
processing in the development of test data and test procedures.
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-- As assigned by specialists conducting automation planning studies for subject matter
users performs various fact gathering, review of procedures, observation of work
operations and discussion of existing processes with subject matter specialists.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-4 -- 550 Points
-- Knowledge of COBOL coding techniques applicable to the majority of coding
-- Knowledge of FORTRAN sufficient to follow manuals and guidance from specialists
for occasional FORTRAN coding assignments.
-- Knowledge of a system control language in order to specify and properly incorporate
variable run stream command codes in program coding efforts.
-- Knowledge of operating system capabilities and limitations such as I/O devices;
memory and CPU core capacities; stored software packages; and, existing applications.
Uses this knowledge in coding and maintenance duties to measure throughout times, and
call-up, modify or suppress software applications.
-- Knowledge of data collection requirements to work directly with functional users
collecting specified data and fitting it to program maintenance requirements.
-- Knowledge of the content and flow of system development methods and techniques in
order to assist in information gathering, diagramming and flowcharting, coding, testing
and implementing programs.
-- Knowledge of program documentation requirements in order to write concise, clear
summaries to reflect purpose, content, input schedule, processing schedule, processing
variables, controls, input identification, software applications and run instructions. This is
used to document new programs and to reflect changes in existing documents.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-3 -- 275 Points
The supervisor or a responsible specialist makes assignments in terms of programming and
product objectives and possible methods or approaches to the work.
The employee independently performs the work on projects or segments by planning and
carrying out necessary steps within established limits on such things as: adapting logic, coding
and testing practices to job requests; the scope of problem solving procedures appropriate to the
assigned project; and drafting amendments to program documentation. Incumbent identifies and
discusses methods, techniques, problems with program logic and similar concerns with the
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Finished products are submitted to the supervisor/specialist for final review prior to
implementation. The work is reviewed in finished form for accuracy of logic development and
coding and for compliance with stated program and project objectives.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
Guidelines are primarily written, and are supplemented by instructions and advice from
supervisors and specialists. Written guidelines are procedural documents; statements of
organization objectives; manuals which define and specify the use and logic of COBOL,
FORTRAN and system control language coding; operating system manuals which describe
equipment functions, limitations, etc; and software descriptions which define the function of
each software package and specifics of their applications. The guidelines are normally
applicable to assigned work, but the incumbent must select specific combinations of guides to fit
the assigned job. Some adaptation of guidelines is required for minor deviations in logic or other
program related activities, such as adjustments for differing system and software capabilities.
All interpretations, adaptations or modifications of guidelines are subject to review with the
finished product.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
Incumbent works with several kinds of programming applications requiring consideration of a
variety of interrelated but separately considered factors. These range from problem definition
through program design, implementation and maintenance. Various phases and segments of
program coding, maintaining and testing functions require that the incumbent review
instructions, references and objectives to define the kinds of actions required. Objectives are
normally clear but the means to accomplish them must be determined through consideration of
customer desires, established or predesigned program logic, system constraints and general
compliance with programming unit responsibilities.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
Programming and system efforts assigned to incumbent include analysis, coding, and program
maintenance work for administrative computer applications or segments (modules) which
become portions of a comprehensive programming product. The work affects the accuracy and
timeliness of programming and maintenance projects and unit reliability in satisfying user
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Contacts are primarily with specialists and others in the immediate unit. As required for project
assignments, the incumbent has recurring contacts with functional users in the directorate.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
Contacts outside the unit are to solicit information, clarify intent and definition of requirements
and to plan the acquisition of data, advise about program options and output format to satisfy
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customer needs. Other contacts are maintained or established for the purpose of receiving or
exchanging factual information, discussing interpretations of instructions and requirements and
similar concerns.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
Occasional walking between desk locations, between the unit and the computer center and
between the unit and the offices of users, and the carrying of light objects such as paper, reports,
a few punched cards, etc., do not place unusual physical demands or stress on the employee.
Much of the time the work is performed at a desk.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is performed primarily in an office setting which is well lighted, adequately ventilated
and heated, posing no unusual risks or discomforts. Safety precautions required on the job are
those normally applicable to such an environment.
GS-6 = 1105-1350
Incumbent of this position supports several functional program customers through a remote
terminal facility providing data input, remote job entry and information retrieval and
manipulation services through an "intelligent" terminal operating over any of three
teleprocessing nets.
-- Operates terminal "on-line" to make recurring, standardized retrievals of reports and
information listings for users, applying a user oriented access and control language to
provide job definition, controls (job number, as of dates, changes in data fields from
previous reports) and print instructions.
-- Responds to ad hoc requests by working with the customer to advise on defining
information requirements, the number of retrievals necessary to provide the information
needed, desired format(s) and the amount and kind of data combination and arithmetic
manipulation required. Accesses appropriate data base after preparing a logical search
strategy and structuring the requirement(s) in computer acceptable commands and
-- Keys the system to feed retrieval data/reports to the local storage unit or printer.
Supplements these interim products with commands for the mini-processing unit in order
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to rearrange and manipulate the data according to the customer specifications, providing
for print of summary products and supporting detail.
-- Receives completed jobs through on-line printer; checks for job identification, data
content, print alignment and clarity, format, and as of date. Distributes to users through
an internal mail system.
-- Receives source data documents in both coded and uncoded form; transfers uncoded
information to code sheets; reviews all code sheets for data field accuracy (alpha,
numeric, alpha-numeric fields); adds machine related instructions and keys to tape
through a terminal. After verifying accuracy of input keys tape entries for direct
transmission to central computer or arranges for mailing.
-- Writes or briefly explains system adds, changes and deletes affecting the kind, form or
timing of data entry and products available from the system.
-- Establishes or coordinates workload priorities for data updates (input) and for products
-- Maintains logs, records, operating manuals and procedures.
-- Records all work processed and changes to operating methods and system production
-- Trains lower level employees as "back-up" operators, and conducts briefings for
functional users to explain system output options and limitations.
-- Performs maintenance such as applying tape head cleaner, changing printer tapes and
similar external care of equipment.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-4 -- 550 Points
-- Knowledge of the terms, structure, control and command strategies of a user oriented
query and control language in order to input data to the central computer system and the
local, small scale processing system; and, to structure information retrievals, initiate data
combination and manipulation requirements and provide recurring and demand
processing reports for local functional program customers.
-- Knowledge of several stored data bases and related program output options and
limitations in both the central and local computer systems in order to control and verify
accuracy of format, terms and methods of coding input for each data base; adjust queries
and report call-up requirements according to differing program capabilities; and, apply
data manipulation techniques according to the programmed abilities provided for each
functional user.
-- Knowledge of local rules and procedures controlling job priorities and controls on
customer access to data and program files in order to organize work according to
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program requirements, data base update schedules, and priority related sequence control
of output and distribution of products.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-3 -- 275 Points
The supervisor provides administrative direction over operating hours, the kind and quality of
services to be provided, general sequence and priority of the work processes and interpretation of
changes in rules controlling the kinds of support provided. A computer specialist is normally
available to provide technical interpretations and assistance related to system capabilities.
The employee performs assigned duties independently, including contact and coordination with
users to establish priorities, resolve conflicting priorities, identify the product sought and explain
systems changes. For demand processing, the employee works directly with the user to
determine the product type and contents and develops the search and/or command strategy
required for both the central and local processors to provide such products. Only such problems
as unusual equipment malfunctions, new and difficult query logic; requirements that indicate
potential to overload output devices; conflicts among users over priorities; and others of a similar
nature are referred to or discussed with the supervisor or computer specialist for resolution.
Completed work is reviewed, primarily by users, for completeness, adequacy, accuracy and
timeliness. Procedures and methods are reviewed for only brief periods after introduction of
system changes, or when an error or problem pattern occurs.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
Written guidelines are available, complete and clear, covering the (()) set-up of the terminal,
mini-computer, telephone data transmission links, and related peripheral equipment (printer, key
to tape). The query language guide is supplemented by written guides distinguishing the data
bases, query and manipulation limits for each of the subject matter data bases accessible from
this terminal position. A separate manual defines the program manipulation available through
the mini-computer, in addition to the text editing (used for input verifications) and buffer storage
capacities and uses. The guideline materials are clear and specific, although the employee
exercises judgment in adapting the use of query codes and commands to formulate and process
special purpose retrieval requests.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-2 -- 75 Points
The work consists of data input, recurring production and demand processing services through a
remote terminal connected to a central, large scale computer, a local mini-computer, printer and
cassette-tape drive. Using a query and control language the employee supports several users,
each having access to a different data base, with differing access, product definition and
manipulation options. Input control, scheduling, recurring job entry and distribution functions
are performed within established methods and procedures. Demand processing requires that the
employee determine what needs to be done and how to accomplish it within adaptations of those
same methods.
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Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
Incumbent of this position provides access to data processing services to several subject matter
units located at a site removed from the computer processing and production facilities. Data
base updates and information retrieval functions facilitate further processes and work products
by providing timely, accurate information used in analytical and decision making areas within
the agency's prime program responsibilities.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Personal contacts are with functional program specialists, managers (()) and their representatives
within the local installation. In addition the employee has frequent telephone or personal contact
with a resident computer specialist and operators or other computer support personnel in the
central computer facility, as well as technical vendor personnel responsible for equipment or
circuit problem solving.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
Contacts with operating officials, specialists, etc. are to define, plan, accept, modify or report on
planned work and work in progress. Contacts with specialists and operators are primarily for
purposes of exchanging factual, situational information relating to methods, procedures,
operating problems and like situations.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
There is nominal standing, walking between equipment stations and similar movement around
the immediate environment, in addition to periodically carrying light loads to user work stations
such as machine reports and tapes. There are periods of work requiring extensive operations of a
keyboard while seated, comparable to long periods performing typing work.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is performed in an environmentally controlled, office-like setting requiring only
normal safety precautions (open file drawers, loose cards).
GS-6 = 1105-1350
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This position is located in the Production Control and Scheduling section and includes
controlling, scheduling and monitoring of computer processing and assisting users in formulating
requests for computer services. The work is performed in a computer center operating two large
scale computer systems with a buffer minicomputer, in both batch and on-line, interactive
-- Reviews processing requests to ensure that user, program and input identification are
given, programs are designed for one of the local computer systems, control parameters
(dates, total, sub-totals) are specified, priority requirements are indicated and output
disposition is shown.
-- Accepts or rejects request and/or indicated priority based on system status, other
priority work, or need for additional information in the processing request.
-- Assists users in clearly defining their requirements and completing the processing
work order defining the product desired, sort fields, data content and output format.
-- Makes changes (add, change, remove) in run control stream and enters control deck to
the system through a card reader.
-- Reviews requirements for batch work, compares against run book and enters planned
time of execution on operating schedule, providing for core capacity, prior processing for
dependencies, throughput time and priority. Identifies tape and disk requirements,
amends control commands, and annotates operator instructions to show dependencies and
multiple use of input.
-- Resolves processing failures related to run stream controls, dependencies and data
contentions. Reviews system output report for actions leading up to the failure, compares
with run book instructions, identifies problem, corrects and authorizes re-run or re-start.
Notifies programmer in the event the failure appears to be related to program logic.
According to run instructions, authorizes use of problem by-pass or controlled dump
procedures to provide information for own and specialists problem reviews.
-- Reschedules backlogged processing or failures that cannot be corrected for re-run or
restart, adjusts priorities as required.
-- Assists time sharing and RJE terminal users in solving problems associated with terminal
malfunction or problems in following written procedures. This includes advice in the
structuring of requests and inquiries with a user oriented language; identifying possible
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technical problems in the terminal, tie-lines or the computer system; and, advising the
terminal user of where and how to acquire appropriate technical assistance.
-- Prepares and maintains amendments to product run books (i.e., set-up procedures and
product exemplars for new kinds of products). Assigns product identification codes; lists
and explains set-up procedures (including run stream variations), identifies kind and number
of input media required, core capacity, throughput time and mixed time sharing and batch
processing requirements.
-- Initiates monthly work order to create back-up tape files, makes control log entries,
forwards to GPO for photocomposing, logs returns and arranges for shipment of tapes to
storage site.
-- Compiles recurring and special statistical reports: computer utilization by user,
number, kind and volume of products; machine units and machine time used; and cost
information for customer billing purposes. Reviews operating logs, compiles system load
statistics, identifies high and low volume trends, and makes recommendations to change
procedures to better use times available in low activity periods.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-5 -- 750 Points
-- Knowledge of the flow of processing sequences for two multi-program and one buffer
mini-computer. This knowledge is used to resolve unplanned halts related to input
media, control streams and restart points. It is also used in scheduling work to allow for
core requirements, data and storage media, input dependencies and priorities.
-- Knowledge of system control language in order to recognize and adjust control deck
entries identifying input media by type and identification numbers for tapes and disks,
change report "as of" dates, identify users, assign job numbers and similar conditions.
System control language knowledge is also applied in determining the causes of and
correcting abnormal terminations.
-- Knowledge of remote operating procedures, codes and abbreviations is used to input
jobs to the system, check status, analyze problems, modify priorities and assist users
having terminal operating problems.
-- Knowledge of the variety of applications processed in the center and of the run books
associated with them in order to identify and provide for variations in products, advise
users attempting to use systems, and ensure processing of recurring production
-- Knowledge of batch and time sharing load requirements in order to schedule production
jobs, set priorities and schedule batch updates in schedules of operations. This knowledge
and knowledge of system equipment capabilities are used to establish batch processing
schedules that require use of I/O devices, core capacities of two systems and output in card,
disk and paper media. Schedules are structured within machine limitations to allow for
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required predecessor processing (dependencies) and for the separation of processing using
the same data base for different purposes (contention).
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
The supervisor provides procedural direction and defines recurring work assignments. The
incumbent performs most work independently by responding to user questions and problems,
constructing schedules and performing staging, control and error correction duties. Incumbent
can reject work that is not ready for processing and refuse user requested priorities without
reference to the supervisor. Processing failures involving program or system logic, seemingly
proper applications of user languages through a terminal that fail to produce, and similar
problems are discussed with the supervisor who must approve all exceptions to established
procedures. Staging packages and schedules for new work are reviewed by the supervisor for
technical accuracy prior to submission for processing. Recurring work products are reviewed
after processing based on user or operator comments or in periodic supervisory reviews of
products for use of established methods, procedures and techniques.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-3 -- 275 Points
Guidelines are primarily in written form: manuals for terminals, computer equipment, system
control language, user language and processing center rules and procedures; program run books,
control records, system output reports; and others that define work methods, procedures and
technical terms and uses. Virtually all work is covered by written guidelines. However, the
applications worked with vary in potential products, require individualized system controls, and
vary according to mode of processing (i.e., through production control and scheduling for
demand or batch processing, or through terminals). The employee reviews each work request
and selects the appropriate combination of instructions for each job according to the number and
kind of variables required, existing priorities and similar considerations. As a result of
processing problem reviews, work with new requirements or experience in solving unusual time
sharing problems, incumbent drafts new guidelines which are normally accepted with few
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
-- This employee performs a variety of distinct functions in support of the processing
center for production control, scheduling, solving processing problems, assisting users of
systems. The employee reviews each work requirement, decides what needs to be done,
the methods to use and provides solutions to customer processing problem based on
workload, priorities, existing capabilities, system status and the specific needs of the
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-3 -- 150 Points
-- Incumbent performs recurring and one-time duties associated with customer
processing requirements ranging from definition of the requirements through preparation,
entry, control, scheduling, resolving abnormal terminations, and output distribution
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stages of the work. Work products affect the timeliness and accuracy of processing, the
efficiency of the production control and scheduling functions, and the reliability and
accuracy of data processing products.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
-- Contacts are with specialists, operators and other computer support personnel in the
immediate unit, and with functional users elsewhere in government, academic and
business settings.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-1 -- 20 Points
-- Contacts are established or maintained for the purpose of coordinating or exchanging
factual information about the DPC and its productive capabilities and services.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
-- There is limited standing, walking and lifting of light objects and small decks of cards.
These are normal and do not constitute special physical demands in the performance of
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
-- The work is performed in an office like setting, with short periods in the computer
center. This setting poses no unusual risks or hardships on the employee and requires
only those safety precautions typical of an office environment.
GS-7 = 1355-1600
Incumbent serves as a scheduler in a computer center which maintains a 24 hour, 3 shift
operation, responsible for compiling final daily schedules and resolving scheduling related
problems. This position is located in the Production Section, Operations Branch of a data
processing center operating several computer systems, each with multi-programming capability.
-- Produces daily and weekly consolidated schedules for recurring programs, many of
which have changed since last processed either in computer time, resources, input/output
or job dependencies.
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-- Reviews daily schedules prepared by others for individual computer systems, compiles
into a daily master schedule and ensures proper distribution of processing among the
systems available.
-- Adjusts processing between systems due to known downtime for maintenance, late
occurring equipment failures, or as a means of better utilizing available capability.
-- From work with daily schedules, makes projections and notes on preliminary future
schedules, the impact of backlogs, late or missing input, system downtime and similar
information on established weekly, monthly and quarterly processing schedules.
-- Reviews actual results in comparison to planned schedules and determines causes for
differences between planned and actual processing completions.
-- Recommends changes in scheduling practices to balance production workload,
achieve greater productivity, and to reduce processing turn-around times.
-- Adds new jobs, one-time jobs and infrequently processed jobs to the daily and weekly
schedules. Studies program documentation and run controls to insure compatibility with
computer and production requirements.
-- Reviews processing criteria with computer specialists and informs specialists and the
supervisor, in addition to other scheduling personnel of methods to improve processing
accuracy and dependability from the scheduling and set-up perspective.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-4 -- 550 Points
-- Knowledge of the characteristics such as core size, speed in processing, dedicated
versus shared use, differing operating modes, and software availability of several
computer systems in order to schedule programs on those computers that can accept and
perform the prescribed processing.
-- Knowledge of the processing objectives, production techniques and pitfalls
encountered to schedule computer systems utilization in a multi-computer processing
-- Knowledge of job control language to interpret processing instructions, visualize the
steps required to process programs, retrace steps to determine the cause of failures, and
make minor modifications in the variable portions of the control stream.
-- Knowledge of programs and systems interrelationships to recognize those programs
which are not dependent on a specified system for processing and to be able to shift such
programs between systems in order to better balance overall machine utilization.
-- Knowledge of a variety of programs and applications, to construct consolidated
schedules designed to accomplish rapid throughput in several operating systems.
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-- Knowledge of control codes and equipment characteristics to analyze problems
effecting scheduling efforts, to isolate causes, to determine corrective actions and to
recommend orally and in writing corrections or new procedures to resolve the problems.
-- Knowledge of processing workload cycles in order to adjust to peak loading periods
and compensate for equipment downtime. This knowledge is also applied to analysis of
prior schedules and systems status to plan and organize processing loads consistent with
program requirements and computer resources available.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-3 -- 275 Points
The supervisor provides guidance on rules and procedures, introduces new, on-going
requirements, and provides guidance on approaches to problem solutions as requested. The
incumbent works independently, performs scheduling, problem analysis and coordination with
computer specialists. Informs the supervisor of the results of those efforts and recommends
changes in procedures or methods to improve processing by more efficient and effective
scheduling. Malfunctioning equipment, requirements overloads and similar problems that can
delay processing are reported to the supervisor with suggested solutions. Finished work is
reviewed for conformance to rules, deadlines and meeting scheduling objectives. Finished work
is also reviewed for results achieved and improvements in scheduling effectiveness.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-3 -- 275 Points
Guides for developing schedules consist of general statements and written scheduling practices
and objectives. Specific requirements, with associated criteria are derived from a master
schedule, program run books, system control language guides, computer systems descriptions
and specifications, and procedures manuals. The guides are numerous, sometimes omitting such
items as secondary system for processing, complete input media identification and similar items.
Schedule consolidation and distribution among operating systems requires the use of judgment in
selecting and matching related guides to programs and systems, and adapting them to the final
daily master schedule. The guides are applied to scheduling for several systems requiring the
employee to relate the combination of guides and programs to available equipment (which
systems are up and which are malfunctioning), core capacities already scheduled, core
availability, available run time by system and machine/program compatibility (programs can be
shifted between some systems, but are not processable on all local systems). Guidelines
applicable to problem solving are only general in nature or non-existent. The incumbent must
apply initiative and judgment in the recognition, analysis and solution of problems such as
leveling peaks in workload by distributing the processing among the machine systems,
recognizing and correcting errors in throughput times due to recent program patches, and similar
problems. The products of those efforts frequently become internal scheduling guides, or the
basis for new guidelines.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
Performance of position functions incorporates work with a wide variety of program
specifications, several sets of machine system characteristics, and the interrelationships between
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processing objectives, program/system compatibility, and efficient machine utilization. The
incumbent is responsible for work requiring frequent adjustment to changes in system status and
processing requirements that trigger redistribution of processing among several machine
systems. The work includes responsibility for studying scheduling methods and problems in
order to develop new or modified scheduling procedures or techniques.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-3 -- 150 Points
The work in this position includes the application of scheduling practices, methods and
procedures, and the development of new procedures and methods. The results of work efforts
affects the daily efficiency and timeliness of services provided to users. It further affects the
efficiency of scheduling activities of the unit and the accuracy, timeliness and acceptability of
computer processing functions and products.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-1 -- 10 Points
Contacts are with data processing personnel in the immediate and related units.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
When engaged in problem solving projects, the contacts are to discuss and plan changes in work
methods or to develop new methods to accomplish the work of the unit.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
The work is essentially sedentary, performed in an office setting requiring only ordinary physical
exertion such as occasional walking between work stations and short periods of standing.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is performed indoors, in an office setting, requiring exercise of nominal safety
precautions to avoid risks common to such settings, such as collision with open drawers, and the
GS-7 = 1355-1600
Incumbent of this position supports a team of computer specialists engaged in program analysis,
design, development, testing and implementation for both local and command applications. The
incumbent performs coding, testing, limited programming, maintaining documentation and
program data bases, and provides related support in unit programming and systems development.
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-- Receives and processes requests to write or modify small program modules that are
part of a larger system of interrelated programs that have previously been designed and
implemented. Draws basic program diagrams and flow charts, applies COBOL coding,
assembles test data, initiates testing, debugs program and submits user request with
recommended finished module to specialists.
-- Maintains a few program modules which require frequent variations in production
requirements. Performs requested program modifications, providing for variations in
recurring runs and special reports and assures accurate and timely processing.
-- Follows specialist instructions to compile, test and debug program by assembling
input, loading the compiler, reviewing output and making or suggesting corrections.
-- Prepares charts, designs and formats for records, files, input and output, sources of
input, schedules of processing, etc. Recommends such changes as different input
techniques, revised record layout, revised output format and similar changes.
-- Writes program modules for extracting, sorting, reformatting, merging, etc. of a
variety of input data and reports.
-- Reviews and modifies program control stream as required when production
requirements change or problems are encountered. Provides set-up directions to computer
operators, or writes set-up procedures for program manuals.
-- Prepares program documentation manuals for local records and distribution.
-- Reviews requests for variations in recurring runs, or special runs, makes system
control changes as appropriate, submits for processing and reviews the finished product
prior to distribution to the requester.
-- Makes control language corrections and coordinates data content or logic problems
with users and specialists to resolve invalid output.
-- Coordinates with functional users to clarify requests for variations in production
requirements or program modifications, and to obtain information needed for new
program development.
-- Prepares final system documentation including flow charts, file descriptors, report
descriptors, card and printer layout, card input/output, formats and printer output
-- Assembles all required documents for System Books, Program Folder and Job Run
Book, and passes to the appropriate unit for distribution.
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-- Maintains status and control of on-line program library, catalogs data and cross
reference listings for the activity. Verifies status and accuracy of library member names,
data set names, data set organization, record and block sizes, etc. as requested.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-5 -- 750 Points
-- Knowledge of the fundamentals of programming logic, COBOL and system coding,
and operating system input/output methods, software and existing applications. This
knowledge is used to program assigned modules, provide for a variety of input, media,
processing controls, variations in run stream controls and software utilization and
-- Knowledge of subject matter information requirements to coordinate with users and
acquire information about subject matter content, processing purposes, manual processes,
program objectives and similar information for use in module and modification
-- Knowledge of programming techniques appropriate to recognize program
modification requirements that can be designed and implemented without impact on total
system logic or processing effectiveness, and to initiate re-design (patch) of those
program segments.
-- Knowledge of records requirements for use in writing brief summaries of own
programming, processing control, documentation, library maintenance and other work
efforts to provide finished input to program records for local use and for the guidance of
other users.
Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-2 -- 125 Points
The supervisor or a responsible specialist defines work projects or the portions of projects
assigned to the incumbent and provides deadlines and direction on methods to be used. The
incumbent independently performs assigned segments of work according to prescribed methods.
Completed segments are submitted to the team leader for incorporation into a system package.
Incumbent's program maintenance and modification work is performed independently, following
standardized procedures including necessary customer coordination, coding, design and testing
functions. Problems such as requirements that appear to be different, methods or procedures that
are unclear and conflict with users are discussed with the supervisor to resolve the issues.
Deviations from established methods and procedures must be approved by the supervisor.
Finished work is reviewed by the supervisor or a specialist for compliance with existing or
planned design specifications.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
There are numerous guidelines which vary in detail and specificity to the work performed.
Guidelines cover coding in COBOL and system control language, basic programming logic and
logic options, systems manuals describing hardware and software characteristics, internal rules
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and procedures documents, and others that apply to the several phases of the work. The
incumbent exercises judgment, both in the selection and blending of guidelines for coding,
formatting, operating controls, logic interpretation and others, and may occasionally implement
minor modifications in guidelines (especially controls to use or suppress a computational
program). Work that introduces the need for new approaches to programming or other work
efforts, or that appears to deviate significantly from established practices and precedents are
discussed with the supervisor (i.e., require changes in basic program logic, introduce need for a
new data base, require linking with other programs).
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
The unit is responsible for a variety of administrative and business type programming activities
in analysis, design, implementation and maintenance efforts. Incumbent participates in the full
range of unit functions. This requires use of numerous interrelated and unrelated methods,
procedures and objectives for data collection, programming, charting, testing, and writing.
Incumbent decides what actions to take and methods appropriate to assigned program
maintenance functions. This requires analysis, problem identification and development of
solutions within general system and program capabilities.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-3 -- 150 Points
The employee performs a wide range of programming and systems support work for a variety of
subject matter applications. The work involves supporting specialists in programming, charting,
data storage, testing and implementing new and modified programs and supporting subject
matter specialists in providing tailored reports through adaptations of existing programs and
Work efforts and products affect the efficiency of processing services to subject matter users and
the adequacy and efficiency of broader operating programs and programming projects.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Incumbent has contact with specialists, operators and other computer support personnel in the
immediate and related units, frequent contact with functional program users locally, and
occasional contact with users in field locations.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
Contacts with functional users are to accept new work requirements, assemble needed data and
to review finished products. For maintenance assignments contacts are made to plan the work by
reviewing and defining such things as data requirements and sources, input schedules, data
conversion, and alternatives in sort fields, data array and summary information. Contacts with
data processing personnel are to exchange factual or procedural information about the work and
to refine customer defined specifications for assigned modules.
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Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
The work is primarily sedentary, with moderate walking between work stations and carrying
folders, reports, small decks of punched cards and similar light loads. The work does not pose
unusual physical hardships or stress.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is performed in an office type setting that is adequately heated and ventilated and
provides good lighting. Only those safety precautions typically appropriate to prevent slight risk
of injury in an office environment are required to protect the employee from possible bodily
harm or avoid possible health hazards.
GS-7 = 1355-1600
Serves as a production controller in a data processing center. Incumbent of this position is
assigned new processing requirements with responsibility to fit them into local procedures and
instruct other employees in the methods and schedules applicable for production purposes. The
center operates several computers, each in multi-programming production and time sharing
-- Studies documentation provided with new or substantially revised programs,
determines run criteria, I/O requirements and distribution patterns.
-- Determines whether new requirements can be processed within existing schedules and
procedures. If not, will define changes required such as revised dates for receipt of full
or partial input data from area offices.
-- Defines command and control requirements for each run, sequencing considerations,
need for input, precedent program processing required, and whether data required for
input can be derived from programs on a single system.
-- Determines whether several outputs, run on separate systems need to be made
compatible and merged prior to processing the new requirement.
-- Coordinates findings and recommendations with local programmers for technical
review, submits to supervisor for approval.
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-- Notifies remote offices of modified input data and format requirements.
-- Instructs others in the unit about the new requirements and methods for processing
them through the production control unit.
-- Writes procedural documents to record and explain the results of the above efforts and
amends existing procedures affected by new requirements.
-- Performs production control functions for an assigned block of recurring production
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-5 -- 750 Points
-- Knowledge of organization rules, methods and procedures applicable to production
control functions for a number of programs and variety of applications with skill to adapt
local processing capability to numerous new products, programs and program
-- Knowledge of the equipment, operating configurations, applications processed on
each and the impact of time sharing for each of several multi-programming computer
systems in order to relate new requirements to established load requirements, data base
and dependent processing considerations and variations in input schedules needed to
satisfy new and ongoing requirements.
-- Knowledge of established processing applications and the sources, kinds, formats and
schedules of input from local and remote sources.
-- Knowledge of the variety and forms of output, and established schedules versus
processing time available. Uses these knowledges to modify existing requirements,
introduce new requirements and acquire new kinds or frequency of input from field
-- Knowledge of the procedures to perform production control functions including
staging, modifying control commands, monitoring programs in progress, correcting
control related processing problems and reviewing, controlling and distributing output.
-- Knowledge of records and documentation requirements to study, resolve and write
procedures for new processing requirements. This knowledge is also used when
interpreting program documentation to determine availability of input, number and kinds
of media required (card, tape, disk) dependency on single or multiple programs, schedule
constraints and variable requirements.
-- Knowledge of methods, procedures and controls to develop or improve job set-up,
data entry and output production procedures; and, to resolve problems associated with
local and remote site processing related to set-up and entry.
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Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-3 -- 275 Points
The supervisor assigns new processing requirements, describes work goals and advises on
priorities. The employee independently applies, modifies or develops procedures for production
control work and assists remote terminal users based on precedents. Discussions with the
supervisor are to resolve problems that could cause failure to meet deadlines such as
non-availability or late input, requirements received late in the monthly processing cycle,
awaiting program patches that have not been completed, and similar concerns. Finished work is
reviewed for compliance with objectives and deadlines, and effectiveness in satisfying customer
requirements. Work methods are reviewed only if processing failures are related to production
control procedures developed by the incumbent.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-3 -- 275 Points
Guidelines consist of agency and region procedures and directives controlling the flow of work
through the center, requirements for staging on-going assignments and general requirements and
methods for processing. The incumbent interprets program documentation, run books, flow
charts and general specifications for new requirements. The work requires judgment in selecting
the most applicable guidelines for assigned projects and in developing new guidelines and
procedures. These adaptations are made for such needs as new kinds and sources of data from
area offices, input formatting, processing controls, adjustments to new or changed programs and
development of totally new assembly procedures.
Much of this work results in new written procedures for application by others in the local center
and at area locations.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
The work includes ongoing production control duties, developing procedures for new or changed
production requirements and resolving remote access operating problems. Based on existing
rules and generally within established methods the incumbent reviews new requirements,
determines what needs to be done, plans the sequence of work, conducts necessary coordination
and writes the supporting documentation. Coordination with terminal users in remote access
modes requires problem resolution based on verbal descriptions (most commonly via telephone)
of hardware and terminal malfunctions, or erroneous user procedures.
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-3 -- 150 Points
Incumbent performs problem solving duties in relation to a variety of new or changing output
requirements requiring production preparation methods, various forms of input, schedule
changes, system controls and similar additions or modifications to established procedures. Work
efforts often impose new input, data array, format and similar requirements on area offices. The
work affects the adequacy, quality and timeliness of center work efforts; the adequacy and
efficiency of remote access utilization; and the schedule and content of work efforts in
subordinate area offices.
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Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Personal contacts are with central office specialists, area and regional office specialists and
subject-matter specialists in local and area offices. Some of the local contacts are with
employees of other agencies for whom the center provides processing services.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
Local and area contacts are for the purpose of planning and implementing detailed procedures
for satisfying requirements and to resolve problems associated with production control
procedures. The purpose of contacts with central office personnel is to coordinate and clarify
processing requirements.
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-5 -- 5 Points
The work requires frequent movement between various DPC sections but imposes no special
physical demands in performance of duties.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work environment involves normal risks or discomforts common to an office setting.
GS-8 = 1605-1850
Prepares projected (up to 6 months) and daily operating schedules for two stand alone and two
interchangeable multi-programming computer systems.
-- Receives semi-annual program additions, deletions and changes from national
headquarters systems office, and monthly processing change notices for incorporation
into local processing master schedules.
-- Reviews program and product requirements to be installed and scheduled for the
upcoming processing year. Identifies existing programs that are changing and those that
are being cancelled, in order to determine the hardware and core capacities either
required or made available by those changes.
-- Identifies the flow, equipment and capacity requirements for new processing
requirements, combines those needs with capacity available and carry over requirements.
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-- Reviews history files concerning production volumes, processing times, allowances
for reruns, lost time and down time in order to relate optimal capacity to practical
availability for productive processing.
-- Incorporates the preceding with specified frequency of production requirements and
develops an operating master schedule for use over a six month period.
-- Reviews monthly system change notices, identifies change requirements and modifies
existing schedules and processing resource allocations affecting one or several
production requirements.
-- Prepares daily to weekly processing schedules for recurring and special jobs.
-- Reviews system reports and operator logs to compare scheduled processing with
accomplishments, identify processing problems and resolve those associated with control
stream, peripheral equipment assignments or data dependency/contention problems.
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-5 -- 750 Points
. – Knowledge of the discrete elements and the interrelationship of four computer
hardware configurations, including back-up interchange capability between two
multi-programming systems. This includes size, capacity, speeds, available channel
allocations and normal flow capacity for two stand alone, dedicated processing systems
and two interchangeable multi-program systems. This knowledge is applied to planning
the distribution of processing requirements for both long term (6 months or more) and
daily operating schedules and to resolve procedural, control language, and equipment
assignment and processing problems. –
. – Knowledge of program characteristics in terms of input timing and sequences,
program and intermediate job data dependencies, shared utility requirements, parallel
processing capability in several core partitions and the potential for job delay due to
-- This knowledge is used to structure the sequences and timing of processing schedules
to provide for priority considerations, avoid programs idling in the system while awaiting
required input and, to ensure use of capacity and continuous flow of job execution within
the systems.
-- Knowledge of the system job control languages in order to establish standardized job
control instructions as part of long range schedule preparation, to adjust control decks for
daily variations in products, dates, I/O controls and other variations, and to resolve
control related problems.
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Factor 2, Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-3 -- 275 Points
The supervisor assigns semi-annual and monthly change notices for long range scheduling
requirements in terms of objectives and deadlines for completion. Daily and other short term
scheduling work is performed on the basis of standing requirements. The employee
independently performs both long and short term scheduling duties. For schedule projections (1
to 6 months) the employee analyzes the requirements, reviews operating history to identify
potential problems, and plans variations in approach or methodology to accommodate the new
requirements. Modifications or deviations are made during the course of constructing the
schedule in order to accommodate known equipment changes, provide improved separation
between contending jobs, provide for unforeseen dependency requirements and similar
adjustments that fit the objectives while accommodating to local processing characteristics.
Questions concerning new equipment capabilities, unclear product specifications or similar
problems that cannot be answered by analyzing project instructions are discussed with the
supervisor or a programmer to arrive at a solution or revision to the objectives. Completed work
is evaluated on the basis of product and objective achievement when schedules are implemented
in operations. Work methods are normally reviewed only when apparently sound processing
sequences fail to produce specified output.
Factor 3, Guidelines -- Level 3-3 -- 275 Points
Written guidelines consist of system operating procedures and handbooks, scheduling criteria,
job control language instructions, local and headquarters rules and procedures that generally
apply to short term scheduling duties. Long range schedule projections are prepared within the
same general framework of guidelines and instructions. Typically, new requirements do not
specifically fit existing conditions and require judgment in selecting and modifying guidelines to
adapt the new requirements to local processing conditions. These adaptations are issued as new
standing procedures for local use and may be submitted as recommendations for application in
other related processing centers.
Factor 4, Complexity -- Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
The work consists of a variety of scheduling and control tasks involving a mix of standardized
(short term) and flexible methods and procedures in order to plan and execute the manner in
which computer programs can be processed through a variety of equipment and software systems
in order to achieve processing objectives.
For problem solving and long term scheduling work the decision about what has to be done and
the techniques to use vary, depending on the nature of processing failures, the variety of
approaches available to resolve them, and the nature and impact on new or standardized
procedures and capacities for newly developed processing jobs.
For correcting abnormal termination conditions and the planning process required for the
projected scheduling work, the action to be taken depends on the nature of the failure, or the set
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of objectives, dependencies and overall scheduling pattern generally specified in the project
Factor 5, Scope and Effect -- Level 5-3 -- 150 Points
Incumbent plans, and implements major processing requirement changes on a periodic basis,
adjusts the plan to monthly program and product changes and executes daily computer
scheduling and problem resolution functions in accordance with the long range master
processing schedule.
The results of this work affect the methods, techniques and timing of work performed in other
positions in the unit, the timeliness and accuracy of computer generated products needed in other
work areas and the accuracy and efficiency of computer capacity utilization for several
computing systems.
Factor 6, Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
Contacts are with all working and supervisory levels of employees associated with the data
processing unit, with data preparation and (()) transcription supervisors in the local organization
and with headquarters programmer and systems specialists.
Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
Contacts with programmer and systems specialists are for purposes of defining, coordinating and
resolving systems related problems that affect the ability to effectively implement schedule and
processing requirements. Other contacts involve defining and exchanging factual information
about data, schedules, methods and related concerns in order to correct deficiencies in processing
Factor 8, Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
The work is primarily sedentary although there are short periods of walking between or standing
at various work stations in the immediate and related areas. There are no unusual physical
demands in this position.
Factor 9, Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is performed in an environmentally controlled, office-like setting. Only those risks
and safety precautions common to such settings are present in this environment.
GS-8 = 1605-1850
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Incumbent works in the data processing center as a systems monitor resolving processing
problems and error conditions except those requiring programming changes.
-- Identifies and determines corrective action to be taken in case of individual job
failures not covered in the operations manual, or in circumstances when the prescribed
procedures will not produce a solution for a 4-CPU multiprocessor/ multi-programming
computer system, and a separate multi-program system used for processing smaller jobs
and as back-up.
-- Identifies job interrelationships, provides for dependencies and reorders job priorities.
-- Orders run stream dumps and determines actions to be taken to correct operational
problems that cause runs to end abnormally or necessitate general recovery of data base
-- Determines need to reconstruct data base from back-up files, rerun or restart
requirements and need to shift run sequencing in order to better align jobs or better apply
system utility programs in relation to jobs on the schedules.
-- Resolves partial system failures (hardware or software) by providing for revised
applications of system operating capabilities in a manner that allows working through or
around the problems with reduced capacity, readjusting the system when full operating
configuration is restored.
-- Ensures restoration of transactions and data bases at a proper restart point after system
initialization and recovery routines have been used to resolve error conditions and the
system has been reloaded for continuation of operations.
-- Works with applications programmers and operations personnel to identify problems
with applications, operating systems or hardware that are difficult to pinpoint. Suggests
methods for sequencing and software/hardware operating configurations to accept new
requirements and resolve processing malfunctions, including revised run stream
applications, spooling techniques and possible transfer of some jobs to other computer
-- Prepares operating schedules for a multi-processor/ multi-programming computer
system, allowing for multiple dependency processing, data and program contentions and
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-- Prepares schedule run stream according to handbook instructions, making
modification or allowances for recent occurrences (failures, program changes) requiring
new or temporary procedures. Loads schedule through the system executive program.
-- Monitors work in progress in order to detect unusual production delays, problems
caused by unforeseen contentions, need to adjust priorities in order to move small jobs
past large jobs that are awaiting completion of other processing, and to work with
operations personnel to detect and resolve common or unusual operating problems or
-- Plans, schedules and directs the transfer of program and/or data files from disk to tape
storage, maintains records of programs and data so stored, and schedules
restoration/recovery from back-up files when needed for problem solving in subsequent
Factor 1, Knowledge Required by the Position -- Level 1-6 -- 950 Points
-- Detailed knowledge of system hardware and software and how they are interconnected
in normal and variable operating conditions for executing applications programs on a 4
CPU multiprocessor and a stand alone multi-program computer.
-- Detailed knowledge of the system control language in order to plan schedules and
insert runstream instructions for scheduling work, interpret status of operations at time of
failure and to construct hardware/software/runstream links to work with operators and
specialists in defining new or revised runstream requirements (including spooling and
other shortcutting techniques) for new and revised job processes.
-- Knowledge of the codes, abbreviations and terms used in the system monitoring and
control utility program and in order to acquire, interpret and resolve problems based on
information derived from system monitoring reports and dumps.
-- Knowledge of job priority rules and scheduling procedures in order to align jobs in
schedules according to job hierarchy; and, to adjust schedules in accordance with
functional program priorities when resolving and restarting work from processing
failures. This includes knowledge of those jobs that can be deferred, transferred to other
computers or combined with other jobs.
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Computer Clerk and Assistant TS-40 February 1980
Factor 2 -- Supervisory Controls -- Level 2-3 -- 275 Points
-- The supervisor alerts the employee to processing problems carried over from the
preceding shift and passes along information about new requirements or procedures.
Most assignments are received directly from computer operators or programmers who
encounter processing problems. In addition, the employee may be alerted to actual or
potential problems through such sources as system reports and operator, programmer or
prior shift reports and log notes.
-- The employee identifies the source and nature of problems and resolves them
according to standardized or accepted procedures or analyzes problem symptoms and
devises solutions that fit the problem and compensate for lost processing. This may
include such actions as rescheduling, removing important although, non-critical jobs
from the schedule, transferring work to other computers, or reallocating equipment and
utilities to work around problem situations and give precedence to some jobs at the
expense of others. The supervisor is normally available to interpret policy and procedure
changes or to resolve conflicting customer requirements when these affect the ability to
meet scheduled production. Problems involving equipment operation or program logic
are resolved with the advice of computer operators or programmers.
-- Finished work is evaluated on the basis of results in meeting objectives and satisfying
processing requirements. Finished work and recommendations for procedural changes are
also reviewed for technical soundness in consideration toward incorporating new
problem solving techniques into general procedures and guidelines.
Factor 3 -- Guidelines -- Level 3-3 -- 275 Points
-- There are a large number of written manuals, procedural handbooks and directives
available, covering scheduling, system design and operating configurations, problem
solving procedures and techniques, and related information. There are frequent changes
in the operating, scheduling and program guides. For ongoing work and common failure
situations the guides are detailed and specific, although they do provide for some
variation to accommodate a number of processing options. For major new requirements
and to resolve processing failures that are beyond those covered in the guides, incumbent
exercises judgment in extending existing guidelines or developing new techniques and
procedures to resolve unusual problem conditions when it is necessary to apply
knowledge of data bases, hardware, internal software and programs in order to link less
than full processing capability and assure continuity of processing. In addition,
incumbent develops new or revised guidelines within established methods and schedules,
including proposals to modify programmer designed runstreams to accomplish the
Factor 4 -- Complexity -- Level 4-4 -- 225 Points
-- Much of the work involves analyzing and treating a variety of computer processing
problems that are complicated by variations in program requirements, unusual system
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failure situations, reconstructing incomplete processing and providing for continuation of
processing in problem situations where less than full system capacity might be available.
Incumbent must identify the problem, consider a number of alternatives that include
concerns for many programs scheduled for execution in multiple partitions (up to 10 in
each CPU) in a multiprocessing system (equivalent to separate computer systems
interconnected to operate virtually as a single unit), with various dependency
considerations. Approaches to problem solutions must be determined by the incumbent
based on identification of the nature and severity of the problem and the alternative
courses available to resolve it.
Factor 5 -- Scope and Effect -- Level 5-3 -- 150 Points
-- The work involves scheduling for a modern, very large capacity computer system,
devising means to schedule and execute new work, and resolving common and unusual
operating problems that occur during processing. Results of the work affect the
timeliness and accuracy of computer and functional programs and products used in a
number of agency subject matter areas (some provide additional services to other
organizations or members of the public based on data contained in computer generated
products). It also affects the acceptance and dependability of data processing services for
those product users. Work in resolving new or unusual problems and work involving
planning of revised, more efficient methods to accomplish processing affect the design
and efficiency of methods and procedures for established, revised and new applications
program processing.
Factor 6 -- Personal Contacts -- Level 6-2 -- 25 Points
-- Contacts are primarily with data processing personnel in operations and programming
in the immediate and related units. In addition, there is regular contact with product
users within the agency and with vendor representatives who maintain, adjust and repair
system hardware and internal software.
Factor 7 -- Purpose of Contacts -- Level 7-2 -- 50 Points
-- In problem resolution situations the contacts are for purposes of identifying the nature
and source of problems, identifying or coordinating approaches to resolving them, and,
instructing others on implementing the solutions and techniques so derived. Contacts
with product users and vendor representatives are for purposes of exchanging factual
information such as the status of processing, expected production time, malfunctioning
equipment systems and similar concerns.
Factor 8 -- Physical Demands -- Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
-- Although the majority of the work is sedentary, performed at a desk or similar work
station, there is some requirement to walk between work stations or stand at consoles or
printers for short periods of time in the immediate and other work areas. However,
unusual demands are not present in the position.
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Factor 9 -- Work Environment -- Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
-- The work is performed in an environmentally controlled, office like setting. Only
normal safety precautions fitting such an environment (open desk drawers, observing
normal fire regulations) apply to the setting. The work area is adequately lighted, heated
and ventilated.
GS-9 = 1855-2100
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