Office Proficiency Assessment
and Certification System
White Paper
OPAC® is a product of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
® and Office Proficiency Assessment and Certification® are registered
trademarks of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The following is a compilation of all major validation studies involving the Office Proficiency
Assessment and Certification System (OPAC). This compilation does not include instructions
for operating the OPAC System, and users should refer to either the OPAC Candidate
Manual or the OPAC Administrator Manual for such information. The validation studies
presented in this compilation date from 1989 to 2005 and certain older validity reports may
contain information that is no longer relevant as the OPAC System has been updated and
improved over time. Unless otherwise stated, all material presented in this compilation is
copyrighted © by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC was distributed by Biddle & Associates, Inc. until 2001. It is currently distributed by
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc., which was formed out of Biddle & Associates, Inc. in 2001.
Correspondence should be directed to:
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Attn: James E. Kuthy, Senior Consultant
193 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270
Folsom, CA 95630
Toll-free: 800-999-0438
Voice (916) 294-4250 · Fax (916) 294-4255
This paper was last updated in January, 2006
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Table of Contents
Office Proficiency Assessment and Certification
.................................................. 9
Certification Information ...................................................................................... 10
Standards for Certification.................................................................................... 10
Procedures for Certification................................................................................... 12
OPAC Research ................................................................................................... 12
Content Validity Study ......................................................................................... 13
Literature Review................................................................................................ 13
Competency Development.................................................................................... 13
Survey Work ...................................................................................................... 14
Data Analysis and Competency Modification ............................................................ 14
Results and Reporting.......................................................................................... 14
Content Development .......................................................................................... 15
Field Test........................................................................................................... 15
Ongoing Research ............................................................................................... 15
OPAC (Entry-Level) Content Validity Study: Areas, Competencies, and Tasks............... 15
Validation Study for Secretarial/Administrative Classifications Using Computer-
Based Testing (1991).......................................................................................... 23
Abstract............................................................................................................. 24
Method .............................................................................................................. 25
Job Analysis - Part I ............................................................................................ 26
Criterion Development and Sampling ..................................................................... 26
Job Analysis - Part II, and Testing of Incumbents on Computers ................................ 26
Results .............................................................................................................. 27
Content Validity ............................................................................................... 27
Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity................................................................... 27
Alternative Procedures Investigated .................................................................... 28
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Discussion.......................................................................................................... 29
Content and Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity for Some OPAC
Tests........... 31
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 31
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 32
Experimental Test Battery .................................................................................... 32
Identification of Sample ....................................................................................... 32
Job Performance Ratings ...................................................................................... 33
Data on the Experimental Tests............................................................................. 33
Job Analysis and Test Evaluation ........................................................................... 33
Content Validity Results ....................................................................................... 34
Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Results........................................................... 35
OPAC Tests ........................................................................................................ 35
Correlations Between OPAC Test Scales and Supervisory Ratings ............................... 36
Alternative Procedure Analysis .............................................................................. 37
Overall Conclusions Considering Validity and Adverse Impact .................................... 38
Content and Criterion-Related Validity Report for the OPAC
System (1994) ...... 39
Experimental Test Battery .................................................................................... 40
Identification of Sample ....................................................................................... 40
Job Performance Ratings ...................................................................................... 41
Data on the Experimental Tests............................................................................. 41
Job Analysis and Test Evaluation ........................................................................... 42
Content Validity Results ....................................................................................... 42
Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Results........................................................... 43
Criterion-Related Validity Correlations .................................................................... 43
Correlations Between OPAC Test Scales and Supervisory Ratings ............................... 44
Alternative Procedure Analysis .............................................................................. 46
Overall Conclusions Considering Validity and Adverse Impact .................................... 47
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Content Validity Report for OPAC
Module Four (March 1997) ............................ 48
Test Description.................................................................................................. 49
Vendor Test........................................................................................................ 49
Inventory Test.................................................................................................... 49
Invoice Test ....................................................................................................... 50
Review by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.................................................................. 50
Review by Subject-Matter Experts ......................................................................... 51
Development of Certification Levels ....................................................................... 51
Recommended Certification Levels for Three Data Entry Tests .................................. 52
Data Entry 1 – Vendor ...................................................................................... 52
Data Entry 2 – Inventory................................................................................... 52
Data Entry 3 – Invoice ...................................................................................... 52
Accuracy and Completeness.................................................................................. 53
Validation Report for the Medical and Legal Terminology Tests (August 1997) ... 54
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 55
User(s), Locations(s), and Date(s) of the Study....................................................... 55
Problem and Setting ............................................................................................ 55
Job Analysis ....................................................................................................... 57
Selection Procedure and Contents.......................................................................... 58
Relationship between the Selection Procedure and the Job ........................................ 60
Test Form A ....................................................................................................... 61
Medical Test Form B ............................................................................................ 61
Alternative procedures investigated ....................................................................... 61
Uses and applications .......................................................................................... 61
Accuracy and completeness .................................................................................. 63
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development Report for OPAC
System 5.0 Legal Keyboarding and Language Arts
Tests................................................................................................................... 64
Background........................................................................................................ 67
Early Development .............................................................................................. 67
Industry Experts ................................................................................................. 67
Test Descriptions ................................................................................................ 67
Testing Site........................................................................................................ 68
Method .............................................................................................................. 68
Participants ..................................................................................................... 68
Materials ......................................................................................................... 68
Procedure........................................................................................................ 69
Results .............................................................................................................. 69
Legal Keyboarding............................................................................................ 70
Legal Language Arts ......................................................................................... 71
Angoff Scores .................................................................................................. 71
Performance Differentiation ............................................................................... 72
Job Duty/KSA Linkage....................................................................................... 72
Discussion.......................................................................................................... 73
Development Report for OPAC
System 5.0 Medical Keyboarding and Language
Arts Tests ........................................................................................................... 74
Background........................................................................................................ 77
Early Development .............................................................................................. 77
Industry Experts ................................................................................................. 77
Test Descriptions ................................................................................................ 77
Testing Site........................................................................................................ 78
Method .............................................................................................................. 78
Participants ..................................................................................................... 78
Materials ......................................................................................................... 79
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Procedure........................................................................................................ 79
Results .............................................................................................................. 80
Medical Keyboarding ......................................................................................... 80
Medical Language Arts ...................................................................................... 81
Angoff Scores .................................................................................................. 81
Performance Differentiation ............................................................................... 82
Job Duty/KSA Linkage....................................................................................... 82
Discussion.......................................................................................................... 83
Development Report for OPAC
5.3 Legal and Medical Transcription Tests .......... 84
Background........................................................................................................ 87
Early Development .............................................................................................. 87
Industry Experts ................................................................................................. 87
Test Descriptions ................................................................................................ 87
Testing Site........................................................................................................ 88
Method .............................................................................................................. 88
Legal Participants ............................................................................................. 88
Medical Participants .......................................................................................... 89
Materials ......................................................................................................... 89
Procedure .......................................................................................................... 90
Results .............................................................................................................. 90
Legal Transcription ........................................................................................... 90
Medical Transcription ........................................................................................ 91
Angoff Scores .................................................................................................. 92
Performance Differentiation ............................................................................... 93
Job Duty/KSA Linkage....................................................................................... 93
Discussion.......................................................................................................... 94
References ......................................................................................................... 95
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development Report for OPAC
PowerPoint Test (2002) ................................... 95
Development Report for OPAC
Intermediate Excel Test (2002) ....................... 99
Development Report for OPAC
Intermediate Word Test (2003) ....................... 103
Development Report for OPAC
Basic Word Test (2005) ................................... 107
Development Report for OPAC
Basic Excel Test (2005).................................... 112
Development Report for OPAC
Contemporary Keyboarding Test (2005)........... 117
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Office Proficiency Assessment and
Certification Standards
Project and Development Team:
Susie H. VanHuss, Ph.D. Project Director
Richard J. Rovinelli, Ph.D. Project Systems Analyst
Carolyn S. Hayes, B.S., CPS Project Coordinator
L. Joyce Arntson, MBA Instructional Developer
Anne L. Matthews, Ed.D. Instructional Developer
Elizabeth W. Tweeten, Ph.D. Instructional Developer
This section originally Copyrighted © 1989, 1990
International Association of Administrative Professionals®
(Formerly Professional Secretaries International®)
10502 NW Ambassador Drive
Kansas City, MO 64195-0404
816 891-6600
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Certification Standards
Candidates who take all required modules and units of the OPAC program and meet the
standards specified in this section are offered certification by Professional Secretaries
international (PSI)--since 1942, the world's leading organization for office professionals.
Certification Information
Certification provides benefits to both candidates who earn the certification and
organizations that support candidates in their bid to earn certification. Candidates gain
prestige from certification by the recognized international association for the office
profession. Certification enhances personal satisfaction and builds self-confidence. It
provides an incentive to continue career development. In addition, candidates receive
objective information about their strengths and weaknesses that helps them to formulate
realistic plans for career growth. Organizations benefit from the increased professionalism
of its entry-level employees. Certification helps to establish a standard barometer for
competency within the industry and provides incentive for career growth.
Candidates who have taken all required modules and units of the OPAC program and who
have met the standards specified in the next section may apply for certification. The
application process consists of having the test administrator export the data from the hard
disk of the system to a blank floppy diskette. The diskette must be sent to the OPAC
Support Office, 410-C Veterans Road, Columbia, SC 29209 with a check made payable to
PSI for $30. Procedures for exporting data are provided in the OPAC System Installation
Manual. A form is provided to facilitate the certification process. The OPAC Support Office
verifies that the standards have been met and notifies PSI. The certification is then issued
by Professional Secretaries International. For additional information about certification,
write Professional Secretaries International, P.O. Box 20404, Kansas City, MO 641950404 or
call (816) 891-6600, Extension 238.
Standards for Certification
Candidates who wish to receive certification from Professional Secretaries
International must meet the standards specified in the next section of this manual.
Candidates may repeat those modules and units on which they did not meet certification
standards. The OPAC system stores and maintains the response data and results the first
time the candidate takes each unit. When units are repeated, the system maintains the
response data and the results of both the initial time and the most recent time they have
taken the examination. Therefore, once candidates have completed any units successfully,
they should repeat only those units in which their scores did not meet the standards
Module 1
The candidate must key at least 45 gross words per minute on the five-minute timed writing
with a maximum of 10 errors.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Module 1, Unit 2
The candidate must demonstrate the ability to use all of the following word-processing
bold block indent center
copy delete hard hyphen
hard page break hard return hard space
insert move spell check
printing underscore windows/orphans
Module 1, Unit 3
The candidate must select the appropriate paragraphs and merge them, and the letter must
be formatted correctly in the style indicated. The letter is checked to determine that the
proper paragraphs were selected, all appropriate parts of the letter are included, and the
positioning of the letter parts is appropriate. The standard is 1 00 percent. The document
is either correct or incorrect.
Module 1, Units 4, 5, and 6
The standard for these three combined units is 70 percent. This standard is applied to the
last half of Module 1 (Units 4, 5, and 6) rather than on a unit-by-unit basis. A candidate
who has scored an average of 70 percent of the three units will be certified.
Unit 7 of Module 1 is not required for certification.
Module 2, Unit 1
The standard for Module 2 Unit 1 is 70 percent.
Units 2 and 3 of Module 2 are not required for certification.
Module 3, Units 1, 2, 3, and 4
The standard for the entire module is 70 percent. The standard is applied to the total
module rather than on a unit-by-unit basis.
Module 4, Units 1 and 2
The standard for the composite of these two units is 70 percent. The standard is applied to
the combined score rather than on a unit-by-unit basis.
Unit 3 of Module 4 is not required for certification.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Module 5, Units 1, 2, and 3
The standard for the composite of these three units is 70 percent. The standard is applied to
the combined score rather than on a unit-by-unit basis.
Units 4, 5, and 6 of Module 5 are not required for certification.
Repetition of Modules
Candidates who do not successfully meet the standards specified on all modules on the
assessment may repeat those modules that were not successfully completed. PSI
recommends that candidates do additional preparation and/or practice before repeating the
modules. The tutorial (OPAC Special Version) should be used for practice in-taking the
assessment before repeating the actual assessment.
PSI does not limit the number of times a candidate may repeat the entire assessment or
any unit of the assessment. PSI does recommend to test administrators that candidates be
allowed to take the assessment three times. Only those modules that were not successfully
completed need to be repeated.
Procedures for Certification
Candidates who believe they have met the standards on all units required for certification
should have the test administrator extract the test results from the hard disk and export the
data to a floppy diskette. The diskette must be sent to the OPAC Technical Support Office
for verification that standards have been met. The detailed procedures and a transmittal
form for accomplishing this task are contained in the Test Administrator Manual.
The transmittal form and data diskette become the candidate's application for certification.
After the scores have been verified, the OPAC Technical Support Office forwards the
application to PSI headquarters and notifies PSI that the candidate has met all standards for
certification. PSI then issues the certification.
The standard, nonrefundable fee for processing applications, verifying results, and certifying
candidates is $30 for each candidate. The certification fee must accompany the application
for certification. The check must be made payable to Professional Secretaries International.
The candidate's name and identifying number (Social Security Number for U. S. candidates
or Canadian National Insurance Number for Canadian candidates) should appear on the
check as well as on the transmittal form.
Candidates should not apply for certification until they have met the standards on all
required modules and units. The OPAC system captures and maintains data for the initial
try and for the most recent repetition of all modules and units.
OPAC Research
Research for the OPAC program is segmented into three phases. The initial phase consisted
of a two-year content validity study sponsored by Professional Secretaries International
(PSI) that defined the domain of knowledge, skills, and abilities of entry-level office
employees and provided information concerning the positions of entry-level office
employees. The second phase consisted of developing and field testing the instruments
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
used to assess the competencies identified in the content validity study. The final phase is
an ongoing research component that will analyze all data collected during a three-to-five
year period of use of the assessment in practical settings.
Content Validity Study
The validity study was organized into five components:
1. Literature review
2. Competency development
3. Survey work
4. Data analysis and competency modification
5. Reporting
A brief review of each phase follows.
Literature Review
The purpose of the literature review was to provide a starting point for the competency
development component of the study. A comprehensive literature search provided
numerous articles and research studies written in the past five years dealing with
competencies needed by secretarial employees, word processing employees, and employees
in general office/clerical-type positions.
The major studies which identified and validated a list of specific competencies needed by
entry-level workers included DACUM (Developing A Curriculum) studies; V-TECS
(Vocational-Technical Education Consortium of States) catalogs of tasks, performance
objectives, and performance guides; and studies conducted or sponsored by state
departments of education. The remainder of the studies consisted primarily of masters
theses, doctoral dissertations, and studies by independent researchers.
The literature review produced a massive list of competencies that had been identified as
essential for office employees. This list provided the starting point for the competency
development component of the PSI study.
Competency Development
The first phase of the competency development process consisted of hiring a content expert
to develop an initial set of competencies, knowledges, skills, and abilities utilizing the list of
competencies obtained in the literature review. Duplicate competencies were eliminated
and similar competencies were combined.
The second phase of the competency development process was an iterative process of
writing, reviewing, and refining the competencies. Managers, business educators, and
secretaries who were members of the Institute for Certifying Secretaries participated in this
phase. A psychometrician was employed to facilitate the group discussion. This synergistic
process was used to help validate relevancy of each competency, ensure that the scope of
the domain of entry-level knowledges, skills, and abilities was adequately covered; ensure
that the competencies were clearly and accurately presented; and organize the
competencies into meaningful content dimensions.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The third phase of the competency development process was the review by the Institute
Task Force on Entry-Level Certification. This second group of managers, business
educators, and secretaries reviewed and refined the competencies. The Task Force was also
given oversight responsibility for the study. The resulting product of the competency
development component was a list of 49 competencies that were organized into eleven job-
content dimensions. These competencies were then used to develop surveys that were
administered to random samples of secretaries, business educators, and managers.
Survey Work
This component consisted of two surveys and a job function diary. Each survey was mailed
to a random sample of members of Professional Secretaries International, business
educators, and managers. Participants provided ratings on the importance of each of the
49 competencies as well as the frequency in which the competency would be used by an
entry-level person, and whether or not the competency represented an essential skill,
knowledge, or ability. Participants also provided both importance ratings and an estimate of
the percentage of time an entry-level person would spend in each of the eleven job
dimensions. Bio-demographic data were also collected.
To obtain more data to augment the "essential/non-essential" data for the study, a job
function diary study was conducted. The purposes of the diary study were to:
1. To determine what tasks and skills are performed by entry-level personnel during
specified work periods.
2. To determine if size of organization makes a difference in the types of tasks required of
entry-level personnel.
3. To determine if the tasks and skills identified were covered by an existing entry-level
Data Analysis and Competency Modification
A cyclical process was used to integrate this component with the survey work. Data were
analyzed and reviewed after each survey and after the job function diary study.
Competencies were modified based on the survey work.
Results and Reporting
The final report of the content Validity study was prepared and presented to the Institute
Task Force on Entry-Level Certification for approval. The report consisted of the survey
results and an approved, validated set of competencies that were later used in the
development of the entry-level examination program.
The list of competencies was comprehensive as judged by the results of two surveys, as
well as by the efforts of members of the Institute for Certifying Secretaries and the Institute
Task Force on Entry-Level Certification. Of the 49 competencies, 36 were considered
essential for the successful performance of an entry-level office employee. In addition to
the delineation of the essential competencies, the study also provided specific information
on the importance and frequency of use of these competencies.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Content Development
The content validity study defined the content domain in terms of the knowledge, skills, and
abilities required for successful performance as an entry-level office employee. A total of 36
competencies were identified as essential for successful performance.
The relevancy (importance) of each competency and the representativeness (frequency) of
each competency were identified. These data served as the basis for the examination
blueprint and specifications. For a list of the specific competencies, refer to the section of
the manual entitled, Competencies.
Field Test
Over 300 individuals representing over 30 educational institutions and organizations
participated in the field test. Field test data were used to make minor content
modifications, determine appropriate time frames for the various units, and to set the
standards for certification. Information from the technical report is available from
Professional Secretaries International.
Ongoing Research
Performance data from candidates who take the assessment will be collected and analyzed
over a three-to-five year period. The ongoing research component will be used to
determine the extent to which the assessment data meets employment testing standards
and to study the relationship between results on the assessment and job performance.
OPAC (Entry-Level) Content Validity Study: Areas,
Competencies, and Tasks
Status Codes:
A Assessed in the Office Proficiency Assessment and Certification Program.
N Competencies that were identified in the Content Validity Study as not being essential
for entry-level employees.
E Competencies that were identified as essential, but that are not assessed in the OPAC
program at this time. Exploratory work is being done for future assessment.
Company Organization and Policies
N 1.0 Is knowledgeable about the products or services of the company.
N 1.1 Is knowledgeable about the organizational structure of the company.
N 1.2 Is knowledgeable about company policies, both formal and informal.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Technology in the Office
A 2.0 Is knowledgeable about technological changes and innovations and their
impact on a business office.
A 2.1 Understands data and information processing concepts and is familiar with the
basic terminology relating to data and information processing.
A 2.2 Understands the basic concepts of telecommunications such as electronic mail,
facsimile communications, etc., and their impact on distributing information.
A 2.3 Understands the role information processing plays in an office information
system and knows terminology common to information processing.
A 2.4 Understands the role of computers in an office information system and is able
to utilize the word-processing function of computers.
N 2.5 Is familiar with different types of information equipment and systems and
understands how various software packages can extend the capacity of the
information processing equipment.
A 2.6 Is able to follow general instructions for operating information-processing
A 2.7 Understands the function of and is able to operate printers.
Human (Interpersonal) Relations
E 3.0 Realizes the importance of developing and promoting good human relations
and is aware of His/her role in relation to superiors, peers, subordinates,
clients or customers, and sales or service personnel.
a. Displays an understanding and acceptance of himself/herself.
b. Recognizes the needs and personal characteristics of others with whom
he/she works.
c. Recognizes the importance of working cooperatively and getting along with
d. Demonstrates tact in sensitive and/or difficult situations.
e. Conducts his/her office activities in an ethical manner.
f. Exhibits consideration and respect for others in the workplace.
g. Develops and maintains a positive work attitude and exhibits responsible
work behavior.
E 3.1 Recognizes that effective career planning and career advancement require that
the objectives of the individuals must be compatible with the objectives of the
E 3.2 Is able to communicate clearly with employers, fellow workers, and people
outside the company both orally and in writing.
a. Understands the communication process and its value in human and
business relations.
b. Recognizes some of the problems in maintaining effective communications.
c. Strives to improve communications by improving listening skills, using
direct simple language, utilizing feedback, and timing messages carefully.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
E 3.3 Recognizes that listening is an important phase of the communication process
and is able to use effective listening techniques.
a. Recognizes barriers to effective listening.
b. Improves listening skills through the use of listening techniques such as
respecting the speaker, withholding evaluations the speaker is saying,
watching for nonverbal communication, organizing what he/she hears, and
minimizing blocks and filters.
E 3.4 Knows and is able to use business etiquette appropriate to office situations.
a. Knows the general roles introductions.
b. Follows appropriate office procedures in treatment of executives,
client/customers, distinguished visitors, and other office callers.
Basic Office Skills
A 4.0 Demonstrates efficient and effective ways of organizing his/her time to
complete work assignments.
a. Analyzes the jobs he/she performs daily and devises a structured plan in
order to reduce or eliminate wasted time. and increase productivity.
b. Uses good judgment and careful thinking; establishes priorities for
handling the work assigned.
c. Demonstrates the ability to use timesaving procedures and devices.
A 4.1 Maintains a well-organized work station to insure a smooth flow of work.
A 4.2 Performs document-producing tasks and keyboarding functions using a variety
of information processing equipment.
A 4.3 Operates information processing equipment to record, edit, print, store, and
revise correspondence, reports, statistical data, forms, lists, and other
materials. This equipment includes automatic typewriters, text-editing
machines, transcription machines, printers, OCRs, and other equipment that
extends information processing capabilities.
a. Exhibits expert keyboarding skills essential to document-producing tasks.
b. Understands and is able to use all special features of information
processing equipment such as merge, pagination, etc.
A 4.4 Produces mailable business communications and carries out instructions from
manual or machine dictation.
a. Keyboards from both longhand and typewritten rough drafts, pre-recorded
dictation, and machine dictation.
b. Edits rough drafts and unarranged copy for proper punctuation,
paragraphing, grammar, etc.
c. Knows basic operating procedures for transcription machines and uses
proper machine transcription techniques.
d. Uses listening and decision-making skills when transcribing from machine
e. Is able to follow special instructions for dictated materials and uses
effective techniques of planning, transcribing, and distributing the work.
f. Selects proper stationery and plans the proper format for assigned tasks.
A 4.5 Utilizes basic business knowledge, skills, and vocabulary in processing work
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
A 4.6 Is able to accept responsibility and to carry out assignments with limited
guidance or supervision.
a. Grasps and follows instructions quickly.
b. Organizes materials and supplies for efficient handling and uses equipment
and resources effectively.
c. Meets expected deadlines within a regular working day (except in unusual
N 4.7 Knows company standards and procedures for processing documents.
a. Follows company procedure manuals.
b. Uses standard company formats and is able to adapt standard formats to
special situations.
c. Meets established quality standards and production deadlines.
A 4.8 Exhibits a high level of mental concentration and demonstrates the ability to
work under pressure of production requirements.
E 4.9 Is able to select and purchase appropriate stationery; typewriter, filing, and
mail supplies; desk accessories; and other office supplies.
a. Identifies and keeps a file on all sources of office supplies.
b. Prepares all requisitions, purchase orders, and/or invoices for replenishing
office supplies.
c. Develops a procedure for maintaining the proper inventory level of all
d. Maintains an orderly supply cabinet with supplies arranged conveniently for
general use.
A 4.10 Is responsible for the reproduction of all types of typewritten and printed
Is familiar with the different reprographic processes and is able to select the
appropriate process for the given situation.
Prepares materials to be photocopied and is able to operate his/her firm's
copying machines.
Prepares requisitions and instructions for materials to be reproduced.
Knows copyright guidelines and follows them in making decisions about legal
or illegal copying.
N 4.11 Assists the executive and other professionals in gathering, processing, and
verifying information needed for preparing reports, presentations, manuals,
and other publications.
a. Knows what reference sources are available and how to use those
b. Gathers data from resource documents and research materials and
organizes data into a usable form.
Language Arts Skills
A 5.0 Applies basic language arts skills in the composition and keyboarding of all
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
a. Knows correct grammar.
b. Knows how to spell words commonly used in business.
c. Knows how to punctuate correctly.
d. Knows how to use capitalization effectively.
e. Knows how to use possessives properly.
f. Knows rules-for correct number usage.
g. Knows how to use abbreviations correctly.
A 5.1 Carefully checks all documents for accuracy.
a. Proofreads letters, memos, and reports for correct grammar; punctuation;
spelling; logical, clear content; and correct and complete data.
b. Proofreads statistical copy for accuracy and adds columns of figures if a
total is given.
Mail, Telephone, and Appointments
A 6.0 Processes mail quickly and efficiently.
a. Sorts, opens, date stamps, prioritizes, and distributes mail to specified
individuals and/or departments.
b. Expedites the executive's handling of the mail by providing background
information and/or pertinent files where appropriate.
c. Keeps a mail register when required by company policy.
d. Prepares outgoing mail so that it can be processed quickly and accurately
by the Postal Service.
e. Addresses envelopes in accordance with Postal Service rules.
f. Includes all enclosures and folds and inserts letters properly in the
g. Knows the different classes of mail and the special mail services available
so that he/she can determine the appropriate class to be used on outgoing
h. Is familiar with and practices ways to reduce mailing costs.
i. Is able to handle any special problems that arise in processing mail, i.e.,
mailing currency, retrieving mail incorrectly addressed, changing
addresses, forwarding mail, etc.
j. Is familiar with international mail regulations and services.
k. Is knowledgeable about other mailing and shipping services and is able to
make decisions about other means of shipment based on cost, speed of
delivery, and convenience to shipper and receiver.
A 6.1 Has knowledge of telephone services and is able to handle telephone duties
a. Takes appropriate action in given situations, i.e., handling problem calls,
putting callers on hold, transferring calls, placing long distance calls, etc.
b. Uses appropriate techniques in placing and receiving telephone calls
promptly and efficiently.
c. Develops a good telephone personality and uses proper telephone
d. Records telephone messages completely and correctly and delivers them
A 6.2 Is responsible for scheduling appointments, maintaining office calendars, and
receiving office callers.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
a. Maintains a business-like office atmosphere and exhibits professional
behavior when receiving callers and scheduling appointments.
b. Follows the employer's preferences when scheduling appointments.
c. Records complete information regarding date, time, place, purpose, and
participant's when scheduling appointments.
d. Coordinates his/her appointment calendar with that of his/her employer.
e. Keeps a record of office callers and refers them to the proper person(s).
Written Communications
A 7.0 Composes routine business documents (letters, memos, reports, etc.) and
presents them in a clean, error-free typewritten format that is consistent with
accepted business practices and styles.
a. Knows the characteristics of an effective business letter and includes those
characteristics in composing business letters.
b. Plans the letter before composing, i.e., gathers all the facts, determines
what must be included in the letter, decides upon the order of
presentation, and develops an effective beginning and ending.
c. Identifies the different parts of a letter and knows their correct placement
within the letter.
d. Selects appropriate salutations and complimentary closes.
e. Formats documents appropriately.
f. Has knowledge of different types of business reports and is able to prepare
them according to accepted styles and formats.
g. Differentiates between formal and informal reports.
h. Knows the parts of different kinds of reports and is able to arrange them
properly within the report.
i. Knows how to construct and format charts and tables.
j. Is familiar with the commonly used business forms in his/her office and is
able to locate the information necessary to complete the forms and to fill in
that information correctly.
Records Management
A 8.0 Understands the principles of records management.
A 8.1 Is able to arrange business records in accordance with a systematic plan and
file them in such a manner that they can be located quickly.
a. Identifies basic filing methods and determines the best filing method for
the active records.
b. Knows and applies basic filing rules.
c. Prepares records for filing by indexing, coding, sorting, and (if necessary)
d. Prepares folders and labels-for records to be filed.
e. Maintains the confidentiality of records under his/her responsibility.
f. Determines the effectiveness of existing filing systems and makes
recommendations for reorganization where applicable.
g. Is familiar with filing supplies and equipment and makes recommendations
or provides for the acquisition of such.
A 8.2 Assists users in the retrieval and use of records.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
a. Develops chargeout and follow-up procedures.
b. Retrieves records from inactive files when requested.
A 8.3 Is familiar with automated filing systems that utilize information processing
and computer technology.
a. Understands the linkage of computer and microfilm as a quick and efficient
means of storing and retrieving records.
b. Is familiar with Computer Output Microfilm (COM) and Computer Assisted
N 8.4 Understands and follows records retention schedules.
a. Processes records to be transferred from active to inactive files.
b. Processes records for destruction.
N 8.5 Organizes and maintains a filing system for stored and recorded data.
a. Knows the types of storage media and how jobs are assigned and
identified on the storage media.
b. Copies file for backup.
c. Retrieves text and data from stored files either for reprocessing or
continued processing.
d. Files and stores magnetic media according to established procedures.
Financial Records
N 9.0 Retrieves information from financial reports.
A 9.1 Performs simple accounting tasks and keeps some permanent records.
a. Establishes and maintains a petty cash fund.
b. Keyboards financial statements such as balance sheets and income
c. Maintains basic financial records.
A 9.2 Performs banking activities.
a. Makes deposits, writes and records checks, endorses checks' and
reconciles bank statements.
b. Understands electronic fund transfer, direct deposit or payment telephone
transfer, etc.
A 9.3 Operates office machines that are widely used in computing and producing
financial records.
a. Performs basic math functions on an electronic calculator or other similar
b. Utilizes office machines to solve business math problems encountered in
financial-related tasks.
N 10.0 Makes business travel arrangements according to company policies and
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
a. Knows executive preferences with regard to transportation and
b. Sets up a trip file to accumulate all the information and materials relating
to a particular trip.
c. Makes hotel/motel and transportation reservations, processes requests for
use of company auto or plane, and makes arrangements for travel funds.
d. Prepares a complete itinerary.
e. Notifies associates of the executive's plans to be away from the office and
attends to the cancellation and/or rescheduling of meetings scheduled
during the executive's absence.
f. Collects and organizes materials that are necessary for the successful
completion of the trip.
N 10.1 Assumes responsibility for routine office activities during the executive's
a. Handles daily communications and activities within the scope of his/her
authority and refers exceptions to appropriate personnel.
b. Forwards mail if necessary and maintains a file or files of mail and other
communications and information that will be held for action until the
executive returns.
c. Follows proper procedures for handling the executive's mail during his/her
N 10.2 Is responsible for compiling and preparing expense reports.
a. Collects the receipts and information necessary for completing an expense
b. Verifies amounts, dates, and places, and enters the information in the
proper form.
N 11.0 Assists in the planning, organizing, and implementing of business meetings.
a. Assists in site selection and reserving meeting rooms.
b. Notifies participants of date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting.
c. Prepares and distributes the meeting agenda.
d. Reserves the equipment needed to conduct the meeting and prepares and
assembles materials to be used during the meeting.
e. Performs any follow-up activities required after the meeting.
A 11.1 Records, transcribes, and distributes the minutes of the meeting.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Validation Study for
Secretarial/Administrative Classifications
Using Computer-Based Testing (1991)
Janet M. Burns
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory is a United States Department of Energy (DOE)
national laboratory, managed by the University of California.
Paper presented at the International Personnel Management Association Assessment Council Fifteenth
Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois. June 1991.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
This paper presents the results of a content and concurrent criterion-related validity study
conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory for clerical, secretarial and administrative
classifications using computer-based testing. The advantages and disadvantages of
different types of testing software incorporated in the study are explored. Job analysis
methodology, procedure for establishing cut-off scores and comparative adverse impact and
validity are analyzed.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a content and concurrent criterion-
related validation study conducted on the administrative and secretarial classifications at
Los Alamos National Laboratory. The Laboratory retained Biddle & Associates/Biddle
Consulting Group Inc. to assist in the design, methodology, form development, analysis and
preparation of the initial compliance report. The objective of the study is to replace the
Lab's traditional typing test administered on IBM Selectric typewriters with a computer-
scored testing environment, including a word processing assessment, for the selection of
secretarial and administrative classifications. Phase II of the study will expand the office
skills assessed to include spreadsheets and data entry.
Los Alamos National Laboratory has administered a traditional typing test to applicants for
secretarial, clerical and administrative positions for over two decades. Test scores are only
one of the criteria considered in the selection process. As in many organizations, the
technology being applied on the job today is far more advanced and thus has outdated the
traditional types of tests used to select secretarial personnel. As this gap continues to
diverge, the current test fails to provide the necessary information required to make sound
selection decisions. Applicants and hiring managers have requested more state-of-the-art
procedures. Our goal is to select and implement a system, which more accurately assesses
a broader range of skills including word processing, and provides more in depth information
about those skills than just speed and accuracy on a typewriter.
The Lab's administrative population is close to 1200 individuals across 24 job titles. The
Lab's total population is approximately 7400. Between 70 and 130 candidates test each
month with a significant number of selections made annually for these titles. Historically,
applicants have had to pass the typing test at one of two different speeds depending on the
requirements of the position in order to progress to the next phase of the selection process.
The cutoff score is 55 words per minute and 5 errors for the secretarial test, and 25 words
per minute and 5 errors for the clerical test. Early investigation of these job titles and job
content indicated that the required office skills varied within and between classifications.
This situation becomes even more complex when incumbents use multiple software
packages and an organizational standard for word processing software does not exist.
These and other factors to be discussed strongly influenced the design of this study. The
following sections will explain how we dealt with the uniqueness of this study and the
results which followed.
This study was conducted following Section 15C of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee
Selection Procedures (1978). The primary methodology is content validity. Criterion-
related validity was included to augment the study and answer some additional questions.
Multiple classifications, multiple kinds of word processing software, variety of required office
skills within and between classifications, and the need for a computer-based testing and
scoring system greatly influenced our approach.
Identification of Tests and Test Publishers
Four test publishers were identified for inclusion in the study based on the types of
computer scored tests available, the range of skills which could be assessed, existing
validation research, cost, and whether specialized word processing software tests (i.e.
WordPerfect, MultiMate, etc.) were available. We were also interested in "generic" clerical
tests for individuals without word processing experience and for positions which might
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
require assessing office skills other than word processing such as editing, grammar or
, Tap Dance
, QWIZ Inc.
, Office Proficiency and Assessment
(hereinafter called OPAC
) submitted tests for the study. A total of 12 tests
were selected for this phase and are listed in Appendix A according to the type of test along
with a short descriptive footnote of each test. Appendix B lists a total of 41 test scales
being measured by the 12 tests. The number of tests, test scales and different word
processing software packages complicated the analysis significantly.
Job Analysis - Part I
A survey was sent to incumbents of each of the 24 clerical, secretarial and administrative
classifications for which the current typing test was being used to see if a word processor
was being used, and if so, on what equipment and which software package. 749 of the 1139
incumbents responded to this first survey. WordPerfect, Microsoft Word for the IBM,
Microsoft Word for the Macintosh and MultiMate were identified as the software packages
used most frequently. The number of users for WordPerfect and Microsoft Word for the
Macintosh were 249 and 259 respectively. Only 43 of the 1139 incumbents indicated they
were not using word processing on the job and thus were not included in the study. The fact
that 96% of the Lab's population is using word processing confirmed the need for a
replacement to the current test which is not measuring this skill.
Criterion Development and Sampling
Supervisors of the 749 job incumbents who responded to the first survey were invited to a
supervisory workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to identify the skills and levels of
skills used in the effected classifications. The form used to gather the data on skill ratings is
in Appendix C. The rating scales were developed based on what can be measured by the
selected tests. Using a scale from 1-5 supervisor's were asked to rate the employee's
speed, accuracy, and (where requested) levels of skill for the nine office skills listed. A
description of each skill and definitions for each rating scale were provided. Supervisors
were instructed to provide ratings only for the skills for which they had first-hand
knowledge. As mentioned earlier, the rating form includes skills such as spreadsheet,
database management and data entry, which will be part of Phase II.
Over 100 supervisors participated in the criterion workshops resulting in ratings for 292
unique individuals. 259 incumbents received single ratings while 33 received more than one
rating. The multiple ratings were averaged for the analysis.
Job Analysis - Part II, and Testing of Incumbents on
Incumbents who received ratings by their supervisors were invited to take the tests
included in the experimental test battery. Participation was voluntary. At the time the
incumbents took the tests, they were asked to complete a form that gathered job analysis
and test evaluation information. Incumbents were asked several questions as subject
matter experts: is some level of the skill being measured needed, identify a duty for which
MANPOWER Inc., is a registered trademark of MANPOWER Inc.
Tap Dance is a trademark of International Testing Services Inc.
QWIZ Inc., is a registered trademark of QWIZ Inc.
OPAC is a registered trademark of Professional Secretaries International.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
the skill is required, is the skill distinguishing, is the test a representative sample of the skill
used on the job, did the test require more skill from the test taker than is required on the
job, can the skill be learned in less than 8 hours, does the test resemble one or more job
duties, and does the product of the test resemble a work product. After taking the tests
subject matter experts were then asked to estimate what a minimally qualified applicant's
score should be on each test scale. Using a 1-5 importance rating scale incumbents were
also asked to rate the job duty. A questionnaire was completed for every test administered.
This information was captured in several databases. Every question and each test scale
were analyzed for the content validity report.
While 113 incumbents participated in the testing, they were only asked to take tests that
they linked to one or more job duties. Others did not complete the entire test battery for
various reasons. Therefore, the sample sizes for each test are not equal.
Tests were administered on five IBM PC's and one Macintosh SE over a seven-week period.
The length of time to complete all 12 tests ranged from 5 to 9 hours depending on the
A survey was also conducted of nine local high schools and community colleges to verify
that students were being taught with word processors rather than typewriters. Every school
surveyed is using word processors except for the one private school in the sample.
WordPerfect was the most prevalent software being used.
Content Validity
Evidence demonstrating that each test scale is a representative sample of a duty performed
on the job was established through the content validity questionnaire. A minimum of 50%
of the incumbents was set as a minimum standard of acceptance. This means that 50% of
the incumbents had to agree on each of the content validity questions described in the
methodology. A standard of 70% was set as the preferred standard. Each test scale easily
passed all the minimum standards except for Manpower's multiple choice word processing
test for WordPerfect users. Incumbent responses indicated that this test requires more skill
than is needed on their particular jobs.
Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity
Hypotheses and the anticipated direction were determined for each test scale to each
relevant rating scale. A one-tail .05 level of statistical significance was applied with the
specified direction. Pearson Product-Moment Correlations were calculated for each of the
hypothesized relationships. Two of the test publishers had test scales that were correlated
significantly at the 5% level of chance with speed ratings from the supervisors: OPAC and
Tap Dance. Both of their 5-Minute Tests demonstrated statistical significance with speed
performance ratings and Tap Dance's Word processing Test also showed statistical
significance to the speed ratings.
Ratings of accuracy of work performed were correlated significantly with scales from three
of the test publishers: Manpower's Ultraskill, OPAC's Language Arts, and Tap Dance's
Editing and Word processing tests.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Level 1 word processing skill as evaluated by supervisors was correlated significantly with
tests from all four test publishers. Level 2 ratings were correlated significantly with tests
from three test publishers: Manpower, OPAC and QWIZ.
When the data is analyzed separately by software, sample sizes decrease and statistical
significance is not achieved for all software specific correlations. The 5-minute typing tests
from OPAC, Tap Dance and the Lab all correlated significantly with speed, while none of the
5-minute tests correlated with accuracy. QWIZ did not predict speed or accuracy though
the sample sizes were smaller. Manpower does not measure speed with a 5 minute timed
typing test.
Alternative Procedures Investigated
Each of the test scales showing statistical significance with supervisory ratings was analyzed
through the Biddle Consulting Group Statistical Cutoff Program. The program calculates
statistical significance between groups for each score and calculates practical significance as
well. According to Section 4D of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
(1978) both statistical and practical significance must be shown in order for adverse impact
to exist.
Cochran's correction to the chi-square was used for statistical significance at the .05 level of
probability. Practical significance exists if it took more than adding two people to the
disadvantaged group to change the statistical significance finding, more than 3 people
added to the disadvantaged group to change the 80% Rule of Thumb test, and more than
four people to bring the passing rates of the two groups to within 2.1% of each other.
Using these rules, adverse impact was found for one or more scores in the samples for
Manpower's spelling scale, and OPAC's words per minute and keystrokes scale. For each of
these test scales there were several scores without adverse impact. However, because the
incumbents taking these tests had already passed the Los Alamos Typing Test, these results
need to be reanalyzed with unrestricted data from applicants in general.
When evaluating test publishers on the basis of statistical validity, content validity and
adverse impact against the accuracy rating scale, OPAC and Tap Dance tests produce
validity without adverse impact - The Manpower Ultraskill spelling scale does produce
adverse impact with validity, while the other scales produce validity without adverse impact.
No QWIZ test scale produced statistical validity with the accuracy ratings. When evaluating
test publishers on the basis of statistical validity, content validity and adverse impact
against the speed rating scale, the OPAC 5-Minute Test produced adverse impact and
validity. The Tap Dance 5-Minute Test and Word processing tests produced validity without
adverse impact.
When evaluating test publishers on the basis of statistical validity, content validity and
adverse impact against the word processing level 1 rating, all test publishers produced
validity without adverse impact.
When evaluating test publishers on the basis of statistical validity, content validity and
adverse impact against the word processing level 2 rating, all four test publishers produced
validity without adverse impact. However, the statistical validity for Tap Dance's Word
processing Test was found for only the Microsoft sample.
Tests to test correlations were also performed for samples greater than or equal to ten. A
procedure similar to identifying the test to ratings relationships was applied. Each test had
many scales. Only those scales that we hypothesized to have the most obvious
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
relationships were selected for the analysis. it is possible that correlations could exist
between scales that were not analyzed.
An overwhelming amount of data has been collected and analyzed in this study. This
discussion will focus on three important areas that emerged from the analysis: content
validity design, equal validities and adverse impact, and the intercorrelations.
The content validity approach used in this study allowed us to validate a number of different
tests across numerous secretarial and administrative job classifications where incumbents
within a classification are using word processing at different levels. This was a non-
traditional approach to job analysis that addresses Section 14C of the Uniform Guidelines on
Employee Selection Procedures (1978). The responses to the questionnaires showed
outstanding support for almost all of the tests with cutoff scores established at the point
which 70% of the incumbents agreed on that score or a more stringent score. Regardless
of the test the Lab selects, as job openings occur, hiring managers will have to identify
whether or not word processing is a requirement for that position within a classification. By
focusing on the common skills the testing function will be more responsive to changing and
varied job requirements at the Lab. Job content will drive the process rather than strictly
job title.
This study presented a unique illustration of Section 3B, Suitable Alternatives, of the
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978). When alternative selection
procedures (i. e. different tests or test scales) or alternate uses of a selection test (i.e.
different weights within a job-related range or alternate cutoff's) are substantially equally
valid for a given purpose, the one with less adverse impact should be used. The OPAC and
Tap Dance 5 Minute Timed Typing Tests each produced statistically significant validities with
speed ratings, r
= .28, n = 62 and r = .31, n = 57, with and without adverse impact,
respectively. The correlation between the two tests was r
= .88, n = 55. The validity
coefficients are not significantly different. The Tap Dance Word Processing test also
predicted speed, r
= .43, n = 49, without adverse impact. The OPAC 5-Minute Timed
Typing Test and Tap Dance Word Processing Test validity coefficients are not significantly
different. The intercorrelation of .47, n
= 45 is significant.
The Manpower Ultraskill spelling scale and Tap Dance Editing error scale evaluated against
accuracy also produced substantially equal validities, r
= .34, n = 72 and r =. 49, n = 53,
with and without adverse impact, respectively. The correlation between the two tests was
significant, r
= .36, n = 47.
When the Manpower Ultraskill spelling scale and OPAC Language Arts spelling scale are
evaluated against the accuracy rating scale, both tests produced substantially equal
validities, r
= .34, n = 72 and r = .44, n = 39, respectively. Only the Manpower spelling
test produced adverse impact. Though both are spelling test scales the intercorrelation of
.19 was not significant. It appears each test is measuring different parts of the accuracy
Correlations between the tests are interesting, however the sample sizes restrict any
definitive conclusions. Analyzing the data separately for each specific software unavoidably
reduced the sample sizes. Although a major effort was made to have every incumbent take
every test this was not always possible. Of the correlations analyzed OPAC has a moderate
relationship with Tap Dance and the Manpower RAP written test, and none with the
Manpower Ultraskill test. Tap Dance appears to be measuring some of the same skills as
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC and the Manpower tests, though the relationship with the written test is stronger. It
is the written knowledge test of Manpower that seems to be similar to the other word
processing tests. Since the Manpower Ultraskill test is not a "pure" word processing test,
and is considered an assessment of clerical skills on a word processor, it is not surprising
that minimal or no relationships exist with the other tests. It is not intended to measure
"word processing", but is administered on the specific word processing package with which
a person must be familiar. There is some relationship however between the two Manpower
tests. QWIZ has a very low relationship to OPAC and no relationship with either Manpower
The Los Alamos, Tap Dance and OPAC 5-Minute Typing tests predicted ratings of speed but
not accuracy. Only Tap Dance measured speed without adverse impact. As hypothesized
the 5-Minute Typing Tests show strong intercorrelations with larger samples. All three test
publishers and the Los Alamos typing test appear to be measuring a very similar skill. The
Los Alamos typing test was very highly correlated to each of the computer-based 5-minute
typing tests. Direct restriction of range is present with the Lab's current typing test as well
as indirect restriction of range to the extent the others are correlated. When correcting for
restriction of range the validity coefficient increases from
= .3047 to r = .395.
This data is only applicable to the samples used at Los Alamos National Laboratory. All
tests included in the study offer their own unique advantages that must be considered along
with the statistical results and other practical concerns for each organization. Manpower is
the only test publisher with a test for the Macintosh. This is an important issue for the Lab
since the number of Mac users is increasing daily. Several criteria will be applied to each of
the tests before a decision is made. A predictive study is planned as a follow-up.
Note: No reference to this study should imply an endorsement or criticism of the test
publishers or their tests.
The author gratefully acknowledges Charlotte Garcia, the Laboratory's Test Administrator
for her outstanding work and contribution to this project.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Content and Concurrent Criterion-Related
Validity for Some OPAC
Richard E. Biddle
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
A study was conducted at an employer with more than 5000 employees to examine the validity
of several OPAC (Office Proficiency Assessment and Certification) tests. The OPAC tests
were originally developed and content validated by Professional Secretaries International.
The OPAC tests are computer administered and computer scored.
The employer involved in the study was searching for a word-processing test that could be
administered and scored in as independent a test environment as was feasible to replace its
traditional 5 minute timed typing test. The traditional typing test measured speed and
accuracy using IBM selectric typewriters and required extensive test administrator supervision.
The employer wanted a test that could measure an applicant's skill at creating, formatting,
proofing, and editing documents, while also measuring word-processing skill using a word-
processing type program. An applicant's speed and accuracy were also important factors for
the test to measure. Also, the employer wanted to minimize the test administrator's time.
More than 20 classifications needed a selection testing procedure that measured keyboarding
speed and accuracy as well as some level of word-processing skill.
To add to the problem, many different types of word-processing software were being used.
The new selection procedure needed to test applicants using different word processing
Experimental Test Battery
OPAC tests of Language Arts 1, Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft, and Keyboarding were
used as part of an experimental test battery.
The OPAC Language Arts 1 test evaluated in the study was used to measure skills in proofing a
document to identify errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, possessiveness,
number usage, and abbreviations.
The OPAC Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft test was used to measure skills in operating
features and functions of a specific word-processing program.
The OPAC Keyboarding test was used to measure an individual's speed and accuracy of typing
text on a keyboard.
Identification of Sample
Incumbents of 24 secretarial, clerical, and administrative classifications were sent a survey.
The survey asked about the use of word-processing equipment and software. Of the 1139
incumbents who were sent surveys, 65.8% responded (749). The responses showed that
WordPerfect, Microsoft Word for the IBM and Macintosh, and MultiMate were the word-
processing software most frequently used. Of the 749 incumbents who responded, 94.3%
(706) indicated that they were using some form of word-processing on the job. About half
(378) used more than one wordprocessor, including text editors or desktop publishing. The
5.7% (43) who used no word-processing on the job were not included further with the study.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Job Performance Ratings
A series of workshops were conducted for those who supervised the survey respondents to
obtain ratings of job performance. Supervisors evaluated job performance on a rating scale
that ranged from 1-5. The rating scales covered speed and accuracy for nine office skills. The
scales also incorporated levels of skill in three areas (when a rating scale was relevant to the
job). The nine office skills were: (1) text from hard copy, (2) text from machine dictation, (3)
charts/tables/statistics from hard copy, (4) spreadsheet skill, (5) database management skill,
(6) data entry skill: numeric, (7) data entry skill: alpha-numeric, (8) ten-key skill, and (9)
shorthand/speed writing and transcription skill.
Skills (1) text from hard copy, (2) text from machine dictation, and (3) charts/tables/statistics
from hard copy were grouped for a word-processing level of skill rating. Level I included
setting tabs, margins, and justification to format documents; using common function keys,
such as bold, underline, and center; making simple edits by using delete and insert keys;
typing information on pre-printed forms; and naming, saving, printing, and retrieving
documents. Level II included setting up, editing, copying, and moving columns; using headers
and footers; creating templates and boilerplate formats; creating forms; merging form letters
and forms with variable data; creating and printing labels; using DOS commands; using
various sizes and styles of lettering; and archiving. Level III included creating and using
macros; using graphics; converting documents to ASCII; using math functions; creating a
dictionary for the system; and linking spreadsheets or database system information with word-
processing documents.
Definitions were provided to the supervisors for each of the skills and scales. Further,
supervisors were instructed to only provide input where they had first-hand knowledge.
More than 100 supervisors gave ratings for 292 incumbents during the workshops. Of the 292
incumbents who received ratings, 33 received multiple ratings or ratings from more than one
supervisor. For analysis purposes, the multiple ratings were averaged.
Data on the Experimental Tests
The 292 incumbents who received ratings by their supervisors were invited to participate in
parts of the experimental test battery. Since supervisors only rated incumbents on skills that
were relevant in their situation, and when they had first-hand knowledge of the work
behaviors, not all of the 292 incumbents received ratings on all of the skills. Since
involvement in the study was voluntary, not all of the 292 incumbents who had received
ratings took all of the experimental tests. Testing was conducted over a seven-week period
using six PC's. Of the 292 incumbents with ratings, 110 actually took one or more of the tests
in the experimental test battery. Of the 110 incumbents taking the tests, 75 took the OPAC
Keyboarding Test, 68 took the OPAC Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft Test, and 50 took
the OPAC Language Arts 1 Test. A variety of conditions dictated which tests were
administered to each incumbent, including the duties the incumbent performed, amount of
time the incumbent could spend taking the experimental tests, software and hardware the
incumbent used on the job, software and hardware available for testing at the time, sample
already obtained in the study, etc. Because of these conditions, the samples varied from test
to test.
Job Analysis and Test Evaluation
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Some of the incumbents who took the experimental tests also evaluated the tests and
provided data as subject matter experts (SME's). After taking an experimental test, the
incumbent was asked to answer (as a subject matter expert) a content validity survey form for
that test. If the subject matter expert stated that some level of the skill, which the test
measured, was a necessary prerequisite for successful performance of a critical or important
job duty, then several other questions were asked. These additional questions asked for a
description of the critical or important duties which required use of the skill, then asked for
ratings of the degree of importance of that skill. Additional questions subject matter experts
answered dealt with the level of the skill which resulted in better performance, if the test was a
representative sample of the skill, if the test required more skill from the test taker than was
required on the job, if the skill could be learned in a brief orientation, and if the work product
of the test closely resembled a work product produced on the job. To obtain information for a
job-related cutoff, subject matter experts were given their score and then asked to provide
their opinion of the minimum score necessary to pass minimally qualified applicants (following
some of the basics of the Angoff model). (See Angoff 1971.)
Content Validity Results
If a test product results in adverse impact against a protected group (i.e., one sex, race, or
ethnic origin group scores disproportionately lower than another group on the test), the
Uniform Guidelines specifically allow content validity as a method of showing business
necessity for the test. (See Uniform Guidelines Sections II, 5A, and 14C.) According to the
Uniform Guidelines, content validity is:
Demonstrated by data showing that the content of a selection procedure is
representative of important aspects of performance on the job. (See Uniform
Guidelines Section 16D.)
In Contreras v. City of Los Angeles
, five of seven subject matter experts had to agree on
decisions dealing with job relatedness. This standard was accepted by the Court. (See
Contreras 1981). In U.S. v. South Carolina
, 50% of the subject matter experts had to agree
for test items to be judged job-related. This standard was accepted by the Court. (See South
Carolina 1978.) Therefore, in this study, a minimum standard was set for the content validity
of a test when 50% of the incumbents agreed on all the questions in the content validity
survey. The preferred standard was set at 70%.
Each test passed all the minimum content validity standards. Therefore, each of the three
tests was content valid. In addition, with the exception of word-processing being learned in a
brief orientation, every test passed the preferred
standards for content validity, as can be
seen, in the chart below:
Percent of SME's Who Say: Keyboarding Word Processing Language Arts I Total
WPM Total
Some level of skill needed 100 100 100 100
Skill is distinguishing 73 70 81 92
Test is representative sample 77 80 88 90
Test does not require more than
97 97 91 80
Skill cannot be learned in 8
76 76 62 86
Test resembles job duty 89 91 99 94
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Test resembles work product 85 88 94 90
The following cutoffs were agreed to by at least 70% of the subject matter experts:
Keyboarding Test Error Count Scale 5.0
Keyboarding Test Speed Words Per Minute Scale 55.0
Keyboarding Test Gross Key Strokes Scale 1443.0
Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft Test
Total Score Scale 13.0
Language Arts 1 Test Capitalization Scale .6
Language Arts 1 Test Possessives Scale .5
Language Arts 1 Test Number Usage Scale .5
Language Arts 1 Test Abbreviations Scale .5
Language Arts 1 Test Punctuation Scale .5
Language Arts 1 Test Spelling Scale .5
Language Arts 1 Test Grammar Scale .7
Language Arts 1 Test Total Score Scale 50.0
Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Results
If a test results in adverse impact against a protected group, the Uniform Guidelines
specifically allow concurrent criterion-related validity as a method of showing business
necessity for the test. (See Uniform Guidelines Sections II, 5A, and 14B(4).) According to the
Uniform Guidelines, criterion-related validity is defined as follows:
Demonstrated by empirical data showing that the selection procedure is predictive of
or significantly correlated with important elements of work behavior. (See
Guidelines Section 16F.)
criterion-related validity usually uses current employees as the sample, obtaining
test scores and criteria data (e.g., supervisory ratings) during relatively the same time period.
criterion-related validity often uses applicants as the sample, obtaining test scores
during one period of time, then waiting to gather criteria data later. This study used
criterion-related validity.
Directional hypotheses were set for each scale of the experimental tests. Statistical
significance was set at the one-tailed .05 level, specifying the direction of the relationship.
Correlations were calculated only for each of the hypothesized relationships using the Pearson
Product Moment formula. Restriction in range was a concern, as all the incumbents had
passed the employer's 5 minute timed test in order to obtain their jobs initially. It was
suspected that many of the tests in the experimental test battery would correlate with the
local 5 minute timed test. However, because the Equal Employment Opportunity field has not
established a clear rule allowing for correcting correlations not quite significant into
significance, no corrections were made for any possible indirect restriction in range. All
correlations presented are uncorrected.
OPAC Tests
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Below are the correlations calculated between the OPAC tests and supervisory ratings of job
performance hypothesized as having a possible relationship. Correlations are index numbers
which show the degree of relationship between the test score and supervisory ratings.
Correlations range from 1.0, showing a perfect relationship, to 0.0, showing absolutely no
relationship. A -1.0 means a perfect inverse relationship - as one score goes up, the other
score goes down. Correlations shown below with the asterisk (*) are statistically significant
correlations. This means that the degree of relationship is so strong that the relationship is
unlikely to be due to chance and chance alone except maybe 5% of the time or less.
Statistically significant correlations were found between the OPAC tests and the Accuracy
Rating, Speed Rating, ratings of Level I of Word-processing Skill, and ratings of Level II Word-
processing Skill. Very few ratings were obtained on Level III ratings of Word-processing Skill.
Each of the Language Arts Test scales statistically significantly correlated with the Accuracy
Rating independently, except for the Possessives Scale. The Possessives Scale was close to
statistical significance (.259 obtained and .268 needed). The N shown below refers to the
number of incumbents who took the tests and
had supervisory ratings used in the correlation
Correlations Between OPAC Test Scales and Supervisory
Language Arts 1.1 Test Supervisory Performance Ratings
Publisher Test Test Scale Accuracy
Speed Level I Level II
OPAC Language Arts Abbreviations .29
OPAC Language Arts Capitalization .40
OPAC Language Arts Grammar .42
OPAC Language Arts Number Usage .38
OPAC Language Arts Percent Score .55
OPAC Language Arts Possessives .26
OPAC Language Arts Punctuation .44
OPAC Language Arts Spelling .44
OPAC Language Arts Total .55
Editing/Formatting from a Rough Draft Supervisory Performance Ratings
Publisher Test Test Scale Accuracy
Speed Level I
Level II
% Score .25 .25
Keyboarding Supervisory Performance Ratings
Publisher Test Test Scale Accuracy
Speed Level I Level II
OPAC 5 Min Typing Incorrect -.12
OPAC 5 Min Typing Strokes .28
OPAC 5 Min Typing WPM .28
N = 39.
N = 66.
N = 54.
N = 62.
N = 59.
N = 62.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Alternative Procedure Analysis
The Uniform Guidelines state that:
Where two or more selection procedures are available which serve the user's
legitimate interest in efficient and trustworthy workmanship, and which are
substantially equally valid for a given purpose, the user should use the procedure
which has been demonstrated to have the lesser adverse impact. (See Uniform
Guidelines Section 3B.)
Three other test batteries were included in the study. Therefore, data was available to
evaluate "substantially equally valid" and the relative adverse impact of the four test batteries.
Substantially equally valid can be evaluated using content validity and concurrent criterion-
related validity. Using content validity, the four test batteries included in this study had
substantially equally valid tests with the exception of one test battery's word-processing test
for WordPerfect. Using concurrent criterion-related validity, several of the test batteries were
close. Many of the key correlations were compared and found to be not significantly different.
However, the OPAC test battery was the only test battery to have statistically significant
correlations to all four ratings: Speed Rating, Accuracy Rating, Level I of Word-processing
Skill Rating, and Level II of Word-processing Skill Rating. Therefore, under concurrent
criterion-related validity, no other test battery was substantially equally valid to the OPAC test
An analysis of adverse impact was nevertheless conducted. Since about half or more of the
participants in the samples for the tests were Hispanic, adverse impact analyses were feasible.
The Uniform Guidelines requires an analysis of both statistical significance and practical
significance in determining adverse impact. (See Uniform Guidelines Section 4D.) For speed
purposes, Cochran's correction to the chi-square was used to best approximate statistical
significance at the .05 level. (See Haber 1980.) This is a two sample hypergeometric test.
Practical significance needs to be addressed to complete the evaluation of adverse impact.
(See Uniform Guidelines Section 4D and Baldus 1980). Practical significance with rate
differences involves at least three calculations. Each of these calculations involves the effects
of small number changes on other statistics. How many more people need to be added to the
disadvantaged group's passing number to: (1) change the statistical significance conclusion,
(2) change the 80 Percent Rule of Thumb conclusion, or (3) change the selection rates
themselves from being different to being the same or very close to being the same. When 2 or
fewer people added to the disadvantaged group can alter the statistical conclusion, the results
were found to be not practically significant. (See Waisome 1991). When 3 or fewer people
added to the disadvantaged group alters the 80 Percent Rule of Thumb conclusion or adding 4
or fewer people brings the selection rates to being very close to one another (within 2.1%),
then the results were found to be not practically significant. (See Contreras 1981). Both of
these court case citations are Federal circuit court decisions. (For a more detailed discussion
of adverse impact see reference: Biddle 1992.)
Using the statistical significance and practical significance rules described above, adverse
impact was found for another test battery's spelling scale and OPAC's Keyboarding test for
words per minute and key strokes scales. (Since the time of the study, OPAC's Keyboarding
test format has been changed. The new format preserves the test that showed the content
and criterion-related validity, but now allows the candidate to take the test in a scrolling mode
or from hard copy text.)
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Overall Conclusions Considering Validity and Adverse Impact
Using criterion-related validity as the standard for "substantially equally valid for a given
purpose" for the Section 3B analysis described in this paper, OPAC was the only test battery
(in the experimental test batteries) with tests that correlated statistically significantly to all
four of the employer's criteria (Speed Ratings, Accuracy Ratings, Level I of Word-processing
Skill, and Level II of Word-processing Skill). Since the OPAC test battery was the only
battery that correlated statistically significantly with all four criteria, the other four test
batteries cannot be considered "substantially equally valid for a given purpose." The OPAC
test battery was able to correlate "above chance levels" to criteria the other tests did not in
this situation.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Content and Criterion-Related Validity Report
for the OPAC
System (1994)
A study was conducted at a large federal employer with more than 5000 employees to
examine the validity of several OPAC
(Office Proficiency Assessment and Certification
System tests. The OPAC tests were originally developed and content validated by
Professional Secretaries International
. The OPAC tests are computer administered and
computer scored.
The employer involved in the study was searching for a self-administered, self-scored
computerized word-processing test to replace its traditional 5-minute timed typing test.
The traditional typing test measured speed and accuracy using IBM Selectric typewriters
and required extensive test administrator supervision. The employer also wanted a test
that could measure an applicant's skill at creating, formatting, proofing, and editing
documents, while also measuring word-processing skills using a word-processing type
program. An applicant's speed and accuracy were also important factors for the test to
measure. Additionally, the employer wanted to minimize the time necessary for test
More than 20 job classifications needed a selection testing procedure that measured
keyboarding speed and accuracy as well as some level of word-processing skill.
Experimental Test Battery
OPAC tests of Language Arts 1, Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft, Advanced
Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft, and Keyboarding were used as part of an
experimental test battery.
The OPAC Language Arts 1 test evaluated in the study was used to measure skills in
proofing a document to identify errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
possessiveness, number usage, and abbreviations.
The OPAC Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft test was used to measure skills in operating
features and functions of specific word-processing programs.
The OPAC Advanced Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft test was used to measure skills in
operating advanced features and functions of specific word-processing programs.
The OPAC Keyboarding test was used to measure an individual's speed and accuracy of
typing text on a keyboard.
Identification of Sample
Incumbents of 24 secretarial, clerical, and administrative classifications were sent a survey.
The survey asked about the use of word-processing equipment and software. Of the 1139
incumbents who were sent surveys, 65.8% responded (749). The responses showed that
WordPerfect, Microsoft Word for the IBM and Macintosh, and MultiMate were the word-
processing software most frequently used. Of the 749 incumbents who responded, 94.3%
(706) indicated that they were using some form of word-processing on the job. About half
(378) used more than one word processor, including text editors or desktop publishing. The
5.7% (43) who used no word-processing on the job were no longer included in the study.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Job Performance Ratings
A series of workshops were conducted for those who supervised the survey respondents to
obtain ratings of job performance. Supervisors evaluated job performance on a rating scale
that ranged from 1-5. The rating scales covered speed and accuracy for nine office skills.
The scales also incorporated levels of skill in three areas (when a rating scale was relevant
to the job). The nine office skills were: (1) text from hard copy, (2) text from machine
dictation, (3) charts/tables/statistics from hard copy, (4) spreadsheet skill, (5) database
management skill, (6) data entry skill: numeric, (7) data entry skill: alpha-numeric, (8) ten-
key skill, and (9) shorthand/speed writing and transcription skill.
Skills (1) text from hard copy, (2) text from machine dictation, and (3)
charts/tables/statistics from hard copy were grouped for a word-processing level of skill
rating. Level I included setting tabs, margins, and justification to format documents using
common function keys such as bold, underline, and center, making simple edits by using
delete and insert keys, typing information on pre-printed forms, and naming, saving,
printing, and retrieving documents. Level II included setting up, editing, copying, and
moving columns, using headers and footers, creating templates and boilerplate formats,
creating forms, merging form letters and forms with variable data, creating and printing
labels, using DOS commands, using various sizes and styles of lettering, and archiving.
Level III included creating and using macros, using graphics, converting documents to
ASCII, using math functions, creating a dictionary for the system, and linking spreadsheets
or database system information with word-processing documents.
Definitions were provided to the supervisors for each of the skills and scales. Further,
supervisors were instructed to only provide input where they had first-hand knowledge.
More than 100 supervisors gave ratings for 292 incumbents during the workshops. Of the
292 incumbents who received ratings, 33 received multiple ratings or ratings from more
than one supervisor. For analysis purposes, the multiple ratings were averaged.
Data on the Experimental Tests
The 292 incumbents who received ratings by their supervisors were invited to participate in
parts of the experimental test battery. Since supervisors only rated incumbents on skills
that were relevant in their situation, and when they had first-hand knowledge of the work
behaviors, not all of the 292 incumbents received ratings on all of the skills. Since
involvement in the study was voluntary, not all of the 292 incumbents who had received
ratings took all of the experimental tests. Testing was conducted over a seven-week period
using six PC's. Of the 292 incumbents with ratings, 110 actually took one or more of the
tests in the experimental test battery. Of the 110 incumbents taking the tests, 75 took the
OPAC Keyboarding Test, 68 took the OPAC Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft Test, and
50 took the OPAC Language Arts 1 Test. A variety of conditions dictated which tests were
administered to each incumbent, including the duties the incumbent performed, amount of
time the incumbent could spend taking the experimental tests, software and hardware the
incumbent used on the job, software and hardware available for testing at the time, sample
already obtained in the study, etc. Because of these conditions, the samples varied from
test to test.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Job Analysis and Test Evaluation
Some of the incumbents who took the experimental tests also evaluated the tests and
provided data as subject-matter experts (SMEs). After taking an experimental test, the
incumbent was asked to answer (as a subject-matter expert) a content validity survey form
for that test. If the subject-matter expert stated that some level of the skill, which the test
measured, was a necessary prerequisite for successful performance of a critical or important
job duty, then several other questions were asked. These additional questions asked for a
description of the critical or important duties which required use of the skill, then asked for
ratings of the degree of importance of that skill. Additional questions subject-matter
experts answered dealt with the level of the skill which resulted in better performance, if the
test was a representative sample of the skill, if the test required more skill from the test
taker than was required on the job, if the skill could be learned in a brief orientation, and if
the work product of the test closely resembled a work product produced on the job. To
obtain information for a job-related cutoff, subject-matter experts were given their score
and then asked to provide their opinion of the minimum score necessary to pass minimally
qualified applicants following some of the basics of the Angoff model. (See Angoff 1971.)
Content Validity Results
If a test product results in adverse impact against a protected group (i.e., one sex, race, or
ethnic origin group scores disproportionately lower than another group on the test), the
Uniform Guidelines specifically allow content validity as a method of showing business
necessity for the test. (See Uniform Guidelines Sections II, 5A, and 14C.) According to the
Uniform Guidelines, content validity is:
Demonstrated by data showing that the content of a selection
procedure is representative of important aspects of performance
on the job. (See Uniform Guidelines Section 16D.)
In Contreras v. City of Los Angeles
, five of seven subject-matter experts had to agree on
decisions dealing with job relatedness. This standard was accepted by the Court. (See
Contreras 1981.) In U.S. v. South Carolina
, 50% of the subject-matter experts had to
agree for test items to be judged job-related. This standard was accepted by the Court.
(See South Carolina 1978.) Therefore, in this study, a minimum standard was set for the
content validity of a test when 50% of the incumbents agreed on all the questions in the
content validity survey. The preferred standard was set at 70%.
Each test passed all the minimum content validity standards. Therefore, each of the three
tests was content valid. In addition, with the exception of word-processing being learned in
a brief orientation, every test passed the preferred
standards for content validity, as can be
seen in the chart below:
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
(Note: the following cutoffs were agreed to by at least 70% of the subject-matter experts.)
Keyboarding Test Error Count Scale 5.00
Keyboarding Test Speed Words Per Minute Scale 55.00
Keyboarding Test Gross Key Strokes Scale 1443.00
Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft
Total Score Scale 13.00
Language Arts 1 Test Capitalization Scale .60
Language Arts 1 Test Possessives Scale .50
Language Arts 1 Test Number Usage Scale .50
Language Arts 1 Test Abbreviations Scale .50
Language Arts 1 Test Punctuation Scale .50
Language Arts 1 Test Spelling Scale .50
Language Arts 1 Test Grammar Scale .70
Language Arts 1 Test Total Score Scale 50.00
Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Results
If a test results in adverse impact against a protected group, the Uniform
Guidelines specifically allow concurrent criterion-related validity as a method of showing
business necessity for the test. (See Uniform Guidelines Sections II, 5A, and 14B(4).
According to the Uniform Guidelines, criterion-related validity is defined as follows:
Demonstrated by empirical data showing that the selection procedure is predictive of
or significantly correlated with important elements of work behavior. (Guidelines
Section 16F.)
criterion-related validity usually uses current employees as the sample,
obtaining test scores and criteria data (e.g., supervisory ratings) during relatively the same
time period. Predictive
criterion-related validity often uses applicants as the sample,
obtaining test scores during one period of time, then waiting to gather criteria data later.
This study used concurrent
criterion-related validity.
Directional hypotheses were set for each scale of the experimental tests. Statistical
significance was set at the one-tailed .05 level, specifying the direction of the relationship.
Correlations were calculated only for each of the hypothesized relationships using the
Pearson Product Moment formula. Restriction in range was a concern, as all the incumbents
had passed the employer's 5 minute timed test in order to obtain their jobs initially. It was
suspected that many of the tests in the experimental test battery would correlate with the
local 5-minute timed test. However, because the Equal Employment Opportunity field has
not established a clear rule allowing for correcting correlations not quite significant into
significance, no corrections were made for any possible indirect restriction in range. All
correlations presented are uncorrected.
Criterion-Related Validity Correlations
Below are the correlations calculated between the OPAC tests and supervisory ratings of job
performance hypothesized as having a possible relationship. Correlations are index numbers
that show the degree of relationship between the test score and supervisory ratings.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Correlations range from 1.0, showing a perfect relationship, to 0.0, showing absolutely no
relationship. A -1.0 means a perfect inverse relationship--as one score goes up, the other
score goes down. Correlations shown above the horizontal lines on the following
charts are statistically significant correlations. This means that the degree of
relationship is so strong that the relationship is unlikely to be due to chance and chance
alone except maybe 5% of the time or less. Statistically significant correlations were found
between the OPAC tests and the Accuracy Rating, Speed Rating, ratings of Level I of Word-
processing Skill, and ratings of Level II Word-processing Skill. Very few ratings were
obtained on Level III ratings of Word-processing Skill. Each of the Language Arts Test scales
statistically significantly correlated with the Accuracy Rating independently, except for the
Possessives Scale. The Possessives Scale was close to statistical significance (.259 obtained
and .268 needed). The “n” shown below refers to the number of incumbents who took the
tests and
had supervisory ratings used in the correlation calculations.
Correlations Between OPAC Test Scales and Supervisory
Language Arts 1 Test (n=39):
Language Arts Test Scale
Language Arts Test Scale Validity
.268 needed for validity
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Editing/Formatting from Rough Draft: (Level I n=66; Level II n=54)
0.25 0.25
Level I Level II
Word Processing Level
Wordprocessing Levels I and II
.210 needed for validity (Level 1)
.230 needed for validity (Level 2)
Keystrokes Words Per Minute
Keyboarding Test
.268 needed
for Validity
.252 needed
for Validity
Keyboarding (Keystrokes n=59; Words Per Minute n=62)
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Alternative Procedure Analysis
The Uniform Guidelines state that:
Where two or more selection procedures are available which serve the user's
legitimate interest in efficient and trustworthy workmanship, and which are
substantially equally valid for a given purpose, the user should use the procedure
which has been demonstrated to have the lesser adverse impact. (See Uniform
Guidelines Section B.)
Three other test batteries were included in the study. Therefore, data was available to
evaluate "substantially equally valid" and the relative adverse impact of the four test
Substantially equally valid can be evaluated using content validity and concurrent criterion-
related validity. Using content validity, the four test batteries included in this study had
substantially equally valid tests with the exception of one test battery's word-processing
test for WordPerfect. Using concurrent criterion-related validity, several of the test
batteries were close. Many of the key correlations were compared and found to be not
significantly different. However, the OPAC test battery was the only test battery to have
statistically significant correlations to all four ratings: Speed Rating, Accuracy Rating, Level
I of Word-processing Skill Rating, and Level II of Word-processing Skill Rating. Therefore,
under concurrent criterion-related validity, no other test battery was substantially
equally valid to the OPAC test battery.
An analysis of adverse impact was nevertheless conducted. Since about half or more of the
participants in the samples for the tests were Hispanic, adverse impact analyses were
The Uniform Guidelines requires an analysis of both statistical significance and practical
significance in determining adverse impact. (See Uniform Guidelines Section 4D.) For
speed purposes, Cochran's correction to the chi-square was used to best approximate
statistical significance at the .05 level. (See Haber 1980.) This is a two-sample
hypergeometric test. Practical significance needs to be addressed to complete the
evaluation of adverse impact. (See Uniform Guidelines Section 4D and Baldus 1980).
Practical significance with rate differences involves at least three calculations. Each of these
calculations involves the effects of small number changes on other statistics. How many
more people need to be added to the disadvantaged group's passing number to: (1) change
the statistical significance conclusion, (2) change the 80 Percent Rule of Thumb conclusion,
or (3) change the selection rates themselves from being different to being the same or very
close to being the same. When 2 or fewer people added to the disadvantaged group can
alter the statistical conclusion, the results were found to be not practically significant. (See
Waisome 1991.) When 3 or fewer people added to the disadvantaged group alters the 80
Percent Rule of Thumb conclusion or adding 4 or fewer people brings the selection rates to
being very close to one another (within 2.1%), then the results were found to be not
practically significant. (See Contreras 1981.) Both of these court case citations are Federal
circuit court decisions. (For a more detailed discussion of adverse impact see reference:
Biddle 1992.)
Using the statistical significance and practical significance rules described above, adverse
impact was found for another test battery's spelling scale and OPAC's Keyboarding test for
words per minute and keystrokes scales. (Since the time of the study, OPAC's Keyboarding
test format has been changed. The new format preserves the test that showed the content
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
and criterion-related validity, but now allows the candidate to take the test in a scrolling
mode or from hard copy text.)
Overall Conclusions Considering Validity and Adverse
Using criterion-related validity as the standard for "substantially equally valid for a given
purpose" for the Section b analysis described in this paper, the OPAC System was the only
test battery (in the experimental test batteries) with tests that correlated statistically
significantly to all four
of the employer's criteria (Speed Ratings, Accuracy Ratings, Level I
of Word-processing Skill, and Level II of Word-processing Skill). Since the OPAC test
battery was the only
test battery that correlated statistically significantly with all four
criteria, the other four test batteries cannot be considered "substantially equally valid for a
given purpose." The OPAC test battery was able to correlate "above chance levels" to
criteria the other tests did not in this situation.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Content Validity Report for OPAC
Module Four
(March 1997)
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC Validity Report: Module 4
Test Description
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. recently developed a fourth module for the Office Proficiency
Assessment and Certification
) System. This module was entitled “10-Key/Data
In addition to a 10-Key Test, three different tests were included for the evaluation of data
entry skills: the Vendor Test, the Inventory Test, and the Invoice Test. Three data entry
test are included within this module to allow an employer to choose the tests that are most
appropriate for the job in question. In order to ensure the closest match between the job
content and the test materials it is recommended (within Biddle Consulting Group’s OPAC
manual) that employers evaluate the content
of the tests, the format of the tests, and the
percentage of alpha and numeric keystrokes
within each document. The goal is for
employers to utilize the tests which are closest in content and format to the types of data
prospective employees will be expected to enter on the job. Although these three types of
tests cannot possibly replicate all types of materials that applicants might come into contact
with on the job, they are designed to simulate the format of the most commonly utilized
data entry designs. Consequently, an applicant’s performance on these tests will enable an
employer to evaluate the individuals general data entry capability.
Biddle Consulting Group recommended that employers evaluate each test before deciding
which ones would best serve the their business needs and be the most job-related.
The following information should aid employers in their decision of which test(s) are most
appropriate for the job classification under consideration. The tests were presented (as
they are within the program) by level of difficulty with the last test having the
highest difficulty level.
Vendor Test
These test forms are designed to simulate typical vendor entry sheets. The content of the
sheets includes a vendor number, company name, company address, and contact
information. These tests are the least difficult of the three data entry tests due to their high
percentage of alpha strokes and the general field separation of alphabetic and numeric
content (i.e. most fields are either
alpha or numeric, except for the address field). The
average breakdown of each Vendor test includes 75% alphabetic entry and 25% numeric
entry. If individuals hired will be expected to enter fields of information similar to those
included on these test forms, these data entry tests may be appropriate to use in a
selection process.
Inventory Test
These test forms are designed to simulate typical inventory sheets. The content of the
sheets includes item information and vendor number. These tests are more difficult than the
Vendor Tests for several reasons. First, the Inventory Tests have a higher numeric content.
Second, several fields are not stroke specific. That is, they are a mix of both alphabetic and
numeric key strokes, causing more transitions between these two areas on the keyboard.
The average breakdown of each Inventory test includes 64% alpha entry and 36% numeric
entry. If individuals hired will be expected to enter fields of information similar to those
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
included on these test forms, these data entry tests may be appropriate to use in your
selection process.
Invoice Test
These test forms are designed to simulate typical invoice sheets. The content of the sheets
includes order number, representative number, date, destination information, and product
information. These tests are the most difficult of the data entry tests for two main reasons.
First, these tests utilize the highest percentage of numeric keystrokes. Second, although the
fields within these tests are generally separated as to alpha and numeric content (most
fields are either
alpha or numeric, except for the address field), these test forms contain the
largest number of data fields. The average breakdown of each Invoice test includes 37%
alpha entry and 63% numeric entry. If individuals hired will be expected to enter fields of
information similar to those included on the test forms, these data entry tests may be
appropriate to use in your selection process.
If you are hiring for a position that embodies different types of data entry, several
tests can be given to a candidate to obtain all relevant skill information. It is
important to remember, however, that each test varies in content and difficulty
level. Candidates will not score the same on each test! It is this variance in difficulty
level that led to different certification standards for each test form (see below). The
more difficult test will result in a lower SPH score.
Test % Alpha % Numeric Certification Level*
10-Key 0% 100% 8000 SPH – 95% Accuracy
Vendor 75% 25% 6200 SPH – 95% Accuracy
Inventory 66% 34% 5600 SPH – 95% Accuracy
Invoice 37% 63% 5200 SPH – 95% Accuracy
* These certification levels are not based on national norms. These are preliminary standards, which will be re-
evaluated upon further study.
Review by Biddle & Associates, Inc./Biddle Consulting
Group, Inc.
Module 4 was designed with three test versions within each component. For example, the
10-Key component has a Test Version 1, Test Version 2, and Test Version 3. Each test
within module four was reviewed by 13 permanent employees of Biddle & Associates, and
nine temporary employees (a total of 22 initial in-house reviews). All 22 individuals
evaluated the 12 tests included in Module 4. This initial review included an analysis of the
instruction screens, ease of understanding and use of the tests, the testing documents, and
the candidate manual. Based on comments from the in-house reviews, improvements and
modifications were made to all aspect of the Module 4 program and test forms.
Additional modifications were made to the testing documents after difficulty analyses were
performed on all testing materials. Difficulty of the materials was determined by the
alphabetic/numeric ratio within and between documents. Alphabetic and numeric characters
were described as follows:
Alphabetic Characters: For the purposes of the difficulty calculations, an
alphabetic character included any character that was not a number. Therefore,
alphabetic characters included letters, blank spaces, and symbols (such as &, $,
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
etc.). Punctuation marks were also considered alphabetic due to the fact that they
are incorporated within the alphabetic keys and they are no more difficult to type (on
average) than the letters on the keyboard. Symbols were included within this
category due to the fact that there were so few symbols on the testing documents
that they did not merit their own category.
Numeric Characters: For the purposes of the difficulty calculations, a numeric
character included any number. Decimal points were not counted
when they were
part of a monetary figure (e.g., 19.95, 29.95).
The symbols that were hard-coded on the screen were not counted within the
documents, i.e., they did not contribute to the total key stroke calculations. These
included the hyphens (-) within the phone number field (555-555-5555) and the
back slashes (/) in the date field (09/09/99).
All tests within each component of Module 4 were evaluated. Each test within a component
(e.g., Data Entry 1: Vendor) was modified to ensure that they contained approximately the
same percentages of alphabetic and numeric characters. The tests within each component
are not statistically different in regards to the alphabetic/numeric ratio. In addition, each
test was divided into four quadrants, with the alphabetic/numeric ratio of each quadrant
compared to ensure that the difficulty level between different sections of the same
test were
not statistically different.
Review by Subject-Matter Experts
After the in-house (or alpha) review of Module 4, Biddle & Associates conducted an
evaluation by individuals outside the company (a beta review). This group included 73
individuals from MTI Business College and Heald Business College in Sacramento, California.
Based on comments from the beta review, a number of improvements and modifications
were made to the testing program and documents.
Subject-matter experts included individuals from a variety of ethnicities. Participants were
predominately female, as data-entry positions generally have an over-utilization of females.
Development of Certification Levels
Data from the subject-matter experts from MTI and Heald were also utilized to develop
recommended certification levels for the four new sets of tests within Module 4.
The certification levels for the Data Entry tests were developed with a test/test correlation
model which utilized a keyboarding score of 45 wpm to predict Data Entry test scores (see
Table 1 on the following page). The certification levels for each Data Entry test are different
due to the varying alphabetic/numeric content, field lengths, and number of fields per
record. Since both speed and accuracy are critical to employers for data entry applications,
both were included as certification criteria.
The certification standards for the 10-Key tests were developed by analyzing industry
standards for jobs requiring some level of 10-key data entry (many employers require at
least 10,000 SPH, but 8,000 SPH is widely accepted as a minimum level for 10-Key speed)
and an analysis of beta test scores.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Recommended Certification Levels for Three Data Entry
Tests - Biddle & Associates, Inc./Biddle Consulting Group,
Data Entry 1 – Vendor
WPM Predicted Score Lowest Expected Score Highest Expected
40 5611 3265 7957
45 6175 3829 8521
50 6739 4393 9085
55 7304 4957 9649
60 7867 5521 10213
Pearson R = 0.69
Average Errors = 16
Recommended Certification Level: 6200 SPH and 95% Accuracy Rate
Data Entry 2 – Inventory
WPM Predicted Score Lowest Expected Score Highest Expected
40 5245 3460 7029
45 5610 3826 7395
50 5975 4191 7760
55 6341 4556 8125
60 6706 4922 8491
Pearson R = 0.64
Average Errors = 15
Recommended Certification Level: 5600 SPH and 95% Accuracy Rate
Data Entry 3 – Invoice
WPM Predicted Score Lowest Expected Score Highest Expected Score
40 4701 1774 7627
45 5222 2296 8149
50 5744 2817 8670
55 6265 3339 9192
60 6787 3860 9713
Pearson R = 0.57
Average Errors = 12
Recommended Certification Level: 5200 SPH and 95% Accuracy Rate
Scores based on a 95% Confidence Interval.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Accuracy and Completeness
After all modifications were made, all testing documents were entered into the program and
checked for 100% accuracy to the key by at least two individuals.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Validation Report for the Medical and Legal
Terminology Tests (August 1997)
SYSTEM version 5.0, Module 5
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
This report contains information regarding the development and content validation of the
medical and legal terminology tests within the OPAC
System. The medical and legal
terminology tests can be used for the employment, education, or certification of medical
assistants and legal assistants or legal secretaries.
Both the medical and legal terminology tests were designed based on content validity
standards outlined by the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, section
The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures provide a single set of
principles designed to assist employers, labor organizations, employment agencies, licensing
or certification boards comply with Federal law prohibiting employment practices which
discriminate on grounds of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. These guidelines
are a framework for the proper use of tests and other selection procedures.
This report is structured according to the following sub-topics on reporting content
validation studies stipulated in section 15(C) of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee
Selection Procedures:
1. User(s), locations(s), and date(s) of the study
2. Problem and setting
3. Job analysis
4. Selection procedure and its content
5. Relationship between the selection procedure and the job
6. Alternative procedures investigated
7. Uses and applications
8. Contact person
9. Accuracy and completeness
Although separate validation studies were conducted for the medical and legal terminology
tests, these studies will be referred to as one in this report for efficiency and uniformity.
User(s), Locations(s), and Date(s) of the Study
The validation study for the medical and legal terminology tests was completed in July
1997, at Biddle & Associates, Inc./Biddle Consulting Group, Inc., located in Sacramento,
California. Medical Assistants were selected for participation in this study from one of the
nation’s largest Health Maintenance Organizations located at one of its sites in Sacramento,
California. Legal Assistants and Legal Secretaries were selected for participation in this
study from four large, full service law firms also located in Sacramento, California.
Problem and Setting
The purpose of this validation study was to determine if the knowledge-based terminology
tests are a representative sample of the body of learned information that is used, and is a
The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures were adopted in 1978
by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Civil Service Commission, Department
of Labor, and the Department of Justice.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
necessary prerequisite for the successful job performance of an Entry-level medical
assistant and entry-level legal assistant/secretary.
This validation study is predicated upon several important factors. Two industry experts
from the medical assistant profession and two from the legal assistant/secretarial field were
selected to provide terms and write test items for the medical and legal terminology tests,
respectively. (See Appendix for these experts qualifications). These experts were given
content validity-based criteria for writing test items. See Appendix for Industry Expert
criteria for selection of terms and writing of test items)
The industry experts from the medical assistant field provided two separate lists consisting
of two hundred (200) terms each for a combined total of four hundred (400) terms. Both
lists were compared and discussed by the experts. Terms that were on both experts’ list
were automatically selected for test item writing. Terms that were not on both lists were
discussed by the experts and either discarded or selected for item writing. This process
resulted in the selection of two hundred (200) medical terms test item construction. A
preliminary medical terminology test was designed consisting of the selected terms.
The same process as stated above went into the design of the preliminary legal terminology
test. The only difference is that one hundred and fifty terms (150) were selected for the
preliminary legal terminology test design. Thus, the preliminary test for legal terminology
contains one-hundred (150) test items.
Thirty-nine (39) Medical Assistants and twenty-five (25) Legal Assistants/Secretaries were
selected as Subject Matter Experts. All Subject Matter Experts were required to currently
hold the job title for the target positions and have at least one-year experience. A majority
of the Subject Matter Experts selected had several years’ experience individually in the
above classifications.
The thirty-nine (39) Medical Assistants and twenty-five (25) Legal Assistants and Legal
Secretaries took the preliminary medical and legal terminology tests, respectively.
The tests and surveys were collected and processed. The tests along with Scantron answer
sheets were loaded into the Test, Scoring & Analysis System program which is a testing
software package developed by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
After this process was
complete, a minimum cutoff score (pass/fail score) was set based upon calculations using
the modified Angoff method.
Survey forms were also designed to assess the content validity of each item on both the
medical and legal terminology tests. The survey forms are titled Test Response Survey.
Twenty-two (22) of the Medical Assistant Subject Matter Experts and (25) Legal Assistants
and Legal Secretaries completed the Test Response Survey forms.
Test Scoring & Analysis System is a comprehensive and proven tool for
developing, administering, scoring, and tracking objectively scored tests. This system also
has programs that provide data on test-item analysis, test distribution results, and
statistical cutoff-score analysis .
The modified Angoff method involves the setting of a job-related minimum cutoff
score for test that has been approved by the United States Supreme Court in the case U.S.
v. South Carolina, 15 EPD 7, 920, 445 F. Supp 1094 (DC S.Ct.1977) and 15 EPD 8027434
US 1026 (1978).
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Results from the surveys were used to conduct validation analysis. Several test items were
eliminated during this process. After the validation analysis, the medical and legal
terminology tests contained one hundred and sixty-two (162) and seventy-five (75) test
items, respectively.
There are limiting factors in the size and scope of this validation study that may affect the
validity of these tests for general use. The test items were constructed based on the
opinions and experience of industry experts from one city. The subject matter experts who
took the test and responded to the survey forms were also selected from one city. There
were no studies conducted using a control group to show that the test distinguishes
statistically between candidates who have the prerequisite knowledge to perform the task
associated with the specified positions and those who do not.
In addition, there were no validity analyses for the rank ordering of test scores above the
minimum cutoff scores. Therefore, the recommended minimum cutoff score for each test is
valid only for pass/fail purposes. In other words, the test distinguishes only between
passing or failing scores and does not provide a basis for ranking scores above the cutoff
Given these limiting factors, Biddle Consulting Group, Inc., recommends that users convene
a group of their own subject-matter experts to determine if the test is valid for their
purpose and specific job classifications. The OPAC System has a validation module that is
designed for users to conduct their own validity study.
Job Analysis
Knowledge of medical or legal terminology was deemed a necessary prerequisite for the
performance of medical assistant or legal assistant/secretary classifications based on job
descriptions industry experts’ opinions, and surveys completed by subject-matter experts.
Thus, the focus of this study centers on the identification of the specific knowledge that is
used and a necessary prerequisite for the work behaviors of medical assistants and legal
assistants and or legal secretaries.
Knowledge of medical terminology has a direct relationship to the work behavior of a
Medical Assistant because it is important and necessary for communication, record
maintenance, and treatment of patients. Knowledge of legal terminology is related to the
work behavior of Legal Assistant/Secretaries because it is important and necessary for
communication, research, and preparation of legal documents.
Moreover, the focus of this validation study is based on the analysis of medical and legal
terminology test items that meet the standards of content validity for knowledge-based
selection procedures outlined by the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures,
section 14(C) 4, which hold:
For any [test] measuring a knowledge...the user should show that (a) the [test] measures
and is a representative sample of that knowledge...and (b) that used in and
is a necessary prerequisite to performance of critical or important work behavior(s).
Subject-matter experts for the chosen classifications were given criteria to analyze each test
item using the Test Survey Response form which address the above guidelines. This survey
was constructed based on models presented in the Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis (GOJA)
offered by Biddle (1996). The GOJA
method has been supported in numerous court cases
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
for a variety of jobs. Essential components of the survey used by the subject-matter
experts follow:
Categories Ratings with Explanations
Correct Ans. Write “yes” or “no” to indicate whether the answer provide is
Frequency Rating Write the letter(s) that indicate the frequency (how often) the term
is used on the job (e.g. in correspondence, reading material,
D = Daily
W = Weekly
BW = Bi-Weekly
M= Monthly
BM = Bi-Monthly (every two months)
Q= Quarterly
SA= Semi-Annually
A= Annual
LA= Less often than once a year
Importance Provide one of the following ratings to indicate how important
knowledge of the term is to the job.
1. NOT IMPORTANT: Trivial or minor significance to the
performance of the job.
2. SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT: Somewhat helpful, useful, and /or
meaningful to performance of the job.
3. IMPORTANT: Helpful, useful, and/or meaningful to the
performance of the job.
4. CRITICAL: Necessary for the performance of the job.
5. EXTREMELY CRITICAL: Necessary for the performance of the
job, but with more extreme consequences
% Of Qualified
To your best estimate, indicate the percentage of minimally qualified
applicants that would be expected to answer the particular question
When Required Write the letter that indicates when knowledge of this term must be
A. Required at time of hire
B. Learned on the job
The relationship between the terminology tests and the target positions was established
based on the averages of Importance, Frequency, and When Required ratings that all
subject-matter experts provided for each test item.
Item difficulty ratings were obtained for each test question along with an overall item
difficulty rating for both the medical and legal terminology tests. These ratings were
obtained from the Test Scoring & Analysis System software. Item difficulty shows the
proportion of subject-matter experts who answered an item correctly.
Selection Procedure and Contents
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
There are two medical terminology tests consisting of eighty (80) multiple choice test items
each, labeled Medical Test Form “A” and Medical Test Form “B.” There is one legal
terminology test consisting of seventy-five (75) multiple choice test items.
The above tests are part of the 1997 release of the OPAC
System version 5.0. This
version of the OPAC System is commercially available and distributed by Biddle Consulting
Group, Inc.
Industry experts along with the Product Development Analyst wrote the test items
according to item writing criteria. The criteria for Test Item Writing were composed by the
Product Development Analyst. These criteria are based on data for writing test items
provided by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc., and principles for constructing test items offered
by Osterlind (1989).
As stated above, one-hundred-and-sixty-two (162) medical terminology test items were
selected for the final item bank. Selection of these items was based on validation criteria
applied to averaged results obtained from the Test Survey Response forms. Fifty percent
(50%) or more of the Subject-matter experts assigned an importance rating of “3” or
greater to each one of the 162 test items. This means that knowledge of each of the 162
medical test items is considered either important, critical, or extremely critical to the
performance of the Medical Assistant classification by at least fifty percent,
of the Subject-
matter experts surveyed.
Two parallel test forms were created from the 162 test items which represent Medical
Terminology Test Form “A” and Medical Terminology Test Form “B.” Both test forms contain
eighty (80) test items each. These test forms have the same type of material, with the
same level of difficulty, but different test items.
Medical terminology tests forms “A” and “B” each have been determined to measure and
represent a sample of the knowledge of medical terminology that is used and is a necessary
prerequisite in the job performance of the Entry-level medical assistant classification. This
determination is based on (a) the results of the validation study involving the analysis of
responses to twenty (22) medical assistant Test Survey Response forms and (b) analysis of
the test distribution results.
The Legal Terminology test also has been determined to measure and represent a sample of
the knowledge of legal terminology that is used and a necessary prerequisite to the job
performance of an Entry-level legal assistant and or Legal Secretary. This determination is
also based on (a) the results of the validation study involving the analysis of responses of
twenty-five (25) Legal Assistants and Legal Secretaries Test Survey Response forms and (b)
analysis of the test distribution results.
Seventy-five (75) legal terminology test items were selected for the final item bank.
Selection of these items is based on validation criteria applied to averaged results obtained
from the Test Survey Response forms. Fifty percent (50%) or more of the Subject-Matter
Experts assigned an importance rating of “3” or greater to each one of the 75 test items
(see Importance ratings above). This means that knowledge of each of the 75 test items is
considered either important, critical, or extremely critical to the performance of the Legal
The standard that at least 50 percent of the Subject-Matter Experts need to agree
on issues that determine inclusion of an item on a test was approved by the U.S. Supreme
Court in the court case U.S. v. South Carolina, 434 US 1026 (1989).
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Assistant and or Legal Secretary classification by at least fifty percent of the Subject-matter
experts surveyed.
Relationship between the Selection Procedure and the Job
The evidence demonstrating that the medical and legal terminology test items are a
representative sample of the knowledge used as a part of the work behavior of medical
assistants and legal assistants/secretaries was obtained from information on the Test
Survey Response reported by subject-matter experts.
Entries from the surveys where compiled into two reports--medical and legal--using a
spreadsheet program. The report from the Medical Assistant subject-matter experts
surveyed has thirty-one (31) pages and contains twenty thousand (22,000) entries. This
report will be referred as the Medical Survey Report. The report from the Legal subject
matter experts has twenty (20) pages and contains eighteen thousand plus (18,000+)
entries. This report will be referred to as the Legal Survey Report.
Both reports were then imported into a database program, and subset reports were then
created from them. The subset reports provide average ratings for each test item which is
calculated by category--Correct Ans, Frequency, Importance, and When Required.
The subset reports were used to conduct validation analysis of each test-item Test-items
were selected or deselected for the final test item bank using the following criteria (which
will be referred to as Test-Item Validation Criteria):
1. At least 50 percent of the Subject Matter Experts surveyed agree that the
knowledge of the specific test item is required at the time of hire.
2. At least 50 percent of the Subject Matter Experts surveyed rated that knowledge of
the specific test item “3” or greater in Importance.
3. At least 50 percent of the Subject Matter Experts surveyed indicated that the term is
used annually or more frequently on the job.
As noted above, the United States Supreme Court approved that a fifty percent agreement
among subject-matter experts is an acceptable standard for the inclusion of an item on a
test (U.S. v South Carolina,
Micro-reports for both the medical and legal tests were created from the subset reports to
show the specific criteria that each selected test item meets.
The two parallel medical test forms that were created from the 162 test items selected are
presented in. Again, both test forms contain eighty (80) test items each. These test forms
have the same type of material, with the same level of difficulty, but different test items.
Results of the validation study indicate that Medical tests forms “A” and “B” each measures
and represents a sample of the knowledge of medical terminology that is used and is a
necessary prerequisite in communication, record keeping, and treatment of patients to
perform the job of an Entry-level Medical Assistant.
Measures of central tendency, standard deviation, and estimates of reliability were
computed using the Test Scoring & Analysis System software for Medical Terminology Tests
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
forms “A”& “B.” The following test results are based on the Subject Matter Experts’ test
Test Form A
Number of Items = 80
Number of Subjects = 39
Test Mean = 65.85
Standard Deviation = 8.639
Test Reliability = .8837
Average Test Difficulty = .8230
Medical Test Form B
Number of Items = 80
Number of Subjects = 39
Test Mean = 62.26
Standard Deviation = 9.901
Test Reliability = .8958
Average Test Difficulty = .7782
Results of the validation study indicate that the legal test form measures and represents a
sample of the knowledge of legal terminology that is used and is a necessary prerequisite in
communication, record keeping, and preparation of legal documents to perform for the job
of a Legal Assistant or Legal Secretary.
Measures of central tendency, standard deviation, and estimates of reliability were also
computed for the legal terminology test. Some of these results follow:
Legal Form
Number of Items = 75
Number of Subjects =
Test Mean = 64.52
Standard Deviation = 8.080
Test Reliability = .9025
Average Test Difficulty = .8602
Alternative procedures investigated
No alternative test or selection procedure was investigated for this study. Nor were adverse
impact analyses conducted. Nevertheless, content validity has been demonstrated for all
the tests that justify their use on the grounds of business necessity. The Uniform
Guidelines, section II, specifically allow content validity as a method of showing business
necessity for the use of a selection procedure (test).
Uses and applications
The medical and legal terminology tests are intended for use in employment, training,
education, certification, or other related purposes. As indicated above, these knowledge-
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
based tests have been shown to represent a sample of the knowledge that is used and is a
necessary prerequisite for the successful job performance of an Entry-level Medical
Assistant and a Legal Assistant and or Legal Secretary.
These tests were designed to be used primarily as a screening device for hiring, training,
education, licensing, certification, or other related purposes. The test scores should be used
on a pass/fail basis only. The following cutoff scores (pass or fail scores) are recommended:
Test Pass score
Medical Terminology Form “A 55
Medical Terminology Form “B” 53
Legal Terminology 50
Each test item on all tests is weight one (1.0) or worth one point. A score of fifty-five (55)
of a total possible score of eighty (80) is the minimum passing score recommended for
Medical Terminology Form “A”. A score of fifty-three (53) of a total possible score of eighty
(80) is recommended for Form “B”. Similarly, the minimum passing score recommended for
the Legal Terminology Test is fifty (50).
The purpose for setting these cutoff scores is to distinguish between candidates who have
demonstrable knowledge of medical or legal terminology that is used and is a necessary
prerequisite for successful job performance (for the jobs stated above) and those who do
not have this knowledge.
The above cutoff scores were derived from a job-related cutoff setting process called the
modified Angoff method. This method involves establishing an overall average level of
minimum proficiency using several subject matter experts and then lowering the average
rating by one standard error of measurement.
The United States Supreme Court has
accepted the modified Angoff method for setting job-related cutoff scores for tests (U.S. v.
South Carolina, 1978).
All subjects matter experts were required to provide a percentage rating via the Test Survey
Response form for each test item based on their opinion of minimum qualified applicants
that would be expected to answer the question correctly level. This category is termed
Percentage of Qualified Applicants and appears under column four on the Test Survey
Response form. Averages were calculated per test item. These averages were loaded into
the Job Related Cutoff program of TSA software system. This program calculated an overall
average percentage using the averaged score per test item for the tests. The overall
average score was then lowered by one standard measure of error (modified Angoff
method). The standard measure of error was calculated by TSA and appears as part of the
Test Distribution Results. This process resulted in the setting of the cutoff scores, listed
above, for each test.
Contact person
The person who may be contacted for further information about this validity study is:
James Kuthy, M. A.
Senior Consultant
The standard error of measurement is designed for interpreting the reliability of
test scores. It is used to distinguish between test scores that are statistically different.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
193 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270
Folsom, CA 95630
Accuracy and completeness
To ensure accuracy and completeness all survey entries were checked and compared. Item
difficulty levels were compared to subject matter experts’ minimum qualified applicant
ratings. Wherever item difficulty rating was significantly lower than the subject-matter
experts’ expected proficiency rating, the subject matter experts’ rating was adjusted to
equal the item difficulty rating. This procedure prevents overestimation of ratings, which
avoids inflated cutoff scores. The Correct Answer columns were checked for all survey
responses. Any test item that did not receive a rating of one hundred percent (100%)
agreement regarding its correctness was check thoroughly and adjusted where necessary.
Any test item indicating a negative correlations with the key was checked and adjusted (this
correlation was provided by Item Analysis program in TSA).
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development Report for
System 5.0
Legal Keyboarding and Language Arts Tests
October 1998
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Though the research conducted for this report is thorough and complete, it should in no
way be construed as a final validation study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part
of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report
have been pilot tested, and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the
skill(s) being tested. Because this study was conducted at only one employer, its results
and applications may or may not be relevant in other geographical areas, employers,
specific areas of practice, or job positions. Biddle Consulting Group recommends
conducting an in-house validation study of all tests before using them as a selection
device, as such a study would help establish that the skills measured by the tests in this
report are essential to the specific job environment in which the in-house validation
study was conducted.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Legal keyboarding and language arts tests were developed to aid in the selection of properly
qualified candidates in the legal assistant and legal secretary job classifications. Three
alternative versions of each test were developed. The legal keyboarding test was designed
to measure the speed and accuracy of applicants typing legal text. The legal language arts
test was designed to measure an applicant’s ability to proofread and spot various
grammatical errors in documents that legal assistants and secretaries would typically be
expected to analyze and proofread. Two legal industry experts assisted in the development
of both tests, and 39 subject-matter experts participated in the evaluation of the new tests.
One hundred percent of legal subject-matter experts who examined the keyboarding test
agreed that the test appropriately measured the skill being assessed, and 100% of subject-
matter experts who examined the language arts test also agreed that the test appropriately
measured the skills being assessed. Legal subject-matter experts were administered all
alternative forms of both tests, and their input established alternate form reliability
coefficients for each test. Cutoff scores were also derived, based upon the scores of job
incumbent subject-matter experts.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The following is a report describing the development process of the OPAC System legal
keyboarding and language arts tests. The reason for developing these tests was twofold.
First, a product development decision had been made to orient the OPAC System towards
the legal industry, as there is a high need for clerical skills in this field and a perceived high
demand for skills testing in legal industry. Second, informal feedback from representatives
of the legal industry (solicited mainly from tradeshow conventions and telephone
interviews) suggested that legal keyboarding and language arts tests might be the most
needed tests for the industry, and thus the most likely tests to develop. Additionally, the
OPAC System already contained general versions of these tests, so there was both a
product history and test format from which to develop the new instruments.
Early Development
Although an informal perusal into the job occupations of legal assistant and secretary
revealed that both keyboarding and language arts skills were important to successful
performance in these job classifications, more quantifiable evidence needed to be obtained.
To that end, 241 law offices throughout the United States were contacted via facsimile and
asked to provide job descriptions for the positions of legal assistant and secretary. Out of
the 241 offices contacted, 11 provided complete job descriptions for these positions. All of
the received job descriptions indicated that at least some level of minimum competency in
the skills of keyboarding and language arts was needed for successful performance in these
job classifications. This information provided enough evidence to justify the full
development of selection tests measuring keyboarding and language arts skills. Appendix 1
contains all received legal assistant and secretary job descriptions.
Industry Experts
Industry experts were recruited to provide guidance and direction in the test development
process. Two industry experts participated in constructing the tests. All industry experts
were required to have at least five years of experience in a job classification at or above the
level of legal assistant or secretary (the qualifications of these experts are provided in
Appendix 2). It was the duty of the industry experts to first provide materials from which to
develop the tests, and then to provide feedback and advice on how to develop the tests.
Based on the material provided by industry experts, three alternate versions of each test
were developed. Once completed, the tests were shown to industry experts, who then
evaluated them as to their content and provided recommended changes. The tests were
revised and again presented to industry experts for final approval. Industry experts were
compensated for their participation in the test development process.
Test Descriptions
The legal keyboarding test was designed to measure typing speed and accuracy specific to
legal documents frequently typed by legal assistants and secretaries. Three alternate
versions of the test were constructed. Each version had between 640 and 692 words of text.
The text material was selected from actual documents that had been used in a several law
offices and the tests were similarly formatted to take into account form, content, and layout
of the presented text. All tests were constructed to have roughly the same overall level of
difficulty. To distinguish it from regular typing tests, the legal keyboarding test contains
frequently used legal terminology and other such legal-specific contents. Because of the
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
frequent technical and numeric information contained in the test, it was thought that skill
performance differences between the legal keyboarding test and a non-specific keyboarding
test might vary, with test takers performing better on a non-specific test (that does not
contain the highly technical information found in the legal keyboarding test). In its final
format, the legal keyboarding test will be presented to candidates either on a computer
screen, or on a hardcopy printout. Appendix 3 contains all three versions of the test.
The legal language arts tests were designed to measure grammar and proofreading skills.
As with the legal keyboarding test, three alternate versions of the test were constructed,
and these versions were constructed with the intention of being similar in both structure
and difficulty level. The test was designed to simulate actual legal documents, such as a
Request for Production or a will. A series of errors were imbedded in the text, the goal for
the test taker being to locate and correct these errors. The errors were divided into the
classifications of spelling, grammar, punctuation, number usage, possessives, and
capitalization. To successfully complete the test, candidates must not only identify the
errors (demonstrating proofreading skill), but also have the knowledge to correct the
uncovered errors. Each alternate version of the test had between 78 and 82 errors
imbedded in the text document, which was between 329 and 356 words long. Error-to-
total-word ratios ranged from .23 to .24, which is a similar level found in current OPAC
System language arts tests. Appendix 4 contains all three versions of this test.
Testing Site
After construction of the tests was complete, it became necessary to locate a suitable
testing site from which to pilot test the new instruments. For the legal keyboarding and
language arts tests, a large law office located in Menlo Park, California was selected as the
testing site for the new instruments. This test site offered a large pool of subject-matter
experts from which to draw, and it also provided subject-matter experts who had some
diversity in their particular area of law practice. Subject-matter experts from several fields
of law were able to participate in the study.
Thirty-nine subject-matter experts took part in the beta testing of the legal keyboarding and
language arts tests (N
= 39). All subject-matter experts were either legal assistants or legal
secretaries (or of similar classification) and had at least one year of experience working in
that job occupation. The overall mean years of job experience for the subject-matter
experts was 9.81 (M
= 9.81, SD = 7.13). Subject-matter experts spent approximately one
hour taking and evaluating all three versions of both tests. Upon completing the test
evaluation, subject-matter experts were thanked for their participation and compensated for
their time with gift certificates from a local department store.
Legal Keyboarding and Language Arts Tests.
Final beta versions of the legal keyboarding and language arts tests were administered to
subject-matter experts. The tests were contained in a special beta version of OPAC 5.0 skills
testing software that had been installed onto six computers in the law office’s training room.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Candidates were able to open the program by selecting an icon located on the desktop of
the computer. Once opened, the computer automatically launched the tests, and candidates
completed all three versions of each test.
Validation Survey.
The validation survey was used to evaluate the quality and content validity of each test
being examined. The survey was constructed based on a validation report included in OPAC
5.0, and addresses the content validation requirements described in the Uniform Guidelines
(1978). Data on each topic was gathered in the survey:
Whether or not the test measured the skill it was designed to measure
Whether or not the skill being measured is required at job entry
The importance of the skill
The difficulty level of the test
The subject-matter expert’s score on the test
The subject-matter expert’s opinion as to what a minimally qualified candidate’s
score on the test should be to be considered for employment/promotion
The survey was also designed to capture subject-matter expert demographic information
such as name, gender, ethnicity, job title, and years of work experience. All versions of both
tests were examined separately, and subject-matter experts completed validation surveys
for all versions of each test.
A training supervisor at the law office was placed in charge of the test site. Subject-matter
experts were tested in groups of five or six during their lunch hour. These testing sessions
were staggered out over a one-week period, so as to allow sufficient time for each subject-
matter expert to be able to participate. Subject-matter experts were seated at the computer
which had the beta version of the OPAC software installed. Once seated, subject-matter
experts were given the validation survey, which contained full instructions on how the
testing process was to proceed. In order to keep track of their scores on the computer,
subject-matter experts entered their social security number when prompted to do so by the
computer. The computer then administered each version of the both tests to subject-matter
experts, who had five minutes to complete each keyboarding test, and 13 minutes to
complete each language arts test. The order in which the tests were presented was
randomized so as to lessen any carry-over or practice effects. Between each test, the
computer was paused, allowing subject-matter experts to answer validation questions about
each of the tests in the survey.
After all six tests were completed, the subject-matter experts were asked to attest that they
gave each test their best effort, which they did by checking a box on the last page of the
survey that indicated as such. Subject-matter experts were thanked for their time and
escorted from the test site.
In order to establish basic content validity for each test, at least 50% of subject-matter
experts must agree that proficiency in the skill which the test measures is essential for
successful performance of the job being selected for. One hundred percent of subject-
matter experts agreed that proficiency in language arts was essential to successful
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
performance in the job of legal assistant or secretary, and all agreed that keyboarding skills
were necessary for successful performance of the job of legal assistant or secretary.
It is also essential to demonstrate that a skill being tested for is required at the time of job
entry, and cannot be learned during a brief orientation. To that end, subject-matter experts
were asked whether or not keyboarding and language arts skills were required at time of
job entry of if they could be learned while on the job. Eighty-eight percent of subject-matter
experts agreed that language arts skills were essential at time of job entry, and 82%
percent agreed that keyboarding skills were essential at time of job entry.
Legal Keyboarding
Each alternate version of the legal keyboarding test was examined to determine mean
scores and difficulty levels for each. Mean scores and standard deviations for the legal
keyboarding test versions one, two, and three were highly comparable (M
= 63.16, SD =
14.79, M
= 64.08, SD = 15.42, M = 65.72, SD = 14.97), suggesting that the tests
contained similar content and had a similar level of difficulty. The overall mean standard
error of measurement was 5.81. In order to determine consistency between the different
versions of the test, an alternate form reliability analysis was conducted. The Pearson
product-moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the reliability of each version
of the test. From this analysis, the following matrix was developed.
Table 1: Product-moment correlations between each
version of the Legal Keyboarding Test.
Legal Keyboarding
Version One
Legal Keyboarding
Version Two
Legal Keyboarding
Version Three
Version One
1.00 .930* .819*
Version Two
.930* 1.00 .799*
Version Three
.819* .799* 1.00
*Significant at the 0.01 level.
Based upon the correlations between each version of the test, an overall mean correlation
was determined, R (38) = .85, p < .01. This is a strong reliability coefficient, and indicates
consistency between different versions of the test. Subject-matter experts were also asked
to rate the difficulty level of the test. Using a simple Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 3 (1
indicating that the test was too easy, 2 indicating that the test had the appropriate level of
difficulty, and 3, indicating that the test was too difficult) subject-matter experts rated the
overall difficulty of the test. Subject-matter experts rated the tests with a mean difficulty
level of M = 2.09, SD = 0.55, indicating that the tests are set at an appropriate level of
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Legal Language Arts
As with the legal keyboarding tests, each alternate version of the legal language arts test
was examined to determine mean scores and difficulty levels. Mean scores and standard
deviations for the legal language arts test versions one, two, and three were consistent (M
= 63.77, SD
= 9.21, M = 60.24, SD = 11.19, M = 64.38, SD = 7.90), meaning that the
tests contained similar content and had a similar level of difficulty. Overall, the mean
standard error of measurement was 4.50. As with the legal keyboarding tests, a reliability
analysis was conducted. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was again
used to determine the reliability of each version of the test. From this analysis, the following
matrix was constructed.
Table 2: Product-moment correlations between each
version of the Legal Language Arts Test.
Legal Language
Arts Version One
Legal Language
Arts Version Two
Legal Language
Arts Version Three
Legal Language
Arts Version One
1.00 .757* .855*
Legal Language
Arts Version Two
.757* 1.00 .736*
Legal Language
Arts Version
.855* .736* 1.00
*Significant at the 0.01 level.
An overall mean correlation was determined, R (38) = .78, p < .01. This is an acceptable
reliability coefficient, and indicates consistency between different versions of the test.
Subject-matter experts were lastly asked to rate the difficulty level of the language arts
test. Using a simple Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 3 (1 indicating that the test was too
easy, 2 indicating that the test had the appropriate level of difficulty, and 3, indicating that
the test was too difficult) subject-matter experts rated the overall difficulty of the test.
Subject-matter experts rated the tests with a mean difficulty level of M = 2.17, SD = 0.63,
indicating that the tests are set at an appropriate, if slightly high, level of difficulty.
Angoff Scores
To determine the appropriate cutoff score for each test, the modified Angoff method was
utilized. The United States Supreme Court (U.S. v. South Carolina) has upheld this method
of determining test cutoff scores (Biddle, 1993). Subject-matter experts were asked as to
what they believed the score on each test for a minimally qualified applicant should be,
which is designed to represent how a minimally qualified job applicant would perform on the
test. Subject-matter experts provided these Angoff scores for all versions of each test.
Angoff scores were then averaged across alternate versions of each test, yielding a mean
Angoff score of 54.20 for the legal keyboarding test, and 56.88 for the legal language arts
tests. Based on these Angoff scores, cutoff scores using each test’s standard error of
measurement could be derived. The cutoff score for each test was set at one standard error
of measurement unit below the test’s mean Angoff. This process led to the following
modified Angoff cutoff score for each test.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Table 3: Summary Statistics and Modified Angoff Cutoff
Scores for the Legal Keyboarding and Legal Language Arts
Legal Keyboarding Legal Language Arts
Mean Angoff Score 54.20 56.88
Standard Deviation 14.97 9.66
R .85 .78
Mean Standard Error of
5.81 4.50
Modified Angoff Cutoff Score 48 52
Appendix 5 contains full summary statistics for each test, as well as raw candidate scores
and feedback from each of the selection tests.
Performance Differentiation
Lastly, subject-matter experts were polled to determine how strongly they believed that
higher levels of mastery in the skill being assessed distinguished candidates with higher
levels of performance in a particular job duty from candidates with lower levels of
performance in this job duty. Using a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 4 (1 indicating
little or no performance differentiation, 2 indicating some performance differentiation, 3
indicating significant performance differentiation, and 4, indicating very significant
performance differentiation) subject-matter experts were asked to rate how performance
differentiating the skills being assessed by the new tests were. Subject-matter experts gave
the legal keyboarding test a mean performance differentiation rating of 2.59, and the legal
language arts test a mean performance differentiation rating of 2.75, suggesting that higher
levels of these skills may be performance differentiating.
Job Duty/KSA Linkage
The Uniform Guidelines (1978) require that tested knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) be
linked to established job duties. Responses from subject-matter experts almost universally
agreed that keyboarding and language arts skills were essential components of major job
duties. Subject-matter experts were asked to list the two most important job duties that
link to the tested KSAs, and to rank the importance and frequency of each job duty. Job
duties such as “processing of documents,” “transcription,” and “drafting correspondence”
were linked to both keyboarding and language arts skills by subject-matter experts. See
Appendix 5 for full descriptions. On a Likert-type scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not important, 5
being extremely critical), subject-matter experts rated the overall importance of listed job
duties with a mean rating of M
= 3.68, indicating that the linked job duties were essential to
successful job performance. Subject-matter experts also assigned a frequency rating to the
listed job duties. Using a Likert-type scale of 1 to 5 (1 indicating daily to weekly
performance of the job duty, 5 indicating less than annual performance of the job duty).
Subject-matter experts’ mean frequency rating was M
= 1.11, indicating that the listed job
duties were frequently performed.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The results of this development study indicate that the legal keyboarding and language arts
tests successfully measure the skills that they were designed to assess. Additionally, it
appears that the use of these tests is likely appropriate to the selection process of the legal
secretary and legal assistant job classifications. However, it is important to note that this
development report does not constitute a full content validation study. Such a study would
have to account for regional differences, differences in legal specialty, differences in job
positions, and differences in specific job work environment. All that can be extrapolated
from the present study is that the evaluated legal tests are appropriate to the selection
process for the law office in which the testing site was held. The Principles for the Validation
and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures (1987) state that full content validation
procedures should allow for test administrators to be able to generalize the content
validation results to different population samples, something that the current development
study does only if it is confirmed through a validation transportability process. Biddle
Consulting Group recommends that individuals wishing to uses these tests as a selection
device conduct an in-house content validation study. Such a study would ensure that the
selection process is fair and applicable to the job environment where the selection process
would take place. Coupled with the current development study, which demonstrates basic
ability of the instruments to measure the skills that they were designed to measure,
administrators of the legal keyboarding and language arts tests will aid many employers in
selecting applicants who possess the skill levels needed for acceptable job proficiency.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development Report for OPAC
System 5.0
Medical Keyboarding and Language Arts Tests
October 1998
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Though the research conducted for this report is thorough and complete, it should in no
way be construed as a final validation study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part
of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report
have been pilot tested, and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the
skill(s) being tested. Because this study was conducted at only one employer, its
results and applications may or may not be relevant in other geographical areas,
employers, specific areas of practice, or job positions. Biddle Consulting Group
recommends conducting an in-house validation study of all tests before using them as a
selection device, as such a study would help establish that the skills measured by the
tests in this report are essential to the specific job environment in which the in-house
validation study was conducted.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Medical keyboarding and language arts tests were developed to aid in the selection of
properly qualified candidates in the medical assistant and medical secretary job
classifications. Three alternative versions of each test were developed. The medical
keyboarding test was designed to measure the speed and accuracy of applicants typing
medical text. The medical language arts test was designed to measure an applicant’s ability
to proofread and spot various grammatical errors in documents that medical assistants and
secretaries would typically be expected to analyze and proofread. Three medical industry
experts assisted in the development of both tests, and over 20 subject-matter experts
participated in the evaluation of the new tests. Eighty-nine percent of medical subject-
matter experts who examined the keyboarding test agreed that the test appropriately
measured the skill being assessed, and 84% of subject-matter experts who examined the
language arts test also agreed that the test appropriately measured the skills being
assessed. Medical subject-matter experts were administered all alternative forms of both
tests, and their input established alternate form reliability coefficients for each test. Cutoff
scores were also derived, based upon the scores of job incumbent subject-matter experts.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The following is a report describing the development process of the OPAC System medical
keyboarding and language arts tests. The reason for developing these tests was twofold.
First, a product development decision had been made to orient the OPAC System towards
the medical industry, as there is a high need for clerical skills in this field and a perceived
high demand for skills testing in medical industry. Second, informal feedback from
representatives of the medical industry (solicited mainly from tradeshow conventions and
telephone interviews) suggested that medical keyboarding and language arts tests might be
the most needed tests for the industry, and thus the most likely tests to develop.
Additionally, the OPAC System already contained general versions of these tests, so there
was both a product history and test format from which to develop the new instruments.
Early Development
Although an informal perusal into the job occupations of medical assistant and secretary
revealed that both keyboarding and language arts skills were important to successful
performance in these job classifications, more quantifiable evidence needed to be obtained.
To that end, 295 health organizations (hospitals, doctor’s offices, etc.) were contacted via
facsimile and asked to provide job descriptions for the positions of medical assistant and
secretary. Out of the 295 offices contacted, 12 provided complete job descriptions for these
positions. All of the received job descriptions indicated that at least some level of minimum
competency in the skills of keyboarding and language arts was needed for successful
performance in these job classifications. This information provided enough evidence to
justify the full development of selection tests measuring keyboarding and language arts
skills. Appendix 1 contains all received medical assistant and secretary job descriptions.
Industry Experts
Industry experts were recruited to provide guidance and direction in the test development
process. Three industry experts participated in constructing the tests. All industry experts
were required to have at least five years of experience in a job classification above the level
of medical assistant or secretary (the qualifications of these experts are provided in
Appendix 2). It was the duty of the industry experts to first provide materials from which to
develop the tests, and then to provide feedback and advice on how to develop the tests.
Based on the material provided by industry experts, three alternate versions of each test
were developed. Once completed, the tests were shown to industry experts, who then
evaluated them as to their content and provided recommended changes. The tests were
revised and again presented to industry experts for final approval. Industry experts were
compensated for their participation in the test development process.
Test Descriptions
The medical keyboarding test was designed to measure typing speed and accuracy specific
to medical documents frequently typed by medical assistants and secretaries. Three
alternate versions of the test were constructed. Each version had between 616 and 643
words of text. The text material was selected from actual documents that had been used in
a large, Northern California hospital, and the tests were similarly formatted to take into
account form, content, and layout of the presented text. All tests were constructed to have
roughly the same overall level of difficulty. To distinguish it from regular typing tests, the
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
medical keyboarding test contains frequently used medical terminology and other such
medical-specific contents (cc, b.i.d., Levothroid, etc). Because of the frequent technical and
numeric information contained in the test, it was thought that skill performance differences
between the medical keyboarding test and a non-specific keyboarding test might vary, with
test takers performing better on a non-specific test (that does not contain the highly
technical information found in the medical keyboarding test). In its final format, the medical
keyboarding test will be presented to candidates either on a computer screen, or on a
hardcopy printout. Appendix 3 contains all three versions of the test.
The medical language arts tests were designed to measure grammar and proofreading
skills. As with the medical keyboarding test, three alternate versions of the test were
constructed, and these versions were constructed with the intention of being similar in both
structure and difficulty level. The test was designed to simulate an actual medical
document, such as an insurance claim or doctor’s report. A series of errors were imbedded
in the text, the goal for the test taker being to locate and correct these errors. The errors
were divided into the classifications of spelling, grammar, punctuation, number usage,
possessives, and capitalization. To successfully complete the test, candidates must not only
identify the errors (demonstrating proofreading skill), but also have the knowledge to
correct the uncovered errors. Each alternate version of the test had between 78 and 82
errors imbedded in the text document, which was between 320 and 348 words long. Error-
to-total-word ratios ranged from .23 to .24, which is a similar level found in current OPAC
System language arts tests. Appendix 4 contains all three versions of this test.
Testing Site
After construction of the tests was complete, it became necessary to locate a suitable
testing site from which to pilot test the new instruments. For the medical keyboarding and
language arts tests, a large Health Maintenance Organization located in Roseville, California
was selected as the testing site for the new instruments. This test site offered a large pool
of subject-matter experts from which to draw, and it also provided subject-matter experts
who had some diversity in their particular area of medical expertise. Subject-matter experts
from several medical specialties were able to participate in the study.
Twenty-three subject-matter experts took part in the beta testing of the medical
keyboarding and language arts tests (N
= 23). All subject-matter experts were either
medical assistants or medical secretaries (or of similar classification) and had at least one
year of experience working in that job occupation. The overall mean years of job experience
for the subject-matter experts was 7.43 (M
= 7.43, SD = 6.90). Subject-matter experts
spent approximately one hour taking and evaluating all three versions of both tests. Upon
completing the test evaluation, subject-matter experts were thanked for their participation
and compensated for their time with gift certificates from a local department store.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Medical Keyboarding and Language Arts Tests.
Final beta versions of the medical keyboarding and language arts tests were administered to
subject-matter experts. The tests were contained in a special beta version of OPAC 5.0 skills
testing software that had been installed onto a single computer located in the main office of
the hospital in which the test site was being held. Candidates were able to open the
program by selecting an icon located on the desktop of the computer. Once opened, the
computer automatically launched the tests, and candidates completed all three versions of
each test.
Validation Survey.
The validation survey was used to evaluate the quality and content validity of each test
being examined. The survey was constructed based on a validation report included in OPAC
5.0, and addresses the content validation requirements described in the Uniform Guidelines
(1978). Data on each topic was gathered in the survey:
Whether or not the test measured the skill it was designed to measure
Whether or not the skill being measured is required at job entry
The importance of the skill
The difficulty level of the test
The subject-matter expert’s score on the test
The subject-matter expert’s opinion as to what a minimally qualified candidate’s
score on the test should be to be considered for employment/promotion
The survey was also designed to capture subject-matter expert demographic information
such as name, gender, ethnicity, job title, and years of work experience. All versions of both
tests were examined separately, and subject-matter experts completed validation surveys
for all versions of each test.
An office supervisor at the hospital was placed in charge of the test site. This test proctor
arranged individual appointments with each of the subject-matter experts to examine the
new medical tests at times that would not interfere with their regular work hours. These
individual appointments were staggered out over a two-week period, so as to allow
sufficient time for each subject-matter expert to be able to participate. Subject-matter
experts were seated at the computer which had the beta version of the OPAC software
installed. Once seated, subject-matter experts were given the validation survey, which
contained full instructions on how the testing process was to proceed. In order to keep track
of their scores on the computer, subject-matter experts entered their social security number
when prompted to do so by the computer. The computer then administered each version of
both tests to subject-matter experts, who had five minutes to complete each keyboarding
test, and 13 minutes to complete each language arts test. The order in which the tests were
presented was randomized so as to lessen any carry-over or practice effects. Between each
test, the computer was paused, allowing subject-matter experts to answer validation
questions about each of the tests in the survey.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
After all six tests were completed, the subject-matter experts were asked to attest that they
gave each test their best effort, which they did by checking a box on the last page of the
survey that indicated as such. Subject-matter experts were thanked for their time and
escorted from the test site.
In order to establish basic content validity for each test, at least 50% of subject-matter
experts must agree that proficiency in the skill which the test measures is essential for
successful performance of the job being selected for. Eighty-four percent of subject-matter
experts agreed that proficiency in language arts was essential to successful performance in
the job of medical assistant or secretary, and 89% agreed that keyboarding skills were
necessary for successful performance of the job of medical assistant or secretary.
It is also essential to demonstrate that a skill being tested for is required at the time of job
entry, and cannot be learned during a brief orientation. To that end, subject-matter experts
were asked whether or not keyboarding and language arts skills were required at time of
job entry of if they could be learned while on the job. Seventy-nine percent of subject-
matter experts agreed that language arts skills were essential at time of job entry, and 83%
percent agreed that keyboarding skills were essential at time of job entry.
Medical Keyboarding
Each alternate version of the medical keyboarding test was examined to determine mean
scores and difficulty levels for each. Mean scores and standard deviations for the medical
keyboarding test versions one, two, and three were highly comparable (M
= 35.78, SD =
11.46, M
= 35.09, SD = 13.52, M = 36.72, SD = 12.34), suggesting that the tests
contained similar content and had a similar level of difficulty. The overall mean standard
error of measurement was 4.12. In order to determine consistency between the different
versions of the test, an alternate form reliability analysis was conducted. The Pearson
product-moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the reliability of each version
of the test. From this analysis, the following matrix was developed.
Table 1: Product-moment correlations between each
version of the Medical Keyboarding Test.
Version One
Version Two
Version Three
Version One
1.00 .853* .830*
Version Two
.853* 1.00 .968*
Version Three
.830* .968* 1.00
*Significant at the 0.01 level.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Based upon the correlations between each version of the test, an overall mean correlation
was determined, R (22) = .88, p < .01. This is a strong reliability coefficient, and indicates
consistency between different versions of the test. Lastly, subject-matter experts were
asked to rate the difficulty level of the test. Using a simple Likert-type scale ranging from 1
to 3 (1 indicating that the test was too easy, 2 indicating that the test had the appropriate
level of difficulty, and 3, indicating that the test was too difficult) subject-matter experts
were asked to rate the overall difficulty of the test. Subject-matter experts rated the tests
with a mean difficulty level of M = 2.20, SD = .53, suggesting that the tests are set at an
appropriate, if slightly high, difficulty level.
Medical Language Arts
As with the medical keyboarding tests, each alternate version of the medical language arts
test was examined to determine mean scores and difficulty levels. Mean scores and
standard deviations for the medical language arts test versions one, two, and three were
consistent (M
= 56.59, SD = 13.21, M = 59.80, SD = 8.29, M = 57.67, SD = 11.37),
meaning that the tests contained similar content and had a similar level of difficulty.
Overall, the mean standard error of measurement was 5.36. As with the medical
keyboarding tests, a reliability analysis was conducted. The Pearson product-moment
correlation coefficient was again used to determine the reliability of each version of the test.
From this analysis, the following matrix was constructed.
Table 2: Product-moment correlations between each
version of the Medical Language Arts Test.
Medical Language
Arts Version One
Medical Language
Arts Version Two
Medical Language
Arts Version Three
Medical Language
Arts Version One
1.00 .743* .745*
Medical Language
Arts Version Two
.743* 1.00 .814*
Medical Language
Arts Version
.745* .814* 1.00
*Significant at the 0.01 level.
An overall mean correlation was determined, R (22) = .77, p < .01. This is an acceptable
reliability coefficient, and indicates consistency between different versions of the test.
Subject-matter experts were lastly asked to rate the difficulty level of the language arts
test. Using a simple Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 3 (1 indicating that the test was too
easy, 2 indicating that the test had the appropriate level of difficulty, and 3, indicating that
the test was too difficult) subject-matter experts were asked to rate the overall difficulty of
the test. Subject-matter experts rated the tests with a mean difficulty level of M = 1.99, SD
= 0.50, indicating that the tests are set at an appropriate level of difficulty.
Angoff Scores
To determine the appropriate cutoff score for each test, the modified Angoff method was
utilized. The United States Supreme Court (U.S. v. South Carolina) has upheld this method
of determining test cutoff scores (Biddle, 1993). Subject-matter experts were asked as to
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
what they believed the score on each test for a minimally qualified applicant should be,
which is designed to represent how a minimally qualified job applicant would perform on the
test. Subject-matter experts provided these Angoff scores for all versions of each test.
Angoff scores were then averaged across alternate versions of each test, yielding a mean
Angoff score of 33.92 for the medical keyboarding test, and 56.88 for the medical language
arts tests. Based on these Angoff scores, cutoff scores using each test’s standard error of
measurement could be derived. The cutoff score for each test was set at one standard error
of measurement unit below the test’s mean Angoff. This process led to the following
modified Angoff cutoff score for each test.
Table 3: Summary Statistics and Modified Angoff Cutoff
Scores for the Medical Keyboarding and Medical Language
Arts Tests.
Medical Keyboarding Medical Language Arts
Mean Angoff Score 33.92 56.88
Standard Deviation 12.09 11.12
R .88 .76
Mean Standard Error of
4.12 5.36
Modified Angoff Cutoff Score 29 51
Appendix 5 contains full summary statistics for each test, as well as raw candidate scores
and feedback from each of the selection tests.
Performance Differentiation
Lastly, subject-matter experts were polled to determine how strongly they believed that
higher levels of mastery in the skill being assessed distinguished candidates with higher
levels of performance in a particular job duty from candidates with lower levels of
performance in this job duty. Using a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 4 (1 indicating
little or no performance differentiation, 2 indicating some performance differentiation, 3
indicating significant performance differentiation, and 4, indicating very significant
performance differentiation) subject-matter experts were asked to rate how performance
differentiating the skills being assessed by the new tests were. Subject-matter experts gave
the medical keyboarding test a mean performance differentiation rating of 2.43, and the
medical language arts test a mean performance differentiation rating of 2.41, suggesting
that higher levels of these skills may be performance differentiating.
Job Duty/KSA Linkage
The Uniform Guidelines (1978) require that tested knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) be
linked to established job duties. Responses from subject-matter experts almost universally
agreed that keyboarding and language arts skills were essential components of major job
duties. Subject-matter experts were asked to list the two most important job duties that
link to the tested KSAs, and to rank the importance and frequency of each job duty. Job
duties such as “typing reports,” “proofreading claims,” and “correct recording of
information” were linked to both keyboarding and language arts skills by subject-matter
experts. See Appendix 5 for full descriptions. On a Likert-type scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not
important, 5 being extremely critical), subject-matter experts rated the overall importance
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
of listed job duties with a mean rating of M = 3.38, indicating that the linked job duties
were essential to successful job performance. Subject-matter experts also assigned a
frequency rating to the listed job duties. Using a Likert-type scale of 1 to 5 (1 indicating
daily to weekly performance of the job duty, 5 indicating less than annual performance of
the job duty). Subject-matter experts’ mean frequency rating was M
= 1.20, indicating that
the listed job duties were frequently performed.
The results of this development study indicate that the medical keyboarding and language
arts tests successfully measure the skills that they were designed to assess. Additionally, it
appears that the use of these tests is likely appropriate to the selection process of the
medical secretary and medical assistant job classifications. However, it is important to note
that this development report does not constitute a full content validation study. Such a
study would have to account for regional differences, differences in medical specialty,
differences in job positions, and differences in specific job work environment. All that can be
extrapolated from the present study is that the evaluated medical tests are appropriate to
the selection process for the medical office in which the testing site was held. The Principles
for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures (1987) state that full content
validation procedures should allow for test administrators to be able to generalize the
content validation results to different population samples, something that the current
development study does only if it is confirmed through a validation transportability process.
Biddle Consulting Group recommends that individuals wishing to uses these tests as a
selection device conduct an in-house content validation study. Such a study would ensure
that the selection process is fair and applicable to the job environment where the selection
process would take place. Coupled with the current development study, which demonstrates
basic ability of the instruments to measure the skills that they were designed to measure,
administrators of the medical keyboarding and language arts tests will aid many employers
in selecting applicants who possess the skill levels needed for acceptable job proficiency.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development Report for OPAC
System 5.3
Legal and Medical Transcription Tests
March 1999
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Though the research conducted for this report is thorough and complete, it should in no way
be construed as a final validation study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part of Biddle
Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report have been
pilot tested, and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the skill(s) being
tested. Because this study was conducted at only one employer, its results and applications
may or may not be relevant in other geographical areas, employers, specific areas of
practice, or job positions. Biddle Consulting Group recommends conducting an in-house
validation study of all tests before using them as a selection device, as such a study would
help establish that the skills measured by the tests in this report are essential to the specific
job environment in which the in-house validation study was conducted.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Legal and medical transcription tests were developed to aid in the selection of properly
qualified candidates in the legal secretary and medical transcriptionist job classifications.
Three alternative versions of each test were developed. The legal transcription test was
designed measure ability to accurately transcribe the dictation of a legal document, while
the medical transcription test measures medical transcription ability. Two legal industry
experts and two medical transcription experts assisted in the development of each test.
Thirty-seven subject-matter experts participated in the evaluation of the legal transcription
test, while seventeen subject-matter experts evaluated the medical transcription test.
Ninety-four percent of legal subject-matter experts who examined the transcription test
agreed that the test appropriately measured the skill being assessed, and 100 percent of
the medical subject-matter experts who examined the medical transcription test agreed that
the test appropriately measured the skills being assessed. All subject-matter experts were
administered all alternative forms of both tests, and cutoff scores were derived based upon
the performance of job incumbent subject-matter experts.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The following is a report describing the development process of the OPAC System legal and
medical transcription tests. The reason for developing these tests was twofold. First, a
product development decision had been made to orient the OPAC System towards the legal
and medical industries, as there is a high need for clerical skills in these professions and a
perceived high demand for skills testing in both the legal and medical industries. Second,
informal feedback from representatives of the legal and medical industries (solicited mainly
from tradeshow conventions and telephone interviews) suggested that transcription tests
might be highly-needs skills tests for both industries, and thus the most likely tests to
develop. Additionally, the OPAC System already contained a general version of a
transcription test, so there was both a product history and test format from which to
develop the new instruments.
Early Development
Although an informal perusal into the job occupations of legal secretary/assistant and
medical transcriptionist revealed that transcription skills were important to successful
performance in these job classifications, more quantifiable evidence needed to be obtained.
To that end, 241 law offices and 295 medical offices throughout the United States were
contacted via facsimile and asked to provide job descriptions for the positions of legal
secretary/assistant and medical transcriptionist. Out of the 241 law offices contacted, 11
provided complete job descriptions for these positions. Out of the 295 medical offices, 12
provided job descriptions for the position of medical transcription and/or medical secretary.
All of the received job descriptions indicated that at least some level of minimum
competency in the skill of transcription was needed for successful performance in these job
classifications. This information provided enough evidence to justify the full development of
selection tests measuring legal and medical transcription ability. Appendix 1 contains all
received legal and medical job descriptions.
Industry Experts
Industry experts from both the legal and medical professions were recruited to provide
guidance and direction in the test development process. Two industry experts from each
profession participated in the construction of the industry-specific transcription tests. All
industry experts were required to have at least five years of experience in a job
classification at or above the level of legal secretary/assistant or medical transcriptionist
(the qualifications of these experts are provided in Appendix 2). It was the duty of the
industry experts to first provide materials from which to develop the tests, and then to
provide feedback and advice on how to develop the tests. Based on the material provided
by industry experts, three alternate versions of each test were developed. Once completed,
the tests were shown to industry experts, who then evaluated them as to their content and
provided recommended changes. The tests were revised and again presented to industry
experts for final approval. Industry experts were compensated for their participation in the
test development process.
Test Descriptions
The legal transcription test was designed to assess a candidate’s ability to transcribe
dictated legal material that would typically be transcribed by legal secretaries or legal
assistants. Three alternate versions of the test were constructed. Each version had a similar
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
format and structure, and contained between 163 and 194 words imbedded in the text.
(The tests could not be constructed to be the exact same word length because of the need
to have the each text make structural and grammatical sense.) The text material was
selected from actual documents that had been used in a several law offices and the tests
were similarly formatted to take into account form, content, and layout of the presented
text. All tests were constructed to have roughly the same overall level of difficulty. To
distinguish the text from regular transcription material, the legal transcription test contains
frequently used legal terminology and other such legal-specific content. In its final format,
candidates will transcribe the legal dictation in OPAC using whatever native word processing
application is installed on the computer on which they are testing. Appendix 3 contains all
three versions of the test.
The medical transcription test was designed to measure skill in medical transcription.
Although steps were taken to ensure that the test measures the basic skill of medical
transcription, candidates taking this test are also required to have a certain knowledge of
medical terminology, as medical transcription often requires transcriptionists to have a
rudimentary familiarity with surgical procedures, physiology, pharmacology, etc. As with the
legal transcription test, three alternate versions of the test were constructed, and these
versions were constructed with the intention of being similar in both structure and difficulty
level. The test was designed to simulate actual medical transcriptions, such as a History
and Exam Report, or an Operating Report. When taking the test, candidates transcribe from
a dictation that is recorded on a cassette tape. As with the legal transcription test,
candidates transcribe the dictation into whatever native word processing application is
installed on the computer on which they are testing. Appendix 4 contains all three versions
of this test.
Testing Site
After construction of the tests was complete, it became necessary to locate a suitable
testing site from which to pilot test the new instruments. For the legal transcription test, a
large law office located in the San Francisco bay area was selected as the testing site for
the new instrument. This test site offered a large pool of subject-matter experts from which
to draw, and it also provided subject-matter experts who had some diversity in their
particular area of law practice. Subject-matter experts from several fields of law were able
to participate in the study.
Medical transcriptionists were gathered from two medical transcription offices located in
Sacramento, California. Both of these offices had transcriptionists who specialized in various
types of medical transcription, and all of the transcriptionists used had at least several years
of experience in the medical transcription profession.
Legal Participants
Thirty-seven subject-matter experts took part in the beta testing of the legal transcription
test (N
= 37). All subject-matter experts were either legal assistants or legal secretaries (or
of similar classification) and had at least one year of experience working in that job
occupation. The overall mean years of job experience for the subject-matter experts was
10.86 (M
= 10.86, SD = 8.19). Subject-matter experts spent approximately 1/2 hour taking
and evaluating all three versions of the test. Upon completing the test evaluation, subject-
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
matter experts were thanked for their participation and compensated for their time with gift
certificates from a local department store.
Medical Participants
Seventeen subject-matter experts took part in the beta testing of the medical transcription
test (N
= 17). All subject-matter experts were medical transcriptionists (or of similar
classification) and had at least one year of experience working in that job occupation.
Subject-matter experts spent approximately 1/2 hour taking and evaluating all three
versions of the test. Upon completing the test evaluation, subject-matter experts were
thanked for their participation and compensated for their time with gift certificates from a
local department store.
Legal and Medical Transcription Tests.
Final beta versions of the legal and medical transcription tests were administered to
subject-matter experts. The tests were contained in a special beta-version of the OPAC 5.3
skills testing software that had been installed onto computers in the law office’s training
room, offices of the medical transcription service, and at the OPAC office. Candidates were
able to open the program by selecting an icon located on the desktop of the computer. Once
opened, the computer automatically launched the tests, and candidates completed all three
versions of the test.
Dictation Tapes.
Candidates transcribed audio information contained in legal and medical dictation cassettes.
The legal dictation cassette contained three audio dictations that legal secretaries would
typically be expected to transcribe in a typical law office work environment. The medical
dictation cassette contained three dictations that medical transcriptionists frequently
transcribe in the course of working in the medical transcription industry. Both tapes were
recorded in a professional recording studio to ensure the highest possible quality. The legal
dictation tape was recorded with the voice of a professional actor, while the medical
transcription dictation was recorded using the voice of a professional medical transcriptionist
who was familiar with the verbiage and terminology typically found in medical transcription.
Validation Survey.
The validation survey was used to evaluate the quality and content validity of each test
being examined. The survey was constructed based on a validation report included in OPAC
5.0, and addresses the content validation requirements described in the Uniform Guidelines
(1978). Data on each topic was gathered in the survey:
Whether or not the test measured the skill it was designed to measure
Whether or not the skill being measured is required at job entry
The importance of the skill
The difficulty level of the test
The subject-matter expert’s score on the test
The subject-matter expert’s opinion as to what a minimally qualified candidate’s
score on the test should be to be considered for employment/promotion
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The survey was also designed to capture subject-matter expert demographic information
such as name, gender, ethnicity, job title, and years of work experience. All versions of both
tests were examined separately, and subject-matter experts completed validation surveys
for all versions of each test.
For the legal transcription test site, a training supervisor at the law office was placed in
charge of the test. Subject-matter experts were tested in groups of five or six during their
lunch hour. These testing sessions were staggered out over a one-week period, so as to
allow sufficient time for each subject-matter expert to be able to participate. For the
medical transcription test site, subject-matter experts were tested at both the offices of one
of the medical transcription services from which subject-matter experts were recruited, and
the offices of OPAC Testing Software. Subject-matter experts were seated at the computer
which had the beta version of the OPAC software installed. Once seated, subject-matter
experts were given the validation survey, which contained full instructions on how the
testing process was to proceed. In order to keep track of their scores on the computer,
subject-matter experts entered their social security number when prompted to do so by the
computer. The computer then administered all versions of the transcription test to subject-
matter experts. Between each test, the computer was paused, allowing subject-matter
experts to answer validation questions about each of the tests in the survey.
After all three tests were completed, the subject-matter experts were asked to attest that
they gave each test their best effort, which they did by checking a box on the last page of
the survey that indicated as such. Subject-matter experts were thanked for their time and
escorted from the test site. Subject-matter experts were compensated for their input.
In order to establish basic content validity for each test, at least 50% of subject-matter
experts must agree that proficiency in the skill which the test measures is essential for
successful performance of the job being selected for. Ninety-four percent of legal subject-
matter experts and 100 percent of medical subject-matter experts agreed that proficiency in
transcription was essential to successful performance in the job of legal secretary or medical
It is also essential to demonstrate that a skill being tested for is required at the time of job
entry, and cannot be learned during a brief orientation. To that end, subject-matter experts
were asked whether or not transcription skills were required at time of job entry of if they
could be learned while on the job. Seventy-six percent of legal subject-matter experts and
100 percent of medical subject-matter experts agreed that transcription skills were essential
at time of job entry.
Legal Transcription
Each alternate version of the legal transcription test was examined to determine mean
scores and difficulty levels for each. Mean scores and standard deviations for the legal
transcription test versions one, two, and three were highly comparable (M
= 147.63, SD =
26.84, M
= 182.22, SD = 28.54, M = 142.47, SD = 22.32), suggesting that the tests
contained similar content and had a similar level of difficulty. (The majority of variance
around the test means can be attributed to slight differences in the length of each test). The
overall mean standard error of measurement was 13.52. In order to determine consistency
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
between the different versions of the test, an alternate form reliability analysis was
conducted. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the
reliability of each version of the test. From this analysis, the following matrix was
Table 1: Product-moment correlations between each
version of the Legal Transcription Test.
Legal Transcription
Version One
Legal Transcription
Version Two
Legal Transcription
Version Three
Version One
1.00 .935* .920*
Version Two
.935* 1.00 .983*
Version Three
.920* .983* 1.00
*Significant at the 0.01 level.
Based upon the correlations between each version of the test, an overall mean correlation was
determined, R (36) = .946, p < .01. This is a strong reliability coefficient, and indicates
consistency between different versions of the test. However, in order to produce an internal
reliability coefficient for each test (to be used for purposes of constructing a cutoff score) the
reliability of the standard OPAC transcription test was applied to the legal transcription test.
This is a valid procedure due to the similarity in test design, administration and development
between the two tests. The internal reliability coefficient used for the legal transcription test
was .7276.
Subject-matter experts were also asked to rate the difficulty level of the test. Using a simple
Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 3 (1 indicating that the test was too easy, 2 indicating that
the test had the appropriate level of difficulty, and 3, indicating that the test was too difficult)
subject-matter experts rated the overall difficulty of the test. Subject-matter experts rated the
tests with a mean difficulty level of M = 1.99, SD = 0.55, indicating that the tests are set at an
appropriate level of difficulty.
Medical Transcription
As with the legal transcription test, each alternate version of the medical transcription test
was examined to determine mean scores and difficulty levels. Mean scores and standard
deviations for the medical transcription test versions one, two, and three were consistent (M
= 69.44, SD
= 2.45, M = 63.88, SD = 3.42, M = 59.38, SD = 7.27), meaning that the tests
contained similar content and had a similar level of difficulty. Overall, the mean standard
error of measurement was 2.287. As with the legal transcription test, a reliability analysis
was conducted. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was again used to
determine the reliability of each version of the test. From this analysis, the following matrix
was constructed.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Table 2: Product-moment correlations between each
version of the Medical Transcription Test.
Version One
Version Two
Version Three
Version One
1.00 .487* .387
Version Two
.487* 1.00 .571*
Version Three
.387 .571* 1.00
*Significant at the 0.01 level.
An overall mean correlation was determined, R (16) = .482, p < .05. This is an acceptable
reliability coefficient, and indicates consistency between different versions of the test. In order
to produce an internal reliability coefficient for each test (to be used for purposes of
constructing a cutoff score), the reliability of the standard OPAC transcription test was applied
to the medical transcription test. This is a valid procedure due to the similarity in test design,
administration and development between the two tests. The internal reliability coefficient used
for the medical transcription test was .7276.
Medical subject-matter experts were lastly asked to rate the difficulty level of the language
arts test. Using a simple Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 3 (1 indicating that the test was
too easy, 2 indicating that the test had the appropriate level of difficulty, and 3, indicating that
the test was too difficult) subject-matter experts rated the overall difficulty of the test.
Subject-matter experts rated the tests with a mean difficulty level of M = 1.89, SD = .503,
indicating that the tests are set at an appropriate level of difficulty.
Angoff Scores
To determine the appropriate cutoff score for each test, the modified Angoff method was
utilized. The United States Supreme Court (U.S. v. South Carolina) has upheld this method
of determining test cutoff scores (Biddle, 1993). Subject-matter experts were asked as to
what they believed the score on each test for a minimally qualified applicant should be,
which is designed to represent how a minimally qualified job applicant would perform on the
test. Subject-matter experts provided these Angoff scores for all versions of each test.
Because the alternate versions of the legal transcription test contained a different number of
test items, an Angoff percentage had to be derived in order for it to be applicable to all three
versions of the test. By dividing the Angoff score of each test version by the number of items
in each test version, Angoff percentages were derived. The Angoff percentage for test
version one was 64.62 percent, and test version two had a percentage of 62.42 percent.
Test version three had an Angoff of 66.69 percent. Because of the close similarity between
these percentages, they were collapsed into a general Angoff percentage of 64 percent. The
alternate versions of the medical transcription test had the same number of test items, and
thus did not require an Angoff percentage.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Angoff scores were averaged across alternate versions of each test, yielding a mean Angoff
percentage of 64 percent for the legal transcription test, and an Angoff score of 51 for the
medical transcription test. Based on these Angoff scores, cutoff scores using each test’s
standard error of measurement could be derived. The cutoff score for each test was set at
one standard error of measurement unit below the test’s mean Angoff. This process led to
the following modified Angoff cutoff score for each test.
Table 3: Summary Statistics and Modified Angoff Cutoff
Scores for the Legal and Medical Transcription Tests.
Legal Transcription Medical Transcription
Mean Angoff Score 157.817 53.804
Standard Deviation 31.39 4.382
R .728 .728
Mean Standard Error of
13.52 2.287
Modified Angoff Cutoff
64% 51
Appendix 5 contains full summary statistics for each test, as well as raw candidate scores
and feedback from each of the selection tests.
Performance Differentiation
Lastly, subject-matter experts were polled to determine how strongly they believed that
higher levels of mastery in the skill being assessed distinguished candidates with higher
levels of performance in a particular job duty from candidates with lower levels of
performance in the job duty. Using a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 4 (1 indicating little
or no performance differentiation, 2 indicating some performance differentiation, 3
indicating significant performance differentiation, and 4, indicating very significant
performance differentiation) subject-matter experts were asked to rate how performance-
differentiating the skills being assessed by the new tests were. Legal subject-matter experts
gave the legal transcription test a mean performance differentiation rating of 2.54, and
medical subject-matter experts gave the medical transcription test a mean performance
differentiation rating of 3.46, suggesting that higher levels of these skills may be
performance differentiating.
Job Duty/KSA Linkage
The Uniform Guidelines (1978) require that tested knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) be
linked to established job duties. Responses from subject-matter experts almost universally
agreed that transcription skills were essential components of the major job duties of legal
and medical transcription. Subject-matter experts were asked to list the two most important
job duties that link to the tested KSAs, and to rank the importance and frequency of each
job duty. Job duties such as “processing of documents,” “transcription,” and “drafting
correspondence” were linked to both transcription tests by subject-matter experts. See
Appendix 5 for full descriptions. On a Likert-type scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not important, 5
being extremely critical), subject-matter experts rated the overall importance of listed job
duties for legal transcription with a mean rating of M
= 3.44, indicating that the linked job
duties were essential to successful job performance as a legal secretary. Medical subject-
matter experts also assigned an importance rating to the listed job duties. Using a Likert-
type scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not important, 5 being extremely critical), subject-matter
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
experts’ mean importance rating was M = 4.56, indicating that the listed job duties were
critical for successful performance as a medical transcriptionist.
The results of this development study indicate that the legal and medical transcription tests
successfully measure the skills that they were designed to assess. Additionally, it appears
that the use of these tests is likely appropriate to the selection process of the legal
secretary and medical transcriptionist job classifications. However, it is important to note
that this development report does not constitute a full content validation study. Such a
study would have to account for regional differences, differences in job specialty,
differences in job positions, and differences in specific job work environment. All that can be
extrapolated from the present study is that the evaluated tests are appropriate to the
selection process for the office in which the testing site was held. The Principles for the
Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures (1987) state that full content
validation procedures should allow for test administrators to be able to generalize the
content validation results to different population samples, something that the current
development study does only if it is confirmed through a validation transportability process.
Biddle Consulting Group recommends that individuals wishing to use these tests as a
selection device conduct an in-house content validation study. Such a study would ensure
that the selection process is fair and applicable to the job environment where the selection
process would take place. Coupled with the current development study, which demonstrates
basic ability of the instruments to measure the skills that they were designed to measure,
administrators of the legal and medical transcription tests will aid many employers in
selecting applicants who possess the skill levels needed for acceptable job proficiency.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Angoff, W. H. (1971). Scales, Norms, and Equivalent Scores.
In Thorndike R. L.,
Educational Measurement (pg. 508-600). Washington, DC: American Council on Education.
Baldus, D. C. & Cole, J. W. L. (1980). Statistical Proof of Discrimination.
(pg. 508-
600). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Biddle, R. E. (1996). Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis.
(Available from Biddle
Consulting Group, Inc., 193 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270, Folsom, CA 95630).
Biddle, R. E. (1993). How to set cutoff scores for knowledge tests used in promotion,
training, certification, and licensing. Public Personnel Management, 22
(1), 63-79.
Biddle, R. E. (1992). How to analyze data for age discrimination in layoff situations.
The Human Resources Professional.
Contreras v. City of Los Angeles, 656 F.2d 1267 (9
Cir. 1981).
Haber, M. (1980). A comparison of some continuity corrections for the chi-square
test on 2x2 tables. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
(75), 371.
Osterlind, S. J. (1989). Constructing Test Items.
Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc. (1987). Principles for the
Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures. (Third Edition) College Park, MD:
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. (1978). Federal Register,
U.S. v. South Carolina, 434 US, 1026 (1978).
Waisome v. Port Authority of New York, 948 F.2d 1370 (2
Cir. 1991).
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development and Research Report
for OPAC® System 7.0
PowerPoint Test
April 2002
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC® PowerPoint Test
In March of 2002, an internal consistency reliability study of a beta version of the
OPAC® PowerPoint Test was conducted. The reliability was found to be .72. The United
States Department of Labor’s general guidelines for interpreting reliability coefficients
indicate that this level of reliability is interpreted as being “adequate.” Also, according to
these guidelines the OPAC Intermediate PowerPoint Test has sufficient reliability to be used
as a selection device if it is also valid for the position being tested.
About the Test
The OPAC® PowerPoint Test measures a person’s ability to correctly use important
features found in the Microsoft® PowerPoint program. The areas measured during the test
are based upon input received from an Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, who has
an extensive background in training others how to use Microsoft Office products at the
basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. It is also inspired by objectives set forth by
Microsoft for Microsoft Office Specialist Skill Standards: PowerPoint 2000. Test
takers must be familiar with terminology specifically associated with the Microsoft®
PowerPoint program to be able to accurately respond to the test items.
The Industrial and Organizational Psychologist who assisted in the development of
this test is an Assistant Professor of Administration at a major university. This psychologist
is certified by Microsoft as a Microsoft Office User Specialist Authorized Instructor and has
worked as a subject-matter expert to NIVO International (the manufacturer of the Microsoft
Certification exams). In addition, she is also certified by Microsoft at the Master Level in
Microsoft Office products.
According to the Microsoft web site, the Microsoft Office Specialist PowerPoint 2000
exam was created and validated by industry experts, and Microsoft’s exam development
process is accredited by the Buros Institute for Assessment Consultation and Outreach. A
complete listing of the PowerPoint exam-skill standards published by Microsoft can be found
Test Reliability Study Participants
Twenty-one office workers who indicated that they possessed at least a basic
knowledge and understanding of the PowerPoint program took a beta version of the OPAC
PowerPoint test in March of 2002 at Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.’s corporate offices in
Rancho Cordova, CA.
Descriptive Statistics, Including Reliability, for OPAC
Intermediate PowerPoint Test [Section 15C(5)]
The following are the descriptive statistics for the OPAC PowerPoint Test (beta
version) including measures of central tendency (i.e., means), dispersion (i.e., standard
deviations), and estimates of reliability as specified by Section 14[C](5) of the federal
Guidelines. Alpha (internal consistency
; Cronbach, 1951) reliability analysis was conducted
for this test using SPSS 13.0. The mean and standard deviation of these three test modules
are provided in percentage score.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
# of
(alpha )
Microsoft PowerPoint Test
21 25 73.14% 12.78% .7199
The U. S. Department of Labor indicates that reliability coefficients of 0.70 – 79 is to be
interpreted as being “adequate.”
The Validation Wizard, which is included with the OPAC software, is designed to
help users who are not testing experts address minimum standards of job relatedness for
tests which are anticipated or known to produce little, if any, adverse impact on protected
groups. However, even for tests without adverse impact, it make good business sense to
establish their job relatedness in order to be fair to candidates and to obtain employees who
have adequate levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities actually needed on the job. If you
find that this test adversely impacts a protected group of test takers, it is important to
ensure it meets validity standards. Call Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. toll free at 800-999-
0438 for consulting advice about Job Analyses, Validation, and Test Fairness.
Accuracy and Completeness [Section 15C(9)]
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc consultants and staff conducted the study from which
the reliability findings reported in this document were collected. The data collected was
entered by administrative staff employees (or contractors) and then independently checked
for accuracy by trained BCG employees. Analyses were also independently double-checked
and verified. We invite any comments you might have about this report.
Though the research conducted for this report is accurate and complete, it should in
no way be construed as a final study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part of Biddle
Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report have been
pilot tested, and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the abilities and skill(s)
being tested. Because this study was conducted as part of an on-going test development
process, and included participants from positions that may be dissimilar to those in other
organizations, its results and applications may or may not be relevant in other geographical
areas, employers, specific areas of practice, or job positions. Biddle Consulting Group
recommends conducting an in-house validation study of all tests before using them as a
selection device, as such a study would help establish that the abilities and skills measured
by the test in this report are essential to the specific job environment in which the in-house
validation study was conducted. Conducting an in-house study will also evaluate whether
the use of the scores (i.e., pass/fail, banding, or ranking) are appropriate for the position(s)
in your organization. Test administrators can conduct in-house validation studies using a
service provided by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Contact Person [Section 15C(8)]
To receive further information about this study, contact:
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Attention: James E. Kuthy
270 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 294-4250
OPAC® and Office Proficiency and Assessment Certification® are registered trademarks of
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark or trademark of the Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. The OPAC® Intermediate PowerPoint Test is an
independent publication of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. and is not affiliated with, nor has it
been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation.
Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.
16, 297 – 334.
Section 60-3, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure
(1978); 43 FR
38295(August 25, 1978).
U. S. Department of Labor. (1999). Testing and Assessment: An Employers Guide to
Good Practices. Washington, DC: Author.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development and Research Report
for OPAC® 7.0
Intermediate Excel Test
April 2002
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC® Intermediate Excel Test
In March of 2002, an internal consistency reliability study of a beta version of the
OPAC® Intermediate Excel Test was conducted. The reliability was found to be .75. The
United States Department of Labor’s general guidelines for interpreting reliability
coefficients indicate that this level of reliability is interpreted as being “adequate.” Also,
according to these guidelines the OPAC Intermediate Excel Test has sufficient reliability to
be used as a selection device if it is also valid for the position being tested.
About the Test
The OPAC® Intermediate Excel Test measures a person’s ability to correctly use
important intermediate-level features found in the Microsoft® Excel program. The areas
measured during the test are based upon input received from an Industrial and
Organizational Psychologist, who has an extensive background in training others how to use
Microsoft Office products at the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. It is also inspired
by objectives set forth by Microsoft for Microsoft Office Specialist Skill Standards:
Excel 2000 Expert. Test takers must be familiar with terminology specifically associated
with the Microsoft® Excel program to be able to accurately respond to the test items.
The Industrial and Organizational Psychologist who assisted in the development of
this test is an Assistant Professor of Administration at a major university. This psychologist
is certified by Microsoft as a Microsoft Office User Specialist Authorized Instructor and has
worked as a subject-matter expert to NIVO International (the manufacturer of the Microsoft
Certification exams). In addition, she is also certified by Microsoft at the Master Level in
Microsoft Office products and at the Expert Level in Microsoft Excel.
According to the Microsoft web site, the Microsoft Office Specialist Excel 2000 Expert
exam was created and validated by industry experts, and Microsoft’s exam development
process is accredited by the Buros Institute for Assessment Consultation and Outreach. A
complete listing of the Excel exam-skill standards published by Microsoft can be found at
Test Reliability Study Participants
Twenty-seven office workers who indicated that they possessed at least a basic
knowledge and understanding of the Excel program took a beta version of the OPAC
Intermediate Excel test in March of 2002 at Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.’s corporate offices
in Rancho Cordova, CA.
Descriptive Statistics, Including Reliability, for OPAC
Intermediate Excel Test [Section 15C(5)]
The following are the descriptive statistics for the OPAC Intermediate Excel Test
(beta version) including measures of central tendency (i.e., means), dispersion (i.e.,
standard deviations), and estimates of reliability as specified by Section 14[C](5) of the
federal Guidelines. Alpha (internal consistency
; Cronbach, 1951) reliability analysis was
conducted for this test using SPSS 13.0. The mean and standard deviation of these three
test modules are provided in raw score.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
# of
(alpha )
Intermediate Microsoft
Excel Test
27 25 77.48% 14.64% .7481
The U. S. Department of Labor indicates that reliability coefficients of 0.70 – 79 is to be
interpreted as being “adequate.”
The Validation Wizard, which is included with the OPAC software, is designed to
help users who are not testing experts address minimum standards of job relatedness for
tests which are anticipated or known to produce little, if any, adverse impact on protected
groups. However, even for tests without adverse impact, it make good business sense to
establish their job relatedness in order to be fair to candidates and to obtain employees who
have adequate levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities actually needed on the job. If you
find that this test adversely impacts a protected group of test takers, it is important to
ensure it meets validity standards. Call Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. toll free at 800-999-
0438 for consulting advice about Job Analyses, Validation, and Test Fairness.
Accuracy and Completeness [Section 15C(9)]
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc consultants and staff conducted the study from which
the reliability findings reported in this document were collected. The data collected was
entered by administrative staff employees (or contractors) and then independently checked
for accuracy by trained BCG employees. Analyses were also independently double-checked
and verified. We invite any comments you might have about this report.
Though the research conducted for this report is accurate and complete, it should in
no way be construed as a final study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part of Biddle
Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report have been
pilot tested, and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the abilities and skill(s)
being tested. Because this study was conducted as part of an on-going test development
process, and included participants from positions that may be dissimilar to those in other
organizations, its results and applications may or may not be relevant in other geographical
areas, employers, specific areas of practice, or job positions. Biddle Consulting Group
recommends conducting an in-house validation study of all tests before using them as a
selection device, as such a study would help establish that the abilities and skills measured
by the test in this report are essential to the specific job environment in which the in-house
validation study was conducted. Conducting an in-house study will also evaluate whether
the use of the scores (i.e., pass/fail, banding, or ranking) are appropriate for the position(s)
in your organization. Test administrators can conduct in-house validation studies using a
service provided by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Contact Person [Section 15C(8)]
To receive further information about this study, contact:
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Attention: James E. Kuthy
270 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 294-4250
OPAC® and Office Proficiency and Assessment Certification® are registered trademarks of
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark or trademark of the Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. The OPAC® Intermediate Excel Test is an
independent publication of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. and is not affiliated with, nor has it
been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation.
Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.
16, 297 – 334.
Section 60-3, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure
(1978); 43 FR
38295(August 25, 1978).
U. S. Department of Labor. (1999). Testing and Assessment: An Employers Guide to
Good Practices. Washington, DC: Author.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development and Research Report
for OPAC® System7.5
Intermediate Word Test
April, 2003
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC® Intermediate Word Test
In March of 2003, an internal consistency reliability study of a beta version of the
OPAC® Intermediate Word Test was conducted. The reliability was found to be .82. The
United States Department of Labor’s general guidelines for interpreting reliability
coefficients indicate that this level of reliability is interpreted as being “Good.” Also,
according to these guidelines the OPAC Intermediate Word Test has sufficient reliability to
be used as a selection device if it is also valid for the position being tested.
About the Test
The OPAC® Intermediate Word Test measures a person’s ability to correctly use
important intermediate-level features found in the Microsoft® Word program. The areas
measured during the test are based upon input received from an Industrial and
Organizational Psychologist, who has an extensive background in training others how to use
Microsoft Office products at the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. It is also inspired
by objectives set forth by Microsoft for Microsoft Office Specialist Skill Standards:
Word 2000 Expert. Test takers must be familiar with terminology specifically associated
with the Microsoft® Word program to be able to accurately respond to the test items.
The Industrial and Organizational Psychologist who assisted in the development of
this test is an Assistant Professor of Administration at a major university. This psychologist
is certified by Microsoft as a Microsoft Office User Specialist Authorized Instructor and has
worked as a subject-matter expert to NIVO International (the manufacturer of the Microsoft
Certification exams). In addition, she is also certified by Microsoft at the Master Level in
Microsoft Office products and at the Expert Level in Microsoft Word.
According to the Microsoft web site, the Microsoft Office Specialist Word 2000 Expert
exam was created and validated by industry experts, and Microsoft’s exam development
process is accredited by the Buros Institute for Assessment Consultation and Outreach. A
complete listing of the Word exam-skill standards published by Microsoft can be found at
Test Reliability Study Participants
Forty-three office workers who indicated that they possessed at least a basic
knowledge and understanding of the Word program took a beta version of the OPAC
Intermediate Word test in March of 2003 at Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.’s corporate offices
in Rancho Cordova, CA.
Descriptive Statistics, Including Reliability, for OPAC
Intermediate Word Test [Section 15C(5)]
The following are the descriptive statistics for the OPAC Intermediate Word Test
(beta version) including measures of central tendency (i.e., means), dispersion (i.e.,
standard deviations), and estimates of reliability as specified by Section 14[C](5) of the
federal Guidelines. Alpha (internal consistency
; Cronbach, 1951) reliability analysis was
conducted for this test using SPSS 13.0. The mean and standard deviation of these three
test modules are provided in percentage score.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
# of
(alpha )
Intermediate Microsoft
Word Test
43 25 61.02% 19.52% .8182
The U. S. Department of Labor indicates that reliability coefficients of 0.80 – 89 is to be
interpreted as being “good.”
The Validation Wizard, which is included with the OPAC software, is designed to
help users who are not testing experts address minimum standards of job relatedness for
tests which are anticipated or known to produce little, if any, adverse impact on protected
groups. However, even for tests without adverse impact, it make good business sense to
establish their job relatedness in order to be fair to candidates and to obtain employees who
have adequate levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities actually needed on the job. If you
find that this test adversely impacts a protected group of test takers, it is important to
ensure it meets validity standards. Call Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. toll free at 800-999-
0438 for consulting advice about Job Analyses, Validation, and Test Fairness.
Accuracy and Completeness [Section 15C(9)]
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc consultants and staff conducted the study from which
the reliability findings reported in this document were collected. The data collected was
entered by administrative staff employees (or contractors) and then independently checked
for accuracy by trained BCG employees. Analyses were also independently double-checked
and verified. We invite any comments you might have about this report.
Though the research conducted for this report is accurate and complete, it should in
no way be construed as a final study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part of Biddle
Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report have been
pilot tested, and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the abilities and skill(s)
being tested. Because this study was conducted as part of an on-going test development
process, and included participants from positions that may be dissimilar to those in other
organizations, its results and applications may or may not be relevant in other geographical
areas, employers, specific areas of practice, or job positions. Biddle Consulting Group
recommends conducting an in-house validation study of all tests before using them as a
selection device, as such a study would help establish that the abilities and skills measured
by the test in this report are essential to the specific job environment in which the in-house
validation study was conducted. Conducting an in-house study will also evaluate whether
the use of the scores (i.e., pass/fail, banding, or ranking) are appropriate for the position(s)
in your organization. Test administrators can conduct in-house validation studies using a
service provided by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Contact Person [Section 15C(8)]
To receive further information about this study, contact:
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Attention: James E. Kuthy
270 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270
Folsom, CA 95630
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
(916) 294-4250
OPAC® and Office Proficiency and Assessment Certification® are registered trademarks of
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark or trademark of the Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. The OPAC® Intermediate Word Test is an
independent publication of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. and is not affiliated with, nor has it
been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation.
Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.
16, 297 – 334.
Section 60-3, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure
(1978); 43 FR
38295(August 25, 1978).
U. S. Department of Labor. (1999). Testing and Assessment: An Employers Guide to
Good Practices. Washington, DC: Author.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development and Research Report
For OPAC® System 8.0
Basic Word Test
May 2005
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC® Basic Word Test
In April of 2005, an internal consistency reliability study of a beta version of the
OPAC® Basic Word Test was conducted. The reliability was found to be .916. The United
States Department of Labor’s general guidelines for interpreting reliability coefficients
indicate that this level of reliability is interpreted as being “excellent.” Also, according to
these guidelines the OPAC Basic Word Test has sufficient reliability to be
used as a selection device if it is also valid for the position being tested. Based on findings
from the present study the final version of the test was improved and is likely to have even
a higher validity coefficient than was previously found.
About the Test
The OPAC® Basic Word Test measures a person’s ability to correctly use important
basic features found in the Microsoft® Word program at a basic level. The areas measured
during the test are based upon input received from an Industrial and Organizational
Psychologist, who has an extensive background in training others how to use Microsoft
Office products at both the basic and advanced levels. It is also inspired by objectives set
forth by Microsoft for their Word 2000 “Office Specialist” examination. Test takers must be
familiar with terminology specifically associated with the Microsoft® Word program to be
able to accurately respond to the test items.
The Industrial and Organizational Psychologist who assisted in the development of
this test is an Assistant Professor of Administration at a major university. This psychologist
is certified by Microsoft as a Microsoft Office User Specialist Authorized Instructor and has
worked as a subject-matter expert to NIVO International (the manufacturer of the Microsoft
Certification exams). In addition, she is also certified by Microsoft at the Master Level in
Microsoft Office products and at the Expert Level in Microsoft Word.
According to the Microsoft web site, the Microsoft Office Specialist Word 2000 exam
was created and validated by industry experts, and Microsoft’s exam development process
is accredited by the Buros Institute for Assessment Consultation and Outreach. A complete
listing of the Word exam-skill standards published by Microsoft can be found at
Test Reliability Study Demographics
Thirty-eight people who indicated that they possessed at least a basic knowledge and
understanding of the Word program took a beta version of the OPAC Basic Word test in April
2005. Twenty-five of those were administered the computerized test at an Adult Learning
Center run by a local school district in Sacramento, California. The remaining 12 were
administered the same test at Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.’s corporate offices in Rancho
Cordova, CA.
The gender of the persons who participated in the current study was:
Male Female
5 33
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The race/ethnicity of the persons who participated in the current study was:
Alaska Native
26 1 6 4 1
The age of the persons that participated in the current study was:
Less than 20
years of age
years of age
years of age
years of age
50 and over
10 9 5 10 4
The education level of the persons who participated in the current study was:
Less than
High School
High School
Less than
0 12 1 7 5 11 2
Descriptive Statistics, Including Reliability, for OPAC Basic
Word Test [Section 15C(5)]
The following are the descriptive statistics for the OPAC Basic Word Test (beta
version) including measures of central tendency (i.e., means), dispersion (i.e., standard
deviations), and estimates of reliability as specified by Section 14[C](5) of the federal
Guidelines. Alpha (internal consistency
; Cronbach, 1951) reliability analysis was conducted
for this test using SPSS 13.0. The mean and standard deviation of these three test modules
are provided in raw score.
Basic Microsoft Word Test
# of
(alpha )
Total 38 25 12.89 6.38 .916
Office Administration 13 25 17.92 4.07 - - -
Learning Center
25 25 10.28 5.81 - - -
Note: The “Learning Center” participants appear to have had extremely limited ability to
properly use the Microsoft Word program. For example, only 36% from this venue were able
to correctly insert a page break during the test, while 100% of the participants from the
“office administration” group correctly performed this function.
A relatively strong, significant relationship was found between the self-reported level
of keyboarding speed and test scores (r = .762). In other words, those who reported being
able to type more quickly typically scored higher on the test.
After the reliability study was conducted modifications were made to the wording of
some of the test items based upon the feedback received from those who took the beta
version of the test. Follow up testing of several of the test takers from the “office
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
administration” group revealed that these modifications typically raised their score by two to
three points. However, their relatively higher initial scores might have limited the possible
improvement to their scores. Based on this finding it is anticipated that both the mean and
the reliability of the final version of the test will be somewhat higher than was found during
this study and that the standard deviation will likely be reduced.
The Validation Wizard, which is included with the OPAC software, is designed to
help users who are not testing experts address minimum standards of job relatedness for
tests which are anticipated or known to produce little, if any, adverse impact on protected
groups. However, even for tests without adverse impact, it make good business sense to
establish their job relatedness in order to be fair to candidates and to obtain employees who
have adequate levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities actually needed on the job. If you
find that this test adversely impacts a protected group of test takers, it is important to
ensure it meets validity standards. Call Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. toll free at 800-999-
0438 for consulting advice about Job Analyses, Validation, and Test Fairness.
Accuracy and Completeness [Section 15C(9)]
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc consultants and staff conducted the study from which
the reliability findings reported in this document were collected. The data collected was
entered by administrative staff employees (or contractors) and then independently checked
for accuracy by trained BCG employees. Analyses were also independently double-checked
and verified. We invite any comments you might have about this report.
Though the research conducted for this report is accurate and complete, it should in
no way be construed as a final study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part of Biddle
Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report have been
pilot tested, and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the abilities and skill(s)
being tested. Because this study was conducted as part of an on-going test development
process, and included participants from positions that may be dissimilar to those in other
organizations, its results and applications may or may not be relevant in other geographical
areas, employers, specific areas of practice, or job positions. Biddle Consulting Group
recommends conducting an in-house validation study of all tests before using them as a
selection device, as such a study would help establish that the abilities and skills measured
by the test in this report are essential to the specific job environment in which the in-house
validation study was conducted. Conducting an in-house study will also evaluate whether
the use of the scores (i.e., pass/fail, banding, or ranking) are appropriate for the position(s)
in your organization. Test administrators can conduct in-house validation studies using a
service provided by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Contact Person [Section 15C(8)]
To receive further information about this study, contact:
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Attention: James E. Kuthy
193 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270
Folsom, CA 95630
Voice (916) 294-4250 · Fax (916) 294-4255
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC® and Office Proficiency and Assessment Certification® are registered trademarks of
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark or trademark of the Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. The OPAC® Basic Word Test is an independent
publication of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. and is not affiliated with, nor has it been
authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation.
Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.
16, 297 – 334.
Section 60-3, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure
(1978); 43 FR
38295(August 25, 1978).
U. S. Department of Labor. (1999). Testing and Assessment: An Employers Guide to
Good Practices. Washington, DC: Author.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development and Research Report
for OPAC® System 8.0
Basic Excel Test
May, 2005
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC® Basic Excel Test
In April of 2005, an internal consistency reliability study of a beta version of the
OPAC® Basic Excel Test was conducted. The reliability was found to be .950. The United
States Department of Labor’s general guidelines for interpreting reliability coefficients
indicate that this level of reliability is interpreted as being “Excellent.” Also, according to
these guidelines the OPAC Basic Excel Test has sufficient reliability to be used as a selection
device if it is also valid for the position being tested. Based on findings from the present
study the final version of the test was improved and is likely to have even a higher validity
coefficient than was previously found.
About the Test
The OPAC® Basic Excel Test measures a person’s ability to correctly use important
basic features found in the Microsoft® Excel program at a basic level. The areas measured
during the test are based upon input received from an Industrial and Organizational
Psychologist, who has an extensive background in training others how to use Microsoft
Office products at both the basic and advanced levels. It is also inspired by objectives set
forth by Microsoft for their Word Excel “Office Specialist” examination. Test takers must be
familiar with terminology specifically associated with the Microsoft® Excel program to be
able to accurately respond to the test items.
The Industrial and Organizational Psychologist who assisted in the development of
this test is an Assistant Professor of Administration at a major university. This psychologist
is certified by Microsoft as a Microsoft Office User Specialist Authorized Instructor and has
worked as a subject-matter expert to NIVO International (the manufacturer of the Microsoft
Certification exams). In addition, she is also certified by Microsoft at the Master Level in
Microsoft Office products and at the Expert Level in Microsoft Excel.
According to the Microsoft web site, the Microsoft Office Specialist Word 2000 exam
was created and validated by industry experts, and Microsoft’s exam development process
is accredited by the Buros Institute for Assessment Consultation and Outreach. A complete
listing of the Excel exam-skill standards published by Microsoft can be found at
Test Reliability Study Demographics
Thirty-five people who indicated that they possessed at least a basic knowledge and
understanding of the Word program took a beta version of the OPAC Basic Excel test in April
2005. Twenty-two of those were administered the computerized test at an Adult Learning
Center run by a local school district in Sacramento, California. The remaining 13 were
administered the same test at Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.’s corporate offices in Rancho
Cordova, CA.
The gender of the persons who participated in the current study was:
Male Female
3 32
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
The race/ethnicity of the persons who participated in the current study was:
Alaska Native
9 10 6 9 1
The age of the persons that participated in the current study was:
Less than 20
years of age
years of age
years of age
years of age
50 and over
22 1 6 5 1
The education level of the persons who participated in the current study was:
Less than
High School
High School
Less than
e Degree
0 10 2 7 5 8 2
Descriptive Statistics, Including Reliability, for OPAC Basic
Excel Test [Section 15C(5)]
The following are the descriptive statistics for the OPAC Basic Excel Test (beta
version) including measures of central tendency (i.e., means), dispersion (i.e., standard
deviations), and estimates of reliability as specified by Section 14[C](5) of the federal
Guidelines. Alpha (internal consistency
; Cronbach, 1951) reliability analysis was conducted
for this test using SPSS 13.0. The mean and standard deviation of these three test modules
are provided in raw score.
Basic Microsoft Word Test
# of
(alpha )
Total 35 25 12.371 7.674 .950
Office Administration 13 25 19.308 2.463 - - -
Learning Center
22 25 8.273 6.670 - - -
Note: The “Learning Center” participants appear to have had limited ability to properly use
the Microsoft Excel program. For example, only 50% from this venue were able to correctly
re-name a worksheet, while 100% of the participants from the “office administration” group
correctly performed this function.
The U. S. Department of Labor indicates that reliability coefficients of 0.90 and higher are
interpreted as being “excellent.”
The Validation Wizard, which is included with the OPAC software, is designed to
help users who are not testing experts address minimum standards of job relatedness for
tests which are anticipated or known to produce little, if any, adverse impact on protected
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
groups. However, even for tests without adverse impact, it make good business sense to
establish their job relatedness in order to be fair to candidates and to obtain employees who
have adequate levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities actually needed on the job. If you
find that this test adversely impacts a protected group of test takers, it is important to
ensure it meets validity standards. Call Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. toll free at 800-999-
0438 for consulting advice about Job Analyses, Validation, and Test Fairness.
Accuracy and Completeness [Section 15C(9)]
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc consultants and staff conducted the study from which
the reliability findings reported in this document were collected. The data collected was
entered by administrative staff employees (or contractors) and then independently checked
for accuracy by trained BCG employees. Analyses were also independently double-checked
and verified. We invite any comments you might have about this report.
Though the research conducted for this report is accurate and complete, it should in
no way be construed as a final study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part of Biddle
Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report have been
pilot tested, and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the abilities and skill(s)
being tested. Because this study was conducted as part of an on-going test development
process, and included participants from positions that may be dissimilar to those in other
organizations, its results and applications may or may not be relevant in other geographical
areas, employers, specific areas of practice, or job positions. Biddle Consulting Group
recommends conducting an in-house validation study of all tests before using them as a
selection device, as such a study would help establish that the abilities and skills measured
by the test in this report are essential to the specific job environment in which the in-house
validation study was conducted. Conducting an in-house study will also evaluate whether
the use of the scores (i.e., pass/fail, banding, or ranking) are appropriate for the position(s)
in your organization. Test administrators can conduct in-house validation studies using a
service provided by Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Contact Person [Section 15C(8)]
To receive further information about this study, contact:
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Attention: James E. Kuthy
193 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270
Folsom, CA 95630
Voice (916) 294-4250 · Fax (916) 294-4255
OPAC® and Office Proficiency and Assessment Certification® are registered trademarks of
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark or trademark of the Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. The OPAC® Basic Excel Test is an independent
publication of Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. and is not affiliated with, nor has it been
authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.
16, 297 – 334.
Section 60-3, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure
(1978); 43 FR
38295(August 25, 1978).
U. S. Department of Labor. (1999). Testing and Assessment: An Employers Guide to
Good Practices. Washington, DC: Author.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Development and Research Report
for OPAC System 8.5
Contemporary Keyboarding Test
(Keyboarding 2)
October 2005
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
OPAC® Contemporary Keyboarding Test
(Keyboarding 2)
The OPAC Contemporary Keyboarding Test is an extremely realistic, cutting-edge
measure of a person’s ability to quickly and accurately copy and enter often-difficult text
using a keyboard.
According to the U. S. Department of Labor’s Guidelines, it has
excellent reliability. It contains many unique features that differentiate it from other
keyboarding tests currently being offered. For example, the letter frequency on each of the
test versions is, on average, within 98% of the frequency as indicated in the letters
occurring in the words listed in the main entries of the Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th
edition, 1995). In addition, the content of each of the three test versions also contains:
35 numerals
10 symbols that are found above the numbers on a keyboard
Instances of consecutive all-capitals
An assortment of punctuation marks
Words with repeated letters
Mixtures of long and short sentences
Mixtures of long and short words
Title case words forcing typists to capitalize the first letter of several consecutive
Words that should be unfamiliar to the typist, thus a better measure of letter
processing speed as opposed to measuring spelling ability
Grammatically correct phrases
Realistic to a modern business setting
Cutting edge
o Website address(es)
o Email address(es)
o Package tracking alphanumeric code(s)
o Business appropriate terms such as “per diem”
Test Description
The Contemporary Keyboarding Test is a timed test of a person’s ability to read and
enter information into a computer using a keyboard or other input device. Each version of
this test has the test-taker read and enter information for five (5) minutes, following a one
(1) minute warm-up practice test of similar difficulty.
Test scoring is computed using the following calculations:
Gross WPM = (Gross Keystrokes / 5 Keystrokes per Word) / # of Minutes in Test
Net WPM = (Net Keystrokes / 5 Keystrokes per Word) / # of Minutes in Test
Accuracy Rate = Net Keystrokes / Gross Keystrokes
When calculating Net Keystrokes, the OPAC System subtracts the error keystrokes from the
gross keystrokes. Each incorrect word (misspelled word, missing word, or added word)
counts five error keystrokes, and five keystrokes constitute one word.
Test-takers’ reported keyboarding speed is likely to be slower when using this test than when measured using
more traditional-style keyboarding tests since this test has been rated as being more difficult than traditional-style
keyboarding tests. The average Flesch-Kincaid readability grade level of this test is 11.8.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Test Administration for Reliability Study
The Contemporary Keyboarding Test (Keyboarding 2) was administered twice to
each of the participants in the current study during August and September 2005. Seventeen
of the tests were administered at Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.’s corporate offices in
Folsom, California. The test was also administered to ten participants at an adult learning
center in Milan, Ohio, and to another ten participants at an Adult Learning Center in San
Jose, California.
Descriptive Statistics, Including Reliability, for the OPAC
Contemporary Keyboarding Test (Keyboarding 2) [Uniform
Guidelines Section 15C(5)17]
The following are the descriptive statistics for the OPAC Contemporary Keyboarding
Test (Keyboarding 2) including measures of central tendency (i.e., means/averages),
dispersion (i.e., standard deviations), and estimates of reliability as specified by Section
14[C](5) of the federal Guidelines, along with the standard error of measurement. The
mean and standard deviation of these three test versions are provided in a Word-Per-Minute
(WPM) metric.
OPAC Keyboarding 2 Test Version 1 Version 2 Version 3
Flesch-Kincaid Reading Grade Level 12.0 12.0 11.6
Average Net WPM
46.900 46.450 45.233
Standard Deviation 14.797 15.156 13.069
Reliability 0.976 0.958 0.985
Standard Error of Measurement
2.295 3.093 1.597
Sample Size 35 27 26
The U. S. Department of Labor indicates that reliability coefficients of 0.90 and higher are
interpreted as being “excellent.” Finally, the three versions of the test appear to be
extremely parallel in difficulty since there was less than a two Word-Per-Minute average
net-score difference between the test versions (i.e., 46.900, 46.450, and 45.233 Words-
The following chart shows the inter-correlation between the three versions of the
Contemporary Keyboarding Test. As can be seen here, all of these tests are strongly
correlated with one another (i.e., significant at the p < .01 level).
The section numbers listed in this document refer to sections of the federal Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection
The average net WPM score and standard deviation were calculated using scores from the first of the two test administrations.
The SEM was calculated using the test-retest reliability of Version 1 and the standard deviation from Version 1 of the first of
the two test administrations.
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
1 .950** .963**
.000 .000
40 40 30
.950** 1 .952**
.000 .000
40 40 30
.963** .952** 1
.000 .000
30 30 30
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The Validation Wizard, which is included with the OPAC software, is designed for
conducting a very basic content-validity analysis of an OPAC test. Using this feature a test
administration can determine if a test measures specific job-related knowledge, skills, or
abilities for particular job classifications. It is designed to help users who are not testing
experts to address minimum standards of job relatedness for tests which are anticipated or
known to produce little, if any, adverse impact on protected groups. However, even for
tests without adverse impact, it makes good business sense to establish their job
relatedness in order to be fair to candidates and to obtain employees who have adequate
levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities actually needed on the job. Biddle Consulting Group,
Inc. can help those users who wish to conduct more in-depth validity or reliability analyses
of their pre-employment testing.
Accuracy and Completeness [Uniform Guidelines Section
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. consultants and staff conducted the study from which
the reliability findings reported in this document were collected. The data collected was
entered by administrative staff employees and then independently checked for accuracy.
Analyses were also independently double-checked and verified. We invite any comments
you might have about this report.
Potential Limitations of this Study
Though the research conducted for this report is accurate and complete, it should in
no way be construed as a final study. Rather, it is a good faith effort on the part of Biddle
Consulting Group, Inc., to demonstrate that the tests described in this report have been
“pilot tested,” and that they do provide a meaningful measurement of the abilities and
skill(s) being tested. Because this study was conducted as part of an on-going test
development process, and included participants from positions that may be dissimilar to
those in other organizations, its results and applications may or may not be relevant in
other geographical areas, employers, specific areas of practice, or job positions. Biddle
Copyright © 1989-2006 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Consulting Group recommends conducting an in-house validation study of all tests before
using them as a selection device, as such a study would help establish that the abilities and
skills measured by the test are essential to the specific job environment in which the in-
house validation study was conducted. Conducting an in-house study will also evaluate
whether the use of the scores (i.e., pass/fail, banding, or ranking) are appropriate for the
position(s) in your organization. Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. can assist organizations in
conducting job analysis and test validation studies.
Contact Person [Uniform Guidelines Section 15C(8)]
To receive further information about this study, contact:
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
Attention: James E. Kuthy
193 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 270
Folsom, CA 95630
Voice (916) 294-4250 · Fax (916) 294-4255
Section 60-3, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure (1978); 43 FR
38295(August 25, 1978).
U. S. Department of Labor. (1999). Testing and Assessment: An Employers Guide to
Good Practices. Washington, DC: Author.