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MAY 7, 2011
Presiding: David A. DeCenzo, Coastal Carolina University President
Processional Coastal Carolina University Symphonic Band
Pomp and Circumstance Matthew Shrewsbury, Conductor
Sir Edward Elgar
Presentation of Colors Coastal Carolina University
Army ROTC Color Guard
Star Spangled Banner Coastal Carolina University Concert Choir and Chamber Choir
John Staord Smith/Francis Scott Key Frances T. Sinclair, Director
arr. James L. Tully
Coastal Carolina University Symphonic Band
Invocation Preston L. McKever-Floyd
Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Welcome and Acknowledgments David A. DeCenzo
William H. Alford, ’77
Chairman, Coastal Carolina University Board of Trustees
Brian D. Forbus, ’97
President, Coastal Carolina University Alumni Association
University Distinctions David A. DeCenzo
ings at Never Die Coastal Carolina University Concert Choir and Chamber Choir
Greg Gilpin omas A. Trautman, ’11, Conductor
Introduction of Speaker Joshlyn J. Wilson
Class of 2011
Address David A. DeCenzo
Conferring of Degrees in Course David A. DeCenzo
Robert J. Sheehan
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Aairs
J. Ralph Byington
Dean, E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration
Edward Jadallah
Interim Dean, Spadoni College of Education
John P. Beard
Interim Dean, omas W. and Robin W. Edwards College
of Humanities and Fine Arts
Michael H. Roberts
Dean, College of Science
Nelljean M. Rice
Dean, University College
Alma Mater Coastal Carolina University Concert Choir and Chamber Choir
Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina University Symphonic Band
William R. Hamilton
arr. James L. Tully
Benediction Preston L. McKever-Floyd
Recessional Coastal Carolina University Symphonic Band
Charles Hill and Chuck Elledge
Faculty Announcer
Preston L. McKever-Floyd, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Faculty Marshal
Edgar L. Dyer, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Ocer, Professor of Politics
Student Marshals
Melvin L. Hardy Jr., Bearer of University Banner
Todd R. ibodeau, Graduate Studies
Ben J. King, E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration
Megan P. Connolly, Spadoni College of Education
Desmond D. Wallace, omas W. and Robin W. Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Jenetta S. Archie, College of Science
Lori A. Cox, University College
Today’s ushers are students representing the Coastal Carolina University Student Alumni Ambassadors, Omicron Delta Kappa,
Wall Fellows, Leadership Challenge and the Student Government Association, as well as athletic event volunteer ushers.
President, Coastal Carolina University
David A. DeCenzo is the president of Coastal Carolina University, a position he has
held since May 7, 2007. His inauguration as the second president of the University in
the fall of that year centered on elements that aptly characterize his life and leadership
– tradition, integrity and excellence.
As president, DeCenzo has implemented a comprehensive strategic planning process,
assured scal accountability through policy and practice, and promoted assessment
and transparency throughout the University. Since he became president in 2007,
the University’s enrollment has grown 11 percent to more than 8,700 students. e
academic program has expanded from 39 to 54 undergraduate degree programs and
three new masters degree programs have been added. Among other accolades, in both
2009 and 2010 the University has been recognized by Forbes magazine as one of
Americas Best Colleges” and has been named as one of “Americas Best College Buys.
Under his leadership, the most ambitious construction program in the University’s 56-
year history is under way. e more than $115 million building campaign includes a
student recreation and convocation center, expected to open during this next academic
year, and three major academic buildings. e Board of Trustees has adopted a new
Campus Master Plan, which will guide future development of the University to achieve
an enrollment target of 12,500 students by 2020.
DeCenzo began his tenure at Coastal Carolina University in 2002 when he became
dean of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration, a position he held
until 2006 when he was named provost of the University. He was instrumental in
establishing the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in 2006.
In 1986, DeCenzo began a 16-year association with Towson University in Baltimore
as a professor, scholar and administrator. Prior to Towson, he was an assistant professor
at the University of Baltimore and a corporate trainer/employee development specialist
with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Maryland.
DeCenzo grew up in Clinton, Md., near Washington, D.C. He earned a bachelor’s
degree in economics (1978) from the University of Maryland, College Park. He also
earned a master’s degree with emphasis on labor economics (1980) and a Ph.D. in
industrial relations (1981), both from West Virginia University.
He is the author or co-author of nearly 30 textbooks that are used widely at colleges
and universities across the United States and throughout the world. An experienced
industry consultant, corporate trainer and public speaker, DeCenzo has served a wide
variety of clients, including Moen, Citicorp Global Technology and AlliedSignal
Technical Services (Honeywell).
DeCenzo is a member of the board of directors for the North Eastern Strategic
Alliance, Myrtle Beach Regional Economic Development Center, Conway Chamber
of Commerce, South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, and AVX Corp., among others.
He is also the chair of the Council of Presidents for comprehensive public universities
in South Carolina.
e Coastal Carolina University Board of Trustees recognizes the meritorious service of a retiring professor or instructor with the title
of Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Emeritus Professor or Distinguished Instructor. ese titles are granted to professors or instructors
meeting established eligibility criteria acknowledging the value of an accumulated record of teaching, research and community service.
Emeritus Professor
Judy B. Engelhard, associate dean of the
Spadoni College of Education, joined the
Coastal Carolina University faculty in
2004. She was instrumental in securing
national recognition for CCU’s teacher
preparation program in special education. Engelhard served as
a teacher and administrator in public schools and universities,
beginning as a kindergarten teacher in Virginia. After earning a
doctorate degree from Virginia Tech, she served on the faculty of
her alma mater, Radford University, for 18 years, including ve
years as department chair. She has held leadership positions on
the executive boards of the International Dyslexia Association,
the Council for Learning Disabilities and the Council for
Exceptional Children.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Robert D. Nale, professor of management,
joined the faculty of the E. Craig Wall Sr.
College of Business Administration in
1985. During his career at CCU, Nale has
served as associate dean, interim dean and
chair of the Department of Management, Marketing and Law.
He was managing editor of the Coastal Business Journal. Nale
held the Colonel Lindsey H. Vereen Endowed Business Chair
in the Wall College of Business. His research and teaching
interests include employee literacy, tourism, and human
resource management. He earned a Ph.D. in management
from the University of Mississippi. Prior to CCU, Nale was on
the faculty of Monmouth College in Illinois.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Sandra L. Shackelford, professor of
theatre, joined the Coastal Carolina
University faculty in 1989. She has
directed more than 25 productions at
CCU, including premieres of several
new plays. Her professional stage credits
include productions by the Alley eatre in Houston and
the Riverside Shakespeare Company in New York. Her lm
and television credits include appearances in Sleeping
with the Enemy, Army Wives and Touched by an Angel. In
addition to mentoring students and advising student
organizations, Shackelford has served on the Faculty Senate,
the Wheelwright Council for the Arts, the International
Programs committee and other campus organizations.
She earned an M.F.A. in acting from Southern Methodist
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Albert J. Taylor, professor of marketing,
joined the faculty of the E. Craig Wall
Sr. College of Business Administration
in 2005. He also taught at Georgia
Southern University, Missouri
Western State College, Louisiana Tech
and Austin Peay State University, where he retired after 28
years on the faculty (including four years as head mens golf
coach). At CCU, he was chosen to receive an AVX Paper
Competition Award. His research interests are in the area of
sales and sales management, and he has published numerous
articles in publications such as the Journal of Personal Selling
& Sales Management, Psychology & Marketing and the Journal
of Business Ethics, among others. Taylor earned a doctorate
degree from Louisiana Tech.
Distinguished Instructor
Linda C. Vereen, senior instructor
of mathematics, joined the Coastal
Carolina University faculty in 1990.
During her tenure at CCU, Vereen
served in many positions on student,
faculty and university organizations.
For many years she was the Faculty Athletics Representative
to the NCAA for CCU, serving as an advocate for student-
athletes and faculty. In 2007, the Department of Athletics
named its highest student academic honor the Linda C.
Vereen Academics Excellence Award. Vereen currently
serves on the Chanticleer Athletic Foundation, the Horry
County Higher Education Commission and the Board of
Visitors of the University of South Carolina. She earned a
master’s degree from the University of South Carolina.
Julia Ann Brown
Duane James Lyons
Katherine Lee White
e Facultys Distinguished Student Excellence Award recognizes outstanding academic achievements by a senior student. Selected by a
faculty committee with representatives from each college of the University, candidates have attained a minimum cumulative grade point
average of 3.75, the endorsement of a faculty adviser, and a record of academic honors throughout their enrollment at the University.
e recipient of this award will be announced during the commencement ceremony.
Departmental Awards recognize students who have shown outstanding academic accomplishments and have contributed
to the academic quality of the department. Candidates are nominated and selected by the college faculty.
Accounting ~ Catherine White
Biology ~ Mara Kathryn Krill
Chemistry ~ Christina McCluskey
Communication ~ Casey Roach
Computer Science ~ Kevin Cartrette
Computer Science-Information Systems ~ Brian Carter
Dramatic Arts ~ Earlene Copas
Early Childhood Education ~ Duane Lyons
Economics ~ Brianna Madison
Elementary Education ~ Tracie Wodecki
English ~ Amanda Kraft
Exercise and Sport Science ~ Kelly Fitzsimmons
Finance ~ Colleen Schohl
Health Promotion ~ Kaile Laurenzo
History ~ Sarah Johntson
Interdisciplinary Studies ~ Brooke Donaldson
Management ~ Olesya Pavlenko
Marine Science ~ Lindsay Harmon
Marketing ~ Kariss Frank
Master of Education (M.Ed.) ~ Allison Johnson
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) ~ Lauren Siewert
Master of Business Administration ~ Kerri Squires
Mathematics ~ Ru Hang Lin
Middle Level Education ~ Deanna Zuleg
Music ~ Joe Meckley
Musical eatre ~ Nicole Borysowicz
Philosophy and Religious Studies ~ Cynthia Schoch
Physical Education ~ Hunter Frye
Physics ~ Eric DeMarco
Politics and Geography ~ Jillian Nyhof
Psychology ~ Kimberly Lapiene
Recreation and Sport Management ~ Bailey Devon Howard
Resort Tourism Management ~ Heather Peck
Sociology ~ Rebecca Varner
Special Education ~ Tori Gardner
Visual Arts ~ Jessica Ritacco
World Languages and Cultures ~ Kelsie Hall
e Ronald D. Lackey Service Award recognizes an outstanding senior who has served the University through involvement
and exemplary leadership in campus organizations and in the local community. e award is named in honor of the late
Ronald D. Lackey, a faculty member who served the Coastal Carolina University community with singular dedication.
e 2011 recipient is:
Allison L. Mitchell
Master of
Business Administration
Irina Cepigusa
Amanda Paige Cipkala
Lauren O’Connor Clark
Paige Caulder Cribb *
Johannes Christoph Frederking
Amanda Lee Hollingsworth
Dean Phillip Hudson
Linda Marie Johnson
Jerey Allen Keeler *
Mariana Levi
David Cantrell Long
Andeena Kristeen Oxley *
Cassandra Mae Painter
Frances K. Richmond *
James Brandon Sessions *
Volha Shabeka
Douglas Andrew Spender Jr.
Keri Todd Squires
Joseph Patrick Withers
Master of Arts in Teaching
Katrina Aleksa *
Michael Francis Baker *
Patrick Alan Best *
Lara Blake *
Ashley Buchanan *
Michael David Crouch *
Jennifer Renae Custer
Kelly A. Danford *
Timothy Lee Donaldson *
Gregory Lavon Dukes *
Andrea Teuber Dunne *
Janella Givens *
Fallon B. Goodson Jr. *
Jolene Gorcesky *
Lisa Dale Gris *
Samantha Harter *
Monica Rae Haun *
Jared Martin Hendrix *
Valerie Herstatt *
Devin Erica Hughes *
Krystal Nicole Kiser *
Shawn Ryan Kosienski *
Ashley Kunkleman *
Jamie Langston *
Heather Rae Levine *
Anthony Ludwig *
Holly McKnight *
Michael Patrick McShane *
Katherine Elizabeth Meade *
Ashley Nicole Moore *
Brittany Elyse Nureev
Emma Catherine
O’Brien-Gayes *
Jamie Ashley Page *
Marc Steven Perniciaro *
Shanice Amelia Pinckney *
John Paul Puccinelli Jr. *
Kandace Corrine Quinter *
Jalisa Richardson *
Kristen Sandor *
Jennifer Michele Santangelo *
Kym Cody Shurbutt
Lauren Marie
Siewert-Schipper *
Mary Kathleen Sloan *
Brandie Faith Strickland *
Katelyn Turner *
Laura Walcott *
Danielle Antonia Watson *
Shane Watson *
Charli Danielle Watts *
Whitney Nicole Wierzbicki *
Brandon Yancey *
Master of Education
Diane Elizabeth Boyd
Linda Susan Cheers Callender
Cristy Ann Lewis Dudley
Allison Smith Johnson
Ashley Marie Johnson
Marjorie A. Martin *
Patricia Lynne Ridgle
Lisa Poston Skipper
Chrystine Monica Tadler
Ashley Elizabeth Zurowski
Master of Science
Whitney Marvell Ruppel
summa cum laude
A cumulative GPA of 4.0
magna cum laude
A cumulative GPA of 3.75 to 3.999
cum laude
A cumulative GPA of 3.5 to 3.749
*August 2011 Graduate
e list of candidates for graduation was prepared before nal grades were reported, and inclusion herein
does not constitute evidence of graduation. e listing of a name in this program should not be construed
as an indication that the person will, in fact, receive a degree from Coastal Carolina University at this
commencement. Conversely, the absence of a student’s name from this list does not necessarily mean that
the person will not be awarded a degree. Honors for degree candidates are based on the cumulative grade
point average on le at the time of application. Honors to be printed on the diplomas will be based on the
nal Coastal Carolina University cumulative grade point average.
Where indicated with an asterisk (*) the individual is a candidate for graduation based on a minimum
amount of coursework to be completed by August 2011, and inclusion herein does not constitute evidence
of graduation.
Bachelor of Science
in Business Administration
Giuseppe Attilio Acampora *
Emily Elizabeth Acree *
Brian Donald Acrin
Michelle Marie Adam *
Julian William Addison *
Stephen Derek Adkins *
Felicia A. Aiken *
Brittany Quintara Akins *
Sean Wesley Aldrich *
Catherine Carter Allen
D’Andrea Francesca Amendolea
Nicholas Peter Anagnost III
Patrick James Anderson
Emily Michelle Appleton
Britnakie Zanie Armour
Alton Larnyl Baker *
Robert Hamilton Baldwin
Sara Elizabeth Baldwin
Catherine Ann Barbour
~magna cum laude
Alecia Marie Barker
Zachary Scott Barr
Danielle Brooke Basham *
Jaret Lucas Beam
Evan omas Beard *
Ernest Brian Beaver Jr. *
Danielle Christine Beemer *
Samuel Serino Behr
~cum laude
Daniel Eric Bengtson *
Andrew Emil Berks *
William M. Berman
Crystal Evon Bessant *
Nicole Evelyn-Marie Bevil
James Martin Birmingham Jr.
Nicole Amanda Blackburn
Roosevelt Jarrell Board
Peter Guidal Bossotti *
Victoria Ocean Brady
Stephen Joseph Brandt *
Blair Michelle Bratcher
~cum laude
Caitlyn Jayne Brooksbank *
Ikeiyah Elaine Brown *
Shamar Oraine Brown
~cum laude
Nathan Wentworth Buck *
Timothy Francis Buck
Salvatore J. Buda
Jennifer Ann Burch
~cum laude
Kristen Anne Burpoe
Derrick London Byrd
Brett omas Cade
Shanikqua Marie Calhoun *
Erica Elizabeth Callahan
~magna cum laude
Pamela Renee Carrico
Drake Paul Cartrette
~cum laude
Jennifer Ann Cash
Hannah Fenwick Cherner *
Jessica Jane Chesney
~cum laude
James Aubrey Childers *
Cara Lindsey Clayton
Kasheem W. Clifton
Megan Eileen Cody *
Laura Joanne Cole
David Mathew Collins
Tiany K. Colvard
William Brent Corbett *
Bryan R. Courtney
Katrina Marie Cox
Patrick Martin Crow *
Megan Ashley Csuka *
Katelyn Elizabeth
Larry Keon Cunningham Jr. *
Emma Renee Currin
~magna cum laude
Randolph Diggs Darden III *
Charles Leroy Decker III
Steven Robert Delmar Jr.
Brandy Lynn Dent
~cum laude
Andrew Michael Deramo *
Erin Elizabeth Diminich
~cum laude
Cynthia Marie Dodd *
Eric Antonio Dominguez
Corianne Alysa Dorough *
Jessica Brooke Doyle
Tamara Lashawn Dreher
Michael Alfred Dufresne*
Ryan Kyle Duncan *
Jessica Ann Dupee *
Austin Henry Eanes
Jordan Ray Earhart
Charissa Amanda Ilona Ehrhardt *
Gabrielle Nicole Erhardt *
Annalise Charlotte Fanella
Courtney Alexandra Ferraro
~magna cum laude
Bryan Kenneth Fill
Cailin Marie Fitzpatrick
Glenn Matthew Fletcher *
Alyssa F. Flores *
Mary Caroline
Andrea Renee Floyd
~magna cum laude
David Wayne Floyd Jr. *
Adam Carl Folk
Marcus Joseph Fonzone *
Jasmine Lee Ford
William Franklin Fotorny
Julie Rebecca Fox
~cum laude
Kariss Amberly Frank
~magna cum laude
Shawn Alan Fraser
Christopher James Frazier *
Kelley Ann Frazier *
Ashley Nicolle Frederick
~magna cum laude
Nicola Marie Gagne *
Andrés José García
Michael James Gareri *
Bradley Jamis Gee
Daniel J. Geen
~cum laude
Christopher Ryan George
Da’Vita Clinessa Gidron *
Howard Durrell Giord *
Jessica Jean Gillette
Carolann Gillis
Matthew Nicholas Gioia
Steven John Glodack
Emily Elizabeth Go *
Joseph Gilbert Golden Jr. *
Jonas Michael Goldman *
Mathew Jason Gough
Kaitlyn Marie Grady *
Jessica Paige Graham *
Berkeley Ross Graves
James Franklin Graziano
~magna cum laude
Irene Celeste Green *
Destiny Shairdaya Greene *
Jonathan Andrew Grin
Cole Anderson Gunter
Jerey Kenneth Gurney
~cum laude
Patrick Casey Hanagan
Taheisha C. Harris
~magna cum laude
Lindsay Jean Harvey *
Andrew Kevin Henneborn *
Todd Joseph Henrich *
Courtney Alexandra Hinson
~cum laude
Jessica Ann Hoag
Lauren Elizabeth Hocker
Carl Enrico Howard II
Erjola Hoxha
Katherine Eleanor Hucke
Kristen Renee Hustetler *
Amanda Kathleen Hughes
Vondeeshia Nicole
Humphries *
Alan Lee Hung
Maria Alexandra Hunt
~cum laude
Darren Allen Hussey *
Joseph Jason Hutchison Jr. *
Phillip Michael Itzkowitz
Jared Benjamin Jenkins
Richard Vincent Jenkins Jr.
Bryan Wayne Johnson
Cory Marcus Johnson *
Jamar G. Johnson
Carmen Roberta Jones
Ralph H. Jones *
Rusty Shane Justus *
Megan Elizabeth Karantzalis
Ekaterina Yuryevna Karpova *
James B. Keefe
~cum laude
Kevin Joseph Keelen *
Erika Michelle Kellenberger
Allyn Blair Kelley
Timothy Joseph Klug *
Ashley Marie Knabb
DeAnna Leigh Knabb *
Dana Lynn Kowalski
~magna cum laude
Samantha Lynn Krawczuk
Lukas Anthony Krenzer *
Matthew Kuba *
David Henry Kullenberg
Michael James LaBaugh *
Aaron Mark Labrode *
Michael Mackenzie Lance *
Kristen Anne Lang
~magna cum laude
Brittany Joyce Leclair *
Charles Benjamin
Leonhardt IV *
Jacob B. Lewis *
Jose-David Licera
Shavonne Monique Lightsey
Charles Lamar Lindsey
Allison Maryclaire Lloyd
Zachary Michael Loberger *
Allison Marie Lord
Patrick Richard Loritz
Ashley Nicole Lozupone *
Zachary Charles Ludwin
Meredith Marie MacKenzie
Erica Lynn Maehr *
Kyle Patrick Mahan *
Roderick Joseph Maloni
~cum laude
Dustin Tyler Marcum
Hayley Elise Marker
Allison Renee Martin
Gregory D. Martin
Lionel Jay Martin II *
Deborah Ruth Mattern
Zachary Paul Maurais
Joshua Phil May *
Christopher Robert McBee *
James V. McCallum Jr. *
Christopher Darnell McCoy *
David Patrick McDaniels
Jonathan Edward McDermott *
Nancy Dianna McLamb *
Michael John McShane
David M. Mead
Michael J. Mensone *
Mike Anthony Midgette *
Krista Mary Miller
Kurt Robert Miller
Carlton A. Mitchell
Mark Benson Monjeau *
Sydnei Monique Moss
Matthew Steven Mueller
Timothy Michael Murray
Anthony Christian Muscente
Andrew Peter Nauyokas
Regina Nazirova
Sophia Renell Nichols
~cum laude
Ryan Campbell Norwood *
Sierrah Lunday Oates
Katlin Jean Ognibene
Meredyth Mathison Oliver
Peter William Ondrus
~magna cum laude
Justin Donahue O’Shell
Victoria Lynn Palomares
Kimberley Shae Parker
~cum laude
Olesya Sergeyevna Pavlenko *
Karen Lindsey Pavlick *
Heather Michelle Peck
~magna cum laude
John David Perry
~cum laude
Stephen Nathaniel Perry
Jarvarius Lavontae Phelps
Arica Linn Pilck *
Kristina Renee Plaster
Paige Elizabeth Plyler
~cum laude
Christopher Ashton Poole
Trisha A. Powell
~magna cum laude
Carolyn Marie Preciado
~cum laude
Megan Elizabeth Preis *
Kevin Alan Pruitt
Nicole A. Purinton
~cum laude
Lindsey Marie Pyzik
James Edward Quigley IV *
Bobby Lee Reger Jr.
James Lucas Rice
~cum laude
Kathryn J. Rice *
Megan LeAnne Richardson
Sean Francis Risher *
Nicholas Roeder
Tracy Kent Rotman
Oxana Rotmistrova
Spencer David Rutt *
Scott Emil Saladik
Lindsey Blair Sanderson *
Patrick Arthur Santo-Donato
Nicholas Richard Santos
Brandon James Sarvis *
Colleen Ann Schohl
~magna cum laude
Anthony Darnell Shank *
Charles Roland Sherman *
Bryant Daryl Shewmaker
Robert G. Shields III
Samuel Edward Shipp
Julie Rae Shoaf *
Joshua Guy Shortridge
Lindsay Jo Silveri *
Hannah Elizabeth Simcox *
Carleeta N. Simmons
Ira Jordan Sisk
Abby Lee Smith
Joshua Noah Smith
~cum laude
Justin Michael Smith *
Alyson Frances Smolenski *
David M. Snell IV
Charles B. Snyder
Lauren Ashley Sopko *
Russell C. Spatholt
Justin Michael Spinelli *
Daniel Allen Steele
~cum laude
Andrew Bernard Stephens
Clinton Joseph Sterbenz
Stephen Coady Stern *
Scott Stulman
Brittany Arielle Stump
~magna cum laude
Ashley Ann Suever *
Elizabeth Ann Sweat
Jonathan Jay Switzer
Tyra L’Chela Taylor
John M. ibodeau *
Caitlin Alexandra omas
Michael Charles Tompkins *
Allison Grace Torre
Dominique Darron Trapp *
Matthew Robert Tremaine
Derek Elliott Troupe *
Patrick Earl Tyler
Alexandros Stephen Vlahos
Taylor Ashley Vooys
Kevin Wallace *
Marc Edward Walling
Allie N. Wallis *
Rachel Elizabeth Walters
Michael Chase Ward
Brittani S. Washington *
Jonathan Harris Watkins
Garrett Michael Watts
Kyle omas Weiss
Andrew Barnett Wells *
Robert Z. West
Katherine Lee White
~summa cum laude
Brandon M. Whitley
Kara Elizabeth Whitman
Dorothy Chastina Williams
Michael Donovan Winpigler *
Heather Nicole Witt
Robert John Yarmak
~cum laude
John Yori
Sharonda I. Young *
Bachelor of Arts
in Education
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
in Physical Education
Mitchell Parker Bailey
Jayme Elaine Baker
~cum laude
Mary Elizabeth Barker
~cum laude
Airel Ann Bennett
~cum laude
Joseph Racine Bowers III
Julia Ann Brown
~summa cum laude
Jennifer Brunell
~magna cum laude
Tracy Erin Bumyer
~magna cum laude
Barry Scott Carmichael
Morgan Rose Carnley
Rachel Conoly Carpenter
Erica Glenn Cartrette
~cum laude
Kathleen Mahaley Clark
~magna cum laude
Mary Elizabeth Clark
~magna cum laude
Lesley Darnelle Cox
~cum laude
Jillian Nicole D’Alessandro
~magna cum laude
Kelly Elizabeth Daniel
Kaitlin Dermody
Kalie Ann Deryke
~cum laude
Ashley Elizabeth Dilorenzo
~cum laude
Courtney Michelle Doublet
Sarah Elizabeth Dunn
~magna cum laude
Ashlen Elizabeth Edgington
Jesse omas Edwards
~cum laude
Casey Denise Elliott
Jessica Ann Forcier
Ashlee Rae Franz-Meyer
~magna cum laude
Joseph Christopher Frasco
~cum laude
Christopher Dane Freeze
Daniel Anthony Frisina
Hunter Matthew Frye
~magna cum laude
Alyssa Fudali
~cum laude
Tori Jerrilynn Gardner
~cum laude
Katy Andrea Garnkel
Tara Rogers Garris
~magna cum laude
Rachel Alison Gaynor
~cum laude
Melissa Ann Gibson
~cum laude
Ashley Nicole Goebel
~cum laude
Lauren Ann Hammond
~cum laude
Hillary Stewart Harrelson
~magna cum laude
Kourtni Laine Harrelson
~cum laude
Heather L. Harrison
Alysa Rose Heilmann
~cum laude
Rachael Leigh Henry
John Patrick Heron
Alicia Nicole Hooks
~cum laude
Ryan Jon Ibbotson
~magna cum laude
Anthony Joseph Itri
Amanda Lynn Jessup
~magna cum laude
Kathryn Lee Jordan
Heather Amanda Kecken
~magna cum laude
Shea Elizabeth Kenny
~cum laude
Jennifer Nicole Kindle
Marion D. Lienhop
~magna cum laude
Peter John Liscombe
Kimberly Ann Lobit
Duane James Lyons
~summa cum laude
Jason Wayne Medeiros
Amanda Grace Mentel
~magna cum laude
Allison Leigh Mitchell
~cum laude
Jessica Elizabeth Mitchell
~cum laude
Jeanette Marie Montes
~cum laude
Jessica Lynn Morris
Ashley M. Nimmo *
Amanda Shareé Pasha
Stefanie Lynn Petti
~cum laude
Laura Lisa Pickford
~summa cum laude
Patricia Ann Rauckhorst
Ashley Elizabeth Sabia
Erica Renée Schmidt
~cum laude
Brittany Nicole Seaman
Shannon Elizabeth Shirley
~cum laude
Jennifer Ann Sigurdson
Alexis Marie Skiba
Kristen Danielle Sloan
~magna cum laude
Jessica Ann Smiech
Betty Zane Smith
~cum laude
Seth Haven Smith
Nicole Amber Stevens
~magna cum laude
Dana Lambert Streett
~magna cum laude
Heather Lynn Swayze
~magna cum laude
Caitlin Harrigan Sweeney
~cum laude
Courtney Shields Taylor
Rebecca Joyce Taylor
~cum laude
Danielle Melissa Todd
Judith Marcia Todd
Courtney Smith Turner
~magna cum laude
Amy Marie Vanderho
Michael Douglas Vincent
Whitney Michelle Watts
~magna cum laude
Chelsey N. West
~cum laude
Traci Allyn Whitaker
~magna cum laude
Kathryn Lee Wilber
Emily Kristen Wilkes
~magna cum laude
Hannah Elizabeth Williams
~magna cum laude
Tracie Elizabeth Wodecki
~magna cum laude
Brittany Michelle Wolfe
~cum laude
Natalie Meesun Work
~magna cum laude
Angela Michele Young
~magna cum laude
Mary Katherine Zedick
Deanna Marie Zuleg
~summa cum laude
Bachelor of Arts
Sierra Morgan Abney *
Amy Frances Adair
~magna cum laude
Katherine Michelle Ahaus *
Kandisa Aquisa Allicock *
Kevin Paul Allison
~cum laude
Steven John Almeida
Benjamin Keith Andersen
Joseph Richard Angelica
~magna cum laude
Jacqueline Fitzgerald Arnold
~cum laude
Jamie Lyn Arrigal
Brian Bari
Brittany Grace Lawton
Nicholas Jacques Leger
~magna cum laude
Austin David Long *
Michael Brian Long *
Samantha Post Lucido *
Caitlin Noelle Lupo
Jenna Nicole Lusky *
Zachary Ryan Mangum *
Francesca Maria Marchese
Kelly Elizabeth Marsengill
Lillian Chlish Martin
~cum laude
Jacquelyn Michele Mascia
Brittany Lynn Mauldin
Taylor Marie Mayer
Ashley Marie Maznicki
Brendan Michael McClatchey
Brett Robert McCormick
John or McCormick *
Sylvester Lee McCoy
Caitlin Virginia McGuire
Elizabeth Claire McVey
Joseph Benjamin Meckley
~magna cum laude
Amy Kathleen Medeiros
~magna cum laude
Christian Mendez
Heather Lauren Mills
Ashleigh Celeste Mitchell
Joyce Delaine Mitchell
Bobby Blake Monroe
~cum laude
Eric Dean Montgomery
Jonathan Brett Morales
Danielle Marie Morgan
~magna cum laude
Maggie Mae Morgan
~magna cum laude
Lindsay Claire Mozingo
Paul Austin Mueller *
Mary Ruth Mullis
Colleen Katharine Murphy
~cum laude
Derek James Murphy
McHenry Johnson Nance
Alphonso Leroy Nesbitt Jr.
Amanda Jean O’Connor
Timothy Robert O’Leary
Catherine Suzanne Oliver *
Charlotte Roberts Baroody
Margaret Lauren Bates
Nadzeya Kuchura Batson *
Angela Patrice Bettwy
~cum laude
MicKaylia Courtney Biron
~magna cum laude
Elijah Emanuel Black
Chandler Claire Boatwright
W. Christopher Boglioli
Nicole Ruthann Borysowicz
~magna cum laude
Stephanie Hellen Bouzounis
~cum laude
Danielle Arlene Brass
~cum laude
Regina Gail Bristow
Kelly McCormick Brown *
Samantha René Brown
~magna cum laude
Halden Palm Brubaker *
Jaime Nicole Buck *
Kaitlyn Marie Buckley
Micah R. Bucy
~magna cum laude
Gabrielle Victoria Buonanno
Lauren Danielle Burns
Kevin Jonathan Burroughs
Andrew Beamon Campbell
Chad Dalton Carteret *
Tarrah LeeAnn Casey
~magna cum laude
Samantha Leanne Cassidy *
Clark Ashton Cato *
Amanda Marie Caulkins *
Howard J. Chestnut Jr. *
Christie Lee Clark
Caitlin Ann Clarke
Brent Sheldon Clyde
Heather Marie Coates
~magna cum laude
Jeremy Daniel Colbert
Rebecca Christine Collins
Earlene Renae Copas
~cum laude
Brandon Matthew Corey *
Kathryn Meagan Cowles
~magna cum laude
Jordan Kathaleen Cribb
~magna cum laude
Darrin Michael Cripe *
Joseph Ignatiour
Cusamano Jr. *
Tristan Jerome Daniels
Monica Danielle Davenport
~magna cum laude
Shakia Denise Davis *
Tasha Brooke Deneen *
Evan Allyn Donevant
Christopher Scott Draewell
~cum laude
Jackson Colby Dudley
~cum laude
James Daniel Dukes Jr.
Kelsey Rae Dye *
Amy Christine Eddings
Jason Larry Elliott
Amanda Hassan El-Tourky
~magna cum laude
Brittany Elizabeth Emerson
Allison Syrene Engeseth *
Adam Robert Englert *
Robert Lewis Ennis III
Eric Daniel Estra
Joshua Michael Eurell
Abby Marcia Fleet
~cum laude
Guinivere Amber Fouts
Irene Elizabeth Franco *
Joseph Nicholas Fratantonio
Stephanie Francine Frey
~cum laude
Anthony James Malik Frye
Jordan Alexander Funkhouser *
Brandon Matthew Gale
~magna cum laude
Justin Blake Gandy
Melissa Marie Gary
Christine Marie Giguere
~cum laude
Derek Wayne Gillam
Calman Joseph Goodell
Mackenzie Leigh Gordon
Sophie Nicole Gould
~magna cum laude
Meagan Lindsey Graham
Kasey Logan Grainger
Gilbert Nathaniel Green III
Hannah-Jordan Grippo
~cum laude
Jerey Kenneth Gurney *
~cum laude
Kelsie Rae Hall
~magna cum laude
Brittany Lorraine Hallick
Carolyn M. Hamilton
~magna cum laude
Wyatt Anthony Hammond
Jessica Victoria Handy
Kevin Curtis Hanes
Amy Gwen Hardee
Steven Matthew Harmon *
Gregory Allen Harris *
Amber Marie Harshman
Sean Michael Hastings
Christopher Brian Hayes
Craig Joseph Healy Jr. *
Brandon Allen Hedglin
Stephanie Anne Heikkila
Corie Michelle Helms
Amanda Marie Hester
Hunter Hirsch
Leah Marie Hornberger
Latoya Simone Howell
Shannon Nicole Huggins
Melissa Lynn Husni
John Adams Lyttelton
Maritza Cecilia Isabelle
Christina Michelle Jackson
~magna cum laude
Edwin Alexander Jarvis
Sarah Anne Johnston
~magna um laude
Myia Elizabeth Joiner
Allen Tarvorris Jolly *
Brian Patrick Kane
~cum laude
Christi Ann Keating
Rachel Marie Kersse
~cum laude
Carmen Nicole Ketron
Joshua Edward King
Sara Elizabeth King
Amanda Lynne Kraft
~magna cum laude
Corrie Lee Lacey
~magna cum laude
Denise Katrelle Land
Henry Fredrick LaRosa III
Seth Alexandre Oskin
Victoria Marie Panos
~cum laude
Megan Elizabeth Parker
Sonni Simone Parks
Karen Lindsey Pavlick
~cum laude
Stephen Michael Peach *
Stephanie Anna Phillips
~magna cum laude
Christopher Wade Pinson
Emily Marguerite Pintauro
Larry Trey Pittman
~magna cum laude
Andrew Joseph Polascak III
Frances Ellen Pondish *
Melissa Marie Poole
Kirsten Elizabeth Pruitt *
Joseph William Razzano
Casey Ann Roach
~magna cum laude
Kathryn Anne Roberts
Jerey omas Robinson
~cum laude
Talia Yesseian Robinson
~magna cum laude
Alicia Lynne Rorer
~cum laude
Matthew Scott Rountree
Elanna Susan Rubenstein
Peter John Schenk Jr.
Cynthia Schoch *
Courtney Leigh Simmons *
Lori Ann Sircable
~magna cum laude
Katie Lauren Smith
Susan Lynn Snook
Daniel Steven Snyder
~magna cum laude
Dominique Octavia Solone
Paige Amanda Sommer
Caitlin McKenzie Spahr
omas Patrick Squire II *
John Albert St. Croix IV
Andrea Michele Stalvey
~cum laude
James Scott Stapleton
Alexandra Nicole Stasko
~magna cum laude
Daniel Marc Stefanski
Jaclyn Elizabeth Stephens
Bryan Michael Stewart *
Kristina Nicole Stimeling
Keri Ann Stines *
Justin Lars Stolarski
Kathleen Ann Stryker
~cum laude
Cassandra R. Stuart
Katherine Anna Sullivan
Allister Jensen Tague
~cum laude
Carolyn Grace Tanner *
Erin Marie Toman
~cum laude
omas Andrew Trautman
~cum laude
Anna Lynn Tupy
~magna cum laude
Hayley Elizabeth Turner *
Lisa Michelle Tyree
Nicholas Brooks Uricchio
James Aaron Van Patten-Steiger
Alison Nicole Van Wagner
~cum laude
Bradley Lamar Vaught *
Daniel Christopher Vigo
Montana Walter
Brittany Shonta Washington *
Lindsay Nicole Weirich *
Kimberly Ann Welch
~cum laude
James Carl Wells
Jamie Lynn White
~cum laude
Stephen Ray Williams
Marquel Dante Willis
Jennifer Lynn Wilsey
Dina Marie Wilson
Joshua Donald Wilson
~cum laude
LaQuandria Jenetta Wilson
Megan Dolores Yandle *
Ryan Freddie Young
~cum laude
Andrew Patrick Zanotta
~cum laude
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
in Physical Education
Johnnie Lamar Ables *
Heather Anne Adams
Nathan Tyler Adams
Andrew Rocke Adham *
Chelsea Leigh Adler
Christopher Mark Adrian
Jennifer Lynn Aldersho
Keith Allen Allison *
Alfredo Alvarado
David Stewart Anderson *
Terry Renee Anderson
Melissa Terry Arango *
Kotaro Iha Arms *
Alyson Brooke Arnette
~magna cum laude
Ian Alexander Backlund *
Susan Gail Baker
Taylor David Baldwin
Stephanie Jayne Ball
Bryn Davis Barton
~magna cum laude
Bethany Suzanne Beck
Andrea Jean Bellinger
James Henry Bettke
Megan Kathryn Bickford
~magna cum laude
omas Ambrose Bierce *
Madison Lee Blair
Marcus Andrew Blake *
Laurel Alexis Bolesky *
Samantha Erin Bolt
Kelsey Lynn Bowen
~magna cum laude
Norman Bradley
Kathryn Renee Brazel
Lauren Paige Brice *
Ellen Elizabeth Bridges *
Mary Elizabeth Britt
~magna cum laude
Shayla LaCole Broadnax *
Elijah Savoy Brown
James Michael Brown *
Khadija LaChhindar Brown
Robert Alan Brown
~cum laude
Heather Ann Bruton
Jason Joseph Budden
Joseph Andrew Burnett
Kendrick Dewayne Burnette
Michelle Renee Burnette
Jessie Catherine Callahan
Kelly Louise Cann *
Lauren Cassidy Cantrell
Christopher Ryan Caputo
Lindsay Elizabeth Carlisle *
Kayci Marie Carlson
~magna cum laude
Nina Marie Carrea
Melanie Norton Carter *
Kevin Delane Cartrette
~magna cum laude
Christina Maria Casano
Lauren Ann Cassella *
Heather Nicole Cataline *
Cobi Miles Christiansen
~cum laude
Sabrina DeLee Cobb
Tara Brittany Coldsmith *
Craig Edward Collins
Erica Collins *
Erin M. Connelly
~magna cum laude
Brittany Reneah Connor *
Ronnie omas Corbett Jr. *
Kaitlin Marie Costello
Anjilla Mary Courser
~cum laude
Kelsey Kathryn Cox *
Steven David Cox *
Kristin Nicole Cozzens
Robert Lawrence Crimian
~magna cum laude
Kevin Andrew Crout *
Levi Broaddus Curnutte
~cum laude
William Edward Dailey III
Amber Marie Dasalla
Michele Danielle DeCaprio
~magna cum laude
Craig James DeCarlo
Matthew Stephen Decker *
Sara E. Del Gavio *
Brian Robert Deluca
Eric Louis DeMarco
~cum laude
Erin Joyce Desrosiers *
Lauren Nicole Dickey
Kristina Diane DiCosmo *
Jennifer Rose Diperna
Patrick Robert Doring
Kristin Adair DuBose
Allyn Elizabeth Duy
~magna cum laude
Matthew Charles Dunham
~cum laude
Ryan Douglas Edlich *
Jasmine Nakia Edney
Christopher Edgar Elmore
Derek Alan Engels
~magna cum laude
Benjamin David Erdman *
Cara Mercanti Erieg *
Emeline Louise Ervin *
Celina Estrella
Joshua Lee Eudy
Robert Michael Evans
Sean Richard Farawell
Megan Elizabeth Farris
Donald West Federico
Kelly Marie Fitzsimmons
~magna cum laude
Brandon Michael Flanery
Kelley Maureen Fogarty
Christopher Akers Ford
Katherine LeeAnn Forrest
Julie Anne Fox
~cum laude
Brandon James Frazier *
Addie Elizabeth Freeman
Brian Christopher Frisch
Katlain E. Frontz
~cum laude
Collene Lynne Fuhrer
Larry Joseph Gadsden *
Erica Lyn Gagliastre
Heather Jean Gannoe *
Jonathan Byron Garrett *
Bridget Anne Garrity
~cum laude
Ashleigh Gaspari
~magna cum laude
Janeen Monique Gethers
Stephanie Marie Ghali
Alexandra Grace Gilbert
Nicole Kathryn Gill
Jackie Kay Gordon *
Paola Andrea Goyeneche
Jennifer Kaye Gracia
Frank Nicholas Grande *
Chadwick A. Gray
Tina Renee Green *
Trace Gregg *
Lauren Michelle Greoski
Stephanie Renee Grindell
Gretchen Ann Guttman
Keith Dixon Hardwick Jr.
Deava Rosarjane Harrelson
Zachery Daniel Hart *
Justin Joseph Hartnett
~summa cum laude
Kelsey Anne Havell
Christopher Michael Hegarty *
Evelyn Kathleen Hehmann *
Brooke Nicole Heill
Sarah Nicole Heishman
Khadijah Kristen Heneld
Alison Muriel Henry
Keith A. Hessler *
Kirstin L. Hoagland
~cum laude
Kyle Wayne Hopfensperger
~magna cum laude
Amanda Lynne Horting
Jessica Lee Houston
Bailey Devon Howard
~magna cum laude
Matthew omas Howe
~magna cum laude
Teresha D. Hughes *
Samuel Dewitt Hunter
Brionna Sue Imhof
Brittney Ann Irwin *
Heather Cora Jackson
Stephanie Megan Jackson
Andrea Lyn Jaeger
Stephanie Marie Jakaub *
Ryan James Jensen *
Cortney Lee Johnson *
David Edward Johnson
Dynisha Leaha Johnson
Jeremy Patton Johnson
Philip Tremain Johnson *
Renata Karciauskaite
~magna cum laude
Margaret Chelsea Karutz
~cum laude
Matthew T. Kehl
Jessica A. Keller
~magna cum laude
Alicia Marie Kelley
Ross Daniel Kelly *
Patrick Conner Kenealy *
Kayla Michaelle Keyes
Kristen Ann Kilheeney
Chelsy Rhae Kimes
~magna cum laude
Alfredo Kim-Perez
eresa Marie King
Joshua Charles Kipp
Shannon Angelina Klotsko
~magna cum laude
Timothy W. Knecht
Cavon Demetrius Knotts *
Mara Kathryn Krill
~magna cum laude
Jonathan A. Kross *
Kate Ann Kucinsky *
Merri Caroline Kyzer *
Stephan Mark Lafranchise *
Katherine Aline Lakin
Stephen Paul Lang Jr.
Kelly Langeveldt
~magna cum laude
Kimberly Ellen LaPiene
~summa cum laude
Kaile Amanda Laurenzo
~magna cum laude
Chiquina Monique Leaks
Jonathan Gregory Ledoux
Lace Alexander Lentini
Wyatt Harrison Lester
Nicole Aron Levinson
Joel Clayton Libby
Matthew Charles Liddell *
Ru Hang Lin
~magna cum laude
Jerey Michael Little *
Megan Kristina Lodestro
~cum laude
Travaughn Long
William Lubeck
Stephen Christopher Lutfy *
Sabrina Nicole Lytes
Tara Lynn Maglio
~magna cum laude
Nathaniel Michael Maloney
Christopher Burton Manley
~cum laude
Nicole Laudati Marosok
~magna cum laude
Melissa Megan Martinez
~cum laude
Meghan Lorrie Massatt
Kaitlin Elizabeth Mayo
~magna cum laude
omas James McBride
~cum laude
Christina Song McCluskey
Kaitlynn Marie McDonald
Ian Timothy McDougal
Martin Sean McGough *
Justin Sentell McKenzie
Leanna Denise McMillan
Jessica May Mehlfelt
Ashton Alexandra Merrell
Bryan Andrew Mery
~cum laude
eopolus Sherrod Mickles *
Rodney Miles *
Michael Frank Millan *
Samantha Louise Miller *
David Verlin Ray Minimi
Garrett K. Mink *
Ronver Lee Mishoe Jr.
Shernise La Rae Mitchell
Justin Daniel Moore *
Joshua Louis Morgan *
Megan Reese Mudron
~cum laude
Kelly Elizabeth Muench
~cum laude
Alexandra Bulken Naylor
Jordan Patrick Neely
Lindsey Rose Nelson
~cum laude
Nicollette Lynn Newton
Sara Carolyn Niles
~magna cum laude
Blake Vincent Nuzzo Jr. *
Nina Marleene Oates
Jerey Blake Obelcz
Phillip Oboh
Justin Phelan Obregon *
Daniel L. Obremski
Joshua Andrew Omedeo *
Travis Timothy Owens *
Christos James Palles *
Donald Ryan Panella
Tyler Sean Parker *
Katlyn Amanda Pascale
Joshua Taylor Paul
James David Pellichero *
Michael William Phillips *
Olivia Kate Pichette
Ashley Nicole Pisone
~cum laude
Justin Keith Plant
Elizabeth Caroline Podmore
Katherine Rebecca Podmore
Dezaray Denyse Ponds *
Laura Jean Porth *
Jessica Christine Posey
~magna cum laude
Rebecca Lynn Prawlucki *
Megan Rachael Presutti
~magna cum laude
Carrie Ann Privett
~cum laude
Brian Matthew Quigley
~magna cum laude
Angela LeAndra Ramsey *
Brittany Erika Rawlins
~cum laude
Steven Lance Register
~cum laude
Jessica Lauren Reidell *
Courtney Claire Revell *
Adam Michael Rice
Keith Gustav Richard
~magna cum laude
Lindsey Alaine Richardson
Scott Dean Ricketts
Lindsey Marie Rider *
Brock Anthony Ridgeway *
Ryan Walter Ridgeway
Joseph Adam Riker
Devin Nicole Rivers
Jamaal Maurice Roberts *
Brandan James Robinson
~cum laude
Brittany Qynn Rockwell
~cum laude
Robert Patrick Roemer
Jamie Lynne Rogers
Casey Lee Rolla
~cum laude
Alexander Stephen Russell
Walter Bruce Russell *
Sheena Shawnyel Rutledge
Ashley Lauren Salsberry *
Jennifer Marie Savaro
Christopher Roy Saxon
~magna cum laude
Courtney Lynn Schanthal
Hailey Meredith Schleifer *
Michelle Rose Schmalfeldt
Rebecca Johnson Schultz *
Tamara Schultz *
Tanya Schultz
Kathryn Lynne Schuster
~magna cum laude
Christine Marie Schwenke
Andreia Quenisha Scott
Cathy Lee Sellers
Dean Joseph Seneca *
Isabel Chuan-Yu Shen
Caitlin Layne Shields
Arthur George Shoemaker Jr.
Emily Megan Shols
Elizabeth B. Shore
Krista Nicole Simmons *
Brian Richard Sisco
~cum laude
Elizabeth Heather Sizemore
Millicent I. Small
Abraham Seth Smalls
Curtis Jerome Smiley Jr.
Emily Erin Smith
Heather Lynn Smith
Karen Elizabeth Smith
~magna cum laude
Lauren Alicia Smith
~cum laude
Michael Anthony Smith *
omasena Ann Smith *
Cameron Scott Smothers
Ernest D. Snowden *
Katherine Anastasia Sohl
~magna cum laude
Dorian Sovic
~cum laude
Joseph Sherwood Spath
Samantha Latesha Spencer
Kenneth Carl Staples Jr.
Leonard Cameron Steed
Lacy Christina Stevens
Samantha Elizabeth Jennifer
Hannah Denise Stout
Rebecca Marie Stowers *
Keaton Lee Streetman *
Tara Alesia Taylor *
Samantha Elizabeth Teijelo
Erica Nicole Terry
Mary Catherine igpen *
Madeline Elizabeth omas
Terry Lee omas II *
Chelsey Lynne ompson
~cum laude
Kaitlyn Marie ompson
~magna cum laude
Lisa Marie Tomassetti *
Matthew James Toohey *
Avery Torres
Darian Seyler Torrice *
Amy Lee Tyillian
Jacquelyn Marie Ungerer
~magna cum laude
Patrick Ryan Vaughn
~cum laude
Sara Danielle Vaughn *
Heather Lea Vaught
~cum laude
Stephanie Nicole von Hagel *
Lindsay Werner Waldner
Laura Emily Walters
~magna cum laude
Benjamin Paul Wathen
Jacques Laijhun Watson *
Shannon Ashley Watterson
~cum laude
Neva Elizabeth Waynesboro
Chelsey Lynn Webb
Michael Jake Webster
Mary Catherine Wells
Brandi Noel Widmann
Olivia Rae Williams
Joshlyn Jamecia Wilson
Marika Heaven Wood *
Rindi Nicole Wood
Alexander David Woods
~cum laude
Jera Katherine Wunder
Delora Ciego Young
Samuel Brantley Young
Jennifer Lynn Ysseldyke
Erica Loren Zapata
~cum laude
Susan Elizabeth Zimmerman
~cum laude
Heather Marie Zipprian
~cum laude
Bachelor of Arts
in Interdisciplinary Studies
Bachelor of Science
in Interdisciplinary Studies
Sandra S. Allen
~cum laude
Kaitlin Marie Caruso
Alisha Nicole Dill
Brooke Tara Donaldson
~magna cum laude
William Zachary Estridge
Douglas Wayne Holder Jr.
~magna cum laude
Tristin Danielle Hurst
Samantha Marie Kallistros *
Jacob Michael Kelley *
Meredith Wright Kirk
Tangie Evelyn Lambert
Collin Adrian Michaud
Erin Christine Morgan
Sandee Nicole Oliver
Justin Lee Owens
Rachel Leanne Scherdin *
Mary-Grace Margaret Skidmore
~cum laude
Ronald Eugene Woodham III
~cum laude
1954 On the evening of July 23, 1954, a group of
citizens meet in the Horry County Memorial Library to
discuss a daring proposal – the creation of a local college. e
group soon becomes a nonprot organization, the Coastal
Educational Foundation. Coastal Carolina Junior College
opens September 20, 1954, as a branch of the College of
Charleston. Fifty-three students
are enrolled, taught by a handful
of part-time faculty, with classes
meeting after hours in Conway
High School.
1958 Coastal Carolina Junior
College becomes independent
when College of Charleston
discontinues its extension program.
Horry County voters approve a
referendum that raises taxes by
three mills to provide funding for
the college.
1959 e South Carolina
General Assembly creates the
Horry County Higher Education
Commission, a government
regulatory agency to oversee use
of Coastal Carolinas county tax
1960 e Horry County
Higher Education Commission
is responsible for a contract that
establishes Coastal Carolina
Regional Campus of the University
of South Carolina, eective fall
1961 Members of the Horry County Higher Education
Commission and Coastal Educational Foundation agree
it is time to move to a campus suitable for institutional
growth. ey select the present site of the University, most
of which was donated by Burroughs Timber Company and
International Paper Company. A major fund-raising drive
raises $317,000 for construction.
1963 Ground is broken for the campus and, less than a
year later, Coastal Carolinas 110 students move into the rst
campus building, the Edward M. Singleton Building.
1966 With an idea and a gift from William A. Kimbel
and L. Maud Kimbel, the Atheneum, the campus symbol, is
1973 USC Coastal Carolina College adds a junior year;
in 1974, a fourth year is added.
1975 USC Coastal Carolina College awards its rst four-
year degree.
1981 Wheelwright Auditorium, the rst center for the
performing arts in northeast South Carolina, is dedicated.
e $3.1 million facility is funded almost entirely by private
donations, including a $1.2 million
gift from the Kimbel family. e
facility is named for L. Maud
Kimbel’s maternal grandfather,
John Wheelwright, who was
involved with the cotton trade in
South Carolina in the early 1900s.
1983 USC Coastal Carolina Col-
lege becomes a charter member of
the Big South Athletic Conference.
1986 USC Coastal Carolina
College becomes a full member of
the National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA).
1987 e rst on-campus resi-
dence halls open.
1989 Enrollment reaches more
than 4,000 students. e number
of full-time faculty grows to 175.
e Campaign for Progress
surpasses its goal of $5.5 million
in fewer than ve years, spurring
growth in capital projects, the
arts and academic enrichment
1991 On July 23, 1991, the Coastal Educational
Foundation and the Horry County Higher Education
Commission vote to seek legislative approval to establish
an independent Coastal Carolina University. USC System
President John Palms recommends to the USC Board of
Trustees that Coastal Carolina pursue independence from
the University in name and administration. e trustees
adopt President Palms’ recommendation in June 1992.
1993 e South Carolina Legislature passes legislation
establishing Coastal Carolina University as an independent,
public institution, eective July 1, 1993. Governor Carroll
Campbell signs the bill during a ceremony at Coastal Carolina
on May 14, 1993. e Universitys rst Board of Trustees
meets for the rst time July 1, 1993. Ronald R. Ingle is named
the University’s rst president. Coastal Carolina University
begins oering its rst graduate programs in education in
the fall of 1993. e E. Craig Wall Sr. School of Business
David A. DeCenzo
President • 2007-present
Ronald R. Ingle
President • 1993-2007
Chancellor • 1992-1993
Ronald G. Eaglin
Chancellor • 1985-1992
Frederick W. Hicks III
Chancellor • 1983-1985
Edward M. Singleton
Chancellor • 1963-1983
William C. Casper
Director • 1961-1963
George C. Rogers
Director • 1955-1961
Edward J. Woodhouse
Director • 1954-1955
Administration Building is completed and dedicated in
honor of Mr. Wall, who was one of the University’s original
1994 e Eldred E. Prince Building, funded by the
Horry County Higher Education Commission, is completed
and dedicated. New projects include plans for a humanities
building, residence hall/dining facility, athletic administration
complex, printing services facility and renovations to existing
buildings. e University’s rst formal inauguration is held
to install President Ingle.
1996 A new 400-bed residence hall and dining facility is
completed for fall 1996 occupancy; the number of students
who live in campus residence halls reaches 1,000. A $68
million campus master plan is unveiled that will guide
development of the University to the 50th anniversary of the
institution, to be celebrated in 2004.
1997 e Board of Trustees adopts A Journey of
Excellence, a plan to guide the University into the next
century. e South Carolina General Assembly approves
$11.7 million for the new Humanities and Fine Arts
1998 e R. Cathcart Smith Science Center is dedicated,
and a $2 million campaign to upgrade the facility is
announced. Coastal Carolina University oers baccalaureate
degree programs in 36 major elds of study through its four
academic schools, graduate programs in education, and seven
cooperative programs with other South Carolina universities.
e E. Craig Wall Sr. School of Business Administration
gains accreditation by the American Assembly of Collegiate
Schools of Business.
1999 e South Carolina General Assembly approves
the nal funding for the new Humanities and Fine Arts
Building. Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu visits
the campus as part of the Kimbel Distinguished Lecturer
Series. e School of Education gains accreditation by the
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
e Board of Trustees approves the sale of revenue bonds to
begin construction of a 350-bed residence hall, expansion
of the dining facility and University Hall. Football will be
added to the intercollegiate mix in 2003; with football, the
University will oer 17 NCAA Division I intercollegiate
2000 To reect the growth of academic programs and the
maturity of the institution, the four academic schools of the
University are renamed colleges. e College of Humanities
and Fine Arts is named for omas W. and Robin W.
Edwards. A statewide awareness campaign bolsters the
University’s visibility. e University endowment tops $12
million, reecting a more than 300 percent increase since
1993; the total number of donors increases by 17 percent in
the past year.
2001 University enrollment increases to almost 5,000
students from 47 states and 50 countries. e average
SAT for entering freshmen tops the national average. New
degree programs are approved for middle grades education,
music, philosophy, Spanish and special education. A major
construction boom is highlighted by the opening and formal
dedication of the omas W. and Robin W. Edwards College
of Humanities and Fine Arts, the largest building on campus.
A $1.8 million gift from the estate of Rebecca Randall
Bryan marks the largest single cash gift in the University’s
history. In collaboration with the Georgetown community,
the University brings the Freedom Schooner Amistad to
Georgetown. e Amistad attracts more than 16,000 visitors,
including more than 8,000 school children from Horry and
Georgetown counties.
2002 e University’s enrollment rises to a record of
nearly 6,000 students. A baccalaureate degree program is
oered in management-international tourism. e rst
class of recruits for the new football team begins practice
in preparation for intercollegiate play in Fall 2003. State
appropriations fall to approximately 23 percent of the total
current funds, and tuition and fees represent nearly half of
the University’s $63 million operating budget.
2003 e University now oers masters degree programs
in education, instructional technology, and coastal marine
and wetland studies. A growing array of international
programs take students to places such as Australia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, England, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Germany,
India, Japan, Russia and Spain. A $1.5 million gift from
Burroughs & Chapin Company Inc. is announced to support
the construction of an education and research facility at the
University’s Waties Island/Tilghman Point property. A $2
million gift from Loris native Bob Brooks marks the largest
single gift in the history of the University and places the
Brooks name on the new football stadium. More than 8,000
fans pack Brooks Stadium on September 6 for the inaugural
game of the Chanticleer NCAA I-AA football squad.
2004 Coastal Carolina University oers baccalaureate
degree programs in 38 major elds of study and 36
undergraduate minors, including a new bachelor’s degree in
economics. e University serves students and the community
with a new location, the Waccamaw Higher Education
Center in Litcheld, and sites in Georgetown and Myrtle
Beach. e 50th anniversary celebration ocially begins on
Founders Day, September 20, with a formal convocation
to honor the three educational institutions that had pivotal
roles in the shaping of Coastal Carolina University: Horry
County Schools, University of South Carolina and College
of Charleston. e Spadoni College of Education is named
for William L. “Spud” Spadoni and members of his family
through a $1 million gift to the 50th Anniversary Initiatives.
e public phase of the 50th Anniversary Initiatives is
announced in September with more than $10 million already
2005 Coastal Carolina University has a record
enrollment of 7,613 students. To accommodate the growth,
the University continues to extend its physical presence to
the East Campus, located in the Atlantic Center on Highway
501. e campus now comprises 52 main buildings on 302
acres. e long-awaited Master of Business Administration
degree gains approval, and the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of
Business Administration begins accepting MBA students
for fall 2006. New baccalaureate degree programs are
approved in communication and in recreation and sport
management, bringing the total number of undergraduate
degree programs to 40 elds of study. e 50th Anniversary
Initiatives campaign raises $3 million over the $10 million
goal, reecting the growing community support for the
University. For a conference-record seventh time, Coastal
Carolina University captures the Sasser Cup for athletic
program success. President Ronald R. Ingle announces his
retirement for June 2007, and the Board of Trustees begins
planning the search for the Universitys second president.
2006 e University continues record growth with
8,049 students from 44 states and 32 foreign countries
enrolled for fall 2006. e freshman class has an entering
SAT score of 1,047 and an average high school GPA of 3.32,
topping national averages in both categories. e Universitys
operating budget hits $110 million, 12 percent of which
comes from state appropriations. Ground is broken for
the Adkins Field House following a $1.8 million gift from
Charlotte businessmen and twin brothers Mark and Will
Adkins, representing the largest pledge ever received from
2007 David A. DeCenzo takes oce as the second
president of Coastal Carolina University on May 7, 2007.
His formal inauguration – built around the theme “Dawning
of a New Tomorrow” – is held September 14. e new
president appoints a Strategic Planning Steering Committee
comprising all University stakeholders to examine and rene
the University’s mission, establish priorities, and link strategic
direction to budgeting and assessment. e total number of
alumni since 1993 reaches 10,129. e annual economic
impact of the University tops $225 million.
2008 Coastal Carolina University receives its largest
grant, $2.3 million, from the National Science Foundation
(NSF) to establish a program that partners graduate students
and Horry County K-12 teachers in coastal science research.
For the rst time, a Coastal Carolina University faculty
member is named the Governor’s 2008 Professor of the Year.
A building campaign is under way to expand Kimbel Library,
build an annex to the R. Cathcart Smith Science Center, as
well as to construct a student recreation and convocation
center, among other projects. Horry County voters approve a
penny sales tax to provide funding to be divided among the
Horry County public schools, Horry-Georgetown Technical
College and Coastal Carolina University; the tax is expected
to provide approximately $120 million over the next 15 years
for facility improvements for the University. Chanticleer
alumni earn accolades in the U.S. Olympics, NFL and Major
League Soccer, and on the PGA Tour.
2009 Coastal Carolina University is named one of
Americas 100 Best College Buys” by Institutional Research
& Evaluation Inc. e University is ranked in the top 15
percent of the nations four-year undergraduate institutions
in “Americas Best Colleges 2009,” compiled by Forbes and
the Center for College Aordability and Productivity. Fall
2009 enrollment is approximately 8,300 students from 45
states and 38 foreign countries. One of the largest gifts in
University history will support health science education,
and the new science addition – Kenneth E. Swain Hall –
will be named in honor of the donor. e E. Craig Wall Sr.
College of Business Administration is named one of the 300
best in the world by AACSB-International. e Burroughs
& Chapin Center for Marine and Wetland Studies joins the
State Energy Oce, Santee Cooper, Clemson University and
North Carolina State University to conduct research on wind
power for commercial use.
2010 e Coastal Carolina University Student Housing
Foundation purchases a residential facility near campus
and combines it with University Place, increasing the on-
campus resident capacity to 3,379 beds. Adkins Field House
is completed; the state-of-the-art facility houses coaches
oces, football locker and meeting rooms, the Sasser
Athletics Hall of Fame, and a strength and conditioning
center. Groundbreaking is held for two major campus
additions: the Student Recreation and Convocation Center
and the Bryan Information Commons at Kimbel Library. A
total of 891 graduates participate in May Commencement.
e Chanticleer baseball team is recognized by the NCAA
for having the highest winning percentage of any Division I
baseball program and is selected to host the NCAA Super
Regionals for the rst time. e University is named a
“Military Friendly School” by two national organizations.
e Womens Resource Center opens in the Wall Building.
Fall 2010 enrollment is 8,706 students. With the purchase of
Quail Creek Golf Club, the campus now comprises 69 main
buildings on 631 acres.
e custom of wearing a distinctive dress for academic ceremonies
dates back to the Middle Ages, when people dressed in keeping with
their class: nobility, clergy or third estate. e faculties of American
universities have worn distinguishing costumes since the beginning,
in 1636, at Harvard University.
Today, academic regalia is worn in the United States by persons
taking part in academic ceremonies in general, at commencement
exercises, at baccalaureate services and at various inauguration
ceremonies, such as the installation of a president, the conferring
of an honorary degree on a distinguished guest or the laying of the
cornerstone of a building.
e institutions awarding degrees, the nature of the degrees and the
major elds of knowledge represented by the degrees can be readily
identied by the designs and colors used.
e baccalaureate gown is the simplest in design. Usually black, it is
distinguished by a wide yoke with shirring in front and back and by
open owing sleeves that end in a point. e baccalaureate gown
is worn closed.
e master’s gown is similar to the baccalaureate gown except that
it has a closed or glove sleeve that is open at the wrist. e master’s
gown has no other trim and may be worn either open or closed.
e doctoral gown is full owing and has large bell-shaped sleeves.
It is trimmed with velvet panels down the front and has velvet
chevrons on the sleeves. While black is still the predominant color
for doctoral gowns, the trim may be in a color that denotes the
wearers discipline or the color of the gown may denote the wearer’s
e square Oxford cap, or mortarboard, of serge or broadcloth,
with a sti crown, is traditionally black. Once the baccalaureate
degree has been conferred, the tassel is worn on the left side. e
tassel is usually black, but may be of a color denoting the major
eld of knowledge for bachelors and masters degrees and gold for
doctoral degrees.
e white honor stole, worn around the neck, signies honors to
which the graduating student is entitled, academic grade point
honors and/or Coastal Carolina University honors programs such
as Jackson Scholars, Wall Fellows and the Honors Program.
Recognized honor societies by Coastal Carolina University are:
Alpha Kappa Delta: Sociology
Alpha Mu Gamma: Foreign Language
Alpha Psi Omega: eatre
Beta Gamma Sigma: Business and Management
Delta Omicron: Music
Eta Sigma Gamma: Health
Kappa Delta Pi: Education
Omicron Delta Kappa: Leadership
Order of Omega: Greek Leadership
Phi Alpha eta: History
Phi Eta Sigma: Freshmen
Phi Sigma Tau: Philosophy
Pi Mu Epsilon: Mathematics
Pi Sigma Alpha: Political Science
Psi Chi: Psychology
Sigma Tau Delta: English
Sigma Zeta Beta Mu: Science and Mathematics
Upsilon Eta: Communication
Upsilon Pi Epsilon: Computer Science
e greatest degree of symbolism is represented by the hood.
e size and shape of the American hood mark the college
degree attained by the wearer. e lining of the hood is
indicative of the college from which the degree was granted. If
more than one color is used, one color is generally arranged as
a chevron upon the other. e velvet trim of the hood indicates
the major eld of knowledge.
Anthropology: Golden Yellow
Business Administration: Drab
Communication: Crimson
Computer Science: Golden Yellow
Divinity / eology: Scarlet
Dramatic Arts: Brown
Economics: Copper
Education: Light Blue
Engineering: Orange
English: White
Fine Arts: Brown
History: White
Humanities: White
Journalism: Crimson
Jurisprudence: Purple
Library Science: Lemon
Mathematics: Golden Yellow
Marine Science: Golden Yellow
Medicine: Kelly Green
Music: Pink
Speech: Silver Gray
Pharmacy: Olive Green
Philosophy: Dark Blue
Physical Education: Sage Green
Physics: Golden Yellow
Political Science: Dark Blue
Public Administration: Peacock Blue
Public Health: Salmon Pink
Science: Golden Yellow
Social Science: Citron
Most academic ceremonies begin and end with an academic
procession. At Coastal Carolina University, candidates for
degrees are rst and process in the order in which the degrees
will be bestowed, followed by the faculty, with senior professors
rst, and the platform party.
Coastal Carolina University recognizes members of the
1954 Society who support the University while they are
undergraduate students. Members of the 1954 Society wear
special pins that they receive during a formal induction
ceremony held each spring.
The University Seal
e seal of Coastal Carolina University designates the founding year of the institution and associates
the campus symbol, the Atheneum, with the coastal locale of the University. Carrying the Latin
motto – Ex Libertate Veritas, From Liberty, Truth – the seal refers to the Temple of Athene in ancient
Athens where professors and students came together. e Greek temple was named for Athena,
the daughter of Zeus, who embodies wisdom and reason. e waves at the foot of the Atheneum
acknowledge a diversied coastal environment encompassing a distinctive geography and history, a
vital present, and an abundant future. e seal was commissioned by Trustee Oran P. Smith as a gift
to celebrate the July 1, 1993, establishment of the University as an independent, public institution
of higher education.
The University Logo
e identifying symbol of Coastal Carolina University captures the dynamic and traditional
commitment of the University to teaching and learning. e Atheneum, constructed on the campus
in 1966, is a recognized architectural symbol of a meeting place for persons engaged in literary and
scientic pursuits. In the logo, the Atheneum is set against an undulating background that captures
the energy and unbounded promise of the institution.
The Presidential Medallion
As symbols of events and aliations, medallions in academic regalia can be traced to religious orders
during the Middle Ages. Since many orders, societies and universities used similar designs – a circle,
cross or an oval – the detailed artwork in the center of the medallion was adopted to dierentiate each
aliation. Colleges and universities traditionally use ceremonial and commemorative medallions for
formal occasions such as commencements, convocations and inaugurations, when academic regalia
is worn. To commemorate Coastal Carolinas status as an independent University, the institutions
medallion was commissioned in 1994. e installation of President Ronald R. Ingle on October 22,
1994, was the rst time the Coastal Carolina University Medallion was publicly displayed.
The University Mace
e University mace, the symbol of the Coastal Carolina University community, attaches signicance
to important events of the academic calendar. Commissioned by the Horry County Higher Education
Commission, the mace was designed and crafted by silversmith Alfred D. Ward and presented to the
University in the spring of 1997. e mace is carried during ocial convocations of the University
by the senior member of the faculty. When not being used for a convocation, the mace is on display
in the boardroom of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration.
e three-dimensional, 48-inch sta is topped with a 22-karat gold-plate model of the campus
symbol, the Atheneum. Modied relief seals of the University and engraved lettering embellish the
sterling silver cup. Supported by a base of solid walnut, the stem of the mace is adorned with sterling
silver shells, reecting the coastal location of the University. On the base of the stem is an engraved
seal of the state of South Carolina, representing the Universitys status as a public institution.
Originally used as weapons during the Middle Ages, maces came to be viewed as symbols of authority
and were adopted by ocials of English municipalities by the end of the 16th century. Maces are now
used for legislative assemblies, ecclesiastical processions, and at college and university ceremonies of
outstanding importance, such as commencements.
Nikki R. Haley, Governor of South Carolina,
Ex Ocio Chairman
William H. Alford, ’77, Chairman, At-Large
Samuel J. Swad, ’86, Vice Chairman, Fifth Congressional District
Larry L. Biddle, First Congressional District
William S. Biggs, ird Congressional District
Gary W. Brown, Sixth Congressional District
Robert D. Brown, Fifth Congressional District
(Vacant), Gubernatorial Appointee
J. Wayne George, Sixth Congressional District
Natasha M. Hanna, ’94, First Congressional District
D. Wyatt Henderson, ’98, Fourth Congressional District
Charles J. Hodge, Fourth Congressional District
Carlos C. Johnson, Gubernatorial Designee
William L. Lyles Jr., ird Congressional District
Daniel W.R. Moore Sr., At-Large
Oran P. Smith, Second Congressional District
Eugene C. Spivey, ’91, At-Large
Robert G. Templeton, Second Congressional District
Gene Anderson, Trustee Emeritus
Payne H. Barnette Jr., Trustee Emeritus
Fred F. DuBard Jr., Trustee Emeritus
Dean P. Hudson, ’80, MBA ’11, Trustee Emeritus
James J. Johnson, Trustee Emeritus
Clark B. Parker, ’77, Trustee Emeritus
Juli S. Powers, ’79, Trustee Emerita
Robert Rabon, ’73, Trustee Emeritus
Keith S. Smith, Trustee Emeritus
David Douglas, Chairman
Dennis L. Wade, Vice Chairman
Joseph F. Singleton, Secretary/Treasurer
W. Stovall Witte Jr., Chief Executive Ocer
Edward Lawton Benton
Franklin C. Blanton
Merrill T. Boyce
Clay D. Brittain Jr.
omas Preston Brown
Larry D. Coats Jr.
Tony K. Cox
W. Jennings Duncan
Robin W. Edwards
Carl O. Falk
Dalton B. Floyd Jr.
J. Stewart Haskin Jr.
Keith C. Hinson
Hal B. Holmes Jr.
Henry Jobe
Charles B. Jordan
William O. Marsh
L. Henry Mense
James B. Moore Jr.
B. Durwood Owens Jr.
Joseph omas Pegram
Michael D. Pruitt
David F. Singleton Sr.
R. Grant Singleton
Chip Smith
Robert C. Smith Jr.
E. Craig Wall III
Ronald R. Ingle, Director Emeritus
James J. Johnson, Director Emeritus
Edward L. Proctor Sr., Director Emeritus
Frank N. Watts, Director Emeritus
William H. Alford, ’77, ex ocio
David A. DeCenzo, ex ocio
Brian Forbus, ’97, ex ocio
Samuel H. Frink, ex ocio
Edward M. Singleton, ex ocio
Julie M. Rajotte, Chairman
John M. Vaught III, Vice Chairman
Ruth S. Kearns, ’68, Secretary
H. Delan Stevens, ’79, Treasurer
James Benjie Andrew
Joseph O. Burroughs Jr.
James T. Carroll
Sheldon D. Dawsey
Mary Beth Heath
David Douglas, ex ocio
Cindy Elsberry, ex ocio
S. Taylor Eubanks, ex ocio
Brian Forbus, ’97, ex ocio
Nelson Hardwick, ex ocio
H. Tom Rice, ex ocio
Michael S. Ruse, ex ocio
Ruell L. Hicks
Bridget Player, ’95
D. Loring Ross
Elizabeth J. Saraniti
Linda C. Vereen
William H. Alford, ’77, Chairman Emeritus, ex ocio
John W. Dawsey, Chairman Emeritus
David A. DeCenzo, ex ocio
Roddy Dickinson, ex ocio
James M. Wooten, Chair
Joseph L. Carter
Lloyd W. Coppedge
Jonathan L. Dieter Jr.
Carl Eggerding
Michael D. Harrington
Hal B. Holmes Jr.
Rebecca S. Lovelace
Susan H. McMillan
Ron L. Paige
Darin V. Sutton, ’90
J. Edward White Jr.
James F. Wright
Muriel O’Tuel, Chair
Larry L. Biddle
Deborah Burroughs
Shirley Butler
Kelly Cauble
Randy Dozier
Carolyn Ellis
Cindy Elsberry
Lawson Holland
Kathryn Kenning
Nora Mason
Michelle Richardson
Gwen Scarborough
MaryEllen Greene, Chair
Sara E. Boling, Vice Chair
Laurie Stewart, Secretary
Richard B. Josey III, Treasurer
Juliet M. Casper
Pamela Charlston De Grood
Kimberly A. Duncan
Robin W. Edwards
Jeanne L. Fourrier
Rachel J. Gandy
Robert E. Jewell
L. Hugh Martin III
John L. Martini Jr.
Robert H. Reed
William R. Benson, Chair
Joseph C. Alexander
Edward J. Barker Jr., ’92
E. Lawton Benton
J. Marshall Biddle
Pamela J. Browning
Robert M. Clinger III, ’00
W. Pressley Courtney, ’93
Jerry J. Cox Jr.
Joseph N. Dalgliesh
Lisa G. DeVeaux
David D. Douglas
John W. Gandy Jr.
eresa Roberts Gebhardt, ’83
Michael C. Gerald
John S. Gilbertson
George H. Goldnch Jr.
Henrietta U. Golding
Gary L. Hadwin
R. omas Harrell
Keith C. Hinson, ’71
Charles A. Hinson, ’75
Christopher S. Huggins, ’90
Melton J. Huggins III, ’88
Glen T. Insley
Daniel H. Isaac Jr.
omas J. Johnson
McKenzie R. Jordan, ’00
Charles B. Jordan, ’64
George C. Kosko
Tony McAfee
George N. Magrath Jr.
L. Henry Mense
Stella Mercado
J. Edward Norris III
Joseph T. Pegram
Edward L. Proctor Jr.
Michael D. Pruitt, ’84
Lisa M. Rachels, ’98
J. Charley Ray, ’85
Fred R. Richardson
John Sarvis
Richard G. Singleton II
John F. Smith
Samuel R. Spann Jr.
Walter E. Standish III
Jean G. Steppe
Harold C. Stowe
Dennis L. Wade
Kenan S. Walker
E. Craig Wall III
Judith A. Wall
Douglas P. Wendel Sr.
Todd G. Woodard
John C. Griggs, Chair
Lynn G. Stevens, Vice Chair
Nancy Z. Jarrett, Interim Executive Director
J. Michael Frazier
Charles J. Hodge
Daniel J. MacDonald
Daniel W. R. Moore Sr.
David A. DeCenzo, ex ocio
Rebecca Hardwick, President
Janice Simmons, Vice President
Linda Vereen, Secretary/Treasurer
Mark A. Roach, Executive Director
Marshall Biddle
Nicolle Gainey
Will Garland
Sherri Gray
Brent Groome
Donald Helms
Pat Howle
Mark Kiskunas
Karen Large
Tim McCoy
Greg Richardson
Colin Stevens
Bob Swezey
Mark Talbot
Elizabeth Teal
Tom Towns
John Vrooman
David A. DeCenzo, ex ocio
Daniel P. Sine, ’01, Chairman
Brian D. Forbus, ’97, President
Sherry Johnson, ’96, First Vice President
Keith Andersen, ’81, Second Vice President
Paul Sweeney, ’00, Secretary/Treasurer
Tamera Bergstrom, ’02
Paige L. Bird, ’02
Derek Blanton, ’79
Woodrow Ford, ’05
Andrew Handley, ’02
Patrick Herrmann, ’97
Chrissy Hunter Mays, ’99
Dawn Richardson, ’98
Holly T. McMillan, ’98
Porter Medley, ’99
Jennifer C. Sellers, ’00
Brandon Sessions, ’06
Tami Springs-Brooks, ’80
David Turner, ’97
Shawn Toole, 98
Will Garland, Faculty Advisor Emeritus
David A. DeCenzo, ex ocio
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Bennie Lee SincLair
e Coastal Carolina University Alma Mater was written in 1994
by the late Bennie Lee Sinclair, the fth Poet Laureate of South Carolina,
to commemorate the rst year of the institutions status as a university.
e original score for the Alma Mater was written in 1994
by Coastal Carolina University emeritus professor William R. Hamilton.
“Coastal Carolina” was rst performed at the Inauguration
of the University’s rst president, Ronald R. Ingle, on October 22, 1994.