Are any of these risk factors for heat exposure present on your job site today? (check all that apply)
Heat Illness Prevention (HIP) Competent Person:
Work in confined spaces - for example, attics, crawl spaces, and/or the interior of tanks
Moderate to strenuous physical activity performed in warm/hot indoor or outdoor environments
Heavy or non-breathable work clothes and/or personal protective equipment worn in warm/hot indoor
or outdoor environments
High relative humidity combined with a warm/hot indoor or outdoor environment (heat index)
Low wind speed and/or physical elements of the construction site that block wind
Mobile worksites with the potential for variable levels of heat exposure
Workers that have not yet been trained on heat exposure and heat-related illness
June 2023
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Outdoor work in warm/hot weather or direct sun
Once you have a HIP plan set up, use the following checklist to identify daily risks and preventive and
protective measures that will be implemented accordingly. If you have questions about the items on the
checklist visit cpwr.com/heat for more information
Radiant heat sources such as hot asphalt, power tools, machinery, furnaces, boilers, steam piping, or
other radiant heat sources
Before beginning work, ask yourself whether your crew will be exposed to heat or hot weather. Are you
working outside in the heat or direct sunlight? Are you working indoors in a hot environment or in a space
with heat-generating machinery? If you and your crew might be at risk for heat-related illness or death,
make sure you have a heat-illness prevention (HIP) program in place. A HIP program should include plans
for training workers, monitoring heat conditions, ensuring controls and solutions are available when
needed, acclimatizing workers, and more. The plan should be updated for each job site with clear
guidance on when and how it will be implemented at the worksite for (new and experienced) workers.
Use CPWR’s Heat Illness Prevention Program Checklist before continuing to the checklist below if you do
not have an established program in place.
Which daily work practices will you implement to protect workers based on Section 1? Apply and layer
Ventilation is used, including air conditioners, cooling fans, air movers, or other engineering controls.
Mandatory rest and hydration breaks are provided in the shade or air conditioning. If shade is not
feasible on a project, an alternate measure at least as effective as shade should be provided, such as a
cooled area or air-conditioned vehicle. Duration of rest breaks should be adjusted as conditions change
and the risk of heat-related illness gets higher.
Fluids (e.g., cool, potable water, sports drinks) are readily available and are provided to workers for
free, and supervisors ensure they are consistently hydrating.
Restroom facilities are close to the jobsite.
Procedures are in place to determine throughout the workday if heat is hazardous to workers (e.g.,
monitoring temperature and/or heat index, monitoring heat advisories)
Unacclimatized workers who are new to the job site or geographic region, temporary or contract,
pregnant, or returning from extended leave
Work in a remote area in which it will take significant time to access emergency services if needed
Employees working alone
the hierarchy of controls to ensure you are selecting interventions that best control heat exposures.
Engineering Controls
When worksites are mobile, modifications to worksites are made to implement engineering controls
such as the use of mobile cooling fans.
Radiant heat sources are shielded. If radiant heat sources include operational steam pipes or other
sources of extreme radiant heat, machines are turned off and cooled down prior to work as often as
Administrative Controls
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Schedule shorter shifts for newly hired workers and unacclimatized existing workers. Gradually
increase shift length over the first few days, first week and second week.
Recovery breaks are provided for any worker who feels unwell. During recovery breaks, workers must
be monitored by a supervisor to ensure they remain in the shade, rehydrate sufficiently, and only return
to work when signs or symptoms of heat illness have ended.
Work-rest cycles and spelling off practices are used as needed. Judgements are based on assessment
of energy expenditure, environmental heat stress, and the types of clothing and personal protective
equipment used.
A buddy system is in place so workers observe each other for signs of heat-related injury and illness.
If a worker must work alone, lone worker procedures such as frequent check-ins and a daily work plan
are in place.
Personal Protective Equipment
Reflective and wicking clothing and personal cooling systems are provided, such as cooling vests, water
-cooled garments, and wetted overgarments to provide evaporative cooling effects.
Cooling vortex tubes are offered as an element of supplied air respiratory systems.
Vented hard hats are provided as appropriate for site conditions and requirements.
Instructions for what to do in case of a heat-related medical emergency are posted clearly and in the
languages spoken by the workers. Include directions for how to reach the site that can be easily relayed
to emergency services.
3. Are you prepared for a heat-related medical emergency?
Materials are easily accessible on-site for rapid cooling while waiting for emergency services. In order
of efficacy, materials may include ice or cold-water immersion, mists and fans for evaporation, and/or
ice packs.
For more information visit cpwr.com/heat
Fire resistant clothing and other necessary personal protective equipment is provided when working
near radiant sources of extreme heat such as boilers, furnaces, ovens, or steam piping.
©2023, CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training. All rights reserved. Through the Alliance between OSHA and CPWR, CPWR developed this
checklist for informational purposes only. It does not necessarily reflect the official views of OSHA or the U.S. Department of Labor. CPWR is the research and
training arm of NABTU. Production of this document was supported by cooperative agreement OH 009762 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIOSH.
Source: OSHA's Employer Checklist. https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/Activity_FF_EmployerHeatChecklist.pdf