Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 1
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki
All scripts and all postproduction work from all seasons will be
entered into this document.
• • •
7/12 Script: For the first round, we received the version of the script that
was accurate on 7/12/2008. The scenes from there have since
changed, but I've left the translations in for the purposes of
Requested Translation: Finalists were given a series of notes to follow in
preparing their final proposals. Among these notes were requests
that specific phrases be translated (these phrases themselves appear
later in the script, anyway, but I translated them separately just in
case that's the way they were wanted). They'll come first.
Note: The audio files in this
section can be found in the
"Dialogue" folder inside the
"Audio Files" folder.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 2
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 3
Section Title: Scene Description
Introductory comments, or extra scene/transition/setting
Dothraki (with stress marked).
[phonetic transcription of the standard version]
/interlinear gloss/
"English translation."
Notes: Extra information (explanations, etymologies, subtleties, metaphors,
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 4
Requested Translation: From ILLYRIO to DROGO (1)
Athchomár chomakaán!
/respect-NOM. respectful-AGT.-ALL.SG./
Notes: The phrase here translates to, "Respect to the respectful!" When it
comes to outsiders, respect is key for the Dothraki: If outsiders respect them
and their culture, they won't kill them. Thus, this phrase has become the
traditional greeting the Dothraki use with outsiders, and which outsiders use
with them.
In this scene, ILLYRIO is greeting DROGO, but it isn't clear if ILLYRIO will be
greeting DROGO only, or DROGO and his men. If it's the latter, the greeting
should properly be in the plural, and not the singular. The greeting above is
in the singular; for the plural, see below.
Athchomár chómakea!
[aT.tSo.»mar »]
/respect-NOM. respectful-AGT.-ALL.PL./
Notes: As mentioned above, this greeting is the same, but should be used
when the addressee is plural.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 5
Requested Translation: From ILLYRIO to DROGO (2)
Vítiheri máe k'áthzalari.
[»vi.ti.he.Ri »ma.e »]
/DUR.-see-DUR.-COM.FRM. 3sg.-ACC. by-desire-GEN./
"Inspect her at your leisure."
Notes: The literal translation is, "Inspect her when you desire". The adverb
k'áthzalari is the basic equivalent of "at your leisure", as the concept of
"leisure" is foreign to the Dothraki.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 6
From the 7/12 Script: EUNUCH's Speech
Viséris okreseroón Tárgaryeni, senák rek hakesoón: Khal Andáhli ma Máhrazhi
Átaki, Nísho Rháeshi Andáhli ma Vijazerák Váesi. Inávva máe Dáeneris Vazyól,
Khalákki Negwinoón Zhavvórsa. Idrík vichomér máe, Illírio Mofátis, Shilák
Vezhvén Váesi Sérisa Féntosi.
[vi.»sE.Ris»on » se.»nak rek»on xal an.»
ma »mah.Ra.Zi » »ni.So »ra.e.Si an.» ma vi.dZa.ze.»Rak »
i.» »ma.e » vaz.»jol xa.»«on Zav.»
id.»Rik vi.tSo.»mer »ma.e il.»li.Ri.o mo.»fa.tis Si.»lak veZ.»ven » »
/Viserys-NOM. tent-COLL.-ABL. Targaryen-GEN., three-AGT. that(dist.) name-ABL.: chief-NOM.
Andal-GEN.PL. and man-PL. first-PL.AGR., master-NOM. land-PL. Andal-GEN.PL. and DUR.-protect-
DUR.-AGT. realm-GEN. sister-NOM. 3sg.-GEN. Daenerys-NOM. stormborn-NOM., princess-NOM.
stone-ABL. dragon-NNM.AGR. guide-NOM. respectful-NOM.AGR. 3sg.-GEN., Illyrio-NOM. Mopatis-
NOM., busybody-NOM. great-NOM.AGR. city-GEN. free-NNM.AGR. Pentos-GEN./
"Viserys of the House Targaryen, the third of that name. King of the Andals and the
First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. His sister
Daenerys Stormborn, Princess of Dragonstone. His honorable host, Illyrio
Mopatis, Magister of the Free City of Pentos."
Notes: In the speech above, KHAL DROGO's eunuch is pronouncing the names
of foreigners. A question one might ask is just how adept this eunuch is at
pronouncing foreign names. Would he pronounce "Viserys" and "Daenerys"
as Dothraki words, giving them Dothraki stress, or is he fluent in the
surrounding languages, and able to pronounce the names natively? Even if he
can, which is more appropriate? What I've given above is a Dothraki
pronunciation with "common" stress (i.e. the stress I imagine the names have
in the minds of English speakers). I've also normalized the "y" vowels,
turning them into Dothraki i's.
Also, I'd like to note that I've translated the names "Stormborn" and
"Dragonstone" directly into Dothraki (similar to Native American names in
English, where we say "Chief Sitting Bull" and not "Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake"). If
the directors wish, the English names can stay in, untranslated. In this case,
they'd be pronounced with a Dothraki accent (for which, see the section of the
grammar dedicated to the pronunciation of English with a Dothraki accent).
Finally, a quick note about ILLYRIO's title. "Magister" doesn't really mean
anything in English: the title's meaning is unique to Martin's A Song of Fire &
Ice series. What a Magister of Pentos is is a de facto ruler—someone who
knows all the right people and knows how to grease the system, and who, as
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 7
a result, is rich and powerful. In the translation above, then, I gave a Dothraki
translation of what they think of the position: Shilák Vezhvén, which means
something like "Great Busybody". If the actual title "Magister" is wanted,
though, the Dothraki version would be Magístro, Mazhístro, or Majístro
(depending on the desired pronunciation of "g" in "Magister").
I'd also like to note that I've given both "Pentos" and "Mopatis" Dothraki
pronunciations. This isn't necessary, of course, and the f's can be changed
back to p's if the directors/writers feel it's necessary for intelligibility.
A final note: As it's written in the script, this speech has kind of a cold open,
starting off right away with the name of the first person to be introduced. I
know this is the custom in, for example, formal balls in the late 1800s in
England, but just in case you want more of an introduction, you might begin
with, "Mighty Khal, I present to you…" That would be: Khal vezhvén! Ánha
asshilák sháfka… Then, for absolute fidelity, all the names of those
introduced would be in the ablative singular, but that's not necessary (even in
Dothraki, I'd imagine if one wanted to focus on the full form of a foreign
name, it would be uninflected).
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 8
From the 7/12 Script: ILLYRIO's Conversation with KHAL DROGO
At this point in the script, ILLYRIO, who has just pointed out KHAL
DROGO to DAENERYS and VISERYS, walks over to DROGO and has
a private conversation with him. It seems likely that the viewer
will not be able to hear this conversation fully, but as some
conversation must take place between the two, I've provided some
samples that can be used by the actors.
Khal vezhvén! M'athchomaroón! Ánha qovák háji kovarikhoón sháfki!
[xal veZ.»ven»on »an.ha qo.»vak »ha.dZi»on »]
/khal-NOM. great-NOM.AGR.! with-respect-ABL.! 1sg.-NOM. tremble-1sg.PRES. because.of stance-
ABL. 2sg.FRM.-GEN./
"Mighty Khal! Hello! I tremble in your presence!"
Notes: This is ILLYRIO's greeting to KHAL DROGO. He is obsequious and a bit
foppish, so this kind of an over-the-top greeting suits him.
Athchomár yeraán, Shilák Vezhvén. Yer shári, k'áthtihari.
[aT.tSo.»mar je.Ra.»an Si.»lak veZ.»ven jer »Sa.Ri »kaT.ti.ha.Ri]
/respect-NOM. 2sg.INF.-ALL., gossip-NOM. great-NOM.AGR. 2sg.-NOM. healthy-2sg.PRES., by-sight-
"Respect to you, Magister. You seem healthy."
Notes: DROGO's reply is more direct, as he is more reserved (also notice that
while ILLYRIO refers to KHAL DROGO with the formal sháfka, DROGO uses the
informal yer with him, as a way of showing that he is superior to the
magister). His comment—that ILLYRIO appears "healthy"—is a semi-polite
way of saying that ILLYRIO is fat. ILLYRIO isn't going to pick up on this subtle
As noted above, I've translated "Magister" as Shilák Vezhvén. For a Dothraki
version of the English word "Magister", see the note in From the 7/12 Script:
EUNUCH's Speech.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 9
San áthchomari, Khal Vezhvén! Ánha dógo vos athzhikharoón, háji shekhoón,
jalanoón ma shierakoón. Shekh ráhsana asshékh! Me nem állayafa ki jin
áthkemari. Hash me állayafa sháfka, zhey Khal?
[san » xal veZ.»ven »an.ha »do.go vos aT.Zi.xa.Ro.»on »ha.dZi
Se.xo.»on»on ma Si.e.Ra.ko.»on Sex » aS.»Sex me nem
» ki dZin » haS me » »Saf.ka Zej xal]
/much respect-GEN., khal-NOM. great-NOM.AGR. 1sg.-NOM. suffer-NEG.PST no sickness-ABL.,
because.of sun-ABL., moon-ABL. and star-ABL. sun-NOM. be.bright-3sg.PRES. today-ACC.! 3sg.-
NOM. PASS. CAUS.-happy-3sg.PRES. by this marriage-GEN. Q 3sg.-NOM. CAUS.-happy-3sg.PRES.
2sg.FRM.-ACC., VOC. khal-NOM.?/
"Thank you, Great Khal! I have suffered from no sickness, thanks to the sun, the moon
and the stars. The sun is bright today! It is pleased by this marriage. Does it
please you, Khal?"
Notes: Here ILLYRIO has taken DROGO's subtle insult and interpreted it
literally, claiming that he hasn't been sick at all. It's Dothraki tradition to give
tribute to the sun, moon and stars for any good fortune, lest it be taken away,
and so ILLYRIO is paying homage to their culture by including the stock
phrase in his reply. He then moves the conversation towards the wedding,
hoping to pave the way for a successful union.
Kísha vézoki, zhey Shilák.
[»ki.Sa » Zej Si.»lak]
/1pl.-NOM. FUT.-discover-1pl., VOC. gossip-NOM./
"We will find out, Magister."
Notes: KHAL DROGO's reply is curt, at best. He still doesn't necessarily trust or
like ILLYRIO, and is wary of his intentions ("How does this marriage profit
him?" he wonders). By shortening his title to simply shilák, the Khal, yet
again, subtly insults him—and also tells him what he thinks of him—as
shilák by itself is a word for a busybody or gossip. If we go with the Dothraki
pronunciation of the English word "Magister", this subtlety will be lost.
Sek, sháfka vézoe, zhey Khal, ánha asták asqóy! Ma hash sháfka ray tihísh kemokés
sháfki? Me kóvara rékke, Khal vezhvén. Hash sháfka laz tíhi máe? Me zhéanae,
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 10
[sek »Saf.ka »ve.zo.e Zej xal »an.ha as.»tak as.»qoj ma haS »Saf.ka raj ti.»hiS»kes » me » » xal veZ.»ven haS »Saf.ka laz »ti.hi
»ma.e me » »]
/yes, 2sg.FRM.-NOM. FUT.-discover-3pl., VOC. khal-NOM., 1sg.-NOM. give-1sg.PRES. oath-ACC.!
and Q 2sg.FRM. yet see-3pl.PST. bride-ACC. 2sg.FRM.-GEN.? 3sg.-NOM. stand-3sg.PRES. there-ACC.,
khal-NOM. great-NOM.AGR. Q 2sg.FRM.-NOM. can see-3pl.PRES. 3sg.-ACC.? 3sg.-NOM.
beautiful-3sg.PRES., beautiful-3sg.PRES…/
"Indeed, you will, Khal, I promise you! And have you seen your bride yet? She's
standing over there, great Khal. Can you see her? She's beautiful, beautiful…!"
Notes: ILLYRIO gives his asqoy, or "blood word", here. He likely takes it
lightly, but such a thing is very serious to the Dothraki, so at this point, if
DROGO isn't pleased with DAENERYS, ILLYRIO's in trouble. KHAL DROGO knows
that ILLYRIO is likely oblivious to this fact, and is probably amused by the
whole exchange.
Tíhi vékhi ma anhoón, vosós?
[»ti.hi »ve.xi an.ho.»on vo.»sos]
/eye-GEN. exist-3pl.PRES. with 1sg.-ABL., no-RED.?/
"I have eyes, don't I?"
Notes: KHAL DROGO, a man of action, grows impatient with this chit-chat.
He's ready for things to move along, and challenges ILLYRIO here, in a way, to
drive him away.
Éste, éste! Vos athzichomezár, Khal Vezhvén! Áse sháfki athdrivár! Ajjín! Hash ánha
laz asshilák sháfka kemokoón sháfki?
[»es.te »es.te vos»zar xal veZ.»ven » » aT.dRi.»var
ad.»dZin haS »an.ha laz aS.Si.»lak »Saf.ka»on »]
/yes, yes! no disrespect-NOM., khal-NOM. great-NOM.AGR.! word-NOM. 2sg.FRM.-GEN. death-
NOM.! Q 1sg. can present-1sg.PRES. 2sg.FRM.-ACC. bride-ABL. 2sg.FRM.-GEN.?/
"Of course, of course! No disrespect, great Khal! Your word is death! Now! May I
introduce you to your bride-to-be?"
Notes: ILLYRIO now tries to move things along. (Sidenote: What is translated
as "may" is the word for "can". In Dothraki, there is no "may" [so if a Dothraki
asks, "Can you pass the salt?", never respond, "Sure, I can. Are you asking may
I pass the salt?" if you value your life].)
Ánha vifák yéri.
[»an.ha vi.»fak »je.Ri]
/1sg.-NOM. FUT.-walk-1sg. 2sg.INF.-GEN./
"I'll follow you."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 11
Notes: Technically, this is, "I'll walk beside you." In Dothraki, though, there is
no word for "to follow", as the very notion of following would force a
Dothraki to admit his inferiority. Thus, one can't say, "I'll follow you", so one
says, "I'll go with you", or, "I'll go beside you." Essentially, though, KHAL
DROGO, in good spirits now that he has gotten the appropriate reaction out of
ILLYRIO, is saying, "Lead on!"
Athdavrazár! Jádi, Khal Vezhvén!
[aT.dav.Ra.»zar »dZa.di xal veZ.»ven]
/goodness-NOM.! come-COM.FRM., khal-NOM. great-NOM.AGR.!/
"Marvelous! Come, Mighty Khal!"
Notes: ILLYRIO's taking his life in his hands by ordering DROGO (even
politely), but DROGO will let it pass.
This leads to the end of the scene on the middle of page 17 from the
7/12/08 script. This entire section of dialogue is not the focus of
this part of the scene. This is the dialogue for what goes on between
DROGO and ILLYRIO while DAENERYS and VISERYS are talking
(the section that begins with VISERYS's line "You see how long his
hair is?"). If the viewer is intended to hear, perhaps, snippets of
DROGO and ILLYRIO's conversation while DAENERYS and VISERYS
are talking, this is it. If the viewer is only supposed to hear,
perhaps, the beginning and end, then use only the beginning and
end. If more or less dialogue is needed, but its content is
unimportant, feel free to cut anything or add anything. All this is
here simply to give you the option of having some authentic
Dothraki dialogue that's pertinent to the scene going on in the
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 12
GoT Scene 21: In ILLYRIO's Courtyard
The EUNUCH's speech from the 7/12/08 script seems strikingly
similar to this updated Scene 21. My guess is that the updated
scene has replaced the earlier scene. Nevertheless, I've treated the
old scene fully, just as this one. Feel free to borrow elements from
the old scene into this new one, or switch things around as you see
fit. My goal is to give you as many options as possible.
Es! Es! Es!
[es es es]
/yah! yah! yah!/
"Yah! Yah! Yah!"
Hósha, hósha, hosh!
[»ho.Sa »ho.Sa hoS]
/giddyup! giddyup! giddyup!/
"Hyup, hyup, giddyup!"
Áffa, áffa, áffa…
[»af.fa »af.fa »af.fa]
/easy, easy, easy…/
"Easy, easy, easy…"
[NÉí NÉí]
"Nch, nch!"
Notes: The above are some Dothraki-specific phrases (all fairly content-less)
to accompany horse riding. In the updated Scene 21, three BLOODRIDERS enter,
followed by KHAL DROGO. All are on horseback and appear to be riding fairly
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 13
quickly. Presumably they'll be giving commands to their horses, so I've
provided commands for them to give. They might not all be called for at this
point in the script, but I've coined them, nevertheless. The first three (variants
of es and hosh) are exhortatives, and are used to urge the horse on. Soróh is
used to stop the horse (or a band of horses), and the nonce refrain áffa, áffa,
áffa is used to steady the horse, if necessary. These can be used in any scene
with Dothraki on horses. I've also provided, at the end, a click that can be
used to set the horses in motion again. Clicks defy spelling systems, so please
listen to the provided audio sample to hear precisely which sound I intend
(alternatively, the IPA transcriptions are exact).
Aside from this, there should be no speech from the BLOODRIDERS or DROGO,
as it's upon ILLYRIO to welcome his guests appropriately. As such, his words
should come first.
Athchomár chomakaán, Khal Vezhvén!
[aT.tSo.»mar»an xal veZ.»ven]
/respect-NOM. respectful-AGT.-ALL.SG., khal-NOM. great-NOM.AGR./
"Welcome, Mighty Khal!"
Notes: This welcome is delivered specifically to DROGO and does not include
his BLOODRIDERS. If the BLOODRIDERS are to be included, chomakaan should
be changed to chómakea. (For more on this welcome, see Requested
Translation: From ILLYRIO to DROGO (1).)
Ánha asshilák sháfka: Viséris okreseroón Tárgaryeni, senák hakesoón máe. Khal Jil
Andáhli ma Máhrazhi Átaki, Nísho Rháeshi Andáhli ma Vijazerák Váesi,
ásshila inávva máe Dáeneris Vazyól, Khalákki Negwinoón Zhavvórsa.
[»an.ha aS.Si.»lak »Saf.ka vi.»sE.Ris»on » se.»nak»on »ma.e xal dZil an.» ma »mah.Ra.Zi » »ni.So »ra.e.Si
an.» ma vi.dZa.ze.»Rak » » i.» »ma.e »
vaz.»jol xa.»«on Zav.»]
/Viserys-NOM. tent-COLL.-ABL. Targaryen-GEN., three-AGT. that(dist.) name-ABL.: chief-NOM.
proper-NOM.AGR. Andal-GEN.PL. and man-PL. first-PL.AGR., master-NOM. land-PL. Andal-GEN.PL.
and DUR.-protect-DUR.-AGT. realm-GEN. sister-NOM. 3sg.-GEN. Daenerys-NOM. stormborn-NOM.,
princess-NOM. stone-ABL. dragon-NNM.AGR. guide-NOM. respectful-NOM.AGR. 3sg.-GEN., Illyrio-
NOM. Mopatis-NOM., busybody-NOM. great-NOM.AGR. city-GEN. free-NNM.AGR. Pentos-GEN./
"I present to you: Viserys of the House Targaryen, the third of his name. The Rightful
King of the Andals and the First Men, the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and the
Protector of the Realm, presents his sister Daenerys Stormborn, Princess of
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 14
Notes: The main differences between this speech and the EUNUCH's speech
are detailed below:
As ILLYRIO is now speaking, his introduction (the last line) has been
removed, and the first line from the script has been added ("I present
to you").
"Third of that name" has been changed to "third of his name".
The verb "presents" has been added after "Protector of the Realm".
While technically grammatically correct, the phrasing in the script
seems rather awkward to me. If I understand it right, ILLYRIO is
presenting VISERYS who's presenting DAENERYS (but that presentation
is still being voiced by ILLYRIO). As such, I tried to make the phrase
before "presents" sound a bit fuller (in the English translation, anyway;
it's the same in Dothraki).
Added the adjective jil, "Rightful" (more generally, "correct" or
As this speech is now being delivered by ILLYRIO, and not the Dothraki
EUNUCH, ILLYRIO's accent should be used (for more on accents, see
"Accents in Dothraki (Peterson).pdf").
In addition, please see the comments for From the 7/12 Script: EUNUCH's
Speech, as most of those comments apply here.
At this point in the scene, VISERYS is supposed to take DAENERYS
to the pedestal, but she hesitates. There's then some conversation
amongst them, DAENERYS gets on the pedestal, KHAL DROGO
inspects her, and he and his BLOODRIDERS ride off. It seems to me
that the silence of the Dothraki present really makes this scene, but
there might be a few small bits of dialogue. These I've provided and
explained below.
Tihás noréth!
[ti.»has no.»ReT]
/see-COM.INFR. hair-ACC./
"Look at her hair!"
Noréth vízhada ven az!
[no.»ReT »vi.Za.da ven az]
/hair-NOM. silver-3sg.PRES. like blade-NOM.!/
"Her hair is silver like a blade!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 15
Tíhi réaveni ven dan!
[»ti.hi » ven dan]
/eye-PL.NOM. purple-3pl.PRES. like gem-PL.NOM./
"Her eyes are purple like gems!"
Hih! Tihás! Váfi qóva!
[hih ti.»has » »]
/ha! see-COM.INFR.! ewe-DIM.-NOM. tremble-3sg.PRES.!/
"Heh! Look! The lamb trembles!"
Me rókha!
[me »ro.xa]
/3sg.-NOM. fear-3sg.PRES./
"She's afraid!"
"Shh!" or "Shush!"
Notes: Here is what I imagine for this scene. After DAENERYS refuses to go
forward, everyone is bound to notice it. While I'm sure KHAL DROGO would
never comment, his BLOODRIDERS might. Above are some of the comments
they might make either when they see DAENERYS for the first time, or when
they see her refuse to move. I imagine that they would whisper these things
to each other, and that the moment DROGO heard them, he would tell them to
be quiet (that's the Asp!). As such, the phrases will probably be clipped, but
I've provided the whole sentence so that it can be cut off naturally. While the
BLOODRIDERS might be silent, I gather that KHAL DROGO takes the ceremony
very seriously; the BLOODRIDERS, less so.
At some point in time after the presentation and before DAENERYS
gets on the pedestal, ILLYRIO says the following.
Vítiheri máe k'áthzalari.
[»vi.ti.he.Ri »ma.e »]
/DUR.-see-DUR.-COM.FRM. 3sg.-ACC. by-desire-GEN./
"Inspect her at your leisure."
Notes: Something like Khal Vezhvén, "Great Khal", can be added to the end of
this phrase.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 16
Once DAENERYS is on the pedestal, the inspection continues
silently, per the stage directions. After it's been completed, KHAL
DROGO and the BLOODRIDERS will likely urge their horses on, for
which see above (the same horse commands will apply). Part of
what makes this scene great is how little the Dothraki say, so I
think a minimum of dialogue here is a good thing.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 17
GoT Scene 36: With Two SENTRIES
This is the short scene wherein one SENTRY tries to get some of the
other SENTRY's jerky.
Hále. Hash anhaán?
[»ha.le haS an.ha.»an]
/hey. Q 1sg.-ABL.?/
"Hey. Any for me?"
Notes: The Dothraki above is extremely casual. It's not polite, per se, but such
a request could never be considered offensive. The second SENTRY, though
(whose mouth is full), slaps the first SENTRY's hand away. The speaker above
stands and reaches for his arakh and goes on to speak.
Hash yer záli drivolát asshékh?!
[haS jer » dRi.vo.»lat aS.»Sex]
/Q 2sg.INFR.-NOM. hope-2sg.PRES. die-INF. today-ACC.?/
"Do you want to die today?!"
Notes: Here's the hungry SENTRY's jumpy response.
Hash yer?
[haS jer]
/Q 2sg.INFR.-NOM.?/
"Do you?"
Notes: This is the jerky SENTRY's rather indifferent response. After this, they
look at each other for a time. Finally, the hungry SENTRY sits down and
Notes: The jerky SENTRY chooses to ignore this, since he has his jerky and the
other SENTRY has sat back down. Suddenly, one's attention shifts.
Ánha dirgák m'ánha tihák máe!
[»an.ha dir.»gak »man.ha ti.»hak »ma.e]
/1sg.-NOM. think-1sg.PRES. that-1sg.-NOM. see-1sg.PRES. 3sg.-ACC./
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 18
"I think I see her!"
Vos, rekák vos me…
[vos re.»kak vos me]
/no, no 3sg.-NOM.…/
"No, that's not her…"
Notes: I'm not sure how long this scene is supposed to go on for, or how
involved it's supposed to be, but at this point, where one claims to see
DAENERYS, you might have the hungry SENTRY subtly steal the jerky while the
other SENTRY is distracted. Alternatively, perhaps the SENTRY with the jerky, in
his excitement, will drop the jerky, and the hungry SENTRY, not caring about a
little dirt, will pick it up and finish it.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 19
GoT Scene 37: Opening
Before ILLYRIO, JORAH, and VISERYS converse, there's an
expansive scene with a lot of Dothraki warriors and people milling
about. In this scene, KHAL DROGO gives various commands and
makes some jokes in Dothraki. Below is a sampling of some of the
things he or any of the other Dothraki within range of the
microphones might say. They need appear in no particular order.
Es hazzaán!
/go-COM.INF. there-ALL.!/
"Go there!"
Notes: Regarding the last two "stops", I imagine that the first would be used
when a random Dothraki-speaker is telling someone else to stop doing
something (e.g. while setting up), but the latter is used when KHAL DROGO or
his messenger/assistant tells everyone to stop, because something else is
going to take place.
Es anhoón, krol!
[es an.ho.»on kRol]
/go-COM.INFR. 1sg.-ABL., flea-NOM.!/
"Get away from me, pest!" or "Get out of my way, pest!"
Notes: The word krol, "flea" doubles as a word for "pest" (used with annoying
people or children).
Rhelás eyelát jin!
[Rhe.»las»lat dZin]
/help-COM.INFR. move-INF. this-ACC.!/
"Help move this!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 20
Jadás rhelát eyelát jin!
[dZa.»das Rhe.»lat»lat dZin]
/come-COM.INFR. help-INF. move-INF. this-ACC.!/
"Come help move this!"
Acchakás hosk!
[at.tSa.»kas hosk]
/CAUS.-silent-COM.INFR. snout-ACC.!/
"Shut up!"
Notes: Here we have a three-way distinction: The first is just a general
command by anyone to be quiet; the second is probably a formal command
from KHAL DROGO; and the third is an insult whose force is much greater
than saying "Shut up!" in English.
Azhás haz anhaán!
[a.»Zas haz an.ha.»an]
/give-COM.INFR. that-ACC. 1sg.-ALL.!/
"Give that to me!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 21
Addrivás máe!
[ad.dRi.»vas »ma.e]
/CAUS.-die-COM.INFR. 3sg.-ACC.!/
"Kill him!"
Addrivás haz tokikés!
[ad.dRi.»vas haz»kes]
/CAUS.-die-COM.INFR. that fool-ACC.!/
"Kill that fool!"
Fichás oggoés anhaán!
[fi.»tSas og.go.»es an.ha.»an]
/take-COM.INFR. head-ACC. 1sg.-ALL.!/
"Bring me his head!"
Notes: I was trying to imagine what the natural course of events would be
after someone said, "Give me that!", and this is what came to mind. Note that
the last command is especially insulting, as the word the speaker uses for
"head" is the word for an animal's head, not for a human's head.
"Music!" or "Let there be music!" or "Play music!"
Fichás azh rekkaán!
[fi.»tSas aZ rek.ka.»an]
/take-COM.INFR. gift-ACC. there-ALL.!/
"Put the gifts there!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 22
Fichás hadaén!
[fi.»tSas ha.da.»en]
/take-COM.INFR. food-ACC.!/
"Get the food!" or "Bring the food!"
Ogás rek oqét!
[o.»gas rek o.»qet]
/slaughter-COM.INFR. that sheep-ACC.!/
"Slaughter that sheep!"
"Feast!" or "Let the feast commence!"
Acchakás hrazéf!
[at.tSa.»kas hRa.»zef]
/CAUS.-silent-COM.INFR. horse-ACC.!/
"Silence the horses!"
"Let there be drumming!" or "Drum!" or "Let the drumming commence!"
Below is some banter intended to be spoken between DROGO and
various assembled Dothraki warriors. Each pair of phrases works
the same way: DROGO calls out to someone with a question or
comment, and the singled-out Dothraki warrior responds. All the
names have been invented for these examples and can be changed
freely (though all are licit Dothraki names).
Áyena yéri áli, zhey Jóno!
[» »je.Ri » Zej »]
/bell-NOM.PL. 2sg.INFR.-GEN. be.more-3pl.PRES., VOC. Jono-NOM.!/
"You've got more bells, Jono!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 23
Sindarinák síkhte anhaán kash ánha if jinnaán, majín ánha fich lekh—m'oggoés
[sin.da.Ri.»nak »six.te an.ha.»an kaS »an.ha if»an ma.»dZin »an.ha fitS
lex mog.go.»es »ak.ka]
/weak-AGT.-NOM. spit-3sg.PST. 1sg.-ALL. while 1sg.-NOM. walk-1sg.PST. here-ALL., 1sg.-
NOM. take-1sg.PST. tongue-ACC.—and-head-ACC. also/
"Some pathetic fool spit at me while I was walking here, so I took his tongue—and his
head with it!"
Dávo! Fínsanneya nayát nem hilésh ki yéri?
[»da.vo » na.»jat nem hi.»leS ki »je.Ri]
/Davo-NOM.! how.many girl-NOM. PASS. dig-3pl.PST. by 2sg.INFR.-GEN.?/
"Davo! How many girls have you fucked?"
Sanneyákh e anhoón! Móri sánveni sékke!
[»jax e an.ho.»on »mo.Ri » »]
/amount-NOM. go-3sg.PST. 1sg.-ABL.! 3pl.-NOM. be.numerous-3pl.PRES. too.much/
"I lost count! There're too many!"
Kis oqét, zhey Ásho!
[kis o.»qet Zej »a.So]
/try-COM.INFR. sheep-ACC., VOC. Asho-NOM.!/
"Try the lamb, Asho!"
Me qósha sékke, Khal!
[me »qo.Sa » xal]
/3sg.-NOM. moist-3sg.PRES. too.much, khal-NOM.!/
"It's very moist, Khal!"
Kíno, zhey vezh! Charatés áyene yéri!
[» Zej veZ tSa.Ra.»tes » »je.Ri]
/Kino-NOM., VOC. stallion-NOM.! hear-INF.-ACC. bell-ACC. 2sg.INFR.-GEN./
"Kino, you stallion! Let's hear your bells!"
Ahah, hah! Khalaán!
[a.»hah hah»an]
/ha, ha! khal-ALL.!/
"Ha, ha! For the Khal!"
Notes: Here KHAL DROGO accosts one of his warriors and is, essentially,
asking him to shake his braid around in the air (to show off how many bells
he has in his hair).
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 24
Arákh yéri tih qoy asshékh, zhey Tásho!
[a.»Rax »je.Ri tih qoj aS.»Sex Zej »ta.So]
/arakh-NOM. 2sg.INFR.-GEN. see-3sg.PST. blood-ACC. today-ACC., VOC. Tasho-NOM.!/
"Your arakh has seen blood today, Tasho!"
Sek, vosma sif ray tího gech!
[sek » sif raj »ti.ho getS]
/yes, but shovel-NOM. yet see-3sg.NEG.PST. hole-ACC.!/
"Yes, but my cock hasn't seen any pussy yet!"
Notes: Sif, "shovel" is a slang term for penis, and gech, "hole" is a slang term
for vagina. In addition, arakh is sometimes used to refer to a penis, so this is
whence the reply stems.
Zhey Sakátto! Yer ray ádakho vos! Adakhás! Hash yer chíori?
[Zej sa.» jer raj »a.da.xo vos a.da.»xas haS jer »tSi.o.Ri]
/VOC. Sakatto-NOM.! 2sg.-NOM. eat-2sg.PST.NEG. not! eat-COM.INFR.! Q 2sg.INFR.-NOM. woman-
"Sakatto! You haven't eaten yet! Eat! Are you a woman?"
Ánha vadakhák éi hadaén fin jínne, majín gángo zin ónira vos! Sháfka átihi, Khal
[»an.ha va.da.»xak »e.i ha.da.»en fin » ma.»dZin »gan.go zin » vos
»Saf.ka »a.ti.hi xal veZ.»ven]
/1sg.-NOM. FUT.-eat-1sg. all food-ACC. COMP. here-ACC., and stomach-NOM. still NEG.FUT.-
be.full-3sg. not! 2sg.FRM.-NOM. FUT.-see-3pl., khal-NOM. great-NOM.AGR./
"I will eat all the food here, and my stomach still will not be full! You will see, Mighty
If necessary, more dialogue like this can be generated and/or
translated in very little time. This will lead into—and perhaps be
heard in the background during—VISERYS, JORAH, and ILLYRIO's
conversation, which leads to the drum dance.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 25
GoT Scene 37: Drum Dance and Fight
This part of Scene 37, which comprises the dance, the combat, and
the killing, will be broken into different sections based on the
dialogue required, and who speaks. First will be comments that
might be made by those witnessing the drum dance (both KHAL
DROGO and various audience members below).
Ezhirás! Ezhirás!
[e.Zi.»Ras e.Zi.»Ras]
/dance-COM.INFR.! dance-COM.INFR.!/
"Dance! Dance!"
Es! Es!
[es es]
/go-COM.INFR.! go-COM.INFR.!/
"Go! Go!"
"Marvelous!" or "Excellent!" or "Wonderful!"
Khoyás máe! Khoyás máe!
[xo.»jas »ma.e xo.»jas »ma.e]
/catch-COM.INFR. 3sg.-ACC.! catch-COM.INFR. 3sg.-ACC.!/
"Catch it! Catch it!"
Notes: Regarding these last two, in the book, the Khal periodically throws a
medallion onto the dance floor for the dancing women to fight over. If he's
feeling jovial, he might say something like Khoyás to accompany one of his
tosses, and I imagine the audience would take up the refrain.
Khal nem állayafa.
[xal nem »]
/khal-NOM. PASS. please-3sg.PRES./
"The Khal is pleased."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 26
The following dialogue comes directly from the male audience
members. Here, presumably they are talking to the dancers. I
realize it may not have been your intent for the audience members
to try to interact with the dancers, but just in case, I've provided
some dialogue for them.
Hále, chiorísh!
[»ha.le tSi.o.»RiS]
/hey, woman-DIM.!/
"Hey, baby!"
Hále, zheanák!
[»ha.le Ze.a.»nak]
/hey, beautiful-AGT.!/
"Hey, beautiful!"
Hále! Hash géchi fin laz ánha hilék vékha ma yeroón?
[»ha.le haS »ge.tSi fin laz »an.ha hi.»lek »ve.xa ma je.Ro.»on]
/hey! Q hole-GEN. COMP.-ACC. can 1sg.-NOM. dig-1sg.PRES. exist-3sg.PRES. with 2sg.-ABL./
"Hey! You got a hole I can dig?"
Notes: Gech "hole" is a very crude term for "vagina", and hilelat "to dig" is
used to metaphorically refer to sexual intercourse with the man in the
dominant role. (This was used previously, as well.)
Tihás rek sov!
[»ti.has rek sov]
/see-COM.INFR. that pear-ACC.PL./
"Look at those breasts!"
Notes: Sóvi, "pear" is a slang term for breast (female).
Ánha zalák ostolát haz sov!
[»an.ha za.»lak»lat haz sov]
/1sg. hope-1sg.PRES. bite-INCH.-INF. that pear-ACC.PL./
"I'd like to take a bite out of those pears!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 27
Hrazéf ánni dóthrae maán!
[hRa.»zef » »doT.Ra.e ma.»an]
/horse-NOM. 1sg.-GEN. ride-3sg.PRES. 3sg.-ALL./
"My horse is riding for her!"
Notes: The expression "My horse rides" is another way to say that one has an
Ánha zalák rek!
[»an.ha za.»lak rek]
/1sg. hope-1sg.PRES. that-ACC./
"I want that one!"
Vos! Réki áfisana!
[vos » »]
/no that-NOM. COMP.-clean-COMP.-3sg.PRES./
"No! That one's prettier!"
Tókiki! Réki áfisanaza!
[vos » »]
/no that-NOM. SUP.-clean-SUP.-3sg.PRES./
"Fools! That one's the prettiest!"
Notes: Here the drunken fellows refer to the women as inanimate. This is far
from uncommon—especially since the word for girl, nayat, is inanimate.
Also, the word fis "clean" is slang for "pretty".
Ánha vacchinák ven máe ven tísh!
[»an.ha vat.tSi.»nak ven »ma.e ven tiS]
/1sg. FUT.-CAUS.-be.bent-1sg.FUT. like 3sg.-ACC. like sapling-ACC./
"I'm gonna bend her like a sapling!"
Ekh! Rháesi réddi vénoe yeraán ma galaán réddi.
[ex » »red.di » je.Ra.»an ma»an »red.di]
/eh leg-NOM.PL. thin-DIM. 2sg.-ABL. and egg-ABL. thin-DIM./
"Eh… Her skinny legs suit you and your skinny dick."
Notes: Gále "egg" is a slang term for "penis". Also of note, the word réddi
indeed means "skinny", but that isn't necessarily a positive thing in Dothraki
culture. This is the type of insult that could lead to a fight, but if the mood is
right and the insult comes from a peer or a friend, a fierce bloodrider can
laugh it off.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 28
Réki ávekha m'anhoón!
[» » man.ho.»on]
/that-GEN. FUT.-exist-3sg. with-1sg.-ABL.!/
"That one will be mine!"
Sajás máe!
[sa.»dZas »ma.e]
/mount-COM.INFR. 3sg.-ACC.!/
"Mount her!"
"Yes!" or "Yeah!" or "All right!"
Now comes the fight. I've created a kind of sequence for the fight
which may or may not work. Either way, this will give you an idea
of how it can work, and what kind of dialogue can be used.
Eqorasás chioriés ánni, rákhi!
[e.qo.Ra.»sas tSi.o.Ri.»es » »ra.xi]
/REV.-grasp-REV.-COM.INFR. woman-ACC. 1sg.-GEN., boy-DIM.-NOM./
"Unhand my woman, little boy!"
Notes: Rákhi, the diminutive of "boy", is quite possibly the highest insult one
Dothraki warrior can pay to another. At the very utterance of the word—even
in jest—arakhs should be drawn.
Acchakás hosk, hlefák! Nayát ánni!
[at.tSa.»kas hosk hle.»fak na.»jat »]
/CAUS.-be.silent-COM.INFR. snout-ACC., eunuch-NOM. girl-NOM. 1sg.-GEN./
"Shut your mouth, eunuch! The girl is mine!"
Notes: Though greatly insulted—and before his Khal, no less—the warrior
here is evidently trying to make light of the situation, and maybe diffuse it
(though he certainly didn't help himself out by calling the other guy a hlefák,
Tihatés hash az ánni vézzoe yeraán athchomár jíla, rákhi!
[ti.ha.»tes haS az » »vez.zo.e je.Ra.»an aT.tSo.»mar » »ra.xi]
/see-INF.-ACC. if blade-NOM. 1sg.-GEN. FUT.-CAUS.-find-INCH.-3sg.FUT. 2sg.-ALL. respect-ACC.
proper-NNM.AGR. boy-DIM.-NOM./
"Let's see if my blade will teach you the proper respect, little boy!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 29
Notes: The first warrior has repeated his insult, and has now drawn his arakh.
If the second is any kind of Dothraki warrior, he must respond in kind.
Ánha zalák m'arákh mra qóra áhasana moón mr'áfta, ch'ánha ofrakhók jos yéri!
[»an.ha za.»lak ma.»rax mRa »qo.Ra » mo.»on »mRaf.ta »tSan.ha
of.Ra.»xok dZos »je.Ri]
/1sg.-NOM. hope-1sg.PRES. COMP.-arakh-NOM. in hand-NOM.
3sg.-ABL. in-leggings, or-1sg.-NOM. FUT.NEG.-touch-INCH.-1sg.FUT. thrust-ACC. 2sg.-GEN./
"I hope the arakh in your hand is sharper than the one in your pants, or I won't feel
the thrust!"
Notes: Suggesting that a man has an arákh flech, a "dull arakh" (i.e. he's
flaccid), is a serious insult. Combat is now unavoidable.
Ánha atihák qoy yéri asshékh, tokík!
[»an.ha a.ti.»hak qoj »je.Ri aS.»Sex to.»kik]
/1sg.-NOM. FUT.-see-1sg.FUT. blood-ACC. 2sg.-GEN. today-ACC. fool-NOM./
"I will see your blood today, fool!"
At this point, combat ensues. Below are some things that might be
said by either the spectators or the combatants themselves in the
midst of the combat. There likely won't be time for all of these, as
the combat will be short, but you can peruse them and pick and
choose what will be appropriate.
Addrivás máe!
[ad.dRi.»vas »ma.e]
/CAUS.-be.dead-COM.INFR. 3sg.-ACC./
"Kill him!"
Drozhás máe!
[dRo.»Zas »ma.e]
/kill-COM.INFR. 3sg.-ACC./
"Kill him!"
Atthasás máe!
[aT.Ta.»sas »ma.e]
/CAUS.-fall-COM.INFR. 3sg.-ACC./
"Kill him!" or "Lay him low!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 30
Notes: There are at least three different ways to say "kill" in Dothraki, so I
figured it'd be best to provide them all. And, of course, you can leave out the
máe and just have the crowd chant, "Kill!"
Yer vósi!
[jer »]
/2sg.-NOM. nothing-NOM./
"You're nothing!"
Átihaki gaól she sorfosór asshékh!
[» ga.»ol Se»sor aS.»Sex]
/FUT.-see-1pl.FUT. intestines-ACC. on ground-NOM. today-ACC./
"We're gonna see guts on the ground today!" or "We're gonna see his guts on the
ground today!"
Notes: Originally, this scene took place during the day (and it does so in the
book, as well), but in the revised script, the scene takes place at night. If this
change carries over to the actual production, the word for "tonight" is ajjalán,
which can (and should) replace asshékh above.
Lajás! Lajás!
[la.»dZas la.»dZas]
/fight-COM.INFR.! fight-COM.INFR.!/
"Fight! Fight!"
Virisserás máe!
[»Ras »ma.e]
/DUR.cut-DUR.-COM.INFR. 3sg.-ACC./
"Eviscerate him!" or "Slice him up!"
Me hája!
[me »ha.dZa]
/3sg.-NOM. be.strong-3sg.PRES./
"He's strong!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 31
Notes: Likely said by one who is hit or wounded. I know that the second set
of lines is for the simplified Dothraki, but really, you need the voiceless velar
fricative to get the true sense of anguish. The kh should be pronounced.
Me zísa!
[me »]
/3sg.-NOM. be.hurt-3sg.PRES./
"He's hurt!"
Akkovarás! Yer che mahrázh che rakh?!
[»Ras jer tSe mah.»RaZ tSe rax]
/CAUS.-be.standing-COM.INFR. 2sg.-NOM. or man-NOM. or boy-NOM./
"Stand up! Are you a man or a boy?!"
Qoy! Ánha tihák qoy!
[qoj »an.ha ti.»hak qoj]
/blood-NOM. 1sg.-NOM. see-1sg.PRES. blood-ACC./
"Blood! I see blood!"
Rissás jahakés!
[ris.»sas dZa.ha.»kes]
/cut-COM.INFR. braid-ACC./
"Cut his braid!" or "Cut his braid off!"
Notes: This is another way of saying, "Finish him!" After all, in a fight like
this, to lose is death, and cutting off one's braid is losing.
Me arthás!
[me ar.»Tas]
/3sg.-NOM. fall-3sg.PST./
"He's fallen!"
Mahrázh vezhvén! Mahrázh vezhvén!
[mah.»RaZ veZ.»ven mah.»RaZ veZ.»ven]
/man-NOM. great-NOM.AGR.! man-NOM. great-NOM.AGR.!/
"A great man! A great man!"
Notes: Chanted after a one-on-one battle like this, or, in general, when a
crowd is cheering for a single man. Basically they're saying, "Now that's a real
man!" Notice that each word is disyllabic and stresses the second syllable. The
stress pattern lends itself easily to a chant (think of the traditional chant in
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 32
something like "Let's go Dodgers!", except with the stresses reversed [biggest
stress on "go" and "dgers"]. That's how this chant should sound).
Hazák mahrázh jil!
[ha.»zak mah.»RaZ dZil]
/ man-NOM. real-NOM.AGR./
"Now that's a real man!"
Fichás áyene máe! Móri yéri ajjín!
[fi.»tSas » »ma.e »mo.Ri »je.Ri ad.»dZin]
/take-COM.INFR. bell-ACC.PL. 3sg.-GEN.! 3pl.-NOM. 2sg.-GEN.!/
"Take his bells! They're yours now!"
Hilés haz nayát!
[hi.»les haz na.»jat]
/dig.-COM.INFR. that girl-ACC./
"Fuck that girl!"
Me yéri!
[me »je.Ri]
/3sg.-NOM. 2sg.-GEN.!/
"She's yours!"
Notes: At this point, one of the combatants has won, and is claiming his
This leads into the line that belongs to ILLYRIO in the 7/12 script
and JORAH in the revised script about a Dothraki wedding without
at least three deaths being a dull affair. After that, DROGO silences
the crowd, and the scene progresses.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 33
GoT Scene 37: Conclusion
The end of Scene 37 includes all the gift-giving, both scripted and
unscripted, and concludes with DROGO and DAENERYS riding off
together at the end of the wedding. Throughout this section will be
translations of the scripted material (where applicable), and a
number of possible Dothraki snippets to be used in the background
at your discretion. First, I've provided some dialogue that might be
used by crowd members either during or immediately before or
after the gift giving.
Hash yer laz tíhi kemokiés?
[haS jer laz »ti.hi»es]
/Q 2sg.-NOM. can see-2sg.PRES. bride-ACC./
"Can you see the little bride?"
Sek! Me rédda ven gósi!
[sek me »red.da ven »]
/yes 3sg.-NOM. be.thin-3sg.PRES. like gopher-NOM./
"I can! She's as thin as a gopher!"
Hih! Sif zhokákkwa kháli ásacha máe ajjalán.
[hih sif Zo.»kak.kwa » » »ma.e ad.dZa.»lan]
/ha shovel-NOM. massive-NOM.AGR. khal-GEN. halve.-3sg.PRES. 3sg.-ACC. tonight-ACC./
"Ha! The Khal's massive cock is going to split her in two tonight."
Hále! Hash yéri char nórethi?
[»ha.le haS »je.Ri tSar »no.Re.Ti]
/hey Q 2pl.-NOM. hear-2pl.PST. hair-GEN./
"Hey! Have you (all) heard about her hair?"
Ánha char memé vízhada ven az.
[»an.ha tSar me.»me »vi.Za.da ven az]
/1sg.-NOM. hear-1sg.PST. COMP.-3sg.-NOM. be.silver-3sg.PRES. like blade-NOM./
"I heard that it's silver like a blade."
Ánha laz tihók; áthveyanari vékha sékke…
[»an.ha laz ti.»hok » »ve.xa »]
/1sg.NOM. can see-1sg.PRES.NEG.; darkness-GEN. exist-3sg.PRES. too.much/
"I can't see; it's too dark…"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 34
Vóji sékke…
[»vo.dZi »]
/person-NOM.PL. too.much/
"Too many people…"
Hash yéri dírgi memé qíya vizhád?
[haS »je.Ri » me.»me »qi.ja vi.»Zad]
/Q 2pl.-NOM. think-2pl.PRES. COMP.-3sg.-NOM. bleed-3sg.PRES. silver-ACC./
"Do you think she bleeds silver?"
"From where?"
Che jínne che házze, khal vézoe ajjalán!
[tSe » tSe »haz.ze xal »ve.zo.e ad.dZa.»lan]
/either here either there, khal FUT.-find-INCH.-3sg.FUT. tonight-ACC./
"Either way, the Khal's gonna find out tonight!"
Notes: Che jínne che házze is a fixed expression that means "either way" or "at
any rate", etc.
Hih! Ánha zalák m'írge hája, haz andahl!
[hih »an.ha za.»lak » »ha.dZa haz an.»dahl]
/ha 1sg.-NOM. hope-1sg.PRES. COMP.-back-NOM. be.strong-3sg.PRES., that Andahl/
"Ha! I hope her back is strong, that Andahl!"
Ma ríle!
[ma »ri.le]
/and thigh-NOM./
"And her thighs!"
Ánha tihók vosécchi kífinosi haz ízhvi andáhl laz lósha elaín vézhvena kháli kíshi…
[»an.ha ti.»hok vo.»set.tSi » haz » an.»dahl laz »lo.Sa»in
» » »ki.Si]
/1sg.-NOM. see-1sg.PRES.NEG. never how that womb-NOM. Andahl-NOM.AGR. can carry-3sg.PRES.
seed-ACC. great-NNM.AGR. khal-GEN. 1pl.-GEN./
"I just do not see how that Andahl womb can carry the glorious seed of our Khal…"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 35
Kísha eth váyoki ma álishtaki. Kísha vézoki…
[»ki.Sa eT » ma » »ki.Sa »]
/1pl.-NOM. must FUT.-wait-1pl.FUT. and FUT.-be.patient-1pl.FUT. 1pl.-NOM. FUT.-find-
"We must wait and be patient. We will see…"
Notes: All of the above may not really have a place in this scene, but it can
always be used as background filler.
Back to the script, this is where DROGO raises his hand for silence.
Notes: The script seems to indicate that silence pervades this short procession,
but just in case KHAL DROGO wishes to give some verbal instruction to
DAENERYS, the above phrases should suffice.
Once the gift giving begins, the book and the script differ in a few
important ways. In the book, the main characters (Illyrio, Viserys,
etc.) give their gifts; then the three bloodriders offer Daenerys the
three traditional Dothraki bride gifts, which she refuses; then the
various unnamed Dothraki give Daenerys what sounds like
thousands of gifts; finally, at the end, Khal Drogo gives her the
silver steed. In the script, it seems like the thousands of gifts from
nameless Dothraki come first; the traditional gifts are skipped; then
the main characters give their gifts; then KHAL DROGO gives
DAENERYS the horse. In case there is a change, what I've done here
is the following: First comes dialogue for gifts by various Dothraki;
this ends with the three traditional gifts with the traditional
refusals; then come the main character gifts from the script; finally
it ends with the horse presentation.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 36
Atthirár ánni atthiraraán sháfki, Khal vezhvén!
[aT.Ti.»Rar » aT.Ti.Ra.Ra.»an » xal veZ.»ven]
/life-NOM. 1sg.-GEN. life-ALL. 2sg.FOR.-GEN. khal-NOM. great-NOM.AGR./
"My life for your life, mighty Khal!"
Notes: This phrase, and all that follow (up until I specify otherwise), are
phrases that accompany the giving of some gift by an unnamed Dothraki. For
the giving of gifts (and whenever speaking to KHAL DROGO), the Dothraki use
the formal second person pronoun sháfka.
Athjahakár rhójosori athjahakaraán khálasari.
[aT.dZa.ha.»kar » aT.dZa.ha.ka.Ra.»an »]
/pride-NOM. family-GEN. pride-ALL. khalasar-GEN./
"The pride of my family for the pride of the khalasar."
Notes: Presumably this will accompany the giving of gifts made by a given
Dothraki's family. The word athjahakár, "pride", derives from the word
jahák, "braid": a Dothraki warrior's pride in battle. A note on rhójosor: As it's
the word for "family", it's thought of as inalienably possessed, even though
it's actually not. This is why there is no possessive pronoun following it. It can
go either way, though, so if one wants a longer phrase, just add ánni "my"
after rhójosori, "of the family".
Glóro Shékhi jalanaán sásha sháfki, Khal ánni.
[»glo.Ro »Se.xi»an »sa.Sa » xal »]
/medallion-NOM. sun-GEN. moon-ALL. new-NNM.AGR. 2sg.FOR.-GEN./
"A medallion of the sun for your new moon, my Khal."
Notes: In Dothraki culture, the sun and moon are deities, and, according to
their mythology, they're husband and wife, respectively. This medallion
evidently has a picture of the sun on it, and when he says, "For your new
moon", it means, "For your new wife", metaphorically.
Vezh dik qorasaán díka, laják vezhvén.
[veZ dik»an »di.ka la.»dZak veZ.»ven]
/stallion-NOM. swift-NOM.AGR. arm-ALL. swift-NNM.AGR. warrior-NOM. great-NOM.AGR./
"A swift stallion for your swift arm, great warrior."
Notes: Qóra dik (literally "fast arm") is a fixed expression that characterizes
the bearer of the swift arm as one who excels in battle, or with a spear in a
hunt. With all of these presentations, I've tried to give you options for how to
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 37
refer to KHAL DROGO (including not referring to him at all). The tag
expressions at the end are, of course, interchangeable.
Dan reavén tíhea réaveni, nísho ánni.
[dan re.a.»ven »ti.he.a » »ni.So »]
/gem-NOM. purple-NOM.AGR. eye-PL.ALL. purple-PL.AGR. master-NOM. 1sg.-GEN./
"Violet crystals for her violet eyes, my master."
Notes: Just in case the servants give gifts…? I'm guessing nísho ánni, "my
master", wouldn't really be appropriate for a Dothraki warrior, even if he is
speaking to his khal.
Arákh has rizhaán hása, dothrák vezhvén.
[a.»Rax has ri.Za.»an » doT.»Rak veZ.»ven]
/arakh-NOM. sharp-NOM.AGR. son-ALL. sharp-NOM.AGR. ride-AGT.-NOM. great-NOM.AGR./
"A sharp arakh for a sharp son, great rider."
Notes: Here has "sharp" means "capable, effective" when applied to humans
(not "smart" as it does in English, but still complimentary). And, of course, it'd
be appropriate for people to give gifts to the not-yet-conceived son, since the
Dothraki believe that their rituals have sway over whether a new child will be
male or female.
Athdrivár nith dozgaán sháfki, vidrirák!
[aT.dRi.»var niT»an » vi.dRi.»Rak]
/death-NOM. painful-NOM.AGR. enemy-ALL. 2sg.FOR.-GEN. DUR.-guide-DUR.-AGT.-NOM./
"Painful death to your enemies, master hunter!"
Notes: All the above presentations have been directed to KHAL DROGO. It
would seem odd, to me, for the Dothraki to address themselves directly to
DAENERYS. Nevertheless, these are bride gifts, so the presenters below will
address DAENERYS.
Sháfkea, Kháleesi.
[» »]
/2sg.FOR.-ALL., khaleesi-NOM./
"For you, Khaleesi."
Notes: This generic phrase can accompany any gift.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 38
Ínglori haj chiorikemaán hája, Kháleesi!
[»in.glo.Ri hadZ»an »ha.dZa »]
/medallion.belt-NOM. strong-NOM.AGR. woman.wife-ALL. strong-NNM.AGR., khaleesi-NOM.!/
"A strong medallion belt for a strong wife, Khaleesi!"
Notes: This accompanies the giving of a Dothraki medallion belt (mentioned
in the stage direction).
Sérja reavén tíhea réaveni, Zheanák.
[»ser.dZa re.a.»ven »ti.he.a » Ze.a.»nak]
/vest-NOM. purple-NOM.AGR. eye-ALL.PL. purple-PL.AGR., beautiful-AGT.-NOM./
"A purple vest for your purple eyes, Beautiful One."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of a painted Dothraki leather vest
(mentioned in the stage direction).
Hem athashanáz ilekaán áthashanaza, Erinák.
[hem a.Ta.Sa.»naz i.le.ka.»an » e.Ri.»nak]
/fur-NOM. SUP.-soft-SUP.-NOM.AGR. skin-ALL. SUP.-soft-SUP.-NNM.AGR., kind-AGT.-NOM./
"The softest fur for the softest skin, Kind One."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of soft furs (mentioned in the stage
Soqíkh tásokhi norethaán tásokhivena, Vizhadák.
[so.»qix » no.Re.Ta.»an » vi.Za.»dak]
/cloth-NOM. silken-NOM.AGR. hair-ALL. silky-NNM.AGR., silver-AGT.-NOM./
"Silk cloth for your silky hair, Silver One."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of silks (mentioned in the stage direction).
Firíkh vízhadi sháfkea, Chíori Dávra.
[fi.»Rix »vi.Za.di » »tSi.o.Ri »dav.Ra]
/ring-NOM.PL. silver-PL.AGR. 2sg.FOR.-ALL., woman-NOM. good-NOM.AGR./
"Silver rings for you, Good Woman."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of silver rings (mentioned in the stage
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 39
Nása gesikhaán sháfki, Shierakák.
[»»an » Si.e.Ra.»kak]
/needle-NOM.PL. thread-ALL. 2sg.FOR.-GEN., star-AGT.-NOM./
"Needles for your thread, Star Child."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of needles (mentioned in A Game of
Thrones on pg. 105). The word Shierakák is probably better translated as "one
from the stars". It seems like an appropriate coinage, given that DAENERYS
looks otherworldly to the Dothraki.
Feldékh ázheananazi khaleesisaán ázheananaza, Jalanák.
[fel.»dex »»an »»nak]
/feather-NOM.PL. SUP.-beautiful-SUP.-PL.AGR. khaleesi-ALL. SUP.-beautiful-SUP.-NNM.AGR., moon-
"The most beautiful feathers for the most beautiful Khaleesi, Moon Child."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of feathers (mentioned in A Game of
Thrones on pg. 105). See above for the appropriateness of Jalanák, "Moon
Rhaékh rháesea, Kháleesi.
[Rha.»ex » »]
/slipper-NOM. foot-ALL.PL., khaleesi-NOM./
"Slippers for your feet, Khaleesi."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of slippers (mentioned in A Game of
Thrones on pg. 105).
Háji kemmeyoón sháfki, jin shorés ánha azhák sháfkea, Kháleesi Erín.
[»ha.dZi»on » dZin So.»Res »an.ha a.»Zak » »
/because.of wedding-ABL. 2sg.FOR.-GEN., this gown-ACC. 1sg.-NOM. give-1sg.PRES. 2sg.FOR.-ALL.,
khaleesi-NOM. kind-NOM.AGR./
"On account of your wedding, this gown I give you, Good Khaleesi."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of a gown made out of mouse hides
(mentioned in A Game of Thrones on pg. 105). This sentence showcases
Dothraki's variable word order and flexibility (notice the object precedes the
subject, and the phrase háji kemmeyoón sháfki, "for your wedding" or "on
your wedding", comes first, whereas it would ordinarily come after the verb
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 40
Athgizikhvenár athgizikhvenaraán sháfki, Kháleesi.
[»nar»an » »]
/sweetness-NOM. sweetness-ALL. 2sg.FOR.-GEN., khaleesi-NOM./
"Sweetness for your sweetness, Khaleesi."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of jars of scent (mentioned in A Game of
Thrones on pg. 105).
Réaveni tíhea réaveni, Halahák.
[» »ti.he.a »»hak]
/purple.thing-NOM.PL. eye-ALL.PL. purple-PL.AGR., flower-AGT.-NOM./
"Purple for your purple eyes, Flower Child."
Notes: This accompanies the giving of bottles of purple glass (mentioned in A
Game of Thrones on pg. 105).
Any of the above can be used to accompany the gifts given by the
assembled Dothraki. Next come the three traditional gifts given by
Órvik assaqoyalát irgeés dózgosori.
[»or.vik»lat»es »]
/whip-NOM. CAUS.-be.bloody-INF. back-ACC.PL. enemy-GEN.PL./
"A whip to bloody the backs of the enemy."
Notes: This accompanies HAGGO's gift of a leather whip to DAENERYS
(mentioned in A Game of Thrones on pg. 104).
Arákh rissát tolórro dózgosori.
[a.»Rax ris.»sat to.» »]
/arakh-NOM. cut-INF. bone-ACC.PL. enemy-GEN.PL./
"An arakh to slice through the bones of the enemy."
Notes: This accompanies COHOLLO/KOHOLLO's gift of a leather whip to
DAENERYS (mentioned in A Game of Thrones on pg. 104). A note on the name:
In Martin's books, the name reads "Cohollo". In my respelling, the name
would be spelled Kohollo. For consistency, it should probably appear
everywhere as Kohollo, though to make sure there's no confusion, I'll refer to
him here with both names.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 41
Kohól emrasolát ódaye dózgosori.
[ko.»hol»lat » »]
/bow-NOM. enter-INCH.-INF. chest-ACC.PL. enemy-GEN.PL./
"A double-curved dragonbone bow to penetrate the chests of the enemy."
Notes: This accompanies QOTHO's gift of a double-curved dragonbone bow to
DAENERYS (mentioned in A Game of Thrones on pp. 104-105).
Jíni ázho memé dávrasoe lajakoón vézhvena, zhey qoy qóyi, vósma ánha chíori. Ázhi
jin mahrazhkemaán ma vos anhaán.
[» »a.Zo me.»me » la.dZa.ko.»on » Zej qoj »qo.ji
» »an.ha »tSi.o.Ri »a.Zi dZin»an vos an.ha.»an]
/this-NOM. gift-NOM. COMP.-3sg.-NOM. useful-INCH.-3sg.PRES. warrior-ABL. great-NNM.AGR.
VOC. blood-NOM. blood-GEN. but 1sg.-NOM. woman-NOM. give-COM.FOR. this-ACC. husband-
ALL. and no 1sg.-ALL./
"This is a gift worthy of a great warrior, O blood of my blood, but I am a woman. Give
this to my husband and not to me."
Notes: This is the traditional Dothraki response DAENERYS gives to each
presenter after they've made their traditional presentation (this is on pg. 105
of A Game of Thrones). If you decide to use this in the pilot, I figure it can go
one of two ways: Either each bloodrider can make his presentation and
DAENERYS responds after each presentation with the above exactly as it
appears, or they can make all three presentations in a row, and DAENERYS
responds after they're finished. If the latter is done, change memé to memóri,
and the rest should take care of itself (only all the singular referents will be
plural in the English translation, i.e. this > these, etc. Since there are few
formal distinctions between the plural and singular in Dothraki, switching
between one and the other is fairly simple).
Below is some dialogue that may accompany VISERYS's gift (i.e.
Kháleesi ánni.
[» »]
/khaleesi-NOM. 1sg.-GEN./
"My Khaleesi."
Notes: This is intended to be IRRI's introduction (said in a pause after VISERYS
introduces her by name, or said before VISERYS's speech).
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 42
Ánha nem allayafák laz ezzolát sháfkea, zhey Kháleesi.
[»an.ha nem»fak laz ez.zo.»lat » Zej »]
/1sg.-NOM. PASS. CAUS.-be.happy-1sg.PRES. can teach-INF. 2sg.FOR.-ALL., VOC. khaleesi-NOM./
"It pleases me to be able to teach you, Khaleesi."
Notes: This is intended to be JHIQUI's introduction (said in a pause after
VISERYS introduces her by name, or said before VISERYS's speech). Before
going on, a quick note about this character's name. In my respelling system,
the name Jhiqui is spelled Zhikwi. I think this also helps the reader know
how the name is supposed to be pronounced. For the sake of consistency, the
name should probably appear as Zhikwi everywhere (even in the script), but
that probably isn't necessary. For the sake of transparency, I will refer to her
by both names. JHIQUI/ZHIKWI's supposed to teach DAENERYS Dothraki, so I
imagined that she would say something fancy in Dothraki to DAENERYS, and
then translate it for her (speaking both languages with a perfect accent). So in
the actual scene, then, first she would say her Dothraki line, and then she'd
follow it up with the translation provided above.
Dávra. Jádi m'anhoón, Khaleéssiya.
[»dav.Ra »dZa.di man.ho.»on xa.le.»]
/good-NOM.AGR. come-COM.FOR. with-1sg.-ABL., handmaiden-NOM.PL./
"Good. Come with me, maids."
Notes: If a transition is needed, I imagined that ILLYRIO could say something
like the above to the three girls and then escort them elsewhere. Also, a quick
note, I provided no introduction for DOREAH, because she's not Dothraki, and
perhaps can't even speak the language. Plus, I think her role onscreen would
be more impressive if she says nothing (that old expression comes to mind:
Better to let them think one is stupid than to open one's mouth and remove all
doubt). Regarding the crowd reaction, they can murmur any of the bawdy
jokes already mentioned when DOREAH is introduced (though perhaps if
they're Dothraki, the idea of such a maidservant would be commonplace to
them, and they wouldn't feel the need to comment upon it).
SER JORAH next presents his gift. Since he and DAENERYS share a
language, they speak in Common. As an option, you might have
ILLYRIO act as an interpreter for DROGO. The actions themselves
are clear, of course, but he might be curious about what JORAH
says, and what specifically the books are about (after all, books are a
foreign thing to the Dothraki, who have no writing system for their
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 43
Kífinosi réki dávrae?
[» » »dav.Ra.e]
/how that-NOM.PL. useful-3pl.PRES./
"How are those useful?"
Notes: The utilitarian Dothraki find books strange, as they have no obvious
practical application. I imagine this would be said by either KHAL DROGO, or
perhaps someone in the audience (murmuring in the background).
Serák azh khaleesisaán astosorís Rhaeshoón Andáhli vi Lekhaán Vénneya. Me
[se.»Rak aZ»an»Ris Rha.e.So.»on an.» vi le.xa.»an
» me »aZ.Zo.Ri]
/knight-NOM. give-3sg.PST. khaleesi-ALL. story-ACC.PL. land-ABL. Andahl-GEN. through tongue-
ALL. common-NNM.AGR. 3sg.-NOM. gift.heart-NOM./
"The knight has given the Khaleesi stories from the Seven Kingdoms in the Common
Tongue. It is a sentimental gift."
Notes: This is ILLYRIO's translation/explanation of SER JORAH's gift for
DAENERYS. The word ázzhori is a compound of ázho "gift" and zhor "heart",
and so is something like a "heart gift". DROGO may not understand what use
these books have, but he will understand the purpose of an ázzhori.
Athdavrazár, Khal! —> Athdávrozar, Kal!
[aT.dav.Ra.»zar xal] —> [AT.»dAv.®´.»zA® kQl]
/usefulness-NOM., khal-NOM.!/
"Goodness, Khal!"
Notes: This is another idea. It would seem odd to me for SER JORAH to give a
gift to DAENERYS and then say nothing to KHAL DROGO whatsoever. What
JORAH might do is attempt to say something in Dothraki to DROGO. This is
provided above. Of course, JORAH doesn't speak Dothraki, so what he
imagines means "good fortune to you", or the like, actually means
"wonderful" or "excellent," and makes no sense in this context. In addition, he
pronounces it poorly (using whatever English accent the actor has to
pronounce the words as if they were English words will be fine), and I've
provided the poor pronunciation to the right of the correct pronunciation.
Despite the shortcomings of his performance, KHAL DROGO knows he means
well, and so accepts the gesture in the spirit with which it was intended.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 44
ILLYRIO's present is next. It seems like he might be able to get away
with being rather flippant in his remarks and behavior, and so
might never intend to say anything about his gift to DROGO.
Nevertheless, I've provided a translation of what he says to
DAENERYS for him to say to DROGO, if desired.
Móri gále zhavvórsi Rháeshoa Zanísshi. Zhéana rékke… Tihókh? Móri állayafi
khaleesiés, sháfka tíhi. Ánha ez jer dávra, vosós?
[»mo.Ri »ga.le Zav.» »Rha.e.So.a za.»niS.Si » » ti.»hox »mo.Ri
»»es »Saf.ka »ti.hi »an.ha ez dZer »dav.Ra vo.»sos]
/3pl.-NOM. egg-NOM. dragon-GEN. land-ABL.PL. shadow-GEN.PL. beautiful-PL.AGR. very… see-
RSLT.-NOM.? 3pl.-NOM. please-3pl.PRES. khaleesi-ACC., 2sg.FOR.-NOM. see-3pl.PRES. 1sg.-NOM.
find-1sg.PST. trade-ACC. good-NNM.AGR., no?/
"They're dragon eggs from the Shadow Lands. Quite beautiful… Trinkets? They please
the Khaleesi, you can see. I got a good deal, no?"
Notes: This is less a translation of what ILLYRIO says to DAENERYS than a kind
of off-hand description for KHAL DROGO. As you might be able to tell by the
English translation, he's not putting as much effort into what he says as he's
done previously. Also he coins a word on the spot—tihókh—which has no
meaning in Dothraki. If one breaks it down, it means "an object that's seen".
It's an attempt to explain to DROGO just what the eggs might be useful for.
Clearly, they are valuable to DAENERYS, though, and that's all that's important
to ILLYRIO (plus the fact that they were expensive, which he lets DROGO
Finally, KHAL DROGO is ready to give his gift to DAENERYS.
Es Khalaán!
/go-COM.INFR. khal-ALL.!/
"Move for the Khal!" or "Make way for the Khal!"
Notes: This is something that might be said by audience members as KHAL
DROGO makes his way through the crowd. They might also just say Es!
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 45
Notes: An exclamation of surprise for when DROGO comes back with the
horse (again, background for the crowd). The vowel can be lengthened as the
actors see fit.
Vízhadi vizhadaán nórethi sháfki.
[»vi.Za.di vi.Za.da.»an »no.Re.Ti »]
/silver-NOM. silver-ALL. hair-GEN. 2sg.form.-GEN./
"Silver for the silver of your hair."
Notes: Ordinarily you wouldn't need the pronoun shafki ("your"), as hair is
inalienably possessed. In this case, KHAL DROGO is being especially formal
and respectful on the occasion of his wedding. Note, though, that depending
on the exact context of DROGO's words, sháfki might be omitted. For example,
if DROGO is not actually addressing DAENERYS directly, but is instead
addressing ILLYRIO, he wouldn't say "Silver for the silver of your hair", but,
rather, "Silver for the silver of her hair", in which case omitting sháfki entirely
would be appropriate (and grammatically correct). I gather from the stage
direction that he is addressing DAENERYS directly, but just in case.
/(no translation)!/
Notes: This is a non-linguistic vocalization that Dothraki speakers make when
lifting something heavy, or lifting something up off the ground. This is the
sound KHAL DROGO makes when he lifts DAENERYS off the ground and puts
her on the saddle of her new mount.
As DAENERYS rides off, there's likely to be some crowd reaction.
I've provided some ideas below.
Hih! Hash me laz dóthrae ákka?
[hih haS me laz »doT.Ra.e »a.ka]
/ha! Q 3sg.-NOM. can ride-3sg.PRES. also?/
"Heh! Can she even ride?"
Tihás khaleesisaán!
/see-COM.INFR. khaleesi-ALL.!/
"Look out for the Khaleesi!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 46
Es Khaleesisaán!
/go-COM.INFR. khaleesi-ALL.!/
"Move for the Khaleesi!" or "Make way for the Khaleesi!"
Notes: In addition to comments like this, there will probably be general
laughter (albeit light) as she at first appears frightened atop the horse. Also,
recall that any of the epithets used in the gift-giving dialogue above for
DAENERYS can be used here (e.g. Flower Child, Star Child, the Silver One,
Hále! Me laz dóthrae!
[»ha.le me laz »doT.Ra.e]
/hey! 3sg.-NOM. can ride-3sg./
"Hey! She can ride!"
Dothrás, Vizhadák! Dothrás!
[doT.»Ras vi.Za.»dak doT.»Ras]
/ride-COM.INFR., silver-AGT.-NOM.! ride-COM.INFR.!/
"Ride, Silver One! Ride!"
Es! Es!
[es es]
/go-COM.INFR.! go-COM.INFR.!/
"Go! Go!"
Ash! Me shok máe!
[aS me Sok »ma.e]
/wow! 3sg.-NOM. jump-3sg.PST. 3sg.-ACC.!/
"Wow! She jumped it!"
Notes: Referring to the fire pit she jumps.
Atthirár neák Khaleesisaán!
[aT.Ti.»Rar ne.»ak»an]
/life-NOM. long-NOM.AGR. khaleesi-ALL.!/
"Long life for the Khaleesi!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 47
Notes: This, and comments like these, can accompany the general cheering
from the crowd as they see DAENERYS really take to her mount.
Me ásta mesháfka azhísh maán chafés, Khal Vezhvén.
[me »as.ta me.»Saf.ka a.»ZiS ma.»an tSa.»fes xal veZ.»ven]
/3sg.-NOM. say-3sg.PRES. COMP.-2sg.FOR.-NOM. give-3pl.PST. 3sg.-ALL. wind-ACC., khal-NOM.
"She says you have given her the wind, Great Khal."
Notes: This is how ILLYRIO translates what DAENERYS says to DROGO.
Notes: If DROGO says anything in response to ILLYRIO's translation, he might
say something like the above.
Sájo sháfki, zhey Khal.
[»sa.dZo » Zej xal]
/mount-NOM. 2sg.FOR.-GEN., VOC. khal-NOM./
"Your mount, Khal."
Notes: If DROGO's bloodriders say anything when they bring KHAL DROGO his
horse, they might say something like the above.
Notes: Said by DROGO when he and DAENERYS are ready to go.
Fonás chek, zhey Khal!
[fo.»nas tSek Zej xal]
/hunt-COM.INFR. well VOC. khal-NOM./
"Hunt well, Khal!"
Notes: The phrase Fonás chek means simply "goodbye" in Dothraki, but the
literal meaning is likely being used as a pun here, given what DROGO is
leaving to do.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 48
GoT Scene 39: DROGO and DAENERYS
After they ride for a bit, DROGO and DAENERYS stop at the grassy
spot beside the stream. There isn't much dialogue here, but there
are a few lines that are murmured softly by DROGO, and I've
provided those below.
Notes: Said by DROGO to his horse when they reach the spot.
Háji shekhoón, jalanoón ma shierakoón…
[»ha.dZi Se.xo.»on»on ma Si.e.Ra.ko.»on]
/because.of sun-ABL., moon-ABL. and star-ABL.…/
"By the sun, moon and stars…"
Jin athzheanazár ázhokwana asoón…
[dZin»zar »»on]
/this beauty-NOM. CMPR.-large-CMPR.-3sg.PRES. word-ABL.PL.…/
"This beauty is greater than words…"
Ma jin ajjalanoón, ánha adrivók k'áthlayafari. Ma yeroón, ánha zalák vos alíkh;
ánha ahalék vors.
[ma dZin»on »an.ha a.dRi.»vok » ma je.Ro.»on
»an.ha za.»lak vos a.»lix »anha a.ha.»lek vors]
/with this night-ABL., 1sg.-NOM. FUT.-die-1sg. by-happiness-GEN. with 2sg.INFR.-ABL., 1sg.-NOM.
want-1sg.PRES. no surplus-ACC.; 1sg.-NOM. FUT.-call-1sg. fire-ACC./
"With this night, I will die happy. With you, I want nothing more; I will call on the
Atthirár ánni atthiraraán yéri, jalán ánni; zhor ánni.
[aT.Ti.»Rar » aT.Ti.Ra.Ra.»an »je.Ri dZa.»lan » Zor »]
/life-NOM. 1sg.-GEN. life-ALL. 2sg.INF.-GEN., moon-NOM. 1sg.-GEN.; heart-NOM. 1sg.-GEN./
"My life for your life, my moon; my heart."
Notes: All of the above can be whispered by DROGO while he's caressing
DAENERYS during this scene. Quick note: "to call on the fire" means to
welcome death (the fire he's referring to is the traditional Dothraki funeral
pyre). As mentioned previously, dialogue like this takes very little effort to
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 49
generate, and can be translated fairly quickly. If anything needs to be added
or changed, I can do it on short notice.
Notes: Obviously this is English, but I've put this here so you can listen to
how a Dothraki speaker would pronounce this word. I've provided a narrow
transcription above, but the recording will probably prove more instructive.
Again, to produce the sound, first the "n" must be pronounced with the tip of
the tongue in between the teeth (just like for the "th" sound), and the "o" is
more open and shorter. It's not unlike the Spanish pronunciation of "no", but
with a laxer vowel (Dothraki favors vowels that are less precise in their
coloring than a language like Spanish).
Notes: Okay, as a potential viewer, I'm really on the fence about this one, but I
thought I'd give you the option to mull over. At the end of this scene, after a
series of "No"'s by DROGO, DAENERYS turns things around and ends with a
"Yes". This got me to thinking. Sure, the "Yes" is in Common (in our case,
English), but since DROGO is going out of his way to speak Common to
DAENERYS, what if DAENERYS ends the exchange by going out of her way to
say "Yes" in Dothraki? I think it'd be pretty cool! This would help to show that
not only has she been paying attention (she's picked up a word or two during
the course of the day), but that she has now truly accepted her role as the wife
of DROGO, as Khaleesi, and as a Dothraki queen.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 50
1: first person
1sg.: first person singular
1pl.: first person plural
2: second person
2sg.: second person singular
2pl.: second person plural
3: third person
3sg.: third person singular
3pl.: third person plural
ABL.: ablative case
ACC.: accusative case
AGR.: agreement
AGT.: agent
ALL.: allative case
CAUS.: causative
CMPR.: comparative
COLL.: collective
COM.: command
COMP.: complementizer
DIM.: diminutive
DUR.: durative
FRM.: formal
FUT.: future
GEN.: genitive case
INCH.: inchoative
INF.: infinitive
INFR.: informal
NEG.: negative
NOM.: nominative
NOM.AGR.: nominative adjectival agreement
NNM.: non-nominative
NNM.AGR.: non-nominative adjectival agreement
PL./pl.: plural
PL.AGR.: plural adjectival agreement
PRES.: present
PST.: past
Q: question-particle
REV.: reversive
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 51
RSLT.: resultive suffix
SG./sg.: singular
SUP.: superlative
VOC.: vocative
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 52
Dialogue (Jan. 18, 2010)
1. Jádi kíhatifi, zhey Jórah Andáhl!
"Come forward, Jorah the Andahl!"
2. Jádi kíhatifi, zhey Jórah Andáhli!
"Come forward, Jorah of the Andahls!"
3. Jádi kíhatifi, Jórah Andáhli!
"Come forward, Jorah of the Andahls!"
4. Jádi, zhey Jórah Andáhli!
"Approach, Jorah of the Andahls!"
5. Rháe kíhatifi, zhey Jórah Andáhli!
"Step forward, Jorah of the Andahls!"
6. Kóvari hatíf ánni, zhey Jórah Andáhli!
"Stand before me, Jorah of the Andahls!"
7. Némo ásshili, zhey Jórah Andáhli!
"Present yourself, Jorah of the Andahls!"
Notes: Certain of these are very similar; I just wanted to give you some options. The
first three, for example, are identical, save the first two use the particle zhey which
typically precedes names (though this is optional), and the second two replace Andáhl
with Andáhli. It's the difference between saying "Jorah the Andahl" and "Jorah of the
Andahls". You asked for the first, but I thought I'd include the second, as a word ending
in hl might be difficult on the actors.
In all of the above, these elements can be freely substituted for one another as specified
(e.g. Andáhl for Andáhli), with the accompanying changes in translations (none for the
omission of zhey). I did want to point out something about item 4. The word jádi is
indeed the same as in 1-3, but the translation is actually "approach" in 4, and "come" in
1-3. The lexemes actually differ, but their forms for a formal command are,
coincidentally, identical.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 53
Dialogue (Nov. 15, 2009)
Vos ále!
"Enough!" or "No more!"
Sájo ánni!
"My horse!"
Jin sen glóro ásti memé várthasa.
"These three medallions say that he will fall."
Zánde dáni yéri hash ánha jilák.
"Your satchel of jewels if I'm right."
Hash h'ochaán ánni ha fansaán yéri?
"My dun for your dapple?"
Ánha afichák haz salíkh yeroón affín me drívoe.
"I'll take that cat's claw necklace from you when he dies."
Ánha tihák qoy mra tíhi. Me varthasók ajjín.
"I see blood in his eyes. He will not fall."
Vosécchi! Rekák mahrázh ahaján.
"No way! That is the stronger man."
Ki vórsasi!
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 54
Episode 3: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked).
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Jhogo asks Dany a question in Dothraki but she doesn’t understand.
Here are some options for the question Zhogo asks Dany.
Hash sháfka záli athdrivár máe?
[haʃ ˈʃaf.ka ˈ aθ.dɾi.ˈvar ˈma.e]
/Q 2SG.FRM want-3SG.PRES death-ACC 3SG.GEN/
"Do you want him to die?" (Lit. "Do you desire his death?")
Hash sháfka záli athdrivár máe, zhey kháleesi?
[haʃ ˈʃaf.ka ˈ aθ.dɾi.ˈvar ˈma.e ʒej ˈ]
/Q 2SG.FRM want-3SG.PRES death-ACC 3SG.GEN, VOC khaleesi-NOM/
"Do you want him to die, Khaleesi?" (Lit. "Do you desire his death, Khaleesi?")
Note: The phrase zhey kháleesi can be appended to any of the options
below. All it is is a direct form of address. It just depends on how long you
want his line to be.
Hash ánha jif fichák nhareés moón?
[haʃ ˈan.ha dʒif fi.ˈtʃak nha.ɾe.ˈes mo.ˈon]
/Q 1SG should take-1SG.PRES head-ACC 3SG.ABL/
"Shall I take his head?" (Lit. "Should I take his head from him?")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 55
Hash sháfka záli nhareés?
[haʃ ˈʃaf.ka ˈ nha.ɾe.ˈes]
/Q 2SG.FRM want-3SG.PRES head-ACC/
"Do you want his head?" (Lit. "Do you want the head?")
Hash ánha jif fichák yash moón?
[haʃ ˈan.ha dʒif fi.ˈtʃak jaʃ mo.ˈon]
/Q 1SG should take-1SG.PRES air-ACC 3SG.ABL/
"Shall I take his air?" (Lit. "Should I take the air from him?")
Hash ánha jif addrivák máe?
[haʃ ˈan.ha dʒif ad.dɾi.ˈvak ˈma.e]
/Q 1SG should kill-1SG.PRES 3SG.ACC/
"Shall I kill him?" (Lit. "Should I kill him?")
Hash me jif drívoe?
[haʃ me dʒif ˈdɾi.vo.e]
/Q 3SG should die-3SG.PRES/
"Shall he die?" (Lit. "Should he die?")
Hash sháfka záli memé drívoe?
[haʃ ˈʃaf.ka ˈ me.ˈme ˈdɾi.vo.e]
/Q 2SG.FRM want-3SG.PRES COMP.-3SG die-3SG.PRES/
"Do you want him to die?" (Lit. "Do you desire that he die?")
Jhogo ask if you want him dead, khaleesi.
I've provided a recording of a Dothraki accented version of this English line.
He makes a joke to one of his friends and both men laugh, staring down at Viserys, on his knees,
fingers digging into the leather coils, trying to save himself from being strangled.
Here are some options for Zhogo's joke. If you think of some variation you'd like that I
haven't provided, you can always send me the English version and I can translate it,
record and send it to you.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 56
Ishísh cháre ácharoe hash me nem éjervae nharesoón.
[i.ˈʃiʃ ˈtʃa.ɾe ˈa.tʃa.ɾo.e haʃ me nem ˈe.dʒeɾ.va.e nha.ɾˈon]
/maybe ear-NOM FUT-listen-3SG if 3SG PASS free-3SG head-ABL/
"Maybe his ear will listen if it's removed from his head." (Lit. "Maybe the ear will
listen if it's liberated from the head.")
Sháfka jif qórasoe char. Réki vácchara máe majín me áchoma.
[ˈʃaf.ka dʒif ˈqo.ɾ tʃar ˈ ˈvat.tʃa.ɾa ˈma.e ma.ˈdʒin me ˈa.tʃ]
/2SG.FRM should claim-3SG.PRES ear-ACC that FUT-convince-3SG.PRES 3SG.ACC so 3SG FUT-
"You should take his ear. That will convince him to be respectful." (Lit. "You should
take the ear. That will convince him that he will be respectful.")
Note: Here, the word for "to convince" derives from the word for "ear",
whence the joke.
Qóraso char, zhey Kháleesi, majín ézzo maán athchomár!
[ˈqo.ɾ tʃar ʒej ˈ ma.ˈdʒin ˈez.zo ma.ˈan aθ.tʃo.ˈmar]
/claim-COMM.FRM ear-ACC VOC khaleesi and teach-COMM.FRM 3SG.ALL respect-ACC/
"Take his ear, Khaleesi, and teach him respect!" (Lit. "Take the ear, khaleesi, and so
teach him respect!")
Note: If any of the surrounding Dothraki want to give a response, this
would be appropriate. It means "indeed" or "truly" or "just so". Zhey Zhógo
can be appended to the end if the speaker is addressing Zhogo directly.
Jhogo say you should take ear, to teach respect.
I've provided a recording of a Dothraki accented version of this English line.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 57
Irri repeats the command in Dothraki.
This is Irri's translation of Dany's line.
Kháleesi vos zálo me Viserís nem ázisa.
[ˈ vos ˈza.lo meˈɾis nem ˈ]
/khaleesi-NOM NEG want-3SG.NEG.PRES COMP Viserys PASS FUT-hurt-3SG/
"The Khaleesi doesn't want Viserys harmed." (Lit. "The Khaleesi doesn't want that
Viserys will be harmed.")
Should have been vázzisa (zisat is intransitive).
Note: Rather than have a bunch of duplicate sentences, here are some
options for how Viserys can be referred to in the line above. You can replace
the phrase me Viserís with any one of the following:
memé ("him").
me gáezo máe ("her brother").
me sorfák ("the dirty one").
me zasqák ("the pale one").
me chiftivenák ("the noisy one").
me chiftík ("the cricket man").
me jelavenák ("the sour one").
me rakhák ("the boy man").
me sindarinák ("the weak one").
me kháli ("the little khal").
me khalákka ("the prince").
me khalákka nháresi íthka ("the straw head prince").
Jhogo shrugs, pulling on his whip, yanking Viserys like a puppet on a string.
Just in case you want Zhogo to say something here, I thought he might refer to Viserys
derisively by the name Irri uses to refer to him in the line above. Say, something like:
Hnh! Chiftík!
[hʔnh tʃif.ˈtik]
/grunt cricket-AGT/
"Huh! Cricket man!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 58
Zhogo: You walk
I've provided a recording of a heavily Dothraki accented version of this English line.
Jhogo rides off with Viserys’ horse toward the Dothraki horde, visible on the distant horizon,
leaving Viserys standing alone in the tall grass.
Here are some phrases that can be used by the Dothraki riders to urge their horses on.
Es! Es! Es!
[es es es]
/yah yah yah/
"Yah! Yah! Yah!"
Hósha, hósha, hosh!
[ˈho.ʃa ˈho.ʃa hoʃ]
/giddyup giddyup giddup/
"Hyup, hyup, giddyup!"
[ŋǁ ŋǁ]
"Nch, nch!"
Dany speaks to Drogo in halting Dothraki.
Here's Dany's short exchange with Drogo.
DANY: Me…rakh.
[me rax]
/3SG boy-NOM/
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 59
"It's a boy."
Note: There's not much of a way for Dany to screw up the grammar of this
bit: It's just the two words. In the sound file, though, I have her pronouncing
it incorrectly (pretty much like "May rock" in English).
DROGO: Kífinosi yer nési?
[ˈ jer ˈ]
/how 2SG know-2SG.PRES/
"How do you know?"
Note: If you want to, you can add zhey chiorikém to the end of the above,
which would be "woman-wife".
DANY: Ánha…sékke nésa.
[ˈan.ha ˈ ˈ]
/1SG really know-3SG.PRES/
"I…just know." (Lit. "I…really knows.")
Note: The above is more ungrammatical. The third person singular present
tense form of the verb is the most common form of the verb, and seems as if
it would be most readily available to Dany.
I've read through both scenes, selecting one option for each Dothraki part. You can
hear it by listening to the .mp3 entitled "summaries.mp3".
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 60
Alternate Take: Dany Orders Viserys to Walk
I noticed that the script, as written, changes an element from the book, wherein Dany
orders Viserys's horse to be taken. In the book, Dany deciding not to take Viserys's ear is likely to
be seen as a sign of weakness by the Dothraki. Dany ordering that his horse be taken raises her
quite a bit in the esteem of the Dothraki, and also eschews any hint of weakness on her part. It's a
slight detail, but potentially important. I've provided a very slightly edited version of the scene
in the script below which retains the content of the original. New elements are in bold. Dothraki
translations are provided below the script text.
The exile knight looks between Dany and Viserys. Both wait to
see what he’ll do.
Jhogo doesn’t speak the common tongue, but he knows enough to
realize a fight might be coming. His fingers tighten around the
hilt of his arakh.
After a final long look at Viserys, Jorah turns to Dany.
Shall we return to the khalasar,
Dany nods, and moves to mount her silver. Once mounted, she
turns to face Jhogo.
Take his horse.
Jhogo laughs derisively.
By your word.
Viserys sits in the dirt and stares with disbelief as Dany and
Jorah ride away.
He rises and moves toward his own horse-- but Jhogo trots in and
cuts him off. He grabs the reins of Viserys’ horse and looks
down on him with stony contempt.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 61
(heavy accent)
You walk.
[ˈqo.ɾ hɾa.ˈzef]
/claim-COMM.FRM horse-ACC/
"Take…the horse."
Note: The above is actually ungrammatical. What she's doing is simply
repeating what Zhogo says earlier, replacing "ear" with "horse". She's trying,
though. If instead Irri were to repeat the command for Dany, who is
speaking in English, she would say the following:
Qóraso sajoés máe.
[ˈqo.ɾ sa.dʒo.ˈes ˈma.e]
/claim-COMM.FRM mount-ACC 3SG.GEN/
"Take his steed."
K'ási sháfki.
[ˈ ˈʃ]
/by-word-GEN 2SG.FRM.GEN/
"By your word."
Note: Per usual, zhey Kháleesi can be appended to the end.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 62
More Dothraki for Episode 3
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
A recording of an old line.
Vroz. (more3_1.mp3)
A line for Jorah.
Vov dávra dothrakaan. (more3_2.mp3)
[vov ˈda.vɾa do.θɾa.ka.ˈan]
/weapon-NOM good-NOM.AGR rider-ALL/
"A good weapon for a rider."
Some options for the "full plate" line.
Khogár shíqethi. (more3_3.mp3)
[xo.ˈgar ˈʃi.qe.θi]
/suit-NOM iron-NOM.AGR/
"Iron suit."
Notes: A fallback option.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 63
Tawák nakhaán. (more3_4.mp3)
[ta.ˈwak na.xa.ˈan]
/metal-NOM end-ALL/
"Full metal."
Notes: I'm fond of this one.
Adrákh táoka. (more3_5.mp3)
[a.ˈdɾax ˈta.o.ka]
/shell-NOM metal-NOM.AGR/
"Metal shell."
Notes: In this case, adrákh actually means "turtle shell". I think the Dothraki
would find the idea of a host of metal turtles coming to attack them quite
Khogár tawakóf. (more3_6.mp3)
[xo.ˈgar ta.wa.ˈkof]
/suit-NOM steel-NOM.AGR/
"Steel dress."
Notes: One using the word for steel.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 64
New Dothraki for Episode 3
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Two lines by Rakharo.
Dóthraki vos óndeo shorís táwakofi. Shóri táwakofi— (new3_1.mp3)
[ˈdo.θɾ vos ˈ ʃo.ˈɾis ˈ ˈʃo.ɾi ˈ]
/Dothraki-NOM.PL NEG wear-3PL.PRES.NEG dress-ACC.PL steel-PL.AGR dress-NOM.PL steel-PL.AGR/
"Dothraki don't wear steel dresses. Steel dresses—"
Áve ánni ézzo anhaán os lajataán. Me ézzo anhaán m'athdikár ássie athzhokwazár.
[ˈ ˈ ˈez.zo an.ha.ˈan os la.dʒa.ta.ˈan me ˈez.zo an.ha.ˈan maθ.di.ˈkar ˈ
/father-NOM 1SG.GEN teach-PAST 1SG.ALL path-ACC fight-INF.ALL 3SG.NOM teach-PAST 1SG.ALL COMP-
speed-NOM defeat-3SG.PRES size-ACC/
"My father taught me how to fight. He taught me that speed defeats size."
Should be ássila.
Two lines by Jorah.
Dik. (new3_3.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 65
Ánha ray char m'áve yéri lajakoón hákeso. (new3_4.mp3)
[ˈan.ha raj tʃar ˈ ˈje.ɾi la.dʒa.ko.ˈon ˈ]
/1SG.NOM already hear-PAST COMP-father-NOM 2SG.INFR.NOM warrior-ABL famous-NON.NOM.AGR/
"I've heard your father was a famous warrior."
One line by Rakharo.
Me dothrakhqoyoón torga Khali Vharvo. Majín áve yéri, zhey Jóra Andáhli. Hash me
lajakoón ákka? (new3_5.mp3)
[me do.θɾˈon ˈtoɾ.ga ˈ ˈvhaɾ.vo ma.ˈdʒin ˈ ˈje.ɾi ʒej ˈdʒo.ɾa an.ˈ haʃ
me la.dʒa.ko.ˈon ˈak.ka]
/3SG.NOM bloodrider-ABL under khal-GEN Bharbo-NOM and father-NOM 2SG.INFR.GEN VOC Jorah-NOM
Andal-GEN Q 3SG.NOM warrior-ABL also/
"He was bloodrider to Khal Bharbo. And your father, Jorah the Andal? He was a
warrior also?"
One line by Irri.
Kháleesi zála memé ádakha esinákh ajjalán. Ógi loy mawízzi. (new3_6.mp3)
[ˈ ˈ me.ˈme ˈa.da.xaˈnax ad.dʒa.ˈlan ˈ loj ma.ˈwiz.zi]
/khaleesi-NOM want-3SG.PRES COMP-3SG.NOM eat-3SG.PRES different.thing-ACC tonight-ACC
slaughter-2SG.PRES few-ACC rabbit-GEN/
"The Khaleesi wants to eat something different tonight. Kill some rabbits."
Three lines by Rakharo.
Vo mawízzi vékho jínne. (new3_7.mp3)
[vo ma.ˈwiz.zi ˈve.xo ˈdʒ]
/NEG rabbit-GEN exist-3SG.PRES.NEG here-ACC/
"There are no rabbits here."
Azhasávva Vezhofoón. (new3_8.mp3)
[a.ʒa.ˈ ve.ʒˈon]
/ great.stallion-ABL/
"A blessing from the Great Stallion."
Sháfka vígereri rhojosorés zhórre sháfki. (new3_9.mp3)
[ˈʃaf.ka ˈɾe.ɾi ɾho.dʒˈɾes ˈʒ ˈʃ]
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 66
/2SG.FRM.NOM miss-3PL.PRES family-ACC own 2SG.FRM.GEN/
"You miss your own family."
Notes: I'm assuming Rakharo is talking to Dany, in which case sháfka is
appropriate. If, however, he is talking to Jorah (this is important), change
sháfka to yer, and change sháfki to yéri. Just in case, I've recorded that line
too. (new3_10.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 67
Episode 6: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Episode 6, Scene 11
The start of the scene with the high priestess and the rest.
Khalákka dóthrae! (611_1.mp3)
[xa.ˈlak.ka ˈdo.θɾa.e]
/prince-NOM ride-3SG.PRES/
"The prince rides!"
The Dosh Khaleen say the following, which the crowd later chants.
Rakh! Rakh! Rakh haj! (611_2.mp3)
[rax rax rax hadʒ]
/boy-NOM boy-NOM boy-NOM strong-NOM.AGR/
"A boy! A boy! A strong boy!"
At this point, Viserys and Jorah have their talk and there's some action before the crowd
starts chanting. If you'd like to insert some background Dothraki comments from the
crowd and/or Drogo, here are a few suggestions:
Hash me laz ta máe? (611_3.mp3)
[haʃ me laz ta ˈma.e]
/Q 3SG.NOM can do-3SG.PRES 3SG.ACC/
"Can she do it?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 68
Me áziqwehee! Ánha laz tihák máe! (611_4.mp3)
[me ˈa.zi.qwe.he.e ˈan.ha laz ti.ˈhak ˈma.e]
/3SG.NOM FUT-retch-3SG 1SG.NOM can see-1SG.PRES 3SG.ACC/
"She's going to retch! I can see it!"
Kháleesi hája! Me laz ta máe! (611_5.mp3)
[ˈ ˈha.dʒa me laz ta ˈma.e]
/khaleesi-NOM be.strong-3SG.PRES 3SG.NOM can do-3SG.PRES 3SG.ACC/
"The Khaleesi is strong! She can do it!"
Es! Es! (611_6.mp3)
[es es]
"Go! Go!"
Tas máe! Tas máe! (611_7.mp3)
[tas ˈma.e tas ˈma.e]
"Do it! Do it!"
Now the crowd starts chanting:
Rakh! Rakh! Rakh haj! (611_8.mp3)
[rax rax rax hadʒ]
/boy-NOM boy-NOM boy-NOM strong-NOM.AGR/
"A boy! A boy! A strong boy!"
Next, comes the High Priestess's speech. I've translated the entire dialogue from the
book (leaving off the Priestess's question about what the baby will be called, since it
seems the scene has changed here), and added a bit more. I assume what you have here
is Jorah giving just the highlights. This dialogue can be given to the actress playing the
High Priestess to ululate; should be plenty there for the entire scene.
Khalákka dóthrae! Ánha ray tih hatíf, ma char tem fógi! Ven dik ven chaf me dóthrae,
ma írge máe khalasár qémmoe rhaesheserésmáhrazhi fíni samvén ma asamvenán,
m'arakhoón díla mra qóra ven dáeni ríssisiri. Jin khalákka vívezhofa ven vaz. Dózgo
máe áqovi hatíf máe, ma kémaki móri álaqi laqékh qóyi ma vággendi ilék
athloftaroón. Áyena nórethi áhoyali athjadozár máe, ma Dránekhosi mr'ókrenegwini
móri árokhi hakeés máe. Khalákka dóthrae, ma me Vezhaán fíni Sája
Rhaesheserés!" (611_9.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 69
[xa.ˈlak.ka ˈdo.θɾa.e ˈan.ha raj tih ha.ˈtif ma tʃar tem ˈ ven dik ven tʃaf me ˈdo.θɾa.e
ma ˈiɾ.ge ˈma.eˈsar ˈ ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes ˈma.hɾa.ʒi ˈ sam.ˈven maˈnan ma.ɾa.xo.ˈon ˈ mɾa ˈqo.ɾa ven ˈ ˈɾi dʒin xa.ˈlak.ka
ˈʒo.fa ven vaz ˈdoz.go ˈma.e ˈ ha.ˈtif ˈma.e ma ˈ ˈmo.ɾi ˈ la.
ˈqex ˈqo.ji ma ˈvag.gen.di i.ˈlek aθ.lof.ta.ɾo.ˈon ˈ ˈno.ɾe.θi ˈ aθ.dʒˈzar
ˈma.e ma ˈdɾ ˈmɾo.kɾ ˈmo.ɾi ˈa.ɾo.xiˈes ˈma.e xa.ˈlak.ka
ˈdo.θɾa.e ma me ve.ʒa.ˈan ˈ ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes]
/prince-NOM ride-3SG.PRES 1SG.NOM already see-PAST face-ACC and hear-PAST thunder-ACC hoof-
GEN.PL like fast like wind-NOM 3SG.NOM ride-3SG.PRES and behind 3SG.GEN khalasar-NOM
cover-3SG.PRES earth-ACC man-NOM.PL REL.NOM numerous and COMP-numerous-COMP with-arakh-
ABL shiny-NNM.AGR in hand like leaf-NOM.PL razor.grass-GEN this prince-NOM FUT-be.fierce-3SG like
storm-NOM enemy-NOM 3SG.GEN FUT-tremble-3SG front 3SG.GEN and spouse-NOM.PL 3PL.GEN FUT-
weep-3PL tear-ACC blood-GEN and FUT-rend-3PL skin-ACC grief-ABL bell-NOM hair-GEN FUT-sing-3PL
arrival-ACC 3SG.GEN and in-stone.tent-NOM 3PL.GEN FUT-fear-3PL name-ACC 3SG.GEN
prince-NOM ride-3SG.PRES and 3SG.NOM stallion-ALL REL.NOM mount-3SG.PRES earth-ACC/
"The prince is riding! I have seen his face, and heard the thunder of his hooves! As
swift as the wind he rides, and behind him the khalasar covers the earth—men
without number, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor grass. Fierce
as a storm this prince will be. His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives
will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh in grief. The bells in his hair will sing
his coming, and the milk men in the stone tents will fear his name. The prince is
riding, and he will be the Stallion who Mounts the World!"
Next the Dosh Khaleen chant "The Stallion who Mounts the World!" I've recorded that
(shown below) with some ideas about how to chant it.
Vezh fíni Sája Rhaesheserés! (611_10.mp3)
[vezh ˈ ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes]
/stallion-NOM that mount-3SG.PRES world-ACC/
"The Stallion who Mounts the World!"
Next comes Dany's line regarding her new child.
Khalákka dóthrae mr'ánha! Ma me nem áhakee ma Rháego! (611_11.mp3)
[xa.ˈlak.ka ˈdo.θɾa.e ˈmɾan.ha ma me nem ˈ ma ˈɾha.e.go]
/prince-NOM ride-3SG.PRES in-1SG.NOM and 3SG.NOM PASS FUT-name-3SG with Rhaego-NOM/
"A prince rides inside me! And he shall be named Rhaego!"
The Dosh Khaleen (and then the crowd) now chant "Rhaego! Rhaego! Rhaego!" I've
recorded that. (611_12.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 70
When Drogo goes to Dany he says, "Khaleesi, khaleesi!" Here are a couple of other
things he might say (in addition to what's written).
Kháleesi! Kháleesi! (d1.mp3)
[ˈ ˈ]
/khaleesi-NOM khaleesi-NOM/
"Khaleesi! Khaleesi!"
Jalán átthirari ánni! (d2.mp3)
[dʒa.ˌlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˌ]
/moon-NOM life-GEN 1SG.GEN/
"Moon of my life!"
Mái rizhaán anhoón! (d3.mp3)
[ˈma.i ri.ʒa.ˈan an.ho.ˈon]
/mother-NOM son-ALL 1SG.ABL/
"Mother of my son!"
Lósho élaini! (d4.mp3)
[ˈlo.ʃo ˈ]
/container-NOM seed-GEN/
"Container of my seed!" (I.e. "Receptacle of my sperm!")
Note: That last one seems a little crude even for the Dothraki, given the
circumstances, but I couldn't resist. Let it not be said that I'm not having
In addition to Drogo's words, which will probably be subtitled, here are some things the
Dothraki observers could say as they surround the Khaleesi (in addition to chanting
"Khaleesi!" or "Rhaego!" or "The Stallion who Mounts the World!", which are given
Atthirár neák khalakkasaán! (611_13.mp3)
[aθ.θi.ˈɾar ne.ˈakˈan]
/life-NOM long-NOM.AGR prince-ALL/
"Long life to the prince!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 71
Athjahakár khálasari! (611_14.mp3)
[aθ.dʒa.ha.ˈkar ˈɾi]
/pride-NOM khalasar-GEN/
"Pride of the Khalasar!"
Athvezhvenár m'athhakesozár! (611_15.mp3)
[aθ.veʒ.ve.ˈnar maθˈzar]
/courage-NOM and-glory-NOM/
"Courage and glory!"
Athdavrazár! (611_16.mp3)
Episode 6, Scene 24
At the opening of the scene Drogo is joking with his bloodriders. Here are some
possible jokes.
Rizh ánni: Vezh fíni Sája Rhaesheserés—ma dalén chioriés ákka! (d5.mp3)
[riʒ ˈ veʒ ˈ ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes ma da.ˈlen tʃi.o.ɾi.ˈes ˈak.ka]
/son-NOM 1SG.GEN stallion-NOM COMP mount-3SG.PRES world-ACC and thousand woman-ACC.PL
"My son: The Stallion who Mounts the World—and a thousand women as well!"
Hash yer tih khaleesiés? Me zíjervo vo rek zhorés! (d6.mp3)
[haʃ jer tihˈes me ˈzi.dʒeɾ.vo vo rek ʒo.ˈɾes]
/Q 2SG.NOM see-PAST khaleesi-ACC 3SG.NOM show.mercy-NEG.PAST NEG that heart-ACC/
"Did you see the khaleesi? She showed that heart no mercy!"
Jinák asshékh ásshekhi, me rizh ánni khal kháli! Azhás anhaán gavát! (d7.mp3)
[dʒi.ˈnak aʃ.ˈʃex ˈaʃ.ʃe.xi me riʒ ˈ xal ˈ a.ˈʒas an.ha.ˈan ga.ˈvat]
/this-NOM day-NOM day-GEN.PL and son-NOM 1SG.GEN khal-NOM khal-GEN.PL give-CMD 1SG.ALL meat-
"This is day of days, and my son is the Khal of Khals! Give me meat!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 72
Hash yer char hakeés? Rháego! Rháego Rhaék! (d8.mp3)
[haʃ jer tʃarˈes ˈɾha.e.go ˈɾha.e.go ɾha.ˈek]
/Q 2SG.NOM hear-PAST name-ACC Rhaego-NOM Rhaego-NOM stud-NOM/
"Did you hear the name? Rhaego! Rhaego the Stud!"
Note: Daenerys names her son after Rhaegar, but in Dothraki, it sounds like
it's derived from the word rhae, which means "foot" or "leg". Rhaek, derived
from that stem, is a word that one uses to mean something like "jock" or
"stud". Of course, there are no sports in Dothraki culture, so it doesn't mean
what it means in English, but it has the same connotation. The phrase
Rhaego Rhaek, then, would be the equivalent of something like "Brock the
Jock" or "Hank the Tank" in English.
In addition, there may be a need for various Dothraki dialogue by those in attendance.
Here are some things that might be said/heard.
Fichás hadaén! (624_1.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃas ha.da.ˈen]
/take-COM.INFR food-ACC/
"Get the food!"
Azhás anhaán gavát! (624_2.mp3)
[a.ˈʒas an.ha.ˈan ga.ˈvat]
/give-COM.INFR 1SG.ALL meat-ACC/
"Give me meat!"
Me chíori ánni, rekák rékke. Ánha aqorasók máe ajjalán! (624_3.mp3)
[me ˈtʃi.o.ɾi ˈ re.ˈkak ˈ ˈan.ha a.qo.ɾa.ˈsok ˈma.e ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
/3SG.NOM woman-NOM 1SG.GEN there 1SG.NOM FUT-claim-1SG 3SG.ACC tonight-ACC/
"She's my woman, that one there. I will have her tonight!"
Lamékh óhazho! Fichás jinnaán! (624_4.mp3)
[la.ˈmex ˈo.ha.ʒo fi.ˈtʃas ˈdʒ]
/milk-NOM fermented-NOM.AGR bring-COM.INFR here-ALL/
"Mare's milk! Bring it here!"
Háji khaleesisoón! (624_5.mp3)
/because.of khaleesi-ABL/
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 73
"To the Khaleesi!"
Háji Vezhoón fíni Sája Rhaesheserés! (624_6.mp3)
[ˈha.dʒi ve.ʒo.ˈon ˈ ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes]
/because.of stallion-ABL REL.NOM mount-3SG.PRES world-ACC/
"To the Stallion who Mounts the World!"
Háji Rhaegosoón! (624_7.mp3)
[ˈha.dʒi ɾˈon]
/because.of Rhaego-ABL/
"To Rhaego!"
Ajjalán ájjalani! (624_8.mp3)
[ad.dʒa.ˈlan ˈad.dʒ]
/night-NOM night-GEN.PL/
"Night of nights!"
Ma hash ánha anajahák, hash yer eth áhilee rek jerakés gróqe—me fin jéra kimíkh ma
zhorróf she Jeresér Jim! (624_9.mp3)
[ma haʃ ˈan.haʒa.ˈhak haʃ jer eθ ˈa.hi.le.e rek dʒe.ɾa.ˈkes ˈgro.qe me fin ˈdʒe.ɾa
ki.ˈmix ma ʒo.ˈrof ʃe dʒe.ɾe.ˈser dʒim]
/and if 1SG.NOM FUT-win-1SG then 2SG.NOM must FUT-dig-2SG that trader-ACC ugly-NNM.AGR REL.NOM
sell-3SG.PRES date-ACC and fig-ACC at market-NOM western-NOM.AGR/
"And if I win, then you have to bed that ugly trader—the one that was selling dates
and figs at the Western Market!"
Ha fansaán ánni h'ochaán yéri. Hash yer ásti, aá? (624_10.mp3)
[haˈan ˈ ho.tʃa.ˈan ˈje.ɾi haʃ jer ˈas.ti a.ˈa]
/for dapple-ALL 1SG.GEN for-dun-ALL 2SG.GEN Q 2SG.NOM say-2SG.PRES eh/
"My dapple for your dun. What do you say?"
Ánha jil k'áthgoshari. (624_11.mp3)
[ˈan.ha dʒil ˈkaθ.go.ʃa.ɾi]
/1SG.NOM right-PAST by-certainty-GEN/
"I certainly was in the right."
Hash gavát ray héthka? (624_12.mp3)
[ˈhaʃ ga.ˈvat raj ˈheθ.ka]
/Q meat-NOM yet ready-3SG.PRES/
"Is the meat ready yet?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 74
Note: All of the above are random snippets of conversation that might be
heard. If you'd like something specific, just let me know.
At this point, Viserys comes in with his sword in its scabbard. He hasn't drawn it yet,
but the Dothraki, of course, are already upset by this. Here are some curses for them to
utter (not as virulent as when he draws his sword later).
Tihás jin ifakés! (624_13.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas dʒin i.fa.ˈkes]
/look-CMD this walker-ACC/
"Look at this walker!"
Note: The term ifak, "walker", is kind of like "gringo" or "foreigner" or "pale
skin"—something used by the Dothraki to refer to non-Dothraki they don't
Me fícha tawakóf máe jinnaán! (624_14.mp3)
[me ˈfi.tʃa ta.wa.ˈkof ˈma.e dʒˈan]
/3SG.NOM take-3SG.PRES steel-ACC 3SG.GEN here-ALL/
"He brings his steel here!"
Khal jif fícha qoraés… (624_15.mp3)
[xal dʒif ˈfi.tʃa qo.ɾa.ˈes]
/khal-NOM should take-3SG.PRES hand-ACC/
"The khal should take his hand…"
Tokík! Tokík zíchome! (624_16.mp3)
[to.ˈkik to.ˈkik ˈzi.tʃ]
/fool-NOM fool-NOM disrespectful-NOM.AGR/
"The fool! The disrespectful fool!"
Ki Máisi Krázaaji! (624_17.mp3)
[ki ˈ ˈkɾʒi]
/by-mother-GEN mountain-GEN/
"By the Mother of Mountains!"
Matték lakhlaláy… (624_18.mp3)
/limper-NOM pant-ACT.PART/
"The panting fool…" (Lit. "The panting limper…")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 75
Aresák! (624_19.mp3)
After Viserys's impertinence, Drogo makes a joke to his bloodriders about Viserys. This
is that joke.
Tihás! Khal Rhaggát: Me ífa! Rháesi zin vos mhári, aá…?
[ti.ˈhas xal ɾhag.ˈgat me ˈi.fa ˈɾ zin vos ˈmha.ɾi a.ˈa]
/look-CMD khal-NOM cart-NOM 3SG.NOM walk-3SG.PRES feet-NOM.PL still NEG sore-3PL.NEG.PRES eh/
"Look! The Cart King: He walks! His feet aren't sore anymore, eh…?"
Tihás! Khal Rháe Mhar! Me ífa! (d9.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas xal ˈɾha.e mhar me ˈi.fa]
/look-CMD khal-NOM foot-NOM sore-NOM.AGR 3SG.NOM walk-3SG.PRES/
"Look! The Sorefoot King! He walks!"
Viserys hears Drogo, addresses him, and Drogo tells Viserys where he can sit during the
Névakhi vékha ha maán: Rékke, m'áresakea nórethi fítte. (d10.mp3)
[ˈ ˈve.xa ha ma.ˈan ˈ ˈma.ɾ ˈno.ɾe.θi ˈfit.te]
/seat-GEN exist-3SG.PRES for 3SG.ALL there-ACC with-coward-ALL.PL hair-GEN short/
"There is a place for you: There, with the short haired cowards."
Next I have recorded the English that Drogo speaks to Viserys. Unless you feel it's too
short, I would recommend the line be "You no king", rather than "You are no king" (in
keeping with Drogo's level of English). (d11.mp3)
At this point, Viserys draws his sword. Below are some more virulent insults for the
Dothraki (bearing in mind that they themselves are not going to draw arakhs, or
anything like that, giving the proscription about steel in Vaes Dothrak).
Aresák! (624_19.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 76
Me zíchomee Vaes Dothrák! (624_20.mp3)
[me ˈzi.tʃ va.ˈes do.ˈθɾak]
/3SG.NOM disrespect-3SG.PRES city-ACC dothrak-NOM/
"He disrespects Vaes Dothrak!"
Me zíchomee Khalés! (624_21.mp3)
[me ˈzi.tʃ xa.ˈles]
/3SG.NOM disrespect-3SG.PRES khal-ACC/
"He disrespects the Khal!"
Note: Rather than repeating the same phrase over and over again, here are
some other things Viserys can be said to be disrespecting: dothrakís "the
Dothraki people"; vittéy "the feast"; Rhaegoés "Rhaego"; Vezhés fíni Sája
Rhaesheserés "the Stallion who Mounts the World".
Me'th drívoe háji jinoón! (624_22.mp3)
[meθ ˈdɾi.vo.e ˈha.dʒi dʒˈon]
/3SG.NOM-must die-3SG.PRES because.of this-ABL/
"He must die for this!"
Eqorasás tawakóf yéri, tokík! (624_23.mp3)
[e.qo.ɾa.ˈsas ta.wa.ˈkof ˈje.ɾi to.ˈkik]
/release-COM.INFR steel-ACC 2SG.GEN fool-NOM/
"Release your steel, fool!"
Me yófie, jin Khal Rhaggát! (624_24.mp3)
[me ˈ dʒin xal ɾhag.ˈgat]
/3SG.NOM insane-3SG.PRES this khal-NOM cart-NOM/
"He's insane, this Cart King!"
After the general outrage, and a few comments, Irri translates for Drogo what Viserys
says. This is her translation to Drogo.
Ifák ásta memé zála firikhnharén—memé zála rek memé nem jer ki máe…che me
vésazhae khaleesiés. Me ásta memé vos vésazhao khalakkaés. Me ásta memé
ázirissee khalakkaés khaleesisoón ma vánnevae máe sháfkea. (624_25.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 77
[i.ˈfak ˈas.ta me.ˈme ˈ fi.rix.nha.ˈɾen me.ˈme ˈ rek me.ˈme nem dʒer ki ˈma.e tʃe
me ˈʒa.eˈes me ˈas.ta me.ˈme vos ˈʒa.o xa.lak.ka.ˈes me ˈas.ta me.
ˈme ˈa.zi.ɾ xa.lak.ka.ˈesˈon ma ˈ ˈma.e ˈʃ]
/walker-NOM say-3SG.PRES COMP-3SG.NOM want-3SG.PRES crown-ACC COMP-3SG.NOM want-3SG.PRES
that.which COMP-3SG.NOM PASS trade-PAST by 3SG.GEN or 3SG.NOM FUT-retake-3SG khaleesi-ACC
3SG.NOM say-3SG.PRES COMP-3SG.NOM NEG FUT-retake-3SG prince-ACC 3SG.NOM say-3SG.PRES
COMP-3SG.NOM FUT-cut.out-3SG prince-ACC khaleesi-ABL and FUT-leave-3SG 3SG.ACC 2SG.FOR.ALL/
"The foreigner says that he wants a crown—that he wants what he traded for…or he
will take back the Khaleesi. He says that he won't take back the prince. He says that
he will cut the prince out of the Khaleesi and leave him to you."
Now Drogo to his bloodriders, letting them know to give Viserys what he wants.
Ánha vazhák maán rek me zála. Ánha vazhák maán firikhnharén hóshora ma
máhrazhi áqovi affín móri átihi máe! (d12.mp3)
[ˈan.ha va.ˈʒak ma.ˈan rek me ˈ ˈan.ha va.ˈʒak ma.ˈan fi.ɾix.nha.ˈɾen ˈho.ʃo.ɾa ma
ˈmah.ɾa.ʒi ˈ af.ˈfin ˈmo.ɾi ˈa.ti.hi ˈma.e]
/1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG 3SG.ALL that.which-ACC 3SG.NOM want-3SG.PRES 1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG
3SG.ALL crown-ACC gold-NNM.AGR and man-NOM.PL FUT-tremble-3PL when-ACC 3PL.NOM FUT-see-3PL
"I will give him what he wants. I will give him a golden crown and men will tremble
when they see it!"
Drogo quietly tells his bloodriders to take hold of Viserys.
Qóra máe. (d13.mp3)
[ˈqo.ɾa ˈma.e]
/seize-CMD.FRM 3SG.ACC/
"Take hold of him."
Drogo's command to the cook with the pot.
Ámmeni haz jolín! (d14.mp3)
[ˈ haz dʒo.ˈlin]
/empty-CMD.FRM that pot-ACC/
"Empty that pot!"
I have recorded the English line of Drogo's when he crowns Viserys. What I've recorded
is, "Crown? Here! Crown for king!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 78
Episodes 6 & 7: Drogo's Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Episode 6, Scene 11
When Drogo goes to Dany he says, "Khaleesi, khaleesi!" Here are a couple of other
things he might say (in addition to what's written).
Kháleesi! Kháleesi! (d1.mp3)
[ˈ ˈ]
/khaleesi-NOM khaleesi-NOM/
"Khaleesi! Khaleesi!"
Jalán átthirari ánni! (d2.mp3)
[dʒa.ˌlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˌ]
/moon-NOM life-GEN 1SG.GEN/
"Moon of my life!"
Mái rizhaán anhoón! (d3.mp3)
[ˈma.i ri.ʒa.ˈan an.ho.ˈon]
/mother-NOM son-ALL 1SG.ABL/
"Mother of my son!"
Lósho élaini! (d4.mp3)
[ˈlo.ʃo ˈ]
/container-NOM seed-GEN/
"Container of my seed!" (I.e. "Receptacle of my sperm!")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 79
Note: That last one seems a little crude even for the Dothraki, given the
circumstances, but I couldn't resist. Let it not be said that I'm not having
Episode 6, Scene 24
At the opening of the scene Drogo is joking with his bloodriders. Here are some
possible jokes.
Rizh ánni: Vezh fin Sája Rhaesheserés—ma dalén chioriés ákka! (d5.mp3)
[riʒ ˈ veʒ fin ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes ma da.ˈlen tʃi.o.ɾi.ˈes ˈak.ka]
/son-NOM 1SG.GEN stallion-NOM COMP mount-3SG.PRES world-ACC and thousand woman-ACC.PL
"My son: The Stallion who Mounts the World—and a thousand women as well!"
Hash yer tih khaleesiés? Me zíjervo vo rek zhorés! (d6.mp3)
[haʃ jer tihˈes me ˈzi.dʒeɾ.vo vo rek ʒo.ˈɾes]
/Q 2SG.NOM see-PAST khaleesi-ACC 3SG.NOM show.mercy-NEG.PAST NEG that heart-ACC/
"Did you see the khaleesi? She showed that heart no mercy!"
Jinák asshékh ásshekhi, me rizh ánni khal kháli! Azhás anhaán gavát! (d7.mp3)
[dʒi.ˈnak aʃ.ˈʃex ˈaʃ.ʃe.xi me riʒ ˈ xal ˈ a.ˈʒas an.ha.ˈan ga.ˈvat]
/this-NOM day-NOM day-GEN.PL and son-NOM 1SG.GEN khal-NOM khal-GEN.PL give-CMD 1SG.ALL meat-
"This is a day of days, and my son is the Khal of Khals! Give me meat!"
Hash yer char hakeés? Rháego! Rháego Rhaék! (d8.mp3)
[haʃ jer tʃarˈes ˈɾha.e.go ˈɾha.e.go ɾha.ˈek]
/Q 2SG.NOM hear-PAST name-ACC Rhaego-NOM Rhaego-NOM stud-NOM/
"Did you hear the name? Rhaego! Rhaego the Stud!"
Note: Daenerys names her son after Rhaegar, but in Dothraki, it sounds like
it's derived from the word rhae, which means "foot" or "leg". Rhaek, derived
from that stem, is a word that one uses to mean something like "jock" or
"stud". Of course, there are no sports in Dothraki culture, so it doesn't mean
what it means in English, but it has the same connotation. The phrase
Rhaego Rhaek, then, would be the equivalent of something like "Brock the
Jock" or "Hank the Tank" in English.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 80
Episode 6, Scene 24
Later on, Drogo makes a joke to his bloodriders about Viserys. This is that joke.
Tihás! Khal Rhaggát: Me ífa! Rháesi zin vos mhári, aa…?
[ti.ˈhas xal ɾhag.ˈgat me ˈi.fa ˈɾ zin vos ˈmha.ɾi a.ˈa]
/look-CMD khal-NOM cart-NOM 3SG.NOM walk-3SG.PRES feet-NOM.PL still NEG sore-3PL.NEG.PRES eh/
"Look! The Cart King: He walks! His feet aren't sore anymore, eh…?"
Tihás! Khal Rháe Mhar! Me ífa! (d9.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas xal ˈɾha.e mhar me ˈi.fa]
/look-CMD khal-NOM foot-NOM sore-NOM.AGR 3SG.NOM walk-3SG.PRES/
"Look! The Sorefoot King! He walks!"
Episode 6, Scene 24
Drogo tells Viserys where he can sit during the feast.
Névakhi vékha ha maán: Rékke, m'áresakea nórethi fítte. (d10.mp3)
[ˈ ˈve.xa ha ma.ˈan ˈ ˈma.ɾ ˈno.ɾe.θi ˈfit.te]
/seat-GEN exist-3SG.PRES for 3SG.ALL there-ACC with-coward-ALL.PL hair-GEN short/
"There is a place for him: There, with the short haired cowards."
Note: This is Drogo speaking to Irri to relay to Viserys. If you want him to
speak to Viserys directly, replace ha maán with ha yeraán.
Episode 6, Scene 24
I have recorded the English that Drogo speaks to Viserys. Unless you feel it's too short, I
would recommend the line be "You no king", rather than "You are no king" (in keeping
with Drogo's level of English. If you want him to be more fluent at this point, "You are
no king" is fine). (d11.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 81
Episode 6, Scene 24
Drogo to his bloodriders, letting them know to give Viserys what he wants. (My
apologies to Jason for the word for "crown".)
Ánha vazhák maán rek me zála. Ánha vazhák maán firikhnharén hóshora ma
máhrazhi áqovi affín móri átihi máe! (d12.mp3)
[ˈan.ha va.ˈʒak ma.ˈan rek me ˈ ˈan.ha va.ˈʒak ma.ˈan fi.ɾix.nha.ˈɾen ˈho.ʃo.ɾa ma
ˈmah.ɾa.ʒi ˈ af.ˈfin ˈmo.ɾi ˈa.ti.hi ˈma.e]
/1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG 3SG.ALL that.which-ACC 3SG.NOM want-3SG.PRES 1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG
3SG.ALL crown-ACC gold-NNM.AGR and man-NOM.PL FUT-tremble-3PL when-ACC 3PL.NOM FUT-see-3PL
"I will give him what he wants. I will give him a golden crown and men will tremble
when they see it!"
Episode 6, Scene 24
Drogo quietly tells his guards to take hold of Viserys.
Qóra máe. (d13.mp3)
[ˈqo.ɾa ˈma.e]
/seize-CMD.FRM 3SG.ACC/
"Take hold of him."
Episode 6, Scene 24
Drogo's command to the cook with the pot.
Ámmeni haz jolín! (d14.mp3)
[ˈ haz dʒo.ˈlin]
/empty-CMD.FRM that pot-ACC/
"Empty that pot!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 82
Episode 6, Scene 24
I have recorded the English line of Drogo's when he crowns Viserys. What I've recorded
is, "Crown? Here! Crown for king!"(d15.mp3)
Episode 7, Scene 6
Drogo and Dany arguing. I'll give all of Drogo's lines one right after another.
Vezh fin Sája Rhaesheserés vos zígereo adoroón shíqethi. (d16.mp3)
[vezh fin ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes vos ˈɾe.oɾo.ˈon ˈʃi.qe.θi]
/stallion-NOM that mount-3SG.PRES world-ACC NEG require-3SG.NEG.PRES chair-ABL iron-NNM.AGR/
"The Stallion who Mounts the World has no need of iron chairs."
Sorfosór nákha she Hávazzhifi Kázga. Vo hrazéf laz yóma evethíz. (d17.mp3)
[soɾ.fo.ˈsor ˈna.xa ʃe ˈha.vaʒ.ʒ ˈ vo hɾa.ˈzef laz ˈˈθiz]
/earth-NOM end-3SG.PRES at salt.sea-NOM black-NOM.AGR NEG horse-NOM can cross-3SG.PRES
"The land ends at the Black Salt Sea. No horse can cross the poison water."
Kísha vástoki vos alíkh hrázefi ído m'ádori shíqethi. (d18.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa ˈ vos a.ˈlix ˈhɾ ˈ ˈɾi ˈʃi.qe.θi]
/1PL.NOM FUT-speak-1PL.FUT NEG more-ACC horse-GEN wooden-NNM.AGR and chair-GEN iron-NNM/
"We will speak no more of wooden horses and iron chairs."
I've recorded Drogo saying, "Throne?" in English. (d19.mp3)
Khal vos zígereo adoroón ánevasoe maán. Me zígeree sajosoón dísse. (d20.mp3)
[xal vosɾe.oɾo.ˈon ˈ ma.ˈan me ˈɾe.e sa.dʒˈon ˈ]
/khal-NOM need-3SG.NEG.PRES chair-ABL FUT-sit.down-3SG 3SG.ALL 3SG.NOM need-3SG.PRES mount-ABL
"A khal does not need a chair to sit upon. He needs only a mount."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 83
Episode 7, Scene 21B
Dany approaches Drogo, his bloodriders and Jorah. As she approaches, Drogo and
Jorah are talking. This is likely to be just beyond her earshot, but here is some dialogue
for Drogo to speak to Jorah while Dany is approaching.
Majin sháfka ásti anhaán jin: Me jin jerák, jin…aresák rhaeshoón yom Havazzhifoón
Kázga kis ídde khaleesiés ma sewafikhoón, ma jin índeo nem ízze? (d21.mp3)
[ma.ˈdʒin ˈʃaf.ka ˈas.ti an.ha.ˈan dʒin me dʒin dʒe.ˈɾak dʒin a.ɾe.ˈsak ɾha.e.ʃo.ˈon jom
ha.vaʒ.ʒˈon ˈ kis ˈˈes maˈon ma dʒin ˈ nem
/ 2SG.FRM-NOM say-3PL.PRES 1SG.ALL this-ACC that this merchant-NOM this coward-NOM land-
ABL across salt.sea-ABL black-NNM.AGR try cause.drink-3SG.PAST khaleesi-ACC with wine-ABL and this
drink-NOM PASS poison-3SG.PAST/
"And so you tell me this: That this merchant, this…coward from the lands across the
Black Salt Sea tried to give wine to the Khaleesi, and that this drink was poisoned?"
Note: I made this intentionally wordy so that Jason could start saying it,
Dany could walk in, and it could be broken off. I can make it longer—or add
some dialogue for Jorah—if necessary.
Now we'll jump to later in the scene after Dany has arrived. She inquires about the lion,
and Drogo replies below. Their conversation continues thereafter.
Me chir fich ánna chiorikemaán máe. (d22.mp3)
[me tʃir fitʃ ˈ tʃi.o.ɾˈan ˈma.e]
/3SG.NOM almost take-PAST 1SG.ACC wife-ALL 3SG.GEN/
"He almost brought me to his wife."
Ánha amovék ha yeraán athqemmozár kheroón, zhey jalán átthirari ánni. (d23.mp3)
[ˈan.haˈvek ha je.ɾa.ˈan aθˈzar xe.ɾo.ˈon ʒej dʒa.ˈlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈ]
/1SG.NOM FUT-make-1SG for 2SG.ALL cloak-ACC hide-ABL VOC moon-NOM life-GEN 3SG.GEN/
"I will make for you a cloak of its skin, Moon of My Life."
Jóra Andáhli ast anhaán qísi melíkh. (d24.mp3)
[ˈdʒo.ɾa an.ˈ ast an.ha.ˈan ˈ me.ˈlix]
/Jorah Andahl-GEN say-PAST 1SG.ALL about occurrence-NOM/
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 84
"Jorah of the Andahls told me what happened." (Lit. "Jorah of the Andahls told me
about the occurrence.")
Jóra Andáhli… Sháfkea ánha asták jin: Ókki zhílle hrazéf fin állayafa sháfka
drogikhoón ánni. Me sháfki. Ánha asshilák jin azh sháfkea háji rekoón et sháfka.
[ˈdʒo.ɾa an.ˈ ˈʃ ˈan.ha as.ˈtak dʒin ˈ ˈʒil.le hɾa.ˈzef dɾˈon ˈ
me ˈʃ ˈan.ha aʃ.ʃi.ˈlak dʒin aʒ ˈʃ ˈha.dʒi re.ko.ˈon et ʃaf.ka]
/Jorah Andahl-GEN 2SG.FRM.ALL 1SG.NOM say-1SG.PRES this-NOM choose-CMD.FRM any horse-ACC
present-1SG.PRES this gift-ACC 2SG.FRM.ALL because.of COMP.ABL do-PAST 2SG.FRM.NOM/
"Jorah of the Andahls… To you I say this: Choose any horse you like from my herd.
It is yours. I make this gift to you for what you did."
Ma rizhaán ánni, Vezh fin Ásaja Rhaesheserés: Maán ánha valloshák azh ákka. Maán
ánha vazhák jin adór shíqethi finaán néva áve máisi máe. Ánha vazhák maán
Rhaeshís Andáhli. Ánha, zhey Drogo, aták jin. (d26.mp3)
[ma ri.ʒa.ˈan ˈ veʒ fin ˈʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes ma.ˈan ˈan.ha val.lo.ˈʃak aʒ ˈak.ka
ma.ˈan ˈan.ha va.ˈʒak dʒin a.ˈdor ˈʃi.qe.θiˈan ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈma.e ˈan.ha va.
ˈʒak ma.ˈan ɾha.e.ˈʃis an.ˈ ˈan.ha ʒej ˈdɾo.go a.ˈtak dʒin]
/and son-NOM 1SG.GEN stallion-NOM REL.NOM FUT-mount-3SG.PRES world-ACC 3SG.ALL 1SG.NOM FUT-
give-1SG gift-ACC also 3SG.ALL 1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG this chair-ACC iron-NNM.AGR REL.ALL sit-PAST
father-NOM mother-GEN 3SG.GEN 1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG 3SG.ALL land-ACC.PL andahl-GEN.PL 1SG.NOM
VOC Drogo-NOM FUT-do-1SG this-ACC/
"And to my son, the Stallion who will Mount the World: To him I will also pledge a
gift. To him I will give this iron chair upon which his mother's father sat. I will give
to him the Seven Kingdoms. I, Drogo, will do this."
Ánha vidrík khalasarés ánni jim, finnaán nákhoe rhaeshesér, majin adothrák hrazéf
ído yómme Hávazzhifi Kázga ven et vo khal avvós. Ánha vaddrivák mahrazhís fíni
óndee khogár shíqethi ma vohharák okrenegwín móri. Ánha aqorasók chioriés móri,
vazzafrók yal móri, ma afichák vojjór sámva Vaesaán Dothrák. Ki jíni ánha asták
asqóy, ánha, Drógo ki Bharbosi. Ki jíni ánha asták asqóy hatíf Máisi Krázaaji, kash
shíeraki vítihiri asavvasoón. (d27.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vi.ˈdɾikˈɾes ˈ dʒimˈan ˈna.xo.e ɾha.e.ʃe.ˈser ma.ˈdʒinˈθɾak hɾa.ˈzef ˈ ˈ ˈha.vaʒ.ʒ ˈ ven et vo xal av.ˈvos ˈan.ha
vad.dɾi.ˈvak ma.hɾa.ˈʒis ˈ ˈ xo.ˈgar ˈʃi.qe.θi ma voh.ha.ˈɾak o.kɾˈgwin
ˈmo.ɾi ˈan.ha a.qo.ɾa.ˈsok tʃi.o.ɾi.ˈes ˈmo.ɾiˈfɾok jal ˈmo.ɾi maˈtʃak vod.ˈdʒor
ˈˈan do.ˈθɾak ki ˈdʒ ˈan.ha as.ˈtak as.ˈqoj ˈan.ha ˈdɾo.go ki ˈbhaɾ
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 85
ki ˈdʒ ˈan.ha as.ˈtak as.ˈqoj ha.ˈtif ˈ ˈkɾʒi kaʃ ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈvi.ti.hi.ɾiˈon]
/1SG.NOM FUT-lead-1SG khalasar-ACC 1SG.GEN west where-ALL end-3SG.PRES world-NOM and.then
FUT-ride-1SG horse-ACC wooden-NNM.AGR across salt.sea-NOM black like do-PAST NEG khal-NOM never
1SG.NOM FUT-kill-1SG man-ACC.PL REL.NOM.PL wear-3SG.PRES suit-ACC iron-NNM.AGR and FUT-
destroy-1SG stone.tent-ACC 3PL.GEN 1SG.NOM FUT-claim-1SG woman-ACC.PL 3PL.GEN FUT-enslave-1SG
child-ACC.PL 3PL.GEN and FUT-take-1SG statue-ACC broken city-ALL Dothrak by this-GEN 1SG.NOM
say-1SG.PRES oath-ACC 1SG.NOM Drogo-NOM by Bharbho-GEN by this-GEN 1SG.NOM say-1SG.PRES oath-
ACC before mother-GEN mountain-GEN while star-NOM.PL watch-3PL.PRES sky-ABL/
"I will take my khalasar west, to where the world ends, and ride the wooden horses
across the Black Salt Sea, like no khal has done before. I will kill the men who wear
iron suits and tear down their stone houses. I will rape their women, take their
children as slaves and bring their broken gods to Vaes Dothrak. This I vow, I, Drogo
son of Bharbo. This I swear before the Mother of Mountains, as the stars witness
from the heavens."
Note: I'll note here that Drogo can pronounce Bhárbosi with either b's or v's
(i.e. as Vhárvosi). Having just recorded this, I can tell you it is a mouthful. I
recommend attacking it in chunks. The first two sentences will require a bit
of practice. The third and fourth sentences aren't too bad, and seem to read
rather easily, and the very last sentence just requires a little work. It's those
first two that require the most work.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 86
Episode 7: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Episode 7, Scene 6
Drogo and Dany arguing. The lines will be translated in the order they appear in the
Vezh fin Sája Rhaesheserés vos zígereo adoroón shíqethi. (d16.mp3)
[veʒ fin ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes vos ˈɾe.oɾo.ˈon ˈʃi.qe.θi]
/stallion-NOM that mount-3SG.PRES world-ACC NEG require-3SG.NEG.PRES chair-ABL iron-NNM.AGR/
"The Stallion who Mounts the World has no need of iron chairs."
K'ási ássikhqoyisiri, Vezh ádothrae nakhaán rháesheseri. (76_1.mp3)
[ˈ ˈɾi veʒ ˈθɾa.e na.xa.ˈan ˈɾha.e.ʃɾi]
/ prophecy-GEN stallion-NOM FUT-ride-3SG end-ALL earth-GEN/
"According to the prophecy, the Stallion will ride to the ends of the earth."
Sorfosór nákha she Hávazzhifi Kázga. Vo hrazéf laz yóma evethíz. (d17.mp3)
[soɾ.fo.ˈsor ˈna.xa ʃe ˈha.vaʒ.ʒ ˈ vo hɾa.ˈzef laz ˈˈθiz]
/earth-NOM end-3SG.PRES at salt.sea-NOM black-NOM.AGR NEG horse-NOM can cross-3SG.PRES
"The land ends at the Black Salt Sea. No horse can cross the poison water."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 87
Dalén rhaggát evéth ma ále vékhi she Váes Serís: Hrazéf Ído fíni óvethi yómme
havázh… (76_2.mp3)
[da.ˈlen ɾhag.ˈgat e.ˈveθ ma ˈa.le ˈve.xi ʃe ˈ se.ˈɾis hɾa.ˈzef ˈ ˈ ˈθi ˈ
/thousand cart-NOM water-NOM and more exist-3SG.PRES in city-NOM free-NOM.AGR horse-NOM
wooden-NOM.AGR REL.NOM.PL fly-3PL.PRES across sea-NOM/
"There are a thousand ships and more in the Free Cities: Wooden horses that fly
across the sea…"
Should be: rhággati évetha
Kísha vástoki vos alíkh hrázefi ído m'ádori shíqethi. (d18.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa ˈ vos a.ˈlix ˈhɾ ˈ ˈɾi ˈʃi.qe.θi]
/1PL.NOM FUT-speak-1PL.FUT NEG more-ACC horse-GEN wooden-NNM.AGR and chair-GEN iron-NNM/
"We will speak no more of wooden horses and iron chairs."
Me vos "adór", me…me… (76_3.mp3)
[me vos a.ˈdor me me]
"It's not a chair, it's a…"
I've recorded Drogo saying, "Throne?" in English. (d19.mp3)
Adór finaán khal névasoe. Che kháleesi. (76_4.mp3)
[a.ˈdorˈan xal ˈ tʃe ˈ]
/chair-NOM REL.ALL khal-NOM sit-3SG.PRES or khaleesi-NOM/
"A chair for a king to sit on. Or a queen."
Khal vos zígereo adoroón ánevasoe maán. Me zígeree sajosoón dísse. (d20.mp3)
[xal vosɾe.oɾo.ˈon ˈ ma.ˈan me ˈɾe.e sa.dʒˈon ˈ]
/khal-NOM need-3SG.NEG.PRES chair-ABL FUT-sit.down-3SG 3SG.ALL 3SG.NOM need-3SG.PRES mount-ABL
"A khal does not need a chair to sit upon. He needs only a mount."
Episode 7, Scene 7
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 88
The Western Market is likely to be abuzz with many different languages, including
Common. Here are some Dothraki items to throw in. It seems most likely, I should note,
that these will be foreign Dothraki speakers—fluent, no doubt, but foreign.
Kimíkh! Kimíkh ma zhorróf! Chof k'áthjilari! (77_1.mp3)
[ki.ˈmix ki.ˈmix ma ʒo.ˈrof tʃof ˈkaθɾi]
/date-NOM date-NOM and dig-NOM fresh by-truth-GEN/
"Dates! Dates and figs! Very fresh!"
Sérja! Sash ma laín! Sérja! Yer zígeree serj sásha ma láina! (77_2.mp3)
[ˈseɾ.dʒa saʃ ma la.ˈin ˈseɾ.dʒa jer ˈɾe.e seɾdʒ ˈsa.ʃa ma ˈ]
/vest-NOM new and stylish vest-NOM 2SG.NOM need-2SG.PRES vest-ACC new-NNM.AGR and stylish-
"Vests! New and stylish! Vests! You need a new and stylish vest!"
Fichós íme sásha! Me véssa atthirár yéri! (77_3.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃos ˈ ˈsa.ʃa me ˈ aθ.θi.ˈɾar ˈje.ɾi]
/get-COM.INFR belt-ACC new-NNM.AGR 3SG.NOM FUT-improve-3SG life-ACC 2SG.GEN/
"Buy a new belt! It will change your life!"
Fichós firíkh sásha che ánha némo addrivák! (77_4.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃos fi.ˈɾix ˈsa.ʃa tʃe ˈan.ha ˈ ad.dɾi.ˈvak]
/get-COM.INFR ring-ACC new-NNM.AGR or 1SG.NOM REFL FUT-kill-1SG/
"Buy a new ring or I'll kill myself!"
Éshina! Éshina chof! Éshina havazhoón! Éshina áshefasi! Jóma m'ággi! (77_5.mp3)
[ˈe.ʃ ˈe.ʃ tʃof ˈe.ʃʒo.ˈon ˈe.ʃ ˈa.ʃ ˈdʒ ˈ]
/fish-NOM fish-NOM fresh-NOM.AGR fish-NOM ocean-ABL fish-NOM river-ABL salmon-NOM and-catfish-
"Fish! Fresh fish! Ocean fish! River fish! Salmon and catfish!"
Yazh adavranáz! Yazh rhaeshoón ésina! Yazh athjolinaraán! Yazh adavranáz!
[jaʒ a.da.vɾa.ˈnaz jaʒ ɾha.e.ʃo.ˈon ˈ jaʒ aθɾa.ˈan jaʒ a.da.vɾa.ˈnaz]
/spice-NOM best-NOM.AGR spice-NOM land-ABL different-NNM.AGR spice-NOM cooking-ALL spice-NOM
"The best spices! Spices from different lands! Spices for cooking! The best spices!"
After an exchange with Jorah (the Spellsinger is actually from the Eastern Market, not
the Western Market), and a discussion with Doreah, Dany goes to the market to shop.
I'm not sure if any dialogue will be called for, but here is some, just in case.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 89
Ásti "Dáenerys"! Ásti máe: Dáenerys! A, zir erín! (77_7.mp3)
[ˈas.ti ˈɾis ˈas.ti ˈma.e ˈɾis a, zir e.ˈɾin]
/say-COM.FOR Daenerys say-COM.FOR 3SG.ACC eh bird-NOM good-NOM.AGR/
"Say 'Daenerys'! Say it: Daenerys! Ah, good bird!"
Notes: For the Birdseller.
Ázho ha yeraán, zhey Írri. (77_8.mp3)
[ˈa.ʒo ha je.ɾa.ˈan ʒej ˈi.ri]
/gift-NOM for 2SG.ALL VOC Irri/
"A gift for you, Irri."
Notes: For when Dany is giving gifts. Replace Irri with whomever.
Ash! Eeeee! (77_9.mp3)
[ˈaʃ ˈeeeee]
/ooh ahh/
"Oooh! Ahhh!"
Laín! (77_10.mp3)
Ánha zalák áte hazoón! (77_11.mp3)
[ˈan.ha za.ˈlak ˈa.te ha.zo.ˈon]
/1SG.NOM want-1SG.PRES one-ACC that-ABL/
"I want one of those!"
Notes: Random various bits for the montage. If you'd like something
specific, just shoot me an e-mail; this is easy to do on the spot.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 90
Next come the wine merchant's lines. First will be his initial spiel, then his words to
Vírzetha gizikhvén! Vírzethi gízikhvena vékha m'anhoón Lisoón, Volantisoón ma
Halahisiroón! Sovíkh Tirósh! Jélavena Ándahloa! Mra qóra! Mra qóra! (77_12.mp3)
[ˈviɾ.ze.θa gi.zix.ˈven ˈviɾ.ze.θi ˈ ˈve.xa man.ho.ˈonˈonˈon
maɾo.ˈon so.ˈvix ti.ˈɾoʃ ˈdʒ ˈan.dah.lo.a mɾa ˈqo.ɾa mɾa ˈqo.ɾa]
/red-NOM sour-NOM.AGR red-GEN sour-NNM.AGR exist-3SG.PRES with-1SG.ABL Lys-ABL Volantis-ABL
and Arbor-ABL pear.brandy-NOM Tyrosh-NOM.AGR sour-NOM Andahl-ABL.PL in hand-NOM in hand-
"Sweet reds! I have sweet reds from Lys, from Volantis and from the Arbor! Tyroshi
pear brandy! Andahlish sours! I have them! I have them!"
Lákhi ha khaleesisaán? M'anhoón vékha vírzethi gízikhvena Dornoón, zhey erinák.
At lákhi ma sháfka áhakee yal sháfki ma hakesoón ánni. (77_13.mp3)
[ˈla.xi haˈan man.ho.ˈon ˈve.xa ˈviɾ.ze.θi ˈ doɾ.no.ˈon ʒej e.ɾi.
ˈnak at ˈla.xi ma ʃaf.ka ˈ jal ʃ maˈon ˈ]
/taste-NOM for khaleesi-ALL with-1SG.ABL exist-3SG.PRES red-GEN sweet-NNM.AGR Dorne-ABL VOC one taste-NOM and 2SG.FOR.NOM FUT-name-3SG child-ACC 2SG.FOR.GEN with name-ABL
"A taste for the Khaleesi? I have a sweet red from Dorne, kind one. One taste and
you will name your child after me."
Then there is some conversation in Common. This goes on to the point where Jorah
instructs Aggo to put down the cask of poison wine. Jorah's line is below.
Ággo: Ázzohi haz khógare. (77_14.mp3)
[ˈag.go az.zo.ˈhas haz ˈɾe]
/Aggo-NOM put.down-COM.FOR that cask-ACC/
"Aggo: Put down that cask."
Episode 7, Scene 21A
A short scene between Dany and Irri. Below is the scene in chronological order.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 91
Kháleesi? (721A_1.mp3)
Khaleesi, vos! Qórasi! (721A_2.mp3)
[ˈ vos ˈqo.ɾ]
/khaleesi-NOM NEG hand-NOM.PL/
"Khaleesi, no! Your hands!"
Notes: This is something for Irri to say when she sees Dany grabbing the
egg in the fire. If this is too long, Vos! works fine.
Yer zísi. (721A_3.mp3)
[jer ˈ]
/2SG.NOM hurt-2SG.PRES/
"You're hurt."
Khal zála sháfka… (721A_4.mp3)
[xal ˈ ˈʃaf.ka]
/khal-NOM want-3SG.PRES 2SG.FOR.ACC/
"The Khal wants you…"
Episode 7, Scene 21B
Dany approaches Drogo, his bloodriders and Jorah. As she approaches, Drogo and
Jorah are talking. This is likely to be just beyond her earshot, but here is some dialogue
for Drogo to speak to Jorah while Dany is approaching.
Majin sháfka ásti anhaán jin: Me jin jerák, jin…aresák rhaeshoón yom Havazzhifoón
Kázga kis ídde khaleesiés ma sewafikhoón, ma jin índeo nem ízze? (d21.mp3)
[ma.ˈdʒin ˈʃaf.ka ˈas.ti an.ha.ˈan dʒin me dʒin dʒe.ˈɾak dʒin a.ɾe.ˈsak ɾha.e.ʃo.ˈon jom
ha.vaʒ.ʒˈon ˈ kis ˈˈes maˈon ma dʒin ˈ nem
/ 2SG.FRM-NOM say-3PL.PRES 1SG.ALL this-ACC that this merchant-NOM this coward-NOM land-
ABL across salt.sea-ABL black-NNM.AGR try cause.drink-PAST khaleesi-ACC with wine-ABL and this
drink-NOM PASS poison-PAST/
"And so you tell me this: That this merchant, this…coward from the lands across the
Black Salt Sea tried to give wine to the Khaleesi, and that this drink was poisoned?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 92
Note: I made this intentionally wordy so that Jason could start saying it,
Dany could walk in, and it could be broken off. I can make it longer—or add
some dialogue for Jorah—if necessary.
Dany arrives and sees the lion.
Yer fich anhaán hrakkarés. (721B_1.mp3)
[jer fitʃ an.ha.ˈan hɾak.ka.ˈɾes]
/2SG.NOM bring-PAST 1SG.ALL lion-ACC/
"You brought me a lion."
Drogo responds and continues below.
Me chir fich chiorikemaán máe. (d22.mp3)
[me tʃir fitʃ tʃi.o.ɾˈan ˈma.e]
/3SG.NOM almost take-PAST wife-ALL 3SG.GEN/
"He almost brought me to his wife."
Ánha amovék ha yeraán athqemmozár kheroón, zhey jalán átthirari ánni. (d23.mp3)
[ˈan.haˈvek ha je.ɾa.ˈan aθˈzar xe.ɾo.ˈon ʒej dʒa.ˈlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈ]
/1SG.NOM FUT-make-1SG for 2SG.ALL cloak-ACC hide-ABL VOC moon-NOM life-GEN 3SG.GEN/
"I will make for you a cloak of its skin, Moon of My Life."
Jóra Andáhli ast anhaán qísi melíkh. (d24.mp3)
[ˈdʒo.ɾa an.ˈ ast an.ha.ˈan ˈ me.ˈlix]
/Jorah Andahl-GEN say-PAST 1SG.ALL about occurrence-NOM/
"Jorah of the Andahls told me what happened." (Lit. "Jorah of the Andahls told me
about the occurrence.")
Here Jorah adds a bit.
Jin izikhák atakoón, vósma me vos nakhokaán. Mahrázh ádrivoe h'athserofaraán.
[dʒin i.zi.ˈxak a.ta.ko.ˈon ˈ me vos na.xo.ka.ˈan ma.ˈhɾaʒ ˈa.dɾi.vo.e
/2SG.NOM bring-PAST 1SG.ALL lion-ACC/
"This poisoner was the first, but he will not be the last. A man will die for a
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 93
Then Drogo continues.
Jóra Andáhli… Sháfkea ánha asták jin: Ókki zhílle hrazéf fin állayafa sháfka
drogikhoón ánni. Me sháfki. Ánha asshilák jin azh sháfkea háji rekoón et sháfka.
[ˈdʒo.ɾa an.ˈ ˈʃ ˈan.ha as.ˈtak dʒin ˈ ˈʒil.le hɾa.ˈzef dɾˈon ˈ
me ˈʃ ˈan.ha aʃ.ʃi.ˈlak dʒin aʒ ˈʃ ˈha.dʒi re.ko.ˈon et ʃaf.ka]
/Jorah Andahl-GEN 2SG.FRM.ALL 1SG.NOM say-1SG.PRES this-NOM choose-CMD.FRM any horse-ACC
present-1SG.PRES this gift-ACC 2SG.FRM.ALL because.of COMP.ABL do-PAST 2SG.FRM.NOM/
"Jorah of the Andahls… To you I say this: Choose any horse you like from my herd.
It is yours. I make this gift to you for what you did."
Ma rizhaán ánni, Vezh fíni Ásaja Rhaesheserés: Maán ánha valloshák azh ákka.
Maán ánha vazhák jin adór shíqethi finaán néva áve máisi máe. Ánha vazhák maán
Rhaeshís Andáhli. Ánha, zhey Drogo, aták jin. (d26.mp3)
[ma ri.ʒa.ˈan ˈ veʒ ˈ ˈʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes ma.ˈan ˈan.ha val.lo.ˈʃak aʒ ˈak.ka
ma.ˈan ˈan.ha va.ˈʒak dʒin a.ˈdor ˈʃi.qe.θiˈan ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈma.e ˈan.ha
va.ˈʒak ma.ˈan ɾha.e.ˈʃis an.ˈ ˈan.ha ʒej ˈdɾo.go a.ˈtak dʒin]
/and son-NOM 1SG.GEN stallion-NOM REL.NOM FUT-mount-3SG.PRES world-ACC 3SG.ALL 1SG.NOM FUT-
give-1SG gift-ACC also 3SG.ALL 1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG this chair-ACC iron-NNM.AGR REL.ALL sit-PAST
father-NOM mother-GEN 3SG.GEN 1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG 3SG.ALL land-ACC.PL andahl-GEN.PL 1SG.NOM
VOC Drogo-NOM FUT-do-1SG this-ACC/
"And to my son, the Stallion who will Mount the World: To him I will also pledge a
gift. To him I will give this iron chair upon which his mother's father sat. I will give
to him the Seven Kingdoms. I, Drogo, will do this."
Ánha vidrík khalasarés ánni jim, finnaán nákhoe rhaeshesér, majin adothrák hrazéf
ído yómme Hávazzhifi Kázga ven et vo khal avvós. Ánha vaddrivák mahrazhís fíni
óndee khogár shíqethi ma vohharák okrenegwín móri. Ánha aqorasók chioriés móri,
vazzafrók yal móri, ma afichák vojjór sámva Vaesaán Dothrák. Ki jíni ánha asták
asqóy, ánha, Drógo ki Bharbosi. Ki jíni ánha asták asqóy hatíf Máisi Krázaaji, kash
shíeraki vítihiri asavvasoón. (d27.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vi.ˈdɾikˈɾes ˈ dʒimˈan ˈna.xo.e ɾha.e.ʃe.ˈser ma.ˈdʒinˈθɾak hɾa.ˈzef ˈ ˈ ˈha.vaʒ.ʒ ˈ ven et vo xal av.ˈvos ˈan.ha
vad.dɾi.ˈvak ma.hɾa.ˈʒis ˈ ˈ xo.ˈgar ˈʃi.qe.θi ma voh.ha.ˈɾak o.kɾˈgwin
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 94
ˈmo.ɾi ˈan.ha a.qo.ɾa.ˈsok tʃi.o.ɾi.ˈes ˈmo.ɾiˈfɾok jal ˈmo.ɾi maˈtʃak vod.ˈdʒor
ˈˈan do.ˈθɾak ki ˈdʒ ˈan.ha as.ˈtak as.ˈqoj ˈan.ha ˈdɾo.go ki ˈbhaɾ
ki ˈdʒ ˈan.ha as.ˈtak as.ˈqoj ha.ˈtif ˈ ˈkɾʒi kaʃ ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈvi.ti.hi.ɾiˈon]
/1SG.NOM FUT-lead-1SG khalasar-ACC 1SG.GEN west where-ALL end-3SG.PRES world-NOM and.then
FUT-ride-1SG horse-ACC wooden-NNM.AGR across salt.sea-NOM black like do-PAST NEG khal-NOM never
1SG.NOM FUT-kill-1SG man-ACC.PL REL.NOM.PL wear-3SG.PRES suit-ACC iron-NNM.AGR and FUT-
destroy-1SG stone.tent-ACC 3PL.GEN 1SG.NOM FUT-claim-1SG woman-ACC.PL 3PL.GEN FUT-enslave-1SG
child-ACC.PL 3PL.GEN and FUT-take-1SG statue-ACC broken city-ALL Dothrak by this-GEN 1SG.NOM
say-1SG.PRES oath-ACC 1SG.NOM Drogo-NOM by Bharbho-GEN by this-GEN 1SG.NOM say-1SG.PRES oath-
ACC before mother-GEN mountain-GEN while star-NOM.PL watch-3PL.PRES sky-ABL/
"I will take my khalasar west, to where the world ends, and ride the wooden horses
across the Black Salt Sea, like no khal has done before. I will kill the men who wear
iron suits and tear down their stone houses. I will rape their women, take their
children as slaves and bring their broken gods to Vaes Dothrak. This I vow, I, Drogo
son of Bharbo. This I swear before the Mother of Mountains, as the stars witness
from the heavens."
Note: I'll note here that Drogo can pronounce Bhárbosi with either b's or v's
(i.e. as Vhárvosi).
Regarding the Dothraki shouting their allegiance. When English speakers naturally
shout their assent, they usually say, "Yeah!" That's not very Dothraki. Here are some
options for what the Dothraki can shout (ranging from the simple to the more complex).
Ai! (721B_3.mp3)
Note: This is a nice open vowel that can be held for a long time while
shouting and be repeated easily. It's used to assent to a command, so it
doesn't make complete sense here, but it's a nice option for a big crowd.
Qoy! (721B_4.mp3)
Note: Now this I like! Drogo's basically threatening Westeros with doom, so
shouting "Blood!" in response seems quite appropriate. Even though this
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 95
one does begin with the difficult q, when there's a bunch of actors shouting,
one's not likely to hear the difference between that and k, and there's a nice
long, rounded vowel after it which can be held for awhile.
Háji khalaán! (721B_5.mp3)
/because.of khal-ALL/
"For the Khal!"
Note: This one, and those to follow, are a bit more complex for a shout—
perhaps something individuals can shout out if you want different crowd
members shouting different things.
Háji Drogosaán! (721B_6.mp3)
[ˈha.dʒi dɾˈan]
/because.of Drogo-ALL/
"For Drogo!"
Athdrivár! (721B_7.mp3)
Athchekár! (721B_8.mp3)
Episode 7, Scene 21C
Zhogo's line regarding the wine merchant.
Ánha tih mahrazhés fíni kash chakát karlín. (721C_1.mp3)
[ˈan.ha tih ma.hɾa.ˈʒes ˈ kaʃ tʃa.ˈkat kaɾ.ˈlin]
/1SG.NOM see-PAST man-ACC REL.NOM last-PAST twenty mile-ACC/
"I've seen a man last twenty miles."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 96
Note: A karlina is the Dothraki equivalent of a mile. It's imprecise, but it's
probably longer than a mile (between one and two miles—equivalent to
how far a horse can gallop without having to slow to rest). If you want, you
can change the subtitles to reflect this (so twenty karlina is probably
twenty-five or so miles), but it's not important (e.g. I'm fine with "twenty
kilometers" being the equivalent of "twenty miles" so long as I'm not the one
running it).
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 97
New Episode 7 Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Episode 7, Scene 6
Drogo's last line is "The land ends at the Black Salt Sea. No horse can cross the poison
water." The next line is Dany's.
Sorfosór nákho vosécchi she havázh. Sáni sórfi vékha yómme havázh. Sórfo áthyolari
ánni. (n76_1.mp3)
[soɾ.fo.ˈsor ˈna.xo vo.ˈset.tʃi ʃe ha.ˈvaʒ ˈ ˈsoɾ.fi ˈve.xa ˈ ha.ˈvaʒ ˈsoɾ.fo
/earth-NOM end-3SG.PRES.NEG NEG.EMPH on sea-NOM lot-GEN dirt-GEN exist-3SG.PRES across sea-NOM
dirt-NOM birth-GEN 1SG.GEN/
"The earth does not end at the sea. There are many dirts beyond the sea. The dirt of
my birth."
Vos "sórfo": Rháeshi. (n76_2.mp3)
[vos ˈsoɾ.fo ˈɾha.e.ʃi]
/NEG dirt-NOM land-NOM.PL/
"Not 'dirts': Lands."
Rháeshi, sek… (n76_3.mp3)
[ˈɾha.e.ʃi sek]
"Lands, yes…"
At this point, it returns to Dany's dialogue, where she says, "There are a thousand ships
and more in the Free Cities."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 98
Episode 8: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Episode 8, Scene 26
The scene opens and it's noted that we see the city being sacked from afar, but just in
case you need someone to scream something out, here are some screamable phrases.
Drivós! (826_1.mp3)
Virsás! (826_2.mp3)
Lanós! (826_3.mp3)
"Don't run!"
Haésh rákhi vos yómi vosécchi ashefaés. Jíni nem nésa. (826_4.mp3)
[ha.ˈeʃ ˈra.xi vos ˈjo.mi vo.ˈset.tʃi a.ʃe.fa.ˈes ˈdʒ nem ˈ]
/spawn-NOM lamb-GEN NEG cross-3PL.NEG.PRES NEG.EMPH river-ACC this-NOM PASS know-3SG/
"The Lamb Men are never to cross the river. This is known."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 99
Haésh rákhi dávrae zafraán. Khal Drógo ádroga móra jim che Meereenaán che
Yunkayaán, zhey kháleesi. Me vázhoe móra ázzafrokea, majín ázzafroki vázhi
kishaán ma hoshór ma tasókh ma tawakóf. (826_5.mp3)
[ha.ˈeʃ ˈra.xi ˈda.vɾa.e za.fɾa.ˈan xal ˈdɾo.go ˈa.dɾ ˈmo.ɾa dʒim tʃe me.e.ɾˈan tʃe
juŋ.ka.ja.ˈan ʒej ˈ me ˈva.ʒo.e ˈmo.ɾa ˈɾ ma.ˈdʒin ˈɾ ˈva.ʒi
ki.ʃa.ˈan ma ho.ˈʃor ma ta.ˈsox ma ta.wa.ˈkof]
/spawn-NOM lamb-GEN be.useful-3SG.PRES slave-ALL khal-NOM Drogo-NOM FUT-drive-3SG 3PL.ACC
west or Meereen-ALL or Yunkai-ALL VOC Khaleesi-NOM 3SG.NOM FUT-gift-3SG 3PL.ACC slaver-ALL.PL
and slaver-NOM.PL FUT-give-3PL 1PL.ALL and gold-ACC and silk-ACC and steel-ACC/
"Lamb Men make good slaves. Khal Drogo will drive them west to Meereen or
Yunkai, khaleesi. He will make a gift of them to the slavers, and the slavers will give
us gold and silk and steel."
Episode 8, Scene 27
Here is some dialogue that can be used in this background scene. The dialogue will be
in two parts. First will be lines for the men rounding up the victims. Second will be
dialogue for the women squabbling over their spoils.
Es! Es! (827_1.mp3)
[es es]
"Go! Move!"
Hosh! (827_2.mp3)
"Move it!"
Notes: Very insulting. This is a command given only to a horse or other herd
Acchakás hosk! (827_3.mp3)
[at.tʃa.ˈkas hosk]
/silence-COM.INFR snout-ACC/
"Shut your mouth!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 100
Ifás, zhey oqeták! (827_4.mp3)
[i.ˈfas ʒej o.qe.ˈtak]
"Walk, sheep man!"
Hash yer átihi ánna, hash ánha addrivák yéra, zhey záfra! (827_5.mp3)
[haʃ jer ˈa.ti.hi ˈ haʃ ˈan.ha ad.dɾi.ˈvak ˈje.ɾa ʒej ˈza.fra]
/if 2SG.NOM 1SG.ACC if 1SG.NOM FUT-kill-1SG 2SG.ACC VOC slave-NOM/
"If you look at me, I'll kill you, slave!"
Now for the looting women. (As always, let me know if more is needed.)
Eqorasás máe! (827_6.mp3)
[e.qo.ɾa.ˈsas ˈma.e]
/release-COM.INFR 3SG.ACC/
"Let it go!"
Vosécchi! Me ánni! (827_7.mp3)
[vo.ˈset.tʃi me ˈ]
"No! It's mine!"
Mahrázh ánni addrív máe! Tawakóf máe ánni! (827_8.mp3)
[ma.ˈhɾaʒ ˈ ad.ˈdɾiv ˈmae ta.wa.ˈkof ˈma.e ˈ]
/man-NOM 1SG.GEN kill-PAST 3SG.ACC steel-NOM 3SG.GEN 1SG.GEN/
"My man killed him! His steel is mine!"
Arákh máhrazhi yéri ven flech ven hrélki díwe! (827_9.mp3)
[a.ˈɾax ˈma.hɾa.ʒi ˈje.ɾi ven fletʃ ven ˈhɾ ˈdi.we]
/arakh-NOM man-GEN 2SG.GEN as dull-NOM.AGR as mushroom-NOM wet-NOM.AGR/
"Your man's arakh is as dull as a wet mushroom!"
Chakás, gech! (827_10.mp3)
[tʃa.ˈkas getʃ]
/silence-COM.INFR hole-NOM/
"Shut up, bitch!"
Notes: Quite a bit nastier than that, actually.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 101
Episode 8, Scene 28
In case something is wanted for the Dothraki who are pulling down the statue,
something like this should serve.
Kartás! (828_1.mp3)
Now for Zhogo and Dany's dialogue.
Me vafík, zhey kháleesi. Dóthraki chómoe máe. Hash athlaqár máe zíreyesee
khaleesiés, hash ánha afichák sháfkea lekh moón. (828_2.mp3)
[me va.ˈfik ʒej ˈ ˈdo.θɾ ˈtʃ ˈma.e haʃ aθ.la.ˈqar ˈma.e ˈzi.ɾˈes haʃ ˈan.haˈtʃak ˈʃ lex mo.ˈon]
/3SG.NOM lamb.person-NOM VOC khaleesi-NOM rider-NOM.PL do.honor-3SG.PRES 3SG.ACC if
wailing-NOM 3SG.GEN offend-3SG.PRES khaleesi-ACC if 1SG.NOM FUT-get-1SG 2SG.FRM.ALL tongue-ACC
"She is a lamb girl, Khaleesi. The riders do her honor. If her wailing offends the
khaleesi, I will bring you her tongue."
Ti máe k'ási ánni, che Khal Drógo ánesa velzeríkh. (828_3.mp3)
[ti ˈma.e ˈ ˈ tʃe xal ˈdɾo.go ˈ vel.ze.ˈɾix]
/do-COM.FRM 3SG.ACC by-command-GEN or khal-NOM Drogo-NOM FUT-know-3SG excuse-ACC/
"Do as I say, or Khal Drogo will know the reason why." (Lit. "Do it by my word, or
Khal Drogo will know the excuse.")
There's certain to be some dialogue here, but I'm not sure how much. I've given some
lines to the rapists, and a possible line for Zhogo.
Fin ti, hlefák! (828_4.mp3)
[fin ti hle.ˈfak]
/Q do-2SG.PRES eunuch-NOM/
"What are you doing, fucker!" (Lit. "What are you doing, eunuch!")
Me ánni! (828_5.mp3)
[me ˈ]
"She's mine!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 102
Fichás áte ha yeraán! (828_6.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃas ˈa.te ha je.ɾa.ˈan]
/get-COM.INFR one-ACC for-2SG.ALL/
"Get your own!"
Ánha ray vos nakhók! (828_7.mp3)
[ˈan.ha raj vos na.ˈxok]
/1SG.NOM already NEG finish-1SG.PRES/
"I'm not finished yet!"
Ánha qorasók jin groqekés! K'ási fíni hash yer nákhoe ánna? (828_8.mp3)
[ˈan.ha qo.ɾa.ˈsok dʒin gɾo.qe.ˈkes ˈ ˈ haʃ jer ˈna.xo.e ˈ]
/1SG.NOM claim-1SG.PRES this by-word-GEN who-GEN Q 2SG.NOM stop-2SG.PRES
"I claim this ugly wench! By whose authority do you stop me?"
This is where Zhogo points. To accompany that, he might say the following.
K'ási kháleesisi. (828_9.mp3)
[me ˈ]
/by-word-GEN khaleesi-GEN/
"By the authority of the Khaleesi."
Then if you want the bounding rapist to say something.
Vo chíori ássoe ánna! (828_10.mp3)
[me ˈ]
/by-word-GEN khaleesi-GEN/
"No woman orders me!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 103
Episode 8, Scene 29
We come in to find Mago complaining to Khal Drogo. Here is his complaining.
Kháleesi fich gech tórga anhoón! Jin me et kash ánha jos! Ánha híle yash! Ánha vos
afachák vosécchi jin tikh! Me fáti! Kháleesi vázha anhaán qorasókh ánni, che ánha
afichák máe m'arakhoón ánni! Jíni athvilajerár! (829_1.mp3)
[ˈ fitʃ getʃ ˈtoɾ.ga an.ho.ˈon dʒin me et kaʃ ˈan.ha dʒos ˈan.ha ˈhi.le jaʃ ˈan.ha
vos a.fa.ˈtʃak vo.ˈset.tʃi dʒin tix me ˈfa.ti ˈ ˈva.ʒa an.ha.ˈan qo.ɾa.ˈsox ˈ tʃe
ˈan.haˈtʃak ˈma.e ma.ɾa.xo.ˈon ˈ ˈdʒ aθʒe.ˈɾar]
/khaleesi-NOM take-PAST hole-ACC under 1SG.ABL this-ACC 3SG.NOM do-PAST while 1SG.NOM
thrust-PAST 1SG.NOM dig-PAST air-ACC 1SG.NOM NEG FUT-nod-1SG NEG.EMPH this act-ACC 3SG.NOM
insult-NOM khaleesi-NOM FUT-give-3SG 1SG.ALL prize-ACC 1SG.GEN or 1SG.NOM FUT-take-1SG 3SG.ACC
with-arakh-ABL 1SG.GEN this-NOM war-NOM/
"The Khaleesi took my bitch right from under me! She did this mid-thrust! I was
fucking the air! I will not stand for this! It's an insult! The Khaleesi will give me my
spoils, or I will take them with my arakh! This is war!"
Probably should've been móra.
Now for the scripted dialogue. First is Drogo's first line then his continuation.
Zhey jalán átthirari ánni, jinák Mágo, fíni dóthrae ma khasoón Kósi Zháqo.
[ʒej dʒa.ˈlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈ dʒi.ˈnak ˈma.go fin ˈdo.θɾa.e maˈon ˈ ˈʒa.qo]
/VOC moon-NOM life-GEN 1SG.GEN this-NOM Mago-NOM REL.NOM ride-3SG.PRES with khas-ABL ko-GEN
"Moon of my life, this is Mago, who rides with the khas of Ko Zhaqo."
Me ásta mesháfka fich qorasókh máe: óhara háeshi rákhi fin qóraso me ásaja máe.
Ásti anhaán hash jíni jíla. (829_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ aθʒe.ˈɾar dʒin ˈtʃi.o.ɾ ˈza.fɾa ad.ˈdʒin ma.ˈdʒin ˈki.ʃa ˈ ˈmo.ɾe.a
ven me ˈ ˈki.ʃa]
/this-NOM war-NOM this woman-NOM.PL slave-NOM now and 1PL.NOM FUT-do-1PL 3PL.ALL as
3SG.NOM FUT-please-3SG 1PL.ACC/
"He says that you took his spoils, a daughter of the Lamb Men who was his to
mount. Tell me if this is so."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 104
Now Dany replies.
Mágo ásta k'áthjilari, zhey shekh ma shíeraki ánni. Ánha ray qóraso san óhari
asshékh, majín móri nem vos ósaji. (829_4.mp3)
[ˈma.go ˈas.ta ˈkaθ.dʒɾi ʒej ʃex ma ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈ ˈan.ha raj ˈqo.ɾ san ˈo.ha.ɾi
aʃ.ˈʃex ma.ˈdʒin ˈmo.ɾi nem vos ˈʒi]
/Mago-NOM say-3SG.PRES by-rightness-GEN VOC sun-NOM ma star-NOM.PL 1SG.GEN 1SG.NOM already
claim-PAST many daughter-GEN today-ACC and 3PL.NOM PASS NEG FUT.NEG-mount-3PL/
"Mago speaks truly, my sun and stars. I have claimed many daughters this day, so
they might not be mounted."
Drogo is puzzled by this and replies.
Jíni athvilajerár. Jin chíorisi záfra ajjín, majín kísha átaki mórea ven me vállayafa
kísha. (829_5.mp3)
[ˈdʒ aθʒe.ˈɾar dʒin ˈtʃi.o.ɾ ˈza.fɾa ad.ˈdʒin ma.ˈdʒin ˈki.ʃa ˈ ˈmo.ɾe.a
ven me ˈ ˈki.ʃa]
/this-NOM war-NOM this woman-NOM.PL slave-NOM now and 1PL.NOM FUT-do-1PL 3PL.ALL as
3SG.NOM FUT-please-3SG 1PL.ACC/
"This is war. These women are slaves now, and we will do with them as pleases us."
Then Dany replies.
Ánha nem allayafák vassandík móra. Hash dóthraki sháfki'th sáji móra, hash móri
jif kémoe ma móroa. Ázhi mórea nevákh she khalasár majín móri váyyoli sháfkea
rizhés. (829_6.mp3)
[ˈan.ha nemˈfak vas.san.ˈdik ˈmo.ɾa haʃ ˈdo.θɾ ˈʃaf.kiθ ˈsa.dʒi ˈmo.ɾa haʃ
ˈmo.ɾa dʒif ˈ ma ˈmo.ɾo.a ˈa.ʒi ˈmo.ɾe.a ne.ˈvax ʃeˈsar ma.ˈdʒin ˈmo.ɾi
ˈ ˈʃ ri.ˈʒes]
/1SG.NOM PASS please-1SG.PRES FUT-secure-1SG 3PL.ACC of rider-NOM.PL 2SG.FRM.GEN must
mount-3PL.PRES 3PL.ACC if 3PL.NOM should marry-3PL.PRES with 3PL.ABL give-COM.FRM 3PL.ALL place-
ACC in khalasar-NOM and FUT-bear-3PL 2PL.FRM.ALL son-ACC.PL/
"It pleases me to ensure their safety. If your riders wish to mount them, let them take
them as wives. Give them a place in the khalasar and let them bear you sons." (Lit. "I
am pleased to secure them. If your riders must mount them, then they should marry
them. Give them a place in the khalasar, and then they will bear you sons.")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 105
And now Qotho's retort.
Hash hrazéf góva vaf?! (829_7.mp3)
[haʃ hɾa.ˈzef ˈ vaf]
/Q horse-NOM mate.with-3SG.PRES lamb-ACC/
"Does the horse mate with the lamb?!"
Drogo laughs and says the following.
Zhavvórsa vádakhera ma hrazéf ma vaf ákkate. (829_8.mp3)
[ʒav.ˈvoɾ.sa ˈva.da.xe.ɾa ma hɾa.ˈzef ma vaf ˈak.ka.te]
/dragon-NOM feed-3SG.PRES and horse-ACC and lamb-ACC both/
"The dragon feeds on horse and lamb alike."
Tíhi kífinosi me ívezhofoe! Hazák rizh ánni mra me: Vezh fíni Ásaja Rhaesheserés,
fíni nírra máe vorsasoón máe. Zhey Mágo, ánha acharák vos ále. Ezás éshna gech
áhilee. (829_9.mp3)
[ˈti.hi ˈ me ˈʒ ha.ˈzak riʒ ˈ mɾa me veʒ ˈ ˈʒa ɾha.e.ʃ
ˈɾes ˈ ˈni.ra ˈma.e voɾˈon ˈma.e ʒej ma.go ˈan.ha a.tʃa.ˈɾak vos ˈa.le e.ˈzas ˈeʃ.na
getʃ ˈa.hi.le.e]
/see-COM.FRM how 3SG.NOM grow.fierce-3SG.PRES that-NOM son-NOM 1SG.GEN in 3SG.NOM stallion-
NOM REL.NOM FUT-mount-3SG world-ACC REL.NOM fill-3SG.PRES 3SG.ACC fire-ABL 3SG.GEN VOC Mago-
NOM 1SG.NOM FUT-hear-1SG NEG more find-COM.INFR another hole-ACC FUT-dig-2SG/
"See how fierce she grows? That is my son inside her, the Stallion who will Mount
the World, filling her with his fire. Mago, I will hear no more. Find somewhere else
to stick your cock." (Lit. "See how she grows fierce! That is my son inside her: The
Stallion who will Mount the World, who fills her with his fire. Mago, I will hear no
more. Find another hole to dig.")
Then Qotho stalks away, and Dany notices Drogo's gaping wound.
Shekh ma shíeraki ánni zísa… (829_10.mp3)
[ʃex ma ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈ ˈ]
/sun-NOM and star-NOM.PL 1SG.GEN hurt-3SG.PRES/
"My son and stars is hurt…"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 106
Drogo's reply.
Me zisósh, zhey jalán átthirari. Ánha addrív mahrazhés fíni rísse anhoón.
[me zi.ˈsoʃ ʒej dʒa.ˈlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈan.ha ad.ˈdɾiv ma.hra.ˈʒes ˈ ˈ an.ho.ˈon]
/3SG.NOM scratch-NOM VOC moon-NOM life-GEN 1SG.NOM kill-PAST man-ACC REL.NOM cut-PAST
"It's a scratch, Moon of My Life. I killed the man who cut me."
Dany's first reply.
Vo mahrázh laz kóvara hatíf shékhi átthirari ánni… (829_12.mp3)
[vo ma.ˈhɾaʒ laz ˈɾa ha.ˈtif ʃex ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈ]
/NEG man-NOM can stand-3SG.PRES before sun-GEN life-GEN 1SG.GEN/
"No man can stand before the sun of my life…"
Dany continued.
Fínne kóalaki? Kífindirgi móri vos sílio khalés? (829_13.mp3)
[ˈ ˈ ˈki.fin.diɾ.gi ˈmo.ɾi vos ˈ xa.ˈles]
/where-ACC healer-NOM.PL why 3PL.NOM NEG attend-3SG.NEG.PRES khal-ACC/
"Where are the healers? Why do they not attend the khal?"
To which Drogo replies.
San dóthraki zísi. Móri jífo kóali átte. Jíni ósto áfisi. Rhogór vezhvén ásila ma ánha
vattihák moón rizhés ánni. (829_14.mp3)
[san ˈdo.θɾ ˈ ˈmo.ɾi ˈdʒ ˈ ˈat.te ˈdʒ ˈ ˈ ɾho.ˈgor veʒ.ˈven
ˈ ma ˈan.ha at.ti.ˈhak mo.ˈon riʒ ˈ]
/many rider-NOM.PL hurt-3PL.PRES 3PL.NOM should-PASS heal-3PL.PRES first this-NOM bite-NOM fly-GEN
scar-NOM great-NOM.AGR FUT-follow-3SG and 1SG.NOM FUT-show-1SG 3SG.ABL son-ACC 1SG.GEN/
"Many riders are hurt. They should be healed first. This is the bite of a fly. It will
leave a fine scar to show my son." (Lit. "Many riders hurt. They should be healed
first. This is the bite of a fly. A great scar will follow and I will show it to my son.")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 107
Now Mirri Maz Duur inserts herself into the conversation. Qotho has something to say
to this.
Khal zígeree vo rhéllay ha zafroón fíni góvi oqét. (829_15.mp3)
[xal ˈɾe.e vo ˈɾhel.laj ha za.fɾo.ˈon ˈ ˈ o.ˈqet]
/khal-NOM need-3SG.PRES NEG help-ACC from slave-ABL REL.NOM mate-3PL.PRES sheep-ACC/
"The Khal needs no help from slaves who lie with sheep."
To which Dany replies.
Me ánni. Me vástoe. (829_16.mp3)
[me ˈ me ˈ]
"She is mine. She will speak."
There's a small exchange, and then Qotho drops the M-bomb.
Máegi. (829_17.mp3)
And then after another exchange, Qotho utters a parting shot.
Áse sékke. Áse máegi ízzi char. (829_18.mp3)
[ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈiz.zi tʃar]
/word-NOM too.much word-NOM witch-GEN poison-3SG.PRES ear-ACC/
"Too many words. A witch's words poison the ears."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 108
More Dothraki Dialogue for Episode 8
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
From the beginning. First there is some English dialogue for Rakharo. I've recorded this. Rather
than "steel clothes", I recommend "iron clothes", or even "iron suit". To simplify matters, I
recorded a section of dialogue up to Irri's first line. (more8_1.mp3)
Kháleesi zála memé ádakha esinákh ajjalán. Hash yer laz ógi loy mawízzi?
[ˈ ˈ me.ˈme ˈa.da.xaˈnax ad.dʒa.ˈlan haʃ jer laz ˈ loj ma.ˈwiz.zi]
/khaleesi-NOM want-3SG.PRES COMP-3SG.NOM eat-3SG.PRES different.thing-ACC tonight-ACC Q
2SG.INFR.NOM can slaughter-2SG.PRES few-ACC rabbit-GEN/
"The khaleesi wants to eat something different tonight. Can you kill some rabbits?"
Vo mawízzi vékho jínne. (more8_3.mp3)
[vo ma.ˈwiz.zi ˈve.xo ˈdʒ]
/NEG rabbit-GEN exist-3SG.PRES.NEG here-ACC/
"There are no rabbits here."
Ezás loy álegri h'anhaán. Móri állayafi máe, jin álegra. (more8_4.mp3)
[e.ˈzas loj ˈa.le.gɾi han.ha.ˈan ˈmo.ɾi ˈ ˈma.e dʒin ˈa.le.gɾa]
/find-CMD.INFR some-ACC duck-GEN for-1SG.ALL 3PL.NOM please-3PL.PRES 3SG.ACC this duck-NOM/
"Find some ducks for me. She likes ducks." (Lit. "Find some of duck for me. They
please her, these ducks.")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 109
Hash yer ray tih loy álegri, zhey víkeesi? Vos mawízzi; vos álegra. Hash tíhi vékhi
she nháre yeroón? (more8_5.mp3)
[haʃ jer ray tih loy ˈa.le.gɾi ʒej ˈ vos ma.ˈwiz.zi vos ˈa.le.gɾa haʃ ˈti.hi ˈve.xi ʃe
ˈnha.ɾe je.ɾo.ˈon]
/Q 2SG.INFR.NOM already see-PAST some-ACC duck-GEN VOC nag-NOM NEG rabbit-NOM NEG duck-NOM
Q eye-GEN.PL exist-3PL.PRES on head-NOM 2SG.INFR.ABL/
"Have you seen any ducks, woman? No rabbits, no ducks. Do you have eyes in your
Notes: Couple options here, depending on how insulting you want Rakharo
to be. The word víkeesi is an insult to women used by men which means
something like "nag". The word woman, chíori, would also be fine here (it
can be substituted directly). The same goes for the word óggo. This is the
word for an animal's head. If Rakharo wants to be really insulting, he can
use the word óggo in place of nháre (again, the word can be substituted
straight in). It would be quite an insult, though (certainly over the top).
Majín jáno! Ánha ray tih san jáni! (more8_6.mp3)
[ma.ˈdʒin ˈdʒ ˈan.ha ray tih san ˈdʒ]
/therefore dog-NOM 1SG.NOM already see-PAST many-ACC dog-GEN/
"Dog, then. I have seen many dogs!"
At this point there's a switch to English. I should say that this strikes me as strange. Usually L2
speakers will converse in their second language calmly, and when they get angry, then they
switch back to their dominant language (I call this the Ricky Ricardo effect). On the other hand,
Jorah did begin this new exchange in English, so I can see why they would switch. To give you
some options, I've recorded the dialogue in English with a Dothraki accent, but also translated it
into Dothraki and recorded that. You can use whatever you think works best. The next recording
contains the line by Irri about the baby kicking, then Rakharo's response, then Irri's response to
that (Dothraki accented English). (more8_7.mp3)
Me ast, "Esinákh hrazefoón". Énta mra me fáka arrék me ádakha hrazéf.
[me astˈnax hɾˈon ˈen.ta mɾa me ˈfa.ka a.ˈrek me ˈa.da.xa hɾa.ˈzef]
/3SG.NOM say-PAST different.thing-NOM horse-ABL baby-NOM in 3SG.NOM kick-3SG.PRES when
3SG.NOM eat-3SG.PRES horse-ACC/
"She said, 'Anything but horse.' The baby inside her kicks when she eats horse."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 110
Jíni dávrae, m'énta fáka. (more8_9.mp3)
[ˈdʒ ˈda.vɾa.e ˈmen.ta ˈfa.ka]
/this-NOM be.good-3SG.PRES COMP-baby-NOM kick-3SG.PRES/
"It's good for the baby to kick."
Hash yer nési qísi énta ajjín? Hash yer víllo vezhvén fin nésa qísi énta?
[haʃ jer ˈ ˈ ˈen.ta ad.ˈdʒin haʃ jer ˈvil.lo veʒ.ˈven fin ˈ ˈ ˈen.ta]
/Q 2SG.INFR.NOM know-2SG.PRES about baby-NOM now-ACC Q 2SG.INFR.NOM great-
NOM.AGR COMP know-2SG.PRES about baby-NOM now-ACC/
"Now you know babies? You're a great wise man who knows about babies?"
Notes: Even if it doesn't make it in now, víllo's a good word. It's used with
someone who's gained knowledge from direct experience (not from books,
and not someone who would be considered "smart", necessarily).
I can see how this exchange would be pretty funny in either English or Dothraki. Either way, at
least now you've got the option.
After this exchange, I've done a read-through of the exchange between Rakharo and Jorah. I've
changed some of Rakharo's lines slightly; those changes are in the recording. (more8_11.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 111
New Episode 8 Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Episode 8, Scene 29
After Mago's complaint, Drogo says the following to Dany (it's slightly different from
what I gave you originally, so I've rerecorded it):
Zhey jalán átthirari ánni, Mágo ásta mesháfka fich qorasókh máe: óhara háeshi rákhi
fin qóraso me ásaja máe. Ásti anhaán hash jíni jíla. (n829_1.mp3)
[ʒej dʒa.ˈlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈ dʒi.ˈnak ˈma.go ˈas.ta me.ˈʃaf.ka fitʃ qo.ɾa.ˈsox ˈma.e
ˈo.ha.ɾa ˈha.e.ʃi ˈra.xi fin ˈqo.ɾ me ˈʒa ˈma.e ˈas.ti an.ha.ˈan haʃ ˈdʒ ˈdʒ]
/VOC moon-NOM life-GEN 1SG.GEN Mago-NOM say-3SG.PRES COMP-2SG.FRM.NOM take-PAST spoil-ACC
3SG.GEN daughter-NOM spawn-GEN lamb-GEN REL.ACC take-PAST 3SG.NOM FUT-mount-3SG 3SG.ACC
say-COM.FRM 1SG.ALL if this-NOM be.true-3SG.PRES/
"Moon of my life, Mago says that you took his spoils, a daughter of the Lamb Men
who was his to mount. Tell me if this is so."
After this, the exchange is as it was in the original document. The new dialogue picks
up after Dany notes that dragons feed on horses and lambs. Mago now chimes in:
Yer ifák. Yer ássoo ánna voséchhi! (n829_2.mp3)
[jer i.ˈfak jer ˈ ˈ vo.ˈset.tʃi]
"You are a foreigner. You do not command me."
Notes: Mago here uses the informal second person with Dany, which is a
grave mistake—especially before Khal Drogo.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 112
Ánha kháleesi. Ánha assók yéra sekósshi. (n829_3.mp3)
[ˈan.ha ˈ ˈan.ha as.ˈsok ˈje.ɾa se.ˈkoʃ.ʃi]
/1SG.NOM khaleesi-NOM 1SG.NOM order-1SG.PRES 2SG.ACC EMPH/
"I am khaleesi. I do command you."
Drogo responds to this (the speech beginning "See how fierce she grows?"). Then Mago
cuts in:
Khal fin ássoe mezháh jáhakmeni vos khal. (n829_4.mp3)
[xal fin ˈas.soe me.ˈʒah dʒa.hak.ˈmen vos xal]
/khal-NOM REL.ACC order-3SG.PRES whore-NOM.PL foreign-NOM.PL.AGR NEG khal-NOM/
"A Khal who takes orders from foreign whores is no Khal." (Lit. "A khal whom
foreign whores order is no khal.")
Should be fines.
Notes: The word mezháh has a double meaning. When used within the
Dothraki culture, it refers to a woman one has sex with but whom one
doesn't marry. It's not an insult, if used appropriately, but is when used
inappropriately (e.g. in reference to someone else's wife). It's also the
Dothraki word used for women who trade sex for money in the Free Cities
—a foreign concept to the Dothraki, and one which they find especially
repugnant, not being fond of money in the first place. So it's kind of a
double-whammy insult.
Drogo gets up and moves forward menacingly. I'm going to give you two different
options for his response (slight variations):
Ánha vazhók khadoés yeroón virsalát. Ánha ochomók yeraán kíjinosi. (n829_5.mp3)
[ˈan.ha va.ˈʒokˈes je.ɾo.ˈon viɾ.sa.ˈlat ˈan.ha o.tʃo.ˈmok je.ɾa.ˈan ˈki.dʒ]
/1SG.NOM FUT-give-1SG body-ACC 2SG.INFR.ABL burn-INF 1SG.NOM NEG.FUT-do.honor-1SG 2SG.INFR.ALL
"I will not have your body burned. I will not give you that honor." (Lit. "I will not
give your body to burn. I will not honor you thus.")
Khádo yeroón nem vos vávvirsao. Yer nem óchomoo kíjinosi. (n829_6.mp3)
[ je.ɾo.ˈon nem vos ˈvav.viɾ.sa.o jer nem ˈo.tʃ ˈki.dʒ]
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 113
"Your body will not be burned. You shall not have that honor." (Lit. "Your body will
not be burned. You will not be honored thus.")
Notes: Feel free to mix and match above.
Drogo is cut, but he moves forward still, and says the following:
Ínte vádakhie tíhoa ma khéwo áfilki vi gadimaán. (n829_7.mp3)
[ˈin.te ˈva.da.xi.e ˈti.ho.a ma ˈxe.wo ˈ viˈan]
/beetle-NOM.PL FUT-sup.on-3PL eye-ABL.PL and worm-NOM.PL FUT-worm-3PL among lung-ALL.PL/
"The beetles will feed on your eyes and the worms will crawl through your lungs."
Drogo continues to move forward and says the following:
Eyél várthasoe she ilekaán ríkhoya arrekaán vékha vósi yeroón vósma tolórro.
[e.ˈjel ˈvaɾ.θ ʃe i.le.ka.ˈan ˈri.xo.jaˈan ˈve.xa ˈ je.ɾo.ˈon ˈ to.ˈ]
/rain-NOM FUT-fall-3SG on flesh-ALL rot-PRES.PART.NNM.AGR when-ALL exist-3SG.PRES nothing-GEN
2SG.INFR.ABL but bone-NOM.PL/
"The rain will fall on your rotting skin until nothing is left of you but bones."
Drogo pulls out his arakh, does a little parrying, and then continues:
Majín hash yer ájadoe emrakhaán Rháeshi Ájjalani áviqaferi athmithrár nákhomena,
hash móri ájasi yéra zohaán, ma ásikhtee yéra, ma áfati hrazéf yéri. (n829_9.mp3)
[ma.ˈdʒin haʃ jer ˈa.dʒ em.ɾa.xa.ˈan ˈɾha.e.ʃi ˈad.dʒ ˈɾi aθ.miθ.ˈɾar
ˈ haʃ ˈmo.ɾi ˈa.dʒ ˈje.ɾa zo.ha.ˈan ma ˈa.six.te.e ˈje.ɾa ma ˈa.fa.ti hɾa.ˈzef
/ if 2SG.NOM FUT-arrive-2SG gate-ALL land-GEN.PL night-PL.AGR FUT-beg-2SG rest-ACC endless-
NNM.AGR if 3PL.NOM FUT-laugh-3PL 2SG.ACC nadir-ALL and FUT-spit-3PL 2SG.ACC and FUT-slap-3PL
horse-ACC 2SG.GEN/
"And when you arrive at the gates of the Night Lands to beg for eternal rest, they
will laugh at you, and spit upon you, and turn you away." (Lit. "And when you
should arrive at the gates of the Night Lands to beg for eternal rest, then they will
laugh you down, and spit on you, and slap your horse.")
Notes: To slap someone's horse is to turn them away. The idea is you slap
the horse on the rump and it gallops off.
Átte yer eth áddrivi ánna. (n829_10.mp3)
[ˈat.te jer eθ ˈad.dɾ ˈ]
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 114
/first 2SG.NOM must kill-2SG.PRES 1SG.ACC/
"First you have to kill me."
Jin ánha ray et. (n829_11.mp3)
[dʒin ˈan.ha raj et]
/this-ACC 1SG.NOM already do-PAST/
"I already have."
At this point there's some dialogue that's similar to, but not quite the same as what I
gave in the original. Let me know if you'd like me to rerecord what you have here; it
would be no problem. It seems like there is a new line—Mirri Maz Duur saying
something in Dothraki (her text here is italicized, so I think that means it's supposed to
be in Dothraki…). Here it is:
Ánha laz rhelák dothrakés vézhvena ha zisoshaán máe. (n829_12.mp3)
[ˈan.ha laz ɾhe.ˈlak do.θɾa.ˈkes ˈveʒ haʃa.ˈan ˈma.e]
/1SG.NOM can help-1SG.PRES rider-ACC great-NNM.AGR for cut-ALL 3SG.GEN/
"I can help the great rider with his cut."
Finally, after an exchange, Dany has a new line to Drogo.
Azhás maán affisát zis yéri, shekh ma shíeraki ánni. Me ázzisa ánna jin tihát meyér
qíyae. (n829_13.mp3)
[a.ˈʒas ma.ˈanˈsat zis ˈje.ɾi ʃex ma ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈ me ˈ ˈ dʒin ti.ˈhat
me.ˈjer ˈqi.ja.e]
/give-COM.INFR 3SG.ALL clean-INF wound-ACC 2SG.GEN sun-NOM and star-NOM.PL 1SG.GEN 3SG.NOM
hurt-3SG.PRES 1SG.ACC see-INF COMP-2SG.NOM bleed-2SG.PRES/
"Let her clean your wound, my sun and stars. It makes me hurt to see you
bleed." (Lit. "Give her to clean your wound, sun and stars of mine. It hurts me, this
seeing that you bleed.")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 115
Episode 9: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Episode 9, Scene 10A
We open to find Drogo weakened. Dany tries to talk to him; to rouse him.
Khal ánni? Shekh ma shíeraki? (910A_1.mp3)
[xal ˈ ʃex ma ˈʃi.e.ɾ]
/khal-NOM 1SG.GEN sun-NOM and star-NOM.PL/
"My lord? My sun and stars?"
Drógo? (910A_2.mp3)
Then Drogo falls.
Sájo ánni… (910A_3.mp3)
[ˈsa.dʒo ˈ]
/horse-NOM 1SG.GEN/
"My horse…"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 116
Bloodrider #3 has his line below.
Qoy qóyi. (910A_4.mp3)
[qoj ˈqo.ji]
/blood-NOM blood-GEN/
"Blood of my blood."
Drogo responds.
Vos… Ánha'th dothrák… (910A_5.mp3)
[vos ˈan.haθ do.ˈθɾak]
/NEG 1SG.NOM-must ride-1SG.PRES/
"No… I must ride…"
Qotho counters.
Me arthás hrazefoón máe. Khal fíni laz vos dóthrao vos khal. (910A_6.mp3)
[me aɾ.ˈθas hɾˈon ˈma.e xal ˈ laz vos ˈdo.θɾa.o vos xal]
/3SG.NOM fall-PAST horse-ABL 3SG.GEN khal-NOM REL.NOM can NEG ride-3SG.PRES.NEG NEG khal-NOM/
"He fell from his horse. A khal who cannot ride is no khal."
Should be fin.
Then Dany continues with two more phrases.
Me háqa, vos ále. Me zígeree mithrát. (910A_7.mp3)
[me ˈ vos ˈale me ˈɾe.e mi.ˈθɾat]
/3SG.NOM be.tired-3SG.PRES NEG more 3SG.NOM need-3SG.PRES rest-INF/
"He's tired, that's all. He needs to rest."
Kísha ray hezháh chek asshékh. Kísha ávimithreraki jínne. (910A_8.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa raj he.ˈʒah tʃek aʃ.ˈʃex ˈki.ʃa ˈθɾe.ɾ ˈdʒ]
/1PL.NOM already travel.far-PAST well today-ACC 1PL.NOM FUT-camp-1PL here-ACC/
"We've ridden far enough today. We will camp here."
Qotho continues with his impertinence.
Jínne vos gáche vimithrerát. Chíori vos ássoe kísha. Vos kháleesi ákka. (910A_9.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈga.tʃe vi.mi.θɾe.ˈɾat ˈtʃi.o.ɾi vos ˈ ˈki.ʃa vos ˈ ˈak.ka]
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 117
/here-ACC NEG place-NOM camp-INF woman-NOM NEG order-3SG.PRES 1PL.ACC NEG khaleesi-NOM
"This is no place to camp. A woman does not give us orders. Not even a khaleesi."
Dany ignores him and continues.
Kísha ávimithreraki jínne. Ásti moraán me Khal Drógo ásso moón. Zhey Qótho—
[ˈki.ʃa ˈθɾe.ɾ ˈdʒ ˈas.ti mo.ɾa.ˈan me xal ˈdɾo.go ˈ mo.ˈon ʒej ˈqo.θo]
/1PL.NOM FUT-camp-1PL here-ACC tell-COM.FRM 3PL.ALL COMP khal-NOM Drogo-NOM order-PAST
"We will camp here. Tell them Khal Drogo commanded it. Qotho—"
LMFAO Are you kidding me?! Moraan?! What am I, an idiot?!
Qotho persists.
Sháfka vos ássoe ánna, zhey Kháleesi. (910A_11.mp3)
[ˈʃaf.ka vos ˈ ˈ ʒej ˈ]
/2SG.FRM.NOM NEG command-3PL.PRES 1SG.ACC VOC khaleesi-NOM/
"You do not command me, Khaleesi."
Should have been ássoo since it was negative. This was likely the line that Dar
Salima pronounced perfectly, as luck would have it.
Dany persists too.
Ézi Mírri Maz Duur. Fíchi máe anhaán. (910A_12.mp3)
[ˈe.zi ˈmi.ri maz dur ˈfi.tʃi ˈma.e an.ha.ˈan]
/find-COM.FRM Mirri Maz Duur bring-COM.FRM 3SG.ACC 1SG.ALL/
"Find Mirri Maz Duur. Bring her to me."
Notes: I'm ambivalent about how "Mirri Maz Duur" is to be rendered in
Dothraki. For a native Dothraki speaker, it'd be pronounced Mírri Maz
Doór [ˈmi.ri maz do.ˈor]. Dany, however, is a non-native speaker. If she's
pronouncing it with her normal accent, then she'd probably pronounce it as
it's written. If you want her to pronounce it natively, though, the
pronunciation is here (I've included it at the end of the recording).
The persisting continues with Qotho.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 118
Máegi? Ánha afichák sháfkea nhareés. (910A_13.mp3)
[ˈ ˈan.haˈtʃak ˈʃ nha.ɾe.ˈes]
/witch-NOM 1SG.NOM FUT-bring-1SG 2SG.FRM.ALL head-ACC/
"The witch? I'll bring you her head."
Dany gives her final command.
Fíchi máe anhaán—ózisa—che Khal Drógo áchara kífindirgi yer zíganeso anhaán.
[ˈfi.tʃi ˈma.e an.ha.ˈan ˈ tʃe xal ˈdɾo.go ˈa.tʃa.ɾa ˈki.fin.diɾ.gi jer ˈ
/bring-COM.FRM 3SG.ACC 1SG.ALL unharmed-NNM.AGR or khal-NOM Drogo-NOM FUT-hear-3SG why
"Bring her to me, unharmed, or Khal Drogo will hear why you defied me."
Here's a nice angry horse command for Qotho to issue on his way out.
Hosh! (910A_15.mp3)
Episode 9, Scene 14
Here are some stray Dothraki words for Drogo to mutter in his feverish state.
Dóthrae… Lána… Tiv… Simón ánni… Me ázha… Vos…laz lorrák… Loqám…
Ánha…tihák loqám… Vórsa… Me vórsa… Me vírzetha… Asávva… Vezh…
[ˈdo.θɾa.e ˈ tiv si.ˈmon ˈ me ˈa.ʒa vos laz lo.ˈrak lo.ˈqam ˈan.ha ti.ˈhak lo.ˈqam
ˈvoɾ.sa me ˈvoɾ.sa me ˈviɾ.ze.θa a.ˈ veʒ]
/ride-3SG.PRES run-3SG.PRES wax-NOM uncle-NOM 1SG.GEN 3SG.NOM give-3SG.PRES NEG can
blink-1SG.PRES arrow-NOM 1SG.NOM see-1SG.PRES arrow-ACC fire-NOM 3SG.NOM fire-NOM 3SG.NOM sky-NOM stallion-NOM/
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 119
"Rides… Runs… Wax… My uncle… He gives… No…can blink… Arrows… I…see
arrows… Fire… It's a fire… It's red… The sky…(The stallion…"
Notes: It's easy enough to generate more, so just let me know (also let me
know if you had something specific in mind).
Now the scene starts with Irri.
Me drívoe. (914_2.mp3)
[me ˈdɾi.vo.e]
/3SG.NOM die-3SG.PRES/
"He dies."
Based on the script, it looks like you want the scene to continue in English, but I'm not
sure. To be on the safe side, I've translated the rest of the dialogue in this scene into
Dothraki. I've also given the English version for Irri's line in accented English, rather
than my ordinary speaking voice, to cover both bases.
Me voséchhi! (914_3.mp3)
[me vo.ˈset.tʃi]
/3SG.NOM never/
"He will not!"
Kháleesi… Me arthás hrazefoón máe. (914_4.mp3)
[ˈ me aɾ.ˈθas hɾˈon ˈma.e]
/khaleesi-NOM 3SG.NOM fall-PAST horse-ABL 3SG.GEN/
"Khaleesi… He fell from his horse." (Accented: "Khaleesi… He fall from horse.")
Me áfazha sékke. Rhéla ánna azzohát máe mra lommayaán. (914_5.mp3)
[me ˈa.fa.ʒa ˈ ˈɾ ˈ az.zo.ˈhat ˈma.e mɾaˈan]
/3SG.NOM too.much help-COM.FRM 1SG.ACC put.down-INF 3SG.ACC in tub-ALL/
"He's too hot. Help me get him in the tub."
Episode 9, Scene 15
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 120
Here's some stray dialogue for the gambling men. As always, let me know if you need
more, or want something specific.
Ha jin ingloraán ha haz serjaán! (915_1.mp3)
[ha dʒin in.glo.ɾa.ˈan ha haz seɾ.dʒa.ˈan]
/for this belt-ALL for that vest-ALL/
"This belt against that vest!"
Vos! Vos! Inávva ánni móve máe h'anhaán! (915_2.mp3)
[vos vos i.ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈma.e han.ha.ˈan]
/NEG NEG sister-NOM 1SG.GEN make-PAST 3SG.ACC for-1SG.ALL/
"No way! No way! My sister made it for me!"
Hilés inavvaés yéri! (915_3.mp3)
[hi.ˈlesˈes ˈje.ɾi]
/dig-COM.INFR sister-ACC 2SG.INFR.GEN/
"Fuck your sister!"
Se! Hilelatés kísha inavvaés yéri! (915_4.mp3)
[seˈtes ˈki.ʃaˈes ˈje.ɾi]
/yes dig-INF-ACC 1PL.NOM sister-ACC 2SG.INFR.GEN/
"Yeah, let's all fuck your sister!"
Acchakás hosk, ifák! (915_5.mp3)
[at.tʃa.ˈkas hosk i.ˈfak]
/silence-COM.INF mouth-ACC walker-NOM/
"Shut your mouth, fucker!"
Lajás máe, shráno! Lajás máe! (915_6.mp3)
[la.ˈdʒas ˈma.e ˈʃɾ la.ˈdʒas ˈma.e]
/fight-COM.INFR 3SG.ACC dude-NOM fight-COM.INFR 3SG.ACC/
"Fight him, man! Fight him!"
Episode 9, Scene 16
The scene opens with a lot of English dialogue between Jorah and Dany. Mirri Maz
Duur enters with Qotho, and the latter remarks:
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 121
Yer et jin, zhey máegi! (916_1.mp3)
[jer et dʒin ʒej ˈ]
/2SG.INFR.NOM do-PAST this-ACC witch-NOM/
"You did this, witch!"
Dany replies:
Nákhi! Ánha vos zalák memé nem ázzisa! (916_2.mp3)
[ˈna.xi ˈan.ha vos za.ˈlak me.ˈme nem ˈ]
"Stop! I don't want her hurt!"
Qotho now:
Vos? Hash sháfka vos záli memé nem ázzisa? Záli mekísha vos ázzisaki sháfka ákka.
Sháfka azh jin maegaán frakhát khalés kíshi. (916_3.mp3)
[vos haʃ ˈʃaf.ka vos ˈ me.ˈme nem ˈ za.ˈlas me.ˈki.ʃa vos ˈ ˈʃaf.ka
ˈak.ka ˈʃaf.ka aʒˈan fɾa.ˈxat xa.ˈles ˈki.ʃi]
COMP-1PL.NOM NEG hurt-1PL.PRES 2SG.FRM.ACC also 2SG.FRM.NOM give-PAST this witch-ALL touch-INF
khal-ACC 1PL.GEN/
"No? You don't want her hurt? Pray that we don't hurt you, too. You let this witch
lay hands on our khal." (Lit. "No? You don't want that she be hurt? Hope that we
don't hurt you either. You gave this woman to touch our khal.")
Jorah steps in:
Jávrathi lekh. Me zin kháleesi sháfki. (916_4.mp3)
[ˈdʒa.vɾa.θi lex me zin ˈ ˈʃ]
/rein-COM.FRM tongue-ACC 3SG.NOM still khaleesi-NOM 2SG.FRM.GEN/
"Rein in your tongue. She is still your khaleesi."
Qotho retorts:
Kash qoy qóyi thíra dísse. Affín me drívoe, me vósi. (916_5.mp3)
[kaʃ qoj ˈqo.ji θi.ɾa ˈ af.ˈfin me ˈdɾi.vo.e me ˈ]
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 122
/while blood-NOM blood-GEN live-3SG.PRES only when-ACC 3SG.NOM die-3SG.PRES 3SG.NOM
"Only while the blood of my blood lives. When he dies, she is nothing."
Dany's reply:
Ánha vosoón avvós. Ánha qoy zhavvórsi. (916_6.mp3)
[ˈan.haˈon av.ˈvos ˈan.ha qoj ʒav.ˈvoɾ.si]
/1SG.NOM nothing-ABL never 1SG.NOM blood-NOM dragon-GEN/
"I have never been nothing. I am the blood of the dragon."
Qotho's parting words:
Éi zhavvórsa drívi. (916_7.mp3)
[ˈe.i. ʒav.ˈvoɾ.sa ˈdɾ]
/all dragon-NOM dead-3PL.PRES/
"All the dragons are dead."
Episode 9, Scene 17
Here's some stray dialogue for the men trying to push the horse into the tent (different
people trying to do different things). Let me know if more is needed.
Me ivézh! (917_1.mp3)
[me i.ˈveʒ]
/3SG.NOM wild-NOM.AGR/
"He's wild!"
Áffa, áffa, áffa! (917_2.mp3)
[ˈaf.fa ˈaf.fa ˈaf.fa]
/easy easy easy/
"Easy, easy, easy!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 123
Argás! (917_3.mp3)
Kartás! (917_4.mp3)
Rhelás kísha! (917_5.mp3)
[ɾhe.ˈlas ˈki.ʃa]
"Help us!"
Hosh! (917_6.mp3)
Episode 9, Scene 18
Here is Mirri Maz Duur's big scene. It opens with Drogo muttering wearily.
Vos… Vos… Azhás anhaán dothralát… (918_1.mp3)
[vos vos a.ˈʒas an.ha.ˈan do.θɾa.ˈlat]
"No… No… Let me ride…"
In case you need some dialogue for the bloodriders calming the horse, there's some
above, or one could say something like the following:
Áffa, áffa, áffa! (918_2.mp3)
[ˈaf.fa ˈaf.fa ˈaf.fa]
/easy easy easy/
"Easy, easy, easy!"
Qorás máe! (918_3.mp3)
[qo.ˈɾas ˈma.e]
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 124
/grab-COM.INF 3SG.ACC/
"Hold him!"
Zhogo continues:
Zhey kháleesi… To jin vos. Ázhi anhaán addrivát jin máege. (918_4.mp3)
[ʒej ˈxa.le.esi to dʒin vos ˈa.ʒi an.ha.ˈan ad.dɾi.ˈvat dʒin ˈ]
/VOC khaleesi-NOM do-COM.NEG.FRM this-ACC NEG give-COM.FRM 1SG.ALL kill-INF this witch-ACC/
"Khaleesi… Don't do this thing. Let me kill this witch."
Dany replies:
Hash yer áddrivi máe hash yer áddrivi khalés yéri. (918_5.mp3)
[haʃ jer ˈad.dɾ ˈma.e haʃ jer ˈad.dɾ xa.ˈles ˈje.ɾi]
"If you kill her, you kill your khal."
Zhogo once more:
Jíni athmovezár qóyi. Me ízvena. (918_6.mp3)
[ˈdʒ aθˈzar ˈqo.ji me ˈ]
/this-NOM magic-NOM blood-GEN 3SG.NOM be.taboo-3SG.PRES/
"This is bloodmagic. It is forbidden."
Dany replies:
Ánha kháleesi yéri. Ánha asták yeraán réki ízvena. (918_7.mp3)
[ˈan.ha ˈ ˈje.ɾi ˈan.ha as.ˈtak je.ɾa.ˈan ˈ ˈ]
"I am your khaleesi. I tell you what is forbidden."
Later, Mirri Maz Duur begins her chanting. I look forward to creating a sketch to supply
the sound of that!
Episode 9, Scene 19
There is a lot of Dothraki muttering going on in and around the beginning of this scene.
Below are some possible things that can be muttered.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 125
Me athmovezár qóyi… (919_1.mp3)
[me aθˈzar ˈqo.ji]
/3SG.NOM magic-NOM blood-GEN/
"It's blood magic…"
Házi qoy hrazefoón kháli. (919_2.mp3)
[ˈha.zi qoj hɾˈon ˈ]
/that-NOM blood-NOM horse-ABL khal-GEN/
"That is blood from the khal's horse."
Jíni vos jílo. (919_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈdʒi.lo]
/this-NOM NEG be.right-3SG.PRES.NEG/
"This is not right."
Hash kháleesi ray et fin? (919_4.mp3)
[haʃ ˈ raj et fin]
/Q khaleesi-NOM already do-PAST what-ACC/
"What has the khaleesi done?"
Now Mirri Maz Duur's singing gets a bit more incessant, and the Dothraki respond.
Rek máegi! (919_5.mp3)
[rek ˈ]
/that witch-NOM/
"That witch!"
Fothákh ávvirsae! (919_6.mp3)
[fo.ˈθax ˈav.viɾ.sa.e]
/voice-NOM burn-3SG.PRES/
"The voice burns!"
Jíni méla! (919_7.mp3)
[ˈdʒ ˈ]
/this-NOM be.evil-3SG.PRES/
"This is evil!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 126
Kísha ádrivoki ajjalán, eyák! (919_8.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa ˈa.dɾ ad.dʒa.ˈlan e.ˈjak]
/1PL.NOM FUT-die-1PL tonight-ACC everyone-NOM/
"We will die tonight, everyone!"
Now the Dothraki are all panicked. I imagine there will be a lot of screaming and
running, but there might also be some verbiage.
Lanás! Lanás! (919_9.mp3)
[la.ˈnas la.ˈnas]
"Run! Run!"
Vórsa jáda ajjalán! (919_10.mp3)
[ˈvoɾ.sa ˈdʒa.da ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
/fire-NOM com-3SG.PRES tonight-ACC/
"The fire comes tonight!"
Drívaki ífi! Móri gárvoe! (919_11.mp3)
[ˈdɾ ˈ ˈmo.ɾi ˈgaɾ.vo.e]
/ walk-3PL.PRES 3PL.NOM hunger-3SG.PRES/
"The dead walk! They hunger!"
Vezhóf rayím ótte! (919_12.mp3)
[ve.ˈʒof ra.ˈjim ˈot.te]
/horse.god-NOM already-PASS anger-3SG.PRES/
"The Horse God has been angered!"
Qotho breaks in now.
Jíni'th vos éo. (919_13.mp3)
[ˈdʒi.niθ vos ˈe.o]
/this-NOM-must NEG go-3SG.PRES.NEG/
"This must not be."
Dany, ever persistent, replies:
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 127
Jíni vée. (919_14.mp3)
[ˈdʒ ˈve.e]
/this-NOM FUT-go-3SG/
"This will be."
Then comes Bloodrider #2 with his moment to shine:
Máegi. (919_15.mp3)
There is some action then Dany grabs Qotho's arm and implores him to stop:
Vos! Yer laz vos! (919_16.mp3)
[vos jer laz vos]
"No! You can't!"
Then Dany, from the ground, calls for her bodyguards.
Ánnakhi máe! Ánnakhi máe! (919_17.mp3)
[ˈ ˈma.e ˈ ˈma.e]
"Stop him! Stop him!"
Fighting ensues. Next, Jorah calls out to Qotho.
Zhey vezhák. Attihás ánna hatifoón. (919_18.mp3)
[ʒej ve.ˈʒak at.ti.ˈhas ˈˈon]
/VOC show-COM.INFR 1SG.ACC face-ABL/
"Horselord. Try me." (Lit. "Stallion man. Show me your face.")
Notes: There's no word in Dothraki for "horselord" (that's what non-
Dothraki call the Dothraki), so either Jorah can say it in English, or you can
use what's above. Additionally, the word for "try" in Dothraki doesn't seem
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 128
to fit here (suggests something sexual), so I replaced it with a phrase more
appropriate to this situation.
More fighting. Perhaps there might be some dialogue for bloodrider #3 when he grabs
Tihatés kísha jin Vezhés fíni Ásaja Rhaesheserés! (919_19.mp3)
[ti.ha.ˈtes ˈki.ʃa dʒin ve.ˈʒes ˈ ˈʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes]
/see-INF.ACC 1PL.NOM this stallion-ACC REL.NOM FUT-mount-3SG world-ACC/
"Let's see this Stallion who will Mount the World!"
Now perhaps some phrases to accompany the hissing and stone throning going on at
the end.
Máegi! (919_20.mp3)
Annevás kísha! (919_21.mp3)
[ˈvas ˈki.ʃa]
/leave-COM.INFR 1PL.ACC/
"Leave us alone!"
Yer ray fich kishaán athohharár! (919_22.mp3)
[jer raj fitʃ ki.ʃa.ˈan a.θoh.ha.ˈɾar]
/2SG.FRM.NOM already bring-PAST 1PL.ALL destruction-ACC/
"You've brought us destruction!"
Finally, I've recorded Irri saying (in English) "The witch know how to bring baby. She
say so; I hear her." (919_23.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 129
Dothraki Rewrites (10/22/2010) version 3.0
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
From episode 9.
Vos álle, zhey vezhák. (rew1.mp3)
[vos ˈal.le ʒej ve.ˈʒak]
/NEG further VOC
"No further, horselord."
Notes: An important difference here between a long (or geminate) l and a
short one. Vos ále means "no more of" (referring to something like a
substance), whereas vos álle is an adverb. The l should be lingered over for
From episode 10.
Ánha ray ast asqóy sháfkea, zhey kháleesi. Ánha qoy sháfkoa ájjin. (rew2.mp3)
[ʒej ve.ˈʒak at.ti.ˈhas ˈˈon]
/VOC show-COM.INFR 1SG.ACC face-ABL/
"I am sworn to you, Khaleesi. I am your blood now." (Lit. "I already gave my
bloodword to you, O Khaleesi. I am the blood from you now.")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 130
Line for Rakharo.
Hash jíni áse sháfki, zhey kháleesi? (rew3.mp3)
[haʃ ˈdʒ ˈ ˈʃ ʒej ˈ]
/Q this-NOM word-NOM 2SG.FRM.GEN VOC khaleesi-NOM/
"Is this your command, Khaleesi?"
Line for Illyrio.
Ázhi anhaán asshilát névaki víchomeri ánni: Viséris okreseroón Tárgaryeni, senák rek
hakesoón: Khal jil Andáhli ma Máhrazhi Átaki. Ma inávva máe Dáeneris okreseroón
Tárgaryeni. (rew4.mp3)
[ˈa.ʒi an.ha.ˈan aʃ.ʃi.ˈlat ˈ ˈvi.tʃɾi ˈ vi.ˈsɛ.ɾis ok.ɾɾo.ˈon ˈtaɾ.gaɾ
se.ˈnak ɾekˈon xal dʒil an.ˈ ma ˈmah.ɾa.ʒi ˈ ma i.ˈ ˈma.e
ˈɾis ok.ɾɾo.ˈon ˈtaɾ.gaɾ]
/give-COM.FRM 1SG.ABL present-INF visitor-ACC.PL respectful-PL.AGR 1SG.GEN Viserys-NOM tent-
COL.ABL Targaryen-GEN third-NOM that name-ABL king-NOM rightful-NOM.AGR Andal-GEN.PL and
man-GEN.PL first-GEN.PL and sister-NOM 3SG.GEN Daenerys-NOM tent-COL.ABL Targaryen-GEN/
"May I present my honored guests: Viserys of House Targaryen, the Third of his
Name. The rightful King of the Andals and the First Men. And his sister, Daenerys
from the House Targaryen." (Lit. "Give me to present my respectful visitors: Viserys
from House Targaryen, the third from that name: Rightful King of the Andahls and
the First Men. And his sister Daenerys from House Targaryen.
Notes: There is no word for "may" in Dothraki (or not this kind of "may",
anyway), so Illyrio uses the next closest expression. It's generally not
something one would say to someone of a similar rank—that is, it identifies
one as a subordinate. The Dothraki are sure to notice this. As an additional
note, the word nevak means "sitter". It's used as a word for a visitor that's
either going to stay awhile, or is honorable. The other word for visitor,
kovarak, means "stander", and is used for visitors that are staying for a very
short while, or who are not honorable.
Line for Drogo to Dany.
Zhey jalán átthirari ánni: Hash yer zísi? (rew5.mp3)
[ʒej dʒa.ˈlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈ haʃ jer ˈ]
/VOC moon-NOM life-GEN 3SG.GEN Q 2SG.INFR.NOM hurt-2SG.PRES/
"Moon of my life, are you hurt?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 131
Line for Drogo to Jorah (first).
Móri astísh anhaán rek tish sháfka, zhey Jóra Andáhli. (rew6.mp3)
[ˈmo.ɾi as.ˈtiʃ an.ha.ˈan rek tiʃ ˈʃaf.ka ʒej ˈdʒo.ɾa an.ˈ]
"They told me what you did, Jorah the Andal."
Line for Drogo to Dany (second).
Ókki zhílle hrazéf fin állayafa sháfka drogikhoón ánni. Me sháfki. Ánha asshilák jin
azh sháfkea. (rew7.mp3)
[ˈ ˈʒil.le hɾa.ˈzef dɾˈon ˈ me ˈʃ ˈan.ha aʃ.ʃi.ˈlak dʒin aʒ ˈʃ]
/choose-CMD.FRM any horse-ACC COMP-NOM please-3SG.PRES 2SG.FRM.ACC herd-ABL 1SG.GEN 3SG.NOM
2SG.FRM.GEN 1SG.NOM present-1SG.PRES this gift-ACC 2SG.FRM.ALL/
"Choose any horse you like from my herd. It is yours. I make this gift to you."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 132
Episode 10: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
/morphological interlinear/
Notes: If any.
Episode 10, Scene 21
Here is some stray dialogue for the remaining Dothraki to speak as Dany et al. follow
Mirri Maz Duur to where Drogo is.
Finnaán kháleesi ée? (1021_1.mp3)
[ˈan ˈ ˈe.e]
/where-ALL khaleesi-NOM go-3SG.PRES/
"Where is the khaleesi going?"
Azhás anhaán haz fes, zhey krísta. (1021_2.mp3)
[a.ˈʒas an.ha.ˈan haz fes ʒej ˈkɾis.ta]
/give-COM.INFR 1SG.ALL that carrot-ACC VOC dear-NOM/
"Hand me that carrot, dear."
Ánha zigerék evéth… (1021_3.mp3)
[ˈan.haˈɾek e.ˈveθ]
/1SG.NOM need-1SG.PRES water-ACC/
"I need water…"
Jin sérja'thim áffisa. (1021_4.mp3)
[dʒin ˈseɾ.dʒa.θim ˈ]
/this vest-NOM-must-PASS wash-3SG.PRES/
"This vest must be washed."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 133
Yer dévi, zhey krísta, vósma ánha villák. Yer jif chároe ánna. (1021_5.mp3)
[jer ˈ ʒej ˈkɾis.ta ˈ ˈan.ha vil.ˈlak jer dʒif ˈtʃa.ɾo.e ˈ]
/2SG.INFR.NOM quick.witted-2SG.PRES VOC dear-NOM but 1SG.NOM wise-1SG.PRES 2SG.INFR.NOM should
listen-2SG.PRES 1SG.ACC/
"You're quick-witted, dear, but I'm wise. You should listen to me."
Ánha vos zalók mawízze asshékh. (1021_6.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vos za.ˈlok ma.ˈwiz.ze aʃ.ˈʃex]
/1SG.NOM NEG want-1SG.PRES.NEG rabbit-ACC today-ACC/
"I don't want rabbit today."
Gavát n'adakhóy ríkhoe, zhey krísta. (1021_7.mp3)
[ga.ˈvat na.da.ˈxoj ˈri.xo.e ʒej ˈkɾis.ta]
/meat-NOM uneaten-NOM.AGR spoil-3SG.PRES VOC dear-NOM/
"Uneaten meat spoils, dear."
Dany to her bodyguards, one dialogue has resumed.
Yéri vos ánnevo ánna. (1021_8.mp3)
[ˈje.ɾi vos ˈ ˈ]
"You did not leave me."
Zhogo responds for both.
Kísha ray astísh asqóy sháfkea, zhey kháleesi. Kísha qoy sháfkoa ajjín. (1021_9.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa raj as.ˈtiʃ as.ˈqoj ˈʃ ʒej ˈ ˈki.ʃa qoj ˈʃaf.ko.a ad.ˈdʒin]
/1PL.NOM already say-PAST.PL blood.word-ACC 2SG.FRM.ALL VOC khaleesi-NOM 1PL.NOM blood-NOM
"We are sworn to you, khaleesi. We are your blood now." (Lit. "We already spoke our
blood word to you, khaleesi. We are the blood from you now.")
Later, they are with Drogo, and Dany whispers to him.
Drógo. Shekh ma shíeraki ánni. (1021_10.mp3)
[ˈdɾo.go ʃex ma ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈ]
/Drogo-NOM sun-NOM and star-NOM.PL 1SG.GEN/
"Drogo. My sun and stars."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 134
It's not specified as being Dothraki, but when Dany says "Leave us", she addresses both
Jorah and her bloodriders; Dothraki is the only language she can use that they'll all
Ánneva kísha. (1021_11.mp3)
[ˈ ˈki.ʃa]
/leave-COM.FRM 1PL.ACC/
"Leave us."
Episode 10, Scene 26
After the montage, Dany speaks to an unresponsive Drogo.
Hash yer víneseri dothrákh átaki kíshi niyanqóy, zhey shekh ma shíeraki ánni?
[haʃ jer ˈɾi do.ˈθɾax ˈ ˈki.ʃi ni.jaɴ.ˈqoj ʒej ʃex ma ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈ]
/Q 2SG.INFR.NOM remember-2SG.PRES ride-ACC first-GEN 1PL.GEN together VOC sun and star-NOM.PL
"Do you remember our first ride together, my sun and stars?"
Hash yer laz chári ánna; hash yer ray vos o, attihás ánna. (1026_2.mp3)
[haʃ jer laz ˈtʃa.ɾi ˈ haʃ jer raj vos o at.ti.ˈhas ˈ]
/if 2SG.INFR.NOM can hear-2SG.PRES 1SG.ACC if 2SG.INFR.NOM already NEG go-PAST.NEG show-COM.INFR
"If you can hear me in there, if you haven't gone away, show me." (Lit. "If you can
hear me, if you haven't yet gone, show me.")
Notes: The expression "in there" kind of sounds Englishy to me. It didn't
seem appropriate in Dothraki, so I cut it. I can try to come up with some
equivalent if you'd like, though. Feel free to subtitle with "in there", of
Yer laják. Yer ayyeyoón lajakoón. Ánha zigerék yeroón laját ajjín. (1026_3.mp3)
[jer la.ˈdʒak jerˈon la.dʒa.ko.ˈon ˈan.haˈɾek je.ɾo.ˈon la.ˈdʒat ad.ˈdʒin]
/2SG.INFR.NOM fighter-NOM 2SG.INFR.NOM always-ABL fighter-ABL 1SG.NOM need-1SG.PRES
2SG.INFR.ABL fight-INF now-ACC/
"You're a fighter. You've always been a fighter. I need you to fight now."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 135
Affín shekh yóla she jímma ma drívoe she títha… Arrék yer ájadi sáve, shekh ma
shíeraki ánni. (1026_4.mp3)
[af.ˈfin ʃex ˈ ʃe ˈdʒ ma ˈdɾi.vo.e ʃe ˈti.θa a.ˈrek jer ˈa.dʒa.di ˈ ʃex ma
ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈ]
/when-ACC sun-NOM born-3SG.PRES at west-NOM and die-3SG.PRES at east-NOM then-ACC
2SG.INFR.NOM FUT-come-2SG again sun-NOM and star-NOM.PL 1SG.GEN/
"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east… Then you will return, my sun
and stars."
Episode 10, Scene 30
The first Dothraki line is Dany's address to her new khalasar.
Yéri khalasaraán ánni. Ánha tihák hatíf záfri. Ánha ejervák yéri. Éfena lentákh yéri.
Éye yéri némo hash yéri záli; vosák vánnakha yéri. Hash yéri ávikovareri, hash yéri
áthiri ven gáezosi ma ínavvasi; ven mahrazhkém ma chiorikém. (1030_1.mp3)
[ˈje.ɾiɾa.ˈan ˈ ˈan.ha ti.ˈhak ha.ˈtif ˈza.fɾi ˈan.ha e.dʒeɾ.ˈvak ˈje.ɾi ˈ
len.ˈtax ˈje.ɾi ˈ ˈje.ɾi ˈ haʃ ˈje.ɾi ˈ vo.ˈsak ˈ ˈje.ɾi haʃ ˈje.ɾi
ˈɾe.ɾi haʃ ˈje.ɾi ˈa.θi.ɾi ven ˈ ma ˈ ven ma.hɾaʒ.ˈkem ma
/2PL.INFR.NOM khalasar-ALL 1SG.GEN 1SG.NOM see-1SG.PRES face-ACC slave-GEN 1SG.NOM
FUT-stay-2PL if 2PL.INFR.NOM FUT-live-2PL as brother-NOM.PL and sister-NOM.PL as husband-NOM and
"You will be my khalasar. I see the faces of slaves. I free you. Take off your collars.
Go if you wish, no one will stop you. If you stay, it will be as brothers and sisters,
husbands and wives."
Dany has another somewhat lengthy speech to her khalasar shortly after this.
Ánha Dáeneris Vazyól, okreseroón Tárgaryeni, qoyoón Váliri érshe. Ánha óhara
zhavvórsi, ma ánha asták asqóy yérea memóri fíni ázisi yéri ádrivoe m'awazoón.
[ˈan.ha ˈɾis vaz.ˈjol o.kɾɾo.ˈon ˈtaɾ.gaɾˈon ˈɾi ˈeɾ.ʃe ˈan.ha
ˈo.ha.ɾa ʒav.ˈvoɾ.si ma ˈan.ha as.ˈtak as.ˈqoj ˈje.ɾe.a me.ˈmo.ɾi ˈ ˈ ˈje.ɾi ˈa.dɾi.vo.e
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 136
/1SG.NOM Daenerys-NOM Stormborn-NOM house-ABL Targaryen-GEN blood-ABL Valyria-GEN
old-NNM.AGR 1SG.NOM daughter-NOM dragon-GEN and 1SG.NOM say-1SG.PRES blood.word-ACC
"I am Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen, of the blood of old Valyria. I am the
dragon's daughter, and I swear to you that those who would harm you will die
screaming." (Lit. "I am Daenerys Stormborn, from the house of Targaryen, from the
blood of old Valyria. I am the daughter of the dragon, and I say my blood word to
you that they who hurt you will die with screams.")
In between, there's some more ululating from Mirri Maz Duur (form TBD), and then, at
the end, here are the words for her bloodriders.
Qoy qóyi. (1030_3.mp3)
[qoj ˈqo.ji]
/blood-NOM blood-GEN/
"Blood of my blood."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 137
Dothraki Crowd Babble
I've created some specific background dialogue for some specific cues. For the rest,
I've translated (with some modification) the text sent me by Greg Spence.
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
Notes: If any.
Episode 1, Cue DRD001
Finnaán kháleesi ée? (dcb1_1.mp3)
[ˈan ˈ ˈe.e]
"Where is the khaleesi going?"
Episode 1, Cue DRD002
Me dóna ven mahrázh, vósma me návie ven rákhi! (drd002_1.mp3)
[me ˈ ven mah.ˈɾaʒ ˈ me ˈ ven ˈra.xi]
"He shouts like a man, but he pisses like a little boy!"
K'áthjilari, me véna dórve! (drd002_2.mp3)
[ˈkaθ.dʒɾi me ˈ ˈdoɾ.ve]
"You're right, he's like a goat!"
Hash me ájada jinnaán, hash ánha afaták máe hatifaán! (drd002_3.mp3)
[haʃ me ˈa.dʒa.daˈan haʃ ˈan.ha a.fa.ˈtak ˈma.e ha.ti.fa.ˈan]
"If he comes over here, I'll slap him in the face!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 138
Episode 1, Cue DRD003
Athzheanazár yéri ávvirsae ánna. (drd003_1.mp3)
[aθ.ʒˈzar ˈje.ɾi ˈav.viɾ.sa.e ˈ]
"Your beauty burns me."
Azhás anhaán attihát yéra ezhiroón ésina. (drd003_2.mp3)
[a.ˈʒas an.ha.ˈan at.ti.ˈhat ˈje.ɾa e.ʒi.ɾo.ˈon ˈ]
"Let me show you a different kind of dance."
Lekh yeroón ádikana rháesoa, zhey Vasterák! (drd003_3.mp3)
[lex je.ɾo.ˈon ˈ ˈɾ ʒej vas.te.ˈɾak]
"Your tongue is faster than your feet, talkative one!"
Episode 1, Cue DRD015
Móri díli! (drd015_1.mp3)
[ˈmo.ɾi ˈ]
"They shine!"
Athlainár! (drd015_2.mp3)
Tihás! Tihás! (drd015_3.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas ti.ˈhas]
"Look! Look!" or "Behold!"
Ánha laz vos tihók! (drd015_4.mp3)
[ˈan.ha laz vos ti.ˈhok]
"I can't see!"
Es! Es! (drd015_5.mp3)
[es es]
"Move! Move!"
Chakás! (drd015_6.mp3)
"Be silent!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 139
Episode 2, Cue DRC004
Ígge ánni níra, zhey mími. (drc004_1.mp3)
[ˈ ˈ ˈni.ɾa ʒej ˈmi.mi]
"My bucket's full, mom."
Azhás máe anhaán, zhey shékhikhi. (drc004_2.mp3)
[a.ˈʒas ˈma.e an.ha.ˈan ʒej ˈʃe.xi.xi]
"Give it to me, my little light."
Me jínne. (drc004_3.mp3)
[me ˈdʒ]
"Here it is."
Episode 3, Cue DRD001
Hash yer vos chómi ánna? (drd001_1.mp3)
[haʃ jer vos ˈtʃo.mi ˈ]
"So you don't respect me?"
Ánha vezzók yeraán athchomár! (drd001_2.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vez.ˈzok je.ɾa.ˈan aθ.tʃo.ˈmar]
"I will teach you respect!"
Rháni! Rháni! (drd001_3.mp3)
[ˈɾ ˈɾ]
"Be merciful! Be merciful!"
Jíni athrhanár! Frakhós óste áthrhanari ánni! (drd001_4.mp3)
[ˈdʒ aθ.ɾha.ˈnar fɾa.ˈxos ˈos.te ˈaθ.ɾɾi ˈ]
"This is mercy! Feel the bite of my mercy!"
Riding Scenario (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Hash yer víneseri rek váes? (rs_1.mp3)
[haʃ jer ˈɾi rek ˈ]
"Do you remember that town?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 140
Sek. Me állayafa ánna, rek váes. Me vée anhoón avvós. (rs_2.mp3)
[sek me ˈ ˈ rek ˈ me ˈve.e an.ho.ˈon av.ˈvos]
"Yes. It pleases me, that town. I will never forget it."
Ánha ákka. (rs_3.mp3)
[ˈan.ha ˈak.ka]
"Me neither."
Óven Yógo. Jahák máe'sh ée moón! (rs_4.mp3)
[ˈo.ven ˈjo.go dʒa.ˈhak ˈma.eʃ ˈe.e mo.ˈon]
"Not like Yogo. He'd forget his braid!"
Me láina, jin ócha. (rs_5.mp3)
[me ˈ dʒin ˈo.tʃa]
"It's beautiful, that dun."
Ánha fich jin och dranekhosoón. (rs_6.mp3)
[ˈan.ha fitʃ dʒin otʃ dɾˈon]
"I took this horse from a Qartheen."
Me qorasókh dávra. (rs_7.mp3)
[me qo.ɾa.ˈsox ˈda.vɾa]
"It's an excellent prize."
K'áthjilari. (rs_8.mp3)
Dránekhosi síndarini. (rs_9.mp3)
[ˈdɾ ˈsin.da.ɾ]
"The Qartheen are weak."
Sek. Kísha vóji táwaki. (rs_10.mp3)
[sek ˈki.ʃa ˈvo.dʒi ˈ]
"Yes. We are the true race."
Kísha dóthraki! (rs_11.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa ˈdo.θɾ]
"We are the riders!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 141
San hrázefi vézhveni vekh m'avesoón ánni. (rs_12.mp3)
[san ˈhɾ ˈveʒ vexˈon ˈ]
"My father had many excellent horses."
Ven áve ánni. (rs_13.mp3)
[ven ˈ ˈ]
"As with my father."
Hash yer eth ókki: Che sájo ánni ch'akát záfra? (rs_14.mp3)
[haʃ jer eθ ˈ tʃe ˈsa.dʒo ˈ tʃa.ˈkat ˈza.fɾa]
"If you had to choose: Your horse or two slaves?"
Sájo ánni. (rs_15.mp3)
[ˈsa.dʒo ˈ]
"My horse."
Hash sen záfra? (rs_16.mp3)
[haʃ sen ˈza.fɾa]
"Three slaves?"
Sájo ánni. (rs_15.mp3)
[ˈsa.dʒo ˈ]
"My horse."
Mek záfra! (rs_17.mp3)
[mek ˈza.fɾa]
"Five slaves!"
Sájo ánni ákka. (rs_18.mp3)
[ˈsa.dʒo ˈ ˈak.ka]
"My horse still."
Fínsanneya záfra nem zígeree ha hrazefaán yéri? (rs_19.mp3)
[ˈ ˈza.fɾa nem ˈɾe.e ha hɾa.ze.fa.ˈan ˈje.ɾi]
"How many slaves are needed to get your horse?"
Hash jin hrazéf? Éi záfra rhaesheseroón. Ánha zhilík jin hrazéf. (rs_20.mp3)
[haʃ dʒin hɾa.ˈzef ˈe.i ˈza.fɾa ɾha.e.ʃɾo.ˈon ˈan.ha ʒi.ˈlik dʒin hɾa.ˈzef]
"This horse? Every slave on Earth. I love this horse."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 142
Kha! Ánha zhilík hrazéf ánni ákka. (rs_21.mp3)
[xa ˈan.ha ʒi.ˈlik hɾa.ˈzef ˈ ˈak.ka]
"Ha! I love my horse too."
A group of women converse as they set up camp (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Fichás loy évethi. (gow_1.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃas loj ˈθi]
"Get some water."
Ái, ánha vek. (gow_2.mp3)
[ˈa.i ˈan.ha vek]
"All right, I'll go."
Jíni vímithreri dávrae. (gow_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ ˈvi.mi.θɾe.ɾi ˈda.vɾa.e]
"This is a good place to camp."
Vímithreri oskíkh vos dávro. (gow_4.mp3)
[ˈvi.mi.θɾe.ɾi os.ˈkix vos ˈda.vɾo]
"The camp from last night wasn't any good."
Sorfosór eyelikhoón ma yash fish. (gow_5.mp3)
[soɾ.fo.ˈsorˈon ma jaʃʃ]
"The ground was all mud and the air was cold."
Fíni ánnitha rek chioriés? Me zhíkhvena k'áthtihari. (gow_6.mp3)
[ˈ ˈθa rek tʃi.o.ɾi.ˈes me ˈʒ ˈkaθ.ti.ha.ɾi]
"What pains that woman? She looks sickly."
Dothralát vo thásho ha maán. (gow_7.mp3)
[do.θɾa.ˈlat vo ˈθa.ʃo ha ma.ˈan]
"She's not used to riding."
Dothrakilát vo thásho ha maán. (gow_8.mp3)
[do.θɾˈlat vo ˈθa.ʃo ha ma.ˈan]
"She's not used to being Dothraki."
Notes: This is a play on words. Laughter after this would be appropriate.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 143
Kísha jif jólinaki ajjín. (gow_9.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa dʒif ˈdʒ ad.ˈdʒin]
"We should cook now."
Sek. Kísha jif. (gow_10.mp3)
[sek ˈki.ʃa dʒif]
"Yes. We should."
Ahéshke jáda. (gow_11.mp3)
[a.ˈheʃ.ke ˈdʒa.da]
"Winter is coming."
Notes: The prompt written was "The summer is coming". In fact, it's the tail
end of summer, and autumn is at hand.
Ahéshke vo dávrao. Vorsáska állayafa ánna. (gow_12.mp3)
[a.ˈheʃ.ke vo ˈda.vɾa.o voɾ.ˈsas.ka ˈ ˈ]
"Winter is no good. I like summer."
Ánha ákka. (gow_13.mp3)
[ˈan.ha ˈak.ka]
"Me too."
Shekh ray fasvén. (gow_14.mp3)
[ʃex raj fas.ˈven]
"The sun's been obscured by clouds."
Eyél ájada. (gow_15.mp3)
[e.ˈjel ˈa.dʒa.da]
"The rain will come."
Eyél vos állayafo ánna. (gow_16.mp3)
[e.ˈjel vos ˈ ˈ]
"I don't like the rain."
Me nem nésa. (gow_17.mp3)
[me nem ˈ]
"It is known."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 144
Me váyyoe yal. (gow_18.mp3)
[me ˈ jal]
"She will give birth to a child."
Ki Vézhofi. (gow_19.mp3)
[ki ˈve.ʒ]
"By the great horse god."
Asávva éma kishaán. (gow_20.mp3)
[a.ˈ ˈ ki.ʃa.ˈan]
"The sky smiles on us."
K'áthjilari. (gow_21.mp3)
Chíori máe jif Dóthraki. (gow_22.mp3)
[tʃi.o.ɾi ˈma.e dʒif ˈdo.θɾ]
"His woman should be Dothraki."
Acchakás hosk! (gow_23.mp3)
[at.tʃa.ˈkas hosk]
"Shut your mouth!"
Sek, chakás! (gow_24.mp3)
[sek tʃa.ˈkas]
"Yes, be silent!"
At a wedding dance (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrái! (awd_1.mp3)
"Wooo hoo!"
Zhey Dávo! Jadás jinnaán! (awd_2.mp3)
[ʒej ˈda.vo dʒa.ˈdasˈan]
"Hey Davo! Come over here!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 145
Lamékh óhazho mra qóra. (awd_3.mp3)
[la.ˈmex ˈo.ha.ʒo mɾa ˈqo.ɾa]
"I got fermented mare's milk."
Notes: Dothraki equivalent of beer.
Sanáccho. (awd_4.mp3)
Hále. Tihás rek! (awd_5.mp3)
[ˈha.le ti.ˈhas rek]
"Hey. Check that out!"
Kaffás máe, zhey Kógo! (awd_6.mp3)
[kaf.ˈfas ˈma.e ʒej ˈko.go]
"Crush him, Kogo!"
Grálo váddriva máe. (awd_7.mp3)
[ˈgɾa.lo ˈvad.dɾ ˈma.e]
"Gralo'll kill him."
Laját thirát! (awd_8.mp3)
[la.ˈjat θi.ˈɾat]
"To fight is to live!"
Athjilár! (awd_9.mp3)
"Got that right!"
As the bride and groom walk away from the wedding (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Asp! Ajjín móri'th ée. (bng_1.mp3)
[asp ad.ˈdʒin ˈmo.ɾiθ ˈe.e]
"Shh! Now they must depart."
Jáda Drógo. (bng_2.mp3)
[ˈdʒa.da ˈdɾo.go]
"Here comes Drogo."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 146
Me zhéanae. (bng_3.mp3)
[me ˈʒ]
"She is beautiful."
Kháleesi nem élaina ajjalán. (bng_4.mp3)
[ˈ nem ˈ ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
"The khaleesi will be got with child tonight."
Jíni dávrae ha khalasaraán. (bng_5.mp3)
[ˈdʒ ˈda.vɾa.e haɾa.ˈan]
"This is good for the khalasar."
Ánha vo dirgók mejín dávrae. (bng_6.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vo diɾ.ˈgok me.ˈdʒin ˈda.vɾa.e]
"I don't think this is good."
Jíni vos állayafo ánna. (bng_7.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈ ˈ]
"This doesn't please me."
Me nem kéma ma chioriés Dóthraki. (bng_8.mp3)
[me nem ˈ ma tʃi.o.ɾi.ˈes ˈdo.θɾ]
"He should be married to a Dothraki woman."
Asp! Acchakás hosk! (bng_9.mp3)
[asp at.tʃa.ˈkas hosk]
"Shh! Shut your mouth!"
Jíni asshékh vezhvén. (bng_10.mp3)
[ˈdʒ aʃ.ˈʃex veʒ.ˈven]
"This is an excellent day."
A group of males around the camp at night (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Házi dothrakhoón vézhvena. (agom_1.mp3)
[ˈha.zi do.θɾa.xo.ˈon ˈveʒ]
"That was a great ride."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 147
Házi asshekhoón dávra ha Dóthrakea. (agom_2.mp3)
[ˈha.zi aʃ.ʃe.xo.ˈon ˈda.vɾa ha ˈdo.θɾ]
"That was a good day for the Dothraki."
Sájo ánni ádavranaza. (agom_3.mp3)
[ˈsa.dʒo ˈ ˈa.da.vɾ]
"My horse is the best."
Írge sáji ánni. (agom_4.mp3)
[ˈiɾ.ge ˈsa.dʒi ˈ]
"After my horse."
Majín kífindirgi yer síli ánna ayyéy? (agom_5.mp3)
[ma.ˈdʒin ˈki.fin.diɾ.gi jer ˈ ˈ aj.ˈjej]
"Then why do you always follow me?"
Ánha vo zalók meyér láqi ven énta. Ánna! Ánna! Ánna! (agom_6.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vo za.ˈlok me.ˈjer ˈla.qe ven ˈen.ta ˈ ˈ ˈ]
"I don't want you to cry like a baby. (In mocking tone.) Me! Me! Me!"
Ven fas dahaán! (agom_7.mp3)
[ven fas da.ha.ˈan]
"Like a green cloud!" (I.e. "Like hell!")
Yer nem állayafa tihát choy anhoón. (agom_8.mp3)
[jer nem ˈ ti.ˈhat tʃoj an.ho.ˈon]
"You like to look at my ass."
Vos, me nem állayafa tihát choy fansoón yéri! (agom_9.mp3)
[vos me nem ˈ ti.ˈhat tʃojˈon ˈje.ɾi]
"No, he likes to look at your dapple's ass!"
Me ózhokwana hazoón yeroón. (agom_10.mp3)
[me ˈo.ʒ ha.zo.ˈon je.ɾo.ˈon]
"It's smaller than yours."
Drógo ée ajjín. (agom_11.mp3)
[ˈdɾo.go ˈe.e ad.ˈdʒin]
"Drogo's going now."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 148
Géchi vékha ma moón hilelát ajjalán. (agom_12.mp3)
[ˈge.tʃi ˈve.xa ma mo.ˈon hi.le.ˈlat ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
"He's got work to do tonight." (Lit. "He's got a hole to dig tonight.")
Sif ánni héthka ákka. (agom_13.mp3)
[sif ˈ ˈheθ.ka ˈak.ka]
"My shovel's ready to go too."
Házi yeroón ma házi anhoón! (agom_14.mp3)
[ˈha.zi je.ɾo.ˈon ma ˈha.zi an.ho.ˈon]
"Yours and mine!"
San rek hílelati asshékh; vosán silókh. Me nem nésa. (agom_15.mp3)
[san rek ˈ aʃ.ˈʃex vo.ˈsan si.ˈlox me nem ˈ]
"A lot of digging today; not much tomorrow. It is known."
Ha yeraán, ishísh: Yer hilék ohás. (agom_16.mp3)
[ha je.ɾa.ˈan i.ˈʃiʃ jer hi.ˈlek o.ˈhas]
"For you, maybe: You're a terrible digger."
Kísha jif qáfaki shíerakoa gorát ha maán. (agom_17.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa dʒif ˈ ˈʃi.e.ɾa.ko.a go.ˈɾat ha ma.ˈan]
"We should ask the stars to charge for him."
Ishísh khalákka ájada. (agom_18.mp3)
[i.ˈʃiʃ xa.ˈlak.ka ˈa.dʒa.da]
"Maybe the new leader will come."
Ishísh ajjalán. (agom_19.mp3)
[i.ˈʃiʃ ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
"Maybe tonight."
Me'th ta éi ajjalanaán. (agom_20.mp3)
[meθ ta ˈe.i ad.dʒˈan]
"One must try every night."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 149
Watching a fight (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Addrivás máe! (waf_1.mp3)
[ad.dɾi.ˈvas ˈma.e]
"Kill him!"
Vos! (waf_2.mp3)
Tihás házze! (waf_3.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas ˈhaz.ze]
"Look there!"
Tíhi yath! (waf_4.mp3)
[ˈti.hi jaθ]
"Eyes up!"
Jadás jinnaán! (waf_5.mp3)
[dʒa.ˈdas dʒˈan]
"Come here!"
Lanás! (waf_6.mp3)
Írge yéri! (waf_7.mp3)
[ˈiɾ.ge ˈje.ɾi]
"Behind you!"
Sek! (waf_8.mp3)
Házze! (waf_9.mp3)
"Over there!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 150
Nákhi! (waf_10.mp3)
"Stop that!"
Nákhi laját! (waf_11.mp3)
[ˈna.xi la.ˈdʒat]
"Stop fighting!"
Nakhás móra! (waf_12.mp3)
[na.ˈxas ˈmo.ɾa]
"Stop them!"
Azhás mórea laját! (waf_13.mp3)
[a.ˈʒas ˈmo.ɾe.a la.ˈdʒat]
"Let them fight!"
Rhelás máe! (waf_14.mp3)
[ɾhe.ˈlas ˈma.e]
"Help him!"
Jówa! (waf_15.mp3)
Vos ále! (waf_16.mp3)
[vos ˈa.le]
"No more!"
Kolveríkh dávra. (waf_17.mp3)
[ˈɾix ˈda.vɾa]
"Good thrust."
Me ray nákhoe. (waf_18.mp3)
[me raj ˈna.xo.e]
"It's finished."
Lájo dávra. (waf_19.mp3)
[ˈla.dʒo ˈda.vɾa]
"Good fight."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 151
Lájo vezhvén. (waf_20.mp3)
[ˈla.dʒo veʒ.ˈven]
"Excellent fight."
Me dóthra chek. (waf_21.mp3)
[me ˈdo.θɾa tʃek]
"He rode well."
Sek, me jíla. (waf_22.mp3)
[sek me ˈdʒila]
"Yes, that's so."
Me ádothrae Rháeshea Ájjalani. (waf_23.mp3)
[me ˈθɾa.e ˈɾha.e.ʃe.a ˈad.dʒ]
"He will ride to the Night Lands."
Shierák máe ávirsae k'áthrahsanari. (waf_24.mp3)
[ʃi.e.ˈɾak ˈma.e ˈa.viɾ.sa.e ˈka.θɾɾi]
"His star will burn brightly."
More fight dialogue
Atthasás máe! (mfd_1.mp3)
[aθ.θa.ˈsas ˈma.e]
"Kill him!" or "Lay him low!"
Drozhás máe! (mfd_2.mp3)
[dro.ˈʒas ˈma.e]
"Kill him!"
Yer vósi! (mfd_3.mp3)
[jer ˈ]
"You're nothing!"
Lajás! Lajás! (mfd_4.mp3)
[la.ˈdʒas la.ˈdʒas]
"Fight! Fight!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 152
Átihaki gaól she sorfosór ajjalán! (mfd_5.mp3)
[ˈ ga.ˈol ʃe soɾ.fo.ˈsor ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
"We're going to see guts on the ground tonight!"
Virisserás máe! (mfd_6.mp3)
"Slice him up!"
Me hája! (mfd_7.mp3)
[me ˈha.dʒa]
"He's strong!"
Me zísa! (mfd_8.mp3)
[me ˈ]
"He's hurt!"
Qoy! Qoy! (mfd_9.mp3)
[qoj qoj]
"Blood! Blood!"
Rissás jahakés! (mfd_10.mp3)
[ris.ˈsas dʒa.ha.ˈkes]
"Cut his braid!"
Akkovarás! Yer che mahrázh che rakh?! (mfd_11.mp3)
[ˈɾas jer tʃe mah.ˈɾaʒ tʃe rax]
"Stand up! Are you a man or a boy?"
Me arthás! (mfd_12.mp3)
[me aɾ.ˈθas]
"He's fallen!"
Mahrázh vezhvén! Mahrázh vezhvén! (mfd_13.mp3)
[mah.ˈɾaʒ veʒ.ˈven mah.ˈɾaʒ veʒ.ˈven]
"A great man! A great man!"
Hlizifíkh! (mfd_14.mp3)
"A wild strike!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 153
Hazák mahrázh jil! (mfd_15.mp3)
[ha.ˈzak mah.ˈɾaʒ dʒil]
"Now that's a real man!"
Approaching the Horse Gates (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Kísha ray jádo, ki Vézhofi (athg_1.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa raj ˈdʒ ki ˈve.ʒ]
"We've arrived, by the great horse god."
Vaés Dóthrak: Vaés Lájaki. (athg_2.mp3)
[va.ˈes ˈdo.θɾak va.ˈes ˈla.dʒ]
"Vaes Dothrak: The City of Warriors."
Ánha ray vo tího emrákh avvós. (athg_3.mp3)
[ˈan.ha raj vo ˈti.ho em.ˈɾax av.ˈvos]
"I have never seen the gateway."
Me assikhóf áthvezhvenari kíshi. (athg_4.mp3)
[meˈxof ˈaθ.veʒɾi ˈki.ʃi]
"It's a symbol of our greatness."
Kísha'th vímithreraki hatíf áthdrivari shékhi. (athg_5.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃaθ ˈvi.miθ.ɾe.ɾ ha.ˈtif ˈaθ.dɾɾi ˈʃe.xi]
"We must set up camp before sunset."
Khal zála vittéy ajjalán. (athg_6.mp3)
[xal ˈ vit.ˈtej ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
"The Khal will want a feast tonight."
Ajjalán chíorisi vézhiri. (athg_7.mp3)
[ad.dʒa.ˈlan ˈtʃi.o.ɾ ˈve.ʒi.ɾi]
"Tonight the women will dance."
As Daenerys rides talking to Jorah (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Fínsanneya kárlini álle? Hrazéf kíshi háqoe. (adr_1.mp3)
[ˈ ˈkaɾ ˈal.le hɾa.ˈzef ˈki.ʃi ˈha.qo.e]
"How many miles further? Our horses tire."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 154
Móri zígeree evethoón. (adr_2.mp3)
[ˈmo.ɾi ˈɾe.eθo.ˈon]
"They need water."
Jin zánde óhazha. (adr_3.mp3)
[dʒin ˈ ˈo.ha.ʒa]
"This satchel is heavy."
Finés móri vílojeri? Fin me ray et? (adr_4.mp3)
[fi.ˈnes ˈmo.ɾi ˈvi.lo.dʒe.ɾi fin me raj et]
"Who are they beating? What has he done?"
Ánha vos nesók. Móri févee qoyoón ma athvervenaroón, k'áthtihari. (adr_5.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vos ne.ˈsok ˈmo.ɾi ˈˈon ma aθ.veɾɾo.ˈon ˈkaθ.ti.ha.ɾi]
"I don't know. It seems they thirst for blood and violence."
Fíni móri ástoe? (adr_6.mp3)
[ˈ ˈmo.ɾi ˈ]
"What are they speaking about?"
Kífindirgi kísha nákhaki? (adr_7.mp3)
[ˈki.fin.diɾ.gi ˈki.ʃa ˈ]
"Why are we stopping?"
Fíni ray méliso? (adr_8.mp3)
[ˈ raj ˈ]
"What has happened?"
Ánha laz vo tihók. (adr_9.mp3)
[ˈan.ha laz vo ti.ˈhok]
"I cannot see."
Hash me ée? (adr_10.mp3)
[haʃ me ˈe.e]
"Is she leaving?"
Jíni vos vállayafo Drogoés (adr_11.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈ dɾo.go.ˈes]
"This will not please Drogo."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 155
Finnaán me ée? (adr_12.mp3)
[ˈan me ˈe.e]
"Where is she going?"
Fight scenes (from Greg Spence's .doc file)
Efenás jahakís máe! (fs_1.mp3)
[e.fe.ˈnas dʒa.ha.ˈkis ˈma.e]
"Take his braids off!"
Rissás fothaán! (fs_2.mp3)
[ris.ˈsas fo.θa.ˈan]
"Slice his throat!"
Jesás lekh nharesoón! (fs_3.mp3)
[dʒe.ˈsas lex nha.ɾˈon]
"Pull the tongue from his head!"
Vindés máe! (fs_4.mp3)
[vin.ˈdes ˈma.e]
"Stab him!"
Ógi máe ven qífo! (fs_5.mp3)
[ˈ ˈma.e ven ˈ]
"Slaughter him like swine!"
Tihatés gaól moón! (fs_6.mp3)
[ti.ha.ˈtes ga.ˈol mo.ˈon]
"Let's see his guts!"
Ajjorás zhorés odayoón! (fs_7.mp3)
[ad.dʒo.ˈɾas ʒo.ˈɾesˈon]
"Carve his heart out of his chest!"
Rhanós! (fs_8.mp3)
"Show no mercy!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 156
Dothraki Dialogue, Episodes 6-10: Post Production
I can't really interpret the .pdf's that were sent me, or figure out what dialogue is
appropriate, nor how much of it is needed. I've done my best. Hopefully it fits.
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[phonetic transcription]
Notes: If any.
Episode 6, Cue LGD001
Rakh! Rakh! Rakh haj! (611_8.mp3)
[rax rax rax hadʒ]
"A boy! A boy! A strong boy!"
Episode 6, Cue LGD002
Vezh fíni Sája Rhaesheserés! (pp610_75.mp3)
[vezh ˈ ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes]
"The Stallion who Mounts the World!"
Episode 6, Cue LGD003
Rháego! Rháego! Rháego! (pp610_1.mp3)
[ˈɾha.e.go ɾha.e.go ˈɾha.e.go]
"Rhaego! Rhaego! Rhaego!"
Episode 6, Cue LGD004
Fichás hadaén! (624_1.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃas ha.da.ˈen]
"Get the food!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 157
Azhás anhaán gavát! (624_2.mp3)
[a.ˈʒas an.ha.ˈan ga.ˈvat]
"Give me meat!"
Me chíori ánni, rekák rékke. Ánha aqorasók máe ajjalán! (624_3.mp3)
[me ˈtʃi.o.ɾi ˈ re.ˈkak ˈ ˈan.ha a.qo.ɾa.ˈsok ˈma.e ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
"She's my woman, that one there. I will have her tonight!"
Lamékh óhazho! Fichás jinnaán! (624_4.mp3)
[la.ˈmex ˈo.ha.ʒo fi.ˈtʃas ˈdʒ]
"Mare's milk! Bring it here!"
Háji khaleesisoón! (624_5.mp3)
"To the Khaleesi!"
Háji Vezhoón fíni Sája Rhaesheserés! (624_6.mp3)
[ˈha.dʒi ve.ʒo.ˈon ˈ ˈsa.dʒa ɾha.e.ʃˈɾes]
"To the Stallion who Mounts the World!"
Háji Rhaegosoón! (624_7.mp3)
[ˈha.dʒi ɾˈon]
"To Rhaego!"
Ajjalán ájjalani! (624_8.mp3)
[ad.dʒa.ˈlan ˈad.dʒ]
"Night of nights!"
Ma hash ánha anajahák, hash yer eth áhilee rek jerakés gróqe—me fin jéra kimíkh ma
zhorróf she Jeresér Jim! (624_9.mp3)
[ma haʃ ˈan.haʒa.ˈhak haʃ jer eθ ˈa.hi.le.e rek dʒe.ɾa.ˈkes ˈgro.qe me fin ˈdʒe.ɾa
ki.ˈmix ma ʒo.ˈrof ʃe dʒe.ɾe.ˈser dʒim]
"And if I win, then you have to bed that ugly trader—the one that was selling dates
and figs at the Western Market!"
Ha fansaán ánni h'ochaán yéri. Hash yer ásti, aá? (624_10.mp3)
[haˈan ˈ ho.tʃa.ˈan ˈje.ɾi haʃ jer ˈas.ti a.ˈa]
"My dapple for your dun. What do you say?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 158
Ánha jil k'áthgoshari. (624_11.mp3)
[ˈan.ha dʒil ˈkaθ.go.ʃa.ɾi]
"I certainly was in the right."
Hash gavát ray héthka? (624_12.mp3)
[ˈhaʃ ga.ˈvat raj ˈheθ.ka]
"Is the meat ready yet?"
Episode 6, Cue LGD005 & LGD006
Cue LGD006 calls for Dothraki women to hiss. I'm not sure if you wanted
dialogue, too, or if you just wanted them to hiss. If they need to say stuff, they can
actually say the same thing the men are saying. Options are below.
Me fícha tawakóf máe jinnaán! (624_14.mp3)
[me ˈfi.tʃa ta.wa.ˈkof ˈma.e dʒˈan]
/3SG.NOM take-3SG.PRES steel-ACC 3SG.GEN here-ALL/
"He brings his steel here!"
Khal jif fícha qoraés… (624_15.mp3)
[xal dʒif ˈfi.tʃa qo.ɾa.ˈes]
/khal-NOM should take-3SG.PRES hand-ACC/
"The khal should take his hand…"
Tokík! Tokík zíchome! (624_16.mp3)
[to.ˈkik to.ˈkik ˈzi.tʃ]
/fool-NOM fool-NOM disrespectful-NOM.AGR/
"The fool! The disrespectful fool!"
Ki Máisi Krázaaji! (624_17.mp3)
[ki ˈ ˈkɾʒi]
/by-mother-GEN mountain-GEN/
"By the Mother of Mountains!"
Matték lakhlaláy… (624_18.mp3)
/limper-NOM pant-ACT.PART/
"The panting fool…" (Lit. "The panting limper…")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 159
Aresák! (624_19.mp3)
Episode 7, Cue LGD001
Ash! Eeeee! (77_9.mp3)
[ˈaʃ ˈeeeee]
"Oooh! Ahhh!"
Laín! (77_10.mp3)
Ánha zalák áte hazoón! (77_11.mp3)
[ˈan.ha za.ˈlak ˈa.te ha.zo.ˈon]
"I want one of those!"
Vos! Me sékke! (pp610_2.mp3)
[vos me ˈ]
"No! It's too much!"
Yer vázhi máe anhaán. (pp610_3.mp3)
[jer ˈva.ʒi ˈma.e an.ha.ˈan]
"You will give it to me."
Yer vásteri sékke. (pp610_4.mp3)
[jer ˈvas.te.ɾi ˈ]
"You talk too much."
Vos-a-vos-a-vos! Azhás anhaán tihát máe. (pp610_5.mp3)
[vos a vos a vos a.ˈʒas an.ha.ˈan ti.ˈhat ˈma.e]
"No, no, no! Let me see it."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 160
Episode 7, Cue LGD002
Kimíkh! Kimíkh ma zhorróf! Chof k'áthjilari! (77_1.mp3)
[ki.ˈmix ki.ˈmix ma ʒo.ˈrof tʃof ˈkaθɾi]
"Dates! Dates and figs! Very fresh!"
Sérja! Sash ma laín! Sérja! Yer zígeree serj sásha ma láina! (77_2.mp3)
[ˈseɾ.dʒa saʃ ma la.ˈin ˈseɾ.dʒa jer ˈɾe.e seɾdʒ ˈsa.ʃa ma ˈ]
"Vests! New and stylish! Vests! You need a new and stylish vest!"
Fichós íme sásha! Me véssa atthirár yéri! (77_3.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃos ˈ ˈsa.ʃa me ˈ aθ.θi.ˈɾar ˈje.ɾi]
"Buy a new belt! It will change your life!"
Fichós firíkh sásha che ánha némo addrivák! (77_4.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃos fi.ˈɾix ˈsa.ʃa tʃe ˈan.ha ˈ ad.dɾi.ˈvak]
"Buy a new ring or I'll kill myself!"
Éshina! Éshina chof! Éshina havazhoón! Éshina áshefasi! Jóma m'ággi! (77_5.mp3)
[ˈe.ʃ ˈe.ʃ tʃof ˈe.ʃʒo.ˈon ˈe.ʃ ˈa.ʃ ˈdʒ ˈ]
"Fish! Fresh fish! Ocean fish! River fish! Salmon and catfish!"
Yazh adavranáz! Yazh rhaeshoón ésina! Yazh athjolinaraán! Yazh adavranáz!
[jaʒ a.da.vɾa.ˈnaz jaʒ ɾha.e.ʃo.ˈon ˈ jaʒ aθɾa.ˈan jaʒ a.da.vɾa.ˈnaz]
"The best spices! Spices from different lands! Spices for cooking! The best spices!"
Episode 7, Cue LGD003
Ánha zigerék hadaenoón. (pp610_6.mp3)
"I need food."
Yer zígeree hadaenoón ayyéy! (pp610_7.mp3)
[jer ˈɾe.eˈon aj.ˈjej]
"You always need food!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 161
Ma yer zígeree himoón gommasaán ayyéy! (pp610_8.mp3)
[ma jer ˈɾe.eˈonˈan aj.ˈjej]
"And you always need a fist to the mouth!"
Ma akát yéroa dógi gregoón. Vos ále jinoón! (pp610_9.mp3)
[ma a.ˈkat ˈje.ɾo.a ˈ gɾe.go.ˈon vos ˈa.le dʒˈon]
"And you both suffer from splinters. No more of this!"
Acchakás hosk! (827_3.mp3)
[at.tʃa.ˈkas hosk]
"Shut your mouth!"
Rhóa zóra; máhrazhi vásteri! (pp610_10.mp3)
[ˈɾho.a ˌzo.ɾa ˈma.hɾa.ʒi ˌvas.te.ɾi]
"Beasts growl; men talk."
Me nem nésa. (gow_17.mp3)
[me nem ˈ]
"It is known."
Episode 7, Cue LGD004
Athnajahár! (pp610_11.mp3)
Athdavrazár! (611_16.mp3)
Ash! Eeeee! (77_9.mp3)
[ˈaʃ ˈeeeee]
"Oooh! Ahhh!"
Tihás jin! (pp610_12.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas dʒin]
"Look at that!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 162
Athdavrasozár! (pp610_13.mp3)
Episode 7, Cue LGD005
How many pairs…? How much dialogue…?
Hash mái yéri shar? (pp610_14.mp3)
[haʃ ˈma.i ˈje.ɾi ʃar]
"Is your mother well?"
Ánha zalák memé ádrivoe qísi. (pp610_15.mp3)
[ˈan.ha za.ˈlak me.ˈme ˈa.dɾi.vo.e ˈ]
"I hope she dies soon."
K'áthjilari! Kífindirgi? (pp610_16.mp3)
[ˈkaθ.dʒɾi ˈki.fin.diɾ.gi]
"Really! Why?"
Hajinaán m'ánha feják máe. (pp610_17.mp3)
[ha.dʒˈan ˈman.ha fe.ˈdʒak ˈma.e]
"Because I hate her."
Kífindirgi yer féji máe? (pp610_18.mp3)
[ˈki.fin.diɾ.gi jer ˈfe.dʒi ˈma.e]
"Why do you hate her?"
Hajinaán memé vádrivoo voséchhi! (pp610_19.mp3)
[ha.dʒˈan me.ˈme ˈva.dɾi.vo.o vo.ˈset.tʃi]
"Because she won't die!"
Episode 7, Cue LGD006
I don't know what's being sold here. Below are some generic phrases; feel free to
add previous merchant dialogue.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 163
Jadás! Jadás! (pp610_20.mp3)
[dʒa.ˈdas dʒa.ˈdas]
"Come! Come!"
Tihás réki mra qóra! (pp610_21.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas ˈ mɾa ˈqo.ɾa]
"See what I have!"
Me vállayafa sháfka! (pp610_22.mp3)
[me ˈ ˈʃaf.ka]
"You'll like it!"
Me dávrae! (pp610_23.mp3)
[me ˈda.vɾa.e]
"It's good!"
Episode 7, Cue LGD007-010
Stray dialogue for various of these.
Ánha afichók serj sásha. (pp610_24.mp3)
[ˈan.haˈtʃok seɾdʒ ˈsa.ʃa]
"I will get a new vest."
Fichás jin inglór ma yeraán. (pp610_25.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃas dʒin iŋ.ˈglor ma je.ɾa.ˈan]
"Take this medallion belt with you."
Kísha zígereki hadaenoón ále. (pp610_26.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa ˈɾˈon ˈa.le]
"We need some more food."
Chiorikém sash kháli láina. (pp610_27.mp3)
[tʃi.o.ɾi.ˈkem saʃ ˈ ˈ]
"The new wife of the khal is beautiful."
Jédo laják édavrasa. (pp610_28.mp3)
[ˈdʒ la.ˈdʒak ˈe.da.vɾ]
"Jedo is a worthless warrior."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 164
Ánha dothrák adavrán Jedosoón. (pp610_29.mp3)
[ˈan.ha do.ˈθɾak a.da.ˈvɾan dʒˈon]
"I'm a better rider than Jedo."
Eyák dóthraki ádavrani Jedosoón. (pp610_30.mp3)
[e.ˈjak ˈdo.θɾ ˈa.da.vɾ dʒˈon]
"Everyone's a better rider than Jedo."
Ánha afichák chioriés máe moón. (pp610_31.mp3)
[ˈan.haˈtʃak tʃi.o.ɾi.ˈes ˈma.e mo.ˈon]
"I will take his woman from him."
Vos! Ánha aták máe! (pp610_32.mp3)
[vos ˈan.ha a.ˈtak ˈma.e]
"No! I will do so!"
Hash me ast fin? (pp610_33.mp3)
[haʃ me ast fin]
"What did he say?"
Vos ánha cháro máe. (pp610_34.mp3)
[vos ˈan.ha ˈtʃa.ɾo ˈma.e]
"I didn't hear him."
Kísha'th éki ajjín. (pp610_35.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃaθ ˈ ad.ˈdʒin]
"We must go now."
Sek, elatés. (pp610_36.mp3)
"Yes, let's go."
Episode 7, Cue LGD011
Vikovarerás jínne. (pp610_37.mp3)
[ɾe.ˈɾas ˈdʒ]
"Stay here."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 165
Ánha ajadák háji yeraán qísi. (pp610_38.mp3)
[ˈan.ha a.dʒa.ˈdak ˈha.dʒi je.ɾa.ˈan ˈ]
"I will come for you soon."
Hash yer tíhoe? (pp610_39.mp3)
[haʃ jer ˈti.ho.e]
"Do you understand?"
Davrás, zhey yálli ánni. (pp610_40.mp3)
[da.ˈvɾas ʒej ˈ ˈ]
"Be good, my child."
Episode 7, Cue LGD012-13
Ahéshke vo dávrao. Vorsáska állayafa ánna. (gow_12.mp3)
[a.ˈheʃ.ke vo ˈda.vɾa.o voɾ.ˈsas.ka ˈ ˈ]
"Winter is no good. I like summer."
Ánha ákka. (gow_13.mp3)
[ˈan.ha ˈak.ka]
"Me too."
Shekh ray fasvén. (gow_14.mp3)
[ʃex raj fas.ˈven]
"The sun's been obscured by clouds."
Eyél ájada. (gow_15.mp3)
[e.ˈjel ˈa.dʒa.da]
"The rain will come."
Eyél vos állayafo ánna. (gow_16.mp3)
[e.ˈjel vos ˈ ˈ]
"I don't like the rain."
Me nem nésa. (gow_17.mp3)
[me nem ˈ]
"It is known."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 166
Episode 7, Cue LGD014
Addrivás máe! (waf_1.mp3)
[ad.dɾi.ˈvas ˈma.e]
"Kill him!"
Tihás házze! (waf_3.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas ˈhaz.ze]
"Look there!"
Me lána! (pp610_41.mp3)
[me ˈ]
"He's running!"
Episode 7, Cue LGD015
Qorás máe! (918_3.mp3)
[qo.ˈɾas ˈma.e]
"Hold him!"
Rissás fothaán! (fs_2.mp3)
[ris.ˈsas fo.θa.ˈan]
"Slice his throat!"
Jesás lekh nharesoón! (fs_3.mp3)
[dʒe.ˈsas lex nha.ɾˈon]
"Pull the tongue from his head!"
Ógi máe ven qífo! (fs_5.mp3)
[ˈ ˈma.e ven ˈ]
"Slaughter him like swine!"
Episode 7, Cue LGD016
Hash yéri ti fin? (pp610_42.mp3)
[haʃ ˈje.ɾi ti fin]
"What are they doing?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 167
Me'th drívoe! (pp610_43.mp3)
[meθ ˈdɾi.vo.e]
"He must die!"
Hash kháleesi sándie? (pp610_44.mp3)
[haʃ ˈ ˈsan.di.e]
"Is the khaleesi safe?"
Tihás jin ifakés! (624_13.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas dʒin i.fa.ˈkes]
"Look at this walker!"
Episode 7, Cue LGD017-027
Sorry, I have no idea what they're responding to here. If this is Drogo's big speech,
I guess they're just shouting replies like, "Yeah!", etc. Here are some shoutable
Ai! (721B_3.mp3)
Qoy! (721B_4.mp3)
Háji khalaán! (721B_5.mp3)
"For the Khal!"
Athdrivár! (721B_7.mp3)
Athchekár! (721B_8.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 168
Qoy qóyi. (910A_4.mp3)
[qoj ˈqo.ji]
"Blood of my blood."
Athdavrazár! (611_16.mp3)
Episode 8, Cue LGD001
Athdrivár! (721B_7.mp3)
Episode 8, Cue LGD002
Kartás! (917_4.mp3)
Ohharás máe! (pp610_45.mp3)
[oh.ha.ˈɾas ˈma.e]
"Destroy it!"
Kartás máe sorfosoraán! (pp610_46.mp3)
[kaɾ.ˈtas ˈma.e soɾɾa.ˈan]
"Pull it to the ground!"
Es! Es! (drd015_5.mp3)
[es es]
"Move! Move!"
Episode 8, Cue LGD003-05
I imagine they're kind of joking with each other about which men get which
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 169
Lanós! (826_3.mp3)
"Don't run!"
Eqorasás máe! (827_6.mp3) (Note: The word for "it" is the same was the word for "s/he".)
[e.qo.ɾa.ˈsas ˈma.e]
"Let her go!"
Vosécchi! Me ánni! (827_7.mp3)
[vo.ˈset.tʃi me ˈ]
"No! She's mine!"
Chakás, gech! (827_10.mp3)
[tʃa.ˈkas getʃ]
"Shut up, bitch!"
Fin ti, hlefák! (828_4.mp3)
[fin ti hle.ˈfak]
"What are you doing, fucker!"
Me ánni! (828_5.mp3)
[me ˈ]
"She's mine!"
Fichás áte ha yeraán! (828_6.mp3)
[fi.ˈtʃas ˈa.te ha je.ɾa.ˈan]
"Get your own!"
Ánha ray vos nakhók! (828_7.mp3)
[ˈan.ha raj vos na.ˈxok]
"I'm not finished yet!"
Tihás rek sov! (pp610_47.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas rek sov]
"Look at those breasts!"
Ánha zalák ostolát haz sov! (pp610_48.mp3)
[ˈan.ha za.ˈlakˈlat haz sov]
"I want to take a bite out of those pears!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 170
Hrazéf ánni dóthrae maán! (pp610_49.mp3)
[hɾa.ˈzef ˈ ˈdo.θɾa.e ma.ˈan]
"My horse is riding for her!"
Ánha zalák rek! (pp610_50.mp3)
[ˈan.ha za.ˈlak rek]
"I want that one!"
Episode 8, Cue LGD006-07
It's not clear what's wanted here.
Sek! (waf_8.mp3)
Episode 8, Cue LGD008-09
Hash yer ée hash ánha arissák hatíf! (pp610_51.mp3)
[haʃ jer ˈe.e haʃ ˈan.ha a.ɾis.ˈsak ha.ˈtif]
"If you move I'll cut your face!"
Ánha aqorasók qorasókh ánni! (pp610_52.mp3)
[ˈan.ha a.qo.ɾa.ˈsok qo.ɾa.ˈsox ˈ]
"I will have my reward!"
Yer laz vos ánnakhi ánna! (pp610_53.mp3)
[jer laz vos ˈ ˈ]
"You can't stop me!"
Episode 8, Cue LGD010
See LGD003-05.
Episode 8, Cue LGD011-12
Lanás, zhey gech! (pp610_54.mp3)
[la.ˈnas ʒej getʃ]
"Run, bitch!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 171
Ánha qorasók jin groqekés! K'ási fíni hash yer nákhoe ánna? (828_8.mp3)
[ˈan.ha qo.ɾa.ˈsok dʒin gɾo.qe.ˈkes ˈ ˈ haʃ jer ˈna.xo.e ˈ]
"I claim this ugly wench! By whose authority do you stop me?"
K'ási kháleesisi. (828_9.mp3)
[ˈ ˈ]
"By the authority of the Khaleesi."
Vo chíori ássoe ánna! (828_10.mp3)
[vo ˈtʃi.o.ɾi ˈ ˈ]
"No woman orders me!"
Réki qorasókh máe! (pp610_55.mp3)
[ˈ qo.ɾa.ˈsox ˈma.e]
"That's his prize!"
Episode 8, Cue LGD013-14
Jíni vos jílo. (919_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈdʒi.lo]
"This is not right."
Hash kháleesi ray et fin? (919_4.mp3)
[haʃ ˈ raj et fin]
"What has the khaleesi done?"
Yer sindarín! (pp610_56.mp3)
[jer sin.da.ˈɾin]
"You are weak!"
Yer nem ássoe ki chíorisi! (pp610_57.mp3)
[jer nem ˈ ki ˈtʃi.o.ɾ]
"You're ordered around by women!"
Episode 9, Cue LGD001
Qoy qóyi. (910A_4.mp3)
[qoj ˈqo.ji]
"Blood of my blood."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 172
Episode 9, Cue LGD002-04
Khal laz vos dóthrae. (pp610_58.mp3)
[xal laz vos ˈdo.θɾa.e]
"The khal cannot ride."
Khal fíni laz vos dóthrae vos khal. (pp610_59.mp3)
[xal ˈ laz vos ˈdo.θɾa.e vos xal]
"A khal who cannot ride is not a khal."
K'áthjilari. (pp610_60.mp3)
Me nem nésa. (gow_17.mp3)
[me nem ˈ]
"It is known."
Jíni vos jílo. (919_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈdʒi.lo]
"This is not right."
Vos vékho kháli. (pp610_61.mp3)
[vos ˈve.xo ˈ]
"There is no khal."
Episode 9, Cue LGD005-07
It's impossible to tell what's intended here.
Episode 9, Cue LGD008
Me athmovezár qóyi… (919_1.mp3)
[me aθˈzar ˈqo.ji]
"It's blood magic…"
Házi qoy hrazefoón kháli. (919_2.mp3)
[ˈha.zi qoj hɾˈon ˈ]
"That is blood from the khal's horse."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 173
Jíni vos jílo. (919_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈdʒi.lo]
"This is not right."
Hash kháleesi ray et fin? (919_4.mp3)
[haʃ ˈ raj et fin]
"What has the khaleesi done?"
Jíni méla! (919_7.mp3)
[ˈdʒ ˈ]
"This is evil!"
Kísha ádrivoki ajjalán, eyák! (919_8.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa ˈa.dɾ ad.dʒa.ˈlan e.ˈjak]
"We will die tonight, everyone!"
Episode 9, Cue LGD009
K'áthjilari. (pp610_60.mp3)
Me jíla. (pp610_62.mp3)
[me ˈdʒ]
"He's right."
Sek, me jíla. (waf_22.mp3)
[sek me ˈdʒila]
"Yes, that's so."
Me nem nésa. (gow_17.mp3)
[me nem ˈ]
"It is known."
Hazák mahrázh jil! (mfd_15.mp3)
[ha.ˈzak mah.ˈɾaʒ dʒil]
"Now that's a real man!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 174
Episode 9, Cue LGD010-11
Qoy! Qoy! (mfd_9.mp3)
[qoj qoj]
"Blood! Blood!"
Virisserás máe! (mfd_6.mp3)
"Slice him up!"
Me hája! (mfd_7.mp3)
[me ˈha.dʒa]
"He's strong!"
Mahrázh vezhvén! Mahrázh vezhvén! (mfd_13.mp3)
[mah.ˈɾaʒ veʒ.ˈven mah.ˈɾaʒ veʒ.ˈven]
"A great man! A great man!"
Hlizifíkh! (mfd_14.mp3)
"A wild strike!"
Lajás! Lajás! (mfd_4.mp3)
[la.ˈdʒas la.ˈdʒas]
"Fight! Fight!"
Rhanós! (fs_8.mp3)
"Show no mercy!"
Tihás házze! (waf_3.mp3)
[ti.ˈhas ˈhaz.ze]
"Look there!"
Addrivás máe! (waf_1.mp3)
[ad.dɾi.ˈvas ˈma.e]
"Kill him!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 175
Episode 9, Cue LGD012
Me ray nákhoe. (waf_18.mp3)
[me raj ˈna.xo.e]
"It's finished."
Jíni vos jílo. (919_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈdʒi.lo]
"This is not right."
Fin ray méliso? (pp610_63.mp3)
[fin raj ˈ]
"What has happened?"
Vékho vos ókkaki… (pp610_64.mp3)
[ˈve.xo vos ˈ]
"There is no leader…"
Hash kísha táki fin? (pp610_65.mp3)
[haʃ ˈki.ʃa ˈ fin]
"What do we do?"
Episode 10, Cue LGD001
Jíni vos jílo. (919_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈdʒi.lo]
"This is not right."
Hash kháleesi ray et fin? (919_4.mp3)
[haʃ ˈ raj et fin]
"What has the khaleesi done?"
Hash kísha átaki fin? (pp610_66.mp3)
[haʃ ˈki.ʃa ˈ fin]
"What will we do?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 176
Episode 10, Cue LGD002
Ánha vos vikovarerók. (pp610_67.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vosɾe.ˈɾok]
"I will not stay."
Kísha jif éki. (pp610_68.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa dʒif ˈ]
"We should leave."
Ánha rokhák. (pp610_69.mp3)
[ˈan.ha ro.ˈxak]
"I'm afraid."
Episode 10, Cue LGD003
Fin ray méliso? (pp610_63.mp3)
[fin raj ˈ]
"What has happened?"
Jíni vos jílo. (919_3.mp3)
[ˈdʒ vos ˈdʒi.lo]
"This is not right."
Kísha jif éki. (pp610_68.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa dʒif ˈ]
"We should leave."
Episode 10, Cue LGD004
Zhey kháleesi! Zhey khal! (pp610_70.mp3)
[ʒej ˈ ʒej xal]
"O khaleesi! O khal!"
Ánha ha sháfkea! (pp610_71.mp3)
[ˈan.ha ha ˈʃ]
"I am yours!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 177
Ánha adothrák sháfki! (pp610_72.mp3)
[ˈan.haˈθɾak ˈʃ]
"I will ride beside you!"
Kháleesi zhavvórsi! (pp610_73.mp3)
[ˈ ʒav.ˈvoɾ.si]
"Queen of dragons!"
Kísha khalasár sháfki! (pp610_74.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃaˈsar ˈʃ]
"We are your khalasar!"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 178
Any time! Glad I could help.
David Peterson
LCS President
On Jun 2, 2011, at 129 PM, Martin J Mahon wrote:
Well I am glad I could be of help :)
Seriously thank you once again, you have been so helpful.
Might be counting my chickens before they hatch but I think that is it.
On 2 Jun 2011, at 21:25, David Peterson wrote:
Okay, I've got it!
You've helped to create both a new phrase, and a new impersonal construction in
Dothraki. Thanks for all the background info—it was crucial!
David Peterson
LCS President
On Jun 2, 2011, at 1207 PM, Martin J Mahon wrote:
Hi David
Any luck with the new wav I sent?
They need to find out as soon as possible,
Martin Mahon.
Post Coordinator.
Game of Thrones POST PRODUCTION,
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 179
On 1 Jun 2011, at 21:41, David Peterson <XXXXXXXXXX> wrote:
Hey Martin,
Just three to go here in the US! It's funny, everyone I know is watching GoT; several had
no idea I was working on it until they googled "Dothraki language".
A couple of these are fairly straightforward:
1 - Drogo falling from his horse.
Dothraki: SAJO ANNI...
English: MY HORSE...
2 - Drogo on his death bed. I can't make out everything he's saying (for obvious
reasons: he can barely speak at this point), but I have the lines he's supposed to be
saying. He actually ad-libbed, which is cool, because it gives me the power to decide
what he's saying. :) Here's what I came up with (note: the hyphens here indicate that the
word is cut off. If you want, you can remove the elements before the hyphen entirely
[e.g. so the first word would be DOTHRAE... rather than DOTH-DOTHRAE...]):
4 - Sounds to me like he just says "Irri". There's an "a" or "uh" on the end there, so I
created an expression where you say someone's name and follow it with "a" to mean
"Leave" or "Leave us". Not sure how'd you'd gloss that, though... Maybe:
Dothraki: IRRI, A?
I don't know. It doesn't mean anything, per se. It means more like, "Irri, could you please
leave us?" That's the sense I get from what I'm hearing. Anyway, that's basically what it
means. I'll leave it to you to decide what the best way to put that into English would be.
As for 3, I have no idea what he's saying, but it *sounds* like real Dothraki. I need some
time to pick through it (it'd be easier if I could see the scene and see his lip movements).
Can you give me the immediate context (lines, if possible)? Just what's said directly
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 180
before and directly afterwards. Also, what's your deadline? How long have I got to come
up with this?
David Peterson
LCS President
On Jun 1, 2011, at 1028 AM, Martin J Mahon wrote:
Hi David,
We are almost finished now, the end is in sight.
I have what I believe will be my last request for a translation and it's from episode 9.
I have attached 4 wav files which we need to try and have scripted in English and
1- Drogo falls from his horse: This is where Drogo has become very sick and falls from
his horse as he has become weak. He mumbles something while he is lying on the
2- Drogo On His Death Bed: Drogo lies on a bed inside a tent. He is again muttering
something to Daenerys.
3- Rakharo Talking To Qotho: Rakharo seems to be trying to calm Qotho down and
probably saying something like 'come on dude leave it'
3- Rakharo Tells Irri To Leave the Tent: Rakharo is telling Irri to leave the tent. I can hear
him say her name but does the other sound mean anything?
I hope that you are well and that you can help me out with this.
Talk to you soon and thanks again.
Martin Mahon.
Post Coordinator.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 181
Martin Mahon.
Post Coordinator.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 182
Hey Bryan,
Hope your vacation went well. I just this evening got back from Vegas for my birthday.
Did you need a recording? I can get you the written line right now. It is (assuming that
"the horde" refers to a bunch of enemies):
Annakhas dozgosores!
I can get you the recording tomorrow.
As for next week, what about Tuesday? What time zone are you in? I'm in California.
Any time ten a.m. or better my time is good for me (though I can get up earlier if it'll
On Jan 21, 2011, at 316 PM, Bryan Cogman wrote:
Hi David -
Apologies for taking so long to get back to you. I was on vacation, then we dove
headfirst into scripting Season Two. "
I believe you said you wanted to talk to me on the phone about something? When's the
best time for you to talk next week?
Also, we have need of a new Dothraki line for ADR in Episode III -- it's a line for Jorah:
"Stop the Horde!"
Thanks so much and let me know when you want to jump on the phone...
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 183
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 184
Episode 1: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[IPA transcription]
Notes: If any.
Episode 1, Scene 13
Dany addressing her Rakharo, Aggo and Kovarro.
Zhey Rákharo, zhey Ággo, zhey Kovárro. Fíchi hrazéf zínayi kíshi. (113_1.mp3)
[ʒej ˈra.xa.ɾo ʒej ˈag.go ʒej ko.ˈ ˈfi.tʃi hɾa.ˈzef ˈ ˈki.ʃi]
"Rakharo, Aggo, Kovvaro. Take our remaining horses."
Dany continuing:
Ma yer ádothrae tith; ma yer heshtíth; ma yer valshtíth. (113_2.mp3)
[ma jer ˈθɾa.e tiθ ma jer heʃ.ˈtiθ ma jer valʃ.ˈtiθ]
"You will ride east; you southeast; and you northeast."
Fin kísha fónoki, zhey kháleesi? (113_3.mp3)
[fin ˈki.ʃa ˈ ʒej ˈ]
"What do we seek, khaleesi?"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 185
Vaés, che thíri che drívi. Ma verakasarís ma vóji. Che ashefaés che tozaraés che
Hávazzhife Zhókwa. Ézo athchilár Athasaroón Vírzetha hatíf kíshi, ma réki vékha
yómme moón. Hash ánha vek jinnoón, hash ánha anesák rekkaán ek ánha, ma
kífinosi ek ánha rekkaán. (113_4.mp3)
[va.ˈes tʃe ˈθi.ɾi tʃe ˈdɾ ma ve.ɾˈɾis ma ˈvo.dʒi tʃe a.ʃe.fa.ˈes tʃeɾa.ˈes tʃe
ˈha.vaʒ.ʒi.fe ˈʒo.kwa ˈe.zo aθ.tʃi.ˈlar a.θɾo.ˈon ˈviɾ.ze.θa ha.ˈtif ˈki.ʃi ma ˈ ˈve.xa
ˈ mo.ˈon haʃ ˈan.ha vek dʒˈon haʃ ˈan.haˈsak rek.ka.ˈan ek ˈan.ha ma
ˈ ek ˈan.ha rek.ka.ˈan]
"Cities, living or dead. Caravans and people. Rivers, or lakes, or the Great Salt Sea.
Find how far the Red Waste extends before us, and what lies on the other side. When
I leave this place, I will know where I am going, and how to get there."
Notes: This may not be as long as Jason's speech from season 1, but it's
pretty brutal. Let me know if you want me to do separate recordings of each
individual line for Emilia.
vóji should be vojís
Dany calls Rakharo by name and then says:
Yer athzalár nákhoki ánni, zhey qoy qóyi. (113_5.mp3)
[jer aθ.za.ˈlar ˈ ˈ ʒej qoj ˈqo.ji]
"You are my last hope, blood of my blood."
Rakharo responds:
Ánha vos oziyenék sháfkea, zhey qoy qóyi. (113_6.mp3)
[ˈan.ha vosˈnek ˈʃ ʒej qoj ˈqo.ji]
"I will not fail you, blood of my blood."
Ad lib by Rakharo:
Varanno. Gwe.
[va.ˈɾ ˈgwe]
"It will be done. Let's go." (Lit. "It will not gather dust. Let's go.")
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 186
Episode 3: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[IPA transcription]
Notes: If any.
Episode 3, Scene 3.9A
Irri, after seeing Rakharo's braid.
Móri atthasísh oakáh moón. (3_1.mp3)
[ˈmo.ɾi aθ.θa.ˈsiʃ o.a.ˈkah mo.ˈon]
"They killed his soul."
Dany's reply:
Áffa, áffa. Móri laz vos átthi oakáh vosécchi. (3_2.mp3)
[ˈaf.fa ˈaf.fa ˈmo.ɾi laz vos ˈaθ.θi o.a.ˈkah vo.ˈset.tʃi]
"Shh. They cannot kill his soul."
Irri persists:
Jin tish móri! Móri ogísh ven máe ven rho. Móri avvirsósh khadoés moón. Me laz
ódothrae kími máe she Rháeshi Ájjalani avvós. (3_3.mp3)
[dʒin tiʃ ˈmo.ɾi ˈmo.ɾi o.ˈgiʃ ven ˈma.e ven ɾho ˈmo.ɾi av.viɾ.ˈsoʃˈes mo.ˈon me laz
ˈθɾa.e ˈki.mi ˈma.e ʃe ˈɾha.e.ʃi ˈad.dʒ av.ˈvos]
"They did! They butchered him like an animal. They did not burn his body. He can
never join his ancestors in the Night Lands."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 187
Dany mollifies:
Áffa. Kísha ámariki vorsqóy ha maán. Majín ánha asták yeraán asqóy, me-Rákharo
ádothrae kími máe ajjalán. (3_4.mp3)
[ˈaf.fa ˈki.ʃa ˈɾ voɾs.ˈqoj ha ma.ˈan ma.ˈdʒin ˈan.ha as.ˈtak je.ɾa.ˈan as.ˈqoj me.
ˈɾa.xa.ɾo ˈθɾa.e ˈki.mi ˈma.e ad.dʒa.ˈlan]
"Shh. We will build him a funeral pyre. And I promise you, Rakharo will ride with
his ancestors tonight."
Episode 3, Scene 3.18A
Dany to Kovarro:
Jin vos sájo yéri. (3_5.mp3)
[dʒin vos ˈsa.dʒo je.ɾi]
"This isn't your horse."
Kovarro to Dany:
Me nem azh anhaán ki Sénthisiri—jin Fózaki Qarthoón. (3_6.mp3)
[me nem aʒ an.ha.ˈan ki ˈsen.θɾi dʒin ˈ qaɾ.θo.ˈon]
"It was given to me by the Thirteen—the Elders of Qarth."
Zhey Qarth? (3_7.mp3)
[ʒej qaɾθ]
Sen ásshekhi tithaán, qísi hávazzhifi. (3_8.mp3)
[sen ˈaʃ.ʃe.xi ti.θa.ˈan ˈ ˈha.vaʒ.ʒ]
"Three days to the east, on the sea."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 188
Dany and Jorah have some words, and then Dany says to Kovarro:
Hash móri vázhi kishaán emralát? (3_9.mp3)
[haʃ ˈmo.ɾi ˈva.ʒi ki.ʃa.ˈan e.mɾa.ˈlat]
"Will they let us in?"
Móri astísh memóri nem áchomoe hash móri víddee Mayés Zhavvórsi. (3_10.mp3)
[ˈmo.ɾi as.ˈtiʃ me.ˈmo.ɾi nem ˈa.tʃ haʃ ˈmo.ɾi ˈ ma.ˈjes ʒav.ˈvoɾ.si]
"They said they would be honored to receive the Mother of Dragons."
Episode 3, Scene 3.31
Dany to Irri and Doreah:
Zhey Írri, zhey Dórea. Fíchi máe. (3_11.mp3)
[ʒej ˈi.ri ʒej ˈdo.ɾe.a ˈfi.tʃi ˈma.e]
"Irri, Doreah. Bring him."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 189
Episode 4: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[IPA transcription]
Notes: If any.
Episode 4, Scene 15
Irri brings over Dany's khaleesi uniform.
Ánha sóqe ákka jin sacchéy éssheyi. (415_1.mp3)
[ˈan.ha ˈso.qɛ ˈak.ka dʒin sat.ˈtʃej ˈeʃ.ʃe.ji]
"I rewove this part of the top."
Qísi tim, ánha arrísse vemishíkh jinoón ákka. (415_2.mp3)
[ˈ tim ˈan.ha a.ˈ ve.mi.ˈʃix dʒˈon ˈak.ka]
"And I fixed the heel on this one."
Sanáccho, zhey ókeo ánni. (415_3.mp3)
[sa.ˈnat.tʃo ʒej ˈ ˈ]
"Thank you, my friend"
Notes: Okay, this is bound to be controversial. We made a big deal in Season
1, Episode 1 about Dothraki not having a word for "thank you". This fact has
oft been mentioned (and tweeted and retweeted) since. If we have
something glossed as "thank you" here, it's bound to raise a few eyebrows.
What I have above is a shortening of the phrase san áthchomari yeraán,
which means "Much respect to you". That's the closest one gets to "thank
you" in Dothraki. Even if it's not "thank you", per se, if it's translated as
"thank you" in the subtitles, viewers will wonder. So basically I see three
options: (1) Go with it as written above; (2) translate it in the subtitles
instead as, "Much respect, my friend"; or (3) have Dany say (in English)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 190
"Thank you", followed by zhey ókeo ánni. The idea with the latter would be
that since Dothraki has no word for "thank you", Dany borrowed the
Common term into Dothraki to compensate.
Doreah brings in Dany's new dress, Dany mentions Khal Drogo, and Irris says:
Me dothralatés she Rháeshi Ájjalani ayyeyaán. (415_4.mp3)
[me do.θɾˈtes ʃe ˈɾha.e.ʃi ˈad.dʒˈan]
"May he ride through the Night Lands forever."
I don't know how good Irri's Common is supposed to be yet, but for her line "She's not a
princess. She's a kháleesi", you might drop the second "a" (i.e. "She's kháleesi"), or the
first, or even both. Her next line doesn't seem to call for Dothraki, but just to give you
the option, here it is in Dothraki:
Yer jif óndee máe, zhey kháleesi. Yer nevák móri. Me fáti momás. (415_5.mp3)
[jer dʒif ˈ ˈma.e ʒej ˈ jer ne.ˈvak ˈmo.ɾi me ˈfa.ti mo.ˈmas]
"You should wear it, Khaleesi. You are their guest. It would be rude."
Episode 4, Scene 16
Kovarro and Dany have an exchange about the statue and how to carry it off. First
Kovarro's line:
Che ívvisaki máe. Disísse. (416_1.mp3)
[tʃe ˈ ˈma.e di.ˈ]
"Or melt it. Very simple."
Dany's response:
Kísha névaki máe! Yer laz vos véfenari máe vos távi máe vos ívvisi máe. (416_2.mp3)
[ˈki.ʃa ˈ ˈma.e jer laz vos ˈɾi ˈma.e vos ˈ ˈma.e vos ˈ ˈma.e]
"We are his guests! You can't pry it or chop it or melt it."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 191
Kovarro's response to that:
Voséchhi, zhey kháleesi! Kísha váyoki athezaraán kíshi. (416_3.mp3)
[vo.ˈset.tʃi ʒej ˈ ˈki.ʃa ˈ a.θɾa.ˈan ˈki.ʃi]
"Of course not, khaleesi! We will wait until we leave."
Dany's response:
Kash athezár kíshi vos ákka. (416_4.mp3)
[kaʃ a.θe.ˈzar ˈki.ʃi vos ˈak.ka]
"Not even when we leave."
Vos arrék? Kífindirgi? (416_5.mp3)
[vos a.ˈrek ˈki.fin.diɾ.gi]
"Not then? Why?"
Hash idrík kíshi víjazero kísha Athasaroón Vírzetha hash yer záli zifichelát moón?
Ánha acharák vos alíkh. (416_6.mp3)
[haʃ i.ˈdɾik ˈki.ʃi ˈvi.ja.ze.ɾo ˈki.ʃa a.θɾo.ˈon ˈviɾ.ze.θa haʃ jer ˈʃe.ˈlat
mo.ˈon ˈan.ha a.tʃa.ˈɾak vos a.ˈlix]
"Our host saved us from the Red Waste and you want to steal from him? I will hear
no more."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 192
Episode 8: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[IPA transcription]
Notes: If any.
Episode 8, Scene 15
Jorah, Dany and Kovarro are together. Kovarro is the first with a Dothraki line.
Ánha afichák sháfkea nhareés jin movekoón, zhey kháleesi. (8_1.mp3)
[ˈan.haˈtʃak ˈʃ nha.ɾe.ˈes dʒinˈon ʒej ˈ]
"I will bring you this sorcerer's head, khaleesi."
Jorah responds to him.
Arákh yéri vos ódavrae yeraán ki móveki. (8_2.mp3)
[a.ˈɾax ˈje.ɾi vos ˈo.da.vɾa.e je.ɾa.ˈan ki ˈ]
"Your arakh won't help you against the warlock."
Hash máe vívekhera ma qoyoón ma tolorroón? (8_3.mp3)
[haʃ ˈma.e ˈɾa maˈon maˈon]
"Is he made of blood and bone?"
Ázhi anhaán vasterát Andahlaán, zhey qoy qóyi. (8_4.mp3)
[ˈa.ʒi an.ha.ˈan vas.te.ˈɾat an.da.hla.ˈan ʒej qoj ˈqo.ji]
"Let me speak with the Andal, blood of my blood."
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 193
Episode 10: Dothraki Dialogue
Line description (referring to the text in the script).
Dothraki orthographic form (with stresses marked). (.mp3 title)
[IPA transcription]
Notes: If any.
Episode 10, Scene 7
Dany, Jorah and Kovarro show up at the tower. Kovarro speaks first:
Vaés léisi, zhey kháleesi. Me nem nésa. (10_1.mp3)
[va.ˈes ˈ ʒej ˈ me nem ˈ]
"A house of ghosts, khaleesi. It is known."
Notes: Literally "a place of ghosts". In Dothraki, your choices are "a tent of
ghosts" or "a place of ghosts"; the latter seemed more appropriate.
Fínne lóshaki? (10_2.mp3)
[ˈ ˈlo.ʃ]
"Where are the guards?"
Jorah responds:
Vo lóshaki. Móveki addrivát k'áthmovezari, vo ki táwakofi. (10_3.mp3)
[vo ˈlo.ʃ ˈ ad.dɾi.ˈvat ˈkaθɾi vo ki ˈ]
"No guards. The warlocks kill with sorcery, not steel."
Should be addrivi. Baaaaad error.
Dany adds:
Ázhi mórea kis tat. (10_4.mp3)
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 194
[ˈa.ʒi ˈmo.ɾe.a kis tat]
"Let them try."
Episode 10, Scene 28
Drogo and Dany meet again in the warlock's tower. They have a short exchange, which
is below (Drogo first):
Jalán átthirari ánni. (10_5.mp3)
[dʒa.ˈlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈ]
"Moon of my life."
Shekh ma shíeraki ánni… (10_6.mp3)
[ʃex ma ˈʃi.e.ɾ ˈ]
"My sun and stars…"
Yer vos jínne. Yer laz vos. (10_7.mp3)
[jer vos ˈdʒ jer laz vos]
"You're not here. You cannot be."
Vósma ánha jínne. Kísha jínne. (10_8.mp3)
[ˈ ˈan.ha ˈdʒ ˈki.ʃa ˈdʒ]
"But I am. We are."
Jíni athmovezár qóyi ven athmovezár fíni fich yéra anhoón—fíni fich yéra anhoón
hatíf… (10_9.mp3)
[ˈdʒ aθˈzar ˈqɔ.ji ven aθˈzar ˈ fitʃ ˈje.ɾa an.ho.ˈon ˈ fitʃ ˈje.ɾa
an.ho.ˈon ha.ˈtif]
"This is dark magic, like the magic that took you from me. Took you from before I
could even…"
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 195
Notes: In Dothraki, you get as far as "before". The next word would have to
be the content (i.e. the x in "before I could even x"); you couldn't include the
"could" or "even" part—or even the "I"—yet. So it won't match up 100%, but
it should be good enough (the preposition hatíf would be a natural place to
pause in the Dothraki sentence).
Drogo (and all the rest is his):
Ishísh ánha drivák vósma ánha ray nesók máe vos. Ishísh ánha ma yeroón she
Rháeshi Ájjalani. (10_10.mp3)
[i.ˈʃiʃ ˈan.ha dɾi.ˈvak ˈ ˈan.ha raj ne.ˈsok ˈma.e vos i.ˈʃiʃ ˈan.ha ma je.ɾo.ˈon ʃe
ˈɾha.e.ʃi ˈad.dʒ]
"Maybe I am dead and I just don't know it yet. Maybe I am with you in the Night
Ma ishísh ánha zájje emralát Rhaeshís Ájjalani óma yeroón. Ishísh ánha ast
Vezhofaán memé jífo hílee ma ánha jad jinnaán háji ayolát yéra. (10_11.mp3)
[ma i.ˈʃiʃ ˈan.ha ˈzad.dʒe e.mɾa.ˈlat ɾha.e.ˈʃis ˈad.dʒ ˈ je.ɾo.ˈon i.ˈʃiʃ ˈan.ha ast
ve.ʒo.fa.ˈan me.ˈme ˈdʒ ˈhi.le.e ma ˈan.ha dʒad dʒˈan ˈha.dʒi a.yo.ˈlat ˈje.ɾa]
"Or maybe I refused to enter the Night Lands without you. Maybe I told the Great
Stallion to go fuck himself and came back here to wait for you."
Jíni véna tikh meyér jif ti. (10_12.mp3)
[ˈdʒ ˈ tix me.ˈjer dʒif ti]
"That sounds like something that you would do."
Ma ishísh me átthirarido. Átthirarido che yéri che ánni… Ánha vo nesók. Jíni qáfe ha
máhrazhea vílle ma qórasoa réddi. (10_13.mp3)
[ma i.ˈʃiʃ me ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾ ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾido tʃe ˈje.ɾi tʃe ˈ ˈan.ha vo ne.ˈsok ˈdʒ ˈqɑ.fe
ha ˈma.hɾa.ʒe.a ˈvil.le ma ˈqɔ.ɾ ˈred.di]
"Or maybe it is a dream. Your dream, my dream… I do not know. These are
questions for wise men with skinny arms."
Notes: The word "dream" is kind of a mouthful in Dothraki, so I translated
the first as "Or maybe it is a dream. A dream of yours, of mine…"
Yer jalán átthirari ánni. Haz nesák ánha dísse, ma ánha zigerók nesát vos alíkh. Ma
hash jíni átthirarido, hash ánha vaddrivák mahrazhés fin kis vállatha ánna.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 196
[jer dʒa.ˈlan ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾi ˈ haz ne.ˈsak ˈan.ha ˈ ma ˈan.haˈɾok ne.ˈsat vos
a.ˈlix ma haʃ ˈdʒ ˈaθ.θi.ɾa.ɾ haʃ ˈan.ha vad.dɾi.ˈvak ma.hɾa.ˈʒes fin kis ˈθa
"You are the Moon of my Life. That is all I know, and all I need to know. And if this
is a dream, I will kill the man who tries to wake me."
Notes: Let me know if you decide to do the "Until the sun rises in the west"
part in Dothraki.
Master Dialogue Document for Dothraki—David J. Peterson 197
On Sep 18, 2011, at 1056 AM, David Peterson wrote:
Vikoverás jínne.
Only difference would be if it was, say, an official command to a subordinate, in which
case it'd be:
Víkoverari jínne.
Hope it's in time!
On Sep 18, 2011, at 347 AM, Bryan Cogman wrote:
Hi David -
No idea if you'll get this in time -- but they're calling from Croatia asking what he
Dothraki is for "stay here". "Can't seem to find anything in the Dothraki dictionary... can
you help?
Bryan Cogman
Story Editor
"Game of Thrones"