Appendix 1 - Credit Card Security
Incident Response Plan
Payment Card Industry
Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
Version 1.0
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Confidential i
Property of CampusGuard
Revisions/Approvals .......................................................................................................................... i
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Scope/Applicability .......................................................................................................................... 2
Authority.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Security Incident Response Team ............................................................................................... 2
Procedures ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Incident Response Plan (IRP)....................................................................................................... 3
Incident Response Team Procedures .......................................................................................... 4
Bank Breach Response Plans ....................................................................................................... 5
Flow Chart for Suspected Breach .................................................................................................... 6
Symptoms of Data Breaches ........................................................................................................... 7
Card Association Breach Response Plans ........................................................................................ 8
Visa Responding to a Breach .................................................................................................... 8
MasterCard Responding to a Breach ....................................................................................... 8
American Express Responding to a Breach .............................................................................. 8
Incident Classification, Risk Analysis and Action Matrix ................................................................. 8
Interpretations .............................................................................................................................. 10
Definitions ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Ver. #
Changes By
Ver. date
R. Sitzberger
D. Lewis
Adopted and modified template from CampusGuard
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
The Payment Card Security Incident Response Plan supplements the University Incident Response
To address credit cardholder security, the major card brands (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and
American Express) jointly established the PCI Security Standards Council to administer the Payment
Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) that provide specific guidelines for safeguarding
cardholder information. One of these guidelines requires that merchants create a Security Incident
Response Team (Response Team) and document an Incident Response Plan (IRP).
This document defines those responsible, the classification and handling of, and the
reporting/notification requirements for incident response plan at the University of Wisconsin
Oshkosh (UW Oshkosh ).
A list of the merchants and operations with payment card acceptance and IP addresses has been
provided to the Information Technology Security Office to identify the areas of accepting payment
cards. This procedure is in effect for all departments or persons receive or have access to cardholder
Security Incident Response Team
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh credit card Response Team is comprised of Financial Services
and Information Technology. See below for names and contact information.
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Credit Card Security Incident Response Team
Communication for the Response Team can be sent to
Jeanne Schneider
PCI Committee
(920) 424-0717
Deborah Matulle
PCI Team
(920) 424-3318
Daphne Lewis
PCI Team
(920) 424-2174
Jean Wolfgang
PCI Team
(920) 424-1442
Rachel Grose
PCI Team
Mark Clements
PCI Security
Richard Montano
PCI IT Specialist
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Incident Response Plan (IRP)
The Incident Response Plan needs to take into account that incidents may be reported/identified
through a variety of different channels but the Incident Response Team will be the central point of
contact and responsible for executing UW Oshkosh Incident Response Plan.
The UW Oshkosh security incident response plan is summarized as follows:
1. All incidents must be reported to the Response Team.
2. All actions taken must be documented on the Payment Card Incident Log (appendix A)
3. The Response Team will confirm receipt of the incident notification.
4. The Response Team will investigate the incident and assist the compromised department in
limiting the exposure of cardholder data.
5. The Response Team will resolve the problem to the satisfaction of all parties involved,
including reporting the incident and findings to the appropriate parties (credit card
associations, credit card processors, etc.) as necessary.
6. The Response Team will determine if policies and processes need to be updated to avoid a
similar incident in the future.
An ‘incident’ is defined as a suspected or confirmed ‘data compromise’. A ‘data compromise’ is any
situation where there has been unauthorized access to a system or network where prohibited,
confidential or restricted data is collected, processed, stored or transmitted; Payment Card data is
prohibited data. A ‘data compromise’ can also involve the suspected or confirmed loss or theft of
any material or records that contain cardholder data.
In the event of a suspected or confirmed incident:
1. Do NOT touch or compromise any possible evidence. Do not shut off any computer or POS
2. Contact the Response Team. Make verbal contact with a team member, DO NOT LEAVE A
VOICE MAIL. (During business hours contact the HelpDesk at (920)424-3020. After hours,
contact University Police)
a. Overview of incident, including date, time, and location of incident
b. Incident Type
i. Computer Abuse
ii. Malicious Code
iii. Spam
iv. Unauthorized Access/Use
v. Breach of Physical Security (unlocked file cabinet, storage room, etc.)
vi. Possible tampering of POS device
vii. Other
c. Intrusion Method
i. Virus
ii. Spyware/Malware
iii. Stolen Password
iv. Other
d. Overview of data on the system? Was it sensitive?
e. Explanation of discovery
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
f. Action taken upon discovery
g. Explanation of impact and impact on daily activities
h. Any additional information
3. The Response Team will immediately coordinate a response and reply to this initial
notification/communication to confirm they are aware of the incident.
4. If the incident involves a payment station (PC used to process credit cards):
a. Do NOT turn off the PC.
b. Disconnect the network cable connecting the PC to the network jack. If the cable is
secured and you do not have the key to the network jack, simply cut the network
5. Document any steps taken until the Response Team has arrived. Include the date, time,
person/persons involved and action taken for each step.
6. Assist the Response Team as they investigate the incident.
Incident Response Team Procedures
The UW Oshkosh Credit Card Security Incident Response Team must be contacted by a department
in the event of a system compromise or a suspected system compromise. After being notified of a
compromise, the Response Team, along with other designated university staff from Computers and
Information Technology, will implement their incident response plan to assist and augment
departments’ response plans.
In response to a system compromise, the Response Team and Computers and Information
Technology will:
1. Ensure compromised system is isolated on/from the network.
2. Gather, review and analyze all centrally maintained system, firewall, file integrity and
intrusion detection/protection system logs and alerts.
3. Assist department in analysis of locally maintained system and other logs, as needed.
4. Conduct appropriate forensic analysis of compromised system.
5. If an incident of unauthorized access is confirmed and card holder data was potentially
compromised, the PCI Committee, depending on the nature of the data compromise, must
notify the appropriate organizations that may include the following:
a. UW Oshkosh Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Information Officer
b. UW Oshkosh Internal Audit group
c. UW Oshkosh Acquiring Bank(s), the Acquiring Bank will be responsible for
communicating with the card brands (VISA, MasterCard)
i. see Bank Breach Response Plan
ii. see Visa Responding to a Breach
iii. see MasterCard Responding to a Breach
d. If American Express payment cards are potentially included in the breach the
University is responsible for notifying and working with American Express
i. For incidents involving American Express cards, contact American Express
Enterprise Incident Response Program (EIRP) within 24 hours after the
reported incident.
1. Phone number: (888) 732-3750
2. Email:
ii. For more detail see American Express Responding to a Breach
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
e. If Discover Network payment cards are potentially included in the breach the
University is responsible for notifying and working with Discover Network.
i. If there is a breach in your system, notify Discover Security within 48 hours.
1. Phone Number: (800) 347-3083
ii. For more details see Discover Network Fraud Prevention FAQ
f. Campus police and local law enforcement
6. Assist card industry security and law enforcement personnel in investigative process.
Bank Breach Response Plans
The credit card companies have specific requirements the Response Team must address in reporting
suspected or confirmed breaches of cardholder data. For Visa and MasterCard it is the University’s
responsibility to notify their own bank (the financial institution(s) that issues merchant accounts to
the university) and the University’s bank will be responsible for notifying Visa and MasterCard, were
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Flow Chart for Suspected Breach
Acknowledge receipt of
suspected breach
Banking Partner, Card
Association, 3
Security Firm
Central IT Department/Merchant
- Do NOT turn off the PC/server
- Disconnect PC/server from network
- Document
- Suspicious activity
- Steps taken to-date
- Personnel involved
- Notify Response Team
- Confirm/research breach
- Ensure system(s) are isolated
- Gather/log central evidence
(firewalls, file integrity, IDS, AV, etc)
- Analyze local machines/logs
- Forensic analysis on breached PC
- Prepare INITIAL incident report and notify
- Executive committee & Internal Audit
- University Police & Law Enforcement
- Acquiring Bank and Card Brands
- Continue/assist with on-going investigation
Incident Response Team
- Issue FINAL incident report
- Prioritize/complete any remediation items
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Symptoms of Data Breaches
Detecting date breaches is a difficult task that requires planning, diligence and participation from
staff from multiple departments across the institution. While there are systems that can be
implemented to provide automated monitoring to look for symptoms of breaches there are also
some symptoms that may be detected by staff during the course of their normal, daily activities.
A system alarm or similar indication from an intrusion detection tool
Unknown or unexpected outgoing Internet network traffic from the payment card
Presence of unexpected IP addresses or routing
Suspicious entries in system or network accounting
Accounting discrepancies (e.g. gaps in log-files)
Unsuccessful logon attempts
Unexplained, new user accounts
Unknown or unexpected services and applications configured to launch automatically on
system boot
Anti-virus programs malfunctioning or becoming disabled for unknown reasons
Unexplained, new files or unfamiliar file names
Unexplained modifications to file lengths and/or dates, especially in system executable files
Unexplained attempts to write to system files or changes in system files
Unexplained modification or deletion of data
Denial of service or inability of one or more users to log in to an account
System crashes
Poor system performance
Unauthorized operation of a program or sniffer device to capture network traffic
Use of attack scanners, remote requests for information about systems and/or users, or
social engineering attempts
Unusual time of usage
Unauthorized wireless access point detected
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Card Association Breach Response Plans
Visa Responding to a Breach
Follow the steps set forth in the resource:
Initial Steps and Requirements for Visa Clients (Acquirers and Issuers)
(A full description of the steps is available at the link listed above)
1. Immediately report to Visa the suspected or confirmed loss or theft of Visa cardholder data.
Clients must contact the Visa Risk Management group immediately at the appropriate Visa
2. Within 48 hours, advise Visa whether the entity was in compliance with PCI DSS and, if
applicable, PCI PA-DSS and PCI PIN Security requirements at the time of the incident. If so,
provide appropriate proof.
Preliminary Investigation
3. Perform an initial investigation and provide written documentation to Visa within three (3)
business days. The information provided will help Visa understand the potential exposure
and assist entities in containing the incident. Documentation must include the steps taken
to contain the incident.
MasterCard Responding to a Breach
The MasterCard Account Data Compromise User Guide sets forth instructions for MasterCard
members, merchants, and agents, including but not limited to member service providers and data
storage entities regarding processes and procedures relating to the administration of the
MasterCard Account Data Compromise (ADC) program.
American Express Responding to a Breach
Merchants must notify American Express immediately and in no case later than twenty-four (24)
hours after discovery of a Data Incident.
To notify American Express, please contact the American Express Enterprise Incident Response
Program (EIRP) toll free at (888) 732-3750/US only, or at 1-(602) 537-3021/International, or email at
[email protected]. Merchants must designate an individual as their contact regarding such Data
For more complete language on the obligations of merchants and service providers see the
following 2 documents:
American Express® Data Security Operating Policy for Service Providers
American Express Data Security Operating Policy U.S.
American Express Data Security Operating Policy Australia
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Incident Classification, Risk Analysis and Action Matrix
Each incident should be reviewed based on the risk and action matrix, which attempts to reflect the
severity of the incident and its impact. Then, decisions on whether to develop further controls and
processes can be made so work-tickets can be created and prioritized so that identified
vulnerabilities are addressed.
Security Problem
Violation of
Usage Policy
PCI-DSS Breach
Distribution of Copyrighted Material
Breach of HIPPA
Breach of Telecommunications Act
Confidential data at risk of disclosure to the
Highly Confidential of a personal nature
data at risk of disclosure to the network.
Confidential data, of a personal nature at
risk of disclosure to the network.
Network resources providing un-
authenticated access to data not intended
for public distribution.
Tools installed which present a significant
risk to network stability
Malicious Software eg. Virus/Trojan. No
User Interaction required for infection
Port scanning
2 2
Unauthorised Publishing Service that can be
used for content distribution. Eg. FTP
Malicious Software eg. Virus/Trojan. User
interaction required for infection.
Vulnerability more than one week old that
allows arbitrary code to be run
Highly Insecure Configuration
Vulnerability less than one week old that
allows arbitrary code to be run
Security Problem Family
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Actions to be taken by Response Team Escalation Process
Default Action
- If required, completely block all network access.
- Phone call to Response Team to notify of the problem, if
IT Security and Risk Officer unavailable, call to CIO or
Senior Manager
- If required, duplicate disks
- For network device compromise notify Regional CERT
(US-CERT or AUS-CERT) of suspected source IP.
- If action not completed in
required time, Alert CIO and/or
Senior Management of the affected
1 Hour
- If required, block direct Internert access.
- Verbal contact with Response Team.
- Phone call to IT Security and Risk Officer to notify of the
- For network device compromise notify Regional CERT
(US-CERT or AUS-CERT) of suspected source IP.
- If required, duplicate disks
- If action not completed in
required time, escalate to Class 1
- Alert Service, System or
Application Manager as
2 Hours
- Verbal contact with Response Team.
- Phone IT Security Officer for region.
- For network device compromise notify Regional CERT
(US-CERT or AUS-CERT) of suspected source IP.
- If action not completed in
required time, escalate to Class 2
4 Hours
4 - Verbal contact with Response Team.
- If action not completed in
required time, escalate to Class 3
1 Day
5 - Verbal contact with Response Team.
- If action not completed in
required time, escalate to Class 4
- If a network device is
compromised escalation is to Class
1 Week
The authority to interpret this procedure rests with the Chancellor and the Finance and
Administration Leadership Team.
Payment Card Industry
Data Security Standards
The security requirements defined by the Payment Card Industry
Security Standards Council and the 5 major Credit Card Brands:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB
Someone who owns and benefits from the use of a membership card,
particularly a credit card.
Card Holder Data
Those elements of credit card information that are required to be
protected. These elements include Primary Account Number (PAN),
Cardholder Name, Expiration Date and the Service Code.
Primary Account Number
Number code of 14 or 16 digits embossed on a bank or credit card and
encoded in the card's magnetic strip. PAN identifies the issuer of the
card and the account, and includes a check digit as an authentication
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Cardholder Name
The name of the Cardholder to whom the card has been issued.
Expiration Date
The date on which a card expires and is no longer valid. The expiration
date is embossed, encoded or printed on the card.
Service Code
The service code that permits where the card is used and for what.
Sensitive Authentication
Additional elements of credit card information that are also required to
be protected but never stored. These include Magnetic Stripe (i.e., track)
data, CAV2, CVC2, CID, or CVV2 data and PIN/PIN block.
Magnetic Stripe (i.e.,
track) data
Data encoded in the magnetic stripe or equivalent data on a chip used
for authorization during a card-present transaction. Entities may not
retain full magnetic-stripe data after transaction authorization.
CAV2, CVC2, CID, or
CVV2 data
The three- or four-digit value printed on or to the right of the signature
panel or on the face of a payment card used to verify card- not-present
PIN/PIN block
Personal Identification Number entered by cardholder during a card-
present transaction, and/or encrypted PIN block present within the
transaction message.
CHD must be disposed of in a certain manner that renders all data un-
recoverable. This includes paper documents and any electronic media
including computers, hard drives, magnetic tapes, USB storage
devices,(Before disposal or repurposing, computer drives should be
sanitized in accordance with the (Institution’s) Electronic Data Disposal
Procedure). The approved disposal methods are:
Cross-cut shredding, Incineration, Approved shredding or disposal
Merchant Department
Any department or unit (can be a group of departments or a subset of a
department) which has been approved by the (institution) to accept
credit cards and has been assigned a Merchant identification number.
Merchant Department
Responsible Person
An individual within the department who has primary authority and
responsibility within that department for credit card transactions.
A structured electronic format for organizing and maintaining
information that is accessible in various ways. Simple examples of
databases are tables or spreadsheets.
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Wireless Access Point Also referred to as “AP.” Device that allows wireless communication
devices to connect to a wireless network. Usually connected to a wired
network, it can relay data between wireless devices and wired devices
on the network.
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Appendix A. Payment Card Incident Log
In the event of a suspected or confirmed, please follow the procedures below ensuring each step
taken is documented using this incident log:
1. Start a new payment card incident log. Name and phone number of person reporting incident.
2. Contact the Response Team by sending an email documenting the incident to
[email protected] or (920)424-3020
3. The Response Team will immediately coordinate a response and reply to this initial
notification/communication to confirm they are aware of the incident.
4. If the incident involves a payment station (PC used to process credit cards):
a. Do NOT turn off the PC.
b. Disconnect the network cable connecting the PC to the network jack. If the cable is
secured and you do not have the key to the network jack, simply cut the network cable.
5. Document any steps taken until the Response Team has arrived. Include the date, time,
person/persons involved and action taken for each step.
6. Assist the Response Team as they investigate the incident.
7. If an incident of unauthorized access is confirmed and card holder data was potentially
compromised, the PCI Committee Chairperson will make the following contacts with UW
Oshkosh acquiring bank(s) after informing the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Information
a. For incidents involving Visa, MasterCard or Discover network cards, contact Elavon
within 72 hours or reported incident.
If YES, date and time systems were removed:
Name of person(s) who disconnected the network:
If NO, state reason:
Actions Performed
Person (s)
performing action
documenting action
Additional notes
PCI DSS v3.2 - Appendix 1 - Incident Response Plan
Date and Time
performing action
documenting action