Revised 6.1.10
To provide you with guidance on how to fill-out an evaluation form, this sample Performance Evaluation
& Tracking Form includes ratings and narrative justifications for each Competency and S.M.A.R.T. Goal,
as well as comments regarding the progress made on the Individual Development Plan objective. For
additional guidance on how to complete an evaluation go to,a,1220,q,530729,dcopNav,%7C31656%7C.asp
Employee Information
Employee Name: Clara Smyth
Supervisor Name: Edmond Travolta
Job Title: Management Analyst Template Type: Non-supervisory
Section 1: Competencies
Core Competency 1: Communication
Presents ideas and information verbally and in writing in a clear, concise manner. Shares information
with and informs others on a timely basis using appropriate and easily understood language. Able to
articulate agency mission and goals.
Rating: Role Model
Comments: Ms. Smyth uses a variety of communication mechanisms to communicate with both
internal and external customers. For example, during the review period a policy governing
one of the duties assigned to Ms. Smyth was overhauled. She used her knowledge of the
new policy to communicate it to customers. Ms. Smyth created frequently asked questions
regarding the policy and worked with the agency’s Public Information Officer to post the
document on the agency’s internal website within a week of the policy being published.
Due to her thorough knowledge of the new policy, Ms. Smyth also served as the person
her colleagues and external customers went to when they had questions about the policy;
she was always willing to help them when they came to her. Ms. Smyth’s colleagues have
shared with me how adept she is in communicating complex information in a clear and
concise manner. She has consistently displayed exceptional knowledge of the policy in
both verbal and written form.
Core Competency 2: Customer Service
Partners with internal and external customers to provide quality service. Demonstrates consistent and
continual adherence to all prescribed District customer service goals and standards. Treats all customers
in a professional and courteous manner.
Rating: Valued Performer
Revised 6.1.10
Comments: Ms. Smyth adhered to the District’s customer service goals and standards. She displayed
positive interactions with others and provided follow-up to requests and inquiries in a
timely manner and she served both internal and external customers with courtesy and
promptness. For example, in order to “sell” managers on attending focus groups to
uncover inefficiencies in the agency’s administrative processes, she created a brief
presentation on the possible benefits of the focus groups. In addition, she scheduled the
focus groups on days that were convenient for managers based on the feedback they
offered during the presentation.
Core Competency 3: Goal Attainment
Leverages knowledge of agency and District government vision, mission, and values to consistently
execute duties and responsibilities. Capable of seeing the impact that day to day work has on the work of
the team, agency, and District government overall.
Rating: Valued Performer
Comments: Ms. Smyth could have easily been overwhelmed by the amount of work she was tasked
with during the review period, but she wasn’t. Rather she approached each project with a
can do attitude. Ms. Smyth is well organized and understands how important it is to break
a large task into smaller, more manageable tasks. For example, the change in policy
greatly impacted her workload because she had to learn the new policy while at the same
time put it into practice so that she could complete her day to day work. She managed the
learning process by reserving time to read and understand the policy, and she asked
questions about those things she didn’t understand. She also created job aids, such as a
list of frequently asked questions and revised workflow documents. She displayed her
understanding of the agency’s needs and priorities by applying her understanding of the
policy to her work assignments.
Core Competency 4: Accountability
Demonstrates personal responsibility for ensuring the completion of work assignments as prescribed.
Uses District supplies, equipment, vehicles, uniforms, technology, etc. in an efficient manner, and
appropriately reuses and discards these items.
Rating: Valued Performer
Comments: Ms. Smyth is thorough, dependable, and resourceful. Throughout the review period she
responded to emergency situations quickly and with a great deal of care and confidence.
Ms. Smyth handles a lot of confidential information. She respects and maintains the
confidentiality of information received and she champions ethical behavior in others. For
example, a document containing confidential information was posted online by accident.
Ms. Smyth saw the document online and she quickly contacted the employee that posted
the document so it could be taken down. She also coordinated efforts to inform the
customers listed in the document about what happened and what they should do to
safeguard their identity.
Revised 6.1.10
Core Competency 5: Job Knowledge
Exhibits an understanding and knowledge of profession. Works to improve job knowledge by taking
courses, becoming certified or licensed, maintaining certification or licensure, attending conferences,
seminars, seeking out a mentor, etc.
Rating: Valued Performer
Comments: Ms. Smyth is knowledgeable of all job requirements. She does not hesitate to share her
knowledge with her co-workers. For example, using Word, Excel, and Visio, she
documented the institutional knowledge that she has accumulated over the years. In
addition, Ms. Smyth maintains skills (recertification, licensing, etc.) and occasionally seeks
to improve her skills. For example, during the review period she completed two
certification courses and she passed the certification exams.
Section 2: S.M.A.R.T. GOALS
S.M.A.R.T. Goal 1: Develop, distribute, collect and analyze management survey.
Description: Survey management on the agency’s administrative processes to uncover inefficiencies.
Follow-up with managers by making reminder calls and sending emails to ensure that 75% of managers
complete and submit the survey.
Due Date: March 1st
Rating: Valued Performer
Weight: 25%
Comments: Ms. Smyth did not meet the initial goal of having 75% of agency managers completing and
submitting a survey. Prior to the March 1
deadline I met with Ms. Smyth to discuss the
status of submissions. During the meeting it became clear to us that the goal of 75%
would not be met due to a shift in priorities. A week before our meeting I asked her to
dedicate 90% of her time to learning a new policy that actually impacted the agency’s
administrative processes and I adjusted the survey submission rate to 50%. 65% of
agency managers submitted the survey, which was due to Ms. Smyth’s outreach efforts.
For example, she sent reminder emails to managers.
S.M.A.R.T. Goal 2: Organize and facilitate focus groups to uncover inefficiencies in the agency’s
administrative processes.
Description: Use the results of the management survey to inform the organization and facilitation of 5
focus groups. Follow-up with managers by making reminder calls and sending emails to ensure that at
least 75% of managers of attend one of the focus groups.
Due Date: June 30th
Revised 6.1.10
Rating: Highly Effective Performer
Weight: 25%
Comments: During our meeting to discuss Ms. Smyth’s performance plan, Ms. Smyth suggested that,
in addition to surveying management, focus groups be used to gage management’s
perception of the effectiveness of the agency’s administrative processes. At first the idea
of focus groups was met with resistance; managers expressed that they did not have time
to participate in a focus group. However, after Ms. Smyth briefed them on the ways in
which the information collected from the focus groups could improve the agency’s
administrative processes, the resistance lessened greatly. In fact, 95% of the agency’s
managers participated in a focus group. This is due, in part, to Ms. Smyth’s follow-up
efforts. For example, she sent emails and made reminder calls to participants. She also
attended the weekly manager’s meeting to remind attendees of the importance of
participating in a focus group. In addition, word about how well she facilitated the focus
groups spread among managers, therefore making them more willing to participate. A
number of managers told me how impressed they were with Ms. Smyth’s facilitation skills.
S.M.A.R.T. Goal 3: Title: Write a report based on survey and focus groups results.
Description: Using the results of the survey and focus groups write a report that includes at least 5
recommendations on how to improve the agency’s administrative processes. Include an action plan for
each recommendation.
Due Date: September 30th
Rating: Valued Performer
Weight: 50%
Comments: Ms. Smyth submitted a comprehensive report that included 5 thoughtful and substantive
recommendations. Each recommendation included an action plan that detailed how to
implement them.
Section 3: Individual Development Plan
Individual Development Plan Objective 1: Learn how to use Google DC
How?: Register for and attend the Google DC course offered by the Workforce Development
Comments: Ms. Smyth attended the Google DC course and when she returned to the office she
worked with the administrator of the agency’s internal website to post documents that
consist of her institutional knowledge.
Revised 6.1.10
Section 4: Overall Summary
Performance Rating Range
Inadequate Performer: 0.00 - 1.49
Marginal Performer: 1.50 - 2.49
Valued Performer: 2.50 - 3.49
Highly Effective Performer: 3.50- 4.49
Role Model: 4.50 - 5.00
Overall Rating: Valued Performer
Comments: Throughout the review period Ms. Smyth successfully executed the tasks assigned to her,
while adding value to the agency, as well as District Government. I am assigning an
overall rating of Valued Performer because she is a solid contributor to the agency, as
well as District Government. We have talked about what Ms. Smyth can do in the future to
get an overall rating of Highly Effective Performer or Role Model. I explained to Ms. Smyth
that those ratings are applicable to extraordinary circumstances that may not always
present themselves during the course of every performance management period. For
example, Ms. Smyth received a Role Model and Highly Effective Performer rating for two
of the performance expectations. This is because her performance of these expectations
significantly contributed to the work of the agency, as well as District Government.
However, her performance of the other performance expectations did not meet the
threshold for a Highly Effective Performer or Role Model rating.
It has been a joy to work with Ms. Smyth. I would like to thank her for all her good work.