Family Name, Given Name Middle Name
University of Utah
University of Utah
For DSO name, see your recent I-20 under the School Attestation Box
200 S. Central Campus Dr. RM 410, SLC, UT 84112
(at top left of your I-20)
MM-DD-YYYY - The day after your current post-comp OPT expires
Major Name AND CIP Code (CIP is next to major on your I-20 Ex. 00.0000)
Ex.: Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph. D.
Enter USCIS# found on EAD card (9 digits)
Your I-983 Training Plan can be either hand signed or we will accept verified electronic signatures.
Your Name
updated 10/05/2023
Handwriting in fields that won't
let you fill completely is fine.
I-983 form can be found here:
USCIS Instructions on how to fill out this form can be found here:
MM-DD-YYYY - Calculated as 2 year from the From Dateabove
minus 1 day
This question refers to whether you are applying for the STEM OPT based on your most recent degree
earned from U of U (check No} or because of a STEM eligible degree you earned previously (check Yes)
NOTE ON ACCEPTABLE SIGNATURES: Students and employers may physically sign the Form I-983 or input their own
electronic signature. SEVP accepts electronic signatures in the following formats:
Electronic signatures using software programs or applications. Students and employers may sign all signature fields on
the Form I-983 using electronic signatures produced with software programs or applications.
Electronically reproduced copies of a signature. Students and employers may sign all signature fields on the Form I-983
using digitally reproduced copies of a signature. A digitally reproduced copy may be a scanned image of a physical
ISSS will NOT accept an I-983 where a person’s name is simply typed into the signature line.
Name of Employer
Suite, Bldg., Floor
Employer Street Address
# # # # #
Employer City
Employer’s Website *If no website, write ‘N/A’
Hours Worked per Week
# of FT Employees in US
To look up an NAICS Code go to
$- Salary
If applicable
Printed Name AND Title of Department Head, Manager or Supervisor
Printed Name of Company
*For STEM Extension Request - If you are continuing with an OPT employer: this should be the date after your 12-month post-completion OPT EAD expires.
This date should match the “From” date you entered on page 1 of the I-983. DO NOT put a date that you started working on regular OPT with the employer!
** For STEM employment update - Ex: changing position or supervisor with the same employer: enter the start date of your STEM OPT
***For Changing employers during STEM OPT: enter actual start date with new employer
Employer Name
If you are continuing with an OPT employer, please log into your SEVP portal and make sure that the employer's name is the same as your I-983 before
submitting the STEM OPT I-20 e-form or we will have to deny your application. Please see SEVIS User Guide - Edit Employer while on Post-Completion OPT
If you are not planning to continue with any of your post-completion OPT employer, you must log into your SEVP portal and report the employment end
date before submitting the STEM OPT I-20 e-form or we will have to deny your application.
Signature of Employer Official with Signature Authority:
Your I-983 Training Plan can be either hand signed or we will accept verified
electronic signatures. Please see NOTE ON ACCEPTABLE SIGNATURES on page 1.
Your Name
If working for a branch/subsidiary, or anywhere other than the
headquarters address provided in Section 3, provide the name of
this work site here
(This could be your department head,
manager or supervisor)
Official’s Email
Describe what tasks and assignments the student will carry out during the training and how these relate to the student's STEM degree.
The plan must cover a specific span of time and detail specific goals and objectives.
Enter the exact address of the work site where the STEM practical training
will take place
Official’s Title
Official’s Phone number
Describe the specific skills, knowledge, and techniques the student will learn or apply; how the student will achieve the goals set out for
his/her training; and the training curriculum including the timeline.
Provide answer to question as stated above.
Provide answer to question as stated above.
Employer’s Name as it appears in “Section 3: Employer Information.”
The employer who signs the Training Plan must be the same entity that employs the student and provides the practical training
Form I-983 instructions says enter the name of the appropriate individual in the employer’s organization who is familiar with,
and will monitor, the student’s goals and performance. This may or may not be the same Employer Official as in Section 4.
Per SEVP guidance, the official listed in Section 5 will be recorded as the student’s supervisor in the SEVIS database. If you put
HR or Company Immigration Attorney here as your supervisor, please confirm by using the Additional Comments Box on page 4.
Official’s Name
Provide any additional pertinent information.
Printed Name AND Title of Department Head, Manager or Supervisor
If applying for STEM OPT extension I-20, do not fill out page 5!!!
Signature of supervisor or official responsible for training. Whoever signs this section must also be the
employer official signing any evaluations on page 5.
Signature of Employer Official with Signature Authority:
Your I-983 Training Plan can be either hand signed or we will accept verified
electronic signatures. Please see NOTE ON ACCEPTABLE SIGNATURES on page 1.
This page can be left blank when you submit your I-983 Training Plan to ISSS to request
your STEM OPT extension I-20. Do not fill this page for your regular OPT!
You will need to complete these evaluations annually during your STEM OPT extension
period. Please see the STEM OPT Policy Guide for more information.
Please use this box for 12 Month Annual Self-Evaluation due 12 Months after the STEM OPT start date.
Student evaluations are a shared responsibility of both the student and the employer to ensure that the student's practical
training goals are being satisfactorily met. The student is responsible for conducting a self-evaluation based on his/her own
training progress. The employer must review and sign the self-evaluation to attest to its accuracy.
Must be signed by the person who signed I-983 Section 6
Your Name
Printed Name
Printed Name
Your Name
Please use this box for
24 Month Final Self-Evaluation due 24 Months after the STEM OPT start date OR
Ending Employment Early or Ending STEM OPT Early OR
Changing Employers or Changing Positions with the same STEM Employer
Student evaluations are a shared responsibility of both the student and the employer to ensure that the student's practical
training goals are being satisfactorily met. The student is responsible for conducting a self-evaluation based on his/her own
training progress. The employer must review and sign the self-evaluation to attest to its accuracy.
Must be signed by the person who signed I-983 Section 6
The first 12-month evaluation while on the 24-month STEM OPT
24-month evaluation while on the 24-month STEM OPT
Your I-983 Training Plan can be either hand signed or we will accept verified electronic signatures.
Signature of Student:
Your I-983 Training Plan can be either hand signed or we will accept verified
electronic signatures. Please see NOTE ON ACCEPTABLE SIGNATURES on page 1.
Your I-983 Training Plan can be either hand signed or we will accept verified electronic signatures.
Please see NOTE ON
Signature of Student:
Your I-983 Training Plan can be either hand signed or we will accept verified
electronic signatures. Please see NOTE ON ACCEPTABLE SIGNATURES on page 1.
Signature of Employer Official with Signature Authority:
Signature of Employer Official with Signature Authority:
Working at a 3rd Party Client Site on STEM OPT
If you plan to be working at a 3rd Party Client Site on STEM OPT, please note that it may not meet
STEM OPT training requirements especially if your employer does not participate in the training (many
recruitment firms simply place you for employment purposes and may not be able to provide on-site
supervision nor evaluate your work because they are not specialists in your field but rather specialists in
placement). Please read the following carefully before filling out the I-983 Training Plan with your
The Employer’s Training Obligation:
. . . to be eligible to employ a STEM OPT student, an employer must have and maintain a bona fide
employer-employee relationship with the student. The employer must attest to this fact by signing the
Form I-983, Training Plan for STEM OPT Students. To establish a bona fide relationship, the employer
may not be the student’s “employer” in name only, nor may the student work for the employer on a
“volunteer” basis. Moreover, the employer that signs the Form I-983 must be the same entity that
provides the practical training experience to the student.
An employer must have sufficient resources and trained or supervisory personnel available to provide
appropriate training in connection with the specified training opportunity at the location(s) where the
student’s practical training experience will take place, as specified in the Form I-983. The “personnel
who may provide and supervise the training experience may be either employees of the employer, or
contractors who the employer has directly retained to provide services to the employer; they may
not, however, be employees or contractors of the employer’s clients or customers. Additionally, under
no circumstances would another F-1 student with OPT or a STEM OPT extension (who is undergoing
training in their own right) be qualified to train another F-1 student with a STEM OPT extension.
While employers may rely on their existing training programs or policies to satisfy the requirements
relating to performance evaluation and oversight and supervision, the student’s Training Plan must
nevertheless be customized for the individual student. For instance, every Training Plan must describe
the direct relationship between the STEM OPT opportunity and the student’s qualifying STEM degree, as
well as the relationship between the STEM OPT opportunity and the student’s goals and objectives for
work-based learning. Moreover, a STEM OPT employer may not assign, or otherwise delegate, its
training responsibilities to a non-employer third party (e.g., a client/customer of the employer,
employees of the client/customer, or contractors of the client/customer).
. . . DHS, at its discretion, may conduct a site visit of any STEM OPT employer to ensure that the
employer possesses and maintains the ability and resources to provide structured and guided work-
based learning experiences consistent with the Form I-983. See 8 C.F.R. 214.2(f)(10)(ii)(C)(11). Consistent
with this provision, during a site visit, DHS may verify that the employer that signs the Form I-983 is the
same entity that provides the practical training experience to the student and ensure compliance.
The Employer’s Training Obligation: Staffing and Temporary Agencies
Staffing and temporary agencies and consulting firms may seek to employ students under the STEM OPT
program, but only if they will be the entity that provides the practical training experience to the student
and they have and maintain a bona fide employer-employee relationship with the student. STEM OPT
participants may engage in a training experience that takes place at a site other than the employer’s
principal place of business as long as all of
the training obligations are met, including that the employer has and maintains a bona fide employer-
employee relationship with the student. Certain types of arrangements, including multiple employer
arrangements, sole proprietorships, employment through ‘‘temp’’ agencies, employment through
consulting firm arrangements that provide labor for hire, and other similar relationships may not be able
to demonstrate a bona fide employer-employee relationship and, therefore, may not meet the
requirements of the STEM OPT extension.
For more information see:
SEVP Portal vs. ISSS E-form
Please DO NOT change your employment information by yourself via the SEVP Portal. You must
complete a new I-983 to reflect the changes and submit “STEM OPT: Employment Update/Change in
Training Plan” E-form. Your SEVIS record, Form I-983, and the E-form must have the same information.
Use SEVP Portal to report
Use ISSS E-Form to report
Active Post-OPT
U.S. Address
U.S. & Foreign Phone Number
Employment information
U.S. Address
U.S. & Foreign Phone Number
E-mail Address (E-form: SEVP Portal
Change E-mail Address)
Foreign mailing address (E-form:
Update Address)
Password reset for SEVP Portal (E-form:
SEVP Portal Login/Password Request)
For employment update (E-form: STEM
OPT: Employment Update)
6 Month Validations (E-form: 6 Month
Validations or Annual Self-Evaluation)