June 2021
Curtis Park Times
www.CurtisPark.org • www.facebook.com/groups/curtispark
June 2021
CPN Board Meeting
June 21st-6:00-7:00pm
Location and Format T.B.D.
Curtis Park Neighbors Meet
Thursday, June 3rd, 2021
Curtis Park Home
Tour This Fall
e board has approved a small home
tour for the week end of September 18th
and 19th. e tour would be on Curtis
Street - with the exception of Ryan and
Heidi Cox's home just o Curtis Street
and hopefully will include 8 historic
homes. Historic Denver is on board to
help with advertising, ticketing and vol-
We need more help - volunteers, dona-
tions for materials, and committee
members. We want to do this as a "wel-
come back" to our neighborhood after a
long and dark period in our lives. It is
usually beautiful weather at that time of
year and we look forward to opening up
our neighborhood again. If you have
ideas, are willing to volunteer or just
want to help in any way, please contact
Julie Rubsam, 303-921-1194.
Hi Neighbors!
Ryan Cox, CPN President
Curtis Park is alive with activity of all
sorts this time of year. In addition to
weekly events at Sonny Lawson Park and
Cousins Plaza, which include a childrens
play date at 10:00 am and free yoga pro-
vided by the Urban Sanctuary at 1:00 pm
every Saturday, gardening at 10:00 am
every Sunday, and doggie meet-up every
morning and evening, there will be an
exciting new regular event that involves
greens, juices and getting your juices ow-
ing (see the article inside).
We are also excited for a regular annual
event upcoming this month, the June-
teenth Music Festival, which will be held
in-person! It will be spread out beyond
solely the Welton Corridor, where it has
traditionally been held, due to COVID
protocol. e festival will run from June
18th-20th and will also be broadcast live.
See juneteenthmusicfestival.com for addi-
tional details.
e neighborhood is also abuzz with de-
velopment and the prospect for more.
As AVA RiNo apartments nears comple-
tion at 26th & Lawrence, two additional
parcels in the area are under contract with
the possibility of redevelopment. It was
announced that Corum Real Estate
Group is under contract to buy the Grey-
hound parking lots bound by 24th, 25th,
Curtis and Arapahoe. Plans led with the
City indicate they intend to build a 3-
story apartment community. EDENS, a
retail real estate owner and developer, is
under contract to purchase the VOA
headquarters block bound by 26th, 27th,
Larimer and Lawrence as well as parcels
see you there!
June 2021
Curtis Park Times
Gerald Horner
M o B e t t a
Green Mar-
ketplace will
open in Son-
ny La wso n
Park at the
C h a r l e s
Cousins Plaza
starting Sat-
urday, June
2 6 t h f r o m
10:00 am to 2:00 pm. e market will operate
every other Saturday through the Summer. !
e market will operate at Sonny Lawson
Park/Cousins Plaza every 2nd & 4th Saturday
of the month, oering yoga at 11:11 am, tai
chi at 1:00 pm and line dancing one time per
month, the Smoothie Bus and fresh juice. Mo
Betta Green also welcomes you to come to
their Seeds of Power Unity Farm at 36th &
Humboldt the 1st & 3rd Saturday from
4:00-7:00 pm. In addition to Saturdays in the
park, MBG will operate a farmstand at Alche-
my Ritual Goods (2536 Champa St) Sundays
beginning in July from 12:00-4:00 pm.
According to their Instagram page, #mobetta-
green, MoBetta Green Marketplace (MBG) is
an urban farmersmarket platform established
to provide access to healthy foods, sustainable
and active living practices, and culturally rele-
vant community events. MBGs mission is to
increase food literacy, social responsibility, and
environmental stewardship in the greater Five
Points community.
Beverly Grant, who founded the organization,
grew up in the area and recognized a need for
community-building centered around healthy
eating and active living and viewed the com-
munity members themselves as the greatest
resource for advancing those values.
Charles Cousins Plaza is in Sonny Lawson
Park located at 24th and Welton next to the
Blair-Caldwell African American Research Li-
brary. Be sure to stop by on June 26th to get
your fresh vegetables from this wonderful
community resource, Mo’ Betta Green!
Local to Curtis Park & RiNo
We design spaces to transform
your home into your dream.
Farmer’s Market Coming
to Sonny Lawson Park
Curtis Park Times
June 2021
Starts July 1, 2021
It’s time to get serious about remembering to
bring your own bag when you shop! Starting
July 1, 2021, all retail stores in Denver will
charge $0.10 for each disposable carryout bag
provided at checkout. e mandatory fee will
apply to paper, plastic, and even compostable
bags to encourage shoppers to switch to reusable
bags and help reduce the number of disposable
bags that are used, littered, and landlled. Here's
what you need to know:
e bag fee is not limited to grocery stores.
Almost anywhere you shop in Denver, like
convenience, hardware, liquor, and depart-
ment stores, will be required to charge $0.10
per carryout bag. e fee on disposable bags
does not apply to restaurants.
Stores will not charge for smaller bags such as
those used to pack-
age bulk items,
produce, meat, or
sh. People receiv-
ing support from
state and federal
Food Assistance
Programs will not
be charged for car-
ryout bags.
Charges for bags
must be displayed
separately on customer receipts and are not
You can avoid the bag fee by bringing your
own bags or by refusing a bag when you make
a small purchase that is easy to carry without a
e City of Denver will give away reusable
bags starting in June, while supplies last.
Using reusable bags instead of opting for the
disposable option can signicantly reduce waste
and save your money!
Reduce Waste:
Denver residents use more than 100 million dis-
posable bags per year, but fewer than ve percent
are recycled. As youve likely witnessed, plastic
Denver's Bring Your Own Bag Program
Join Gerald Horner and John Hay-
den on coming Sunday, June 13th
from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm for a bi-
cycle tour of Curtis Park / Five
Points and Downtown Denver. e
tour will start in front of the Mestizo
Curtis Park Pool and feature historic
sites and information about current
and future changes to the area from
Curtis Park to Downtown Denver.
e tour route will be entirely on
bicycle friendly streets. Please bring
a helmet and your own bicycle. Ca-
pacity is limited to 15 people so rsvp
t o g e r a l d h o r n e r a t
Denver - Then, Now
and into the Future
Bicycle Tour
bags have a way of getting into the en-
vironment and showing up everywhere.
eyre often found blocking storm
drains, stuck in trees on windy days,
clogging streams and rivers, or endan-
gering urban wildlife. In addition, these
plastic bags are made from oil, a nonre-
newable resource, and are not accepted
in the Denver Recycles program. In
fact, when they do make it into purple
recycle carts and then on to the recy-
cling processing facility, they end up
clogging machinery and cause costly
equipment delays.
While paper bags can be placed in your
purple cart for recycling, they require a
large amount of water and energy to
produce…to just be used once. e
overall environmental and nancial
impact of disposable bags in our com-
munity is signicant. Boulder's dispos-
able bag free resulted in a 70% reduc-
tion in the number of disposable bags,
and Denver looks forward to similar
If you are currently short on reusable
bags, now is a great time to stock up
before the fee begins in July. Remember
that the best bag is a reusable bag that
you use for years and years and that you
can wash. While some of us may not
have any reusables bags, others proba-
bly have too many (you know who you
are). is means thrift stores and garage
sales can be great places to pick up ex-
tras. e City of Denver
and its community part-
ners will also provide free
reusable bags to Denver
residents who need them.
Visit Denvergov.org/
BringYourOwnBag for a
list of reusable bag give-
away sites and to learn
more about the bag fee
and the Bring Your Own
Bag program.
Mural Celebration!
Jess Ralston!
On May 22, 2021 the community
came together to support the paint-
ing of the new mural located at
30th and Champa Street. Kids were
invited to paint their handprints on
the wall, have their faces painted,
and enjoy popsicles and ice cream.
Over 50 handprints are on the wall
adding to the beautiful mural paint-
ed by Kacjae Barnett and Kirsty
York. Jess and Reuben, the building
owners, would like to thank every-
one who came out to participate
and for the communities continued
support throughout the journey of
the mural being painted.
Curtis Park Times
June 2021
Neighborhood Internet
Provides a wealth of information: History of CP, info in
Curtis Park Neighbors, info for ALL homeowners in the
historic district, home alterations, ADUs, home styles, tax
credits,and a very comprehensive resource list of special
products, services, links,and so much more!
Curtis Park Neighbors on Facebook
Curtis Park Neighbors “Announce” Group!
Just the basics! We encourage everyone to join this e-mail
group. Receive the Curtis Park Times & special an-
nouncements. To join, send an email to: Curtis-Park-
Curtis Park Neighbors “Notices” Group!
Super-detailed! Receive all of the notices that the City and
other organizations send to Curtis Park Neighbors. Zoning
notices, liquor license applications, etc. all come through
here. To join, send an email to: CurtisParkNeighbors
Curtis Park Design Review Committee!
Receive updates on new development and building modi-
cations under review by the Denver Landmark Commis-
sion. To join, send an email to: cpn-drc-announcements
[email protected]. Questions about projects,
email Keith Pryor: [email protected].
DHA / Curtis Park Community Advisory Committee
Provide feedback and guide the Denver Housing Authority’s
plans for their property holdings in the Curtis Park area. !
Write to: CPN-DHA-CA[email protected]
Curtis Park Safety and !
Security Group
Collaborate on nding solutions to current and long-term safety
and security topics in the neighborhood.
Write to: cpn-security+subscr[email protected]
Denver City Government
www.DenverGov.org, or call 3-1-1
Blair-Caldwell Library
2401 Welton Street, (720) 865-2401
Mon./Wed.: Noon – 8 p.m.
Tue./u./Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sat.: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Denver City Council
District 9
Candi CdeBaca, (720) 337-7709
Elbra M. Wedgeworth Municipal
2855 Tremont Place, Suite 201!
Councilwoman Robin Kniech
Councilwoman Debbie Ortega
(720) 337-7713
Denver Public Schools
(720) 423-3200, www.DPSK12.org
Homeless Outreach
Police non-emergency: (720) 913-2000
Mayors Neighborhood Liaison
Shawn Johonson,(720) 913-1311
Emergencies: Dial 911
Non-Emergency: (720) 913-2000
Dist. 2 (north 25th Street) RSO:
Hana Ruiz (720) 913.1089
Dist. 6 (south 25th Street) RSO:
Te r e s a G i l l i a n (720) 913-2908
Austen Munson (720) 913-2906
Elected RTD Representative
Shontel Lewis, (720) 935-8284
Trash Pickup - Overflow Pickup
e next Large Item pickup is
July 12th to 14th
For free appliance collection, call
Xcel Energy
Electric Emergency/Power Outage
(800) 895-1999
Gas Emergency / Gas Odor
(800) 895-2999
To report non-permitted exterior work
to Landmark email: abigail.Christ-
man@denver.gov.org or call
(720) 865-2908.
Short Term Rental Enforcement
Brian Snow (720) 865-2750
Curtis Park Neighbors is an officially incorpo-
rated non-profit neighborhood organization
bringing our neighborhood together to share in
preserving the past and future of Curtis Park.
We welcome all neighbors in Curtis Park and
encourage participation in Curtis Park Neigh-
bors and in the life of the community. Please
pass along this newsletter and bring a neighbor
to the meetings!
The spirit of the Curtis Park Times is to com-
municate information about topics and con-
cerns of our neighborhood. The opinions ex-
pressed do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of Curtis Park Neighbors. To provide
newsletter articles or place advertising, contact
(720)273–0623. The next newsletter deadlines
are June 16th for ads, and June 19th for arti-
Special Thanks To
Lynne Brown, Gerald Horner, John Hayden, and
Ryan Cox for newsletter content. anks to Hope
Communities and Mile High United Way for do-
nating our meeting space, to erese Rasmussen for
coordinating newsletter distribution, and many
thanks to neighbors assisting with newsletter deliv-
CPN Board of Directors
Ryan Cox (President), Beth Bianchi (V-President),
Patti Smith, Ben Mendenhall (Treasurer), Paul
Davidson, Robbie Hobein (Secretary), Andrew
Spinks, Julie Rubsam, Ellie Benjamin,, Lindsay
Schneider, Guy Yandel and Randy
Vett er. !
Contact the CPN President by
writing to: ryan.cox@cur-
tispark.org or call 303-517-6185.
Write the CPN Board at curtis-
Lawrence-Larimer Alley
California-Welton Alley
Glenarm-Tremont Alley
Park Avenue West
Juneteenth Music Festival - June 18-20th