RelaxeR StRand teSt
Just before performing a relaxer
service, or on the day you
perform the patch test, take
a few strategic test strands to
ensure the relaxer is the right
strength, the hair remains in
fairly good condition, and the
hair relaxes as expected. This
will save you many unwanted
surprises. (Figures 15-9
and 15-10).
Select a strand at the back, and one on each side of the head. Separate each strand from the rest of the hair, apply
the relaxer as directed, and monitor the relaxation process. Midway through the recommended processing time,
lift each test strand, gently stretch and release the strand, and observe the curl reversion. You can also do this
by using the back of a comb to remove the relaxer and then observe the curl reversion. Is the hair halfway there?
Almost there? After this point, check the test strands at five-minute intervals until the process is complete.
Relaxer Safety Tips
Refer to the following for helpful safety tips for before, during, and after the relaxer service.
Before Relaxer Service
• Use only plastic or glass bowls and plastic clips when relaxing hair. Do not use metal.
• Apply relaxer to hair that has not been shampooed for one week.
• Apply if the client has fragile hair and avoids swimming in the ocean, soaking in chlorinated hot tubs, and
participating in other activities not compatible with fragile hair.
• Decline a relaxer service if the hair has been treated with henna, which interferes with all texture services.
• Decline a relaxer service if the hair has been treated with metallic dyes, which are chemically incompatible
with relaxers.
• Establish a treatment program to restore the hairs strength and elasticity before scheduling a relaxer service.
Sodium hydroxide and thio
relaxers are chemically
incompatible and can
cause severe damage—
even hair loss—when mixed
or overlaid on the hair.
• Neverusesodium
hydroxide relaxers on hair
previously relaxed with a
thio relaxer.
• Neverusethio relaxers
on hair previously
relaxed with a
Fig. 15-9 Sufficiently relaxed strand.
Fig. 15-10 Insufficiently relaxed strand.
During Relaxer Application
• Precisely apply base cream without overlapping on hair that
will be relaxed.
• Wear protective gloves when performing every relaxer service.
• Avoid using two different relaxer types. Do not apply a hydroxide
relaxer to hair that has been relaxed with a thio relaxer and
• Apply a relaxer formulation appropriate for the client’s hair
texture and condition.
• Apply to the midshafts, then the scalp area, then the hairline, and
• Use your gloved fingers to smooth the relaxer through the hair.
• Separate the hair in sections using your fingers, the tail of a tail
comb, or an applicator brush without touching the scalp.
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Fig. 15-37 Bricklay wrap.
Bricklay Wrapping pattern
The bricklay wrap is similar to the actual bricklaying technique
(see Chapter 12, Hairstyling, p. 398). Base sections are offset
from each other row by row, to prevent noticeable splits and blend
the hairs flow. Different bricklay patterns use different starting
points (front hairline, occipital area, or crown) that affect the
hairs directional flow. The bricklay wrap can be used with various
combinations of panels, base sections and directions, wrapping
techniques, and perm rod placements (Figure 15-37).
Spiral Wrapping pattern
Spiral perms utilize the spiral wrap technique in
which hair is wrapped in vertical, or near vertical,
sections. This allows the permed hair to naturally fall
in ringlets or corkscrew curls. The wrapping technique
itself produces a uniform curl from scalp to end.
Longer hair (past the shoulder) benefits most from
this effect (Figure 15-38).
DouBle-roD Wrapping pattern
For extra-long hair, you may need to use a double-rod
wrap, also known as piggyback wrap, in which the hair
is wrapped on one rod from the scalp to midway down
the hair shaft (Figure 15-39), and another rod is used
to wrap the remaining hair in the same direction. This
allows for more even curl from scalp to end and better
processing solution penetration.
Fig. 15-38 Spiral perm wrap.
Fig. 15-36 Basic wrap.
Wrapping Patterns
There are four common patterns of wrapping the rods: basic wrap, bricklay
wrap, spiral perm wrap, and a double-rod (piggyback) wrap.
BaSic Wrapping pattern
The basic wrap, also known as straight set wrap, is a wrapping pattern
in which all the rods within a panel move in the same direction and are
positioned on equal-sized bases; all the base sections are horizontal and
are the same length and width as the perm rod. The base control is the
perm rod’s position in relation to its base section, determined by the angle
at which the hair is wrapped (Figure 15-36).
Fig. 15-39 Double-rod (piggyback) wrap.
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wrap can be used with various combinations of panels, base
sections and directions, wrapping techniques, and perm rod
placements. Follow the steps forperforming the permanent
wave using a bricklay wrap in Procedure 15-5.
Permanent Wave Using a Bricklay Wrap
See page 589
Perm Using Spiral Wrap
For this perm, wrap in vertical, or near vertical, sections to allow
the permed hair to naturally fall in ringlets with uniform curl from
scalp to end. Follow the steps for performing the permanent
wave using a spiral wrap in Procedure 15-6.
Permanent Wave Using a Spiral Wrap
See page 592
Perm Using Double-Rod Wrap
For extra-long hair, wrap on one rod from the scalp to midway down the hair shaft, and then use
another rod to wrap the remaining hair in the same direction to create an even curl from scalp
to end. Follow the steps for performing the permanent wave using the double rod (piggyback)
wrap in Procedure 15-7.
Permanent Wave Using a Double-Rod Wrap
See page 595
Soft Curl Perm
For this perm, you will use a thio relaxer to loosen the curly
texture followed by a perm that wraps the relaxed hair in
large perm rods or curlers. Following the service, consider
recommending the use of a processing cap at night for
moisture retention. To avoid compromising the curls, hair
must not be shampooed for at least 48 hours after the
service. Follow the steps for performing the soft curl perm
(chemical curl reforming) in Procedure 15-8.
Soft Curl Perm (Chemical Curl
See page 598
Check In
33. Which perm wrap is ideal for clients with extra-long hair?
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