CSP Graduate School Option – Rights and Obligations Summary
The CSP Graduate School Option guarantees you the opportunity to attend a fully-funded, full-time
graduate school for up to 24 months without normal ACS cost limitations. You may choose to attend any
fully accredited institution of higher learning in the United States. You may also choose from over 210
Army-approved disciplines of study. Note: The list of approved study disciplines on your contract and at
the CSP website is subject to change. If you don’t see a program that interests you, ask about it.
When you elected the CSP Graduate School Option, you incurred an additional three-year Active
Duty Service Obligation (ADSO). This service obligation is served consecutively, not concurrently, with
your initial commissioning ADSO of 3, 4 or 5 years (contingent upon your commissioning source).
Remember that if you choose not to attend graduate school, you must still serve your three-year CSP
ADSO. That said, the Graduate School Option is indeed an option. Once you’ve completed your three
year CSP ADSO, you may:
a. Exercise the Graduate School Option, go to school and remain on Active Duty.
b. Delay exercising the Graduate School Option until later in your career (but start by year 10).
c. Remain on Active Duty in the Army but choose not to go to graduate school.
d. Leave Active Duty after you’ve completed both your commissioning and CSP ADSO.
As with all Army graduate programs, if you choose to attend graduate school, you will incur a 3 day
active duty service obligation for each day of graduate school attendance.
Generally speaking, you should plan on attending graduate school between your 6
and 11
year of
service. In the basic branches this will most likely occur after successful completion of a “key
developmental” (KD) captain’s assignment. Your HRC assignments officer will ensure that you attend
graduate school without limiting your key developmental opportunities at your current or next grade. At
your option, but consistent with the needs of the Army, you may request to attend graduate school outside
the 6 to 11 year of service window.
In addition to gaining tremendous experience as a company commander while you serve your CSP
ADSO, you are simultaneously earning full Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits for yourself or for transfer to your
family (see the CSP website for ROTC non-scholarship GI Bill benefit accrual). Having both the GI Bill
and the CSP Graduate School option gives you the most options and enormous flexibility: you can remain
on Active Duty, transfer your GI Bill benefits to your dependents and attend Graduate School through the
CSP; or, once you become eligible to get out at the 6, 7 or 8 year mark you can depart the Army with
highly desirable Company Command experience and the ability to use the GI Bill benefits for yourself.
Having both gives you an outside option (GI Bill) and a guaranteed
inside option (CSP Graduate School).
If you are selected to attend graduate school under a different Army program (i.e. West Point
instructor, FLEP, Medical Corps or Medical Service programs, or programs specific to a career field) you
may participate in these programs in lieu of the CSP Graduate School Option. Again, you must inform
your HRC assignments officer of your intentions. Participating in these programs does not require a
waiver to release you from your CSP obligation.
The Army recognizes that there may be instances where a waiver to get out of the CSP ADSO is
appropriate. Re-read your CSP contract and recognize that these waivers will be granted only with
compelling extenuating circumstances or to meet the needs of the Army. Such waiver requests may be
submitted when you are within one year of the end of your commissioning ADSO based on source of
commission. Waivers should be processed through your HRC assignments officer and require the
approval of the Army G1.