Assessment Guidance
Version 3.0
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
Initial draft guidance on
completing annual assessments
based on FedRAMP NIST SP
800 53 Revision 4, FedRAMP
baseline security requirements,
and FedRAMP continuous
monitoring requirements.
Updated logo
Updated to the new template
Clarified periodicity requirements
and updated references and
criteria from NIST SP 800 53
Revision 4 to Revision
5;Updated links to latest
versions of templates.
Updated rationale for NIST SP
800 53 Revision 5 core controls
Section 5
Updated with OSCAL versions
of templates
How To Contact Us
Questions about FedRAMP or this document should be directed to info@fedramp.gov
For more information about FedRAMP, visit the website at http://www.fedramp.gov.
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
Executive Summary 1
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Purpose 1
1.2. Scope 2
1.3. Assumptions 2
1.4. Compliance 2
2. Tasks Required to Complete the Assessment 3
2.1. Develop Schedule 3
2.2. Review and Update Documentation 4
2.3. Determine Scope of Assessment 4
2.3.1. FedRAMP-Selected Controls 4
2.3.2. FedRAMP-Selected Controls, Not-Included for Testing by CSP 5
2.3.3. CSP-Specific Controls, Selected by CSP 5
2.3.4. Additional Testing Requirements 5
2.3.5. Control Selection Process 6
2.4. Complete Security Assessment 6
2.4.1. Security Assessment Plan (SAP) 6
2.4.2. Security Assessment Report (SAR) 6 Security Assessment Test Cases 7
2.5. Complete Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) 7
3. Methodology for Managing Risks Associated with Inherited Controls 7
3.1. Methodology for Testing Inherited Controls 7
3.2. Methodology for Reporting and Managing Risks Associated with Inherited Controls 8
4. General Requirements 9
5. Reference Documents 9
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
Executive Summary
The FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board (JAB), in cooperation with the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), updated the FedRAMP security controls baseline to align with National Institutes of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53 (SP 800-53), Security and Privacy Controls for Federal
Information Systems and Organizations, Revision 5. The FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO)
updated the FedRAMP baseline security controls, documentation, and templates to reflect the changes in
NIST SP 800-53, revision 5.
This document provides guidance to assist cloud service providers (CSPs), independent assessment
organizations (IAOs), and federal agencies in determining the scope of an annual assessment based on NIST
SP 800-53, revision 5 FedRAMP baseline security requirements and FedRAMP continuous monitoring
(ConMon) requirements.
CSPs and federal agencies, with systems currently FedRAMP compliant based on NIST SP 800-53, revision 5
should use this document for guidance. This document is also intended to assist AOs in planning and
conducting security assessments, and reports for those systems, based on NIST SP 800-53, revision 5.
This document includes the security controls selection list. This list provides a structured approach and
assists in development of the scope for conducting assessments based on FedRAMP NIST SP 800-53,
revision 5 FedRAMP baseline security requirements, FedRAMP ConMon requirements, and CSP-specific
1. Introduction
The FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO) published several documents and templates based on
NIST SP 800-53, revision 5, FedRAMP baseline security requirements, and FedRAMP ConMon requirements
to assist CSPs and federal agencies in becoming compliant with NIST SP 800-53, revision 5. This document
defines the FedRAMP process for determining the scope and selection of controls to be included as part of
an annual assessment.
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to facilitate a structured approach to completing security assessments and
reports required to meet FedRAMP compliance based on NIST SP 800-53, revision 5.
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
This document describes a recommended methodology for determining the scope of an annual assessment
and associated reports, as well the recommended methodology for addressing risks associated with
leveraged cloud services.
1.2. Scope
The scope of this document includes completing an annual assessment in compliance with NIST SP 800-53,
revision 5 FedRAMP baseline security requirements, FedRAMP ConMon requirements, and CSP-specific
cloud service implementations.
1.3. Assumptions
The guidance and recommendations in this document for CSPs, federal agencies, and IAOs is based on the
following assumptions:
The cloud service offering (CSO) is currently compliant with FedRAMP based on NIST SP 800-53,
revision 5.
The CSP, at a minimum, is conducting continuous monitoring in compliance with the current
FedRAMP Continuous Monitoring and Strategy Guide.
All services and components included in the boundary for authorization will be assessed for
compliance with applicable controls determined as in-scope for the annual assessment.
CSPs will be required to identify the impact and risks associated with leveraging systems that have
not yet become FedRAMP NIST SP 800-53, revision 5 compliant.
The guidance in this document assumes the use of the traditional Microsoft Word and Excel versions
of the FedRAMP templates. If using the FedRAMP OSCAL templates, please refer to the applicable
FedRAMP OSCAL user guide for instructions.
1.4. Compliance
FedRAMP Authorized CSPs (those with an existing P-ATO or agency ATO) must comply with this guidance
for all annual assessments completed, following the transition from NIST SP 800-53, revision 4 to NIST SP
800-53, revision 5. Not doing so may be considered a failure to maintain an adequate risk management
program and result in escalation actions as described in the FedRAMP Continuous Monitoring Performance
Management Guide.
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
2. Tasks Required to Complete the
2.1. Develop Schedule
Major milestone activities for the various stakeholders to adequately maintain a schedule to complete the
annual assessment include the following:
The CSP must review and update, as required, the system security plan (SSP) and attachments.
The CSP must conduct incident response plan (IRP) testing and provide the incident response plan
(IRP) test report(s). The independent assessor (IA) is responsible for verifying and validating that the
IRP test report(s) meets FedRAMP requirements.
The CSP must conduct a contingency plan (CP) functional test and include the CP test report. The IA
is responsible for verifying and validating that the CP test report meets FedRAMP requirements.
The IA must complete the FedRAMP annual assessment security assessment plan (SAP). Since this
document is signed by the CSP and the IA, both parties should agree on all terms and conditions
prior to signage. The CSP and the IA should offer to allow the agency AO or AOs to review the SAP;
this engages the agency(ies) from the beginning.
The IA must conduct testing, per the terms and conditions outlined in the SAP. Should the terms
and/or conditions shift, in any manner from the agreed-upon document, these changes must be
recorded in the “Deviations” section within the security assessment report (SAR).
The IA must complete the FedRAMP annual assessment SAR. The CSP may ask to review this
document, but this document is the IAs responsibility and should never be altered by the CSP or
The CSP must update the plan of action and milestones (POA&M) based on deficiencies identified by
the IA in the SAR Risk Exposure Table (RET) and in accordance with FedRAMP Plan of Action and
Milestones (POA&M) Template Completion Guide.
The CSP and the IA must submit the complete annual assessment package. This means that the IA
uploads the documents that are the IA’s responsibility (i.e., the SAP, SAR, and all related supporting
documents), and the CSP uploads the updated SSP/attachments and POA&M to the FedRAMP
secure repository.
The schedule must include timeframes and resources to support technical and quality assurance reviews of
all deliverables.
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
2.2. Review and Update Documentation
The CSP and the IA must apply due diligence to ensure that the documentation follows FedRAMP
documentation requirements. This one task is the sole responsibility of the CSP and the IA. Taking this step
contributes significantly to reducing a CSO’s time to annual assessment approval.
The CSP is required to review the SSP, and all attachments, and update (as necessary) at least annually to
incorporate system changes and/or changes in processes and procedures. In particular, the CSP is required
to review and update implementation details (e.g., who, what, how) as necessary for all controls that are
“in-scope for this assessment to ensure adequate details are provided.
In addition, the FedRAMP PMO periodically publishes updates to the document templates, and the CSP
should review these new templates to ensure significant changes either are incorporated into the CSP’s
documents or new documents are created to address the changes prior to performing the updates.
2.3. Determine Scope of Assessment
The determination of the FedRAMP NIST SP 800-53, revision 5 “in-scope set of controls for annual
assessments is based on the following:
2.3.1. FedRAMP-Selected Controls
The determination of FedRAMP-selected list of core controls (as defined in the FedRAMP Annual
Assessment Control Selection Workbook, see section 5), those controls required to be assessed annually by
all CSPs, is based on the following:
Controls FedRAMP has determined are critical to protecting an information system
Controls required for FedRAMP readiness, specified in the FedRAMP Readiness Assessment Report
(RAR) Templates
Controls FedRAMP has determined to have the most protection value based on the Threat Based
Risk Profiling Methodology
Controls FedRAMP has determined to be providing critical functions, based on NIST’s definition of
“Security controls or specific assessment objects providing critical functions”:
Security controls or assessment objects that provide critical security functions (e.g., log
management server, firewalls) are candidates for more frequent monitoring. Additionally,
individual assessment objects that support critical security functions and/or are deemed
critical to the system (in accordance with the Business Impact Analysis) or to the
organization may be candidates for more frequent monitoring.
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
Reference: NIST SP 800-137, dated September 2011, Section 3.2.2, Establish Monitoring
and Assessment Frequencies
2.3.2. FedRAMP-Selected Controls, Not-Included for Testing by CSP
The FedRAMP-selected list of core controls, not applicable to a CSP’s implementation of cloud services, are
not required to be tested on an annual basis based on the following criteria:
Controls that are not applicable to the CSPs implementation (e.g., controls related to provision and
management of wireless services when no wireless network capability is implemented). The IA is
required to validate that “Not Applicable” controls are in fact not applicable.
Controls that are fully “Inherited” and entirely the responsibility of a leveraged provider are not
required to be tested by the CSP leveraging those services. The IA is required to validate that the
inherited services and/or controls continue to meet the terms of use in accordance with the
FedRAMP P-ATO or agency ATO. The customer’s terms of use are also specified in the CSPs
Customer Responsibility Matrix (CRM) that is included in the CSP’s Control Implementation
Summary (CIS) Workbook (an attachment to the SSP).
2.3.3. CSP-Specific Controls, Selected by CSP
In addition to the FedRAMP-Selected List of Core Controls, the CSP is required to select additional controls
for testing based on the following criteria:
CSP-selected controls are required to address system changes that have been implemented by the
CSP since the last annual assessment, (e.g., closed POA&M items, including vendor dependencies
(VDs), deviation requests (DRs), and system changes).
CSP-selected controls are required to address periodicity requirements (i.e., controls that are not
required to be selected based on any other criteria outlined in this document) and must be assessed
once within a three-year period.
The IA must validate that the controls selected by the CSP meet scope and periodicity requirements.
2.3.4. Additional Testing Requirements
In addition, the IA must evaluate (review and/or test), as necessary, all items related to ConMon activities.
The IA must evaluate all open POA&M items (including VDs) and POA&M closures (to confirm adequate
closure) and validate and confirm continued applicability of DRs (i.e., false positives, risk adjustments, and
operational requirements).
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
2.3.5. Control Selection Process
CSPs must complete the FedRAMP Annual Assessment Control Selection Workbook Template Section 5 to
determine the controls selected for testing in the annual assessment. Guidance for completing the workbook
is directly in the template. The IA will need to identify the control selection for the current assessment as well
as the control selections for the prior two assessments (if applicable). This verifies that periodicity
requirements, as noted in the section “CSP-Specific Controls, Selected By CSP” of this document, are being
met. The completed worksheet must be included in the SAP prepared and submitted by the IA.
2.4. Complete Security Assessment
IAs must complete all security assessments in accordance with the same processes and procedures required
by FedRAMP. The scope of the assessment will be based on the results of the control selection process and
the testing will utilize the FedRAMP Security Test Case Procedures Template (refer to section 5, FedRAMP
Revision 5 Test Cases) and the requirements specified in the FedRAMP Continuous Monitoring and Strategy
2.4.1. Security Assessment Plan (SAP)
The IA prepares and submits the SAP utilizing the FedRAMP Security Assessment (SAP) Template. The SAP
clearly defines the planned process, procedures, and methodologies for testing. The scope of controls to be
tested is based on the control selection process defined in this document. Include only those test cases for
selected controls in the SAP Security Test Case Procedures template. Some test cases may need to be
modified to address CSP-specific implementations as described in the SSP and other supporting
documentation. The test cases may need to be modified for those controls selected for validation of closed
POA&M items, DRs, VDs, and system changes.
2.4.2. Security Assessment Report (SAR)
The IA prepares and submits the SAR utilizing the FedRAMP Security Assessment Report (SAR) Template. In
accordance with the SAP, the SAR documents the actual process, procedures, and methodologies utilized for
testing as required and documents all the results of the testing conducted.
The SAR clearly identifies what was tested and what was not tested as part of this assessment, especially
related to non-applicable controls and inherited controls from leveraged systems as may be applicable.
The SAR clearly identifies known risks associated with leveraged systems, if applicable.
The AO determines whether the overall risk posture of the system, as defined in the SAR, is acceptable.
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide Security Assessment Test Cases
The IA prepares and submits the FedRAMP Security Test Case Procedures and supporting documentation as
part of the SAR. The test cases contain all the FedRAMP NIST SP 800-53, revision 5 control assessment
objectives with associated required test methods for each of the selected controls.
The IA fully completes and documents the assessment information related to the controls selected for the
assessment (e.g., detailed observations and evidence, assessment result, identified risks, risk exposure
information, and recommendation for mitigation).
2.5. Complete Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M)
The CSP prepares and submits the POA&M utilizing the FedRAMP Plan of Action and Milestone (POA&M)
Template. The CSP documents residual risks identified in the SAR, in accordance with the FedRAMP Plan of
Action and Milestones (POA&M) Template Completion Guide and defines a plan for remediation of those
risks in the template provided and provides an inventory list of the system tested in the FedRAMP Plan of
Action and Milestones (POA&M) Template.
The CSP includes known risks identified by the IA that are associated with leveraged systems in the POA&M.
3. Methodology for Managing Risks
Associated with Inherited Controls
3.1. Methodology for Testing Inherited Controls
The methodology for testing controls inherited from a FedRAMP compliant system (leveraged system) is
explicitly based on how the requirement is described in the SSP. The SSP for a CSO leveraging a system
clearly defines the roles and responsibilities for every control requirement. The CSP must describe how the
control is implemented and how it is using the inherited control in the leveraged system SSP. For example, a
physical and environmental (PE) control might be fully inherited from the leveraged system. The CSP
describes “how” the PE control requirement is implemented, including stating it is fully inherited from the
leveraged system. There is a subsection in the control implementation description that states “what” the
leveraged system is providing to meet the requirement but not “how” the leveraged system meets the
requirement. The IA must verify the CSP is using the control consistent with the SSP.
In another example, a control requirement might be a shared” control, where the system and the leveraged
system implement portions of a requirement to fully meet the requirement. In this case, the CSP would define
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
“what” and “how” the CSP is implementing the portion they are responsible for, and there would be a
subsection in the implementation description where the “what” being provided by the leveraged system is
described; however, the description of “how” the leveraged system implements their portion of the control
would be found in the leveraged system’s SSP.
The scope of testing for the CSP leveraging a FedRAMP Authorized leveraged system includes only control
requirements that the CSP is responsible for implementing, either wholly or partially. The IA tests only the
control requirement implemented by the CSP and assumes the leveraged system is compliant with the
requirements based on their initial and continued P-ATO or ATO status. The scope of testing does not include
“testing” of the implementation by the leveraged system. If the leveraged system provides a service such as
auditing/logging or trouble ticketing, the IA must collect evidence from only the CSP that the leveraged
system is providing those services (e.g., audit logs/reports).
3.2. Methodology for Reporting and Managing Risks
Associated with Inherited Controls
The IA may have identified some known risks associated with the system leveraged by a CSP. These risks
may be due to a gap in implementation of all the requirements in a control between the CSP and the
leveraged system. These risks may result from the CSP not having fully implemented a requirement that they
are responsible for implementing.
The IA must include these known risks in the SAR, and the CSP must include these known risks in the
POA&M (including VDs) and track and report the status of those risks as part of ConMon activities (e.g., the
CSP indicates in the POA&M that they have communicated with the applicable POC of the leveraged system
to determine the current status of remediation of those risks at least every thirty (30) days).
Consider the following example: The IaaS CSP currently has some implementations based on FedRAMP
NIST SP 800-53, revision 4 requirements. The SaaS leveraging the IaaS has fully implemented FedRAMP
NIST SP 800-53, revision 5. During the assessment of the SaaS, it was determined that the leveraged IaaS
had not fully transitioned to implementation of FedRAMP NIST SP 800-53, revision 5. To be compliant, the
SaaS CSP must have the following:
A SAR that identifies the gaps in the inherited controls (gaps from NIST revision 4 to NIST revision 5)
A POA&M that tracks these deficiencies
A SSP that reflects these inherited controls are partially implemented or planned based on the SAR
The preceding is only an example. It does not imply the requirements only apply to SaaS providers. Similar
requirements apply whenever a CSP claims a VD as the reason for an open POA&M item. During the annual
assessment, the IA verifies the applicable requirements are met.
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guide
4. General Requirements
Use the latest version for all FedRAMP document templates located on the FedRAMP website, such
as the SSP, CP, SAP, and SAR
Ensure that all requirements are addressed and documented completely and identify specifically
what was included in the scope of the assessment and what was excluded, including the rationale
for both
Ensure there are enough resources to complete the required tasks in the timeframes defined
Develop and implement a schedule that supports completion of the assessment prior to the
anniversary date of P-ATO or ATO
Develop and implement a schedule that provides for revisions and updates to draft documents
based on FedRAMP and AO technical reviews
Ensure that all findings are included in the SAR and POA&M
5. Reference Documents
Microsoft Word and Excel versions are available on the FedRAMP website (http://www.fedramp.gov/): Under
the “RESOURCES” menu, select the “Documents & Templates” option. OSCAL versions of the SSP, SAP, SAR,
and POA&M templates are available in the FedRAMP Automation GitHub Repository templates folder:
FedRAMP Annual Assessment Control Selection Workbook (Excel | OSCAL)
FedRAMP SSP Template (Word | OSCAL)
FedRAMP SAP Template (Word | OSCAL)
FedRAMP SAR Template (Word | OSCAL)
FedRAMP POA&M Template (Excel | OSCAL)
FedRAMP Revision 5 Test Cases (Excel | OSCAL)
FedRAMP Master Acronym and Glossary (PDF)
The OSCAL version of the FedRAMP revision 5 test cases are contained within the OSCAL profiles and
resolved profile catalogs, and are available in the FedRAMP Automation GitHub Repository baseline folder: