AAPA Cruise Workshop
New Orleans, LA February 17, 2005
Safety Considerations for the Design
Mobile Elevating Gangways
Passenger Boarding Bridges
Cruise Ships
Anders G Frick, President FMT North America
It Used to Be So Easy…
Half a Century Ago
Port of New Orleans, LA 2000
Gangway Safety and Design
FMT of Trelleborg, Sweden is
one of the world’s leading
designers and manufacturers of
safe Mobile Elevating Gangways
and Passenger Boarding
I will discuss the parameters for
the design of safe Mobile
Elevating Gangways and
Passenger Boarding Bridges
including the all important
aspect of avoiding passenger
and crew injuries
A number of factors have to be
considered for the proper
Environmental impact
Wind – loads
Local Geometric and fender line
Tidal Fluctuations and passing ship
Present and future Cruise Ships to be
Parameters for Safe Design
Structural design and codes
Gangway control systems
Correct Calculations of the
interaction of the movement
between Cruise Ship-Gangway
Codes, Regulations & Legislation
ADA (Americans
with Disabilities
NFPA 415/417
(National Fire
Protection Agency)
UL (Underwriters’
EN 25817
EN 287
Structural Calculations
Once the safety parameters of
the design have been met, the
structural calculations are
made in compliance with
relevant standards
To make sure that the
structural design is correct, all
calculations are checked by
an independent party
The Mobile Gangways/Boarding
Bridges controls are designed
for safe operation either by an
operator’s panel, conveniently
located at the Transition Ramp
(ship side) – or alternatively by
wireless control from the Ships
Automatic Systems
A UPS system will automatically
engage in the event of loss of
mains power
A Back-up drive system will
ensure safe operation of the
Gangway in the event of loss of
the main system
Automatic Functions
A modern Gangway/Bridge is
computer controlled and does
not require any human action for
adjustments due to Ship
movements caused by tidal
When the movements of the
ship exceed preset ranges an
alarm will sound and the
Gangway/Bridge will be
disengaged or disabled for
further passenger movements
Modern Gangways/Bridges are
fitted with an array of sensors of
various kinds, such as: absolute
encoders, lasers, infrared and
ultrasonic sensors, angle
decoders, analogue length
sensors and digital limit
sensors, all to ensure safety
On-line Monitoring
Mobile Elevating Gangways and
Passenger Boarding Bridges are
connected via modem for
trouble shooting, diagnostics,
and software changes all to
ensure safety
Automatic, system generated
e-mail notification of operational
Interface Terminal – Mobile
Elevating Gangway
If the service envelope of the
Gangway requires multiple
service positions, a continuous
and seamless opening in the
Terminal can be provided by the
installation of a three-rail sliding
door system.
Interface Gangway/Bridge –
Cruise Ship
Detailed design work is
necessary to arrive at an optimal
solution of the Transition Ramp
Key considerations include
design of fenders/camels –
location and size of ship doors –
size and position of lifeboats/life
rafts or emergency escape
slides as well as all other
obstructing elements
Structural Integrity of Quay
It is of great importance for the
safe operation that the quay
(apron) can take the calculated
live load of the Gangway/ Bridge
In some instances special
concrete tracks can be used to
secure the foundation for the
Slope of Gangway/Bridge
Tunnels and Walkways
The maximum allowable slopes
and lengths of Gangway/ Bridge
Tunnels and Walkways are
regulated by ADA (Americans
with Disability Act)
FMT designs are in strict
compliance with ADA
Main Drive Systems
The main drive system shall be
electro-hydraulic to be able to
instantly react to movements
The hydraulic cylinders shall be
fed by several hydraulic pumps
to guarantee 100% operation
Hydraulic lift cylinders shall be
designed in compliance with Det
Norske Veritas (DNV) standards
Gangway/Bridge Exterior
Modern Gangways/Bridges are to
a great extent designed with Glass
Walls to create a more passenger
friendly environment. Glass Walls,
typically 6 mm (1/4”) hardened
float glass (BS 6206 Class A) shall
be used.
Glass Walls must be able to
withstand wind loads of hurricane
level winds (146 mph)
All machinery requires periodic
maintenance to ensure safe
operation. By using only the
best materials and components,
together with intelligent design
and maintenance training, the
level of maintenance is reduced
Safe and intelligent design,
operational reliability together
with low cost for maintenance
are vital guidelines for the
procurement of Gangways/
Passenger Boarding Bridges
Port of New Orleans, LA
Julia I – The Largest FMT Installation in the USA
FMT Mobile Passenger Gangways
“Falcon I” at Black Falcon Cruise Terminal,
South Boston, MA – March 2002
Gangway to serve Mezzanine and Balcony
levels – ADA compliant handrails throughout
FMT Mobile Passenger Gangways
“Falcon I” at Black Falcon Cruise Terminal,
South Boston, MA – March 2002
Gangway to serve Mezzanine and Balcony
levels – ADA compliant handrails throughout
FMT Mobile Passenger Gangways
“Cabrillo” at Port of San Diego, CA
B Pier Cruise Ship Terminal – October 2002
ADA compliant handrails throughout and in
Transition Ramp
FMT Mobile Passenger Gangways
“Cabrillo” at Port of San Diego, CA
B Pier Cruise Ship Terminal – October 2002
ADA compliant handrails throughout
FMT Mobile Passenger Gangways
“Eagle I” at Channelside Terminal 3, Tampa
Port Authority, Tampa, FL – March 2002
Gangway to serve Mezzanine and Balcony
levels – ADA compliant handrails throughout
FMT Mobile Passenger Gangways
“Eagle I” at Channelside Terminal 3, Tampa
Port Authority, Tampa, FL – March 2002
ADA compliant handrails throughout
FMT Passenger Loading Bridge
“Notus” at Port Everglades, FL – December 2003
FMT Mobile Telescopic Passenger Bridge
ADA compliant handrails throughout
Thank you for your attention
FMT has a proven history of
consistently meeting and
exceeding the discussed
minimum requirements for safe
Gangways/ Passenger Boarding
FMT has all the expertise and
an unblemished safety record