Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 1
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Chesapeake Bay Business Plan
August 2012 (Revised August 2018)
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Purpose of a Business Plan
The purpose of a NFWF business plan is to provide a concise blueprint of the strategies and resources
required to achieve the desired conservation outcomes. The strategies discussed in this plan do not
represent solely the foundation’s view of the actions necessary to achieve the identified conservation
goals, but instead reflect the majority view of the many federal, state, academic, and organizational
experts that consulted during plan development. This plan is not meant to duplicate ongoing efforts but
rather to invest in areas where gaps might exist so as to support the efforts of the larger conservation
NFWF gratefully acknowledges the time, knowledge, and support provided by individuals and
organizations that contributed significantly to this business plan through input, review, discussion, and
content expertise relative to the Chesapeake Bay watershed. In particular, thanks goes to the following
individuals who provided technical assistance with analysis, application, and interpretation of scientific
tools and data in support of NFWF’s business planning effort: Emily Trentacoste, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, for assistance in production, interpretation, and application of water quality data
and TMDL implementation progress from the Chesapeake Scenario Assessment Tool; Shawn Rummel
and colleagues, Trout Unlimited, for assistance in the application of Eastern brook trout conservation
portfolio analysis; Stephen Faulkner and colleagues, U.S. Geological Survey and CBP Brook Trout Action
Team, for expert advice on brook trout strategy development and monitoring needs; Stephanie Westby
and colleagues, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for assistance identifying planned
oyster restoration activities; Tim Jones and Kirsten Luke, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Atlantic Coast
Joint Venture, for assistance with tailored analysis and application of the Black Duck Decision Support
tool; and Matt Ogburn, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, for development of river herring
prioritization models and identification of monitoring needs. In addition, NFWF wishes to thank key
stakeholders from the Chesapeake Bay Program for ongoing partnership and counsel in maximizing
NFWF’s contributions to partnership goals and outcomes.
About NFWF
Chartered by Congress in 1984, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) protects and restores
the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and habitats. Working with federal, corporate and individual partners,
NFWF has funded more than 4,500 organizations and generated a conservation impact of more than
$4.8 billion. Learn more at
Note on Business Plan Presented to NFWF’s Board of Directors
This version of the business plan does not include appendices due to board book space constraints.
Additional materials will accompany the public version of this plan.
Photo credit: All photographs provided by the Chesapeake Bay Program.
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The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (“NFWF”) is updating its Chesapeake Bay Business Plan to
reflect the latest conditions in the watershed, particularly in light of recent funding trends, development
of new partnership-based Bay restoration and protection goals, and the availability of new data and
information to focus effort and measure conservation impact.
As one of the largest watershed restoration efforts in the world, the federalstate Chesapeake Bay
Program (“CBP”) partnership has been charged since 1983 with directing the coordinated actions of
federal and state agencies, local governments, non-profit organizations and academic institutions
working to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay.
NFWF is a core partner of the CBP and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), specifically
working to advance local on-the-ground watershed restoration actions, build local capacity for
restoration, and accelerate innovation in watershed management through conservation grant-making,
technical assistance, information exchange, and technology transfer.
NFWF’s role in the Chesapeake began in 1999 when it was competitively selected to administer the
EPA’s newly-authorized Small Watershed Grants program. Since then, NFWF has secured additional
competitively-awarded EPA funding to expand its work advancing watershed restoration efforts,
including funding from the Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grants program and the legacy
Targeted Watershed Grants program.
NFWF’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund (“Stewardship Fund”) has further grown over time to
incorporate a range of additional federal, corporate, and private foundation partners and now invests
$10-15 million annually in on-the-ground restoration projects, technical assistance activities, and
directed partnerships to advance major Chesapeake initiatives. All told, NFWF has invested in excess of
$150 million across more than 1,000 individual projects, leveraging more than $200 million in additional
local funding for a total conservation impact of nearly $350 million. These investments have collectively
reduced annual nutrient pollution by nearly 25 million pounds, restored more than 1,800 miles of
riparian habitat and 6,700 acres of wetland, and engaged more than 2 million watershed residents
through outreach, training and volunteer opportunities.
NFWF formalized its long-term commitment to advancing Chesapeake restoration with the 2012
Chesapeake Bay Business Plan. The Business Plan outlines a comprehensive strategy to guide NFWF’s
conservation investments in the region through 2025 and establishes clear and achievable conservation
goals to enhance the resilience of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, increase populations of priority
species, reduce harmful pollutants from entering streams, rivers and the Bay, and reduce the costs of
the recovery effort. With a $100 million budget, NFWF has already invested $50 million in support of the
Chesapeake Bay Business Plan in its first seven years.
Shortly after the adoption of NFWF’s Chesapeake Bay Business Plan, the federal government and
watershed jurisdictions renewed their commitments to Chesapeake watershed restoration and
protection through the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, which outlines shared goals and
outcomes across a broad range of conservation and community engagement efforts. This update, in
part, is aimed at maximizing alignment of NFWF’s Chesapeake Bay investments with the new
partnership-based Watershed Agreement.
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Conservation Need
Recognized as a “national treasure” for its historical, cultural,
economic, and ecological significance, the Chesapeake is the largest
estuary in North America and one of the most productive in the
world. Its watershed stretches across more than 64,000 square miles
in the Mid-Atlantic United States covering areas of six states and the
entirety of the District of Columbia. Its watershed spans from
Norfolk, Virginia to Cooperstown, New York and from the sandy
coastal plains of Delmarva Peninsula in the east to the headwaters of
the Potomac River in West Virginia’s Appalachian Mountains.
Compared to its vast watershed, the Chesapeake estuary itself is
relatively small with a surface area of just 4,500 square miles. The
relatively narrow mouth of the Bay further influences a unique set of
estuarine processes that limits the rate at which water and
constituent pollutants are flushed out of the Bay and into the Atlantic Ocean.
The result is that the Bay
and its tributary rivers and streams are particularly vulnerable to land-based activities throughout its
contributing watershed.
The Chesapeake and its watershed has undergone intense alteration and development since John Smith
and other early European settlers arrived in Jamestown in the early 17
century. To generate arable
land capable of sustaining growing colonial populations, early settlers extensively cleared native forests
and drained marshes and wetland systems.
This loss of forest and wetland cover, combined with the damming of streams and channelization of
rivers for navigation and commerce accelerated throughout the 19
and 20
centuries, leading to the
loss of nearly two-thirds of the watershed’s precolonial forest and wetland habitats, degradation of two-
thirds of stream habitats and declines in many culturally and economically important species. These
land use changes also increased the flow of nutrients and sediments to the Chesapeake and its tributary
rivers and streams, directly contributing to major declines in Chesapeake water quality and estuarine
habitat conditions, namely dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, water clarity and underwater Bay grasses.
Compounding these watershed-scale impacts, overharvesting of the Chesapeake’s once bountiful finfish
and shellfish resources have further decimated the estuarine ecosystem.
Water Quality
While declines in Chesapeake water quality and associated habitat conditions trace their roots to
centuries of land use change, the more recent intensification in both agricultural production and urban
and suburban development across the watershed have accelerated nutrient and sediment loading and
associated estuarine habitat declines.
Agriculture. Agriculture, especially livestock and dairy production, remains a major economic and
cultural facet the region and represents the largest single source of nutrient and sediment pollution to
the Chesapeake. Unfortunately, the chemical fertilizers that revolutionized the global agricultural sector
Du, J. & Shen, J. (2016). Water residence time in Chesapeake Bay for 1980-2012. Journal of Marine Systems, 164,
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 5
in the 20th century are frequently applied at rates that exceed what plants can readily absorb. Dramatic
shifts in animal agriculture in the past century have also led to intensification of livestock and dairy
production, resulting in manure “hotspots” where nutrient supplies far exceed needs for local crop
production. As a result, fertilizers are too often applied at rates and times inconsistent with local crop
needs, leading excess fertilizers to run off into surface waters or leach from nutrient-saturated soils into
groundwater supplies. Furthermore, some livestock producers still allow their animals free access to
streams for watering based on cultural norms established by earlier generations. The result is erosion of
stream banks, destruction of riparian vegetation, and direct deposit of animal manure into surface
Development. The Chesapeake watershed is home to nearly 18 million people, including the densely-
populated I-95 corridor from Richmond, Virginia to Baltimore, Maryland. Development of the
Chesapeake watershed represents a unique and growing challenge. While agriculture still contributes
the largest share of nutrient and sediment pollution to the Chesapeake, urban and suburban areas are
the only growing sources of these pollutants.
Urban development and associated impervious surfaces have dramatically altered local hydrology across
the Chesapeake watershed. Roofs, roads, sidewalks, and other built surfaces prevent rain from filtering
through the soil and impact both the timing and the quality of runoff entering local streams. Collectively,
these impervious surfaces speed the delivery of rainfall to surface waters, increasing the volume and
velocity of runoff entering stream channels, eroding streambanks and degrading the stream channel
itself. Furthermore, impervious surfaces prevent rainwater from filtering through the soil, which further
limits the natural pollution filtering service of the soil profile and causes stormwater runoff to transport
excess pollution directly to local streams.
Species and Habitat
Eastern Brook Trout. Eastern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are the only native trout species in the
Chesapeake Bay watershed. They are prized by recreational anglers and have been designated as the
state fish of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Residents of the Chesapeake’s headwater streams,
Eastern brook trout require cool, clean water. Wild brook trout populations in the Bay watershed have
significantly declined over the past two centuries. Factors affecting brook trout include land use and
warmer temperatures that degrade high quality stream habitats, and increased competition from other
species and the loss of genetic integrity. In the Chesapeake watershed, most brook trout are confined to
headwater streams, where disturbance is minimal and forest cover is still prevalent.
American Black Duck. The American black duck (Anas rubripes) was at one time the most abundant
dabbling duck in eastern North America and comprised the largest portion of waterfowl harvests in the
Mid-Atlantic region. Between the 1950s and 1980s, North American black duck populations declined by
more than 50 percent, due largely to conversion of wetlands habitats to other land uses and the loss of
associated food supplies. Situated along the Atlantic Flyway, the Chesapeake Bay watershed is especially
critical as wintering habitat for the species, supporting the largest share of the species’ wintering
populations. Restoring and protecting wetland habitat in the Chesapeake is viewed as critical to the
long-term sustainability of the species and the achievement of continental population goals.
River Herring. Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and blueback herring (A. aestivalis), collectively known as
river herring, were once abundant in the Chesapeake’s tidal tributaries. As diadromous fish, river herring
travel from the ocean to high quality tidal rivers and streams to spawn. Each spring, massive herring
runs helped to sustain native communities and early colonial settlers. However, throughout the 18th
and 19th centuries, river herring suffered a precipitous decline due to overharvesting and the
construction of dams, which restrict access to high quality spawning habitats. Land use changes resulting
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in the loss of riparian habitat and increases in impervious services have further degraded the quality of
spawning streams. While fishing is now restricted in both Virginia and Maryland, barriers to fish passage
and degraded stream health continue to negatively impact river herring throughout the watersheds.
Eastern Oysters. With its name roughly translated as “great shellfish bay” in the language of the
Chesapeake watershed’s native Algonquin tribes, it is no surprise that the Chesapeake Bay has long been
renowned for its shellfish resources. The Chesapeake is well known for its blue crabs (Callinectes
sapidus), but Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) have played a particularly prominent role in the
culture, history, and economy of the region. Native oyster beds were once so extensive that they
regularly posed navigational hazards for the Chesapeake’s early pilots. They were ecologically significant
as well, with some estimates that the native oyster population in the Chesapeake was capable of
filtering the entire volume of the estuary roughly every eight days. Oyster reefs also serve as key habitat
for a variety of aquatic species and a driver of the estuary’s broader food chains. As an economic
resource, oysters have helped to build many fishing communities along the Chesapeake with harvests
reaching nearly 20 million bushels per year at their peak. However, overharvesting, disease, and declines
in estuarine and bottom habitats have ravaged native oyster populations. Eastern oysters now represent
less than two percent of their peak historical populations.
Current Conservation Context
Since 1999, the Stewardship Fund has evolved into a robust set of competitive grant programs, directed
partnership investments, and program-wide support functions to help advance the goals of the CBP
partnership, funded primarily by the EPA and supported by a range of other public and private funders.
During that time, and after nearly three decades of significant, voluntary restoration efforts failed to
achieve necessary improvements in Bay water quality, the EPA took the landmark step in December
2010 of establishing an enforceable regulatory framework for limiting nutrient and sediment pollution
to the Bay. The Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) establishes science-based limits on
nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment pollution to the Bay necessary to achieve specific nearshore, open
water and benthic habitat conditions for dozens of the fish and shellfish species. Watershed jurisdictions
developed and are now executing Watershed Implementation Plans to ensure all pollution controls
needed to fully restore the Bay and its tidal rivers are in place by 2025.
The CBP partnership also recently renewed its shared commitment to a broader array of watershed
restoration and protection actions through the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. Signed by
the EPA Administrator and chief executives from each of the watershed jurisdictions and building on
decades of earlier restoration agreements, the Agreement outlines ten goals and 31 associated
outcomes spanning habitat restoration and fisheries management, water improvement, land
conservation, and citizen stewardship efforts. Detailed management strategies and work plans are now
being executed by the CBP’s Goal Implementation Teams to achieve Agreement goals and outcomes.
NFWF’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund, guided by this updated Business Plan, will complement
regional, multiparty watershed restoration, habitat improvement, and citizen engagement efforts led by
EPA and the CBP by focusing on actions and investments that hold promise to simultaneously maximize
partner outcomes for water quality, species and habitat, and communities throughout the watershed.
NFWF will continue to make investments in building the technical capacity of partner organizations to
scale up their local restoration and protection efforts, including the support of innovative technologies
and program delivery approaches that have demonstrated success in accelerating restoration progress
ever since NFWF’s original 2012 Chesapeake Bay Business Plan.
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Conservation Outcomes
NFWF is committed to the vision of “an environmentally and economically sustainable Chesapeake Bay
watershed” set forth in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. To that end, NFWF’s Chesapeake
Bay Business Plan has been developed to provide measurable contributions to goals and outcomes of
the Chesapeake Bay Program and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement associated with:
1. Water quality improvement through nutrient and sediment reduction to serve as the foundation
for healthy fisheries, habitats and communities across the Chesapeake Bay region;
2. Restoring and protecting key Chesapeake bay species and their habitats; and
3. Fostering an engaged and diverse citizen and stakeholder presence that will build upon and
sustain progress.
This Business Plan update revises selected goals and outcomes for the program established in 2012.
Progress to date has allowed NFWF to increase selected goals and outcomes as a reflection of
accelerated progress to date, new data and information have allowed NFWF to better refine and focus
its investments, and revised partner goals adopted in the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement
warrant better reflection in NFWF’s own strategic program vision. In sum, these changes represent
NFWF’s commitment to adaptive management in order to maximize the impact and relevance of its
programs to existing regional partners. See Appendix A for additional information on goal revisions.
Specifically, NFWF will focus investments on achieving the following outcomes:
Water quality
NFWF will improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay by reducing: 1) nitrogen pollution by 10 million
pounds annually, or 13% of the nitrogen load reduction required by the Chesapeake Bay TMDL; 2)
phosphorus pollution by 1 million pounds annually, or roughly 25% of the phosphorus load reduction
required by the Chesapeake Bay TMDL; and 3) sediment pollution by 200 million pounds annually, or
6% of the sediment load reduction required by the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. Activities contributing to
these outcomes by 2025 include:
Improving water quality in agricultural areas by implementing best management practices to
reduce polluted runoff from 1 million acres, or 11% of the area in priority subwatersheds.
Improving water quality in urban and suburban areas by implementing green stormwater
infrastructure practices to treat, capture, and/or store 150 million gallons of stormwater runoff.
Continually increase the capacity of forest buffers to provide water quality and habitat benefits
throughout the watershed by restoring 1,000 miles of riparian forest buffer and associated
riparian habitat, or 10% of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement goal.
Improving the health and function of 1,500 stream miles, equal to 10 percent of stream miles in
priority subwatersheds and consistent with the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement goal, in
order to continually improve stream health and function throughout the watershed.
Eastern brook trout
NFWF will support recovery of Eastern brook trout in the Chesapeake Bay
watershed by maintaining and increasing Eastern brook trout populations
in 6 stronghold patches, as measured by number of effective breeders,
consistent with the goals of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement.
Activities contributing to this outcome by 2025 include:
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 8
Increasing habitat integrity in six stronghold patches through protection and restoration of
riparian areas, stream restoration, nonpoint source pollution controls and land use protections.
NFWF will also support efforts to increase the size of occupied patches and average patch size
through culvert replacement, dam removal, and fish passage improvement activities and where
proposed projects can identify and address potential impacts from the introduction of nonnative
brook trout species when conducting connectivity actions.
American black duck
NFWF will support the recovery of American black duck by increasing
wetland habitat and available food to support 5,000 wintering black
ducks, or 5% of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement goal for
wintering black duck populations. Activities contributing to this outcome by
2025 include:
Creating, reestablishing, or enhancing the function of 7,000 acres of tidal and non-tidal wetlands
to increase black duck carrying capacity through improved food resources.
Increasing available food resources by 680 million kilocalories.
River herring
NFWF will support recovery of river herring populations in the Chesapeake
Bay watershed by restoring access and use of 200 additional miles of high
quality migratory habitat, or roughly 10% of the Chesapeake Bay Program
goal. Activities contributing to this outcome by 2025 include:
Implementing 10 high priority, cost-effective connectivity enhancement projects through culvert
replacement, fish passage improvements, and dam removal.
Eastern oyster
NFWF will support recovery of Eastern oyster by supporting partner efforts
to restore oyster populations in five Chesapeake Bay tributaries, or 50% of
the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement goal, in order to continually
increase estuarine habitat and water quality benefits from restored oyster
populations. Activities contributing to this outcome by 2025 include:
Restoring 250 acres of native oyster reefs in targeted tributaries through spat production and
reef construction.
Capacity and planning
In order to achieve this plan’s conservation outcomes, NFWF will support efforts to motivate 40,000
individuals in the watershed to adopt behaviors that benefit water quality, species, and habitats.
Examples include adoption of on-farm conservation and residential stormwater management practices.
NFWF will achieve this outcome by building the capacity of citizens, organizations, institutions, local
governments, and partner networks to implement conservation actions through outreach, technical
assistance, and volunteer campaigns. Activities contributing to this outcome by 2025 include:
Enlisting 25,000 individuals in local volunteer events to restore local natural resources and
providing hands-on education and skill-building for individual action.
Developing or improving 1,000 conservation, watershed, or habitat management plans that
provide guidance to landowners, organizations, or local governments on how to manage
properties and communities for improved conservation outcomes.
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Geographic Focus
A core element of NFWF’s Chesapeake Bay Business Plan is that strategic investment in priority places
will allow NFWF to maximize shared outcomes for water quality, species, and habitat. Accordingly,
NFWF will geographically focus its Stewardship Fund investments first in priority subwatersheds where
NFWF and its partners have identified significant opportunity to reduce nutrient and sediment loading,
specifically from agricultural and urban sources. NFWF will also use existing data and decision support
tools developed by partner organizations to further target those areas where species-specific
interventions can help to improve habitat and restore populations of Eastern brook trout, Eastern
oysters, American black duck, and river herring within priority subwatersheds.
NFWF anticipates that a significant share of Stewardship Fund funding will be deployed in priority
subwatersheds based on the unique opportunities to maximize multiple goals and outcomes.
However, NFWF will continue to support water quality improvement activities across the Chesapeake
Bay watershed in addition to habitat and species-specific activities in strategic locations that may be
outside of priority subwatersheds.
Table 1 presents the various data and decision support tools used to establish NFWF’s geographic focus
areas for the Stewardship Fund. Expert consultation, as well as additional supplementary datasets were
instrumental in refining these areas. Detailed maps of geographic priority areas can be found in
Appendix A and at NFWF’s online Chesapeake Bay Business Plan Mapping Portal.
Focal Area
Data Source(s)
Data Description
Water Quality
Assessment Scenario
Tool (CAST)
Priority subwatersheds were identified as those representing the 5% of
land area delivering the highest per acre nutrient yield to the tidal Bay
and per acre sediment yield to local streams from agricultural and urban
sources as of 2016. (See Figure 1).
Eastern brook
Eastern Brook Trout
(EBT) Conservation
Portfolio and Range-
wide Assessment
NFWF will focus on efforts to increase populations in stronghold
patches, population units with the highest resiliency to disturbances,
likelihood of demographic persistence, and representation of genetic,
life history, and geographic diversity. (See Figure 2).
American black
Black Duck Decision
Support Tool (DST)
NFWF will focus wetland restoration, creation, and enhancement efforts
in subwatersheds with a projected deficit of available food resources,
while generally supporting efforts to stem future marsh loss across the
species non-breeding range. (See Figure 3).
River herring
Research Center
NFWF has identified the top 30 culverts in priority rivers based on
herring habitat use modeling and barrier prioritization approaches that
account for barrier severity, elevation and upstream development, and
current connectivity with existing habitat. (See Figures 4, 5, and 6).
Eastern oysters
Chesapeake Bay
Program Fisheries
Goal Implementation
NFWF will supplement state and Federal oyster reef restoration efforts
in tributaries identified by the Chesapeake Bay Program and support
complementary activities in adjacent subwatersheds that minimize
disturbance and increase survivorship for these reefs. (See Figures 7 and
Table 1. Data sources and descriptions for focal areas of NFWF’s Chesapeake Bay Business Plan
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Implementation Plan
The key strategies for this Business Plan include, first and foremost, efforts to reduce nutrient and
sediment pollution to the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers and streams, particularly from
agricultural and urban sources. NFWF will then prioritize pollution reduction and water quality
improvement activities that directly result in either habitat improvements for priority species or
reduction of key threats to populations of priority species. The Business Plan will also include a more
limited set of high-priority habitat restoration and management actions to benefit priority species that
may require additional interventions. These strategies will be supported by investments to enhance the
capacity of watershed partners to deliver effective conservation planning, programs, and partnerships at
increasing geographic scales, and to effectively engage those watershed stakeholders critical to
achieving the plan’s conservation goals. A logic model mapping these strategies, associated interim
outcomes, and their contribution to Business Plan goals is provided in Figure 9.
Strategy 1: Managing Agricultural and Urban Runoff
1.1 Managing Upland Agricultural Runoff Through Farm-Scale Conservation Systems and Solutions
Agricultural operations in the Chesapeake Bay region are often complex systems balancing goals for crop
and livestock production, management of agricultural inputs and animal waste, and financial
performance and stability. NFWF will support efforts to reduce water quality impacts while
simultaneously maintaining or increasing profits, reducing costs, and enhancing financial performance of
the region’s farms through the implementation of suites of best management practices that reduce
pollution at the farm scale. Selected examples include:
Soil health management systems that combine improved tillage and pasture management,
cover crops, crop and livestock rotations, and other practices to increase soil fertility while
improving the capacity of crops and soils to reduce runoff and increase nutrient uptake.
Precision nutrient management systems that fine-tune the rate, source, method, and timing of
organic and synthetic nutrient applications to maintain or increase crop yields while minimizing
nutrient input costs and associated losses to surface and groundwater.
Certification, labeling, and other sustainable sourcing initiatives that provide price premiums
and/or new markets for agricultural products produced in a manner that improves and protects
water quality and/or habitats.
“Whole-farm” conservation systems that package a variety of public and private financial
assistance programs to reduce pollution from crop and pasture lands, animal production areas,
and high-value natural resource areas like wetlands and riparian areas and significantly improve
the environmental performance of the farm.
1.2 Managing Upland Urban Runoff through Green Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements
NFWF will assist local governments, nonprofit organizations, and community associations to improve
urban and suburban stormwater management by implementing green stormwater infrastructure
practices that capture, store, filter, and treat stormwater runoff closer to its sources. Green stormwater
infrastructure practices (also known as environmental site design and low impact development
approaches) reduce the impacts of roofs, parking lots, and other impervious surfaces on local waterways
by replicating natural hydrologic processes and attenuating the volume, energy, and pollutant
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 11
concentrations of stormwater runoff. Example practices include rain gardens, bioswales and other
bioretention approaches, conservation landscaping, and urban tree canopy among others. In limited
cases, NFWF may also support urban floodplain and stream restoration for water quality improvement
where existing or planned green stormwater infrastructure initiatives effectively control stormwater
runoff from upland sources (see Strategy 2.1).
1.3 Accelerating Innovation in Watershed Management
In addition to support for innovative approaches to regional scale partnership development (see
Strategy 4.1), NFWF will support the in-field application of new technologies and management
approaches with the potential to reduce costs, increase nutrient removal efficiencies, and more
effectively control emerging pollutant sources. For instance, advancements in manure processing and
management, market-based solutions to manure management, innovative stormwater practices and
design approaches, and improvements in the cost-effectiveness of proven water quality improvement
approaches all show promise.
Strategy 2: Riparian and Freshwater Habitat Restoration, Conservation, and Management
2.1 Restoring Riparian and Freshwater Habitats through Forested Buffers, Floodplain and Wetland
Reconnection, and Stream Restoration and Habitat Improvements
In combination with actions to manage runoff, NFWF will help to restore degraded riparian habitats to
improve water quality, enhance aquatic habitat, and increase fish populations across the Chesapeake
Bay region through a variety of actions and interventions including but not limited to the following:
Implementation of riparian forested buffers slows and intercepts polluted surface and
groundwater runoff while providing long-term benefits for priority fish species through shading
of the stream channel and as a source of leaf litter, an important food source for aquatic
macroinvertebrates, a critical link in the food cycle of healthy streams including for the diets of
priority fish species.
Reconnection of stream channels with historic floodplains and adjacent wetlands will further
promote nutrient removal and attenuation of erosive stormflows and build more resilient
riparian systems.
Stream restoration
in both urban and rural landscapes will help to control streambank erosion,
increase in-stream nutrient processing, and provide food, cover, and habitat for priority species.
2.2 Increasing Habitat Integrity for Eastern Brook Trout
In combination with pollution reduction, riparian habitat restoration, and conservation actions, NFWF
will increase connectivity within and between occupied Eastern brook trout patches through dam
removal, repair and replacement of culverts and road crossings, and other fish passage improvements.
NFWF will support similar connectivity improvements to increase the amount of occupied habitat and
number of Eastern brook trout where local partners can demonstrate: (1) sufficient existing habitat
integrity to support brook trout populations; and (2) the absence of current or planned populations of
nonnative trout species in otherwise extirpated patches adjacent to occupied habitats.
2.3 Improving Riparian Management through Livestock Exclusion
In agricultural landscapes, uncontrolled access of livestock to the stream channel can cause streambank
erosion, stream channel degradation, and discharge of animal manures directly to surface waters. NFWF
will support efforts to implement livestock exclusion fencing, along with complementary practices like
Includes natural channel design, legacy sediment removal, and regenerative stormwater conveyance approaches.
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stream crossing and off-stream watering, in order to balance livestock management needs with riparian
and stream health.
2.4 Conserving High-Quality Riparian Corridors
High quality stream habitats and riparian corridors are some of the most important ecosystems in the
Chesapeake Bay watershed, especially its headwater regions. NFWF will support long-term protection
and preservation of these ecosystems by strategically leveraging federal, state, and local land
conservation programs through assistance with transaction and due diligence costs, bonus payments for
high-value riparian easements, and incorporation of riparian protection into existing agricultural land
preservation programs.
Strategy 3: Estuarine and Tidal Habitat Restoration, Conservation, and Management
3.1 Restoring Large-Scale Oyster Reefs
NFWF will assist existing efforts to restore and protect large-scale oyster reefs strategically identified by
the Maryland, Virginia and the CPB by leveraging funding from federal and state agencies to support
oyster larvae and spat production, development of sustainable reef substrate supplies, and reef
construction efforts in established oyster reef restoration tributaries.
3.2 Restoring River Herring Habitat Connectivity
In combination with pollution reduction and riparian habitat restoration and conservation actions,
NFWF will increase connectivity and access to spawning habitat along priority migratory corridors for
alewife and blueback herring through dam removal, repair and replacement of culverts and road
crossings, and other fish passage improvements. NFWF will prioritize cost-effective connectivity
enhancements that provide the access to the greatest amount of quality habitat at the lowest cost.
3.3 Restoring and Conserving Wetland and Tidal Marsh Habitat for American Black Duck
Wetlands and tidal marshes in the Chesapeake Bay’s Coastal Plain region provide critical habitat to
wintering populations of American black duck. NFWF will help to increase winter food supplies for these
and other migratory waterfowl species both by restoring degraded tidal and non-tidal marsh and
wetland habitats and by conserving existing high quality winter habitats. To address threats to habitat
from sea level rise, NFWF will further support strategies that seek create corridors for future marsh
migration through strategic land protection, restoration, and management.
3.4 Managing Shoreline Erosion and Marsh Loss
Shorelines and nearshore marshes in the Chesapeake Bay estuary act as important nursery and rearing
habitat for aquatic species and serve as a buffer against erosive wind and wave action. Unfortunately,
shorelines in the Chesapeake Bay region are eroding at a dramatic rate.
NFWF will support non-
structural or hybrid living shoreline restoration practices that mitigate sediment transport to priority
oyster reef restoration sites, establish and expand emergent or submerged aquatic vegetation, and/or
help to protect adjacent marsh systems documented as critical black duck wintering habitat.
Strategy 4: Building Capacity for Landscape-Scale Watershed and Habitat Outcomes
4.1 Regional-Scale Partnership Development
With nearly 40 years of coordinated, local efforts to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay, partners
from all sectors across the region need new tools and resources to expand partnerships, programs, and
Schieder, N.W., Walters, D.C., & Kirwan, M.L. (2018). Massive upland to wetland conversion compensated for
historical marsh loss in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 40: 940-951.
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 13
implementation strategies to meet ambitious goals of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and the Chesapeake
Bay Watershed Agreement. NFWF will invest in activities that aim to scale up restoration outcomes
through enhanced partnership and coordination across organizations at broader regional and landscape
scales, especially those working through institutional mechanisms like Memoranda of Agreement,
organizational mergers, etc. Examples of specific activities include:
Developing or refining a collaborative strategic plan or financing strategy;
Investigating and evaluating the potential for organizational collaboration, with the goal of
developing a sustainable network or integrating or merging existing organizations;
Improving processes for internal communications, operations, management, and fundraising in
support of restoration activities;
Developing or enhancing cooperative programming for funding, technical support, project
identification and prioritization, planning, procurement and purchasing, project management,
and other functions directly related to implementation;
Developing venues for collaborating practitioners to share case studies, lessons learned, credible
guidance, and other resources in support of restoration activities.
4.2 Improving Delivery of Outreach and Technical Assistance
With a significant portion of land in the Chesapeake Bay watershed in private ownership, resources for
education, outreach and technical assistance are critical in recruiting urban, suburban, and agricultural
landowners to adopt conservation practices and for providing assistance with the planning, design,
implementation, and maintenance of those practices over time. NFWF will support conservation
districts, nonprofits, local and state governments, and private sector partners to provide technical
assistance necessary to achieve NFWF’s habitat restoration, conservation, and management goals.
Funding will support field positions, development of targeted outreach strategies such as community-
based social marketing, and enhanced coordination and partnership among technical assistance
providers to improve efficiency and reduce administrative bottlenecks.
Strategy 5: Watershed and Habitat Planning, Prioritization, Design, and Permitting
5.1 Assessing Local Watershed and Habitat Restoration Needs and Opportunities
While this Business Plan identifies watershed-scale needs and opportunities, NFWF recognizes that local
conditions can dramatically impact where and how work can be done to maximize conservation
outcomes. NFWF will provide resources to help local partners conduct watershed and habitat
assessments, watershed implementation planning, and other planning and prioritization efforts to
maximize conservation impact. Priority will be placed on efforts to translate Bay pollution reduction
goals to local implementation plans, along with efforts to identify habitat restoration opportunities for
NFWF’s priority species at a local level. Examples include property or farm-level conservation and
stormwater management plans, patch-level population and habitat assessments for Eastern brook trout,
culvert and barrier assessments in priority rivers for river herring, and wetlands restoration and
protection assessments to maximize black duck population outcomes.
5.2 Designing and Permitting Watershed and Habitat Improvements
Watershed and habitat restoration and management actions often require detailed technical analyses
and designs in order to maximize outcomes and obtain necessary permits for implementation. NFWF
will strategically assist local partners with costs associated with design and permitting for high-impact
restoration and management actions.
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 14
Figure 9. Logic model depicting how business plan strategies are anticipated to lead to intermediate results and ultimately to the Chesapeake
Bay business plan goals.
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 15
Risk Assessment
Risk is an uncertain event or condition which, if it occurs, could impact a program’s desired outcome. In
consultation with external experts, NFWF assessed seven risk categories to determine the extent to
which they could impede progress towards our stated Business Plan strategies and goals during the next
10 years. Below, we identify the greatest potential risks to success and describe strategies that we will
implement to minimize or avoid those risks, where applicable.
Regulatory Risks
The Chesapeake Bay TMDL provides a regulatory
framework to advance water quality goals,
though inconsistent enforcement of state and
local standards may limit incentives to
implement necessary improvements.
Inconsistent fisheries management and stocking
practices may further limit range-wide goals.
Not addressed in plan.
Financial Risks
Heavy reliance on a single funder for a majority
of program funds presents inherent
vulnerabilities. Inconsistent state and local
funding across the watershed also limits
potential for leveraging of NFWF funding.
Necessary funds for ongoing maintenance of
funded efforts are unidentified.
Budget plan includes development
and fundraising strategies to diversify
programmatic funding sources. Long-
term maintenance of restoration
investments is a priority for leveraged
Anticipated changes in hydrologic regimes may
make it more difficult to manage and limit
polluted runoff and erosive stormwater flows.
Increased temperatures and sea level rise may
contribute to increased shoreline and marsh
erosion and stress for freshwater species.
Contamination from toxic chemicals and
development may further stress target species.
Large-scale hydrologic modifications
will be limited to areas with effective
upland stormwater controls.
Freshwater conservation strategies
will focus on securing high quality
habitat at lower risk to change.
Shoreline restoration strategies target
efforts to protect existing high quality
Scientific Risks
Lack of scientific consensus on achievable goals
for targeted species and specific and measurable
benefits to species of proposed interventions.
Targeted investments in monitoring
and assessment will fill key
informational gaps.
Social Risks
Social factors can impact the willingness of
landowners to implement proposed
interventions. Demographic changes and urban
development may require tailored approaches
for new communities and stakeholders.
Outreach and technical assistance
strategies support initiatives to
inform local efforts with social
science principles.
Economic Risks
Highly variable agricultural commodity and input
prices may impact ability of producers to cost-
share necessary interventions. Economic
incentives may place increasing development
pressure on key resource areas.
Agricultural water quality strategies
aim to support approaches that
provide economic returns to
producers. Strategies to support
conservation of priority areas may
limit risk of development.
Lack of effective coordination among local
restoration partners may cause inefficiencies and
unintended consequences.
Plan strategies for regional-scale
partnership development support
collaborative and integrated
approaches to restoration.
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 16
Monitoring & Evaluating Performance
Performance of the Stewardship Fund will be assessed at both project and program scales. At the
project scale, individual grants will be required to track relevant metrics from Table 2 for demonstrating
progress on project activities and outcomes, and to report on them in their interim and final
programmatic reports. At the program scale, broader habitat and species outcomes will be monitored
through targeted grants, existing external data sources, and aggregated data from relevant grant
projects, as appropriate. In addition, NFWF may conduct internal assessments and commission third-
party evaluations in the future to determine program outcomes and adaptively manage.
To enhance the quality and consistency of grantee reporting for performance monitoring and
evaluation, NFWF will utilize the FieldDoc platform to collect geographically explicit, hierarchical data on
NFWF-funded activities at the practice, site, and project level. FieldDoc captures local factors (hydrology,
topography, soil type, etc.), robust information on the types of conservation practices implemented, and
ongoing practice monitoring data, allowing for the application of environmental models that can
consistently translate grantee-reported information into estimates of conservation outcome. Current
FieldDoc functionality allows for the estimation of nutrient and sediment reduction benefits consistent
with the methods and models used by EPA for regulatory purposes. Additional functionality and models
will be incorporated in the short term to build FieldDoc’s capacity to estimate modeled species and
habitat outcomes.
In cases where modeled conservation outcomes via FieldDoc are NFWF’s primary source of performance
data, NFWF will fund targeted field-based monitoring to validate modeled outcomes at regular intervals.
Strategies and Outcomes
Data source(s)
Water Quality
Reduce nitrogen pollution
Pounds of nitrogen
pollution reduced
annually (lbs/yr)
(modeled pollutant
Reduce phosphorus pollution
Pounds of phosphorus
pollution reduced
annually (lbs/yr)
(modeled pollutant
Reduce sediment pollution
Pounds of sediment
pollution reduced
annually (lbs/yr)
(modeled pollutant
Implement best management
practices to reduce polluted
Acres of BMPs
Grantee reporting
Implement green stormwater
infrastructure practices
Gallons of stormwater
capture and runoff
reduction from installed
(modeled volume
Restore 1,000 miles of
riparian forest buffer
Miles of riparian habitat
Grantee reporting,
validated by site-
level functional
Improve health and function
of 1,500 stream miles
Miles of healthy,
functioning stream
Grantee reporting,
validated by
stream biota
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 17
Eastern brook
Increase populations in 6
stronghold patches
Number of effective
Independent EBT
Increase habitat integrity in 6
occupied patches
Number of patches with
improved habitat
Grantee reporting,
validated by
independent EBT
Eastern oyster
Restore native Eastern oyster
habitat and populations in 5
Chesapeake Bay tributaries
Number of tributaries
with restored oyster
Chesapeake Bay
Program’s existing
monitoring efforts
Restore 250 acres of native
oyster reefs within targeted
Acres of oyster reef
Grantee reporting,
validated by
Chesapeake Bay
black duck
Increasing wetland habitat
and available food to support
5,000 wintering black ducks
Number of black duck
utilizing wetland
restoration sites
Independent duck
use monitoring
Create, reestablish, or
enhance the function of 7,000
acres of tidal and non-tidal
Acres of wetland
Increase available food
resources by 680 million
Kilocalories of black
duck food resources
supported by
estimates of
energy value by
wetland type
River herring
Increase river herring
presence in 200 additional
miles of high quality
migratory habitat
Miles of stream opened
FieldDoc, validated
by independent
Implement 10 connectivity
enhancement projects
Number of barriers
Grantee reporting
Capacity and
Motivate 20,000 individuals
to adopt conservation
Number of individuals
demonstrating changed
Grantee reporting
Enlist 25,000 in local
volunteer events
Number of volunteers
Grantee reporting
Develop or improve 1,000
conservation, watershed, or
habitat management plans
Number of plans
developed or improved
Grantee reporting
Table 2. Program Metrics
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 18
This Business Plan update comes seven years into NFWF’s Business Plan-focused investing in
Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts. Based on 2012 projections of a 14-year, $100 million budget, NFWF
is well on track with anticipated spending towards Plan outcomes with roughly $59.8 million spent to
date on activities half way through the Chesapeake Bay Business Plan.
The following budget shows the estimated total costs to implement the revised set of Business Plan
activities set forth in this updated document, including activities initiated and already funded since
2012. NFWF will have to raise funds to meet these costs; therefore, this budget reflects NFWF’s
anticipated engagement over the Business Plan period of performance and it is not an annual or even
cumulative commitment by NFWF to invest. This budget assumes that current activities funded by
others will, at a minimum, continue.
Strategy 1. Managing Agricultural and Urban Runoff
1.1 Managing Agricultural Runoff
1.2 Managing Urban Runoff
1.3 Accelerating Innovation
Strategy 2. Riparian and Freshwater Habitat Restoration, Conservation, and Management
2.1 Restoring Riparian and Freshwater Habitats
2.2 Increasing Connectivity and Occupied Habitat
2.3 Improving Riparian Management
2.4 Conserving Riparian Corridors
Strategy 3. Estuarine and Tidal Habitat Restoration, Conservation, and Management
3.1 Restoring Oyster Reefs
3.2 Restoring Migratory Fish Habitat
3.3 Restoring and Conserving Wetland and Marsh Habitat
3.4 Managing Shoreline Erosion and Marsh Loss
Strategy 4. Building Capacity for Landscape-Scale Watershed and Habitat Outcomes
4.1 Regional-Scale Partnership Development
4.2 Improving Outreach and Technical Assistance
Strategy 5. Watershed and Habitat Planning, Prioritization, Design, and Permitting
5.1 Watershed and Habitat Assessment
5.2 Design and Permitting Watershed and Habitat Improvements
Monitoring and Assessment
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 19
Appendix A. Geographic Focus Areas
Figure 1. Priority Subwatersheds for Water Quality Improvement
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 20
Figure 2. Stronghold Patches for Brook Trout Population Increase
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 21
Figure 3. Priority Subwatersheds for Black Duck
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 22
Figure 4. Priority Culverts for River Herring, Choptank River (MD)
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 23
Figure 5. Priority Culverts for River Herring, Nanticoke River (MD)
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 24
Figure 6. Priority Culverts for River Herring, James River (VA)
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund | 25
Figure 7. Oyster Restoration Tributaries (MD)