www.directives.doe.gov Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security
U.S. Department of Energy ORDER
Washington, DC
Approved: 1-15-2021
1. PURPOSE. The Department of Energy (DOE) unclassified mission focuses on the critical
challenges of our time, for both the country and the world. Much of this work is
performed in collaboration with the international community. At the same time, the
federal government has a responsibility to protect its assets and ensure that unauthorized
access to sites, information, or technologies is denied. With this in mind, this program
defines the requirements for unclassified foreign national access to DOE sites,
information, or technologies by establishing requirements for the following:
a. A risk-based review and approval process for foreign national access consistent
with United States (U.S.) law; national and economic security; and DOE
program-specific policies, requirements, and objectives.
b. A process for documenting and tracking access by foreign nationals to DOE sites
or involving access to DOE information or technologies.
2. CANCELLATIONS. DOE O 142.3A Chg 2 (Ltd Chg), Unclassified Foreign Visits and
Assignments Program, dated 12-13-19.
Cancellation of a directive does not, by itself, modify or otherwise affect any contractual
or regulatory obligation to comply with the directive. Contractor Requirements
Documents (CRDs) that have been incorporated into a contract remain in effect
throughout the term of the contract unless and until the contract or regulatory
commitment is modified to either eliminate requirements that are no longer applicable
or substitute a new set of requirements.
a. Departmental Applicability. Except for the equivalencies/exemptions in paragraph
3.c., this Order applies to all Departmental elements.
The Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) must
assure that NNSA employees comply with their responsibilities under this
directive. Nothing in this directive will be construed to interfere with the NNSA
Administrator’s authority under section 3212(d) of Public Law (P.L.) 106-65 to
establish Administration-specific policies, unless disapproved by the Secretary.
b. DOE Contractors. Except for the equivalencies/exemptions in paragraph 3.c., the
CRD (Attachment 1) sets forth requirements of this Order that will apply to
contracts that include the CRD. The CRD must be included in contracts involving
foreign national access to DOE sites, information, or technologies.
DOE O 142.3B
2 DOE O 142.3B
c. Equivalencies/Exemptions for DOE O 142.3B. Equivalencies and
exemptions to this Order are processed in accordance with DOE O 251.1,
Departmental Directives Program, current version.
Equivalency. In accordance with the responsibilities and authorities
assigned by Executive Order 12344, codified at Title 50 United States
Code (U.S.C.) sections 2406 and 2511 and to ensure consistency through
the joint Navy/DOE Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, the Deputy
Administrator for Naval Reactors (Director) will implement and oversee
requirements and practices pertaining to this Directive for activities under
the Director's cognizance, as deemed appropriate.
(a) Unclassified events and activities outside the U.S. or its territories.
(b) Dual citizens, only if one citizenship is U.S.
(c) Requests for access to information that is already in the public
domain in accordance with applicable procedures. [NOTE:
Physical access to a site will follow normal site security
procedures, including the applicable requirements of this Order.]
(d) Requests for access to information (e.g., technical specifications,
project data, research results) by foreign nationals from countries
that are formally part of a specific DOE program-sponsored
international collaboration project under a DOE or U.S.
Government-level bilateral or multilateral international agreement
(e.g., Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment at Long-Baseline
Neutrino Facility , Proton Improvement Plan-II, Vera Rubin (Large
Synoptic Survey Telescope) Dark Energy Search Collaboration).
This applies only to information generated under these projects and
agreed to be shared among the participants. [NOTE: Physical
access to a site will follow normal site security procedures,
including the applicable requirements of this Order.]
(e) Public events held on or off DOE sites.
(f) Certain activities within General Access Areas (GAA):
1 Personal visits.
2 Third-party events (i.e., not related to the DOE mission)
hosted at the site.
3 Access by foreign national delivery, service, and vendor
personnel (NOTE: Also exempt in other areas outside of a
DOE O 142.3B 3
GAA if fully escorted and compliant with other relevant
security requirements.).
4 Foreign nationals performing construction activities.
(g) Foreign national emergency response and medical personnel who
require access for emergencies.
(h) Access by foreign nationals 17 years of age or younger who are
involved in non-work-related activities.
(i) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections, as
defined in the “Agreement between the United States and the
IAEA for the Application of Safeguards in the U.S.”
4. REQUIREMENTS. Foreign national requests for access to DOE sites, information, or
technologies will be reviewed based on all the information provided and any potential
impacts on site or program operations. A determination of access approval is required
before each access request is granted and must ensure that any identified risk to the
Government associated with the access granted has been appropriately evaluated and
mitigated, including a review against the Science and Technology (S&T) Risk Matrix
(see paragraph 4.g.). All access approvals must be made by U.S. citizens, are valid for the
duration of the access request, and must be documented in the Foreign Access Central
Tracking System (FACTS) no later than the first day of access.
a. The Curriculum Vitae (CV). A CV must be provided for each foreign national
conducting research at laboratories and entered into the FACTS database. CVs
must include all employment activities, since the age of 18 years, and provide all
of the foreign national’s science and technology specialties. CVs must also
include the current/accurate name of all academic institutions attended, and all
degree/diplomas earned. There should be no lapses in time over the past 10 years.
b. Site Security Plan (SSP). The SSP must include the requirements and procedures
used to process foreign national access requests at the site. The SSP, as approved
by the Officially Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA), must include
requirements to ensure:
appropriate documentation describing the process for application of the
exemptions listed in this Order;
appropriate delegation of approval authority to the site management
official or laboratory director, and any related procedures;
that appropriate export control and technology transfer reviews, and
determinations of export license requirements, are conducted;
4 DOE O 142.3B
that nationals of state sponsors of terrorism (SST) do not host other
foreign nationals;
coordination with designated Counterintelligence (CI) and Intelligence
(IN) elements; and
site-specific subject matter expert (SME) reviews, escort, and host
c. Access Request. Each foreign national access request must include, at a
minimum, the following items:
Country(ies) of Affiliation. If multiple affiliations exist, the requirements
are applied based on the country presenting the greatest risk.
Identification of the information or technology(ies) to be accessed, and
whether considered a sensitive subject as defined by this Order or a
restricted technology under the S&T Risk Matrix.
Identification of areas (e.g. GAA, PPA) to be accessed for all physical
access requests
Justification for the requested access, including specific activities or
Identification of the DOE/NNSA program or sub-element and its mission
advanced by the access request
Proposed start and end date of access request which cannot exceed four
years [NOTE: Access requests can only be valid for the duration of the
lawful immigration status of the foreign national regardless of the length
of the access request].
d. Sensitive Subjects List. Each foreign national access request must identify
whether it involves a sensitive subject and must be processed accordingly based
on the requirements of this Order. This list will be updated at least annually and
applies to all foreign national access requests. Any additions to the list made by a
Cognizant Secretarial Officer (CSO) will be reviewed as part of the annual
e. Lawful Immigration Status, Citizenship, and Identity. Sufficient documentation of
immigrant or nonimmigrant status, citizenship, and identity is required for all
foreign nationals at DOE sites, facilities and laboratories to verify identity and
authority to work (when applicable for the activities involved) and to ensure that
the foreign national is eligible (in lawful immigration status including those who
have received Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status) to be in the
U.S. The lawful immigration status of foreign nationals must be valid for the
DOE O 142.3B 5
duration of the access request. There is an exception for intermittent periods by
foreign nationals entering the U.S. under the State Department Visa Waiver
Program, temporarily for business or pleasure, or for Canadian citizens who do
not require entrance visas.
f. Assignment of Approval Authority. Approvals for foreign national access must be
consistent with line management accountability requirements.
Headquarters Elements. Approval authority for foreign national access to
HQ activities and/or offices within HQ sites/organizations is the head of
the cognizant HQ departmental element. Heads of HQ departmental
elements may make final approval determinations for access requests
involving sensitive country nationals, non-sensitive country nationals, and
nationals of SSTs who are lawful permanent residents (LPR) of the United
States. The head of a HQ departmental element may reassign his or her
approval as appropriate. Further reassignment of approval authority is not
allowed. All reassignments of approval authority must be in writing, and a
copy must be provided to the Office of Environment, Health, Safety and
Security. Heads of HQ program, staff and support offices will be held
accountable for all decisions made by themselves or by those to whom
they reassign approval authority.
Access by foreign press to HQ sites are conducted through the Office of
Public Affairs and involve official press interviews. Access by press
representatives from non-sensitive countries must be documented in
FACTS within two working days of access. Press representatives from
sensitive countries or representing press services of sensitive countries
require full pre-access reviews and approvals documented in FACTS
before access.
High-level protocol access is limited to meetings between the Secretary of
Energy, the Deputy Secretary, the Under Secretaries, Program Secretarial
Officers (PSOs) or other senior Departmental officials, and foreign
national representatives of foreign governments or organizations of
foreign governments in HQ buildings. The Secretary, Deputy Secretary,
Under Secretaries, and PSOs will determine which senior Departmental
officials within their organizations are authorized to conduct this access.
Advance approval reviews may be suspended if requested by these senior
Departmental managers subject to compliance with the security plans and
procedures developed for high-level protocol access to HQ sites. The
duration of high-level protocol access is limited to one day.
Documentation of these visitors in FACTS is required within one working
day of the access. Justification for this access must address the protocol
nature of the access.
Field Sites. Approval authority and accountability for foreign national
access to a Departmental site and associated information and/or
6 DOE O 142.3B
technology is the head of the cognizant DOE field element for that site.
The head of the cognizant field element may make final approval
determinations for access requests involving sensitive country nationals,
non-sensitive country nationals, and nationals of SSTs that are LPRs.
The head of the cognizant field element may delegate approval authority
to the site management official or laboratory director after demonstration
of adequate procedures to handle these access requests. When the site
management official or laboratory official is not a U.S. citizen, the head of
the cognizant DOE field element may delegate approval authority and
accountability to only an individual who is a U.S. citizen. All site approval
authorities must be defined in the SSP. A site management official or
laboratory director may reassign approval authority to other U.S. citizen
employees within their organization. Further reassignment or delegation of
approval authority is not allowed. A site management official or
laboratory director must reassign or delegate approval authority in writing
and document this action in the SSP. Site management officials and
laboratory directors are accountable for all access approval decisions made
by themselves or by those to whom they have delegated or reassigned
approval authority.
g. Countries of Risk. Country of Risk foreign nationals may be restricted from
accessing technology or information as identified in the S&T Risk Matrix.
Requests for access to conduct research under a User Agreement at an Office of
Science, Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy, or Nuclear Energy User Facility
at a non-NNSA DOE laboratory are exempt from the review requirements related
to the S&T Risk Matrix discussed below. All other requirements of this Order
apply to these access requests.
S&T Risk Matrix. The DOE maintains the S&T Risk Matrix and restricts
Country of Risk foreign nationals from accessing certain areas identified
in the S&T Risk Matrix, unless DOE grants an exemption. All proposed
access requests in areas that are not identified as restricted in the current
S&T Risk Matrix can proceed with the normal access request review and
approval process. Requests for exemptions can be made by the Head of
the cognizant DOE Field Element, in coordination with the site, as
described below.
(a) A request for access is reviewed by the site, in coordination with
the Head of the cognizant DOE Field Element, to determine if the
access request is in an area identified as restricted in the current
S&T Risk Matrix before submitting the proposed access request
A new review, based on the additional S&T Risk Matrix requirements, for individuals with existing access
approvals at the time of publication of this Order is not required. These individuals will be assessed against the new
S&T Risk Matrix requirements at the time of their next access authorization renewal.
DOE O 142.3B 7
through the standard access request review and approval process
promulgated by this Order. When an access request is in an area
identified as restricted in the current S&T Risk Matrix, the
cognizant DOE Field Element must agree if a request for an
exemption is warranted. Absent agreement to request an
exemption, the proposed access request is not pursued any further.
(b) When the Head of the cognizant DOE Field Element agrees to
request an exemption, a justification and clear description of why
the access request benefits the U.S. must be prepared. The
exemption request must then be submitted through the appropriate
PSO and CSO, with a copy provided to DOE’s Federal Oversight
Advisory Body (FOAB), with final approval/disapproval being
provided by the cognizant Under Secretary or their designee.
(c) Completion of specialized enhanced vetting conducted by DOE
Office of Intelligence (IN) is required prior to final approval of an
exemption. A copy of the exemption request, along with the
required additional information, must be submitted to the
cognizant local CI office to support the review. Indices checks
will be conducted as part of the specialized enhanced vetting
process, therefore, it is recommended the exemption request be
submitted 45 days prior to the start date of the access request.
(d) If the exemption is granted, then the access request may be
submitted for the standard access request review and approval
DOE may consider broad exemptions for specific categories of access
requests, such as those supported under government-to-government
agreements and in line with National Security Council policy guidance, to
ensure existing priorities are not unduly impeded. These broad exemptions
will be handled as determined by the cognizant Under Secretary or their
designee in consultation with the FOAB and the cognizant DOE Program
h. Nationals of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Access requests for nationals of SSTs
who are not LPRs require approval by the HQ Departmental element or site
approval authority before final approval determination. Final approval authority is
held by the Secretary of Energy and can only be assigned to the Deputy Secretary,
Under Secretary for Nuclear Security/Administrator of the National Nuclear
Security Administration, Under Secretary of Energy, or Under Secretary for
Science. The Deputy Secretary or appropriate Under Secretary, in consultation
with the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, will make the final
approval determination for these access requests. Subsequent access requests
extending currently approved and on-going access to a HQ or contractor site or
laboratory may be approved by the HQ Departmental element or contractor site or
8 DOE O 142.3B
laboratory approval authority. For nationals of SST that are LPRs, final approval
determination is at the HQ Departmental element or site approval authority level.
i. Indices Checks. Indices checks are coordinated by the Office of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence, and shall be requested through the process of documenting
access requests in FACTS. Indices checks are valid for a period of two years from
the indices completion date, as documented in FACTS by the Office of
Intelligence and Counterintelligence. If the approved access request exceeds this
two-year period, updated indices checks are automatically requested through
FACTS prior to the current expiration date.
The following access requests require completed indices checks prior to
the start of the foreign national’s access:
(a) All access requests by nationals of SSTs.
(b) All access requests to a physical security area more restrictive than
a Property Protection Area (PPA).
(c) All access requests by all sensitive country nationals to the NNSA
national laboratories sites, information or technologies.
(d) All access requests for sensitive subjects. [NOTE: The indices
check for access requests by non-sensitive nationals for sensitive
subjects at sites with no classified work can be completed after
access is granted.]
Access requests for sensitive country nationals to non-sensitive subjects
require indices checks, but they do not have to be completed prior to the
start of the foreign national access.
Indices checks are not required for non-sensitive country national’s access
to non-sensitive subjects in a PPA or less restrictive areas.
For access requests that require completion of indices checks prior to the start of
foreign national access, the request must be documented in FACTS in sufficient
time to complete the indices checks. It is recommended that the request be entered
into FACTS at least 45 days prior to the start date of the request to ensure
adequate time for completion of indices checks. If there is insufficient time to
complete indices checks before the first day of access, the approval authority may
request a counterintelligence consultation in lieu of completion of the indices
50 U.S.C. 2652(a), as amended by Public Law 112-239 January 2, 2013, National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2012, states that a background review (indices check) must be completed prior to access to any facility
of a national security laboratory by an individual who is a citizen or agent of a nation on the sensitive countries list.
This provision does not preclude access to areas accessible to the general public, at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory; Los Alamos National Laboratory; and Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and
Livermore, California.
DOE O 142.3B 9
checks. For requests involving nationals of SSTs, counterintelligence
consultations may not be utilized until 60 days after requests are documented in
FACTS. Counterintelligence consultations may not be employed as a standard
alternative to indices checks.
If there are valid indices checks for the foreign national documented in FACTS,
the indices checks will be considered completed upon documentation of the
request in FACTS using the existing FACTS biographical record for that foreign
j. Documentation. FACTS is the Department’s official national database on
unclassified foreign national access requests. Access to FACTS is limited to U.S.
citizens. All required information regarding access requests that require
documentation, as detailed in this Order, must be entered in FACTS.
Closeout Information. Information documenting the final status of access
requests must be entered into FACTS within 15 days after the last day of
access. This information includes the closeout status, closeout comments,
and actual start and end dates for access that has taken place. Closeout
statuses include: Completed, Canceled Before or After Approval, Denied,
or No Show.
SME reviews, when conducted in compliance with SSP requirements,
must be documented in FACTS.
a. Secretary of Energy.
(1) Establishes DOE policies, procedures, and requirements for foreign
national access to DOE sites, information or technologies.
(2) Assigns access approval authority to the Deputy Secretary and Under
Secretaries for requests for access by nationals of SSTs, consistent with
the policies and requirements of this Order.
b. Under Secretaries.
Approve/disapprove foreign national access exemption requests based on
the current S&T Risk Matrix or delegate this authority per paragraph
Determine when a broad exemption applies to foreign national access
requests as discussed in section 4.g.(2).
10 DOE O 142.3B
c. Under Secretary for Science.
(1) Develops, maintains and approves the Department-wide sensitive subjects
list, in consultation with the Under Secretary of Energy and the Under
Secretary for Nuclear Security.
(2) Convenes a working group consisting of representation from each of the
Cognizant Secretarial Officers that will coordinate the development of the
list of sensitive subjects for approval and conduct an annual update of the
d. DOE Federal Oversight Advisory Body (FOAB). Reviews foreign national access
exemption requests based on the current S&T Risk Matrix.
e. Cognizant Secretarial Officers (CSOs).
(1) Ensure that facilities under their cognizance have implemented this
(2) Notify contracting officers of affected site/facility management
contractors to incorporate the CRD of this Order into their contracts.
(3) Ensure that procurement requests for new non-site/non-facility
management contracts require inclusion of the CRD to this Order in the
resulting contracts, if appropriate.
(4) Ensure systematic review of field and local site approvals for which the
CSO has responsibility to ensure that program-specific guidance is
followed, corrective action is taken as appropriate, and line management
responsibilities associated with the presence of foreign nationals are met.
(5) Review and concur/non-concur on foreign national access exemption
requests based on the current S&T Risk Matrix.
(6) Add items to the sensitive subjects list for laboratories/sites under their
f. Program Secretarial Officers (PSOs). Review and concur/non-concur on foreign
national access exemption requests based on the current S&T Risk Matrix
Country of Risk.
g. Heads of Headquarters Departmental Elements.
(1) Review procurement requests for new non-site/non-facility management
contracts and, if appropriate, ensure that the CRD of this Directive is
included in the contracts.
DOE O 142.3B 11
(2) Serve as foreign national access requests approval authorities for
Headquarters activities and/or offices within their organizations, and
reassignment approval authority to other U.S. citizen employees, as
(3) Develop and implement operating procedures for approving foreign
national access to Headquarters program and contractor personnel, sites,
information and organizations in compliance with the requirements of
this Order.
(4) Designate points of contact (POCs) for foreign national access, and
provide contact information to the Office of Environment, Health, Safety
and Security.
(5) Provide guidance to Headquarters program managers and field elements
regarding foreign national access to potentially sensitive subjects,
technologies, and information in unclassified program activities.
(6) Ensure a systematic and effective process to provide managers, planners,
and hosts with appropriate guidance regarding technologies and
information that could lead into sensitive or export controlled areas, and
to ensure that sensitive or export controlled technologies and information
are properly identified.
(7) Direct contracting officers in their organizations to incorporate the CRD
to this Order into all contracts that may involve foreign national access.
(8) Determine if proposed Headquarters foreign national access requests
require an exemption based on the current S&T Risk Matrix and request
such exemptions as appropriate.
h. Heads of Field Elements.
(1) Review procurement requests for new non-site/non-facility management
contracts and, if appropriate, ensure that the requirements of the CRD of
this Order are included in the contracts.
(2) Serve as approval authorities for foreign national access requests to the
DOE field element, and reassign approval authority to other U.S. citizen
employees, as appropriate.
(3) Serve as the approval authority for foreign national access to sites under
their cognizance, and delegate, where appropriate, such approval
authority to site management officials and laboratory directors under
their cognizance.
12 DOE O 142.3B
(4) Designate POCs for foreign national access and provide contact
information to the Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security.
(5) Incorporate all CSO guidance into local management processes for
approving foreign national access to field element sites, information, and
(6) In coordination with the hosting site, determine if proposed foreign
national access requests require an exemption based on the current S&T
Risk Matrix and, where appropriate, request such exemptions.
i. Heads of Hosting Sites.
(1) Consistent with the assignment of approval authority through the line
management chain, serve as approval authorities for foreign national
access activities and programs at their sites.
(2) Implement the foreign national access activities consistent with guidance
and direction from the appropriate DOE element with direct responsibility
for program performance.
(3) Designate POCs for foreign national access activities, and provide contact
information to the Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security.
(4) Ensure that guidance is issued and followed, corrective actions are
implemented as appropriate, and responsibilities associated with the
presence of foreign nationals are met.
(5) Ensure systematic, effective processes to provide managers, planners, and
hosts with appropriate guidance regarding technologies and information
that could lead into sensitive or export controlled areas, and to ensure that
sensitive or export controlled technologies and information are identified.
j. Hosts for Foreign National Access. DOE Federal representatives are responsible
for the activities associated with the successful accomplishment of foreign
national access. For a foreign national to host another foreign national, the host
must first be a DOE employee. Nationals of SSTs may not host other foreign
nationals. The host must be identified to the foreign national as his/her POC, and
has the following responsibilities:
(1) Ensure compliance with all requirements for access approval and conduct,
including complete and accurate information for FACTS documentation,
compliance with SSP and sponsorship requirements, and notification to
workers regarding these requirements as appropriate.
(2) Serve as the individual responsible for the conduct and activities of the
foreign nationals for which he/she is identified as host.
DOE O 142.3B 13
(3) Report suspicious activities in accordance with reporting requirements.
(4) Provide the following information to the foreign nationals for whom they
have been identified as hosts:
(a) The terms and conditions of access approval, including restrictions
and requirements to notify the host of changes in name,
immigrant/nonimmigrant status, and other information as required.
(b) The requirement to notify the responsible host of any civil or
criminal issues that could affect their status in association with
(c) That failure to provide appropriate documentation when required
or providing fraudulent documentation will result in suspension of
access approval, removal from the site, and possible cancellation
of future access.
k. Escorts.
Ensure that foreign nationals working or traveling within a site are
escorted when required, as identified by the SSP, to ensure that there is no
unauthorized access.
Comply with all requirements for escorts as identified in the SSP.
l. Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety and Security.
Develops the policy baseline and incorporates operational requirements
into DOE-wide guidance for foreign national access activities.
Establishes and chairs foreign national access working groups as required.
Ensures that HQ program, staff, and Secretarial Office policy
requirements for foreign national access approvals are incorporated into
the foreign national access policy.
Defines, develops, and manages FACTS capabilities to provide
operational and analytical support and accountability.
Develops and implements user training for FACTS.
Provides policy and technical assistance and support to Headquarters and
field elements.
Develops and coordinates testimony, internal and external reporting, and
responses to requests for information regarding the DOE foreign national
access activities.
14 DOE O 142.3B
Develops security policy for the foreign national access approval process
consistent with U.S. and DOE national security policies and objectives.
Provides information on the requirements of foreign national access policy
for inclusion in the Security Survey Program.
m. Director, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence.
Supports the unclassified foreign national access approval process by
analyzing and coordinating issues of field intelligence with other Federal
agencies, and provides general and specific advice on potential risks
associated with foreign national access requests to DOE elements.
Coordinates with the Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation on the
maintenance of the sensitive country list related to nonproliferation and
technology transfer.
As appropriate, consults with the Heads of Field Elements and other
cognizant Departmental Elements on the review of an exemption request
for foreign national access.
n. Deputy Director, Office of Counterintelligence, Office of Intelligence and
Identifies counterintelligence requirements applicable to the management
of unclassified access approval for foreign nationals to DOE sites,
information or technologies.
Provides advice to Headquarters approval authorities and supports field
counterintelligence officers with guidance on foreign national access
Ensures that local capability and expertise are available to provide
effective counterintelligence advice to local approval authorities regarding
access approval requests.
Coordinates the external indices checks process with the appropriate U.S.
Government agencies.
Documents and maintains DOE-wide information on requests for and
completion of indices checks.
Develops requirements and processes for specialized enhanced vetting for
the review of certain foreign national access requests based on the current
S&T Risk Matrix.
DOE O 142.3B 15
Advises the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Under Secretaries regarding
access requests involving nationals of countries identified as SSTs, as
o. Headquarters and Field Counterintelligence Officers.
Review requests for foreign national access approval for CI and
counterterrorism implications.
At the request of the hosting site, provide CI consultations to the approval
authority, or to his or her assignee(s), to evaluate foreign national access in
the absence of completed indices checks required prior to access, and
document consultations in FACTS.
Conduct briefings and debriefings of hosts, sponsors, and escorts of
foreign nationals.
p. Deputy Administrator, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.
Analyzes and develops policy guidance for the foreign national access
approval process in the areas of export control, technology transfer, and
Provides advice and guidance to DOE elements on export controls,
technology transfer, and nonproliferation issues related to potential and
actual foreign national access approvals.
Performs specific subject matter export control, technology transfer, and
nonproliferation reviews of foreign national access requests, as requested,
and ensures that these reviews are documented in FACTS.
q. Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs. As the DOE point of
contact with the Department of State in international organizations, provides
advice and information to the Office of Health, Safety and Security concerning
the policies and procedures promulgated in this Order.
r. General Counsel. Provides review and advice on all legal issues relating to
approval of unclassified foreign national access to DOE facilities and information.
s. NNSA Office of General Counsel. Provides review and advice on all legal issues
relating to approval of unclassified foreign national access to NNSA facilities and
t. Chief Information Officer (CIO). Drafts policy for issuance by the Secretary of
Energy or Deputy Secretary regarding protective measures required for foreign
national cyber security access approval, whether onsite or by remote access.
16 DOE O 142.3B
u. Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors. In accordance with the responsibilities
and authorities assigned by Executive Order 12344, codified at Title 50 United
States Code (U.S.C.) sections 2406 and 2511, and to ensure consistency through
the joint Navy/DOE organization of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program,
implements and oversees requirements and practices pertaining to this Directive
for activities under the Deputy Administrator’s cognizance, as deemed
v. Contracting Officers.
After notification by the appropriate program official, incorporate the
CRD of this Order into affected existing contracts via the laws,
regulations, and DOE Directives clauses of the contracts.
Assist originators of procurement requests who want to incorporate the
CRD of this Directive in new non-site/non-facility management contracts,
as appropriate.
Provide notification of DOE’s determination related to exemption requests
associated with the S&T Risk Matrix.
6. INVOKED STANDARDS. This Order does not invoke any DOE technical standards or
industry standards as required methods. Note: DOE O 251.1D, Appendix J provides a
definition for “invoked technical standard.”
7. REFERENCES. Find DOE directives online at www.directives.doe.gov.
a. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Export
and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material, Part 110.
b. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Energy, Chapter III, Assistance to Foreign
Energy Activities, Part 810.
c. Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Commerce and Foreign Trade, Export
Administration Regulations, Parts 730-744.
d. Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Department of State,
International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Parts 120-130.
e. Presidential Decision Directive 61, Energy Department Counterintelligence (U),
dated February, 1999. This document is classified (Confidential). For distribution,
contact Jennifer Emanuelson, 301-903-3071, [email protected].
f. Homeland Security Presidential Directive-2, Combating Terrorism Through
Immigration Policies, dated October 29, 2001.
g. National Security Decision Directive 189, National Policy on the Transfer of
Scientific, Technical and Engineering Information, dated 9-21-85.
DOE O 142.3B 17
h. National Security Presidential Memorandum on Securing United States
Government-Supported Research and Development, dated January 14, 2021.
i. DOE P 485.1, Foreign Engagements with DOE National Laboratories, current
j. DOE O 142.2, Voluntary Offer Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol
with the International Atomic Energy Agency, current version.
k. DOE O 251.1, Departmental Directives Program, current version.
l. DOE O 470.4, Safeguards and Security Program, current version.
m. DOE O 470.6, Technical Security Program, current version.
n. DOE O 473.3, Protection Program Operations, current version.
o. DOE O 475.1, Counterintelligence Program, current version.
8. DEFINITIONS. Terms used for the purpose of this Order are defined in Attachment 2.
9. CONTACT. Questions concerning this Order should be addressed to the Office of
Environment, Health, Safety and Security at 301-903-5108.
Deputy Secretary
DOE O 142.3B Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only
1-15-2021 Page 1-1
This Contractor Requirements Document (CRD) and Attachment 2 (Definitions) establish
requirements and provide information for Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear
Security Administration (NNSA) contractors, whose contracts involve foreign national access to
DOE/NNSA- owned or leased sites, information, or technologies.
Regardless of the performer of the work, the contractor is responsible for complying with the
requirements of this CRD. The contractor is responsible for flowing down the requirements of
this CRD to subcontractors at any tier to the extent necessary to ensure the contractor’s
compliance with the requirements.
1. PURPOSE. The DOE/NNSA unclassified mission focuses on the critical challenges of
our time, for both the country and the world. Much of this work is performed in
collaboration with the international community. At the same time, the federal government
has a responsibility to protect its assets and ensure that unauthorized access to sites,
information, or technologies is denied. With this in mind, this program defines the
requirements for unclassified foreign national access to DOE/NNSA sites, information, or
technologies by establishing requirements for the following:
a. A risk-based review and approval process for foreign national access consistent
with United States (U.S.) law; national and economic security; and DOE
program-specific policies, requirements, and objectives.
b. A process for documenting and tracking access by foreign nationals to DOE sites
or involving access to DOE information, or technologies.
a. Unclassified events and activities outside the U.S. or its territories.
b. Dual citizens, only if one citizenship is U.S.
c. Requests for access to information that is already in the public domain in
accordance with applicable procedures. [NOTE: Physical access to a site will
follow normal site security procedures, including the applicable requirements of
this Order.]
d. Requests for access to information (e.g., technical specifications, project data,
research results) by foreign nationals from countries that are formally part of a
specific DOE program-sponsored international collaboration project under a DOE
or U.S. Government-level bilateral or multilateral international agreement (e.g.,
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment at Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility ,
Proton Improvement Plan-II, Vera Rubin (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope)
Dark Energy Search Collaboration). This applies only to information generated
under these projects and agreed to be shared among the participants. [NOTE:
Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only DOE O 142.3B
Page 1-2 1-15-2021
Physical access to a site will follow normal site security procedures, including the
applicable requirements of this Order.]
e. Public events held on or off DOE sites.
f. Certain activities within General Access Areas (GAA):
Personal visits.
Third-party events (i.e., not related to the DOE mission) hosted at the site.
Access by foreign national delivery, service, and vendor personnel (Note:
Also exempt in other areas outside of GAA if fully escorted and compliant
with other relevant security requirements.).
Foreign nationals performing construction activities.
g. Foreign national emergency response and medical personnel who require access
for emergencies.
h. Access by foreign nationals 17 years of age or younger who are involved in non-
work-related activities.
i. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections, as defined in the
Agreement between the United States and the IAEA for the Application of
Safeguards in the United States.”
3. REQUIREMENTS. Foreign national access requests to DOE sites, information, or
technologies will be reviewed based on all the information provided and any potential
impacts on site or program operations. A determination of access approval is required
before each access request is granted and must ensure that any identified risk to the
Government associated with the access granted has been appropriately evaluated and
mitigated, including a review against the Science and Technology (S&T) Risk Matrix
(see paragraph 3.g.). All access approvals must be made by U.S. citizens, are valid for the
duration of access request, and must be documented in the Foreign Access Central
Tracking System (FACTS) no later than the first day of access.
a. The Curriculum Vitae (CV). A CV must be provided for each foreign national
conducting research at laboratories and entered into the FACTS database. CVs
must include all employment activities, since the age of 18 years, and provide all
of the foreign national’s science and technology specialties. CVs must also
include the current/accurate name of all academic institutions attended, and all
degree/diplomas earned. There should be no lapses in time over the past 10 years.
b. Site Security Plan (SSP). The SSP must include the requirements and procedures
used to process foreign national access requests at the site. The SSP, as approved
by the Officially Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA), must include
requirements to ensure:
DOE O 142.3B Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only
1-15-2021 Page 1-3
appropriate documentation describing the process for application of the
exemptions listed in this Order;
appropriate delegation of approval authority to the site management
official or laboratory director, and any related procedures;
that appropriate export control and technology transfer reviews, and
determinations of export license requirements, are conducted;
that nationals of state sponsors of terrorism (SSTs) do not host other
foreign nationals;
coordination with designated counterintelligence (CI) and intelligence
(IN) elements; and
site-specific subject matter expert (SME) reviews, escort, and host
c. Access Request. Each foreign national access request must include, at a
minimum, the following items:
Country(ies) of affiliation. If multiple affiliations exist, the requirements
are applied based on the country presenting the greatest risk.
Identification of the information or technology(ies) to be accessed, and
whether considered a sensitive subject as defined by this Order or a
restricted technology under the Science and Technology (S&T) Risk
Identification of areas (e.g. GAA, PPA) to be accessed for all physical
access requests.
Justification for the requested access, including specific activities or
Identification of the DOE/NNSA program or sub-element and its mission
advanced by the access.
Proposed start and end date of access request which cannot exceed four
years (NOTE: Access requests can only be valid for the duration of the
lawful immigration status of the foreign national regardless of the length
of the access request).
d. Sensitive Subjects List. Each foreign national access request must identify if it
involves a sensitive subject and process accordingly based on the requirements of
this Order. This list will be updated at least annually, and applies to all foreign
national access requests. Any additions to the list made by a Cognizant Secretarial
Officer (CSO) will be reviewed as part of the annual update.
Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only DOE O 142.3B
Page 1-4 1-15-2021
e. Lawful Immigration Status, Citizenship, and Identity. Sufficient documentation of
immigrant or nonimmigrant status, citizenship, and identity is required for all
foreign nationals at DOE sites, facilities and laboratories to verify identity and
authority to work (when applicable for the activities involved) and to ensure that
the foreign national is eligible (in lawful immigration status including those who
have received Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status) to be in the
U.S. The lawful immigration status of foreign nationals must be valid for the
duration of the access request. There is an exception for intermittent periods by
foreign nationals entering the U.S. under the State Department Visa Waiver
Program, temporarily for business or pleasure, or for Canadian citizens who do
not require entrance visas.
f. Assignment of Approval Authority. Approvals for foreign national access must be
consistent with line management accountability requirements.
Field Sites. Approval authority and accountability for foreign national access to a
Departmental site and associated information or technology is the head of the
cognizant field element for that site. The Head of the cognizant field element may
make final approval determinations for access requests involving sensitive
country nationals, non-sensitive country nationals, and nationals of SSTs that are
lawful permanent residents (LPRs). The head of the cognizant field element may
delegate approval authority to the site management official or laboratory director
after demonstration of adequate procedures to handle these access requests. When
the site management official or laboratory official is not a U.S. citizen, the head of
the cognizant DOE field element may delegate approval authority and
accountability to a suitable individual. All site or facility approval authorities
must be defined in the SSP.
A site management official or laboratory director may reassign approval authority
to other U.S. citizen employees within their organization. Further reassignment or
delegation of approval authority is not allowed. A site management official or
laboratory director must reassign or delegate approval authority in writing and
document this action in the SSP. Site management officials and laboratory
directors are accountable for all access approval decisions made by themselves or
by those to whom they have delegated or reassigned approval authority.
g. Country(ies) of Risk. Country(ies) of Risk foreign nationals may be restricted
from accessing technology or information as identified in the Science and
Technology (S&T) Risk Matrix.
Requests for access to conduct research under a User Agreement at an Office of
Science, Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy, or Nuclear Energy User Facility
A new review, based on the additional S&T Risk Matrix requirements, for individuals with existing access
approvals at the time of publication of this Order is not required. These individuals will be assessed against the new
S&T Risk Matrix requirements at the time of their next access authorization renewal.
DOE O 142.3B Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only
1-15-2021 Page 1-5
at a non-NNSA DOE laboratory are exempt from the review requirements related
to the S&T Risk Matrix discussed below. All other requirements of this Order
apply to these access requests.
S&T Risk Matrix. The DOE maintains the S&T Risk Matrix and has
established restrictions for country of risk foreign nationals for accessing
certain areas identified within it, unless an exemption is granted. All
proposed access requests in areas that are not identified as restricted in the
current S&T Risk Matrix can proceed with the normal access request
review and approval process. Requests for exemptions can be made by the
cognizant DOE Field Element, in coordination with the site, as described
(a) A request for access is reviewed by the site, in coordination with
the Head of the cognizant DOE Field Element, to determine if the
access request is in an area identified as restricted in the current
S&T Risk Matrix before submitting the proposed access request
through the standard access request review and approval process
promulgated by this Order. When an access request is in an area
identified as restricted in the current S&T Risk Matrix, the
cognizant DOE Field Element must agree if a request for an
exemption is warranted. Absent agreement to request an
exemption, the proposed access request is not pursued any further.
(b) When the Head of the cognizant DOE Field Element agrees to
request an exemption, a justification and clear description of why
the access request benefits the U.S. is prepared. The exemption
request is then submitted through the appropriate Program
Secretarial Officer (PSO) and CSO, with a copy provided to the
Federal Oversight Advisory Body (FOAB), with final
approval/disapproval being provided by the cognizant Under
Secretary or their designee.
(c) Completion of specialized enhanced vetting conducted by DOE IN
is required prior to final approval of an exemption. A copy of the
exemption request, along with the required additional information,
must be submitted to the cognizant local counterintelligence (CI)
office to support the specialized enhanced vetting review. Indices
checks will be conducted as part of the specialized enhanced
vetting process, therefore, it is recommended the exemption
request be submitted 45 days prior to the start date of the access
(d) If the exemption is granted, then the access request may be
submitted for the standard access request review and approval
Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only DOE O 142.3B
Page 1-6 1-15-2021
DOE may consider broad exemptions for specific categories of access
requests, such as those supported under government-to-government
agreements and in line with National Security Council policy guidance, to
ensure existing priorities are not unduly impeded. These broad exemptions
will be handled as determined by the cognizant Under Secretary or their
designee in consultation with the FOAB and the cognizant DOE Program
h. Nationals of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Access requests for nationals of SSTs
who are not LPRs require approval by the site approval authority before final
approval determination. Final approval authority is held by the Secretary of
Energy and can only be assigned to the Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary for
Nuclear Security/Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration,
Under Secretary of Energy, or Under Secretary for Science. The Deputy Secretary
or appropriate Under Secretary, in consultation with the Office of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence, will make the final approval determination for these access
requests. Subsequent access requests extending currently approved and on-going
access to a contractor site or laboratory may be approved by the contractor site or
laboratory approval authority. For nationals of SSTs that are LPRs, final approval
determination is at the site approval authority level.
i. Indices Checks. Indices checks are coordinated by the Office of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence, and must be requested through the process of documenting
access requests in FACTS. Indices checks are valid for a period of two years from
the completion date, as documented in FACTS by the Office of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence. If the approved access request exceeds this two-year period,
updated indices checks are automatically requested through FACTS prior to the
current expiration date.
(1) The following access requests require completed indices checks prior to
the start of the foreign national access:
(a) All access requests by nationals of SSTs.
(b) All access requests to a physical security area more restrictive than
a Property Protection Area (PPA).
(c) All access requests by all sensitive country nationals to the NNSA
national laboratories sites, information, or technologies.
50 U.S.C. 2652(a), as amended by Public Law 112-239 January 2, 2013, National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2012, states that a background review (indices check) must be completed prior to access to any facility
of a national security laboratory by an individual who is a citizen or agent of a nation on the sensitive countries list.
This provision does not preclude access to areas accessible to the general public, at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory; Los Alamos National Laboratory; and Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and
Livermore, California.
DOE O 142.3B Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only
1-15-2021 Page 1-7
(d) All access requests for sensitive subjects. [NOTE: The indices
check for access requests by non-sensitive nationals for sensitive
subjects at sites with no classified work can be completed after
access is granted.]
Access requests for sensitive country nationals to non-sensitive subjects
require indices checks, but they do not have to be completed prior to the
start of the foreign national’s access.
Indices checks are not required for non-sensitive country national’s access
to non-sensitive subjects in a PPA or less restrictive areas.
For access requests that require indices checks prior to the start of foreign national
access, the request for indices checks must be documented in FACTS in sufficient
time to complete the indices checks. It is recommended that the request be entered
into FACTS 45 days prior to the start date of the request to ensure adequate time
for completion of indices checks. For access requests that require indices checks
to be completed before access is granted and there is insufficient time to complete
indices checks before the first day of access, the approval authority may request a
CI consultation in lieu of completion of the indices checks. For requests involving
nationals of SSTs, CI consultations may not be utilized until 60 days after
requests are documented in FACTS. CI consultations may not be employed as a
standard alternative to indices checks.
If there are valid indices checks for the foreign national documented in FACTS,
the indices checks will be considered completed upon documentation of the
request in FACTS using the existing FACTS biographical record for that foreign
j. Documentation. FACTS is the Department’s official national database on
unclassified foreign national access requests. Access to FACTS is limited to U.S.
citizens. All required information regarding access requests that require
documentation, as detailed in this Order, must be entered in FACTS.
Closeout Information. Information documenting the final status of access
requests must be entered into FACTS within 15 days after the last day of
access. This information includes the closeout status, closeout comments,
and actual start and end dates for access that has taken place. Closeout
statuses include: Completed, Canceled Before or After Approval, Denied,
or No Show.
SME reviews, when conducted in compliance with SSP requirements,
must be documented in FACTS.
Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only DOE O 142.3B
Page 1-8 1-15-2021
a. Heads of Hosting Sites. Hosting sites may include contractor operated field sites
and national laboratories.
Consistent with an authorized assignment of authority, serve as the
approval authority for foreign national access requests within their
Implement the foreign national access activities consistent with guidance
and direction from the head of the DOE field element with direct
responsibility for program performance.
Designate points of contact (POCs) for foreign national access activities,
and provide contact information to the cognizant DOE field element and
Cognizant Secretarial Officer (CSO), and to the Office of Health, Safety
and Security.
Ensure that guidance is issued and followed, corrective actions are
implemented as appropriate, and responsibilities associated with the
presence of foreign nationals are met.
Ensure a systematic, effective process to provide managers, planners and
hosts with appropriate guidance and insight regarding all technologies and
information that could lead into sensitive or export controlled areas, and to
ensure that sensitive or export controlled technologies and information are
In coordination with the cognizant field element, determine if proposed
foreign national access requests require an exemption based on the current
S&T Risk Matrix and, where appropriate, request such exemptions.
b. Hosts of Foreign Nationals. The contractor hosting a foreign national is
responsible for the activities associated with the successful accomplishment of the
The contractor must ensure that foreign nationals hosting other foreign
nationals are DOE contractor employees.
The contractor must ensure that nationals of SSTs do not host other
foreign nationals.
The contractor is responsible for the conduct and activities of the foreign
nationals for whom they are identified as the host.
The contractor must ensure that the host is identified to the foreign
national as his/her POC, and that the following requirements are met:
DOE O 142.3B Attachment 1 – CRD, Contractors Only
1-15-2021 Page 1-9
The contractor must ensure compliance with all requirements for access
approval and conduct, including timely, complete, and accurate
information for FACTS, compliance with SSP requirements, program
sponsorship, and notification to workers regarding requirements as
The contractor must ensure that suspicious activities are reported in
accordance with local reporting requirements.
The contractor must provide the following information to the foreign
nationals the contractor is responsible for hosting:
(a) The terms and conditions of access approval, including restrictions
and requirements to notify the host of changes in name, immigrant/
nonimmigrant status, and other information as required.
(b) The requirement to notify the responsible host of any civil or
criminal problems that could affect their status and association
with DOE.
(c) That the failure to provide appropriate documentation when
required, or providing fraudulent documentation will result in
suspension of access approval, removal from the site, and possible
cancellation of future access.
c. Escorts of Foreign Nationals.
The contractor is responsible for ensuring that foreign nationals working
or traveling within a site are escorted, when required, as identified by the
SSP, to ensure there is no unauthorized access.
The contractor must also ensure compliance with all requirements for
escorts identified in the SSP.
5. DEFINITIONS. Terms used for the purpose of this Order are defined in Attachment 2.
DOE O 142.3B Attachment 2 – Federal Employees and Contractors
1-15-2021 Page 2-1
1. Access Request. Seeking permission to enter a DOE site and/or use DOE information or
2. Approval Authority. The individual who has been assigned the responsibility and
accountability to approve requests for access by foreign nationals to a DOE site, program,
information, or technology.
3. Cognizant Secretarial Officer (CSO). Headquarters Assistant Secretaries, Deputy
Administrator, and Directors responsible for oversight or institutional management of
DOE/NNSA facilities.
4. Contractor. This term, for the purposes of this Order, means an entity that has a contract
with DOE/NNSA that incorporates the CRD or its requirements.
5. Country of Risk. Any foreign country determined to be of risk, following consideration
of, but not limited to, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence World Wide
Threat Assessment and The National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States of
America, by the Under Secretary for Science in consultation with the Under Secretary of
Energy; the Under Secretary for Nuclear Security; and the Office of Intelligence and
6. Curriculum Vitae (CV). CV is a detailed document highlighting professional and
academic history. A CV must include any education/employment history. There should
be no lapses in time. CVs include extensive information on academic background,
including teaching experience, degrees, research, awards, publications, presentations, and
other achievements. In the absence of a CV, a resume may be used.
7. Dual Citizen. An individual who is a citizen of more than one country.
8. Foreign National. A person without U.S. citizenship or nationality (may include a
stateless person).
9. General Access Area. A type of security area established to allow access to certain areas
with minimum security requirements as determined by the cognizant security authority.
These designated areas are accessible to all personnel including the public.
10. Heads of Departmental Elements. Heads of Departmental Elements include DOE’s Under
Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, the NNSA Administrator, Program Office Directors,
Power Marketing Administrators, or equivalent DOE officials, or any other official(s) the
Head of Departmental Element designates to carry out his or her responsibilities under
this Order.
11. Heads of Field Elements/Field Office Managers. Officials who direct activities of
DOE/NNSA field or site offices and field organizations reporting directly to
Headquarters and serve as line management, site-level mission integrators, and as the
authorizing officials for activities at the site on behalf of the Administrator.
Attachment 2 – Federal Employees and Contractors DOE O 142.3B
Page 2-2 1-15-2021
12. Host. The DOE or DOE contractor employee responsible for the activities associated
with foreign national access.
13. Indices Checks. A procedure whereby a request is made to appropriate U.S. Government
agencies to determine whether information exists on a particular foreign national. Indices
checks are valid for a period of 2 years from the indices completion date, as documented
in the Foreign Access Central Tracking System by the Office of Intelligence and
14. Information. DOE information of a programmatic, scientific or technical nature,
regardless of format or medium on which it is recorded, created, or possessed by the
Government or a Contractor.
15. Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR). One who has the right to reside permanently and
work in the United States. Unlike a U.S. citizen, however, an LPR is not permitted by
states to vote in national elections and can be deported if, for example, convicted of
certain crimes. An LPR may also be known as a permanent resident alien or Green Card
16. National of a Country of Risk. A foreign national who was born in, is a citizen of, is
employed by, or represents a government, company institution or other organization
based in a country identified as a Country of Risk.
17. National of a State Sponsor of Terrorism. A foreign national who was born in, is a citizen
of, is employed by, or represents a government, company, institution, or other
organization based in a country on the Department of State list of State Sponsors of
18. National Security. The national defense and foreign relations of the United States.
19. Non-Sensitive Country National. A foreign national who was born in, is a citizen of, is
employed by, or represents a government, company, organization, or institution that is
located in a country not on the sensitive country list and not a state sponsor of terrorism
as identified by the Department of State.
20. Personal Visit. A Personal Visit does not include access to DOE or Contractor
information or technology. Examples may include lunches with friends or relatives,
retirement celebrations, or other social events.
21. Program Secretarial Officer (PSO). Headquarters Assistant Secretaries, Deputy
Administrator, and Directors who have management responsibility for program planning,
budgeting, and execution of DOE/NNSA mission program activities.
22. Public Event. Public events are those that include only information that is not protected
by statute, regulation, or DOE policy, and is determined to be releasable to the general
public, are held in locations that are accessible to the general public, and are available for
attendance by the general public.
DOE O 142.3B Attachment 2 – Federal Employees and Contractors
1-15-2021 Page 2-3
23. Property Protection Area. A type of security area having defined boundaries and access
controls for the protection of Departmental property.
24. Research. Systematic investigation, including research, development, testing, and
evaluation designed to develop, expand or contribute to general knowledge.
25. Science and Technology Risk Matrix (S&T Risk Matrix). Critical emerging research and
technologies that require protection which do not otherwise have control mechanisms
(i.e. classified information, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, export controls).
The S&T Risk Matrix is intended to highlight areas of emerging and potential concern
associated with economic and/or intellectual competitiveness and not to overlap or
supersede existing controls associated with national security or commerce restrictions.
26. Sensitive Country List. A list of countries to which particular consideration is given for
policy reasons during the DOE internal review and approval process for access by foreign
nationals. Countries may appear on the list for national security, nuclear nonproliferation,
or terrorism support reasons.
27. Sensitive Country National. A foreign national who was born in, is a citizen of, or is
employed by a government, employer, institution or organization of a sensitive country.
28. Sensitive Subjects. Unclassified subjects and topics identified in existing Federal
regulations governing export control as well as those identified by the Department as
unique to its work, which involve information, activities, and/or technologies that are
relevant to national and economic security. This includes items identified in the research
areas determined to be restricted in the current S&T Risk Matrix and items identified as
Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Specified.
29. Site. A geographical area where one or more facilities are located, or DOE-controlled
land area including DOE-owned facilities (e.g., the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the
Nevada National Security Site, the Hanford Site, Idaho National laboratory, the Pantex
30. Specialized Enhanced Vetting. Vetting required to support S&T Risk Matrix exemption
approval determination to be conducted by the Office of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence based on the individual’s background. The S&T Risk Matrix
exemption request, including the completed supplemental questionnaire, is utilized to
perform an enhanced background check with Intelligence Community partners.
31. State Sponsors of Terrorism. Countries that have been identified by the Department of
State as sponsors of groups and/or activities which support terrorism or terrorist activities
and are on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.
32. Subject Matter Expert. An individual who is knowledgeable about the professional
standards, requirements, and practices used within the discipline he/she represents (i.e.,
security, export control, technology transfer, counterintelligence, or intelligence).
Attachment 2 – Federal Employees and Contractors DOE O 142.3B
Page 2-4 1-15-2021
33. Technology. Technology is derived from basic or applied research, development,
engineering, technological demonstration, economic and social research, or scientific
inquiry into phenomena or technology applications. It includes the use and application of
scientific equipment, may be recorded or spoken, may be represented in a medium for
storage of communication, and may be contained in computer software with scientific
and technical applications.
34. Third-Party Events. Activities that a DOE site hosts that are not directly in support of the
DOE mission; does not include information that is protected by statute, regulation, or
DOE policy and is determined to be releasable to the general public.