Domain Name Renewal and Deletion Policy
Domain names are registered for fixed periods that are subject to renewal. CSC implements an “auto-
renew” feature for domain name registration, and CSC will attempt to automatically renew the domain
name approximately 5 days prior to the domain name registration’s expiration date (subject to the
terms related to the “auto-renew” feature found in our Registration Agreement). Pursuant to the ICANN
Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP), CSC will send weekly notification emails to customers
and/or agents acting on their behalf to notify them of the domain names that are coming up for renewal
within ninety days, including which are set to auto-renew or are pending lapse. For more information
about the ERRP please visit:
If a customer does not renew a domain name pending lapse by its expiration date, CSC will send an
additional notice that the domain name is subject to deletion. CSC provides a grace period that extends
30 days past the expiration date, and the notification will include domain name renewal instructions. If
the customer decides to lapse the domain, the 30-day grace period begins on the day the lapse is
processed, which is normally 4-5 days prior to expiry. During this period, a customer may be able to
renew the domain name; however, the grace period is not guaranteed and can be changed or
eliminated at any time, without notice. So, every customer who desires to renew his or her domain
name registrations should do so in advance of the expiration date to avoid domain name deletion.
If an expired domain name is not renewed during the grace period provided by CSC, the domain name
will be deleted. Registry Operators may provide registrars with the ability to “restore” a deleted
domain name registration for a customer. Such a Redemption Grace Period (RGP) is not guaranteed,
and customers should renew their domain name in advance of the domain name expiration date(s) to
avoid deletion of the domain name. Currently, Registry Operators provide an RGP for 30-45 days from
the date of deletion. When CSC provides a redemption service to a customer, we charge a fee of 250
USD, plus any additional registry costs to restore and renew a domain name registration during the
RGP. If the domain name is not redeemed by the expiration of the RGP, it will be placed on “Pending
Delete” status for five additional days, after which it is deleted by the registry and the domain name
character string is then once again available for registration.
In the event that a domain name is the subject of a Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
(UDRP) proceeding and expires or is deleted during the course of the dispute, the party that filed the
UDRP proceeding has the option to renew or restore the domain name under the same commercial
terms as the original customer. If the case is ultimately terminated, or the arbitrator finds against the
filing party, the name will be deleted within 45 days.
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