The Law Relating to
Cosmetologists, Barbers,
Manicurists, Estheticians,
and Master Estheticians
Washington State
Department of Licensing
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18.16 RCW
308-20 WAC
18.235 RCW
February 2016
2015 [Ch. 18.16— page 1]
Chapter 18.16
Chapter 18.16 RCW
(Formerly: Cosmetologists, barbers, and manicurists)
18.16.010 Intent.
18.16.020 Definitions.
18.16.030 Director—Powers and duties.
18.16.050 Advisory board—Members—Compensation.
18.16.060 License required—Penalty—Exemptions.
18.16.070 Licensing—Persons to whom chapter inapplicable.
18.16.080 Licensing—Other persons to whom chapter inapplicable.
18.16.090 Examinations.
18.16.100 Issuance of licenses—Requirements.
18.16.110 Issuance of licenses—Renewals—Reinstatement—Dupli-
18.16.130 Issuance of licenses—Persons licensed in other jurisdictions.
18.16.140 School licenses—Application—Approved security—Issu-
ance—Changes in application information—Changes in
controlling interest—Posting of licenses.
18.16.150 Schools—Compliance with chapter.
18.16.160 Schools—Claims against—Procedure.
18.16.170 Expiration of licenses.
18.16.175 Salon/shop or mobile unit requirements—Liability insur-
ance—Complaints—Inspection—Registration—Use of
motor homes—Posting of licenses.
18.16.180 Salon/shop—Apprenticeship shop—Notice required.
18.16.190 Location of practice—Penalty—Placebound clients.
18.16.200 Disciplinary action—Grounds.
18.16.210 Violations—Penalties.
18.16.220 Appeal—Procedure.
18.16.230 License suspension—Nonpayment or default on educational
loan or scholarship.
18.16.240 License suspension—Noncompliance with support order—
18.16.250 Finding—Consumer protection act.
18.16.260 License renewal—Fee—Examination—Fee.
18.16.270 Uniform regulation of business and professions act.
18.16.280 Cosmetology apprenticeship program.
18.16.290 License—Inactive status.
18.16.300 Military training or experience.
18.16.305 Recognition as institution of postsecondary study.
18.16.900 Short title.
18.16.905 Severability—1984 c 208.
18.16.907 Effective date—1984 c 208.
18.16.910 Severability—1991 c 324.
18.16.010 Intent.
18.16.010 Intent. The legislature recognizes that the
practices of cosmetology, hair design, barbering, manicuring,
and esthetics involve the use of tools and chemicals which
may be dangerous when mixed or applied improperly, and
therefore finds it necessary in the interest of the public health,
safety, and welfare to regulate those practices in this state.
[2015 c 62 § 13; 2002 c 111 § 1; 1984 c 208 § 1.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.020 Definitions.
18.16.020 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the fol-
lowing terms have the meanings indicated unless the context
clearly requires otherwise:
(1) "Apprentice" means a person who is engaged in a
state-approved apprenticeship program and who must receive
a wage or compensation while engaged in the program.
(2) "Apprentice monthly report" means the apprentice
record of daily activities and the number of hours completed
in each course of a curriculum that is prepared monthly by the
approved apprenticeship program and provided to the
apprentice, audited annually by the department, and kept on
file by the approved apprenticeship program for three years.
(3) "Apprentice trainer" means a person who gives train-
ing to an apprentice in an approved apprenticeship program
and who is approved under RCW 18.16.280.
(4) "Apprenticeship program" means a state-approved
apprenticeship program pursuant to chapter 49.04 RCW and
approved under RCW 18.16.280 for the training of cosmetol-
ogy, hair design, barbering, esthetics, master esthetics, and
(5) "Apprenticeship training committee" means a com-
mittee approved by the Washington apprenticeship and train-
ing council established in chapter 49.04 RCW.
(6) "Approved apprenticeship shop" means a salon/shop
that has been approved under RCW 18.16.280 and chapter
49.04 RCW to participate in an apprenticeship program.
(7) "Approved security" means surety bond.
(8) "Barber" means a person licensed under this chapter
to engage in the practice of barbering.
(9) "Board" means the cosmetology, hair design, barber-
ing, esthetics, and manicuring advisory board.
(10) "Cosmetologist" means a person licensed under this
chapter to engage in the practice of cosmetology.
(11) "Crossover training" means training approved by
the director as training hours that may be credited to current
licensees for similar training received in another profession
licensed under this chapter.
(12) "Curriculum" means the courses of study taught at a
school, online training by a school, in an approved appren-
ticeship program established by the Washington state appren-
ticeship and training council and conducted in an approved
salon/shop, or online training by an approved apprenticeship
program, set by rule under this chapter, and approved by the
department. After consulting with the board, the director may
set by rule a percentage of hours in a curriculum, up to a max-
imum of ten percent, that could include hours a student
receives while training in a salon/shop under a contract
approved by the department. Each curriculum must include at
least the following required hours:
(a) School curriculum:
(i) Cosmetologist, one thousand six hundred hours;
(ii) Hair design, one thousand four hundred hours;
(iii) Barber, one thousand hours;
(iv) Manicurist, six hundred hours;
(v) Esthetician, seven hundred fifty hours;
(vi) Master esthetician either:
(A) One thousand two hundred hours; or
(B) Esthetician licensure plus four hundred fifty hours of
(vi) [(vii)] Instructor-trainee, five hundred hours, except
that an instructor-trainee may submit documentation that pro-
18.16.020 Cosmetologists, Hair Designers, Barbers, Manicurists, and Estheticians
[Ch. 18.16— page 2] 2015
vides evidence of experience as a licensed cosmetologist, hair
designer, barber, manicurist, esthetician, or master estheti-
cian for competency evaluation toward credit of not more
than three hundred hours of instructor-training.
(b) Apprentice training curriculum:
(i) Cosmetologist, two thousand hours;
(ii) Hair design, one thousand seven hundred fifty hours;
(iii) Barber, one thousand two hundred hours;
(iv) Manicurist, eight hundred hours;
(v) Esthetician, eight hundred hours;
(vi) Master esthetician, one thousand four hundred
(13) "Department" means the department of licensing.
(14) "Director" means the director of the department of
licensing or the director's designee.
(15) "Esthetician" means a person licensed under this
chapter to engage in the practice of esthetics.
(16) "Hair design" means the practice of arranging,
dressing, cutting, trimming, styling, shampooing, permanent
waving, chemical relaxing, straightening, curling, bleaching,
lightening, coloring, mustache and beard design, and superfi-
cial skin stimulation of the scalp.
(17) "Hair designer" means a person licensed under this
chapter to engage in the practice of hair design.
(18) "Individual license" means a cosmetology, hair
design, barber, manicurist, esthetician, master esthetician, or
instructor license issued under this chapter.
(19) "Instructor" means a person who gives instruction in
a school, or who provides classroom theory training to
apprentices in locations other than in a school, in a curricu-
lum in which he or she holds a license under this chapter, has
completed at least five hundred hours of instruction in teach-
ing techniques and lesson planning in a school, or who has
documented experience as an instructor for more than five
hundred hours in another state in the curriculum of study, and
has passed a licensing examination approved or administered
by the director. An applicant who holds a degree in education
from an accredited postsecondary institution shall upon
application be licensed as an instructor to give instruction in
a school, or to provide classroom theory training to appren-
tices in locations other than in a school, in a curriculum in
which he or she holds a license under this chapter. An appli-
cant who holds an instructional credential from an accredited
community or technical college and who has passed a licens-
ing examination approved or administered by the director
shall upon application be licensed as an instructor to give
instruction in a school, or to provide classroom theory train-
ing to apprentices in locations other than in a school, in a cur-
riculum in which he or she holds a license under this chapter.
To be approved as an "instructor" in an approved apprentice-
ship program, the instructor must be a competent instructor as
defined in rules adopted under chapter 49.04 RCW.
(20) "Instructor-trainee" means a person who is currently
licensed in this state as a cosmetologist, hair designer, barber,
manicurist, esthetician, or master esthetician, and is enrolled
in an instructor-trainee curriculum in a school licensed under
this chapter.
(21) "Location license" means a license issued under this
chapter for a salon/shop, school, personal services, or mobile
(22) "Manicurist" means a person licensed under this
chapter to engage in the practice of manicuring.
(23) "Master esthetician" means a person licensed under
this chapter to engage in the practice of master esthetics.
(24) "Mobile unit" is a location license under this chapter
where the practice of cosmetology, barbering, esthetics, mas-
ter esthetics, or manicuring is conducted in a mobile struc-
ture. Mobile units must conform to the health and safety stan-
dards set by rule under this chapter.
(25) "Online training" means theory training provided
online, by a school licensed under this chapter or an approved
apprenticeship program established by the Washington state
apprenticeship and training council, in the areas of cosmetol-
ogy, hair design, master esthetics, manicuring, barbering,
esthetics, and instructor-training.
(26) "Person" means any individual, partnership, profes-
sional service corporation, joint stock association, joint ven-
ture, or any other entity authorized to do business in this state.
(27) "Personal services" means a location licensed under
this chapter where the practice of cosmetology, hair design,
barbering, manicuring, esthetics, or master esthetics is per-
formed for clients in the client's home, office, or other loca-
tion that is convenient for the client.
(28) "Practice of barbering" means the cutting, trimming,
arranging, dressing, curling, shampooing, shaving, and mus-
tache and beard design of the hair of the face, neck, and scalp.
(29) "Practice of cosmetology" means arranging, dress-
ing, cutting, trimming, styling, shampooing, permanent wav-
ing, chemical relaxing, straightening, curling, bleaching,
lightening, coloring, waxing, tweezing, shaving, and mus-
tache and beard design of the hair of the face, neck, and scalp;
temporary removal of superfluous hair by use of depilatories,
waxing, or tweezing; manicuring and pedicuring, limited to
cleaning, shaping, polishing, decorating, and caring for and
treatment of the cuticles and nails of the hands and feet,
excluding the application and removal of sculptured or other-
wise artificial nails; esthetics limited to toning the skin of the
scalp, stimulating the skin of the body by the use of prepara-
tions, tonics, lotions, or creams; and tinting eyelashes and
(30) "Practice of esthetics" means the care of the skin for
compensation by application, use of preparations, antiseptics,
tonics, essential oils, exfoliants, superficial and light peels, or
by any device, except laser, or equipment, electrical or other-
wise, or by wraps, compresses, cleansing, conditioning, stim-
ulation, superficial skin stimulation, pore extraction, or prod-
uct application and removal; temporary removal of superflu-
ous hair by means of lotions, creams, appliance, waxing,
threading, tweezing, or depilatories, including chemical
means; and application of product to the eyelashes and eye-
brows, including extensions, design and treatment, tinting
and lightening of the hair, excluding the scalp. Under no cir-
cumstances does the practice of esthetics include the admin-
istration of injections.
(31) "Practice of manicuring" means the cleaning, shap-
ing, polishing, decorating, and caring for and treatment of the
cuticles and the nails of the hands or feet, and the application
and removal of sculptured or otherwise artificial nails by
hand or with mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliances.
(32) "Practice of master esthetics" means the care of the
skin for compensation including all of the methods allowed
Cosmetologists, Hair Designers, Barbers, Manicurists, and Estheticians 18.16.060
2015 [Ch. 18.16— page 3]
in the definition of the practice of esthetics. It also includes
the performance of medium depth peels and the use of medi-
cal devices for care of the skin and permanent hair reduction.
The medical devices include, but are not limited to, lasers,
light, radio frequency, plasma, intense pulsed light, and ultra-
sound. The use of a medical device must comply with state
law and rules, including any laws or rules that require delega-
tion or supervision by a licensed health professional acting
within the scope of practice of that health profession.
(33) "Salon/shop" means any building, structure, or any
part thereof, other than a school, where the commercial prac-
tice of cosmetology, barbering, hair design, esthetics, master
esthetics, or manicuring is conducted; provided that any per-
son, except employees of a salon/shop, who operates from a
salon/shop is required to meet all salon/shop licensing
requirements and may participate in the apprenticeship pro-
gram when certified as established by the Washington state
apprenticeship and training council established in chapter
49.04 RCW.
(34) "School" means any establishment that offers cur-
riculum of instruction in the practice of cosmetology, hair
design, barbering, esthetics, master esthetics, manicuring, or
instructor-trainee to students and is licensed under this chap-
(35) "Student" means a person sixteen years of age or
older who is enrolled in a school licensed under this chapter
and receives instruction in any of the curricula of cosmetol-
ogy, barbering, hair design, esthetics, master esthetics, mani-
curing, or instructor-training with or without tuition, fee, or
cost, and who does not receive any wage or commission.
(36) "Student monthly report" means the student record
of daily activities and the number of hours completed in each
course of a curriculum that is prepared monthly by the school
and provided to the student, audited annually by the depart-
ment, and kept on file by the school for three years. [2015 c
62 § 1. Prior: 2013 c 187 § 1; 2008 c 20 § 1; 2003 c 400 § 2;
2002 c 111 § 2; 1991 c 324 § 1; 1984 c 208 § 2.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.030 Director—Powers and duties.
18.16.030 Director—Powers and duties. In addition
to any other duties imposed by law, including RCW
18.235.030 and 18.235.040, the director shall have the fol-
lowing powers and duties:
(1) To set all license, examination, and renewal fees in
accordance with RCW 43.24.086;
(2) To adopt rules necessary to implement this chapter;
(3) To prepare and administer or approve the preparation
and administration of licensing examinations;
(4) To establish minimum safety and sanitation stan-
dards for schools, instructors, cosmetologists, barbers, hair
designers, manicurists, estheticians, master estheticians,
salons/shops, personal services, and mobile units;
(5) To establish curricula for the training of students and
apprentices under this chapter;
(6) To maintain the official department record of appli-
cants and licensees;
(7) To establish by rule the procedures for an appeal of
an examination failure;
(8) To set license expiration dates and renewal periods
for all licenses consistent with this chapter;
(9) To ensure that all informational notices produced and
mailed by the department regarding statutory and regulatory
changes affecting any particular class of licensees are mailed
to each licensee in good standing or on inactive status in the
affected class whose mailing address on record with the
department has not resulted in mail being returned as unde-
liverable for any reason; and
(10) To make information available to the department of
revenue to assist in collecting taxes from persons required to
be licensed under this chapter. [2015 c 62 § 2; 2013 c 187 §
2; 2008 c 20 § 2; 2004 c 51 § 7. Prior: 2002 c 111 § 3; 2002 c
86 § 213; 1991 c 324 § 2; 1984 c 208 § 7.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.050 Advisory board—Members—Compensation.
18.16.050 Advisory board—Members—Compensa-
tion. (1) There is created a state cosmetology, hair design,
barbering, esthetics, and manicuring advisory board consist-
ing of a maximum of ten members appointed by the director.
These members of the board shall include: A representative
of private schools licensed under this chapter; a representa-
tive from an approved apprenticeship program conducted in
an approved salon/shop; a representative of public vocational
technical schools licensed under this chapter; a consumer
who is unaffiliated with the cosmetology, hair design, barber-
ing, esthetics, master esthetics, or manicuring industry; and
six members who are currently practicing licensees who have
been engaged in the practice of manicuring, esthetics, master
esthetics, barbering, hair design, or cosmetology for at least
three years. Members shall serve a term of three years. Any
board member may be removed for just cause. The director
may appoint a new member to fill any vacancy on the board
for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(2) Board members shall be entitled to compensation
pursuant to RCW 43.03.240 for each day spent conducting
official business and to reimbursement for travel expenses as
provided by RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
(3) The board may seek the advice and input of officials
from the following state agencies: (a) The workforce training
and education coordinating board; (b) the employment secu-
rity department; (c) the department of labor and industries;
(d) the department of health; (e) the department of licensing;
and (f) the department of revenue. [2015 c 62 § 3; 2013 c 187
§ 3; 2008 c 20 § 3; 2002 c 111 § 4. Prior: 1998 c 245 § 5; 1998
c 20 § 1; 1997 c 179 § 1; 1995 c 269 § 402; 1991 c 324 § 3;
1984 c 208 § 9.]
Findings—1995 c 269: "The legislature finds that the economic oppor-
tunities for cosmetologists, barbers, estheticians, and manicurists have dete-
riorated in this state as a result of the lack of skilled practitioners, inadequate
licensing controls, and inadequate enforcement of health standards. To
increase the opportunities for individuals to earn viable incomes in these pro-
fessions and to protect the general health of the public, the state cosmetol-
ogy, barbering, esthetics, and manicuring advisory board should be reconsti-
tuted and given a new charge to develop appropriate responses to this situa-
tion, including legislative proposals." [1995 c 269 § 401.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.060 License required—Penalty—Exemptions.
18.16.060 License required—Penalty—Exemptions.
(1) It is unlawful for any person to engage in a practice listed
in subsection (2) of this section unless the person has a
license in good standing as required by this chapter. A license
issued under this chapter shall be considered to be "in good
standing" except when:
18.16.070 Cosmetologists, Hair Designers, Barbers, Manicurists, and Estheticians
[Ch. 18.16— page 4] 2015
(a) The license has expired or has been canceled and has
not been renewed in accordance with RCW 18.16.110;
(b) The license has been denied, revoked, or suspended
under RCW 18.16.210, 18.16.230, or 18.16.240, and has not
been reinstated;
(c) The license is held by a person who has not fully
complied with an order of the director issued under RCW
18.16.210 requiring the licensee to pay restitution or a fine, or
to acquire additional training; or
(d) The license has been placed on inactive status at the
request of the licensee, and has not been reinstated in accor-
dance with RCW 18.16.110(3).
(2) The director may take action under RCW 18.235.150
and 18.235.160 against any person who does any of the fol-
lowing without first obtaining, and maintaining in good
standing, the license required by this chapter:
(a) Except as provided in subsections (3) and (4) of this
section, engages in the commercial practice of cosmetology,
hair design, barbering, esthetics, master esthetics, or mani-
(b) Instructs in a school;
(c) Operates a school; or
(d) Operates a salon/shop, personal services, or mobile
(3) A person who receives a license as an instructor may
engage in the commercial practice for which he or she held a
license when applying for the instructor license without also
renewing the previously held license. However, a person
licensed as an instructor whose license to engage in a com-
mercial practice is not or at any time was not renewed may
not engage in the commercial practice previously permitted
under that license unless that person renews the previously
held license.
(4) An apprentice actively enrolled in an apprenticeship
program for cosmetology, barbering, hair design, esthetics,
master esthetics, or manicuring may engage in the commer-
cial practice as required for the apprenticeship program.
[2015 c 62 § 4; 2013 c 187 § 4; 2008 c 20 § 4; 2004 c 51 § 1.
Prior: 2002 c 111 § 5; 2002 c 86 § 214; 1991 c 324 § 4; 1984
c 208 § 3.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.070 Licensing—Persons to whom chapter inapplicable.
18.16.070 Licensing—Persons to whom chapter
inapplicable. This chapter shall not apply to persons
licensed under other laws of this state who are performing
services within their authorized scope of practice and shall
not be construed to require a license for students enrolled in a
school or an apprentice engaged in a state-approved appren-
ticeship program as defined in RCW 18.16.020. [2003 c 400
§ 3; 1984 c 208 § 4.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.080 Licensing—Other persons to whom chapter inapplicable.
18.16.080 Licensing—Other persons to whom chap-
ter inapplicable. Nothing in this chapter prohibits any per-
son authorized under the laws of this state from performing
any service for which the person may be licensed, nor prohib-
its any person from performing services as an electrologist if
that person has been otherwise certified, registered, or trained
as an electrologist.
This chapter does not apply to persons employed in the
care or treatment of patients in hospitals or employed in the
care of residents of nursing homes and similar residential
care facilities. [1984 c 208 § 19.]
18.16.090 Examinations.
18.16.090 Examinations. Examinations for licensure
under this chapter shall be conducted at such times and places
as the director determines appropriate. Examinations shall
consist of tests designed to reasonably measure the appli-
cant's knowledge of safe and sanitary practices and may also
include the applicant's knowledge of this chapter and rules
adopted pursuant to this chapter. The director may establish
by rule a performance examination in addition to any other
examination. The director shall establish by rule the mini-
mum passing score for all examinations and the requirements
for reexamination of applicants who fail the examination or
examinations. The director may allow an independent person
to conduct the examinations at the expense of the applicants.
The director shall take steps to ensure that after comple-
tion of the required course or apprenticeship program, appli-
cants may promptly take the examination and receive the
results of the examination. [2003 c 400 § 4; 2002 c 111 § 6;
1991 c 324 § 5; 1984 c 208 § 10.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.100 Issuance of licenses—Requirements.
18.16.100 Issuance of licenses—Requirements. (1)
Upon completion of an application approved by the depart-
ment and payment of the proper fee, the director shall issue
the appropriate license to any person who:
(a) Is at least seventeen years of age or older;
(b)(i) Has completed and graduated from a school
licensed under this chapter in a curriculum approved by the
director consisting of the hours of training required under this
chapter for a school curriculum, or has met the requirements
in RCW 18.16.020 or 18.16.130; or
(ii) Has successfully completed a state-approved appren-
ticeship program consisting of the hours of training required
under this chapter for the apprentice training curriculum; and
(c) Has received a passing grade on the appropriate
licensing examination approved or administered by the direc-
(2) A person currently licensed under this chapter may
qualify for examination and licensure, after the required
examination is passed, in another category if he or she has
completed the crossover training course.
(3) Upon completion of an application approved by the
department, certification of insurance, and payment of the
proper fee, the director shall issue a location license to the
(4) The director may consult with the state board of
health and the department of labor and industries in establish-
ing training, apprenticeship, and examination requirements.
[2008 c 20 § 5; 2003 c 400 § 5; 2002 c 111 § 7; 1991 c 324 §
6; 1984 c 208 § 5.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.110 Issuance of licenses—Renewals—Reinstatement—Duplicates.
18.16.110 Issuance of licenses—Renewals—Rein-
statement—Duplicates. (1) The director shall issue the
appropriate license to any applicant who meets the require-
ments as outlined in this chapter.
(2) Except as provided in RCW 18.16.260:
Cosmetologists, Hair Designers, Barbers, Manicurists, and Estheticians 18.16.150
2015 [Ch. 18.16— page 5]
(a) Failure to renew a license by its expiration date sub-
jects the holder to a penalty fee and payment of each year's
renewal fee, at the current rate; and
(b) A person whose license has not been renewed within
one year after its expiration date shall have the license can-
celed and shall be required to submit an application, pay the
license fee, meet current licensing requirements, and pass any
applicable examination or examinations, in addition to the
other requirements of this chapter, before the license may be
(3) In lieu of the requirements of subsection (2)(a) of this
section, a license placed on inactive status under RCW
18.16.290 may be reinstated to good standing upon receipt by
the department of: (a) Payment of a renewal fee, without pen-
alty, for a two-year license commencing on the date the
license is reinstated; and (b) if the license was on inactive sta-
tus during any time that the board finds that a health or other
requirement applicable to the license has changed, evidence
showing that the holder of the license has successfully com-
pleted, from a school licensed under RCW 18.16.140, at least
the number of curriculum clock hours of instruction that the
board deems necessary for a licensee to be brought current
with respect to such changes, but in no case may the number
of hours required under this subsection exceed four hours per
year that the license was on inactive status.
(4) Nothing in this section authorizes a person whose
license has expired or is on inactive status to engage in a prac-
tice prohibited under RCW 18.16.060 until the license is
renewed or reinstated.
(5) Upon request and payment of an additional fee to be
established by rule by the director, the director shall issue a
duplicate license to an applicant. [2004 c 51 § 3; 2002 c 111
§ 8; 1991 c 324 § 7; 1984 c 208 § 12.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.130 Issuance of licenses—Persons licensed in other jurisdictions.
18.16.130 Issuance of licenses—Persons licensed in
other jurisdictions. (1) Any person who is properly licensed
in any state, territory, or possession of the United States, or
foreign country shall be eligible for examination if the appli-
cant submits the approved application and fee and provides
proof to the director that he or she is currently licensed in
good standing as a cosmetologist, hair designer, barber, man-
icurist, esthetician, master esthetician, instructor, or the
equivalent in that jurisdiction. Upon passage of the required
examinations the appropriate license will be issued.
(2)(a) The director shall, upon passage of the required
examinations, issue a license as master esthetician to an
applicant who submits the approved application and fee and
provides proof to the director that the applicant is currently
licensed in good standing in esthetics in any state, territory, or
possession of the United States, or foreign country and holds
a diplomate of the comite international d'esthetique et de cos-
metologie diploma, or an international therapy examination
council diploma, or a certified credential awarded by the
national coalition of estheticians, manufacturers/distributors
& associations.
(b) The director may upon passage of the required exam-
inations, issue a master esthetician license to an applicant that
is currently licensed in esthetics in any other state, territory,
or possession of the United States, or foreign country and
submits an approved application and fee and provides proof
to the director that he or she is licensed in good standing and:
(i) The licensing state, territory, or possession of the
United States, or foreign country has licensure requirements
that the director determines are substantially equivalent to a
master esthetician license in this state; or
(ii) The applicant has certification or a diploma or other
credentials that the director determines has licensure require-
ments that are substantially equivalent to the degree listed in
(a) of this subsection. [2015 c 62 § 5; 2013 c 187 § 5; 1991 c
324 § 10; 1984 c 208 § 11.]
18.16.140 Sch ool licenses—Application—Ap proved security—Issuance—Ch anges in application info rmation—Changes in controll ing interest—Posting of licenses.
18.16.140 School licenses—Application—Approved
security—Issuance—Changes in application informa-
tion—Changes in controlling interest—Posting of
licenses. (1) Any person wishing to operate a school shall,
before opening such a school, pay the license fee and file with
the director for approval a license application containing the
following information:
(a) The names and addresses of all owners, managers,
and instructors;
(b) A copy of the school's curriculum satisfying the cur-
riculum requirements established by the director;
(c) A sample copy of the school's catalog, brochure,
enrollment contract, and cancellation and refund policies that
will be used or distributed by the school to students and the
(d) A surety bond in an amount not less than ten thou-
sand dollars, or ten percent of the annual gross tuition col-
lected by the school, whichever is greater. The approved
security shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars and shall run
to the state of Washington for the protection of unearned pre-
paid student tuition. The school shall attest to its gross tuition
at least annually on forms provided by the department. When
a new school license is being applied for, the applicant will
estimate its annual gross tuition to establish a bond amount.
This subsection shall not apply to community colleges and
vocational technical schools.
Upon approval of the application and documents, the
director shall issue a license to operate a school.
(2) Changes to the information provided by schools shall
be submitted to the department within fifteen days of the
implementation date.
(3) A change involving the controlling interest of the
school requires a new license application and fee. The new
application shall include all required documentation, proof of
ownership change, and be approved prior to a license being
(4) School and instructor licenses issued by the depart-
ment shall be posted in the reception area of the school.
[2002 c 111 § 9; 1991 c 324 § 11; 1987 c 445 § 1; 1984 c 208
§ 6.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.150 Schools—Compliance with chapter.
18.16.150 Schools—Compliance with chapter.
Schools shall be audited and inspected by the director or the
director's designee for compliance with this chapter at least
once a year. If the director determines that a licensed school
is not maintaining the standards required according to this
chapter, written notice thereof shall be given to the school. A
school which fails to correct these conditions to the satisfac-
18.16.160 Cosmetologists, Hair Designers, Barbers, Manicurists, and Estheticians
[Ch. 18.16— page 6] 2015
tion of the director within a reasonable time may be subject to
penalties imposed under RCW 18.235.110. [2002 c 86 § 215;
1997 c 178 § 1; 1991 c 324 § 12; 1984 c 208 § 8.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.160 Schools—Claims against—Procedure.
18.16.160 Schools—Claims against—Procedure. In
addition to any other legal remedy, any student or instructor-
trainee having a claim against a school may bring suit upon
the approved security required in RCW 18.16.140(1)(d) in
the superior or district court of Thurston county or the county
in which the educational services were offered by the school.
Action upon the approved security shall be commenced by
filing the complaint with the clerk of the appropriate superior
or district court within one year from the date of the cancella-
tion of the approved security: PROVIDED, That no action
shall be maintained upon the approved security for any claim
which has been barred by any nonclaim statute or statute of
limitations of this state. Service of process in an action upon
the approved security shall be exclusively by service upon
the director. Two copies of the complaint shall be served by
registered or certified mail upon the director at the time the
suit is started. Such service shall constitute service on the
approved security and the school. The director shall transmit
the complaint or a copy thereof to the school at the address
listed in the director's records and to the surety within forty-
eight hours after it has been received. The approved security
shall not be liable in an aggregate amount in excess of the
amount named in the approved security. In any action on an
approved security, the prevailing party is entitled to reason-
able attorney's fees and costs.
The director shall maintain a record, available for public
inspection, of all suits commenced under this chapter upon
approved security. [2004 c 51 § 8; 1991 c 324 § 13; 1984 c
208 § 16.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.170 Expiration of licenses.
18.16.170 Expiration of licenses. (1) Subject to sub-
section (2) of this section, licenses issued under this chapter
expire as follows:
(a) A salon/shop, personal services, or mobile unit
license expires one year from issuance or when the insurance
required by RCW 18.16.175(1)(g) expires, whichever occurs
(b) A school license expires one year from issuance; and
(c) Cosmetologist, hair designer, barber, manicurist,
esthetician, master esthetician, and instructor licenses expire
two years from issuance.
(2) The director may provide for expiration dates other
than those set forth in subsection (1) of this section for the
purpose of establishing staggered renewal periods. [2015 c
62 § 6; 2013 c 187 § 6; 2002 c 111 § 10; 1991 c 324 § 9.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.175 Salon/ shop or mobile unit requireme nts—Liability insu rance—Complain ts—Inspection—R egistration—Us e of motor homes—Posting of licenses.
18.16.175 Salon/shop or mobile unit requirements—
Liability insurance—Complaints—Inspection—Regis-
tration—Use of motor homes—Posting of licenses. (1) A
salon/shop or mobile unit shall meet the following minimum
(a) Maintain an outside entrance separate from any
rooms used for sleeping or residential purposes;
(b) Provide and maintain for the use of its customers ade-
quate toilet facilities located within or adjacent to the
salon/shop or mobile unit;
(c) Any room used wholly or in part as a salon/shop or
mobile unit shall not be used for residential purposes, except
that toilet facilities may be used for both residential and busi-
ness purposes;
(d) Meet the zoning requirements of the county, city, or
town, as appropriate;
(e) Provide for safe storage and labeling of chemicals
used in the practices under this chapter;
(f) Meet all applicable local and state fire codes; and
(g) Certify that the salon/shop or mobile unit is covered
by a public liability insurance policy in an amount not less
than one hundred thousand dollars for combined bodily
injury and property damage liability.
(2) The director may by rule determine other require-
ments that are necessary for safety and sanitation of
salons/shops, personal services, or mobile units. The director
may consult with the state board of health and the department
of labor and industries in establishing minimum salon/shop,
personal services, and mobile unit safety requirements.
(3) Personal services license holders shall certify cover-
age of a public liability insurance policy in an amount not less
than one hundred thousand dollars for combined bodily
injury and property damage liability.
(4) Upon receipt of a written complaint that a salon/shop
or mobile unit has violated any provisions of this chapter,
chapter 18.235 RCW, or the rules adopted under either chap-
ter, or at least once every two years for an existing salon/shop
or mobile unit, the director or the director's designee shall
inspect each salon/shop or mobile unit. If the director deter-
mines that any salon/shop or mobile unit is not in compliance
with this chapter, the director shall send written notice to the
salon/shop or mobile unit. A salon/shop or mobile unit which
fails to correct the conditions to the satisfaction of the direc-
tor within a reasonable time shall, upon due notice, be subject
to the penalties imposed by the director under RCW
18.235.110. The director may enter any salon/shop or mobile
unit during business hours for the purpose of inspection. The
director may contract with health authorities of local govern-
ments to conduct the inspections under this subsection.
(5) A salon/shop, personal services, or mobile unit shall
obtain a certificate of registration from the department of rev-
(6) This section does not prohibit the use of motor homes
as mobile units if the motor home meets the health and safety
standards of this section.
(7) Salon/shop or mobile unit licenses issued by the
department must be posted in the salon/shop or mobile unit's
reception area.
(8) Cosmetology, hair design, barbering, esthetics, mas-
ter esthetics, and manicuring licenses issued by the depart-
ment must be posted at the licensed person's work station.
[2015 c 62 § 7; 2013 c 187 § 7; 2008 c 20 § 6. Prior: 2002 c
111 § 11; 2002 c 86 § 216; 1997 c 178 § 2; 1991 c 324 § 15.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.180 Salon/shop—Apprenticeship shop—Notice required.
18.16.180 Salon/shop—Apprenticeship shop—Notice
required. (1) The director shall prepare and provide to all
licensed salons/shops a notice to consumers. At a minimum,
Cosmetologists, Hair Designers, Barbers, Manicurists, and Estheticians 18.16.250
2015 [Ch. 18.16— page 7]
the notice shall state that cosmetology, hair design, barber,
esthetics, master esthetics, and manicure salons/shops are
required to be licensed, that salons/shops are required to
maintain minimum safety and sanitation standards, that cus-
tomer complaints regarding salons/shops may be reported to
the department, and a telephone number and address where
complaints may be made.
(2) An approved apprenticeship shop must post a notice
to consumers in the reception area of the salon/shop stating
that services may be provided by an apprentice. At a mini-
mum, the notice must state: "This shop is a participant in a
state-approved apprenticeship program. Apprentices in this
program are in training and have not yet received a license."
[2015 c 62 § 8; 2013 c 187 § 8; 2008 c 20 § 7; 1991 c 324 §
18.16.190 Location of practice—Penalty—Placebound clients.
18.16.190 Location of practice—Penalty—Place-
bound clients. It is a violation of this chapter for any person
to engage in the commercial practice of cosmetology, hair
design, barbering, esthetics, master esthetics, or manicuring,
except in a licensed salon/shop or the home, office, or other
location selected by the client for obtaining the services of a
personal service operator, or with the appropriate individual
license when delivering services to placebound clients. Pla-
cebound clients are defined as persons who are ill, disabled,
or otherwise unable to travel to a salon/shop. [2015 c 62 § 9;
2013 c 187 § 9; 1991 c 324 § 20.]
18.16.200 Disciplinary action—Grounds.
18.16.200 Disciplinary action—Grounds. In addition
to the unprofessional conduct described in RCW 18.235.130,
the director may take disciplinary action against any appli-
cant or licensee under this chapter if the licensee or applicant:
(1) Has been found to have violated any provisions of
chapter 19.86 RCW;
(2) Has engaged in a practice prohibited under RCW
18.16.060 without first obtaining, and maintaining in good
standing, the license required by this chapter;
(3) Has engaged in the commercial practice of cosmetol-
ogy, hair design, barbering, manicuring, esthetics, or master
esthetics in a school;
(4) Has not provided a safe, sanitary, and good moral
environment for students in a school or the public;
(5) Has failed to display licenses required in this chapter;
(6) Has violated any provision of this chapter or any rule
adopted under it. [2015 c 62 § 10; 2013 c 187 § 10; 2004 c 51
§ 4. Prior: 2002 c 111 § 12; 2002 c 86 § 217; 1991 c 324 § 14;
1984 c 208 § 13.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.210 Violations—Penalties.
18.16.210 Violations—Penalties. If, following a hear-
ing, the director finds that any person or an applicant or
licensee has violated any provision of this chapter or any rule
adopted under it, the director may impose one or more of the
following penalties:
(1) Denial of a license or renewal;
(2) Revocation or suspension of a license;
(3) A fine of not more than five hundred dollars per vio-
(4) Issuance of a reprimand or letter of censure;
(5) Placement of the licensee on probation for a fixed
period of time;
(6) Restriction of the licensee's authorized scope of prac-
(7) Requiring the licensee to make restitution or a refund
as determined by the director to any individual injured by the
violation; or
(8) Requiring the licensee to obtain additional training or
instruction. [2002 c 111 § 13; 1984 c 208 § 14.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.220 Appeal—Procedure.
18.16.220 Appeal—Procedure. Any person aggrieved
by the refusal of the director to issue any license provided for
in this chapter, or to renew the same, or by the revocation or
suspension of any license issued under this chapter or by the
application of any penalty under RCW 18.16.210, shall have
the right to appeal the decision of the director to the superior
court of the county in which the person maintains his or her
place of business. Such appeal shall be filed within thirty
days of the director's decision. [1984 c 208 § 15.]
18.16.230 License suspension—Nonpayment or default on educational loan or scholarship.
18.16.230 License suspension—Nonpayment or
default on educational loan or scholarship. The director
shall suspend the license of any person who has been certified
by a lending agency and reported to the director for nonpay-
ment or default on a federally or state-guaranteed educational
loan or service-conditional scholarship. Prior to the suspen-
sion, the agency must provide the person an opportunity for a
brief adjudicative proceeding under RCW 34.05.485 through
34.05.494 and issue a finding of nonpayment or default on a
federally or state-guaranteed educational loan or service-con-
ditional scholarship. The person's license shall not be reis-
sued until the person provides the director a written release
issued by the lending agency stating that the person is making
payments on the loan in accordance with a repayment agree-
ment approved by the lending agency. If the person has con-
tinued to meet all other requirements for licensure during the
suspension, reinstatement shall be automatic upon receipt of
the notice and payment of any reinstatement fee the director
may impose. [1996 c 293 § 5.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.240 License suspension—Noncompliance with support order—Reissuance.
18.16.240 License suspension—Noncompliance with
support order—Reissuance. The department shall immedi-
ately suspend the license of a person who has been certified
pursuant to RCW 74.20A.320 by the department of social
and health services as a person who is not in compliance with
a support order. If the person has continued to meet all other
requirements for reinstatement during the suspension, reissu-
ance of the license shall be automatic upon the department's
receipt of a release issued by the department of social and
health services stating that the licensee is in compliance with
the order. [2002 c 111 § 15; 1997 c 58 § 815.]
Effective dates—Intent—1997 c 58: See notes following RCW
Additional notes found at
18.16.250 Finding—Consumer protection act.
18.16.250 Finding—Consumer protection act. The
legislature finds that the practices covered by this chapter are
matters vitally affecting the public interest for the purpose of
applying the consumer protection act, chapter 19.86 RCW. A
18.16.260 Cosmetologists, Hair Designers, Barbers, Manicurists, and Estheticians
[Ch. 18.16— page 8] 2015
violation of this chapter is not reasonable in relation to the
development and preservation of business and is an unfair or
deceptive act in trade or commerce and an unfair method of
competition for the purpose of applying the consumer protec-
tion act, chapter 19.86 RCW. [2002 c 111 § 14.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.260 License renewal—Fee—Examination—Fee.
18.16.260 License renewal—Fee—Examination
Fee. (1)(a) Prior to July 1, 2005, (i) a cosmetology licensee
who held a license in good standing between June 30, 1999,
and June 30, 2003, may request a renewal of the license or an
additional license in barbering, manicuring, and/or esthetics;
and (ii) a licensee who held a barber, manicurist, or esthetics
license between June 30, 1999, and June 30, 2003, may
request a renewal of such licenses held during that period.
(b) A license renewal fee, including, if applicable, a
renewal fee, at the current rate, for each year the licensee did
not hold a license in good standing between July 1, 2001, and
the date of the renewal request, must be paid prior to issuance
of each type of license requested. After June 30, 2005, any
cosmetology licensee wishing to renew an expired license or
obtain additional licenses must meet the applicable renewal,
training, and examination requirements of this chapter.
(2)(a) Any person holding an active license in good
standing as an esthetician prior to January 1, 2015, may be
licensed as an esthetician licensee after paying the appropri-
ate license fee.
(b) Prior to January 1, 2015, an applicant for a master
esthetician license must have an active license in good stand-
ing as an esthetician, pay the appropriate license fee, and pro-
vide the department with proof of having satisfied one or
more of the following requirements:
(i)(A)(I) A minimum of thirty-five hours employment as
a provider of medium depth peels under the delegation or
supervision of a licensed physician, advanced registered
nurse practitioner, or physician assistant, or other licensed
professional whose licensure permits such delegation or
supervision; or
(II) Seven hours of training in theory and application of
medium depth peels; and
(B)(I) A minimum of one hundred fifty hours employ-
ment as a laser operator under the delegation or supervision
of a licensed physician, advanced registered nurse practitio-
ner, or physician assistant, or other licensed professional
whose licensure permits such delegation or supervision; or
(II) Seventy-five hours of laser training;
(ii) A national or international diploma or certification in
esthetics that is recognized by the department by rule;
(iii) An instructor in esthetics who has been licensed as
an instructor in esthetics by the department for a minimum of
three years; or
(iv) Completion of one thousand two hundred hours of
an esthetic curriculum approved by the department.
(3) The director may, as provided in RCW 43.24.140,
modify the duration of any additional license granted under
this section to make all licenses issued to a person expire on
the same date. [2013 c 187 § 11; 2004 c 51 § 5; 2002 c 111 §
Additional notes found at
18.16.2 70 Uniform re gulation of bus iness and pr ofessions act .
18.16.270 Uniform regulation of business and profes-
sions act. The uniform regulation of business and profes-
sions act, chapter 18.235 RCW, governs unlicensed practice,
the issuance and denial of licenses, and the discipline of
licensees under this chapter. [2002 c 86 § 218.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.280 Cosmetology apprenticeship program.
18.16.280 Cosmetology apprenticeship program. (1)
An approved cosmetology apprenticeship program is hereby
created. The apprenticeship program allows for the direct
entry of individuals into a training program approved as pro-
vided in this chapter and chapter 49.04 RCW.
(2) The department of licensing shall adopt rules, includ-
ing a mandatory requirement that apprentices complete in-
classroom theory courses as a part of their training, to provide
for the licensure of participants of the apprenticeship pro-
(3) Apprenticeship salon/shops participating in the
apprenticeship program must:
(a) Be approved as an approved apprenticeship program
conducted in an approved salon/shop by the Washington state
apprenticeship and training council in accordance with chap-
ter 49.04 RCW; and
(b) Provide the department with the names of all individ-
uals acting as apprentice trainers.
(4) To act as an apprentice trainer, an individual must be
approved by the department. To be approved, the trainer must
hold a current license in the practice for which he or she is
providing training and must have held that license for a min-
imum of three consecutive years.
(5) If an approved apprenticeship program or apprentice-
ship shop implements changes affecting the information
required to be provided to the department under this section
or rules adopted under this section, the revised information
must be submitted to the department before implementing the
(6) The director or the director's designee shall audit and
inspect approved apprenticeship shops for compliance with
this chapter at least annually. If the director determines that
an approved apprenticeship shop is not maintaining the stan-
dards required by this chapter, written notice thereof must be
given to the approved apprenticeship program and appren-
ticeship shop. An approved apprenticeship shop that fails to
correct the conditions listed in the notice to the satisfaction of
the director within a reasonable time may be subject to penal-
ties imposed under RCW 18.235.110. [2008 c 20 § 8; 2006 c
162 § 2; 2003 c 400 § 1.]
Finding—2006 c 162: "The legislature finds that direct-entry appren-
ticeship programs can be very beneficial to both students and employers.
However, there is also concern that apprenticeship programs may reduce the
number of students who enroll in traditional cosmetology school. The advi-
sory committee is to update the legislature on the program with an updated
final report by December 31, 2008, and is to include an evaluation of the
effectiveness of the apprenticeship program, including but not limited to the
number of apprentices who complete the program, the number of apprentices
who take and pass the licensing examination, and a formal review of any
impact the expansion of such an apprenticeship program may have on the
enrollment of traditional cosmetology schools, including but not limited to
whether the enrollment of traditional cosmetology schools is negatively
impacted by the direct-entry apprenticeship programs." [2006 c 162 § 1.]
Additional notes found at
Cosmetologists, Hair Designers, Barbers, Manicurists, and Estheticians 18.16.910
2015 [Ch. 18.16— page 9]
18.16.290 License—Inactive status.
18.16.290 License—Inactive status. (1) If the holder
of an individual license in good standing submits a written
and notarized request that the licensee's cosmetology, hair
design, barber, manicurist, esthetician and master esthetician,
or instructor license be placed on inactive status, together
with a fee equivalent to that established by rule for a dupli-
cate license, the department shall place the license on inactive
status until the expiration date of the license. If the date of the
request is no more than six months before the expiration date
of the license, a request for a two-year extension of the inac-
tive status, as provided under subsection (2) of this section,
may be submitted at the same time as the request under this
(2) If the holder of a license placed on inactive status
under this section submits, by the expiration date of the
license, a written and notarized request to extend that status
for an additional two years, the department shall, without
additional fee, extend the expiration date of: (a) The
licensee's individual license; and (b) the inactive status for
two years from the expiration date of the license.
(3) A license placed on inactive status under this section
may not be extended more frequently than once in any
twenty-four month period or for more than six consecutive
(4) If, by the expiration date of a license placed on inac-
tive status under this section, a licensee is unable, or fails, to
request that the status be extended and the license is not
renewed, the license shall be canceled. [2015 c 62 § 11; 2013
c 187 § 12; 2004 c 51 § 2.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.300 Military training or experience.
18.16.300 Military training or experience. An appli-
cant with military training or experience satisfies the training
or experience requirements of this chapter unless the director
determines that the military training or experience is not sub-
stantially equivalent to the standards of this state. [2011 c
351 § 3.]
18.16.305 Reco gnition as institution o f postsecondary study.
18.16.305 Recognition as institution of postsecondary
study. Schools shall be recognized as institutions of postsec-
ondary study under the following conditions:
(1) The school admits as regular students only those indi-
viduals who have earned a recognized high school diploma or
the equivalent of a recognized high school diploma, or who
are beyond the age of compulsory education as provided in
RCW 28A.225.010; and
(2) The school is licensed by name by the department
under this chapter to offer one or more training programs
beyond the secondary level. [2013 c 201 § 2.]
Intent—2013 c 201: "It is the intent of the legislature to maintain and
expand access to postsecondary education and improve opportunities for stu-
dents. The legislature recognizes that access to federal financial aid is a
major avenue for overcoming financial barriers to higher education for many
students in Washington. The legislature recognizes that recent federal
changes in federal regulations require the adjustment of definitions of certain
postsecondary institutions in state statutes to ensure that those schools that
currently meet the requirements are eligible for student financial aid pro-
grams provided by the federal government." [2013 c 201 § 1.]
18.16.900 Short title.
18.16.900 Short title. This chapter shall be known and
may be cited as the "Washington cosmetologists, hair design-
ers, barbers, manicurists, and estheticians act." [2015 c 62 §
12; 2002 c 111 § 17; 1984 c 208 § 20.]
Additional notes found at
18.16.905 Severability—1984 c 208.
18.16.905 Severability—1984 c 208. If any provision
of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the
provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
[1984 c 208 § 22.]
18.16.907 Effective date—1984 c 208.
18.16.907 Effective date—1984 c 208. This act shall
take effect July 1, 1984. [1984 c 208 § 23.]
18.16.910 Severability—1991 c 324.
18.16.910 Severability—1991 c 324. If any provision
of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the
provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
[1991 c 324 § 22.]
(12/29/15) [Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 1]
Chapter 308-20
Chapter 308-20 WAC
308-20-010 Definitions.
308-20-025 Natural hair braiding—Exemption.
308-20-040 Student records.
308-20-055 Apprentice records.
308-20-065 Student and apprentice registration.
308-20-080 Minimum instruction guidelines for cosmetology, hair
design, barbering, manicuring, esthetics and master
esthetics training.
308-20-090 Student credit for training in a licensed school.
308-20-091 Student credit for training in a licensed salon/shop.
308-20-101 Apprentice credit for training in an approved apprentice
308-20-105 Minimum instruction requirements for instructor-train-
308-20-107 Use and training of instructor-trainees.
308-20-110 Minimum safety and sanitation standards for schools,
cosmetologists, manicurists, estheticians, master
estheticians, barbers, instructors, salons/shops,
mobile units and personal services.
308-20-115 Reciprocity—Persons licensed in other jurisdictions.
308-20-120 Written and performance examinations.
308-20-121 Examination code of conduct.
308-20-122 Examination retakes.
308-20-123 Examination appeal.
308-20-190 Restricted license.
308-20-210 Fees.
308-20-520 Minimum salon/shop, mobile unit, and personal ser-
vices licensing standards.
308-20-550 Posting of required licenses, registrations, permits,
notice to consumers, and current inspection form.
308-20-555 Identification of apprentices and apprentice salon/shops.
308-20-560 Salon/shop, mobile unit, and personal services location
license renewal process.
308-20-570 Operator and instructor renewal process.
308-20-572 Inspection of schools.
308-20-575 School license renewal process.
308-20-001 Authority and purpose. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-001, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-
083, filed 12/14/00, effective 1/14/01. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-005 Applicable statutes. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16
RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-005, filed 7/17/92,
effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-083, filed
12/14/00, effective 1/14/01. Statutory Authority: RCW
308-20-020 Term of course—Examination eligibility. [Statutory
Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-020, filed 1/23/92, effective
2/23/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR
91-11-042, § 308-20-020, filed 5/10/91, effective
6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-
020, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208.
WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480), § 308-20-020, filed
9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-040, filed 8/19/96,
effective 9/19/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354,
18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024, 46.01.160,
18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-030 Curriculum structure. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, §
308-20-030, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042, § 308-20-
030, filed 5/10/91, effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047
(Order PM 772), § 308-20-030, filed 9/14/88. Statutory
Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480),
§ 308-20-030, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-
012, filed 1/24/02, effective 6/30/02. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-045 Performance examination. [Statutory Authority: Chap-
ter 18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-045, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-
012, filed 1/24/02, effective 6/30/02. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-050 Change in ownership of school. [Statutory Authority:
Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-
006, § 308-20-050, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042,
§ 308-20-050, filed 5/10/91, effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-
19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-050, filed 9/14/88.
Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020
(Order PL 480), § 308-20-050, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed
by WSR 96-17-040, filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96.
Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030,
43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050
and 18.39.175.
308-20-060 Approved security (surety bond, savings assignment, or
irrevocable letter of credit). [Statutory Authority: Chap-
ter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, §
308-20-060, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047 (Order
PM 772), § 308-20-060, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2) and 18.16.140 as amended by
1987 c 445 § 1. WSR 87-21-010 (Order PM 681), § 308-
20-060, filed 10/9/87. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 308.
WSR 84-21-096 (Order PL 491), § 308-20-060, filed
10/19/84.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-040, filed 8/19/96,
effective 9/19/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354,
18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024, 46.01.160,
18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-070 Training guidelines. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, §
308-20-070, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042, § 308-20-
070, filed 5/10/91, effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047
(Order PM 772), § 308-20-070, filed 9/14/88. Statutory
Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480),
§ 308-20-070, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-
040, filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040,
43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-095 Examination eligibility of applicants from out-of-state
schools. [Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR
91-11-042, § 308-20-095, filed 5/10/91, effective
6/10/91.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-040, filed 8/19/96,
effective 9/19/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354,
18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024, 46.01.160,
18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-100 Recording student hours. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, §
308-20-100, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047 (Order
PM 772), § 308-20-100, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Author-
ity: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480), § 308-
20-100, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-040,
filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96. Statutory Authority:
RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040,
43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-109 Instructor-trainee credit for training. [Statutory Author-
ity: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-
04-006, § 308-20-109, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047
(Order PM 772), § 308-20-109, filed 9/14/88.] Repealed
by WSR 96-17-040, filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96.
Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030,
43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050
and 18.39.175.
308-20-130 Examination objectives. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, §
Chapter 308-20 Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules
[Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 2] (12/29/15)
308-20-130, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047 (Order
PM 772), § 308-20-130, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Author-
ity: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480), § 308-
20-130, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-012,
filed 1/24/02, effective 6/30/02. Statutory Authority:
RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-140 Examination—Application. [Statutory Authority: Chap-
ter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, §
308-20-140, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042, § 308-20-
140, filed 5/10/91, effective 6/10/91. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.086. WSR 90-07-030, §
308-20-140, filed 3/14/90, effective 4/14/90. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047 (Order
PM 772), § 308-20-140, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Author-
ity: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480), § 308-
20-140, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-040,
filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96. Statutory Authority:
RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040,
43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-150 Student appeal—Examination eligibility denial by the
school. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and
RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-150, filed
1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory Authority: RCW
18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-
150, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208.
WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480), § 308-20-150, filed
9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-012, filed 1/24/02,
effective 6/30/02. Statutory Authority: RCW
308-20-155 Procedure for applicants requiring special accommoda-
tions for licensure examination. [Statutory Authority:
Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-
006, § 308-20-155, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.086.
WSR 90-07-030, § 308-20-155, filed 3/14/90, effective
4/14/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR
88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-155, filed
9/14/88.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-012, filed 1/24/02,
effective 6/30/02. Statutory Authority: RCW
308-20-160 Release of results of examination. [Statutory Authority:
1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480), § 308-20-
160, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-062, filed
8/18/97, effective 9/18/97. Statutory Authority: RCW
308-20-171 Passing scores on all examinations. [Statutory Author-
ity: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-
04-006, § 308-20-171, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047
(Order PM 772), § 308-20-171, filed 9/14/88. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.090, 18.16.020(11) and
18.16.030(2). WSR 87-01-006 (Order PM 614), § 308-
20-171, filed 12/5/86. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208 §
7(2). WSR 85-01-044 (Order PL 502), § 308-20-171,
filed 12/13/84.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-012, filed
1/24/02, effective 6/30/02. Statutory Authority: RCW
308-20-172 Failed examination appeal procedures. [Statutory
Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-172, filed 1/23/92, effective
2/23/92.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-012, filed 1/24/02,
effective 6/30/02. Statutory Authority: RCW
308-20-175 Persons licensed in other jurisdictions. [Statutory
Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-175, filed 1/23/92, effective
2/23/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR
91-11-042, § 308-20-175, filed 5/10/91, effective
6/10/91.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-040, filed 8/19/96,
effective 9/19/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354,
18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024, 46.01.160,
18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-180 Posting of license. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16
RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-
180, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory Author-
ity: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480), § 308-
20-180, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-14-046,
filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority:
RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023.
308-20-200 Fees. [Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020
(Order PL 480), § 308-20-200, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed
by WSR 87-10-028 (Order PM 650), filed 5/1/87. Statu-
tory Authority: RCW 43.24.086.
308-20-205 License renewal—Penalties. [Statutory Authority:
Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-
006, § 308-20-205, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047
(Order PM 772), § 308-20-205, filed 9/14/88. Statutory
Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480),
§ 308-20-205, filed 9/12/84.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-
040, filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040,
43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-208 Grandfather provisions. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, §
308-20-208, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92.] Repealed
by WSR 96-17-040, filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96.
Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030,
43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050
and 18.39.175.
308-20-310 Minimum sanitation, safety and health standards for all
individual licensees. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-310, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-
012, filed 1/24/02, effective 6/30/02. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-500 Definitions. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW.
WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-500, filed 7/17/92, effective
8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-062, filed 8/18/97,
effective 9/18/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354.
308-20-510 Minimum operator licensing standards. [Statutory
Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, §
308-20-510, filed 7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed
by WSR 96-17-040, filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96.
Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030,
43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050
and 18.39.175.
308-20-530 Minimum licensing requirements. [Statutory Authority:
Chapter 18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-530,
filed 7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 03-
14-046, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023.
308-20-540 Application process. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-540, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-
040, filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 34.05.354, 18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040,
43.24.024, 46.01.160, 18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-545 License issuance. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16
RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-545, filed 7/17/92,
effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 96-17-040, filed
8/19/96, effective 9/19/96. Statutory Authority: RCW
34.05.354, 18.16.030, 43.17.060, 43.24.040, 43.24.024,
46.01.160, 18.145.050 and 18.39.175.
308-20-590 Minimum business location sanitation, safety, and
health standards. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16
RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-590, filed 7/17/92,
effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 02-04-012, filed
1/24/02, effective 6/30/02. Statutory Authority: RCW
308-20-600 Disinfecting and sterilizing of tools and other imple-
ments. [Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and
43.24.023. WSR 03-14-046, § 308-20-600, filed
6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-600, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 07-14-
066, filed 6/29/07, effective 8/1/07. Statutory Authority:
RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023.
308-20-610 Chemical use and storage. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-610, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 07-14-
066, filed 6/29/07, effective 8/1/07. Statutory Authority:
RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023.
308-20-630 Worker right to know. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-630, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-
083, filed 12/14/00, effective 1/14/01. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-640 Educational, medical, first aid, and accident prevention
programs. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW.
WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-640, filed 7/17/92, effective
8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-083, filed 12/14/00,
effective 1/14/01. Statutory Authority: RCW
Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules 308-20-040
(12/29/15) [Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 3]
308-20-670 Pets on the premises. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-670, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-
083, filed 12/14/00, effective 1/14/01. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-680 Compliance with state, federal, and local building
codes. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW. WSR
92-15-087, § 308-20-680, filed 7/17/92, effective
8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-083, filed 12/14/00,
effective 1/14/01. Statutory Authority: RCW
308-20-690 Inspection of premises. [Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-690, filed
7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-
083, filed 12/14/00, effective 1/14/01. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-700 Penalty for failure to obtain operator or location licenses
or comply with statutes of regulatory authorities. [Statu-
tory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, §
308-20-700, filed 7/17/92, effective 8/17/92.] Repealed
by WSR 01-01-083, filed 12/14/00, effective 1/14/01.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030(2).
308-20-710 Application of brief adjudicative proceedings. [Statu-
tory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR
03-14-046, § 308-20-710, filed 6/24/03, effective
7/25/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.410 (1)(a)
and 34.05.482 (1)(c). WSR 97-10-049, § 308-20-710,
filed 5/1/97, effective 6/1/97.] Repealed by WSR 06-10-
007, filed 4/20/06, effective 5/21/06. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030. Later promulgation, see chapter
308-08 WAC.
308-20-720 Preliminary record in brief adjudicative proceedings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.410 (1)(a) and
34.05.482 (1)(c). WSR 97-10-049, § 308-20-720, filed
5/1/97, effective 6/1/97.] Repealed by WSR 06-10-007,
filed 4/20/06, effective 5/21/06. Statutory Authority:
RCW 18.16.030. Later promulgation, see chapter 308-
08 WAC.
308-20-730 Conduct of brief adjudicative proceedings. [Statutory
Authority: RCW 34.05.410 (1)(a) and 34.05.482 (1)(c).
WSR 97-10-049, § 308-20-730, filed 5/1/97, effective
6/1/97.] Repealed by WSR 06-10-007, filed 4/20/06,
effective 5/21/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030.
Later promulgation, see chapter 308-08 WAC.
WAC 308-20-010 Definitions. (1) "Chemical com-
pounds formulated for professional use only" are those com-
pounds containing hazardous chemicals in a form not gener-
ally sold to the public; including but not limited to, bulk con-
centrates of permanent wave solution, neutralizers, chemical
relaxers, oxidizing agents, flammable substances, facial
creams, or approved chemical compounds. These compounds
must be designated for use on the hair, face, neck, skin, or
(2) "Monthly student report" are forms provided by the
school, approved by the department, preprinted with the
school name. The report must include the month, year and
daily activities of the student in each subject, (i.e., number of
shampoos, haircuts, perms, colors, etc.) within each course
(i.e., barbering, manicuring, cosmetology, hair design, esthet-
ics, master esthetics, or instructor-trainee).
(3) "Completed and graduated" is the completion of the
school curriculum and the state approved minimum hourly
course of training.
(4) "Apprentice salon/shop" is a location certified by the
Washington state apprenticeship and training committee, that
provides training for individuals accepted into the apprentice-
ship program. Apprentice salon/shops shall not receive pay-
ment from the apprentice for training.
(5) "Apprentice trainer" is a person that is currently
licensed and in good standing. This person provides training
in a licensed shop approved for the apprenticeship program,
who must have received journey level training and have held
a license in the curriculum for which he or she is providing
training for a minimum of three years.
(6) "Journey level training" is the completion of three
years working as a licensed cosmetologist, hair designer, bar-
ber, manicurist, esthetician, or master esthetician.
(7) "Completion of the apprenticeship training" is the
completion of the apprentice salon/shop curriculum that
includes the state approved hourly course of training as
described in WAC 308-20-080.
(8) "Monthly apprentice report" forms provided by the
apprentice shop, approved by the department, printed with
the shop name, for use in recording apprentice training hours
and activities.
(9) "Online training" means an approved electronic
learning environment through a licensed school in which a
student is enrolled. This training is limited to theory only.
Online training may be used for up to twenty-five percent of
the approved course of study.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023, 43.24.086. WSR 16-02-
033, § 308-20-010, filed 12/29/15, effective 1/29/16. Statutory Authority:
RCW 43.24.086 and 18.16.030. WSR 10-06-092, § 308-20-010, filed 3/2/10,
effective 4/2/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023. WSR 08-
22-029, § 308-20-010, filed 10/28/08, effective 2/1/09. Statutory Authority:
RCW 18.16.030, 18.16.280, 43.24.023. WSR 05-17-020, § 308-20-010,
filed 8/4/05, effective 9/4/05; WSR 04-05-005, § 308-20-010, filed 2/6/04,
effective 3/8/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR
03-14-046, § 308-20-010, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012, § 308-20-010, filed 1/24/02, effec-
tive 6/30/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-010, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042, § 308-20-010, filed 5/10/91,
effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-010, filed
9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480),
§ 308-20-010, filed 9/12/84. Formerly chapters 308-16 and 308-24 WAC.]
WAC 308-20-025 Natural hair braiding—Exemp-
tion. Nothing in chapter 18.16 RCW or 308-20 WAC prohib-
its or restricts the practice of natural hair braiding. Natural
hair braiding does not include hair cutting, application of
dyes, reactive chemicals or other preparations to alter the
color of the hair or to straighten, curl, or alter the structure of
the hair. Natural hair braiding may involve the use of hair
extensions when the extensions are attached only by natural
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030(4) and 43.24.23 [43.24.023]. WSR
15-07-020, § 308-20-025, filed 3/10/15, effective 4/10/15.]
WAC 308-20-040 Student records. (1) Schools shall
collect and record monthly and final student reports. These
reports as described in WAC 308-20-010 shall contain the
cumulative number of hours the student has attended class
and the number of times the student performs an activity as
described in WAC 308-20-080. The hours attended shall not
be recorded in less than one-quarter hour increments. Each
monthly report shall include the month and the year.
(2) Monthly and final student reports shall be signed by
an instructor who is licensed in the curriculum being taught
and is employed at the school where the student is enrolled.
(3) The school shall certify that a student has satisfied
the minimum instruction guidelines described in WAC 308-
20-080 at the time the final hours are reported to the depart-
308-20-055 Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules
[Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 4] (12/29/15)
(4) Schools shall maintain student records on the school
premises for at least three years. The student records shall
include documentation of student training including the
monthly student reports.
(5) The school shall notify the department of the persons
authorized to sign student records on the school data sheet.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-040, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.24.086 and 18.16.030. WSR 10-06-092, § 308-20-040, filed 3/2/10,
effective 4/2/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 18.16.280,
43.24.023. WSR 04-05-005, § 308-20-040, filed 2/6/04, effective 3/8/04.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-046, §
308-20-040, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: RCW
18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012, § 308-20-040, filed 1/24/02, effective
6/30/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-040, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042, § 308-20-040, filed 5/10/91,
effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-040, filed
9/14/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030(2) and 18.16.140 as amended
by 1987 c 445 § 1. WSR 87-21-010 (Order PM 681), § 308-20-040, filed
10/9/87. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480),
§ 308-20-040, filed 9/12/84.]
WAC 308-20-055 Apprentice records. (1) Apprentice
salon/shops shall collect and record monthly and final
apprentice training records. These reports described in WAC
308-20-010(8) shall contain the cumulative number of hours
the apprentice has earned in each area of the minimum
instruction guidelines and the number of times an apprentice
performs an activity. Records shall include the month, year,
and daily activities of the apprentice in each subject.
(2) Copies of each apprentice's records shall be kept on
file at the apprentice salon shop for the duration of training
for each apprentice and provided to the apprentice and the
apprenticeship program at the end of each month of training.
(3) Monthly and final apprentice records shall be signed
by the apprentice trainer. The apprentice salon/shop shall
notify the department of persons authorized to sign the
apprentice's records on forms provided by the department.
(4) The apprenticeship program shall certify that an
apprentice has satisfied the minimum instruction guidelines
required in the standards of the apprenticeship program as
described in WAC 308-20-080 at the time the final hours are
reported to the department.
(5) The apprentice records shall be maintained by the
shop during the training and by the Washington state appren-
ticeship and training committee for three years once training
is completed. The apprentice records shall include documen-
tation of apprentice training.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023, 43.24.086. WSR 16-02-
033, § 308-20-055, filed 12/29/15, effective 1/29/16. Statutory Authority:
RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, § 308-20-055, filed
11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 08-22-029, § 308-20-055, filed 10/28/08,
effective 2/1/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 18.16.280,
43.24.023. WSR 04-05-005, § 308-20-055, filed 2/6/04, effective 3/8/04.]
WAC 308-20-065 Student and apprentice registra-
tion. (1) All schools and apprentice shops shall register any
new student to the department in a manner and format pre-
scribed by the department.
(2) At least one time per month, on or before the tenth
day of the month, schools and apprentice shops shall submit
to the department, a record of each student or apprentice's
accrued clock hours in a manner and format prescribed by the
department. A school or apprentice shop's initial submission
of clock hours shall include all hours accrued at the school or
apprentice shop and all transferred hours received by the
school or apprentice shop.
(3) Upon graduation, a school shall certify in a manner
and format prescribed by the department that a student has
completed the curriculum hours approved by the department.
(4) Upon completion of the apprenticeship training pro-
gram, the apprentice shop shall certify in a manner and for-
mat prescribed by the department that an apprentice has com-
pleted the minimum number of training hours approved by
the department.
(5) Schools and apprentice shops shall report a student or
apprentice's withdrawal or termination to the department, in a
manner and format prescribed by the department, within ten
calendar days of the withdrawal or termination.
(6) Schools and apprentice shops shall report a student or
apprentice's leave of absence request approved by the school
or apprentice shop to the department, in a manner and format
prescribed by the department, within ten calendar days of the
start date of the leave.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-065, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 08-22-029, § 308-20-
065, filed 10/28/08, effective 2/1/09.]
WAC 308-20-080 Minimum instruction guidelines
for cosmetology, hair design, barbering, manicuring,
esthetics and master esthetics training. The minimum
instruction guidelines for training required for a student or
apprentice to be eligible to take the license examination for
the following professions shall include:
(1) For cosmetology:
(a) Theory of the practice of cosmetology including busi-
ness practices and basic human anatomy and physiology;
(b) At least 100 hours of skills in the application of man-
icuring and pedicuring services;
(c) At least 100 hours of skills in the application of
esthetics services;
(d) Shampooing including draping, brushing, scalp
manipulations, conditioning and rinsing;
(e) Scalp and hair analysis;
(f) Hair cutting and trimming including scissors, razor,
thinning shears and clippers;
(g) Hair styling including wet, dry and thermal styling,
braiding and styling aids;
(h) Cutting and trimming of facial hair including beard
and mustache design and eyebrow, ear and nose hair trim-
(i) Artificial hair;
(j) Permanent waving including sectioning, wrapping,
preperm test curl, solution application, processing test curl,
neutralizing and removal of chemicals;
(k) Chemical relaxing including sectioning, strand test,
relaxer application, and removal of chemicals;
(l) Hair coloring and bleaching including predisposition
test and strand test, and measurement, mixing, application
and removal of chemicals;
(m) Cleaning and disinfecting of individual work sta-
tions, individual equipment and tools and proper use and stor-
age of linens;
Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules 308-20-080
(12/29/15) [Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 5]
(n) Diseases and disorders of the scalp, hair, skin and
(o) Safety including proper use and storage of chemicals,
implements and electrical appliances;
(p) First aid as it relates to cosmetology; and
(q) Not all training may be on mannequins.
(2) For hair design:
(a) Theory of the practice of hair design including busi-
ness practices and basic human anatomy and physiology;
(b) Shampooing including draping, brushing, scalp
manipulations, conditioning and rinsing;
(c) Scalp and hair analysis;
(d) Hair cutting and trimming including scissors, razor,
thinning shears and clippers;
(e) Hair styling including wet, dry and thermal styling,
braiding and styling aids;
(f) Cutting and trimming of facial hair including beard
and mustache design and eyebrow, ear and nose hair trim-
(g) Artificial hair;
(h) Permanent waving including sectioning, wrapping,
preperm test curl, solution application, processing test curl,
neutralizing and removal of chemicals;
(i) Chemical relaxing including sectioning, strand test,
relaxer application, and removal of chemicals;
(j) Hair coloring and bleaching including predisposition
test and strand test, and measurement, mixing, application
and removal of chemicals;
(k) Cleaning and disinfecting of individual work sta-
tions, individual equipment and tools and proper use and stor-
age of linens;
(l) Diseases and disorders of the scalp and hair;
(m) Safety including proper use and storage of chemi-
cals, implements and electrical appliances;
(n) First aid as it relates to hair design; and
(o) Not all training may be on mannequins.
(3) For barbering:
(a) Theory of the practice of barbering services and busi-
ness practices and basic human anatomy and physiology;
(b) Shampooing including draping, brushing, scalp
manipulations, conditioning and rinsing;
(c) Scalp and hair analysis;
(d) Hair cutting and trimming including scissors, razor,
thinning shears and clippers;
(e) Hair styling, wet, dry and thermal styling and styling
(f) Cutting and trimming of facial hair including shaving,
beard and mustache design and eyebrow, ear and nose hair
(g) Artificial hair;
(h) Cleaning and disinfecting of individual work sta-
tions, individual equipment and tools and proper use and stor-
age of linens;
(i) Diseases and disorders of the skin, scalp and hair;
(j) Safety including proper use of implements and elec-
trical appliances;
(k) First aid as it relates to barbering; and
(l) Not all training may be on mannequins.
(4) For manicuring:
(a) Theory in the practice of manicuring and pedicuring
services, business practices and basic human anatomy and
(b) Artificial nails including silk, linen, fiberglass,
acrylic, gel, powder, extensions and sculpting, preparation,
application, finish and removal;
(c) Cleaning, shaping and polishing of nails of the hands
and feet and treatment of cuticles;
(d) Cleaning and disinfecting of individual work station,
individual equipment and tools and proper use and storage of
(e) Diseases and disorders of the nails of the hands and
(f) Safety including proper use and storage of chemicals,
implements and electrical appliances;
(g) First aid as it relates to manicuring and pedicuring;
(h) Not all training may be on mannequins.
(5) For esthetics:
Theory in the practice of esthetics services, business
practices and basic human anatomy and physiology (750
(a) Care of the skin compresses, massage, facials, wraps,
masks, exfoliation, use of electrical or mechanical appliances
or chemical compounds;
(b) Temporary removal of superfluous hair of the skin by
means including tweezing, waxing, tape, chemicals, lotions,
creams, sugaring, threading, mechanical or electrical appara-
tus and appliances;
(c) Cleaning and disinfecting of individual work stations,
individual equipment and tools and proper use and storage of
(d) Diseases and disorders of the skin;
(e) Safety including proper use and storage of chemicals,
implements and electrical appliances;
(f) First aid as it relates to esthetics; and
(g) Not all training may be on mannequins.
(6) Master esthetics (450 additional hours):
Theory in the practice of master esthetics, business prac-
tices, and basic human anatomy and physiology including all
of subsection (4) of this section and the following:
(a) Laser, light frequency, radio frequency, ultrasound,
and plasma practices;
(b) Medium depth chemical peels;
(c) Advanced client assessment, documentation, and
(d) Pretreatment and post-treatment procedures;
(e) Lymphatic drainage and advanced facial massage;
(f) Advanced diseases and disorders of the skin; and
(g) Advanced theories; alternative, touch, and spa body
(7) Online training curriculums must be approved by the
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023, 43.24.086. WSR 16-02-
033, § 308-20-080, filed 12/29/15, effective 1/29/16. Statutory Authority:
RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, § 308-20-080, filed
11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 08-22-029, § 308-20-080, filed 10/28/08,
effective 2/1/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012,
§ 308-20-080, filed 1/24/02, effective 6/30/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220. WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-080, filed
1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-
11-042, § 308-20-080, filed 5/10/91, effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047
308-20-090 Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules
[Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 6] (12/29/15)
(Order PM 772), § 308-20-080, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c
208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480), § 308-20-080, filed 9/12/84.]
WAC 308-20-090 Student credit for training in a
licensed school. (1) A maximum of twenty students per
instructor is required within a licensed school.
(2) Only those hours of instruction a student is given
under the direction of a licensed instructor of the licensed
school in which the student is enrolled and in the courses
listed in WAC 308-20-080 and 308-20-105 or hours earned
under WAC 308-20-091 shall be credited toward completion
of the course of study required in RCW 18.16.100.
(3) When all of a school's requirements have been met by
a student and within thirty days of a student leaving a school,
the school shall provide to the student a certified copy of the
student's final report and refer the student for examination(s)
in a manner and format prescribed by the department.
(4) Students may transfer between the schools and
apprenticeship salon/shops licensed under chapter 18.16
RCW and may receive credit toward completion of the cur-
riculum in the new school or apprenticeship salon/shop. In
order to enroll a transfer student or apprentice, the new
school or apprentice salon/shop shall do the following:
(a) Confirm that the student is available for transfer
through the student registration process in a manner and for-
mat prescribed by the department;
(b) Evaluate the certified final student report provided by
the student or apprentice and compare the report with the new
school or apprentice salon/shop curriculum requirements;
(c) The new school or apprentice salon/shop may accept
or reject the final student or apprentice report in part or in
total from the previous school or salon/shop and shall prepare
a monthly report that documents the amount of instructions
being accepted.
(5) Both the transferring and receiving school or
salon/shop shall maintain student or apprentice records
including the transfer record as required in WAC 308-20-
(6) Licensed instructors must be physically present
where the students are training with the exception of
approved online theory training.
(7) Certified training hours expire three years after the
last day of attendance. Any hours earned by a student that are
more than three years old are considered by the department to
be expired and will not be considered valid towards initial
(8) Documentation providing evidence of experience as
a licensed cosmetologist, hair designer, barber, manicurist,
esthetician or master esthetician credited towards instructor
training shall be included in the student record as required in
WAC 308-20-040(4).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023, 43.24.086. WSR 16-02-
033, § 308-20-090, filed 12/29/15, effective 1/29/16. Statutory Authority:
RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, § 308-20-090, filed
11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 08-22-029, § 308-20-090, filed 10/28/08,
effective 2/1/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 18.16.280,
43.24.023. WSR 04-05-005, § 308-20-090, filed 2/6/04, effective 3/8/04.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-046, §
308-20-090, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: RCW
18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012, § 308-20-090, filed 1/24/02, effective
6/30/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-090, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042, § 308-20-090, filed 5/10/91,
effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-090, filed
9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480),
§ 308-20-090, filed 9/12/84.]
WAC 308-20-091 Student credit for training in a
licensed salon/shop. (1) A maximum ten percent of the total
curriculum hours required may be earned by a student in a
licensed salon/shop under a contract approved by the depart-
ment signed by the student, the school owner, and the
salon/shop manager.
(2) A copy of the signed contract shall be kept in the stu-
dent file, kept on file at the salon shop and given to the stu-
dent and shall be made available to the department on
(3) Only those hours of instruction a student is given
under the direction of a licensed operator in the contracted
salon/shop and in the subjects agreed to in the contract shall
be credited towards completion of the course of study
required in RCW 18.16.100.
(4) Students will not receive any wages or commission
for hours of credit earned in a salon/shop.
(5) Salon/shops shall provide weekly reports to the
school and student with hours the student earned in each area
of agreed training.
(6) Weekly reports provided by salon/shops verifying
hours student earns in salon training must be included in stu-
dent's records and recorded on student's monthly and final
(7) Licensed operators must be physically present where
students are training.
(8) Students in training must wear identification visible
to the public that states that they are students in training.
(9) Certified training hours expire three years after the
last day of attendance. Any hours earned by a student that are
more than three years old are considered by the department to
be expired and will not be considered valid towards initial
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-091, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 03-14-046, § 308-20-
091, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03.]
WAC 308-20-101 Apprentice credit for training in
an approved apprentice salon/shop. (1) A minimum of one
trainer per apprentice is required.
(2) Only those hours of theory instruction given under
the direction of an instructor licensed under chapter 18.16
RCW shall be credited towards completion of the apprentice
curriculum requirements for theory hours. Cosmetologist,
barber, manicurist and esthetician theory hours must be
taught in a classroom setting under the direct supervision of
an instructor licensed in the curriculum for which he or she is
providing theory instruction.
(3) With the exception of theory hours, only those hours
of instruction an apprentice is given under the direction of an
apprentice trainer as defined in WAC 308-20-010 and in the
standards developed by the apprenticeship program shall be
credited toward completion of the apprenticeship training.
(4) When all of the apprenticeship program requirements
have been met by the apprentice and within thirty days of an
apprentice's completed training, the committee shall provide
to the apprentice a copy of the apprentice's final report.
Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules 308-20-110
(12/29/15) [Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 7]
(5) An apprentice may transfer between shops only when
the Washington state apprenticeship council or the Washing-
ton state department of labor and industries approves the
(6) Apprentice trainers and instructors must be physi-
cally present where apprentices are receiving practical train-
(7) Certified training hours expire three years from last
date of attendance. Any hours earned by an apprentice that
are more than three years old are considered by the depart-
ment to be expired and will not be considered valid towards
initial licensure.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-101, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 08-22-029, § 308-20-
101, filed 10/28/08, effective 2/1/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030,
18.16.280, 43.24.023. WSR 05-17-020, § 308-20-101, filed 8/4/05, effective
9/4/05; WSR 04-05-005, § 308-20-101, filed 2/6/04, effective 3/8/04.]
WAC 308-20-105 Minimum instruction require-
ments for instructor-trainees. The minimum instruction
requirements for a student to be eligible to take the examina-
tion to be licensed as an instructor shall include, but not be
limited to:
(1) Preparation for classroom activities including, but
not limited to:
(a) Choice of teaching methods;
(b) Classroom setup;
(c) Topic/subject matter;
(d) Written lesson plans;
(e) Student assignments;
(f) Materials and supplies; and
(g) Recordkeeping.
(2) Presentation of information including, but not limited
(a) Lectures;
(b) Demonstrations;
(c) Questions and answers;
(d) Project methods; and
(e) Discussions.
(3) Application of practice including, but not limited to:
(a) Clinic supervision;
(b) Classroom management; and
(c) Client relations.
(4) Evaluation by the instructor-trainee of the student's
understanding and performance including, but not limited to:
(a) Written/practical assessment; and
(b) Communication skills.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-105, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 03-14-046, § 308-20-
105, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: RCW
18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012, § 308-20-105, filed 1/24/02, effective
6/30/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-105, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042, § 308-20-105, filed 5/10/91,
effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-105, filed
9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480),
§ 308-20-105, filed 9/12/84.]
WAC 308-20-107 Use and training of instructor-
trainees. (1) Instructor-trainees shall be supervised at all
times by a licensed instructor. The licensed instructor shall be
physically present where the instructor-trainee is working
and be available for consultation with the instructor-trainee.
(2) Instructor-trainees shall hold a current Washington
state cosmetology, barber, manicurist, esthetician, or master
esthetician license in good standing prior to enrolling in an
instructor-trainee program. A copy of the instructor-trainee's
valid Washington state operator license shall be kept in the
student's file.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-107, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.24.086 and 18.16.030. WSR 10-06-092, § 308-20-107, filed 3/2/10,
effective 4/2/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR
03-14-046, § 308-20-107, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Author-
ity: RCW 18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012, § 308-20-107, filed 1/24/02, effec-
tive 6/30/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-107, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.086. WSR 90-07-030, § 308-20-107,
filed 3/14/90, effective 4/14/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR
88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-107, filed 9/14/88.]
WAC 308-20-110 Minimum safety and sanitation
standards for schools, cosmetologists, manicurists, esthe-
ticians, master estheticians, barbers, instructors,
salons/shops, mobile units and personal services. Every
licensee shall maintain the following safety and sanitation
standards. In addition, school instructors and apprentice
trainers must assure persons training in a school or apprentice
salon/shop will adhere to the following safety, sanitation and
disinfection standards:
(1) Requirements and standards.
(a) All locations where chemical services are provided to
clients must have a dispensing sink with hot and cold running
water. Dispensing sinks are used for mixing chemicals, and
disinfecting supplies, tools, equipment, and other materials.
Dispensing sinks must be labeled "not for public use."
(b) On-site laundry facilities must be maintained in clean
(c) Single-use hand soap and disposable or single-use
hand-drying towels for customers must be provided.
(d) Use of bar soap or a common towel is prohibited.
(e) A licensee must not perform or continue services on
a client with visible open sores, inflamed skin, rash, or para-
sitic infestations.
(f) No licensee who knowingly has open sores, or who is
exhibiting symptoms of an infectious or contagious disease
or a disorder of the skin or a parasitic infestation shall provide
services in cosmetology, manicuring, barbering, esthetics, or
master esthetics while the licensee has the above mentioned
If a licensee or a client has exhibited the symptoms men-
tioned in (e) and (f) of this subsection, the area in which the
affected individual received or provided services, and all
equipment and implements that could have possibly been
touched by that individual shall be cleaned and disinfected,
including the work and waiting areas.
(g) All liquids, creams, and other cosmetic preparations
including paraffin wax and depilatory wax must be kept in
clean and closed containers.
(h) All bottles and containers must be distinctly and cor-
rectly labeled to disclose their contents. All bottles and con-
tainers containing poisonous substances must be additionally
and distinctly marked as such.
(i) Items subject to possible cross contamination such as
liquids, creams and lotions, cosmetic preparations and chem-
308-20-110 Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules
[Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 8] (12/29/15)
icals including paraffin wax and depilatory wax must be dis-
pensed in a way that does not contaminate the remaining por-
tion by using a disposable, or sanitized and disinfected appli-
cator. Applicators shall not be redipped in product. Liquids
must be dispensed with a squeeze bottle, pump, or spray. Any
product that cannot be disinfected that comes in contact with
the client shall be discarded after use on that particular client.
(j) Pencil cosmetics must be sharpened before each use.
Clean and disinfect or dispose of the sharpener after service
on each client.
(k) A licensee must thoroughly wash his or her hands
with soap and warm water or any equally effective cleansing
agent immediately before providing services to each client,
before checking a student's work on a client, or after smok-
ing, eating, or using the restroom.
(l) A client's skin upon which services will be performed
must be washed with soap and warm water or wiped and/or
sprayed with antiseptic or waterless hand cleanser approved
for use on skin before a service.
(m) After service on each client, hair and nail clippings
must immediately be placed in a closed covered waste con-
(2) Articles in contact with a client.
(a) A neck strip or towel must be placed around the cli-
ent's neck to prevent direct contact between a multiple use
haircloth or cape and the client's skin, and must be in place
during entire service.
(b) All items, which come in direct contact with the cli-
ent's skin that do not require disinfecting, must be discarded
after each use.
(3) Materials in contact with a client.
(a) Paraffin wax and depilatory wax must be covered in
a manner to prevent contamination except during the waxing
service, and maintained at a temperature specified by the
manufacturer's directions.
(b) Paraffin wax and depilatory wax must be dispensed
in a way that does not contaminate the remaining portion by
using one of the following methods:
(i) Use a new spatula each time wax is removed from the
(ii) Apply wax directly onto a disposable strip;
(iii) Use one dedicated spatula to remove wax from the
pot, and then spread the wax with a second spatula. The first
spatula should never come in contact with either the client's
skin or the second spatula; or
(iv) Separate a quantity of wax from the main wax pot to
use on a single client; this quantity should be placed in a
small single-use container. Double-dipping is allowed from a
single client-use container.
(c) All used wax that has been in contact with a client's
skin shall not be reused under any circumstances and shall be
disposed of immediately after each use.
(d) All wax pots shall be cleaned and disinfected accord-
ing to manufacturer's directions. No applicators shall be left
standing in wax at any time.
(4) Chemical use and storage.
(a) When administering services to a client that involve
the use of chemicals or chemical compounds, all licensees
must follow safety procedures according to manufacturer's
directions or safety data sheets (SDSs), to prevent injury to
the client's person or clothing.
(b) Salon shops, personal service, mobile units and
schools shall have in the immediate working area access to all
safety data sheets (SDSs) provided by manufacturers for any
chemical products used.
(c) Flammable chemicals must be stored away from
potential sources of ignition.
(d) Chemicals which could interact in a hazardous man-
ner such as oxidizers, catalysts, and solvents, must be stored
per manufacturer's instruction.
(e) Licensees using chemicals or chemical compounds
when providing services to clients must store the chemicals
so as to prevent fire, explosion, or bodily harm. All chemicals
must be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's direc-
(5) Refuse and waste material.
(a) All waste must be deposited in a covered waste dis-
posal container. Containers located in the reception or office
area, which do not contain waste relating to the performance
of services, are exempt from having covers.
(b) All chemical, flammable, toxic or otherwise harmful
waste material must be disposed of in the manner required by
local hazardous waste management regulations.
(c) All waste containers must be emptied when full. Sur-
faces of waste disposal containers must be kept clean.
(d) Any disposable sharp objects that come in contact
with blood or other body fluids must be disposed of in a seal-
able rigid (puncture proof) labeled container that is strong
enough to protect the licensee, client and others from acci-
dental cuts or puncture wounds that could happen during the
disposal process.
(e) Licensees must have sealable rigid containers avail-
able for use at all times services are being performed.
(6) Sanitation/disinfecting. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) approved disinfectants are indicated by their
registration number on the product label. The product's man-
ufacturer's directions for use shall always be followed.
(a) All tools and implements must be cleaned and disin-
fected or disposed of after service on each client. Tools and
implements not approved for disinfection and reuse under
manufacturers' specifications must be given to the client or
discarded after service on each client. These tools and imple-
ments include, but are not limited to: Nail files, cosmetic
make-up sponges, buffer blocks, sanding bands, toe separa-
tors or sleeves, orangewood sticks, and disposable nail bits.
Presence of used articles in the work area will be considered
prima facie evidence of reuse.
(b) When used according to the manufacturer's direc-
tions, each of the following is an approved method of disin-
fecting tools and implements after they are cleaned of debris:
(i) Complete immersion or spray with an EPA-registered
disinfectant solution of the object(s) or portion(s) thereof to
be disinfected; or
(ii) Steam sterilizer, registered and listed with the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration; or
(iii) Dry heat sterilizer, registered and listed with the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or Canadian certifica-
(c) All cleaned and disinfected tools and implements
must be stored in a closed nonairtight container or UV steril-
izer. UV sterilizers shall be used only for clean storage of
already cleaned and disinfected tools and implements.
Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules 308-20-110
(12/29/15) [Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 9]
(d) All disinfecting solutions and/or agents must be kept
at manufacturer recommended strengths to maintain effec-
tiveness, be free from foreign material and be available for
immediate use at all times the location is open for business
and changed daily.
(e) All articles, which come in direct contact with the cli-
ent's skin that cannot be cleaned and disinfected, must be dis-
posed of in a waste receptacle immediately after service on
each client. Presence of these articles in the work area will be
considered prima facie evidence of reuse.
(f) Disposable protective gloves must be disposed of
after service on each client.
(7) Disinfecting nonelectrical tools and implements.
(a) All tools and implements used within a field of prac-
tice must be cleaned and disinfected after service on each cli-
ent in the following order:
(i) Remove all hair and/or foreign material;
(ii) Clean thoroughly with soap or detergent and water;
(iii) Rinse thoroughly with clear, clean water; and
(iv) Disinfect with an EPA-registered disinfectant with
demonstrated bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal activity,
used according to manufacturer's directions or in a steam
sterilizer or dry heat sterilizer under subsection (6)(b)(ii) and
(iii) of this section.
(b) Tools and implements without sharp edges or points,
including but not limited to combs, brushes, rollers, rods,
etc., must be totally immersed in an EPA registered disinfec-
tant according to manufacturer's directions.
(c) Clips or other tools and instruments must not be
placed in mouths, pockets or unsanitized holders.
(d) A client's personal tools and instruments must not be
used in the establishment except when prescribed by a physi-
(8) Disinfecting electrical tools and implements. Elec-
trical tools and implements must be disinfected after service
on each client in the following order:
(a) Remove hair and/or foreign matter;
(b) Disinfect with an EPA disinfectant specifically made
for electrical tools and implements.
(9) Storage of tools and implements.
(a) New and/or cleaned and disinfected tools and imple-
ments must be stored separately from all other items.
(b) Used tools and implements must be stored in a
labeled drawer or container at the work station.
(c) Roller storage receptacles and contents must be
cleaned and disinfected and free of foreign material.
(d) Storage cabinets, work stations and storage drawers
for cleaned and disinfected tools and implements must be
free of debris and used only for cleaned and disinfected tools
and implements.
(10) Cleaning and disinfecting foot spas.
(a) As used in this section, "foot spa" or "spa" is defined
as any basin using circulating water.
(b) After each client:
(i) Drain the water from the foot spa basin and remove
any visible debris;
(ii) Clean the surfaces of the foot spa with soap or deter-
gent, rinse with clean water and drain;
(iii) Disinfect the surface with an EPA registered disin-
fectant according to the manufacturer's directions on the
label. Surfaces must remain wet with disinfectant for ten min-
utes or the time stated on the label.
(c) Nightly:
(i) For whirlpool foot spas, air-jet basins, "pipeless" foot
spas and other circulating spas:
(A) Drain the water from the foot spa basin or bowl and
remove any visible debris.
(B) Clean the surfaces of the foot spa with soap or deter-
gent, rinse with clean water and drain.
(C) Disinfect - Fill the basin with clean water, adding
the appropriate amount of EPA registered disinfectant. Turn
the unit on to circulate the disinfectant for the entire contact
time according to the manufacturer's directions on the label.
(D) Drain and rinse the basin with clean water and
allow to air dry.
(ii) For foot spas with filter screens, inlet jets and other
removable parts that require special attention during the dis-
infecting process.
(A) Drain the water from the foot spa basin and remove
any visible debris.
(B) Remove the filter screen, inlet jets and all other
removable parts from the basin and clean out any debris
trapped behind or in them.
(C) Scrub the removable parts using a brush and soap or
(D) Rinse the removed parts with clean water and
replace them in the basin.
(E) Clean the surfaces of the foot spa with soap or deter-
gent, rinse with clean water and drain.
(F) Disinfect - Fill the basin with clean water, adding the
appropriate amount of EPA registered disinfectant. Turn the
unit on to circulate the disinfectant for the entire contact time
according to the manufacturer's directions on the label.
(G) Drain and rinse the basin with clean water and
allow to air dry.
(d) A record must be made of the date and time of each
cleaning and disinfecting as required by (c) and (d) of this
subsection. This record must be made at the time of cleaning
and disinfecting. Cleaning and disinfecting records must be
made available upon request by either a client or a depart-
ment representative.
(e) For simple basins and reusable liners (no circulation):
(i) Drain the basin and remove any visible debris.
(ii) Scrub the basin with a clean brush and soap or deter-
gent following manufacturer's directions.
(iii) Rinse the basin with clean water and drain.
(iv) Disinfect basin surfaces with an EPA registered dis-
infectant following manufacturer's directions. Surfaces must
remain wet with disinfectant for ten minutes or the contact
time stated on the label.
(v) Drain and rinse the basin with clean water and allow
to air dry.
(11) Headrests, shampoo bowls, and treatment tables.
(a) The headrest of chairs must be cleaned and disin-
fected after service on each client.
(b) Shampoo trays and bowls must be cleaned and disin-
fected after each shampoo, kept in good repair and in a clean
condition at all times.
(c) All treatment tables must be cleaned, disinfected and
covered with clean linens or examination paper, which must
be changed after each service on a client.
308-20-115 Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules
[Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 10] (12/29/15)
(12) Walls, floors, and ceilings. Walls, floors, and ceil-
ings must be cleaned and disinfected as necessary and kept
clean and free of excessive spots, mildew, condensation, or
peeling paint.
(13) Towels, linens, capes and robes. No towels, linens,
capes, or robes shall be used more than once without proper
laundering as described in this section.
(14) All towels, linens, capes, robes, and similar items
shall be laundered in a washing machine with laundry deter-
gent and chlorine bleach used according to manufacturer's
directions for disinfecting purposes. A closed dustproof cab-
inet with solid sides and a top shall be provided for cleaned
towels, linens, capes and robes. A hamper with solid sides or
a receptacle that is closed and ventilated shall be provided for
all soiled cloth towels, linens, capes and robes and never left
(15) Prohibited hazardous substances - Use of prod-
ucts. No establishment or school may have on the premises
cosmetic products containing hazardous substances which
have been banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
for use in cosmetic products. Use of 100% liquid methyl
methacrylate monomer and methylene chloride products are
prohibited. No product must be used in a manner that is dis-
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
(16) Prohibited instruments or practices. Any razor-
edged tool, which is designed to remove calluses.
(17) Blood spills. If there is a blood spill or exposure to
other body fluids during a service, licensees and students
must stop and proceed in the following order:
(a) Stop service;
(b) Put on gloves;
(c) Clean the wound with an antiseptic solution;
(d) Cover the wound with a sterile bandage;
(e) If the wound is on a licensee hand in an area that can
be covered by a glove or finger cover, the licensee must wear
a clean, fluid proof protective glove or finger cover. If the
wound is on the client, the licensee providing service to the
client must wear gloves on both hands;
(f) Discard all contaminated objects. Contaminated
objects shall be placed in a sealed plastic bag and that bag
must be placed inside another plastic bag and discarded;
(g) All equipment, tools and instruments that have come
into contact with blood or other body fluids must be cleaned
and disinfected or discarded;
(h) Remove gloves; and
(i) Wash hands with soap and water before returning to
the service.
(18) First-aid kit. The establishment must have a first-
aid kit that contains at a minimum:
• Small bandages;
• Gauze;
• Antiseptic; and
• A blood spill kit that contains:
- Disposable bags;
- Gloves.
(19) Restroom.
(a) All locations must have a restroom available. The
restroom must be located on the premises or in adjoining
premises, which is reasonably accessible.
(b) All restrooms located on the premises must be kept
clean and in proper working order at all times.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023, 43.24.086. WSR 16-02-
033, § 308-20-110, filed 12/29/15, effective 1/29/16. Statutory Authority:
RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, § 308-20-110, filed
11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-14-066, § 308-20-110, filed 6/29/07,
effective 8/1/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 18.16.280,
43.24.023. WSR 04-05-005, § 308-20-110, filed 2/6/04, effective 3/8/04.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-046, §
308-20-110, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: RCW
18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012, § 308-20-110, filed 1/24/02, effective
6/30/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-110, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 91-11-042, § 308-20-110, filed 5/10/91,
effective 6/10/91; WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-110, filed
9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order PL 480),
§ 308-20-110, filed 9/12/84.]
WAC 308-20-115 Reciprocity—Persons licensed in
other jurisdictions. The department shall issue a license to
any person who is properly licensed in any state, territory, or
possession of the United States, or foreign country if the
applicant submits:
(1) Application;
(2) Fee;
(3) Proof that he or she is currently licensed in good
standing as a cosmetologist, barber, manicurist, esthetician,
master esthetician, instructor, or the equivalent in that juris-
(4) Provides proof that he or she has passed an examina-
tion approved by the director.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-115, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.24.086 and 18.16.030. WSR 10-06-092, § 308-20-115, filed 3/2/10,
effective 4/2/10; WSR 06-02-048, § 308-20-115, filed 12/29/05, effective
WAC 308-20-120 Written and performance exami-
nations. (1) The department shall administer or approve the
administration of a written and performance license examina-
tion. The department may approve written or performance
examinations given by department-approved examination
(2) The written and performance examinations for cos-
metologist, barber, manicurist, esthetician, and master esthe-
tician shall reasonably measure the applicant's knowledge of
safe and sanitary practice.
(3) The written and performance examinations for
instructors shall be constructed to measure the applicant's
knowledge of lesson planning and teaching techniques.
(4) In order to be eligible for licensure, a license appli-
cant must pass both the written and performance examina-
tions in the practice for which they are applying.
(5) The minimum passing score for both the written and
performance examinations in all practices is a scaled score of
(6) Examination results expire three years from the date
of the examination. Examination results that are more than
three years old are considered by the department to be
expired and will not be considered valid towards initial licen-
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-120, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.24.086 and 18.16.030. WSR 10-06-092, § 308-20-120, filed 3/2/10,
effective 4/2/10; WSR 06-02-048, § 308-20-120, filed 12/29/05, effective
2/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-
046, § 308-20-120, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03; WSR 03-08-043, § 308-
Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules 308-20-210
(12/29/15) [Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 11]
20-120, filed 3/27/03, effective 4/27/03. Statutory Authority: RCW
18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012, § 308-20-120, filed 1/24/02, effective
6/30/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-120, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), § 308-20-
120, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020 (Order
PL 480), § 308-20-120, filed 9/12/84.]
WAC 308-20-121 Examination code of conduct. (1)
Applicants will be required to refrain from:
(a) Talking to other examinees during the examination
unless specifically directed or permitted to do so by a test
(b) Attempting to communicate or record any informa-
tion by any means.
(c) Holding in their possession any unauthorized materi-
als during any portion of the examination.
(d) Removing test materials and/or notes from the testing
(e) Disruptive behavior as determined by the department.
(2) Applicants who participate in any activity listed in
subsection (1) of this section will be required to leave the
examination site. Their opportunity to sit for the examination
will be forfeited. Their answer sheet will be voided. A voided
answer sheet will not be scored and the examination fee will
not be refunded.
(3) Any applicant who was removed from the testing site
for any of the reasons listed in subsection (1) of this section
will be denied for testing for one year.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023. WSR 08-22-029, § 308-
20-121, filed 10/28/08, effective 2/1/09.]
WAC 308-20-122 Examination retakes. Examination
applicants may take an examination no more than once a day.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030(2). WSR 02-04-012, § 308-20-122,
filed 1/24/02, effective 6/30/02.]
WAC 308-20-123 Examination appeal. (1) An appli-
cant who has received a failing score on the written or practi-
cal examination shall be eligible to appeal to the department
for a review of the examination results. The department shall
only consider appeals regarding significant procedural errors
or adverse environmental conditions during the test adminis-
(2) The appeal shall be filed with the department within
fifteen days after the date of notification of examination
results. The appeal shall be made in writing, and shall state
the reason for appeal.
(3) The review of the appeal shall be conducted by one or
more department staff, or the department's designee, to deter-
mine if there is clear and convincing evidence to sustain the
applicant's appeal. The director or director's designee shall
make the final determination on the appeal.
(4) Within thirty days after the department has made a
determination on the appeal, the applicant shall be notified in
writing of the results.
(5) In acting on appeals, the department may take such
action as it deems appropriate.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023. WSR 05-04-012, § 308-
20-123, filed 1/24/05, effective 2/24/05.]
WAC 308-20-190 Restricted license. Should the direc-
tor restrict the licensee's scope of practice, the licensee shall
surrender the unrestricted license to the department of licens-
ing so the stated restriction can be affixed to the license and
the license returned to the licensee. All restricted licenses
must be posted at the work station of the individual in clear
view of the public. Services beyond those authorized by the
restricted license may not be performed by the licensee until
the restriction is removed from the license.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030. WSR 88-19-047 (Order PM 772), §
308-20-190, filed 9/14/88. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 208. WSR 84-19-020
(Order PL 480), § 308-20-190, filed 9/12/84.]
WAC 308-20-210 Fees. In addition to any third-party
examinations fees, the following fees shall be charged by the
professional licensing division of the department of licens-
Title of Fee Fee
License application $25.00
Reciprocity license 50.00
Renewal (two-year license) 55.00
Late renewal penalty 55.00
Duplicate license 15.00
Hair design:
License application 25.00
Reciprocity license 50.00
Renewal (two-year license) 55.00
Late renewal penalty 55.00
Duplicate license 15.00
License application 25.00
Reciprocity license 50.00
Renewal (two-year license) 55.00
Late renewal penalty 55.00
Duplicate license 15.00
License application 25.00
Reciprocity license 50.00
Renewal (two-year license) 55.00
Late renewal penalty 55.00
Duplicate 15.00
License application 25.00
Reciprocity license 50.00
Renewal (two-year license) 55.00
Late renewal penalty 55.00
Duplicate 15.00
Master esthetician:
308-20-520 Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules
[Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 12] (12/29/15)
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023, 43.24.086. WSR 16-02-
033, § 308-20-210, filed 12/29/15, effective 1/29/16. Statutory Authority:
RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, § 308-20-210, filed
11/26/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.086 and
18.16.030. WSR 09-24-062, § 308-20-210, filed 11/25/09, effective 1/1/10;
WSR 06-02-048, § 308-20-210, filed 12/29/05, effective 2/1/06. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-046, § 308-20-210,
filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and
43.24.086. WSR 03-06-054, § 308-20-210, filed 2/28/03, effective 4/1/03.
Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.086, and 43.135.055. WSR 02-
09-040, § 308-20-210, filed 4/12/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority:
Chapter 18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-210, filed 7/17/92, effective
8/17/92. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.16 RCW and RCW 34.05.220.
WSR 92-04-006, § 308-20-210, filed 1/23/92, effective 2/23/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.086. WSR 90-07-030, § 308-20-210,
filed 3/14/90, effective 4/14/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.086. WSR
87-10-028 (Order PM 650), § 308-20-210, filed 5/1/87.]
WAC 308-20-520 Minimum salon/shop, mobile unit,
and personal services licensing standards. No person shall
operate a cosmetology, barbering, esthetics, or manicuring
salon/shop, mobile unit, or personal services business in this
state unless the business has qualified for and has in their pos-
session a location license issued by the department of licens-
ing. If the ownership of the business changes, a new complete
application must be submitted for approval and license issu-
ance. Licenses are not transferable.
(1) An operator that leases space must obtain both a valid
operator and salon/shop license for that specific location.
(2) A business that has one or more branch locations
shall obtain a separate salon/shop license for each location.
(3) A licensed operator who provides cosmetology, bar-
bering, esthetics, or manicuring services to place-bound cli-
ents in the client's home or in a long or short term health care
facility is not required to obtain a location license.
(4) A long or short term health care facility that estab-
lishes a salon/shop and operates it on a for profit basis for cli-
ents other than place-bound clients shall obtain a location
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-046, §
308-20-520, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-520, filed 7/17/92, effective
WAC 308-20-550 Posting of required licenses, regis-
trations, permits, notice to consumers, and current
inspection form. (1) Licenses, the consumer notice required
by chapter 18.16 RCW, the apprentice salon/shop notice as
defined in WAC 308-20-555, and the most current inspection
form shall be posted in direct public view.
(2) Original operator licenses with an attached current
photograph shall be posted in clear view of clients in the
operator's work station.
(3) Original instructor licenses with an attached current
photograph shall be posted in clear view of the public.
(4) Original school, instructor, salon/shop, and mobile
unit licenses shall be posted in the reception area.
(5) Personal services shall display their licenses and con-
sumer notice in direct view of their client.
(6) A pocket identification card may not be used in lieu
of an original license.
(7) No license which has expired or become invalid for
any reason shall be displayed by any operator, instructor, or
business in connection with the practice of cosmetology, bar-
License application 25.00
Reciprocity license 50.00
Renewal (two-year license) 55.00
Late renewal penalty 55.00
Duplicate license 15.00
License application 25.00
Reciprocity license 50.00
Renewal (two-year license) 55.00
Late renewal penalty 55.00
Duplicate license 15.00
License application 300.00
Renewal (one-year license) 300.00
Late renewal penalty 175.00
Duplicate 15.00
License application 110.00
*Reduced license application (permanent
Renewal (one-year license) 110.00
*Reduced renewal (permanent cosmetics) 15.00
Late renewal penalty 50.00
Duplicate license 15.00
Mobile unit:
License application 110.00
*Reduced license application (permanent
Renewal (one-year license) 110.00
*Reduced renewal (permanent cosmetics) 15.00
Late renewal penalty 50.00
Duplicate license 15.00
Personal services:
License application 110.00
*Reduced license application (permanent
Renewal (one-year license) 110.00
*Reduced renewal (permanent cosmetics) 15.00
Late renewal penalty 50.00
Duplicate license 15.00
* If you have an individual artist license and an artist shop location license
to practice permanent cosmetics under chapter 18.300 RCW, and an oper-
ator license under chapter 18.16 RCW you may qualify for a reduction of
the license fee for your salon shop license if it is at the same location as
your artist shop location license.
Title of Fee Fee
Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules 308-20-572
(12/29/15) [Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 13]
bering, esthetics, or manicuring. Any license so displayed
shall be surrendered to a department representative upon its
(8) Licenses issued by another state, territory, or foreign
country shall not be displayed in any salon/shop.
(9) A receipt, issued by the department of licensing,
showing the application for a duplicate license may be used if
the original has been lost, stolen, or otherwise destroyed until
the duplicate license is received.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-550, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-14-066, § 308-20-
550, filed 6/29/07, effective 8/1/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030,
18.16.280, 43.24.023. WSR 04-05-005, § 308-20-550, filed 2/6/04, effective
3/8/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-
046, § 308-20-550, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority:
Chapter 18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-550, filed 7/17/92, effective
WAC 308-20-555 Identification of apprentices and
apprentice salon/shops. (1) Salon shops must post notice to
customers of participation in the apprenticeship program. At
a minimum the notice shall state "This shop is a participant in
a state approved apprenticeship program. Apprentices in this
program are in training and have not yet received a license."
(2) Apprentices must wear identification visible to the
public that states they are participants in the apprenticeship
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 18.16.280, 43.24.023. WSR 04-05-
005, § 308-20-555, filed 2/6/04, effective 3/8/04.]
WAC 308-20-560 Salon/shop, mobile unit, and per-
sonal services location license renewal process. Each
salon/shop, mobile unit, and personal services license shall
be renewed on a yearly basis. The renewal request shall be
accompanied by:
(1) The license renewal fee required under the provisions
of WAC 320-20-210.
(2) Affidavit of certification of public liability insurance
including, name of provider, policy number, effective date,
expiration date, amount of coverage, and signature of
(3) A statement noting any changes to the information
contained in the original application form and attachments.
(4) Licenses must be renewed on or before the expiration
date. Failure to renew the license by the expiration date shall
result in a penalty fee.
(5) Failure to receive a notice of license renewal from the
department does not constitute cause for failure to renew.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-046, §
308-20-560, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-560, filed 7/17/92, effective
WAC 308-20-570 Operator and instructor renewal
process. Each operator or instructor license shall be renewed
every two years. The renewal request shall be accompanied
(1) Social Security number.
(2) The license renewal fee required under the provisions
of WAC 308-20-210.
(3) A statement noting any changes to the information
contained in the original application form and attachments.
(4) Licenses must be renewed on or before the expiration
date. Failure to renew the license by the expiration date shall
result in a penalty fee.
(5) Failure to receive a notice of license renewal from the
department does not constitute cause for failure to renew.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR 03-14-046, §
308-20-570, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03. Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.16 RCW. WSR 92-15-087, § 308-20-570, filed 7/17/92, effective
WAC 308-20-572 Inspection of schools. (1) Prior to
approval of application or renewal for licensure, any person
wishing to operate a school shall, meet the requirements in
RCW 18.16.140; submit to an inspection of the site; and pro-
vide the following:
(a) Name of owner and current mailing and physical
address if solely owned.
(b) Names of partners and current mailing and physical
addresses if a partnership.
(c) Names of corporate officers and current mailing and
physical addresses if a corporation.
(d) Name of the school, complete mailing address, and
physical address.
(e) Days and hours of operation of the school.
(f) A signed fire inspection report from the local fire
authority indicating all standards and requirements have been
(g) Listing of all instructors including license number
and expiration date.
(h) Sample of all monthly student reports.
(i) Sample of student packet to be provided to student at
enrollment that must contain, but is not limited to, a copy of
the school's catalog, brochure, enrollment contract, and can-
cellation and refund policies.
(j) Floor plan drawn to scale showing placement of all
equipment; areas designated for the clinic, dispensary, class-
room, office and restrooms; and identify student capacity.
The floor plan shall include the square footage of the school.
(2) All locations shall pass a prelicensing inspection by a
department representative by meeting the following require-
(a) A permanent entrance sign designating the name of
the school.
(b) A time clock and time cards or other equipment nec-
essary for verification of daily student attendance and hours
(c) An adequate supply of hot and cold running water
shall be available for school operation.
(d) Textbooks/teaching materials - Textbooks shall be
required for each student in attendance.
(e) Lavatories with hot and cold running water, single-
use hand soap and disposable or single-use hand drying tow-
els or an automatic hand dryer.
(f) When a salon and school are under the same owner-
ship in the same building, separate operation of the salon and
the school must be maintained. Common reception areas and
restrooms will be allowed; however, the salon and school
must have separate entrances and meet location requirements
identified in chapter 18.16 RCW.
(g) Emergency evacuation plans posted for staff and stu-
308-20-575 Cosmetology—Barber—Manicurist—Esthetician Rules
[Ch. 308-20 WAC p. 14] (12/29/15)
(h) There must be a sufficient number of tables/desks
and chairs to accommodate the registered students.
(i) Department of licensing safety and sanitation guide-
lines posted in all dispensaries and classrooms.
(j) Supplemental training space must be preapproved by
the department.
(i) The supplemental training space must be located
within two miles of the original facility of the licensed
(ii) A duplicate copy of the school license shall be posted
at the supplemental training space.
(iii) A duplicate copy of each instructor's license with a
current photograph shall be posted at the supplemental train-
ing space.
(iv) The supplemental training space shall bear the same
name as the original licensed school.
(v) Supplemental training space is only approved for the-
ory and/or practice rooms. No clinic services shall be pro-
vided in supplemental training space.
(k) Schools must post a sign that contains the words
"work done exclusively by students" or "all work performed
by students under supervision of a licensed instructor" in the
reception or clinic area.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-572, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.24.086 and 18.16.030. WSR 10-06-092, § 308-20-572, filed 3/2/10,
effective 4/2/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030, 43.24.023. WSR 08-
22-029, § 308-20-572, filed 10/28/08, effective 2/1/09.]
WAC 308-20-575 School license renewal process. (1)
Each school license shall be renewed on a yearly basis. In
addition to the site inspection, the renewal request shall be
accompanied by:
(a) Certification of annual gross tuition and surety bond
in an amount equal to ten percent of the annual gross tuition,
but not less than ten thousand dollars or more than fifty thou-
sand dollars;
(b) Current copies of curriculum, catalogs, and bro-
(c) Current list of instructor names and license numbers;
(d) Updated school information on forms provided by
the department including the days and hours of operation of
the school; and
(e) Verification of current student/instructor ratio.
(2) Licenses must be renewed on or before the expiration
date. Failure to renew the license by the expiration date shall
result in a penalty.
(3) Failure to receive a notice of license renewal from the
department does not constitute cause for failure to renew.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023 and 18.16.030. WSR 13-24-042, §
308-20-575, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.24.086 and 18.16.030. WSR 10-06-092, § 308-20-575, filed 3/2/10,
effective 4/2/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.16.030 and 43.24.023. WSR
03-14-046, § 308-20-575, filed 6/24/03, effective 7/25/03.]
2015 [Ch. 18.235— page 1]
Chapter 18.235
Chapter 18.235 RCW
18.235.005 Intent.
18.235.010 Definitions.
18.235.020 Application of chapter—Director's authority—Disciplinary
18.235.030 Disciplinary authority—Powers.
18.235.040 Director's authority.
18.235.050 Statement of charges—Hearing.
18.235.060 Procedures governing adjudicative proceedings.
18.235.070 Previous denial, revocation, or suspension of license.
18.235.080 Orders.
18.235.090 Appeal.
18.235.100 Reinstatement.
18.235.110 Unprofessional conduct—Finding.
18.235.120 Payment of a fine.
18.235.130 Unprofessional conduct—Acts or conditions that constitute.
18.235.140 Final order issued under RCW 18.235.130—Failure to com-
18.235.150 Investigation of complaint—Cease and desist order/notice of
intent to issue—Final determination—Fine—Temporary
cease and desist order—Action/who may maintain—Reme-
dies not limited.
18.235.160 Violation of injunction—Contempt of court—Civil penalty.
18.235.170 Misrepresentation—Gross misdemeanor.
18.235.180 Crime or violation by license holder—Disciplinary authority
may give notification.
18.235.190 Immunity from suit.
18.235.200 Use of records—Exchange of information—Chapter does not
affect or limit.
18.235.210 Application of chapter—January 1, 2003.
18.235.900 Short title.
18.235.901 Effective date—2002 c 86 §§ 101-123.
18.235.902 Part headings not law—2002 c 86.
18.235.903 Severability—2002 c 86.
18.235.005 Intent.
18.235.005 Intent. It is the intent of the legislature to
consolidate disciplinary procedures for the licensed busi-
nesses and professions under the department of licensing by
providing a uniform disciplinary act with standardized proce-
dures for the regulation of businesses and professions and the
enforcement of laws, the purpose of which is to assure the
public of the adequacy of business and professional compe-
tence and conduct.
It is also the intent of the legislature that all businesses
and professions newly credentialed by the state and regulated
by the department of licensing come under this chapter.
[2007 c 256 § 10; 2002 c 86 § 101.]
18.235.010 Definitions.
18.235.010 Definitions. The definitions in this section
apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly
requires otherwise.
(1) "Board" means those boards specified in RCW
(2) "Department" means the department of licensing.
(3) "Director" means the director of the department or
director's designee.
(4) "Disciplinary action" means sanctions identified in
RCW 18.235.110.
(5) "Disciplinary authority" means the director, board, or
commission having the authority to take disciplinary action
against a holder of, or applicant for, a professional or busi-
ness license upon a finding of a violation of this chapter or a
chapter specified under RCW 18.235.020.
(6) "License," "licensing," and "licensure" are deemed
equivalent to the terms "license," "licensing," "licensure,"
"certificate," "certification," and "registration" as those terms
are defined in RCW 18.118.020. Each of these terms, and the
term "appointment" under chapter 42.44 RCW, are inter-
changeable under the provisions of this chapter.
(7) "Unlicensed practice" means:
(a) Practicing a profession or operating a business iden-
tified in RCW 18.235.020 without holding a valid, unexpired,
unrevoked, and unsuspended license to do so; or
(b) Representing to a person, through offerings, adver-
tisements, or use of a professional title or designation, that the
individual or business is qualified to practice a profession or
operate a business identified in RCW 18.235.020 without
holding a valid, unexpired, unrevoked, and unsuspended
license to do so. [2007 c 256 § 11; 2002 c 86 § 102.]
18.235.020 Application of chapter—Director's authority—Disciplinary authority.
18.235.020 Application of chapter—Director's
authority—Disciplinary authority. (1) This chapter
applies only to the director and the boards and commissions
having jurisdiction in relation to the businesses and profes-
sions licensed under the chapters specified in this section.
This chapter does not apply to any business or profession not
licensed under the chapters specified in this section.
(2)(a) The director has authority under this chapter in
relation to the following businesses and professions:
(i) Auctioneers under chapter 18.11 RCW;
(ii) Bail bond agents and bail bond recovery agents under
chapter 18.185 RCW;
(iii) Camping resorts' operators and salespersons under
chapter 19.105 RCW;
(iv) Commercial telephone solicitors under chapter
19.158 RCW;
(v) Cosmetologists, barbers, manicurists, and estheti-
cians under chapter 18.16 RCW;
(vi) Court reporters under chapter 18.145 RCW;
(vii) Driver training schools and instructors under chap-
ter 46.82 RCW;
(viii) Employment agencies under chapter 19.31 RCW;
(ix) For hire vehicle operators under chapter 46.72
(x) Limousines under chapter 46.72A RCW;
(xi) Notaries public under chapter 42.44 RCW;
(xii) Private investigators under chapter 18.165 RCW;
(xiii) Professional boxing, martial arts, and wrestling
under chapter 67.08 RCW;
(xiv) Real estate appraisers under chapter 18.140 RCW;
(xv) Real estate brokers and salespersons under chapters
18.85 and 18.86 RCW;
18.235.030 Uniform Regulation of Business and Professions Act
[Ch. 18.235— page 2] 2015
(xvi) Scrap metal processors, scrap metal recyclers, and
scrap metal suppliers under chapter 19.290 RCW;
(xvii) Security guards under chapter 18.170 RCW;
(xviii) Sellers of travel under chapter 19.138 RCW;
(xix) Timeshares and timeshare salespersons under
chapter 64.36 RCW;
(xx) Whitewater river outfitters under chapter 79A.60
(xxi) Home inspectors under chapter 18.280 RCW;
(xxii) Body artists, body piercers, and tattoo artists, and
body art, body piercing, and tattooing shops and businesses,
under chapter 18.300 RCW; and
(xxiii) Appraisal management companies under chapter
18.310 RCW.
(b) The boards and commissions having authority under
this chapter are as follows:
(i) The state board for architects established in chapter
18.08 RCW;
(ii) The Washington state collection agency board estab-
lished in chapter 19.16 RCW;
(iii) The state board of registration for professional engi-
neers and land surveyors established in chapter 18.43 RCW
governing licenses issued under chapters 18.43 and 18.210
(iv) The funeral and cemetery board established in chap-
ter 18.39 RCW governing licenses issued under chapters
18.39 and 68.05 RCW;
(v) The state board of licensure for landscape architects
established in chapter 18.96 RCW; and
(vi) The state geologist licensing board established in
chapter 18.220 RCW.
(3) In addition to the authority to discipline license hold-
ers, the disciplinary authority may grant or deny licenses
based on the conditions and criteria established in this chap-
ter and the chapters specified in subsection (2) of this section.
This chapter also governs any investigation, hearing, or pro-
ceeding relating to denial of licensure or issuance of a license
conditioned on the applicant's compliance with an order
entered under RCW 18.235.110 by the disciplinary authority.
[2013 c 322 § 29; 2010 c 179 § 18. Prior: 2009 c 412 § 22;
2009 c 370 § 20; 2009 c 102 § 5; 2008 c 119 § 21; 2007 c 256
§ 12; 2006 c 219 § 13; 2002 c 86 § 103.]
Severability—Effective date—2010 c 179: See RCW 18.310.900 and
Short title—Implementation—2009 c 412: See RCW 18.300.900 and
Effective date—2009 c 370 §§ 1-16, 18, 20, and 21: See note following
RCW 18.96.010.
Finding—2009 c 370: See note following RCW 18.96.010.
Funeral directors and embalmers account and cemetery account
abolished, moneys transferred to funeral and cemetery account—2009 c
102: See note following RCW 18.39.810.
Effective date—2006 c 219: See note following RCW 46.82.285.
18.235.030 Disc iplinary authority—Powe rs.
18.235.030 Disciplinary authority—Powers. The dis-
ciplinary authority has the power to:
(1) Adopt, amend, and rescind rules as necessary to carry
out the purposes of this chapter, including, but not limited to,
rules regarding standards of professional conduct and prac-
(2) Investigate complaints or reports of unprofessional
conduct and hold hearings as provided in this chapter;
(3) Issue subpoenas and administer oaths in connection
with any investigation, hearing, or proceeding held under this
(4) Take or cause depositions to be taken and use other
discovery procedures as needed in an investigation, hearing,
or proceeding held under this chapter;
(5) Compel attendance of witnesses at hearings;
(6) Conduct practice reviews in the course of investigat-
ing a complaint or report of unprofessional conduct, unless
the disciplinary authority is authorized to audit or inspect
applicants or licensees under the chapters specified in RCW
(7) Take emergency action ordering summary suspen-
sion of a license, or restriction or limitation of the licensee's
practice or business pending proceedings by the disciplinary
(8) Appoint a presiding officer or authorize the office of
administrative hearings, as provided in chapter 34.12 RCW,
to conduct hearings. The disciplinary authority may make the
final decision regarding disposition of the license unless the
disciplinary authority elects to delegate, in writing, the final
decision to the presiding officer;
(9) Use individual members of the boards and commis-
sions to direct investigations. However, the member of the
board or commission may not subsequently participate in the
hearing of the case;
(10) Enter into contracts for professional services deter-
mined to be necessary for adequate enforcement of this chap-
(11) Grant or deny license applications, secure the return
of a license obtained through the mistake or inadvertence of
the department or the disciplinary authority after providing
the person so licensed with an opportunity for an adjudicative
proceeding, and, in the event of a finding of unprofessional
conduct by an applicant or license holder, impose any sanc-
tion against a license applicant or license holder provided by
this chapter;
(12) Designate individuals authorized to sign subpoenas
and statements of charges;
(13) Establish panels consisting of three or more mem-
bers of the board or commission to perform any duty or
authority within the board's or commission's jurisdiction
under this chapter; and
(14) Contract with licensees, registrants, endorsement or
permit holders, or any other persons or organizations to pro-
vide services necessary for the monitoring or supervision of
licensees, registrants, or endorsement or permit holders who
are placed on probation, whose professional or business
activities are restricted, or who are for an authorized purpose
subject to monitoring by the disciplinary authority. If the sub-
ject licensee, registrant, or endorsement or permit holders
may only practice or operate a business under the supervision
of another licensee, registrant, or endorsement or permit
holder under the terms of the law regulating that occupation
or business, the supervising licensee, registrant, or endorse-
ment or permit holder must consent to the monitoring or
supervision under this subsection, unless the supervising
licensee, registrant, or endorsement or permit holder is, at the
time, the subject of a disciplinary order. [2002 c 86 § 104.]
Uniform Regulation of Business and Professions Act 18.235.110
2015 [Ch. 18.235— page 3]
18.235.040 Director's authority.
18.235.040 Director's authority. The director has the
following additional authority:
(1) To employ investigative, administrative, and clerical
staff as necessary for the enforcement of this chapter, except
as provided otherwise by statute;
(2) Upon request of a board or commission, to appoint
not more than three pro tem members as provided in this sub-
section. Individuals appointed as pro tem members of a board
or commission must meet the same minimum qualifications
as regular members of the board or commission. While serv-
ing as a pro tem board or commission member, a person so
appointed has all the powers, duties, and immunities, and is
entitled to the entitlements, including travel expenses in
accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060, of a regular
member of the board or commission; and
(3) To establish fees to be paid for witnesses, expert wit-
nesses, and consultants used in any investigation or adjudica-
tive proceedings as authorized by RCW 34.05.446. [2007 c
256 § 13; 2002 c 86 § 105.]
18.235.050 Statement of charges—Hearing.
18.235.050 Statement of charges—Hearing. (1) If the
disciplinary authority determines, upon investigation, that
there is reason to believe that a license holder or applicant for
a license has violated RCW 18.235.130 or has not met a min-
imum eligibility criteria for licensure, the disciplinary author-
ity may prepare and serve the license holder or applicant a
statement of charge, charges, or intent to deny. A notice that
the license holder or applicant may request a hearing to con-
test the charge, charges, or intent to deny must accompany
the statement. The license holder or applicant must file a
request for a hearing with the disciplinary authority within
twenty days after being served the statement of charges or
statement of intent to deny. The failure to request a hearing
constitutes a default, whereupon the disciplinary authority
may enter a decision on the facts available to it.
(2) If a license holder or applicant for a license requests
a hearing, the disciplinary authority must fix the time of the
hearing as soon as convenient, but not earlier than thirty days
after the service of charge, charges, or intent to deny. The dis-
ciplinary authority may hold a hearing sooner than thirty days
only if the disciplinary authority has issued a summary sus-
pension or summary restriction. [2007 c 256 § 14; 2002 c 86
§ 106.]
18.235.060 Procedures governing adjudicative proceedings.
18.235.060 Procedures governing adjudicative pro-
ceedings. The procedures governing adjudicative proceed-
ings before agencies under chapter 34.05 RCW, the adminis-
trative procedure act, govern all hearings before the disciplin-
ary authority. The disciplinary authority has, in addition to
the powers and duties set forth in this chapter, all of the pow-
ers and duties under chapter 34.05 RCW, which include,
without limitation, all powers relating to the administration
of oaths, the receipt of evidence, the issuance and enforcing
of subpoenas, and the taking of depositions. [2002 c 86 §
18.235.070 Previous denial, revocation, or suspension of license.
18.235.070 Previous denial, revocation, or suspen-
sion of license. The department shall not issue a license to
any person whose license has been previously denied,
revoked, or suspended by the disciplinary authority for that
profession or business, except in conformity with the terms
and conditions of the certificate or order of denial, revoca-
tion, or suspension, or in conformity with any order of rein-
statement issued by the disciplinary authority, or in accor-
dance with the final judgment in any proceeding for review
instituted under this chapter. [2002 c 86 § 108.]
18.235.080 Orders.
18.235.080 Orders. An order pursuant to proceedings
authorized by this chapter, after due notice and findings in
accordance with this chapter and chapter 34.05 RCW, or an
order of summary suspension entered under this chapter,
takes effect immediately upon its being served. The final
order, if appealed to the court, may not be stayed pending the
appeal unless the disciplinary authority or court to which the
appeal is taken enters an order staying the order of the disci-
plinary authority, which stay shall provide for terms neces-
sary to protect the public. [2007 c 256 § 15; 2002 c 86 § 109.]
18.235.090 Appeal.
18.235.090 Appeal. A person who has been disciplined
or has been denied a license by a disciplinary authority may
appeal the decision as provided in chapter 34.05 RCW.
[2007 c 256 § 16; 2002 c 86 § 110.]
18.235.100 Reinstatement.
18.235.100 Reinstatement. A person whose license
has been suspended or revoked under this chapter may peti-
tion the disciplinary authority for reinstatement after an inter-
val of time and upon conditions determined by the disciplin-
ary authority in the order suspending or revoking the license.
The disciplinary authority shall act on the petition in accor-
dance with the adjudicative proceedings provided under
chapter 34.05 RCW and may impose such conditions as
authorized by RCW 18.235.110. The disciplinary authority
may require successful completion of an examination as a
condition of reinstatement. [2007 c 256 § 17; 2002 c 86 §
18.235.110 Unprofessional conduct—Finding.
18.235.110 Unprofessional conduct—Finding. (1)
Upon finding unprofessional conduct, the disciplinary
authority may issue an order providing for one or any combi-
nation of the following:
(a) Revocation of the license for an interval of time;
(b) Suspension of the license for a fixed or indefinite
(c) Restriction or limitation of the practice;
(d) Satisfactory completion of a specific program of
remedial education or treatment;
(e) Monitoring of the practice in a manner directed by
the disciplinary authority;
(f) Censure or reprimand;
(g) Compliance with conditions of probation for a desig-
nated period of time;
(h) Payment of a fine for each violation found by the dis-
ciplinary authority, not to exceed five thousand dollars per
violation. The disciplinary authority must consider aggravat-
ing or mitigating circumstances in assessing any fine. Funds
received must be deposited in the related program account;
(i) Denial of an initial or renewal license application for
an interval of time; or
(j) Other corrective action.
(2) The disciplinary authority may require reimburse-
ment to the disciplinary authority for the investigative costs
incurred in investigating the matter that resulted in issuance
18.235.120 Uniform Regulation of Business and Professions Act
[Ch. 18.235— page 4] 2015
of an order under this section, but only if any of the sanctions
in subsection (1)(a) through (j) of this section is ordered.
(3) Any of the actions under this section may be totally
or partly stayed by the disciplinary authority. In determining
what action is appropriate, the disciplinary authority must
first consider what sanctions are necessary to protect the pub-
lic health, safety, or welfare. Only after these provisions have
been made may the disciplinary authority consider and
include in the order requirements designed to rehabilitate the
license holder or applicant. All costs associated with compli-
ance with orders issued under this section are the obligation
of the license holder or applicant.
(4) The licensee or applicant may enter into a stipulated
disposition of charges that includes one or more of the sanc-
tions of this section, but only after a statement of charges has
been issued and the licensee has been afforded the opportu-
nity for a hearing and has elected on the record to forego such
a hearing. The stipulation shall either contain one or more
specific findings of unprofessional conduct or a statement by
the licensee acknowledging that evidence is sufficient to jus-
tify one or more specified findings of unprofessional conduct.
The stipulations entered into under this subsection are con-
sidered formal disciplinary action for all purposes. [2007 c
256 § 18; 2002 c 86 § 112.]
18.235.120 Payment of a fine.
18.235.120 Payment of a fine. Where payment of a
fine is required as a result of a disciplinary action under RCW
18.235.060 or 18.235.150 and timely payment is not made as
directed in the final order, the disciplinary authority may
enforce the order for payment in the superior court in the
county in which the hearing was held. This right of enforce-
ment is in addition to any other rights the disciplinary author-
ity may have as to any licensee ordered to pay a fine but may
not be construed to limit a licensee's ability to seek judicial
review under RCW 18.235.090. In any action for enforce-
ment of an order of payment of a fine, the disciplinary author-
ity's order is conclusive proof of the validity of the order of a
fine and the terms of payment. [2002 c 86 § 113.]
18.235.130 Unprofessional conduct—Acts or conditions that constitute.
18.235.130 Unprofessional conduct—Acts or condi-
tions that constitute. The following conduct, acts, or condi-
tions constitute unprofessional conduct for any license holder
or applicant under the jurisdiction of this chapter:
(1) The commission of any act involving moral turpi-
tude, dishonesty, or corruption relating to the practice of the
person's profession or operation of the person's business,
whether the act constitutes a crime or not. At the disciplinary
hearing a certified copy of a final holding of any court of
competent jurisdiction is conclusive evidence of the conduct
of the license holder or applicant upon which a conviction or
the final holding is based. Upon a conviction, however, the
judgment and sentence is conclusive evidence at the ensuing
disciplinary hearing of the guilt of the license holder or appli-
cant of the crime described in the indictment or information,
and of the person's violation of the statute on which it is
based. For the purposes of this subsection, conviction
includes all instances in which a plea of guilty or nolo conten-
dere is the basis for the conviction and all proceedings in
which the sentence has been deferred or suspended. Except as
specifically provided by law, nothing in this subsection abro-
gates the provisions of chapter 9.96A RCW. However, RCW
9.96A.020 does not apply to a person who is required to reg-
ister as a sex offender under RCW 9A.44.130;
(2) Misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact
in obtaining or renewing a license or in reinstatement thereof;
(3) Advertising that is false, deceptive, or misleading;
(4) Incompetence, negligence, or malpractice that results
in harm or damage to another or that creates an unreasonable
risk of harm or damage to another;
(5) The suspension, revocation, or restriction of a license
to engage in any business or profession by competent author-
ity in any state, federal, or foreign jurisdiction. A certified
copy of the order, stipulation, or agreement is conclusive evi-
dence of the revocation, suspension, or restriction;
(6) Failure to cooperate with the disciplinary authority in
the course of an investigation, audit, or inspection authorized
by law by:
(a) Not furnishing any papers or documents requested by
the disciplinary authority;
(b) Not furnishing in writing an explanation covering the
matter contained in a complaint when requested by the disci-
plinary authority;
(c) Not responding to a subpoena issued by the disciplin-
ary authority, whether or not the recipient of the subpoena is
the accused in the proceeding; or
(d) Not providing authorized access, during regular busi-
ness hours, to representatives of the disciplinary authority
conducting an investigation, inspection, or audit at facilities
utilized by the license holder or applicant;
(7) Failure to comply with an order issued by the disci-
plinary authority;
(8) Violating any of the provisions of this chapter or the
chapters specified in RCW 18.235.020(2) or any rules made
by the disciplinary authority under the chapters specified in
RCW 18.235.020(2);
(9) Aiding or abetting an unlicensed person to practice or
operate a business or profession when a license is required;
(10) Practice or operation of a business or profession
beyond the scope of practice or operation as defined by law
or rule;
(11) Misrepresentation in any aspect of the conduct of
the business or profession;
(12) Failure to adequately supervise or oversee auxiliary
staff, whether employees or contractors, to the extent that
consumers may be harmed or damaged;
(13) Conviction of any gross misdemeanor or felony
relating to the practice of the person's profession or operation
of the person's business. For the purposes of this subsection,
conviction includes all instances in which a plea of guilty or
nolo contendere is the basis for conviction and all proceed-
ings in which the sentence has been deferred or suspended.
Except as specifically provided by law, nothing in this sub-
section abrogates the provisions of chapter 9.96A RCW.
However, RCW 9.96A.020 does not apply to a person who is
required to register as a sex offender under RCW 9A.44.130;
(14) Interference with an investigation or disciplinary
action by willful misrepresentation of facts before the disci-
plinary authority or its authorized representatives, or by the
use of threats or harassment against any consumer or witness
to discourage them from providing evidence in a disciplinary
action or any other legal action, or by the use of financial
inducements to any consumer or witness to prevent or
Uniform Regulation of Business and Professions Act 18.235.160
2015 [Ch. 18.235— page 5]
attempt to prevent him or her from providing evidence in a
disciplinary action; and
(15) Engaging in unlicensed practice as defined in RCW
18.235.010. [2007 c 256 § 19; 2002 c 86 § 114.]
18.235.140 Final order issued under RCW 18.235.130—Failure to comply.
18.235.140 Final order issued under RCW
18.235.130—Failure to comply. If a person or business reg-
ulated by this chapter violates or fails to comply with a final
order issued under RCW 18.235.130, the attorney general,
any prosecuting attorney, the director, the board or commis-
sion, or any other person may maintain an action in the name
of the state of Washington to enjoin the person from violating
the order or failing to comply with the order. The injunction
does not relieve the offender from criminal prosecution, but
the remedy by injunction is in addition to the liability of the
offender to criminal prosecution and disciplinary action.
[2002 c 86 § 115.]
18.235.150 Investigation of complaint—Cease and desist order/notice of intent to issue—Final determination—Fine—Temporary cease and desist ord er—Action/who may maintai n—Remedies not limited .
18.235.150 Investigation of complaint—Cease and
desist order/notice of intent to issue—Final determina-
tion—Fine—Temporary cease and desist order—
Action/who may maintain—Remedies not limited. (1)
The disciplinary authority may investigate complaints con-
cerning practice by unlicensed persons of a profession or
business for which a license is required by the chapters spec-
ified in RCW 18.235.020. In the investigation of the com-
plaints, the director has the same authority as provided the
disciplinary authority under RCW 18.235.030.
(2) The disciplinary authority may issue a notice of
intent to issue a cease and desist order to any person whom
the disciplinary authority has reason to believe is engaged or
is about to engage in the unlicensed practice of a profession
or operation of a business for which a license is required by
the chapters specified in RCW 18.235.020.
(3) The disciplinary authority may issue a notice of
intent to issue a cease and desist order to any person whom
the disciplinary authority has reason to believe is engaged or
is about to engage in an act or practice constituting a violation
of this chapter or the chapters specified in RCW
18.235.020(2) or a rule adopted or order issued under those
(4) The person to whom such a notice is issued may
request an adjudicative proceeding to contest the allegations.
The notice shall include a brief, plain statement of the alleged
unlicensed activities, act, or practice constituting a violation
of this chapter or the chapters specified in RCW
18.235.020(2) or a rule adopted or order issued under those
chapters. The request for hearing must be filed within twenty
days after service of the notice of intent to issue a cease and
desist order. The failure to request a hearing constitutes a
default, whereupon the disciplinary authority may enter a
permanent cease and desist order, which may include a civil
fine. All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with
chapter 34.05 RCW.
(5) If the disciplinary authority makes a final determina-
tion that a person has engaged or is engaging in unlicensed
practice or other act or practice constituting a violation of this
chapter or the chapters specified in RCW 18.235.020(2) or a
rule adopted or order issued under those chapters, the disci-
plinary authority may issue a permanent cease and desist
order. In addition, the disciplinary authority may impose a
civil fine in an amount not exceeding one thousand dollars for
each day upon which the person engaged in the unlicensed
practice of a profession or operation of a business for which a
license is required by one or more of the chapters specified in
RCW 18.235.020. The proceeds of such a fine shall be depos-
ited in the related program account.
(6) The disciplinary authority may issue a temporary
cease and desist order if a person is engaged or is about to
engage in unlicensed practice or other act or practice consti-
tuting a violation of this chapter or the chapters specified in
RCW 18.235.020(2) or a rule adopted or order issued under
those chapters if the disciplinary authority makes a written
finding of fact that the public interest will be irreparably
harmed by delay in issuing an order. The person receiving a
temporary cease and desist order shall be provided an oppor-
tunity for a prompt hearing. A temporary cease and desist
order shall remain in effect until further order of the disciplin-
ary authority. The failure to request a prompt or regularly
scheduled hearing constitutes a default, whereupon the disci-
plinary authority may enter a permanent cease and desist
order, which may include a civil fine.
(7) The cease and desist order is conclusive proof of
unlicensed practice or other act or practice constituting a vio-
lation of this chapter or the chapters specified in RCW
18.235.020(2) or a rule adopted or order issued under those
chapters and may be enforced under RCW 7.21.060. This
method of enforcement of the cease and desist order or civil
fine may be used in addition to, or as an alternative to, any
provisions for enforcement of agency orders set out in chap-
ter 34.05 RCW.
(8) The attorney general, a county prosecuting attorney,
the director, a board or commission, or any person may, in
accordance with the laws of this state governing injunctions,
maintain an action in the name of the state of Washington to
enjoin any person practicing a profession or business without
a license for which a license is required by the chapters spec-
ified in RCW 18.235.020. All fees, fines, forfeitures, and
penalties collected or assessed by a court because of a viola-
tion of this section shall be deposited in the related program
(9) The civil remedies in this section do not limit the
ability to pursue criminal prosecution as authorized in any of
the acts specified in RCW 18.235.020 nor do the civil reme-
dies limit any criminal sanctions. [2007 c 256 § 20; 2002 c 86
§ 116.]
18.235.160 Violation of injunction—Contempt of court—Civil penalty.
18.235.160 Violation of injunction—Contempt of
court—Civil penalty. A person or business that violates an
injunction issued under this chapter may be found in con-
tempt of court under RCW 7.21.010. Upon a finding by a
court of competent jurisdiction that the person or business is
in contempt, the court may order any remedial sanction as
authorized by RCW 7.21.030. Further, the court may, in addi-
tion to the remedial sanctions available under RCW 7.21.030,
order the person or business to pay a civil penalty to the state
in an amount not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars,
which shall be deposited in the related program account. For
the purposes of this section, the superior court issuing any
injunction retains jurisdiction and the cause shall be contin-
ued, and in such cases the attorney general acting in the name
18.235.170 Uniform Regulation of Business and Professions Act
[Ch. 18.235— page 6] 2015
of the state may petition for the recovery of civil penalties.
[2002 c 86 § 117.]
18.235.170 Misrepresentation—Gross misdemeanor.
18.235.170 Misrepresentation—Gross misdemeanor.
A person who attempts to obtain, obtains, or attempts to
maintain a license by willful misrepresentation or fraudulent
representation is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [2002 c 86 §
18.235.180 Cri me or violation by license holder—Disciplinary autho rity may give notification.
18.235.180 Crime or violation by license holder—
Disciplinary authority may give notification. If the disci-
plinary authority has reason to believe that a license holder
has committed a crime, or violated the laws of another regu-
latory body, the disciplinary authority may notify the attorney
general or the county prosecuting attorney in the county in
which the act took place, or other responsible official of the
facts known to the disciplinary authority. [2002 c 86 § 119.]
18.235.190 Immunity from suit.
18.235.190 Immunity from suit. The director, mem-
bers of the boards or commissions, or individuals acting on
their behalf are immune from suit in any action, civil or crim-
inal, based on any disciplinary actions or other official acts
performed in the course of their duties. [2002 c 86 § 120.]
18.235.200 Use of records—Exchange of information—Chapter does not affect or limit.
18.235.200 Use of records—Exchange of informa-
tion—Chapter does not affect or limit. This chapter does
not affect the use of records, obtained from the director or the
disciplinary authorities, in any existing investigation or
action by any public agency. Nor does this chapter limit any
existing exchange of information between the director or the
disciplinary authorities and other public agencies. [2002 c 86
§ 121.]
18.235.210 Application of chapter—January 1, 2003.
18.235.210 Application of chapter—January 1, 2003.
(1) This chapter applies to any conduct, acts, or conditions
occurring on or after January 1, 2003.
(2) This chapter does not apply to or govern the con-
struction of and disciplinary action for any conduct, acts, or
conditions occurring prior to January 1, 2003. The conduct,
acts, or conditions must be construed and disciplinary action
taken according to the provisions of law existing at the time
of the occurrence in the same manner as if this chapter had
not been enacted.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, this
chapter applies to applications for licensure made on or after
January 1, 2003. [2007 c 256 § 21; 2002 c 86 § 122.]
18.235.900 S hort title.
18.235.900 Short title. This chapter may be known and
cited as the uniform regulation of business and professions
act. [2002 c 86 § 123.]
18.235.901 Effective date—2002 c 86 §§ 101-123.
18.235.901 Effective date—2002 c 86 §§ 101-123.
Sections 101 through 123 of this act take effect January 1,
2003. [2002 c 86 § 124.]
18.235.902 Part headings not law—2002 c 86.
18.235.902 Part headings not law—2002 c 86. Part
headings used in this act are not any part of the law. [2002 c
86 § 402.]
18.235.903 S everabi lity—2002 c 86.
18.235.903 Severability—2002 c 86. If any provision
of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the
provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
[2002 c 86 § 404.]