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Travel Purpose Identifiers and Transportation Decision Support Tools
A. Travel Purpose Identifiers. Refer to ECFR Title 41, Chapter 301, Appendix C:
Standard Data Elements for Federal Travel, for guidance on data elements and trip
B. Reporting Data Elements and Procedures Format. The table below, “Reporting Data
Elements and Procedures Format,” specifies the information and format required for requesting
premium-class travel accommodations.
Reporting Data Elements and Procedures Format
Information Format Example
’s Name
Last Name, First Name MI. Smith, John Q.
Sponsor’s Name (if
’s Rank and Grade
see example
O-7, E-6, GS-14
Sponsor’s Rank and Grade
(if applicable)
Last 4 digits of traveler’s
Social Security Numbe
Last 4 digits of sponsor’s
Social Security Number (if
4 Travele
’s Service or agency see example U.S. Army, DIA
5 Travele
’s organization see example 434 ARW/FMF
Work phone (commercial
with area code)
Work phone (DSN) XXX-XXXX
7 E-mail address [email protected]
8 Travel purpose (see par. A) see example Employee emergency
Enter all proposed trip legs in the following table:
Leg Start
Leg End
Mode of Travel Fare Class
Fare paid for premium-class
Nearest dollar
Coach fare leg cost if coach
class were used
Nearest dollar
12 Ticket issuing location
Name and location of Travel
Management Company (TMC)
Approval reason code and
JTR par. justification
pproval code: F1
Par. reference:
JTR, par. 020206-J
and Table 2-4
Approval authority for
name, title
Note: Travel purpose codes are a means to categorize a particular trip. They do not convey
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authority in any way to use premium-class accommodations.
Sample Form
’s Name Smith, John Q.
’s Name (if applicable) N/A
’s Rank and Grade E-6
’s Name (if applicable) N/A
Last 4 digits of travele
’s Social Security Numbe
Last 4 digits of sponso
’s Social Security Numbe
’s Service or agency U.S. Air Force
’s organization 434 ARW/FMF
Work phone (commercial with area code) (765) 689-9179
Work phone (DSN) 497-0342
Email address
Travel purpose Employee emergency
Enter all proposed trip legs in the following table:
Leg Start
Leg End
Mode of
Leg Origin
09-01-2003 09-01-2003 airplane business
San Diego, CA
Fare paid for premium-class accommodations $402
Coach fare leg cost if coach class were used $129
Name and location of Travel Management Company
Best Travel, Indianapolis, IN
pproval reason code and JTR par.
ustification reference
pproval Code: F2
Par. Reference: 020206-J and Table 2-4
Approval authority
Lt. Gen. Mary X. Johnson, Air
Force Reserve Vice Chie
Note: The sample form is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect actual costs or
C. First Class Air Accommodations Codes. One of the six reasons (F1 through F5 or
FC) must apply. Refer to JTR, par. 020206, for a detailed description of each reason for travel.
JTR Paragraph Reference Reason for Travel
F1 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4
Lower class not available in
F2 Pars. 020206-J and K and Table 2-4 Medical
F3 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Security
F4 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Mission
F5 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Only first class provided
F6 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Non-Federal source
s. 020206-J and 031802 and Table 2-4 Congressional travel
D. First Class Decision Support Tool
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1. Authorization Approval Authority. Since March 1, 2004, authorization or approval
authority for premium-class accommodations has been at the senior official level with specific
delegations required for authority below that level. Consult Service and agency written material
for the current business class AOs.
2. First Class Accommodations Request Decision Process. References at the end
of the questions (for example, F1, F4) refer to First Class Air Accommodations Codes.
(a) Is the request for first class accommodations because premium-class
airfare costs less than the least expensive unrestricted coach-class airfare?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes The traveler may use the upgraded accommodations without obtaining special
approval or authorization.
(b) Is the request for first class accommodations because lower class
accommodations are not reasonably available (F1)?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Are accommodations, other than first class, available on an airline scheduled to
leave within 24 hours before the traveler’s proposed departure time, or scheduled to
arrive up to 24 hours before the travele
’s proposed arrival time?
If… Then…
sk: Would traveler arrive later than the required reporting time at the duty site?
If… Then…
Yes Ask: Is the travel for PCS, EVT, FVT, emergency leave, R&R, FEML,
evacuation, or RAT, COT, or IPCOT leave?
If… Then…
Yes First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved
since arrival and reporting time is not mission critical.
No First class accommodations may be authorized or approved for
the departure portion of the trip.*
No Ask: Would the traveler be required to depart earlier than the traveler is
scheduled to complete duty?
If… Then…
Yes Ask: Is the travel for PCS, EVT, FVT, emergency leave, R&R,
FEML, evacuation, or RAT, COT, or IPCOT leave?
If… Then…
Yes First class accommodations must not be authorized or
approved since arrival and reporting time is not mission
No First class accommodations may be authorized or
approved for the departure portion of the trip.
*Consideration must be given to several factors, including but not limited to when the TDY trip
was identified, when travel reservations were made, and whether or not the traveler can arrive
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(c) Is the request for first class accommodations because of a disability
or special need (F2)?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Has a competent medical authority certified that the disability or special need
exists and necessitates a first class travel accommodation?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Can lower cost economy accommodations (for example, ‘bulk head’
seating, providing two economy seats, a business class seat, or shorter flights)
meet the travele
’s requirements?
If… Then…
Yes First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
No First class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
(d) Is the request for first class accommodations due to exceptional
security circumstances (F3)?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Would use of other than first class accommodations entail danger to the
’s life or Government property?
If… Then…
Yes First class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
No Ask: Is the traveler an agent of a protective detail accompanying an individual
authorized to use first class accommodations?
If… Then…
Yes Ask: Is the traveler required to remain in the immediate area of the
individuals he or she is protecting while traveling?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or
Yes First class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
No Ask: Is the traveler a courier or control officer accompanying controlled
pouches or packages?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or
Yes Ask: Can adequate security of the pouch or package be
maintained in coach or business class?
If… Then…
Yes First class accommodations must not be authorized or
No First class accommodations may be authorized or
(e) Is the request for first class accommodations mission required (F4)?
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If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Is travel in connection with Federal Advisory Committees Act (Title 5 U.S.C.
If… Then…
Yes First class accommodations may be authorized or approved.**
sk: Is the traveler a high-level invited guest?
If… Then…
Yes First class accommodations may be authorized or approved.**
No Ask: Is the traveler a U.S. armed forces attaché accompanying ministers
of foreign governments traveling to the U.S. to consult with U.S. Federal
Government officials?
If… Then…
Yes First class accommodations may be authorized or approved.**
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
** For the Department of Defense, the Director, Administration and Management, Office of the
Secretary of Defense, or the Director’s designee is the only authority for authorization or
(f) Do the regularly scheduled flights between the authorized origin and
destination—including connection points—provide only first class accommodations
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Has the TO or agent documented that there are no other scheduled coach or
business class flights or seats?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes First class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
(g) Is the request for first class accommodations because a non-Federal
source is paying (F6)?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Does the non-Federal source want the traveler to use first class accommodations
and has the traveler met at least one of the other first class accommodations criteria
(F1 through F5)?
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Has a non-Federal source paid for the transportation services in
If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes. First class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
(h) Is the Service member or civilian employee traveling in support of
Congressional travel (FC)?
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If… Then…
No First class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes An approval authority must sign a separate and distinct authorization form for issuance
of any premium-class ticket even when the authorization comes from the Chairman of
the Congressional Committee or Leadership or Speaker of the House.
E. Business Class Air Accommodations Codes. One of the eleven reasons listed below
(B1 through B9 or BC or BF) must apply. Refer to JTR, par. 020206, for a detailed description
of each reason for travel.
JTR Paragraph Reference Reason For Travel
B1 Pa
s. 020206-J and K and Table 2-4 Medical
B2 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Security
B3 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Foreign flag coach not adequate
B4 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Only business class provided
B5 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Non-Federal source
B6 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Over 14 hours
B7 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Overall savings
B8 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Lower class not available in time
B9 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Mission
s. 020206-J and 031802 and Table 2-4 Congressional travel
BF Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4
Required by foreign government
regulations, such as an MOU,
, or SOF
* For business class accommodations, this is a stand-alone reason.
F. Business Class Decision Support Tool
1. Authorization Approval Authority. Since March 1, 2004, authorization or approval
authority for premium class accommodations has been at the senior official level with specific
delegations required for authority below that level. Consult Service or agency written material
for the current business class AOs.
2. Business Class Air Accommodations Codes References. References at the end
of the questions (for example, B1, B7) refer to Business Class Air Accommodations Codes.
3. Business Class Accommodations Request Decision Process
(a) Is the request for business class accommodations because premium-
class airfare costs less than the least expensive unrestricted coach-class airfare (B7)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes The traveler may use the upgraded accommodations without obtaining special
approval or authorization.
(b) Is the request for business class accommodations because lower
class accommodations are not reasonably available on any scheduled flight in time to
accomplish the official TDY travel purpose or mission (B8)?
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If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
sk: Is the mission so urgent that it cannot be postponed?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Is the travel for PCS, EVT, FVT, emergency leave, R&R, FEML, evacuation,
or RAT, COT, or IPCOT leave?
If… Then…
Yes Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved since
arrival time and reporting time in these cases is not mission critical.
No Business class accommodations may be authorized or approved for the
departure portion of the trip.* The traveler should use coach
accommodations for the return flight if the return flight is not critical and the
traveler can rest before returning to work.
* Consideration must be given to several factors, including but not limited to when the TDY trip
was identified, when travel reservations were made, and whether or not the traveler can arrive
(c) Is the request for business class accommodations because of
medical reasons (B1)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Has a competent medical authority certified that the disability or special need
exists and necessitates a business class travel accommodation?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Can lower cost economy accommodations (for example, ‘bulk head’
seating, providing two economy seats, a business class seat, or shorter flights)
meet the travele
’s requirements?
If… Then…
Yes Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
No Business class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
(d) Is the request for business class accommodations due to exceptional
security circumstances (B2)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Would use of other than business class accommodations entail danger to the
’s life or Government property?
If… Then…
Yes Business class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
No Ask: Is the traveler an agent of a protective detail accompanying an individual
authorized to use business class accommodations?
If… Then…
Yes Ask: Is the traveler required to remain in the immediate area of the
individuals he or she is protecting while traveling?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or
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Yes Business class accommodations may be authorized or
No Ask: Is the traveler a courier or control officer accompanying controlled
pouches or packages?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or
Yes Ask: Can adequate security of the pouch or package be
maintained in coach or business class?
If… Then…
Yes Business class accommodations must not be authorized
or approved.
No Business class accommodations may be authorized or
(e) Is the request for business class accommodations mission required
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Is travel in connection with Federal Advisory Committees Act (Title 5 U.S.C.
If… Then…
Yes Business class accommodations may be authorized or approved.**
sk: Is the traveler a high-level invited guest?
If… Then…
Yes Business class accommodations may be authorized or approved.**
No Ask: Is the traveler a U.S. armed forces attaché accompanying ministers
of foreign governments traveling to the U.S. to consult with U.S. Federal
Government officials?
If… Then…
Yes Business class accommodations may be authorized or
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or
** For the Department of Defense, the Director, Administration and Management, Office of the
Secretary of Defense, or the Director’s designee is the only authority for authorization or
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(f) Do the regularly scheduled flights between the authorized origin and
destination—including connection points—provide only business class
accommodations (B4)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Has the TO or agent documented that there are no other scheduled coach
class flights or seats?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Business class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
(g) Is the request for first class accommodations because a non-Federal
source is paying (B5)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Does the non-Federal source want the traveler to use business class
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Has a non-Federal source paid for the transportation services in
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes. Business class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
(h) Is the request for business class accommodations because coach
class accommodations on the available foreign carrier do not provide adequate
sanitation or meet health standards (B3)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Has foreign flag service use been authorized or approved in accordance with the
merica Act?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
sk: Does the aircraft have more than two cabins?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
The front cabin is first class (making first class criteria applicable)
regardless of what class the airline calls it.
Yes. Business class accommodations may be authorized or approved.
(i) Is the request for business class accommodations because business
class accommodations would result in an overall savings to the Government (B7)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Is this based on economic considerations (for example, the avoidance of
additional subsistence costs, overtime, or lost productive time) that would be incurred
while awaiting coach class accommodations?
If… Then…
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No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
sk: Is there an actual cost comparison showing the overall savings details?
If… Then…
No Business accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
sk: Does the aircraft have more than two cabins?
If… Then…
No Business accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
The front cabin is first class (making first class criteria applicable)
regardless of what class the airline calls it.
Yes Business accommodations may be authorized or approved.
(j) Is the request for business accommodations because the scheduled
flight time exceeds 14 hours (B6)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes Ask: Is the time between the scheduled aircraft departure from the airport serving the
PDS or TDY point and the scheduled aircraft arrival at the airport serving the TDY point
or PDS—including scheduled non-overnight time spent at airports during plane
changes—more than 14 hours?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
sk: Does the traveler have to begin work immediately after arrival?
If… Then…
No Business accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes. Ask: Can a rest period be scheduled en route or at the TDY site before
starting work?
If… Then…
Yes Business class accommodations must not be authorized or
No Ask: Is the TDY purpose or mission so urgent that it cannot be
delayed or postponed?
No Business accommodations must not be authorized or
Yes Ask: Is the travel for PCS, EVT, FVT, emergency leave, R&R,
FEML, evacuation, or RAT, COT, or IPCOT leave?
Yes Business class accommodations must not be authorized
or approved.
No Business class accommodations may be authorized or
approved for the departure portion of the trip.* The
traveler should use coach accommodations for the
return flight if the return flight is not critical and the
traveler can rest before returning to work.
*Consideration must be given to several factors, including but not limited to when the TDY trip
was identified, when travel reservations were made, and whether or not the traveler can arrive
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(k) Is the Service member or civilian employee traveling in support of
Congressional travel (BC)?
If… Then…
No Business class accommodations must not be authorized or approved.
Yes An approval authority must sign a separate and distinct authorization form for issuance
of any premium-class ticket even when the authorization comes from the Chairman of
the Congressional Committee or Leadership or Speaker of the House.
G. Premium Class Accommodations for a Medical Disability or Special Need
1. It is DoD policy (refer to JTR, par. 020206.K) that premium class accommodations
due to a disability or special need be used only when there are no alternative means to
accommodate the traveler’s condition (for example, bulkhead, aisle seating, use of two adjoining
coach seats, etc.). A traveler must provide written certification by a competent medical authority
to obtain a travel accommodation for a disability. Written certification must substantiate the
disability, its functional limitations, the necessity of any recommended travel accommodation,
and the duration of any recommended travel accommodation. For a temporary disability, a
traveler must obtain recertification after the certified duration expires, or otherwise as
appropriate. For a lifelong disability, a traveler is not required to recertify the disability itself, but
must recertify the necessity of the travel accommodation if the disability remits or intensifies. An
AO may authorize non-premium class travel accommodations for a special need without
medical certification.
2. A traveler who requests premium class accommodations due to disability or
special need should request authorization well in advance of anticipated travel to ensure there is
sufficient time to obtain required premium class authorization prior to travel.
3. If extenuating circumstances or emergency situations prevent advance
authorization, the traveler must obtain written approval from the AO responsible for premium
class within 7 days of travel completion. Failure to receive the appropriate authorization or
approval for premium class transportation either before or after travel may result in the traveler
being financially liable for costs in excess of the economy or coach class airfare.
H. Premium Class Transportation Approval Checklist. Although existing policy allows
the use of premium class transportation (in other words, premium class travel) in certain
circumstances, the AO must certify that all decision factors and other alternatives were
considered prior to recommending approval. The Premium Class Transportation Approval
Checklist must be used and submitted as part of the approval documentation. It is used to
certify that the decision factors and other alternatives were considered in the approval process.
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Premium Class Transportation Approval Checklist
Item Yes No
1. Can the objective be accomplished by correspondence, teleconference, web-
based communications, or other appropriate means?
2. Is the trip for any of the following reasons: Permanent Change of Station
(PCS); Renewal Agreement Travel (RAT); Consecutive Overseas Tour (COT); In
Place Consecutive Overseas Tour Leave (IPCOT); Emergency Visitation Travel
(EVT); Family Visitation Travel (FVT); Emergency Leave; Rest & Recuperation
(R&R); Funded Environmental and Morale Leave (FEML); or Evacuation?
Premium-class transportation should not be approved for any of these trip types.
3. Could another traveler accomplish the mission?
4. Could a GSA business-class City Pair Program airfare be used for premium-
class transportation?
5. Could lower cost accommodations—for example, Economy Plus or Coach
Elite, bulkhead, two economy seats, or lowest business-class seating—be used as
an alternative to premium-class seating or airfares?
6. Is the cost for premium-class airfare less than the cost for the least expensive
unrestricted economy- or coach-class airfare?
7. Have other alternative travel dates and times been considered to obtain an
economy- or
coach-class airfare?
8. If flight time is in excess of 14 hours—including non-overnight airport stopovers
and plane changes—could an en route stopover or rest-period at the TDY location
before beginning work accomplish travel at a lower cost?
9. Has a competent medical authority substantiated the disability, its functional
limitations, the necessity of any recommended travel accommodation, and the
duration of any recommended travel accommodation? For a temporary disability,
a traveler must obtain recertification after the certified duration expires, or
otherwise as appropriate. For a lifelong disability, a traveler is not required to
recertify the disability itself, but must recertify the necessity of the travel
accommodation if the disability remits or intensifies.
10. For DoD: As the authorizing official, reporting offices (approval authority)
must ensure that all trips involving premium-class airfares have been approved in
accordance with all regulations.
11. Remarks (for additional information or comments applied in the decision process.)
Recommend approval of attached premium class transportation request for:
Traveler Name Date
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Recommending Official’s
Name Recommending Official’s Title
Recommending Official’s
See the DTMO website for an electronic version of this document.
I. Premium Class Accommodations Determination Format
The request for first- or business-class
accommodations for:
(enter full name of traveler)
is authorized or approved or disapproved.
Type full name, rank and office symbol of
authorizing or approving official for premium class
J. Premium Class Accommodations Codes for Train Travel. Also refer to JTR, par.
JTR Paragraph Reference Reason For Travel
T1 Pa
s. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Lower class not available
T2 Pa
s. 020206-J, K, N and Table 2-4 Medical
T3 Par. 020206-J, N and Table 2-4 Security
T4 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Health standards
Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Mission
T6 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4
Advantageous to the
K. Premium Class Accommodations Codes for Ship Travel. Also refer to JTR, par.
JTR Paragraph Reference Reason For Travel
S1 Par. 020206-J and Table 2-4 Lower class not available
S2 Par. 020206-J, K, N and Table 2-4 Medical
S3 Par. 020206-J, N and Table 2-4 Security
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