Office of Human Resources Personnel Management Branch
Hawaii State Department of Education
P.O. Box 2360 Honolulu, Hawaii 96804
An Equal Opportunity Employer
RS 18-1157, April 2018 (Rev. of RS 18-0985)
Entry LEvELs for nEw EmpLoyEEs
Effective School Year 2018-2019
This salary schedule is based upon the 2017-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement between
the State of Hawaii Board of Education and the Hawaii State Teachers Association.
Annual salary for 10-month employees is earned at the daily rate for each scheduled work
day, paid holidays and paid Winter and Spring vacation days. Salaries shall be paid over
24 equal semi-monthly pay periods except when adjustments are necessary because of
absence without pay or partial work year or other good reason. Summer salary earnings
shall be paid over the summer salary period according to School Code Regulation #5201.
Employees may be paid at Class II or III Step 1 when official documentation of completion
of a state approved teacher education program is not submitted to the HIDOE in a timely
Teachers may enter the Salary Schedule at Classes II, III, or VII. Teachers who have not
completed a state approved teacher education program shall enter at Step 1, and teachers
who have completed a state approved teacher education program shall enter at Step 5, Step
6, or Step 7. Teachers may enter Class VII provided they have a Doctorate degree from an
accredited institution recognized by the HIDOE, teach subject(s) in or related to the major
of the Doctorate degree, and hold a valid Hawaii State teacher license. All requirements for
initial salary classification must be met prior to the effective date of employment.
Teachers on initial HIDOE appointments must remain in the entry level class for two
(2) semesters prior to eligibility for movement to a higher class. After the initial two (2)
semesters, teachers must serve one (1) semester time-in-class and complete the additional
15 credit requirement as determined by the HIDOE for the next higher class. These 15
credits must be earned after initial HIDOE employment and must be in education, and/
or in the teacher’s area of preparation, and/or in the subject area of teaching assignment.
At least seven (7) of the 15 PD and/or academic credits applied for reclassification shall be
related to the Standards Based Instruction aligned to the school’s Strategic Plan. A valid
Hawaii State teacher license is required for Classes V, VI, and VII.
Experience must be officially verified before being credited and must have been in a
recognized K-12 public or private school. Certain military experience, up to four (4) years,
may also be used in combination with acceptable teaching experience for salary credit up
to a maximum of six (6) years. The verification of experience credit must be by the former
employer and must be received within the current school year.
Teachers who do not meet teacher licensing requirements may be employed on a temporary,
year-to-year basis, for a maximum of three (3) school years, provided they actively pursue
licensing requirements in each school year.
Teachers must serve a minimum of six (6) semesters as a probationary period. Every
probationary teacher must complete at least two (2) consecutive annual overall ratings
with a rating of Effective or better in their last two (2) years of probation in order to gain
tenure within the six (6) semester probationary period. Teachers with a National Board
Certification shall serve a probation of two (2) semesters in order to gain tenure. Teachers
will become tenured teachers on the first working day after successfully completing their
probation. To be eligible for probationary status, teachers must have an effective date of
employment and a Hawaii State teacher license issued on or before the 24
working day of
a semester, may not have more than 23 days of unpaid leave in a semester and must be on
paid status at the end of a semester.
Entry Level for Newly Hired Teachers to the Hawaii State Department of Education
Effective School Year 2018-2019
Teachers’ Salary Schedule
This teachers’ salary schedule applies to all newly hired teachers for the Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE). All salary steps are updated in
accordance with the negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement. Effective the first working day of the second quarter, salary amounts will reflect an across-
the-board increase of 3.5% as shown in the table below.
Years of Teaching Experience Class II Class III Class VII
Prior to HIDOE Bachelors Bachelors + 30 or Master’s PhD or EdD
Steps 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
* No SATEP 1 $35,962 $37,218 $38,838 $40,195
** SATEP 5 (0-3 yrs) $47,443 $49,100 $51,238 $53,028 $61,094 $63,228
6 (4-5 yrs) $48,866 $50,574 $52,775 $54,619 $62,928 $65,126
7 (6 yrs) $50,333 $52,091 $54,359 $56,258 $64,815 $67,079
* No SATEP: Teachers who have not completed a state approved teacher education program (SATEP) enter into Step 1.
** SATEP: Teachers who have completed a state approved teacher education program (SATEP) enter into Step 5 (0-3 yrs) or Step 6 (4-5 yrs), or Step 7 (6 yrs).
A maximum of six (6) years of officially verified non-HIDOE teaching experience in a recognized K-12 public or private school may be used
towards step placement.
NOTE: Requirements for initial salary classification must be met prior to the effective date of employment.
No SATEP Salary Classification
Class II – Step 1: Hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution recognized by the HIDOE.
Class III – Step 1: Hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution recognized by the HIDOE plus 30 semester credit hours earned subsequently
or a Master’s degree as determined by the HIDOE from an accredited institution recognized by the HIDOE. The 30 semester credit hours and/or the
Master’s degree must be in the subject area of teaching assignment.
SATEP Salary Classification
Class II – Step 5, Step 6, or Step 7: Hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution recognized by the HIDOE and shall have completed a SATEP.
Class III Step 5, Step 6, or Step 7: Hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution recognized by the HIDOE and shall have completed a SATEP
plus 30 semester credit hours earned subsequently or a Master’s degree as determined by the HIDOE from an accredited institution recognized by the
HIDOE. The 30 semester credit hours and Master’s degree must be in education, and/or in the teacher’s area of preparation, and/or subject area of
teaching assignment.
Please note the SATEP could have been earned within the Bachelor’s degree or subsequently. If earned subsequently, the credits or degree
completed may be used to meet the 30 semester credit hours or Master’s degree criteria.
Class VII – Step 5, Step 6, or Step 7: Hold a Doctorate degree from an accredited institution recognized by the HIDOE, teach subject(s) in or related to
the major of the Doctorate degree, and hold a valid Hawaii State teacher license.
Please note a Doctorate degree is defined as a degree that is higher than a Master’s degree and the highest possible degree within the education profession.