The Licensing Section in the Copyright Office administers
the compulsory and statutory licenses in the Copyright Act
(Title 17 of the United States Code). Copyright Office Licens-
ing Section service fees are subject to change. For current
fees, check the Copyright Office website at
email the Licensing Section at
licensing@copyright.gov, or call
(202) 707 8150.
Licensing Service Fees, eective March 20, 2020
$50 Statement of account amendment (cable television
systems, satellite carriers and digital audio recording
devices or media, 17 USC 111, 119, and 1003)
$75 Recordation of a notice of intention to make and
distribute phonorecords (17 USC 115) for first title.
Paper filing: $20 for additional titles (per group of 10).
Online filing: $10 for additional titles (per group of 100)
$50 Recordation of certain contracts by cable television
systems located outside the forty-eight contiguous
$50 Notice of use of sound recordings under statutory
license (17 USC 112 and 114)
$50 Amendment of 17 USC 112 and 114 notice
$0.50 Photocopy made by staff (black and white) (per page,
minimum $12)
$200 Search report, per hour
$200 Certification of search report
Licensing Filing Fees, eective March 20, 2020
$15 Cable statement of account SA1 form
$20 Cable statement of account SA2 form
$725 Cable statement of account SA3 form
$725 Satellite statement of account
This circular outlines the Copyright
Oce Licensing Section service fees.
Copyright Oce
Licensing Section
Service Fees
U. S. Copyright Office · Library of Congress · 101 Independence Avenue SE · Washington, DC 20559 · copyright.gov
CIRCULAR 76 REVISED: 09 /2022 PRINT: 00 /0000 — 0,000
: Pursuant to the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act of 2010 (STELA), which granted
authority to the Copyright Oce to establish fees for the ling of statements of account under the
sections 111, 119, and 122 statutory licenses, eective January 1, 2014, the Oce will assess a ling
fee for all statements of account led for current, past, and future accounting periods. For more
information, see the Federal Register, November 29, 2013 (78 FR 71498).
1. This circular is intended as an overview of copyright oce Licensing Section service fees. The
authoritative source for U.S. copyright law is the Copyright Act, codied in Title 17 of the United States
Code. Copyright regulations are codied in Title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Copyright Oce
practices and procedures are summarized in the third edition of the Compendium of U.S. Copyright
Oce Practices, cited as the Compendium. The copyright law, regulations, and the Compendium are
available on the Copyright Oce website at www.copyright.gov.
For Further Information
By Internet
The copyright law, the Compendium, electronic registration, application forms, and related materials
are available from the Copyright Office website at
By Email
To send a licensing related inquiry, e-mail licensing@copyright.gov. To send a general email inquiry,
click the Contact Us link on the Copyright Office website.
By Telephone
For licensing related information, call the Licensing Section at (202) 707-8150. For general
information about copyright, call the Copyright Public Information Office at (202) 707-3000
or 1-877-476-0778 (toll free). Staff members are on duty from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, eastern time,
Monday through Friday, except federal holidays. To request paper application forms or circulars
by postal mail, call (202) 707-9100 or 1-877-476-0778 (toll free) and leave a recorded message.
By Regular Mail
Write to
Library of Congress
Copyright Office-LS
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20557-6400