2220 Fairfax Street 􀁎 Eau Claire 􀁎 Wisconsin 􀁎 54701-4799 􀁎 715-852-6300 􀁎 Fax 715-852-6304
Parking Permit No. ____(issued by Memorial High School) Todays Date: _____________
Name: ______________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________
(Last) (First) (MI)
Address: ____________________________________ Phone: ___________________ ____
Make/Model/Color/Vehicle: ____________________________________________________
License Plate #: ________________ Secondary vehicle car/color and plate info. ______________
(additional room on back of form)
Memorial High School, the Eau Claire Area School District, and its insurance company will not be responsible for any vandalism, theft,
or damage done to a vehicle while parking in the school parking lot.
1. Only vehicles belonging to students or their parents/guardians may park on school property.
2. Student drivers must obtain a parking permit in Student Services. The cost is $50.00 for the school year or $25.00 for the
second semester ONLY (starting 1/24/23). There will be NO refunds for parking permits. (1
semester only parking
permits ARE NOT AVAILABLE full year or second semester only permits are available).
3. There is a non-refundable fee of $5.00 for a replacement parking permit. Report lost permits and get a replacement immediately.
4. While the vehicle is in the MHS parking lot, the permit must be displayed from the rearview mirror. Vehicles without a MHS Lot
parking permit displayed will be ticketed.
5. The law states nothing should be hanging from the rearview mirror of a moving vehicle. Please remove permits from the
rearview mirror when leaving the school parking lot.
6. Student drivers must park in designated spaces on the blacktop between the white or yellow lines. Staff, handicap, and other
reserved parking spaces are identified with signs and on the map. Student vehicles parked in unauthorized spaces will be
ticketed; e.g.-on the grass, on no parking lines, in front of no parking signs, in front of gates etc.
7. Permits are transferable only with school authorization.
8. Parking permits must accompany only the vehicle(s) of the purchasing student(s). Permits can only be transferred between
students of the same designated car pool. Violations of this rule will result in temporary and/or permanent revocation of
parking privileges.
9. A PARKING SPOT IS NOT GUARANTEED Parking stalls are available on a first come first serve basis.
10. If a student changes or uses another car, the plates and the make of the car must be reported to the Business Office in 1234 or
a ticket may be issued.
11. Students parking along fenced areas will not touch the fence with their cars.
13. All vehicles must be parked immediately upon arrival at school. Loitering in automobiles and/or in the parking lot is prohibited.
Students should lock their vehicles at all times.
14. Exhibition driving is prohibited. No person shall turn, accelerate, decelerate, or otherwise operate a motor vehicle on school
property in a manner which causes unnecessary engine noise or backfire, squealing tires, skidding, sliding, swaying, throwing
of sand or gravel, or in any manner creating an unsafe situation. Violations of this rule will result in temporary and/or
permanent revocation of parking privileges and/or a city ordinance citation.
15. When a student's parking privilege has been revoked, that student cannot park or drive through the lot during school hours of
7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
16. Vehicles that are blocking free and open access to the parking lot are subject to a city ordinance ticket or may be towed at the
owner's expense.
17. The same expectations for clothing in school apply for the cars in the lot; e.g.-vulgarity, alcohol, tobacco, drug symbols or
names, etc.
18. Violations of school rules; e.g.-vulgarity, dress code, unexcused absences, etc..., may result in a loss of parking privileges.
19. All school fines must be cleared up and paid before a permit will be issued. Students must present a receipt from the
library showing that the student has no library fines BEFORE a parking permit will be issued to that student.
20. A valid driver's license must be presented before a permit will be issued.
21. All students under the age of 18 must have this form signed by a parent before a permit is issued. Forging of any
signature on this document (with or without parental permission) will result in a 3 week suspension of
parking privileges. Suspension of privileges will start from the date the forgery was discovered.
22. Parking at any time in front of a gate will result in a ticket (emergency snow removal area)
I have read and understand all the information on this application for a MHS Parking Permit
________________________ __________________________ ________________
Student Signature Parent Signature Date
If you are in a carpool, please list the names of the people in your car pool and information about
their cars. ALL persons in the car pool MUST have a parking permit form filled out completely and
follow all parking lot rules. Extra cars a student may own/drive may also be added below.
Car pool information:
Name Car Information
________________________ ______________________________________________
________________________ ______________________________________________
Additional Car information continued from front page.
________________________ ______________________________________________
________________________ ______________________________________________
________________________ ______________________________________________
Please get a receipt from the library indicating you have no fines before
purchasing a parking permit.
Office use only: License___Cash/check/rcvd by:___Map___Library fine___School fine___