By Geraint Lewis, Heather Kirkham, Ian Duncan, and Rhema Vaithianathan
How Health Systems Could Avert
Triple Fail Events That Are
Harmful, Are Costly, And Result
In Poor Patient Satisfaction
Health care systems in many countries are using the Triple
Aim”—to improve patients experience of care, to advance population
health, and to lower per capita costsas a focus for improving quality.
Population strategies for addressing the Triple Aim are becoming
increasingly prevalent in developed countries, but ultimately success will
also require targeting specific subgroups and individuals. Certain events,
which we call Triple Fail events, constitute a simultaneous failure to
meet all three Triple Aim goals. The risk of experiencing different Triple
Fail events varies widely across people. We argue that by stratifying
populations according to each persons risk and anticipated response to
an intervention, health systems could more effectively target different
preventive interventions at particular risk strata. In this article we
describe how such an approach could be planned and operationalized.
Policy makers should consider using this stratified approach to reduce
the incidence of Triple Fail events, thereby improving outcomes,
enhancing patient experience, and lowering costs.
he Triple Aim of health care is to
improve individual patients expe-
riences of care, advance population
health, and reduce per capita
health care costs.
A central tenet
of the Triple Aim is to restructure care in ways
that lead to improvements across all three of
these goals.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement has
worked with organizations in many countries to
implement populationwide interventions to
foster the Triple Aim.
Examples are programs
that encourage self-management of chronic con-
promote e-mail communication be-
tween patients and physicians,
and encourage
greater use of primary care.
Other organizations have adopted a more
targeted approach to achieving the Triple Aim.
For example, a Commonwealth Fund case study
found examples of organizations that were
focusing on improving access and care for
individual patients who had low incomes, were
uninsured, or had complex chronic conditions.
Indeed, several authors have argued that success
will require both population health and in-
dividually focused strategies, such as those
employed by Genesys Health System in Flint,
For example, Genesys increased
its primary care capacity (that is, a population
approach) and offered health navigators to its
high-risk patients (that is, a targeted approach).
The objectives of this article are to propose a
third, stratified approach to tackling the Triple
Aim and to explore some of the ethical chal-
lenges that this new approach presents. The
stratified approach to the Triple Aim involves
identifying and prioritizing subpopulations ac-
cording to their risk of experiencing health
encounter failureswhat we call Triple Fail
eventsand according to their likelihood of
benefiting from preventive care.
We define a Triple Fail event as a health outcome
doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2012.1350
NO. 4 (2013):
©2013 Project HOPE
The People-to-People H ealth
Foundation, Inc.
Geraint Lewis (geraint.lewis@ is chief data officer
of the National Health
Service, in London, England.
Heather Kirkham is a manager
in the Clinical Outcomes and
Analytics Departm ent at
Walgreens, in Deerf ield,
Ian Duncan is the vic e
president in the Clinical
Outcomes and Analytics
Departmen t at Walgreens.
Rhema Vaithianathan is a
senior research fellow at Sim
Ki Boon Insti tu te, Singa por e
Management University, and
director of the Centre for
Applied Research in
Economics, University of
Auckland, in New Zealand.
April 2013 32:4 Health Affairs 1
that is recorded in administrative data and arises
from the health care process. Such events simul-
taneously have three failures: They are costly,
represent a suboptimal health outcome, and
are a poor patient experience. To generate the
list of Triple Fail events in Exhibit 1, we applied
our definition to the published literature to con-
firm each examples failure on all three Triple
Aim goals.
Triple Fail Events
Triple Fail events include untimely nursing
home admissions,
unplanned hospital re-
inappropriate initiations of
and surgeries for low back pain
in patients not offered decision support.
example, nursing home admission was cited as
a common fear among older people,
was often
preceded by poor physical and emotional
and was estimated to cost $203
$243 billion annually in the United States in
Other Triple Fail events are more controver-
sial, such as overmedicalized death, which may
be defined as receiving life-sustaining treat-
ments, such as mechanical ventilation, that most
beneficiaries indicate they prefer to avoid when
faced with less than a year to live.
Exhibit 1
Examples Of Triple Fail Events
Event Quality of care Patient experience Cost
Unplanned hospital
readmission within
30 days
A readmission may indicate complications,
a premature discharge, a failure to
coordinate and reconcile medications,
inadequate communication, or poor
discharge planning
Higher 30-day risk-
standardized hospital
readmission rates are
associated with lower
patient satisfaction
A 2009 study found that 30-day
rehospitalizations cost Medicare
$17.4 billion annually
Nursing home admission Predictors of nursing home admission
include low self-rated health status and
functional and cognitive impairment
Loss of independence and
nursing home admission
are two of the major fears
of older people
The cost of long-term care in the
United States in 2009 was
estimated to be $203$243 billion
Inappropriate initiation of
Peritoneal dialysis patients experienced
a lower adjusted relative risk of death
compared with those beginning
late and early dialysis
initiation appear to be associated with
equal outcomes
Peritoneal dialysis patients
reported better quality of
life and better satisfaction
with dialysis care
Median annual health care costs in
2004 were $43,510 higher for
hemodialysis patients than
peritoneal dialysis patients
Wrong-site surgery Wrong-site surgery is one of the National
Quality Forums never events
Wrong-site surgery can be
a devastating experience
for the patient
A 2010 study found that the average
compensation paid to victims of
wrong-site surgery was $47,216
Intentional injury or
maltreatment of a child
Child maltreatment involving physical
abuse is the leading cause of infant
death from injury
Child abuse has been
associated with a wide
range of psychological
symptoms in the victim
A 2012 study found the annual acute
medical costs and annual societal
costs of childhood abuse in the
United States were $2.9 billion and
$80 billion, respectively
Overly invasive treatment
for a preference-sensitive
Patients offered a decision aid for a
preference-sensitive condition reported
significantly improved outcomes
Patients offered a decision
aid reported significantly
greater satisfaction with
their selected treatment
Patients offered a decision aid were
2144% less likely to choose
costly, aggressive surgery
SOURCE Authors analysis. Sources are listed by individual entries in this exhibit. NOTE Apreference-sensitiveconditionhasmultipletreatmentoptionswithroughly
equivalent risks and benefits, which me ans that th e patientspreferenceshoulddeterminewhichoptionisselected.Anexampleislowbackpain,whichcanbe
treated by sur gery, p hysical therapy, or analge sics.
See Note 10 in text.
See Note 11 in text.
See Note 12 in text.
See Note 17 in text.
See Note 9 in text.
Note 18 in text.
Mehrotra R, Chiu YW, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Bargman J, Vonesh E. Similar o utcomes with hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in patients with end-
stage renal disease. Arch Intern Med. 20 11;171(2):110 8.
See Note 13 in text.
See Note 14 in text.
See Note 15 in text.
Michaels RK, Makary MA, Dahab Y,
Frassica FJ, Heitmiller E, Rowen LC, et al. Achieving the National Quality Forums Never Events:preventionofwrongsite,wrongprocedure,andwrongpatient
operations. Ann Surg. 2007;245(4):52632.
Mulloy DF, Hughes RG. Wrong-site surgery: a preventable medical error. Chapter 36 in: Hughes RG, editor. Patient
safety and qualit y: an evi dence-base d handbook for nurses. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcar e Research and Quality ; 2008 M ar. p . 38194.
Stahel PF, Sabel
AL, Victoroff MS, Varnell J, Lembitz A, Boyle DJ, et al. Wrong- site and wrong-patient proced ures in the universal protoc ol era: analysis of a prospective databa se of
physician self-reported occurrences. Arch Surg. 2010;145(10):97884.
Overpeck MD, Brenner RA, Trumble AC, Trifiletti LB, Berendes HW. Risk factors for infant
homicide in the U nited States. N Engl J Med. 1998;33 9(17):1211 6.
Gross AB, Keller HR. Long-term consequences of childhood physical and p sychological
maltreatment. A ggress Beh av. 2006;18( 3):17185.
Gelles RJ, Perlman S. Estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect [Internet]. Chicago (IL): Prevent Child
Abuse America; 2012 Apr [cited 2013 Feb 27]. Available from: /downloads/PC AA_Cost_Report_2012 _Gelles_Per lman_final. pdf.
Note 16 in text.
2 Health Affairs April 2013 32:4
Approaches To Preventive Care
Population And Targeted Approaches The
two leading approaches to preventive carethe
population strategy and the targeted (high-risk)
strategywere described in a seminal article by
the British epidemiologist Geoffrey Rose.
population strategy seeks to shift the distribu-
tion of risk within an entire population toward a
lower rangefor example, by decreasing the
amount of salt in the typical diet to reduce the
populations average blood pressure. The tar-
geted strategy aims to truncate the risk distri-
bution by identifying high-risk individuals and
offering them interventions to reduce their indi-
vidual susceptibilityfor example, by screening
blood pressure among the population and offer-
ing medication to people with hypertension.
An important advantage of the population
strategy is its potential to make widespread im-
provements in public health.
However, the ben-
efit to each individual is relatively small using
this approach. Most people experience no par-
ticular improvement in their healtha result
known as the prevention paradox.
In con-
trast, the targeted strategy provides customized
care that maximizes outcomes for individual pa-
tients. But such customized care will rarely be
cost-effective for all patients, and hence it should
not be offered universally.
The choice of preventive strategies should de-
pend on the cost and effectiveness of the pro-
posed intervention. Both of Roses strategies
may be cost-effective when the intervention cost
is low. But populationwide approaches tend to be
more appropriate when the interventions effect
is large, while targeted approaches are more suit-
able when accurate predictive models are avail-
able and an optimal risk threshold for interven-
tion is used. For example, treatment may be
determined by a risk score cut-off point, which
is based on a simulation of the costs and benefits
and is designed to maximize the cost-effective-
ness of the intervention.
Roses hypothesis was formulated prior to the
development of accurate multivariable risk-
prediction tools.
More recent analysis of pop-
ulation data suggests that targeted, high-risk
approaches may be particularly advantageous
under certain circumstances, such as when the
intervention has a degree of disutilityfor exam-
ple, if the intervention is considered a poor pa-
tient experience, which might include cost, lost
time, or an adverse lifestyle change.
The Stratified Approach Our novel, strati-
fied approach to the Triple Aim could generate
additional value by combining some of the ad-
vantages of the other two approaches.
This third
approach is best adopted by organizations with
responsibility for a populations health, such as
accountable care organizations. It involves ana-
lyzing medical claims, pharmacy claims, elec-
tronic health record information, and other ad-
ministrative data to predict individuals risks of
different Triple Fail events. The organization
would next estimate each persons likely re-
sponse to a range of preventive programs and
then assign people to different interventions ac-
cording to their likely benefit.
Compared with the population at large, the
subpopulation of each risk stratum would be
relatively homogeneous, allowing the interven-
tion to be customized to meet the needs of the
patients in that stratum. For example, a program
aimed at preventing hospital readmission might
offer case management, telephonic care, and re-
mote monitoring, with more intensive interven-
tions offered to patients in higher risk strata.We
recommend that an ethics committee approve
any algorithms used for targeting interventions
prior to implementation and that excluded pa-
tients be considered as part of a feedback loop for
program evaluation and improvement.
Within a high risk stratum, the average per-
sons risk of experiencing the Triple Fail event
will be higher than the average population risk.
As a result, a higher proportion of individuals in
these groups could benefit from preventive care.
In other words, this stratum would have a higher
positive predictive value, which in turn would
increase the cost-effectiveness of the preventive
intervention, all other things being equal. How-
ever, the stratified approach is beset by a number
of challenges, principally those relating to the
ethical aspects of risk stratification, which are
described below.
The stratified approach to the Triple Aim de-
scribed in this article includes three phases. A
planning phase would involve conducting an op-
portunity analysis, developing predictive models
and impactibility (also known as intervenability)
models. The latter are models that seek to iden-
tify subgroups of high-risk people who are most
likely to engage with and respond to various
preventive interventions, such as case manage-
ment. The planning phase would also include an
ethical review to ensure its compliance with our
adaptation of James Wilson and Gunner
Jungners prerequisites, described below.
An operational phase would use the predictive
models and impactibility models to identify
high-opportunity patientsthose who are both
at risk and amenable to an interventionand
offer them preventive interventions. An ongoing
feedback phase would refine the predictive mod-
els and impactibility modelsfor example, by
prioritizing patients with characteristics similar
to those of patients who responded well to the
April 2013 32:4 Health Affairs 3
Implementing The Stratified
Opportunity Analysi s The starting point for a
health system interested in pursuing the strati-
fied approach to the Triple Aim is to undertake a
detailed analysis of where the greatest opportu-
nities exist for improving care. Known in the
strategic management literature as opportunity
analysis, this process would, in the case of the
Triple Aim, involve analyzing historical popula-
tion data to identify Triple Fail events and gaug-
ing how responsive each such event might have
been to a cost-effective preventive intervention
identified from the literature.
Once a high-opportunity subpopulation of
patients has been identified in historical data,
people in the population with these character-
istics need to be identified prospectively to de-
termine who should be offered an intervention.
Therefore, a key requirement for the stratified
approach is the ability to identify patients who
are at risk of future Triple Fail events.
Predictive Modeling Predictive risk models
are statistical algorithms based on relationships
in historical population data. They may be ap-
plied in an automated fashion to routinely col-
lected data to estimate the probability that a
person will experience a Triple Fail event in a
specified future time period.
For example, the
combined predictive model is used by National
Health Service organizations in England to cal-
culate a persons risk of unplanned hospitali-
zation in the next twelve months, according to
factors recorded in the previous two years worth
of primary care electronic health record data and
hospital claims data.
A predictive model for identifying vulnerable
people could potentially be built for any type of
Triple Fail event whose occurrence is recorded in
routine data. For example, researchers in New
Zealand have developed a model that predicts
the risk within five years of intentional injury
or maltreatment to an individual child.
A model
developed in the United Kingdom predicts the
risk of admission to a nursing home within
twelve months.
And Canada uses a model to
predict hospital readmissions within thirty
Impactibility Modeling A recognized limita-
tion of using predictive risk models to organize
care is that some of the patients identified as
being at high risk may not be amenable to the
proposed preventive intervention.
In response,
many organizations have developed impactibil-
ity models that seek to identify the subgroups of
high-risk people who are most likely to engage
with and respond to various preventive inter-
This additional filter is intended
to improve the cost-effectiveness of preventive
Several approaches to impactibility modeling
have been described elsewhere.
First, health
care organizations may prioritize people with
conditions known to be responsive to preventive
care, such as patients with an ambulatory
caresensitive condition, who may be particu-
larly likely to respond to hospital avoidance
Second, organizations may prioritize patients
whose care appears suboptimal, such as patients
with multiple gaps in care. An example of such
a gap would be not giving beta-blocker therapy to
a patient with heart failure.
Third, some organizations report that they
place lower priority on patients who are expected
to respond poorly to preventive care, such as
people with cognitive or other mental health
disabilities and those who have language bar-
riers. Or an organization may exclude all of
the very highest-risk patients, because such pa-
tients are sometimes regarded as being less ame-
nable than others to preventive care.
The first two approaches to impactibility mod-
eling may help reduce health care disparities,
because both suboptimal care
and ambulatory
caresensitive conditions
tend to be more
common in people with low incomes. In con-
trast, the third approachplacing lower priority
on those less likely to benefit from preventive
careraises serious ethical concerns. This ap-
proach would probably exacerbate health care
disparities, and it may be illegal in some coun-
Finally, because patients in very high risk
strata have such a high propensity for Triple Fail
events, expending resources to identify the few
who can be affected is usually worth the effort.
Ethics Of Screening Using Predictive
Risk Models
As Rose noted, the individual approach to health
improvement is hampered by the difficulties
and costs of screening.
A screening test
seeks to identify people who are at sufficiently
high risk of an adverse outcome to warrant offer-
ing them a diagnostic test or recommending a
prophylactic treatment. The stratified approach
to the Triple Aim likewise requires screening a
population to identify subpopulations that are at
sufficiently high risk of a Triple Fail event and
sufficiently amenable to a preventive interven-
tion to justify further action.
Any screening test has the potential to cause
more harm than good, such as by exposing pa-
tients to false positive and false negative results.
Therefore, strict ethical guidelines are required
to safeguard against the inappropriate use of
The World Health Organization
4 Health Affairs April 2013 32:4
published ten prerequisites, proposed by Wilson
and Jungner, that should be met by any ethical
screening program.
Among these pre-
requisites are that the condition being screened
for should be an important health problem; that
there should be a detectable early stage when
treatment would be of more benefit than it would
be later; and that the risks, both physical and
psychological, should be less than the benefits.
Because the stratified approach to the Triple
Aim involves population screening using routine
data, we suggest that equivalent caveats should
apply as part of the planning phase. Adapting
Wilson and Jungners prerequisites,
we pro-
pose the following ethical criteria for stratifying
populations according to risk for Triple Fail
Prerequisites For Stratification The
event being predicted should be an important
health problem. There should be an intervention
that can mitigate the risk of the event; resources
and systems for timely risk stratification and
preventive interventions; sufficient time for in-
tervention between stratification and the occur-
rence of the event; a sufficiently accurate predic-
tive risk model for the event, whichtogether
with the impactibility modelis acceptable to
the population at large; and an accepted policy
about who should be offered the preventive
In addition, the natural historythat is, the
practices and processes that typically lead to this
type of Triple Fail eventshould be adequately
understood by the organization offering the pre-
ventive intervention. The cost of stratification
should be economically balanced, meaning
that it should not be excessive relative to the cost
of the program as a whole. And stratification
should be a continuous process, not just a once
and for all occurrence.
Access For Certain High-Risk Populations
Another important ethical concern relates to the
use of impactibility modeling. Although certain
subpopulations are at high risk, they may be
denied preventive care because they are not ex-
pected to respond to it. For instance, people with
personality disorders or alcohol dependency
might not be amenable to programs aimed at
preventing hospital readmission. The question
is whether such people should be denied preven-
tive care on this basis, which corresponds to
Wilson and Jungners requirement that there
be an accepted policy about who should be of-
fered the intervention.
Nancy Kass argued that for reasons of distribu-
tive justice, programs should not exclude indi-
viduals on the basis of nonclinical characteristics
such as race and sex.
However, Andrew Smart,
Paul Martin, and Michael Parker argued that
such discrimination may be justified on the prin-
ciple that it is permissible to treat people differ-
ently if there is some ethical justification. For
example, programs that target low-income or
uninsured people because of social justice con-
siderations rightly treat different people
Establishing A Feedback Loop A feedback
loop is necessary for assessing the impact of
the preventive program on outcomes.
This step
may be valuable both for evaluating the program
and for refining the impactibility model.
For example, a regression analysis might show
that patients with certain characteristics were
more likely than others to respond to an inter-
vention. This knowledge could then be used to
adjust the impactibility model to ensure that pa-
tients with these characteristics were prioritized
in the future, unless that adjustment violated
ethical considerations.
Current Policy Context The Triple Aim is
becoming increasingly important to policy mak-
ers in developed countries as their populations
age, chronic diseases increase in prevalence,
and funding constraints become pressing.
Predictive modeling is now widely accepted in
the United States,
but the use of impactibility
models is less extensive.
New financial and quality rules are giving
hospitals and accountable care organizations in-
centives to prevent Triple Fail events such as
avoidable readmissions. However, many such
organizations are relying on population strate-
gies to achieve these goals, including better care
coordination and improvements in information
Ultimately, success will probably
require targeting specific subpopulations as
Recommendations The following recommen-
dations could promote the appropriate use of the
stratified approach to the Triple Aim.
: First, Triple Aim pilots should
be established in which demonstration sites are
required to compare population, individual, and
stratified approaches; conduct opportunity
analyses; and apply predictive risk and impacti-
bility models.
: Second, the use of pre-
dictive modeling should be promoted by reduc-
ing lags in the availability of information from
the Medicare limited data set as well as files
available for specific uses, such as those for
accountable care organizations. The Medicare
limited data set lags by more than a year, and
the specific-use files lag by several months. Since
some factors recorded in routine data are
April 2013 32:4 Health Affairs 5
strongly predictive of an imminent Triple Fail
event, reducing the time lag between the occur-
rence of such factors and their availability in
the data improves the accuracy of the predictive
: Third, there
should be appropriate ethical reviews of both the
design and implementation of predictive and
impactibility models.
: Finally, the use of
database indicators should be expanded to cover
more potentially adverse events. For example,
the Hospital Episode Statistics database in
England records whether each admission was
elective or not, thereby indicating whether the
event was a likely Triple Fail event.
Focus Of Fu ture Wo rk There is a growing
body of evidence for the ability of predictive mod-
els to identify and classify adverse outcomes.
However, relatively few studies have assessed
the amenability of people to respond to different
Mathematical simulation mod-
els may help clinicians and administrators
choose between different approaches for
addressing the Triple Aim.
Given the current
focus on comparative effectiveness research, it
might be helpful if future trials of interventions
designed to prevent Triple Fail events examined
the effect of impactibility models on population
outcomes and on disparities.
Conclusion The Triple Aim is being used in
many countries to improve the quality, experi-
ence, and cost-effectiveness of health care. A
stratified approach to the Triple Aim offers a
number of potential advantages but requires
careful planning, monitoring, and adaptation.
By increasing the use of predictive modeling to
identify Triple Fail events before they occur, this
approach can contribute to improved individual
and population health in a cost-conscious health
care environment.
Geraint L ewis , He ather Kirkham, and Ian
Duncan were employees of Walgreens at
the time this artic le was written.
Walgreens uses some of the techniques
described in thi s article, such as
supporting the accou ntable care
organizations of which the company is a
member. Le wis received research
funding from the Commonwealth Fund,
the UK Department for Communities
and Local Government, the UK
Department of Health, the Nuffield
Trust, the UK National Institute for
Health Research, the University of
Auckland Faculty Research Fund, and
the Basque Institute for Healthcare
Innovatio n. Dun can hol ds an ownershi p
share in SCIOinspire Corp., a privately
held company that performs predictive
modeling for clients on a consulting
basis, of 1.01.5 p ercent. Rhema
Vaithianathan received research funding
from the University of Auckland Faculty
Research Fund, the UK National
Institute for Health Research, and
variou s Re gio nal Distr ict H eal th Board s
in N ew Zealand. Lewis received
reimbursement of travel expenses to
speak at conferences relating to
predictive modeling. The funding came
from the Commonwealth Fund, the
Basque Institute for Healthcare
Innovation, the US Department of
Veterans Affairs, the University of
Auckland, the Germa n Sickness Fund
AOK, the Scott ish governm ent , th e
Royal C ollege of Physicians of London,
the Society of Physicia ns in Wales, the
Portugue se Na tio nal S cho ol o f Pub lic
Health, the Borås Health Region in
Sweden, and two of his previous
employers: the Nuffield Trust and
Walgreens. The authors are grateful to
Bradford Gray and Rob in Osborn, who
provided helpful comments on a
previous draft. The views expressed in
this article are those of the authors
alone and do not necessar ily represent
the views of their employing
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April 2013 32:4 Health Affairs 7
Geraint Lewis is
chief data officer
of the National
Health Service in
In this months Health Affairs,
Geraint Lewis and coauthors
propose a new rubric for improving
health care: predicting and
preventing so-called Triple Fail
events, which simultaneously
refl ect poor pati ent expe ri enc e and
high costs wh ile constituting
inferior patient carethe opposite
of the Triple Aim. They note that
the risk of experiencing different
Triple Fail events varies widely
across individuals, and they argue
that by stratifying populations
according to each personsriskand
anticipated response to a health
intervention, health systems could
more effectively target different
preventive services, such as case
management. The authors also
discuss how the approach of
stratifying the population and
tailoring interventions could be
planned and operationalized.
Lewis, now chief data officer of
the National Health Service in
England, was senior director of
clinical outcomes and analytics at
Walgreens. He is a fellow of the
Royal College of Physicians and a
fellow of the UK Faculty of Public
Health. Lewis holds a masters
degree in public health from the
London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine and a medical
degree from the University of
Heather Kirkham is
Clinical Outcomes
and Analytics
Department at
Heather Kirkham is a manager in
the Clinical Outcomes and
Analytics Department at Walgreens.
She is responsible for research
involving Walgreens health system
partners. Kirkham earned a
from the George Washington
University and a doctorate in
public health epidemiology from
Walden University.
Ian Duncan is the
vice presid ent in
the Clinical
Outcomes and
Department at
Ian Duncan is the vice president
in the Clinical Outcomes and
Analytics Department at Walgreens.
He is responsible for Walgreens
outcomes, research and
publications, and custo m analytics.
He is also an adjunct professor of
actuarial statistics at the University
of California, Santa Barbara, and
an adjunct research professor of
health care administration at
Georgetown University. Duncan
founded Solucia Consulting, a
provider of analytical and
consulting services to the health
care financing industry. He holds a
degree in economics from Balliol
College, Oxford.
Vaithianathan is a
senior research
fellow at Sim Ki
Boon Institute,
Rhema Vaithianathan is a senior
resea rch fell ow at th e Sim Ki Boon
Institute, Singapore Management
University, and director of the
Centre for Applied Research in
Economics and an associate
professor of economics at the
University of Auckland, New
Zealand. She has a doctorate in
economics from the University of
8 Health Affairs April 2013 32:4