Your resume is an integral part of your job search. It functions as your personal marketing brochure,
and its main purpose is to secure interviews from interested employers. Your resume should convey
who you are and highlight your qualications and skills.
Through preparation and organization, you can
develop an eective resume. Start with a careful and ac-
curate assessment of your career objective, educational
background, work history, projects, skills, achievements,
activities, interests, and other experiences. Analyze and
describe these experiences in terms of “skills” and “re-
sults. What can you do? What experiences and skills do
you want to highlight? Remember that employers view
your resume as a direct reection of you.
Points to Remember
Readers will initially skim your resume in 15 seconds
or less. If your resume gets pulled away at the 15th
second, what key words should an employer remember,
and how can you achieve this? A quality resume is ac-
curate, descriptive, brief, easy-to-read, and aesthetically
pleasing to the eye. Remember these essential points:
Speak positively about yourself, e.g., “Successfully
saved employer $100,000 annually.
Be specic and direct.
Use action verbs that clearly state your skills and
experience, e.g., “Designed, Analyzed. Avoid using
the same action verb repeatedly. See the list of ac-
tion verbs later in this handout for more examples.
Showcase a professional image with an immacu-
late, eye-pleasing appearance, utilizing eective
spacing, margins, and headings.
Be consistent and strategic in use of indentation,
bullets, capitalization, bolding, and spacing.
Avoid underlining and italics, which may be dif-
cult to read in photocopies and cause issues when
uploading to an applicant tracking system.
Format your dates in the same location and
style throughout the resume (full months,
abbreviated, numeric, etc.).
Use a format that best displays your unique back-
ground. You can tailor headings to highlight and
expand on your strengths, e.g., “Software Develop-
ment Experience or “Project Experience.
Modify your resume toward particular types of jobs.
You might consider having a few dierent versions
of your resume to highlight experiences in relation
to dierent jobs. If you are a double major, you
should have dierent versions of your resume for
jobs in each eld of study.
There is absolutely no excuse for spelling and
typographical errors on a resume. Mistakes indicate
carelessness and will rule you out as a candidate.
Proofread your resume several times and use a dic-
tionary when in doubt about spelling. Note: Spell-
check does not recognize errors in words using all
capital letters, such as headings and acronyms.
Ask others to read your resume and tell you what
they learned about you from it. Make sure that
what they remember is the image you want to
Keep your resume to one page in length, unless
you have had signicant experience related to your
career goals. If you go onto a second page, make
sure you use at least half of the additional page.
Resume WRiting
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
Also, make sure your name and page number are
on the second and subsequent pages. Graduate
students may have a two-page resume, provided
that the second page is at least half full.
Resume Formats
The Chronological Resume
The chronological resume is the most common resume
format and the one that we recommend WPI students
use. It presents a clean and organized layout that
highlights the most important and relevant information
about you. Within each section, items are listed in re-
verse chronological order, starting with the most recent
and working backwards. Advantages of the chronologi-
cal resume include:
Professional interviewers are more familiar with it
and it answers their essential question, “What are
your most recent experiences?”
It is the quickest format to prepare since it is struc-
tured by titles, companies, and dates.
It shows your employment record.
It provides the interviewer with a guide for discuss-
ing work experience.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
The curriculum vitae is highly specialized and used
mainly by people pursuing academic or research-
focused positions. It generally follows the chronological
resume format. Many PhD students will have a CV. The
CDC has a separate Curriculum Vitae tip sheet for guid-
ance on creating this type of resume.
Resume Content
Resumes should be strategically organized to highlight
your most signicant qualications and experiences.
The following are typical categories you may use to
organize your resume:
Identication/Contact Information
Name – this may be larger in font than the rest of
your resume and should be bolded and centered.
Address – list both your school and permanent
address while you are a student. Your school ad-
dress goes on the left, your permanent address on
the right. Your permanent address is the address
found on your passport or driver’s license. If your
permanent address is in another country, you may
not want to include it, as you might not be able to
readily get mail from there.
Telephone number including area code – list the
preferred phone number for potential employers
to reach you. Do not use telephone numbers in
other countries. Do not list a home phone number
if you are not living there. Also, do not list the main
WPI phone number or your academic departments
number. This can be centered or on the right if your
address is on the left. Be sure to have a professional
voicemail message.
Email address – remove the hyperlink on your email
address from your print resume. This can be cen-
tered or on the right if your address is on the left.
Optional: LinkedIn web address or electronic port-
folio (note: this is especially important for IMGD
and Robotics students)
Do not include personal identifying information such
as marital status, number of children, height, weight,
age, sex, race, religion, and national origin, as well as
a photograph. It is not recommended to provide this
data in the United States due to potential discrimina-
tion. If you have reason to believe that some personal
data will give you an advantage (e.g., U.S. citizenship,
permanent residence), place under your name or indi-
cate it in your cover letter.
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
Do not reduce the font size of your identication infor-
mation below 10-point font. If your resume isn’t read-
able, you will not be contacted for the interview.
The Objective statement, displayed at the top of your
resume, tells the reader what you would like to do or
for what position you are applying. You may choose to
state a professional eld followed by specialty areas.
The statement might also include desired tasks and
responsibilities, job titles, types of organizations, indus-
tries, or products that interest you.
When writing your Objective, avoid cliché phrases and
words such as, “to obtain a position…, challenging, or
utilizing my education and experience. Such attributes
are sought by everyone and do not provide the reader
with a sense of the type of role you are seeking in their
Be concise with your objective:
The Objective should match the job to which you are
applying. However, if you will be handing out your
resume at a Career Fair, you should use your major so as
not exclude you from any potential jobs, e.g., “Summer
internship in biomedical engineering.
If you nd yourself unable to clearly state your Objec-
tive, take advantage of the resources and sta at the
CDC. Even if you have identied a career path, the CDC
can help you locate appropriate job titles.
If you are about to graduate or are a recent graduate,
your education will be one of your strongest selling
points. This section includes the degree earned or de-
gree being pursued, name of the university or college,
and date of graduation or expected graduation (you
need not mention the word expected”). Bold either
your degree/major or your school. In addition, you
should list any minors as well as concentrations within
your eld of study. You should include your GPA if it is a
3.0 or higher.
If you pursue the BS/MS program, your master’s degree
should be above your bachelors degree. You will only
add in your master’s degree once you have been ac-
cepted and have begun taking classes. An example:
In this section you may also include advanced or special
“Relevant Courses. These do not need to be listed
reverse chronologically but should be listed according
to your Objective. You may include course names in a
list format separated by commas or in two columns. Use
ocial course names rather than numeric course num-
bers. If you are a senior or second year graduate stu-
dent, it may not be necessary to list Relevant Courses
since the employer will assume that you have complet-
ed your course work. However, if there are courses you
have taken that may be outside the realm of your major
but are relevant to the job, you may include them.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, GPA 3.8,/4.0 May 2016
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering, GPA 3.3/4.0, May 2014
Summer internship in computer science
Entry-level mechanical engineer with a focus on design
Full-time electrical and computer engineering position
Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, May 2014
Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, May 2015
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester MA
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
If you have earned a signicant portion of your college
expenses, including loans that you will repay, you may
add a line under the university and degree that says
“Self-funded” or Independently Funded.
This is an essential section for WPI students and recent
graduates as it enables you to highlight your MQP,
IQP, GPS, and any course, design, or lab projects that
support your technical preparation. Use the full name
of the project or course, e.g., “Great Problems Seminar
(GPS), “Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP), and “Major
Qualifying Project (MQP). For GPS, be sure to add a
colon followed by the specic course name (i.e., “Heal
the World”).
You may format your IQP and MQP like this if the infor-
mation ts on one line. Otherwise, include the name of
the project in your description instead.
How to Write about Your Project
As you write your project descriptions, use the follow-
ing questions as guidelines. Use action verbs to begin
every sentence:
Did you work on a team? Did you work on an inter-
disciplinary team?
What did YOU do on that project?
How did you do it? What process did you employ?
What did you use? Think about technical skills or
programs and be sure to name them.
What was the outcome? Did you write a report,
give a presentation, acquire a patent, provide clean
drinking water to a village in a Third World country?
What If My Project Wasn’t “Relevant?”
Often, students think that their projects are not “rel-
evant” enough to include on their resumes. However,
many employers look for this section in particular when
they spot a WPI resume. Many employers are experi-
enced at hiring WPI alumni, or are WPI alumni them-
selves, and expect to see it. Other employers have never
heard of these projects but are interested in knowing
more about them.
No matter what your project topic, this section gives
you the opportunity to impress employers with the
unique educational qualities of the WPI Project Plan.
The fact that you gained collaborative skills and possess
the ability to work on projects with people in other
disciplines is a strong selling feature.
If you have projects that are more relevant than your
most recent project, you can divide your projects into
sections to position the most relevant project rst. For
example, if you are a junior mechanical engineering
student and you have done a project in one of your
classes that is more relevant than your IQP, create a sec-
tion called “Mechanical Engineering Projects” and put
the relevant project and any other suitable projects in
that section. Create a subsequent “Projects” section that
includes your IQP and other projects.
What If I am a First Year Student or Sophomore?
If you are a rst year student or sophomore, you may
use this section to focus on projects completed in
course work that supports your summer internship
goals. Consider lab assignments and class projects that
provide insight into what you know so far. Describe
how you carried out the project and what results you
achieved, even if the project was a short-term assign-
ment—what did you learn that would apply to the eld
of study you are pursuing and the kind of internship
you are seeking?
Great Problems Seminar (GPS): Heal the World, WPI, Aug 2012 – Dec 2013
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
In this section you may also include high school proj-
ects, Eagle Scout/Gold projects, FIRST Robotics, and
independent projects that you completed on your own.
Work Experience
In regard to your previous employment, prospective
employers want to know:
Where and when did you work? Always include
months with your dates.
What did you do? How did you do it?
What did you achieve?
What were the results of your eorts?
How does this experience support your career
Develop action verb phrases that highlight job skills
that support your stated career objective. Note any
supervisory position you have held and emphasize in-
creased levels of responsibility if you moved up within
the organization.
Do not start sentences with “I. It is assumed that each
sentence is starting with “I, so you need only write
the action verb to begin each line, e.g., “Collaborated
with... , “Designed... , “Developed... , “Created... , “Su-
Employers want to know that you have work experi-
ence, even if it does not relate to your career Objective.
You may also include part-time or non-career-related
summer work in less detail.
If you have held several jobs, you may divide your Work
Experience into “Related Experience and Additional
Experience. Put jobs that are relevant to your Objective
in “Related Experience and provide a description of the
work. Put other jobs into Additional Experience” with a
job title, company, location, and dates.
As your resume evolves over your four years at WPI, you
should continually revise it to give more space to jobs/
projects that are relevant to your Objective and less
space to those that are not.
Extracurricular and Community Activities
Extracurricular activities may indicate leadership, team-
work, and involvement.
List activities that support your Objective, demonstrate
campus or community involvement, and exemplify
your leadership abilities. You can also include organized
groups/teams, Greek organizations, athletic teams, and
professional associations to which you belong. If you
have had several leadership roles, you might consider
including a “Leadership section on your resume. You
should put your leadership role in bold rst when list-
ing that activity.
If you have had more than one position in an organiza-
tion, you may need to pick and choose which roles you
keep and which you remove.
Job Title, Company, Inc., Worcester, MA, July 2011-Present
Addirional Experience:
Landscaper, Pine Farm Landscaping, West Boylston, MA,, May – August
President, Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, WPI, August 2011- Present
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
If you worked your way through school and were not
able to participate in any extracurricular activities, you
should indicate that you self-funded your education in
the Education section (see previous page).
Technical Skills
This section summarizes your concrete technical
knowledge, some of which you should mention in job
and project descriptions, as well. It is a simplied listing
of specic software, technical tools, equipment, lab
techniques, Microsoft packages (list out applications),
and any other relevant technical skills. Divide your skill
areas into appropriate categories and list the items hori-
zontally from most to least relevant. You do not need to
indicate prociency level on technical skills. If you only
have one category, you don’t need to break the section
into subcategories. Popular subcategories are:
Computer / Software / Applications (choose one)
Programming Languages
Operating Systems
Lab Techniques / Equipment
Foreign Language
Do not list “English” under Foreign Language unless you
are applying for a job in another country, but do list
your prociency in the language of that country
(ex. “Fluent in Spanish”).
Additional Information
The following items can be included as sections in the
resume if they are pertinent:
Military experience (may be included in Experience
or in its own section)
Awards/achievements (may be included in an
Honors/Awards section)
Publications, certications, patents held
or pending:
Patents Granted:
Patents (Pending):
Resumes no longer need to end with the statement
“References Available Upon Request. Potential employ-
ers assume that you will provide references when asked
to do so and do not usually ask for them until after you
have had an interview.
Your Personal Website
Providing access to your personal website on your re-
sume may seriously compromize your internet security
and is discouraged. During your job search you will
likely distribute your resume to many people, who may
themselves pass it along to others, meaning that almost
anyone could access your site. It is best not include your
Billiar, K.L., Tissue mechanics lab: pros and cons of an inquiry approach for
juniors, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Keystone, CO, June 2007.
Groccia, J.E., and J.E. Miller. 1996. “Collegiality in the Classroom: The Use of
Peer Learning Assistants in Cooperative Learning in Introductory Biology.
Innovative Higher Education 21(2), pp. 87-100.
Hunt, Lewis. 1992. Three zone bed cover with an inatable human form. U.S.
Patent 5,146,634, led September 11, 1991, and issued September 15, 1992.
Doe, J. 2009. Method to enhance the performance of multimedia-rich appli-
cations on computer systems with single-core CPUs. U.S. Patent Application
20000000000, led January 2009. Patent Pending.
CPR Certication, Worcester, MA, July 2012
OSHA Certication, Worcester, MA, July 2012
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
website on your resume unless it relates directly to your
job search; i.e., if you are a web designer with a website
showcasing your portfolio.
If you choose to include your website on your resume,
list it in the contact information at the top. Make sure
your site does not have any personal information.
Creating Your Resume
Follow these fundamental rules for resume lay-out and
Use 8 ½” by 11” paper.
Use white or o-white paper. Avoid paper that is
“textured. You can purchase resume paper at the
WPI bookstore.
Use only black ink. There should be no color on
your resume.
Don’t use a template to create your resume. You
will nd it frustrating and limiting, and templates
may compromise formatting integrity during elec-
tronic transmission.
Use .75 – 1 inch margins around the page and
make sure that margins are equal on all four sides.
Use consistent font style, size, and formatting
throughout the resume. For example, if your rst
section heading is bolded then all section headings
need to be bolded. Your name will be the only part
in a larger font (12-14).
Since we read left to right, top to bottom, put the
most critical information rst towards the top, and
place less critical items, like dates, on the right side
of the page.
Laser print your resume so that it is crisp and pro-
fessional. Do not photocopy.
Electronic and Scannable Resumes
Companies are increasingly requesting that resumes
submitted online meet certain rules for successful
submission. These formats enable employers to store
resumes in databases and later retrieve information
from them. If you are asked to prepare one, you must
follow the guidelines below to ensure your resume will
be successfully viewed.
Electronic Resumes
Electronic resumes are formatted to transmit electroni-
cally and are read as text-only les. If you do not format
an electronic resume correctly it may not lter properly
and could be rejected from the employer’s resume
database. Follow these formatting rules:
All text should be left aligned with no bullets or
Type font must be no smaller than 10 point font
and no larger than 14 point. If even one letter is
less than 10 point font, your entire resume will be
Absolutely no italics. They are too light.
Do not use underlining and bolding, which will be
distorted when converted into a text format during
transmission. Employers do not have the time or
resources to clean up a distorted resume before
sending it on to hiring managers.
Use ALL CAPS, lower case, capitalization, and in-
dents for visual breaks and headings.
Test your resume out by sending it to someone
you know before you forward to employers. Ask for
feedback on how formatting appears.
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
Scannable Resumes
Scannable resumes are paper or electronic resumes
that are specically formatted. They are captured as an
image and fed through computer programs that recog-
nize and store text in a database. Employers can then
search the database to retrieve resumes with certain
keywords. To ensure that your resume is retrieved, be
sure to integrate important keywords in your resume.
Your Technical Skills section is a good place for listing
keywords that you want employers to nd. Also, be sure
to include technical skills and keywords in your descrip-
tions of projects and work experience.
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
Action Verbs
Below is a list of sample action verbs to use when creating your resume. This is by no means an all-inclusive list but
will provide you with some good sample action verbs to start your action-oriented phrases.
Career Development Center
Project Center
508-831-5260 | [email protected]
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
A - 1
Undergraduate Student Sample Resume 1
Undergraduate Student Sample Resume 1
School Address:
100 Institute Road, Box 123
Worcester, MA 01609
Permanent Address:
45 Lincoln Street
Grant, NH 98765
OBJECTIVE: Summer internship related to Biology/Biotechnology.
EDUCATION: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Bachelor of Science in Biology & Biotechnology, GPA 3.7, May 2016
Grant Regional High School (GRHS), Grant, NH
High School Diploma, GPA 3.9, May 2011
Related Coursework:
Experimental Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics Lab, Biochemistry II,
AP Biology, AP Chemistry, Organic Chemistry*, Cell Biology*
(* To be completed by May 2014)
SKILLS: Lab Techniques: Cell culture, DNA extraction & purification, fluorescence
microscopy, simple protein assay, PCR, enzyme purification, Southern Blot, Western
Blot, Northern Blot, Sterile technique, gel electrophoresis, crude protein separation
Computer: DNAStar Software, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
PROJECTS: Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Genetics, WPI, August-October 2013
Prepared solutions and materials for biology labs.
Utilized pH meters, autoclaves, and pipettes to conduct research and worked
with different forms of culture media.
EXPERIENCE: First Responder, EMS Squad, WPI, October 2013-present
Respond to emergency medical calls on campus to examine and administer
medical care to patients.
Serve as a Massachusetts First Responder with current CPR certification.
Shift Supervisor, Ben & Jerry’s, Grant, NH, May-August 2010-2012
Promoted from server to shift supervisor.
Supervised four employees during shift.
ACTIVITIES: Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority, WPI, November 2013-present
Crimson Key Admissions Tour Guide, WPI, August 2013-present
Mu Sigma Delta (Pre-Health Society), WPI, August 2013-present
Student Alumni Society, WPI, August 2013-present
Theater Club, GRHS, September 2008-May 2011
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
A - 2
Undergraduate Student Sample Resume 2
Undergraduate Student Sample Resume 2
School Address:
100 Institute Road, Box 234
Worcester, MA 01609
Permanent Address:
45 Lincoln Street
Grant, NH 00000
OBJECTIVE: Summer Internship in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a focus on circuit design.
EDUCATION: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering, GPA 3.3, May 2014
Minor in Computer Science
PROJECTS: Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP), London, England, Jan-March 2008
Corporate Information Database for RADAR
Led an interdisciplinary four member team in England which designed and implemented a
Corporate Information Database and Intranet for a non-profit organization called The Royal
Association for Disability and Rehabilitation (RADAR). Developed system specifications
based on user requirements and the organization’s goals. Produced customized training
materials and tutorials to improve user confidence and utilization. Advised RADAR on
future best practice methods of organization.
SKILLS: Operating Systems: Unix/DFC Ultrix, DOS, Novell NetWare, SCO Unix
Programming Languages: C++, Pascal, Assembly, Fortran
Applications: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
EXPERIENCE: Computer Operator, Medical Billing Associates, Peabody, MA, May-Aug 2012
Maintained patient databases and updated pertinent patient information for clients.
Research Assistant, Massport, Boston, MA, May-Aug 2012
Troubleshot WAN and LAN computer systems and installed new PC equipment.
Repaired/fixed PCs, upgraded software and performed computer administrative functions.
Computer Consultant, WPI, Aug-May 2011
Provided resolution and instruction to students with either PC or Unix related computer
problems. Advised and helped operator staff in maintaining mainframe uptime to a
LEADERSHIP: Treasurer, Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Honor Society), WPI, Aug 2010-present
Collect and manage funds for chapter and maintain financial records.
ACTIVITIES: Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE), WPI, Aug 2010-present
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, WPI, Nov 2011-present
Club Lacrosse, WPI, Aug 2011-present
Varsity Men’s Soccer, WPI, Aug 2012-present
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
A - 3
Undergraduate Student Sample Resume
Fred Flintstone
Local Address Permanent Address
100 Institute Road, Box 100 555-555-5555 1 Dirt Road
Worcester, MA 01609 Bedrock, ME 11111
OBJECTIVE: Summer Internship in Chemical Engineering
EDUCATION: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, GPA 3.4/4.0, May 2016
Bedrock High School, Bedrock ME
High School Diploma, Rank 3/400 Students, June 2012
Related Courses: Introduction to Chemical Engineering, Chemistry I-IV,
Calculus I-IV, Physics I-II, Thermodynamics, Chemical Engineering
Fundamentals, Elementary Chemical Processes,* Organic Chemistry I*
(* To be completed by May 2013)
SKILLS: Laboratory Spectroscopy (UV, IR, and NMR), microscope, mass and energy
balances related to: distillation columns, chemical absorbers, heat exchangers,
pumps, and valves
Computer Microsoft (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), Maple, Matlab,
SolidWorks, Aspen
Foreign Languages Intermediate Spanish
PROJECTS: Kinetics and Reactor Design, WPI, January - March 2013
Designed efficient and economically feasible distillation column in a team of five.
Assessed characteristics to validate final composition and clarity.
Eagle Scout Project, Troop 101, Bedrock, ME, October 2008 - May 2009
Led a team of ten to design and build a gazebo with canopy and benches for the
Senior Center which is currently utilized by over 200 senior citizens of Bedrock.
EXPERIENCE: Grounds Keeper, Country Club Wonders, Bedrock ME, May - August 2012
Performed routine maintenance on lawns, equipment, and irrigation systems.
Work Study, Career Development Center, WPI, September 2012 - May 2013
Uploaded job opportunities into career management database.
EXPERIENCE: Referee, Youth Soccer League, Bedrock ME, August 2006 - June 2008
ACTIVITIES: Ultimate Frisbee Team, WPI, October 2012Present
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChe), WPI, August 2012 - Present
Chemistry Club, Bedford High School, September 2009 - June 2012
Undergraduate Student Sample Resume 3
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
A - 4
Undergraduate Student Sample Resume with MQP & Internship
Undergraduate Student Sample Resume with MQP & Internship
2005 Einhorn Road • Worcester, MA 01609 • 508-123-4567 • zacharysmit[email protected]
Full time entry-level position in the field of Management Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems, GPA 3.5/4.0 May 2013
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Major Qualifying Project (MQP), Fidelity Investments/WPI, Aug 2012-April 2013
Worked on a team of four students to redesign an interface in Java (formally in PowerBuilder) that controls a system to
manage and track mutual funds. Specifically; conducted an analysis of the old system, gathered requirements for the
new system, designed a new graphical user interface and began coding the interface using Java, Websphere Application
Development Tools and Struts. Wrote implementation and training documents so that the application can be put into
production by Fidelity Investments. Gave a PowerPoint presentation of the new system design and proposal to the
CIO, CTO, Technical Leads and Project Managers.
Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP), Consumer Product Safety Commission,Washington, DC Oct-Dec 2011
Worked on an interdisciplinary team of four in assessing risk factors in various types of swimming pools. Made
recommendations to the commission in regards to building code regulations and consumer awareness.
Programming Languages: Java, HTML, Visual Basic, SQL,
Applications: Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Word, Project), Visible Analyst, Textpad, Niku,
Documentum, AS400, Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator), Dreamweaver, IBM WebSphere
Software Quality Engineering Intern, CYTYC Corporation, Marlborough, MA Jan 2011-present
Performed and maintained software build and software configuration processes. Developed and executed integration
and system test procedures and generated reports. Performed code analysis and code coverage. Wrote test scripts and
automated test and build procedures
Research Assistant, Massport, Boston, MA May-Aug 2009-2011
Troubleshot WAN and LAN computer systems and installed new PC equipment. Repaired and fixed PC’s and
upgraded software. Performed computer administrative functions.
Computer Consultant, WPI Aug 2008-May 2009
Advised students on either PC or Unix related computer problems. Directed and helped operator staff in maintaining
mainframe uptime to a maximum.
Treasurer/New Member Educator, Alpha Phi Omega (Community Service Fraternity), WPI Oct 2011-present
Marketing Vice President, Management Information Systems Association, WPI Sep 2011-present
Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America, Meredith, NH, April 2009
First Place, Computer Programming Expo, Meredith, NH May 2010
Class Salutatorian, Meredith High School, Meredith, NH May 2009
R e s u m e W R i t i n g
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Undergraduate Student Sample with IQP
IQP Sample Resume
School Address:
IQP APPLICANT Permanent Address:
100 Institute Road Box #1234 508-831-5260 •[email protected] 123 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01609 Norwood, MA 0206
OBJECTIVE: Acceptance into the Global Perspective Program for an off campus IQP
EDUCATION: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, GPA: 3.83/4.00, May 2016
Minor: Spanish
PROJECTS: Great Problems Seminar: Grand Challenges, WPI, Aug-Dec 2012
Worked on an interdisciplinary team of five to explore and research an innovative
and sustainable method for recycling lithium-ion batteries.
Supervised writing of research paper by taking role as chief editor.
Presented a poster highlighting results from interviews and data collection as well as
proposed solutions and recommendations to improve battery recycling.
Molecularity, Forces, Bonding, Equilibrium, Dynamics, WPI, Aug-May 2012
Determined the identity of an unknown liquid after testing and comparing
experimental data by using pH meters, pipettes, capillaries, picnometers, and Bunsen
burners on team of four.
Identified and characterized unknown amino acids by determining physical, acid-
base, and ligating properties.
SKILLS: Lab Techniques: Dumas Method, infrared spectroscopy, thin-layer chromatography,
acid-base and amino acid titration, Job’s Method, nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy
Computer: Maple, Microsoft (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), Adobe (Photoshop)
Foreign Language: Intermediate Spanish
EXPERIENCE: Customer Service Associate, Walgreens, Norwood, MA, May 2012-Present
Processed payments to ensure accurate cash management.
Ensured customer satisfaction through interpersonal communication skills.
Restocked and organized products to maintain store’s clean appearance.
Volunteer, St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Hartford, CT, June-August 2011
Maintained and organized files and hospital records for the Department of Medicine
LEADERSHIP: Vice President, National Honor Society, Norwood High School, Sept 2010-May 2011
Coordinated three art auctions to fundraise for the local animal shelter.
Led three committees in charge of marketing, volunteer coordination, and finances.
Presented welcome speech to audience of over 350 participants
ACTIVITIES: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, WPI, Sept 2012-Present
Society of Women Engineers, WPI, Oct 2011-Present
Softball Team, Norwood, MA, March-June 2010
HONORS: Charles O. Thompson Scholar, WPI, March 2013
Dean’s List, WPI, Oct 2011-Present
2012 Northeast Utilities Foundation Scholarship, April 2012
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Graduate Student Sample Resume
*Graduate Student Sample Resume*
Zhang Wei
123 Institute Road Apt #2; Worcester MA 01609
(123) 456-7890; [email protected]
Full Time Marketing Analyst
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Master of Science in Marketing and Technological Innovation, GPA 3.7/4.0 May 2014
Shandong University (SU), Weihai, China
Bachelor of Science in Marketing and International Trade, GPA 3.5/4.0 June 2010
Marketing Assistant, Echain Realty, Arcadia, CA June 2013-Aug 2013
Searched property information and made more than 40 offers for clients every week
Scheduled showing appointment and followed up offers by phone and through email
Designed official website structure (in HTML) and prepared content for website and Facebook
Marketing Intern, Labtiva, Cambridge, MA Feb 2013-April 2013
Created marketing strategy to promote Readcube software in North America
Conducted direct marketing to university librarians through telephone and demo
Organized social media marketing and forum marketing to build product recognition
Developed and tracked email marketing campaigns through MailChimp
Graduate Assistant, School of Business, WPI May 2012-April 2013
Designed questionnaire for interview about healthcare IT system using Survey Monkey
Transcribed and verified 50 interview audio records from focus group and expert interview
Conducted analysis of patient survey and expert interview using SPSS and Nvivo
Marketing Specialist, Longen, Jinan, China July 2010-July 2011
Increased daily website visits by 30% within 60 days through guest blogging and social media
Improved single product turnover rate by 40% by researching and releasing hot sale product
Achieved $200,000 monthly sales by talking to customers through telephone and online chat
Secured more than 500 orders for customers at 30 American online stores every month
Microsoft Office, SPSS, SQL, Google Analytics, Cognos, HTML, Photoshop
Vice President, Dormitory Administration Committee, Weihai, China May 2007-Aug 2009
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Graduate Student Sample Resume 2
*Graduate Student Sample Resume*
Becky Science
123 West Street, Apt #3
Worcester, MA 01609
(508) 831-5260
Full time biomedical engineering position with a focus on tissue engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering, GPA 3.8/4.0, May 2014
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering, GPA 3.6/4.0, May 2013
Related Courses: Biomaterials in the Design of Medical Devices, Tissue Engineering*, Medical Device
Regulation* (* to be completed by 2014)
Lab Techniques: Sterile technique, serial dilutions, gel electrophoresis, staining techniques, centrifugation,
compound light microscopy, cell culture
Applications/Software: Solidworks, ImageJ, LabView, Microsoft (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Visio, Outlook)
Major Qualifying Project, WPI, August 2012 May 2013
Developed an adhesion system to increase cell aggregation for the growth of cell-derived vascular tissue
rings on team of four.
Researched characteristics of cells and biomaterials to determine how to create a new application for the
adhesion system for cell aggregation.
Optimized the developed system to create better adhesion between the cells and work within the ring
aggregation system.
Utilized adhesion system to more quickly grow stronger and consistent tissue rings that have less cell death.
Biomedical Design, WPI, August October 2012
Collaborated on a four-person team to redesign current model of a skin tissue culture device currently used
in campus labs to optimize ease of use.
Executed the design process to create and present a design prototype.
Researched current models and incorporated design considerations.
Utilized Solidworks to present scale models of conceptual designs.
Related Experience:
Application Engineer Intern, Union Biometrica, Holliston, MA, May 2013 Present
Assisted in development and validation of performance specification benchmarks for flow cytometry
machine lines.
Refined and enhanced scientific application techniques to provide in-depth technical expertise for products
in pre- and post-sale roles, resulting in $500,000 sales for company.
Additional Experience:
Literature Collation Research Assistant, Humanities and Arts Department, WPI, January 2010 Present
Petcare Department Associate and Cashier, PetSmart, Everett, MA, May 2009 August 2010
Biomedical Engineering Society, WPI, September 20011present
Alpha Eta Mu Beta (Biomedical Engineering Honor Society), WPI, November 2011Present