Cooking methods at Philmont Scout Ranch have evolved quite a bit over the 80+ years the ranch has been in
operation. This time has allowed Philmont to find the methods that work best to ensure crews have a positive life-
changing experience, while also ensuring the overall ranch operation remains sustainable for future generations. This
document lays out the requirements for any cooking method at Philmont as well as the primary method that the
Philmont Rangers and other staff teach to participants taking part in backcountry experiences.
It is important to remember that the cooking method that Philmont staff teach is an institutional/expedition-style
cooking method which is more efficient for large groups and tailored to the western mountains. This may vary
significantly from methods utilized in thru-hiking, solo/small-group backpacking, or trips to other geographic areas.
Philmont staff and administration have evaluated many different techniques shared in forums, social media groups,
and Philmont enthusiast websites in varying landscapes and conditions throughout the ranch. However, we believe
the method that is taught by our staff and listed below is the best for our overall operation and the Aims & Methods
of Scouting. This method is similar to those often utilized by other institutional/expedition-based programs in the
industry like NOLS and Outward Bound. More information about Philmont backpacking methods can be found in the
Philmont Shakedown Guide.
Requirements for Cooking Methods at Philmont
If a cooking method can meet these requirements, it is likely welcome at Philmont. The cooking method must:
Be Safe, Stable & Reliable
o Meets the requirements laid out in the Guide to Safe Scouting, particularly related to proper adult
supervision in the storage, handling, and use of chemical fuels and stoves
o Mitigate risk of burns (from boiling water, hot food, fuel, or stoves)
o Mitigate risk of foodborne and waterborne illness and communicable disease
o Mitigate risk of chemical contaminates in food
o Be reliable in varied elevations, temperatures, humidity, fire restrictions, and weather conditions
Follow the Principles of Leave No Trace, in particular:
o #1 Plan Ahead and Prepare: Follow the policies of the landowner
o #3 Dispose of Waste Properly
o #4 Minimize campfire impacts
Promote the Aims & Methods of Scouting
o Leadership Development Crew leader, cook, dishwasher, etc.
o Ideals A Scout is Trustworthy & Obedient Does not break the rules because no one is watching
o Patrol Method - Brings the crew together to communicate and bond over a shared meal
Minimize Waste
o Does not bring additional disposable waste (plastic bags, etc.) into the backcountry
o Minimizes food waste and wet, heavy, and/or smellable trash
o Allows for the easy reuse or recycling of as many items as possible
Minimize Pack Weight & Volume
Philmont Cooking Method
Prepare Kitchen Area
Cooks will:
Set aside a cooking area near the fire ring and ask others to stay clear (to prevent dust and accidental spills)
Set out an unused bear bag as the “kitchen countertop” (keeps dirt out of food and food out of the dirt)
Gather all crew cooking gear (pots, spoons, strainer/scraper, dishwashing materials, matches, etc.)
Gather all required meal ingredients
Start Stoves and Get Water Boiling
Cooks will:
Ensure stove safety
o Have adult supervision when handling fuel or stoves
o Wear closed toe shoes
o Crouch instead of sitting or kneeling (to be able to move away quickly if needed)
o Have extra water ready
o Never leave a hot stove unattended
o Pour fuel near the fire ring utilizing a funnel when no flame or spark is present
o Ensure unused stoves and fuel are stored away from the kitchen area
Fill a 6-8 liter straight sided pot with 4-6 liters of water (depending on crew size)
o Two ACE Camp Tribal 8L pots are provided by Philmont (with at least one lid)
Bring water to a boil utilizing a liquid fuel or canister fuel stove with a low & wide base
o MSR Whisperlite (universal, international, or regular), Optimus Vega, MSR WindPro II, Kovea Spider,
and MSR Dragonfly are popular options
Sanitize Dishes and Utensils
Cooks will:
Wash their hands with soap and water (sanitizer may be used if hands are not visibly dirty)
Gather all crew eating utensils and dishware and place on “kitchen countertop
Once water reaches a rolling boil, sanitize all personal dishware and crew cookware by dipping it in the
boiling water for 10-30 seconds utilizing hot pot tongs or a lightweight multitool
Cook the Meal
Cooks will:
Pour the freeze-dried, dehydrated, or packaged meal components into an empty 6-8L pot (only combine
ingredients all crew members are able to eat)
Turn off the stove (or turn down to simmer and put food pot onto stove, if directed by food packaging)
Carefully pour enough hot water to just cover the food
Stir the food thoroughly and add more water as needed based on package instructions and crew preference
(water can always be added, but not removed)
Cover and allow to rehydrate for the time recommended on the packaging (or until all food has reached
desired consistency)
Stir the food one last time and serve
Eat the Meal
All crew members wash their hands with soap and water (sanitizer may be used if hands are not visibly dirty)
Chaplain’s Aide leads crew in grace
Cooks serve the food over the pot to avoid spilling (encourage crew members to only take what they can eat)
All crew members take care while eating and eat as much food and sauce out of their personal dishware as
possible (all food contaminated clothing will need to go in the bear bag)
Cooks provide additional servings, if available (consuming all food in the pot makes clean up much easier)
Clean Up
Clean up crew will:
Consolidate trash into one food bag and collect other food bags for recycling
Collect all uneaten food into a “yum-yum bag” to be packed out DO NOT DUMP INTO LATRINE OR SUMP
Collect all crew member’s personal dishware and utensils in the kitchen area
Pour half of the remaining water into the dirty food pot along with 3-4 drops of biodegradable soap (this is
now the wash pot; the original boil pot is now the rinse pot)
Beginning with the cleanest items, scrub dishes in the wash pot, rinse them in the rinse pot, and then stack
near the sump to dry for the night (three bucket” system completed during sanitization before next meal)
Scrub the wash pot of all food particles
Sump Dish Water Concentrated Impact (Camps outfitted with sumps Philmont Property)
Clean up crew will:
Hold food strainer over campsite sump
Pour the wash water through the food strainer into the sump
Use the scraper to remove all food particles from the strainer and place in the “yum-yum bag
Pour the rinse water into the wash pot, swirl around to collect soap/food particles, and repeat process above
Place used scrubby into “yum-yum bag” (now trash) and hang in the “oops bag
along with scraper and strainer
Police campsite for food/ trash and hang bear bags
Sump Dish Water Low Impact (Camps without sumps Valle Vidal, etc.)
Clean up crew will:
Poke around twenty holes in the bottom of a gallon size plastic bag
Fill plastic bag ¼ full with pine needles
Pour the rinse water into the wash pot and swirl around
Pour the water from the pot, through the food strainer, through the pine needle bag, and into the second pot
Repeat process back and forth until no more food particles are in the pot
Broadcast the water (like a rainbow) 200 feet from any camp or water sources
Use the scraper to remove all food particles from the strainer and place in the bag
Place used scrubby piece into the bag (now trash) and hang in the “oops bag” along with scraper and strainer
Police campsite for food/trash and hang bear bags
This cooking method is taught by Philmont staff because it is safe, accessible to crews with varying levels of
experience/resources and can be repeated by thousands of crews with minimal impact.
Alternative Equipment & Methods
Rehydrate/Heat in the Gusseted Foil-Lined Bag (most Mountain House & Alpine Aire meals) Not Recommended
Considerations/Reasoning: Philmont does not prohibit the rehydrating of meals in their bag AS LONG AS
THEY ARE DESIGNED FOR THIS PURPOSE. Not all entrees provided by Philmont come in bags in which food
can be reheated (and changing all meals to rehydrating bags would be cost prohibitive and increase waste).
Most Mountain House and Alpine Aire options come in a GUSSETED FOIL bag which has a stable base, wide
mouth, additional headroom, and a foil liner which prevents melting and seepage of chemicals into food.
However, this method is not recommended as it leads to increased burns from boiling water, food waste
stuck in the corners of the bag (heavy wet trash), and prohibits Philmont from being able to recycle the bags.
Because each bag contains food for two, for hygiene/food safety reasons they should be emptied into a
personal bowl/mug (thus negating most cleanup efficiencies gained). This method, however, may be suitable
for individuals with dietary restrictions.
Rehydrate/Heat in Standard Packaging (Backpacker’s Pantry, stuffing & all other entrees) – PROHIBITED
extremely dangerous and has led to many Scouts and Advisors being taken to the
infirmary for serious burns. Bags that are commercially made for this purpose have
extra headroom for the added water, have foil-lined interiors (to prevent melting
and/or leeching), seams that can withstand heat, and have gusseted bottoms so that
they can stand upright without additional support. The use of commercially produced
or DIY pouches, cozies, or other devices still does not address these concerns or make
this practice safe.
Rehydrate & Reheat in Individual Containers Not Recommended
Considerations/Reasoning: Reheating in individual containers can reduce the need for
two large pots and cut down on food waste left in retail packaging (smellables), but in
order to reduce the risk of foodborne illness, these containers still need to be sanitized in boiling water
before use and thoroughly cleaned after use. This method does not allow for flexibility in individual portion
sizes once the meals have been reheated. This method also does not promote the patrol method through a
daily shared meal experience (and the leadership/responsibilities associated with it).
Rehydrate (without heating) in individual containers (Cold-Soaking) PROHIBITED
Considerations/Reasoning: Cold-soaking dehydrated food, a method sometimes utilized by individual thru-
hikers, is not practical at Philmont Scout Ranch. This method does not effectively mitigate risks from
foodborne illness/communicable disease through sanitization of eating utensils/dishware. If water is being
boiled to sanitize and clean dishes, it might as well be utilized to heat and rehydrate meals. This method also
does not promote the patrol method through a daily shared meal experience (and the
leadership/responsibilities associated with it).
Serious burn on foot from poured
boiling water - This will quickly end a
participants’ trek
Boil in Turkey/Ziploc Bags PROHIBITED
Considerations/Reasoning: Plastic bags cannot be easily cleaned and therefore introduce a large amount of
unnecessary smellable plastic waste (which overloads already overstrained backcountry trash collection).
They also may lead to melting/leeching of plastic and are difficult to safely retrieve from hot water.
Integrated Canister Stove (Jetboil, MSR Windburner systems, etc.) Not Practical as Primary Stove
Considerations/Reasoning: Integrated canister stove systems can be a great supplemental stove for quickly
heating up enough water for hot drinks or preparing meals for those with strict dietary restrictions while also
serving as an emergency backup if the primary stoves fail. However, the integrated pot/cup cannot heat
enough water for the rehydration of a full crew’s food, requiring multiple boils or crew not being able to eat
at the same time. Pouring multiple batches of water from an integrated canister stove into the 8L pot causes
significant drops in water temperature which eliminates the ability to sanitize dishes. Not to mention these
repeated boils require constant engagement that could be diverted to other kitchen tasks by the cooks. The
utilization of adaptors leads to an extremely unstable stove surface for any size of pot to boil water safely.
Additionally, overfilled vessels can boil over onto the control/shut-off leading to scalds/burns. 1-2 liquid fuel
or isobutane canister stoves with a low, wide base split between the crew will end up being lighter and more
compact than integrated canister stoves.
Ultra-Compact Canister Stoves (MSR PocketRocket, SnowPeak GigaPower, BRS-3000T, GSI Pinnacle, etc.) Not
Practical as Primary Stove
Considerations/Reasoning: Similar to integrated canister stoves, compact canister stoves can be a
supplemental stove when carefully paired with a SMALL lightweight pot or metal mug for hot drinks or
separate preparation of meals for those with strict dietary restrictions. It can also be a backup in case of the
failure of the primary low, stable, full-size stove. However, when these stoves are placed on top of a fuel
canister they are not a stable platform to boil the large quantities of water required for a crew of 8-12.
Additionally, the control/shut-off is generally located under a hot pot of boiling water, which can lead to
scalds and burns. 1-2 large, stable stoves, split between a crew of 8-12 is typically lighter than 4-6
ultracompact stoves.
Alternative Fuel Stoves (alcohol, solid fuel, or natural fiber) PROHIBITED
Considerations/Reasoning: Stoves which utilize alcohol, solid fuel, or natural fiber (wood, etc.) are prohibited
for use at Philmont. During fire bans, which happen often in the high desert of New Mexico, only canister and
liquid fuel stoves are permitted to be used on most USFS, state, and private land. Additionally, these stoves
utilize advanced techniques beyond what is taught at Philmont, they lack the ability to be turned off when
needed, they often lack the power to boil water in a 6-8-quart pot, and the wide variety of fuels cannot be
readily provided at Philmont backcountry camps/commissaries (only white gas and canister fuel are readily
available in these locations).
Utilizing Bleach Instead of Boiling to Sanitize Dishware PROHIBITED
Considerations/Reasoning: Bleach is typically utilized in the BSA’s Three Pot Method to sanitize dishes,
cookware, and eating utensils in a front-country environment by many BSA Units. Commercial food service
operations also may use bleach or other chemical sanitizers. However, utilizing bleach as a sanitizer creates a
large quantity of spent grey water which then needs to be safely disposed of. In a backcountry setting like
Philmont, this can have a much bigger impact than in a front country setting. This water, which is a precious
resource in the southwest desert which must be carried by a crew member (and sometimes must be
transported via vehicle to the backcountry), has to be disposed of in a way that does not negatively affect the
surrounding environment or the bacteria busy breaking down grey water in sumps. Boiled water can be
utilized for not only sanitizing dishes prior to the meal, but also in the cooking of the meal therefore being
much more efficient and creating less waste while having a smaller impact on the backcountry environment.
Alternative Cooking Pots (Collapsible, smaller volume, etc.) Not Recommended
Considerations/Reasoning: Philmont strongly recommends the use of at least one 8-quart pot for preparing
backpacking meals on the trail. Limited quantities of smaller (4 and 6 quart) pots are available from Outfitting
Services upon request for the second pot. Some crews may opt to bring their own pots made of lighter-
weight materials. Please keep in mind that while an 8L pot may seem large and heavy, these pots are split
between a crew of 8-12. Each crew member or buddy pair carrying their own metal pots/mugs will end up
being heavier than carrying two large pots split between the crew. It is also worth noting that smaller volume
pots with less headroom are more likely to lead to spillage/burns. This is even more the case with collapsible
pots made of silicone (with hard bottoms) or other materials.
Boil, Rehydrate & Clean All In One Pot (Instead of Two) Not Recommended
Considerations/Reasoning: Using one 6-8L pot for boiling water, sanitation, rehydration and clean up may
seem appealing, but ends up being much less convenient in practice. First, it does not allow crews to adjust
the amount of hot water added to the trail food to ensure it is rehydrated properly. Food will typically end up
only partially rehydrated or soupy. Any cold unboiled water added will have to be treated ahead of time and
will quickly make the meal cold and not integrate well. Most importantly though, utilizing one pot does not
allow for a wash and rinse step in the cleaning process. Proper dishwashing is essential to prevent the spread
of foodborne/communicable disease in a backcountry setting. Additionally, as mentioned previously, one pot
split between a crew of 8-12 ends up being less of a weight and space concern than in a smaller group
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can we bring our own cooking gear?
a. Yes, crews are permitted to bring their own cooking gear provided it meets the requirements
outlined throughout this document. Please remember that not all meals can be rehydrated/heated
in their packaging, all personal dishware/utensils must be properly sanitized or disinfected, and
youth participants should have the ability to practice leadership skills through designated
responsibilities. If your crew is interested in purchasing and practicing with the cooking pots and bear
bag/ropes issued by Philmont (and then bringing that gear with you on your trek if you’d like), the
Tooth of Time Traders has recently begun offering these items for sale via their website.
2. Why are crews required to bring two stoves?
a. Having a functioning stove at all times is an important safety precaution while hiking in backcountry
mountains. In the case of a stove failing, it is important to be able to still make hot water for
rehydrating food, sanitizing dishware, providing warm drinks to cold participants, or to deal with first
aid issues. This second stove does not necessarily need to be the same make/model or fuel type as
the primary stove.
3. Should we use a windscreen with our backpacking stove?
a. Windscreens can make a significant difference in fuel efficiency and boil time for backpacking stoves,
especially in inclement weather. Philmont recommends utilizing them for all remote-fuel stoves.
However, they should not be used for compact canister stoves (which are not recommended at
Philmont anyway) as they can lead to the fuel canister becoming dangerous hot and potentially
4. Can we bring our own strainer/scraper for sumps?
a. Crews are welcome to bring their own system for straining food particles as long as it prevents
smellables from building up on top of and around sumps and can be easily packed up. Some
programs utilize foldable plastic screen as a lighter alternative.
5. Why doesn’t Philmont just provide all meals in gusseted mylar bags?
a. Availability, participant preference, and cost. Philmont has to purchase over 20,000 servings of each
meal item before a summer season. Gusseted mylar bags cost significantly more than simple plain
foil or plastic packaging and are not as readily available for the companies which provide our meals
(Mountain House, Alpine Aire, Backpacker’s Pantry, and others). Additionally, many participants
would prefer not to eat freeze-dried or dehydrated meals for the entire trek, so we aim to create a
bit of variety.
6. How can we fit 8 Liter pots into our packs?
a. Packing personal gear such as clothing or smaller crew gear items into the pot before placing it in
your pack. Make sure all adjustable compression straps are released fully and slide the pot into the
pack. Any dead space around the pot can be filled with trail meal bags or personal items. These pots
fit in most packs 55 Liters and above.
7. Why doesn’t Philmont replace bear cables with bear boxes?
a. The Philmont Conservation Department has explored the use of metal bear boxes rather than bear
cables and is in support of that change. However, as of March 2022, Philmont has approximately 435
bear cables to support 1,259 campsites in 136 camps. Philmont has begun to replace the cables with
boxes in some locations but will require a significant amount of additional funding, time, and labor to
be able to replace them all. Currently the department is focused on replacing worn out bear cables
with either boxes or an updated cable system which can be repaired from the ground (so that tree
climbing gear and training is not required in remote areas). Additionally, thirteen of our camps are
off Philmont property, which means permanent equipment cannot be installed, which would require
crews to carry bear ropes anyway.
8. Why doesn’t Philmont install pulley systems on bear cables so that less bear rope is needed?
a. The Philmont Conservation Department has also explored the use of pulley systems on bear cables
(see bear box question above). In order to add pulley systems to our bear cables, we would need to
find a design that can support multiple crews in one camp, additional funding for parts, and time to
install them on over 400 cables. Additionally, pulleys can easily be fouled and require a significant
amount of labor to install and maintain. Ultimately boxes or cables that can be repaired from the
ground are a better solution than pulley systems. Additionally, thirteen of our camps are off
Philmont property, which means permanent equipment cannot be installed, which would require
crews to carry bear ropes anyway.
9. Will my ranger/wrangler and other Philmont staff allow my crew to utilize any of the alternative methods
mentioned above?
a. Yes, granted they are not any of the methods marked as prohibited. However, the crew must be able
to clearly demonstrate that they have the appropriate equipment and experience to carry out the
method safely while meeting the minimum requirements outlined in the beginning of this document.
If your crew cannot meet these requirements, they will be asked to revert to the method taught by
Philmont staff.
10. Why does the Philmont packing list include so many items?
a. The packing list in the Guidebook to Adventure is designed as a generalized place to start. Through
shakedown hikes individuals and crews can determine what items may be redundant and eliminated.
Advanced backpackers will typically use a “systems” approach to eliminate as many redundancies as
possible, reduce weight, and increase efficiency. Remember that for many Philmont will be their first
backpacking expedition and they may not have the skills to utilize systems that more advanced
backpackers take for granted. Each individual and crew should find what works for them through
repeated shakedown hikes.
11. Other questions?
a. Be sure to watch the Philmont Preparedness Seminar Series where you can ask questions live to the
Philmont Camping Leadership. You can also contact philmont.camping@scouting.org.
Fuel Type Comparison
Liquid Fuel
Canister Fuel
Alternative Fuel
White Gas, Coleman Fuel,
Naphtha, and many others
Gas Fuel, Isobutane, Iso, IsoPro,
Alcohol, Nesbit, tablet, wood,
Most require priming, which
requires training and practice
No priming required
Varies by fuel type
Available in base camp and all
backcountry commissaries at
Philmont. Available nearly
everywhere in the world.
Available in base camp and all
backcountry commissaries at
Philmont. Not available in all
hiking locations outside of
Philmont (check ahead of time).
Not available for sale at
Philmont or may not be
available during a burn ban
Fuel prohibited in carry-on or
checked bags on commercial
airplanes, trains, and busses.
Stove only permitted if
completely clean and free of all
vapors (difficult for liquid fuel)
Fuel prohibited in carry-on or
checked bags on commercial
airplanes, trains, and busses.
Stove only permitted if
completely clean and free of all
vapors (easier for gas fuel)
Prohibited in carry-on or
checked bags on commercial
airplanes, trains, and busses
Slightly heavier than remote
canister stoves due to fuel pump
Slightly lighter than liquid fuel
stoves as fuel pump is not
required (compact/ultralight not
practical as a primary stove)
Ultralight to quite heavy
depending on model
Heavier in small quantities when
bottle is accounted for
Lighter in small quantities, but
heavier in large quantities due to
packaging (canister is roughly 30-
50% of the weight when full).
Can be extremely lightweight
Improper lighting can lead to
loss of control and burns; Fuel
spilled on bare skin can cause
reactions or sudden frostbite in
cold weather; Burning fuel in a
confined space creates
hazardous buildup of carbon
Canisters are pressurized,
combustible, and are unsafe if
heated beyond their limits; Sit on
top models have controls directly
underneath the flame and boiling
liquid; Burning fuel in a confined
space creates hazardous buildup
of carbon monoxide
Most cannot be easily turned off
in case of overboil or other
issues; Many can be spilled with
a near invisible flame
Refillable bottle prevents waste
Canisters must be punctured and
transported for recycling
Typically no waste
Good, though varies by stove
Good, though varies by stove
Cannot be easily shut off or
Quite good
Quite good
Not great
More prone to failures, but field
Less prone to failures, but not
field repairable
Little to no maintenance
required for most models
More efficient in extreme cold
temperatures & high elevations
Very efficient, except in cold
temperatures & very high
Typically not very efficient
Very inexpensive
Free to very expensive
Fuel amounts can be more easily
adjusted to fit trip needs;
Generally more complicated to
use; fuel degrades over time;
easy to determine amount of
fuel consumed
Fuel does not degrade over time;
performance drops when canister
is near empty (less pressure);
difficult to determine amount of
fuel consumed
Alcohol stoves often have an
invisible flame. None of these
can be easily turned off in case
of emergency or allow for
control of flame level
Selected Resources
Adventures In Stoving
Boy Scouts of America
Guide to Safe Scouting: Chemical Fuels and Equipment
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hand Sanitizer Use Out and About
Environmental Protection Agency
What’s the Different Between Products that Disinfect, Sanitize, and Clean Surfaces
Gear Skeptic
Backcountry Water Treatment, Part 1: Boiling vs. Pasteurization (Youtube)
Mercator Gear
What happens to stove performance at high altitude?
Mountain Safety Research (MSR)
Canister Stoves Vs. Liquid Fuel Backpacking Stoves Which is Right For You?
The Mountaineers
Don’t Get Sick: The Hidden Dangers of Camping and Hiking
Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI)
How to Choose a Backpacking Stove
How to Choose the Right Backpacking Stove Fuel
Tazwell County Health Department
Sanitation: Concentration, Temperature, and Exposure time
Zen Stoves
Backpacking Stove Fuels
Carbon Monoxide Hazards with Backpacking Stoves