Concur Expense:
Setup Guide
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
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Standard edition
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide i
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Permissions ................................................................................................1
Section 2: Overview ....................................................................................................1
Attendee Features Available to All Concur Expense Users ................................................ 1
Optional (Configurable) Attendee Features .................................................................... 1
General Configuration Options ................................................................................ 1
Settings for Attendee Type ..................................................................................... 2
Settings for Policy and Expense Type ....................................................................... 2
Features Specific to Expense Groups........................................................................ 2
Other Configuration Options ................................................................................... 3
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page .....................................3
Adding a Favorite Attendee or Attendee Group to an Expense .......................................... 5
Adding a Favorite Attendee .................................................................................... 5
Adding an Attendee Group...................................................................................... 7
Copying Attendees from a Request (from Concur Request) .............................................. 7
Searching for an Attendee ........................................................................................... 8
Searching for Employees by Email Address and Country ............................................. 9
Searching by all Available Employees at a Company ................................................ 10
Searching Employees on My Team ......................................................................... 11
Using Recent Attendees ............................................................................................ 12
Editing or Viewing Attendee Details ............................................................................ 13
Editing or Viewing Amounts ....................................................................................... 14
Viewing Amounts ................................................................................................ 14
Changing Amounts .............................................................................................. 15
Understanding How Concur Expense Distributes and Redistributes Amounts ............... 15
Creating a New Attendee ........................................................................................... 16
Removing an Attendee from an Expense ..................................................................... 18
Creating an Attendee Group ...................................................................................... 18
Accounting for "No Shows" ........................................................................................ 19
Entering a Count for Unnamed Attendees .................................................................... 20
Copy Down Itemization Information to Attendees ......................................................... 20
Important! ......................................................................................................... 21
Additional Attendee Information ................................................................................. 22
Expense List ....................................................................................................... 22
Additional Attendee Information - Attendee Detail View ................................................ 23
Change Columns ................................................................................................. 23
Example - Add a Field .......................................................................................... 23
Using the Personal Attendee Import Feature ................................................................ 24
ii Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile ................................................................. 28
Attendees Tab ......................................................................................................... 28
Creating a New Attendee ...................................................................................... 30
Editing Attendee Information ................................................................................ 30
Deleting / Hiding Attendees .................................................................................. 31
Finding Attendees ............................................................................................... 31
Attendee Groups Tab ................................................................................................ 31
Create a Group of Favorite Attendees .................................................................... 31
Edit a Group ....................................................................................................... 33
Delete a Group ................................................................................................... 34
Send a Copy of a Group to Another User ................................................................ 34
Attendee Detail View ................................................................................................ 35
Section 5: Delegates, Proxies, Approvers, and Processors ........................................ 35
Delegates and Proxies............................................................................................... 35
Attendee Types Restricted by Groups ..................................................................... 35
Approvers and Processors ......................................................................................... 35
Attendee Types Restricted by Groups ..................................................................... 36
Section 6: Configuration Overview and Procedures ................................................ 36
Different Processes for Different Options ..................................................................... 36
The Basic Configuration Process ................................................................................. 38
Step 1: Defining the Attendee Forms and Fields ........................................................... 39
Overview: Attendee Forms and Fields .................................................................... 39
Procedure: Configuring Attendee Forms and Fields .................................................. 45
Configure Carry-Forward ...................................................................................... 47
Step 2: Editing Expense Entry Forms for Copy Down .................................................... 49
Overview: Copy Down ......................................................................................... 49
Procedure: Modify the Attendees Field ................................................................... 49
Procedure: Verify the Itemization Form for the Expense Type ................................... 51
Step 3: Configuring the Attendee Detail View............................................................... 52
Overview: Attendee Detail View ............................................................................ 52
Procedure: Configure the View .............................................................................. 53
Step 4: Editing the Attendee-Related Expense Types .................................................... 56
Overview: Understanding Attendee Count Configuration .......................................... 56
Moving the Attendee Count Column for Visibility ..................................................... 58
Procedure: Editing Expense Types ......................................................................... 58
Overview: Restricting Attendee Types by Expense Type ........................................... 60
Procedure: Filtering Attendee Types for Expense Types by Exclusion ......................... 61
Overview: Setting a Default Attendee Type for an Expense Type ............................... 63
Procedure: Setting the Default Attendee Type for an Expense Type ........................... 63
Overview: Suppressing the New Attendee Button by Expense Type ........................... 64
Procedure: Suppressing the New Attendee Button by Expense Type .......................... 65
Step 5: Adding Additional Attendee Types and Working with Other Attendee Settings ....... 66
Overview: Attendee Types .................................................................................... 66
Procedure: Configuring Attendee Types .................................................................. 67
Overview: Settings .............................................................................................. 71
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide iii
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Procedure: Configuring Settings ............................................................................ 73
Overview: Attendee Types by User Groups ............................................................. 76
Procedure: Configuring Attendee Types by User Groups ........................................... 76
Step 6: Including All Employees in a Company in the Attendee Search ............................ 78
Procedure: Part 1 Confirm Auto-Create Attendee Record is Enabled ........................ 78
Procedure: Part 2 Attendee Types and Employee Attendee Records ........................ 78
Procedure: Part 3a Inactivate the Employee Attendee Type if All Concur Users ......... 80
Procedure: Part 3b Add a New Attendee Type ...................................................... 81
Procedure: Part 4 Configure SYSEMP Attendee Type ............................................. 82
IMPORTANT: SYSEMP with Non Employees ............................................................. 85
Step 7: Create Attendee Audit Rules ........................................................................... 89
Step 8: Configure for Personal Attendee Import ........................................................... 89
Overview: Personal Import ................................................................................... 89
Procedure: Part 1 Generate the Basic Template .................................................... 89
Procedure: Part 2 Edit the Worksheet .................................................................. 91
Procedure: Part 3 Upload the Customized Worksheet ............................................ 94
Procedure: Create Drop Lists in Excel .................................................................... 95
Step 9: Import a List of Attendees.............................................................................. 96
IMPORTANT! Using the Attendee Import on an Existing System ................................ 96
External ID - Required for Imported Changes and Deletions ..................................... 97
Section 7: Retain Attendee History with the Associated Expense Entry ..................... 98
Overview................................................................................................................. 98
Requesting a Configuration Change ....................................................................... 98
Section 8: Implementing the Attendee Import on an Existing System - Tips and Hints98
Changing from a User-Entered List to a Managed List of Attendees ................................. 98
Changing Employees as Attendees to a Managed List of Attendees ................................. 99
Section 9: Appendix Special Situations/Forms/Fields .......................................... 100
Fields: Special Conditions for Selected Fields ............................................................. 100
Report Key ....................................................................................................... 100
iv Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
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Revision History
Notes / Comments / Changes
June 28, 2023
Update to remove text and screenshot in Section 7, Retain Attendee History
with the Associated Expense Entry, and add request to contact Support.
May 20, 2023
Updated to remove references to ability to forward calendar email (.ics
attachment) to create an entry populated with meeting attendees included
in the email.
May 26, 2022
Updated Using the Personal Attendee Import Feature topic in the What the
User Sees on the Expense Report Page section.
February 9, 2022
Updated screenshots for new user experience throughout.
November 22, 2021
Added a section Searching for Employees by Email Address and Country in
the Searching for an Attendee section.
February 25, 2021
Added a note to the procedure for deactivating an attendee type in Step 5
of the Section 6: Configuration Overview and Procedures chapter.
Added a note in Change Columns in the Additional Attendee Information
Attendee Details view section.
February 3, 2021
Clarified text and added a note regarding the attendee import in the Using
the Personal Attendee Import Feature section. It is recommended that no
more than 500 attendees be included in a single import.
January 6, 2021
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
December 5, 2020
Added a clarification in the General Notes about Attendee Fields section to
the first bullet stating the attendee fields are like all other custom fields,
indicating that custom fields configured as connected lists can be added to
Expense Attendee forms.
November 19, 2020
Added a clarification to the Advanced Only option for Default Search for
Attendees field in the Adding Additional Attendee Types and Working with
Other Attendee Settings section.
October 17, 2020
Corrected one remaining mention of 5,000 to 500. The limit of records per
single import is 500. Minor edits in the Using the Personal Attendee Import
Feature section.
September 23, 2020
Added a note about the Report Key field.
September 10, 2020
Added a tip to the Final Editing Step procedures in the Procedure: Part 2
Edit the Worksheet section. Added an updated Data Validation image to the
Procedure: Create Drop Lists in Excel section.
May 27, 2020
Updated images of the Attendee Type dialog to include the new Default
Search for Attendees field.
May 4, 2020
Added info about the choices for the new Default Search for Attendees
May 1, 2020
Added a new field, Default Search for Attendees, to the Configuring
Attendee Types section.
April 9, 2020
Renamed the Authorization Request check box to Request on the guide’s
title page; cover date not updated
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide v
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Notes / Comments / Changes
December 9, 2019
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
June 20, 2019
Added note about attendee search limits to the Searching for an
Attendee section.
January 17, 2019
Corrected one remaining mention of 5,000 to 100. The limit of
records per single import is 100.
January 4, 2019
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
September 6, 2018
Corrected the limit of records per single import to 100. And added a note
regarding duplicate check functionality.
Added a note regarding ensuring that files use xls format, not xlsx format.
June 13, 2018
Changed copy-down to copydown; no other changes; cover date not
April 4, 2018
Changed the check boxes on the front cover; no other changes; cover date
not updated
February 16, 2018
Updated guide name in references to the Shared: Attendee Import, Version
2 Specification guide.
January 3, 2018
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
March 6, 2017
Added a note to the Audit Rule Group By Field for Expense Reports field
about why is becomes read-only.
December 14, 2016
Changed copyright and cover; no other content changes.
December 9, 2016
Updated the guide content to new corporate style; no content changes.
May 13, 2016
Updated instances of he/she to they.
January 24, 2016
Changed references to the import/extract guide; no other changes
January 15, 2016
Added information about Invoice-specific settings
September 25, 2015
Clarified that all email addresses used to send information to Concur must
be verified in Profile.
August 14, 2015
Removed references to the current UI; made general updates to the content
July 20, 2015
Updated more screen shots to the enhanced UI; no other content changes
June 24, 2015
Updated the Adding Attendees from a Calendar Email section; updated more
screen shots to the enhanced UI
June 11, 2015
Updated some of the screen shots (attendee import) to the enhanced UI; no
other content changes
April 20, 2015
Updated the Adding Attendees from a Calendar Email section
March 26, 2015
Updated the Adding Attendees from a Calendar Email section
March 13, 2015
Updated Adding Attendees from a Calendar Email section, explaining how a
delegate can email invites on behalf of the person they are assisting.
December 16, 2014
Removed Receipt Store name - now called Available Receipts.
December 12, 2014
Updated Adding Attendees from a Calendar Email section
vi Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Notes / Comments / Changes
November 14, 2014
Added information about:
Adding Attendees from a Calendar Email
Searching Employees on My Team
Older revision history has been removed.
Section 1: Permissions
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 1
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
NOTE: Multiple SAP Concur product versions and UI themes are available, so this
content might contain images or procedures that do not precisely match your
implementation. For example, when SAP Fiori UI themes are implemented, home
page navigation is consolidated under the SAP Concur Home menu.
Section 1: Permissions
A company administrator may or may not have the correct permissions to use this
feature. The administrator may have limited permissions, for example, they can
affect only certain groups and/or use only certain options (view but not create or
If a company administrator needs to use this feature and does not have the proper
permissions, they should contact the company's Concur administrator.
Also, the administrator should be aware that some of the tasks described in this
guide can be completed only by SAP. In this case, the client must initiate a service
request with SAP Concur support.
Section 2: Overview
For some expense types, such as business meals or entertainment, Concur Expense
users may be required sometimes for corporate reasons; sometimes for legal
reasons to identify all attendees associated with that expense. In some cases, each
individual attendee must be listed. In other cases, it may be acceptable for the user
to simply enter a count (number of unnamed attendees).
This guide describes how Concur Expense users, approvers, delegates, and proxies
use the Attendees feature. It also describes how the administrator configures the
Attendee Features Available to All Concur Expense Users
In the basic attendee feature, an Concur Expense user can add, edit, view, and
remove attendees.
Optional (Configurable) Attendee Features
There are many optional features that the admin can configure to enhance the user
experience and to ensure that the company is able to gather the desired (and
required) attendee information.
General Configuration Options
General configuration options include:
Section 2: Overview
2 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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20 custom fields available specifically for attendees
Ability to track year-to-date attendee totals
Settings for Attendee Type
Settings specific to each attendee type to:
Make all employees in a company available within the attendee search
function for selection and inclusion as an attendee
Have separate attendee forms for each attendee type
Allow attendee lists to be shared or private
Allow users to enter new attendees into Concur Expense
Set the available attendee types for an expense type by excluding attendee
types and only displaying the remaining attendee types
Set a default attendee type for an expense type
Allow users to enter the count (number of unnamed attendees) instead of
having to identify and enter each individually for a defined attendee type
(used in conjunction with the similarly named expense type/policy setting)
Have Concur Expense check for duplicate records when users add new
attendees to Concur Expense
Define the search criteria available in the attendee section
Allow users to search and import attendees from an external source
Refer to the Fetch Attendee Web Service information on
Settings for Policy and Expense Type
Settings specific to each policy and expense type to:
Allow users to view the amount of the expense allotted to each attendee
Allow users to edit the amount of the expense allotted to each attendee
Allow users to account for attendees who were invited but did not attend ("no
Allow users to enter the count (number of attendees) instead of having to
identify and enter each individually for a defined expense type and policy
(used in conjunction with the similarly named attendee type setting)
Include the Concur Expense user as an attendee by default
Suppress the Add New Attendee button for an expense type
Features Specific to Expense Groups
Features specific to Expense groups:
Attendee types available for this group to use
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 3
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Configurable view of information in attendee lists (columns available for view)
Audit rules relating to attendee totals and frequency of attendance
Other Configuration Options
Other configuration options:
Allow the administrator to import attendee lists from other applications
Allow users to import attendees (using an Excel worksheet) into a specific
Show users My Team tab (direct reports or users with the same approver)
while searching for attendees.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
This section describes the tasks the user can complete using the expense report
page. Many of the same tasks can be completed on the user's Profile page. The
information about the Profile page is discussed in What the User Sees - in Profile in
this guide.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
4 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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The Attendees link appears on the Details tab for an expense whenever an
expense type requires attendees.
Using Attendees, a user can:
Add an existing attendee or attendee group to the expense
Search for an existing attendee or attendee group
Add any employee at their company, not just those in Favorites or previously
used (configurable)
Edit or view attendee information
Create a new attendee (configurable)
Create an attendee group
Remove an attendee from an expense
Account for "no shows" (configurable)
Enter a count (number of unnamed attendees; configurable)
Import attendees (using an Excel worksheet) into an expense (configurable)
Search for and import attendees from an external source (configurable)
NOTE: The administrator can also restrict by attendee type the attendees that a
user can create, edit, view, or search for, as described in the configuration
portion in this guide.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
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Adding a Favorite Attendee or Attendee Group to an Expense
There are two ways for a user to add a favorite attendee or attendee group to an
expense if the attendee or group is already in their favorites (as listed in Profile >
Profile Settings > Request Settings > Favorite Attendees).
Adding a Favorite Attendee
Favorite attendees can be added to an expense from two tabs on the Attendees
pages: Recent Attendees and Attendee Groups.
First, click the Attendees link and then click Add on the Attendees page. Users can
then click the Recent Attendees tab.
A list of attendees added to recent expenses displays. Users can click the Search All
Attendee History link to view or search a list of all recent attendees.
First, click the Attendees link and then click Add on the Attendees page. Users can
click the Attendee Groups tab and then the Favorites link to add or search a list of
all favorite attendees.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
6 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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On the Favorites pages, users can add or search for attendees to add to an
To search for recent or favorite attendees, users can use the Search field from the
Favorites page.
To access the search field, users can:
From the Recent Attendees tab, click the Search All Attendee History link
From the Attendee Groups tab, click the Favorites link
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
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In the Search field, the user can search by typing one or more letters of an
attendee's name. They can select an attendee and click Add to List to add them to
the attendee list for the expense.
Adding an Attendee Group
Users can add attendee groups from the Attendee Groups tab by selecting one or
more groups and clicking Add to List.
Copying Attendees from a Request (from Concur Request)
The user can copy attendees from a request associated with an expense report
directly to that report's expense entry, provided the entry allows attendees.
With the request open, a user adds a request to an expense report by clicking the
Create Expense Report button.
When Concur Expense detects that the request entry has attendees, it automatically
copies them from that request directly to an expense entry. This behavior saves the
user entry time and allows the user to work with the attendees just as if they were
available in Concur Expense. If the user wants to make changes, by clicking on the
Attendees link, they can add, remove, create groups, or copy attendees again from
the request.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
8 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Searching for an Attendee
When the user clicks Add to add attendees, from the Add Attendees page, they can
click More Search Options to refine their search results.
The user clicks the appropriate attendee type, enters part of the name, etc., and
clicks Search. The search results appear. They can select the attendee(s) and then
click Add to List to add them to the list of attendees for the expense.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
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NOTE: When searching for attendees in Concur Expense, the search results have a
limit of approximately 5,000 attendees, so the search results will be limited to
the first 5,000 attendees returned by the search.
If you are searching an external source for attendees using the Fetch
Attendee Web Service, the attendee search results for the Fetch Attendee
Web Service has a limit of 100 attendees. In this scenario, the search results
will be limited to the first 100 attendees returned by the search. For more
information, refer to Fetch Attendee Web Service on
Searching for Employees by Email Address and Country
The default advanced search view for employee attendees automatically includes the
addition of Email address and Country fields. These filter options allow users to
narrow search results, making identification of employees accurate and efficient.
This filter is useful for the following:
Accurate identification of employees, particularly for those with the same first
and last name
Optional inclusion of inactive employees in attendee searches
NOTE: This functionality is specific to the employee (SYSEMP) attendee type and
does not apply to other attendee types like business guest or spouse.
In addition to selecting advanced search parameters, user must also select one of
the following fields: First Name, Last Name, or Email Address. Completing these
fields optimizes the search and narrows the criteria used to return relevant results.
Once the search is run, the search results page also includes a Country column,
displaying any country associated with the attendees returned by the search.
For the Email address and Country fields to display automatically as searchable
fields, the Employee option selected in the Attendee Type list should be mapped to
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
10 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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This functionality is automatically available when the attendee setting Allow
automatic creation of employees as attendees (SYSEMP attendee type) is
enabled. This setting is typically enabled, unless explicitly disabled during
implementation to meet unique business needs.
For information about how to enable this setting, refer to Step 6 in the
Configuration-Overview and Procedures section of this guide.
Copy down may now be configured for Employee attendee type (SYSEMP) attendee
If there are fields on an employee record that are beneficial to include in an attendee
search (such as cost center, legal entity, or office location), admins can configure the
additional fields using copy down functionality from the employee record to the
attendee record. This provides additional information for use in searching for
employees as well as display of attendees linked to an expense.
This new copy down option may allow simplification of the management of employee
attendees by removing the need to use an attendee import to update the attendee
data of the SYSEMP attendee type.
! We highly recommend admins check the form field configuration for all expense
attendee forms and specifically for any copy down configuration on the Employee
Attendee Form referenced for the SYSEMP attendee type.
! Admins, please also refer to the Configuration Report > Attendee Forms link
accessible from the Expense Admin page.
Searching by all Available Employees at a Company
The system can be configured to search all employees at a company for selection
and inclusion as an attendee (and simultaneous auto-creation of an attendee record
for that employee). To configure this feature (if not already available at your site),
refer to Making All Employees Available in an Attendee Search in the Configuration
section of this document.
NOTE: Users can search an external source for attendees and import them into
Concur Expense. Refer to the Fetch Attendee Web Service information on
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
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Searching Employees on My Team
The system can be configured to display the My Team link on the Attendee Groups
tab. My Team displays a list of employees that are related to the current user in the
following ways:
The employees share the direct approver with the user.
The employees report directly to the user.
NOTE: This feature requires that the Employee attendee type (SYSEMP) be
configured as a shared list. For more information, refer to the Including All
Employees in a Company in the Attendee Search section of this guide.
Concur Expense uses the configured approval hierarchy to determine the team
structure. Delegates will see the My Team employees for the users that they are
delegating for, not their own team.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
12 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Using Recent Attendees
When the user clicks Add on the Attendees page, the Recent Attendees tab
automatically displays.
To view a full list of attendees, users can click the Search All Attendee History at
the bottom of the page.
The user selects one or more attendees and then clicks Add to Expense.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
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Editing or Viewing Attendee Details
A user can edit attendee information only if the user originally added the attendee to
Concur Expense. Otherwise, the user can view but not edit attendee information.
In the Attendees section, the user clicks the desired attendee's name. The
Attendee Details dialog appears.
When done, the user clicks Save.
The following information may display (read-only) on this page (not shown in the
sample above):
Audit rule exception message: If an audit rule exception has been
generated for this attendee
Totals (including, but not limited to):
Total amount YTD (total spend on this attendee by the entire company
Total Amount Previous Year (total spend on this attendee by the entire
company last year)
Employee Amount YTD (total spend on this attendee by the current user
Employee Amount Previous Year (total spend on this attendee by the
current user last year)
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
14 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Note the following:
This total per attendee will begin to aggregate at the point the option is
configured; it will not retroactively include expenses submitted prior to its
activation. However, for those importing managed lists of attendees, a
starting year-to-date total may be imported when creating a new attendee
For more information about importing attendees, refer to Import a
List of Attendees in the configuration section in this guide.
Whether any or all these totals are visible to users is configurable, as
described in configuration portion of this guide.
The attendee types that are visible to users (by groups) is configurable, as
described in configuration portion of this guide.
Viewing and editing attendee information can also be completed by the user
in Profile. Refer to What the User Sees - in Profile in this guide.
Editing or Viewing Amounts
Viewing Amounts
Whether users can edit or even view the amounts allotted to attendees is
configurable, as described in the configuration portion of this guide.
Attendees section with read-only totals:
Attendees section with editable totals:
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 15
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NOTE: If you add a number of additional fields to this display, move the Attendee
Count column to the left for easier viewing on laptop or netbook devices -
use the Form Fields tab (in Forms and Fields) to do this.
Changing Amounts
When attendees are added to an expense, the system automatically distributes the
amount of the expense evenly across attendees.
If the configuration allows the user to edit amounts, the user can click in the
Amount column and change the value, if necessary.
When the user clicks out of the Amount column, Concur Expense redistributes the
remaining portion of the expense evenly between the remaining attendees.
Understanding How Concur Expense Distributes and Redistributes
Keep the following in mind about changing amounts:
Concur Expense initially distributes the amount of the expense equally across
attendees. That is, if the expense amount is 100 USD and there are two
attendees, Concur Expense allots 50 to each attendee.
If a user adds or removes an attendee, Concur Expense redistributes the
amounts. In the above example, if the user removes one attendee, then the
remaining attendee is allotted the full 100. If the user adds another attendee
(so now there are two again), Concur Expense redistributes again, allotting 50
to each.
If the user manually changes an amount, Concur Expense will not later
change that amount while redistributing.
Assume that the user edited the amount of attendee A to be 30 and the
user let Concur Expense automatically adjust attendee B's amount to be
70. If the user now adds attendee C, Concur Expense will redistribute 70
across attendee B and C; Concur Expense will not change attendee A,
which remains at 30.
Assume that the user edited the amount of attendee A to be 30 and
manually changed attendee B's amount to be 70. If the user now adds
attendee C, Concur Expense allots zero to attendee C. The user must
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
16 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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manually adjust amounts to account for attendee C; Concur Expense will
not automatically change the amount for attendee A or B.
Amounts cannot be edited for expenses marked as personal or the "parent"
portion of an itemized expense.
For information about how Concur Expense handles amounts and copy down,
refer to Copy Down Itemization Information to Attendees in this guide.
Creating a New Attendee
From the Attendees tab, the user can create an attendee using the Create New
Attendee link.
The Create New Attendee dialog appears.
The user selects the desired type from the Attendee Type list. The page refreshes
with the appropriate fields for the selected attendee type.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 17
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The user completes the remaining fields and clicks either Save or Save & Add
Concur Expense then checks for duplicate attendees. If it finds one or more potential
duplicates, the user is prompted to use the existing attendee information (if the
attendee that the user is adding and the duplicate are, in fact, the same person) or
to continue adding the attendee (if the attendee that the user is adding and the
duplicate are not the same person).
The new attendee is added to the expense and is added to the user's favorites list.
Note the following:
The user can change the Attendee Type value for an attendee added to a
report or request up to the point at which the report or request is
submitted, after which this value is locked down by the system.
The attendee duplicate type check by default is limited to attendees of the
same type, however it can be expanded to all attendee types on the Settings
tab of the Attendees page in Expense Admin.
The company can also decide whether to implement "carry-forward." It is
similar to copy down but it copies data from one attendee to another (for
example, company name) when the user is adding attendees, as described in
the configuration portion of this guide.
Whether users can add new attendees is configurable, as described in the
configuration portion of this guide.
By default, the New Attendee button appears to the user. The administrator
can suppress this button in the Attendees section to prevent a user from
adding an attendee forcing the user to search for the attendee first,
ensuring the attendee is not already in the system.
NOTE: This option affects only the Attendees section of the New Expense
(or Expense) tab not the other attendee "grids" (like Profile
favorites) that contain a New Attendee button.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
18 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Removing an Attendee from an Expense
The user selects the check box of the desired attendee, then clicks Remove. The
attendee is removed from the expense.
Removing the attendee from the expense does not remove the attendee from the
user's favorites list. Amounts are redistributed, as described in Understanding How
Expense Distributes and Redistributes Amounts in this guide.
Creating an Attendee Group
A user can create an attendee group using an existing expense on an expense
report, either unsubmitted or submitted. To do so, the user selects the desired
attendees and clicks Create Group.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 19
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In the Create Group dialog, the user enters a group name and clicks Save.
NOTE: The group names do not have to be unique.
Creating an attendee group can also be completed by the user in Profile.
Refer to What the User Sees - in Profile in this guide.
Accounting for "No Shows"
A user can account for No Show attendees. For example, assume that an event was
planned for three attendees, prepaid in the amount of 300 USD, which means each
of the attendees would be allotted an amount of 100. Now assume that one of the
attendees cancelled at the last minute so only two attendees were present. By
default, each attendee would be allotted an amount of 150. By using the No Show
feature, the user can indicate that one attendee was a no show so that other
attendees reflect the correct amount of 100 each.
Totals when not accounting for "no shows":
Totals when accounting for "no shows":
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
20 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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The remaining 100 is not allotted to the absent attendee and does not affect the
absent attendee's annual totals.
The No Show feature is not available for expenses marked as personal or the
"parent" portion of an itemized expense.
NOTE: Whether users can use the No Show feature is configurable, as described in
configuration portion of this guide.
Entering a Count for Unnamed Attendees
In some cases, it is acceptable for the user to enter a count number of unnamed
attendees instead of listing each attendee individually. For example, assume that
the user purchased a gift for a doctor and the "group" gift for the employees in the
doctor's office.
NOTE: Whether users can enter "counts" instead of entering all attendees
individually is defined by expense type/policy and attendee type, as described
in the configuration portion of this guide.
Copy Down Itemization Information to Attendees
Assume that a user itemizes an expense with attendees and your system is
configured to copy down the attendees to the itemizations. If so, attendees entered
at the parent expense can copy down to any itemization with attendees. On the
initial creation of the itemizations, the attendees present on the parent expense will
copy to the itemization. If the user then makes changes to the attendees on the
parent expense (for example, add an additional attendee), the user will be asked if
they want to copy the change to the itemizations.
In this example, there are three attendees, each allotted one third ($50) of the
itemization ($150).
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 21
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When the user adds a fourth attendee to the parent expense, the itemization is
automatically adjusted. In this example, each attendee is allotted one quarter
($37.50) of the itemization.
Be aware that - when Concur Expense added the fourth attendee to the itemization,
it added up the individual attendee amounts (from the three attendees) and then
divided by 4. If the user had made manual adjustments to the amounts, the user
must adjust them again. Because of the way Concur Expense handles amounts, its
only option is to divide the amounts equally.
NOTE: Whether amounts are copied down is configurable, as described in
configuration portion of this guide.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
22 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Additional Attendee Information
Expense List
The user can view attendee information on the expense report page by clicking the
Attendees link to view and Attendee summary pop up.
When they click the View Attendees link, they can see a detailed list of attendees
with counts and amount totals.
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Additional Attendee Information - Attendee Detail View
Change Columns
There are several places in Concur Expense where attendee information is presented
in tables, such as the Attendees section of an expense.
By default, the information that the user sees in these tables includes the attendee
name, type, company, and title. The administrator can customize this information.
The administrator can add any of the following:
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial
Custom 1-20
Attendee Entry Custom 1-5
Total Amount Previous Year
Total Amount YTD
Attendee Count
Status (used primarily with the Fringe Benefit Tax feature in Australia and
New Zealand)
Refer to the Concur Expense: Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Setup Guide
for more information.
Once the new "view" configuration is created, it is implemented by assigning it to
one or more Concur Expense groups.
NOTE: Entry-specific information such as amount per attendee, attendee count,
status and Attendee Entry Custom 1-5 will only show on the table when
viewed from within an expense.
Example - Add a Field
For example, by default, the Attendees section of the New Expense (or Expense)
tab contains the Attendee Name, Attendee Title, Company, and Attendee Type
columns. (Visibility of the Amount column is configurable.)
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
24 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Assume that a company is in the pharmaceutical industry where it is important for
the user to know the state in which the attendee (doctor) practices. Further assume
that the administrator added a custom field (renamed State) to the attendee form.
The administrator can also add that same field to the display, using the Attendee
Detail View form.
When the administrator adds or removes a column, the change appears in the profile
settings and all grids where attendees are listed for an expense.
For more information, refer to the Configuring the Attendee Detail View
section of this guide.
Using the Personal Attendee Import Feature
The personal attendee import benefits users who must list a large number of
attendees for events such as seminars or department functions. The attendee import
uses a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to import attendees. It is recommended that no
more than 500 attendees be included in a single import.
NOTE: Concur Expense supports up to 500 attendees per expense. This limit is due
to a combination of configuration elements for the expense detail form, the
attendee type, and related attendee form. Because of the constraints of these
configuration elements, expenses with more than 500 attendees may or may
not function correctly. SAP cannot guarantee that any list of attendees
greater than 500 will import successfully to Concur Expense. Attempting to
import more than 500 attendees could result in issues opening the expense
report or an individual expense item.
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Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 25
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Your company may allow you to use the import. When Concur Expense is configured
to use the attendee import feature, the Import Attendees tab appears on the Add
Attendees dialog.
The user clicks the Import Attendees button. The Attendee Import dialog
Using this dialog, the user accesses an Excel worksheet (formatted with the attendee
fields) and saves it to his/her computer or network.
NOTE: The import file template is language specific. The user must download the
template while logged in using the same language it will be uploaded under.
The user opens the worksheet in Excel, enters the attendee records (up to and not
over 500 attendees, as previously recommended), and saves.
The user then imports the competed worksheet into Concur Expense. Once imported,
Concur Expense displays the attendee information. The user reviews the information
for accuracy.
If the information is correct, the user clicks Next.
If the information is not correct (and the user notices the error), the user
clicks Cancel, corrects the worksheet, and imports again.
In the next step, Concur Expense checks for errors, for example, missing "required"
information. Any attendees that appear on this page will not be imported.
If the user wants the attendee to be imported, the user clicks Done (which
cancels the process), corrects the worksheet, and imports again.
Section 3: What the User Sees - on the Expense Report Page
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If the user does not want the attendee to be imported (perhaps the user has
decided to add the attendee later - manually, without using the import), the
user clicks Next.
In the next step, Concur Expense checks for possible duplicates by comparing
the attendees on the worksheet to attendees already in the system. If the
import identifies possible duplicate attendees, a list of possible duplicate
attendees is displayed in the Import Attendees section of the dialog.
Duplicate attendees in the attendee import are resolved one attendee at a
If a possible duplicate (from the worksheet) truly is an existing
attendee, the user selects the attendee in the Import Attendees list,
clicks View Duplicates, selects the existing attendee in the
Duplicates section, and then clicks Use Selected Attendee.
If the possible duplicate (from the worksheet) is not an existing
attendee, the user selects the attendee in the Imported Attendee
list, and then clicks Use Selected Attendee.
Note the following:
Attendees that are missing required fields can be imported. The attendees
must have at least the Last Name and Attendee Type field completed.
The user can add all other required fields to the attendee record after
Attendees that are in your Favorites are not treated as duplicates,
providing that the attendee record appears once, and only once, in your
favorite attendees.
When the system checks for possible duplicates, it is first looking for an
exact match on the External ID. The External ID is unique to each
attendee. It is generally the attendee ID obtained from the client's HR or
CRM system and is not likely to be included in the worksheet. It then
looks for duplicates based on the fields configured for duplicate check for
that attendee type.
For more information about the External ID, refer to External ID -
Required for Imported Changes and Deletions in the configuration
section in this guide.
If Concur Expense finds more than one possible duplicate (so that several
names are listed in the Import Attendees list), the user deals with each
one individually.
Attendees of type SYSEMP (Employee), where the user is not allowed to
create a new attendee record, can now be imported, and will be matched
to one existing employee record.
Attendee types where the user may not create a new attendee record but
may search for attendees from a company-managed list may be included
in the import file. The system will attempt to find a match with existing
attendees in the system and will fail the record if no match is found.
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The attendee duplicate type check by default is limited to attendees of the
same type, however it can be expanded to all attendee types on the
Settings tab of the Attendees page in Expense Admin.
When done, the user clicks Next. The final Import Attendees page appears.
On this page, note the following definitions:
Attendees added to the attendee list for your expense: A total count of
the number of attendees successfully added from your imported list.
Attendees skipped - already listed for your expense: A skip occurs if an
attendee is added to an expense and then the user imports the same
worksheet with the same attendee to the same expense.
Attendees that could not be imported - data errors: The system
detected that at least one required field was missing and the user elected to
not import that attendee.
Duplicate attendees resolved: As described previously, the system
compares information from the attendees on the worksheet to the attendees
already in the system. If the External IDs are not an exact match, the user is
asked to indicate if the imported attendee truly is a duplicate.
For more information about the External ID, refer to External ID -
Required for Imported Changes and Deletions in the configuration
section in this guide.
When the user clicks Close, the attendees are imported into the expense.
Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile
28 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile
Attendees Tab
When the user goes to Favorite Attendees, they can manage their favorites list on
the Attendees tab. The favorites list also displays under the Attendee Groups tab
when adding new attendees to an expense.
NOTE: This list is not necessarily all the user's available attendees; it includes only
the user's favorites.
NOTE: The attendee types that are visible to users (by groups) are configurable, as
described in configuration portion of this guide.
The user can use this tab to:
Create a new attendee
Edit or view attendee information
Delete / Hide an attendee
Find an attendee
Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile
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Note the following about the information that appears on this page:
The user's name appears automatically in this list (depending on the
On this page, the attendee's name, title, company, and attendee type
always appears. The Annual Total column may appear, based on the
company's configuration. If so:
The amount shown is the total amount spent company-wide in the
current calendar year for that attendee (not only from the current user)
The currency used is:
The currency that is set in the import record, if the attendee was
The same as the user's reimbursement currency, if the attendee
was added by a user
NOTE: There are two ways to add the total column to the Attendees tab
(both described in the configuration section of this guide).
One involves the attendee Settings page; that setting adds the
Annual Total column to the Attendees tab.
The other option involves using the Attendee Detail View form. Adding
the Attendee Total YTD field to the view will provide the same result
but will also add this information to several other places, like the
Attendees section of the New Expense (or Expense tab), the
Search Attendees page, etc.
Refer to Additional Attendee Information - Attendee Detail View in
this guide.
A red audit icon appears if an audit rule exception has been generated for
that attendee.
Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile
30 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Creating a New Attendee
To add a new attendee to the user's attendee favorites list, the user clicks New
Attendee, completes the Add Attendee page, and then clicks Save or Save & Add
NOTE: The company can also decide whether to implement "carry-forward." It is
similar to copy down but it copies data from one attendee to another (for
example, company name) when the user is adding attendees, as described in
the configuration portion of this guide.
Editing Attendee Information
A user can edit attendee information only if the user originally added the attendee to
Concur Expense. To do so, on the Attendees tab, the user clicks either:
The attendee's name (link)
The check box to the left of the attendee's name and clicks Edit
The user edits the desired information and clicks Save.
Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile
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Deleting / Hiding Attendees
When using this feature, the attendee is actually deleted from Expense only:
If the user originally added the attendee to Concur Expense
- and -
If the attendee has not been associated with an expense
In all other cases, the attendee information is simply removed (hidden) from the
user's attendee favorites list and can be located using the using the Advanced
Search link.
To delete, the user selects the check box associated with the attendee and clicks
NOTE: The attendee can also be deleted from the Favorites tab of the Attendees
section of the New Expense (or Expense tab).
Finding Attendees
The user can search their favorites list using the Find every attendee where area.
The user completes the fields and clicks Go. The search results appear.
NOTE: Be aware that this "find" option is searching the attendees in the favorites list.
To locate attendees that the user has deleted (removed), the user clicks
Advanced Search.
Attendee Groups Tab
Using Profile, users can manage their groups of favorite attendees. Users can:
Create, edit, and delete groups
Send a copy of one or more groups to another Concur Expense user
Create a Group of Favorite Attendees
Note the following:
Attendees that a user adds to a group must first be in the user's favorites list.
Each group can have as many as 500 individual members.
A user can create an unlimited number of groups.
An attendee can belong to more than one group.
To create a group, the user clicks Profile > Profile Settings > Favorite
Attendees (left menu) and then clicks the Attendee Groups tab. The user clicks
Add New.
Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile
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The user's list of favorite attendees appears.
The user selects each attendee to be included in the group and types a name for the
group in the Group Name field.
NOTE: The name does not have to be unique, but it is a best practice to have unique
group names.
The user clicks Save Group. The selected attendees now appear in a group.
Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile
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Edit a Group
The user uses the edit feature to:
Add more attendees to an existing group
- or -
Remove attendees from an existing group
On the Attendee Groups tab, the user selects the group and clicks Edit.
The user makes the desired changes and clicks Save Group.
Section 4: What the User Sees - in Profile
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Delete a Group
When a user deletes a group, the group is dissolved; the individual attendees are still
available in the user's favorites list. If a user deletes an attendee from the favorites
list and that attendee is in one or more groups, a confirmation message appears.
To delete, on the Attendee Groups tab, the user selects one or more groups and
clicks Delete.
Send a Copy of a Group to Another User
A user can send a copy of one or more groups to another user. The group then
appears immediately on the recipient's Attendee Groups tab; all individual
attendees in the group also appear on the recipient's Attendees and Favorites
To send a copy to another user, on the Attendee Groups tab, the user selects one
or more groups and clicks Send Copy.
In the Send a copy of the selected group(s) dialog, the user finds the desired
recipient and clicks Send.
Section 5: Delegates, Proxies, Approvers, and Processors
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NOTE: The selected group(s) can be sent to only one recipient at a time.
Note the following:
Remember - this is a copy. Any modifications that the original owner makes
to the group will not affect the recipient; any modifications that the recipient
makes to their copy will not affect the original owner's group.
Since the group names do not have to be unique, the copy cannot overwrite
or otherwise destroy data in the recipient's group list.
If the recipient does not have access to an attendee type, any attendees of
that type will not be included in their copy of the group.
Attendee Detail View
You can add additional information to the attendee grids (tables) in Profile as
described in Additional Attendee Information - Attendee Detail View in this guide.
Section 5: Delegates, Proxies, Approvers, and Processors
Delegates and Proxies
All of the features described here for Concur Expense users are also available to
delegates and proxies.
Attendee Types Restricted by Groups
If the administrator has defined attendee types by groups, when a delegate or proxy
accesses attendee information on behalf of a report owner, the attendee types
available are based on the types defined for the report owner's group.
Approvers and Processors
! IMPORTANT! Before reading this section, review Understanding How Expense
Distributes and Redistributes Amounts in this guide to understand the
relationship between manual changes to amounts and Concur Expense's
automatic redistribution of amounts among attendees.
Like most forms and fields, the attendee forms and fields can be configured so that it
is either read-only or editable (modify) for the approver and/or processor. If so,
modify means:
The approver and/or processor can add attendees to and remove attendees
from an expense.
Section 6: Configuration Overview and Procedures
36 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
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Neither the approver nor the processor can manually adjust the amount of
the expense allotted to each attendee. However, if the approver or the
processor lower the total amount of the expense, then the individual
attendee-allotted amounts are adjusted proportionally.
If the approver and/or processor add or remove an attendee and:
If the user has not manually changed any amounts, then Concur Expense
will automatically redistribute the amounts equally among all attendees.
If the user manually changed some but not all amounts, then Concur
Expense will redistribute the amounts over the attendees whose amounts
the user did not change as well as any new attendees added by the
approver or processor.
If the user manually changed all amounts, then Concur Expense cannot
redistribute the amounts. On save, an exception is created because the
amounts no longer balance. Though the approver/processor is encouraged
to return the report to the employee for editing, the report can be
Attendee Types Restricted by Groups
If the administrator has defined attendee types by groups, when an approver or
processor accesses attendee information on behalf of a report owner, the attendee
types available are based on the types defined for the report owner's group.
Section 6: Configuration Overview and Procedures
This portion of the process requires the role of Concur Expense Configuration
Different Processes for Different Options
Clients wanting to take advantage of the extended attendee functionality may opt-in
to the following features. The optional features are applied in these ways:
Global: Applies to all expenses that require attendees
By attendee type: Set based on the attendee type
By expense type within the policy: Set based on the expense type and
policy, using the Expense Types page
By Expense Group: Configured and then applied to one or more Concur
Expense groups
Section 6: Configuration Overview and Procedures
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The attendee features are listed in the table below and are described in detail on
the following pages.
Configured by Feature
20 custom fields available specifically for
Ability to track year-to-date attendee totals
Separate attendee forms for each attendee
Allow attendee lists to be shared or private
Allow or prevent users to enter new
attendees into Expense
Have Expense check for duplicates when
users add new attendees to Expense
Duplicate checks are performed across all
attendee types
Define the fields that Expense uses to
perform the duplicate check
View the amount of an expense allotted to
each attendee
Edit the amount of an expense allotted to
each attendee
Account for attendees who were invited but
did not attend ("no shows")
Include the Expense user as an attendee by
Suppress the Add New Attendee button
by expense type
Set a default attendee type for an expense
Allow only some attendee types to be
chosen for an expense type by excluding all
Allow users to enter the count (number of
unnamed attendees)
Import of attendee lists by administrator
from other applications
Import of attendee lists by users
Allow the automatic creation of an attendee
record for the current employee (SYSEMP
attendee type)
Section 6: Configuration Overview and Procedures
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Configured by Feature
Create audit rules relating to attendee
totals and frequency of attendance
Auto-generate the External ID, used if
importing lists of attendees
Restrict attendee types by user group
Configure the Attendee Detail View (form)
Search for and import attendees from
external source
NOTE: This option requires additional
configuration. The external sources are:
Concur Salesforce Connector: Refer to
the Shared: Concur Salesforce Connector
Setup Guide.
Fetch Attendee Web Service: Refer to
the Fetch Attendee Web Service information
The Basic Configuration Process
These steps are described briefly here and described in detail on the following
Step 1: Define the attendee forms and fields.
Step 2: Edit the Attendees field on the Expense Entry form (optional).
Step 3: Configure the Attendee Detail View (optional).
Step 4: Edit the attendee-related expense types.
Step 5: Add additional attendee types and select attendee settings.
Step 6: Include all employees in a company in the attendee search.
Step 7: Create the desired attendee audit rules (optional).
Step 8: Configure the Excel worksheet to be used for personal attendee
imports (optional).
Step 9: Import a list of attendees (optional).
Section 6: Configuration Overview and Procedures
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Step 1: Defining the Attendee Forms and Fields
Overview: Attendee Forms and Fields
In this step, you configure one or more forms used for attendees. You can create as
many attendee forms as necessary, for example, one for each attendee type if
desired, or for example by company type, by using the Health Care Professional
(HCP) attendee form.
Expense provides a default attendee form. To create new forms, make a copy
of the default form and then edit the copy.
Concur Expense also provides company-specific forms, such as the Health
Care Professional (HCP) attendee form.
An administrator can create as many attendee forms are needed.
Attendee forms are administered at Administration > Expense > Expense
Admin > Forms and Fields.
Once the Expense Attendee form type is selected, the list of forms is
displayed. The forms can be expanded to display the currently configured
Use the Attendee Detail View form type to provide additional information
in the most common attendee grids (tables) as described in Additional
Attendee Information - Attendee Detail View in this guide.
Refer to the Concur Expense: Forms and Fields Setup Guide for
general information about forms and fields.
For the most part, attendee fields are like all other custom fields
Refer to the Approvers and Processors section in this guide for information
about using the "modify" field attribute for approvers and processors.
The attendee fields are listed below.
The attendee fields are:
Field Name
Attendee Count
Total count of attendees by this attendee type
Attendee Name
Attendee's name
Attendee Title
Attendee's work title
Attendee Type
Business Guest, Spouse, and so on
Attendee's company
Company Category 1
Authorized Amount
Previous YTD
Total pre-authorized spend on this attendee on selected expense
types by the entire company last year
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Field Name
Company Category 1
Authorized Amount YTD
Total pre-authorized spend on this attendee on selected expense
types by the entire company year-to-date
Company Category 1
Submitted Amount
Previous YTD
Total spend on this attendee on selected expense types by the
entire company last year
Company Category 1
Submitted Amount YTD
Total spend on this attendee on selected expense types by the
entire company year-to-date
Company Category 2
Authorized Amount
Previous YTD
Total pre-authorized spend on this attendee on selected expense
types by the entire company last year
Company Category 2
Authorized Amount YTD
Total pre-authorized spend on this attendee on selected expense
types by the entire company year-to-date
Company Category 2
Submitted Amount
Previous YTD
Total spend on this attendee on selected expense types by the
entire company last year
Company Category 2
Submitted Amount YTD
Total spend on this attendee on selected expense types by the
entire company year-to-date
Created By (Private List)
Defines the "owner" of the attendee information
For more information, refer to Private vs Shared Attendee
Lists in this guide.
Currency Key
As defined in the import, if imported; or same as the user's
reimbursement currency, if the attendee was added by a user
Custom 1-20
Custom fields as defined by the company
Attendee Entry
Custom 1-5
Custom fields used to collect information specific to the attendee
on the current expense; this data can be extracted using the
Attendee Detail extract
Employee Amount
Previous Year
Total spend on this attendee by the current user last year
For more information, refer to Amount Fields (Edit Attendee
and Details) in this guide.
Employee Amount YTD
Total spend on this attendee by the current user year-to-date
For more information, refer to Amount Fields (Edit Attendee
Details) in this guide.
Employee Category 1
Authorized Amount
Previous YTD
Total pre-authorized spend on this attendee on selected expense
types by the current user last year
Employee Category 1
Authorized Amount YTD
Total pre-authorized spend on this attendee on selected expense
types by the current user year-to-date
Employee Category 1
Submitted Amount
Previous YTD
Total spend on this attendee on selected expense types by the
current user last year
Employee Category 1
Submitted Amount YTD
Total spend on this attendee on selected expense types by the
current user year-to-date
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Field Name
Employee Category 2
Authorized Amount
Previous YTD
Total pre-authorized spend on this attendee on selected expense
types by the current user last year
Employee Category 2
Authorized Amount YTD
Total pre-authorized spend on this attendee on selected expense
types by the current user last year
Employee Category 2
Submitted Amount
Previous YTD
Total spend on this attendee on selected expense types by the
current user last year
Employee Category 2
Submitted Amount YTD
Total spend on this attendee on selected expense types by the
current user year-to-date
External ID
Required for imported attendee records
For more information about the External ID, refer to
External ID - Required for Imported Changes and Deletions in
this guide.
First Name
Attendee's first name
Last Name
Attendee's last name
Total Amount Previous
Total spend on this attendee by all users company-wide last year
For more information, refer to Amount Fields (Edit Attendee
Details) in this guide.
Total Amount YTD
Total spend on this attendee by all users company-wide year-to-
For more information, refer to Amount Fields (Edit Attendee
Details) in this guide.
Used primarily with the Fringe Benefit Tax feature in Australia
and New Zealand
Refer to the Concur Expense: Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Setup Guide for more information.
If an attendee list is private, then:
Only the current user can use attendees from this list
Only the current user can search this list
If the user is allowed to add attendees to the list, then Concur Expense will
search only this user's attendees for duplicates
If an attendee list is shared, then:
Any user can use attendees from this list
Any user can search this list
If users are allowed to add attendees to the list, then Concur Expense will
search all users' attendees for duplicates
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The Created By (Private List) field, which is not visible to the user, has two
functions. It is used by Concur Expense:
To identify the "owner" of the attendee for editing or deleting; for example, in
order for a user to edit attendee information or delete an attendee, the user
must be the owner
To identify if an attendee list is private or shared
Whether or not you include this field as one of the search fields and the duplicate
search fields ultimately defines whether attendees list are private or shared.
Further explanation: Remember, the Created By (Private List) field is always
hidden and is always populated with the user's user ID (cannot be changed; cannot
be deleted). So, if you add the Created By (Private List) field to the search fields
or the duplicate search fields, the field is always part of the search or duplicate
In the case of the search fields, the system will find only those attendees who
have that same user ID in the Created By (Private List) field. In other
words, the system will not search outside of the user's attendees. So, to keep
a list private, add the Created By (Private List) field users will not find
each other's attendees.
In the case of duplicate search fields, the system will match only attendees
who have that same user ID in the Created By (Private List) field. In other
words, the system will not search outside of the user's attendees for
Summary: What do you want to accomplish?
Searching for Attendees
I want each user's
attendee list to be shared
for this attendee type.
That is, I want users to be
able to search for
attendees with this type
created by anyone in the
company or imported from
a master list by the
When defining forms, on the Forms tab:
1. Select the form type of Expense
2. Select the desired form.
3. Click Modify Form.
4. In the Modify Form dialog, ensure that
Created By (Private List) field is not
Refer to Configuring Attendee Forms and
Fields in this guide.
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Searching for Attendees
I want each user's
attendee list to be private.
That is, I want users to be
able to search for
attendees with this
attendee type only in their
own attendee list.
When defining forms, on the Forms tab:
1. Select the form type of Expense
2. Select the desired form.
3. Click Modify Form.
4. In the Modify Form dialog, ensure that
Created By (Private List) field is
Refer to Configuring Attendee Forms and
Fields in this guide.
Searching for Duplicates
Type of List
When a user adds an
attendee with this
attendee type, I want
Concur to search for
duplicates among all
attendees with this type
created by anyone in the
company or imported
from a master list by the
Click Administration > Expense >
Attendees, on the Attendee Types tab:
1. Select the attendee type.
2. Click Modify.
3. In the Attendee Type dialog, in the
Fields for duplicate search list, do
not select Created By (Private List).
Refer to Adding Additional Attendee
Types and Working with Other Attendee
Settings in this guide.
When a user adds an
attendee, I want Concur
to check for duplicates
only among attendees
with this type in the
user's attendee list.
Click Administration > Expense >
Attendees, on the Attendee Types tab:
1. Select the attendee type.
2. Click Modify.
3. In the Attendee Type dialog, in the
Fields for duplicate search list, select
Created By (Private List).
Refer to Adding Additional Attendee
Types and Working with Other Attendee
Settings in this guide.
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Searching for Duplicates
Type of List
Additional optional setting for duplicate attendee searches
Shared or
The two options above
restrict the search to the
same attendee type.
I want to search all
attendee types for
1. Configure Shared or Private as described
2. Click Administration > Expense >
3. On the Settings tab, select (enable) the
Check for attendee duplicates across
attendee types check box.
Refer to Adding Additional Attendee
Types and Working with Other Attendee
Settings in this guide.
The amount fields that appear on the Fields tab provide the accumulated totals (in
profile and in the Edit Attendee Details dialog in Concur Expense) if you add these
fields to the desired attendee form.
This example shows the Employee Amount YTD and Total Amount YTD fields
added to the attendee form for the Business Guest attendee type.
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Procedure: Configuring Attendee Forms and Fields
To access the attendee forms and fields:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin > Forms and Fields.
2. In the Form Type list, click Expense Attendee.
To make general changes on the Forms tab:
1. To view the fields on the form, click the to the left of the form name.
2. To create another form, click an existing form and click Copy Form.
3. To add additional fields to the form:
Click the form.
Click Add Fields.
Select the desired fields.
Click Add Fields.
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To define the Search Fields:
1. To define the search fields (the fields that appear on the Search Attendees
dialog), on the Forms tab, click the form.
2. Click Modify Form. The Modify Form dialog appears.
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3. Select the desired fields.
4. Click Save.
To make general changes on the Form Fields tab:
1. To change the characteristics of a field:
Double-click the desired field.
Click the desired field and click Modify Form Fields.
Make the desired changes.
Click Save.
2. To remove a field:
Select the field.
Click Remove Form Fields.
3. To change the sequence of the fields, drag-and-drop a field to the new
Configure Carry-Forward
When a user manually enters attendee information (name, company, job title, etc.)
and the attendees are (for example) from the same company, the user must repeat
the company name for each attendee. However, you can configure the system so the
attendee information is automatically copied (carried forward) from one manual
entry to the next.
First, the company decides which attendee fields, if any, use the carry-forward
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Typically, a company would have attendee type, company, and any custom fields
carry forward.
This feature works when the user adds attendees in Profile > Profile Settings >
Favorite Attendees or from the expense. However, the information is carried
forward only when the user clicks Save & Add Another; it does not carry-forward
on Save.
To configure carry-forward:
The feature is implemented like copy down.
1. On the Fields tab, either:
Double-click the desired field.
Click the desired field and click Modify Form Fields.
2. In the Default Value Type field, click Copy Down.
3. In the Copy Down Source field, click Expense Attendee.
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4. In the Field field, click the name of the source field (which would be the same
name as the field you are currently editing).
5. Click Save.
Step 2: Editing Expense Entry Forms for Copy Down
Overview: Copy Down
Attendees (and amounts) entered at the parent expense can copy down to any
itemization with attendees.
For information about how the feature works, refer to Copy Down Itemization
Information to Attendees in this guide.
The configuration process is:
Edit the Attendees form field on the affected Expense Entry form(s)
Ensure the itemization form is correct for the affected expense type(s)
Procedure: Modify the Attendees Field
NOTE: If your configuration has several Expense Entry forms that contain the
Attendees field, then all must be modified. In this case, we have only one -
To modify the Attendees field:
1. In the Form Type list, click Expense Entry.
2. Click the Form Fields tab.
3. Click the Entertainment form to expand it.
4. Either:
Double-click the Attendees field.
Click the Attendees field and click Modify Form Fields.
The Modify Form Fields dialog appears.
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5. In the Itemization Field Source, click Parent Expense.
6. Click Save.
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Procedure: Verify the Itemization Form for the Expense Type
Ensure that the expense types use the proper form for itemizations. For example, in
this case, the Business Meal expense type use the Entertainment form (which
includes attendees) for the parent expense but uses the Default form (no attendees)
for the itemizations. In order for the attendees to copy down, the Entertainment
form must be used for the itemizations.
To verify or change:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin.
2. Click Expense Types (left menu). The Expense Types page appears.
3. Click the expense type (in this case, Business Meals).
4. Click Modify.
5. Make no changes on the General step; click Next.
6. On the Policies step, select the appropriate form in the For an Itemized
Entry use this form column (in this case, Entertainment).
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7. Click Next to navigate through the remaining pages.
8. Click Done.
Step 3: Configuring the Attendee Detail View
Overview: Attendee Detail View
Use these steps to provide additional information or suppress display of elements in
the most common attendee grids (tables) as described in Additional Attendee
Information - Attendee Detail View in this guide.
The configuration steps are:
Configure the view (form)
Assign the form to one or more Concur Expense groups
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Procedure: Configure the View
In the examples below we will add as custom field (Custom 01 renamed State) to
the view.
To configure the view to add a new field:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin.
2. Click Forms and Fields (left menu). The Forms and Fields page appears.
3. From the Form Type list, click Attendee Detail View.
! IMPORTANT: This view will be assigned to one or more groups.
Unless the changes will be assigned to all groups, consider making a
copy of the form so you still have the original with the original
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4. Then, on the Forms tab (for the desired form or copy), click Add Fields.
5. Select the desired field and click Add Fields. The new field is added.
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Note the following:
Like any other form, you can use the Forms Fields tab to modify field
properties, change the sequence, and remove fields.
The Fields, Connected Lists, and Validations tabs are not available since
they do not apply to "view" forms.
To assign to an Concur Expense group:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin > Group
Configurations. The Group Configurations page appears.
2. Click the desired group and click Modify.
3. In the Attendee List Form field, select the desired view form.
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4. Click Save.
Step 4: Editing the Attendee-Related Expense Types
Overview: Understanding Attendee Count Configuration
When allowing user-entered attendee count, two settings (expense type/policy and
attendee type) are used together.
The expense type/policy setting indicates whether the user can enter a count
for this particular expense type, for example, Business Meals.
The attendee type setting indicates whether the user can enter a count for
this particular attendee type, for example, Business Guest.
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If at least one attendee type is configured to be editable, then at least one expense
type must be configured to be editable (and vice versa). If not, the column never
displays (and, hence, the count is never editable).
Assume in this example:
The Business Meals expense type is configured to be editable.
The Business Guest attendee type is configured to be editable.
For each Business Meal expense type, the Attendee Count column appears and:
The field is editable for each Business Guest attendee.
For any other attendee type, the field is not editable.
For each expense type that is configured for attendees and is other than Business
Meal, the Attendee Count column does not appear, regardless of attendee type.
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Moving the Attendee Count Column for Visibility
The Attendee Count column is part of the Attendee Detail View form and can be
moved to a different location within the grid, for example, to the left for greater
visibility for laptop and notebook users.
To move the field, in Forms and Fields, select the Attendee Detail View form from the
Form Type list. Then, like any other field, drag and drop the Attendee Count to the
new location.
Procedure: Editing Expense Types
To edit an attendee-related expense type:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin.
2. Click Expense Types (left menu). The Expense Types page appears.
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3. Either:
Double-click the desired expense type.
Click the desired expense type and click Modify.
4. Click Next enough times to access the Attendees step.
5. Select or clear the desired check boxes, as described below.
Show Cost per
Select (enable) this check box to allow users to view the
amount of the expense allotted to each attendee.
If selected, the Amount column appears in the Attendees
section of the New Expense (or Expense) tab.
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Allow users to edit the
Cost per Attendee
Select (enable) this check box to allow users to edit the
amounts in the Amount column.
Allow users to enter
the count of "No
Select (enable) this check box to allow users to account for
no shows attendees who were invited but did not attend.
If selected, the No Shows field appears in the Attendees
section of the New Expense (or Expense) tab.
Allow users to edit the
count of attendees
Select (enable) this check box to allow users to enter a
count (number of unnamed attendees) for this expense
If selected, the Attendee Count column appears in the
Attendee section of the New Expense (or Expense) tab.
NOTE: Remember, this feature is used in conjunction with
attendee type settings. Refer to Procedure: Configuring
Attendee Types in this guide.
Include user as an
attendee by default
If you select this check box, Concur Expense automatically
adds the user as an attendee when the user accesses the
attendees section the first time (when no attendees are
assigned to the entry).
Once attendees are assigned or if the user removes their
name from the attendee list, Concur Expense does not
attempt to add the user again.
6. Click Next and then Done.
7. Use these same steps to edit all desired expense types.
Overview: Restricting Attendee Types by Expense Type
To reduce the possibility of selecting the wrong attendee when working with expense
types, the admin can filter the available attendee types. This is done by suppressing
the display of selected attendee types under the Exclude Attendee Types column
when modifying expense types within a policy.
NOTE: If the form assigned to an expense type does not include the Attendees
field, the feature cannot be used because the Exclude Attendee Types
column (explained below) will not appear.
The attendees available for selection are filtered at the following points in Concur
New Attendee
Attendee Search
Attendee Groups
Favorite Attendees
Attendee Import for Expense Type
Does NOT impact Attendee functionality in the My Profile page
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Attendee Groups: At the Attendee Group level, if all attendees are of a type
excluded for the combined Policy and Expense Type, then none will be
available for selection.
User Attendee Import: In the Excel-based User Import, these excluded
attendees will import successfully, but each will be flagged and manual
removal is required to ensure successful report submission.
Procedure: Filtering Attendee Types for Expense Types by Exclusion
To exclude attendee types for selected expense types:
1. Click Administration > Expense.
2. Click Policies (left menu). The Policies page appears.
3. Click the desired policy.
4. Click Expense Types.
5. Configure the expense type to exclude attendees by navigating to the
Exclude Attendee Types and noting the status:
Add: Appears when no attendees have been excluded.
Modify (#): Appears when <#> number of attendees are excluded.
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6. Click either Add or Modify <#>, the Exclude Attendee Types dialog
7. In the Exclude column, either:
To exclude the attendee type, select (enable) the associated check box.
To include the attendee type, clear (disable) the associated check box.
8. Repeat for each expense type you will exclude attendee types for.
9. Click Save.
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NOTE: If the option is not available, the Attendee field must be added to the
form for the given expense type.
Overview: Setting a Default Attendee Type for an Expense Type
A single attendee type can be specified as the default attendee type for an expense
type when selecting and working with an expense in a report.
Procedure: Setting the Default Attendee Type for an Expense Type
To set the default attendee type for an expense type:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin.
2. Click Policies (left menu). The Policies page appears.
3. Click the desired policy.
4. Click Expense Types.
5. Either:
Double-click the desired expense type.
Select the desired expense type and click Modify Properties.
The Modify Expense Type Properties dialog appears.
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6. Select a single attendee type from the list.
NOTE: The list of available attendees may be limited if some attendee types
have been excluded for the expense type.
7. Click Save.
Overview: Suppressing the New Attendee Button by Expense Type
NOTE: This feature is not available within the new user experience for Concur
By default, the New Attendee button appears to the user. The administrator can
deactivate this button in the Attendees section to prevent a user from adding an
attendee forcing the user to search for the attendee first, ensuring the attendee is
not already in the system.
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Procedure: Suppressing the New Attendee Button by Expense Type
In this example we will use Policies to suppress the Add Attendee button by the
Airfare expense type.
To configure the view to suppress the Add Attendee button:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin > Policies.
2. Select the desired policy.
3. Click Expense Types.
4. Click the desired expense type.
5. Click Modify Properties. The Modify Expense Type Properties dialog
6. Clear the Display the Add New Attendees button from the attendee
table check box.
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7. Click Save.
Step 5: Adding Additional Attendee Types and Working with Other
Attendee Settings
There are two pages: Attendee Types and Settings
Overview: Attendee Types
On the Attendee Types page, you can:
While adding or editing attendee types:
Define the fields that are used in "duplicate" searches
Define whether to allow users to add attendees of this type
Define whether to allow users to enter an attendee count of this type
Define the data source to search for that attendee type
Inactivate attendee types
Concur Expense uses this attendee type when it automatically adds Concur Expense
users as attendees. This is a system attendee type, so it cannot be inactivated.
NOTE: The automatic creation feature can be turned off, however it is recommended
that it remains on. Refer to the information about the attendee Settings tab.
On the Edit Attendee Type page:
Attendee Type
This Employee
Attendee Type Code
SYSEMP; cannot be edited
Expense Attendee Form
Default Attendee Form
Fields for duplicate search
External ID and Created By (Private List)
Allow users to add attendees of this type
No; cannot be edited
Allow users to edit the count for this type
No; cannot be edited
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Procedure: Configuring Attendee Types
To access the attendee types:
Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin > Attendees. The Attendees
page appears.
To modify an attendee type:
1. On the Attendee Types tab, either:
Double-click the desired attendee type.
Select the desired attendee type and click Modify.
The Attendee Type dialog appears.
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2. Complete the appropriate fields.
Attendee Type Name
Change the name as desired.
Attendee Type Code
Change the code as desired. The code can be 1 to 8
alphanumeric characters, all uppercase, no spaces.
Expense Attendee Form
Select the desired attendee form.
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Fields for duplicate search
Select the field(s) that will be used to check for
If the intent is for your users to have private
attendee lists, then include the Created By
(Private List) field as a duplicate search field for
this attendee type.
If you plan to have the system check for duplicates
across attendee types, note that the system will
successfully check for duplicates across attendee
types only if the duplicate check fields are the
same on all attendee types.
Data Source for Attendee
Select the data source used when searching for
attendees of this type.
NOTE: This field is used by the Fetch Attendee
Callout. If you are using this callout, select the system
that you configured in the Register Application
Connectors page of Web Services Admin.
Refer to the Fetch Attendee Callout information
Default Search for
Select the default search when searching for this
attendee type to optimize the experience:
Default Simple This choice prompts the user with the
type-ahead field where the user can enter first or last
name of the attendee and provides access to the
advanced search.
Default Advanced This choice prompts the user with
the advanced search options and provides access to
the simple search.
Advanced Only This choice provides the user with
the advanced search and does not provide access to
the simple search. This option is required for external
attendee searches (API), or when the company has a
very large number of attendees and the simple search
responds very slowly or cannot be used.
NOTE: While the setting is available to all expense
admins, the effects of this setting are only visible in
the NextGen UI. End users in the existing legacy UI
will continue to see Quick Search as the default
regardless of what the admin sets as the default
search per attendee type.
Allow users to add
attendees of this type
Select this check box to allow users to add attendees
with this attendee type.
NOTE: If you are using the Fetch Attendee Callout,
this check box will be cleared and not editable.
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Allow users to edit the
count for this type
Select to allow users to enter a count (number of
unnamed attendees) for this attendee type.
IMPORTANT: This option is used in conjunction with
the expense type setting. Refer to Overview:
Understanding Attendee Count Configuration in this
3. Click Save.
To add a new attendee type:
1. On the Attendee Types tab, click New. The Attendee Type dialog appears.
2. Complete the fields as described in the previous section about editing existing
attendee types.
3. Click Save.
To deactivate an attendee type:
Note the following about deactivating an attendee type:
When you deactivate an attendee type, all attendees with that attendee type
are also marked as inactive and are no longer available for users to include on
an expense.
An attendee type that has been deactivated cannot later be made active.
If you deactivate an attendee type and then later want to use it again, create
a new attendee type. You cannot use the same name as the original. You can,
however, modify the original and rename it. Then, you can create the new
attendee type using the original name of the deactivated attendee type.
NOTE: Deactivating an attendee type will also deactivate every attendee of that type
so that they may no longer be selected for use on an expense. Deactivating
an attendee type containing a massive number of attendees may require
assistance from SAP Concur support due to the large number of records that
must be altered. Please contact support if deactivation of an attendee type is
not successful.
1. On the Attendee Types tab, select the desired attendee type(s).
2. Click Deactivate.
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Overview: Settings
On the Settings tab, you can:
Define the expense types that will be included when calculating attendee
Define whether the Annual Total column displays in Profile
Define whether attendee types are restricted by user groups
Define whether duplicate attendee searches happen across attendee types
Define whether to allow Concur Expense to automatically create an attendee
record (SYSEMP attendee type) for the current user
Define whether to have the system generate an External ID for attendees
manually added by users
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For more information about the External ID, refer to External ID -
Required for Imported Changes and Deletions in this guide.
Define whether the user sees the My Team tab on the Attendee Search dialog.
Define Invoice-specific settings
For more information, refer to the Invoice: Attendees Setup Guide.
If you choose to display the Annual Total column in Profile, be aware that:
The amount shown is the total amount spent company-wide for that attendee
(not only from the current user) for the selected expense type(s)
The currency used is:
The currency that is set in the import record, if the attendee was imported
The same as the user's reimbursement currency, if the attendee was
added by a user
There is another way to add this column to this page. Refer to Additional
Attendee Information - Attendee Detail View in this guide.
In order for the system to maintain totals for attendees, currency conversion may be
required. The amount allotted to each attendee is calculated in the user's
reimbursement currency. If the attendee currency is different from the user's
reimbursement currency, then the system must convert the amount (in the user's
reimbursement currency) to the amount in the attendee currency. In order for that
conversion to be successful, the appropriate exchange rates must be imported.
If the Exchange Rates feature is activated and the user's reimbursement
currency is included in the Exchange Rates import converted to the
attendee currency then conversion takes place and the attendee totals are
adjusted accordingly.
If the Exchange Rates feature is not activated or if the appropriate currency
has not been imported, then the user sees a message that briefly explains the
issue and refers the user to your company's Concur Expense administrator.
For more information, refer to the Concur Expense: Currency Admin Setup
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Procedure: Configuring Settings
To change settings:
1. On the Attendees page, click the Settings tab.
2. Complete the appropriate fields.
Expense Types to be
included in the annual total
of cost per attendee
Select the expense types that will be included when
calculating annual totals for attendees.
NOTE: If you do not select any expense types, the
annual total will not be calculated.
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Include Invoice Expense
Types in Annual Total of
cost per attendee
INVOICE ONLY: When the administrator selects this
setting, all the expense types selected in the setting
below will be included in the annual total of cost per
attendee. This setting is cleared (disabled) by default.
Invoice Expense Types to
be included in the annual
total of cost per attendee
INVOICE ONLY: This setting contains a list of all the
expense types that the administrator can select. When
the administrator selects one or several expense types
in this list, the amount from these expense types will
be included in the total for a given attendee.
Display My Team in
advanced search options
Select to display the My Team tab to the users when
searching for attendees. The My Team tab contains
the following employees:
Employees with the same direct approver.
Employees that are direct reports of the user.
Refer to Searching Employees on My Team in this
This feature may be confusing to users if your
default Expense approver assignments are not
aligned with your team structure.
This feature requires two additional attendee
Allow automatic creation of employees as
attendees (SYSEMP attendee type) must be
enabled. Refer to below in this table for more
Employee attendees are a shared list under
the SYSEMP attendee type. For more
information, refer to the Procedure: Part 4
Configure SYSEMP Attendee Type section of
this guide.
Allow users to add
attendees from meetings
via email to Concur (*.ics
No longer supported
Display attendee total for
calendar year
Select if desired.
Enable attendee type
group management
Select to define the attendee types available to
different user groups.
Refer to Attendee Types by User Groups in this
Check for attendee
duplicates across attendee
Select to expand the attendee duplicate check to all
attendee types. Clear to keep the duplicate check
limited to attendees of the same type.
NOTE: The system will successfully check for
duplicates across attendee types only if the duplicate
check fields are the same on all attendee types.
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Allow automatic creation of
employees as attendees
(SYSEMP attendee type)
ON by default; change if desired.
NOTE: The system will automatically generate a
record for each Concur Expense user but only once
the user takes one of these actions:
The user opens a new expense form where the
user is required to be added by default.
The user completes a 'This employee' attendee
type search from the Attendee section of the
New Expense (or Expense) tab or from profile.
The user completes a quick search or a favorite
search from the Attendee section of the New
Expense (or Expense) tab.
At the same time the user is added to the attendee
list, the External ID field is populated with the user's
Employee ID.
Refer to Including All Employees in a Company in
the Attendee Search in this guide.
Generate an External ID
when a new attendee is
created by a user
Select to have the system create an external ID.
For more information about the External ID, refer
to External ID - Required for Imported Changes and
Deletions in the configuration section in this guide.
Audit Rule Group By Field
for Expense Reports
Select the custom field that will be used when totaling
the attendee information for audit rules. If no field is
selected, all expenses will be used.
NOTE: Once a selection is made and saved, this field
becomes read-only. This is the expected behavior of
the system, as totals already accrued are based on
this configuration. Since totals are over periods of
time, changing this has a material impact on already-
accrued values. Please contact Concur Support if you
require changes.
Category Group 1 for
Attendee Totals
Category Group 2 for
Attendee Totals
Select the expense types that will be included when
calculating annual totals for attendees.
You may create two different expense type groupings.
Once these are created, you can add the total fields to
the Attendee Details dialog.
Refer to the Configuring Attendee Forms and
Fields section of this guide for more information on
defining the attendee fields.
NOTE: Once the types are configured, you will be
unable to change them on this page. Contact SAP
Concur support to make any changes. If you make
changes to this page after attendee information has
been saved, the attendee totals will not update with
the new types. Any new attendees created after the
change will use the new types for annual totals.
3. Click Save.
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Overview: Attendee Types by User Groups
The administrator can define (or restrict) attendee types to specific groups. So, when
a user adds, edits, views, or searches for an attendee, only the specified attendee
types for that user's group will be available. For example, perhaps users in a Sales
group can select and manage client attendees where non-Sales users cannot.
This way, different groups of employees can see a restricted - and more appropriate
- set of attendee types.
NOTE: One case may occur rarely - If an attendee is added to an entry and if that
specific attendee type is later made inactive for the user's group and if the
user later opens the entry, that attendee's information will no longer be
editable by the user.
Procedure: Configuring Attendee Types by User Groups
The configuration includes two parts:
Attendee setting: One-time process to turn on the feature
Group configuration: Completed for each group
To set the Attendee Setting option:
1. On the Settings tab, select (enable) the Enable attendee type group
management check box.
2. Click Save. Now a new column - Attendee Types - appears on the Group
Configurations page.
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To assign attendee types to groups:
1. On the Group Configurations page, click the Modify link in the Attendee
Types column for the group you want to affect. The Configuration for
group dialog appears.
All attendee types appear except No Shows and This Employee, since they are
system attendee types and cannot be inactive.
2. Select the check box for all attendee types that should be active for the
Note the following - not all types can be activated/inactivated:
If an attendee type is set to Active at the parent group level, it will remain
active at the child group level and cannot be changed to Inactive.
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If the attendee type is set to Inactive at the parent group level, it can be
overridden at the child group level and set to Active.
3. Click Save.
Step 6: Including All Employees in a Company in the Attendee Search
You can make every employee at your company available within an attendee search
for ease of selection and addition to the report. When the employee is added, an
attendee record is automatically created if no record already exists.
Procedure: Part 1 Confirm Auto-Create Attendee Record is Enabled
In this step you will verify that the setting to auto-create Attendee records is
! Before proceeding with changes after initial implementation, ensure that, if the
setting is not selected, why this is the case at your site. It is critical to
understand why the setting is not enabled before altering the setting (it is
selected by default) - there may be a strategic or system reason for inactivating
it and that must be understood before proceeding.
To verify and enable the Attendee Settings "Allow automatic..." setting:
1. From Administration > Expense > Expense Admin > Attendees, click
the Settings tab.
2. Select the Allow automatic creation of employees as attendees
(SYSEMP attendee type) check box.
3. Click Save.
Procedure: Part 2 Attendee Types and Employee Attendee Records
In this step, the existing attendee type Employee is renamed and saved to a more
descriptive naming convention for your users.
To rename and save the Employee attendee type:
1. On the Attendee Types tab, click Employee and click Modify. The Attendee
Type dialog appears.
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2. Rename this attendee type, as each attendee type name must be unique -
suggested changes based on Concur users:
All Employees are Concur Users
Rename as "Employees (inactive attendee type)" to clearly show the user
that, on selection of this attendee type, they are now searching across all
employees using an inactive attendee type (see Step 3, next).
Some Users are Concur Users, But You Want to Search Everyone
Rename as "Employees (not using Concur)" - this name instructs the user
they are selecting employees "outside" of Concur users who are not yet
associated with Concur (by way of attendee records in Concur Expense).
3. In the Fields for duplicate search list, ensure that Created By (Private List)
is not selected.
4. Click Save.
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Procedure: Part 3a Inactivate the Employee Attendee Type if All Concur
If you know that all employees you want in an attendee search are also Concur
users, then best practice is to inactivate the "Employees (not using Concur)"
attendee type renamed in Step 2 so that it is no longer available for selection by the
If you are making this change after you have been collecting production data for a
period, consider inactivating this attendee type and creating a new one. Doing this
performs a user-wide "fresh start" for their employee attendee records by
inactivating all existing Employee attendee type records.
To deactivate the Employee attendee type:
1. On the Attendee Types tab, click Employees (not using Concur) and click
2. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box that appears.
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NOTE: It is important to note that inactivating any attendee type will inactivate all
attendees of that type. This will remove these records from every user's
Favorites and Favorite Groups, so prior notice of this change is suggested to
explain the new behavior to your users.
The benefit of inactivating all of the existing and many-times duplicated Employee-
Attendee records is to standardize your employees each to a single record. This
allows you "cleaner" Reporting data, and precision of use for employees in any
attendee role. The disadvantage is that your users will need to rebuild their favorite
employees list over time as mentioned above, and re-add employee records into
their existing attendee groups.
Procedure: Part 3b Add a New Attendee Type
In this step, you will add a new attendee type using the identical name of the
attendee type you deactivated in Step 3a.
NOTE: Since the attendee type name and code must both be unique in the list, you
are prevented from creating another with the same values. For the purposes
of this exercise, you will simply edit an existing record to change its name
(only) and thus make the old name once again available for use.
For example, if you changed the Employee attendee type to "Employees (not
using Concur)" and then deactivated it in Step 3a, you may now rename this
deactivated attendee type to "Employees (no longer used)", save that
change, and create a new attendee type using the name "Employees (not
using Concur)" which is active and may be immediately put into use.
To add a new attendee type:
1. On the Attendee Types tab, click New.
2. Enter "Employees (not using Concur)" as the new attendee type name, and a
different attendee type code, such as EMPLOYES, not to exceed the limit of 7
3. Select the additional fields to meet your company's needs (as described
earlier in this guide) - they make look similar to the figure below:
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4. Click Save.
Procedure: Part 4 Configure SYSEMP Attendee Type
In this step, the SYSEMP attendee type is configured for attendee search.
To configure the SYSEMP attendee type for attendee search:
1. Under Attendees > Attendee Types tab, select SYSEMP under Attendee
Type Code.
2. Click Modify and rename the attendee type to Employees or similar name
that best represents those employees who are users of Concur.
3. Under Expense Attendee Form, select Default Employee Attendee Form to
make this a shared list.
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Discussion: This can utilize any attendee form that you have created for this
purpose that is configured as a shared list (that is, Created By is not selected
in the form search attributes under Modify Form). If you have not created a
special Attendee form for Employees, the Default Employee Attendee Form
will correctly set the configuration to allow this to be a shared list for attendee
4. Under Fields for duplicate search, adjust Fields for duplicate search for use
with a shared list by selecting and clearing duplicate search field selections:
Remove (clear the check box): Created By (Private List)
Add (select the check box): First Name, Last Name, Company
(Note that an additional field is required in addition to Name fields; the
Company field option meets this requirement)
The dialog box should appear similar to the figure below:
5. Click Save.
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To finish with Forms and Fields:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Forms and Fields.
2. In the Form Type list, click Expense Attendee.
3. Select the attendee form you assigned to the SYSEMP attendee type.
4. Click Modify Form.
5. Clear (disable) the Created By (Private List) check box.
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6. Click Save.
IMPORTANT: SYSEMP with Non Employees
The Employee (SYSEMP) attendee type is used to automatically add employees to a
client's attendee list so users can quickly find other employee attendees. In some
cases, company requirements drive the creation of user accounts for people who are
not employees of the company, such as contractors.
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Due to regulatory and client requirements, there must be a way to clearly define the
precise and correct attendee type for the user who is not an employee. The solution
is to use a profile (employee) field to indicate which users are not employees. Users
who are not employees will:
Not be automatically added to the Employee Attendee type
Not be searchable via the Employee attendee type
Not be automatically added as an attendee for an expense type configured to
do so for employees
Clients interested in using this feature must contact SAP Concur support for
assistance. Concur will add the Is Non Employee field to the profile (employee
form) as described below.
Then, the client can:
Use its own internal resources to determine which Concur Expense users are
Access User Administration to select (enable) the Is Non Employee field for
each non-employee
NOTE: The Is Non Employee field is not available in the user import.
Concur will follow the configuration/activation steps noted below. The process is to
add the new Is Non Employee field to the employee form and then make the field
modifiable by the Employee Administrator.
1. Click Administration > Expense > Forms and Fields.
2. In the Form Type list, click Employee.
3. Click the Form Fields tab.
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4. Click Add Fields.
5. Select the Is Non Employee field.
6. Click Add Fields. The Is Non Employee field now appears on the employee
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7. To ensure that the field is modifiable by the Employee Admin, double-click the
Is Non Employee field. The Modify Form Fields dialog appears.
8. In the Employee Administrator Role list, click Modify.
9. Click Save.
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Step 7: Create Attendee Audit Rules
You can create audit rules that allow you to flag attendees, for example, for:
The total amount spent, per expense type, on any attendee, totaled either
company-wide or by the current employee
The frequency (per month, quarter, or year) at which any individual has been
named an attendee, either company-wide or by the current employee
Amount and frequency totals that apply to the current employee are stored with the
expense entry. Amount and frequency totals that apply to the entire company are
stored with the expense entry and the attendee record.
Refer to the Concur Expense: Audit Rules Setup Guide.
Step 8: Configure for Personal Attendee Import
In order to activate this feature (and configure the required template), the
administrator must have the Concur Expense Configuration Administrator
(Restricted) or the unrestricted Concur Expense Configuration Administrator role
assigned in Concur Expense.
Overview: Personal Import
These are the steps in the configuration process:
Part 1: Initiate the process to generate a basic template worksheet.
Part 2: Edit the template, for example, to account for list data.
Part 3: Upload the completed worksheet.
Once the completed worksheet is uploaded, the Import button appears in the
Attendees section of the New Expense (or Expense) tab, ready to be used.
Procedure: Part 1 Generate the Basic Template
To generate the base template:
1. Click Administration > Expense.
2. Click Attendee Import Templates. The Excel Templates For Attendee
Import page appears.
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3. Select the desired language (the language in which the template will be
generated), and click Generate Base Template.
NOTE: The import file template is language-specific. The administrator must
create a template for each language that is in use by the company.
4. Take the necessary steps (depending on browser) to save the template to
your local computer or network.
! IMPORTANT: The generated base template file is an Excel 97-2003
Workbook (*.xls file format). Please ensure that this format is
maintained, and the template uploaded for your company to use is in
this same file format.
5. Repeat this process for each required language.
Open the worksheet file.
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Each Excel file has at least one worksheet (tab). The first sheet is named Attendees.
Any other sheets that may appear contain drop-list data.
On the Attendees sheet:
Row 1 shows the field codes
Row 2 shows the client-defined field names
Row 3 - 65,536 are the rows in which the user will type
Procedure: Part 2 Edit the Worksheet
Do not edit any of these cells. If any of these cells are changed, the import will
fail. During the configuration process, you will use these field codes and any
additional worksheets to create the drop-list fields.
These are the field names (column headers) that will display to the user. The main
editing task involves required fields.
To work with row 2 (field names):
You must:
1. Access Concur Expense and view the Attendees section of the New
Expense (or Expense) tab to see which of the attendee fields are required.
2. Mark the required fields. You can solve the problem as simply or as intricately
as you want. Two suggestions are:
If you are not concerned about users using the optional fields, then hide
the optional columns so only the required columns appear. Instruct users
to complete all fields.
- or -
Edit the labels of the required fields to include "REQUIRED"
Example: REQUIRED Last Name
These are the cells in which the user will type or select (drop-list) attendee data. The
editing tasks involve list data and other field formatting.
NOTE: Any change/edit you make in any column must apply to each row
from Row 3 to Row 65536. This ensures that no matter how many rows
the user wants to use they are always using a formatted row.
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To manage the list data:
1. Review the list data shown on the other worksheets (tabs), if any. The name
on the worksheet tab matches the field code (Row 1).
This template worksheet provides only the first 100 items for each list. So:
If less than 100 items appear for a list, then assume that all available list
items are provided for that list.
If exactly 100 items appear, then assume that there are more list items.
You can:
Add the remaining list items by typing them into the Excel sheet
manually, or
Submit a service request to SAP Concur support to obtain a full
copy of the list. The information you receive can then be copied
and pasted into Excel.
NOTE: If you change attendee-related list data frequently in Concur
Expense, you must also update this worksheet for each change.
Another option is to set this field as a text field, with a comment
instructing users how to correctly enter the appropriate option.
2. Configure these rows with drop-lists. Instructions are provided in Create Drop
Lists in Excel.
To deal with other formatting:
It is not likely that the template will require other formatting (such as numeric only
or field length restrictions) in the attendee fields. However, to be sure:
1. Access Concur Expense to identify any other applicable field formatting.
2. Format the worksheet to match those formatting requirements.
! IMPORTANT: For these fields, you can solve the problem as simply or as
intricately as you want but do not enter text in these cells.
To hide the field codes and "list" sheets:
When all formatting is complete, hide do not remove the field codes (Row 1) and
the sheets (tabs) that contain the list data.
1. To hide the field codes (Row 1):
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Select the first row.
On the Home tab, click Format > Hide & Unhide > Hide Rows.
2. To hide the worksheet(s) with the list data:
Select all sheets except the first one (Attendees).
On the Home tab, click Format > Hide & Unhide > Hide Sheet.
Tip: Just before saving for the last time,
click in cell A3 and then save. The next
time the worksheet is opened, A3 will be
selected. Since A3 is likely a list, the down
pointing arrow appears, making it easy for
the user to identify this field as a drop-list.
Tip: After saving the file, close it and open it again to test that all changes were
successfully saved in Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls file format) before uploading
the template. Incompatible configuration will be removed from the file on save.
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Procedure: Part 3 Upload the Customized Worksheet
To upload the sheet:
1. Return to the Excel Templates For Attendee Import page as described
2. Click Upload Template.
3. Click Browse (or Choose File depending on browser) and locate the
customized worksheet.
NOTE: If you have multiple languages, you must first select the language in
the drop list and then upload the template for that language.
4. Click Upload Template. The new template appears.
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At this point, the Import button will be available for users in the Attendees section
of the New Expense (or Expense) tab for that language.
Follow these same steps for all templates for all desired languages.
Procedure: Create Drop Lists in Excel
This information applies to Microsoft Excel 2010. If you have a different version of
Excel, search for "drop-down list" in Excel's online help.
To add the drop-list for the list data:
1. Click the sheet (tab) that contains the list data, in this case, AtnTypeKey.
2. Select the list data.
3. In the name box, type a range name, such as AttType, and press Enter.
4. On the Attendees tab, click cell A3.
5. On the menu, select Data > Data Validation. The Data Validation dialog
box appears.
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In Allow, select List.
In Source, type =<range name>. In this case, =AttType.
Hint: Don't forget. The range name starts with =
Click OK.
6. Copy A3 to cell A4 through A65536.
Tip: To copy from A3 to the end of the column:
Click in A3
Click in A4
Press CTRL + SHIFT + down arrow
7. Complete these same steps for all lists.
Step 9: Import a List of Attendees
You can import a list of attendees for your company, for example, your company's
client list or list of employees. This way, they appear in the Attendees list so users do
not have to enter them manually (and perhaps inconsistently). You can also use the
import feature to change attendee information or delete attendees.
To import a list of attendees, refer to the Shared: Attendee Import, Version 2
IMPORTANT! Using the Attendee Import on an Existing System
If you are planning to use the attendee import on an existing system (already has
attendees), refer to Implementing the Attendee Import on an Existing System - Tips
and Hints.
Section 6: Configuration Overview and Procedures
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 97
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
External ID - Required for Imported Changes and Deletions
The External ID is required in order to make changes to attendees (edit or delete)
via the import. In most cases, the External ID is a company-generated unique
identifier, which is imported with the initial import of attendees. However, for
attendees who are manually entered by Concur Expense users, there likely is no
External ID. Without that information, you cannot change or remove those attendees
via the import.
To solve this problem, you can have the system auto-generate an External ID for
each attendee so that the External ID will never be blank.
To activate this feature, select Generate an External ID when a new attendee is
created by a user on the Settings tab of the Attendees page.
Then, to obtain the External IDs for all attendees (so you can use them in an
import), collect them from the Standard Attendee Detail Extract:
If the Standard Attendee Detail Extract is already turned on for your
company, the file will be available with your other extract files.
If not, contact SAP Concur support to have it turned on.
Refer to the Shared: Attendee Import, Version 2 Specification.
Section 7: Retain Attendee History with the Associated Expense Entry
98 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Section 7: Retain Attendee History with the Associated
Expense Entry
By default, historical attendee information is not captured; only the current attendee
information (master record) is available. Using the configuration steps described
here, the point-in-time attendee information can be saved with the associated
expense entry.
Attendee information (such as name or title) can change over time. With this
feature, once the attendee is attached to an expense entry, that attendee
information is stored and not allowed to be changed when the master record
Requesting a Configuration Change
To request a change to this configuration, please submit a change request to Concur
Section 8: Implementing the Attendee Import on an Existing
System - Tips and Hints
Changing from a User-Entered List to a Managed List of Attendees
In existing systems (not yet using the import), it is likely that each Concur Expense
user entered a record for every attendee the user wanted to use, including the
Concur Expense user. This means that it is highly likely that many of the attendees
you want to import from another application already exist within the system and
many will exist multiple times.
To start fresh with a new list of attendees from the imported list, follow these steps:
Where to find
more information
Define the name of the attendee type for this list. Attendee
type names must be unique.
Tip: If you want the same name as the existing attendee
type, we recommend that you rename the existing attendee
type and then create a new attendee type with the desired
Attendee Types in
this guide
Determine if users will be allowed to add new attendees to the
attendee type list. If you want to control this list, you may
wish to turn off the users' ability to add new attendees.
Section 8: Implementing the Attendee Import on an Existing System - Tips and Hints
Expense: Attendees Setup Guide 99
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Where to find
more information
Create the import file and import the list of attendees.
Shared: Attendee
Import, Version 2
Inactivate the old attendee type. This will remove all
attendees of this type from all users' lists of attendees, though
the information will still be viewable on expenses using those
Attendee Types in
this guide
Changing Employees as Attendees to a Managed List of Attendees
There are two employee-related attendee types:
Employee: In older versions, each Concur Expense user had to enter a
record for every employee attendee the user wanted to use, including the
Concur Expense user. This means that it is highly likely that many of the
employee attendees already exist multiple times within the system.
This Employee: The system will automatically generate a record for each
Concur Expense user but only once the employee takes one of these actions:
The employee opens a new expense form where the employee is required
to be added by default.
The employee completes a 'This employee' attendee type search from the
Attendee section of the New Expense (or Expense) tab or from profile.
The employee completes a quick search or a favorite search from the
Attendee section of the New Expense (or Expense) tab or from profile.
To make this list a comprehensive and usable list of employees that can be shared
by all for use on expenses, follow these steps:
Where to find
more information
Create an import file containing data for the employee
attendee records and import the list. This will provide records
for those employees who have not yet accessed the Attendee
section as well as provide additional details in each employee
attendee record.
When creating the import file:
The External ID for these records must be the Employee
ID that appears in Concur Expense.
The Attendee Type Code must be SYSEMP.
NOTE: Consider importing all employees who will be used as
attendees not only those who use Concur Expense. This will
provide a comprehensive list of employee attendees for your
Concur Expense users to search and select from. Then, if the
imported employees who are not yet Concur Expense users
become users in the future, the Employee ID will be used to
link the attendee-related information to the correct user.
Shared: Attendee
Import, Version 2
Section 9: Appendix Special Situations/Forms/Fields
100 Expense: Attendees Setup Guide
Last Revised: June 28, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Where to find
more information
Configure the This Employee attendee type:
Change the name if desired.
Attendee type names must be unique. If you want the
same name as the existing Employee attendee type, then
you must rename the existing Employee attendee type
first and then change This Employee to Employee.
Attendee Types in
this guide
Configure the This Employee attendee type as a shared list
by removing the Created By field in the duplicate check
Private vs. Shared
Attendee Lists and
Attendee Forms
and Fields in this
Inactivate the old Employee attendee type. This will remove
all attendees of this type from all users' lists of attendees,
though the information will still be viewable on expenses using
those attendees. Users creating new expenses will search for
and use employee attendee records under the new This
Employee attendee type.
Attendee Types in
this guide
Change the new Employee attendee type to a shared list.
Change the form fields for search - clear the Created By
(Private List) check box
Edit the duplicate check - clear the Created By (Private
List) check box
Private vs. Shared
Attendee Lists in
this guide
Section 9: Appendix Special Situations/Forms/Fields
Fields: Special Conditions for Selected Fields
Report Key
The Report Key field is intended for use by the Concur Expense Processor when
troubleshooting issues from the integration with accounting systems (Standard
Accounting Extract or Financial Integration). SAP Concur does not recommend that it
be used in employee- or approver-facing UIs, and strongly recommends that the
Report ID is used in all scenarios that require an identifier for the specific expense