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Message from the Governor 3
Message from The Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture 4
Kenucky State Fair Board 5
Entering Online 6
Privacy Notice 6
Exhibitor Tickets 8
General Rules and Regulations of the Fair 8
National Code of Show Ring Ethics 9
General Information 10
Entry Fees 11
Important Notices 12
General Services 12
General Exhibits - East Hall 14
General Exhibits - West Hall 76
Poultry, Pigeons, & Rabbits 109
4-H, FFA, & Junior Livestock 128
Championship Drive 170
Open Livestock 176
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On behalf of Team Kentucky, I want
to welcome you and your family to
the 120
Kentucky State Fair.
Every year, the Kentucky State
Fair serves as a gathering place
for farmers and families from all
120 counties, who represent over
69,000 farms that span 12.4 million
acres of our commonwealth. The
fair showcases the state’s rich
agricultural heritage and highlights
why Kentucky is a leader in the
agricultural industry.
The most highly anticipated agri-
tourism event of the year, this
11-day showcase draws tens of
thousands of families and visitors,
who come to see the livestock,
the concerts, and the world-class
equestrian shows, and who stay
to enjoy the unique and delicious
food that has become a tradition.
While visiting, be sure to check out other sites and attractions in the area. Tourism is essential to
our commonwealth, creating a $12.9 billion economic impact and 91,668 jobs. Kentucky’s economy
is on fire, and the tourism industry continues to play a unique dual role in driving our economy and
representing Kentucky to much of the world.
Whether you are from a few miles away or a few hours away, exploring the Kentucky State Fair is the
perfect way to get to know our state better. I encourage you to take advantage of all the fair has to
oer, from exhibits to hand-crafted art and delicious food.
See for yourself why Kentucky is such a special place and make plans to return to our beautiful
commonwealth again.
Welcome to the Kentucky State Fair!
Andy Beshear
Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
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Governor Andy Beshear
Governor; Commonwealth of Kentucky
Dr. Mark E. Lynn
H. David Wallace
Vice Chairman
Cleo Battle
Edward Bennett
Michael E. Berry
Lindy Casebier
Secretary Tourism Arts & Heritage Cabinet Representing the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Dr. Nancy Cox
Vice President for Land-Grant Engagement and Dean College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky
John Cox
Marshall Coyle
Joseph T. Goggin
Caroline Groth
Kentucky FFA President
Holly M. Johnson
Secretary Finance & Administration Cabinet
Hans Poppe
Michael Poynter
Delmar Lee Robey
Jonathan Shell
Commissioner of Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Billy Ray Smith
Mollie Webb
Kentucky 4-H President
Dr. David Williams
Executive Staff
David S. Beck
President and CEO
Kevin Moore
General Manager
Corinne P. Fetter
Executive Director of Expositions
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All entries have to be made through our Online Entry System at Fee payments for online entries are required to
be made by credit card. You have to have entries in the show in order to purchase exhibitor tickets.
Please read all the rules in the premium book that apply to your department. All deadlines outlined in this document will be enforced.
We are available to answer any questions you have at or (502) 367-5200.
Due to high volume, it may be dicult to locate your entry until it is completely processed and led.
To enter and get more instructions, go to
Our Commitment to Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices
and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. This privacy policy, which is a part of our overall
Terms of Use, is intended to provide you with information about how we collect, store, and use personally identiable information
obtained through our website. To make this notice easy to nd, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where per-
sonally identiable information may be requested.
The Information We Collect
This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the Kentucky State Fair website. On some pages, you can order
tickets or other products and services, make requests, and register to receive materials. The types of information collected at these
pages are: name, mailing address, email address, phone number, and payment information, such as the information we need to bill
your credit or debit card for orders you place via the Kentucky State Fair website.
We need certain information in order to register you as a unique user and let you access personalized services; however, other
requested information is optional and can be provided at your discretion. For example, from time to time we may post online surveys
on our website, in which we seek to collect information from you regarding your personal preferences as to the events and other
products and services oered by the Kentucky State Fair Board, as well as other relevant information.
How We Use Cookies
Like most websites, the Kentucky State Fair website uses cookies. A cookie is a text le, invoked by standard browser software, that
we place on your hard drive to enable our systems to, among other things, recognize your browser, track transactions, and allow you
to navigate our website without having to re-enter information. The information gathered by cookies is not made available to other
organizations, except as discussed below.
By using the Kentucky State Fair website, you consent to the use of these cookies and other similar technologies.
We may receive and store certain other types of information through the use of cookies and similar technologies, such as the pages
you link to from our websites. This information helps us understand how visitors use our websites and other online services, and
helps ensure that our websites, online services, and communications with you stay relevant and useful.
We do not share personal information that we gather through cookies and similar technologies with third parties, except as set forth
in this Policy.
Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings preferences. However, if you turn o the ability to use cookies
and similar technologies, you may nd that certain functionalities built into our websites and other online services do not work
properly, or at all, and your overall user experience may be harmed. For more information about cookies and similar technologies,
including how to set your browser to reject cookies, visit
Tracking Browsing History
Page 7
Tracking Browsing History
If you visit the Kentucky State Fair website simply to browse, we may collect general information about the way in which you use our
website, including, but not limited to, the time and duration of visit, type of web browser used, the operating system or platform you
are using, your IP address, and the websites from which you linked to us. We also may note whether and how you use the websites by
recording site trac patterns and clickstreams.
The Way We Use Information
In general, personally identiable information collected through our website may be used by the Kentucky State Fair Board to allow
purchasing and shipping of tickets, subscriptions, memberships and/or merchandise; to communicate with you, register you as a user,
inform you of upcoming events, request your support through donations, enable you to participate in special promotions, or allow
you to navigate the website without having to re-enter information; to develop, maintain, and improve our products and services; or
to administer our website. We may make personally identiable information available to other select organizations, including but not
limited to, resident arts companies, visiting performers, arts organizations, aliated organizations, agents working on our behalf, and
companies or organizations with whom we have a contractual or sponsor relationship. We may also provide aggregated data to these
and other organizations. We may use the information we collect for institutional research. Although we may make reasonable inqui-
ries to determine that such other organizations maintain website privacy policies comparable to ours, we are not responsible for the
enforcement of such policies.
We may disclose personally identiable information if we believe in good faith that we are required to do so in order to comply with
applicable law, a subpoena, or other legal process. We may also disclose personally identiable information when we have reason to
believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating
our Terms of Use or to protect the safety, property, or other rights of our users or the public. In addition, we may disclose or access
personally identiable information for administrative and other purposes that we believe are necessary or as otherwise provided in
this privacy policy.
We use the payment information you provide when placing an order, such as the information we need to bill your debit or credit
card to complete that order, and we may use the information to send you a receipt for that order. We do not share payment informa-
tion such as debit or credit card information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order.
We use the information you provide about someone else when placing an order only to ship the product and to conrm delivery. We
do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order.
Forums and Public Communication
The Kentucky State Fair website may enable users to submit their own content to a chat area, message board, web log, or other
forum (“forum”). Any forum on this website is a free service to enable you to share comments about events, memberships, and
products and services available on the website or to share information about topics of interest with other end users. If you participate
in a forum within the website, any information you disclose in such a submission will be publicly available, so you should exercise cau-
tion in deciding whether to disclose any personal, nancial, or other sensitive information there. By uploading or submitting any mate-
rials to a forum, you acknowledge and agree that the materials are not condential or trade secret, and you automatically grant (or
warrant that the owner of such materials has expressly granted) to the Kentucky State Fair Board a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable,
non-exclusive right and license to use, display, and distribute such materials or incorporate such materials into any forum now known
or later developed. The Kentucky State Fair Board cannot prevent other persons who access this website from using submissions and
personal information they nd here, even if their use of that information violates the law, or your personal privacy and safety.
When participating in a forum, you should not assume that people are who they say they are, know what they say they know, or are
aliated with those whom they say they are aliated. Information obtained in a forum may not be reliable. The Kentucky State Fair
Board cannot be responsible for the content or accuracy of any information posted by third parties and shall not be responsible for
any decisions made based on such information.
While we appreciate your time and comments, you are required to refrain from including the following in your posts: (i) profanity,
obscenities, hateful, threatening or harassing comments or images; (ii) discussion of illegal activities or intent; (iii) solicitations for
commercial activities or other statements that do not generally relate to the Kentucky State Fair Board or the designated topic of the
forum; (iv) personally identiable information such as phone numbers, addresses or URLs; (v) any information that violates any
right of a third party or any law; and (vi) any software or other materials that contain a virus or other harmful component. The Ken-
tucky State Fair Board is not responsible for moderating any forum or screening any content; however, the Kentucky State Fair Board
reserves the right to edit or remove content from any forum at any time and for any reason.
Page 8
Our Commitment to Data Security
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate
physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy
Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our
website from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.
Information Sharing
The Kentucky State Fair Board will not provide, rent, or sell personal information to third parties for marketing programs or any
other purpose. State law restricts the use of personally identiable information for commercial purposes.
General Entries
Exhibitor tickets are oered to anyone who enters the competitive departments. Exhibitor tickets come in a packet of eleven (11)
tickets. Each ticket includes admission and parking for the Kentucky State Fair. Example: If a family of four purchased a packet of
exhibitor tickets, they should give the gate attendant four (4) tickets, which will cover admission and parking. Exhibitors may only
purchase up to one (1) packet of tickets and must be purchased at the time of entry.
Livestock Exhibitors
Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with Exhibitor Packet at
check-in Gate 4.
Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access Badges – If an exhibitor DID NOT purchase a $25 Barn Access/Admission Badge. Barn Access Badges
can be given to an exhibitor upon request in the livestock oce.
Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Poultry, Pigeon, & Rabbit exhibitors will be limited to purchasing three (3) packets of exhibitor tickets.
If an exhibitor misplaces a badge, a replacement badge can be re-issued for $35.
Entry of Exhibits
1. Entries may be submitted through our online entry system located on our website. A credit or debit card is needed for payment
through the online entry system. All entry fees will be charged after the exhibitor submits their entries.
2. Entries close on dates specied by each department. No entries will be accepted after the published date.
3. No employee of the Kentucky State Fair nor any member of their immediate household can own or exhibit any articles or animals
in any competition in which said employee is directly aliated.
4. Every animal or article in competition will be under the supervision of the Superintendent of the department in which it is en-
tered, but the Kentucky State Fair Board and Management will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur.
5. Exhibits that have been mistakenly entered in a class may be transferred to proper classes prior to being judged at the discretion
of the Superintendent. If such classes already have been judged, they will not be reopened.
6. All items entered in competition will be displayed at the discretion of the State Fair Management. The Kentucky State Fair Board,
in its sole discretion, may decline the acceptance of any entry that it deems not suitable for display or exhibit at the Kentucky
State Fair.
7. The Superintendent of each department shall check entries listed under each class in the entry book against each exhibit present-
ed. At the time of judging, the Superintendent shall mark the entry book to show which animals or articles were passed on by the
8. Judging books must be signed in ink. Entries that were not shown must be so designated. Superintendents are responsible for
these requirements.
Placing of Entries
9. The Kentucky Exposition Center will be open to receive livestock and articles for exhibition at dates and times specied in depart-
mental rules. No livestock or article may be brought onto the Fairgrounds and placed on exhibit except by and at the expense of
the owner or his/her authorized agent.
10. Articles from outside Louisville can be mailed to the department entered, c/o Entry Department, Kentucky State Fair, 937 Phillips
Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40209. Packages will not be accepted by the State Fair unless all charges have been paid.
11. All animals or articles for exhibition must be placed in the department before the time listed in departmental rules. If not placed
before the specied time, the owner will forfeit all right to exhibit or compete for premiums subject to appeal to the Kentucky
State Fair Board.
Page 9
Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times deport themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship. Their conduct in
this competitive environment shall always reect the highest standards of honor and dignity to promote the advancement of agricul-
tural education. This code applies to junior as well as open class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competition. This
code applies to all livestock oered in any event at a livestock show. In addition to the National Code of Show Ring Ethics, fairs and
livestock shows may have rules and regulations that they impose on the local, county, state, provincial, and national levels.
All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an armative responsibility to do more than avoid improper conduct
or questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable will be inuenced by
their ne example. Owners, exhibitors, tters, trainers, and absolutely responsible persons who violate the code of ethics will forfeit
premiums, awards, and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from future exhibition in accordance with the rules adopted by the
Kentucky State Fair. Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics demean the integrity of all livestock exhibitors and should be prohibited
from competition at all livestock shows in the United States and Canada.
The following is a list of guidelines for all exhibitors and all livestock in competitive events:
1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and livestock show ocials, proof of ownership, length of ownership, and age of
all animals entered. Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or any facts relating thereto is prohibited.
2. Owners, exhibitors, tters, trainers, or absolutely responsible persons shall provide animal health certicates from licensed veteri-
narians upon request by fair or livestock show ocials.
3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their animals while at fairs or livestock shows.
4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter the food chain free of violative drug residues. The act of entering
an animal in a livestock show is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, and/or absolutely responsible person
for show management to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other substances from the animal to be used in testing.
Animals not entered in an event that culminates with the animal entering the food chain shall not be administered drugs other
than in accordance with applicable federal, state, and provincial statutes, regulations, and rules. Livestock shall not be exhibited
if the drugs administered in accordance with federal, state, and provincial statutes, regulations, and rules aect the animal’s per-
formance or appearance at the event. If the laboratory report on the analysis of saliva, urine, blood, or other sample taken from
livestock indicates the presence of forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence such substance has been
administered to the animal either internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood, or other substance
tested by the laboratory to which it is sent is the one taken from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved, and all proce-
dures of said collection and preservation, transfer to the laboratory, and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the
report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question and correctly reects the condition
of the animal at the time the sample was taken, with the burden on the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, or absolutely responsible
person to prove otherwise. At any time after an animal arrives on the fair or livestock show premises, all treatments involving the
use of drugs and/or medications for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal shall be administered by a licensed
5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the external application of any substance (irritant,
counterirritant, or similar substance) that could aect the animal’s performance or alter its natural contour, conformation, or
appearance, except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns of animals which aect appearance only and except
for surgical procedures performed by a duly licensed veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is
6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices such as striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical contrivance, or
other similar practices is not acceptable and is prohibited.
7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or livestock show management, other exhibitors, breed representatives, or
show ocials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance of their ocial duty, all judges, fair
and livestock show management, or other show ocials shall be treated with courtesy, cooperation, and respect, and no person
shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them.
8. No owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person shall conspire with another person or persons to intentionally
violate this code of ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person or persons either by armative action or
inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this rule shall subject such individual to disciplinary action.
9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition by an owner, exhibitor, tter,
trainer, or participant, whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual knowledge of the treatment of the
animal in contravention of this code of ethics.
10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person to
have disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show for violation of this Code of Show Ring Ethics and any other rules of
Page 10
competition of the fair or livestock show without recourse against the fair or livestock show. The act of entering an animal is the
giving of consent that any proceedings or disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show may be published with the name
of the violator or violators in any publication of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions, including Fairs and Exposi-
tions and any special notices to members.
11. The act of entering of an animal in a fair or livestock show is the giving of verication by the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, or
absolutely responsible person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics and understands the conse-
quences of and penalties provided for actions prohibited by the code. It is further a consent that any action that contravenes
these rules and is also in violation of federal, state, or provincial statutes, regulations, or rules may be released to appropriate law
enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over such infractions.
Ofcial Veterinarian
If veterinarian services are needed, owner may contact the veterinarian through the Livestock Oce in the West Wing. Owner is re-
quired to use the ocial show vet, the owner is responsible for fees charged for these services.
Duties and Privileges of Exhibitors
Exhibitors shall care for their exhibits at all times. At the close of the Fair, exhibitors must assume responsibility for them.
Discourtesy to Judges and Ofcials
The Manager or Superintendent of any department will have the authority without liability or recourse to the Kentucky State Fair
Board, to bar an exhibitor, or his/her representatives, in the event of discourteous act to a judge or an ocial of the Fair, and he/she
will have power to disqualify the entry of that exhibitor. In the event of such disqualication, the exhibitor forfeits all fees paid as well
as any prize money won or awards earned.
1. All protests must be made in writing, plainly stating the reason for the complaint or appeal, and must be led with the manage-
ment of the Kentucky State Fair Board. All protests must be accompanied by a $500.00 cash deposit, which will be forfeited if the
protest is not sustained.
2. Protests against the exhibition of animals or articles shall be led at least 24 hours before the awards are made. Protests against
awards shall be led by 8:00 p.m. on the day on which the awards were made, or, in the case of articles judged prior to the open-
ing of the Fair, by 8:00 p.m. on the ocial opening day of the Fair.
3. All protests will be considered at a time set by the Kentucky State Fair Board, and the interested parties will be notied and given
the opportunity to submit evidence.
4. In addition to the right of protest herein guaranteed to interested parties, the Kentucky State Fair Board expressly reserves the
right to take cognizance of fraud, which may have been consummated or attempted, and to take such action as may be deemed
just and proper.
No Liability
1. Every possible protection and courtesy will be extended to exhibitors at the Kentucky State Fair, but the Board shall not be re-
sponsible for any loss of exhibits, animals, or equipment in case of re, theft, or loss from any other cause.
2. The Kentucky State Fair Board, its agents, servants, and employees shall not be held liable in case of injury to exhibitors or the
public, on the grounds or in the buildings, from any cause whatsoever while on the grounds of the Kentucky State Fair.
3. All equipment regardless of source of power must comply with all national, state, and local safety codes. All exhibitors’ electric
cords must be the 3-wire grounded type per state re code Section All exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of xed
equipment, which are liable to be energized, will be grounded.
1. Competent judges selected from lists or suggested by exhibitors and Breed Associations, have been invited to judge and have ac-
cepted, but in case of their inability to serve, the Management reserves the right to replace or substitute another judge, or judges,
to ll the vacancy. No refunds of entry fees, stall rent, etc., will be made in any department due to replacement of judges.
2. Judges will report to the Superintendent in charge at their respective departments according to times and dates specied in
3. An exhibitor cannot (a) act as judge in a class in which said exhibitor is showing, or (b) exhibit an entry in any class where the
judge is a principal agent, employee, or relative of the exhibitor.
Page 11
4. Where there is only one entry in a class, the rst prize will be awarded if merited. If an exhibit is not worthy of rst prize, judges
may, at their discretion, award the prize that the animal or article deserves.
5. Should any doubt or questions arise as to the regularity of any entry, or any other important matter that the judge feels incom-
petent to decide, he/she should notify the Superintendent, Board Member in Charge of Department or Management, whose
decision will be nal.
6. The decision of an awarding judge will be nal, and no appeal will be considered except in case of protest.
7. Objections to any person serving as a judge must be submitted to the Kentucky State Fair Board in writing, prior to making an
award, giving good and sucient reason therefore, and upon which the Board shall have full power to act.
8. Any exhibitor attempting to interfere with the judges during their adjudications will be promptly excluded from competition
9. Each Superintendent in charge should carefully maintain the judging books of the department, since the judging books are the-
only basis for the payment of premiums.
1. Premiums will be paid by the Kentucky State Fair as early as possible after the awards in the various departments have been made
and checked.
2. Attention Livestock Exhibitors: All premium checks will be disbursed after the conclusion of testing and when all sponsorship
funding has been received.
3. If a premium is awarded and no Social Security number or tax identication number is provided, the Entry Oce will not be
calling to obtain this information; therefore, the premium will be forfeited. Premiums will be paid by check sent by the Kentucky
State Fair to the post oce address of the exhibitor. A Social Security number or tax ID number must be submitted when entering
in order to receive a check for premiums won.
4. Errors in premium statement will be corrected until December 1 following the Fair, after which time the books are closed and
unpaid premiums are forfeited to the Fair.
5. The Kentucky State Fair Board will list in good faith special premiums and awards in the premium list but is not responsible for
their payment and delivery.
6. Ribbons have no value for payment of premiums, as premiums are paid only from the record of the judging books.
Late Entry Fee
Jack or Mare & Colt (Per Head) $25.00 $100.00
Mules (Per Head) $25.00 $100.00
Open Beef Cattle $25.00 $100.00
Open Dairy Cattle (Per Head) $25.00 $100.00
4-H/FFA Beef Cattle $15.00 ----------
Open Sheep/Swine (Per Head) $15.00 $50.00
4-H/FFA Sheep/Swine/Goats (Per Head) $15.00 ----------
4-H/FFA Dairy Cattle (Per Head) $15.00 ----------
Novice Sheep, Swine, Goats (Per Head) $10.00 ----------
Open Dairy Goats (Per Head) $15.00 $50.00
Open Boer Goats (Per Head) $15.00 $50.00
Poultry & Pigeons (Per Bird) $5.00 ----------
Rabbits (Each) $5.00 ----------
Departmental Entry Fees
Entry Fee: $15.00 per exhibitor, all entries made in any departments (except Homebrew Beer & Homemade Wine). For example: An
exhibitor can enter
one (1) item in Fine Arts and Crafts and two (2) items in Textiles, and it will cost $15.00. Entries must be submitted by midnight on
July 10, or a late fee will be charged.
Entries in any digital classes will be charged $1.00 per entry.
Homebrew Beer Department - $5.00 per beer entry fee to enter this department if entry is submitted by midnight on July 10.
Homemade Wine Department - $10.00 per class entry fee to enter this department if entry is submitted by midnight on July 10.
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Late Entries
An entry fee of $30.00 per exhibitor will be charged for all entries submitted after July 10. Late entries must be submitted by midnight
on July 17. No entries will be accepted after that date.
Entries in any digital classes will be charged $1.00 per entry.
An entry fee of $8.00 per beer will be charged for all Homebrew Beer entries submitted after July 10. Late entries must be submitted
by midnight on July 17. No entries will be accepted after that date.
Operation of Vehicles
The speed limit within the Kentucky Exposition Center is 15 miles per hour, except for the Circle of Champions, which is 25 miles
per hour, and it is strictly enforced. In addition, there are re lanes which must be clear at all times, no-parking areas, areas in which
vehicular trac is prohibited, and other trac and vehicle control regulations. State statute provides nes for violation of any trac
control regulations established by the Kentucky State Fair Board.
Golf Cart Operation
Golf carts may not be operated in Coliseum, Exposition Wings and Halls, or on the Midway, unless written permission is given by
Kentucky State Fair Board General Management. All golf carts operated on the grounds shall have a permit issued by the Kentucky
State Fair and shall pay a $106.00 processing fee on all golf carts (rented or owned). If the golf cart permit is lost, a new permit must be
purchased. If a golf cart is impounded, the golf cart will be held for 24 hours.
All exhibitors bringing livestock including Poultry, Pigeons, and Rabbits onto the grounds shall use Gate 4 located o Crittenden Drive.
Any vehicle bringing horses or livestock to the Fair which is to remain on the grounds throughout the Fair period must park in the area
designated by the Superintendent of their department.
Recreational Vehicles
A limited amount of RV parking will be available at a charge of $30.00 per night; however, there is no electric, no water, no sewer,
no dumping facilities, and no in/out privileges. Each person in the RV will need to pay fair admission. Space will be assigned on a
rstcome, rst-served basis, and no space can be guaranteed. Contact the access control oce located at the administration oces in
front of Freedom Hall. The number is (502) 367-5380.
Accessibility Services
This document is available in PDF or sections will be read to the visually impaired by Kentucky State Fair sta.
The Administrative Oce is equipped with a TDD. The number is (502) 367-5131.
The Kentucky Exposition Center meets requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Accessible parking for individuals with
limited mobility is located throughout the grounds. For ticketed events, call the KEC Ticket Oce at (502) 367-5144. Tickets are
subject to availability.
First Aid
A rst aid room is on the rst oor of the Coliseum, South Wing “C, and outside the West Hall near the W8 overhead door.
State Police
State Police are located outside the West Hall near the W8 overhead door.
Feed and Bedding
Feeders Supply Company (502) 583-3867
or (502) 367-5096 from August 15-25
Feed for livestock and horses may be brought in by exhibitors for their entries only or ordered from the ocial State Fair feed supplier.
These orders must be placed so that deliveries may be completed by 9:00 a.m. each morning.
Storage of large quantities of feed or bedding is not permitted. Extra feed and bedding must be kept in trucks and trailers in the
assigned parking areas.
Page 13
Fire Department
The Fire Department is located on the grounds throughout the Kentucky State Fair.
ATM Locations
West Hall (Outside)
• South Wing B (Inside Lobby)
• Freedom Hall (Front Lobby)
Lost/Found Child
The Lost/Found Child station is at the State Police Oce, outside the West Hall, near the W8 overhead door.
Dog Notice
Dogs will not be permitted on the grounds of the Kentucky Exposition Center during the course of the Kentucky State Fair except
those under leash control of the owner. Service dogs are permitted on the grounds. Any dog running free will be impounded and
removed from the grounds.
Trash and Wet Garbage Information
The Fair will provide dumpsters for the disposal of manure and trash. These containers will be parked at various locations throughout
the livestock buildings at all times. Wet garbage containers will be stationed at various places at Thrill Ville.
Page 14
General Rules 15
Antiques 16
Culinary 18
Dairy Products 30
Fine Art 32
Photography 37
Hobbies 41
Homebrew Beer 48
Homemade Wines 54
Plants and Flowers 57
Textiles 63
Page 15
1. See General Rules and Regulations of the Kentucky State Fair on pages 6 - 13. Any exhibitor failing to comply
with any of the general rules or rules applying to their department will forfeit all premiums won.
2. Entry Tags/Admission Tickets will NOT be mailed to the exhibitor. Entry Tags/Admission Tickets will be
picked up at entry drop o times OR an appointment can be made with the Entry Department to pick them
up beforehand. Entry Tag Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance of pick up. Appoint-
ments will be accepted starting July 25, 2024. ere will be NO appointments available starting one week
prior to entry take in day, August 5, 2024.
3. NEW in 2024: Any class that does not have enough entries to award every placing (3 placings) in the
General Exhibits will be restructured or removed.
4. All Exhibitors can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/parking tickets for $44.00.
Purchases must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at entry drop o.
5. Please read complete rules for each department you are planning to enter.
6. All entries must be submitted through our online entry system located on our website at
Complete information must be provided. All entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm on July 10 or a late fee
will be applied.
7. Entry Fees: e entry fee is $15.00 per exhibitor, which includes all entries made in any East Hall, South
Wing, and/or West Hall departments (except Homebrew Beer, Homemade Wine, and Livestock). For exam-
ple: An exhibitor can enter one (1) item in Fine Arts and two (2) items in Textiles, and the total entry fee will
be $15.00. An additional fee of $1.00 per entry will be charged for all entries submitted in the digital submis-
sion classes. ese are entries entered in the Photography divisions. ere will be NO REFUNDS.
8. Late Entries: Entries must be submitted by July 10, or a late fee will be charged. e late fee is $30.00 per ex-
hibitor for entries submitted aer July 10 and by 11:59 pm July 17.
Homebrew Beer – e entry fee is $5.00 per beer. Entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm on July 10. ere is
a $10.00 per beer late entry fee for entries submitted between July 11 and 11:59 pm on July 17.
Homemade Wine - e entry fee is $10.00 per class. Entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm on July 10. ere
is a $20.00 per wine late entry fee for entries submitted between July 11 and 11:59 pm on July 17.
NOTE: Please see Homebrew Beer and Homemade Wine sections regarding age restrictions.
9. Entry acceptance times are strictly enforced. Exhibitors must have their entries in the correct department by
the ending time listed for their entries to be accepted.
10. ese exhibits will be located in the South Wing or East Hall. No exhibitor will be allowed in the
departments during judging.
11. Entries will be released on Monday, August 26. Any entry not claimed by 7:00 pm will be properly disposed
of by the Kentucky State Fair. Please see specic release times in each department. Please note rules in each
department relating to the disposal of items.
12. Exhibitors outside the Louisville vicinity may ship entries, postage prepaid, to: 937 Phillips Lane Lousiville,
KY 40209 Attn: Entry Department
a. Entry tags and exhibitor information should be included in the package. Shipped articles will not be
accepted before Tuesday, August 1 and must arrive no later than Tuesday, August 8. NOTE: Some
departments have specic shipping/packaging requirements; please read department rules carefully. *if
an exhibitor is to mail a package, they will have to print their entry tags beforehand.
13. If an article is not picked up on the required date, arrangements must have been made prior to the fair for the
entry to be mailed. Entry will be mailed C.O.D. (Cash on Delivery). If not picked up, entry will be properly
disposed of by the Kentucky State Fair Board.
14. Management will not be responsible for any article exhibited, but due care and diligence will be given in
handling of entries, and guards will be furnished to give reasonable protection to exhibits at all times.
15. All entries in all departments will be displayed at the discretion of the Kentucky State Fair management. e
Kentucky State Fair Board, in its sole discretion, may decline the acceptance of any entry that it deems not
suitable for display or exhibit at the Kentucky State Fair.
Page 16
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
ENTRY DROP OFF DAYS: Saturday, August 10, 10:00am to 5:00pm
& Sunday, August 11, Noon to 5:00pm
ENTRY PICK UP DAYS: Monday, August 26 9:00am to 7:00pm
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$12 $9 $5
1. No organization, business, or professional may enter in the
Antiques department. One who derives the major part of
income from the type of work being exhibited by him/her
is considered a professional in the department.
2. Exhibitors are limited to one item in each class. Multiple
items in a set are not permitted unless presented in their
original container. Two-piece items are permitted when
the two pieces are in direct complement of one another
(e.g., cup and saucer, covered dish, pair of earrings, gloves,
shoes, etc.) A group of buttons is permitted in class 41 only,
with a minimum of three (3) and maximum of 12 buttons.
3. Anyone wishing to include any history, documentation,
or notation on their entry may do so on ONE SIDE ONLY
of a 3”x 5” or 4”x 6” card only. The card should be attached
securely to the item or entry tag.
4. An item winning rst prize in a class one year is barred
from being exhibited/entered in that same class at any
subsequent Kentucky State Fair, regardless of ownership.
However, if the item can be exhibited/entered in a dierent
class, that is permissible.
5. The Fair will not act as a selling agency. Any inquiry about
an item will be noted, and the exhibitor will be informed. It
will be up to the exhibitor to contact the interested party.
6. Honorable Mention Ribbons will be awarded at the judges
7. A Sweepstakes Award Rosette will be given to the exhibitor
winning the most points in classes #1 through #52. Howev-
er, after winning a sweepstakes award, three (3) fairs must
pass, (exclusive of the winning year) before being eligible
for another sweepstakes award. Point ties will be broken
by counting the number of blue, then red, and nally white
ribbons. If the blue, red, and white are equal in number,
duplicate prizes will be awarded.
8. To be considered antique for this department, an article
must be at least 60 years old or older. The article shall be
owned by the exhibitor.
9. Size of photographs in class 35 may not exceed 4 1/2” x 6
1/2” (including frame, if any), and the size of photographs
in classes 36 and 37 may not exceed 12” in height, length,
or width (including frame, if any). Other entries may not
exceed 18” in height, length, or width (including frame, if
any), unless otherwise noted. These size limitations do not
apply to rearms, swords, shing items, clothing, clothing
accessories, coverlets, or quilts.
10. Judging of Antiques will be based on the following criteria:
AGE, RARITY, and CONDITION, not specically in that order.
Any reproductions will be disqualied immediately.
11. The Superintendent and/or Kentucky State Fair Board may
disqualify any item deemed inappropriate.
12. Nothing to weigh over 20 pounds (excluding rearms)
Page 17
1. Oldest Dated Bible (must contain both Old and New Testament
and have original copyright date page)
2. Oldest Book Published in the US (must contain publisher and
copyright date)
3. Kentucky Letter or Document (e.g., broadside, school record) may
not exceed 14” x 14”, including frame
4. Letter or Document (other than Kentucky), may not exceed 14” x
14”, including frame.
5. Postcard - Kentucky Scene, Building, or Event, excluding Jeerson
6. Postcard - Jeerson County Scene, Building, or Event
7. Book Published in Kentucky (must contain publisher and
copyright date)
8. Barber and Beauty Shop Memorabilia (may not exceed 14” x 14”)
9. Kentucky State Fair Memorabilia
10. Churchill Downs Memorabilia
11. World’s Championship Horse Show Memorabilia
12. Cameras (may not exceed 12” x 12”)
13. Boy Scout Memorabilia (including literature)
14. Girl Scout Memorabilia (including literature)
15. Best Firearm
16. Best Knife
17. Best Sword
18. World War I or World War II Military Relic (other than rearm, knife,
or sword).
19. Kentucky Veterans Memorabilia (items must represent Kentucky
veterans only)
20. Civil War Item
21. Military Uniform
22. Fishing Item
23. Sports Item
24. Medical Item
25. Advertising Item (other than product container) (may not exceed
26. Pin Backs and Award Medals (organizations, companies, groups,
conferences, conventions, etc.)
27. Political Campaign Item
28. Any Article Made of Metal (may not exceed 12” x 12”)
29. Transfer, Printed, or Hand-Painted China
30. Small Tool (may not exceed 12” x 12”)
31. Bank (still or mechanical)
32. Doll (not to exceed 18” size limitations, both vertically or
horizontally if can be displayed sitting)
33. Child’s Toy (other than doll)
34. Holiday Memorabilia: Christmas
35. Miniature Tintype, Daguerreotype, or Photograph, including one
or two subjects only (size may not exceed 4 1/2 x 6 1/2, including
frame, if any
36. Photograph of a Group of 3 or More Subjects (size may not
exceed 12” in height, length, or width, including frame, if any)
37. Photograph of a Building or an Event (size may not exceed 12” in
height, length, or width, including frame)
38. Piece of Clothing (excluding jewelry and clothing accessory)
39. Clothing Accessory (excluding jewelry, e.g., hat, gloves, scarf,
shoes, etc.)(no canes)
40. Costume Jewelry Item
41. Group of Antique Buttons (minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12
buttons, must be secured on CLOTH COVER SURFACE no larger
than 10” x 10”)
42. L & N Railroad Memorabilia
43. Earthenware Piece
44. Antique Article Made of Wood
45. Cut Glass Piece
46. Pressed Glass Piece
47. Carnival Glass Piece
48. Art Glass Piece
49. Distillery & Brewery Memorabilia (produced in Kentucky ONLY-
excludes decanters and/or bottles)
50. Any Woven Coverlet
51. Coverlet, other than Woven (examples: crocheted or needlework)
52. Cotton, Silk, or Velvet Quilt (may be quilted or unquilted)
(Winner of Class 15)
Silver Frame Donated ~ Knob Creek Gun Range
Sweepstakes Premiums
1st ~ $5 & Rosette
Page 18
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
ENTRY DROP OFF DAYS: Saturday, August 10, 10:00am to 5:00pm
& Sunday, August 11, Noon to 5:00pm
Baked Goods ONLY: Monday, August 12, 9:00am to 5:00pm
ENTRY PICK UP DAYS: Monday, August 26 9:00am to 7:00pm
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$12 $8 $4
1. The Culinary Department will be open to receive entries
Saturday, August 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sun-
day, August 11, from noon to 5:00 p.m. All preserved foods
(canned goods), including dehydrated categories and
Special Display - Decorated Cakes or Molds in both Open
& Junior Divisions, must be received by 5:00 p.m. Sunday,
August 11.
2. Baked goods, and special decorated cake entries only will
also be accepted Monday, August 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Sturdy, disposable containers/plates must be used
unless otherwise noted in the class description.
3. Exhibitors will not be allowed to remove articles from this
department until Monday, August 26 at 9:00 a.m. All items,
including canned goods and containers, not removed by
7:00 p.m. Monday, August 26, will be disposed of.
4. No fresh or dried fruit may be used as a garnish in any
class. If fresh owers are used as a garnish, they must be an
edible variety. For fair contest purposes, a nut is not consid-
ered a fruit. Hot peppers used in any entry may not exceed
100,000 Scoville units.
5. All exhibitors wishing to have exhibits in regular and
special classes must enter two such items to be eligible for
both. Except as otherwise stated, exhibitors may enter only
one item per class.
6. If an entry has a specic class, a like item may not be
entered elsewhere. For example: Italian Cream Cakes may
only be entered in the Italian Cream Cake category.
7. Absolutely no one except Culinary Department ocial
workers and judges will be permitted in the area during
8. All work must be by private individuals. No companies or
corporations may enter in any class except for classes 99-
9. Recipes are not required to be turned in with your item
at the time it is received for judging. However, should the
superintendent and/or judges request a copy of the recipe
from the entrant, it must be provided to the Fair in a timely
manner before a ribbon or prize would be awarded to the
entrant. EXCEPTION: Exhibitors entering in Division 3302,
Class 48 and Class 49, are required to submit a recipe with
their entry at the time it is received for judging.
10. After winning a sweepstakes award, three (3) fairs must
pass (exlusive of the winning year) before being eligible to
win another sweepstakes award.
11. NEW in 2024: The Culinary department will only be
displaying items that place along with all Junior exhibits.
Additional goodies not being displayed may be donated to
Kentucky food pantries.
12. See Division 3314 for information on special contests.
Sweepstakes Premiums
1st ~ $5 & Rosette
Page 19
From Scratch. No Commerical Mixes can be used.
Loaf Size- Bread must be a minimum of about 5” x 9” (may be braided and/or round) but not larger than 12 inches in diameter, width,
or length. No mini-loaves, mini biscuits, or mini mufns may be entered.
Breads must be presented on foil lined cardboard that is no larger than about 1 inch more than the entry itself. Securely fasten the
entry tag by punching a small hole in the corner of the cardboard and attaching with string.
No bread may require refrigeration.
Bread Sweepstakes: Exhibtior winning most points in Classes 1-25 will be awarded a Rosette and $5.
1. White
2. Any Rye Bread, seeded or not
3. Whole Wheat (at least 50%)
4. Mixed grain (seed and nut) (listed)
5. Sourdough
6. Flat Bread, your favorite (4) (named)
7. Batter, any seasoning (named)
8. Boston Brown Bread
9. Baguette
10. Any Gluten-Free Bread
11. Greek Easter Bread with whole eggs
12. Coee Cake
13. Dinner Rolls (4)
14. Cinnamon Rolls (4)
15. English Muns (4)
16. Pretzels (4)
17. Zucchini
18. Biscuits, Baking Powder (4)
19. Biscuits, Buttermilk (4)
20. Mexican Style Corn Sticks (4)
21. Scones (4) (named)
22. Your Favorite Fruit or Vegetable Bread (named)
23. Your Favorite Gluten-Free Muns (4) (named)
24. Your Favorite Muns (4) (named)
25. Your Favorite Crackers (4) (named)
General Appearence 15
Proper Baking 10
Aroma 10
Flavor or Taste 30
Grain and Texture 20
Lightness 10
Color of Crumb 5
Total 100
Judging Standard for Breads
Page 20
30. Fruit Cake, Dark or Light (1/2 cake)
31. Mixed Nut Cake, No Frosting (1/2 cake)
32. Jam Cake, Caramel Frosting (1/2 cake) (layer)
33. Lemon Cake, Lemon Icing (layer)
34. Chion Cake, Frosted or Not
35. Pound Cake, No Frosting (not a loaf)
36. Spice Cake, Any Frosting (layer)
37. Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Frosting (layer)
38. Angel Food Cake, No Frosting
39. Pumpkin Cake, Any Frosting (layer)
40. Hummingbird Bundt Cake, Cream Cheese Glaze (1/2 cake)
41. Carrot Cake, Cream Cheese Icing (Layer) (1/2 cake)
42. Yellow Cake, Any Frosting (layer)
43. Poppyseed Cake, Any Frosting
44. Red Velvet Cake (layer)
45. German Chocolate Cake (layer) (1/2 cake)
46. Caramel Cake, Caramel Frosting (layer)
47. Applesauce Cake, Cinnamon Frosting (layer)
48. Your Favorite Cake, Made with a Commercial Mix and Your Special
Ingredients (layer) (recipe required)
49. Your Favorite Cake, Any Kind Not Mentioned Above or in Division
3307, Specialty Baking (layer) (recipe required)
General Appearence 30
Texture 30
Flavor 40
Total 100
Judging Standard for Non Frosted Cakes
General Appearance 10
Texture 30
Frosting or Filling
Suitability 20
Texture 15
Flavor 25
Total 100
Judging Standard for Layered & Frosted Cakes
From Scratch. No Commerical Mixes can be used, except in Class 48
Cakes must be presented on foil-lined cardboard that is no larger than about 1 inch more than the entry itself.
IMPORTANT: The maximum size of any cake is about 13 inches in diameter, width, and/or length, but no smaller than about 8-9
inches in diameter, width, and/or length. Cakes noted as “layer” must be a minimum of two (2) layers. Securely fasten the entry tag by
punching a small hole in the cardboard and attaching with string. (Recipes are required to be submitted with entry for Classes 48 &
Cakes using fresh or dired fruit as garnish will not be accepted.
Cakes in Classes 30-49 cannot require refrigeration
Cakes cannot use fresh whipped milk or whipped cream, Cool Whip, or like topping in icing/frosting/lling,
Cakes in Classes 30,31,32,40,41 and 45 must be 1/2 of an 8-inch minimum round cake- not a loaf
Jam Cakes may employ commerically made jam.
Cake Sweepstakes: Exhibtior winning the most points in Classes 30-49 will be awarded a Rosette and $5.
Page 21
From Scratch. No Commerical Mixes can be used.
Small cakes must be presented on foil-lined cardboard or a sturdy foil-lined plate no larger than about 1 inch more than the entry
itself. The maximum size of any small cake is about 9 inches in diameter, width, and/or length. Cupcakes, pastries, cookies, and bars
must be presented on a sturdy, disposable 8-9 inch, foil-lined plate (no double plating). Securely fasten the entry tag by punching a
small hole in the corner of the cardboard and/or plate and attaching with string.
EXCEPTION: Entries in Classes 74 and 75 may be presented in any fashion desired, provided the display does not exceed about 12
inches in diameter, length, width, and/or height. Design must facilitate easy transport and movement by Fair staff.
Small cakes and cookies using fresh or dried fruit as a garnish will not be accepted.
Loaf cakes must be baked as loaves, about 9” x 5” in size.
Small cakes and cookies in Classes 55 through 75 cannot require refrigeration. The use of fresh whipped milk or whipped cream,
Cool Whip®, or like topping in frosting/icing/lling is prohibited.
Small Cakes & Cookies Sweepstakes: The Exhibtior winning the most points in Classes 55-75 will be awarded a Rosette and $5.
55. Loaf Cake with Fruit (apples, cherries, etc.)
56. Upside-Down Cake, Any Type
57. Old-Fashioned Jelly Roll (4 slices) (named)
58. Petit Fours, Fully Iced (4)
59. Cupcakes, Iced (4) (named)
60. Blondies (4)
61. Brownies (4)
62. Lemon Tassies (4)
63. Mexican Wedding Cookies (4)
64. Your Favorite Shortbread Cookies (4)
65. Your Favorite Sugar Cookies (4)
66. Your Favorite Oatmeal Cookies (4)
67. Your Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies (4)
68. Your Favorite Peanut Butter Cookies (4)
69. Your Favorite Biscotti (4)
70. Springerle Cookies (4)
71. Linzer Cookies (4)
72. Lebkuchen Cookies (4)
73. Your Favorite Cookie, Any Kind Not Mentioned (4) (named)
NO-BAKE COOKIES will not be accepted
74. Most Attractive Display of Meringue Mushrooms (4)
75. Most Attractive Display of Decorated Cookies(4)
General Appearence 20
Texture 30
Flavor 30
Proper Bake 20
Total 100
Judging Standard for Small Cakes & Cookies
Page 22
78. Apple Pie
79. Cherry Pie
80. Peach Pie
81. Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie
82. Blackberry Pie
83. Zesty Bean Pie
84. Pecan Pie
85. Shaker Lemon Pie
86. Chocolate Nut Pie
87. Chess Pie
88. Pumpkin Pie
89. Sliced Sweet Potato Pie
90. Your Favorite Meringue-Topped Pie (named)
91. Your Favorite Fruit Tart - 8 or 9 inch square, named, must be
baked, no refrigeration required
92. Hand Pie (2) with any Savory Filling (REFRIGERATED),
(6” maximum, named)
93. Favorite Pot Pie with Savory Filling (REFRIGERATED), (6” maximum,
From Scratch. No Commerical Mixes can be used.
From Scratch. No Commercial pie crusts may be used
Pies must be presented in sturdy, disposable, lightweight aluminum pie plates about 9 inches in diameter. No glass, pottery, heavy met-
al, or ceramic containers will be accepted. Securely fasten the entry tag by punching a small hole in the rim of the aluminum pie plate
and attaching with string.
Note: Punch the hole in the pie pan prior to baking the pie.
Pies using fresh or dried fruit as a garnish will not be accepted.
Pies in Classes 78 through 87 cannot require refrigeration.
No stack pies will be accepted. All pies must have crusts.
No graham cracker, crushed cookie, or crumb-type crusts will be allowed in any class.
Special Note: Entries in these classes must be presented in cooled or refrigerated state.
No hot pies will be accepted!
Pie Sweepstakes: The Exhibitor winning the most points in Classes 78-93 will be awarded a Rosette and $5.
General Appearance 20
Color/Filling 10
Thickness of Crust 10
Texture 40
Suitability 20
Texture 10
Flavor 10
Flavor 40
Total 100
Judging Standard for Pies
Page 23
Lightweight forms, dummies, and/or Styrofoam must be used. No real cake is allowed. However, all entries must be possible with real
cake. No entries can require refrigeration. To facilitate handling and minimize damage, cakes should be placed on uted boards with
sufcient space around the cake edges and must be designed to withstand several moves by Fair staff.
Decorated Bridal Cakes must be presented on commercially produced forms or very sturdy foil-lined board. Entries cannot exceed
16 inches in diameter, length, and/or width, including any decoration extending from the cake, and 28 inches in height, including orna-
Also, Other Decorated Cakes must be presented on commercially produced forms or very sturdy foil-lined board and cannot ex-
ceed 16 inches in diameter, length, and/or width, including any decoration extending from the cake, and 16 inches in height, including
* These Classes are Open to PROFESSIONAL/ADVANCED Cake
Decorators. You are considered a Professional/Advanced Cake Decora-
tor if you make cakes and sell them; if you are a cake instructor/teach-
er, consultant, or bakery owner/operator; or if you have skills so rened
as to be determined by the Superintendent to be on a Professional/
Advanced Level.
99. Wedding Cake
100. Birthday Cake
101. Theme Cake: Carnival
102. Theme Cake: Picnic
103. Gender Reveal
*These Classes are Open to INTERMEDIATE Cake Decorators
For purposes of this Kentucky State Fair contest, you are considered
an Intermediate Cake Decorator if you have won a Blue Ribbon in the
Beginner Category and/or demonstrate decorating skills indicating
two or more years experience but do not sell more than (12) twelve
cakes per year for prot.
105. Wedding Cake
106. Birthday Cake
107. Theme Cake: Carnival
108. Theme Cake: Picnic
109. Gender Reveal
*These Classes are Open to BEGINNER Cake Decorators
For purposes of this Kentucky State Fair contest, you are considered a
Beginner Cake Decorator if you do not sell cakes for prot, have less
than two years of decorating experience, and have not won a Blue
Ribbon in the category you are entering.
113. Wedding Cake
114. Birthday Cake
115. Theme Cake: Carnival
116. Theme Cake: Picnic
117. My Favorite Holiday. Open to ALL cake decorators.
118. Miniature Gingerbread House: Disney Theme
119. Gender Reveal
Artistry 50
Practicality 25
Creativity 25
Total 100
Judging Standard for Decorated Cakes
Page 24
(From scratch. No commercial mixes may be used.)
Breads, cakes, pizzas, and cheesecakes must be presented on foil-lined cardboard that is no larger than about 1 inch more than the
entry itself. Cookies, small cakes, and/or candies must be presented on sturdy 8-9 inch disposable foil-lined plates. Pies must be pre-
sented as outlined in Division 3304. Securely fasten entry tags by punching a small hole in the corner of the cardboard or plate/rim
and attaching with string. No mini-breads, mini-cakes, or puddings - including bread puddings, ans, and/or custards – will be allowed.
Entries using fresh or dried fruit as a garnish will not be accepted.
Entries in Classes 131-135 must be presented in a REFRIGERATED state and will remain refrigerated through the run of the Fair.
NOTE: Cheesecakes should be baked on foil-wrapped cardboard rounds that are tted snugly into the locking rim of your springform
pan. There is no need to transfer the cake to bring to the Fair.
Pizzas entered in classes 137-139 cannot exceed about 12 inches in diameter, length, and/or width, nor can they be smaller than 8
inches in diamter, length, or width. Entries in these classes must be presented in a cooled, refrigerated state. They will be reheated for
judging, then refrigerated through the run of the Fair.
Specialty Baking Sweepstakes: The Exhibitor winning the most points in Classes 120-139, winner will be presented Rosette and $5.
120. Cream Pus/Éclairs (4) (will be refrigerated)
121. Stollen-German Christmas Bread, 1/2 Loaf
122. French Macarons (4) (named)
123. Whoopie Pies (4) (named)
124. Black Forest Gateau (will be refrigerated)
125. Cherry/Almond Clafoutis
126. Checkerboard Cake (minimum 3 Layer) frosted, cannot
require refrigeration
127. Battenberg Cake, any avor, commercial marzipan and jam
may be used
131. Tiramisu Bars (4)
132. Italian Cream Cake (layer)
133. Plain Cheesecake (no avoring other than vanilla)
134. Swirl Cheesecake (any avoring)
135. Favorite Cheesecake, other than Swirl or Plain
137. Classic Margherita Pizza Pie, any type crust
138. Pizza Pie made with no tomatoes, any type crust, with any
combination of savory ingredients, named on entry tag
139. Your Favorite Pizza Pie, any type crust, with any combination
of savory ingredients, named on entry tag
General Appearence 20
Crust & Texture 30
Flavor & Creativity 30
Proper Baking 20
Total 100
Judging Standard for Pizza
Judging Standard for Specialty Baking
The Standards used for judging in Specialty Baking are the same as
those used in the Open classes of Breads, Cakes, Small Cakes and
Cookies, and Pies.
Page 25
(From scratch. No commercial mixes or products may be used. All entries must be homemade.)
Candies must be presented in sufcient bite-sized quantities (generally 4 pieces) for judging and must be displayed on sturdy, dispos-
able, foil-lined plates or in standard commercial candy boxes not to exceed about 9 inches in diameter, length, or width. No Ziploc®
type plastic containers are allowed. Entries presented in tins, glass, ceramic, or pottery will not be accepted. Securely fasten the entry
tag by punching a small hole in the plate or box and attaching with string.
EXCEPTION: Entries in Classes 153, 154, and 155 may be presented in any fashion desired, provided the display does not exceed
about 12 inches in diameter, length, width, and/or height. Display must be designed to facilitate easy transport and movement by Fair
Candy Sweepstakes: The Exhibitor winning the most points in Classes 140-155 will be awarded a Rosette and $5.
140. Chocolate Covered Nuts and/or Fruits
141. Your Favorite Fudge (cut in pieces)
142. Your Favorite Bon Bon, avored with a liqueur (named)
143. Turtles with Scratch Caramels
144. Non-chocolate Opera Cremes
145. Nut Brittle (broken in pieces)
146. Toee, any type (broken in pieces)
147. Bourbon Balls
148. Jelly Candy
149. Licorice Twizzlers
150. Caramels
151. Cream/Pulled Candy
152. Your Favorite True (named)
153. Single Molded Chocolate Item
154. Molded and/or Hand Decorated Candy Display
155. Most Attractive Display of Assorted Homemade Candy
General Appearence 20
Texture 10
Flavor 20
Proper Ingredient Handling 10
Creativity 10
Artistry 30
Total 100
Judging Standard for Candies
Page 26
160. Strawberry
161. Apple
162. Watermelon
163. Grape, other than white grapes
164. Hot Pepper
165. Blackberry
166. Herb
167. Raspberry
168. Citrus (named)
169. Any Jelly Not Mentioned Above (named)
170. Special Display of Six Jelly Varieties
(Same size jars preferred; no baskets or other decorative
containers; jars only)
Marmalade and Jams
171. Orange Marmalade
172. Strawberry Jam
173. Any Marmalade or Jam Not Mentioned (named)
174. Apple Butter
175. Tomato Preserves
176. Strawberry Preserves
177. Peach Preserves
178. Cherry Preserves
179. Pear Preserves
180. Blackberry Preserves
181. Raspberry Preserves
182. Any Preserves or Butter Not Mentioned Above (named)
183. Best Collection of Jams, Marmalades, Preserves, and Butters
(6 jars; same size jars preferred; no baskets or other
decorative containers; jars only)
Dehydrated Foods
188. Any Meat Jerky (6 strips) (named)
189. Any Vegetable (1 cup) (named)
190. Fruit Leather (any avor) (6 strips) (named)
191. Soup Mix (1 cup) (named)
192. Any Item Not Mentioned (1 cup) (named)
193. Hikers Meal (consisting of 4 dierent items individually
packed in quart bag) (named)
For purposes of this State Fair contest all entries using canning jars must use jars that have raised embossed wording or design on
the exterior of the jar. EXAMPLE: Kerr, Mason, Ball, Atlas, Golden Harvest and/or classic diamond or swirl pattern.
All jellies, marmalades, jams, preserves and butters must be processed and sealed according to U.S.D.A. standards. (Contact your local
county extension agent if you have any questions about this process.) Plastic lids may not be used. Metal caps required. No
labels on jars. No colored jars. Parafn cannot be used. REMINDER: Jellies must be clear with no particles or pieces. Entries
must be a minimum of 8 ounces, but may be in larger size regulation jars with lids and caps. Entry tags should be
securely tied to the jar, not to the lid or cap. All entries must have been processed on or after August 18 of 2023.
Dehydrated Foods MUST be in clear, one-quart Ziploc® type bags. Afx small label to bag that states type of food, method of drying
(oven, sun, dehydrator), and date processed. ALL ITEMS MUST BE EDIBLE.
For health and safety purposes, Kentucky State Fair Judges reserve the right to not open entries and can judge canned items by color,
texture, tilting of jellies and how well the entry is packed in the container.
Jelly, Preserves & Dehydrated Foods Sweepstakes: The exhibitor winning the most points in Classes 160 through 193 will be
awarded a Rosette, products provided by Mrs. Wages®, Kent Precision Foods, Inc., and $5.
General Appearance 30
Clarity & Color 25
Consistency 30
Container & Pack - (appropriate
headspace, proper sealing, clean
jar, etc.)
Total 100
Judging Standard for Jellies
General Appearance 35
Clarity & Color 20
Consistency 30
Container & Pack - (appropriate
headspace, proper sealing, clean
jar, etc.)
Total 100
Judging Standard for Marmalades & Jams
Page 27
For purposes of this State Fair contest, all entries using canning jars must use jars that have raised, embossed wording or design on
the exterior of the jar, for example, Kerr, Mason, Ball, Atlas, Golden Harvest, and/or the classic diamond or swirl pattern.
All fruits, vegetables, and meats must be processed and sealed according to U.S.D.A. standards. (Contact your local county extension
agent if you have any questions about this process.) Plastic lids may not be used. Metal caps are required. Labels on jars
and colored jars are not allowed. Parafn may not be used. Entries must be a minimum of 8 ounces, but can be in larger
regulation jars with lids and caps. Entry tags must be securely tied to the jar, not to the lid or cap. No tomato juice may be en-
tered in any class in this division. All entries must have been canned on or after August 18 of 2023.
NOTE: For health and safety purposes, Kentucky State Fair Judges reserve the right to not open entries and can judge canned items
by color, texture, tilting of jellies and how well the entry is packed in the container.
Canning Sweepstakes: The exhibitor winning the most points in Classes 194 through 210 will be awarded a Rosette, products
provided by Mrs. Wages®, Kent Precision Foods, Inc., and a $50 Gift Certicate from Heimerdinger Cutlery.
194. Applesauce
195. Blackberries
196. Peaches
197. Pears
198. Any Fruit Not Mentioned Above (named)
199. Green Beans, cut or snap
200. Okra & Tomatoes
201. Corn
202. Your Favorite Soup Mixture (named)
203. Tomatoes, Red
204. Tomatoes, other than red
205. Tomato Juice
206. Any Vegetable Not Mentioned Above (named)
207. Meat or Poultry
208. Best Collection of Vegetables (to consist of 4 dierent vege
tables) Same size jars are pre ferred; no baskets or other
decorative containers are allowed; use jars only.
209. Best Collection of Fruits (to consist of 4 dierent fruits) Same
size jars are preferred; no baskets or other decorative
containers are allowed; use jars only
210. Representative Meal (to consist of not less than 5 or more
than 9 jars, for example: Relish, Meat, 2 Vegetables, Pickles,
General Appearence 30
Color 35
Consistency 20
Container & Pack - (appropriate
headspace, proper sealing, clean
jar, etc.)
Total 100
Judging Standard for Preserves & Butters
General Appearance 25
Color 30
Consistency & Texture 30
Creativity 15
Total 100
Judging Standard for Dehydrated Foods
General Appearance 15
Quality of Contents 45
Proper Equiptment & Utilization 10
Container & Pack - (appropriate
headspace, proper sealing, clean
jar, etc.)
Total 100
Judging Standard for Canned Goods
Page 28
For purposes of this State Fair contest, all entries using canning jars must use jars that have raised, embossed wording or design on
the exterior of the jar, for example: Kerr, Mason, Ball, Atlas, Golden Harvest, and/or the classic diamond or swirl pattern.
All pickles and relishes must be processed and sealed according to U.S.D.A. standards. (Contact your local county extension agent if
you have any questions about this process.) Plastic lids may not be used. Metal caps are required. Labels on jars and colored jars are
not allowed. Parafn may not be used. Entries must be a minimum of 8 ounces, but may be in larger regulation jars with lids and caps.
Entry tags must be securely tied to the jar, not to the lid or cap. Jars will be opened and entries tasted. All entries must have been
processed on or after August 18 of 2023.
NOTE: For health and safety purposes, Kentucky State Fair Judges reserve the right to not open entries and can judge canned items
by color, texture, tilting of jellies and how well the entry is packed in the container.
Pickles and Relishes Sweepstakes: The exhibitor winning the most points in Classes 220-241 will be awarded a Rosette, products
provided by Mrs. Wages®, Kent Precision Foods, Inc., and $5.
220. Peach Pickles
221. Lime Pickles, any type (named)
222. Mixed Pickles, Sweet
223. Mixed Pickles, Sour
224. Pickled Mixed Vegetables
225. Pickled Beets
226. Pickled Okra
227. Cucumber Pickles, Sweet
228. Cucumber Pickles, Dill
229. Cucumber Pickles, Sweet & Spicy
230. Cucumber Pickles, Bread & Butter
231. Any Pickles Not Mentioned Above (named)
232. Chili Sauce
233. Salsa with Tomatoes, no Hot Peppers
234. Salsa, with Tomatoes
235. Kimchi, any variety (named)
236. Chow Chow
237. Pickled Relish
238. Corn Relish
239. Chutney (named)
240. Any Relish Not Mentioned Above (named)
241. Collection of Pickles and Relishes (to consist of 6 dierent
varieties of pickles and relishes). Same size jars are preferred;
no baskets or other decorative containers are allowed; use
jars only.
Each exhibit must be accompanied with an instruction sheet that includes: 1) explanation of the process to produce, 2) list of all
ingredients 3) educational information of how the product should be consumed, utilized, or applied.
Best in Show: Homsteading with Herbs, Rosette and $5
General Appearance 35
Clarity & Color 20
Consistency 30
Container & Pack - (appropriate
headspace, proper sealing,
clean jar, etc.)
Total 100
Judging Standard for Pickles & Relishes
1. Honey Blended Herb Butter
2. Herb Infused Muns (4)
3. Herbal Infused Oils, Bitters, or Vinegar
4. Homegrown Herbal Tea Leaves - will be judged on color of
dried product and dry aroma, sealed in clear Ziploc®
5. Homemade Herbal Infused - lotion, balm, scrub, or body
6. Infused Herbal Sprays
7. Infused Herbal Candles
8. Woven Herbal Wands
Page 29
These classes are open to anyone ages 9 through 13 as of August 1 of the current year. All the same rules as set forth in the Open
Classes govern this division. Check the corresponding Open Classes to determine size limitations, presentation, and/or processing
requirements. Entries in this category must be the sole work of the exhibitor. No refrigeration may be required except in Classes
254 and 255. No commercial mixes may be used unless specically noted in the class.
For Special Display, Decorated Cakes or Molds, see Culinary Rule 2 for the receiving time and date. The use of Styrofoam molds is
required, as the cakes will be judged on decoration and creativity only; they will not be cut or tasted.
Junior Culinary - Level One Special Award: One exhibitor in this division will receive a Best of Show Rosette and $5.
245. My Best Bread, any loaf, rolls (4), biscuits (4), or muns (4)
246. My Best Cake Made with a Commercial Mix, Frosted or Not
247. My Best Cake Made from Scratch, Frosted or Not (named)
248. Cupcakes Made with a Commercial Mix, Any Frosting (4)
249. Cupcakes Made from Scratch, Any Frosting (4)
250. My Best Baked Cookie (named) (4)
251. My Best No-baked Cookie (named) (4)
252. Brownies Made with a Commercial Mix (4)
253. Brownies Made from Scratch (4)
254. My Best Granola Bar Made from Scratch (4) (named)
255. My Best Pie Made from Scratch (named)
256. My Best Cornbread Made from Scratch
257. My Best Pizza (may not exceed about 12 inches in diameter,
length, and/or width)* (No all-fruit pizzas).
*Judging standards and rules for Junior Pizza are the same as
those outlined in Division 3307
258. My Best Candy (4)
259. Birthday Cake
260. Theme Cake: Clowns
These classes are open to anyone ages 14 through 17 as of August 1 of the current year. All the same rules as set forth in the Open
Classes govern this division. Check the corresponding Open Classes to determine size limitations, presentation, and/or processing
requirements. Entries must be the sole work of the exhibitor. No refrigeration may be required except in Classes 285 and 287. No
commercial mixes or crusts may be used.
For Special Display, Decorated Cakes or Molds the use of Styrofoam molds is required, as the cakes will be judged on decoration and
creativity only; they will not be cut or tasted.
Junior Culinary - Level Two Special Award: One entry in Junior Culinary - Level Two will be awarded a Best of Show Award and $5.
276. My Best Bread, Biscuits (4), or Quick Bread
277. My Best Cake (layer) frosted or not (named)
278. My Best Brownies (4)
279. My Best Cupcakes (4)
280. My Best Baked Cookie (4) (named)
281. My Best No-bake Cookie (4) (named)
282. My Best Pie (named)
283. My Best Pizza (may not exceed about 12 inches in
diameter, length, and/or width)* (No all-fruit pizzas) *Judging
standards and rules for Junior Pizza are the same as those
outlined in Division 3307.
284. My Best Fudge or Candy (4) (named)
285. Birthday Cake
286. Theme Cake: Carnival
287. Theme Cake: Picnic
288. My Best Jelly, Marmalade, Jam, Preserves, or Butter (named)
289 Best Collection Demonstrating the Art of Canning. Fruits
and vegetables consisting of a minimum of 6 dierent fruits
and/or vegetables with a maximum of 8 jars. All jars must be
the same size. No baskets or other decorative containers are
allowed; use jars only.
290. My Best Salsa, Relish, or Pickles (named)
291. My Best Dehydrated Food (named)
Page 30
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
ENTRY DROP OFF DAYS: MONDAY, August 12, 1:00 TO 5:00PM AND TUESDAY, August 13, 9:00 TO NOON
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
Premiums Offered per Class
Gold Metal Award*
1. Please Note: The Dairy Products department is now located
in South Wing A. All entries should be brought to South
Wing A on Monday, August 12 or Tuesday, August 13.
2. Entries that are sent or delivered to the Dairy Products
Department, Kentucky State Fair for display and judging
should not arrive earlier than 1:00 p.m. ET, August 12.
3. All entries must be submitted from facilities that are
licensed/permitted and regulated by their state milk safety
agency. Out-of-state entries must provide a sample retail
4. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to place the identi-
cation tags on products before or at entry. Entries shall not
be larger than 1/2 gallon size (except as otherwise stated in
individual classications), and all entries shall be in unla-
beled white, clear, or blank containers, or the company/
brand shall otherwise be covered for judging.
5. Judging will be held on Tuesday afternoon (beginning at
12:00 noon ET).
6. At the close of the Fair, all entries in this department will
become the property of the Dairy Products Association of
7. The score of all Dairy Products will be according to the
American Dairy Science Association suggested scoring
8. All exhibitors may receive a copy of the judge’s report
showing scores upon request.
9. Blue ribbons will be awarded to all deserving entries in the
opinion of the judges. Only blue ribbon winners will be
eligible for a Gold Medal Award.
10. Note to exhibitors: The judges will be available following
the judging to discuss your products.
11. Only one entry per class per plant may be made.
12. Entries are open to plants located in Kentucky and plants
routinely distributing products into Kentucky.
Page 31
Artisan and farmstead cheese makers are classied as facilities that produce less than 500,000 pounds of cheese per year
*These awards may be used in advertising by winning plant/plants if desired
1. Mild Cheddar Cheese, made after May 1, 2024, but before
August 1, 2024. Any size and package style shown in
2. Aged Cheddar Cheese, made prior to Feb. 1, 2024. Any size
and package style shown in Kentucky.
3. Any Natural Cheese sold in Kentucky. To be shown in the size
and style in which it is usually marketed.
4. Sweet Cream Butter
5. Lowfat Cottage Cheese - 2% or less butterfat, sold in
Kentucky. To be displayed in 12 oz. - 24 oz. packages.
6. Cottage Cheese, small curd style, sold in Kentucky. To be
displayed in 12 oz. - 24 oz. packages.
7. Lowfat Chocolate Milk 1/2% - 1% butterfat.
(Quart size preferred.)
8. Chocolate Milk, 3.25% butterfat. (Quart size preferred.)
9. Non-Homogenized Full Fat Chocolate Milk
(Quart size preferred).
10. Cultured Sour Cream in 8 oz. - 16 oz. cartons.
11. Cultured Buttermilk or Cultured Buttermilk with Butter Flakes
or Granules Added, 2% - 3.25% butterfat.
(Quart size preferred.)
12. Cultured Buttermilk less than 2% butterfat.
(Quart size preferred.)
13. Yogurt, Strawberry Flavor.
14. Ice Cream Premium, Vanilla, 12%-14% butterfat
15. Ice Cream, Vanilla, 10% butterfat
16. Any Flavored Ice Cream
17. Reduced-Fat Frozen Dessert, Vanilla, less than 25% butterfat
of normal ice cream
18. Lowfat Frozen Yogurt, Vanilla, 2%-3.25% butterfat
19. Milk, Homogenized, 3.25% butterfat
20. Reduced-Fat Milk, 2% butterfat
21. Lowfat Milk, 1/2% - 1% butterfat
22. Skim or Nonfat Milk, less than 1/2% butterfat
23. Non-Homogenized Full-Fat Milk
24. Flavored Bleu Cheese/High Lipase
25. Flavored High-Moisture Cheese
26. Flavored/Smoked Cheese
27. Flavored Open, Other Cheese
28. Natural Italian Cheese
29. Natural Alpine Cheese
30. Natural Bleu Cheese
31. Natural Cheddar Cheese
32. Natural Farmstead Open Cheese
33. Cheese Curds
Page 32
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
ENTRY DROP OFF DAYS: SATURDAY, August 10 10:00am TO 5:00pm
AND SUNDAY, August 11, NOON TO 5:00pm
ENTRY PICK UP DAYS: MONDAY, August 26 9:00am TO 7:00pm
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$50 $40 $25
1. Entry Fee: $15.00 per exhibitor, which includes all entries
made in any division of the East Hall, South Wing, or West
Hall departments (except Homebrew Beer, Homemade
Wine and Livestock).
2. Except as otherwise stated, exhibitors may enter only one
item per class.
3. Exhibitors will not be allowed to remove articles from this
department until Monday, August 26 at 9:00 a.m. Any arti-
cle not claimed by 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 26, will be
properly disposed of by the Kentucky State Fair.
4. All articles in the Fine Art department must be the original
work of the exhibitor. Kits and “paint by numbers” are not
5. An exhibitor winning rst prize in a class one year is barred
from exhibiting the same article in that class at any subse-
quent Kentucky State Fair.
6. Security is provided 24/7; however, the Management will
not be responsible for any loss or damage to any article. Ev-
ery eort is made for due care, protection, and diligence in
the handling of all entries received in the Fine Art depart-
ment. Large sculpture, glass work, and delicate China may
be handled and installed by the exhibitor during check-in
on the oor area with the supervision of the Superinten-
dent or Assistant Superintendent during receiving days. To
identify art if the tag becomes detached, you must place
your name and/or address on the back side of art, out of
view of the judges. Tags are closed during judging only.
Titles on tags, printed near your name, are encouraged.
7. Art patrons and collectors are encouraged to inquire and
purchase the exhibited work directly from you, the artist.
The Fair will not act as a selling agent. Do not display a “For
Sale” sign on work; however, you may print the selling price
on your tag. A sale negotiated between the exhibitor and
the patron after the closing of the Fair is best, scheduled by
you on return day. To avoid inquiries on a purchase, clearly
print “NFS” on the hang tag to indicate your intent for a
“Not for Sale entry. The art sta will be happy to assist you.
8. The Fine Art department welcomes volunteers to be oor
runners on receiving days. Students over the age of 12 and
adults familiar with handling art are welcome. Inquiries
forwarded to the Superintendent.
9. All art “ready to hang means art must have been wired to
hang OR mounted to a base for three dimensional items.
Textiles may require an insert (rod, bar, wire or hooks)
10. The Louisville Artisans Guild will award a one-year mem-
bership to the First Place winners in all adult divisions.
Page 33
1. All entries in purchase award categories must be matted with acid-free mats and acid-free backing
2. No pictures will be accepted unless they are equipped with a frame that surrounds the subject
(canvases wired as ready-to-hang gallery-wrappped canvases, with all edges painted, is an exception).
Pictures must also be xed with screw eyes and wire for hanging or they will not be accepted. Size of
picture must not exceed 15 square feet.
3. Secure entry tag on back upper right corner with string which will then hang on front left to public
4. In all purchase award categories, the artist will receive payment directly from the purchaser.
To be awarded to the best work of art done by a Kentucky Artist, either resident or native of the state.
Each artist must state on the Entry Tag if painting is eligible for the award. Classes 3-12 are eligible.
This work will become property of the Kentucky State Fair and will be among a collection of pieces
done by Kentucky Artists, to be hung in the oces of the State Fair. A plate will be attached, giving the
Artist’s name and year the purchase award was made.
To be awarded to any work of art. Entries in Classes 3-12 are eligible (on canvas or work on paper with
archival mat if water color entry). Ehrler’s will select and present the award to the winning exhibitor.
The winning entry will become the property of Ehrler’s for their corporate collection.
Page 34
No pictures (including prints, collages, and calligraphy) will be accepted unless they are equipped with a frame that surrounds the sub-
ject. Pictures must also be xed with screw eyes and wire for hanging or they will not be accepted. The size of the picture must not
exceed 28 square feet. These standards apply except for Student Art (Division 4003) and photographs. Please refer to those sections
for additional information.
The following standards for miniature art will be used. The 1/6 rule applies. (Representational subjects may not exceed 1/6 their actu-
al size. For example, a human head that is 9” in height may not exceed 1 1/2”. A ower 3” in diameter may not exceed 1/2”.) (5” x 7”
recommended). The area of painting is not to exceed 35 square inches. Frames must not exceed 9 1/2” x 7 1/2”.
All sculpture must not stand taller than 7 feet from its base and must be rmly balanced when safely displayed at the discretion of the
management. Sculpture estimated at over 80 pounds must rest on the oor or on a low base (no pedestal) for in-the-round viewing.
Hand Painted Porcelain: All entries must be on a porcelain surface, using overglaze paints that have been red in a kiln. Specically
excluded will be dolls, ceramics, glass, and decals. The exhibitor is requested to furnish stands for display purposes. Please have them
marked. A single entry may have multiple components if they work together as a unit.
AA Clay Studio and Gallery, Louisville, KY - Clay/Pottery Best of Show - $50
Selected by Alex Adams
Best of Show: A Rosette and $5
1. Calligraphy - Framed under glass, handcrafted. NO computer
assisted font/ print. *Kentuckiana Calligraphy & Paper Art Guild
2. Painting/Non-Representational Abstracts - original works in
any medium on any material, prepared for hanging. Use
color, design, line, shape, and form with no obvious subject
matter; see Class #4 No collage or mixed media; see Class #6.
Gallery wrap canvas (no staples or nails) is permitted if paint
continues on sides; framed and wired for hanging
3. Painting - original paintings in any paint medium on any
ready-to-hang (framed and wired) material with obvious
subject matter, including landscape, oral, gurative,
animals, cityscapes, and still life. Must be canvas, panel, or
gallery wrapped if the painting extends around sides,
without staples or nails showing.
(No collage allowed; see Class #6 or portraits, see class #9).
4. Transparent Watercolor - water-soluble pigment on paper,
traditional AWS transparent washes for luminosity. Any
subject matter. Must be framed under glass, ready to hang.
5. Mixed Media - assemblages shadow boxed framing where
appropriate (under glass). Must be ready to hang.
6. Drawing - original 2-dimensional works in pencil, charcoal,
ink, colored pencils, markers, and chalk (no oil pastels). Any
subject matter except human portraits; see Class #9). Must
be framed under glass and wired, ready to hang.
7. Pastels - original works in oil or chalk/crayon based pastels
on paper in any style, framed under glass, and wired, ready
to hang. Any subject matter or style, except human portraits;
see Class #10.
8. Print Making - artist-produced Mono, Linocut, Block Print,
Transfer, Lithograph, Screen Print, Etching, Intaglio, and
other surface-printing techniques; no giclée (which is a high
quality ink jet print). Must be framed under glass and wired,
ready to hang.
9. Portrait: Life study of any subject posed or interpreted using
any medium on canvas, panel, or paper. Must be framed and
wired, ready for hanging; (realism or abstract gurative).
10. Miniature Painting, any medium
11. Folk Art - only two-dimensional framed work by self-taught
creative (if you have taken a hobby class online, high school
classes, or college classes in the arts, this class is NOT for
you); may include collage, calligraphy, low-relief; this is
outside art meaning untrained and untutored.
12. Sculpture/Carved/Subtractive Process. No outdoor garden
sculpture allowed. No taxidermy allowed.
13. Sculpture/Constructed/Additive Process. Wrought iron work
and garden sculpture are welcome. Includes Folk Art (Stable
mounts and under 7 feet tall). No taxidermy allowed.
14. Stained Glass (windows or lampshades) - original designs
only produced by the artist; no template art reproductions.
No commercial kits will be accepted. Size is not to exceed
16 square feet, maximum. Must be wired and ready to hang
on a lightbox or stand on pedestal. May be plugged in for
lighting. (no commercial template designs)
15. Art Glass (hot working techniques), including 3-D structures
and freestanding forms and mosaic work; no furniture
allowed (unless sculptural in concept); 4’ maximum height
or width including hot glass, blown, fused, and/or leaded, or
constructed piece.
16. Hand-Painted Porcelain article with owers
17. Hand-Painted Porcelain article with fruit and/or vegetables
18. Hand-Painted Porcelain article with portrait and/or human
19. Hand-Painted Porcelain article with realistic landscape
and/or seascape
20. Hand-Painted Porcelain article with animals, birds, or sh
(wild or domestic)
21. Hand-Painted Porcelain article using decorative techniques
(such as enamels or raised paste, etching, faux nishes, red
berglass, gold work, grounding, lace, plaid, scrolls, or any
other red embellishments)
22. Hand-Painted Porcelain Unclassied - Any hand-painted
porcelain article that does not belong in a category above
(some examples are acorns, butteries, cotton, holly, insects,
leaves, mushrooms, nuts, pine cones, pussy willow, shells,
Virginia Creeper)
Page 35
Workmanship 40
Harmony of Color 15
Uniqueness of Design 15
Balance & Harmony of
Origionality of Treatment 15
Total 100
Judging Standard for Hand Painted Porcelain
35. Stitched Fabric Construction - art made by
stitching onto fabric or by stitching fabric together, by hand
or machine, such as (threaded needle) embroidery,
piece work, quilting, applique and embellishment, fabric
collage, etc. Art must be generally at and designed for wall
display. May include non-fabric materials as an incidental
part of the construction.
36. Manipulated Fiber Construction – art made with
traditional ber techniques such as any form of weaving,
knitting, crochet, lace, felting, knotting, folding and looping,
braiding and plaiting, basting, twining, rug hooking, etc.
Art must be generally at and designed for wall display.
May include non-fabric materials as an incidental part of the
37. Surface Design – art incorporating a pattern or image
applied onto/into fabric by dying, direct painting, printing
(stencil, silkscreen, or block), discharge, ikat and shibori (tied,
wax, or resist paste) batik, direct photo-transfer, etc.
Art must be generally at and designed for wall display.
38. Three-dimensional forms – any free-standing work of ber
using textile materials (including handmade paper pulp)
described in Classes 35 or 36. Work must be mounted
securely for in-the-round display. Emphasize 3-D depth in
construction if hung on wall for display. Entry must be rigged
with appropriate hanging hardware. Including basket
sculpture (For felted forms, see Class 39).
39. Needle Felting Sculpture – free-standing art and gurative
forms (mounted to base when appropriate).
Textile ber art, in any fabric or textile medium (plant, animal, synthetic, and “safe” industrial elements). Entries should be original de-
signs only, created as ber art using the following techniques: by hand or machine, using synthetic or natural materials. (See Hobbies
or Textiles class categories for entering cross-stitch pattern kits, T-shirts, or decorative sewing).
Original designs ONLY
Natural materials suggested. Using any textile ber
Louisville Area Fiber & Textile Artists will provide an award in the amount of $100.00 to the best of show in creative textiles.
Judging criteria are: original design and innovative use of technique in a textile entry having artistic merit and exemplary craftsmanship
(natural material preferred).
The Alma Wallace Lesch Memorial Award given by Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft will be presented for any ber or
textile work using innovation in color or technique. (One entry will be selected from Hobbies, Textiles, and Fine Art departments.)
It is not necessary to list this award on the entry form. All textile and ber items in Hobbies, Textiles, and Fine Arts departments are
23. Wheel Thrown Pottery (any glazed, red form demonstrating
wheel thrown technique)
24. Hand Built Pottery (any glazed kiln-red, hand-formed coil,
slab, draped clay techniques)
25. Clay Sculpture (kiln-red, bisque, or glazed; no greenware;
any clay body is allowed)
Page 36
44. K-2 Paintings or Collage in any medium using color or black
and white. Must be framed (or mounted) and ready to hang
with secure wire. Matted work will be hung from clips.
45. K-2 Drawings or in color dry media, mounted and ready to
hang; pencil or charcoal framed under glass is
46. K-2 Crafts, Sculpture, 3-D Object (all clay, plaster, wood, or
origami, except glass). No Legos, kits, models, liquids, or
glass. See Hobby Show for jewelry.
47. 3-6 Paintings (including collage) in any medium using color
or black & white. Must be framed or mounted, ready to hang
from secure wire.
48. 3-6 Drawings in any medium, color or black & white.
Mounted for hanging.
49. 3-6 Crafts, Sculpture, 3-D Object (all clay, plaster, wood,
origami, except glass). No Legos, kits, models, liquids, or
glass. See Hobby Show for jewelry.
50. 7-9 Painting (any medium) attributed Master studies”
allowed but NO artist reproductions (e.g., Starry Night,
Escher, cartoons, or anime copies). Must be original
renderings of people, objects, plants, animals, abstractions,
or collage (cut, pasted paper). Two-dimensional artwork
51. 7-9 Drawing (any medium) attributed Master “studies
allowed but NO artist reproductions (e.g., Starry Night,
Escher, cartoons, or anime copies). Must be original
renderings of people, objects, plants, animals, or
52. 7-9 Crafts, Sculpture, 3-D Object (all clay, plaster, wood,
origami, except glass). No Legos, kits, models, liquids, or
glass. See Hobby Show for jewelry.
53. 10-12 Painting (any medium) or collage (cut, pasted paper) -
Two dimensional mixed media artwork only.
54. 10-12 Drawing (any medium) attributed Master “studies
allowed but NO artist reproductions (e.g., Starry Night,
Escher, cartoons, or anime copies) Must be original.
55. 10-12 Crafts, Sculpture, 3-D Object (all clay, plaster, wood, or
origami, except glass). No Legos, kits, models, liquids, or
glass. See Hobby Show for jewelry. (Including Basket Forms
in any medium)
Entries must be entered with the group’s name on a tag with each item. All media, including ne art, crafts, and photography should
number not less than 5 nor more than 10 articles. All participants will receive a ribbon. No entry fee is required for this class.
110. Done by any group of people qualied as special needs
Student art must be matted, mounted, or framed.
Entries must have been done within the past year.
Grade will be determined by the 2023-2024 school year.
If sent in by a school, each object must have the school name on the tag.
Mount board and pre-cut mats are usually available at craft stores, art supply shops, and brand name stores.
Matting and/or mounting student artwork is required to showcase the talent of each student entry for public viewing. We suggest the
use of a mat that has a minimum of two inches of border on all sides of the artwork. The frame must surround the entire canvas or
matted area of the artwork. Wired, ready-to-hang “gallery wrapped” canvases are allowed if the painting includes the four sides of the
canvas. Frames must be securely wired and looped through screw eyes in order to be hung without damage. Do not tape string as
Del Deatrick Memorial Award: for $100 of Exemplary Work in Student Painting.
Page 37
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
ENTRY DROP OFF DAYS: SATURDAY, August 10 10:00am TO 5:00pm
AND SUNDAY, August 11, NOON TO 5:00pm
ENTRY PICK UP DAYS: MONDAY, August 26 9:00am TO 7:00pm
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$50 $30 $20
1. Entry fee is $15 per exhibitor plus $1 per individual photo-
graph entered. You must sign up to compete through our
Online Entry System (ShoWorks), which can be reached at Online entry fees have
to be paid by credit card. The application deadline is 11:59
p.m. EDT on July 10, which also is the deadline to submit
entries, but they need not be done at the same time. Once
an exhibitor completes the application transaction, the
online entry system will show a box at the bottom of the
screen where entrants may upload their entries digitally.
If your photo is not ready at the time of application, you
may log back into the system later and upload your entries.
Just look under Account Summary, then click on “Upload
les, and it will direct you to a page to upload your photos.
Each entry, whether in a print or digital category, must be
submitted digitally as a JPEG, no smaller than 5 megabytes.
Exhibitors may include a caption. More detailed instruc-
tions for submitting digital photos may be found on the and websites.
2. All print classes (60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92,
100, 101, 102, 104, 105 and 106) will be prejudged to de-
termine nalists in each class. Digital classes (63, 73, 83, 93,
103, 107) will not be prejudged and qualify immediately
for nal judging. Print nalists will be notied and asked to
present printed versions of their photographs on Saturday,
August 10 or Sunday, August 11 (the weekend before the
Fair starts on Thursday, August 15). All photos not selected
as nalists will be displayed on monitors in the Photogra-
phy area during the Fair, along with all digital entries.
3. How to Submit Finalist Prints: Each photo must be matted
or printed to EXACTLY 16 by 20 inches. Minimum size for
the actual photo is 71 square inches. NO frames allowed.
NO glass, plastic, wood or Formica. NO watermarks or time
stamps. Photos MUST be mounted on a rm, at backing
such as mat board or foam core and rmly adhered to
that backing so that the photograph is secure (cardboard
or poster board is not acceptable). Items must be ush
mounted (edge to edge). No mounting material should
show behind the photograph. Mount cannot exceed ¼
inch thick. Please be aware that your photo will hang from
a binder clip attached to a hook on pegboard for two
4. Tags with strings will be distributed from tables in the
North Wing Lobby when you come to drop o your photo
Aug. 10-11. After attaching string to a tag, the string should
be taped to the back of your entry in the top right corner
so that the tag can be ipped over the entry and appear
in the front top left corner. Remember to detach your
claim check from the bottom of the tag; it will be required
to claim your entry when the Fair is over. Then ip up the
bottom of the tag to catch in the slot so that your name is
5. If you do not wish to reclaim your entry after the fair closes,
write “RECYCLE” on the back of the entry.
Page 38
Aspiring Photographers Division (Intermediate and Novice) - You are considered “aspiring” if you do not sell photographs as de-
scribed in the “accomplished” division. Entrants must abide by all entry rules of the Fine Arts & Crafts Department and the Photogra-
phy Section.
Entrants may submit only one photo per class entered. Photographs may not duplicate an image (e.g., ‘color’ to monochrome) used in
any other class. Duplicates will be eliminated from competition. Previous rst-place winners in any class from any year are not eligible.
Photographs must be the original work of the entrant.
Judge(s) reward artistic merit and look for prints demonstrating photographic excellence and high standards of ne art criteria in
each class category. Photographs entered must be prints of your original captured image, must represent one of the following photo-
graphic class categories, and must be tagged correctly for that specic class.
MONOCHROME (Black & White or Toned, including Sepia) (NOTE:
Hand-tinted images or monochrome images that have been digitally
manipulated to show a specic color, such as a red dress in a black and
white print, must be entered in the color classes).
60. PEOPLE: Photo must include a person or a part of a person,
which should be the central focus of the image. No animals
61. NATURE/SCENIC (NO PEOPLE): Scenic or nature shot; any
animal (mammals, insects, sh, etc.) may be present in the
photograph. No people are allowed, but man-made objects
(such as roads, powerlines, fences, etc.) may be present.
MONOCHROME (Black & White or Toned, including Sepia) (NOTE:
Hand-tinted images or monochrome images that have been digitally
manipulated to show a specic color, such as a red dress in a black and
white print, must be entered in the color classes).
people; otherwise, anything goes. Special eects
are encouraged.
63. KENTUCKY TOURISM - “Location, Location, Location”: Any
photo of a location - MUST be labeled with the name of the
location. MUST have been taken in 2024.
70. PEOPLE: Photo must include a person or a part of a person,
which should be the central focus of the image. No animals
71. NATURE/SCENIC (NO PEOPLE): Scenic or nature shot; any
animal (mammals, insects, sh, etc.) may be present in the
photograph. No people are allowed, but man-made objects
(such as roads, powerlines, fences, etc.) may be present.
people; otherwise, anything goes. Special eects
are encouraged.
73. KENTUCKY TOURISM - “Location, Location, Location”: Any
photo of a location - MUST be labeled with the name of the
location. MUST have been taken in 2024.
Page 39
You are considered “accomplished” if you make photos and sell them, are a teacher of photography, or operate a commercial studio.
Exhibitors who are considered “accomplished” may not enter the “aspiring” division (4004, Intermediate and Novice). However,
those who would be considered “aspiring” may move up into “accomplished,” but an exhibitor may only compete in one of the two
Entrants may submit only one photo per class entered. Photographs may not duplicate an image (e.g., ‘color’ to monochrome) used in
any other class. Duplicates will be eliminated from competition. Previous rst-place winners in any class from any year are not eligible.
Photographs must be the original work of the entrant.
Judge(s) reward artistic merit and look for prints demonstrating photographic excellence and high standards of ne art criteria in
each class category. Photographs entered must be prints of your original captured image, must represent one of the following photo-
graphic class categories, and must be tagged correctly for that specic class.
NOTE: Hand-tinted images or monochrome images that have been digitally manipulated to show a specic color, such as a red dress
in a black and white print, must be entered in the color classes.
MONOCHROME (Black & White or Toned, including Sepia)
80. PEOPLE: Photo must include a person or a part of a person,
which should be the central focus of the image. No animals
81. NATURE/SCENIC (NO PEOPLE): Scenic or nature shot; any
animal (mammals, insects, sh, etc.) may be present in the
photograph. No people are allowed, but man-made objects
(such as roads, powerlines, fences, etc.) may be present.
MONOCHROME (Black & White or Toned, including Sepia)
people; otherwise, anything goes. Special eects
are encouraged.
83. KENTUCKY TOURISM - “Location, Location, Location”: Any
photo of a location - MUST be labeled with the name of the
location. MUST have been taken in 2024.
90. PEOPLE: Photo must include a person or a part of a person,
which should be the central focus of the image. No animals
91. NATURE/SCENIC (NO PEOPLE): Scenic or nature shot; any
animal (mammals, insects, sh, etc.) may be present in the
photograph. No people are allowed, but man-made objects
(such as roads, powerlines, fences, etc.) may be present.
people; otherwise, anything goes. Special eects
are encouraged.
93. KENTUCKY TOURISM - “Location, Location, Location”: Any
photo of a location - MUST be labeled with the name of the
location. MUST have been taken in 2024.
Page 40
State Fair general rules, Fine Arts and Photography specications and Rules 1-3 apply to the Student Photography Division, with the
following exception: This section is open to middle and high school students in grades 6-12. Grade level will be determined by the
2023-2024 school year.
The conceptualization, set-up, and taking of the photograph should originate with the student. Entrants may submit only one photo
per class entered. Photographs may not duplicate an image (e.g., ‘color’ to monochrome) used in any other class. Duplicates will be
eliminated from competition. Previous rst-place winners in any class from any year are not eligible.
BEST PHOTOGRAPH IN SHOW: Chosen from the eight (8) classes below BEFORE class winners are selected. It can be
monochrome or color and should demonstrate all the fundamentals of an excellent photograph (focus, composition, background,
lighting, etc.) and be a pleasing artistic image. The winner will receive the Best of Show Rosette and $50.
Best Color Print - Student Division - Rosette and $50 sponsored by the BeeHive Ass’t Living of Goshen/Prospect given in honor
of George and Kay Sherrard
Best Monochrome Photograph: Junior Division – Rosette & $100 sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Richard Wolf
NOTE: Hand-tinted images or monochrome images that have been digitally manipulated to show a specic color,
such as a red dress in a black and white print, must be entered in the color classes.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$30 $20 $10
MONOCHROME (Black & White or Toned, including Sepia)
100. PEOPLE: Photo must include a person or a part of a person,
which should be the central focus of the image. No animals
101. NATURE/SCENIC (NO PEOPLE): Scenic or nature shot; any
animal (mammals, insects, sh, etc.) may be present in the
photograph. No people are allowed, but man-made objects
(such as roads, powerlines, fences, etc.) may be present.
MONOCHROME (Black & White or Toned, including Sepia)
people; otherwise, anything goes. Special eects
are encouraged.
103. KENTUCKY TOURISM - “Location, Location, Location”: Any
photo of a location - MUST be labeled with the name of the
location. MUST have been taken in 2024.
104. PEOPLE: Photo must include a person or a part of a person,
which should be the central focus of the image. No animals
105. NATURE/SCENIC (NO PEOPLE): Scenic or nature shot; any
animal (mammals, insects, sh, etc.) may be present in the
photograph. No people are allowed, but man-made objects
(such as roads, powerlines, fences, etc.) may be present.
people; otherwise, anything goes. Special eects
are encouraged.
107. KENTUCKY TOURISM - “Location, Location, Location”: Any
photo of a location - MUST be labeled with the name of the
location. MUST have been taken in 2024.
Page 41
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
ENTRY DROP OFF DAYS: SATURDAY, August 10 10:00am TO 5:00pm
AND SUNDAY, August 11, NOON TO 5:00pm
ENTRY PICK UP DAYS: MONDAY, August 26 9:00am TO 7:00pm
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at the drop o of entries.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$10 $8 $5
1. Exhibitors are limited to one entry in each class. Except
where stated, no sets will be permitted; only one item per
class is allowed.
2. Exhibitors will not be allowed to remove articles from this
department until Monday, August 26, at 9:00 a.m. Any
article not claimed by 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 26, will
be properly disposed of by the Kentucky State Fair.
3. All professional work will be barred in this department.
One who derives the major part of income from the type of
work being exhibited by him/her is considered a profes-
sional in this department.
4. An exhibitor winning rst prize in a class one year is barred
from exhibiting the same article in that class at any subse-
quent Kentucky State Fair.
5. The Fair will not act as a selling agency. No articles may be
shown in this department with a “For Sale tag. Any sales
made of articles exhibited in this department will be be-
tween the owner and the prospective purchaser.
6. Honorable Mention Ribbons will be awarded at judges
7. Unless otherwise specied, all entries in this department
must be the work of the exhibitor. Items must have been
completed within the last ve (5) years.
Page 42
Best of Show: Leathercraft will be given a Rosette & $5
1. Original work in leather (“Original” means that the item must
be original in patterning and of the entrant’s own design. No
kits. No artwork or pattern from existing sources.)
2. Carved article
3. Carved pictures
4. Any leathercraft article - Junior Class (Class 6 is open to any
one who has not reached his or her 18th birthday as of
August 1 of the current year.)
5. Vintage style leather item (A reproduction of any leather
item made in a particular time from the beginning of
mankind to today.)
6. Any leather belt that is Carved, Stamped, Braided, etc. and is
ready to wear
7. Leather basket (Any basket woven with leather. May have
wood bottom or leather bottom; or wood ribbed or
Appalachian style basket)
8. Any handcrafted leather item with a design made by
Best of Show: Woodwork (entries in classes 13-18, 21, 22) - Rosette & $5
Best of Show: Woodturning (entries in classes 19, 20) - Rosette & $5
13 Any woodcrafted article not to exceed 24” x 24” x 24”.
Woodcarving entries are not eligible for this award.
14 Any small article made of painted wood, no larger than
24” x 24”. Examples: wall shelf, book rack, etc.
(No furniture allowed.)
15 Any small article made of natural or stained wood, no larger
than 24” x 24”. Examples: wall shelf, book rack, etc.
(No furniture allowed.)
16 Scrollsaw Wood Craft
17 Miscellaneous woodcraft article. Size must not exceed
36” x 36” x 36”.
18 Furniture – small novelty or occasional piece. Size not to
exceed 48” x 48” x 48”.
19 Turned wood - decorative article - something made for
aesthetic value. (Turned wood items must not exceed 16” in
diameter.) Size must not exceed 36” x 36” x 36” in
other dimensions.
20 Turned wood - utility article - something made to be used
(Turned wood items must not exceed 16” in diameter.) Size
must not exceed 36” x 36” x 36” in other dimensions.
21 Any inlaid wood object. Examples: table top, picture, serving
tray, etc. Size not to exceed 36” x 36” x 36”
22 Utility item (Not a decorative item - something that can be
used) Size not to exceed 36” x 36” x 36”
23 Junior Class- Any woodcrafter article not to exceed
24” x 24” x 24”. Eligible for any one who has not reached their
18th birthday by August 1 of the current year.
Free-standing woodcarving items must not stand taller than 7 feet from its base and must be rmly balanced when safely displayed at
the discretion of the management. Wood carvings estimated at over 80 pounds must rest on the oor or on a low base (no pedestal)
for in-the-round viewing. Woodcarvings designed for wall display must be equipped with wire for hanging.
Best of Show: Woodcarving (entries in classes 24-31). Winner is awarded rosette, medallion, $50, and name on woodcarving trophy
24 Caricature carving (human, animal, golf ball, egg head, etc.)
25 Chip carving
26 Religious carving
27 Wildlife carving
28 Christmas carving
29 Relief carving
30 Carving in the round
31 Carved design article not mentioned (entries in this class
may be moved to a more appropriate class at the
judge’s discretion, which is nal).
Page 43
The carving portion of Class 32 and 33 entries must predominate. Lathe work is not permitted. Entries may be painted, stained,
waxed, woodburned, or left natural.
Best of Show: Walking Sticks, Canes, & Hiking Staffs - Rosette & $5
32 Hand-carved walking stick or cane (less than 50 inches in
33 Hand-carved hiking sta (at least 50 inches but not more
than 60 inches in length)
For Class 34 and 35 entries, lathe work, leather, feathers, metal, rope, etc., are permitted. Entries may be painted, stained, waxed,
woodbuned, or left natural.
Best of Show: Walking Sticks, Canes, & Hiking Staffs - Rosette & $5
34 Hand-crafted walking stick or cane (less than 50 inches in
35 Hand-crafted hiking sta (at least 50 inches but not more
than 60 inches in length)
No larger than 30” x 30” x 30”
Best of Show: Models - Rosette & $5
37 Wooden model
38 Scratch built model (Less than 30% kit parts)
Page 44
All entries must be in scale to their class. For security of contents, anything exposed should be covered with Plexiglass or similar
product. No more than 30% plastic items are allowed in Classes 40, 47, 48, 49, 50, and 51. No live plants are allowed in any class.
Dimensions listed are width and depth added together, including the base. Lego displays will not be allowed in ANY miniature
class. Entry must have been started and completed within the last ve years.
Best of Show: Miniatures to be determined by Judge (Exhibit only dollhouses, will not be entered for competition but will be with
other dollhouses.)
40 Furnished Dollhouse, built from a kit or from scratch. No live
plants are allowed. Size is limited to 75” overall. This class
may include the work of two people entered under
one name.
41 Room box, not to exceed 50” overall, with oor, ceiling, and
at least three (3) walls
42 Landscape/exterior scene, not to exceed 50” overall
43 Small scale dollhouse, room box, or scene 1/2”, 1/4”, 1/144”
scale; not to exceed 40” overall
44 “I Did It My Way 1”, 1/2”, 1/4” scale; not to exceed 75” overall
45 Single miniature piece (1”, 1/2”, 1/4” scale) For example:
furniture, painting, needlework, etc. No manufactured
46 Vignette - scene or part of a room ( 1”, 1/2”, 1/4” scale) Not to
exceed 50” overall.
47 Fairy Theme Project. Size not to exceed 50” overall.
48 Junior 1 Display - room box, vignette, or landscape scene,
not to exceed 50” overall. Open to any entrant up to age 12
as of August 1 of the current year.
49 Junior 2 Display - room box, vignette, or landscape scene,
not to exceed 50” overall. Open to any entrant age 13-18 as
of August 1 of the current year.
50 Junior Dollhouse - Not to exceed 75” overall. Must have
been started and completed within the last 5 years
and built from a kit or from scratch. Open to any entrant up
to age 12 as of August 1 of current year.
51 Junior Dollhouse - Not to exceed 75” overall. Must have been
started and completed within the last 5 years and built from
a kit or scratch. Open to any entrant age 13-18 as of August 1
of current year.
Articial tree and decorations must be supplied by exhibitor. Height of tree must not exceed 3 1/2 feet, including stand. This does not
include the decoration on the top or bottom of the tree. Exhibitors must bring their own extension cords, if needed.
Best of Show: Decorated Trees - Rosette & $5
52 Any Small Decorated Christmas Tree. Up to 3 1/2 feet in
53 Any Small Decorated Tree for event or interest. Up to 3 1/2
feet in height
54 Decorated Tree for other holiday besides Christmas. Up to 3
1/2 feet in height
40 Furnished Dollhouse $35 $25 $15
41 Room Box 25 15 10
42 Landscape/exterior scene 20 15 10
43 Small scale dollhouse 25 15 10
44 “I Did It My Way” 25 15 10
45 Single Miniature Piece 20 15 10
46 Vignette 20 15 10
47 Fairy Theme Project 20 15 10
48 Junior 1 Display 15 12 10
49 Junior 2 Display 20 15 10
50 Junior Dollhouse - 12 y/o and under 20 15 10
51 Junior Dollhouse - 13-18 y/o 20 15 10
Best of Show Rosette
Page 45
All baskets must be hand crafted. Baskets should be constructed of natural weaving bers.
Best of Show: Basket Making, rosette and $5
Best of Show: Double Wall Basket, rosette and $25 given by Woven Together In Western Kentucky
Best of Show: Basket Made of Reed, rosette, and $25 given by the Bluegrass Basket Weavers
55 Any non-ribbed traditional at reed basket larger than 4” in
56 Any size reed basket made with a wooden base (excluding
57 Basket made from natural bers found in Kentucky
58 Double wall basket
59 Non-ribbed basket made of round reed, any size
60 Miniature basket, any non-ribbed style basket less than 4” in
61 Traditional Appalachian, ribbed basket no less than 4” in any
direction. This basket should be woven on an oak frame with
a series of ribs emerging from the lashing, binding parts of
the frame together.
62 Nantucket Basket, any shape or size allowed in which a
wooden mold has been used for shaping. Turned wooden
grooved base with stakes of hardwood or cane inserted in
the edge of the wooden base. Weavers are cane
with a wooden rim of hardwood or cane. If the wooden
base has a hole where it was attached to the mold
during weaving, it should be closed with a wooden plug and
63 Any other hand-crafted basket not mentioned
Handmade Flowers – Must be displayed in an arrangement no more than 12” in height.
Will be judged on owers only.
Flower Arrangements – Flowers must be the main element of the arrangement. No more than 30” in height, except for wreaths,
door, or wall decorations. Dried owers are permitted. No fresh cut or live owers are allowed.
Best of Show: Flower Arrangements (classes 65-77) - Rosette & $5
64 Handmade owers (silk or any other material)
65 Arrangement for mantel
66 Arrangement for Christmas
67 Arrangement for any other holiday
68 Most creative ower arrangement
69 Most attractive basket of owers
70 Wreath or door decoration
71 Wreath or Door Decoration for Christmas
(no other holiday arrangement allowed)
72 Holiday wall or door decoration (No Christmas decoration
Flowers must not be the main element in Classes 79 through 86. Must have clearly marked hangers. If an item is made of wood or
other solid material, the item must have screw eyes and wire on them, as pegboard hooks will not t on items with sawtooth hanger.
Items should be no larger than 48” x 48” x 48”. Please identify the top of wreathes with a hanger.
Best of Show: Decorations - Rosette & $5
79 Door or wall decoration made with wood
80 Door or wall decoration made with textiles
81 Door or wall decoration for holiday
82 Door or wall decoration for Christmas only
83 Any free-standing decoration made of wood or clay (No wall
or door decorations)
84 Free-standing decoration of any other material
85 Christmas ornament of any material other than fabric
86 Any free-standing arrangement or decoration for holiday
87 Any standing decorative arrangement for Christmas
88 Small Painted Rock (Size not to exceed 8” x 8”)
89 Large Painted Rock (Size not to exceed 12” x 12”)
90 Junior Class, any decoration. Eligible for any one who has not
reached their 18th birthday by August 1 of the current year.
91 Houshold Item made from recylable plastic bags
Page 46
Best of Show: Gourds (classes 116-119) - Rosette & $5
Best of Show: Handmade Jewelry (classes 120-126) - Rosette & $5
Best of Show: Egg Shell Craft (classes 129-131) -Rosette & $5
Best of Show: Scrapbooking (classes 133-138) - Rosette & $5
In classes 134-139, all entries must be unframed, mounted on any color 12” x 12” standard scrapbook paper and enclosed in a clear
plastic sheet protector, original design on paper. No photocopies will be accepted. Place entry tag on the left-hand side at the top of
the entry.
Best of Show: Paper Craft (classes 139-144) - Rosette & $5
Best of Show: Handmade Card (classes 145-147) - Rosette & $5
Greeting cards must be unframed and mounted on 8 1/2” x 11” poster board weight material. Please place card, unframed and
mounted in 8 1/2”x11” plastic sleeve. No postcards will be accepted, and entries are limited to the original work on paper (no pho-
tocopies accepted). Place entry tag on the left side of entry.
In classes 133-138 and 146-147, please enclose all handmade card entries in a clear plastic sheet protector appropriate for the size to
safeguard the page and/or card while on display at the Fair. Place entry tag on the left-hand side at the top of the entry.
THE ALMA WALLACE LESCH MEMORIAL AWARD, given by the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, will be presented for
any ber or textile work using innovation in color or technique. (One entry will be selected from Hobbies, Textiles, and Fine Arts &
Crafts departments.) It is not necessary to list this award on the entry form. All textile and ber items in Hobbies, Textiles, and Fine
Arts & Crafts departments are eligible.
116 Any painted Christmas gourd
117 Decorated gourd birdhouse, any type of gourd. Size must
not exceed 18”.
118 Any other painted gourd
119 Jewelry made with beads
120 Jewelry made of clay or wood
121 Jewelry made of seed beads
122 Jewelry made of metal. No precious metal, such as gold
and/or silver allowed.
123 Jewelry made of other materials. No metal except for ttings.
124 Jewelry made of any material - Junior Class (Class 123 is open
to anyone who has not reached his or her 18th birthday as of
August 1 of the current year.)
125 Jewelry Set- Necklace, Bracelet or Earrings
126 Any article made of bread dough or polymer clay
127 Any article of bread dough or polymer clay - Junior Class
(Class 126 is open to anyone who has not reached his or her
18th birthday as of August 1 of the current year.)
128 Any small egg shell ornament, for example: hen, duck, or
goose egg
No more than 18” in height. Limit of one piece per class
Best of Show: Overall Ceramic $100 Merchandise Coupon - National Artcraft Co.
Class 93 premiums are sponsored by the Southwest YaYa Ceramic Club.
92 Any glazed ceramic article
93 Any stained ceramic article Premiums: $35, $10, $5
94 Junior Class, Any stained ceramic article. Eligible for any one
who has not reached their 18th birthday by August 1 of the
current year.
Page 47
152 Variety of hobby items, not less than 5 nor more than 10
articles. All participants will receive a ribbon. No entry fee
required for this class. Must be entered in groups name with
tag on each item. Done by any group of people with special
153 Entry should be a type of hobby item. Only one article may
be entered per exhibitor. All exhibitors will receive a ribbon.
No entry fee is required for this class; all exhibitors must
submit an individual entry form. Done by an individual with
special needs.
Dimensions of 32” from hook to end.
Need to be able to hang.
Best of Show: Windchimes
Rosette, $5, and a one year membership to the Louisville Audubon Society provided by the Louisville Audubon Society.
149 Any Glass Windchime
150 Any Wood Windchime
151 Any Other Windchime
129 Any large egg shell ornament, for example: ostrich or emu
130 Decorated Egg Contest *Egg should be decorated to repre
sent some special feature or features of Kentucky *Only large
chicken eggs are to be used (contents removed). *Small end
of egg should be facing up. *Artist must be resident of
Kentucky. [Premiums in Class this class will be provided by
the Kentucky Poultry Federation.]
131 Any article using woodburning technique. Will be judged on
burning only.
132 Scrapbook page depicting a family
133 Scrapbook page depicting a vacation
134 Scrapbook page depicting a holiday
135 Scrapbook page depicting a birthday
136 Miscellaneous scrapbook page (subject other than those
listed above)
137 Miscellaneous scrapbook page - Junior Class (Class 136 is
open to anyone who has not reached his or her
18th birthday as of August 1 of the current year.)
138 Any Quilling Paper Craft Item
139 Any Paper Craft Item (No scrapbook, no greeting card)
140 Paper Craft Book
141 Paper Lantern
142 Paper Mache (animal, bird, or fantasy creature)
143 Junior Class- Any paper craft article (Class 139 is open to
anyone who has not reached his or her 18th birthday as of
August 1 of the current year.)
144 Greeting card, any theme
145 Dimensional or hand-painted card
146 Holiday card
147 Macramé, any article
148 Decoupage, any article
Page 48
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
1. This department is open to exhibitors 21 years of age and
older as of August 1.
2. Entrants are limited to one entry in each subclass and a
maximum of 20 total entries. Please note that additional
information is required for styles below marked with “**”.
3. Homebrew Beer entries should be brought to the Depart-
ment located in the East Hall on Wednesday, August 7 be-
tween 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The rst session of judging
will be held on Friday, August 9 at 7:00 p.m. The second
session of judging will be held on Saturday, August 10 at
9:30 a.m., with the third session following at 12:30 p.m.
Best of Show selection will follow this session. Please con-
sider attending the award ceremony in the South Wing of
the KY State Fairgrounds at approximately 4:30 PM Eastern
time on August 10th. Ribbons, medals and prizes will be
presented at that time and many of the beers entered will
be available to sample (you may bring additional bottles of
your entries to share). A ticket is not required and parking
is free.
4. Beers produced in a commercially licensed facility are
5. Once you have completed your entries through the online
entry system, you will print your completed Bottle ID form
for each entry from the website. The Bottle ID form will
be located under the Entry Tag button. Click the Entry Tag
button and click Print. Every BOTTLE or CAN must have a
completed bottle ID form axed with a rubber band. Do
not glue or tape these labels to the bottles.
6. Each BEER, MEAD & CIDER entry must consist of two (2)
bottles or cans. BEER, MEAD, and CIDER entries must be
in bottles or cans that hold a minimum of 10 ounces in
volume, and that will t in a standard case box slot. The
measurements of a standard case box slot are 2.75 inches
long x 2.75 inches wide x 9 inches high (7 cm x 7 cm x 22.9
cm). Bottles or cans may be of any color and must be free
of ink, paint, or paper labeling other than competition
entry label. Obliterate any lettering or graphics on the cap
with a permanent black marker. Bottles with Grölsch-type
swing tops and 22 oz Bomber bottles are not allowed.
Corked bottles and odd-shaped bottles are acceptable as
long as they can t in a standard case box slot (2.75 inches
L x 2.75 in W x 9 in H; 7 cm x 7 cm x 22.9 cm). Bottles with
raised lettering are acceptable if they t in a standard case
box slot. Bottles not meeting the above requirements will
be disqualied.
7. SHIPPING/PACKAGING: Entries may be shipped via UPS or
Federal Express. (Do not use U.S. mail) All postage must be
prepaid. Ship to: Homebrew Beer Department, c/o Entry
Department, Kentucky State Fair, 937 Phillips Lane, Louis-
ville, KY 40209. It is suggested that each bottle be wrapped
in a section of newspaper or bubble wrap and placed in a
six pack carrier. Fill all the voids with wadded newspaper
or packing material. Line shipping box with a plastic trash
bag. Completely ll box with packing material to prevent
rattling of bottles. Label box This End Up and “Fragile”.
Package must arrive by August 6. Check with your local
homebrew shop to see if they will be collecting and trans-
porting beers to the competition.
8. On Monday, August 26, awards will be released from 12:00
noon - 2:00 p.m. Any awards not claimed by 2:00 p.m. will
be mailed to the exhibitors.
9. All entries will become the property of the Kentucky State
Fair and will not be released after the exhibit.
10. Entries will be judged according to the 2021 revision of the
Beer Judge Certication Program (BJCP) beer style guide-
lines. Categories are designated by class numbers, and
subcategories are designated with letters. These can be
found at
11. Beers are judged according to the style guidelines for the
category and subcategory as listed by the entrant. Direc-
tors, judges, or registrars will not classify or reclassify any
entry under any circumstances. All entries requiring addi-
tional information, per the BJCP guidelines, will be noted in
the registration process, and the brewer is responsible for
providing this information on their entry when registering.
The superintendent reserves the right to combine classes
to create a ight for judging and prize purposes.
12. First, second, and third places will be awarded to the top
Page 49
three eligible entries in each judging ight. The rst place
winner in each judging ight will advance to the Home-
brew Beer “Best of Show round. Please note that rst place
winners in Mead & Cider will advance to the Mead and
Cider “Best of Show round. In addition, no more than two
honorable mention ribbons will be awarded per judging
ight, if so deemed by the judges.
13. Brewer of the Year Award: All beers will be judged accord-
ing to the relative merits within their class (Classes 1-40).
First place winner will receive four points, second place
winner will receive three points, third place winner will
receive two points, and honorable mention winner will re-
ceive one point. The contestant with the most total points
at the end of judging wins “Brewer of the Year.
14. St. Arnold Award: All beers will be judged according to
the relative merits within their class. First place winner will
receive four points, second place winner will receive three
points, third place winner will receive two points, and hon-
orable mention will receive one point. A minimum of six
entries is required to be eligible. The total points divided by
the number of entries will provide the eciency score for
this award. The contestant with the highest eciency score
will win the “St. Arnold Award.
** Entries with two asterisks (**) have additional information required when entries are submitted! See instructions below, or refer
to the BJCP Style Guidelines.
American Standard Beer
01A. American Light Lager
01B. American Lager
01C. Cream Ale
27A. Pre-Prohibition Lager
International Pale Lager
02A. International Pale Lager
03A. Czech Pale Lager
05A. German Leichtbier
05C. German Helles Exportbier
European Pale Malty Lager
04A. Munich Helles
04B. Festbier
04C. Helles Bock
27B. Kellerbier- Helles **
European Pale Bitter Lager
03B. Czech Premium Pale Lager
05D. German Pils
27C. Kellerbier - Pilsner
European Amber Beer
02B. International Amber Lager
03C. Czech Amber Lager
06A. Märzen
07A. Vienna Lager
07B. Altbier
27D. Kellerbier - Märzen
European Dark Lager
02C. International Dark Lager
03D. Czech Dark Lager
08A. Munich Dunkel
08B. Schwarzbier
27E. Kellerbier - Dunkel
European Bock & Strong Beer
06C. Dunkels Bock
09A. Dopplebock - Dark **
09A. Dopplebock - Pale **
09B. Eisbock
09C. Baltic Porter
10C. Weizenbock - Dark **
10C. Weizenbock - Pale **
European Wheat & Rye Beer
10A. Weissbier
10B. Dunkels Weissbier
24A. Witbier
27F. Roggenbier
27G. Sahti
International Pale Bitter Beer
05B. Kölsch
11A. Ordinary Bitter
11B. Best Bitter
11C. Strong Bitter
12A. British Golden Ale
12B. Australian Sparkling Ale
12C. English IPA
X5. New Zealand Pilsner
British Amber & Brown Ale
13A. Dark Mild
13B. British Brown Ale
13C. English Porter
14A. Scottish Light
14B. Scottish Heavy
14C. Scottish Export
15A. Irish Red Ale
27H. London Brown Ale
British Stout Ale
15B. Irish Stout
15C. Irish Extra Stout
16A. Sweet Stout
16B. Oatmeal Stout
16C. Tropical Stout
16D. Foreign Export Stout
Page 50
American Blond & Wheat Ale
01D. American Wheat Beer
18A. Blonde Ale
American Pale Ale
18B. American Pale Ale
American IPA
21A. American IPA
Specialty IPA
21B. Belgian IPA **
21B. Black IPA **
21B. Brown IPA **
21B. Brut IPA **
21B. Red IPA **
21B. Rye IPA **
21B. White IPA **
21C. Hazy IPA
22A. Double IPA
American Amber & Brown Ale
19A. American Amber Ale
19B. California Common
19C. American Brown Ale
27I. Kentucky Common
American Porter & Stout
20A. American Porter
20B. American Stout
20C. Imperial Stout
27J. Pre-Prohibition Porter
Strong Ale
17A. English Strong Ale
17B. Old Ale
17C. Wee Heavy
17D. English Barleywine
22B. American Strong Ale
22C. American Barleywine
22D. Wheatwine
Belgian & French Ale
24B. Belgian Pale Ale
24C. Bière de Garde**
25A. Belgian Blond Ale
25B. Saison - Standard, Dark **
25B. Saison - Standard, Pale **
25B. Saison - Table, Dark **
25B. Saison - Table, Pale **
26A. Belgian Single
Belgian & French Strong Ale
25C. Saison - Strong, Dark
25C. Saison - Super, Pale
25D. Belgian Golden Strong Ale
26B. Belgian Dubbel
26C. Belgian Tripel
26D. Belgian Dark Strong Ale
European Sour Ale
23A. Berliner Weisse
23B. Flanders Red Ale
23C. Oud Bruin
23D. Lambic
23E. Gueuze
23F. Fruit Lambic**
23G. Gose
American Wild Ale
28A. Brett Beer**
28B. Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer**
28C. Wild Specialty Beer**
28D. Straight Sour Beer**
Fruit Beer
29A. Fruit Beer**
29B. Fruit and Spice Beer**
29C. Specialty Fruit Beer**
29D. Grape Ale
Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer
30A. Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer**
30B. Autumn Seasonal Beer**
30C. Winter Seasonal Beer**
30D. Specialty Spice Beer**
Wood-Aged Beer
33A. Wood-Aged Beer**
33B. Specialty Wood-Aged Beer**
Smoked Beer
06B. Rauchbier
27K. Lichtenhainer
27L. Piwo Grodziskie
32A. Classic Style Smoked Beer**
32B. Specialty Smoked Beer**
Specialty Beer
31A. Alternative Grain Beer**
31B. Alternative Sugar Beer**
34A. Commercial Specialty Beer**
34B. Mixed-Style Beer**
34C. Experimental Beer**
Traditional Mead
35A. Dry Mead**
35B. Semi-Sweet Mead**
35C. Sweet Mead**
Fruit Mead
36A. Cyser**
36B. Pyment**
36C. Berry Mead**
36D. Stone Fruit Mead**
36E. Melomel**
Spice Mead
37A. Fruit & Spice Mead**
37B. Spice, Herb, Vegetable Mead**
Specialty Mead
38A. Braggot**
38B. Historical Mead**
38C. Experimental Mead**
Standard Cider & Perry
39A. New World Cider**
39B. English Cider**
39C. French Cider**
39D. New World Perry**
39E. Traditional Perry**
Specialty Cider & Perry
40A. New England Cider**
40B. Cider with Other Fruit**
40C. Applewine**
40D. Ice Cider**
40E. Cider with Herbs/Spices**
40F. Specialty Cider/Perry**
Page 51
** Additional Detail Needed
9A DOPPELBOCK Entry Instructions: The entrant will specify whether
the entry is a pale or a dark variant.
10C WEIZENBOCK Entry Instructions: The entrant will specify whether
the entry is a pale or a dark version.
21B SPECIALTY IPA Entry Instructions: Entrant must specify a strength
(session, standard, double); if no strength is specied, standard will be
assumed. Entrant must specify specic type of Specialty IPA from the
library of known types listed in the Style Guidelines, or as amended by
the BJCP website; or the entrant must describe the type of Specialty
IPA and its key characteristics in comment form so judges will know
what to expect. Entrants may specify specic hop varieties used, if en-
trants feel that judges may not recognize the varietal characteristics of
newer hops. Entrants may specify a combination of dened IPA types
(e.g., Black Rye IPA) without providing additional descriptions. Entrants
may use this category for a dierent strength version of an IPA dened
by its own BJCP subcategory (e.g., session-strength American or En-
glish IPA) – except where an existing BJCP subcategory already exists
for that style (e.g., double [American] IPA). Currently Dened Types:
Black IPA, Brown IPA, White IPA, Rye IPA, Belgian IPA, Red IPA.
23F FRUIT LAMBIC Entry Instructions: The type of fruit used must be
specied. The brewer must declare a carbonation level (low, medium,
high) and a sweetness level (low/none, medium, high).
24C BIERE DE GARDE Entry Instructions: Entrant must specify blond,
amber, or brown bière de garde.
If no color is specied, the judge should attempt to judge based on
initial observation, expecting a malt avor and balance that matches
the color.
25B/C SAISON Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify the
strength (table, standard, strong) and the color (pale, dark).
27 HISTORICAL BEER Entry Instuctions: entrants have the ability to
select each BJCP dened historical style when entering online. No
additional information is required. Historical styles will be grouped
with similar beer styles for judging as shown above.
28A BRETT BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify either
a base beer style (Classic Style, or a generic style family) or provide a
description of the ingredients/specs/desired character. The entrant
must specify if a 100% Brett fermentation was conducted. The entrant
may specify the strain(s) of Brettanomyces used.
28B MIXED-FERMENTATION SOUR BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant
must specify a description of the beer, identifying the yeast/ bacteria
used and either a base style or the ingredients/specs/target character
of the beer.
28C WILD SPECIALTY BEER Entry Instructions: Entrant must specify the
type of fruit, spice, herb, or wood used. Entrant must specify a descrip-
tion of the beer, identifying the yeast/bacteria used and either a base
style or the ingredients/specs/target character of the beer. A general
description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required
29A FRUIT BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify a base
style, but the declared style does not have to be a Classic Style. The
entrant must specify the type(s) of fruit used. Soured fruit beers that
aren’t lambics should be entered in the American Wild Ale category.
29B FRUIT & SPICE BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify a
base style; the declared style does not have to be a Classic Style. The
entrant must specify the type of fruit and spices, herbs, or vegetables
(SHV) used; individual SHV ingredients do not need to be specied if a
well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., apple pie spice).
29C SPECIALTY FRUIT BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify
a base style; the declared style does not have to be a Classic Style. The
entrant must specify the type of fruit used. The entrant must specify
the type of additional fermentable sugar or special process employed.
30A SPICE, HERB, OR VEGETABLE BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant
must specify a base style, but the declared style does not have to be a
Classic Style. The entrant must specify the type of spices, herbs, or veg-
etables used, but individual ingredients do not need to be specied if
a well-known spice blend is used (e.g., apple pie spice, curry powder,
chili powder).
30B AUTUMN SEASONAL BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must
specify a base style, but the declared style does not have to be a
Classic Style. The entrant must specify the type of spices, herbs, or
vegetables used; individual ingredients do not need to be specied if a
well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., pumpkin pie spice). The beer
must contain spices, and may contain vegetables and/or sugars.
30C WINTER SEASONAL BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must
specify a base style, but the declared style does not have to be a Clas-
sic Style. The entrant must specify the type of spices, sugars, fruits, or
additional fermentables used; individual ingredients do not need to be
specied if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., mulling spice).
31A ALTERNATIVE GRAIN BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must
specify a base style, but the declared style does not have to be a Clas-
sic Style. The entrant must specify the type of alternative grain used.
31B ALTERNATIVE SUGAR BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must
specify a base style, but the declared style does not have to be a Clas-
sic Style. The entrant must specify the type of sugar used.
32A CLASSIC STYLE SMOKED BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must
specify a Classic Style base beer. The entrant must specify the type of
wood or smoke if a varietal smoke character is noticeable.
32B SPECIALTY SMOKED BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must
specify a base beer style; the base beer does not have to be a Classic
Style. The entrant must specify the type of wood or smoke if a varietal
smoke character is noticeable. The entrant must specify the additional
ingredients or processes that make this a specialty smoked beer.
33A WOOD-AGED BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify
the type of wood used and the char level (if charred). The entrant must
specify the base style; the base style can be either a classic BJCP style
(i.e., a named subcategory) or may be a generic type of beer (e.g.,
porter, brown ale). If an unusual wood has been used, the entrant
must supply a brief description of the sensory aspects the wood adds
to beer.
33B SPECIALTY WOOD-AGED BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant
must specify the additional alcohol character, with information about
the barrel if relevant to the nished avor prole. The entrant must
specify the base style; the base style can be either a classic BJCP style
(i.e., a named subcategory) or may be a generic type of beer (e.g.,
porter, brown ale). If an unusual wood or ingredient has been used,
the entrant must supply a brief description of the sensory aspects the
ingredients add to the beer.
34A COMMERCIAL SPECIALTY BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant
must specify the name of the commercial beer being cloned, specica-
tions (vital statistics) for the beer, and either a brief sensory description
or a list of ingredients used in making the beer. Without this informa-
tion, judges who are unfamiliar with the beer will have no basis for
Page 52
34B MIXED STYLE BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify
the styles being mixed. The entrant may provide an additional de-
scription of the sensory prole of the beer or the vital statistics of the
resulting beer.
34C EXPERIMENTAL BEER Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify
the special nature of the experimental beer, including the special in-
gredients or processes that make it not t elsewhere in the guidelines.
The entrant must provide vital statistics for the beer, and either a brief
sensory description or a list of ingredients used in making the beer.
Without this information, judges will have no basis for comparison.
35A DRY MEAD Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead Guide-
lines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level and strength. Sweetness is assumed to be DRY in this category.
Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
35B SEMI-SWEET MEAD Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead
Guidelines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level and strength. Sweetness is assumed to be SEMI-SWEET in this
category. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
35C SWEET MEAD Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead
Guidelines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level and strength. Sweetness is assumed to be SWEET in this category.
Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
36A CYSER Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead Guidelines for
entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation level, strength,
and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MAY
specify the varieties of apple used; if specied, a varietal character will
be expected. Products with a relatively low proportion of honey are
better entered as a Specialty Cider. A spiced cyser should be entered
as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A cyser with other fruit should be entered
as a melomel. A cyser with additional ingredients should be entered as
an Experimental Mead.
36B PYMENT Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead Guide-
lines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
Entrants MAY specify the varieties of grape used; if specied, a varietal
character will be expected. A spiced pyment (hippocras) should be
entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A pyment made with other fruit
should be entered as a melomel. A pyment with other ingredients
should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
36C BERRY MEAD Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead Guide-
lines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation level,
strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. En-
trants MUST specify the varieties of fruit used. A mead made with both
berries and non-berry fruit (including apples and grapes) should be
entered as a melomel. A berry mead that is spiced should be entered
as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A berry mead containing other ingredients
should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
36D STONE FRUIT MEAD Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead
Guidelines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
Entrants MUST specify the varieties of fruit used. A stone fruit mead
that is spiced should be entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A stone
fruit mead that contains non-stone fruit should be entered as a
melomel. A stone fruit mead that contains other ingredients should be
entered as an Experimental Mead.
36E MELOMEL Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead Guide-
lines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
Entrants MUST specify the varieties of fruit used. A melomel that is
spiced should be entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A melomel con-
taining other ingredients should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
Melomels made with either apples or grapes as the only fruit source
should be entered as a Cyser or Pyment, respectively. Melomels with
apples or grapes, plus other fruit should be entered in this category,
not Experimental Mead.
37A FRUIT & SPICED MEAD Entry Instructions: See Introduction to
Mead Guidelines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify car-
bonation level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey
varieties. Entrants MUST specify the types of spices used, (although
well-known spice blends may be referred to by common name, such
as apple pie spices). Entrants MUST specify the types of fruits used. If
only combinations of spices are used, enter as a Spice, Herb, or Vegeta-
ble Mead. If only combinations of fruits are used, enter as a melomel. If
other types of ingredients are used, enter as an Experimental Mead.
37B SPICED, HERB, OR VEGETABLE MEAD Entry Instructions: See Intro-
duction to Mead Guidelines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST
specify carbonation level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY
specify honey varieties. Entrants MUST specify the types of spices used
(although well-known spice blends may be referred to by common
name, such as apple pie spices).
38A BRAGGOT Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead Guide-
lines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
Entrants MAY specify the base style or beer or types of malt used.
Products with a relatively low proportion of honey should be entered
as an Alternative Sugar Beer.
38B HISTORICAL MEAD Entry Instructions: See Introduction to Mead
Guidelines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
Entrants MUST specify the special nature of the mead, providing a
description of the mead for judges if no such description is available
from the BJCP.
38C EXPERIMENTAL MEAD Entry Instructions: See Introduction to
Mead Guidelines for entry requirements. Entrants MUST specify
carbonation level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify
honey varieties. Entrants MUST specify the special nature of the mead,
whether it is a combination of existing styles, an experimental mead,
or some other creation. Any special ingredients that impart an identi-
able character MAY be declared.
39A NEW WORLD CIDER Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify car-
bonation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 catego-
ries). If OG is substantially above typical range, entrant should explain,
e.g., particular variety of apple giving high-gravity juice.
39B ENGLISH CIDER Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify carbon-
ation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (dry through
medium-sweet, 4 levels). Entrants MAY specify variety of apple for a
single varietal cider; if specied, varietal character will be expected.
39C FRENCH CIDER Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify carbon-
ation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (medium to
sweet only, 3 levels). Entrants MAY specify variety of apple for a single
varietal cider; if specied, varietal character will be expected.
39D NEW WORLD PERRY Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify
carbonation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 cate-
39E TRADITIONAL PERRY Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify
carbonation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 cate-
gories). Entrants MUST state variety of pear(s) used.
40A NEW ENGLAND CIDER Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify if
the cider was barrel-fermented or aged. Entrants MUST specify carbon-
ation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 levels).
40B CIDER W/OTHER FRUIT Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify
Page 53
carbonation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 cate-
gories). Entrants MUST specify all fruit(s) and/or fruit juice(s) added.
40C APPLEWINE Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify carbonation
level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 levels).
40D ICE CIDER Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify starting
gravity, nal gravity or residual sugar, and alcohol level. Entrants MUST
specify carbonation level (3 levels).
40E CIDER WITH HERBS/SPICES Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST
specify carbonation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness
(5 categories). Entrants MUST specify all botanicals added. If hops are
used, entrant must specify variety/varieties used.
40F SPECIALTY CIDER/PERRY Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify
all ingredients. Entrants MUST specify carbonation level (3 levels).
Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 categories).
Awards Ceremony will begin at approximately 4:30PM with refreshments
South Wing Conference Center
Page 54
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
1. Please note: You must be preregistered to enter.
2. This department is open to exhibitors 21 years of age and
older as of August 1.
3. All wines must be brought to the Wine Department located
in the East Hall on Thursday, August 8 between 9:00 am
to 6:00 pm. or Friday, August 9, between 9:00 am and 6:00
p.m. Entrants must submit two (2) bottles of wine, one for
judging and one for display.
4. All wines entered must have been processed by fermen-
tation, produced and bottled exclusively by the entrant.
Wines may be made from grapes/fruit grown anywhere,
or from grape/fruit concentrate. Wine kits and concen-
trate-based wines will compete side-by-side with fresh fruit
and juice-based wines in all listed classes.
5. Still wine must be contained in a standard 750 ml. wine
bottle and be sealed with a natural or synthetic cork.
6. No splits, half bottles, or whiskey bottles will be accepted.
7. Bottles of wine that are to be judged must have State Fair
entry tag taped to the bottle (no personal label is needed).
The wine to be judged must be identied by type of grape,
fruit, berry, or concentrate. The second bottle, which will be
displayed, may be labeled with a personal label. However,
this bottle must also have the State Fair entry tag tied to
the bottle. If the winemaker grew his/her own variety of
grapes in Kentucky, this should be written on the entry tag.
Wines made from Kentucky-grown grapes (by the wine-
maker) will be considered for the Jean Jacques du Four
8. Wines are judged wih the UC Davis scoring system.
9. If in the judges’ opinion, a wine is not worthy of mention,
no points will be awarded. Fewer than 4 awards may be
made in each category.
10. Entrants may not make more than one entry per class, and
no single variety and vintage may be shown in more than
one class.
11. Amateur winemakers may not use the facilities or products
of a commercial winery during any stage of wine prepara-
tion, other than juices that have been sulted (containing
only sulte). Each exhibitor will be asked to sign a certied
statement indicating the entrant is the bona de proces-
sor of the wine being entered. Any person (entrant) found
guilty of violating this rule will forfeit all prizes.
12. No wine bottles may be removed from the department
before 10:00 a.m. on Monday, August 26. Wine will be
released between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Au-
gust 26. All wines not claimed by 6:00 p.m. on Monday will
be disposed of. Wine may be picked up only on this date.
13. No commercial wines may be entered.
14. No wines may be entered by a member of the family of a
competition judge or of the pouring team.
15. A wine that has received an award in a previous Kentucky
State Fair competition is not eligible for entry.
16. It is incumbent that the wine maker identify the primary
grape, fruit, or concentrate on the tag of the bottle submit-
ted for judging.
17. Entrants who are amateur winemakers may also participate
in the wine label contest to be held during the wine judg-
ing activity on August 8. 10:00 a.m. One entry allowed per
class. (See Class 23 for instructions)
Page 55
Thomas Jefferson Chapter of the American Wine Society Sanctioned Show
Class Awards:
1st place – Blue Ribbon
2nd place – Red Ribbon
3rd place – White Ribbon
Honorable Mention Ribbon
Goblets provided by Winemaker and Beer Supply Shop, Michelle and Jeff Vincent Owners.
THE JEAN-JACQUES DU FOUR AWARD: special recognition will be given to the best judged wine that is made exclusively
from grapes grown only in Kentucky by the winemaker. Qualied wines will be judged by a nal tasting to determine the winner.
Winner will receive a Rosette and Puter Cup from Brueisenhoff Enterprises.
All wines will be judged according to their relative merits within their class. First place winners will receive four points, second place
winners will receive three points, third place winners will receive two points, honorable mention winners will receive one point. The
top ve wines of each contest will be totaled, and the winemaker with the most points at the end of the judging wins Winemaker of
the Year. Point ties will be broken by counting the number of blue ribbons, Exhibitor with the most blue ribbons is determined the
winner. After receiving The Wine Maker of the Year award, three (3) years must pass (exclusive of the current winning year) before
you are eligible for this award. Winner will recieve a Rosette and trophy from Forest Edge Winery.
BEST OF SHOW: THE GEORGE WESSEL AWARD: All wines will be judged according to their relative merits within their
class, and rst place winners in each class shall be eligible for the “Best of Show” competition. The “Best of Show” winner will be
that wine which is judged to be superior in its class and has an overall enological excellence that surpasses all other wines in the
competition. Winner will recieve a Rosette and Silver tray from the Thomas Jefferson Chapter of the American Wine Society.
Best Chardonnay - in memory of Juanita Willman - sponsored by the Willman and Whitworth Families
Best Sauvignon Blanc - in memory of Michael Willman Sr. - sponsored by the Willman and Whitworth Families
Best Cabernet Sauvignon - in memory of Dave & Dina Steckfus - sponsored by the Winemaker and Beer Supply Shop
Best Red Vinifera - in memory of David R. Miller - sponsored by Full Mooners of Kentucky Wine Club
Corkscrews provided by Bristol Bar and Grille.
1 CHARDONNAY - Table wine made from Chardonnay grapes,
juice, or concentrate. Dry in character.
2 SAUVIGNON BLANC - Table wine made from Sauvignon
Blanc grapes, juice, or concentrates. Dry, semi-dry, semi-
sweet, or sweet in character.
3 ALL OTHER WHITE VINIFERA – Table wines made from
Vinifera species grape; dry or semi-dry in character;
a) Riesling, b) Other Varietals (Muscat, etc.), Blends and
4 CABERNET SAUVIGNON - Table wine made from Cabernet
Sauvignon grapes, juice, or concentrate. Dry in character.
5 MERLOT - Table wine made from Merlot grapes, juice, or
concentrates, dry in character.
6 PINOT NOIR - Table wine made from Pinot Noir grapes, juice,
or concentrate. Dry in character.
7 SHIRAZ/SYRAH - Table wine made with Shiraz, Syrah, or
Petite Sirah grapes, juice, or concentrate. Dry in character.
8 OTHER RED VINIFERA - Table wines made from Vinifera
species grapes, juice, concentrate, and blends. Dry in
character (Examples: Zinfandel, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, Petit
Verdot, Barbera, etc.)
9 WHITE HYBRID - Table wines made from white grapes
crossed from more than one species. Juice, concentrate, and
blends (Examples: Seyal Blanc, Vidal Blanc, etc.) Dry, semi-
sweet, or sweet in character.
10 RED HYBRID - Table wines made from red grapes crossed
with more than one species. Juice, concentrate, and blends
(Examples: Chambourcin, Chancellor, etc.) Dry in character.
11 WHITE NATIVE - Table wines made from white North
American species of grapes, juice, concentrate, or blends.
(Examples: Niagara, Diamond, Catawba, etc.) Dry,
semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
12 OTHER RED NATIVE - Table wines made from red North
American species of grapes, juice, concentrate, or blends.
(Examples: Norton, Ives, etc.) Dry, semi-sweet, or sweet in
13 CONCORD - Table wine made from Concord grapes, juice, or
concentrate. Dry, semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
14 ROSE’ - Pink or rose-colored table wines made from red
grapes, blends of white and red grapes, or concentrate. Dry,
semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
15 DESSERT – Sweet wines suitable for drinking with or after
dessert. a) Fortied Wines, to which alcoholic spirits
have been added. (Examples: Port, Sherry); b) Sweet Natural
Wines (Examples: Sweet Riesling, Malaga, Late-harvest styles,
Page 56
Labels must reect good taste, and must be submitted as they would appear on the bottle (including standard information on a wine
label). Label should be mounted on white poster board (or equal material), size 8 1/2” x 11”, with entrant’s full name and address
printed on the back. Labels should be entered during the same hours as wine entries and will be judged and displayed on Saturday
morning, August 10.
Best Wine Label - sponsored by Mike’s Art and Frames, Louisville KY.
23 Label made by amateur. Computer art is allowed. No
pre-printed, purchased labels will be allowed.
Come and watch your wine being judged.
South Wing Conference Center
Judging begins Saturday, August 10 at 10:00AM
Awards Ceremony will begin at approximately 3:00PM
16 PEACH WINE - Table wine made from peaches, juice, or
concentrate. Dry, semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
17 ALL OTHER FRUIT WINES– Table wines made from all other
fruits, juice, or concentrate, except peach. (Examples: Cherry,
Pear, Apple, etc.) Dry, semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
18 BLACKBERRY WINE - Table wine made from blackberries,
juice, or concentrate. Dry, semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
19 STRAWBERRY WINE - Table wine made from strawberries,
juice, or concentrate. Dry, semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
20 ALL OTHER BERRY WINES - Table wines made from all other
berries except blackberries and strawberries, juice, or
concentrate. (Examples: Raspberries, Elderberries, etc.). Dry,
semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
21 GRAPE AND NON-GRAPE BLENDS - Table wine made from
grapes and a blend of non-grape juices or concentrates. Dry,
semi-sweet, or sweet in character.
22 OTHER – Table wine produced from sources other than
grapes, fruits, berries, (juices, concentrates, or blends) –
(Examples: Rhubarb, Dandelion, Melon, Mead, etc.). Dry,
semi-sweet, or sweet in character. NOTE: If you want to enter
a Mead BEER, please see the Homebrew Beer Department,
Classes 28, 29, 30, and 31.
Page 57
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$8 $6 $4
*Premium support in Honor of Cathrine H. & Lloyd E. Metcalf - sponsored by Carol & Michael McLaughlin
1. Please read the Plants and Flowers section in its entirety for
correct divisions and classes as changes have been made.
It is the responsibility of exhibitors to accurately register
their entries prior to check-in. If an entry is misidentied or
otherwise described as something it is not, it may still be
displayed but will not be judged. For Kentucky State Fair
purposes, all plants and owers are considered horticul-
tural because they are cultivated in gardens, orchards, or
indoors as potted houseplants.
2. All horticultural exhibits will be accepted from 8:00 to
11:30 AM on the day before the Fair begins, Wednesday,
August 14. Judging will start promptly at 1:00 PM.
3. Rose Show entries will be accepted from 9:00 to 10:30 AM
on Saturday, August 24. Judging will start promptly at
11:30 AM.
4. Only Plants and Flowers workers are responsible for placing
entries, including entries for the Roses Show. Entry tags
are to be presented in numerical order to assist the check-
in process. Exhibitors must keep their entry tag stubs to
retrieve entries at the end of each show or provide a valid
driver’s license. Stubs are given as receipts and cannot be
used for any other purpose.
5. Exhibits will be accepted as indicated at the beginning
of each show. Entries will close promptly at the specied
times. Late entries will not be judged but may be put on
6. Exhibitors are limited to one entry in each class unless
otherwise specied.
7. Exhibitors whose entries have been accepted are required
to present an exhibitor ticket or pay Fair admission. For
information about exhibitor tickets, please refer to General
8. For judging to begin promptly, all exhibitors are required
to leave the exhibition oor as soon as their entries are
placed and shall remain o the oor until judging is com-
pleted. Exhibitors are not allowed re-entry to the exhibi-
tion oor for any reason, including grooming, placement of
trays, or rearranging exhibits.
9. For transparency and eciency, a strict chain of custody
shall be maintained by Plants & Flowers personnel. Exhib-
itors shall not place their own exhibits, change tag infor-
mation, switch tags or make entries into any log. Should
such transgressions occur, compromised exhibits shall be
10. Clerks shall not change information on tags, even at the
request of exhibitors as they lack the authority to make
such changes. However, if a tag is missing, the Plants and
Flowers Supervisor and/or the Assistant Plants and Flow-
ers Supervisor may handwrite a replacement for a clerk to
initial and log in.
11. LIABILITY: The Kentucky State Fair will not be responsible
for loss or damage to exhibits or personal property but will
exercise utmost care for the protection of all exhibits.
12. JUDGING: Will be done by trained Horticultural Judges
and/or accredited Society Judges. The signature of at least
one trained judge must be written on every Blue Ribbon
exhibit card.
13. HORTICULTURAL JUDGING SCALE: Judges assess all entries
by the following parameters:
•Conformance to type or class
•Correct identication
•Form, color, condition and grooming
•Lack of blemishes
•Maturity and size
Page 58
•Grooming and staging
•Distinctiveness or exceptional qualities
14. SWEEPSTAKES: This is awarded to the winner of the most
Blue Ribbons. In case of a tie, Red Ribbons will be counted,
followed by Yellow Ribbons if necessary. All entries are
15. BEST IN SHOW: This will be awarded to one of the Blue
Ribbon winners. Ribbons won for Best in Show, Best of
Section or Best of Division do not count toward the Sweep-
stakes and are not to be entered on any entry form. An
award and rosette will be presented to the exhibit judged
the nest specimen in the Horticultural classes. The recip-
ient is to be selected by the superintendent, the assistant
superintendent or horticultural expert.
16. An exhibitor winning First Place prize in any class is barred
from exhibiting the same article in that class at any subse-
quent Kentucky State Fair.
17. Ribbons and awards are not presented or publicly dis-
cussed until ocial tallies are complete.
Exhibitor Responsibilities
1. All submissions must have been the exhibitors possession
for at least three months. This includes exhibits of multiple
plantings within the same pot.
2. All exhibits shall be properly identied with names writ-
ten at the top of entry tags. Please note: during judging,
named varieties are given precedence over specimens that
are clearly of the same variety but erroneously named or
not named at all. The terms ‘Dwarf and ‘Miniature indicate
varieties; stunted’ or standard’ do not.
3. No live plants may be dyed or articially colored in any
4. No shining agents or other sprays on foliage will be permit-
5. No infected plants will be allowed or accepted. After
submission, should an entry found to be infested, it will
be quarantined without being judged. When possible, the
exhibitor will be notied and asked to retrieve it.
6. Plants should be planted in sterile potting soil, not yard
7. Specimens should not be treated with anything other than
soap and water.
8. Watering requirements should be submitted in writing. If
no watering is to be given, this information must be pro-
vided in writing as well.
9. Grooming tables and carts will be provided at loading bay
E9 when entries are accepted. Hand trucks will also be
provided. Exhibitors are requested to minimize the time
spent grooming and assembling before they submit their
exhibits. All must nish when the submission period ends.
10. No exhibit or portion of an exhibit shall be removed from
the show at any time. This will result in the loss of the
premium associated with the winning exhibit. However,
exhibitors are required to reclaim their exhibits when the
Fair ends. Unclaimed exhibits and awards will be disposed
11. Pots and containers shall be provided by the exhibitor.
Small specimens should be shown in small, clear, colorless
glass bottles or vases. Large specimens may be exhibited
in any suitable plain or colorless receptacle. Names and
addresses must be attached to the bottom of these con-
tainers unless returns are not desired.
12. Unless otherwise instructed, all cut specimens will be dis-
posed of by the end of the fair.
13. Do not decorate pots with foil, paper, ribbons, trinkets or
the like. However, Styrofoam or wooden stems/wedges
may be used to keep cut specimens in upright positions.
14. When submitting cut owers, ensure no leaves or blooms
are below water level. Remove oating debris.
15. When choosing categories, be mindful of size and weight
requirements. Unless otherwise specied, pot size for most
exhibits cannot exceed 24 inches in height and width and
overall weight cannot exceed 25 pounds. The specimen it-
self cannot exceed 3 feet in height or 2 feet in width. Plant
height is measured upwards from the soil line which must
be ½ to 1 inch below the pot’s rim.
16. Oversized specimens may measure 4 feet high and wide
with containers up to 2 feet high and 3 feet across. The
overall weight cannot exceed 50 pounds. For these sub-
missions, the exhibitor may be asked to help put them in
17. Tropical plants dened here as requiring USDA Zone 8
growing conditions and above. (Kentuckys climate ranges
from USDA Zone 6 through 7A.)
18. HORTICULTURAL EXCELLENCE in classes 1 through 199:
Rosette & Award
19. HORTICULTURAL EXCELLENCE in classes 1 through 199:
Rosette & Award
20. BEST IN SHOW: to best of all entries, classes 1 through 199:
Rosette & Award
Page 59
ANY Experience Levels, 1 entry per class
Blooming Potted Flowers not to exceed 24” pots in any direction. Vines can trail up to 3 feet. Tropical and hardy varieties included
Indoor Foliage, not to excedd 24” in any direction.
Outdoor Potted Foliage, not to exceed 24” in any direction. Hardy varieties only.
Succulents other than Cacti, not to exceed 36” high, 24” wide. Tropical and hardy varieties.
Cacti, no other Succulents, not to exceed 36” high, 24” wide. Tropical and hardy varieties.
Bromeliads, not to exceed 24” high, 24” wide. Tropical varieties only.
Orchids, not to exceed 24” high, 12” wide. Enter intergeneric hybrids as ‘Other’. Tropical and hardy varieties.
Potted Herbs, not to exceed 12” in any direction.
Best of Section: Rosette and $5 given to each of the above sections
Blooming Potted Flowers
1 Begonia
2 Bird of Paradise
3 Blooming Vines
4 Cyclamen
5 Geranium
6 Hibiscus
7 Impatiens
8 Jasmine
9 Ornamental Pepper
10 Periwinkle
11 Other Blooming Potted Flower
Indoor Foliage
12 Caladium
13 Calathea
14 Coleus
15 Croton
16 Fern (Tropical)
17 Poinsettia
18 Pothos
19 Other Indoor Foliage
Outdoor Potted Foliage
20 Epimedium
21 Fern (Hardy)
22 Heuchera
23 Hosta
24 Lungwort
25 Wild-ginger
26 Other Outdoor Potted Foliage
27 Aeonium
28 Agave
29 Aloe
30 Crassula
31 Hoya
32 Echeveria
33 Euphorbia
34 Hawothia
35 Kalanchoe
36 Lithops
37 Sansevieria
38 Sedum
39 Sempervivum
40 Other Succulents
41 Bunny Ear/attened
42 Button Shape
43 Columnar/Barrel
44 Drooping/Snake Tail
45 Flowering
46 Round Ball/Cushion
47 Star
48 Triangle
49 Upright Finger/Pole
50 Upright/Multi-stemmed
51 Wavy growth pattern
52 Other Cacti
53 Small - up to 11 inches
54 Large - 12 inches to 24 inches
55 Pineapple - up to 24 inches
56 Small - up to 11 inches
57 Large - 12 inches to 24 inches
58 Jewel Orchids - up to 12 inches wide, 24 inches tall
Potted Herbs
59 Basil
60 Bay
61 Calendula
62 Chamomile
63 Scented Geraniums
64 Lambs Ear
65 Lavender
66 Lemon Balm
67 Marigold
Page 60
68 Mint
69 Oregano
70 Parsley
71 Rosemary
72 Sage
73 Salvia
74 Stevia
75 Thyme
76 Verbena
77 Other Potted Herbs
Antique Animal Planters, not to exceed 16”. Tropical and hardy varieties.
Hanging Baskets, not to exceed 18”, 15 pounds or less.
Container Gardens, any theme including: fairy, elf, gnome, troll or terrarium, any plant mix. Design, composition and creativity are
most important. Absolutely no articial plant material allowed.
Oversized Potted Specimens
Specimens may be 3 feet tall from base of container to topmost point and 4 feet across in all directions. Weight cannot exceed 50
pounds. If necessary, exhibitors may need to bring pedestals and help volunteers place them. No bonsai.
Best of Section: Rosette and $5 given to each of the above sections
Antique Animal Planters
144 All submissions in this category.
Hanging Baskets
145 Foliage Only
146 Mixed Flowering Varieties (minimum 3)
147 Mixed Herbs (minimum 3 varieties)
Container Gardens
148 Miniature, not to exceed 12” in any direction, 15 pounds or
149 Large, not to exceed 20” in any direction, 25 pounds or less.
Oversized Potted Specimens
150 Terrarium, not to exceed 18” in any direction, 25 pounds or
151 Blooming Potted Flowers, any
152 Potted Foliage, any
153 Succulents, any except Cacti
154 Cacti only, any type
155 Bromeliads, any
156 Other
Cut Flowers, maximum 3 stems per vase.
Dried Herbs, bunch shanks not to exceed 12” in any direction.
Best of Section: Rosette and $5 given to each of the above sections
Cut Flowers
157 Amaranthus
158 Cosmos
159 Dahlia
160 Hydrangea
161 Sunower
162 Zinnia
163 Other
Dried Herbs
164 Basil
165 Bay
166 Calendula
167 Eucalyptus
168 Lavender
169 Lemon Balm
170 Marigold
171 Mint
172 Oregano
173 Parsley
174 Rosemary
175 Sage
176 Salvia
177 Savory
178 Stevia
179 Thyme
180 Verbena
181 Other
Page 61
Open to Rose Society Members and all amateur rose growers.
Exhibits will be accepted from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, August 17 and are to be picked up between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 17. Two entries per person may be made in one basic color class, provided each entry is of a different variety and
is listed on the completed entry form. Where other members of a family work at growing roses at same address, each may exhibit.
The latest edition of “A Handbook For Selecting Roses” by A.R.S. will be the nal authority for classication of varieties listed therein.
Those not listed will be classied by “Modern Roses XI” or later A.R.S. literature. Judging the show will be conducted with A.R.S.
rules predominating. Wedging allowed. See plants and owers department rules.
The awards presentation will be made by the Louisville Rose Society President on Sunday at 6:00 p.m. The Louisville Rose Society has
provided a $10.00 cash award for the Queen of Show and a
$10.00 cash award for the Miniature Queen of Show.
QUEEN OF SHOW: Best single entry of Hybrid $10, Teas and Grandioras classes 1 thru 10.
Gold Certicate from Louisville Rose Society and Rosette
KING OF SHOW: Second Best single entry of Hybrid Teas and Grandioras classes 1 thru 10.
Certicate from Louisville Rose Society Rosette and Silver
PRINCESS OF SHOW: Third Best single entry of Hybrid Teas and Grandif1oras classes 1 thru 10
Certicate from Louisville Rose Society Rosette and Bronze
SWEEPSTAKES: To the winner of the most Blue Ribbons in the Rose Show Horticulture
classes 1 thru 10, and 16 thru 36
MINIATURE QUEEN OF SHOW: Best one bloom Miniature entry in Classes 37-46
$10, Gold Miniature Certicate from Louisville Rose Society and a Rosette
MINIATURE/MINIFLORA KING OF SHOW: Second Best one bloom Miniature entry In Classes 37-46
Rosette and a Silver Miniature, Certicate from Louisville Rose Society
MINIATURE/MINIFLORA PRINCESS OF SHOW: Third Best one bloom Miniature entry Classes 37-46
Rosette and a Bronze Miniature Certicate from Louisville Rose Society
BEST MINIATURE/MINIFLORA SPRAY: entry in classes 47 thru 56. (Must be a blue ribbon winner)
Rosette and a Certicate from the Louisville Rose Society
MINIATURE SWEEPSTAKES: To the winner of the most Blue Ribbons in the Miniature classes 37-56
BEST FLORIBUNDA: entry in classes 16-31. (Must be a blue-ribbon winner)
Rosette and an ARS Certicate from Louisville Rose Society and State Fair
Page 62
Hybrid Tea/Grandiora
1 White, Near White, or White Blend
2 Light or Medium Yellow, Deep Yellow
3 Yellow Blend
4 Apricot or Apricot Blend
5 Orange, Orange Blend, Orange Red or Orange Red Blend,
Orange Pink or Orange Pink Blend
6 Light, Medium, or Deep Pink
7 Pink Blend
8 Medium Red or Dark Red
9 Red Blend
10 Mauve, Mauve Blend, or Russet
11 Hybrid Tea Spray or Grandiora Spray: Any color or variety
(one spray - two or more blooms per stem with or without
side buds)
12 Fragrance Class: Single blooms of any variety rose for
fragrance only - winner by public vote
13 Favorite Rose class: (color, bloom) Single or spray blooms of
any variety - winner by public vote (The Louisville
Rose Society will provide and count ballots for classes 12 &
14 Tin Can Hybrid Class: A collection of not more than 12 Hybrid
Tea blooms. Names not required. Tin can or container of
choice furnished by exhibitor
15 Mini Tin Can Class: A collection of not more than 12
miniature/miniora blooms. Names not required. Tin can or
container of choice furnished by exhibitor.
16 White, Near White, or White Blend
17 Light Yellow, Medium Yellow, Deep Yellow, or Yellow Blend
18 Light Pink, Medium Pink, or Deep Pink
19 Orange Pink or Pink Blend
20 Medium Red, Dark Red, or Red Blend
21 Orange Red or Orange Blend
22 Mauve, Mauve Blend, or Russet
23 Any other blend
Floribunda Sprays
24 White, Near White, or White Blend
25 Light Yellow, Medium Yellow, Deep Yellow, or Yellow Blend
26 Light Pink, Medium Pink, or Deep Pink
27 Orange Pink or Pink Blend
28 Medium Red, Dark Red, or Red Blend
29 Orange Red or Orange Blend
30 Mauve, Mauve Blend, or Russet
31 Any other blend
32 Open Bloom: Hybrid Tea, Grandiora, Floribunda, Old
Garden, Shrub, any color
33 Old Garden Rose: one bloom per stem or spray of 2 or more
blooms per stem, any color
34 Any Modern Shrub, classic shrub, and/or David Austin: one
bloom per stem or spray, any color
35 Earthkind rose, including Knockout, any color
36 One bloom per stem or spray of 2 or more per stem any color
37 White or Near White
38 Light Yellow, Medium Yellow, or Deep Yellow
39 Yellow Blend
40 Apricot, Apricot Blend
41 Orange, Orange Blend, Orange Red, or Orange Pink
42 Light Pink, Medium Pink, or Deep Pink
43 Pink Blend
44 Medium Red or Dark Red
45 Red Blend
46 Mauve, Mauve Blend, or Russet
Miniature/Miniora Sprays
47 White or Near White
48 Light Yellow, Medium Yellow, or Deep Yellow
49 Yellow Blend
50 Apricot, Apricot Blend
51 Orange, Orange Blend, Orange Red, or Orange Pink
52 Light Pink, Medium Pink, or Deep Pink
53 Pink Blend
54 Medium Red or Dark Red
55 Red Blend
56 Mauve, Mauve Blend, or Russet
57 Collection of ve (5): one bloom per stem (on side buds)
Miniature/Miniora exhibition stage, any color, correctly
named and each in separate containers or holders such as
wood base, Styrofoam, etc., in order to keep separate.
May be alike or dierent varieties
Rose Show Design
58 Bouquet of Love: A mass design with fresh plant and or dried
material featuring roses. Design may be up to 12” wide by 15”
high with up to 3 accessories if desired.
Page 63
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
AND SUNDAY, August 11, NOON TO 5:00PM
Credentials ~ Each Exhibitor can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/ parking tickets for $44. Purchase
must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at drop o of entries.
*Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$10 $7 $4
*Unless otherwise specied in a Division
All exhibitors: Please read the Textiles section carefully to avoid
disqualication. There are changes in the rules and new classes.
1. Exhibitors are limited to one entry in each class.
2. Unless otherwise specied, any item entered in Textiles
must be:
a) Handmade;
b) The work of the person in whose name it is entered;
c) Finished within the last three (3) years.
Exhibitors must certify the above by signing the space provided
on the entry form.
3. Items in this department must be made primarily of
textiles. Only items entered in a class in the Textiles
Department will be accepted and displayed.
4. Many quilts are now made by two people: one person
may piece the quilt and another person actually quilts
the quilt. Two-person or group quilts can only be
entered in those classes that specify two or more
people. Group quilts or those made by two people are
not permitted in any other class. Also, we accept items
in this department with the understanding that the
work has been done by the entrant(s), who agree(s) to
be governed by Fair rules and regulations.
6. All exhibits should be clean. Judges may penalize
items that are not clean. Any article that is not up to
standards in the class in which it is exhibited may be
disqualied by the judge. If an item is disqualied
in a class, it is not eligible for any other award and may
not be displayed.
7. An exhibitor winning rst prize in a class one year is
barred from exhibiting only that item in the
Textile Department at any subsequent Kentucky State
Fair. The exhibitor may enter that class again if in
future years with a dierent item.
8. If there are multiple articles in any exhibit (such as
household items, ornaments, wearing apparel, etc.),
they should be fastened together securely.
9. The Textile Department will not act as a selling agency.
No articles may be shown in this Department with a
“For Sale tag. Any sales must be between the owner
and the prospective purchaser.
10. No pictures will be accepted unless they are properly
framed and xed for hanging with screw eyes and
wire. No saw-tooth hangers or easel back frames will
be allowed. Items that are disqualied may not be
Page 64
11. Perimeter measurement refers to the measurement of
all sides of an object. The perimeter is obtained by
measuring the length of each side of an object and
adding all the lengths together. On three-dimensional
items, the measurement must also include the depth
as well as the height and length.
12. Security is provided 24/7, Management will not be
responsible for any loss or damage to any article. Every
eort is made for due care, protection, and diligence in
the handling of all entries received in the
Textile Department.
13. Only Textile Department ocial workers will be
permitted in the area during judging. The Textile
Department would welcome your help on judging day
if you do not have anything entered in the Textile
Department. If you do have an entry, please help on
another day during the Fair.
14. Where there is only one entry in a class, the rst
prize, if merited, will be awarded. Where there is
competition, all prizes may be awarded so far as there
are worthy entries. Where articles are not worthy of
rst prize, judges may, at their discretion, award a prize
or prizes of such grade as the article deserves. Any
article not up to Standards in the class in which it is
exhibited may be disqualied by the judge.
15. See Judging Standards
Page 65
A Quilt is made of two layers of cloth with a layer of soft lling between them, then stitched together in lines or patterns through all
the layers.
All quilts must have been completed within the last three years and must be clean and in good condition.
Quilts must have a sleeve (hanging sleeve) on the top back of the quilt large enough to accommodate a 4” rod. Both the top and bot-
tom of the sleeve must be sewn on. Do not use pins. An instructional video may be found on the American Quilter’s Society YouTube
Quilts without the proper hanging sleeve (no tabs) will not be judged or displayed. Place exhibitors tag at the bottom right corner of
the piece.
If necessary, the quilt bottom will be pinned up to prevent it from touching the oor. The Management will not be responsi-
ble for any articles exhibited, but due care and diligence will be given in the handling of articles.
Please read the classes carefully and enter the quilt in the correct class for size, intended use, and techniques employed. A
quilt may be disqualied if it is entered into the incorrect class.
The perimeter of a quilt is the measurement around all four sides.
The following awards will receive $45, a Rosette, and a $50 gift card from Busy Lady Quilt Shop:
Best Execution of the Hand Quilting Stitch
Best Machine Quilting - Wall Hanging
Best Machine Quilting - Bed Quilt
Best of Show
Will receive $100, a Rosette from Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society, a gift from Baubles by Beverly Kay, and a $500 gift certicate from
Busy Lady Quilt Shop.
Classes 1-5, Bed Quilts
Quilts in these classes are a minimum of 320” in perimeter and are large enough for use on a bed. The quilts in the following class-
es are made by one person. Machine quilting may be on a home machine or longarm. Hanging sleeve is required or quilt will not be
*= Class donor.
Classes 6-10, Lap or Wall Quilts
Quilts in these classes must be less than 320” in perimeter. Note minimum and maximum sizes in each class. All quilts the following
classes are made by one person. Hanging sleeve is required or quilt will not be displayed.
Classes 11 – 15, - Special Classes
Quilts in these classes have specic requirements. Read each class carefully for size, techniques used, and/or special considerations. All
quilts in the following classes are made by one person. Hanging sleeve is required or quilt will not be displayed.
Classes 16 – 22, Two-Person & Group Quilts
Quilts in these classes are made by more than one person. Quilts in the following classes have specic requirements. Please read each
class carefully for size, techniques used, and/or special considerations. Hanging sleeve is required or quilt will not be displayed.
Classes 23 – 32, Alternate Techniques
Quilts in these classes have special sizes or rules. Read each class carefully, Hanging sleeve is required or quilt will not be displayed.
Classes 33 – 36, Small Quilts and Tops
Quilts in these classes have special sizes or rules. Read each class for sizing and rules.
Hanging sleeve not required.
Page 66
1 Hand or machine pieced. May include embroidery. HAND
QUILTED. Minimum perimeter of 320”.
2 Hand or machine pieced. May include embroidery. MACHINE
QUILTED. Minimum perimeter of 320”.
3 Hand or machine pieced AND appliqued. Hand or machine
quilted. Minimum perimeter of 320”. *
4 Senior Citizen. Hand or machine pieced. May include hand
applique and hand embroidery. HAND QUILTED. Minimum
perimeter of 320”. Quilt must be made by one person 55
years or older. *Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society (KHQS)
5 Bed Quilt made by Kentucky Resident. Hand or machine
pieced. Stationary machine quilted (where the quilt is moved
by hand). Minimum perimeter of 320”. *Mary Bauer
6 Open Technique Quilt. Hand or machine pieced. Quilt must
be a unique design, although traditional elements may
be incorporated into the design. May be embellished with
beading, embroidery, painting, or any other technique that
adds to the design. Minimum perimeter of 96”. Hand or
machine quilted. NO tied quilts or quilts made from kits will
be accepted. May NOT be framed with wood or metal, etc.
*Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society (KHQS)
7 Wall Quilt made by Kentucky Resident Only - Machine pieced
only. Hand or machine quilted. Minimum perimeter 120”,
maximum perimeter 200”. *Log Cabin Quilters
8 Wall Quilt- Hand or machine pieced. May include
embroidery. MACHINE QUILTED. Minimum perimeter 72”.
9 Senior Wall Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May include
hand applique and/or hand embroidery. HAND QUILTED.
Minimum perimeter 72”. Quilt must be made by one person
55 years or older. *Kentucky Cover Lovers Quilting Guild
10 Lap Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. Domestic machine
quilted (where the quilt is moved). Minimum perimeter of
180”. *Louisville Nimble Thimbles Quilt Guild
11 Unique Technique Wall Quilt - Hand or machine pieced top,
hand or machine quilted, minimum perimeter of 72”. Quilt
does not t into any class and may include but is not limited
to crazy quilts, yoyo quilts, cathedral window, whole cloth,
hand embroidery, pre-printed fabric, kits, or cross stitch.
12 First Quilt - Hand or machine pieced, May include applique.
HAND QUILTED and bound. Minimum perimeter 320”. For the
new quilter, rst completed quilt made.*Oldham City Saturday
13 First Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May include applique.
MACHINE QUILTED and bound. Minimum perimeter 320”. No
machine embroidery. For the new quilter, rst completed
quilt made.
14 Baby Quilt (Juvenile or Baby Theme) - Hand or machine
pieced. May include applique or embroidery. Hand
or machine quilted. Minimum perimeter of 140”, maximum
15 Holiday Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May include appli
que or embroidery. Hand or machine quilted. Minimum
perimeter 72”, maximum 320”. *Quilting Friends Quilt Guild
of Glasgow
16 Two-Person Wall Quilt - Hand or machine pieced by rst
person. Hand or machine quilted by second person.
Minimum perimeter of 72”. Make entry in name of rst
person. *Sew-A-Lot Lexington
17 Two-Person Bed Quilt - Hand or machine pieced by rst
person. May include applique. Hand or machine quilted by
second person. Minimum perimeter of 320”. Make entry in
name of rst person.
18 Two-Person Bed Quilt - Hand or machine pieced by rst
person. Hand or machine quilted by the second person.
Machine quilting must be hand driven. Minimum perimeter
of 320”. Make entry in name of rst person. *Busy Lady Quilt
19 Two-Person Quilt - Machine pieced by rst person. Long-arm
quilted by second person. Machine quilting may be
computer aided. Minimum perimeter of 144”. Make entry in
name of rst person. *Log Cabin Quilters
20 Holiday Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May include
applique. Hand or machine quilted. Minimum perimeter
100”. Made by two or more people. Make entry in name of
rst person. *Friends-N-Stitches
21 Group Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May include applique
and/or embroidery. Hand or machine quilted. Minimum
perimeter of 320”. Made by a group of three or more people.
Make entry in name of the group. *Mt. Washington Quilting
22 Unique Technique Bed Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May
also have embellishments. Hand or machine quilted by one
or more people. Minimum perimeter of 320”. Quilt does not
t into any other class and may include, but is not limited to,
crazy quilts, yo-yo quilts, cathedral window, whole cloth,
hand embroidery, or preprinted fabric or kit. Quilt may also
be tied or tacked. Make entry in name of the group. *Future
Federal Retirees Quilt Guild
23 Barn Quilt - Hand or machine piece. May be appliqued. Size
must be 24” x 24”. Hand or machine quilted. Quilt must
depict a single quilt block. Block name must be identied on
a 3” x 5” index card and attached to the quilt. Must be
nished (bound) and have a hanging sleeve. *Greg Rainbolt
24 “Patriotic Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May include
applique or embroidery. Hand or machine quilted by one or
more people. Maximum perimeter of 320”. Should reect a
patriotic theme. Must have hanging sleeve. *Greg Rainbolt
25 T-Shirt Quilt- hand or machine pieced. May be quilted, tied,
or tacked by one or more people. Minimum perimeter of
140”. *Mt Washington Quilting Bee’s
26 Panel Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May include applique
and embroidery. May be embellished. Made by one or more
people. Hand or machine quilted. Minimum perimeter 188”,
maximum perimeter 320”. *Friends N Stitches
27 Remembrance or Story Quilt - Hand or machine pieced, may
be appliqued or embroidered. Hand or machine quilted, tied
or tacked by one or more people. Minimum perimeter of 72”.
The story of the quilt must be attached, and the award will
be based on how the quilt tells the story. Must have hanging
sleeve. *Susan Hoferkamp
28 Wool Applique Quilt - Wool applique done by hand or
machine on a base layer of wool or cotton, including annel.
Machine or hand quilted. Minimum perimeter of 96”. Must
have hanging sleeve. *Calico Patch
29 Collage Quilt - Hand or machine quilted by one or more
people. May be embellished. Maximum perimeter of 320”.
*Kentucky Cover Lovers Quilting Guild
30 Modern Traditionalism - Hand or machine pieced. Hand or
machine quilted by one or more people. Maximum
perimeter of 320”. Quilt design incorporates the use of an
identiable traditional block pattern redesigned by applying
Classes 37 – 39, Blocks and Postcards
Items in these classes have special requirements. Please read each class carefully for special sizes or rules.
Hanging sleeves not required.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$25 $15 $10
*Unless otherwise specied in class description
Page 67
53 Knitted Afghan - with a maximum perimeter of 270”
54 Cabled Garment - any size
55 Fair Isle or stranded colorwork garment - any size
56 Sweater - Cardigan or open front - variety of stitches
57 Sweater - Pullover - variety of stitches
58 Vest or Sleeveless Sweater - variety of stitches
59 Fair Isle or Stranded Colorwork Item - including, but not
limited to hat, scarf, or mittens
60 Garment for child - Size 0-3
61 Garment for child - Size 4-12
62 Baby booties or socks
63 Baby afghan with a maximum perimeter of 210”
64 Accessory Item (set or not)
65 Felted item
66 Wrap or poncho (no lace)
67 Socks (2)
68 Cable Design, any item
69 Original Design Item
70 Lace Design Item - no beads
71 Lace Design Item - with beads
72 Knitted toy
73 Knitted household item
74 Any item in Knitting not mentioned
Knitting (Please place tag in lower right-hand corner)
Best of Show: Knitting
Best of show in knitting will receive a Rosette and 4 skeins of custom made yarn from Littledove Farm
modern design elements such as: alternate grid
work, asymmetry, color, scale, etc. *Louisville Modern
Quilting Guild
31 Improvisation - Hand or machine pieced. Hand or machine
quilted by one or more people. Quilt top includes the
majority of piecing that was improvised, i.e., without the use
of a dened pattern or templates. Maximum perimeter of
320”. *Sunnyside Modern Quilt Guild
32 Featured Class 2024: My Old Kentucky Home - Hand or
machine pieced. Hand or machine quilted. May include
embroidery or applique. Size stipulation 24” x 36” Must
include statement detailing how the piece reects what your
KY home means to you. *Sew-A-Lot Lexington
33 Small Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May be hand
appliqued or hand embroidered. HAND QUILTED. Maximum
perimeter of 96”. No sleeve necessary.*Kentucky Heritage Quilt
Society (KHQS)
34 Small Quilt - Hand or Machine pieced. May include applique
and/or embroidery. MACHINE QUILTED. Maximum perimeter
of 96”. No sleeve necessary. *Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
35 Quilt Top Class - The quilt top may be hand or machine
pieced. No serger or paper piecing. Minimum perimeter of
140”, maximum of 320”. This class is for a quilt top only. Back
will be displayed. This class is to show the skill of the quilter
in preparing a quilt top. No sleeve necessary. *Susan Wolfe
36 Quilt Top Class - Paper Piecing. The quilt top may be hand
or machine pieced, no serger. Minimum perimeter
of 140”, maximum of 320”. This class is for a quilt
top only. Back will be displayed. Please leave a portion of
the paper in place for show. The class is to show the skill of
the quilter in preparing a quilt top. No sleeve necessary.
*Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society (KHQS)
37 Pieced Quilt Block - Hand or machine pieced. Size to be 12
1/2” x 12 1/2”. No sleeve necessary. Back will be judged also.
*Kentucky Quilt Company - Premiums: $10, $7, $4
38 Appliqued Quilt Block - Hand or machine appliqued. Size
to be 12 1/2” x 12 1/2”. No sleeve necessary. Back
will be judged also *Kentucky Quilt Company -
Premiums: $10, $7, $4
39 Fabric Postcard - size not to exceed 6” x 9”. No sleeve
necessary, open technique. Paper postcard not required.
*O’Bryan’s Dairy - Premiums: $10, $7, $4
Crochet (Please place tag in lower right-hand corner)
Best of Show: Crochet
Best of show in crochet will receive a Rosette and 4 skeins of custom made yarn from Littledove Farm
75 Table Runner or Centerpiece, any material, no liners, up to
72” in length or over 14” round
76 Afghan - composed of squares of equal size, with a
maximum perimeter of 270”
77 Afghan - Non-Pieced - either straight stitched, or made
completely in the round, with a maximum perimeter of 270”
78 Afghan Other - May be made of modules that are not square,
or combine a variety of shapes, with a maximum perimeter
of 270”
79 Sweater for adult
80 Stole, shrug, wrap, shawl, or poncho
81 Wearable Garment
82 Wearable Item - accessory
83 Mosaic Crochet
84 Bag, Purse, or Tote
85 Baby Sweater - Size 0-3
86 Child Sweater - Size 4 - 12
87 Baby Dress
88 Baby Booties or Baby Socks
89 Baby Afghan - made of one color (variegated yarn is
considered single color) with a maximum perimeter of 210”.
90 Baby Afghan - made of two or more colors, with a maximum
perimeter of 210”.
91 Toy
92 Doily, less than 14” in diameter.
93 Holiday Item
94 Rug - size not to exceed 3 x 5 ft.
95 Tunisian Item
96 Any item in crochet not mentioned
Page 68
Worked on Needlepoint Canvas such as mono, double mesh (also known as Penelope), or interlock.
Any thread count.
Items will be judged according to the category in which they are entered.
All framed pictures must be equipped with wire for hanging.
Best of Show: Needlepoint, Rosette and a $30 Gift Certicate from Heimerdinger Cutlery
100 Framed Picture - Completed entirely in Basketweave stitch.
Stitched area not to exceed 110” in perimeter
101 Framed Picture - Completed in a variety of decorative
stitches. Stitched area not to exceed 110” in perimeter.
*American Needlepoint Guild
102 Framed Counted Needlepoint - Based on Canvaswork
technique. Stitched area not to exceed 110” in perimeter.
*American Needlepoint Guild
103 Pillow - Completed entirely in the Basketweave stitch
104 Pillow - Completed entirely in a variety of decorative stitches.
*American Needlepoint Guild
105 Pillow - Counted Needlepoint - Based on Canvaswork
technique. *American Needlepoint Guild
106 Wearable Needlepoint - May include, but is not limited to
Belts, Shoes, Jewelry, etc.
107 Purse/Tote
108 Small Standup/3D Decorative Item - Any stitch. Not to
exceed 8” in any direction.
109 Large Standup/3D Decorative Item - Any stitch. Larger than
8” but not to exceed 18” in any direction.
*American Needlepoint Guild
110 Household Item - May include, but is not limited to Tray,
Brick Cover, or Stool.
111 Ornament (1) - Maximum height 8”
112 Stocking - Done primarily in Needlepoint. 12 to 24 inches
113 Class Project - Any article completed by an individual as part
of a formal class with other students
114 Basketweave Item - Any item completed entirely in the
basketweave not already mentioned. No additional
embellishments. Not to exceed 18” in any direction.
*American Needlepoint Guild
115 Tissue Box Cover on Plastic Canvas
116 Any piece in needlepoint on Plastic Canvas. Not to exceed
18” in any direction.
120 Pillowcase, (1), embroidered, any color
121 Pillowcase, (1), cross-stitched, any color
122 Pillowcase, (1), crocheted trim, any color
123 Pillowcase, (1), any trim not mentioned, any color
124 Table cloth, any color, any trim or embellishment, round,
oval, rectangular or square no larger than 72” x 90”
125 Table runner, quilted, up to 90” long
126 Table runner, any fabric, trim, or embellishment, up to 90”
127 Place mats, one matching pair of any kind
128 Tea or dish towel, pair
129 Functional potholder/Hot Dish Mat, pair
130 Pillow, stued (other than needlepoint, petit point, or crewel)
131 Pincushion, any type or material
132 Fabric sewing or knitting basket/bag (item should be made
primarily of textiles)
133 Handmade diaper bag
134 Any household item not mentioned
Must be clean - lined or unlined.
Size not to exceed 200” in perimeter.
The rug must have a sleeve large enough to accommodate a 4” rod or it will not be judged or displayed.
Entries in class 140-144 cannot be framed.
Best of Show: Household Items
Rosette, $5, & a Gift from a Friend of the Textiles Department
Page 69
140 Traditional hooked rug using wool primitive cut strips
141 Traditional hooked rug using wool strips ne cut
142 Latch hook rug
143 Punch needle rug using wool yarn
144 Any hooked or punched item not a rug – examples could
include, but are not limited to a table runner, pillow, or
holiday item. No hanging sleeve required.
145 Any hooked or punched piece designed to be a wall
hanging. May utilize any technique and may be embellished
and framed.
146 Any type of rug not mentioned.
Fashion Sewing Classes 150 - 174
Pin tag to left shoulder of garment, or at waist of item.
Please do not bring apparel on hangers.
Mannequins are not allowed.
Items in this division must be made primarily of textiles. Items cannot be Knitted or Crocheted.
NO Embroidery.
Best of Show : Fashion Sewing
Rosette & a $40 Gift Certicate from Heimerdinger Cutlery
Wearable Textile Arts Classes 175 - 178
These classes allow the use of purchased garments as a foundation.
They must be embellished with fabric, yarn, ribbon, threads, etc.
No Machine Embroidery
Must be made primarily of textiles.
Best of Show: Wearable Textile Art
Rosette, $5, & a gift
Please attach tag in lower right corner.
Best of Show: Rugs
Rosette and a Gift Basket from Breezy Ridge Rugs
150 Childs pajama or bathrobe (boy or girl) (1 or 2 pieces)
151 Childs casual outt (boy or girl) (1, 2, or more pieces)
152 Girls dress, any fabric, size 3-7, not formal or wedding
153 Girls dress, any fabric, size 8-12, not formal or wedding
154 Girls special occasion dress
155 Boys special occasion outt
156 Childs coat or jacket (boy or girl)
157 Childs apparel accessory (boy or girl). Examples include but
are not limited to vest, necktie or bow tie, purse, or
backpack; DOES NOT include hats
158 Adult 2-piece ensemble (man or woman)
159 Womans dress, any fabric, not formal or wedding
160 Womans skirt, any fabric, not formal or wedding
161 Adult Pants/Trousers
162 Adult Shirt (man or woman)
163 Adult vest (man or woman) not formal or wedding
164 Adult jacket or coat, any fabric (man or woman)
165 Adult apparel accessory (man or woman), Examples include,
but are not limited to neck or bow tie, hair bow, purse or
tote, scarf. DOES NOT include hats.
166 Original Design Garment - no commercial pattern, MUST
be original design and MUST include sketch to be exhibited
with the garment
167 Apron, any fabric, half style
168 Apron, any fabric, full style
169 Christening outt
170 Handmade baby outt, not knitted or crocheted
171 Baby sleepwear. May not be knitted or crocheted
172 Baby cap or bonnet, not knitted or crocheted
173 Baby bib. May not be knitted or crocheted
174 Serged baby garment
175 Decorated sweatshirt
176 Decorated denim garment
177 Decorated tote or purse
178 Decorated baby onesie
Page 70
All framed entries must be equipped with a wire for hanging.
Best of Show: Counted Cross Stitch
Rosette, $5, & a gift
Judge’s Choice Award: Gift “In Memory of Mickey Mirus,” Given by Brueisenhoff Winery/Michael Eisenback
190 Framed piece done on any count Aida fabric {stitched area
size not to exceed 110” in perimeter).
191 Finished unframed piece done on any count Aida fabric
(including, but not limited to, pillow, belt, shoes, jewelry,
garment, tote/purse, stand-up/decorative item, etc.) (no size
192 Framed piece done on any count specialty fabric (including,
but not limited to, jobelin, lugana, linen, evenweave,
congress cloth) (stitched area size not to exceed 110” in
perimeter). *Louisville Chapter EGA
193 Finished unframed piece done on any count specialty fabric
(including, but not limited to, jobelin, lugana, linen,
evenweave, congress cloth) (including, but not limited to,
pillow, belt, shoes, jewelry, garment, tote/purse, stand-up/
decorative item, etc.) (no size limitations).
*Louisville Chapter EGA
194 Framed full coverage piece on any count Aida or specialty
fabric (all fabric must be covered with whole or partial cross
stitches, with no gaps or empty fabric) (no size limitations).
195 Ornament (1) -(maximum of 8” in any one direction).
196 Stocking done primarily in cross stitch on any fabric
(minimum size 10”, maximum size 20”)
197 Framed or unframed item done on perforated paper (no
size limitations). *a member of Louisville Chapter
EGA in memory of Margaret Wettig
198 Framed or unframed item on any count Aida or specialty
fabric done by a stitcher aged 65 or over (stitched area size
not to exceed 110” in perimeter).
199 Framed sampler on any count Aida or specialty fabric
(stitched area size not to exceed 110” in perimeter) *a
member of Louisville Chapter EGA in memory of
Harold Gordon
200 Class Project - Any nished piece, framed or unframed,
completed by an individual as part of a formal class with
other students (stitched area size not to exceed 110” in
perimeter). *Louisville Chapter EGA
All framed entries must be equipped with a wire for hanging.
Best of Show: Smocking
Rosette, $5, & a Gift from Thomas Sewing Center
Best of Show: Needlework
Rosette & $100 Gift Certicate from Stitchen Time Needlepoint Shop
Best of Show: Embroidery
Rosette, $5, & a gift
205 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in hardanger
(stitched area size not to exceed 110” in perimeter).
206 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in pulled thread/
drawn thread or cutwork (other than hardanger) (including,
but not limited to Schwalm) (stitched area size not to exceed
110” in perimeter).
207 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in blackwork
(stitched area size not to exceed 110” in perimeter). *a
member of Louisville Chapter EGA
208 Framed or unframed piece done in a variety of decorative
stitches/techniques (stitched area size not to exceed 110” in
209 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in embroidered
crazy quilting stitches (stitched area size not to exceed 110”
in perimeter).
210 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in silk ribbon
embroidery (stitched area size not to exceed 110” in
211 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in punch needle
embroidery (stitched area size not to exceed 110” in
212 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in raised surface
embroidery, an uncounted technique (including, but not
limited to, stumpwork, Brazilian, Casalguidi, Mountmellick)
(stitched area size not to exceed 110” in perimeter). *a
member of Louisville Chapter EGA
213 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in crewel or
needle painting, an uncounted technique (stitched area size
not to exceed 110” in perimeter).
Page 71
Excludes Machine Embroidery
Best of Show: Christmas/Holiday Article
Rosette & Ornament from “A Friend of the Textiles Department”
225 Christmas or Holiday table runner, up to 90” long
226 Stocking - any fabric or construction (no cross stitch or
needlepoint). Maximum size 18”.
227 Christmas novelty, no framed items. Not to exceed 18” in any
228 Holiday novelty, no framed items. Not to exceed 18” in any
229 Christmas Apron
230 Holiday Apron
231 Group of Christmas or Holiday Ornaments - hand
embroidered or needlepoint - 2-4 ornaments
232 Group of Christmas or Holiday Ornaments - Ornaments must
be made of textile; no metal or glass - 2-4 ornaments
233 Christmas or Holiday Pillow
234 Any Christmas or Holiday item not mentioned
214 Framed or unframed piece done primarily in freeform
embroidery (stitched area size not to exceed 110” in
perimeter). *a member of Louisville Chapter EGA
215 Framed or unframed piece done in surface embroidery using
surface marked for stitching (such as stamping, photo
transfer or tracing) (including, but not limited to,
redwork, decorative embroidery stitches, cross stitch – this
is the only category in Division 4308 in which a design that
is primarily cross stitch is accepted) (stitched area size not to
exceed 110” in perimeter). *a member of Louisville Chapter
216 Framed or unframed piece done in metallic thread
embroidery (stitched area size not to exceed 110” in
perimeter). *Louisville Chapter EGA
217 Item in needle or shuttle tatting.
218 Item in English smocking.
219 Item in wool applique (including, but not limited to, table
mat/runner, penny rug, wall hanging) (base layer may be
cotton or wool/annel) (unframed pieces must have a
backing) (hand and machine embroidery, as well as
embellishments, may be used) (total area not to exceed 240”
in perimeter). *a member of Louisville Chapter EGA
220 Item in hand-stitched needle or tape lace (including, but not
limited to, Armenian, Battenberg, reticella, Romanian point)
*a member of Louisville Chapter EGA
221 Class Project - Any nished piece, framed or unframed,
completed in any technique, except needlepoint or cross
stitch, by an individual as part of a formal class with other
students (stitched area size not to exceed 110” in perimeter).
*Louisville Chapter EGA
Best of Show: Machine Embroidery
Rosette & Gift from A Friend of the Textiles Department
240 Machine Embroidery Quilt - Constructed primarily on an
embroidery machine using a hoop. Must include batting and
backing. Minimum perimeter 72”. Must have hanging sleeve.
*Pam Shartzer
241 Tile Scene - done on embroidery machine. Must be less than
25 tiles in size. Must have batting. Must have 4’ hanging
242 Garment for Adult or Child (purchased or sewn garment)
243 Handbag, tote or purse that is accented by a machine
embroidery design.
244 Towel
245 Christmas or Holiday item
246 Any machine embroidered item not mentioned. *Done in a
Page 72
Clothes must be on doll.
Maximum size of doll is 27-1/2 inches.
Exhibitors are requested to furnish doll stands for display purposes.
Only dolls with a stand will be accepted for display. No benches, etc., are allowed.
If entry has more than one doll, please attach them securely.
Best of Show: Doll Clothes
Rosette & Gift Basket from Breezy Ridge Rugs
250 Doll outt for 11 1/2” fashion doll. No bridal doll.
251 Doll outt for 18” doll. No bridal doll.
252 Baby doll outt
253 Bridal doll outt, not knitted or crocheted. Doll must be 11
1/2” or over.
254 Crocheted or knitted doll outt, including bridal doll
255 Fairy tale or character doll outt
256 Cultural costume doll - should represent the culture of a
social or ethnic group (to be judged on costume only)
257 Antique or Victorian costume on doll (to be judged on
costume only)
258 Themed group of dolls (2-4 dolls).
Both doll and costume must be handmade.
Maximum size of doll is 27-1/2 inches.
Entry to consist of doll only - no benches or chairs.
Best of Show: Handmade Dolls or Toys
Rosette & a gift from “A Friend of the Textiles Department”
265 Teddy Bear
266 Fairy Tale or Character Doll (examples: Santa, holiday doll,
international doll, or clown doll)
267 Best Raggedy Ann or Raggedy Andy
268 Stued animal
269 Baby doll
270 Themed Pair of dolls, any material. Both dolls and costumes
must be handmade.
271 Bride doll. Both doll and costume must be handmade.
272 Handmade toy - (no doll, stued animal, or teddy bear)
273 Needle Felted Doll or Toy
274 Soft baby toy; examples include but are not limited to
blocks, books, or stued animals
Weaving Classes 280 - 288
All items must be handwoven.
Best of Show: Weaving
Rosette, $5, & a gift
Spinning Classes 289-297
All yarn must be handspun
Unless otherwise stated, two to ve ounces of yarn to be submitted in each spinning class in two-yard skeins.
Yarn should be washed and put in neatly wound skeins, tied in three places.
Award to the winner of Class 289 - Novice Spinner: Rosette and a Shetland lamb eece from Littledove Farm
Page 73
275 Entries from a Group - variety of crafts, needlework, or
textiles, not less than 5 or more than 10 articles. Must be
entered in groups name with tag on each item. Done by a
group of people with special needs.
276 Entry for an Individual - a craft, needlework, or textile. Only
one article per individual. All exhibitors must submit an
individual entry form. Done by an individual with
special needs.
All participants will receive a ribbon. No entry fee is required for this class.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$17 $12 $7
280 Garment - stole, shawl, or scarf
281 Garment - other than stole, shawl, or scarf
282 Purse or tote
283 Placemats (2)
284 Table runner
285 Kitchen towel
286 Rug, any material or technique
287 Afghan (no bedspread)
288 Any item done on a rigid heddle loom
289 Yarn for Novice Spinners (spinning one year or less) – Yarn
should be an even 2-ply yarn of 100% wool (dyed or natural
290 100% Wool Plied Yarn – dyed or natural, medium
291 2-ply yarn made from a blend of at least 50% wool and other
bers. Include a sample of the bers used and a label
indicating the bers and the percentage used.
292 2 or more plies, composed of at least 50% manufactured
ber (example - tencel, viscose, rayon, bamboo, and other
bers.) Can be a blended or plied mix. Include samples of all
bers used.
293 Novelty or Art Yarn made of any ber, any number of ply and
any weight.
294 2 or more plies made from a non-manufactured, non-wool
natural ber - example could be, but is not limited to cotton,
linen, hemp, or silk. Can be a blended or plied mix. Include
samples of all bers used.
295 100% Natural Colored Wool Yarn, 2 or more plies. Please
supply a sample of the ber.
296 Any item (knitted or crocheted) created using entirely
Natural Colored and/or dyed handspun yarn. Please include
a sample of the yarn and ber.
297 Any unspun ber (min. 4 oz.), dyed by entrant
298 Wearable Felted garment - Child size to adult
299 Felted accessory - Examples include, but are not limited to
purse or tote, scarf, mittens or slippers. DOES NOT include
300 Felted household item. Example hot pad or tea cozy.
301 Felted doll or toy. Maximum size 27-1/2 inches.
Best of Show: Spinning
Rosette, $5, & a gift
Felt Making Classes 298-301
Hand or machine felted
Best of Show: Felt Making
Rosette and a gift from Cris Vittitoe
Best of Show: Fiber Arts Division
(knitting, crochet, weaving and spinning) Rosette and $100 Gift Certicate from The Woolery.
Page 74
These classes are open to anyone who has not reached his or her 18th birthday as of August 1 of the current year. See individual
classes for specic age breaks.
Textile Department rules apply to this section.
Entries must be the work of the exhibitor.
If framed, must be equipped with wire for hanging.
Best Junior Quilt Block: Winner of Class 332
Rosette & Gift from a Friend of the Fair
Best Junior Quilted Entry:
Rosette & $30
Best Junior Handspun Yarn:
Rosette & Gift from a Friend of the Textile Department
Best Junior Handwoven Entry:
Rosette & Gift from a Friend of the Textile Department
Best Junior Knit Entry:
Rosette & Gift from a Friend of the Fair
Best Junior Crochet Entry:
Rosette & Gift from a Friend of the Textile Department
Best Junior Entry Age 11 & Under:
Rosette & $25 from Janice Beatty, ASG Member
Best Junior Entry Age 12-17:
Rosette & $25 from Janice Beatty, ASG Member
Best Junior Rug Entry:
Rosette & Gift from Breezy Ridge Rugs
Original Design Garment: The University of Louisville Theater Arts Department will provide a gift to the rst place winner in this
class. (Class 308)
Junior Sweepstakes:
To the winner of most points in Junior Division Rosette & gift.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$5 $3 $2
*Additional Premium support provided by Janice Beatty, ASG Member
305 Apron, any fabric (open to ages 11 and under)
306 Apron, any fabric (open to ages 12 to 17)
307 Any Casual Garment (including, but not limited to shorts or
crop top, skirts, or sleepwear) No formal wear.
308 Original design garment - no commercial patterns. Must be
an original design and must include sketch to be exhibited
with garment.
309 Tote bag (open to ages 11 and under)
310 Tote bag (open to ages 12 to 17)
311 Backpack or purse
312 Any piece in counted cross stitch. Stitched area not to exceed
110” in perimeter.
313 Any article in needlepoint. Stitched area not to exceed 110”
in perimeter.
314 Any Item in Needlefelting
315 Any article in stitchery not mentioned. Stitched area not to
exceed 110” in perimeter.
316 Pillow (open to ages 11 and under)
317 Pillow (open to ages 12 to 17)
Page 75
318 Christmas or Holiday decoration - not to exceed 18” in any
319 Group of fabric ornaments - 4 to 6 pieces (secured together).
Maximum height 8”.
320 Group of Embroidery, Cross Stitch, or Needlepoint
Ornaments - 4 to 6 pieces (secured together). Maximum
height 8”.
321 Doll outt displayed on doll (no larger than 18”)
322 Stued animal or toy (no larger than 18”) (open to ages 11
and under)
323 Stued animal or toy (no larger than 18”) (open to ages 12
to 17)
324 Any article in knitting
325 Any article in crochet
326 Any article made on a Weave It” potholder loom
327 Any handwoven item
328 Handspun yarn, any ber. Yarn should be washed and put up
in neatly wound skeins, tied in three places.
329 Rug - any technique; perimeter not to exceed 200”
330 Any small quilted item - hand or machine pieced, may be
appliqued. Hand or machine quilted (includes, but is
not limited to, potholders, table runners, or placemats)
*Tails & Trails Quilting
331 Doll Quilt Class - any size, any technique used to make a doll
quilt. Creative entry made of fabric. Something any child
would make to cover their dolly. Please note what size doll it
was made for. *Debbie Neal Pate
332 Quilt Block Class, hand or machine pieced, may be
appliqued. Size to be 12 1/2” x 12 1/2”. No sleeve necessary.
*Tails & Trails Quilting
333 Hand Quilted Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May include
hand applique and/or hand embroidery. HAND QUILTED.
Minimum perimeter of 72”. Must have a sleeve large enough
to accommodate a 4” rod. *Tails & Trails Quilting
334 Machine Quilted Quilt - Hand or machine pieced. May
include applique and/or embroidery. MACHINE QUILTED.
Minimum perimeter of a least 72” but no more than 300”.
Must have sleeve large enough to accommodate a 4” rod.
* Tails & Trails Quilting
335 Tied or Tacked Quilt – Hand or machine pieced, may be
appliqued and/or embroidered. Quilt must be tied or tacked.
Minimum perimeter of 72”, but no more than 300”. Must have
a sleeve large enough to accommodate a 4” rod. *Tails &
Trails Quilting
Page 76
General Rules 77
Bees and Honey 78
Egg Show 85
Field Seed and Grain 87
Fruits and Nuts 93
Kentucky Country Ham Show 97
Tobacco 99
Vegetables and Melons 102
Page 77
Board Members in Charge: Commissioner Jonathan Shell & Dean Nancy Cox
1. See General Rules and Regulations of the Kentucky State Fair (pages 6-13). Any exhibitor failing to
comply with any of the general rules or rules applying to their department will forfeit all premiums won.
2. Please read the complete rules for each department you are planning to enter.
3. All entries must be made through our online entry system located on our website at
Complete information must be provided. All entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on July 10, or
a late fee will be applied.
4. All Exhibitors can purchase one (1) discounted packet of eleven (11) admission/parking tickets for $44.
Purchases must be made at time of entry. Tickets will be distributed at entry drop o.
5. Entry Fee: $15.00 per exhibitor, which includes all entries made in any department (except Homebrew
Beer & Homemade Wine). For example: An exhibitor can enter one (1) item in Bees & Honey and two
(2) items in Vegetables & Melons, and it will cost $15.00. Entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm on July
10 or a late fee will be charged.
6. Late Entries: An entry fee of $30 per exhibitor will be charged for all entries submitted aer July 10. Late
entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm on July 17. No entries will be accepted aer that date.
7. Entry acceptance times are strictly enforced. Exhibitors must have their entries in the correct department
by the ending time listed for their entries to be accepted.
8. No entry tags or admission tickets will be sent to the exhibitor prior to drop o at the Kentucky State Fair.
Pickup for entry tags and admission tickets will be set up during entry drop o weekend, unless the items
drop o time is during the Kentucky State Fair.
9. ese exhibits will be located in the West Hall. No exhibitor will be allowed in departments during the
10. Please see specic release times in each department. Please note rules in each department relating to
disposal of items.
11. Exhibitors outside the Louisville vicinity may ship entries, postage prepaid, to:
Entry Department
Kentucky State Fair
937 Phillips Lane
Louisville, KY 40209
Entry tags and exhibitor information should be included in the package. Shipped articles will not be accepted
before Tuesday, August 6, and they must arrive no later than Tuesday, August 13. NOTE: Some departments have
specic shipping/packaging requirements; please read departmental rules carefully.
Page 78
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
AND MONDAY, August 12, 9:00AM TO 6:00PM
Premiums Offered per Class* Sweepstakes Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st
$19 $15 $13 $9 Rosette
1. Unless otherwise noted, each entry of bees, honey, or
beeswax exhibited must be produced in the exhibitor’s api-
ary and in the 2023-2024 production year.
6:00 PM (ET) MONDAY, AUGUST 12. Judging will be done
on Tuesday, August 13. No exhibitor will be allowed in the
department during judging.
3. Exhibits not picked up will be discarded. Observation hives
are an exception to this rule. Observation hives may be
picked up after the end of judging on Tuesday August 13,
4:30 p.m. (ET) to allow bees to y. Arrangements should be
approved by the Bees and Honey superintendent.
4. An exhibitor is limited to one entry in each class. In the
case of a company or partnership, the exhibits should be
entered in the name of the company or partnership. Mem-
bers from the same family may enter (i.e., brothers and
sisters, spouses), but each member needs to enter individ-
ually. In the case of a youth, the individual may enter into
the Youth Division if the individual is under 18 as of August
1, 2024.
5. Each exhibitor will be asked to sign a certied statement
indicating the exhibitor is a bona de producer of the entry
and the honey being exhibited. All honey entered in any
class, with the exception of gift baskets and honey cookery,
must be produced by the entrant. Beeswax and cookery
entries must be the product of the exhibitor, but he/she
does not have to produce the honey or beeswax used
in the gift basket categories. Honey products in displays
(Classes 25-26, 35) must be the product of the entrant, but
the raw beeswax may be produced by someone else. Any
exhibitor found guilty of violating this rule will forfeit all
6. With the exception of the Black Jar class, honey will show
better in oval, at-sided or square, clear glass containers
than in round miscellaneous jars. Exhibitors should use the
better display containers, if available. All jars for extracted
honey, cream honey, and chunk honey must be in glass
containers. A note to the beekeepers entering honey in
the creamed and chunk honey categories: these products
will display much better if you use one-pound round comb
jars. Mason jars are not ideal for entering creamed or chunk
honey because of the cast-in decoration, but they will be
accepted. Lids for canning (such as those used with Mason
jars) must be one-piece (either ‘storage lids or one-piece
Mason lids). Labels are not allowed on jars, except for jars
of honey in displays or gift baskets. Jars or containers of
honey with labels (except in displays and gift baskets) will
be disqualied.
7. Frames of honey (shallow, medium, deep, or top bar)
must be in a bee-proof container with a removable top for
checking moisture. One frame per container.
8. Creamed honey entries should not have added avors.
9. Damaged or otherwise hazardous exhibits will be discard-
ed at the discretion of the Superintendent.
10. No person may handle any exhibit without the permission
of the Superintendent.
11. The Superintendent reserves the right to reject any entry
that, in their opinion, is unworthy of entry.
12. The decision of the Superintendent and Show Manage-
ment in charge shall be nal.
13. Each exhibitor should determine honey color classication
but can request to change classes upon arrival at the State
Fair. Jacks Scale will be available to the exhibitor for color
placement in classes 5-14.
Page 79
14. All observation hives shall be secure from opening to the
satisfaction of the Bees and Honey Superintendent. This
shall include the top of the observation hive and all holes
and openings. Openings shall be secured by screws or
15. If the KSBA President wants to make one delivery of an
associations individual entries, as long as the individual
entries have their tags, they will be accepted. However, the
Kentucky State Fair is not responsible for entries that do
not arrive by the time posted in the Premium and General
Rules book. Entries that do not meet the drop-o deadline
will not be accepted and will not be judged, no exceptions.
16. Exhibitors entering in the Black Jar class are responsible for
submitting one jar of extracted liquid honey (as small as
a baby-food jar, but no larger than a pint jar), in which the
outside of the jar is painted completely black and bearing
no individual labels.
17. In all classes, adult and youth, items submitted must not
have any reference to the exhibitor. This includes the ex-
hibitor’s name, company name, and/or logo, unique color
of ink pen, etc. Any items so identied will be disqualied
and will be on display only after judging is completed and
if space is available. All containers must be unlabeled.
18. Entries in the Beekeeping photo classes must have been
taken by the exhibitor in the 2024 year. The subject for
2024 is “Honey Bee Swarm and its behavior” and photos
must not include people, just a swarm or swarms and its
unique behavior. Photos will not be accepted if framed
and/or if glass is present.
19. The Show Management will use diligence to ensure the
safety of articles after their arrival and placement, but in
no case will management be responsible for any loss or
damage that may occur.
20. Winners of sweepstakes awards (or their immediate family,
including spouses, children, or siblings) are eligible for the
same award every other year. To determine sweepstakes
winners, the following point system will be used: blue
ribbon - 7 points; red ribbon - 6 points; white ribbon - 5
points; pink ribbon - 4 points.
21. Counting the number of blue ribbons will break point ties.
The exhibitor with the most blue ribbons is determined the
winner. If blue ribbons are equal, then red ribbons will be
counted. If red ribbons are equal, then white ribbons will
be counted. If white ribbons are equal, then pink ribbons
will be counted. Only if pink ribbons are also equal will
duplicate prizes be oered.
Page 80
1 Any frame of comb honey (Light)
2 Any frame of comb honey (Amber)
3 Any frame of extracted honey (Light)
4 Any frame of extracted honey (Amber)
5 Four 1-lb. glass, wide-mouth containers of chunk honey, any
6 Four 1-lb. glass, wide-mouth containers of creamed or
granulated honey
7 Four 1-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of light extracted
8 Four 1-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of light amber
extracted honey
9 Four 1-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of amber extracted
10 Four 1-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of dark amber
extracted honey
11 Four 2-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of light extracted
12 Four 2-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of light amber
extracted honey
13 Four 2-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of amber extracted
14 Four 2-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of dark amber
extracted honey
15 Four glass wide-mouth pint containers of chunk honey, any
16 Four glass wide-mouth quart containers of chunk honey, any
17 Black Jar, only one winner
18 Four clear hard plastic boxes of cut-comb honey, any color
19 Photograph - 2024 Subject: Honey Bee Swarm and its
Behavior. Photograph must not feature people (maximum
size 8x10 inches, unframed but matted with a maximum
two-inch border) Photos may not be accepted if framed and/
or glass is present
20 Artistic Beeswax [ten pounds or less] made by exhibitor in
2022-2023 season
21 One plain block of beeswax weighing 1-5 lbs.
22 Gift Package - Display of a box, basket, or any other
appropriate container of packaged honey. Total weight not
to exceed 25 lbs., including container. It may contain
beeswax products and will be judged on package and
contents. No perishable items allowed. New products only.
*Plaque sponsored by Mann Lake Beekeeping
23 Beekeeping Gadgets, any type noncommercial aids, used by
beekeeper in producing, processing, or distributing honey.
24 Best Display of one frame observation hive of bees
consisting of bees, queen, and brood
25 Window Display – This class depicts the most attractive way
to promote honey, wax, and beekeeping. Entry must be
prepared and placed by exhibitor. Each display must contain
a minimum of 15 items. Honey and beeswax must be from
exhibitor’s apiary but may have up to three (3) honey or
beeswax items from another source. Each must be
identied with the name of the apiary or source it is from.
Failure to do so will disqualify the entry. Plaque sponsored by
the Commissioner of Agriculture.
26 Best educational display between 20 - 75 lbs. The purpose of
this display is to allow the producer to exercise ingenuity in
displaying information, attractive products, current research
being done to address honey bee challenges, and original
presentation style. Educational material, attractive lighting,
and decorations should be used to attract interest in honey
bees. Originality, neatness, and good taste are important.
New material and background should be used each year.
Each exhibitor will be allowed ve feet of display space.
Judging Standards start on page 82.
Sweepstakes: To the winner of most points in classes 1- 25, Rosette & Plaque sponsored by Kelley Beekeeping
Premiums Offered Class 24-25
1st 2nd 3rd
$35 $25 $20
Premiums Offered Class 26
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$60 $45 $35 $20
Page 81
Judging Standards start on page 82.
These Classes are open to anyone who has not reached his/her 18th birthday as of August 1 of the current year.
Sweepstakes: To the winner of most points in classes 27- 36, Rosette
27 Any frame of comb honey, any color
28 Three 1-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of light extracted
29 Three 1-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of light amber
extracted honey
30 Three 1-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of amber extracted
31 Three 1-lb. glass Queenline or Classic jars of dark amber
extracted honey
32 Three one pint glass wide-mouth containers of chunk honey,
any color
33 Three one quart glass wide-mouth containers of chunk
honey, any color
34 Beeswax Candles (molded, various shapes, rolled). Entries are
to showcase the natural beauty of beeswax. No added color
allowed. Must contain at least 3 candles, but no more than 5
candles. Can be displayed on a paper plate or something
that will not break.
35 Best display of honey - 15 to 25 lbs. Display of Honey, Wax,
and Wax Products. Each exhibitor will be allowed ve feet of
display space. To be judged as follows:
Quality of Honey 40%;
Educational Content 30%;
Display 30%
36 Most attractive article made of pure beeswax, not to exceed
10 lbs. Must be made by exhibitor during 2023-2024 season.
Judging Standards start on page 82.
This contest features honey as the primary ingredient. A typed recipe must be submitted with each entry, including entry number and
class number. The recipe must list honey as the primary sweetener in the whole recipe, and everything that is presented to the judg-
es, including icings and glazes. The ratio of honey in these recipes needs to be higher than any of the other sugars, such as molasses,
brown sugar, agave, sweetened condensed milk, etc., combined. Furthermore, please do not enter pies that require refrigeration due
to food safety risks. The correct recipe must accompany each entry at the time it is received for judging. Each entry should be on
unidentiable plates. All recipes become the property of the Kentucky State Fair and Kentucky State Beekeepers Association with the
right to use at a future date.
Use disposable containers and plastic baggies where feasible.
Sweepstakes: To the winner of most points in classes 38- 59, Rosette
Superintendent’s Award: For Overall Example of Excellence, Rosette
Barbara Horn Award: This is a special judge’s choice award presented in memory of Barbara Horn, a long-time superintendent of
the Bees & Honey Exhibit. Awarded to the entry in Bees & Honey (including all divisions - youth, open, and honey cookery) that, in
the judge’s opinion, is the best example of excellence.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$10 $8 $4 $2
38 Honey Nut Bread
39 Loaf White Bread made with 100% honey
40 Whole Wheat Bread
41 Light Rolls, 1/2 dozen
42 Quick Bread, excluding cornbread
43 Cornbread
44 Light Honey Cake, with icing
45 Dark Honey Cake, with icing
46 Dropped Cookies, 1 dozen
47 Sliced (cut-out) or Stamped Cookies, 1 dozen
48 Unbaked Cookies, 1 dozen
49 Oatmeal Cookies (dried fruit allowed), 1 dozen
50 Pecan Pie
51 Apple Pie, made with 100% honey
52 Salad Dressing - Entries must be processed in a 10-minute
hot water bath in which jars are sealed. Recipes should not
contain mayonnaise. Entries should be submitted in 8-ounce
53 Baklava
54 Bread & Butter Pickles, 1 wide-mouth pint jar
55 Honey-based granola, 1 plate
56 Nut-based snack, 1 plate
57 Barbeque Sauce – entries should be submitted in an 8-ounce
jar (1)
58 Canned Fruit, 100% honey, assortment of 3 quart jars.
59 Honey Culinary Gift package
Page 82
Frames of Honey (any size, extraction, or comb*) Points
General Appearance of Frame (cleanliness and freedom from excessive stains) 10
Attachments and Accuracy of Comb Thickness (not less than one inch for comb honey) 10
Freedom from uncapped cells, dry holes, brood cells, and pollen 20
Capping: Completeness, evenness, and freedom from bruised, leaking, and travel stain 20
Uniformity and Accuracy of Color (comb, cappings, and honey) 10
Quality of Honey (freedom from granulatio, honey dew, poorly ripended or fermented honey,
objectionable avor or aroma, or other means of damage)
Total 100
***Frames for comb honey must be free of support wires.
Creamed Honey (no avors) Points
A type of honey developed by controlling the process of natural granulation. Noted for its ne texture and ease of spreading at
room temperature.
Appearance and Uniformity of Containers 5
Uniform and Correct Level of Fill 5
Firmness of Set 20
Freedom from Foreign Material 15
Freedom from Froth and Frosting 15
Uniformity of Honey, Including Texture 15
Texture of Granulation 25
Total 100
Chunk Honey Points
Uniformity & Appearance, Including Containers 5
Unifor and Correct Level of Fill 5
Freedom from Crystals 15
Freedom from Foreign Material 15
Freedom from Air Bubbles, Froth, and Wax Particles 15
Appearance and Quality of Comb and Cappings 15
Density of Liquid (moisture) 15
Neatness of Cut Edges and Packing 10
Uniformity of Color of Comb and Liquid 5
Total 100
Honey Judging Standards
Any honey with a moisture content of 18.7% or higher will be disqualied. Any honey with a moisture content of 18.1% to 18.6%
will have points deducted. Any honey with a moisture content of 14% to 18% will receive a full fteen (15) points. Any honey with
a moisture content of 13.9% or lower will have points deducted. Any fermented, smoked, or fume-board chemically contaminated
honey will be disqualied.
Page 83
Extracted (Liquid) Honey Points
Uniform and Accurate Level of Fill 15
Freedom from Crystals 20
Freedom from Foreign Material 20
Freedom from Air Bubbles and Foam 20
Accuracy and Uniform Color 10
Density (moisture) 15
Total 100
Black Jar Points
Taste 100
Total 100
Artistic Beeswax Points
Color (between straw and canary yellow)(no added color) 25
Cleanliness (freedom from surface dirt, honey, or other impurities) 25
Novelty of Mold or Sculpture 25
Workmanship 25
Total 100
Beeswax Blocks Points
Color (between straw and canary yellow)(no added color) 25
Cleanliness (freedom from surface dirt, honey, or other impurities) 25
Uniformity of Appearance 15
Freedom from Cracking, Shrinkage, and Bruising 20
Texture and Aroma 15
Total 100
Observation Hive of Bees Points
Uniform Color of Bees 15
Queen: Size, Shape, and Behavior (must be marked) 15
Brood Pattern (compact pattern showing all stages of brood development) 15
Variety: Presence of queen, workers, drones, brood, honey, pollen, etc. 15
Correct Number of Bees for Interest and Frames (2) 10
Sleanliness and Suitability of Combs 15
Appearance, Cleanliness, and Suitability of Hive 15
Total 100
Best Educational Display Points
Educational Value 25
Attractiveness 25
Originality 25
Appearance, Quality, and Variety of Products 25
Total 100
Page 84
Gift Package Points
Originality 30
Variety 30
Quality of Products 20
Commercial Appeal 20
Total 100
Beekeeping Gadgets Points
Usefulness 25
Originality 15
Workmanship 20
Ease of Production 15
Explanatory Text 25
Total 100
Cut-Comb Honey (plastic containers) Points
Cleanliness, Absence of Travel Stains 15
Thickness of Comb, Absence of Crushed Wax 20
Neatness of Cut, Absence of Liquid Honey 25
Absence of Uncapped Cells Pollen 20
Uniformity of Entry 20
Total 100
Photograph: Beekeeping - 2024 Topic: Honey Bee Swarm and its Behavior Points
Technique 30
Composition 30
Impact 30
Overall Appearance 10
Total 100
Youth Division: Beeswax Candles Points
Color 20
Uniformity of Appearance 20
Cleaniness 20
Workmanship 20
Odor 20
Total 100
Window Display Points
Public Appeal 25
Educational Aspects 25
Originality 25
Variety and Sales Appeal 25
Total 100
Page 85
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Premiums Offered per Class Sweepstakes Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 1st
$60 $30 $20 Rosette
1. Open to Kentucky and Out-of-State Exhibitors.
2. Each exhibitor is limited to two entries in each class. Eggs
entered must be produced by his or her own ock. Each
entry must bear its own entry number and tag.
3. All entries must be in place by noon, Wednesday, August
14, and judging shall begin at or about 1:00 p.m.
4. Due to non-refrigeration, all entries are deemed inedible
and in the interest of consumer safety shall not be re-
turned to the owner. All entries become the property of
the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Non-winning
entries shall be destroyed immediately following judging.
Winning entries shall be destroyed at the end of the Fair.
Judging Standards on page 86.
White - The color as close as reasonably possible to white.
Brown - The color as close as reasonably possible including dark and light brown. Beiges or creams are classied as pastel.
Pastels - Include blues, greens, pinks, beiges, or creams. Judges reserve the right to move eggs from one classication to another when
they have been entered in the wrong class according to class denitions.
Best Overall Dozen: Judges will make the nal decision from each class winner for the best overall dozen based on appearance.
$100 and Plaque given by Commissioner of Agriculture
1 White
2 Brown
3 Pastels
Page 86
Egg Show Judging Standards
All eggs shall be properly cleaned, dried, and placed in cartons befor being received for judging. Any entry that is apparently dirty
or has an odor shall be disqualied. ANY EGGS THAT HAVE BEEN SANDED OR ALTERED WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. The entry with the
fewest total deductions in each class is declared the winner, and others are placed accordingly based on fewest to most deduc-
Weight - Each egg shall weigh at least 1.92 ounces and no more than 2.33 ounces. Each egg not meeting this criterion shall
have one (1) point per egg deducted. The maximum deduction in this judging area is twelve (12) points.
Uniformity of Color - All eggs should be consistent in color. A deduction of 1/4 to 1/2 point per egg is taken based on
inconsistency. The maximum deduction in this judging area is six (6) points.
Uniformity of Shape - All eggs should be consitent in shape. A deduction of 1/4 to 1/2 point per egg is taken based on
inconsistency. The maximum deduction in this judging area is six (6) points.
Shell Texture - Each egg is judged on shell texture in each of the following categories:
Blind check
A deduction of 1/4 to 1/2 point per egg is taken for each occurrence. An egg that is cracked or broken shall have a
deduction of one (1) point per egg. The maximum deduction in this judging area is 42 points.
Condition - A deduction of half (1/2) to one (1) point per egg shall be taken for the following:
Dirty (adhering dirt that would not be so severe to disqualify)
Stained (non-adhering)
Glassy of shiny surface (i.e, oils, egg whites, moisture)
The maximum deduction in this judging area is 36 points.
Consumer Saftey (w302 KAR 10:100)
Due to non-refridgeration, all entries are deemed inedible and in the interest of consumer safety shall not be returned to the owner.
All entries become the property of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Non-winning entries shall be destroyed immediately
following judging. Winning entries shall be destroyed at the end of the Fair.
Page 87
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
AND MONDAY, August 26 8:00AM TO 12:00PM
1. Exhibitors are limited to two entries in each class unless
otherwise specied.
2. Exhibitor does not have to or have been aliated with FFA,
4-H, or any other program to enter categories.
3. All grain and seeds competing for premiums must be
exhibited by the producers. In addition, each exhibitor may
be asked to sign a certied statement indicating he or she
is a bona de producer of the seed he/she is exhibiting.
Seed treated with a material that alters the natural color
will be excluded from competition.
4. Proper containers will be furnished by the State Fair for
seeds, loose grain, etc., but at the close of the Fair, the
exhibitor is asked to remove their exhibits from containers
and see that all equipment loaned for display is returned to
the Superintendent. A release will not be granted until all
equipment is checked in.
5. Judging will be on Wednesday, August 14.
6. Collections and displays must be made up of specimens
other than those entered in single classes.
7. Exhibitors must not change their exhibits after Tuesday,
August 13, at 11:59 p.m.
8. Clipped oats and barley will be excluded from competition.
9. No article or exhibit may be removed before 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 25. All exhibits not called for by exhibitor
on/or before Monday, August 26 at 12:00 noon will be
10. All corn entered must be in at least the nal stages of ma-
turity (grain fully dented down, fully colored, and past the
milk and dough stage). No visible sign of insect damage.
Husk and silk removed.
11. When, in the judges opinion, no entry in a class has the
quality implied by a First Place designation, he or she may
award such placing as he/she deems appropriate, or he/
she may disqualify the entry. The decision of the judge is
Page 88
Judging Standards on page 92.
Length, 10 to 11 inches
Circumference, 7.5 to 8.5 inches
Corn shown in the following classes must have been grown by the exhibitor.
In classes No. 3 & 4, one ear of each 10 ears shown shall be exhibited with at least three rows of kernels shelled off from butt to tip.
These shelled kernels may be left in the display tray.
Premiums Offered in Classes 1-4
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$30 $20 $15 $11
1 Best 1/4 Bushel Shelled White Hybrid Corn (Field Run)
2 Best 1/4 Bushel Shelled Yellow Hybrid Corn (Field Run)
3 Best ten ears of White Hybrid Corn (Mature), free of husk and
4 Best ten ears of Yellow Hybrid Corn (Mature), free of husk and
Judging Standards on page 18.
Premiums Offered in Classes 5-8
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$25 $20 $16 $12
5 Most perfect ear of corn, free of husk and silk
6 Longest ear of eld corn, any variety (must be fully mature),
free of husk and silk
7 Best ten ears of any popcorn, free of husk and silk
8 Most attractive display of ten ears of Indian or Ornamental
Corn Visual 25%/Artistic 25%/Creative 50%
The judging of Grain and Field Seeds will be evaluated by a University of Kentucky specialist. Any grain or eld seed that in their esti-
mation is more than two years old may be disqualied from placing.
Entries must be pure soft red winter wheat and must not contain any seed treatment coating. No mixture of red and white kernels is
allowed. Kernels should be large and plump, and be the same size, shape, and color throughout the wheat to secure uniformity.
Page 89
9 Best 1 gallon Soft Red Winter Wheat (untreated grain)
10 Best 1 gallon Soybeans, any variety
11 Best 1 quart of Sweet Sorghum seed, Dale variety
12 Best 1 quart of Sweet Sorghum seed, Sugar Drip variety
13 Best 1 quart of Sweet Sorghum seed, any other variety
14 Best 1 quart of Sweet Sorghum seed, Keller variety
15 Best group of ve (5) heads of sweet sorghum most
attractively displayed as a group with 6-12” attached
peduncle, labeled as to variety Visual 25%/Artistic 25%/
Creative 50%
16 Single 1 pint container of pure Sweet Sorghum Syrup
17 Highest Brix level of Sweet Sorghum Syrup not jelled or
18 Soybean Plants – Best Group of Six Plants that have reached
the full bloom or pod stage, displayed as a hanging bunch
with soil-free roots attached
19 Single Soybean Plant bearing the greatest number of
naturally attached pods with soil-free roots attached.
NOTE: In Division 2204 exhibitors may enter up to two entries but will be limited to winning one premium in each hay class.
All bales entered must be one full bale, minimum two strand, tight, securely tied, with a minimum of 38 inches, and must weigh at least
40 pounds. The following point scale will be applied: Conformation and General Overall Appearance of Bale – 10; Purity of Crop
represented – 25; Quality (Curing, Color, Smell) – 25; NIR Forage Analysis – 40.
The judges decision is nal.
Best of Show: Hay - Best Bale or Combo Bales of Hay exhibited. The “Best of Show” is to be selected from the rst place winners.
Rosette & Trophy courtesy of Feeders Supply Co. Louisville, KY.
Premiums Offered in Classes 22-27
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$60 $50 $40 $30
Premiums Offered Class 28
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$80 $70 $60 $45
Wheat will be judged on the basis of seed quality, uniformity, commercial grade, and condition.
Each soybean entry must bear a tag. To be considered for competition, these plants should have been selected from within the popu-
lation of a crop eld (not the end plant on a row, or from a single row in a garden).
Premiums Offered in Classes 9-14
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$15 $13 $11 $9
Premiums Offered in Classes 15-17
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$25 $20 $15 $11
Premiums Offered in Classes 18 & 19
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$20 $15 $12 $10
22 Best Bale Timothy Hay, must not contain a legume
23 Best Bale Clover Hay
24 Best Bale Alfalfa Hay
25 Best Pure Bale Warm Season or Exotic Grass, (e.g., Switch
grass, Big Bluestem, Bermuda, Eastern , etc.) Must not
contain a legume.
26 Best Bale Mixed Hay (any grass- any legume combination)
27 Best Bale Other/Cool Season Hay (e.g., Orchardgrass, Fescue,
Bluegrass (must not contain a legume)
28 Three Bale Combination - 1 bale any legume, 1 bale any
grass and 1 bale any legume/grass mix
Page 90
Premiums Offered in Classes 30-33
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$17 $15 $13 $11
Premiums Offered in Class 34
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$30 $25 $20 $15
Premiums Offered in Classes 35-36
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$20 $18 $12 $8
Premiums Offered in Class 37
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$55 $50 $45 $35
Premiums Offered Class 38
1st 2nd 3rd
$350 $200 $125
30 Tallest sweet sorghum plant including head, showing good
development and true variety characteristics, roots removed,
Keller variety
31 Tallest sweet sorghum plant including head, showing good
development and true variety characteristics, roots removed,
Dale variety
32 Tallest sweet sorghum plant including head, showing good
development and true variety characteristics, roots removed,
Sugar Drip variety
33 Tallest sweet sorghum plant including head, showing good
development and true variety characteristics, roots removed,
any other variety
34 Hutch Box display of Farm Seeds and Grains all grain must be
labeled, entry must be securely contained and boxed with
clear cover Visual 25%/Artistic 25%/Creative 50%
35 Largest diameter Sunower Head - No more than 2” long
stem - exhibitor tag attached with string secured through
36 Oddest Sunower - no more than 2” long stem, exhibitor tag
attached with string secured through stem Visually odd
37 Best Block Bluegrass Sod 12” X 24”. Each entry will be
displayed in a box at furnished by the Fair; Point scale:
Purity 25%/Density 25%/ Quality 50% (color, root
development, etc.)
38 *Most attractive display and largest variety of any farm
products, not to exceed 8 ft. in width. The display must relate
to items displayed in this department of eld seed and grain.
Exhibitor will be provided with 8 ft. table and a 3-sided wood
bay area painted white. No screw or nail longer than 1/4”.
Exhibitor is responsible for inside bay. Visual 25%/Artistic
25%/Creative 50%
Exhibitors may make two entries in this category. Please list double entries on the entry form. A wide variety of seeds used in exhib-
its is preferred.
Only the following materials may be used:
Seeds, stems, head or panicles, and fruiting bodies of oats, wheat, barley, rye, corn, soybeans, sunowers, buckwheat, sudan grass, sor-
ghums, and forage grasses and legumes common to Kentucky. Dried seeds, pods, and fruits are allowed, only of any horticulture crop
(vegetable or ower) that is suited to or adapted to Kentucky.
Materials used may be painted or shown in their natural color.
Visible plant materials not listed will disqualify the exhibit.
Page 91
39 Adult Crop or Seed Art (18 years & Older) - Using seeds
and parts of horticulture and forage crops as listed.
Accessories such as moss, paint, oral tape, and gurines are
permitted. Stands are not provided; they are the exhibitor’s
40 Junior Crop or Seed Art (10 -17 years old) - Using
seeds and parts of horticulture and forage crops as listed.
Accessories such as paint, oral tape, and gurines are
permitted. Stands are not provided; they are the exhibitor’s
41 Youth Crop or Seed Art (Children ages 4-9 years old) - Using
seeds and parts of horticulture and forage crops as listed.
Accessories such as paint, oral tape, and gurines are
permitted. Stands are not provided; they are the exhibitor’s
Classes 39 - 41 will be judged on the following criteria: Visual 25%/Artistic 25%/Creative 50%
Exhibits may be hanging or standing. Exhibits meant to be hung must be equipped with screw eyes and wire that will support the
work. Please indicate the type and approximate size of exhibit on the entry form.
Maximum dimensions are: 18” high, 24” x 30” in area.
Premiums Offered in Classes 39-40
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$35 $30 $25 $10
Entries in the Field, Seed, and Grain Row Crop Photography class must have been taken by the exhibitor. The subject must contain
some state of or depict: eld row crop, harvest, or row crop packaging. The Field Row Crop, Harvest, Processing, or Packaging print
can be no bigger than 5” x 7”. No frames are allowed; foam backing is permitted.
Premiums Offered in Classes 42-43
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$20 $18 $16 $14
42 Photography - Open 18 Years & Older
43 Photography - Junior 17 Years & Under
Judging Standards on page 92.
Only food-grade and lead-free materials should be used in maple sap or syrup operations. Entries must be from the current produc-
tion year.
Entries should be submitted in an 8 ounce clear glass jar.
Refer to the North American Maple Contest Guidelines -
Premiums Offered in Classes 44-48
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$15 $13 $11 $9
44 Best 8 ounce jar of Grade A Maple Syrup - Golden (delicate
45 Best 8 ounce jar of Grade A Maple Syrup - Amber (rich avor)
46 Best 8 ounce jar of Grade A Maple Syrup - Dark (robust avor)
47 Best 8 ounce jar of Grade A Maple Syrup - Very Dark (strong
48 Highest Brix level of Maple Syrup not jelled or crystallized.
Submitted in 8-ounce clear glass jar.
Page 92
Division 2201: Hybrid Corn Points
Uniformity of Exhibits 10
Shape of Ears 10
Length of Ears 10
Circumference 10
Tip of Ears 10
Butts of Ears 10
Kernel Uniformity 10
Kernel Shape 10
Color of Cob and Corn 10
Trueness of Type 10
Total 100
Maple Syrup Points
Possess a good avor (taste) characteristic of the color 25
Be clean, free from turbidity or cloudiness, and free from off avors and odors 25
Have a good unifor color 25
Be submitted in an 8 ounce clear glass jar 25
Total 100
Field Seed & Grain Judging Standards
Division 2202: Corn Points
Uniformity of Exhibits 10
Shape of Ears 10
Length of Ears 10
Circumference 10
Tip of Ears 10
Butts of Ears 10
Kernel Uniformity 10
Kernel Shape 10
Color of Cob and Corn 10
Trueness of Type 10
Total 100
Page 93
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
AND WEDNESDAY, August 14 8:00AM TO 12:00PM
Premiums Offered per Class Sweepstakes Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st
$8 $5 $3 $2 Rosette &$20
1. Exhibitors are limited to two entries in each class.
2. All exhibits must be in place by 12:00 noon on Wednesday,
August 14.
3. All entries must be grown by the exhibitor or their
immediate family. All entries must clearly identify the
variety/varietal of each entry on the back of the entry tag.
Failure to write the entrys/entries’ variety on the back of
the entry tag will result in automatic disqualication. The
judge shall decide as to the eligibility of any entry in its
class. Entries not classed correctly or that do not identify
variety/varietal on the back of the entry tag will receive no
premium (single variety entries).
4. All fruit will be judged on soundness, nish, and uniformity
and not upon polish.
5. IMPORTANT - A plate of apples, peaches, pears, plums, or
pawpaws shall consist of ve specimens. A plate of grapes
shall be ve bunches. For other entries, see amount stated.
6. No exhibitor will be permitted to sell fruit within the
display area during the period of the Fair except on the
nal day, and then at such time and in such manner as
prescribed by the Fair Management.
7. Shipment of perishable products is at the exhibitors risk.
The Fair is not responsible for the condition of produce
that has been mailed or shipped.
8. No partnership other than those already in existence shall
be allowed to exhibit for premiums.
10. All nuts are to come from the 2024 crop year. They should
be harvested, hulled, and air-dried in shade prior to stor-
age. Storage should be in a refrigerator or freezer until 7 to
10 days prior to judging.
11. The superintendent shall have the right to remove from ex-
hibition at any time, any exhibit, or part thereof, that does
not make a good appearance, becomes unwholesome,
appears spoiled or diseased, or contains pesticide residue.
12. No articles can be removed before 6:00 p.m. on Sunday,
August 25, at which time releases will be issued.
13. IMPORTANT - In picking fruit for exhibit, select a fruit that
is free of blemishes, is slightly above the average for the
variety in size, and that has good shape and color for the
variety. Then select the remainder of the exhibit so that
they will be as near as possible like the pattern as to size,
shape, and color. Apples should have stems.
14. High Point Exhibitor: To the exhibitor winning most points
in Classes 1-136.
Scale of Points Points
Condition - freedom from marks of insects, diseases/and other blemishes 40
Uniformity of size, shape, and color as to its variety 60
Total 100
Page 94
5 per Plate
Best of Show: Plate Apples - Rosette & $5
1 Red Delicious
2 Golden Delicious
3 Grimes Golden
4 Jonathan or Red Jonathan
5 Rome or Red Rome
6 Stayman or Red Stayman
7 Cortland
8 McIntosh
9 Summer Champion
10 Gala
11 Fuji
12 Mutsu
13 Melrose
14 Criterion
15 Jonagold
16 Honey Crisp
17 Mollys Delicious
18 Arkansas Black
19 Liberty
20 Cox Orange
21 Any scab or disease-resistant variety (State variety)
22 Crab Apples (15 per plate)
23 Largest Plate of Apples (by weight)
24 Any other summer variety not mentioned above
25 Any other fall or winter variety not mentioned above
26 Best Unnamed Seedling (give history, including ownership
and location of tree)
27 Best collection of (5) varieties
5 per Plate
Best of Show: Peaches - Rosette & $5
41 Best Plate Harken
42 Best Plate Red Haven
43 Best Plate Elberta Variety
44 Best Plate Cresthaven Variety
45 Best Plate Madison
46 Best Plate Saturn
47 Best Plate Seedling
48 Best Plate July Elberta
49 Best Plate Belle of Georgia
50 Best Plate any other White variety
51 Best Plate any other Yellow variety
52 Best Plate Nectarine
53 Best Collection any 4 varieties
5 bunches per Plate
Best of Show: Grapes - Rosette & $5
55 Concord type
56 Niagara
57 Canadice
58 Reliance
59 Any other Blue variety
60 Any other White variety
61 Any other Red variety
62 Any other variety not mentioned above
63 Best Collection Fresh Market/Table Grapes, 4 varieties, 20
64 Best Collection Wine Grapes, 4 varieties, 20 bunches
Page 95
66 Best Plate Maxine Pears (5 per plate)
67 Best Plate Moonglow Pears (5 per plate)
68 Best Plate Asian Pears (5 per plate)
69 Best Plate Pears, any other variety (5 per plate)
70 Best Plate Red Plums (5 per plate)
71 Best Plate Blue Plums (5 per plate)
72 Best Plate Persimmons, Delight variety (15 per plate)
73 Best Plate Persimmons, Yates variety (15 per plate)
74 Best Plate Persimmons, John Rick variety (15 per plate)
75 Best Plate Persimmons, any other variety (15 per plate)
76 Best Plate Persimmons, any seedling selection (15 per plate)
77 Best Plate Pawpaws, Pa Golden No. 1 variety (5 per plate)
78 Best Plate Pawpaws, Sunower variety (5 per plate)
79 Best Plate Pawpaws, Overleese variety (5 per plate)
80 Best Plate Pawpaws, any other variety (5 per plate)
81 Best Plate Pawpaws, any seedling selection (5 per plate)
82 Best Plate Figs (5 per plate)
83 Best Quart Blueberries
84 Best Quart Everbearing Raspberries
85 Best Quart Thornless Blackberries
All to come from 2024 crop; put variety name with plate of nuts
Seedling Nut Competition: For purpose of locating superior seedling trees. Give brief history, including ownership
and location.
Best of Show: Single plate of nut entries - Rosette & $5
Nut Sweepstakes: Exhibitor winning most points in nut division, classes 87-134
Grafted Nuts
87 Best pint Pecans, Major variety
88 Best pint Pecans, Green River variety
89 Best pint Pecans, Posey variety
90 Best pint Pecans, Colby variety
91 Best pint Pecans, any other Northern variety
92 Best quart Butternuts, My Joy variety
93 Best quart Butternuts, any other grafted variety
94 Best quart Buartnuts (heartnut x butternut hybrid)
95 Best quart Black Walnuts, Surprise variety
96 Best quart Black Walnuts, Thomas variety
97 Best quart Black Walnuts, any other grafted variety
98 Best quart Persian Walnuts, Ky. Giant variety
99 Best quart Persian Walnuts, Lake variety
100 Best quart Persian Walnuts, Hansen variety
101 Best quart Persian Walnuts, Kaiser variety
102 Best quart Persian Walnuts, Wilmoth variety
103 Best quart Persian Walnuts, any other grafted variety
104 Best pint Chinese Chestnuts, Crane variety
105 Best pint Chinese Chestnuts, Mossbarger variety
106 Best pint Chinese Chestnuts, any other grafted variety
107 Best quart Heartnuts, Fodermaier variety
108 Best quart Heartnuts, Frank variety
109 Best quart Heartnuts, any other grafted variety
110 Best pint Hicans, Bixby variety
111 Best pint Hicans, any other grafted variety
112 Best pint Shagbark Hickory, Wurth variety
113 Best pint Shagbark Hickory, Yoder #1 variety
114 Best pint Shagbark Hickory, any other variety
115 Best quart Shellbark Hickory, Nieman variety
116 Best quart Shellbark Hickory, Stephen variety
117 Best quart Shellbark Hickory, any other variety
Seedling Nuts
118 Best quart Butternut
119 Best pint Shagbark Hickory
120 Best quart Shellbark Hickory
121 Best pint Chinese Chestnuts
122 Best quart Heartnuts
123 Best quart Japanese Walnuts
124 Best pint Filberts or Hazelnuts
125 Best pint Pecans
126 Best quart Black Walnuts
127 Best quart Persian Walnuts
128 Best quart Buartnuts (heartnut x butternut Hybrid)
129 Best pint Hicans (pecan x hickory)
Shelled Nut Kernels
130 Best pint jar Black Walnut kernels
131 Best pint jar Butternut kernels
132 Best pint jar Heartnut kernels
Native American Chestnut Tree Class
134 Evidence of largest Native American Chestnut tree,
including twigs, with leaves attached, with burs and nuts, if
bearing, and statement of inches through the trunk at
breast height. Also include statement of ownership and
location of tree.
Page 96
136 Best exhibit by a grower, rm, or corporation, to create the
most artistic and educational display of Kentucky-grown
fruits and nuts, grown by the name represented. The exhibit
should contain at least ve fruit or nut crops. This display
should be educational in nature, and the use of important
market containers in addition to trays and plates will add to
the exhibit. All fruits grown by growers may be exhibited or
represented (fresh or in jams, jellies, juices, canned, pies, etc.)
The space will be approximately 4 feet wide, with a back wall
6 to 10 feet high, and a table in front of space about 6 feet
wide. Varieties should be labeled. Growers are encouraged
to use their own judgment in regard to arrangement of the
exhibit, selection of material, and display of fruits and
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$150 $125 $100 $75
135 Decorative Fruit and Nut Basket - Most artistic and
decorative basket (1 gallon to 1/2 bushel in size) of
Kentucky-grown fruits and nuts. Judging to be on the
following basis: Kind(s) of Fruits and Nuts, 25%; Basket, 25%;
Judging of Fruits to be based on the previous criteria for
quality points, 50%.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$40 $35 $20 $15
Artistic and Educational Booth Displays Points
Educational value 250
Artistic effect including back wall 100
Arragement 50
Labeling neatness 50
Nomenclature and selection of varieties 100
Freedom from blemis - quality and uniformity 300
Completeness of exhibit, including size of exhibit and kinds of fruit best adapeted to the
region where the exhibit originates
Total 1,000
Page 97
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
AND THURSDAY, August 15, 8:00AM TO 9:30AM
Kentucky Country Ham Show: THURSDAY, August 15, 10:00AM
1. Only residents of Kentucky and hams cured and aged in
Kentucky are eligible for entry.
2. To be eligible for competition, hams must weigh at least 14
pounds and not more than 22 pounds, as determined by a
scale at the point of entry.
3. Hams must be entered and exhibited in the name of the
owner. All hams entered must have been cured and aged
by the exhibitor.
4. An exhibitor may enter a ham in any one or all of the fol-
lowing classes. However, they must enter only one division.
Hams will only compete in the division entered with Grand
Champion selected from both divisions. The Grand Cham-
pion Ham from Commercial Division 2501 will sell at the
Kentucky Farm Bureau Country Ham Breakfast.
5. Only one exhibitor will be allowed from each family or rm,
whichever is appropriate for the nature of the business.
6. The Show Committee will rule on all questions or situations
not denitively covered in this catalog.
7. The State Fair wil NOT mail entry tags/admission tickets
to exhibitors. All tags and tickets will be picked up during
drop o weekend. If an entry is mailed, each ham must
arrive in a separate cardboard box with the name and
address of the exhibitor plainly written on the outside and
delivered to:
Kentucky Ham Show
c/o Entry Department
Kentucky State Fair
937 Phillips Lane
Louisville, KY 40209
8. Each rst-place ham from Classes 1-4 will compete for
GRAND CHAMPION HAM. The winner of the cut ham class
is not eligible for Grand Champion.
9. The Grand Champion ham from Commercial Division 2501
becomes the property of the Kentucky State Fair Board and
will be auctioned to the highest bidder at the Kentucky
Ham Breakfast. All proceeds will be presented to charity.
The Kentucky Ham Breakfast will be served on Thursday,
August 22, at 7:30 a.m., at the Kentucky Exposition Center.
10. No hams in Classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be returned to ex-
hibitors or otherwise leave the exhibit prior to the ocial
closing of the Fair. Hams may be picked up between 6:00
p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 25 and between 9:00
a.m. and 12:00 noon on Monday, August 26. Any person
may pick up hams for any number of exhibitors by present-
ing the appropriate receipts issued at the time of entry.
11. Hams in Class 5 will be released to exhibitors at the com-
pletion of the judging. Hams not claimed will become
property of the Kentucky State Fair.
12. Any ham declared spoiled” by the judge shall be disquali-
ed and discarded at the conclusion of judging.
Page 98
Judging Standards Below.
For exhibitors actively involved in larger scale production of country hams with USDA inspected facilities.
1 Placed in cure before January 1, 2024. Show weight 14 to
16.99 pounds.
2 Placed in cure before January 1, 2024. Show weight 17 to 22
3 Placed in cure after January 1, 2024. Show weight 14 to 16.99
4 Placed in cure after January 1, 2024. Show weight 17 to 22
5 Cut ham class. Show weight 14 to 22 pounds. Hams must be
whole and may not be cut or sliced prior to entry. Hams must
be placed in cure prior to May 1, 2024.
6 (Group of Five) - Open only to those exhibitors entering all
above classes (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). The winner of Class 6 will be
determined by the highest composite score of Classes 1, 2, 3,
4, and 5, and will be designated as rst place entry of ve
Judging Standards Below.
Includes other exhibitors that may cure a few hams or a single ham.
1 Placed in cure before January 1, 2024. Show weight 14 to
16.99 pounds.
2 Placed in cure before January 1, 2024. Show weight 17 to 22
3 Placed in cure after January 1, 2024. Show weight 14 to 16.99
4 Placed in cure after January 1, 2024. Show weight 17 to 22
5 Cut ham class. Show weight 14 to 22 pounds. Hams must
be whole and may not be cut or sliced prior to entry. Hams
must be placed in cure prior to May 1, 2024.
6 (Group of Five) - Open only to those exhibitors entering all
above classes (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). The winner of Class 6 will be
determined by the highest composite score of Classes 1, 2, 3,
4, and 5, and will be designated as rst place entry of ve
Hams from Classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 Points
Conformation - This refers to the general shape of the hams. Long-cut hams will be
Workmanship - Neatness and attractiveness of the trim. 10
Meatiness - The ratio of lean to fat. 20
Color - Desirability and uniformity of outside color. Hams showing evidence of exessive
saltiness, moldiness, or smoke will be discounted.
Aroma - Desirability of aroma as determined by probing. 30
Total 100
Hams from Class 5 Points
General Appearance - Includes conformation, workmanship, meatiness, and color. Half the
points will be allotted before cutting, and the other half after.
Aroma - Aroma will be evaluated both before and after cooking. 15
Texture - High moisture content or too coarse a grain is undesirable. 10
Inside Color - Hams will not be downgraded on the basis of cure ingredients used. A uniform
color of the cut surface is desirable.
Flavor - The tang and mellowness of a true country ham avor is desirable. Detection of off
avors shall severely downgrade the product.
Total 100
Page 99
OPEN ENTRY FORM DUE BY: August 5, 2024
4-H/FFA ENTRY FORM DUE BY: August 5, 2024
4-H DROPOFF: MONDAY, August12 9:00AM TO 2:00PM
FFA DROPOFF: TUESDAY, August 13 9:00AM TO 6:00PM
OPEN DROPOFF: MONDAY, August 12 9:00AM TO 4:00PM
AND TUESDAY, August 13 9:00AM TO 6:00PM
AND MONDAY, August 26 9:00AM TO 12:00PM
Premiums Offered per Open Classes ONLY
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$100 $75 $50 $30 $20
1. Entries in 4-H & FFA classes must be made through the FFA
advisor or 4-H Agent.
2. Only tobacco that has been entered by the deadlines
specied above will be accepted at the Kentucky State Fair.
3. Entry tags to be placed on entries will be given to
exhibitors upon arrival at the Fair.
4. No owner of warehouse(s) will be allowed to exhibit in any
5. All exhibits should be brought to the Tobacco Department
in the West Hall. No tobacco will be accepted after the
times listed. JUDGING WILL BEGIN AT 12:00 NOON (ET), ON
6. Tobacco may not be removed before 6:00 p.m., August 25.
Entries/exhibits may be picked up between 6:00 p.m. and
9:00 p.m., Sunday, August 25. In addition, tobacco will be
released Monday, August 26, from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
7. 4-H and FFA exhibitors are eligible to compete in only one
division of the youth show (4-H or FFA). They may compete
in the Open Class, provided they have separate entries for
that class. Open class entries must be made by August 5
through the adviser or agent. Entries in the 4-H and FFA
classes are restricted to regularly enrolled members of
these organizations.
8. The Superintendent shall have the authority to reject any
entry that in his/her opinion is unworthy of entry.
9. Entries infected with insects or disease, or exhibiting
severe damage, shall be discarded at the discretion of the
10. Exhibitors may enter only one item per class.
11. Each exhibit of green tobacco consists of four (4) stalks per
stick. Stalks shall be pierced, not tied to the stick.
12. All entries in the green classes should be wilted for a better
presentation, but must still be in the green stage. Green
tobacco will be judged on uniformity, general appearance,
and quality. The Superintendent has the right to disqualify
any stick entered in the green stick category that has cured
beyond the green stage.
13. All growing tobacco plants should be potted in a
waterproof plastic bag and placed in an attractive
container before arrival at the Kentucky State Fair. The
container or bucket should be watertight.
14. Each exhibit of stripped Burley tobacco shall consist of two
(2) hands, and each hand shall be made up of twenty (20)
leaves or more. The rst, second, and third place entries in
all stripped divisions will remain at the Kentucky State Fair.
15. Types 22-23 Dark Fired tobacco will be exhibited in the
same class, but type 35 (one sucker) will be exhibited in a
separate class.
16. Each exhibit of types 22 and 23 Dark Fired stripped
tobacco shall consist of two (2) hands of eight (8) leaves
each. Each exhibit of type 35 (one sucker) stripped
tobacco shall consist of two (2) hands of fteen (15) leaves
Page 100
It would be appreciated if exhibitors would label each entry as to name and variety, if known. This adds to the attractiveness and
educational value of the exhibits.
The Commisioner of Agriculture will present a plaque to the individual exhibitor winning most points in classes 1-4.
Classes 13-15: Entries shall be on an individual basis and must be produced by the individual making entry. Only one entry per indi-
vidual is permitted, and an entry shall consist of four grades: Flying, Lug, Leaf, and Tip.
Classes 13-15: Each grade shall consist of two hands of 20 leaves each, and samples entered in Classes 1 through 12 shall not be con-
sidered for this class. Each grade shall be tied separately, then all four grades shall be tied together to make the entry.
An engraved plaque will be awarded to the FFA Chapter providing the greatest number of entries in classes 9 through 12 and 14 and
to the 4-H individual exhibiting the most outstanding entry in classes 5 through 8 and 15. In the case of a tie, a point system will be
used in awarding plaques.
Open Classes
1 Flying
2 Lug
3 Leaf
4 Tip
4-H Classes
5 Flying
6 Lug
7 Leaf
8 Tip
FFA Classes
9 Flying
10 Lug
11 Leaf
12 Tip
Best Crop Classes
13 Best Crop, Open, 4 grades
14 Best Crop, FFA, 4 grades
15 Best Crop, 4-H, 4 grades
17. The following systm will be used in awarding on the Danish system.
18. 4-H and FFA Best Overall Exhibitor - Exhibitor in each youth organization with the highest total points will receive an engraved
plaque. To be eligible, the exhibitor must enter three of the following classes:
All plaques are oered by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture
1st Place 10
2nd Place 9
3rd Place 8
4th Place 7
5th Place 6
6th Place 5
7th Place 4
8th Place 3
9th Place 2
10th Place 1
Burley - Stripped any of all Class 9-12 Dark Air Class 29
Burley - Best Crop Class 14 Dark Fire Class 30
Green Stick Burley Class 37 Potted Dark Class 34
Potted Burley Class 40
Page 101
U.S. Types 22,23 Dark Fire Cured
16 Heavy Brown Leaf, BF
17 Heavy Dark Leaf, BD
18 Thin Brown Leaf, CF
19 Wrappers, AF and AD, Dark
U.S. Types 35 One Sucker
20 Heavy Brown Leaf, BF
21 Heavy Red Leaf, BR
22 Thin Brown Leaf, CF
23 Wrappers, AF and AR, Red Color
Best Crop
24 Best Crop, Type 22 or 23 (2 hands, 8 leaves)
25 Best Crop, Type 35 (2 hands, 15 leaves)
26 4-H Best Crop (2 hands, 20 leaves each grade)
Open Class Dark Green Tobacco
27 Dark Air-Cured
28 Dark Fired
FFA Class Green Dark Tobacco (By Sticks)
29 Dark Air-Cured
30 Dark Fired
4-H Class Green Dark Tobacco (By Sticks)
31 Dark
Growing Dark Tobacco Plant
32 Best potted growing plant of Dark Tobacco, any type (Open)
33 Best potted growing plant of Dark Tobacco, any type (4-H)
34 Best potted growing plant of Dark Tobacco, any type (FFA)
It would be appreciated if exhibitors would label each entry as to name and variety, if known. This adds to the attractiveness and
educational value of the exhibits.
The Commissioner of Agriculture will present a Plaque to the individual exhibitor winning most points in each of the above Dark
Entries shall be on an individual basis and must be produced by the individual making the entry. One entry per individual is permitted,
and an entry shall consist of four grades: wrappers, heavy brown leaf, dark leaf, and thin brown leaf. Samples entered in Classes 16
through 23 shall not be considered for this division.
The Commissioner of Agriculture will present a Plaque to the FFA Chapter winning most points in Green Dark Tobacco classes.
It would be appreciated if exhibitors would label each entry as to name and variety, if known. This adds to the attractiveness and
educational value of the exhibits.
The Commissioner of Agriculture will present a Plaque to the FFA Chapter supplying the most entries in Class 37 and a Plaque to
the Top 4-H exhibit in Class 36.
All potted plants will become the property of the Kentucky State Fair and after judging will be used as decorations throughout the
Fair for promotion of the Tobacco Department.
35 Open Class Green Tobacco by sticks: Burley
36 4-H Class Green Tobacco by sticks: Burley
37 FFA Class Green Tobacco by sticks: Burley
38 Best potted growing plant of Burley Tobacco (Open)
39 Best potted growing plant of Burley Tobacco (4-H)
40 Best potted growing plant of Burley Tobacco (FFA)
Page 102
AND MONDAY, August 26, 10:00AM TO 12:00PM
Premiums Offered per Class*
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$6 $4 $3 $2
1. Exhibitors are limited to one entry in each class.
2. All vegetables and melons entered must be grown by the
exhibitor. Junior and Senior Exhibitors are also eligible to
compete in open classes.
3. All awards will be made by single judge system.
4. The superintendent will receive entries on Tuesday, August
13 beginning at 8:00 a.m. All exhibitors must check in with
the superintendent no later than 6:00 p.m. Exception: All
collections must be in place and completed by 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 13, and exhibitors must exit the West Hall
at that time. Exception: Senior Citizen Exhibit (Division
2406) entries will be received on Tuesday, August 20. The
Superintendent may extend access to the West Hall on the
day of entry if deemed necessary.
5. All entries MUST identify the name of the variety/varietal
on the back of the entry tag to be eligible for premiums;
the largest classes in Division 2403 are exempt. For ex-
ample: an entry into the Tomato class “Red, round, slicer
variety (5)” may have Stellar Tomato, Rutgers, Czech Bush,
Greek Asimina, Sioux, etc., all of which are Red, Round,
Slicer Varieties. Any exhibits grown from a saved seed may
be identied by a name of the exhibitor’s choosing or
seeding. This adds to the attractiveness and educational
value of exhibits. Any other variety classes are limited to
varieties that do not have their own category. Entries not
classed correctly or that do not identify variety/varietal on
the back of the entry tag will receive no premiums.
6. Articles in the department may be shown in only one class.
They may not be exhibited separately and also as a part of
a collection.
7. No exhibitor will be permitted to sell vegetables or melons
within the display area during the period of the Fair except
on the nal day, and then at such time and in such manner
as prescribed by the Fair management.
8. No articles may be removed before 6:00 p.m. Sunday,
August 25. Exhibits may be picked up between 6:00 p.m.
– 9:00 p.m. Sunday, August 25, or from 10:00 a.m. – noon
Monday, August 26. Unclaimed exhibits will be disposed of,
including baskets, jars, and containers.
9. All vegetables must be fresh and clean. Exhibits must be
displayed on white, sturdy paper plates or similar trays
furnished by the Fair.
10. Exhibitors may wish to use a standard wide-mouth can-
ning jar (32 oz. or smaller) to display extremely perishable
entries (e.g., parsley, spinach, Swiss chard). Shipment of
perishable products is at the exhibitors’ risk. The Fair is not
responsible for the condition of produce that has been
mailed or shipped.
11. The superintendent shall have the right to remove from ex-
hibition at any time, any exhibit, or part thereof, that does
not make a good appearance, becomes unwholesome,
appears spoiled or diseased, or contains pesticide residue.
12. Products must be the current year’s crop, except where
13. Parentheses () after the class category represent the num-
ber of specimens to enter in said class. For example, “Sweet
Potatoes White (5)” means you should have ve (5) white
sweet potatoes on your plate for the entry.
14. Exhibitors may not use electrical outlets to power items in
or on their collection/displays. Collections whose primary
focus is vegetables grown by the exhibitor shall be judged
more favorably than those that focus on ancillary items.
(This pertains to Class 115 thru Class 145 - Juniors, and
Classes 150 thru Class 192 Seniors.)
Page 103
Classes 82 through 84 must be previous season gourds. Gourds entered in classes 83 & 84 should be cleaned. Painted gourds will not
be eligible for these categories.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$6 $4 $3 $2
1 Green, round or oval pods (12)
2 Green, at pods (12)
3 Lima, in pods (12)
4 Best of 3 types (12 each); the shelled beans turn brown and
have no eye appeal after the rst day.
5 Any variety, tops cut to 4 inches (6)
6 Round, small-headed (3)
7 Round, large-headed (1)
8 Flat-headed (1)
9 Red (3)
10 Brussells sprouts (3)
11 Any other variety
12 Chantenay or Nantes, tops cut to 4 inches (6)
13 Vegetable critters. Odd shapes grown naturally (Decorations
should enhance natural growth for interpretation of exhibit.
No decoration of “normal” looking specimen.) (No more
than 3)
14 Vegetable Critters - Odd shapes grown naturally (No
Decorations of vegetables allowed, no more than 3)
15 Vegetable Critters - Normal shaped vegetables decorated
(No more than 3)
16 Slicing type (6)
17 Pickle type (12)
18 White
19 Green striped
20 Any other variety
21 Scotch kale (1/2 peck)
22 Mustard (1/2 peck)
23 Turnip (1/2 peck)
24 Greens, any other variety (1/2 peck each)
25 Green bunching (12)
26 White, matured (5)
27 Yellow, matured (5)
28 Red (5)
29 Display of at least 3 types (5 each)
30 Green (12)
31 Red (12)
32 Any black variety (3)
33 Any other variety (3)
34 Moss Curles (3 bunches)
35 Plain (3 bunches)
36 Green bell (5)
37 Colored, bell (red, yellow, orange, purple, or chocolates) (5)
(Exhibit should be of same color)
38 Red, other than bell types (pimento, paprika, etc.) (5)
39 Yellow, other than bell types (banana, sweet wax, etc.) (5)
40 Jalepeño type (12)
41 Cayenne type (12)
42 Habanero type (12)
43 Chile (Anaheim, New Mexico, Poblano or Anchor type) (12)
44 Other, red (Tabasco, cherry, serrano, etc.) (12)
45 Other, yellow (pepperoncini, Cascabella, hot banana, etc.)
46 Display of at least 3 types, small hot peppers (5 each)
47 Display of at least 3 types, large hot peppers (5 each)
Irish Potatoes
48 White (5)
49 Red (5)
50 Yellow (5)
51 Any variety grown from certied seed with tag (5)
52 Best display of at least 3 varieties (5 of each)
Sweet Potatoes
53 Gold or bronze (5)
54 Red (5)
55 Best pie pumpkin (small type)
56 Best Halloween type
57 White, yellow, or green scallop (3)
58 Yellow summer (3)
59 Green summer or Italian (3)
60 Squash, any other summer variety (3)
61 Best display of at least 3 summer varieties (3 each)
62 Acorn (3) any color
63 Butternut (3)
64 Best display of at least 3 winter varieties (3 each) (No
Sweet Corn
65 White fresh, with husk on (6)
66 Yellow fresh, with husk on (6)
67 Bi-color, with husk on (6)
Page 104
Swiss Chard
68 Best three stalks, green or red
69 Red, round, slicer variety (5)
70 Pink, purple, round, slicer variety (5)
71 Yellow, round, slicer variety (5)
72 Any other round, NOT solid red, green, or purple slicer
variety (5)
73 Any cherry variety, small, round, any color (5)
74 Any pear variety, small, pear-shaped, any color (5)
75 Any grape variety, small, oblong, any color, (5)
76 Any beefsteak variety (5)
77 Any paste type (5) (including Roma, oxheart, etc.)
78 Any large variety of unripe (green) tomatoes, suitable for
preparing fried green tomatoes or other dishes (5)
79 Best display of at least 3 large varieties (5 each)
80 Best display of at least 3 small varieties (5 each)
81 Garlic (3)
82 Loofa or dish rag gourd. Judged on cleanliness, maturity,
length, and circumference
Diced Gourds
83 Long handle dipper gourd. Longest, straightest, dried. Less
than 4” bow in the handle
84 Largest dried gourd, according to circumference
92 Best collection of at least 4 varieties grown by exhibitor
93 Best icebox or seedless melon
94 Best watermelon, long non-icebox
95 Best collection of at least 3 varieties
96 Best cantaloupe
Premiums Offered Class 92 & 95
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$20 $15 $10 $8 $6
The same rules as listed for open classes apply to this division.
The exhibit must be sound. There should be no visible cracks, wounds, holes, mold, disease, or spoilage.
There should be no suckers, wrapper leaves, stems, or extra foliage.
There should be no grossly overmature exhibits. The exhibit must be of good, marketable quality. Superintendent/Judge reserves the
right to remove any items on exhibit deemed unwholesome or not in good taste.
These rules also apply for strictly Junior and Senior weight classes.
1st Place in each class in this division will recieve a rosette.
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
$35 $25 $15 $10
99 Largest single tomato (not green)
100 Cabbage, any type, one head marketable quality, cleaned
with only 3-4 wrapper leaves maximum
101 Largest single beet other than sugar, top cut to 4 inches
102 Largest single bell pepper
103 Largest Zucchini
104 Largest single Potato, any variety
Page 105
*Exhibitors may enter in either 105 or 114 but not in both.
*Senior Citizens who enter 105 or 114 are not eligible to enter 191 or 192.
Sweepstakes: To the winner of the most points in Divisions 2401 through 2404, Rosette will be awarded to the Sweepstakes win-
ner and runner-up
Premiums Offered Class 105
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$100 $75 $65 $55 $45
Premiums Offered Classes 106-114
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$40 $30 $20 $15 $10
105 Best general collection of vegetables grown by exhibitor
(No gourds or fruit)
106 Best collection of peppers
107 Best collection of tomatoes
108 Best collection of pumpkins (No squash or cushaws)
109 Best collection of squash (No cushaws or pumpkins)
110 Best collection of current season gourds (No dry gourds)
111 Best collection of seasoning herbs
112 Best collection of beans
113 Best collection of dry gourds (Dried immediate year prior;
ornamental and hard shells in natural color. No painted
gourds. Only clear waxing, varnish, shellac of sealer allowed.
No more than 15 gourds allowed)
114 Best market assortment of mixed vegetables produced by
exhibitor for dinner table (for family of ve for one meal)
These classes are open to anyone who has not reached their 18th birthday as of August 1 of the current year. The same rules as
listed for open classes govern this division. Vegetables exhibited must have been grown in the exhibitor’s own garden and must be
displayed by him/her.
Sweepstakes: To the winner of most points in Classes 115 through 145. Rosette will be awarded to the Sweepstakes winner and
115 Green, round or oval pods (12)
116 Green, at pods (12)
117 Lima, in pods (12)
118 Any other variety (12)
119 Any variety, tops cut to 4 inches (6)
120 Any variety, tops cut to 4 inches (6)
121 Vegetable Critters - Odd shapes grown natrally (Decorations
should enhance natural growth for interpretation of exhibit.
No decoration of “normal” looking specimens. No more
than 3.)
122 Vegetable Critters - Odd shapes grown naturally (No
decorations of vegetables allowed, no more than 3)
123 Vegetable Critters - Normal shaped vegetables decorated
(no more than 3)
124 Slicing type (6)
125 Pickle type (12)
126 Any black variety (3)
127 Any one variety (12)
128 Large, bell type, any color (green, red, yellow, orange, purple,
chocolates) (5)
129 Display of at least 3 types, sweet peppers (no bell type)
(pimento, paprika, banana, sweet wax, etc.) (5 each)
130 Display of at least 3 types, hot peppers (5 each)
131 Best display of 2 varieties other than sweet potatoes (5 of
132 White (5)
Page 106
133 Best Halloween type
134 Summer squash (3)
135 Yellow squash (3)
136 Zucchini (3)
137 Red, any round slicer types (5)
138 Any paste type, including Roma, oxheart, etc. (5)
139 Any salad/fresh type (cherry, pear, grape, etc.) (5)
140 Any beefsteak type (5)
141 Largest tomato by weight (no green tomatoes)
142 Best watermelon by weight
143 Best any variety
144 Loofa or dish rag gourd. Judged on cleanliness, maturity,
length, and circumference. Must be previous seasons
145 Best vegetable basket, 6 or more vegetables grown by
exhibitor (no gourds)
These classes are open to Senior Citizens 55 years of age or older by August 1. The same rules as listed for open classes govern this
division, with the following revisions:
The Superintendent will receive entries on Tuesday August 20 for Division 2406, Senior Citizens Vegetables and Melons, beginning at
8:00 a.m. All entries for Senior Citizen Vegetables and Melons must be within the department no later than 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, August
20, and must be in nal place by noon. Exhibitors will be mailed a Pavilion Drive access permit for unloading vegetables at the West
Hall. No vegetables or melons can be removed before 6:00 p.m., Sunday, August 25.
Exhibitors bringing exhibits into the Kentucky Exposition Center must pay admission to the Fair or present an exhibitor ticket. This
will also apply when items are removed. See page 8 for exhibitor ticket purchase information.
Senior Citizens who enter Best Collection of Vegetables or Best Market Assortment of Mixed Vegetables are not eligible for open
classes 105 or 114 and vice versa.
Vegetables exhibited must be grown in the exhibitor’s own garden and must be displayed by him/her.
For class 181, see rules for Division 2403.
Exhibitor may enter class 191 or 192, but not both.
Sweepstakes: To the winner of most points in Classes 150 through 192. Rosette will be awarded to the Sweepstakes winner and
150 Green, round or oval pods (12)
151 Green, at pods (12)
152 Lima, in pods (12)
153 Any other variety (12)
154 Any variety (3)
155 Any variety, tops cut to 4 inches (6)
156 Slicing type (6)
157 Pickle type (12)
158 Best any type
159 Any variety (12)
160 White, matured (5)
161 Yellow, matured (5)
162 Any other variety (5)
163 Large, green bell (5)
164 Large, yellow (5)
165 Hot, any variety (5)
166 Yellow, other than bell types (banana, sweet, wax, etc.) (5)
167 Best display of 2 varieties (5 of each)
168 White (5)
169 Red (5)
170 Best Halloween type
171 Best pie pumpkin
172 Summer yellow (3)
173 Summer green (3)
174 White, any variety (3)
175 Winter squash (3)
176 Any round slicer type (5)
177 Any paste type, including Roma, oxheart, etc. (5)
Page 107
178 Any salad/fresh type (cherry, pear, grape, etc.) (5)
179 Any beefsteak type (5)
180 Best display of at least 2 varieties (5 each)
181 Largest tomato by weight
182 Best icebox type
183 Best watermelon, long non-icebox type
184 Best any variety
185 Vegetable Critters - Odd shapes grown naturally
(Decorations should enhance natural growth for
interpretation of exhibit. No decoration of “normal” looking
specimen. No more than 3)
186 Vegetable Critters - Odd shapes grown naturally (No
decorations of vegetables allowed, no more than 3.)
187 Vegetable Critters - Normal shaped vegetables decorated
(No more than 3)
Sweet Corn
188 White or yellow, fresh with husk on (6)
189 Best collection of dry gourds (Dried immedate year prior;
ornamental and hard shells in natural color. No painted
gourds. Only clear waxing, varnish, shellac, or sealer allowed.
No more than 15 gourds allowed)
190 Best collection of peppers
191 Best collection of vegetables grown by exhibitor (Limit to 4
ft. space on table)
192 Best market assortment of mixed vegetables produced by
Page 108
The Kentucky State Fair Largest Pumpkin Weigh-Off has been approved as part of the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth (GPC).
Please see our website and the GPC website for more information.
Largest Pumpkin Contest
1 Exhibit must be sound. No visible cracks, wounds, holes,
mold, disease, or spoilage is allowed.
2 No suckers, wrapper leaves, stems, or extra foliage is allowed.
3 No grossly over-mature exhibits are allowed. Exhibit must be
of good, marketable quality. The Superintendent/Judge re
serve the right to remove any items on exhibit deemed
unwholesome or not in good taste.
4 All pumpkins will remain on display for the duration of the
Kentucky State Fair unless Fair management approves an
early release.
5 All pumpkins must be grown by the exhibitor.
6 Out-of-state entries are accepted in this class.
7 All entries must be made through our online entry system at by 11:59 p.m. on July 10th Onsite registration
is available for an entry fee of $20.00 per exhibitor.
8 Exhibitors who enter prior to the event will receive a packet
in the mail with a map, a loading pass, and instructions on
how to get to the West Wing loading docks. (Rules and Regu
lations from the packet will be available on our website.)
9 Exhibitors will need to pay admission and parking at the
gate or purchase exhibitor tickets prior to the event.
10 Exhibitors who plan to enter on the day of the event will
need to contact the Kentucky State Fair Entry Department by
August 9 to request a loading pass and map. You will also
have to pay admission and parking to come in to the Fair.
11 Pumpkins must arrive on a pallet at the Kentucky State
Fair on Saturday, August 17 between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
at the West Wing loading docks. A forklift will be available for
loading and unloading.
12 Growers will need to load their pumpkins on a sucient
pallet at the farm for unloading purposes by a Kentucky
State Fair forklift upon arrival at the Fair. The Kentucky State
Fair will not be responsible for insucient pallets. Pallets
should be able to be moved by a hydraulic hand-jack; the
forks on the hydraulic hand-jack are 27” wide and 3 ½” tall.
13 Growers can pick up their pumpkins beginning on Sunday,
August 25 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. or 10 a.m. to 12:00 noon on
Monday, August 26.
14 Prize money will be awarded as follows and will be based on
the nal, ocial weight of all pumpkins:
1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $300
3rd Place: $250
4th Place: $200
5th Place: $150
6th Place: $100
7th Place: $75
8th Place: $75
15 If the 1st place pumpkin weighs 1,000 pounds or more,
the exhibitor will receive $1.00 per pound for the weight of
the pumpkin. This award applies to the 1st Place
pumpkin weighing 1,000 pounds and above ONLY.
If the largest pumpkin does not weigh 1,000 pounds or more
to qualify for the $1.00 per pound, then the largest pumpkin
will be awarded $500 for rst place.
16 Please note: If the Largest Pumpkin weighs 1,000 pounds or
more, the exhibitor will receive premiums for the
$1.00 per pound and will not receive the $500.00.
Prize money for 2nd place through 5th place will be adjusted
Largest Watermelon Contest
17 Exhibit must be sound. No visible cracks, wounds, holes,
mold, disease, or spoilage is allowed.
18 No suckers, wrapper leaves, stems, or extra foliage are
19 No grossly over-mature exhibits are allowed. The exhibit
must be of good, marketable quality. The Superintendent/
Judge reserve the right to remove any items on exhibit
deemed unwholesome or not in good taste.
20 All watermelons will remain on display for the duration of
the Kentucky State Fair unless the Fair management ap
proves early release.
21 All watermelons must be grown by the exhibitor.
22 Exhibitors are limited to one entry.
23 Out-of-state entries are accepted in this class.
24 All entries must be made through our online entry system at by 11:59 p.m. on July 10th. Onsite registration
is available for an entry fee of $20.00 per exhibitor.
25 Watermelons must arrive at the Kentucky State Fair on
Saturday, August 17 between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at the
West Wing loading docks. (Exhibitors will be sent a map and
loading pass.)
26 Growers can pick up their watermelons beginning on
Sunday, August 25 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. or 10:00 a.m.
to 12:00 noon on Monday, August 26.
27 Prize money will be awarded as follows:
1st place is $500
2nd place is $300
3rd place is $250
4th place is $200
5th place is $150
6th place is $100
7th place is $75
8th place is $75
NEW IN 2024:
Challenge the Commissioner!
Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell hails from a
diverse family farm that includes a cattle operation, eld crops, and
greenhouses, and is passionate about all those things. However, he is
downright competitive about growing large pumpkins! He’s adding an
exciting new level of competition to the Largest Pumpkin/Watermel-
on Contest at the 2024 Kentucky State Fair: “Challenge the
Commissioner!” Any Kentucky-grown pumpkin entered in this years
State Fair contest that outweights the pumpkin grown and displayed
by Commissioner Shell will receive additional recognition.
In honor of this 120th Kentucky State Fair, we’d love to see entries
from as many of Kentucky’s 120 counties as possible! Pumpkins grown
in other states are welcome to compete, as always, but those entries
cannot “Challenge the Commissioner!” Bring it on, Kentucky pumpkin
growers - Commissioner Shell means business!
01 Largest Pumpkin 02 Largest Watermelon
Page 109
General Rules 110
Animal Health Requirements 112
Pigeons 115
Poultry 116
Rabbits 123
Page 110
1. Exhibitors’ gate admission tickets may be purchased through the Entry Department. Barn Access Only Badges for PPR
Exhibitors are required to enter the Pavilion when closed to the public. Exhibitors will be provided two Barn Access Only
Badges at exhibitor check in. This badge does not include admission/parking scans usable to admit multiple people
at the gate.
2. PPR exhibitors can purchase a $25 Livestock Exhibitor Admission Badge when submitting online entries. The badge
includes 14 admission/parking scans usable to admit multiple people at the gate. This badge will also serve as a Barn Access
Badge. Individual exhibitor tickets are available in packets, containing 11 admission/parking tickets for $44.00. Exhibitors will
be limited to purchasing three (3) packets of exhibitor tickets. If not purchased through the online system, you will need to
go to the KEC Ticket Ofce. Please visit for more details.
Entry Information
1. All entries should be made through the online entry system, using A credit or debit card is needed for
payment through the online entry system. All entry fees will be charged after the exhibitor submits their entries.
2. Entries close at 11:59 p.m. on July 10. Entries have to be submitted by July 10, or a late fee will be charged and must be sub
mitted by 11:59pm July 17. No entries will be accepted after that date.
3. Complete information is required when making entries. A valid Social Security Number or Tax ID number is required when
entering in order to receive a check for premiums won.
4. No phone in entries will be accepted.
Protest Rules
1. All protests must be made in writing, plainly stating the reason for the complaint or appeal, and must be led with the Entry
Manager of the Kentucky State Fair. All protests must be accompanied by a $500.00 cash deposit, which will be forfeited if
the protest is not sustained.
2. Protests against the exhibition of animals or articles shall be led at least 24 hours before the awards are made. Protests
against awards shall be led by 8:00 p.m. on the day on which the awards were made, or, in the case of articles judged prior
to the opening of the Fair, by 8:00 p.m. on the ofcial opening day of the Fair.
3. All protests will be considered at a time set by the Kentucky State Fair Board, and the interested parties will be notied and
given the opportunity to submit evidence.
4. In addition to the right of protest herein guaranteed to interested parties, the Kentucky State Fair Board expressly reserves
the right to take cognizance of fraud, which may have been consummated or attempted, and to take such action as may be
deemed just and proper.
Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times deport themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship. Their
conduct in this competitive environment shall always reect the highest standards of honor and dignity to promote the advancement
of agricultural education. This code applies to junior as well as open class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competi-
tion. This code applies to all livestock offered in any event at a livestock show. In addition to the National Code of Show Ring Ethics,
fairs and livestock shows may have rules and regulations that they impose on the local, county, state, provincial, and national levels.
All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an afrmative responsibility to do more than avoid improper
conduct or questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable will be inu-
enced by their ne example. Owners, exhibitors, tters, trainers, and absolutely responsible persons who violate the code of ethics
will forfeit premiums, awards, and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from future exhibition in accordance with the rules
adopted by the Kentucky State Fair. Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics demean the integrity of all livestock exhibitors and
should be prohibited from competition at all livestock shows in the United States and Canada.
Page 111
The following is a list of guidelines for all exhibitors and all livestock in competitive events:
1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and livestock show ofcials, proof of ownership, length of
ownership, and age of all animals entered. Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or any facts relating thereto is
2. Owners, exhibitors, tters, trainers, or absolutely responsible persons shall provide animal health certicates from
licensed veterinarians upon request by fair or livestock show ofcials.
3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their animals while at fairs or livestock shows.
4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter the food chain free of violative drug residues. The
act of entering an animal in a livestock show is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, and/
or absolutely responsible person for show management to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other
substances from the animal to be used in testing. Animals not entered in an event that culminates
with the animal entering the food chain shall not be administered drugs other than in accordance
with applicable federal, state, and provincial statutes, regulations, and rules. Livestock shall not be
exhibited if the drugs administered in accordance with federal, state, and provincial statutes, regulations, and rules
affect the animal’s performance or appearance at the event.
If the laboratory report on the analysis of saliva, urine, blood, or other sample taken from livestock indicates the
presence of forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence such substance has been
administered to the animal either internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood, or
other substance tested by the laboratory to which it is sent is the one taken from the animal in question,
its integrity is preserved, and all procedures of said collection and preservation, transfer to the laboratory,
and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the laboratory
pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question and correctly reects
the condition of the animal at the time the sample was taken, with the burden on the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer,
or absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise.
At any time after an animal arrives on the fair or livestock show premises, all treatments involving the use of drugs
and/or medications for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal shall be administered by a licensed
5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the external application of any substance
(irritant, counterirritant, or similar substance) that could affect the animal’s performance or alter its
natural contour, conformation, or appearance, except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns
of animals which affect appearance only and except for surgical procedures performed by a duly licensed
veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is prohibited.
6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices such as striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical
contrivance, or other similar practices is not acceptable and is prohibited.
7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or livestock show management, other exhibitors, breed
representatives, or show ofcials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance of
their ofcial duty, all judges, fair and livestock show management, or other show ofcials shall be treated with
courtesy, cooperation, and respect, and no person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them.
8. No owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person shall conspire with another person or persons
to intentionally violate this code of ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person or
persons either by afrmative action or inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this rule shall subject such
individual to disciplinary action.
9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition by an owner,
exhibitor, tter, trainer, or participant, whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual knowl
edge of the treatment of the animal in contravention of this code of ethics.
Page 112
10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, or absolutely
responsible person to have disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show for violation of this Code of
Show Ring Ethics and any other rules of competition of the fair or livestock show without recourse against the fair
or livestock show. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent that any proceedings or disciplinary action
taken by the fair or livestock show may be published with the name of the violator or violators in any publication
of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions, including Fairs and Expositions and any special
notices to members.
11. The act of entering of an animal in a fair or livestock show is the giving of verication by the owner, exhibitor, tter,
trainer, or absolutely responsible person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics and
understands the consequences of and penalties provided for actions prohibited by the code. It is further a consent
that any action that contravene these rules and is also in violation of federal, state, or provincial
statutes, regulations, or rules may be released to appropriate law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction
over such infractions.
For health requirment information contact: Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health. 109 Corporate
Drive Frankfort, KY 40601. Phone (502)573-0282. Option 3. For all up-to-date health regulations for each species of livestock, please
contact the Kentucky Department of Agriculture at the address and phone number above or visit their website at
Page 113
Poultry Specic Rules
1. See Poultry, Pigeon and Rabbits (PPR) General Rules
2. All stock must be in coops by 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 14.
3. The breed name, variety, and leg band number, as well as, the correction section number and class number, including a letter, are
required to complete entries. Each bird must be owned by the exhibitor.
4. All exhibitors entering in the youth show (Divisions 1651, 1652, 1653, 1653, 1655,, and 1656) must be under the age of 19 on the
day of the show. Youth may show in either the open division or youth division, but not both.
5. No coops or boxes should be left in aisles.
6. SALE COOPS: There will be NO scale coops. Only poultry entered in the show will be allowed at the Kentucky Exposition
7. All specimens will be judged by comparison by latest standard, with due emphasis being placed on type, vigor, and production
8. Exhibitors will not be permitted to talk with judges until they have completed their work.
9. Only birds assigned to a hole can use that hole and must remain for the entire show. No birds can be sold out of the show.
10. The Kentucky State Fair reserves the right to limit the number of birds per exhibitor.
11. The Fair is not responsible for birds left after 3:00 p.m., Sunday, August 18.
12. Special Health Requirements for Exhibitors
NPIP Participant with the H5/H7 Avian Inuenza clean status with proof of certication
NPIP participant not having H5/H7 Avian Inuenza status will need a negative Avian Inuenza test with certication
within 30 days of entry.
Non NPIP ocks must have a negative Pollorum/Typhoid test and a negative Avian Inuenza test done within 30
days of entry with test results.
In-State exhibitors will need either their NPIP certicates or will need to Pollorum/Typhoid tested upon arrival at
the Fair. Out-of-state birds will not be tested at the fair.
Pigeon Specic Rules
1. This is an American Dove Association Sanctioned Meet
2. Sale Coops: $5 each (must be purchased online). Any exhibitor who wants to see or trade birds must exhibit at least ve (5)
birds to be given the opportunity of renting a coop of four (4) holes. (There is a limit of two coops per exhibitor). A maximum
of 12 birds will be allowed in a four-hole coop at any one time. If birds are sold, and the buyer wishes to take them, the exhibi-
tor must get a release slip from the superintendent or assistant superintendent. These coops are to be supervised at all times by
the superintendent, assistant superintendent, or someone designated by them in their absence.
3. All varieties competing in the young bird classes must wear 2024 seamless club bands of the correct size, with one numbered
band per bird. Exhibitors must write band numbers on coop cards when cooping entries.
4. All exhibitors present during judging are required to handle their own birds or designate someone to do so. Otherwise, birds
will be judged in coops.
5. The National Young Bird Show Is among the largest and most prestigious pigeon shows In the country and is held annually here
In Louisville. The next show will be October 5, 2024 and will be held in the Pavilion at the Kentucky Exposition Center. For most
up-to-date information, see
6. The Louisville Pigeon Club will award trophies to the Best Fancy, Best Sporting, and Best Utility of Show. Fred Zipp will sponsor
the Denny Stapp Memorial Trophy for Best Dove. Jerry and Carol Kaiser will donate $25 for the best bird by a junior exhibitor
and $20 for reserve bird by a junior exhibitor. The Juniors must coop their own birds to be eligible. The awards ceremony will be
on Sunday before load-out. Ask the Pigeon Department staff for further information.
Rabbit Specic Rules
1. Exhibitors are expected to be present at judging to carry their animals or arrange for someone to do so in their absence.
2. There will be NO sale coops. Only rabbits entered in the show will be allowed into the Kentucky Exposition Center.
3. Extra rabbits can not be brought to the Kentucky Exposition Center for sale.
4. This is an American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) SANCTIONED SHOW and will be governed by their latest revised
rules. Only breeds and varieties recognized by the ARBA are eligible to show. The entry form must be completely lled out with
Breed Name, Variety (if applicable), sex, and class; as well as, the division number and class number (including letter). The ling of
an entry indicates acceptance of all rules and regulations.
5. All exhibitors entering in the youth show (Divisions 800 and 804) must be under the age of 19 on the day of the show. Youth
exhibitors may not enter the same rabbit in both the open and youth shows but can make entries in both shows with different
Page 114
6. No Does and Litters will be accepted.
7. No substitutions are allowed, except in the same class, sex, and breed.
8. All rabbits must be permanently and legibly earmarked in the animal’s left ear.
9. All rabbits that are overweight or underweight will be eliminated. There will be no changes after the rabbits are placed on the
judge’s table. All junior class rabbits must meet minimum weight requirements as listed in the ARBA breed standards. Any rabbit
signicantly underweight for its breed will be removed from the showroom.
10. Wall space for exhibitor grooming tables, chairs, and supplies is limited and must be shared and kept clean and presentable. No
exhibitor carrying cages may be left in the showroom.
11. There must be ten (10) or more exhibits in the breed to win Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex Specials.
Page 115
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
ENTRY PICK UP DAYS: SUNDAY, August 18, 12:00 PM TO 3:00 PM
Premiums Offered per Class Best of Breed Best of Show
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 1st
$7 $5 $3 Rosette & $5 Rosette & $25
1 Cock
2 Hen
3 Young Bird
Fancy Divisions
100 American Show Racer, all colors
101 Archangel, all colors
102 Cropper, Holle, All Selfs
103 Cropper, Holle, all other colors
104 Cropper, Holle, Almond Family
105 Cropper, Old Dutch, all colors
106 Damascene
107 Dragoon, all colors
108 Egyptian Swifts, all
109 Fantail, Bars and Check
110 Fantail, all marked
111 Fantail, all self colors
112 Fantail, all other colors
113 German Modena, Gazzi and Schietti, Almond Family
114 German Modena, all other Gazzi colors
115 German Modena, all other Schietti colors
116 Indian Fantail, all colors
117 Jacobin, all others
118 Komorner Tumbler, Reds and Yellows
119 Komorner Tumbler, all other colors
120 Mindian Fantail, all colors
121 Modena, Gazzi, all colors
122 Modena, Schietti, all colors
123 Modena, Toy, Gazzi all colors
124 Modena, Toy, Schietti, white
125 Modena, Toy, Schietti, all colors
126 Mookee, all colors
127 Nuns, All Colors
128 Owl, Old German, All Colors
129 Owl, Chinese, bars
130 Owl, Chinese, checks
131 Owl, Chinese, all other colors
132 Owl, Italian
133 Pouter, Brunner, all colors
134 Pouter, Reversewing, all colors
135 Pouter, Saxon, all colors
136 Pouter or Cropper, any other variety
137 Saxon Shield, all colors
138 Saxon White Heads, all colors
139 Saxon White Tails, all colors
140 Show Type Racing Homer, Grizzle
141 Show Type Racing Homer, all other bars
142 Show Type Racing Homer, all other checks
143 Show Type Racing Homer, all other colors
144 Starlings, all
145 Swallow, Fairy
146 Swallow, Black Full Head
147 Tumbler, any other variety
148 Valencian Figurita, all colors
149 Any other Fancy not listed
Dove Divisions
150 Dove, Ringneck, Cream or White
151 Dove, Ringneck, Crested or Tufted
152 Dove, Ringneck, Pied, all colors
153 Dove, Ringneck, Silky, all colors
154 Dove, Ringneck, Tangerine
155 Dove, Ringneck, Tangerine Pearled
156 Dove, Ringneck, Wild Type
157 Dove, Ringneck, Fawn
158 Dove, Ringneck, all other colors
Sporting Divisions
159 Domestic Flight, Flying Type, all colors
160 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, Almond
161 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, Andalusian
162 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, Blue Bar
163 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, Ash or Red Bar
164 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, Check, Black or Blue
165 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, Grizzle
166 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, Saddle, all colors
167 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, White
168 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, Black
169 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, all other self
170 Homer, Racing, Flying Type, all other colors
171 Homer, Racing Flying Type, rare colors
172 New York Flying Flights, all colors
173 Roller, Self, Almond
174 Roller, Baldhead, Almond
175 Roller, Baldhead, Blue or Dun Bar Silver
176 Roller, Baldhead, Red Bar or Yellow Bar
177 Roller, Baldhead, White or Opal Bar
178 Roller, Baldhead, Grizzle
179 Roller, Baldhead, Black
180 Roller, Baldhead, Red
181 Roller, Baldhead, Yellow
182 Roller, Baldhead, Checks, all colors
183 Roller, Baldhead, Lace, all colors
184 Roller, Baldhead, all other colors
185 Roller, Self, Red
186 Roller, Self, Yellow
187 Roller, Self, all other colors
188 Roller, all other colors
189 Tippler, Flying, all colors
190 Tumbler, Catalonian, all colors
191 Tumbler, Russian, all colors
192 Any other Sporting not listed
Utility Divisions
193 King, Show Type, White
194 King, Show Type, all other colors
195 Mondaine, French, all colors
196 Any other Utility not listed
Page 116
ENTRY PICK UP DAYS: SUNDAY, August 18, 12:00 PM TO 3:00 PM
Premiums Offered per Class Best of Show
1st 2nd 3rd 1st
$7 $4 $3 Rosette & $25
1 Cock
2 Hen
3 Cockerel
4 Pullet
2000 Barred Plymouth Rocks
2001 White Plymouth Rocks
2002 Rocks, any other variety
2003 Dominiques
2004 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2005 White Wyandottes
2006 Wyandottes, any other variety
2007 Rhode Island Reds
2008 Jersey Giants, any variety
2009 New Hampshires
2010 American, any other variety
2011 Light Brahmas
2012 Dark Brahmas
2013 Bu Brahmas
2014 Asiatic, any other variety
2015 Black Cochins
2016 White Cochins
2017 Cochins, any other variety
2018 Langshans, any variety
2019 Cornish, any other variety
2020 Black Australorp
2021 Bu Orpingtons
2022 Black Orpingtons
2023 Orpington, any other variety
2024 Sussex, any variety
2025 English, any other variety
2026 Light Brown Leghorns
2027 Single Comb White Leghorns
2028 Leghorns, any other variety
2029 Single Comb Dark Brown Leghorn
2030 Mediterranean, any other variety
2031 Welsummer
2032 White Crested Black Polish
2033 Bu Laced Polish
2034 Polish, any other variety
2035 Silver Spangled Hamburgs
2036 Hamburgs, any other variety
2037 Faverolles, any variety
2038 Campine, any variety
2039 Marans, Black Copper
2040 Marans, any variety
2041 Continental, any other variety
2042 Modern Game, any variety
2043 Old English Game, any other variety
2044 Sumatras, any variety
2045 Phoenix, any variety
2046 Yokohamas, any color
2047 Ameraucanas, black
2048 Ameraucanas, any other variety
2049 Naked Necks, any variety
2050 Any standard breed not listed
2051 Commercial mix Breed, Egg Layer
2052 Commercial mix Breed, Meat Chicken
2100 American Game, any variety
2101 American Game, Black
2102 Birchen Modern Games
2103 Black Breasted Red Modern Games
2104 Black Modern Game
2105 Modern Games, any other variety
2106 Black Old English Games
2107 Black Breasted Red Old English
2108 Blue Old English Games
2109 Brassy Back Old English Games
2110 Brown Red Old English Games
2111 Crele Old English Games
2112 Ginger Red Old English Games
2113 Lemon Blue Old English Games
2114 Self Blue Old English Games
2115 Silver Duckwing Old English Games
2116 Spangled Old English Games
2117 Wheaten Old English Games
2118 Old English Blue Wheaten
2119 White Old English Game
2120 Any Other Variety Old English Games
2121 Dutch, any variety
2122 Black Tailed White Japanese
2123 Japanese, any other variety
2124 Japanese, Black
2125 Single Comb, Light Brown Leghorn
2126 Single Comb, Dark Brown Leghorn
2127 Leghorn, any variety
2128 Seramas, White
2129 White Leghorns
Page 117
1 Old Drake
2 Old Duck
3 Young Drake
4 Young Duck
2200 Pekin
2201 Rouen
2202 Muscovy, any variety
2203 Heavy duck, any other variety
2204 Cayuga
2205 Crested, any variety
2206 Swedish
2207 Bu
2208 Medium duck, any other variety
2209 White Runner
2210 Penciled Runner
2211 Black Runner
2212 Runner, any other variety
2213 Khaki Campbell
2214 Magpie, any variety
2215 Runner Fawn
2216 Light duck, any other variety
1 Gander
2 Goose
2300 Bu Toulouse
2301 Gray Toulouse
2302 Embden (Emden)
2303 African, any variety
2304 Sebastopol, any other variety
2305 Pilgrim
2306 Bu
2307 Pomeranian, any other variety
2308 Medium goose, any other variety
2309 Brown Chinese
2310 White Chinese
2311 Tufted Roman
2312 Egyptian
2130 Naked Necks, any variety
2131 New Hampshires
2132 Orpington, any variety
2133 Barred Plymouth Rocks
2134 Columbian Plymouth Rocks
2135 White Plymouth Rocks
2136 Rhode Island Red
2137 Single Comb Clean Legged, any other variety
2138 Antwerp Belgians, any variety
2139 Dominique
2140 Hamburgs, any variety
2141 Rose Comb Dark Brown Leghorn
2142 Rose Comb, any other variety
2143 Gold Sebrights
2144 Silver Sebrights
2145 Belgian d’Anvers, any variety
2146 Partridge Wyandottes
2147 Black Wyandottes
2148 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2149 White Wyandottes
2150 Wyandottes, any other variety
2151 Rose Comb, Clean Legged, any other variety
2152 Ameraucanas, any variety
2153 Dark Cornish
2154 Cornish, any variety
2155 Polish, any other variety
2156 White Crested Black Polish
2157 White Crested Blue Polish
2158 Black Sumatras
2159 Any Other Comb Cleaned Legged, any other variety
2160 Mille Fleur Booted
2161 Porcelain Booted
2162 Bu Brahmas
2163 Dark Brahmas
2164 Light Brahmas
2165 Brahma, any other variety
2166 Black Cochins
2167 Blue Cochins
2168 Bu Cochins
2169 Mottled Cochins
2170 Partridge Cochins
2171 White Cochins
2172 Cochin, any other variety
2173 Faverolles, any variety
2174 Bearded Black Silkies
2175 Non-Bearded Black Silkies
2176 Bearded White Silkies
2177 Non-Bearded White Silkies
2178 Silkies, any other variety
2179 Feather Legged, any other variety
2180 Langshan, any variety
2181 Mixed Breed Bantam
2182 Gray Call
2183 White Call
2184 Snowy Call
2185 Pastel Call
2186 Call Duck-any other variety (all shown in one class)
2187 Mallard
2188 Black East Indie
Page 118
1 Tom
2 Hen
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$12 $9 $4
2400 Bronze
2401 Narragansett
2402 White Turkeys
2403 Bourbon Red
2404 Royal Palm Turkey
2405 Any Other Variety
1 Male
2 Female
2500 White
2501 Pearl
2502 Any other variety
1 Cock
2 Hen
3 Cockerel
4 Pullet
200 Barred Plymouth Rocks
201 White Plymouth Rocks
202 Rocks, any other variety
203 Dominiques
204 Silver Laced Wyandottes
205 White Wyandottes
206 Wyandottes, any other variety
207 Rhode Island Reds
208 Jersey Giants, any variety
209 New Hampshires
210 American, any other variety
211 Light Brahmas
212 Dark Brahmas
213 Bu Brahmas
214 Asiatic, any other variety
215 Black Cochins
216 White Cochins
217 Cochins, any other variety
218 Langshans, any variety
219 Cornish, any other variety
220 Black Australorp
221 Bu Orpingtons
222 Black Orpingtons
223 Orpington, any other variety
224 Sussex, any variety
225 English, any other variety
226 Light Brown Leghorns
227 Single Comb White Leghorns
228 Leghorns, any other variety
229 Single Comb Dark Brown Leghorn
230 Mediterranean, any other variety
231 Welsummer
232 White Crested Black Polish
233 Bu Laced Polish
234 Polish, any other variety
235 Silver Spangled Hamburgs
236 Hamburgs, any other variety
237 Faverolles, any variety
238 Campine, any variety
239 Marans, Black Copper
240 Marans, any variety
241 Continental, any other variety
242 Modern Game, any variety
243 Old English Game, any other variety
244 Sumatras, any variety
245 Phoenix, any variety
246 Yokohamas, any color
247 Ameraucanas, black
248 Ameraucanas, any other variety
249 Naked Necks, any variety
250 Any standard breed not listed
251 Commercial mix Breed, Egg Layer
252 Commercial mix Breed, Meat Chicken
Page 119
1 Cock
2 Hen
3 Cockerel
4 Pullet
300 American Game, any variety
301 American Game, Black
302 Birchen Modern Games
303 Black Breasted Red Modern Games
304 Black Modern Game
305 Modern Games, any other variety
306 Black Old English Games
307 Black Breasted Red Old English
308 Blue Old English Games
309 Brassy Back Old English Games
310 Brown Red Old English Games
311 Crele Old English Games
312 Ginger Red Old English Games
313 Lemon Blue Old English Games
314 Self Blue Old English Games
315 Silver Duckwing Old English Games
316 Spangled Old English Games
317 Wheaten Old English Games
318 Old English Blue Wheaten
319 White Old English Game
320 Any Other Variety Old English Games
321 Dutch, any variety
322 Black Tailed White Japanese
323 Japanese, any other variety
324 Japanese, Black
325 Single Comb, Light Brown Leghorn
326 Single Comb, Dark Brown Leghorn
327 Leghorn, any variety
328 Seramas, White
329 White Leghorns
330 Naked Necks, any variety
331 New Hampshires
332 Orpington, any variety
333 Barred Plymouth Rocks
334 Columbian Plymouth Rocks
335 White Plymouth Rocks
336 Rhode Island Red
337 Single Comb Clean Legged, any other variety
338 Antwerp Belgians, any variety
339 Dominique
340 Hamburgs, any variety
341 Rose Comb Dark Brown Leghorn
342 Rose Comb, any other variety
343 Gold Sebrights
344 Silver Sebrights
345 Belgian d’Anvers, any variety
346 Partridge Wyandottes
347 Black Wyandottes
348 Silver Laced Wyandottes
349 White Wyandottes
350 Wyandottes, any other variety
351 Rose Comb, Clean Legged, any other variety
352 Ameraucanas, any variety
353 Dark Cornish
354 Cornish, any variety
355 Polish, any other variety
356 White Crested Black Polish
357 White Crested Blue Polish
358 Black Sumatras
359 Any Other Comb Cleaned Legged, any other variety
360 Mille Fleur Booted
361 Porcelain Booted
362 Bu Brahmas
363 Dark Brahmas
364 Light Brahmas
365 Brahma, any other variety
366 Black Cochins
367 Blue Cochins
368 Bu Cochins
369 Mottled Cochins
370 Partridge Cochins
371 White Cochins
372 Cochin, any other variety
373 Faverolles, any variety
374 Bearded Black Silkies
375 Non-Bearded Black Silkies
376 Bearded White Silkies
377 Non-Bearded White Silkies
378 Silkies, any other variety
379 Feather Legged, any other variety
380 Langshan, any variety
381 Mixed Breed Bantam
382 Gray Call
383 White Call
384 Snowy Call
385 Pastel Call
386 Call Duck-any other variety(all show in one class)
387 Mallard
388 Black East Indie
Page 120
1 Old Drake
2 Old Duck
3 Young Drake
4 Young Duck
400 Pekin
401 Rouen
402 Muscovy, any variety
403 Heavy duck, any other variety
404 Cayuga
405 Crested, any variety
406 Swedish
407 Bu
408 Medium duck, any other variety
409 White Runner
410 Penciled Runner
411 Black Runner
412 Runner, any other variety
413 Khaki Campbell
414 Magpie, any variety
415 Runner Fawn
416 Light duck, any other variety
1 Gander
2 Goose
500 Bu Toulouse
501 Gray Toulouse
502 Embden (Emden)
503 African, any variety
504 Sebastopol, any other variety
505 Pilgrim
506 Bu
507 Pomeranian, any other variety
508 Medium goose, any other variety
509 Brown Chinese
510 White Chinese
511 Tufted Roman
512 Egyptian
1 Tom
2 Hen
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$12 $9 $4
600 Bronze
601 Narragansett
602 White Turkeys
603 Bourbon Red
604 Royal Palm Turkey
605 Any Other Variety
1 Male
2 Female
700 Coral Blue
701 White
702 Royal Purple
703 Pearl
704 Slate
705 Any other variety
Page 121
There are separate champion classes for youth and open. (Do not make entries in these classes)
Best American
Best Asiatic
Best Mediterranean
Best English
Best Continental
Best all other Standard
Best Modern Game Bantam
Best Old English Game Bantam
Best Feather-Legged Bantam
Best Clean-Legged Rose Comb
Best Clean-Legged Single Comb
Best Clean-Legged any other Comb Bantam
Reserve American
Reserve Asiatic
Reserve Mediterranean
Reserve English
Reserve Continental
Reserve all other Standards
Reserve Modern Game Bantam
Reserve Old English Game Bantam
Reserve Feather-Legged Bantam
Reserve Clean-Legged Rose Comb
Reserve Clean-Legged Single Comb
Reserve Clean-Legged any other Comb Bantam
$5 in premiums awarded to:
Grand Champion Large Chicken
Grand Champion Bantam
Grand Champion Duck
Grand Champion Goose
Grand Champion Turkey
Grand Champion Guinea
Reserve Grand Champion Large Chicken
Reserve Grand Champion Bantam
Reserve Grand Champion Duck
ReserveGrand Champion Goose
Reserve Grand Champion Turkey
Reserve Grand Champion Guinea
$15 in premiums awarded to:
Page 122
1 The 2024 State Fair Rooster Crowing Contest will be
held at 2:00 pm daily, Thursday, August 15 through
AUGUST 18 AT 2:00 PM
2 The location of the contest will be in the Poultry
3 The contest is open to the world.
4 No entry fee is required.
5 Roosters entered in the rooster crowing contest must
meet all Kentucky Department of Agriculture health
requirements. For health requirement information,
please contact: Kentucky Department of Agriculture,
Division of Animal Health, 109 Corporate Dr., Frankfort,
KY 40601. Phone (502) 573-0282, Option 3.
6 For all up-to-date health regulations for each species
of livestock, please contact the Kentucky Department
of Agriculture at the address and phone number
above, or visit their website at
7 Entries may be made daily up to the start of the
contest at the oce of the poultry department.
However, only eight (8) roosters can be entered in each
contest. Daily Prizes are courtesy of Feeders Supply
Co., and a $5 premium will be given by the Kentucky
State Fair.
8 Only Roosters winning rst place in daily contests will
be eligible to compete in the nals. The bird with the
largest total for the nals will win the Championship.
Prize is courtesy of Feeders Supply Co., and a $10
premium will be given by the Kentucky State Fair.
9 Any ties will be crowed o by rules set up by the
committee in charge of the contest.
10 Rooster will be penned in individual coops, and
handlers cannot clap or annoy birds. Exhibitors will not
be permitted to disturb roosters during the contest.
11 Exhibitors may bring their roosters to compete any
day, and they may take them home each night or leave
them for the duration of the contest. However, only
daily rst place winners are eligible to compete in the
Finals on Sunday August 18, for Grand Champion.
Page 123
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
ENTRY PICK UP DAYS: SUNDAY, August 18, 12:00 PM TO 3:00 PM
Premiums Offered per Class
1st 2nd 3rd
$5 $3 $2
Best of Show Reserve in Show Best of Show Youth Reserve in Show
1st 1st & 2nd 1st 1st & 2nd
Rosette & $25 Rosette & $10 Rosette & $15 Rosette & $5
Best of Breed - $5
Best of Opposite Sex - $ 3
8000 American Fuzzy Lop, Solid
8001 American Fuzzy Lop, Broken
8002 American Sable
8003 Angora (English), White
8004 Angora (English), Colored
8005 Angora (French), White
8006 Angora (French), Colored
8007 Angora (Satin), White
8008 Angora (Satin), Colored
8009 Angora (Satin), Broken
8010 Belgian Hare, Rufus
8011 Belgian Hare, Tan
8012 Britannia Petite, Black
8013 Britannia Petite, Blue-eyes White
8014 Britannia Petite, Broken
8015 Britannia Petite, Chestnut Agouti
8016 Britannia Petite, Himalayan
8017 Britannia Petite, Otter
8018 Britannia Petite, Ruby-eyed White
8019 Britannia Petite, Sable
8020 Britannia Petite, Sable Marten
8021 Britannia Petite, Siamese Sable
8022 Britannia Petite, Tortoise Shell
8023 Czech Frosty
8024 Chinchilla (Standard)
8025 Dutch, Black
8026 Dutch, Blue
8027 Dutch, Chinchilla
8028 Dutch, Chocolate
8029 Dutch, Gray
8030 Dutch, Lilac
8031 Dutch, Steel
8032 Dutch, Tortoise
8033 Dwarf Hotot (Black/Blue banded)
8034 Dwarf Papillon, Black
8035 Dwarf Papillon, Blue
8036 Dwarf Papillon, Chocolate
8037 Dwarf Papillon, Lilac
8038 English Spot, Black
8039 English Spot, Blue
8040 English Spot, Chocolate
8041 English Spot, Gold
8042 English Spot, Gray
8043 English Spot, Lilac
8044 English Spot, Tortoise
8045 Florida White
8046 Harlequin, Japanese
8047 Harlequin, Magpie
8048 Havana, Black
8049 Havana, Blue
8050 Havana, Broken
8051 Havana, Chocolate
8052 Havana, Lilac
8053 Himalayan, Black
8054 Himalayan, Blue
8055 Himalayan, Chocolate
8056 Himalayan, Lilac
8057 Holland Lop, Solid
8058 Holland Lop, Broken
8059 Jersey Wooly, Agouti
8060 Jersey Wooly, Any Other Variety
8061 Jersey Wooly, Broken
8062 Jersey Wooly, Self
8063 Jersey Wooly, Shaded
8064 Jersey Wooly, Tan Pattern
8065 Lilac
8066 Lionhead, Black
8067 Lionhead, Chocolate
8068 Lionhead, Ruby-eyed White
8069 Lionhead, Seal
8070 Lionhead, Siamese Sable
8071 Lionhead, Smoke Pearl
8072 Lionhead, Tortoise
8073 Mini Lop, Sold
1 Senior Buck
2 Senior Doe
3 Junior Buck
4 Junior Doe
Page 124
8074 Mini Lop, Broken
8075 Mini Rex, Black
8076 Mini Rex, Blue
8077 Mini Rex, Blue-eyed White
8078 Mini Rex, Chocolate
8079 Mini Rex, Lilac
8080 Mini Rex, White
8081 Mini Rex, Sable
8082 Mini Rex, Sable Point
8083 Mini Rex, Seal
8084 Mini Rex, Smoke Pearl
8085 Mini Rex, Tortoise
8086 Mini Rex, Amber
8087 Mini Rex, Castor
8088 Mini Rex, Chinchilla
8089 Mini Rex, Lynx
8090 Mini Rex, Opal
8091 Mini Rex, Otter
8092 Mini Rex, Sable Marten
8093 Mini Rex, Silver Marten
8094 Mini Rex, Smoke Pearl Marten
8095 Mini Rex, Himilayan
8096 Mini Rex, Red
8097 Mini Rex, Broken
8098 Mini Satin, Black
8099 Mini Satin, Blue
8100 Mini Satin, Broken
8101 Mini Satin, Chinchilla
8102 Mini Satin, Chocolate
8103 Mini Satin, Chocolate Agouti
8104 Mini Satin, Copper
8105 Mini Satin, Himalayan
8106 Mini Satin, Lilac
8107 Mini Satin, Lynx
8108 Mini Satin, Opal
8109 Mini Satin, Otter
8110 Mini Satin, Red
8111 Mini Satin, Siamese
8112 Mini Satin, Silver Marten
8113 Mini Satin, Squirrel
8114 Mini Satin, Tortoise
8115 Mini Satin, White
8116 Netherland Dwarf, Black
8117 Netherland Dwarf, Blue
8118 Netherland Dwarf, Chocolate
8119 Netherland Dwarf, Lilac
8120 Netherland Dwarf, Blue-eyed White
8121 Netherland Dwarf, Ruby-eyed White
8122 Netherland Dwarf, Sable Point
8123 Netherland Dwarf, Siamese Sable
8124 Netherland Dwarf, Siamese Smoke Pearl
8125 Netherland Dwarf, Tortoise Shell
8126 Netherland Dwarf, Chestnut
8127 Netherland Dwarf, Chinchilla
8128 Netherland Dwarf, Choclate Agouti
8129 Netherland Dwarf, Lynx
8130 Netherland Dwarf, Opal
8131 Netherland Dwarf, Squirrel
8132 Netherland Dwarf, Otter
8133 Netherland Dwarf, Sable Marten
8134 Netherland Dwarf, Silver Marten
8135 Netherland Dwarf, Smoke Pearl Marten
8136 Netherland Dwarf, Tan
8137 Netherland Dwarf, Broken
8138 Netherland Dwarf, Fawn
8139 Netherland Dwarf, Himalayan
8140 Netherland Dwarf, Lutino
8141 Netherland Dwarf, Orange
8142 Netherland Dwarf, Steel
8143 Polish, Black
8144 Polish, Blue
8145 Polish, Broken
8146 Polish, Chocolate
8147 Polish, Lilac
8148 Polish, Blue-eyed White
8149 Polish, Ruby-eyed White
8150 Rex, Amber
8151 Rex, Black
8152 Rex, Blue
8153 Rex, Broken
8154 Rex, Californian
8155 Rex, Castor
8156 Rex, Chinchilla
8157 Rex, Chocolate
8158 Rex, Lilac
8159 Rex, Lynx
8160 Rex, Opal
8161 Rex, Otter
8162 Rex, Red
8163 Rex, Sable
8164 Rex, Seal
8165 Rex, White
8166 Rhinelander, Black
8167 Rhinelander, Blue
8168 Silver, Black
8169 Silver, Brown
8170 Silver, Fawn
8171 Silver Marten, Black
8172 Silver Marten, Blue
8173 Silver Marten, Chocolate
8174 Silver Marten, Lilac
8175 Silver Marten, Sable
8176 Tan, Lilac
8177 Tan, Blue
8178 Tan, Chocolate
8179 Tan, Black
8180 Thrianta
8181 Any Other Recognized Breed
1 Senior Buck
2 Senior Doe
3 6-8 Month Buck
4 6-8 Month Doe
5 Junior Buck
6 Junior Doe
8182 American, Blue
8183 American, White
8184 Angora, Giant
8185 Argente Brun
8186 Beveren, Black
8187 Beveren, Blue
8188 Beveren, White
8189 Blanc De Hotot
8190 Californian
8191 Champagne D’Argent
Page 125
1Meat Pens
To consist of three (3) rabbits of the same breed and variety weighing not less than 3.5 lbs. and not more than 5.5 lbs. each and not
over 69 days of age.
8232 Meat Pens
1 Senior Buck
2 Senior Doe
3 Junior Buck
4 Junior Doe
800 American Fuzzy Lop, Solid
801 American Fuzzy Lop, Broken
802 Americna Sable
803 Angora (English), White
804 Angora (English), Colored
805 Angora (French), White
806 Angora (French), Colored
807 Angora (Satin), White
808 Angora (Satin), Colored
809 Angora (Satin), Broken
810 Belgian Hare, Rufus
811 Belgian Hare, Tan
812 Britannia Petite, Black
813 Britannia Petite, Blue-eyes White
814 Britannia Petite, Broken
815 Britannia Petite, Chestnut Agouti
816 Britannia Petite, Himalayan
817 Britannia Petite, Otter
818 Britannia Petite, Ruby-eyed White
819 Britannia Petite, Sable
820 Britannia Petite, Sable Marten
821 Britannia Petite, Siamese Sable
822 Britannia Petite, Tortoise Shell
823 Czech Frosty
824 Chinchilla (Standard)
825 Dutch, Black
826 Dutch, Blue
827 Dutch, Chinchilla
828 Dutch, Chocolate
829 Dutch, Gray
830 Dutch, Lilac
831 Dutch, Steel
832 Dutch, Tortoise
833 Dwarf Hotot (Black/Blue banded)
834 Dwarf Papillon, Black
835 Dwarf Papillon, Blue
836 Dwarf Papillon, Chocolate
837 Dwarf Papillon, Lilac
838 English Spot, Black
839 English Spot, Blue
840 English Spot, Chocolate
841 English Spot, Gold
842 English Spot, Gray
843 English Spot, Lilac
844 English Spot, Tortoise
845 Florida White
8192 Checkered Giant, Black
8193 Checkered Giant, Blue
8194 Chinchilla (American)
8195 Chinchilla (Giant)
8196 Cinnamon
8197 Crème D’Argent
8198 Flemish Giant, Black
8199 Flemish Giant, Blue
8200 Flemish Giant, Fawn
8201 Flemish Giant, Light Gray
8202 Flemish Giant, Sandy
8203 Flemish Giant, Steel Gray
8204 Flemish Giant, White
8205 Lop (English), Solid
8206 Lop (English), Broken
8207 Lop (French), Solid
8208 Lop (French), Broken
8209 New Zealand, Black
8210 New Zealand, Blue
8211 New Zealand, Broken
8212 New Zealand, Red
8213 New Zealand, White
8214 Palomino, Golden
8215 Palomino, Lynx
8216 Satin, Black
8217 Satin, Blue
8218 Satin, Broken
8219 Satin, Californian
8220 Satin, Chinchilla
8221 Satin, Chocolate
8222 Satin, Copper
8223 Satin, Himalayan
8224 Satin, Lilac
8225 Satin, Otter
8226 Satin, Red
8227 Satin, Siamese
8228 Satin, White
8229 Silver Fox, Black
8230 Silver Fox, Chocolate
8231 Any Other Recognized Breed
Page 126
846 Harlequin, Japanese
847 Harlequin, Magpie
848 Havana, Black
849 Havana, Blue
850 Havana, Broken
851 Havana, Chocolate
852 Havana, Lilac
853 Himalayan, Black
854 Himalayan, Blue
855 Himalayan, Chocolate
856 Himalayan, Lilac
857 Holland Lop, Solid
858 Holland Lop, Broken
859 Jersey Wooly, Agouti
860 Jersey Wooly, Any Other Variety
861 Jersey Wooly, Broken
862 Jersey Wooly, Self
863 Jersey Wooly, Shaded
864 Jersey Wooly, Tan Pattern
865 Lilac
866 Lionhead, Black
867 Lionhead, Chocolate
868 Lionhead, Ruby-eyed White
869 Lionhead, Seal
870 Lionhead. Siamese Sable
871 Lionhead, Smoke Pearl
872 Lionhead, Tortoise
873 Mini Lop, Sold
874 Mini Lop, Broken
875 Mini Rex, Black
876 Mini Rex, Blue
877 Mini Rex, Blue-eyed White
878 Mini Rex, Chocolate
879 Mini Rex, Lilac
880 Mini Rex, White
881 Mini Rex, Sable
882 Mini Rex, Sable Point
883 Mini Rex, Seal
884 Mini Rex, Smoke Pearl
885 Mini Rex, Tortoise
886 Mini Rex, Amber
887 Mini Rex, Castor
888 Mini Rex, Chinchilla
889 Mini Rex, Lynx
890 Mini Rex, Opal
891 Mini Rex, Otter
892 Mini Rex, Sable Marten
893 Mini Rex, Silver Marten
894 Mini Rex, Smoke Pearl Marten
895 Mini Rex, Himilayan
896 Mini Rex, Red
897 Mini Rex, Broken
898 Mini Satin, Black
899 Mini Satin, Blue
900 Mini Satin, Broken
901 Mini Satin, Chinchilla
902 Mini Satin, Chocolate
903 Mini Satin, Chocolate Agouti
904 Mini Satin, Copper
905 Mini Satin, Himalayan
906 Mini Satin, Lilac
907 Mini Satin, Lynx
908 Mini Satin, Opal
909 Mini Satin, Otter
910 Mini Satin, Red
911 Mini Satin, Siamese
912 Mini Satin, Silver Marten
913 Mini Satin, Squirrel
914 Mini Satin, Tortoise
915 Mini Satin, White
916 Netherland Dwarf, Black
917 Netherland Dwarf, Blue
918 Netherland Dwarf, Chocolate
919 Netherland Dwarf, Lilac
920 Netherland Dwarf, Blue-eyed White
921 Netherland Dwarf, Ruby-eyed White
922 Netherland Dwarf, Sable Point
923 Netherland Dwarf, Siamese Sable
924 Netherland Dwarf, Siamese Smoke Pearl
925 Netherland Dwarf, Tortoise Shell
926 Netherland Dwarf, Chestnut
927 Netherland Dwarf, Chinchilla
928 Netherland Dwarf, Choclate Agouti
929 Netherland Dwarf, Lynx
930 Netherland Dwarf, Opal
931 Netherland Dwarf, Squirrel
932 Netherland Dwarf, Otter
933 Netherland Dwarf, Sable Marten
934 Netherland Dwarf, Silver Marten
935 Netherland Dwarf, Smoke Pearl Marten
936 Netherland Dwarf, Tan
937 Netherland Dwarf, Broken
938 Netherland Dwarf, Fawn
939 Netherland Dwarf, Himalayan
940 Netherland Dwarf, Lutino
941 Netherland Dwarf, Orange
942 Netherland Dwarf, Steel
943 Polish, Black
944 Polish, Blue
945 Polish, Broken
946 Polish, Chocolate
947 Polish, Lilac
948 Polish, Blue-eyed White
949 Polish, Ruby-eyed White
950 Rex, Amber
951 Rex, Black
952 Rex, Blue
953 Rex, Broken
954 Rex, Californian
955 Rex, Castor
956 Rex, Chinchilla
957 Rex, Chocolate
958 Rex, Lilac
959 Rex, Lynx
960 Rex, Opal
961 Rex, Otter
962 Rex, Red
963 Rex, Sable
964 Rex, Seal
965 Rex, White
966 Rhinelander, Black
967 Rhinelander, Blue
968 Silver, Black
969 Silver, Brown
970 Silver, Fawn
971 Silver Marten, Black
972 Silver Marten, Blue
973 Silver Marten, Chocolate
974 Silver Marten, Lilac
975 Silver Marten, Sable
976 Tan, Lilac
977 Tan, Blue
978 Tan, Chocolate
979 Tan, Black
980 Thrianta
981 Any Other Recognized Breed
Page 127
1 Senior Buck
2 Senior Doe
3 6-8 Month Buck
4 6-8 Month Doe
5 Junior Buck
6 Junior Doe
982 American, Blue
983 American, White
984 Angora, Giant
985 Argente Brun
986 Beveren, Black
987 Beveren, Blue
988 Beveren, White
989 Blanc De Hotot
990 Californian
991 Champagne D’Argent
992 Checkered Giant, Black
993 Checkered Giant, Blue
994 Chinchilla (American)
995 Chinchilla (Giant)
996 Cinnamon
997 Crème D’Argent
998 Flemish Giant, Black
999 Flemish Giant, Blue
1000 Flemish Giant, Fawn
1001 Flemish Giant, Light Gray
1002 Flemish Giant, Sandy
1003 Flemish Giant, Steel Gray
1004 Flemish Giant, White
1005 Lop (English), Solid
1006 Lop (English), Broken
1007 Lop (French), Solid
1008 Lop (French), Broken
1009 New Zealand, Black
1010 New Zealand, Blue
1011 New Zealand, Broken
1012 New Zealand, Red
1013 New Zealand, White
1014 Palomino, Golden
1015 Palomino, Lynx
1016 Satin, Black
1017 Satin, Blue
1018 Satin, Broken
1019 Satin, Californian
1020 Satin, Chinchilla
1021 Satin, Chocolate
1022 Satin, Copper
1023 Satin, Himalayan
1024 Satin, Lilac
1025 Satin, Otter
1026 Satin, Red
1027 Satin, Siamese
1028 Satin, White
1029 Silver Fox, Black
1030 Silver Fox, Chocolate
1031 Any Other Recognized Breed
1 Meat Pens
To consist of three (3) rabbits of the same breed and variety weighing not less than 3.5 lbs. and not more than 5.5 lbs. each and not
over 69 days of age.
1032 Meat Pens
Page 128
4-H Youth Development General Rules 129
Kentucky Association FFA General Rules 133
Junior Livestock General Rules 135
Animal Health Requirements 136
Livestock Show Schedule 137
Junior Market Goats & Wether Dams 141
Junior Dairy Goats 144
Junior Dairy Cattle 146
Junior Sheep 151
Junior Swine 156
Junior Beef Cattle 159
Championship Drive 170
Page 129
1. See Kentucky State Fair General Rules on pages 6-13.
2. Eligibility -
a. Age - Any 4-H’er who has passed his/her 9th birth
day as of January 1 of the current year but has not
passed his/her 19th birthday as of January 1 of the
current year. There are no Cloverbud exhibits
permitted in Cloverville.
b. Participation - Exhibitor must have, since the last
State Fair, carried an approved project, of which the
exhibit is a part, under the general supervision of the
Cooperative Extension Service of the University of
c. Residence - Entry in the 4-H Section is open only to
4-H participants residing in Kentucky.
d. Exhibitors must conform to the:
i. General Rules listed here plus general rules of
the Kentucky State Fair and
ii. Specic rules governing the department in
which the entries are made.
3. Entries are to be made in the name of the 4-H
participant who completed the work on the project
exhibited. A Social Security or Federal Tax ID number is
required for each 4-H exhibitor.
4. All 4-H Cloverville entries (except small animals and
livestock) will be registered electronically by the
August 5, 2022 deadline. Instructions and web address
will be provided later. There will not be any walk-in
registration received after August 5. Any fair held
before or after this date must meet the August 5
registration deadline. Substitutions will not be
4-H Rabbit: July 10
4-H Poultry Showmanship: July 10
All other Entries: August 5
6. Livestock entry forms must be signed or veried by
the extension agents supervising 4-H work certifying
that the exhibitor and exhibit are eligible. Entries will
not be accepted if entry forms are not signed by the
Extension Agent responsible for 4-H or if the entry
forms are missing information. For online entries only,
the Kentucky State Fair Entry Department will verify
that youth for corresponding entries are eligible to
participate in the 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Show.
The County Extension Agent from the county 4-H
listed will be contacted by the Kentucky State Fair
Entry Department.
7. A 4-H computer-generated identication card
(4LO-11SO) is to be attached securely to items exhibit
ed in Cloverville. Firmly attach the card. Neatly secure
with tape or punch a hole in the corner of the tag and
attach with string or a rubber band. Place the tag in a
location that is to be seen by the public once the item
is placed or displayed (or follow specic department
guidelines). Do not attach the ID card with straight
8. Neither the State Fair nor the State 4-H Oce will be
responsible for any loss or damage to the exhibit or
injury to the exhibitor or to the spectators; however,
reasonable care will be used to prevent loss or injury.
9. All entries must meet minimum standards to receive
a ribbon. Exhibits unt for show or of such low
standard as to make questionable their right to
compete will be declared ineligible, and no premium
will be awarded. All entries must be identied with
labels securely attached. (It is suggested that items
with more than one piece be identied in detail on
the back of the ID card, i.e., color, number of piece,
description. Label each piece with name and county).
10. The Danish system of judging will be used with the top
entry in each class designated. Awards will be based
upon a ratio of 4X for blue ribbons, 3X for red, and 2X
for white in those classes eligible for premium money.
There is no additional premium paid for Class, Grand
or Reserve Champion, or Overall Grand, Reserve Grand
Champions, and Grand Supreme. All premiums will be
mailed directly to the 4-Her from the State Fair.
11. All times stated are times in eect in Louisville (in the
Eastern Time Zone, ET).
12. The general rules apply to all 4-H exhibits, events, and
activities. In addition, rules specied in each division
also apply to that division.
13. Cloverbuds are not eligible to enter or showcase items
in Cloverville. There are no Cloverbud classes in the
rabbit division. Cloverbuds may only enter non-
competitive classes as outlined in the class
descriptions of those permitting youth under the age
of 9 years to participate.
14. Exhibits will be judged as entered. Once exhibits have
been entered in Cloverville, they may not be removed,
repaired, or altered in any way as to enhance the
award outcome.
15. Premiums not used in 4-H work may be used for
expenses for state champion Senior Judging Teams to
national contests. Premiums not used in one
Page 130
department of 4-H may be transferred to other 4-H
departments, subject to the approval of the State
Fair ocials.
16. The decision of the judge is nal.
General Rules for 4-H Exhibits
1. See the general State Fair rules and the 4-H general
rules applying to this section, in addition to the
following rules.
2. All exhibits in Cloverville will be received between
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on the Monday
preceding the opening date of the fair (Entry Day).
(Cloverville Superintendents, Assistant
Superintendents, and Assistants may enter 4-H
exhibits from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. ET.
3. No exhibits in Cloverville will be released before 7:00
a.m. on Monday, August 29. Exhibits may not be
picked up by exhibitors. Only 4-H Agents or a
designated Cooperative Extension employee may pick
up items.
4. The 4-H Department will assume no responsibility for
entries left on premises after 12:00 noon ET on Pick-up
Day (Monday following Take Down or the closing of
the State Fair).
5. The number of entries in each class from the county is
specied in each division. Also, the specications as to
size and information are given in each division.
6. No article may be entered in two dierent classes.
7. All exhibits must be properly labeled. Identication
labels are generated from the online State Fair entry
system as well as on the web. Instructions may be
obtained from the State 4-H Oce.
8. The 4-H participant must enter in the class to
correspond to the project year.
9. A 4-H member enrolled in Garden Projects, Field
Projects, Fruits, and Honey, is eligible to enter
exhibits in the Junior or Open Division of open classes.
Open class entries are made with the Entry
Department, Kentucky State Fair, P.O. Box 37130,
Louisville, KY 40233 or through the online system at The open class entry deadline is
July 1.
General Rules for Judging Events
1. Both Junior and Senior 4-H members may participate
in judging competitions and events.
a. Junior 4-H members must have passed their 9th
birthday as of January 1 of the current year, and must
not have passed their 14th birthday as of January 1 of
the current program year.
b. Senior 4-H members must have passed their 14th
birthday as of January 1 of the current year, and must
not have passed their 19th birthday as of January 1 of
the current program year.
2. The following statements apply to judging eligibility:
a. Any 4-H member who has represented the State 4-H
Department at a National 4-H Judging Event is
ineligible for further participation in that state event.
b. Any 4-H member who has been in college for more
than one semester is ineligible for participation.
c. A Junior division winner may compete again in the
same judging event.
3. A 4-H member may represent the State 4-H
Department on only one out-of-state judging team in
the calendar year.
4. There will be no conferring by participants among
themselves or with anyone else except for the
Superintendent while the judging event is being held.
5. Only authorized adults will be permitted in the
judging ring or area during events.
Page 131
Tuesday, August 6 - Saturday, August 10
All Day State Fair 4-H Horse Show
Thursday, August 15 - 4-H Country Ham Day
8:00 am 4-H Country Ham Judging - Registration
9:30 am 4-H Ham Judging/Ham Speeches
10:00 am Civics Bowl Showcase
1:00 pm 4-H Poultry Showmanship
1:00 pm 4-H Lifesmarts Competition
1:30 pm 4-H/FFA Youth Dairy Cattle Judging
4:00 pm Livestock Judging Contest
5:30 pm 4-H Country Ham Awards
Friday, August 16 - Kentucky 4-H Entrepreneurship
7:00 am - 9:00 am
4-H Foundation Breakfast (Invitation
7:30 am Poultry Judging Contest Check In
8:30 am Poultry Judging Contest
9:30 am 4-H Entrepreneurship Showcase
10:00 am Land Judging Contest
11:00 am Rabbit Show Check-in
12:30 pm Rabbit Show
1:00 pm Avian Bowl Check In
4:00 pm Avian Bowl
6:00 pm Land Judging Awards
9:00 pm Avian Bowl Competition - Awards
Saturday, August 17 - 4-H Camp Day
10:00 am North Central, JM Feltner, Lake
Cumberland, & West KY Camp
Sunday, August 18 - International Day
10:00 am 4-H Showcase
Monday, August 19
9:30 am Horticulture Contest Check In
10:00 am Horticulture Contest
10:00 am 4-H Showcase
1:00 pm Lawn Tractor Contest
Tuesday, August 20
10:00 am KY 4-H Performing Arts Showcase
1:00 pm 4-H Tractor Driving Contest
Wednesday, August 21 - Agriculture & Natural
Resource Day
10:00 am Natural Resources Showcase
Page 132
Thursday, August 22 - Communications Champions/
Country Ham Recipe Contest Day
7:00 am Farm Bureau Ham Breakfast (Tickets
10:00 am Country Ham Recipe Contese
10:00 a.m 4-H State Communications Day
6:30 pm Championship Drive
Friday, August 23 - Science, Engineering, and
Technology Day
10:00 am Science, Engineering, and Tech Robotics
Saturday, August 24 - Family and Consumer
Sciences Day
10:00 am Cup Cake Wars
2:30 pm Cup Cake Wars Awards
Sunday, August 25
10:00 am Family Consumer Sciences Quiz Bowl
Page 133
1. Kentucky FFA members who are in good standing and
carrying approved agricultural experience programs
under the supervision of their teachers of
agriculture are eligible to exhibit in this department,
provided their exhibits are a part of their planned
occupational experience program. All entries must
conform to special rules under each class. FFA
members making exhibits in tobacco, bees and honey,
eld seed and grain, or other divisions of the Fair must
meet the same eligibility requirements as those
exhibiting in the FFA Division.
2. An individual may participate in the same 4-H or FFA
CDE provided the contest is not being conducted on
the same day or in connection with the same event
(i.e., State Fair or similar event.) This rule is the policy of
4-H and FFA.
3. All FFA entries (except livestock) will be registered
electronically by the August 5th deadline. Instructions
and web address for entries will be provided by the
State FFA oce. Passwords will be provided for all
active FFA chapters to access registration.
4. Entries are to be made in the name of the FFA member
who completed the work or project. A Social Security
number or Tax ID number is required for each
exhibitor. No checks can or will be mailed to the
5. FFA exhibits in the FFA Department (other than
livestock) will not be required to pay an entry fee. This
is also true for FFA entries in the Tobacco Department.
6. Neither the State Fair nor the FFA Department will be
responsible for any loss or damage to the exhibit or
injury to the exhibitor or to the spectators; however,
the utmost care will be used to prevent loss or injury.
7. FFA exhibits in the South Wing will be accepted
Tuesday, August 13 and Wednesday, August 14 and
must be in place by 12:00 p.m.(noon), August 14.
Exhibits will be released after 9:00 p.m. Sunday,
August 25 or 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday,
August 26. FFA is not responsible for exhibits left later
than 5:00 p.m., Monday, August 26. All times listed are
Eastern Time (ET).
8. Teachers of agriculture will be expected to accompany
FFA members with exhibits, to assist in penning their
livestock, and to assist in displaying other exhibits.
Teachers should be present when the livestock entries
are shown.
9. Trucks and trailers for the removal of FFA exhibits in
the South Wing will be admitted to the Access Road
to South Wing Loading Dock on Sunday, August 28, if
they have the special E9 Loading Dock Pass that is
distributed when entries are made. Drivers and
occupants must pay regular admission or present
exhibitors tickets. (Gate 4 entrance places you closest
to this area.)
10. Any premiums not used in any class (except livestock)
may be transferred to any other class (except livestock)
where there are more entries than premiums oered,
subject to approval of the State Fair Board.
11. The decisions of the judges are nal.
12. By decision of the KAAE Executive Committee, results
of all CDEs are nal and will not be changed after
scoring is completed. (This applies to both computer
and manually scored contests.)
13. Errors made by FFA members in lling out Scantron
sheets are the responsibility of the FFA member and
are not to be changed or corrected by the tabulation
14. Any use of a communication device during a contest
will be grounds for disqualication. Communication
devices must be turned o during the contest and will
not be used at any time.
15. NOTE: The Tobacco Department will be accepting FFA
Tobacco entries only on Tuesday, August 16 from
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tobacco exhibits must be
pre-entered in the online system by August 5.
Page 134
Tuesday, August 13
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Entry of Exhibits
Wednesday, August 14
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Entry of Exhibits
Thursday, August 15
8:30 am Meats Registration
9:30 am Meats Judging CDE
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Register Dairy Teams/Dairy Holders
10:30 am - 3:30 pm
Register Livestock Judging Teams
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Agronomy Registration
12:00 pm Agronomy CDE
12:45 pm Dairy Holders Clinic Instructions
1:00 pm Dairy Judging CDE Instructions
1:30 pm Dairy Judging CDE/Dairy Holders
3:30 pm Livestock Judging Instructions/CDE
4:00 pm Wildlife CDE
4:15 pm Livestock Judging CDE
Friday, August 16
8:30 am Register Judging Teams
9:30 am Seed Identication
10:00 am Floriculture Judging CDE
10:00 am Nursery Judging CDE
10:00 am Ag. Mechanics Skills
10:00 am Small Power Equipment
10:00 am Welding CDE
11:00 pm General Auctioneering CDE
2:30 pm FFA Awards Program
Thursday, August 22
6:30 pm Championship Drive
Page 135
1. See Open General Rules for All Livestock Species, National Code of Show Ring Ethics,and Protest
2. All market shows at the Kentucky State Fair should be treated as a terminal show. Any animal testing
that comes back not t for the food chain could be eligible for disqualication, ban, and/or prizes and
awards revoked. Any substance that has not been approved by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) for use in food animals are Prohibited Substances.
3. Entries in the youth show can only be made in the youth’s name and social security number, and
payment or premiums will only be made to the youth registered for the show.
4. To enter, go to Complete information should be provided. The Kentucky State Fair
Entry Department will verify that all youth are eligible to participate in the 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock
Show by providing a list of exhibitors and entries to the 4-H County Extension Agent or Teacher of
Agriculture. Farm name only registrations are not acceptable in the youth show.
5. No phone in entries will be accepted.
6. To be eligible to participate in the 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Show at the Kentucky
State Fair, an exhibitor shall enter a current project, and the 4-H County Extension Agent or Teacher of
Agriculture supervising the project is required to verify eligibility of the entry.
7. To participate in State 4-H activities, a person shall comply with State 4-H membership policy.
Membership begins with a child is age 9 or in the fourth grade as of January 1 of the current year.
Membership eligibility ends December 31 of the calendar year in which a member attains the age of 19.
8. To participate in State FFA activities, a person shall be a member in good standing of the
Kentucky Association FFA and be carrying approved occupational experience programs
under the supervision of teach of agriculture.
9. 4-H/FFA members wishing to enter in both the 4-H/FFA show, and the open show should
complete two entries for the same animal (open show will begin with 100’s and youth show will begin
with 6000’s pending on species/breed. If entered in open classes, animals should remain
on the grounds, until released by the Superintendent after the open show.
10. Livestock displaying a Kentucky Proud ear tag and enrolled in the Kentucky Proud Livestock Tag
Program will be eligible to compete for additional banners.
11. Youth are required to show their own animals in the 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Show. In the event of
illness or other incapacity of the exhibitor, excluding sporting events and extracurricular activities at
school, the youth may ask another youth to show the animals subject to prior written approval
of Kentucky State Fair management.
12. Regular entries shall be made through our online entry system at until July 10 at
11:59pm. See specic species for fees and late fees. No late entries will be accepted in the 4-H/FFA
Youth Livestock Entries.
EACH EXHIBITOR SHALL BE ENTERED SEPARATELY. Be sure to review the exhibitors name in the
youth show vs. open show. Entries in the youth show can only be made in the youth’s name and
payment for premiums will only be made to the youth registered for the show.
Page 136
For health requirment information, contact: Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health. 109
Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601. Phone (502)573-0282. Option 3. For all up-to-date health regulations for each species of
livestock, please contact the Kentucky Department of Agriculture at the address and phone number above or visit their website at
14. All market steers and market heifers must be owned by and in physical possession of the 4-H/FFA
member on or before March 16, 2024. Market animals exhibited in the 4-H/FFA Youth Show must have
been in the possession of and under the continuous care of the exhibitor from March 16, 2024, through
the closing day of the State Fair of the current year, as specied in rules contained in the “Ownership,
Possession, and Care Rules for Kentucky 4-H/FFA Youth Breeding and Market Livestock Projects.
Validation of market animals is not considered entry in the State Fair. A Kentucky State Fair entry
form must be submitted, along with entry fees, by July 10th.
15. All market hogs, market lambs, and market goats must be owned by and in physical possession of the
4-H/FFA member on or before May 15, 2024. Market animals exhibited in the 4-H/FFA Youth Show
must have been in the possession of and under the continuous care of the exhibitor from May 15, 2024,
through the closing day of the State Fair of the current year, as specied in rules contained in the
“Ownership, Possession, and Care Rules for Kentucky 4-H/FFA Youth Breeding and Market Livestock
Projects.Validation of market animals is not considered entry in the State Fair. A Kentucky State Fair
entry form must be submitted, along with entry fees, by July 10th.
Page 137
Monday, August 12
1:00 pm Dairy Cattle Move In Begins
Wednesday, August 14
10:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Move In Closes
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Junior Dairy Goat Move In
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Poultry, Pigeon, & Rabbit Move In
Thursday, August 15
8:00 am Mules and Jacks Move In Begins
8:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Show - Guernsey,
Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, & Milking Shorthorn
9:00 am Junior Dairy Goat Showmanship - Junior
Dairy Goat Show immediately following
2:00 pm Open Dairy Cattle Move In Closes
Friday, August 16
8:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Show - Jersey,
Holstein, and Red & White
9:00 am Open Dairy Goat Show (Junior Does)
3:00 pm Junior Dairy Cattle Supreme Show
- Junior Dairy Cattle not exhibiting in the
Open Show will be released upon the
conclusion of the Junior Dairy Cattle Supreme
5:00 pm Junior Dairy Cattle Costume Contest
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Open Boer Goat Move In
6:30 pm Novice Dairy Cattle Contest
10:00 pm Mules and Jacks Move In Closes
Saturday, August 17
8:00 am Open Ayrshire Show
8:00 am Open Guernsey Show
9:00 am Open Dairy Goat Show (Senior Does)
- followed by Dairy Goat Costume Contest
12:00 pm Open Brown Swiss Show
12:00 pm Open Milking Shorthorn Show
3:30 pm Open Red & White Show
5:00 pm Open Boer Goat Show
Sunday, August 18
8:00 am Open Jersey Show
8:00 am Open Holstein Show
12:00 pm Open Supreme Dairy Show
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Poultry, Pigeon, & Rabbit Move Out
3:00 pm Open Mules & Jacks Hitch Classes
3:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Open Dairy Cattle Move Out - all Dairy
Cattle must be out of the barn no later than
9:00 pm
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Dairy Goat Move Out - all Dairy Goats
must be out of the barn no later than 9:00 pm
Page 138
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Boer Goat Move Out - all Boer Goats
must be out of the barn no later than 9:00 pm
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Junior Goat Move In
Monday, August 19
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Junior Goat Check In
10:00 am Open Mules & Jacks Show
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Junior Swine Move In
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Junior Sheep Move In
1:30 pm Junior Goat Weight Cards Due
4:00 pm Junior Goat Showmanship, Junior
Wether Dam, Novice Goat Show
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Junior Breeding Sheep & Showmanship
Check In
Tuesday, August 20
7:00 am - 9:00 am
Junior Swine Check In
8:30 am Junior Sheep Exhibitor’s Meeting
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Junior Breeding Sheep and
Showmanship Check In
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Market Lamb Classication and Novice
Check In
10:00 am Junior Crossbred Gilt Weight Cards
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Junior Gilts Breed Verication
12:00 pm Junior Sheep Weight Cards Due
12:00 pm Junior Cattle Move In Starts
1:30 pm Junior Sheep Showmanship - Junior
Breeding Sheep to begin 30 minutes
after the completion of Showmanship
2:00 pm Novice Swine Showmanship & Novice
Market Classes
4:00 pm Breeding Gilt Show
4:00 pm Market Goat Show
5:00 pm Junior Market Beef Move In Closes
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Junior Market Beef Check In, Market
Heifer Pregnancy Check, Beef
Showmanship Check In
7:30 pm Junior Market Beef Weight Cards Close
8:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Goat Move Out -
All Junior Goats not competing in
Championship Drive have to be out of the
barn no later than 12:00 am
Wednesday, August 21
8:00 am Junior Market Beef Show
- Beef Showmanship to follow
8:00 am Open Cattle Move In Begins
8:30 am Junior Sheep Exhibitor’s Meeting
9:00 am Novice Lamb Showmanship & Novice
Market Lamb Show
9:00 am Swine Showmanship
Page 139
10:00 am Junior Heifer Move In Closes
12:30 pm Market Lamb Show
1:00 pm Junior Market Hog Weight Cards Due
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Junior Market Hog Breed Verication
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Junior Heifer Check In
3:00 pm Swine Exhibitor’s Meeting
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Sheep Move Out
- All Junior Sheep not competing in the Open
Show or Championship Drive have to be out
of the barn no later than 12:00 am
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Market Beef Move
Out - All Junior Market Beef not competing
in the Open Show or Championship Drive
have to be out of the barn no later than
12:00 am
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Breeding Gilt
Move Out - All Junior Breeding Gilts not
competing in the Open Show have to be out of
the barn no later than 12:00 am
Thursday, August 22
8:00 am Junior Market Hog Show
8:00 am Open Cattle showing Friday must be
on grounds
8:00 am Junior Heifer Show
4:00 pm Sunshine Class
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Open Sheep Move In - Sheep showing
Friday must be on grounds
6:30 pm Championship Drive - All remaining Junior
Sheep, Junior Swine, and Junior Cattle have to
be out of the barn by 12:00 am
Friday, August 23
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Open Sheep Move In
- Saturday Shows ONLY
8:00 am - 10:30 am
All Open Sheep Check In
8:00 am Open Cattle showing Saturday must be
on grounds
8:00 am Open Hereford Show
8:00 am Open Limousin Show
10:30 am Open Simmental Show - followed by
Open Percentage Simmental Show
12:00 pm Open Sheep Show - Columbia, Corriedales,
Rambouillet, Suffolks, Hampshires, Border
Cheviots, Oxford, Shropshires
12:00 pm Open Shorthorn Show
2:30 pm Open Red Angus Show
Saturday, August 24
8:00 am Open Cattle showing Sunday must be
on grounds
8:00 am Open Market Hog Show - followed by
Open Crossbred, Duroc, and Hampshire
8:00 am Open Angus Show
Page 140
8:00 am Open Charolais Show
8:30 am Open Sheep Show - Natural Colored,
Dorper/White Dorper, AOB Wool, Polled/
Horned Dorset, Southdown, Merino, Katadhin,
AOB Meat (followed by the Selection of
Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe)
11:00 am Open Gelbvieh/Balancer Show
12:00 pm Open Chianina Show - followed by Open
Chiangus Show
Sunday, August 25
8:00 am Open Hog Show
8:00 am Open Santa Gertrudis Show
10:00 am Open Saler Show
10:00 am Open Piedmontese Show - followed by
Open AOB Show
10:00 am Open Sheep Exhibitor’s Meeting
2:00 pm Championship Horse Pull
- Located in Broadbent Arena
3:00 pm Open Sheep, Open Cattle, & Open
Swine Move Out
Page 141
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Junior Goat Judge: Tim Hubbard
Junior Small Animal Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th & Beyond
$20 $19 $18 $17 $16 $15 $14 $13 $12 $11 $10
Sunday, August 18
6:00 pm -10:00 pm
Junior Goat Move In
Monday, August 19
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Junior Goat Check In
1:30 pm Junior Goat Weight Cards Due
4:00 pm Junior Goat Showmanship, Junior
Wether Dam, Novice Goat Show
Tuesday, August 20
4:00 pm Junior Market Goat Show
8:00 pm - 12:00 am (Midnight)
Approximate Junior Goat Release
Thursday, August 22
6:30 pm Championship Drive
Page 142
1. To be eligible to compete at the Kentucky State Fair, all 4-H/
FFA market goats and wether dams are required to compete
in one of the pre-fair districts shows sponsored by the Ken-
tucky Department of Agriculture, Shows and Fairs Division.
Qualifying shows are subject to Kentucky Department of
Agriculture, 4-H and FFA guidelines. Novice exhibitors of
market animals are not required to attend a qualifying show.
2. All 4-H/FFA market goats and wether dams that will partici-
pate in market livestock shows in Kentucky (i.e., County Fair,
District Livestock shows, etc.) are required to be tagged with
Kentucky Uniform Identication Program (K.U.I.P.) tags.
K.U. I. P. tag numbers shall appear on the State Fair entry
form. All market goats and wether dams that will be tagged
with K.U.I.P. tags will be required to have samples taken for
DNA testing.
3. Joint ownership of market animals entered into the Kentucky
State Fair is allowable up to the point of entry, provided all
requirements for joint K.U.I.P. nomination and tagging have
been met. e child exhibiting the animal in the market
show must be declared at entry time.
4. Validation of market goats and wether dams (tagging with
K.U.I.P. tags and collection of DNA samples) shall be com-
pleted by May 15, 2024. 4-H exhibitors shall have completed
their six (6) hours of educational training prior to the time
of validation. Validation of market goats and wether dams is
not considered entry in the State Fair. A Kentucky State Fair
entry form should be submitted, along with entry fees by July
5. An exhibitor may enter a total of six (6) market goats; an
exhibitor may only exhibit four (4) market goats. Exhibitors
shall pay the entry fee of $15.00 on each market goat (DNA
fee included). Substitutions will not be all owed in the 4-H/
FFA Youth Market Goat Show or the 4-H/FFA Youth Wether
Dam Show.
6. Exhibitors are required to declare at time of entry which di-
vision their animal will be entered – Wether Dam or Market
7. e Wether Dam Show will be divided into two (2) divisions:
Fitted and Slick. Fitted does are required to have a least a
½ inch of hair to be eligible. Animals may not switch from
their selected division aer the arrival time is closed. Does
exhibited in the Wether Dam Division may not be shown in
the Market Goat Division.
8. All exhibitors may enter market wethers or market does in
the Market Goat Show. All market kids shall be castrated
(banded or surgically removed; clamping is not allowed).
9. No muzzles will be allowed.
10. Inducted cryptorchids (short scrotum kids) and buck goats
may not be shown. Any wether kid showing signs of second-
ary sex characteristics may not be shown.
11. e ocial health inspection of goats will take place at the
Goat Barn entrance upon arrival. Animals that do not pass
inspection will not be admitted to the barn. To facilitate this
inspection, all market goats shall be sheared to ¼ inch of hair
or less before entering the barn. All blankets, tubes, or other
coverings must be removed before inspections.
12. Market goats and wether dams will be shown by weight. e
weight indicated on the weight card will be the declared show
weight of the animal.
13. Exhibitors entered in the Market Goat Show, Wether Dam
Show, and Novice Market Goat Show are required to check in
between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Monday, August 19 to
receive weight cards. Market Goats and Wether Dams will be
shown by weight. Market Goats, Wether Dams, and Novice
Market Goat weights should be submitted via online submis-
sion form (QR) by 1:30 a.m. on Monday, August 19. All goats
shall weigh a minimum of 40 pound on show day. e last
weight submitted will be nal. ere will be no changing of
weights aer the form has closed.
14. e rst, second, and third place market goats and wether
dams in each class will be weighed directly out of the show
ring. Goats weighing more than 5 lbs. over their declared
weight will be disqualied. No premiums will be paid on
disqualied animals.
15. NEW in 2024: In the event the Champion and Reserve
Breed/Division Champion are removed during the Top 5
selection of Championship Drive, a third overall from the
Breed/Division can be in contention for the Top 5 Overall
Awards. With this, each species market show will select a
Top 3 in each Breed/Division, the third overall award will be
given no additional premiums or awards and is not required
to stay for the Championship Drive. However, in order to
represent the Breed/Division during the Top 5 selection the
exhibitor/animal will need to be present during the Champi-
onship Drive. When Breed/Division Champion and Reserves
are selected, the judge may choose the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
animal out of one class if they see t.
16. Trophies will be awarded for the best 4-H/FFA Youth market
goat herdsman and the best county/groups at the Fair. A
committee appointed by the 4-H/FFA Youth Market Goat
Superintendent will determine the award winners with con-
sideration given to the following criteria:
Originality of the exhibit
Neatness and attractiveness of the exhibit, pens and aisles
Appearance of animals and exhibit at all times
Evidence of pride in 4-H/FFA and goats
Participating in all 4-H/FFA Youth market goat activities
Exhibitors behavior at all times while at the Fair
Friendliness and cooperativeness toward other exhibitors
$50 & Comminsioner’s Award
Page 143
Division 6101
Division 6102
Wether Dams will be divided into two divisions: Fitted and Slick. Fitted does are required to have a minimum of 1/2 inch of hair to be eligible.
Division 6901
Exhibitors must be ve (5) to eight (8) years old as of January 1 of the current year to be eligible to participate in the Novice Market and showmanship
classes. e novice exhibitor is limited to one market goat entry. Novice goats must be K.U.I.P. tagged. ere will be no minimum weight for novice
goats. Market classes and Showmanship classes will be placed. e novice winner is not eligible for Grand Champion. No premiums will be awarded,
but each participant will receive a participation Rosette.
Division 6902
Exhibitors must be ve (5) to eight (8) years old as of January 1 of the current year to be eligible to participate in the Novice Market and showmanship
classes. e novice exhibitor is limited to one market goat entry. Novice goats must be K.U.I.P. tagged. ere will be no minimum weight for novice
goats. Market classes and Showmanship classes will be placed. e novice winner is not eligible for Grand Champion. No premiums will be awarded,
but each participant will receive a participation Rosette.
Page 144
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Junior Dairy Goat Judge:
Junior Small Animal Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th & Beyond
$20 $19 $18 $17 $16 $15 $14 $13 $12 $11 $10
Wednesday, August 14
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Junior Dairy Goat Move In
Thursday, August 15
9:00 am Junior Dairy Goat Showmanship - Junior
Dairy Goat Show immediately following
Sunday, August 18
5:00 pm Dairy Goat Move Out Begins
1. is is an ocial ADGA Jr./Sr. combined show. ADGA rules
will govern. Show order is not subject to change.
2. Dairy Goats entered the Youth Show are required to also be
entered in the Kentucky State Fair Open Show.
3. Leases are accepted, but there shall be an ocial lease on le
with ADGA prior to June 1. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility
to ensure this is done and proof is provided at check-in.
4. Order of Show
e show order is not subject to change.
Alpine Nigerian Dwarf
Saanen Nubian
LaMancha Toggenburg
All Other Purebreds Recorded Grades
Page 145
Junior Divisions-Dairy Goats
Div. # Division Name
6601 Alpine
6602 Nubian
6603 La Mancha
6604 Recorded Grades
Junior Divisions-Dairy Goats
Div. # Division Name
6605 Saanen
6606 Toggenburg
6607 All Other Purebreds
6608 Nigerian Dwarf
1. Showmanship exhibitors are required to scratch on Wednesday, August 14 if they do not want to compete in showmanship.
2. Youth must show their own animals.
Showmanship classes will consist of divisions determined by year of birth. Members of 4-H and FFA must show their own animals
or the animal of the herd they are exhibiting with at the Kentucky State Fair in the showmanship classes. Showmanship exhibitors
must show in their respective age group as of January 1 of the current year for the entire show season.
Showmanship classes will be broken into divisions as follows:
Division V. Age 17 and above
Division IV. Ages 14-16
Division III. Ages 12-13
Division II. Ages 9-11
Division I. Novice - Open to exhibitors ve (5) years old to eight (8) years old as of January of the current year. A novice
exhibitor may show his or her own goat or someone elses goat. (Ribbon only. No premiums will be awarded in this class.)
1 Junior kid, born 4/1/2023 - 7/20/2023
2 Intermediate kid, born 3/1/2023 - 3/31/2023
3 Senior kid, born 8/18/2022 - 2/28/2023
4 Dry yearling, born 8/18/2021 - 8/17/2022
5 Yearling milker, born after 8/18/2021
6 Two year milker, born 8/19/2020 - 8/18/2021
7 Three year milker, born 8/19/2019 - 8/18/2020
8 Four year milker, born 8/19/2018 - 8/18/2019
9 Five year and older milker, born before 8/18/2018
10 Overall Grand Champion Doe
11 Overall Reserve Grand Champion Doe
Page 146
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Junior Jersey, Ayrshire, and Guernsey Judge: Madison Fisher
Junior Red and White, Milking Shorthorn, Brown Swiss, and Holstein Judge: Ryan Benter
Junior Dairy Cattle Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th& Beyond
$30 $28 $26 $24 $22 $20 $18 $15
Monday, August 12
1:00 pm Junior Dairy Cattle Move In
Tuesday, August 13
All Day Junior Dairy Cattle Move In
Wednesday, August 14
10:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Move In Closes
Thursday, August 15
8:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Show - Ayrshire,
Brown Swiss, Guernsey, & Milking Shorthorns
Friday, August 16
8:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Show - Holstein,
Jersey, and Red & White
3:00 pm Junior Dairy Cattle Supreme Drive -
Youth only participants released
5:00 pm Junior Dairy Cattle Costume Contest
6:30 pm Novice Dairy Cattle Contest
Page 147
**e purchase of extra stall tacks should be done on-line by the
July 10 deadline. Follow the link to the Stalling Request Form and
complete and send to the Entry Department at entry@kyvenues.
com by August 2.
1. Ownership of Registered Animals: (4-H/FFA) - Adult/
member and member/member partnerships are accepted for
breeding animals providing each partner’s full name is on the
registration certicate. e youths name listed on the entry
form shall show animals listed on the form. Animals regis-
tered in a farm name only are not eligible to show.
2. Dairy heifers or cows exhibited in the 4-H/FFA Youth Show
should have been in possession of and under the continuous
care of the exhibitor. Animals shall be housed and main-
tained in Kentucky by June 1 through the closing day of the
State Fair of the current year. Dairy animals not eligible
for Open Kentucky money in the Kentucky State Fair Open
Show are not eligible for the 4-H/FFA Youth Dairy Show.
3. Non-ownership animals are eligible. e required paperwork
shall be submitted to UK Dairy Extension for 4-H members
or Kentucky FFA for FFA members by June 1. e National
breed association youth lease program animals are also eligi-
ble if approved and recorded by the breed association by June
1. is lease information shall also be on le with the youths
4-H agent or Vo-Ag teacher, and UK Dairy Extension for 4-H
members or Kentucky FFA for FFA members.
4. All entries shall be animals recorded in the American or
Foreign herd books for the breed to which they belong. Ani-
mals in genetic recovery programs which are eligible for their
respective national breed show are also eligible to show at the
Kentucky State Fair.
5. Ocial health papers shall accompany the truck or trailer
hauling the animals. Health papers will be checked by an
approved livestock inspector.
6. Exhibitors are limited to two (2) substitutions per breed and
should be within the same breed.
7. 4-H/FFA members wishing to enter animals in both the 4-H/
FFA show, and the open show should complete two entries
for the same animal (Open show will begin with 200’s and
Youth show will begin with 6200’s pending on the breed) and
pay fees for all barn space occupied during the open show,
including exhibit space at the open show rate, by the open
show deadline. If entered in open classes, animals should
remain on the grounds until released by the Dairy Co-Super-
intendents aer the open show.
8. Denition of ages: Classes and Birth Dates for 2024 Dairy
Class Birth Date
Junior Calf 3-1-24 to 4-30-24
Intermediate Calf 12-1-23 to 2-28-24
Senior Calf 9-1-23 to 11-30-23
Summer Yearling 6-1-23 to 8-31-23
Junior Yearling 3-1-23 to 2-28-23
Intermediate Yearling 12-1-23 to 2-28-23
Senior Yearling 9-1-22 to 11-30-22
Yearling in Milk Born aer 8-1-22
Junior Two-Year Old 3-1-22 to 8-31-22
Senior Two-Year Old 9-1-21 to 2-28-22
ree-Year Old 9-1-20 to 8-31-21
Four-Year Old 9-1-19 to 8-31-20
Five Year & Older Born aer 9-1-19
9. County group awards will be based on the number of 4-H/
FFA members participating in this year’s Dairy Show. e
ve counties with the largest number of participants will
receive: 1st - $100, 2nd - $80, 3rd - $60, 4th - $50, 5th - $20,
payable to the county organization to promote dairy project
activities. Each organization will receive a proportionate
amount according to their representation at the show. e
winning counties will report to the State 4-H and FFA Oce
on use of the awards. e counties will also need to provide
the show committee with their tax ID number by the end of
10. e Dairy Herdsman Special Award will be re-named to e
George Heersche Jr. Memorial Award. Dr. Heersche was
a Dairy Extension Specialist for more than 40 years at the
University of Kentucky. He educated numerous youth and
students through mentorship, dairy education programs and
4-H activities. e awards will be judged on the following
Category Points
Neatness and attractive-
ness of exhibits, bedding,
signs, etc.
Appearance of animals at
all times
Cleanliness of aisle be-
hind cattle
Exhibitor’s behavior
while at fair
Friendliness toward other
11. All exhibitors are eligible for these individual awards. e
4-H/FFA member(s) are required to do a signicant amount
of the work. e exhibits should be clearly identied as 4-H/
Page 148
FFA Youth exhibits. Open show animals not in the 4-H/
FFA Youth show, in the same herd, should be separate from
the 4-H/FFA Youth animals within the exhibit. e area to
be judged should be designated as 4-H/FFA Youth animals.
Trophy awards will be presented to the top seven winners.
12. Production Awards – ree production awards will be pre-
sented in each breed to the ree-Year Old, Four-Year Old,
and Five-Year Old and Older cow with the highest most re-
cent actual 305-day record on a lactation completed since last
year’s Kentucky State Fair. Cows competing for these awards
must currently be on DHI test (type of test codes 00-31) and
receive a blue or red ribbon at this year’s Kentucky State Fair.
e owner should present an individual cow page (DHI-
203) or a DHI-200 or DHI-210 monthly report verifying this
lactation to the State Fair 4-H/FFA Dairy Show Committee.
e cow shall have been owned by the exhibitor for the last
six months of the record. e Kentucky Dairy Development
Council will provide cash awards for the winner of each class
in breed.
13. e breeder of an animal is the person who owned the dam
at the time the animal was conceived. Animals used for Pre-
mier Breeder points or shown in the Best Animal Bred and
Owned by Exhibitor classes must have the youths name listed
as breeder on the registration paper.
14. Dairy Skillathon - Wednesday night, August 14 (time to be
announced). ere will be three age divisions. Larissa Tuck-
er will provide additional information to the counties and
dairy youth exhibitors.
15. Dairy Fitting and Showmanship Contest – is contest is
open to any 4-H/FFA Youth dairy exhibitor who has animals
in the show. 4-H/FFA exhibitors shall show their own animal
in the showmanship contest. If more than one youth own an
animal, a youth should have shown the animal in the regular
class to show the animal in showmanship. If a youth is the
overall showmanship winner in a breed, they cannot enter
showmanship in another breed. Showmanship participants
are expected to wear white. Each breed showmanship contest
will be divided into four divisions:
Division I Members born in 2012,
2013, 2014
Division II Members born in 2010,
Division III Members born in 2007,
2008, 2009
Division IV Members born in 2006
and older
16. Each breed will name a winner in each age division. Dairy
Fitting and Showmanship Contests will be held at the con-
clusion of the shows. Each Showmanship division will show
together, if there is only one participant in that division and
the judge will select a winner in each breed (for example:
Ayrshire and Guernsey Division I will show at the same
time and a winner from each breed will be selected and all
placed accordingly). If youth show both breeds, they will be
required to choose one showmanship. Youth are welcome
to participate in showmanship in more than one breed if the
classes are not being shown at the same time.
17. Breed winners will receive a $50 cash award provided by the
Kentucky Purebred Dairy Cattle Association, which will be
presented during the Commissioner’s trophy competition.
Divisional winners will receive $25 and a rosette, and ribbons
will be given to other places. A breed winner will be selected
aer all divisions are completed.
Fitting and Showing Contest Finals
Kentucky Department of Agriculture Trophy – e Commis-
sioner of Agriculture will award a trophy to the 4-H/FFA Youth
exhibitor who wins the overall contest.
e nals of the showmanship contest will take place Friday, Au-
gust 16. e showmanship champion from each breed will com-
pete for the Kentucky Department of Agriculture Commissioners
Trophy. e Commissioner of Agriculture or his representative
will be present to make this presentation.
Supreme Champion Heifer & Cow Breed champions will compete
on August 16, 2023 at approximately 3:00 pm.
$500 & Banner
$300 & Banner
Sponsored by KDDC
Page 149
Division 6201
1 Heifer, Junior Calf
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf
3 Heifer, Senior Calf
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling
8 Junior Champion
9 Reserve Junior Champion
10 Yearling In Milk
11 Cow, Junior 2-Year-Old
12 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old
13 Cow, 3 Years Old
14 Cow, 4 Years Old
15 Cow, 5 Years Old and Older
16 Senior Champion
17 Reserve Senior Champion
18 Grand Champion
19 Reserve Grand Champion
20 Best animal, any age, bred and owned by exhibitor
21 Breed Fitting and Showing Contest
22 Production Awards
Division 6202
1 Heifer, Junior Calf
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf
3 Heifer, Senior Calf
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling
8 Junior Champion
9 Reserve Junior Champion
10 Yearling In Milk
11 Cow, Junior 2-Year-Old
12 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old
13 Cow, 3 Years Old
14 Cow, 4 Years Old
15 Cow, 5 Years Old and Older
16 Senior Champion
17 Reserve Senior Champion
18 Grand Champion
19 Reserve Grand Champion
20 Best animal, any age, bred and owned by exhibitor
21 Breed Fitting and Showing Contest
22 Production Awards
1 Heifer, Junior Calf
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf
3 Heifer, Senior Calf
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling
8 Junior Champion
9 Reserve Junior Champion
10 Yearling In Milk
11 Cow, Junior 2-Year-Old
12 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old
13 Cow, 3 Years Old
14 Cow, 4 Years Old
15 Cow, 5 Years Old and Older
16 Senior Champion
17 Reserve Senior Champion
18 Grand Champion
19 Reserve Grand Champion
20 Best animal, any age, bred and owned by exhibitor
21 Breed Fitting and Showing Contest
22 Production Awards
Division 6203
Division 6204
1 Heifer, Junior Calf
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf
3 Heifer, Senior Calf
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling
8 Junior Champion
9 Reserve Junior Champion
10 Yearling In Milk
11 Cow, Junior 2-Year-Old
12 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old
13 Cow, 3 Years Old
14 Cow, 4 Years Old
15 Cow, 5 Years Old and Older
16 Senior Champion
17 Reserve Senior Champion
18 Grand Champion
19 Reserve Grand Champion
20 Best animal, any age, bred and owned by exhibitor
21 Breed Fitting and Showing Contest
22 Production Awards
Page 150
1 Heifer, Junior Calf
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf
3 Heifer, Senior Calf
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling
8 Junior Champion
9 Reserve Junior Champion
10 Yearling In Milk
11 Cow, Junior 2-Year-Old
12 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old
13 Cow, 3 Years Old
14 Cow, 4 Years Old
15 Cow, 5 Years Old and Older
16 Senior Champion
17 Reserve Senior Champion
18 Grand Champion
19 Reserve Grand Champion
20 Best animal, any age, bred and owned by exhibitor
21 Breed Fitting and Showing Contest
22 Production Awards
Division 6205
Division 6206
1 Heifer, Junior Calf
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf
3 Heifer, Senior Calf
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling
8 Junior Champion
9 Reserve Junior Champion
10 Yearling In Milk
11 Cow, Junior 2-Year-Old
12 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old
13 Cow, 3 Years Old
14 Cow, 4 Years Old
15 Cow, 5 Years Old and Older
16 Senior Champion
17 Reserve Senior Champion
18 Grand Champion
19 Reserve Grand Champion
20 Best animal, any age, bred and owned by exhibitor
21 Breed Fitting and Showing Contest
22 Production Awards
Division 6207
1 Heifer, Junior Calf
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf
3 Heifer, Senior Calf
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling
8 Junior Champion
9 Reserve Junior Champion
10 Yearling In Milk
11 Cow, Junior 2-Year-Old
12 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old
13 Cow, 3 Years Old
14 Cow, 4 Years Old
15 Cow, 5 Years Old and Older
16 Senior Champion
17 Reserve Senior Champion
18 Grand Champion
19 Reserve Grand Champion
20 Best animal, any age, bred and owned by exhibitor
21 Breed Fitting and Showing Contest
22 Production Awards
Page 151
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Market Lamb Judge: Payton Dahmer
Breeding Sheep/Showmaship Judges: Connor Brew & Nate Brookshire
Novice Market Lamb Judge: Connor Brew
Junior Small Animal Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th & Beyond
$20 $19 $18 $17 $16 $15 $14 $13 $12 $11 $10
Monday, August 19
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Junior Sheep Move In
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Breeding Sheep & Showmanship
Check In
Tuesday, August 20
8:30 am Exhibitor’s Meeting
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Breeding Sheep & Showmanship
Check In
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Market Lamb Classication & Novice
Check In
12:00 pm Junior Sheep Weight Cards Due
1:30 pm Junior Sheep Showmanship - followed by
Junior Breeding Sheep Show
Wednesday, August 21
8:30 am Exhibitor’s Meeting
9:00 am Novice Showmanship - followed by
Novice Market Lamb Show
12:30 pm Junior Market Lamb Show
7:00 pm – 12:00 am
Approximate Release Junior Sheep -
All Junior Sheep not competing in the Open
Show or Championship Drive have to be out
of the barn no later than 12:00 am
Thursday, August 22
6:30 pm Championship Drive - All remaining Junior
Sheep have to be out of the barn by 12:00 am
Page 152
1. To be eligible to compete at the Kentucky State Fair, all 4-H/
FFA market lambs are required to compete in one of the pre-
fair districts shows sponsored by the Kentucky Department
of Agriculture, Shows and Fairs Division. Qualifying shows
are subject to Kentucky Department of Agriculture, 4-H and
FFA guidelines. Novice exhibitors of market animals are not
required to attend a qualifying show.
2. All 4-H/FFA market lambs that will participate in market
livestock shows in Kentucky (i.e., County Fair, District Live-
stock shows, etc.) are required to be tagged with Kentucky
Uniform Identication Program (K.U.I.P.) tags. K.U.I.P.
tag numbers must appear on the State Fair entry form. All
market lambs that will be tagged with K.U.I.P. tags will be
required to have samples taken for DNA testing.
3. Joint ownership of market animals entered into the Kentucky
State Fair is allowable up to the point of entry, provided all
requirements for joint K.U.I.P. nomination and tagging have
been met. e child exhibiting the animal in the market
show shall be declared at entry time.
4. All market lambs shall be owned by, in physical possession
and continuous care of the 4-H/FFA member on or before
May 15, 2024 through the closing day of the State Fair of the
current year, as specied in rules contained in the “Owner-
ship, Possession, and Care Rules for the Kentucky 4-H/FFA
Youth Breeding and Market Livestock Projects.
5. Validation of market lambs (tagging with K.U.I.P. tags and
collection of DNA samples) shall be completed by May 15,
2024. 4-H exhibitors shall have completed their six (6) hours
of educational training prior to the time of validation. Valida-
tion of market lambs is not considered entry in the State Fair.
A Kentucky State Fair entry form should be submitted, along
with entry fees, by July 10.
6. An exhibitor may show no more than two animals in indi-
vidual classes and one entry in group classes in the breeding
sheep show and no more than six animals in the market lamb
7. An exhibitor may enter a total of six (6) market lambs, and
they may exhibit no more than four (4) market lambs in one
(1) breed. Substitutions will not be allowed in the 4-H/FFA
Youth Market Lamb show.
8. Upon arrival at the State Fair 4-H/FFA Youth Sheep Show,
exhibitors will check in with the Sheep Sta and receive their
back numbers, which will also serve as their weight card.
Weights must be submitted via QR code, provided on the
back tag for each market lamb/crossbred ewe by 12:00 pm
EST, Tuesday, August 20th. By submitting the weight via QR
Code Submission, the exhibitor /owner agrees to all Kentucky
State Fair rules and regulations, and the last weight submitted
will be nal. ere will be no changing of weight aer the QR
Code submission for has closed.
9. Registration papers on all breeding sheep shall be presented
to the superintendent during check in on August 19 from
6:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m. or August 20 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Breeding sheep registration papers shall have the breed regis-
tries seal on the paper.
10. e ocial health inspection of sheep will take place at the
Sheep Barn entrance upon arrival. Animals that do not pass
inspection will not be admitted to the barn. To facilitate this
inspection, all market lambs shall be sheared to ¼ inch of
wool or less before entering the barn. All blankets, tubes, or
other coverings must be removed before inspection.
11. e same animal may not be entered in both the Breeding
Classes and Market Classes. Exhibitors are required to de-
clare at time of entry on July 10, which division their animal
will be entered – Breeding or Market. Animals shall be
shown in the division that was entered on the ocial Ken-
tucky State Fair entry form.
12. Market lambs will be shown by weight and breed. A mini-
mum weight of 75 pounds is required for any market lambs
that are classied as a hair sheep (e.g., Dorper, Katahdin etc.).
All other market lambs that are not classied as hair sheep
have a minimum weight requirement of 90 pounds. Lambs
not meeting the weight requirements will not be allowed to
show. (See Kentucky Fair 4-H/FFA Championship Drive
Information.) A list of weight (and breed) divisions will
be posted Tuesday, August 20. All market lambs shall be
sheared slick.
13. Muzzles are not permitted on any sheep in the show.
14. e top blue ribbon individual animals will be selected in
each class to show for breed championship.
15. e rst, second, third, fourth, and h place market lambs
will be weighed directly out of the show ring. Lambs weigh-
ing more than 5 pounds above their declared weight will be
disqualied and not be eligible for the championship classes.
e disqualied lambs are not eligible for any other class
and will not be re-weighed. No premiums will be paid on
disqualied animals and the remaining lambs will move up in
placing. ere will not be a re-weighting of lambs before or
aer the Championship Drive.
16. Any breed showing in Crossbred and All Other Breed divi-
sions having ve (5) or more registered animals checked in,
will be separated and made their own breed. *Note: Dorset
Advantage will enter in the White Face Cross (WFX) divi-
sion, and ve (5) registered animals must be checked in to
make their own breed.
17. Market lambs will be shown by breed and crosses (see sched-
18. ere will be weigh backs on the BFX and WFX in the
breeding sheep division.Lambs weighing more than 5 pounds
above their declared weight will be disqualied and not be
eligible for the championship classes. e disqualied lambs
are not eligible for any other class and will not be re-weighed.
No premiums will be paid on disqualied animals and the
remaining lambs will move up in placing. ere will not be
a re-weighting of lambs before or aer the Championship
Page 153
19. Exhibitors shall declare the breed of their market lamb on
their Kentucky State Fair entry form.
20. Special 4-H/FFA Sheep exhibitors – Harold Barber Memorial
21. Trophy to be awarded to the 4-H/FFA Sheep exhibitor with
the best and most attractive sheep exhibit, based on number
and condition of sheep, attractiveness of exhibit, and gen-
eral attitude of exhibitor. A trophy will be awarded to the
winning exhibitor at this years fair. Judging to be done by
committee selected by show management.
22. New in 2024: In the event the Champion and Reserve
Breed/Division Champion are removed during the Top 5
selection of Championship Drive, a third overall from the
Breed/Division can be in contention for the Top 5 Overall
Awards. With this, each species market show will select a
Top 3 in each Breed/Division, the third overall award will be
given no additional premiums or awards and is not required
to stay for the Championship Drive. However, in order to
represent the Breed/Division during the Top 5 selection the
exhibitor/animal will need to be present during the Champi-
onship Drive. When Breed/Division Champion and Reserves
are selected, the judge may choose the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
animal out of one class if they see t.
Division 6302
1 Senior Ram Lamb
2 Early Born Junior Ram Lamb
3 Late Born Junior Ram Lamb
4 Pair of Ram Lambs
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Ewe, one year old and under two
8 Pair Yearling Ewes
9 Senior Ewe Lamb
10 Early Born Junior Ewe Lamb
11 Late Born Junior Ewe Lamb
12 Pair of Ewe Lambs
13 Champion Ewe
14 Reserve Champion Ewe
Division 6303
1 Slick Shorn Senior Ram Lamb (9/1 - 12/31)
2 Slick Shorn January Ram Lamb
3 Slick Shorn February Ram Lamb (2/1 and later)
4 Slick Shorn Champion Ram
5 Slick Shorn Reserve Champion Ram
6 Slick Shorn Yearling Ewe
7 Pair of Slick Shorn Yearling Ewes
8 Slick Shorn Senior Ewe Lamb (9/1 - 12/31)
9 Slick Shorn Senior Champion Ewe
10 Slick Shorn Senior Reserve Champion Ewe
11 Slick Shorn January Ewe Lamb
12 Slick Shorn February Ewe Lamb
13 Slick Shorn March Ewe Lamb
14 Slick Shorn Junior Champion Ewe
15 Slick Shorn Junior Reserve Champion Ewe
16 Pair of Slick Shorn Ewe Lambs
17 Slick Shorn Champion Ewe
18 Slick Shorn Reserve Champion Ewe
19 Fitted Senior Ram Lamb (9/1 - 12/31)
20 Fitted January Ram Lamb
21 Fitted February Ram Lamb
22 Fitted Champion Ram
23 Fitted Reserve Champion Ram
24 Fitted Yearling Ewe
25 Pair of Fitted Yearling Ewes
26 Fitted Senior Ewe Lamb (9/1 - 12/31)
27 Fitted Senior Champion Ewe
28 Fitted Senior Reserve Champion Ewe
29 Fitted January Ewe Lamb
30 Fitted February Ewe Lamb
31 Fitted March Ewe Lamb
32 Fitted Junior Champion Ewe
33 Fitted Junior Reserve Champion Ewe
34 Pair of Fitted Ewe Lambs
35 Fitted Champion Ewe
36 Fitted Reserve Champion Ewe
$100 ~ Brian Forsee
$50 ~ Brian Forsee
Page 154
Division 6305
1 Senior Ram Lamb
2 Early Born Junior Ram Lamb
3 Late Born Junior Ram Lamb
4 Pair of Ram Lambs
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Slick Sheared Ewe, one year and under two
8 Ewe, one year old and under two
9 Pair Yearling Ewes
10 Senior Ewe Lamb
11 Slick Sheared Ewe Lamb, born after Jan 1
12 Early Born Junior Ewe Lamb
13 Late Born Junior Ewe Lamb
14 Pair of Ewe Lambs
15 Champion Ewe
16 Reserve Champion Ewe
Division 6306
1 Early Born Junior Ram Lamb
2 Late Born Junior Ram Lamb
3 Pair of Ram Lambs
4 Champion Ram
5 Reserve Champion Ram
6 Ewe, one year old and under two
7 Pair Yearling Ewes
8 Early Born Junior Ewe Lamb
9 Late Born Junior Ewe Lamb
10 Pair of Ewe Lambs
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
Division 6307
1 Early Born Junior Ram Lamb
2 Late Born Junior Ram Lamb
3 Pair of Ram Lambs
4 Champion Ram
5 Reserve Champion Ram
6 Ewe, one year old and under two
7 Pair Yearling Ewes
8 Early Born Junior Ewe Lamb
9 Late Born Junior Ewe Lamb
10 Pair of Ewe Lambs
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
Division 6308
All crossbred animals must have some form of permanent identication listed on the entry form. Crossbred breeding sheep will be
broken into classes based on weights. Exhibitors will need to turn in a weight card declaring weights. Exhibitors will sign up for group
classes on site.
Division 6304
1 Early Born Junior Ram Lamb
2 Late Born Junior Ram Lamb
3 Pair of Ram Lambs
4 Champion Ram
5 Reserve Champion Ram
6 Ewe, one year old and under two
7 Pair Yearling Ewes
8 Fall Ewe Lambs
9 Early Born Junior Ewe Lamb
10 Late Born Junior Ewe Lamb
11 Pair of Ewe Lambs
12 Champion Ewe
13 Reserve Champion Ewe
Page 155
Division 6309
All crossbred animals must have some form of permanent identication listed on the entry form. Crossbred breeding sheep will be
broken into classes based on weights. Exhibitors will need to turn in a weight card declaring weights. Exhibitors will sign up for group
classes on site.
Division 6310
1 County Groups (1 per county in A, B, or C)
A 3 lambs of at least 2 exhibitors
B 5 lambs of at least 3 exhibitors
C 10 lambs of at least 5 exhibitors
2 Breeders Group - 5 lambs bred by one breeder or family
Junior Divisions-Market Lambs
Div. # Division Name
6311 All Other Breeds Market Lambs
6312 Dorper Market Lambs
6313 Dorset Market Lambs
6314 Hampshire Market Lambs
6315 Natural Colored Market Lambs
Junior Divisions-Market Lambs
Div. # Division Name
6316 Oxford Market Lambs
6317 Shropshire Market Lambs
6318 Southdown Market Lambs
6319 Suolk Market Lambs
6320 Black Face Crossbred Market Lambs
6321 White Face Crossbred Market Lambs
Division 6903
Exhibitors must be ve (5) to eight (8) years old as of January 1 of the current year to be eligible to participate in the Novice Market and showmanship
classes. e novice exhibitor is limited to one market lamb entry. Novice lambs must be K.U.I.P. tagged. ere will be no minimum weight for novice
lambs. Market classes and Showmanship classes will be placed. e novice winner is not eligible for Grand Champion. No premiums will be awarded,
but each participant will receive a participation Rosette.
Division 6904
Exhibitors must be ve (5) to eight (8) years old as of January 1 of the current year to be eligible to participate in the Novice Market and showmanship
classes. e novice exhibitor is limited to one market lamb entry. Novice lambs must be K.U.I.P. tagged. ere will be no minimum weight for novice
lambs. Market classes and Showmanship classes will be placed. e novice winner is not eligible for Grand Champion. No premiums will be awarded,
but each participant will receive a participation Rosette.
Page 156
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Junior Swine Judge: Ryan Sites
Junior Small Animal Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th & Beyond
$20 $19 $18 $17 $16 $15 $14 $13 $12 $11 $10
Monday, August 19
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Junior Swine Move In
Tuesday, August 20
7:00 am Junior Swine Check In
10:00 am Junior Crossbred Gilt Weight
Cards Due
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Junior Gilts Breed Verication
2:00 pm Novice Showmanship - followed by
Novice Market Classes
4:00 pm Breeding Gilt Show
Wednesday, August 21
9:00 am Swine Showmanship
1:00 pm Junior Market Hog Weight Cards Due
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Junior Market Hog Breed Verication
3:00 pm Swine Exhibitor’s Meeting
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Release Junior Breeding
Gilt - All Junior Breeding Gilts not competing
in the Open Show or Championship Drive
must be out of the barn no later than 12:00 am
Thursday, August 22
8:00 am Junior Market Hog Show
6:30 pm Championship Drive - All remaining Junior
Swine have to be out of the barn by 12:00 am
Page 157
1. To be eligible to compete at the Kentucky State Fair, all 4-H/
FFA market hogs are required to compete in one of the pre-
fair districts shows sponsored by the Kentucky Department
of Agriculture, Shows and Fairs Division. Qualifying shows
are subject to Kentucky Department of Agriculture, 4-H
and guidelines. Novice exhibitors of market hogs are not
required to attend a qualifying show.
2. All 4-H/FFA market hogs that will participate in market
livestock shows in Kentucky (i.e., County Fair, District Live-
stock shows, etc.) are required to be tagged with Kentucky
Uniform Identication Program (K.U.I.P.) tags. K.U.I.P.
tag numbers must appear on the State Fair entry form. All
market hogs that will be tagged with K.U.I.P. tags will be
required to have samples taken for DNA testing.
3. Joint ownership of markets animals entering the Kentucky
State Fair is allowable up to the point of entry, provided all
requirements for joint K.U.I.P. nomination and tagging have
been met. e child exhibiting the animal in the market
show must be declared at entry time.
4. All market hogs must be owned by, in physical possession
and continuous care of the 4-H/FFA member on or before
May 15, 2024, through the closing day of the State Fair of the
current year, as specied in rules contained in the “Owner-
ship, Possession, and Care Rules for the Kentucky 4-H/FFA
Youth Breeding and Market Livestock Projects.
5. Validation of market hogs (tagging with K.U.I.P. and collec-
tion of DNA samples) shall be completed by May 15, 2024.
4-H exhibitors shall have completed their six (6) hours of
educational training prior to the time of validation. Valida-
tion of market hogs is not considered entry in the State Fair.
A Kentucky State Fair entry form should be submitted, along
with entry fees by July 10.
6. Each exhibitor is limited to four (4) market hogs in any one
breed. If an exhibitor shows more than one (1) breed of mar-
ket hogs, he or she may exhibit a total of six (6) market hogs.
Exhibitors shall pay an entry fee of $15.00 on each market
hog (DNA fee included).
7. Substitutions will not be allowed in the 4-H/FFA Youth
Market Swine Show.
8. Exhibitors will declare weights of market hogs (an ocial
weigh-in will not be conducted by show ocials). e fol-
lowing procedures and guidelines will be used by exhibitors
to declare weights of market hogs:
a. Upon arrival at the State Fair 4-H/FFA Youth Swine
Show, exhibitors will check in with the Swine Sta and
receive their back numbers, which will also serve as
their weight card. Weights must be submitted via QR
code, provided on the back tag for each market hog/
crossbred gilt. Crossbred Gilt weight declarations are due
at 10:00 a.m. EST, Tuesday, August 20th. Market Hog
weight declarations are due at 1:00 p.m. EST,
Wednesday, August 21st. By submitting the weight via
QR Code Submission, the exhibitor/owner agrees to all
Kentucky State Fair rules and regulations, and the last
weight submitted will be nal. ere will be no changing
of weight aer the QR Code submission has closed.
9. All market hogs must weigh between 220 and 285 pounds.
ere will be no variance from this weight range. At least the
top three placing market hogs in each class will be weighed
by the Swine Superintendent or their representative as the
animals leave the show ring. Any market hog that weighs 15
pounds or more over its ocial declared weight will be dis-
qualied. No premiums will be paid on disqualied animals.
10. A breed must be represented by ve (5) animals to have a
separate class for that breed. All market hogs shown in a
breed class must have a registration certicate issued by the
respective breed association showing animal identication
and ownership, and the animals must exhibit typical breed
characteristics. e sex may be listed as boar on the pedi-
grees for barrows. Five (5) head minimum are required for
Purebred classes. If fewer than ve (5) head are present, they
will go in a “Colored Purebreds” or “White Purebreds” cat-
egory. If these two categories have fewer than ve (5) head,
they will be combined into all “All Other Breeds’ category.
11. Registration papers on all breeding hogs must be presented
to the superintendent at check in.
12. Exhibitors are limited to two (2) entries in each of the breed-
ing gilt classes. Gilts exhibited in the breeding gilt division
may not be shown in the Market Hog division. All breeding
gilts are required to have some form of permanent identica-
tion listed on the entry form.
13. Purebred Breeding Swine age classication for 2024: Class 1:
December 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024. Classes will be divided
with a maximum of 12 head per class by age, at the discretion
of show management. All classes will be shown oldest to
youngest, except that crossbred breeding gilts will be broken
into classes based on weight.
14. New in 2024: In the event the Champion and Reserve
Breed/Division Champion are removed during the Top 5
selection of Championship Drive, a third overall from the
Breed/Division can be in contention for the Top 5 Overall
Awards. With this, each species market show will select a
Top 3 in each Breed/Division, the third overall award will be
given no additional premiums or awards and is not required
to stay for the Championship Drive. However, in order to
represent the Breed/Division during the Top 5 selection the
exhibitor/animal will need to be present during the Champi-
onship Drive. When Breed/Division Champion and Reserves
are selected, the judge may choose the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
animal out of one class if they see t.
Page 158
Junior Divisions-Breeding Gilts
Div. # Division Name
6401 Berkshire Gilts
6402 Chester White Gilts
6403 Duroc Gilts
6404 Hampshire Gilts
6405 Hereford Gilts
6406 Landrace Gilts
Junior Divisions-Breeding Gilts
Div. # Division Name
6407 Poland China Gilts
6408 Spotted Gilts
6409 Yorkshire Gilts
6410 AOB Light Gilts
6411 AOB Dark Gilts
6412 Crossbred Gilts
Junior Divisions-Market Hogs
Div. # Division Name
6413 Berkshire Market Hogs
6414 Chester White Market Hogs
6415 Duroc Market Hogs
6416 Hampshire Market Hogs
6417 Hereford Market Hogs
6418 Landrace Market Hogs
Junior Divisions-Market Hogs
Div. # Division Name
6419 Poland China Market Hogs
6420 Spotted Market Hogs
6421 Tamworth Market Hogs
6422 Yorkshire Market Hogs
6423 AOB Light Market Hogs
6424 AOB Dark Market Hogs
6425 Crossbred Market Hogs
Division 6905
Exhibitors must be ve (5) to eight (8) years old as of January 1 of the current year to be eligible to participate in the Novice Market and showmanship
classes. e novice exhibitor is limited to one market hog entry. Novice goats must be K.U.I.P. tagged. ere will be no minimum weight for novice
hogs. Market classes and Showmanship classes will be placed. e novice winner is not eligible for Grand Champion. No premiums will be awarded,
but each participant will receive a participation Rosette.
Division 6906
Exhibitors must be ve (5) to eight (8) years old as of January 1 of the current year to be eligible to participate in the Novice Market and showmanship
classes. e novice exhibitor is limited to one market hog entry. Novice goats must be K.U.I.P. tagged. ere will be no minimum weight for novice
hogs. Market classes and Showmanship classes will be placed. e novice winner is not eligible for Grand Champion. No premiums will be awarded,
but each participant will receive a participation Rosette.
Page 159
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Junior Heifer Judge: Wravenna Bloomberg & Lucas Wisnefski
Junoir Market Beef Judge: Blake Nelson
Junior Beef Cattle Premiums
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th& Beyond
$30 $28 $26 $24 $22 $20 $18 $15
Tuesday, August 20
12:00 pm Junior Cattle Move In Begins
5:00 pm Junior Market Beef Move In Closes
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Junior Market Beef Check In, Market
Heifer Pregnancy Check, Beef
Showmanship Check In
7:30 pm Junior Market Beef Weight Cards Due
Wednesday, August 21
8:00 am Junior Market Beef Show - Beef
Showmanship to follow
10:00 am Junior Heifer Move In Closes
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Junior Heifer Check In
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Market Beef Move
Out - All Junior Market Beef not competing
in Championship Drive have to be out of the
barn no later than 12:00 am
Thursday, August 22
8:00 am Junior Heifer Show
6:30 pm Championship Drive - All remaining Junior
Cattle have to be out of the barn by 12:00 am
1. New in 2024: Any Beef exhibitor wanting to purchase
bulk bedding, will need to do so through the Feeder’s Supply
website via their online form. is form will tentatively open
August 2nd and close August 16th, any bulk bedding not
ordered on this form or before the August 16th deadline
will need to be purchased onsite. Bulk bedding will only be
oered by pre-order, and will only be for West Wing stalling,
any other bedding purchases will be in bags.
2. To be eligible to compete at the Kentucky State Fair, all 4-H/
FFA market steers and market heifers are required to com-
pete in one of the pre-fair districts shows or Kentucky Junior
Livestock Expos sponsored by the Kentucky Department of
Agriculture, Shows and Fairs Division. Qualifying shows
are subject to Kentucky Department of Agriculture, 4-H and
FFA guidelines. Novice exhibitors of market animals are not
required to attend a qualifying show to be eligible to compete
Page 160
at the Kentucky State Fair. e Kentucky Farm Bureau Beef is
not a qualifying show. e 2024 District & Expo Shows and
rules may be viewed and downloaded by going to www.kyagr.
3. If any breed listed has fewer than 10 acceptable entries
checked in at the Fair, the breed will be moved to the “Other
Breeds” Division for the following show year, and classes will
be divided as listed under “Other Breeds.
4. All Commercial cattle are required to have permanent id.
5. All purebred animals entered in breeding classes should be
registered or recorded with their respective breed organi-
zations by June 1 of the current year in the full name of the
exhibitor. Farm name only registrations are not acceptable in
the youth show.
6. Dual registered heifers will NOT be allowed to show more
than one breed show. Entry fees will not be refunded.
7. Ownership of registered animals: (4-H/FFA) Adult/member
and member/member partnerships are accepted for breeding
animals providing each partner’s full name is on the regis-
tration certicate. e youth name listed on the entry form
must show animals listed on the form. Animals registered in
a farm name only are not eligible to show.
8. Joint ownership of market animals entered into the Kentucky
State Fair is up to the point of entry, provided all require-
ments for joint K.U.I.P. nomination and tagging have been
met. e child exhibiting the animal in the market show
must be declared at the time of entry (on July 10).
9. Validation of market steers and market heifers (tagging with
K.U.I.P. tags and collection of DNA samples) shall be com-
pleted by March 16, 2024. 4-H exhibitors shall have complet-
ed their six (6) hours of educational training prior to the time
of validation. Validation of market steers and market heifers
is not considered entry in the State Fair. A Kentucky State
Fair entry form should be submitted, along with entry fees,
by July 10. e DNA fee is now included in the entry fee for
market steers and market heifers. is fee does not apply to
4-H/FFA Youth breeding heifers and bred & owned bulls.
10. DNA samples will be obtained at the Kentucky State Fair for
testing and comparison from the following market steers and
market heifers: Top 5 animals in all market shows and any
other market animal at the discretion of the respective super-
intendent. If DNA samples from market animals obtained
at the Kentucky State Fair do not match those collected from
the animal during the validation process, the exhibitor will
forfeit premiums from all animals entered in the 4-H/FFA
Youth Livestock Shows at the Kentucky State Fair, and the
exhibitor will be suspended for one year. If there is a second
oense, the exhibitor will be banned for life from participat-
ing in all 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Shows at the Kentucky
State Fair.
11. Only rst and second place blue ribbon class-winning
animals will be eligible to compete for the championship.
Tattoos or brands will be checked on Champion and Reserve
Champion animals.
12. All dual registered steers or heifers may only check in and
exhibit in one breed. No refunds will be given.
13. Kentucky Proud winners will be chosen at completion of
individual classes, divisions, and overall champion selection.
14. Beef Herdsman Award – A special award will be oered to
the county/chapter and to the individual winning the herds-
mans special.
For a county to be eligible to compete for the county award,
there shall be at least three (3) exhibitors in the group. All
exhibitors are eligible for the individual award, whether he/
she is a member of a county group. Exhibitors competing
in the county competition should ask to have their animals
tied up in the same area. Consideration will be given to total
number of exhibitors in the county group. e county group
may include both 4-H and FFA exhibitors.
Exhibitors shall notify superintendent at time of arrival
or check-in if he/she is to be considered for the herdsman
award.  Extension Agent or Leader/Teacher should also
notify superintendent of county groups competing for the
15. e Beef Herdsman Award will be judged on the following:
Originality of exhibit
Neatness and attractiveness of exhibit
Appearance of animals at all times
Exhibits behavior at all times while at fair
Friendliness toward other exhibitors
Number of exhibitors
All exhibits competing shall be clearly identied with mem-
ber’s name and county. Blue ribbons will be given to exhibits
deserving honorable mention.
Because of space restrictions, judges will be instructed to
evaluate the area immediately adjacent to the cattle. Addi-
tional space for tack and displays will not be considered.
Beef Market Animal Show
16. An exhibitor may enter a total of six (6) beef market animals,
but they may exhibit no more than four (4) beef market
animals. Exhibitors shall pay the entry fee of $25 per beef
market animal (DNA fee included). Substitutions will not be
allowed in the 4-H/FFA Youth Beef Market Animal Show.
17. Market steers will be shown by breed with a minimum of
three head to make a breed. If there are fewer than three
head of any breed, those animals will show in All Other
Breed Division, and classes will than be divided by weight.
18. For each respective breed, Junior National Rules will be the
guideline for percentage qualications and breed divisions.
19. All market steers and market heifers should have a minimum
weight of 900 pounds, with no maximum weight.
20. All market heifers should be open. ey will be pregnan-
cy-checked at the Kentucky State Fair by the ocial veteri-
narian. If found pregnant they shall be no more than 60 days
pregnant. If found to be more than 60 days pregnant, the
market heifer will be disqualied.
21. Upon arrival at the State Fair 4-H/FFA Youth Market Beef
Show, exhibitors will check in with the Beef Sta and receive
their back numbers, which will also serve as their weight
card. Weights must be submitted via QR code, provided on
the back tag for each market beef by 7:30 p.m. EST, Tuesday,
August 20th. By submitting the weight via QR Code Submis-
sion, the exhibitor/owner agrees to all Kentucky State Fair
rules and regulations, and the last weight submitted will be
nal. ere will be no changing of weight aer the QR Code
submission has closed.
22. No blocking chutes will be permitted in Broadbent Arena,
and no electrical equipment or generators are allowed.
23. e rst ve steers and heifers in each class will be weighted
Page 161
on the ocial scales in the show ring immediately following
their class. Steers and heifers not weighing within 4% above
their declared weight will be disqualied. e disqualied
steer or heifer is not eligible for any other class and will not
be re-weighed. No premiums will be paid on disqualied
animals, and the remaining steers and heifers will move up
in placing. ere will not be a re-weighing before or aer the
Championship Drive.
24. e Kentucky Chianina Association will award a trophy to
the Supreme Champion Steer if it is a registered Chianina,
Chiangus, Chiford, or ChiMaine and sired by a registered
Chianina or Chi-Cross bull. e winning exhibitor needs to
be member of the Kentucky Chianina Association. e steer
should have been bred in Kentucky and be approved by the
Kentucky Chianina Association.
25. Kentucky Limousin Association will award $1,000 to the
Supreme Champion Steer if the steer was sired by a registered
Limousin bull. Steer should have been bred in Kentucky and
be approved by the Kentucky Limousin Association.
26. New in 2024: In the event the Champion and Reserve
Breed/Division Champion are removed during the Top 5
selection of Championship Drive, a third overall from the
Breed/Division can be in contention for the Top 5 Overall
Awards. With this, each species market show will select a
Top 3 in each Breed/Division, the third overall award will be
given no additional premiums or awards and is not required
to stay for the Championship Drive. However, in order to
represent the Breed/Division during the Top 5 selection the
exhibitor/animal will need to be present during the Champi-
onship Drive. When Breed/Division Champion and Reserves
are selected, the judge may choose the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
animal out of one class if they see t.
Breeding Classes
1. To be eligible, heifers should have been born on or aer
September 1, 2022 and prior to May 15, 2024. To be eligible
for the cow-calf class, the cow should have been born prior
to September 1, 2022. In addition, the exhibitor shall have
owned the cow prior to the date of birth of the present calf
and no later than June 1. Bred and owned bulls born January
1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one
year old should have a bull lead or nose ring. Calves in cow/
calf pairs are required to follow the same age requirements as
what is listed for their breed in the Open Beef Show. If no age
requirement is listed for the Open Show, then the calf should
not be more than 250 days of age.
2. Calves that are shown in the cow-calf are eligible to show in
both the cow/calf class and the calf s individual class. Two
(2) entries should be made: one in the cow/calf division, and
one in the calfs individual division (bull or heifer should
follow age specications listed above).
3. All heifers and bred and owned bulls should be registered in
accordance with General Rules applying to 4-H/FFA. Calves
of breeds that require weight prior to registration should have
completed applications for registration except only the wean-
ing weight data and a letter of verication of ownership from
their respective national association dated by June 1, 2023.
4. Heifers exhibiting in the breeding heifer division may not be
shown in the Beef Market Animal Show.
5. If there are more than 10 entries checked into the show that
do not have a breed pre-listed in the premium book, a divi-
sion will be made, and these classes will be shown at the end
of the catalogued breed classes.
6. Beef cattle with registration papers may compete in either
their respective youth breed and/or open show, depending on
eligibility. Purebred animals are not eligible for the commer-
cial show.
Page 162
Division 6503
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Division 6502
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Page 163
Division 6504
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Division 6505
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Page 164
Division 6507
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Division 6506
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Page 165
Division 6508
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Division 6509
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Page 166
Division 6511
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Division 6510
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Page 167
Division 6512
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Division 6513
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Page 168
Division 6515
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Division 6514
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Page 169
Division 6516
Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 – May 15, 2024, are eligible to show. Bulls over one year old should have a bull lead or nose ring.
1 Cow/Calf Class
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
6 Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
8 Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
9 Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved November & December,
10 Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October,
11 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
12 Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
13 Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July 1 - August 2023
14 Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May 1 -June 30, 2023
15 Intermediate Champion Female
16 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
17 April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
18 March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
19 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
21 Junior Champion Female
22 Reserve Junior Champion
23 Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved November & December,
24 Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved September & October,
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 and after
30 Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
31 Junior Bull Calf Champion
32 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
34 Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
35 Senior Bull Calf Champion
36 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
38 Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
39 Intermediate Champion Bull
40 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
41 April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
42 March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
43 Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
44 Junior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
46 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved September through December,
47 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through August,
48 Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
49 Senior Champion Bull
50 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
51 Grand Champion Bull
52 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Junior Divisions-Market Steer/Heifer
Div. # Division Name
6517 AOB- Purebred Steers
6518 AOB- Percentage Steers
6519 Angus Steers
6520 Charolais Steers
6521 Chianina Steers
6522 Hereford Steers
Junior Divisions-Market Steer/Heifer
Div. # Division Name
6523 Limousin Steers
6524 Maine Anjou Steers
6525 Red Angus Steers
6526 Simmental Steers
6527 Shorthorn Plus Steers
6528 Crossbred Steers
6529 Market Heifers
Page 170
Thursday, August 22, 6:30 pm
The Kentucky State Fair 4-H and FFA Championship Drive is an event designed for the purpose of
recognizing the division champions and reserve champions of each species and to select Grand
Champion, Reserve Champion, 3rd Overall, 4th Overall, and 5th Overall from each species.
2024 Show Order
1. Division and Breed Reserve Champions will be
introduced and paraded through the ring.
2. Division and Breed Champions will be introduced
and set for the judge to select Grand Champion.
3. Once Grand Champion has been selected, any
remaining animals owned by that exhibitor will
exit the ring. e reserve behind that champion
will enter the ring in contention for Reserve Grand
4. At the conclusion of Grand and Reserve Grand
Champion, any remaining animals owned by either
exhibitor will exit the ring. e reserve division
behind the Reserve Grand Champion will enter the
ring in contention for 3rd Overall. If Grand and
Reserve Grand Champion are selected from the
same division or breed, no other animal will enter
the ring to represent that breed or division.
5. Once 3rd Overall is selected, any remaining ani-
mals owned by that exhibitor will exit the ring. e
reserve division behind the 3rd will enter the ring
in contention for 4th Overall.
6. Once 4th Overall is selected, any remaining ani-
mal owned by that exhibitor will exit the ring. e
reserve division behind 4th will enter the ring in
contention for 5th Overall.
7. New in 2024: In the event the Champion and
Reserve Breed/Division Champion are removed
during the Top 5 selection of Championship Drive,
a third overall from the Breed/Division can be in
contention for the Top 5 Overall Awards. With
this, each species market show will select a Top 3
in each Breed/Division, the third overall award will
be given no additional premiums or awards and is
not required to stay for the Championship Drive.
However, in order to represent the Breed/Division
during the Top 5 selection the exhibitor/animal
will need to be present during the Championship
Drive. When Breed/Division Champion and Re-
serves are selected, the judge may choose the 1st,
2nd, and 3rd place animal out of one class if they
see t.
Page 171
1. Overall Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of each species will undergo carcass and hide testing and will
be inspected and evaluated for tampering at the time of processing.
2. All animals shall be deemed eligible for the Championship Drive through their respective species show. Eli-
gible animals shall follow all rules and regulations for their respective species shows and General Rules found
starting on page 13.
Eligible animals:
a. Market Hogs - Breed Champions and Reserves, Crossbred Champion and Reserve
b. Market Lambs - Breed Champions and Reserves, Crossbred Champion and Reserve
c. Market Goat - Division Champions and Reserves
d. Beef Market Animals - Breed Champions and Reserves, Crossbred Champion and Reserve,
Market Heifer Champion and Reserve
3. All division and breed champions shall be present at the Champion Drive. If an eligible animal is not
presented, the exhibitor forfeits all premiums and awards/banners, and any other animal presented by the
exhibitor will not be eligible for the Champion Drive.
4. All exhibitors will comply to their specie specic show rules during the Championship Drive.
5. If an exhibitor has more than one animal eligible in a species, a substitute showperson form shall be lled out
and turned into the State Fair Entry Manager by 3:00pm ursday, August 24. Substitute Showperson forms
will be available from the species show superintendent. Substitute showpersons shall meet requirements stat-
ed in Rule 11 on page 17 of the General Rules.
6. Championship Drive animals will not be required to weigh back for the Championship Drive.
7. DNA samples will be obtained at the conclusion of the Championship Drive at the Kentucky State Fair. ese
samples will be used for testing and comparison. If DNA samples from market animals obtained at the
Kentucky State Fair do not match those collected from the animal during the validation process, the
exhibitor will forfeit premiums from all animals entered in the 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Shows at the
Kentucky State Fair, and the exhibitor will be suspended for one year. If there is a second oense, the
exhibitor will be banned for life from participating in all 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Shows at the Kentucky
State Fair. DNA will be obtained from the Grand and Reserve Champions, all class winning animals, and any
other market animal at the discretion of the Kentucky State Fair Animal Health & Compliance Ocer.
8. Aer the selection of the Grand and Reserve Champion animals, those animals will not be put on public
Page 172
1. All Top 5 animals of each species will have mandatory drug tests and DNA samples at the conclusion of the
Championship Drive. Random animals may also be selected for drug testing and DNA samples. All market
animals exhibited may be tested at any time while on the fairgrounds. e Kentucky State Fair Market Ani-
mals are to arrive on the fairgrounds and be exhibited as a terminal animal for harvest and meet all United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines to enter the
food chain. e drug screening test will be collected as follows: market hog a urine sample, market goat a
blood sample, market lamb a blood sample and market steer or heifer a blood sample. e DNA sample will
be a hair sample collected from the species.
2. e carcass and hide of each Grand and Reserve Champion animal of each species will be inspected and
evaluated for tampering at the time of processing. Inspection and evaluation will include but is not limited to
Injection sites that do not conform to typical animal husbandry practices. Any animal with an abnormal car-
cass or hide due to the injection of air or any other substance to alter the conformation or natural appearance
of an animal may be subject to disqualication, including loss of premiums, prizes, and awards received. Ex-
hibitors, owners, tters, trainers, or any person who assisted the exhibitor may also be banned from further
competition and/or prosecuted pursuant to KRS 246.420.
3. e market animals that are harvested and carcass tested by a certied meat laboratory aer Championship
Drive will have a Kidney Inhibition Swab (KIS) test and conrmatory tissue sample submitted to FSIS lab-
oratory for testing. If the KIS test is positive then the certied meat laboratory will submit kidney, liver, and
muscle tissues for further analysis to a FSIS laboratory. All livestock carcasses will be held at the certied
meat laboratory until nal ocial test results are complete at the FSIS Laboratory. ese tests could take sev-
eral weeks to be ocial depending on the test results and residue letters from the USDA.
4. e showing of unethically tted livestock or livestock of any ineligible age for exhibition in the class entered
is prohibited. Unethical tting will be deemed to consist of any method altering the natural conformation of
any part of the animal’s body. Animals showing, in the opinion of the inspecting veterinarian, signs of having
been operated upon or tampered with for the purpose of concealing faults in conformation or with intent to
deceive relative to the animals soundness, will be disqualied. As a condition for participation in the Ken-
tucky State Fair, every exhibitor shall agree to submit any animal so entered by him or her to inspection by
a veterinarian appointed by the management, and agrees to have such animal submitted to any tests as may
be designated and requested by the veterinarian, and agrees that the conclusions reached by the veterinarian
shall be nal, without recourse against the Kentucky State Fair or any of its ocers.
5. Approved drugs shall be dened as “those drugs specically FDA labeled for use in the species in question.
It also includes drugs that are eligible to be prescribed by a licensed veterinarian that are approved for use in
a major species and used in a minor species when a suitable drug is not labeled for the minor species.” Any
FDA labeled drug administered shall meet the labeled withdrawal time before the market show begins.
6. An exhibitor, owner, tter, trainer, or any person who assisted the exhibitor of an animal producing an
analysis with any identiable quantity of the following to include, but not limited to, any diuretics, sulfas,
antibiotics, anti-inammatory drugs, painkillers, tranquilizers, local anesthetics, anabolic steroids, any FDA
approved drug (as dened above) that are above USDA/FDA approved residue levels or medications that
are not approved for use in the species tested may be subject to disqualication, including loss of premiums,
Page 173
prizes, and awards received. Exhibitors, owners, tters, trainers, or any person who assisted the exhibitor may
also be banned from further competition and/or prosecuted pursuant to KRS 246.420.
7. All DNA Samples collected at the Kentucky State Fair Championship Drive and/or the market shows will be
sent to a certied DNA laboratory. e DNA samples will be tested against DNA samples that were collected
by the exhibitor for market steer or heifer by March 16, 2024, and market lamb, hog or goat by May 15, 2024.
e DNA samples collected by the exhibitor and at the Kentucky State Fair Championship Drive and/or the
market shows will be securely stored at certied DNA laboratory. ese DNA samples being tested will be
identied by the 840 EID tag number on the DNA envelope. If the DNA sample does not match on the test,
then the exhibitors, owners, tters, trainers, or any person who assisted the exhibitor may be disqualied,
premiums will be forfeited, including loss of prizes and awards received from the show for any animal found
in violation of the DNA test. e rst oense will result in the exhibitor being suspended for one year. e
second oense will result in the exhibitor being banned from exhibiting at the Kentucky State Fair.
8. All premiums to be awarded to the Championship Drive animals will be held in escrow until the test results
have been completed. Premiums will be forfeited, including loss of prizes, and awards received from the
show for any animal found in violation of these rules.
Medical Treatment Policy for Livestock Exhibits
If an animal suers an acute injury or illness, it is permissible for the animal to be treated with FDA
approved medications. e Kentucky State Fair (KSF) Ocial Show Veterinarian shall administer all
treatments. e determination of the time of the injury or illness and its impact on the animal is
solely based on the evaluation and diagnosis of the KSF veterinarian. All withdrawal times shall
be completed prior to the start of the show. Failure to meet the withdrawal time requirement shall
disqualify an animal from exhibition.
Only the Kentucky State Fair (KSF) Ocial Show Veterinarian may administer drugs to animal exhibits
at the KSF.
General Principles
1. By submitting a Kentucky State Fair Entry Form or Online Entry Form, 4-H/FFA exhibitors agree to all
Terms and Conditions, General Rules and Regulations and National Code of Show Ring Ethics.
2. Exhibitors who enter under one account are also responsible and held accountable to all Terms and
Conditions, General Rules and Regulations and National Code of Show Ring Ethics.
3. Any violation of the Terms and Conditions, General Rules and Regulations, National Code of Show Ring
Ethics and any determined violations including testing results are nal and binding.
4. Animals aected by or having been exposed to any contagious disease during the 30 days preceding the
State Fair will be excluded from the grounds. erefore, sick animals shall not be exhibited because of
the risk to the animal exhibit, other animal exhibits and the integrity of 4-H/FFA competitions
and/or livestock shows. (Reference rule #11 page Xiii)
5. e Kentucky State Fair Board reserves the right to decline entries from any exhibitor before the opening
of the show or may remove any animal or attendant from the show without liability. (Reference rule #9
page Xiii)
6. Exhibitors are solely responsible for their animals, including any damage or injury caused by them.
Page 174
Any violation of the rules, regulations, General Rules and Regulations or Terms and Conditions of the Ken-
tucky State Fair may result in forfeiture of all premiums and awards, disqualication, probation, and/or being
banned from exhibiting at the Kentucky State Fair. is applies to, but is not limited to, the owner, exhibitor,
tter, trainer, or any person who assisted the exhibitor.
e act of participating as an exhibitor in the Kentucky State Fair is a privilege and not a right. e Kentucky
State Fair Board reserves to the Kentucky State Fair Board and its State Fair Committee the absolute right to
interpret the rules and settle and determine all matters, questions, or dierences in regard thereto, or oth-
erwise arising out of, or incident to, the Kentucky State Fair. Further, the Kentucky State Fair Board has the
absolute discretion to order any penalties for violation of the General Rules and Regulations, National Code
of Show Ring Ethics, or specic Department Rules.
e Kentucky State Fair Board will determine the nal action on any violation.
Championship Drive Premium Payouts will be posted at a later date. is document will be separate from
the premium book and be found under the Championship Drive tab of the Kentucky State Fair website.
Page 175
Swine Market Lamb Breeding Sheep
2010 Courtney Tarvin Catherine Riley Stefan Fink
2011 Mackenzie Penick Catherine Riley Catherine Riley
2012 Sarah Stout Stefan Fink McKenzie Doyle
2013 Brian Chism Travis Drumm Ryan Halligan
2014 Brian Chism Morgan Carter Tobee Hagerman
2015 Paige Dupin Lauren Malore Sydney Warren
2016 Zachary Mills Preston Forsee Christopher Hinkle
2017 Landon Muse Christopher Hinkle TJ Yazell
2018 Tad Fisher Jackson Jeries Grace Higgs
2019 Zachary Wyatt TJ Yazell Caroline Groth
2020 Alexis Jones Campbell Coyle Caroline Mattingly
2021 Zane Ison Caroline Groth Silas Groth
2022 Cade Dupin Caroline Mattingly Ty Jones
2023 Hayden Atcher Emily Myers Abigail Mattingly
Dairy Cattle Market Goat Beef-Heifer
2010 Chris omas Stefan Fink Wes Korthaus
2011 Seth Hedgespeth Kori Buntin Caleb Sadler
2012 Brad Taylor Jessica Johnson Blake A. Quiggins
2013 Kailey Barlow Jessica Johnson Caroline Cowles
2014 Joscelyn Elliott Megan Harper Laurel A. Culp
2015 Jordan Elmore Casey Simpson Austin Cole
2016 Brilee Tucker TJ Yazell Julia Weaber
2017 Logan Chandler Jayden Perkins Bella Swain
2018 Kendall Horn Briann Williams Catherine Cowles
2019 Taylor Graves Lyndsey C. Garrett Austin Martin
2020 Tyler Berryman Isabella Godman Jacob Marksbury
2021 Hudson Spoonamore Logan Mattingly John Cox
2022 Elise Carpenter Caroline Mattingly Josie Phillips
Emily Goode Abigail Mattingly Madison Metzger
2010 Caleb Sadler
2011 Mackenzie Penick
2012 Laurel Alexis Culp
2013 McKalyn Shelton
2014 Matthew Wallace
2015 Blake Quiggins
2016 Taylor Hobbs
2017 Andrew Milam
2018 Jaycie Barger
2019 Julia Weaber
2020 Cheyenne Kiser
2021 Lindy Kiser
2022 Laura Ann Pettit
2023 Anna Rett
Page 176
General Livestock Rules 177
Animal Health Requirements 179
Livestock Show Schedule 180
Open Beef Cattle 184
Open Dairy Cattle 201
Open Swine 211
Open Sheep 214
Open Dairy Goats 221
Open Boer Goats 224
Mules & Jacks 227
Page 177
1. Admission
Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4.
Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access Badges – If an exhibitor DID NOT purchase a $25 Barn Access/Admission Badge.
Barn Access Badges can be given to an exhibitor upon request in the livestock ofce.
Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
If an exhibitor misplaces a badge, a replacement badge can be re-issued for $35.00.
2. An exhibitor may request an early release only in the event they are participating in an overlapping state fair and live
stock show. The request for an early release shall be submitted to the Kentucky State Fair Entry Department by August 1.
The request shall include the contact information for the indicated state fair and livestock show to conrm participation.
Permission will not be granted until the exhibitor’s participation is veried by the indicated state fair and livestock show
listed in the request. Please email all requests to
3. All entries shall be made through our online entry system at until July 10 at 11:59 p.m. See
specic species for fees and late fees. No late entries will be accepted in the 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Show.
EACH EXHIBITOR SHALL BE ENTERED SEPARATELY. Be sure to review the exhibitor’s name in youth show vs.
open show. Entries in the youth show can only be made in the youth’s name and payment for premiums will only be made
to the youth registered for the show. (See 4-H/FFA Livestock Rules for non-ownership animals and breed leases).
5. A valid Social Security Number or Tax ID is required when entering in order to receive a check for premiums won.
6. All exhibitors are limited to winning two premiums and two ribbons in each class and only one prize in groups classes.
See specic species for exceptions to group classes.
7. No phone in entries will be accepted.
8. All livestock entries shall enter through Gate 4 off Crittenden Drive. Any vehicle bringing livestock to the Fair which is
to remain on the grounds throughout their show period shall park in the area designated by the Kentucky State Fair Board.
9. The moving of stall/pen assignments by exhibitors is not allowed.
10. The fair will provide large, portable containers for the disposal of manure and trash. These containers will be in various
locations throughout the Livestock Building. No bedding or manure is to be heaped in the area outside of the containers
at any time.
11. Animals affected by or having been exposed to any contagious disease during the 30 days preceding the State Fair will be
excluded from the grounds. In case of outbreak of any contagious or infectious disease among the domestic animals, the
Kentucky State Fair Board will not be liable for any damage or loss that may occur to exhibitors.
12. Exhibitors will be allowed to use tents inside the barn; however, if the tents have an overhead cover, a 2A10BC Fire Extin
guisher and a working Smoke Detector WILL BE REQUIRED. A representative of the Kentucky Exposition Center will be
checking tents throughout arrival and the show to ensure exhibitors are in compliance. Failure to comply can
result in removal of tent.
13. No guarantee can be made as to the safety of the exhibits, but every precaution will be taken to safeguard the animals.
14. Use of portable cooking equipment, including with limitation, microwaves, crockpots, griddles, and other small cooking
appliances, is prohibited in animal housing facilities, per State Fire Marshall. See National Fire Protection Association 150,
Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities Code Chapter
15. In order to create a good public image and add to the attractiveness of the livestock, all beds, cots bedding, etc., shall be
made up and out of aisles by 8:00 a.m.
16. No employee of the Kentucky State Fair nor any member of their immediate household can own or exhibit any animals in
any competition in which said employee is directly afliated.
17. Any dog on the grounds of the Kentucky Exposition Center during the Kentucky State Fair by law shall be on a leash and
controlled by its owner. Service dogs are permitted on the grounds. Any dog running free will be impounded and removed
from the grounds.
Page 178
18. First Aid is located on the rst oor of the Coliseum, South Wing “C” and outside the West Hall near the W8 overhead
19. State Police are located outside the West Hall near the W8 door.
21. The use or replicaiton of the Kentucky State Fair logo by an outside party is prohibited. Any duplicate awards needed by an
exhibtior should be made through the Entry Department.
1. All protests must be made in writing, plainly stating the reason for the complaint or appeal and must be led with the
management of the Kentucky State Fair Board. All protests must be accompanied by a $250.00 deposit, which will be
forfeited if the protest is not sustained.
2. Protests against the exhibition of animals or articles shall be led at least 24 hours before the awards are made. Protests
against awards shall be led by 8:00 p.m. on the day on which the awards were made, or, in the case of articles judged prior
to the opening of the Fair, by 8:00 p.m. on the ofcial opening day of the Fair.
3. All protests will be considered at a time set by the Kentucky State Fair Board, and the interested parties will be notied and
given the opportunity to submit evidence.
4. In addition to the right of protest herein guaranteed to interested parties, the Kentucky State Fair Board expressly reserves
the right to take cognizance of fraud, which may have been consummated or attempted, and to take such action as may be
deemed just and proper.
Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times deport themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship. Their
conduct in this competitive environment shall always reect the highest standards of honor and dignity to promote the advancement
of agricultural education. This code applies to junior as well as open class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competi-
tion. This code applies to all livestock offered in any event at a livestock show. In addition to the National Code of Show Ring Ethics,
fairs and livestock shows may have rules and regulations that they impose on the local, county, state, provincial, and national levels.
All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an afrmative responsibility to do more than avoid improper
conduct or questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable will be inu-
enced by their ne example. Owners, exhibitors, tters, trainers, and absolutely responsible persons who violate the code of ethics
will forfeit premiums, awards, and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from future exhibition in accordance with the rules
adopted by the Kentucky State Fair. Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics demean the integrity of all livestock exhibitors and
should be prohibited from competition at all livestock shows in the United States and Canada.
The following is a list of guidelines for all exhibitors and all livestock in competitive events:
1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and livestock show ofcials, proof of ownership, length of
ownership, and age of all animals entered. Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or any facts relating thereto is
2. Owners, exhibitors, tters, trainers, or absolutely responsible persons shall provide animal health certicates from
licensed veterinarians upon request by fair or livestock show ofcials.
3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their animals while at fairs or livestock shows.
4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter the food chain free of violative drug residues. The
act of entering an animal in a livestock show is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, and/
or absolutely responsible person for show management to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other
substances from the animal to be used in testing. Animals not entered in an event that culminates
with the animal entering the food chain shall not be administered drugs other than in accordance
with applicable federal, state, and provincial statutes, regulations, and rules. Livestock shall not be
exhibited if the drugs administered in accordance with federal, state, and provincial statutes, regulations, and rules
affect the animal’s performance or appearance at the event.
If the laboratory report on the analysis of saliva, urine, blood, or other sample taken from livestock indicates the
presence of forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence such substance has been
administered to the animal either internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood, or
Page 179
other substance tested by the laboratory to which it is sent is the one taken from the animal in question,
its integrity is preserved, and all procedures of said collection and preservation, transfer to the laboratory,
and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the laboratory
pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question and correctly reects
the condition of the animal at the time the sample was taken, with the burden on the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer,
or absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise.
At any time after an animal arrives on the fair or livestock show premises, all treatments involving the use of drugs
and/or medications for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal shall be administered by a licensed
5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the external application of any substance
(irritant, counterirritant, or similar substance) that could affect the animal’s performance or alter its
natural contour, conformation, or appearance, except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns
of animals which affect appearance only and except for surgical procedures performed by a duly licensed
veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is prohibited.
6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices such as striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical
contrivance, or other similar practices is not acceptable and is prohibited.
7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or livestock show management, other exhibitors, breed
representatives, or show ofcials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance of
their ofcial duty, all judges, fair and livestock show management, or other show ofcials shall be treated with
courtesy, cooperation, and respect, and no person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them.
8. No owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person shall conspire with another person or persons
to intentionally violate this code of ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person or
persons either by afrmative action or inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this rule shall subject such
individual to disciplinary action.
9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition by an owner,
exhibitor, tter, trainer, or participant, whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual knowl
edge of the treatment of the animal in contravention of this code of ethics.
10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, tter, trainer, or absolutely
responsible person to have disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show for violation of this Code of
Show Ring Ethics and any other rules of competition of the fair or livestock show without recourse against the fair
or livestock show. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent that any proceedings or disciplinary action
taken by the fair or livestock show may be published with the name of the violator or violators in any publication
of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions, including Fairs and Expositions and any special
notices to members.
11. The act of entering of an animal in a fair or livestock show is the giving of verication by the owner, exhibitor, tter,
trainer, or absolutely responsible person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics and
understands the consequences of and penalties provided for actions prohibited by the code. It is further a consent
that any action that contravene these rules and is also in violation of federal, state, or provincial
statutes, regulations, or rules may be released to appropriate law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction
over such infractions.
For health requirment information, contact: Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health. 109
Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601. Phone (502)573-0282. Option 3. For all up-to-date health regulations for each species of
livestock, please contact the Kentucky Department of Agriculture at the address and phone number above or visit their website at
Page 180
Monday, August 12
1:00 pm Dairy Cattle Move In Begins
Wednesday, August 14
10:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Move In Closes
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Junior Dairy Goat Move In
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Poultry, Pigeon, & Rabbit Move In
Thursday, August 15
8:00 am Mules and Jacks Move In Begins
8:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Show - Guernsey,
Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, & Milking Shorthorn
9:00 am Junior Dairy Goat Showmanship - Junior
Dairy Goat Show immediately following
2:00 pm Open Dairy Cattle Move In Closes
Friday, August 16
8:00 am Junior Dairy Cattle Show - Jersey,
Holstein, and Red & White
9:00 am Open Dairy Goat Show (Junior Does)
3:00 pm Junior Dairy Cattle Supreme Show
- Junior Dairy Cattle not exhibiting in the
Open Show will be released upon the
conclusion of the Junior Dairy Cattle Supreme
5:00 pm Junior Dairy Cattle Costume Contest
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Open Boer Goat Move In
6:30 pm Novice Dairy Cattle Contest
10:00 pm Mules and Jacks Move In Closes
Saturday, August 17
8:00 am Open Ayrshire Show
8:00 am Open Guernsey Show
9:00 am Open Dairy Goat Show (Senior Does)
- followed by Dairy Goat Costume Contest
12:00 pm Open Brown Swiss Show
12:00 pm Open Milking Shorthorn Show
3:30 pm Open Red & White Show
5:00 pm Open Boer Goat Show
Sunday, August 18
8:00 am Open Jersey Show
8:00 am Open Holstein Show
12:00 pm Open Supreme Dairy Show
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Poultry, Pigeon, & Rabbit Move Out
3:00 pm Open Mules & Jacks Hitch Classes
3:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Open Dairy Cattle Move Out - all Dairy
Cattle must be out of the barn no later than
9:00 pm
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Dairy Goat Move Out - all Dairy Goats
must be out of the barn no later than 9:00 pm
Page 181
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Boer Goat Move Out - all Boer Goats
must be out of the barn no later than 9:00 pm
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Junior Goat Move In
Monday, August 19
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Junior Goat Check In
10:00 am Open Mules & Jacks Show
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Junior Swine Move In
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Junior Sheep Move In
1:30 pm Junior Goat Weight Cards Due
4:00 pm Junior Goat Showmanship, Junior
Wether Dam, Novice Goat Show
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Junior Breeding Sheep & Showmanship
Check In
Tuesday, August 20
7:00 am - 9:00 am
Junior Swine Check In
8:30 am Junior Sheep Exhibitor’s Meeting
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Junior Breeding Sheep and
Showmanship Check In
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Market Lamb Classication and Novice
Check In
10:00 am Junior Crossbred Gilt Weight Cards
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Junior Gilts Breed Verication
12:00 pm Junior Sheep Weight Cards Due
12:00 pm Junior Cattle Move In Starts
1:30 pm Junior Sheep Showmanship - Junior
Breeding Sheep to begin 30 minutes
after the completion of Showmanship
2:00 pm Novice Swine Showmanship & Novice
Market Classes
4:00 pm Breeding Gilt Show
4:00 pm Market Goat Show
5:00 pm Junior Market Beef Move In Closes
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Junior Market Beef Check In, Market
Heifer Pregnancy Check, Beef
Showmanship Check In
7:30 pm Junior Market Beef Weight Cards Close
8:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Goat Move Out -
All Junior Goats not competing in
Championship Drive have to be out of the
barn no later than 12:00 am
Wednesday, August 21
8:00 am Junior Market Beef Show
- Beef Showmanship to follow
8:00 am Open Cattle Move In Begins
8:30 am Junior Sheep Exhibitor’s Meeting
9:00 am Novice Lamb Showmanship & Novice
Market Lamb Show
9:00 am Swine Showmanship
Page 182
10:00 am Junior Heifer Move In Closes
12:30 pm Market Lamb Show
1:00 pm Junior Market Hog Weight Cards Due
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Junior Market Hog Breed Verication
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Junior Heifer Check In
3:00 pm Swine Exhibitor’s Meeting
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Sheep Move Out
- All Junior Sheep not competing in the Open
Show or Championship Drive have to be out
of the barn no later than 12:00 am
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Market Beef Move
Out - All Junior Market Beef not competing
in the Open Show or Championship Drive
have to be out of the barn no later than
12:00 am
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Approximate Junior Breeding Gilt
Move Out - All Junior Breeding Gilts not
competing in the Open Show have to be out of
the barn no later than 12:00 am
Thursday, August 22
8:00 am Junior Market Hog Show
8:00 am Open Cattle showing Friday must be
on grounds
8:00 am Junior Heifer Show
4:00 pm Sunshine Class
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Open Sheep Move In - Sheep showing
Friday must be on grounds
6:30 pm Championship Drive - All remaining Junior
Sheep, Junior Swine, and Junior Cattle have to
be out of the barn by 12:00 am
Friday, August 23
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Open Sheep Move In
- Saturday Shows ONLY
8:00 am - 10:30 am
All Open Sheep Check In
8:00 am Open Cattle showing Saturday must be
on grounds
8:00 am Open Hereford Show
8:00 am Open Limousin Show
10:30 am Open Simmental Show - followed by
Open Percentage Simmental Show
12:00 pm Open Sheep Show - Columbia, Corriedales,
Rambouillet, Suffolks, Hampshires, Border
Cheviots, Oxford, Shropshires
12:00 pm Open Shorthorn Show
2:30 pm Open Red Angus Show
Saturday, August 24
8:00 am Open Cattle showing Sunday must be
on grounds
8:00 am Open Market Hog Show - followed by
Open Crossbred, Duroc, and Hampshire
8:00 am Open Angus Show
Page 183
8:00 am Open Charolais Show
8:30 am Open Sheep Show - Natural Colored,
Dorper/White Dorper, AOB Wool, Polled/
Horned Dorset, Southdown, Merino, Katadhin,
AOB Meat (followed by the Selection of
Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe)
11:00 am Open Gelbvieh/Balancer Show
12:00 pm Open Chianina Show - followed by Open
Chiangus Show
Sunday, August 25
8:00 am Open Hog Show
8:00 am Open Santa Gertrudis Show
10:00 am Open Saler Show
10:00 am Open Piedmontese Show - followed by
Open AOB Show
10:00 am Open Sheep Exhibitor’s Meeting
2:00 pm Championship Horse Pull
- Located in Broadbent Arena
3:00 pm Open Sheep, Open Cattle, & Open
Swine Move Out
Page 184
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Wednesday, August 21
8:00 am Open Beef Cattle Move In Begins
Thursday, August 22
8:00 am Open Beef Cattle showing Friday have
to be on grounds
Friday, August 23
8:00 am Open Beef Cattle showing Saturday
have to be on grounds
8:00 am Open Hereford Show
8:00 am Open Limousin Show
10:30 am Open Simmental Show (followed by
Open Percentage Simmental Show)
12:00 pm Open Shorthorn Show
2:30 pm Open Red Angus Show
Saturday, August 24
8:00 am Open Beef Cattle showing Sunday have
to be on grounds
8:00 am Open Angus Show
8:00 am Open Charolais Show
11:00 am Open Gelbvieh/Balancer Show
12:00 pm Open Chianina Show (followed by
Open Chiangus Show)
Sunday, August 25
8:00 am Open Red Poll Show
8:00 am Open Santa Gertrudis Show
10:00 am Open Saler Show
10:00 am Open Piedmontese Show - (Open AOB
Show 15 minutes to follow)
3:00 pm Open Beef Cattle Release Begins
Page 185
Entry Fee
An entry fee of $25.00 per head will be charged for all entries
submitted by July 10.
An entry fee of $15.00 per head will be charged on 4-H/FFA
Open Late Entries: A late entry fee of $100.00 per head will be
charged for all entries submitted after July 10. Late entries shall
be submitted through the on-line entry system by 11:59 p.m. on
July 17. No late entries will be accepted in the 4-H/FFA Youth
Livestock Show.
Group classes can be made at entry time on the on-line entry
Stalling and Setup
All exhibitors wanting to be grouped together shall send an
email directly to the Entry Department, entr[email protected].
1. Indoor stalling will be available Tuesday, August 20 at
8:00 a.m. for set-up.
2. Entry fees do not dictate stall space. Exhibitors will
receive one stall for each animal delivered to the Fair,
regardless of the number of entries
made. Additional tack stalls are not available
for purchase.
3. Space for tack and display is subject to availability. NO
4. Feed for livestock may be brought in by exhibitors for
their entries only or ordered from the ofcial State Fair
feed supplier. These orders shall be placed so
that deliveries may be completed by 9:00 a.m.
each morning.
5. Tie-Out Time - Animals should be ready for viewing
by the public by 8:00 a.m. each day and will remain in
the wing, except when showing, until tie-out time, which
will not be earlier than 7:00 p.m.
6. All fans and misters are required to be placed overhead
within the stall area.
7. No portable generators are allowed in the building.
New in 2024: Any Beef exhibitor wanting to purchase bulk bed-
ding, will need to do so through the Feeder’s Supply website via
their online form. This form will tentatively open August 2nd and
close August 16th, any bulk bedding not ordered on this form
or before the August 16th deadline will need to be purchased
onsite. Bulk bedding will only be offered by pre-order, and will
only be for West Wing stalling, any other bedding purchases will
be in bags.
Entry Information
BONAFIDE OWNER, giving the registered
name and number and date of birth of the animal.
NEW THIS YEAR: Group class entries can be made
2. Beef animals owned in partnership or by syndicate may
be shown in the name of the partnership or
syndicate only, except that at the time of entry,
a determination will be made that such animals will be
shown in the name of one partner or syndicate
member. Animals must be shown the same
way in group classes as they are in open single classes.
3. Any animal upon check-in that does not have a legible
permanent identication mark (ear tattoo marks,
freeze-branded marks, or hot-branded marks)
corresponding to the permanent identication
mark on the registration certicate, is ineligible to show.
Once disqualied due to an incorrect or illegible
permanent identication mark, animals cannot be
re-tattooed and rechecked at the show. For any female
shown with a calf at side, the calf shall be the cow’s
recent natural calf, and the calf should be registered by
show date and have the original registration certicate
at check-in.
4. Altering the conformation and/or appearance of an
animal for exhibition is prohibited. This includes the
use of chin straps, covering of white skin, use of
false tail heads (or use of any false hair) with
the exception of false tail switches, and the use of
graphite, powderful, hemp, or other similar substances
used externally. Other prohibited
products include those used internally such as
steroids, illegal or unlicensed pharmaceuticals,
or articial lling. Any animal found to be in
violation will be barred from showing. Various tests
could include: a “white towel” or “white glove test”.
No aerosol cans or other pressurized containers will be
allowed in designated make-up areas.
5. All animals exhibited are subject to DNA marker or
blood type tests to verify accuracy of parent
age as covered under the Association
Rules and for other testing as required by the individual
6. Authorized representatives of the Association have the
authority to enforce the rules set forth herein as well as
the Association Rules, including the barring of
a registered animal from a livestock
show at which it is to be shown, if there are reasonable
grounds to believe a violation has occurred.
7. Beef animals are required to have registration papers in
the owner’s name or a photocopy of valid papers in
process for registration or transfer (to be collected by
the Superintendent and forwarded to the
appropriate Association) to be eligible to show. Each
exhibitor will be required to present certicates of
registration for his/her entries when called upon by
the superintendent. No animal will be checked
in without this identication.
8. SUBSTITUTIONS will be accepted for animals in the
same class only. Substitutions can be made only in the
name of the original exhibitor-owner as listed on the
entry form.
9. All entries shall have the animals recorded in the Ameri
can Herd Books for the particular breed to which they
Premiums and Awards
See premium scale for classes paid and monies awarded by class
Page 186
and placing.
1. Two premiums and two ribbons in each class and only
one prize in group classes. EXCEPTIONS: Get-of-Sire where
gets are by two different sires; Produce-of-Dam where produce
is from two different dams; and Dam & Daughter class.
Rules Applicable to Beef Cattle
1. No transfer or ownership of an animal will be made
later than one hour prior to the beginning of the show.
Please check your Association’s rules as some require
transfer to be on le by entry closing date.
2. Entries that have been mistakenly entered in a class may
be transferred to the proper class prior to entering the
show ring.
3. No bull over one year of age will be allowed on the
grounds without a lead ring in his nose. All animals are
required to be shown in halter.
4. All exhibitors in the Beef Cattle Show will be required
to show their cattle at the call of the Superintendent.
If an animal is excluded from competition, all entry fees
and charges are forfeited without liability to the
Kentucky State Fair Board.
5. Cattle eligible for Kentucky classes must be Kentucky
owned or co-owned and exhibited by a Kentucky
6. A minimum of 20 head should be shown in the Open
Class Division by breed. Any breed show that falls
below 20 head shown will be notied in writing and put
on a one-year probation. At the end of this one-year
period, the Kentucky State Fair Board reserves the right
to discontinue the show or the breed can show in the
AOB Division.
ANGUS Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds)
2. Exhibitors must have the original registration certicate
issued by the American Angus Association available for
inspection at the show for each animal or another
current proof of ownership issued by the American
Angus Association pedigree lookup. Exhibitors who
participate in American Angus shows are subject to the
Association Rules as found in the Breeders Reference
Guide of the Association. These rules are found in Part
2 Association Rules. The rules relating directly to the
exhibition of Angus cattle are Part 2: Association rules;
Rule 800 Series; including Rule 800-811. These rules can
be found at
3. Any classes listed in this classication exceeding 15
head per class should be broken into smaller classes.
The class breaks will be at the discretion of
the Kentucky State Fair Superintendent and the
American Angus Association staff in attendance or
Association designee.
receive banners, courtesy of the Kentucky Angus
Association. Awards are open to Kentucky exhibitors
CHAROLAIS Special Rules:
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. Only Bona Fide (original) certicates of registration
will be accepted as evidence of registration and
3. Animals registered in the AICA Colored Division
Registry (QF and QM initialed registration numbers)
must meet the parameters of the AICA Color Card.
4. All females 20 months and older exhibited at AI
CA-sanctioned shows must be accompanied
by a certicate of pregnancy from a licensed veterinari
an or have produced fertile eggs as certied in a written
statement by a licensed veterinarian or embryologist or
have a calf at side.
5. All animals to be eligible may be approved by a sifting
committee designated by the AICA. Stall space will not
be provided for any Charolais cattle that have not been
accepted by the sifting committee.
6. All animals are subject to a medical examination in
order to determine age.
7. Bulls from Classes 36, 37, 40, 41 and 42 must have a
valid, satisfactory semen test certicate in possession.
This certicate is valid for the entire show season.
8. All animals shown in individual classes must be weaned,
with the exception of the cow/calf class and calves at
the side of females calved after September 1,
2023. Calves are required to be purebred and registered
with the AICA. Females calved after September 1, 2023,
should show in the individual
female class most appropriate to age.
9. All exhibitors of Charolais Breeding Cattle shall be
governed by the American-International Charolais
Association rules and regulations, Article XV,
Titled Exhibition of Animals. The inspection of exhibit
cattle is specied in Article XV, Paragraph C, of
the rules and regulations, and non-compliance of exhibit
inspection is specied in paragraph D
of the same Article XV.
CHIANINA Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. Partial interest owners must be active members of the
ACA. Membership may be obtained by writing
to the ACA, PO Box 890, Platte City, MO 64079 or by
phoning 816-431-2808. Cattle will not be shown with
an application for registration. All exhibitors shall be
current members of the Kentucky Chianina/Chiangus
Association. Dues may be accepted by the
Breed Representative at check in.
3. In order to determine that animals are polled, scurred,
or horned. NO ALTERING of the heads or removal
of scurs from Chiangus cattle is permitted. IF
Chianina shall be dehorned prior to the show.
CHIANGUS Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Page 187
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. See Rule 2 of the Chianina Special Rules
3. 6.25% Rule – Breeding cattle born on or after January 1,
2012, must have a minimum of 6.25% Chianina blood in
order to participate in the Chiangus show.
GELBVIEH Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General `
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. Percentage and purebred Gelbvieh, purebred will show
together. Full blood Gelbvieh bulls 75% to 100% will
show together. For eligibility in the Balancer
Show, an animal must have a combination of 25% to 75%
Gelbvieh and 25% to 75% Angus or Red Angus
with a maximum of 12.5% unknown or other breed, and
the sire or dam must be recorded by the AGA, Ameri
can Angus Association, or the Red Angus Association
of America. A 75% Gelbvieh that qualied to show in
both the Gelbvieh or Balancer show must choose
which breed the animal will be entered into at the time
of entry. An animal cannot show in both shows.
3. All females shown in cow/calf class with a calf over one
hundred fty (150) days of age should be bred back and
must be accompanied by a verication of pregnancy
signed by a license veterinarian. Exception to the rule
of safe in calf will apply to a donor female has produced
fertile eggs in the previous twelve (12) months
as veried in a written statement from
a licensed veterinarian. Show management will
be responsible for checking the papers. Also, the age of
calf at side in cow/calf class shall not exceed
two hundred forty (240) days as of the date of
the show.
HEREFORD Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. Exhibitors who participate in the show shall follow
American Hereford Association (AHA) show rules.
3. If there are more than 10 animals in class, the AHA
show committee may recommend that the class be split.
4. No points will be given for champions. Points will be
awarded for the Best Six Head for Premier Exhibitor.
The same scoring system will be used for award points
for the group classes.
LIMOUSIN Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. All cattle shown, including calves at the side of the dam,
must be: a) 75% (3/4) Limousin (NALF percentage, not
actual), or greater, as indicated on orange NALF
registration certicates, or b) purple-papered Lim-Flex
cattle as indicated by NALF registration certicates.
Percentage, purebred, full blood, and Lim-Flex cattle
shall compete in the same classes and championships.
3. If show does not abide by the NALF MOE show rules,
exhibitors will not be awarded points for that show.
4. To maintain a high degree of condence in Limousin
shows, the North American Limousin Foundation re
serves the right to disqualify any animal that has been
tted in an unethical manner.
5. Other Requirements to Receive Points at Level II Medal
of Excellence (MOE) The following performance/data/
submission requirements must be met by December
1 to receive MOE points: Birth weight (bulls &
heifers), weaning weights (bulls & heifers)
yearling weight (bulls & heifers), yearling
scrotal circumference (bulls only)
pregnancy test (females older than 600 days at season’s
end), and breeding soundness exam and semen test
(bulls older than 400 days). Note: Failure to have
performance data on le at NALF by the deadline will
result in disqualication from the MOE program, and no
points will be awarded. It is the responsibility of the
breeder/ owner/exhibitor to submit that information
without special requests from NALF.
RED POLL Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. Cattle entered in the Kentucky State Fair should be
purebred Red Polls duly registered in the Herd Book of
the American Red Poll Association.
3. Red Poll cattle 15/16ths or higher blood concentration
level that have obtained Appendix Registry through the
American Red Poll Association will be permitted to
exhibit in this show.
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. See the Santa Gertrudis Breeders International Rules &
Regulations under “Member Resources” located at
3. Each owner must be a bona de member of SGBI. This
means the active or junior members has paid
all current dues and fees with no outstanding balances
on his or her account.
4. In tting all animals must be exhibited with the hair
brushed down on the entire body, legs, and tail with no
foreign objects attached to the animal in a manner
as to alter the animal’s conformation or change its
appearance: a) Purebred Fitting – exhibitors failing to
abide by this rule will not be allowed to show.
Specically, all hair must be brushed down slick, head
clipped smooth, underline clipped blending sides,
udder and teats clipped with no long hair to emphasize
udder, ears clipped as to environmental and local
standards, neck and brisket clipped, body clipped using
common sense as to season, leg hair clipped (no star
or Brahman clips) and do not leave long from hock
or knee to hoof, tailhead clipped, pull switch or brush
out (no ball), trim tail (no shear except back side). The
tting handbook should be studied: b) Star Five
Fitting – Star Five exhibits are not subject to purebred
clipping rules. Entries are to be tted blow and go.
Hair may be brushed according to preference with no
foreign substances/tting materials on any part of the
Page 188
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. All heifers and bulls entered in the ShorthornPlus
classes should be registered as ShorthornPlus and be at
least 50% Shorthorn to be eligible to show in this class.
3. Senior Yearling Females who have calved will show
based on age. The exhibitor can exhibit the female with
or without the calf at side, it is NOT
eligible for the Purebred Shorthorn Show; however, it is
eligible for the ShorthornPlus Show.
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. All females 24 months of age or older must possess
a veterinarian’s certicate stating that they are at least
90 days pregnant or must have calf at side.
3. All bulls 16 months and older must possess a certicate
of viable semen from a veterinarian.
4. All cattle will be subject to age determination by
mouthing at the discretion of the Kentucky Simmental
Association and its agents. All decision are nal as to
age determination.
5. Premier Breeder will be awarded on a point system as
follows: 1st place animal – 3points, 2nd place animal – 2
points and 3rd place animal – 1 point. Joint ownership
points will be awarded to all owners. (No points for
6. Premier Exhibitor will be awarded on a point system,
the same as Premier Breeder.
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. This show is open to animals that are half-blood
Simmental up to less than “purebred” status and
registered with the American Simmental Association
(ASA). Sire and dam of animals must be registered with
the ASA as Simmentals or as foundation animals.
3. Rules 2 thru 5 from the Purebred Simmental Special
Rules also apply to Simangus/Simsoluations.
SALERS Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. All animals shown in the Kentucky State Fair should be
registered in the ASA Herdbook and may be Purebred,
Fullblood, or 7/8 percent.
3. Use of false tailheads or the adding of any hair or
hemp to the body of an animal shall be prohibited. The
dying or articially changing of the color of an animals
shall be prohibited. Touch-up spray may only be used on
the legs and tail switches, but none may be used above
the anks.
4. The surgical or nonsurgical alteration of the
conformation of an animal is prohibited except
for dehorning. This includes altering the conformation
by typing up the dewlap or creating tucks by using
adhesive on the dewlap, brisket, sheath, or navel. Cattle
are to be shown in natural conformation. All animals
entered in the show shall be dehorned.
5. In Cow and Calf Classes, the cow will determine the
class. Cow may be any age. Calf is required to be born
January 1, 2024 or later. Calf can show in calf
class. Cow and calf are not eligible for Grand
Champion Heifer.
RED ANGUS Special Rules
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. Only registered Red Angus cattle in Category 1A
(100%) and Category 1B (87% through 99%) will be
eligible to show. This specically excludes cattle
in Category II and Category III. It is mandatory that
the Category and blood percentage be printed
as the certicate states on all stall cards, show
programs, and sale catalogs at the national and regional
3. Cattle entered in any Red Angus show must be ofcially
registered in one of the following: the Red Angus
Association Herdbook, the Herdbook of the Canadian
Angus Association, or any foreign Angus Association
Herdbook recognized by the Red Angus Association of
4. The addition of any hair or hair-like substances shall be
considered an unethical practice and will not be allowed
in Red Angus competition.
5. All females 20 months of age or older (on announced
date of show) exhibited at a show sponsored by the
Red Angus Association of America must be
accompanied by a certicate of pregnancy from a
licensed veterinarian or have produced fertile eggs as
certied in a written statement by a licensed
veterinarian or embryologist or have a calf at
side. Failure to show documentation will result in the
animal being ineligible to show.
6. All bulls nine months of age or older (on announced
date of show) exhibited at a show sponsored
by the Red Angus Association of American must be
shown with a nose lead.
1. Please make sure to read the Beef Cattle – General
Information (All Breeds) Rules completely.
2. All animals shown are required to be Full-blooded.
AOB Special Rules
1. All animals shown are to provide registration papers.
2. Any breed that is in AOB that surpasses 20 head for
two consecutive years can be eligible for their
own breed show.
3. A minimum of 20 head should be shown in the Open
Class Division by breed. Any breed show that falls
below 20 head shown will be notied in writing and put
on a one-year probation. At the end of this one-year
period, the Kentucky State Fair Board reserves the right
to discontinue the show or they can show in the AOB
Page 189
Open Show Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
100 80 60 50 40 30
Kentucky Money
1st 2nd 3rd
35 30 25
Breeder’s Herd
1st 2nd 3rd
35 30 25
Get-of Sire, Pair of Females, Pair of Bulls, and Produce of Dam Classes
1st 2nd 3rd
25 20 15
Top Herdsman Banner & $200.00
Runner-Up $150.00
3rd $125.00
4th $100.00
5th $50.00
6th $25.00
7th $20.00
Page 190
Judge: Jeff Gooden
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
Judge: Dr. Clint Rusk
1 Spring Heifer Calves - calved after March 1, 2024
2 Junior Heifer Calves - calved Jan. - Feb., 2024
3 Junior Calf Champion Female
4 Reserve Junior Calf Champion Female
5 Winter Heifer Calves - calved Nov. - Dec. 2023
6 Senior Heifer Calves – calved Sept. – Oct. 2023
7 Senior Calf Champion Female
8 Reserve Senior Calf Champion Female
9 Late Summer Yearling Females - calved July - Aug. 2023
10 Summer Yearling Females - calved May - June 2023
11 Intermediate Champion Female
12 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
13 Late Spring Yearling Females - calved Apr. 2023
14 Early Spring Yearling Females - calved Mar. 2023
Page 191
15 Junior Champion Female
16 Reserve Junior Champion Female
17 Junior Yearling Females - calved Jan. - Feb. 2023
18 Senior Yearling Females - calved Sept. - Dec. 2022
19 Senior Champion Female
20 Reserve Senior Champion Female
21 Champion Cow/Calf
22 Reserve Champion Cow Calf
25 Spring Bull Calves - calved after March 1, 2024
26 Junior Bull Calves - calved Jan. - Feb. 2024
27 Junior Calf Champion Bull
28 Reserve Junior Calf Champion Bull
29 Winter Bull Calves - calved Nov. - Dec. 2023
30 Senior Bull Calves - calved Sept. - Oct. 2023
31 Senior Calf Champion Bull
32 Reserve Senior Calf Champion Bull
33 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July - Aug. 2023
34 Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May - June 2023
35 Intermediate Champion Bull
36 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
37 Spring Yearling Bulls - calved Mar. – Apr. 2023
38 Junior Yearling Bulls - calved Jan. - Feb. 2023
39 Junior Champion Bull
40 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
41 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved Sept. - Dec. 2022
42 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May - Aug. 2022
43 Two-Year-Old Bulls - calved Jan. – Apr. 2022
44 Senior Champion Bull
45 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
48 Produce of Dam: Two animals either sex, from one dam, to
be shown in individual classes to be eligible. May be owned
by more than one exhibitor.
49 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals, all by one sire, both sexes
to be represented. All animals must be shown in individual
classes to be eligible. May be owned by more than one
exhibitor. From bull classes 24, 25, 28, or 29; female classes 1,
2, 5, or 6.
50 Get-of-Sire: Three animals, all by one sire; both sexes to be
represented. All animals must be shown in their individual
classes to be eligible. May be owned by more than one
exhibitor. Get must have a minimum of two animals born
before September 1, 2023.
51 Breeder’s Herd: Four animals of either sex, bred and owned
by exhibitor. All animals must be shown in their individual
classes to be eligible.
52 Group of Five Head: Five animals of either sex owned by
exhibitor from either the calf classes, junior classes, the
senior classes, or a combination.
Judge: Jill Miller
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
Page 192
Judge: Jill Miller
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
Page 193
Judge: Dr. Terry Burks
Judge: Jason Heath
1 Cow-calf (Any female older than the below ages with a calf
at side.)
2 Spring heifer calves calved March 1 to June 30.
3 Junior heifer calves calved Jan. 1 to Feb. 29.
4 Senior heifer calves calved Nov. 1 to Dec. 31.
5 Senior heifer calves calved Aug. 1 to Oct. 31.
6 Late summer yearling females calved June 1 to July 31.
7 Early summer yearling females calved May 1 to 31.
8 Spring yearling females calved March 1 to April 30.
9 Junior yearling females calved Jan. 1 to Feb. 29.
10 Senior yearling females calved Aug.1 to Dec. 31
11 Spring bull calves calved after March 1 to June 30.
12 Junior bull calves calved Jan. 1 to Feb. 29.
13 Senior bull calves calved Nov. 1 to Dec. 31.
14 Senior bull calves calved Aug. 1 to Oct. 31.
15 Late summer yearling bulls calved June 1 to July 31.
16 Early summer yearling bulls calved May 1 to 31.
17 Spring yearling bulls calved March 1 to April 30.
18 Junior yearling bulls calved Jan. 1 to Feb. 29.
19 Senior yearling bulls calved Aug. 1 to Dec. 31.
20 Two-year-old bulls calved Jan. 1 to July 31
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
Page 194
1 Cow/Calf Pair: Cows with natural calf at side. Cow must be
born on or before Aug. 31, 2022 and be 75% Limousin or
greater. Calf must be registered Limousin, percentage
Limousin or Lim-Flex, and not more than 250 days
old on date of show.
2 Grand Champion Cow/Calf
3 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf
4 Spring Heifer Calves - calved on or after Mar. 1, 2024
5 Junior Heifer Calves - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29,
6 Division I Champion Female
7 Division I Reserve Champion Female
8 Winter Heifer Calves - calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
9 Senior Heifer Calves - calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
10 Division II Champion Female
11 Division II Reserve Champion Female
12 Late Summer Yearling Females - calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
13 Summer Yearling Females - calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
14 Division III Champion Female
15 Division III Reserve Champion Female
16 Late Spring Yearling Females - calved between Apr. 1 and
Apr. 30, 2023
17 Early Spring Yearling Females - calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
18 Junior Yearling Females - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
19 Division IV Champion Female
20 Division IV Reserve Champion Female
21 Senior Yearling Females - calved between Sept. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
22 Division V Champion Female
23 Division V Reserve Champion Female
26 Spring Bull Calves - calved on or after Mar. 1, 2024
27 Junior Bull Calves - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28, 2024
28 Division I Champion Bull
29 Division I Reserve Champion Bull
30 Winter Bull Calves - calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
31 Senior Bull Calves - calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31, 2023
32 Division II Champion Bull
33 Division II Reserve Champion Bull
34 Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
35 Summer Yearling Bulls - calved between May 1 and June 30,
36 Division III Champion Bull
37 Division III Reserve Champion Bull
38 Spring Yearling Bulls - calved between Mar. 1 and Apr. 30,
39 Junior Yearling Bulls - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
40 Division IV Champion Bull
41 Division IV Reserve Champion Bull
42 Senior Yearling Bulls - calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
43 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
44 Two-Year-Old Bulls - calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
45 Division V Champion Bull
46 Division V Reserve Champion Bull
Judge: Will Banks
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
Page 195
1 Early Summer Heifer Calf, calved May 1, 2024 and after
2 Late Junior Heifer Calf, calved Mar. 1, 2024 – Apr. 30, 2024
3 Early Junior Heifer Calf, calved Jan. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
4 Late Senior Heifer Calf, calved Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
5 Early Senior Heifer Calf, calved Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 2023
6 Champion Heifer Calf
7 Reserve Champion Heifer Calf
8 Late Summer Yearling Heifer, calved July 1 - Aug. 31, 2023
9 Early Summer Yearling Heifer, calved May 1 - June 30, 2023
10 Late Junior Yearling Heifer, calved Mar. 1 - Apr. 30, 2023
11 Early Junior Yearling Heifer, calved Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2023
12 Champion Yearling Heifer
13 Reserve Champion Yearling Heifer
14 Late Senior Yearling Heifer, calved Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 2022
15 Early Senior Yearling Heifer, calved July 1 - Sept. 30, 2022
16 *Late Two-Year-Old Heifer, calved Apr. 1 - June 30, 2022
17 *Early Two-Year-Old Heifer, calved Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, 2022
18 Champion Senior Female
19 Reserve Champion Senior Female
23 Best of Polled Female Award (must be smooth polled with no
horny tissue)
24 Early Summer Bull Calf, calved May 1, 2024 and after
25 Late Junior Bull Calf, calved Mar. 1 – Apr. 30, 2024
26 Early Junior Bull Calf, calved Jan. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
27 Late Senior Bull Calf, calved Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
28 Early Senior Bull Calf, calved Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 2023
29 Champion Bull Calf
30 Reserve Champion Bull Calf
31 Late Summer Yearling Bull, calved July 1 - Aug. 31, 2023
32 Early Summer Yearling Bull, calved May 1 - June 30, 2023
33 Late Junior Yearling Bull, calved Mar. 1 - Apr. 30, 2023
34 Early Junior Yearling Bull, calved Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2023
35 Champion Yearling Bull
36 Reserve Champion Yearling Bull
37 Late Senior Yearling Bull, calved Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 2022
38 Early Senior Yearling Bull, calved July 1 - Sept. 30, 2022
39 Late Two-Year-Old Bull, calved Apr. 1 - June 30, 2022
40 Early Two-Year-Old Bull, calved Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, 2022
41 Aged Bull, calved July 1 - Dec. 31, 2020
42 Champion Senior Bull
43 Reserve Champion Senior Bull
46 Best of Polled Male Award (must be smooth polled with no
horny tissue)
47 Produce of Dam: Two ospring, the produce of one cow,
within age limits of individual classes and exhibited in their
respective classes
48 Get-of-Sire: Three animals all by one sire and from at least
two dams, both sexes represented, within age limits of
individual classes and exhibited in their respective classes.
Star Five Classes (Females Only)
49 Females, calved Sept. 1, 2023 thru May 1, 2024 and after
50 Females, calved Jan. 30, 2023 thru Aug. 31, 2023
51 Females, calved July 4, 2021 thru Dec. 31, 2022
*Must have produced a calf or be safe in calf as veried
by a graduate veterinarian.
Judge: Jennifer Bedwell
1 Late Spring Bull Calves - calved after May 1, 2024
2 Late Spring Bull Champion
3 Late Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion
4 Early Spring Bull Calves - calved between Mar. 1 and Apr. 30,
5 Early Spring Bull Champion
6 Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion
7 Junior Bull Calves - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
8 Junior Bull Calf Champion
9 Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion
10 Winter Bull Calves - calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
11 Senior Bull Calves - calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31, 2023
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
Page 196
Judge: Jennifer Bedwell
1 Late Spring Bull Calves - calved after May 1, 2024
2 Late Spring Bull Champion
3 Late Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion
4 Early Spring Bull Calves - calved between Mar. 1 and Apr. 30,
5 Early Spring Bull Champion
6 Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion
7 Junior Bull Calves - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
8 Junior Bull Calf Champion
9 Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion
10 Winter Bull Calves - calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
11 Senior Bull Calves - calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31, 2023
12 Senior Bull Calf Champion
13 Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion
14 Summer Yearling Bulls - calved between July 1 and Aug. 31,
15 Late Spring Yearling Bulls - calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Bull
17 Intermediate Reserve Champion Bull
18 Early Spring Yearling Bulls - calved between Mar. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 Junior Yearling Bulls - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
20 Junior Yearling Champion Bull
21 Junior Yearling Reserve Champion Bull
22 Senior Yearling Bull - calved between July 1 and Dec. 31,
23 Two-Year-Old Bulls - calved between Jan. 1 and June 30, 2022
24 Senior Yearling Champion Bull
25 Senior Yearling Reserve Champion Bull
26 Grand Champion Bull
27 Reserve Grand Champion
28 Late Spring Heifer Calves - calved after May 1, 2024
29 Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion
30 Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion
31 Early Spring Heifer Calves - calved in Apr. 2024
32 Early Spring Heifer Calves - calved in Mar. 2024
33 Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion
34 Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion
35 Junior Heifer Calves - calved in Feb. 2024
36 Junior Heifer Calves - calved in Jan. 2024
37 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
38 Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion
39 Winter Heifer Calves - calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
40 Senior Heifer Calves - calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
41 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
42 Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion
12 Senior Bull Calf Champion
13 Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion
14 Summer Yearling Bulls - calved between July 1 and Aug. 31,
15 Late Spring Yearling Bulls - calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Bull
17 Intermediate Reserve Champion Bull
18 Early Spring Yearling Bulls - calved between Mar. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 Junior Yearling Bulls - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
20 Junior Yearling Champion Bull
21 Junior Yearling Reserve Champion Bull
22 Senior Yearling Bull - calved between July 1 and Dec. 31,
23 Two-Year-Old Bulls - calved between Jan. 1 and June 30, 2022
24 Senior Yearling Champion Bull
25 Senior Yearling Reserve Champion Bull
26 Grand Champion Bull
27 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
28 Late Spring Heifer Calves - calved after May 1, 2024
29 Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion
30 Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion
31 Early Spring Heifer Calves - calved in Apr. 2024
32 Early Spring Heifer Calves - calved in Mar. 2024
33 Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion
34 Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion
35 Junior Heifer Calves - calved in Feb. 2024
36 Junior Heifer Calves - calved in Jan. 2024
37 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
38 Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion
39 Winter Heifer Calves - calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
40 Senior Heifer Calves - calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
41 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
42 Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion
43 Summer Yearling Females - calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
44 Late Spring Yearling Females - calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
45 Intermediate Champion Female
46 Intermediate Reserve Champion Female
47 Early Spring Yearling Females - calved between Mar. 1 and
Apr. 30, 2023
48 Junior Yearling Champion Female
49 Junior Yearling Reserve Champion Female
50 Junior Yearling Females - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
51 Senior Yearling Females-calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
52 Senior Yearling Champion Female
53 Senior Yearling Reserve Champion Female
54 Two-Year-Old Cow/Calf Class - cows born between Jan. 1,
2022 and Aug. 31, 2022
55 Three-Year-Old Cow/Calf Class - cows born between Jan. 1,
2020 and Dec. 31, 2021
56 Cow/Calf Pair Champion
57 Cow/Calf Pair Reserve Champion
58 Grand Champion Shorthorn Female
59 Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female
60 Group of Two Females: Bred and owned or co-owned by
breeder (exhibitor)
61 Group of Two Bulls: Bred and owned or co-owned by breeder
62 Super Cow Class: Class should consist of two (2) ospring of
either or same sex of show age classication. Ospring do
not need to be owned by the same exhibitor.
63 Get-of-Sire: (Three animals, by one Sire, any age, either or
both sexes)
64 Breeder’s Herd: Four (4) ospring owned or co-owned by
exhibitor or working family
Page 197
Judge: Jason Farmer
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
43 Summer Yearling Females - calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
44 Late Spring Yearling Females - calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
45 Intermediate Champion Female
46 Intermediate Reserve Champion Female
47 Early Spring Yearling Females - calved between Mar. 1 and
Apr. 30, 2023
48 Junior Yearling Champion Female
49 Junior Yearling Reserve Champion Female
50 Junior Yearling Females - calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
51 Senior Yearling Females-calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
52 Senior Yearling Champion Female
53 Senior Yearling Reserve Champion Female
54 Two-Year-Old Cow/Calf Class - cows born between Jan. 1,
2022 and Aug. 31, 2022
55 Three-Year-Old Cow/Calf Class - cows born between Jan. 1,
2020 and Dec. 31, 2021
56 Cow/Calf Pair Champion
57 Cow/Calf Pair Reserve Champion
58 Grand Champion Shorthorn Female
59 Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female
60 Group of Two Females: Bred and owned or co-owned by
breeder (exhibitor)
61 Group of Two Bulls: Bred and owned or co-owned by breeder
62 Super Cow Class: Class should consist of two (2) ospring of
either or same sex of show age classication. Ospring do
not need to be owned by the same exhibitor.
63 Get-of-Sire: (Three animals, by one Sire, any age, either or
both sexes)
64 Breeder’s Herd: Four (4) ospring owned or co-owned by
exhibitor or working family
Page 198
Judge: Jason Heath
1 Summer Heifer Calves – calved on or after Apr. 1, 2022
2 Early Spring Heifer Calves – calved Mar. 2024
3 Late Junior Heifer Calves – calved Feb. 2024
4 Early Junior Heifer Calves – calved Jan. 2024
5 Winter Heifer Calves – calved Oct. - Dec. 2023
6 Senior Heifer Calves – calved Aug.- Sept. 2023
7 Champion Heifer Calf
8 Reserve Champion Heifer Calf
9 Summer Yearling Heifer – calved May - July 2023
10 Spring Yearling Heifers – calved Mar. - Apr. 2023
11 Junior Champion Heifer
12 Reserve Junior Champion Heifer
13 Junior Yearling Heifers – calved Jan. - Feb. 2023
14 Senior Yearling Heifers – calved Sept. - Dec. 2022
15 Senior Champion Heifer
16 Reserve Senior Champion Heifer
17 Grand Champion Heifer
18 Reserve Grand Champion Heifer
19 Cow/Calf
20 Summer Bull Calves – Calved on or after Apr. 1, 2024
21 Early Spring Bull Calves - Calved Mar. 2024
22 Late Spring Bull Calves - Calved Feb. 2024
23 Early Junior Bull Calves - Calved Jan. 2024
24 Winter Bull Calves - Calved Oct. - Dec. 2023
25 Senior Bull Calves – Calved Aug. - Sept. 2023
26 Champion Bull Calf
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
Judge: Jason Farmer
Page 199
Judge: Jason Farmer
Judge: Emily Grifth
1 Spring Heifer Calf, born May 1 – Aug, 6, 2024
2 Winter Heifer Calf, born Jan. 1 – Apr. 30, 2024
3 Heifer Calf Champion
4 Reserve Heifer Calf Champion
5 Junior Female A, born July 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
6 Junior Female B, born Jan. 1 - June 30, 2023
7 Junior Female Champion
8 Reserve Junior Female Champion
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
27 Reserve Champion Bull Calf
28 Summer Yearling Bulls– Calved May - July 2023
29 Spring Yearling Bulls– Calved Mar. - Apr. 2023
30 Junior Yearling Bulls– Calved Jan. - Feb. 2023
31 Junior Champion Bull
32 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
33 Senior Yearling Bulls - Calved Aug. - Dec. 2022
34 Two-Year-Old Bulls - Calved Jan. - July 2022
35 Senior Champion Bull
36 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
37 Grand Champion Bull
38 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
39 Get-of-Sire
40 Produce of Dam
41 Best Five Head
Page 200
Judge: Emily Grifths
9 Senior Female A, born Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2022
10 Senior Female B, born before Dec. 31, 2022
11 Cow/Calf Pair – Natural nursing calf, maximum 200 days of
12 Senior Female Champion
13 Reserve Senior Female Champion
14 Grand Champion Female
15 Reserve Grand Champion Female
16 Spring Bull Calf, born May 1 - Aug. 6, 2024
17 Winter Bull Calf, born Jan. 1 - Apr. 30, 2024
18 Bull Calf Champion
19 Reserve Bull Calf Champion
20 Junior Bull A, born July 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
21 Junior Bull B, born Jan. 1 - June 30, 2023
22 Junior Bull Champion
23 Reserve Junior Bull Champion
24 Senior Bull A, born Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2022
25 Senior Bull B, born before Dec. 31, 2022
26 Senior Bull Champion
27 Senior Bull Reserve Champion
28 Grand Champion Bull
29 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
30 Produce of Dam – Two progeny of one dam
31 Get of Sire – Four progeny of one sire (both sexes must be
32 Premier Breeder – Four entries with same breeder (both
sexes must be represented)
33 Premier Exhibitor – Four entries from the same owner (both
sexes must be represented)
1 Cow/Calf Class - cows three (3) years of age and younger,
cows must be born Jan. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022. Calf must be
the cow’s most recent natural calf and be no more than 280
days of age on the day of the show.
2 Cow/Calf Class - cows four (4) years of age and older, cows
must be born Dec. 31, 2020 or earlier. Calf must be the cow’s
most recent natural calf and be no more than 280 days of
age on the day of the show.
3 Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
4 Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
5 Junior Heifer Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
6 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Feb. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
7 Junior Heifer Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2024
8 Junior Heifer Calf Champion
9 Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion
10 Late Senior Heifer Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
11 Early Senior Heifer Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2023
12 Senior Heifer Calf Champion
13 Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion
14 Late Summer Yearling Heifers calved between July 1 and
Aug. 31, 2023
15 Early Summer Yearling Heifers calved between May 1 and
June 30, 2023
16 Intermediate Champion Heifer
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer
18 April Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Apr. 1 and Apr.
30, 2023
19 March Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Mar. 1 and
Mar. 31, 2023
20 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Feb. 1 and Feb.
28, 2023
21 Early Junior Yearling Heifers calved between Jan. 1 and Jan.
31, 2023
22 Junior Champion Female
23 Reserve Junior Champion Female
24 Late Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Nov. 1 and Dec.
31, 2022
25 Early Senior Yearling Heifers calved between Sept. 1 and Oct.
31, 2022
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Junior Bull Calves calved March 1, 2024 and after
31 Junior Bull Calves calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
32 Junior Bull Calf Champion
33 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
34 Late Senior Bull Calves calved between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31,
35 Early Senior Bull Calves calved between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31,
36 Senior Bull Calf Champion
37 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
38 Late Summer Yearling Bulls calved between July 1 and Aug.
31, 2023
39 Early Summer Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and June
30, 2023
40 Intermediate Champion Bull
41 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
42 April Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Apr. 1 and Apr. 30,
43 March Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Mar. 1 and Mar.
31, 2023
44 Early Junior Yearling Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28,
45 Junior Champion Bull
46 Reserve Junior Champion Bull
47 Senior Yearling Bulls calved between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31,
48 Summer Senior Yearling Bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2022
49 Two-Year-Old Bulls calved between Jan. 1 and Apr. 30, 2022
50 Senior Champion Bull
51 Reserve Senior Champion Bull
52 Grand Champion Bull
53 Reserve Grand Champion Bull
54 Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above
classes, both sexes represented.
55 Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes
represented. Must have been calved May 1, 2023 or later.
56 Breeder Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head
must be breeder and rst owner, identied by the
same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle
owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the
exhibitor of the breeder’s six head is the breeder
and rst owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be
exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred and owned by
a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the
breeder’s six head is an individual or married couple and is
the parent or legal guardian of the junior member(s).
Page 201
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Monday, August 12
1:00 pm Dairy Cattle Move In Begins
Thursday, August 15
2:00 pm Open Dairy Cattle Move In Closes
Saturday, August 17
8:00 am Open Aryshire Show
8:00 am Open Guernsey Show
12:00 pm Open Brown Swiss Show
12:00 pm Open Milking Shorthorn Show
3:30 pm Open Red & White Show
Sunday, August 18
8:00 am Open Jersey Show
8:00 am Open Holstein Show
12:00 pm Open Supreme Dairy
3:30 pm Open Dairy Cattle Release Begins
9:00 pm All Dairy Cattle Release Ends
Entry Fee
Open - An entry fee of $25.00 per head will be charged for all
entries submitted by July 10. Production classes will be entered
at time of check in. Group classes can be made at entry time on
the on-line entry system.
Extra Stall Tack Space - $25.00 (see Stalling and Setup)
Youth - An entry fee of $15.00 per head will be charged for all
4-H/FFA entries.
Open Late Entries: A late entry fee of $100.00 per head will be
charged for all entries submitted after July 10. Late entries shall
be submitted through our online entry system by 11:59 p.m. on
July 17. No late entries will be accepted in the 4-H/FFA Youth
Livestock Show.
Stalling and Setup
1. The barn will open at 1:00 p.m., Monday, August 12, for
set up of your stall area.
2. PURCHASE TACK SPACE (shall be done at time of
submitting entries) Stalls and tack spaces are 3.5 foot
wide. The cost is $25.00 per stall/space and based on
availability (no refunds). Purchase space is based on
number of animals delivered to the show.
Exhibitor/ Herd Unit with 1 – 5 head are
allowed to purchase up to 3 additional tack spaces
Page 202
Exhibitor/ Herd Unit with 6 – 10 head are
allowed to purchase up to 5 additional tack
Exhibitor/ Herd Unit with 11 – 15 head are
allowed to purchase up to 8 additional tack
Exhibitor/Herd Unit with over 15 head are
allowed to purchase up to 10 additional tack
At time of entry follow the link to the stalling request
form. All exhibtiors wanting to be tied together and
or in the same area must complete the form.
All requests and any additional information must be on
the form. Please send to
once completed and no later than August 2nd.
3. Bedding is provided by the exhibitor. This may be
brought from home or purchased at the Fair
from the ofcial state vendor. Storage of large
quantities of feed and bedding in the building will not be
permitted. Extra feed and bedding shall be kept in your
trucks and trailers in the assigned parking area.
Truckloads of sand, sawdust, shavings, or tan bark will
not be permitted to dump in bulk in the barn. Large
bales are permitted for rst bedding, but thereafter
should be stored in a trailer. No KEC employees are
permitted to move large bales. A one-day supply of hay
or straw may be brought into the barn each day.
4. Entry fees do not dictate stall space. Exhibitors will
receive one stall for each animal delivered to the Fair,
regardless of the number of entries made. Space for
tack and display is subject to availability. NO REFUNDS
Dairy Cattle Arrival and Release
1. All 4-H and FFA dairy cattle can arrive beginning at 1:00
p.m. Monday, August 12 and should be on the grounds
by 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 14.
2. All open dairy cattle can arrive beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Monday, August 12. All open dairy cattle should be on
the grounds by 2:00 p.m. Thursday, August 15.
3. Dairy cattle will be released on Sunday, August 18 at
3:30 p.m. All cattle and tack are required to be out of
the barn by 9:00 p.m. Sunday, August 18. No overnight
stay in the barn on Sunday night.
Entry Information
Entry Deadline: July 10
1. See Rule 1 in Stalling and Set Up about entering
erroneous animals.
2. Note: If a herd is registered in the names of the
immediate members of a family residing on the same
farm, these persons may combine their entries as a
“Herd Unit” and be considered as one exhibitor.
In order to qualify as a “Herd Unit,” all animals are
required to be kept in the same herd. An animal
owned by any person in the “Herd Unit” may
be substituted for one owned by any
other person in the “Herd Unit.Animals bred
by any members of the ”Herd Unit” will be considered
as having been bred by the “Herd Unit.
3. Dairy animals eligible for Kentucky classes are required
to be owned, housed, and maintained in Kentucky
through the Kentucky State Fair show of the current
year, transferred to a Kentucky resident at the breed
association by August 1. Dairy animals eligible for Youth
4-H/FFA classes should be housed and maintained in
Kentucky by June 1 through the Kentucky State Fair
show of the current year. See the youth dairy rules for
more specic information and eligibility for youth
4. Animals owned in partnership or by syndicate may be
shown in the name of the partnership or syndicate only,
except that, at the time of entry, a determination will
be made what animals will be shown in the name of
one partner or syndicate member. Animals should be
shown the same way in group classes, including State
Herd, as they are in open single classes.
5. All dairy animals shall have registration papers in the
owner’s name or a photocopy of valid papers in process
for registration or transfer (to be collected by the
Superintendent and forwarded to the appropriate
Association) to be eligible to show. No animal will be
checked in without this identication.
6. SUBSTITUTIONS are allowed in the same class with
the same exhibitor. In addition, two (2) “Wild Card”
open substitutions (out of class) will be allowed per
Exhibiotr or “Herd Unit.” Substitutions must be made
within the same breed.
7. Animals in genetic recovery programs that are eligible
for their respective National breed show are also
eligible to show at the Kentucky State Fair.
8. A valid Social Security Number or Tax ID number is
required when entering in order to receive a check for
premiums won.
9. Be sure to review exhibitor’s name in youth
show vs. open show. Entries in the youth show
can only be made in the youth’s name and
payment for premiums will only be made to the
youth registered for the show (see 4-H/FFA Live
stock Rules for non-ownership animals and
breed leases)
10. Entries can only be made through our online entry
NOTE: If a herdis registered in the names of immediate
members of a family residing on the same farm, these
persons may combine their entries as a “herd unit’ and
be considered as one exhibitor. In order to qualify as a
“herd unit” all animals are required to be kept in the
same herd. An animal owned by a person in the “herd
unit” may be substitued for one owned by any other
person in the “herd unit.Animals bred by any members
of the “herd unit” will be considered as having been
bred by the “herd unit.
Page 203
Rules Applicable to Dairy Cattle
1. All competing animals will be exhibited in the ring at the
discretion of the Superintendent. Any exhibitor failing
to comply with the general rules applying to their
department will forfeit premiums.
2. Superintendents shall exclude livestock from
competition if if the animal is not present in the make
up area after the last call made over the PA system. If an
animal is excluded from competition, all entry fees and
charges are forfeited without liability to the Kentucky
State Fair Board.
3. All animals in production classes, at the discretion of
show management, are subject to ultrasound testing
and/or milk sample testing and/or milk out evaluation
pursuant to Kentucky Law KRS 246 dealing with
unethical practices used in regard to livestock and the
criminal penalties involved.
4. All breed Open Show Grand Champion and Open
Show Reserve Grand Champions are required to be
milk sampled following their showing and before milk
out. Show ofcials will present testing procedures at
the show ring to the exhibitor and monitor the
sampling at the designated site.
5. Animals with abnormal test results are subject to
disciplinary provisions by Show Management and the
Kentucky State Fair Board, which may include:
disqualication of animal with abnormal test,
disqualication of all exhibitor’s entries, forfeiture of
awards/premiums, being banned from future exhibitions,
and other sanctions. The exhibitor will be notied in
written form of possible violation and will be invited to
provide a written statement prior to defending the
allegations in person. The Kentucky State Fair Board
will consider test results, exhibitor’s information, and
the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA) rules to
make decisions on violations and penalties.
6. Exhibitors will be required to wear show harnesses for
all classes. No barbed or pronged halters are allowed.
7. Only one (1) handler per animal will be allowed in the
rings for the Open Show. A waiver may be signed by
the exhibitor and handler if more than one person
exhibits the animal in the Open Show and must be
submitted to Show Management.
8. Water Tanks - cattle are to be watered in the exhibitor
STALL area only.
9. Cattle eligible for Kentucky classes must be Kentucky
owned or co-owned and exhibited by a Kentucky
Milking Parlor
First Milking – Tuesday Afternoon, August 13
Last Milking – Sunday Afternoon, August 18
1. The Kentucky State Fair will again have a milking parlor
for the convenience of the dairy exhibitors, and
everyone is welcome to use it. Any exhibitor wishing
to bring a portable milker for their own use must also
bring milk cans.
2. All portable milking equipment shall pass sanitary
inspection of Health Department personnel assigned to
work with the milking facility.
3. Milk from each exhibitor’s cattle will be tested for the
presence of antibiotics during the rst milking and
periodically throughout the show. We solicit your
cooperation in only bringing milk of acceptable quality
to the parlor.
4. All bulks will be tested for antibiotics prior to delivery
to a processing plant. Tanks of milk found to contain
antibiotics shall be disposed of at the expense of
5. Any exhibitor found offering milk for sale containing
antibiotics shall be prohibited from selling milk for the
remainder of the show.
6. The Kentucky State Fair Board may bar repeat or
chronic violators from participating in the Fair.
Youth Dairy Costume Contest
Contest: Friday, August 16, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Exhibitors can pick up an entry form in the Livestock Ofce on
Monday, August 12.
All completed entry forms must be returned to the Livestock
Ofce by 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, the day before the contest. If
additional information is needed, please contact the Entry
Department at entr[email protected]
The winner of last year’s grand prize is not eligible for the cur-
rent year’s grand prize.
Novice – children from toddlers able to walk (may be
accompanied by a parent or sibling), to children under
nine (9) years of age as of January 1 of the current year.
Junior – Ages 9 to 13 as January 1, 2024
Senior – 14 and over, but still youth show eligible
Exceptions may be made for physical disabilities of participating
It is recommended that participants have some knowledge of
showing dairy animals.
The Youth Dairy Costume Contest Committee will provide
awards to the top three participants in each division. The judging
breakdown is as follows: 50% creativity, 25% participant’s
interaction with the animal, and 25% participant is having fun.
Novice Dairy Show
Contest: Friday, August 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
The special exhibition is for children from toddlers able to walk,
to children under nine (9) years of age as of January 1 of the
current year. All exhibitors will be introduced.
Parents can pay a $5.00 entry fee at the
Livestock Ofce on Friday, August 16.
Each exhibitor will receive a $5.00 bill and a
participation ribbon.
Page 204
Open Ayrshire Heifer Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
50 45 40 25 15 15 15 15
Open Ayrshire Heifer Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
45 35 25 15 15 15 15
Open Ayrshire Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
70 60 50 30 30
Open Ayrshire Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
60 50 40 25 15 15
Open Ayrshire Dry Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
50 45 40 25 15
Open Ayrshire Dry Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
45 35 25 15 15 15
Open Ayrshire Group Classes
1st 2nd 3rd
35 30 20
Open Ayrshire Group Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
30 20 15 15
Open Brown Swiss Heifer Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
65 55 40 35 30 20 15 15
Open Brown Swiss Heifer Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
60 45 25 20 15 15 15
Open Brown Swiss Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
70 60 50 40 30 20
Open Brown Swiss Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
60 50 40 30 20 15
Open Brown Swiss Group Classes
1st 2nd 3rd
35 30 20
Open Brown Swiss Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
30 20 15 15
Open Guernsey Heifer Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
50 45 40 20 15 15
Open Guernsey Heifer Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
45 35 25 15 15
Open Guernsey Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
70 60 50 20
Open Guernsey Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
60 50 40 20
Open Guernsey Dry Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
50 45 40 25 15
Open Guernsey Dry Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
45 35 25 15 15
Open Guernsey Group Classes
1st 2nd
35 30
Open Guernsey Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd
30 20 15
Page 205
Open Holstein Heifer Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15
Open Holstein Heifer Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
45 35 30 25 20 15 15 15
Open Holstein Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
70 60 50 40 30 20 15
Open Holstein Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
60 50 40 30 25 20 15 15
Open Holstein Dry Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
50 45 40 25
Open Holstein Dry Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
45 35 25 15 15
Open Holstein Group Classes
1st 2nd 3rd
40 30 20
Open Holstein Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
30 20 15 15
Open Jersey Heifer Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 20
9th 1 0th
15 15
Open Jersey Heifer Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
45 35 25 20 20 20 15 15
Open Jersey Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
70 60 50 40 30 25 20 15
Open Jersey Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
60 50 40 30 25 20 15 15
Open Jersey Group Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
50 40 30 20
Open Jersey Group Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
30 25 20 15 15
Open Milking Shorthorn Heifer Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
50 45 40 20 15 15
Open Milking Shorthorn Heifer Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
45 35 25 15 15
Open Milking Shorthorn Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
70 60 50 20
Open Milking Shorthorn Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
60 50 40 20
Open Milking Shorthorn Group Classes
1st 2nd
35 30
Open Milking Shorthorn Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd
30 20 15
Page 206
Open Red and White Heifer Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
50 45 40 20 15 15
Open Red and White Heifer Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
45 35 25 15 15
Open Red and WhiteCow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
70 60 50 20
Open Red and White Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
60 50 40 20
Open Red and White Dry Cow Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
50 45 40 25 15
Open Red and White Dry Cow Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
45 35 25 15 15 15
Open Red and White Group Classes
1st 2nd
35 30
Open Red and White Group Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd
30 20 15
Grand Breed Champion
1st ~ $60 & Banner
Reserve Breed Champion
1st ~ $30 & Banner
Grand Breed Intermediate Champion
1st ~ $50 & Rosette
Reserve Breed Intermediate Champion
1st ~ $25 & Rosette
Grand Breed Junior Champion
1st ~ $50 & Rosette
Reserve Breed Junior Champion
1st ~ $25 & Rosette
Milk Production Classes
1st ~ $35
Breed Champion Milk Production Cow
1st ~ $50 & Rosette
Page 207
Judge: Matt Mitchell
1 Heifer, Junior Calf - born Mar. 1, 2024 - Apr. 30, 2024
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf - born Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024
3 Heifer, Senior Calf - born Sept. 1, 2023 - Nov. 30, 2023
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling - born June 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2023
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling - born Mar. 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling - born Dec. 1, 2023- Feb. 28,
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling - born Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov. 30, 2022
8 Junior Champion Female
9 Reserve Junior Champion Female
10 Junior Best Three Females - All bred and at least one owned
by exhibitor
11 Dry Cow - 3 & 4 years old - born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2021
(Dry cows must show in dry cow classes)
12 Dry Cow - 5 years and over - born before Sept. 1, 2019 (Dry
cows must show in dry cow classes)
13 Yearling In Milk - born after Aug. 31, 2022
14 Cow, Junior 2-year-old - born Mar. 1, 2022- Aug. 31, 2022
15 Cow, Senior 2-year-old - born Sept. 1, 2021 - Feb. 28, 2022
16 Cow, Junior 3-year-old - born Mar. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2021
17 Senior 3-year-old - born Sept. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021
18 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow, 3 years old
19 Intermediate Champion Female
20 Reserve Intermediatre Champion Female
21 Cow, 4 years old - born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
22 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow 4 years old
23 Cow, 5 years old - born Sept. 1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2019
24 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow 5 years old
25 Cow, 6 years and over - born before Sept. 1, 2019
26 Kentucky Milk Production-Cow 6 years old & over
27 Senior Champion Female
28 Reserve Senior Champion Female
29 Grand Champion Female
30 Reserve Grand Champion Female
31 Champion KY. Milk Production - Cow, at this year’s show, in
this breed, with the highest most recent completed actual
milk record of 2 X 305 days or less.
32 Dairy Herd - Group to consist of 4 cows that have freshened.
All to be owned by exhibitor (see rule 4)
33 Dam and Daughter - Animals may be owned by more than
one exhibitor
34 Best Three Females - Any age. All bred by and at least one
owned by exhibitor (see rule 4)
35 Produce-of-Dam - Group to consist of 2 animals, any age,
the produce of one cow. Animals may be owned by
more than one exhibitor
Judge: Delbert Yoder
1 Kentucky Brown Swiss 2-Year-Old Futurity
2 Summer Junior 2-year-old born June 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022 -
Roger Sparrow
3 Yearling in milk - born after August 31, 2022 - Megan Taylor
4 Junior 2-year-old - born Mar. 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022 -
J-G Springs
5 Senior 2-year-old - born Sept. 1, 2021 - Feb. 28, 2022 -
Jesse & Kiley Muse
6 Cow, Junior 3-year-old - born Mar. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2021 -
David & Amy Taylor
7 Cow, Senior 3-year-old - born Sept. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021 -
Perrydise Farm
8 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 3 yrs. old
9 Intermediate Champion Female - KY Brown Swiss Association
10 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female -
KY Brown Swiss Association
11 Cow, 4 years old - born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020 -
Long Lane Farm
12 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 4 years old
13 Cow, 5 years old - born Sept. 1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2019 -
Long Lane Farm
14 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 5 years old
15 Cow, 6 years and over - born before Sept. 1, 2018 -
David & Amy Taylor
16 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow, 6 years and over
17 Component Merit Cow Class - To Show, a cow must have a
total lifetime combined fat and protein of at least 7,500 lbs.
by July 1st of the current year. - Fairdale Farm, LLC
18 Senior Champion Female
19 Reserve Senior Champion Female
20 Grand Champion Female - Jesse & Kiley Muse
21 Reserve Grand Champion Female - Perrydise Farm
22 Champion Kentucky Milk Production - cow, at this years
show, in this breed, with the highest most recent completed
actual milk record of 2 x 305 days or less.
23 Dairy Herd - Group to consist of 4 cows that have freshened.
All to be owned by exhibitor (see rule 4)
24 Best Three Females - At least one must have freshened, the
other two, any age, all bred by and at least one owned by
exhibitor (see rule 4)
25 Dam and Daughter - Group to consist of two animals, any
age, females, a cow and her daughter. Animals may
be owned by more than one exhibitor.
26 Heifer, Junior Calf - born March 1, 2024 and over 4 months of
age by show day - Chandler Farms
27 Heifer, Intermediate Calf - born Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024 -
Brothers Three Brown Swiss
28 Heifer, Senior Calf - born Sept. 1, 2023 - Nov. 30, 2023 -
Bobby & Linda Jamison
29 Heifer, Summer Yearling - born June 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2023 -
In Honor of Billy Ransdell - The Mays Family
30 Heifer, Junior Yearling - born Mar. 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 -
J-G Springs
31 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling - born Dec. 1, 2022 - Feb. 28,
2023 - Chandler Farms
32 Heifer, Senior Yearling - born Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov. 30, 2022 -
Bobby & Linda Jamison
33 Junior Champion Female, WT Withers Memorial Award -
Buckmeadow Farms
34 Reserve Junior Champion Female - Fairdale Farm, LLC
35 Best three junior females under two years of age, none of
which have freshened. All must be bred by and at least one
owned by the exhibitor.
Page 208
Judge: Tim Abbott
1 Heifer, Junior Calf - born on or after Mar. 1, 2024
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf - born Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024
3 Heifer, Senior Calf - born Sept. 1, 2023 - Nov. 30, 2023
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling - born June 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2023
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling (not in milk) - born Mar. 1, 2023 - May
31, 2023
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling (not in milk) - born Dec. 1, 2022
- Feb. 28, 2023
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling (not in milk) - born Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov.
30, 2022
8 Junior Champion Female
9 Reserve Junior Champion Female
10 Best Three Junior Females - All bred and at least one owned
by exhibitor
11 Cow, Dry - 3 & 4 years old - born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2021
12 Cow, Dry - 5 years and over - born before Sept. 1, 2019
13 Yearling In Milk - born after August 31, 2022
14 Junior 2-Year-Old - born Mar. 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022
15 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old - born Sept. 1, 2021- Feb. 28, 2022
16 Cow, Junior 3-Year-Old - born Mar. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2021
17 Cow - Senior 3-Year-Old - born Sept. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021
18 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow, 3 years old
19 Intermediate Champion Female
20 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
21 Cow, 4 years old - born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
22 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow 4 years old
23 Cow, 5 years old - born Sept. 1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2019
24 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow 5 years old
25 Cow, 6 years and over - born before Sept. 1, 2018
26 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow 6 years old and over
27 100,000 lb. Cow - born before Sept. 1, 2019. Must present
DHIA records. Exhibitor may choose to show animal in either
the aged cow class or 100,000 lb. Cow class, but not both
28 Senior Champion Female
29 Reserve Senior Champion Female
30 Grand Champion Female
31 Reserve Grand Champion Female
32 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow at this year’s show, in this
breed, with the highest most recent completed actual milk
record of 2 x 305 days or less.
33 Dam and Daughter - Animals may be owned by more than
one exhibitor
34 Best Three Females - Any age, all bred by exhibitor, and at
least one owned by exhibitor.
35 Produce of Dam - Group to consist of 2 animals, any age,
either sex, the produce of one cow. The dam must be named.
Each exhibitor is limited to one group entry from the same
dam. Animals may be owned by more than one exhibitor.
1 Heifer, Junior Calf – born Mar. 1, 2024 - Apr. 30, 2024
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf - born Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024
3 Heifer, Senior Calf - born Sept. 1, 2023 - Nov. 30, 2023
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling - born June 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2023
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling - born Mar. 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling - born Dec. 1, 2022- Feb. 28,
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling - born Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov. 30, 2022
8 Junior Champion Female
9 Reserve Junior Champion Female
10 Junior Best Three Females - All bred and at least one owned
by exhibitor
11 Cow, Junior 2-year-old - born Mar. 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022
12 Cow, Senior 2-year-old - born Sept. 1, 2021 - Feb. 28, 2022
13 Cow, Junior 3-year-old - born Mar. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2021
14 Cow, Senior 3-year-old - born Sept. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021
15 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow, 3 yrs. old
16 Intermediate Champion Female
17 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
18 Cow, 4 years old - born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
19 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 4 years old
20 Cow, 5 years old - born Sept. 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019
21 Kentucky Milk Production – cow, 5 years old
22 Cow, 6 years old & over - born before Sept. 1, 2018
23 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow 6 years old & over
24 Dry Cow - Any cow, dry, that has milked one lactation
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Champion Kentucky Milk Production - Cow, at this years
show, in this breed, with the highest most recent completed
actual milk record of 2 x 305 days or less.
30 Exhibitor’s Herd. Group to consist of two females, any age,
that have calved at least once; two females born on or after
Sept. 1, 2020 that have never calved; and one female any
age; three must be bred by exhibitor and all owned
by exhibitor
31 Produce of Dam- Group to consist of two animals, any age,
either sex, the produce of one cow. The dam must be named.
Each exhibitor is limited to one group entry from the same
dam, Animals may be owned by more than one exhibitor.
32 Dam and Daughter - Animals may be owned by more than
one exhibitor.
Judge: Carrie Sears
Page 209
Judge: Trent Kilgus
1 Heifer, Junior Calf - born Mar. 1, 2024 - Apr. 30, 2024
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf - born Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024
3 Heifer, Senior Calf - born Sept. 1, 2023 - Nov. 30, 2023
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling - born June 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2023
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling (not in milk) - born Mar. 1, 2023 - May
31, 2023
6 Heifer, Intermediate Senior Yearling (not in milk) - born Dec.
1, 2022 - Feb. 28, 2023
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling (not in milk) - born Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov.
30, 2022
8 Junior Champion Female and The Beechmont Farm
Memorial Trophy, donated by Kentucky Jersey Cattle Club
9 Reserve Junior Champion Female
10 Yearling in Milk - born after August 31, 2022
11 Junior 2-year-old - born Mar. 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022
12 Senior 2-year-old - born Sept. 1, 2021 - Feb. 29, 2022
13 Junior 3-year-old - born Mar. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2021
14 Kentucky Milk Production - Junior 3-year-old
15 Senior Cow, 3-year-old - born Sept. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021
16 Kentucky Milk Production – Senior 3-year-old
17 Intermediate Champion Female
18 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
19 Cow, 4 years old - born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
20 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow, 4 yrs. old
21 Cow, 5 years old - born Sept. 1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2019
22 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow, 5 yrs. old
23 Cow, 6 years and over - born before Sept. 1, 2018
24 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow, 6 yrs. & over
25 Senior Champion Female
26 Reserve Senior Champion Female
27 Grand Champion Female
28 Reserve Grand Champion Female
29 Kentucky Milk Production - Cow, at this years show, in this
breed with the highest most recent completed actual milk
record of 2 x 305 days or less.
30 Breeder’s Herd - Group to consist of 5 animals - 2 cows that
have freshened, 2 heifers, and 1 animal any age. At least 3 of
the animals must be bred by the exhibitor.
31 Produce of Dam - Group to consist of 2 animals, any age,
the produce of one cow. Produce may be owned by
more than one exhibitor.
32 Best 3 Bred & Owned
Judge: Keith Topp
1 Heifer, Junior Calf – born on or after Mar. 1, 2024
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf – born Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024
3 Heifer, Senior Calf – born Sept. 1, 2023 - Nov. 30, 2023
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling – born June 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2023
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling (not in milk) – born Mar. 1, 2022 - May
31, 2023
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling (not in milk) – born Dec.1, 2022
- Feb. 28, 2023
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling (not in milk) – born Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov.
30, 2022
8 Junior Champion Female
9 Reserve Junior Champion Female
10 Best Three Junior Females – All bred and at least one owned
by exhibitor
11 Yearling In Milk - born after Aug. 31, 2022
12 2-Year-Old Futurity - born Sept. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2022
13 Junior 2-Year-Old – born Mar. 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022
14 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old – born Sept. 1, 2021- Feb. 29, 2022
15 Cow, Junior 3-Year-Old – born Mar. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2021
16 Cow – Senior 3-Year-Old – born Sept. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021
17 Intermediate Senior Champion
18 Reserve Intermediate Senior Champion
19 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow, 3 years old
20 Cow, 4 years old – born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
21 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 4 years old
22 Cow, 5 years old – born Sept. 1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2019
23 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 5 years old
24 Cow, 6 years and over – born before Sept. 1, 2018
25 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 6 years old and over
26 Senior Champion Female
27 Reserve Senior Champion Female
28 Grand Champion Female
29 Reserve Grand Champion Female
30 Champion Kentucky Milk Production – Cow at this year’s
show, in this breed, with the highest most recent completed
actual milk record of 2 X 305 days or less.
31 Dam and Daughter – Animals may be owned by more than
one exhibitor
32 Best Three Females with at least two of the animals being
two years old, all bred by exhibitor and at least one owned
by exhibitor.
33 Produce of Dam – Group to consist of two animals, any age,
either sex, the produce of one cow. The dam must be named.
Each exhibitor is limited to one group entry from the same
dam. Animals may be owned by more than one exhibitor.
Page 210
Judge: Tim Abbott
1 Heifer, Junior Calf – born on or after Mar. 1, 2024
2 Heifer, Intermediate Calf – born Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024
3 Heifer, Senior Calf – born Sept. 1, 2023 - Nov. 30, 2023
4 Heifer, Summer Yearling – born June 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2023
5 Heifer, Junior Yearling (not in milk) – born Mar. 1, 2023 - May
31, 2023
6 Heifer, Intermediate Yearling (not in milk) – born Dec. 1 ,
2022 - Feb. 28, 2023
7 Heifer, Senior Yearling (not in milk) – born Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov.
30, 2022
8 Junior Champion Female
9 Reserve Junior Champion Female
10 Best Three Female – All bred and at least one owned by
11 Cow, Dry – 3-year-old & 4-year-old – born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug.
31, 2021
12 Cow, Dry – 5-year-old and over – born before Sept. 1, 2019
13 Yearling In Milk - born Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov. 30, 2022
14 Summer Junior 2-Year-Old Cow (must have freshened) - born
June 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022
15 Junior 2-Year-Old (must have freshened) – born Mar. 1, 2022
- Aug. 31, 2022
16 Cow, Senior 2-Year-Old – born Sept. 1, 2021 - Feb. 28, 2022
17 Cow, Junior 3-Year-Old – born Mar. 1, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2021
18 Cow – Senior 3-Year-Old – born Sept. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021
19 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow, 3 years old
20 Intermediate Champion Female
21 Reserve Intermedate Champion Female
22 Cow, 4 years old – born Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
23 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 4 years old
24 Cow, 5 years old – born Sept. 1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2019
25 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 5 years old
26 Cow, 6 years and over – born before Sept. 1, 2018
27 Kentucky Milk Production – Cow 6 years old and over
28 100,000 lb. Cow - born before Sept. 1, 2019. Must present
DHIA records. Exhibitor may choose to show animal in either
the aged cow class or the 100,000 lb. cow classes, but not
29 Senior Champion Female
30 Reserve Senior Champion Female
31 Grand Champion Female
32 Reserve Grand Champion Female
33 Champion Kentucky Milk Production – Cow at this year’s
show, in this breed, with the highest most recent completed
actual milk record of 2 X 305 days or less.
34 Dam and Daughter – Animals may be owned by more than
one exhibitor
35 Best Three Females – Any age, all bred by exhibitor, and at
least one owned by exhibitor
36 Produce of Dam – Group to consist of 2 animals, any age,
either sex, the produce of one cow. The dam must be named.
Each exhibitor is limited to one group entry from the same
dam. Animals may be owned by more than one exhibitor.
Page 211
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Friday, August 23
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Open Swine Move In
Saturday, August 24
8:00 am Open Market Swine Show (following:
Open Crossbred Show, Open Duroc Show and
Open Hampshire Show)
Sunday, August 25
8:00 am Open Breeding Swine Show (All Other
Breeds, Berkshire, Spotted, and Yorkshire)
3:00 pm Open Swine Release
Entry Fee
An entry fee of $15 per head will be charged for all entries sub-
mitted by 11:59 p.m. on July 10.
OPEN LATE ENTRIES: A late entry fee ($50 per head) will be
charged for all entries submitted after July 10. Late entries shall
be submitted through our online entry system by 11:59 p.m. on
July 17. No late entries will be accepted in the 4-H/FFA Youth
Livestock Show.
Stalling and Setup
1. Pens will be assigned upon arrival by superintendent
and swine show staff.
2. All bedding shall be provided by the exhibitor. This may
be brought from home or purchased at the Fair from
the ofcial state vendor. No bulk sawdust, tan bark, or
shavings are permitted. Only baled or bagged bedding is
3. Bedding, feed, or equipment will not be allowed in pens,
and should be stored in alley in back of pens or along
Entry Information
1. The name of the exhibitor, as entered on the online
entry form, shall be the same name as the current
owner as shown on breed registration paper. Each
exhibitor should be entered separately through
the online entry system.
2. Each exhibitor is limited to four (4) open market hogs
in anyone (1) breed. If an exhibitor shows more than
(1) breed of open market hogs, he/she may exhibit a
total of six (6) open market hogs.
3. Entry fee is per head. Fees do not determine the
number of pens. No refunds
Rules Applicable to Swine
1. Age classications for the 2024 Swine Show:
December 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024.
2. All competing swine will be exhibited in the ring at the
discretion of the Superintendent. Any exhibitor failing
to comply with the general rules applying to their
department will forfeit premiums.
4. Oiling, hogs will not be allowed at the Kentucky State
Fair; however, painting of hogs is accepted.
5. Any animals that, in the opinion of the judge, is being
shown out of class shall not be awarded a prize.
6. All animals to be exhibited shall be properly checked in
with show management prior to the show. Registration
papers for purebreds must be presented at check-in.
7. Not more than three (3) animals from the same
exhibitor shall be allowed to be shown in any one (1)
class for individual animals.
8. All animals exhibited shall carry ear notches or ear tags
identifying the litter to which they belong.
9. All animals exhibited shall have been born December
1, 2023 – March 31, 2024. Purebred breeding swine will
be broken into classes based on age. Crossbred
breeding swine will be broken into classes based on
weight. Exhibitors of Crossbred breeding swine should
submit their weights via online submission form (QR).
The weight submitted will be the declared weight of the
animal. There will be no changing of weigth after the
form has closed.
Page 212
10. In order to create a good public image and add to the
attractiveness of the livestock all beds, cots bedding,
etc., shall be made up and out of aisles by 8:00 am.
Open Market Hog Division
1. Animals exhibited in the 4-H/FFA Youth Market Hog
Division and Breeding Gilt Division are eligible to
compete in the Open Market Hog Division.
2. Both market gilts and barrows are eligible to compete
in the Open Market Hog Division. Gilts exhibited in the
Open Breeding Swine Division may not be shown in the
Open Market Division.
3. Exhibitors will declare their market hog weights via
online submission form (QR) (an ofcial weigh-in will
not be conducted by show ofcials). The weight
submitted will be the declared weight of the animal.
There will be no changing of weight after the form has
4. All market hogs shall weigh between 220 and 285
pounds. There will be no variance from this weight
5. At least the top three placing market hogs in each class
will be weighted by the Swine Superintendent or their
representative as the animals leave the show ring. Any
market hog that weighs 15 pounds over its ofcial
declared weight will be disqualied. No premiums will
be paid on disqualied animals.
6. A breed shall be represented by fteen (15) animals
to have a separate class for that breed. All open market
hogs shown in a breed class shall have a registration
certicate issued by the respective breed association
showing animal identication and ownership, and the
animal shall exhibit typical breed characteristics. The
sex may be listed as boar on the pedigrees for barrows.
Fifteen (15) head minimum are required for purebred
classes. If fewer than fteen (15) head are present,
they will go into a “Light AOB” or “Dark AOB” category.
7. A Breed Champion from each purebred division will be
selected in the Open Market Hog Show. The Breed
Champions from each purebred division will compete
with the crossbred division winners for Grand
Champion Open market hog.
8. Open Market Hog Division exhibitors are responsible
for removing their animals from the grounds at the
conclusion of the show. Show management WILL
NOT be responsible for removing animals from the
Open Breeding Swine Division
1. At the time of entry, all purebred animals entered in
this department, including pigs under six (6) months old,
shall be properly named and recorded in the Herd Book
of the breed association to which they belong.
2. All Berkshire swine shall be registered by the American
Berkshire Association (ABA), 2637 Yeager Road, West
Lafayette, IN 47906. Said registration paper should be
presented at the time of check-in. The ABA is the only
Berkshire swine registry recognized by the National
Association of Swine Records (NASR) and the National
Pedigreed Livestock Council (NPLC).
3. All animals placing will be checked for ear notches or
ear tags, and registration papers will be required for
purebred animals.
4. All hogs to be eligible to compete shall have been
owned by the exhibitor for at least sixty (60) days prior
to the opening day of the Kentucky State Fair. For
purebred animals, the day of purchase shall be
construed to be the date transfer that is recorded with
the Record Association.
5. All purebred pigs shown should be registered in the
Record Associations of the breeds to which they belong
and should be in the name of the exhibitor. All
purebred pigs shall exhibit typical breed characteristics.
Exhibitors must be prepared to show certicates of
registry and proper transfer for all purebred animals
they are showing.
6. All classes will be shown oldest to youngest.
Page 213
Open Breeding Swine Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
45 35 25 20 12
Open Breeding Swine Classes KY Money*
1st 2nd 3rd
30 20 15
Open Market Hog Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
40 30 20 15 12
*Open Market Hog Classes will not receive KY Money
Gilt Breed Champion Sweepstakes
1st ~ $100 & Banner
Open Divisions- Breeding
301 All Other Breeds
302 Berkshire
303 Duroc
304 Hampshire
Open Divisions- Breeding
305 Spotted
306 Yorkshire
307 Crossbred
1. Gilts
2. Boars
Open Divisions- Market Hogs
Div. # Division Name
308 All Other Breeds Market Hogs
309 Berkshire Market Hogs
310 Duroc Market Hogs
311 Hampshire Market Hogs
312 Hereford Market Hogs
Open Divisions- Breeding
Div. # Division Name
313 Landrace Market Hogs
314 Spotted Market Hogs
315 Tamworth Market Hogs
316 Yorkshire Makret Hogs
317 Crossbred Market Hogs
Page 214
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Wool Breed Judge: Dave Smith
Meat Breed Judge: Neal Knapp
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Thursday, August 22
5:00 pm -10:00 pm
Open Sheep Move In - Friday Shows have
to be on grounds
Friday, August 23
8:00 am -10:00 am
Open Sheep Move In - Saturday Shows
8:00 am -10:30 am
Open Sheep Check In
12:00 pm Open Sheep Show (Columbia, Corriedales,
Rambouillet, Suffolks, Hampshires, Border Cheviots, Oxford, &
Saturday, August 24
8:30 am Open Sheep Show (Natural Colored,
Dorper/White Dorper, AOB- Wool, Polled/
Horned Dorsets, Southdown, Merinos,
Katahdins, & AOB-Meat)
Sunday, August 25
3:00 pm Open Sheep Release Begins
Entry Fee
An entry fee of $15 per head will be charged for all entries
submitted by 11:59 p.m. on July 10.
LATE ENTRIES: A late entry fee ($50 per head) will be charged
for all entries submitted after July 10. Late entries shall be sub-
mitted through our online entry system by 11:59 p.m. on July 17.
No late entries will be accepted in the 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock
Entry Information
1. The name of the exhibitor, as entered on the online
entry form, shall be the same name as the current
owner as shown on breed registration paper.
Each exhibitor should be entered separately through
the online entry system.
2. Entries in the sheep department should include the
name, registration number, and date of birth
of the animal to be exhibited. Entries in group
classes should be made on the entry form. Use
of “entry” as a description will be sufcient.
3. Kentucky classes are open to Kentucky exhibitors only.
Animals eligible for Kentucky classes must be Kentucky
owned or co-owned and maintained in Kentucky.
Stalling and Setup
1. All breeds showing on Friday, August 23, shall be in the
barn by 10:00 pm, Thursday August 22nd. All other
breeds must be penned by 10:00 am, on Friday, August
2. All bedding shall be provided by the exhibitor. This may
be brought from home or purchased at the Fair from
the ofcial state vendor. No bulk sawdust, tan bark, or
shavings are permitted. Only baled or bagged bedding.
3. Open Class Sheep may begin arriving at 5:00 pm, Thurs
day August 22nd.
General Sheep Information
1. Lamb Classes: Animals shown in lamb classes must have
all lamb teeth and show in the class determined by their
registration papers.
2. If requested by the superintendent, a certicate of
ownership from the Breed Association shall be shown.
Page 215
Open Breeding Sheep Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
30 25 20 15 12
Open Breeding Sheep Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd
12 8 6
Open Breeding Sheep Group Classes
1st 2nd 3rd
15 10 5
Open Breeding Sheep Group Classes KY Money
1st 2nd
10 6
Top Herdsman Banner & $50
Runner-Up $45
3rd $40
4th $30
5th $20
3. Pedigrees of sheep shall be recorded in the American
or Foreign Record for the particular breed to which
they belong. All sheep in purebred classes shall
be registered in the ock books of their respective
breeds and bear the American ear tags of their
association as required.
4. No muzzles are allowed in the sheep barn.
5. An exhibitor is limited to four entries in the yearling or
senior lamb classes and may enter no more than two
entries per class in the January, February and March
lamb classes. Only one entry in the group classes is
6. Any breed shown in the All Other Breeds (AOB) Meat
or Wool divisons having 12 or more registered animals
checked in for two consecutive years will be eligible
for their own breed show in year three. Once
any breed has eastblished their own breed show, a
minimum of 6 head must be checked in to keep
their own show. Should a breed have fewer than 6 head
check in for two consectuitve years, that breed show
will be dropped the third year and animals in that breed
will be eligible to show in the appropriate AOB Class.
7. There shall be a minimum of 6 head in a breed show to
award a premier exhibitor.
Page 216
1 Ram, 1 year and under 2
2 Sr. Ram lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
3 Senior Champion Ram
4 Reserve Senior Champion Ram
5 Ram lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
6 Ram lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
7 Ram lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
8 Junior Champion Ram
9 Reserve Junior Champion Ram
10 Champion Ram
11 Reserve Champion Ram
12 Ewe, 1 year and under 2
13 Sr. Ewe lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
14 Senior Champion Ewe
15 Reserve Senior Champion Ewe
16 Ewe lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
17 Ewe lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
18 Ewe lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
19 Junior Champion Ewe
20 Reserve Junior Champion Ewe
21 Champion Ewe
22 Reserve Champion Ewe
23 Pair Ram Lambs
24 Pair Yearling Ewes
25 Pair Ewe Lambs
26 Pen, 4 Lambs both sexes represented
27 Young ock, one ram any age, two yearling ewes, two ewe
28 Premier Exhibitor
1 Ram, 1 year and under 2
2 Senior Ram lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
3 Senior Champion Ram
4 Reserve Senior Champion Ram
5 Ram lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
6 Ram lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
7 Ram lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
8 Junior Champion Ram
9 Reserve Junior Champion Ram
10 Champion Ram
11 Reserve Champion Ram
12 Ewe, 1 year and under 2
13 Senior Ewe lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
14 Senior Champion Ewe
15 Reserve Senior Champion Ewe
16 Ewe lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
17 Ewe lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
18 Ewe lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
19 Junior Champion Ewe
20 Reserve Junior Champion Ewe
21 Champion Ewe
22 Reserve Champion Ewe
23 Pair Ram Lambs
24 Pair Yearling Ewes
25 Pair Ewe Lambs
26 Pen, 4 Lambs both sexes represented
27 Young ock, one ram any age, two yearling ewes, two ewe
28 Premier Exhibitor
1 Ram, 1 year and under 2
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
3 Senior Champion Ram
4 Reserve Senior Champion Ram
5 Ram Lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
6 Ram Lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 28, 2024
7 Ram Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
8 Junior Champion Ram
9 Reserve Junior Champion Ram
10 Champion Ram
11 Reserve Champion Ram
12 Ewe, 1 year and under 2
13 Senior Ewe Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
14 Senior Champion Ewe
15 Reserve Senior Champion Ewe
16 Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
17 Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
18 Ewe Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
19 Junior Champion Ewe
20 Reserve Junior Champion Ewe
21 Champion Ewe
22 Reserve Champion Ewe
23 Pair Ram Lambs
24 Pair Yearling Ewes
25 Pair Ewe Lambs
26 Pen, four Lambs, both sexes represented
27 Young Flock - one ram any age, two yearling ewes, two ewe
28 Premier Exhibitor
Page 217
1 Ram, 1 year and under 2
2 Early Fall Ram Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Sept. 30, 2023
3 Fall Ram Lamb, Slick Shorn born Sept. 1- Nov. 30, 2023
4 Senior Champion Ram
5 Reserve Senior Champion Ram
6 Late Fall Ram Lamb, born Oct. 1 - Nov. 30, 2023
7 Ram Lamb, born Dec. 1, 2023 - Jan. 15, 2024
8 Ram Lamb, born Jan. 16, 2024 and after
9 Slick Sheared Ram, born Jan. 16, 2024 and after
10 Junior Champion Ram
11 Reserve Junior Champion Ram
12 Champion Ram
13 Reserve Champion Ram
14 Ewe, 1 year and under 2
15 Slick Sheared Ewe, 1 year and under 2
16 Early Fall Ewe Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Sept. 30, 2023
17 Fall Ewe Lamb, Slick Shorn born Sept. 1- Nov. 30, 2023
18 Senior Champion Ewe
19 Reserve Senior Champion Ewe
20 Late Fall Ewe Lamb, born Oct. 1 - Nov. 30, 2023
21 Ewe Lamb, born Dec. 1, 2023 - Jan. 15, 2024
22 Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 16, 2024 and after
23 Slick Sheared Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 16, 2024 and after
24 Junior Champion Ewe
25 Reserve Junior Champion Ewe
26 Champion Ewe
27 Reserve Champion Ewe
28 Pair Ram Lambs
29 Pair Yearling Ewes
30 Pair Ewe Lambs
31 Pen, 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
32 Young Flock - one ram any age, two yearling ewes, two ewe
33 Premier Exhibitor
1 Ram, 1 year and under 2
2 Early Fall Ram Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Sept. 30, 2023
3 Fall Ram Lamb, Slick Shorn born Sept. 1- Nov. 30, 2023
4 Senior Champion Ram
5 Reserve Senior Champion Ram
6 Late Fall Ram Lamb, born Oct. 1 - Nov. 30, 2023
7 Ram Lamb, born Dec. 1, 2023 - Jan. 15, 2024
8 Ram Lamb, born Jan. 16, 2024 and after
9 Slick Sheared Ram, born Jan. 16, 2024 and after
10 Junior Champion Ram
11 Reserve Junior Champion Ram
12 Champion Ram
13 Reserve Champion Ram
14 Ewe, 1 year and under 2
15 Slick Sheared Ewe, 1 year and under 2
16 Early Fall Ewe Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Sept. 30, 2023
17 Fall Ewe Lamb, Slick Shorn born Sept. 1- Nov. 30, 2023
18 Senior Champion Ewe
19 Reserve Senior Champion Ewe
20 Late Fall Ewe Lamb, born Oct. 1 - Nov. 30, 2023
21 Ewe Lamb, born Dec. 1, 2023 - Jan. 15, 2024
22 Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 16, 2024 and after
23 Slick Sheared Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 16, 2024 and after
24 Junior Champion Ewe
25 Reserve Junior Champion Ewe
26 Champion Ewe
27 Reserve Champion Ewe
28 Pair Ram Lambs
29 Pair Yearling Ewes
30 Pair Ewe Lambs
31 Pen, 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
32 Young Flock - one ram any age, two yearling ewes, two ewe
33 Premier Exhibitor
1 Ram, 1 year and under 2
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
3 Slick Sheared Senior Ram, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
4 Senior Champion Ram
5 Reserve Senior Champion Ram
6 Ram Lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
7 Slick Sheared Ram Lamb born Jan. 1 – Jan. 31, 2024
8 Ram Lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
9 Slick Sheared Ram Lamb born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
10 Ram Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
11 Slick Sheared Ram Lamb, born Jan. 1, 2024 and after
12 Junior Champion Ram
13 Reserve Junior Champion Ram
14 Champion Ram
15 Reserve Champion Ram
16 Ewe, 1 year and under 2
17 Slick Sheared Ewe, 1 year and under 2
18 Sr. Ewe Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
19 Slick Sheared Senior Ewe Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
20 Senior Champion Ewe
21 Reserve Senior Champion Ewe
22 Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
23 Slick Sheared Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
24 Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
25 Slick Sheared, Ewe Lamb, born Feb 1. - Feb 29, 2024
26 Ewe Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
27 Slick Sheared Ewe Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
28 Junior Champion Ewe
29 Reserve Junior Champion Ewe
30 Champion Ewe
31 Reserve Champion Ewe
32 Pair Ram Lambs
33 Pair Yearling Ewes
34 Pair Ewe Lambs
35 Pen, 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
36 Young Flock - one ram any age, two yearling ewes, two ewe
37 Premier Exhibitor
Page 218
1 Ram, 1 year old and under 2
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Ewe, 1 year old and under 2
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Yearling Ewes
14 Pair Ram Lambs
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
17 Young Flock - one yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling
ewes, and two ewe lambs
18 Best Fleeced Ram
19 Best Fleeced Ewe
20 Premier Exhibitor
1 Ram, 1 year and under 2
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
3 Senior Champion Ram
4 Reserve Senior Champion Ram
5 Ram Lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
6 Ram Lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 28, 2024
7 Ram Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
8 Slick Sheared Ram Lamb, born Jan. 1, 2024 and after
9 Junior Champion Ram
10 Reserve Junior Champion Ram
11 Champion Ram
12 Reserve Champion Ram
13 Ewe, 1 year and under 2
14 Slick Sheared Ewe, 1 year and under 2
15 Senior Ewe Lamb, born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023
16 Senior Champion Ewe
17 Reserve Senior Champion Ewe
18 Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2024
19 Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 1 - Feb. 29, 2024
20 Ewe Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
21 Slick Sheared Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 1, 2024 and after
22 Junior Champion Ewe
23 Reserve Junior Champion Ewe
24 Champion Ewe
25 Reserve Champion Ewe
26 Pair Ram Lambs
27 Pair Yearling Ewes
28 Pair Ewe Lambs
29 Pen, 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
30 Young Flock - one ram any age, two yearling ewes, two ewe
31 Premier Exhibitor
1 Ram, 1 year old and under 2
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Ewe, 1 year old and under 2
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Yearling Ewes
14 Pair Ram Lambs
15 Pair Ewe Lamb
16 Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
17 Young Flock, one yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling
ewes, and two ewe lambs
18 Best Fleeced Ram
19 Best Fleeced Ewe
20 Premier Exhibitor
1 Yearling Ram
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Yearling Ewe
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Yearling Ewes
14 Pair Ewe Lambs
15 Young Flock, one ram lamb & two ewe lambs
16 Pair Ram Lambs
17 Best Fleeced Ram
18 Best Fleeced Ewe
19 Premeir Exhibitor
Page 219
1 Yearling Ram
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Yearling Ewe
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Ram Lambs
14 Pair Yearling Ewes
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Flock, One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, and
two ewe lambs
17 Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
18 Best Fleeced Ram
19 Best Fleeced Ewe
20 Premier Exhibitor
1 Yearling Ram
2 Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Winter Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Yearling Ewe
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
29, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Ram Lamb
14 Pair Yearling Ewes
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Flock, One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, and
two ewe lambs
17 Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
18 Premier Exhibitor
1 Yearling Ram
2 Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Winter Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Yearling Ewe
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
29, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Mar. 1, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Ram Lamb
14 Pair Yearling Ewes
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Flock, One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, and
two ewe lambs
17 Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
18 Premier Exhibitor
1 Ram, 1 year old and under 2
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Ewe, 1 year old and under 2
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Yearling Ewes
14 Pair Ram Lambs
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
17 Young Flock, one yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling
ewes, and two ewe lambs
18 Premier Exhibitor
Page 220
1 Yearling Ram
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Yearling Ewe
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Ram Lambs
14 Pair Yearling Ewes
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Flock
17 Premier Exhibitor
18 Best Ewe Fleece
19 Best Ram Fleece
1 Ram, 1 year old and under 2
2 Senior Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Ewe, 1 year old and under 2
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Yearling Ewes
14 Pair Ram Lambs
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes represented
17 Young Flock, one yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling
ewes, and two ewe lambs
18 Premier Exhibitor
1 Yearling Ram
2 Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Yearling Ewe
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Ram Lambs
14 Pair Yearling Ewes
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Flock, one yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, and
two ewe lambs
17 Premier Exhibitor
1 Yearling Ram
2 Ram Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
3 Early-born Junior Ram Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
4 Late-born Junior Ram Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
5 Champion Ram
6 Reserve Champion Ram
7 Yearling Ewe
8 Senior Ewe Lamb, born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023
9 Early-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born between Jan. 1 and Feb.
14, 2024
10 Late-born Junior Ewe Lamb, born Feb. 15, 2024 and after
11 Champion Ewe
12 Reserve Champion Ewe
13 Pair Ram Lambs
14 Pair Yearling Ewes
15 Pair Ewe Lambs
16 Flock, one yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, and
two ewe lambs
17 Best Fleeced Ram
18 Best Fleeced Ewe
19 Premier Exhibitor
Page 221
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Wednesday, August 14
10:00 am Open Dairy Goat Move In Begins
8:00 pm Open Dairy Goat Move In Ends
Friday, August 16
9:00 am Open Dairy Goat Show (Junior Does)
Saturday, August 17
9:00 am Open Dairy Goat Show (Senior Does
followed by Dairy Goat Costume Contest)
Release upon conclusion of the show, must be
out by 8:00 am August 18th.
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Open Dairy Goat Release
Special Rules
This is an ofcial American Dairy Goat Association
(ADGA) show.
Junior and senior shows are separately sanctioned.
ADGA rules will govern.
Entry Fee
An entry fee of $15 per head will be charged for all entries sub-
mitted by 11:59 p.m. on July 10.
OPEN LATE ENTRIES: A late entry fee ($50 per head) will
be charged for all entries submitted after July 10. Late entries
should be submitted through our online entry system by 11:59
p.m. on July 17. No late entries will be accepted in the 4-H/FFA
Youth Livestock Show.
Entry Information
1. The name of the exhibitor, as entered on the online
entry form, shall be the same name as the current
owner as shown on breed registration paper.
Each exhibitor should be entered separately through
the online entry system.
2. All names included on one I.D. number constitute only
one membership: therefore, only one exhibitor. Only
the I.D on the registration/recordation certicate or on
the stamped duplicate application is proof of ownership.
3. In all classes, the exhibitor is the owner as evidenced by
the name on the registration or recordation certicate.
A breeder is dened as the entity listed as “breeder” on
the registration or recordation certicate.
Stalling and Setup
1. On Wednesday, August 14, open dairy goats will be
accepted beginning at 10:00 a.m. and shall be in place no
later than 8:00 p.m.
2. All bedding shall be provided by exhibitor. This may be
brought from home or purchased at the fair from the
ofcial state vendor. No bulk sawdust, tan bark, or
shavings are permitted. Only baled or bagged bedding
3. Pens will be assigned by the Superintendent according
to availability and number of goats. Additional tack space
will no longer be available for purchase. Space for tack
and display is subject to availability.
4. Herd signs shall not exceed 3 ft. by 4 ft.
5. Only goats exhibited in the show will be permitted on
the grounds.
General Dairy Goat Information
1. Only American Dairy Goat Association, American Goat
Society, and Canadian Goat Society registered, recorded,
or applied for animals that are recognized by ADGA
as dairy animals, may be shown in ofcial American
Dairy Goat Association shows. ADGA rules
shall govern.
2. A registration or recordation certicate is required for
all animals six months of age or older.
3. A registration or recordation certicate or a stamped
duplicate application showing the date received by the
ADGA ofce is required for all animals under
Page 222
six months of age. Show ofcials shall not accept copies
of the aforesaid, any other documents in lieu of them, or
information obtained from the ADGA ofce via
telephone, etc.
4. The document for the animal to be shown shall be
added to the show ofcial who shall read it and
compare its information to that on its entry form and
verify the information on both.
5. Persons showing animals whose registration/
recordation certicates have signed transfers that have
not been processed by the ADGA ofce shall show
those animals in the owner’s name shown on
ADGA records at that time.
6. Animals with natural horns shall not be shown.
7. The base date for computing the age of the animal is
the day the animal is to be judged. All animals
shown in group classes must have competed in
individual classes. No animal shall knowingly for any
reason be entered, exhibited, or judged in the
wrong age class
9. No clipping will be allowed from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
10. No guarantee can be made as to the safety of the
exhibits, but every precaution will be taken to safeguard
the animals.
11. Order of Show
The show order is not subject to change.
Alpine Nigerian Dwarf
Saanen Nubian
LaMancha Toggenburg
All Other Purebreds Recorded Grades
12. Dairy animals eligible for Kentucky classes are required
to be housed and maintained in Kentucky through the
Kentucky State Fair show of the current year,
transferred to a Kentucky resident at the breed
association by August 1.
Open Dairy Goat Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
20 15 10 8 5
Open Dairy GoatClasses KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd
12 8 6
Open Dairy Goat Group Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
14 8 5 5
Open Dairy Goat Group Classes KY Money
1st 2nd
10 6
Top Herdsman Banner & $50
Runner-Up $30
3rd $20
1st ~Banner
1st ~Banner
1st ~Banner
1st ~Banner
Page 223
1 Junior kid, born 4/1/2024 - 7/16/2024
2 Intermediate kid, born 3/1/2024 - 3/31/2024
3 Senior kid, born 8/16/2023 - 2/29/2024
4 Dry yearling, born 8/17/2022 - 8/15/2023
5 Grand Champion Junior Doe
6 Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe
7 Junior Get-of-Sire - three does, class 4 and under, the get of
one sire. Sire must be named.
8 Yearling milker, born after 8/14/2022
9 Two year milker, born 8/13/2021 - 8/16/2022
10 Three year milker, born 8/15/2020 - 8/12/2021
11 Four year milker, born 8/16/2019 - 8/14/2020
12 Five year and older milker, born before 8/15/2019
13 Grand Champion Senior Doe
14 Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe
15 Champion Challenge
16 Best Udder
17 Reserve Best Udder
18 Dam & Daughter - two does in milk, dam must be named
19 Get-of-Sire - three does in milk, any age, the get of one sire.
Sire must be named.
20 Produce of Dam - two does in milk, the produce of same
dam. Dam must be named.
21 Herd - four does in milk, owned by one exhibitor
Open Divisions-Dairy Goats
Div. # Division Name
501 Alpine
502 Nubian
503 La Mancha
504 Recorded Grades
Open Divisions-Dairy Goats
Div. # Division Name
505 Saanen
506 Toggenburg
507 All Other Purebreds
508 Nigerian Dwarf
Page 224
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Friday, August 16
5:00 pm -10:00 pm
Open Boer Goat Move In Begins
Saturday, August 17
5:00 pm Open Boer Goat Show Release upon
conclusion of show, must be out by
8:00 am, August 18th.
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Open Boer Goat Release
Entry Fee
An entry fee of $15 per head will be charged for all entries sub-
mitted by 11:59 p.m. on July 10.
Youth - An entry fee of $15.00 per head will be charged for all
4-H/FFA entries.
OPEN LATE ENTRIES: A late entry fee ($50 per head) will be
charged for all entries submitted after July 10. Late entries shall
be submitted through our online entry system by 11:59 p.m. on
July 17. No late entries will be accepted in the 4-H/FFA Youth
Livestock Show.
Entry Information
1. The name of the exhibitor, as entered on the online
entry form, shall be the same name as the current
owner as shown on breed registration paper.
Each exhibitor should be entered separately through
the online entry system.
Stalling and Setup
1. On Friday, August 16, Boer goats will be accepted
beginning at 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. All Boer
goats should be checked in by 12:00 p.m. on August 17.
2. All bedding shall be provided by the exhibitor. This may
be brought from home or purchased at the Fair from
the ofcial state vendor. No bulk sawdust, tan bark, or
shavings are permitted. Only baled or bagged bedding is
3. Pens will be assigned by the Superintendent according
to availability and number of Boer goats.
4. Herd signs shall not exceed 3 ft. by 4 ft.
5. Only Boer goats exhibited in the show will be
permitted on the grounds.
General Boer Goat Information
1. All goats shall be registered in the ABGA herd book by
the date specied by the show. All goats entered
ABGA-sanctioned shows shall be registered with the
ABGA in order to acquire Ennoblement points.
2. Original registration certicates are required, except
that a copy of a registration application, stamped with
the date received by one of the listed associations, can
be accepted for kids less than three (3) months of age.
Animals over the age of three (3) months must have the
original registration certicate in hand at the time of
3. The documents specied above as the requirements
for that age animal to be shown shall be presented to
the Show Secretary for verication before the judging
4. All goats shall have legible tattoos consistent with the
registration certicate, or the animal will be
disqualied. If an animal is disqualied due to illegible or
inconsistent tattoos, all lower placing animals will be
moved up in placement. Point winners from each
class must have their tattoos read and recorded. The
judge will be resposible for ensuring that tattoos are
ready and properly recorded. The show secretary will
be responsible for recording the tattoos and informing
the judge as to which point-eligible goats will need to
be checked. An exhibitor showing animals with a
microchip as a permanent identication is required to
provide a microchip reader for verication of animal
5. Birth dates, as listed on the registration certicate, will
be used in determining class/division.
Page 225
6. Classes: All animals must be registered Purebred,
Fullblood, or percentage blood Boer goats. Percentage
doe classes are for goats 50% to 88% Boer; Fullblood
classes are for does that are 94.75% and higher
and bucks that are 96.87% and higher. Progeny of fresh
does will not be allowed in the ring with their dam. The
Champion and the Reserve Champion classes will be
chosen from the rst and second place animals in that
division of the show.
7. No animal bracing is allowed at ABGA-sanctioned
shows. Goats’ front legs must be on the ground during
the judging. Front feet must remain on the arena oor
during Judge’s evaluation. Exhibitors may lift their feet
off the ground for a period not to exceed 10 seconds
when posing the goat.
8. At the discretion of the judge and the superintendent,
the animals may be let loose in the ring as a function of
9. Substitutions will be allowed in the same class only and
must have the same ownership as the original entry.
Substitutions should be made at check-in.
10. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to refrain from
presenting any animal owned by the presiding judge
within 90 days prior to the show date.
11. Dairy animals eligible for Kentucky classes are required
to be housed and maintained in Kentucky through the
Kentucky State Fair show of the current year,
transferred to a Kentucky resident at the breed
association by August 1.
Open Boer Goat Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
35 25 17 10 5
Open Boer Goat Classes KY Money
1st 2nd 3rd
12 8 6
Top Herdsman Banner & $50
Runner-Up $25
3rd $15
Page 226
1 Buck Kids - 0 to under 3 months
2 Buck Kids - 3 to under 6 months
3 Buck Kids - 6 to under 9 months
4 Buck Kids - 9 to under 12 months
5 Junior Champion Buck
6 Reserve Junior Champion Buck
7 Yearling Bucks - 12 to under 16 months
8 Yearling Bucks - 16 to under 20 months
9 Yearling Bucks - 20 to under 24 months
10 Yearling Champion Buck
11 Reserve Yearling Champion Buck
12 Senior Bucks - 24 to under 36 months
13 Senior Bucks - 36 months and over
14 Senior Champion Buck
15 Reserve Senior Champion Buck
16 Grand Champion Buck
17 Reserve Grand Champion Buck
1 Doe Kids - 0 to under 3 months
2 Doe Kids - 3 to under 6 months
3 Doe Kids - 6 to under 9 months
4 Doe Kids - 9 to under 12 months
5 Junior Champion Doe
6 Reserve Junior Champion Doe
7 Yearling Does - 12 to under 16 months
8 Yearling Does - 16 to under 20 months
9 Yearling Does - 20 to under 24 months
10 Yearling Champion Doe
11 Reserve Yearling Champion Doe
12 Senior Does, 24 to under 36 months
13 Senior Does, 36 months and over
14 Senior Champion Doe
15 Reserve Senior Champion Doe
16 Grand Champion Doe
17 Reserve Grand Champion Doe
1 Doe Kids - 0 to under 3 months
2 Doe Kids - 3 to under 6 months
3 Doe Kids - 6 to under 9 months
4 Doe Kids - 9 to under 12 months
5 Junior Champion Doe
6 Reserve Junior Champion Doe
7 Yearling Does - 12 to under 16 months
8 Yearling Does - 16 to under 20 months
9 Yearling Does - 20 to under 24 months
10 Yearling Champion Doe
11 Reserve Yearling Champion Doe
12 Senior Does, 24 to under 36 months
13 Senior Does, 36 months and over
14 Senior Champion Doe
15 Reserve Senior Champion Doe
16 Grand Champion Doe
17 Reserve Grand Champion Doe
(1/2 to 7/8 bloods)
Page 227
ENTRY FORM DUE BY: July 10, 2024
Judge: Nicky Hale
Credentials ~ Livestock Exhibitor Barn Access /Admission Badge – $25, Barn Access, 14 admission/parking scans, provided with
Exhibitor Packet at check-in Gate 4. Exhibitor Tickets – $44, 11 admission/parking tickets.
Thurdary, August 15
8:00 am Mules & Jacks Move In Begins
Friday, August 16
10:00 pm Mules & Jacks Move In Closes
Sunday, August 18
3:00 pm Mules & Jacks Hitch Show
Monday, August 19
10:00 am Mules & Jacks Show
1:30 pm Mules & Jacks Release
Entry Fee
An entry fee of $25 per head will be charged for all entries sub-
mitted by 11:59 p.m. on July 10.
LATE ENTRIES: Double entry fee ($100 per head) will be char-
ged for all entries submitted after July 17.
Entry and Release Information
1. Entries can only be made through our online entry
system at
2. The name of the exhibitor, as entered on the online
entry form, shall be the same name as the current
owner. Each exhibitor should be entered separately
through the online entry system.
3. A valid Social Security Number or Tax ID is required
when entering in order to receive a check for
any premiums won.
4. Mare and Colt is considered one (1) the entry, tre and
colt do not need to be entered separately if wanting to
show as the pair.
5. An exhibitor may request an early release only in
the event they are participating in an overlapping
state fair or livestock show. The request for
early release can be submitted to the Kentucky State
Fair Entry Department until August 1 and should be
emailed to [email protected]. The request shall
include the contact information for the indicated state
fair or livestock show to conrm participation. Per
mission will not be granted until the exhibitor’s
participation is veried by the indicated state
fair or livestock show listed in the request.
6. Animals will be released at 1:30 pm on Monday, August
Stalling and Setup
1. All bedding shall be provided by exhibitor. This may be
brought from home or purchased at the Fair from the
ofcial state vendor. No bulk sawdust, tan bark, or
shavings are permitted. Only baled or bagged bedding is
2. Exhibitors should bring their own watering troughs.
General Mules & Jack Stock Information
1. All livestock entries should enter through Gate 4 off
Crittenden Drive. Any trailer bringing livestock to the
Fair which is to remain on the grounds throughout the
show period and should park in the area designated by
the Superintendent or the Kentucky State Fair Board.
2. In classes for young stock, the breeder’s written
statement of time of birth must be produced upon
demand of judge or superintendent.
3. All jacks four years old and over must have proved
themselves to be sires. Aged jacks and jennets will be
reckoned from date of birth.
4. When on exhibition in the ring, each animal must be
under halter or bridle and the owner or employee shall
be the handler.
5. Each animal is required to be in show condition and
deemed worthy by the judge to receive premiums.
6. Mules shall be entered in the appropriate class to
compete in mule hitches.
Page 228
Open Mules & Jack Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
65 55 45 35
Open Mules & Jack Hitch Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
200 150 120 100 75
1st ~Two Mule Hitch
1st ~Four Mule Hitch
1st ~$250 & Banner
1 Mare Mule Colt, under 1 year
2 Horse Mule Colt, under 1 year
3 Mare (mother of colt shown in 1 or 2)
4 Mare Mule, 1 year and under 2
5 Pair Mare Mules, 1 year and under 2
6 Horse Mule, 1 year and under 2
7 Pair Horse Mules, 1 year and under 2
8 Mare Mule, 2 years and under 3
9 Pair Mare Mules, 2 years and under 3
10 Horse Mule, 2 years and under 3
11 Pair Horse Mules, 2 years and under 3
12 Mare Mule, 3 years and under 4
13 Pair Mare Mules, 3 years and under 4
14 Horse Mule, 3 years and over
15 Pair Horse Mules, 3 years and over
16 Mare Mule, 4 years and over
17 Pair Mare Mules, 4 years and over
18 Best Four Mules, any age or sex, shown by one owner
19 Best Pair of Mare Mules
20 Best Pair of Horse Mules
21 Best Mare Mule, any age
22 Best Horse Mule, any age
1 Jack, under 2 years
2 Jack, 2 years and under 4
3 Jack, 4 years and over
4 Champion Jack
5 Jennet, under 2 years
6 Jennet, 2 years and under 4
7 Jennet, 4 years and over
8 Champion Jennet
1 Pair of Mules, in harness hitched to wagon
2 Two Mule Hitch, in harness hitched to wagon for youth
(youth exhibitor must be under 18 years of age)
3 Two Mule Hitch, in harness hitched to wagon for women
4 Unicorn Mule Hitch, in harness hitched to wagon
5 Four Mule Hitch, in harness hitched to wagon