August 14-18, 2024 August 13-17, 2025
Mailing Address: PO Box 96 • Street Address: 30820 111th Street
Wilmot, WI 53192 • 262-862-6121
(re-elected yearly)
Randall Rossi, President ..............................Bristol, WI
Myron Daniels, Vice President ........................Brighton, WI
Don Epping, Secretary/Treasurer ........................Trevor, WI
Norm Kazumura, Representative at Large .................Trevor, WI
Chris Klemko, Representative at Large ...................Bristol, WI
Mark Edquist, Representative at Large .................Kenosha, WI
Dan Madrigrano, Representative at Large ............Union Grove, WI
Jenny Hesse, Fair Manager ........................ Burlington, WI
to be re-elected in December of...
2024 2025 2026
Myron Daniels Chris Leker Dean Elfering
Mark Edquist Eric Billingsley Chad Daniels
Sue Kaminski Don Epping Norm Kazumura
Chris Klemko Sue Grulich Dan Madrigrano
George Krikau Andrew Ironside Julie Rossi
Amanda Pauloni Colleen Knapp Matt Myers
Rhonda Bell Randall Rossi Dave Zirbel
Adult (12 years of age & older) .............$ 12.00
Ages 7-11 ..............................$ 6.00
Children 6 and under ......................FREE
Senior Citizens (Ages 65+) .................$8.00
Military - Active or Retired (Must show ID) .....$8.00
SEASON TICKET - Non-transferable
Adult (12 years of age & older) .............$ 40.00
Ages 7-11 .............................$ 15.00
Open Class Season Pass .................$ 35.00
Open Class 2 Day Exhibitor Pass.. . . . . . . . . . .$ 20.00
Open Class Dept. 156 Open Youth
Exhibitor Season Pass (5-6 years old) .......$6.00
Exhibitor Season Pass (7-11 years old) .....$12.00
Junior Fair Exhibitor Season Pass. . . . . . . . . . . $12.00
Dual Exhibitor
(Junior and Open Class) ..........$5.00 additional
A Junior Fair Exhibitor wishing to enter Open Class can upgrade
their Junior Exhibitor Ticket to a Dual Exhibitor ticket for an
additional $5.00. An entry form for both the Junior Fair and Open
Class must be submitted by the respective deadline dates.
Vendor block of 5 daily passes .............$ 40.00
Life Membership .......................$ 325.00
General Parking ..........................FREE
Season Reserved Parking .................$ 25.00
* Pricing information subject to change at any time
This Premium Book is for the years 2024 and 2025. This
entire book is posted online at www.kenoshacofair.com.
Exhibitor - One who makes an entry in the Fair
Vendor - One who rents space with product
Fair Open 8 AM - Midnight Wednesday - Saturday
8AM - 7PM Sunday
Content Page #
Kenosha County Fair FAQ’s for First Time Exhibitors ..............4
General Rules for All Exhibitors ..............................5
General Rules / Information of the Kenosha County Fair Association ..7
State Rules and Regulations (ACTP 160.01) ....................7
Animal Health Requirements ................................7
IAFE Code of Show Ring Ethics ..............................7
Open Class Check In and Show Schedule ......................8
Open Class Department 150 Specials Division ..................9
Open Class Premium List .................................10
Junior Fair Check In and Show Schedule .....................32
Junior Fair Regulations ...................................33
Fairest of the Fair Contest .................................65
Contests and Competitions ................................65
Livestock and Pie Auction Dates and Times ....................67
Antique Farm Machinery ..................................67
Open Class Entry Form ..................................68
Open Class
Department ..................................Page #
101 - Dairy Cattle ..................................10
102 - Beef Cattle ..................................10
103 - Swine ......................................11
104 - Sheep ......................................11
105 - Goats ......................................11
107 - Poultry .....................................12
108 - Rabbits .....................................14
114 - Plant and Soil Science ........................ 15
115 - Flowers and Plants ............................16
116 - Natural Sciences ..............................18
118 - Art and Crafts ................................18
120 - Photography .................................20
125 - Foods and Nutrition ............................22
126 - Clothing ....................................25
127 - Quilting .....................................26
128 - Knitting and Crocheting .........................27
129 - Home Furnishings ............................ 29
156 - Open Youth ..................................30
Junior Fair
Department .................................Page #
01 - Dairy Cattle ................................. 34
02 - Beef Cattle ...................................35
03 - Swine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
04 - Sheep ......................................37
05 - Goats .......................................38
Junior Fair Livestock Sale ...........................39
06 - Horse and Pony .............................. 40
07 - Poultry ......................................42
08 - Rabbits .....................................45
Junior Fair Poultry & Rabbit Sale ......................46
09 - Dog Care and Obedience ........................46
10 - Animal and Veterinary Science ....................47
13 - Cats ........................................48
14 - Plant and Soil Science ..........................49
15 - Flowers and House Plants .......................50
16 - Natural Sciences ..............................51
17 - Cloverbuds ...................................52
18 - Arts and Crafts ................................52
20 - Photography/Computers ........................54
22 - Woodworking .................................55
23 - Electricity ....................................55
24 - Mechanics ...................................56
25 - Food and Nutrition ............................ 57
26 - Clothing .....................................59
27 - Knitting and Crocheting ..................... 60
28 - Home Environment ..................... 61
29 - Family Living - Child Development ................62
32 - Youth Group Scrapbooks and Banners ..............63
33 - Youth Leadership ..............................63
34 - Health, Social & Political Science ..................63
Department .................................Page #
35 - School Exhibits ................................64
The ribbons awarded by the Association will be as follows:
Champion (Purple), 1st Premium (Blue), 2nd Premium (Red), 3rd Premium (White), 4th Premium (Pink)
Open Class Deadlines
2024 2025
Entry Deadline 4:00PM: Friday, July 26 Friday, July 25
Late Entry accepted until 4:00PM: Friday, August 9 Friday, August 8
Changes to existing entries accepted until 6:00PM: Tuesday, August 13 Tuesday, August 12
NO changes will be accepted after that date and time.
Kenosha County Fair FAQ’s for Exhibitors:
Q: Who can enter exhibits?
A: Anyone. However, you must be the owner of and the individual who grew, built,
created or raised the exhibit you want to enter.
Q: What does it cost to enter?
A: It depends on your age and whether you are entering the Open Class or Junior Fair.
Please see the admission section of the Premium Book.
Q: Can I enter an exhibit in more than one department?
A: An individual item can only be entered in one department. Individuals can only enter
one item per class number per person.
Q: What types of awards/ribbons can I win?
A: The types of awards and ribbons vary by department. Ribbons and premiums paid
are listed in each section of the Premium Book.
Q: How are the exhibits judged?
A: There are two types of judging systems used at the Fair – the American and
the Danish. Under the American System, the judges evaluate all exhibits in the
department and select only one rst, one second, one third and so on in each
department (Open Class). Under the Danish system, judges evaluate each exhibit
on its own merits (not compared to others) and may give more than one rst, one
second, one third and so on (Junior Fair).
Q: Where can I get a Premium Book?
A: You can pick a copy of the Premium Book up at the Fair Ofce, located at 30820 111
Street, Wilmot, WI 53192 OR on the website: www.kenoshacofair.com. Entry forms
are available online and in the Fair ofce.
Q: How do I enter an exhibit?
A: You will need to complete an entry form (either Open Class or Junior Fair). Simply
select the Department, Division and Class for each item/animal you want to exhibit.
Fill in all of the information required on the entry form and return it to the Fair Ofce
or your organization/club General Leader prior to the deadline. We suggest that you
include all items you are intending to exhibit. It is best to enter and not bring an item,
rather than pay the late entry fee once the deadline has passed.
Q: I need more lines than are on the entry form, what should I do?
A: You are permitted to copy the blank entry form if you require additional lines for entry.
Please remember to put your name on each additional sheet.
Q: When do I bring my exhibit to the Fairgrounds?
A: Please refer to the specic department in the Premium Book as well as the charts on
page 8 and 32 of the Premium Book. All entries (with the exception of animal entries)
must have an entry tag attached to the item.
Q: Who can I call with questions?
A: You can contact the Fair Ofce at 262-862-6121. If they cannot answer your question,
they will put you in contact with the Department Superintendent.
Q: What are the rules to enter exhibits?
A: Please see the General Rules for all Exhibitors on page 5 of the Premium Book and
additional rules within each department entered.
Q. Does my entry have to stay at the Fair all week?
A. Yes, all entries must remain at the Fair until ofcial release time. Exhibitors should
have their claim tag to pick up item.
Q. Is there a way for youth to exhibt in the Open Class?
A. Yes! Department 156 allows youth ages 5-17 the opportunity to enter exhibits and
compete against Exhibitors in their age bracket. Age brackets are: 5-8, 9-12, and 13-17.
General Rules for All Exhibitors:
Exhibitors are expected to read and understand all these rules prior to submitting an entry for the Fair.
Kenosha County Fair Code of Conduct
Anyone attending the Kenosha County Fair either as an exhibitor, parent, spectator, superintendent, judge or fair ofcial
must conduct themselves at all times with honesty and good sportsmanship. Conduct in a competitive environment shall
always reect the highest standards of honor and dignity. This code applies to Junior and Open Class exhibitors. In addi-
tion, for livestock exhibits, the Kenosha County Fair adheres to the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics. Detailed rules
and regulations are found in the current edition of the Kenosha County Fair Premium book. All Junior Fair exhibitors may
not use or possess any alcohol or illegal substances.
Consequences of violating the code of conduct may include: removal from the fairgrounds, suspension, reduction and/or
loss of premiums and sale proceeds; loss of future show privileges; or permanent suspension from the Kenosha County
Fair. Appeal Process: Appeals must be in writing and state the cause of the appeal and the facts related. The appeal
must be received at the Kenosha County Fair Ofce within fourteen days of notication of the violation. The appeal will be
carefully reviewed and a decision made by the Kenosha County Fair Executive Board. This decision will be made within
fourteen days of receiving the appeal and will be communicated in writing.
a. All exhibitors in the Open Class must purchase an
exhibitor’s ticket – either an $20.00 ticket which includes
two daily admissions or a $35.00 ticket which serves as
a season ticket and is valid for one admission each of
the ve days of the Fair. The Open Class charges a fee
for child exhibitors ages 5-6 years of age for $6.00 or
7-11 for $12.00. This serves as a season ticket and is
valid for one admission each of the ve days of the Fair.
b. Lifetime Members of the Kenosha County Fair Association
Inc. are not required to purchase an exhibitor’s ticket to
exhibit entries at the Fair.
c. All exhibitor tickets are non-transferable and must be
used by the exhibitor only.
d. There are no refunds of exhibitor tickets purchased.
e. A Junior Fair Exhibitor wishing to enter Open Class can
upgrade their Junior Exhibitor Ticket to a Dual Exhibitor
ticket for an additional $5.00. An entry form for both the
Junior Fair and Open Class must be submitted by the
respective deadline dates.
f. Open Class entry forms must be received at the Fair
Ofce by 4 PM on the dates expressed on the table of
contents page at the bottom. Entry forms arriving by
mail need to be postmarked by the aforementioned
date. Please address mail to: Kenosha County Fair PO
Box 96 Wilmot, WI 53192.
g. Late entry forms will be accepted after the deadline
mentioned in (f), but will be assessed a $1.00 fee per
line item. All entry forms must be received by the Friday
before fair.
h. Errors made on entry forms are the responsibility of the
exhibitor. If you wish to correct the error, you may do
so. If it is past the deadline date, the late fee of $1.00
per ticket will apply. Changes may be made through the
Tuesday of Fair week. No changes will be accepted after
Tuesday of Fair week at 6PM.
i. Entry tags must be picked up from the ofce prior to
opening day of the Fair. Entry tags, admission and
parking passes will not be mailed. Please attach entry
tags to entries prior to bringing entries to the Fair.
j. All judges have been carefully selected. All persons
making entries accept these judges and agree to
abide by their decisions. Any person interfering with
judges’ deliberations or decisions shall be barred from
competing in that particular class. Judges are approved
and certied by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture.
All judge’s decisions are nal.
k. Animals and articles will remain at the Fair from the date
of entry through the close of the Fair. No articles will be
removed from the Fair property before 7PM Sunday (walk
out only). Vehicles will be allowed on the grounds as of
8PM on the Sunday of the Fair to remove animals/articles.
All articles must be removed by noon on the Monday
following the last day of the Fair. Any articles not removed
will be left at risk of the owner. All exhibits remaining after
3 days will become property of the Kenosha County Fair.
Any exhibit not picked up by October 1st will be disposed
of. If any exhibitor takes an entry prior to the designated
time, that exhibitor will forfeit any and all premiums
earned for that year as well as be prohibited from being
an exhibitor for a period of one year.
l. Entries or animals cannot be dropped off or off loaded if
the exhibitor is not listed on the exhibitor list provided by
the fair (i.e. If John Doe is going to show a pig but doesn’t
have an entry form they cannot off load.).
m. Participation in Kenosha County Fair events, pre-fair
judging, meetings or related activities implies exhibitor
permission regarding the use and distribution of your
image, including but not limited to your name, voice and
likeness (image). By attending the events you acknowledge
and agree that photographs, video and/or audio recordings
may be taken of the exhibitor grants Kenosha County
Fair the right to use the images in electronic and/or print
distribution both now and in the future.
a. All exhibitors in the Junior Fair must purchase a
$12.00 exhibitor ticket which will serve as a season
ticket and is valid for one admission each of the ve
days of the fair.
b. All exhibitor tickets are non-transferable.
c. There are no refunds of exhibitor tickets purchased.
d. Junior Fair entries are due to the Fair Ofce by July 1
of each year. Please check with the General Leader
of your organization/club for the exact date the Fair
Entry Forms will be due to the General Leaders. Each
General Leader will be required to submit the entries
as a group to the Fair Ofce prior to or on July 1
e. Junior Fair entry tags, admission and parking passes
can be picked up from the General Leader of each
f. All Junior Fair exhibitors will also be held to any
regulations imposed by their organization/club, the
Livestock Sales Team, and the Kenosha County Fair
Association. Any person in violation of the rules will
be subject to disciplinary action deemed appropriate
by the aforementioned groups.
g. Additional Junior Fair rules are stated in the pages
prior to the Junior Fair Premium List, page 33.
h. A Junior Fair Exhibitor wishing to enter Open Class
can upgrade their Junior Exhibitor Ticket to a Dual
Exhibitor ticket for an additional $5.00. An entry form
for both the Junior Fair and Open Class must be
submitted by the respective deadline dates.
i Parking is free in the general parking area. Exhibitors
may purchase a season reserved parking ticket for
j. The Fair Association will take every precaution for the
safekeeping of all stock or articles on exhibition after
the arrival and arrangement, but the Association will
not be responsible for any loss or damage that may
k. After judging has taken place, the exhibitor’s name
attached to the animal or article may be exhibited.
l. As deemed necessary, the Fair Association reserves
the right to assign or alter space in buildings.
m. Animals and articles will remain at the Fair from the
date of entry through the close of the Fair. No articles
will be removed from the Fair property before 7PM
Sunday (walk out only). Vehicles will be allowed on
the grounds as of 8PM on the Sunday of the Fair to
remove animals/articles. All articles must be removed
by noon on the Monday following the last day of the
Fair. Any articles not removed will be left at risk of the
owner. All exhibits remaining after 3 days will become
property of the Kenosha County Fair. Any exhibit not
picked up by October 1st will be disposed of.
n. Entries or animals cannot be dropped off or off
loaded if the exhibitor is not listed on the exhibitor list
provided by the fair (i.e. If John Doe is going to show
a pig but doesn’t have an entry form they cannot off
o. All judges have been carefully selected. All persons
making entries accept these judges and agree to
abide by their decisions. Any person interfering with
judges’ deliberations or decisions shall be barred
from competing in that particular class. Judges are
approved and certied by the Wisconsin Department
of Agriculture. All judges decisions are nal.
p. If necessary, the starting time of any event may be
q. Premiums will be paid as soon as possible after the
close of the Fair.
r. Camping space is available for exhibitors and
vendors. Fees apply and space must be reserved
and paid for on our website (www.kenoshacofair.
com) or in the Fair Ofce. Camping reservations for
2024 will remain that previous year campers who
placed a deposit can have rst chance to reserve
and then will open to all starting June 1
. Following
this year, camping reservations can be made 1 year
in advance at a rst come rst serve basis. Campers
will be assigned a parking space by the Fair Ofce.
Anyone not listed on your registration for your site
or are staying in barns over night will be required to
have a wristband issued by the Kenosha County Fair
s. The ofcial Fair Veterinarian is Bristol Veterinary
Service, Dr. Randy Borri. Dr. Borri and/or his staff will
be at the fairgrounds each day, although not at a set
time each day. If you have an animal that you would
like the veterinarian to check when they are on the
grounds, please leave the information with the Fair
Ofce. The Fair Ofce will communicate your request
to the veterinarian. The veterinarian will check your
animal the next time he/she is on the fairgrounds.
However, if any treatment is administered, the exhibitor
will be responsible for the costs of the treatment. If
the veterinarian treats your animal, and it will be sold
in the Youth Livestock Sale or Small Animal Sale,
you will need to come to the Fair Ofce and ll out
the appropriate treatment form. If an animal needs
to be checked immediately, it is the responsibility of
the exhibitor to contact their own veterinarian for any
attention or treatment.
General Rules/Information of the Kenosha County Fair Association:
1. No alcoholic beverages are allowed to be brought onto
the Fairgrounds. No open containers shall be brought
into the exhibit barns.
2. The public is notied that the law gives the Fair
Association full jurisdiction and control of the
3. All space for the erection of booths must be secured
from the Kenosha County Fair Association at rates
specied and must be paid in advance.
4. The Kenosha County Fair Association requires all
people entering the grounds to pay an admission fee.
This applies to Fair Ofcials, employees, exhibitors,
concessionaires and fair guests. No refunds will be
given on advance sale or daily tickets. Upon leaving
the fairgrounds, a wristband can be secured to your
wrist, ensuring same day re-entry. Any person losing
their admission ticket will be required to purchase a
new ticket.
5. Lifetime Members of the Kenosha County Fair
Association are admitted to the Fairgrounds at no cost
by showing their Lifetime Pass and a photo ID. Lifetime
Passes are not transferable. Any Lifetime Member
who allows another individual to use their pass to
gain admission to the Fair will risk their membership
in the Association and the pass for that year will be
6. The distribution of advertising materials on the
grounds is not permitted. The tacking or posting of any
advertisements, bill, posters, etc. other than within the
space occupied by the exhibitor is prohibited. Anyone
violating this rule is subject to a ne and/or removal
from the Fairgrounds as Fair Ofcials determine.
7. The Kenosha County Fair Association reserves
the right to change any of the General Rules and
Regulations as necessary to ensure the safety of both
exhibitor, employees, volunteers, and guests. It is the
expectation of the Kenosha County Fair Association
that all actions, displays and/or behaviors will promote
a safe family experience and anything deemed to be
inappropriate by the Fair Association will be grounds
for removal and disqualication from the Kenosha
County Fair.
Chapter ATCP 160 Subchapter 1 – General Requirements and Denitions
Please visit https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/admin_code/atcp/140/160/Title for the most up to date rules/
regulations. A copy can always be given at the Fair Ofce if needed.
Exhibitors at County and District Fairs are required to comply with all of the
statutory and regulatory provisions of the State of Wisconsin relating to animal
health. All exhibitors must comply with the provisions set forth below.
If a fair or livestock exhibition lasts more than 24 hours, the sponsors shall
appoint a licensed veterinarian to conduct a daily inspection of all livestock at
the fair or exhibition. The veterinarian shall review all records and test results
required under ATCP 11.62. If a fair or exhibition lasts less than 24 hours, all
records or test results required under the ATCP 11.62 shall be reviewed by a
licensed veterinarian or by the show chairperson.
The attending veterinarian shall conduct such tests and examinations as may
be necessary to determine the disease status of any animal and shall exclude
or cause the removal of any animal aficted with or suspected of being aficted
with any contagious, infectious or communicable disease.
This is a summary of DATCP animal health requirements for exhibition
only. These requirements may change due to animal disease emergencies in
Wisconsin or other states. It is always advisable to check with the Division of
Animal Health (608-224-4872) for the most recent health requirements when
planning to exhibit animals. Animals meeting exhibition requirements may not
meet all import or movement requirements for other purposes.
Please visit https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs_Services/FairsShowsSpecialEvents.aspx for the most up to date
requirements overall and for each breed. A copy can always be given at the Fair Ofce if needed.
101Dairy Cattle
Tuesday, 5 - 9PM
Wednesday, prior to 8AM
Friday, 8:30AM
Show & Sale Arena
104 – Sheep
Tuesday, by 6PM
Wednesday, approx. 3:00PM
(following the Swine Show)
Show & Sale Arena
105 Goats
Tuesday, by 9PM
Thursday, approx. 3:30PM
(following the Beef Show)
Show & Sale Arena
Tuesday, 5 9PM
Thursday, approx. 1PM
(following Junior Poultry Show)
Tent north of Poultry Barn
108 Rabbits
Tuesday, 5 – 9PM
Friday, approx. 1PM
(following Junior Rabbit Show)
Tent north of Rabbit Barn
114 Plants and Soil Science
Tuesday, 2PM - 7PM
Wednesday, 9AM
Open Class Building
115 Flowers and PlantsDivisions A - B
Tuesday, 2PM 7PM
Wednesday, 9AM
Open Class Building
115 Flowers and Plants Division C
Friday, 8AM – Noon
Friday, 1PM
Open Class Building
116 Natural Sciences
Tuesday, 2PM - 7PM
Friday, 1PM
Open Class Building
118 Arts & Crafts
Tuesday, 2PM - 7PM
Wednesday, 9AM
Open Class Building
120 Photography
Tuesday, 2PM - 7PM
Wednesday, 9AM
Open Class Building
125 Foods and Nutrition - Divisions A F
- Division G
- Division H
- Division I
Wednesday, 2PM - 7PM
Tues/Wed 2PM 7PM
Friday, 9AM Noon
Friday, 10:30AM 12:30PM
Thursday, 9AM
Thursday, 9AM
Friday, 1PM
Friday, following Division H
Open Class Building
126 Clothing
Tuesday, 2PM - 7PM
Wednesday, 9AM
Open Class Building
127 Quilting
Tuesday, 2PM - 7PM
Wednesday, 9AM
Open Class Building
128 Knitting and Crocheting
Tuesday, 2PM 7PM
Wednesday, 9AM
Open Class Building
129 – Home Furnishings
(Woodworking under this department now)
Tuesday, 2PM - 7PM
Wednesday, 9AM
Open Class Building
156 Youth
Wednesday, 2PM – 5PM
Wednesday, 6PM
Open Class Building
All entries in Department 150 - Specials must be received by the date and time listed below. All entries
will be released on Sunday of Fair week at 7PM (walk out only), 8PM (vehicles allowed on grounds).
DIVISION S - Fair Theme Exhibit by Department
2024 – Hay Bales & Cow Tails
2025 – Let the Good Times Grow
1st - $50.00 2nd - $25.00 3rd - $15.00 4th - $10.00
Class #
1. Plants and Soil Science – Create a cow made with at least
5 fruits and/or vegetables and/or herbs. It’s tail must be made
from herbs. May be purchased or grown by exhibitor. No
larger than 18” x 18” and must be easily moveable. Exhibit
accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM - 7PM in the Open Class
2. Flowers and Plants ‘Tails of Ribbon’ – Construct a Flower
Girl Bouquet with tails of ribbon (note the use of ribbon here
is an exception to the general bouquet and arrangement
rules. Other rules for Department 115, Division C will apply).
All owers must be grown by the exhibitor with the addition
of purchased ribbons. Bouquet may be displayed in a water
vessel or vase but must be bound so may be easily removed
to be handheld. Exhibit accepted Friday of fair week: 8AM –
Noon in the Open Class Building
3. Arts & Crafts – Draw a picture of a cow, with or without a
hay bale and ll it in using “Zentangle”. The exhibit should be
no larger than 11” x 14”, framed and ready to hang. Exhibit
accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class
4. PhotographyAppropriate “Tail End” of any subject. Must
follow the rules in the Photography Department 120. Must
be 8” x 10”, mounted on a 14” x 14” black mounting board.
Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the
Open Class Building
5. Foods & Nutrition – Hay Bales & Cow Tails — Chocolate chip
coffee cake - designate kind. Exhibit accepted Wednesday of
fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
6. Knitting and Crocheting – Knit or crochet a stuffed animal
toy cow suitable for a toddler. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair
week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
7. Clothing – Black and White Apron
Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the
Open Class Building
8. Home Furnishings Wreath representing the Fair Theme
- Hay Bales and Cow Tails. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair
week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
1st - $50.00 2nd - $25.00 3rd - $15.00 4th - $10.00
Class #
1. Plants and Soil Science – Display of 5 tomatoes, any one
variety, grown by exhibitor in 5 gradual sizes (small to large,
unripe to ripe) in a basket or box. Packing materials only will
be allowed (to keep tomatoes from rolling). Exhibit accepted
Tuesday of fair week: 2PM - 7PM in the Open Class Building
2. Flowers and Plants ‘Teacup Garden’ – (search Pinterest
for general idea) Prepare this exhibit like a Department 115,
Division B mini dish garden. Must include at least one live
plant potted in soil in a common sized teacup and saucer.
May include additional owers, plants, and/or accessories
but all must be contained within the cup and/or saucer. Any
and/or all materials in this exhibit may be purchased or from
your own gardens or collections. Exhibit accepted Tuesday
of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
3. Arts & Crafts – Make a garden stepping stone with a oral
motif. Stone should be no larger than a 10” x 10” square or
10” circle. No kits allowed.Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair
week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
4. Photography – Series of 4 images (no less than 4” on any
side) depicting stages of growth of any subject. Must follow
the rules in the Photography Department 120. Must be 4
separate photos, mounted on a 14” x 14” black mounting
board. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in
the Open Class Building
5. Foods & Nutrition – Let the Good Times Grow — Savory
yeast bread with garlic, onion, or other savory herbs/spices
- designate kind. Exhibit accepted Wednesday of fair week:
2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
6. Knitting and Crocheting – Knit or crochet a scarf at
least 60” long (not including length of any fringe). Exhibit
accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open
Class Building
7. Clothing Child’s clothing item with a feature to allow for
growth. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM
in the Open Class Building
8. Home Furnishings – Set of Four Different Homemade
Birthday cards, one each for the following age groups:
toddler, child, adult, senior adult. Exhibit accepted Tuesday
of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
A. Hour of Judging - Friday 8:30AM
B. Dairy Cattle (Grade and Registered)
C. Order of Judging: 1st Holstein, 2nd Guernsey,
3rd Ayrshire, 4th Brown Swiss, 5th Jersey
D. See Denitions ATCP 160.08 in front of book
E. All entries must be in assigned barn by Wednesday prioir to 8AM.
F. Release time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles)
G. Stall Fee - $1.00 per head
H. Refer to Animal Health Requirements in front of book
Division Letter:
A - Holstein/Red-White D - Brown Swiss
B - Guernsey E - Ayrshire
C - Jersey F - Milking Shorthorn
Premiums: 1st - $13.50 2nd - $10.50 3rd - $9.00 4th - $7.50
Class #:
1. Bull calf, Spring 3. Heifer calf, Winter
2. Heifer calf, Spring 4. Heifer calf, Fall
Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $12.00 3rd - $10.50 4th - $9.00
5. Heifer calf, Summer yearling 8. Heifer calf, Fall yearling
6. Heifer calf, Spring yearling 9. Unfreshened Two-Year Old
7. Heifer calf, Winter yearling
Premiums: 1st - $18.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $12.00 4th - $9.00
10. Junior Two-Year Old 11. Senior Two-Year Old
Premiums: 1st - $21.00 2nd - $18.00 3rd - $15.00 4th - $12.00
12. Cow, 3 years 13. Cow, 4 years
Premiums: 1st - $27.00 2nd - $24.00 3rd - $21.00 4th - $18.00
14. Cow, 5 years 16. Cow, 7 years and older
15. Cow, 6 years
Premiums: 1st - $21.00 2nd - $18.00 3rd - $15.00 4th - $12.00
17. Dry Cow, 3-year old 19. Dry Cow, 5 years and older
18. Dry Cow, 4-year old
Premiums: 1st - $18.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $12.00 4th - $9.00
20. Produce of Dam 21. Dam and Offspring
Premiums: (Trophies)
22. Get of Sire – three animals of any age (not more than one may be a bull)
which are the offspring of the same bull. The name of the sire shall be
designated by the exhibitor. The animals need not be owned by a single
Trophies and Awards
Champion Male (Holstein only)
Junior Champion (for each breed exhibited)
Senior Champion (for each breed exhibited)
Grand Champion (for each breed)
Supreme Champion Overall (all breed winners compete)
This show will take place at 2PM on Friday during the Dairy Show. Dairy
Futurity is open to children 10 years of age and under NOT exhibiting in the
Junior Show. The participant must be assisted by the calf owner, family member,
or a Junior Fair Exhibitor at least 15 years of age during the show.
Children may exhibit one dairy calf of any breed, born between May 1st and
June 15th of the current year. Both the calf and handler should be dressed in
a costume with the theme aimed towards the promotion and/or consumption
of dairy products. All calves are to be at the fairgrounds by NOON on Thursday
of Fair. Participants must notify superintendents of entry by August 1st of the
current Fair year.
The participant is judged on how well he or she presents the calf (i.e. how
well calf leads and is groomed - no body clipping required). The participants
are also judged on how well his or her theme promotes milk and milk based
products, as well as the having opportunity to drink a carton milk (which will
be provided).
The winner(s) will receive a trophy.
A. Hour of Judging - Thursday 9:30AM
B. See Denitions ATCP 160.08, in front of book
C. Breed - Purebreds only; non-purebred heifers should register as a
crossbred heifer.
D. Release time - Sunday 7PM (walkout only) & 8PM (vehicles)
E. All entries must be in assigned beef barn by Tuesday between 12-8PM.
F. Stall Fee = $1.00 per head
G. Refer to Animal Health Requirements in front of book.
H. A Junior Fair heifer can be shown by another non-Junior Fair exhibitor
I. Grooming equipment: Each exhibitor will be allowed a rice brush, a curry
comb, a scotch comb, clippers, blower and one grooming chute.
J. Grooming materials: Final Bloom, Flare or Kleen Sheen. No other products
Division Letter:
A - Herefords E - Simmental
B - Shorthorns F - Crossbred
C - Angus G - Any Other Breed
D - Charolais
Premiums: 1st - $13.50 2nd - $10.50 3rd - $7.50 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Bull calf, Junior 2. Bull calf, Senior
Premiums: 1st - $18.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $12.00 4th - $9.00
3. Bull, Summer yearling 4. Bull, Junior yearling
Premiums: 1st - $21.00 2nd - $18.00 3rd - $15.00 4th - $12.00
5. Bull, Senior yearling
Premiums: 1st - $18.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $12.00 4th - $9.00
6. Prospect Steer – junior calf (born in March or April of exhibit year)
7. Prospect Steer – senior calf (born in Jan or Feb of exhibit year)
Premiums: 1st - $13.50 2nd - $10.50 3rd - $7.50 4th - $5.00
8. Heifer, calf junior 9. Heifer, calf senior
Premiums: 1st - $18.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $12.00 4th - $9.00
10. Heifer, Summer yearling
Premiums: 1st - $21.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $12.00 4th - $9.00
11. Heifer, Junior yearling
Premiums: 1st - $21.00 2nd - $18.00 3rd - $15.00 4th - $12.00
12. Heifer, Senior yearling
Premiums: 1st - $21.00 2nd - $12.00 3rd - $9.00 4th - $6.00
13. Cow, over 2 years
Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $12.00 3rd - $9.00 4th - $6.00
14. Junior Get of Sire 16. Pair of calves, (1 bull, 1 heifer)
15. Senior Get of Sire
Champion Bull Overall & Champion Female Overall (Ribbon)
Division Letter: H - MARKET CLASSES
A. Beef breeds, Crossbred beef, Dairy beef crosses and Dairy beef
B. All breeds shown together
Premiums: 1st - $13.50 2nd - $10.50 3rd - $7.50 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Steer, Senior calf
Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $12.00 3rd - $9.00 4th - $6.00
2. Steer, Summer yearling 3. Steer, Junior yearling
Reserve Champion & Grand Champion (Ribbon)
A. Hour of Judging - Wednesday at 9 AM
B. All entries must be in assigned pens by Tuesday at 3 PM. Weigh-in will
begin at 3:30PM.
C. Refer to Animal Health Requirements in front of book.
D. All Swine exhibited must have Health papers as required from veterinarian.
E. Registry paper must be presented to Superintendent
F. See Denitions ATCP 160.08 in front of book.
G. Release time - 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles) Sunday
H. Pen Fee - $1.00 per head
I. Exhibitor tag must be presented to Superintendent for all Open Class
swine at unloading
J. Premise ID must be submitted to Superintendent for all Open Class swine
before unloading
Division Letter: A - MARKET
Premiums: 1st - $9.00 2nd - $7.50 3rd - $6.00 4th - $4.50
Class #:
1. Duroc 5. Yorkshire
2. Chester White 6. Berkshire
3. Spotted Poland 7. All Other Breeds
4. Hampshire 8. Crossbred
A. Hour of Judging - Wednesday at 3 PM
B. All animals must be in place by 6PM Tuesday night of the Fair.
C. Registered Columbia, Corriedale, Ramboillet and Targhee shall be
shown with two inches of wool or less. All meat breeds shall have been
completely shorn not more than 2 months not less than 2 weeks prior to
show date.
D. Sheep must bear Scrapie tags.
E. All animals entered must be owned by exhibitors. Ownership must be
checked by superintendent.
F. See Denitions ATCP 160.08 in front of book
G. Release time: 7:00 PM (walk out only) & 8:00 PM (vehicles) Sunday
H. Pen Fee - $1.00 per head
I. Refer to Animal Health Requirements in front of book
Division Letter:
A - Shropshire G - Dorset
B - Corriedale H - Oxford
C - Cheviot I - Dorset Advantage
D - Southdown J - Any other breed
E - Hampshire K - Natural color - any other breed
F - Suffolk
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
Class #:
1. Spring Ram Lamb 8. Yearling Ewe
2. Fall Ram Lamb 9. Pen of 2 yearling Lambs,
3. Pen of 2 Ram Lambs, bred and owned by exhibitor
bred and owned by exhibitor 10. Mature Ewe
4. Yearling Ram 11. Get of Sire
5. Spring Ewe Lamb 12. Exhibitor Flock
6. Fall Ewe Lamb
7. Pen of 2 Ewe Lambs,
bred and owned by exhibitor
Champion Ram & Champion Ewe (Ribbon)
Division Letter: K - MARKET CLASS
A. All breeds shown together - may be Purebred, Crossbred or Grades
B. Only whether lambs or ewe lambs not shown in breeding classes are
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
Class #:
1. Market lamb 2. Pen of market lambs
A. Hour of Judging - Thursday afternoon following the Beef Show in the
Show & Sale Arena.
B. Refer to Animal Health Requirements in front of book.
C. All goats must be in place by Tuesday, 9PM.
D. Pen fee $1.00 per head.
E. All animals entered must be owned by exhibitors at the close of entries.
Registration and ownership will be checked by superintendent.
F. Rules governing livestock exhibitors listed previously in this book will apply.
G. See denitions ATCP 160.08 in front of book.
H. Goats will full natural horns may not be entered unless full natural horns
are standard for a specic breed (i.e. Market Breeding Stock Does). Dairy
goats must be neatly disbudded or dehorned (if not naturally polled) and
scurs should be less than 2 inches. Goat superintendent reserves the
right to disqualify, remove or isolate goats deemed unsafe.
I. Junior Fair livestock have priority to a pen/stall at the Fair. Open Class will
be allowed to have the remaining. If there is no room to house animals,
the open class animals cannot stay at the Fair. You may have to reduce
entries. Stall fees will be reimbursed.
J. Release time – 7PM (walk out only) and 8PM (vehicles) on Sunday.
Age Classication for Current Year:
Junior Doe Kid: Born May of current year or after
Intermediate Doe Kid: Born March – April of current year
Senior Doe Kid: January – February of current year
Junior Yearling: Born August 1 – December 31 of two preceding exhibit years
Senior Yearling: Born before August 1 two years preceding exhibit year and
less than 24 months of age
Dairy Breed Classes
Division Letter:
A - Alpine G - Nubian
B - Oberhasli H - Recorded Grade
C - Lamancha I - Toggenburg
D - Saanen J - Any Other Breed
E - Nigerian Dwarf (Guernsey, Pygmy, Mini Breeds)
F - Sable
Animals in classes 1-5 must not have ever freshened
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Junior Doe Kid
2. Intermediate Doe Kid
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
3. Senior Doe Kid)
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
4. Junior Yearling Doe
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
5. Senior Yearling Doe
Animals in classes 6-10 must have freshened
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
6. Yearling Milker Doe, under 2 years in milk
7. Junior Milker Doe, 2 years and under 3
8. Senior Milker Doe, 3 years and under 4
9. Mature Milker Doe, 4 years and under 5
10. Senior Aged Doe, 5 years and over
Market Breeding Doe Classes
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
Division #:
K - Boer
L - Any other Market Breed (Kiko, Spanish, Boer, Texmaster/Genemaster,
Kinder, Tennessee Meat Goat, Savannah, Myotonic)
M - Any other Crossbred Market (up to 50% dairy breed allowed)
Class #:
1. Breeding Doe – Doeling (under 12 months)
2. Breeding Doe – Yearling (12 – 24 months)
3. Breeding Doe – Aged Doe (24 months and above)
After each breed a Champion and Reserve Champion of Breed will be chosen
Grand & Reserve Grand Champion of Show (Ribbons)
A. Hour of Judging - Thursday approximately 1PM.
B. Exhibitors may enter only one entry in each class number for each
C. All varieties are as recognized and dened by the Standard of Perfection.
D. Poultry entries will be accepted between 5 PM and 9 PM on Tuesday.
E. No Open Class poultry qualies for Small Animal Sale or will be sold at
the Fair.
F. Water dishes and feed cups will be provided. Exhibitors are urged to
periodically check on their exhibits.
G. Refer to Animal Health Regulations in the front of this book.
H. Denitions of types of birds listed below.
Free Certicates required. Birds residing outside Wisconsin must have
Pullorum papers, Premise ID and a 9-3 Form or Veterinary Inspection
J. Release time - 7:00 PM (walk out only) & 8:00 PM (vehicles) Sunday
K. Pen Fee - $0.50 per head.
L. All poultry over 4 months of age and turkeys over 6 months of age, shall
be accompanied by documentation of a negative test for Pullorum-
Typhoid conducted within 90 days of arrival at the Fair or originate from a
ock designated as “ U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clear”. The test for turkeys
is different than for chickens and must be done by someone certied to
test turkeys or a veterinarian.
M. Judges’ decision is nal once awards are presented to exhibitor.
N. Age classications. The date of hatching for determining the distinction
between young and old is January 1st of the exhibit year. Age
classication and Poultry categories are as follows:
Male Female Male Female
Chickens Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet
Ducks Old Drake Old Duck Young Drake Young Duck
Geese Old Gander Old Goose Young Gander Young Goose
Turkeys Old Tom Old Hen Young Tom Young Hen
Pigeons Old Cock Old Hen Young Cock Young Hen
Division: A - TURKEY
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Old Tom Old Hen Young Tom Young Hen
1 2 3 4 Beltsville Small White
5 6 7 8 Black
9 10 11 12 Bourbon Red
13 14 15 16 Bronze
17 18 19 20 Narragansett
21 22 23 24 Royal Palm
25 26 27 28 Slate
29 30 31 32 White Holland
known as Broad White or Large
33 34 35 36 Any Other Turkey
Division: B - DUCKS
Class #
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Old Drake Old Duck Young Drake Young Duck
Heavy Weight
1 2 3 4 Aylesbury
5 6 7 8 Muscovy
9 10 11 12 Pekin
13 14 15 16 Rouen
17 18 19 20 Any Other Heavy Weight
Medium Weight
21 22 23 24 Cayuga
25 26 27 28 Buff
29 30 31 32 Swedish
33 34 35 36 Crested
37 38 39 40 Any Other Medium Weight
Light Weight
41 42 43 44 Runner
45 46 47 48 Campbell
49 50 51 52 Magpie
53 54 55 56 Welsh Harlequin
` 57 58 59 60 Any Other Light Weight
Bantam Duck
61 62 63 64 Call, white
65 66 67 68 Any other Call
69 70 71 72 Mallard
73 74 75 76 East Indie
77 78 79 80 Any Other Bantam Duck
Division: C - GEESE
Class #
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Old Gander Old Goose Young Gander Young Goose
Heavy Weight
1 2 3 4 African
5 6 7 8 Embden
9 10 11 12 Toulouse
13 14 15 16 Any Other Heavy Weight
Medium Weight
17 18 19 20 American Buff
21 22 23 24 Pilgrim
25 26 27 28 Saddleback Pomeranian
29 30 31 32 Sebastopol
33 34 35 36 Any Other Medium Weight
Light Weight
37 38 39 40 Chinese, brown
41 42 43 44 Chinese, white
45 46 47 48 Canada
49 50 51 52 Egyptian
53 54 55 56 Tuffed Roman
57 58 59 60 Any Other Light Weight
Division: D - LARGE FOWL
Class #
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet
1 2 3 4 White Plymouth Rock
5 6 7 8 Any other color -
Plymouth Rock
9 10 11 12 Wyandotte – White
13 14 15 16 Wyandotte – Any other
17 18 19 20 Rhode Island Red
21 22 23 24 Jersey Giants
25 26 27 28 New Hampshire
29 30 31 32 Any other APA
recognized American
(examples: Dominiques,
Buckeyes, Javas)
33 34 35 36 Light Brahmas
37 38 39 40 Buff Brahmas
41 42 43 44 Any other color Brahmas
45 46 47 48 Cochins
49 50 51 52 Langshan
53 54 55 56 Any other color APA
recognized Asiatic
57 58 59 60 Orpingtons
61 62 63 64 Australorps
65 66 67 68 Cornish
69 70 71 72 Any other APA
recognized English
73 74 75 76 White Leghorns
77 78 79 80 Brown Leghorns
81 82 83 84 Minorcas
85 86 87 88
Any other APA
recognized Mediterranean
(examples: Sicilian, Butter-
cups, Andulusians, Anconas)
89 90 91 92 Polish
93 94 95 96 Hamburg
97 98 99 100 Campine
101 102 103 104 Any other APA
Continental Class
All Other Standard Breeds
105 106 107 108 Sumatra
109 110 111 112 Phoenix
113 114 115 116 Ameraucana
117 118 119 120 Any other APA
recognized Standard
(example: Yokohamas)
Class #
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Game Bantam
Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet
1 2 3 4 Modern
5 6 7 8 Old English
9 10 11 12 American Game
13 14 15 16 Any Other Game
Single Comb Clean Legged
17 18 19 20 Leghorns
21 22 23 24 Japanese
25 26 27 28 New Hampshire
29 30 31 32 Plymouth Rocks
33 34 35 36 Rhode Island Red
37 38 39 40 Austrolorp
41 42 43 44 Any other APA
recognized SCCL
(example: Dutch, Delawares)
Rose Comb Clean Legged
45 46 47 48 Belgian Bearded
49 50 51 52 Leghorns
53 54 55 56 Rhode Island Red
57 58 59 60 Rosecombs
61 62 63 64 Sebrights
65 66 67 68 Wyandottes - Black
69 70 71 72 Wyandottes White
73 74 75 76 Wyandottes – Any other
77 78 79 80 Any other APA
recognized RCCL
(example: Hamburgs)
Any other Comb Clean Legged
81 82 83 84 Ameraucana
85 86 87 88 Cornish
89 90 91 92 Polish
93 94 95 96 Any other APA
recognized AOCCL
(example: Sumatras,
Houdans, Araucanas)
Feather Legged
97 98 99 100 Brahmas
101 102 103 104 Cochins, white
105 106 107 108 Cochins, black
109 110 111 112 Cochins, buff
113 114 115 116 Any other Cochins
117 118 119 120 Silkies, whites
121 122 123 124 Any other Silkies
125 126 127 128 Langshans
129 130 131 132 Belgian D ‘Uccle,
Mille Fleur
133 134 135 136 Any other Belgian
D ‘Uccle
137 138 139 140 Any other APA
recognized Feather
(example: Faverolles, Sultans)
Division: F - PIGEONS
Class #
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Old Tom Old Hen Young Tom Young Hen
1 2 3 4 Performing or
Sporting Breeds
5 6 7 8 Utility Breeds
9 10 11 12 Fancy Breeds
Class #
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet
1 2 3 4 Lavender
5 6 7 8 White
9 10 11 12 Pearl
A. Hour of Judging - Friday, following Junior Fair Judging (approximately 1:00 PM)
B. All entries must be in cages between 5PM and 9PM on Tuesday.
C. Unlimited exhibits per exhibitor. Only one entry per class number. Breed of
rabbit must be given on entry tag.
D. Adult attendants will feed and water all rabbits. All dishes will be provided, no
other dishes allowed. If you desire a water bottle for your rabbit, you will be
allowed to bring your own. Exhibitors are to periodically check their rabbits.
E. All rabbits must be tattooed before Tuesday of the fair.
F. All varieties are as recognized and dened by the Standard of Perfection.
G. All exhibitors must be present for judging.
H. Release time: 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles) Sunday
I. Pen Fee - $0.50 per head
J. No open class rabbits qualify or will be sold at the Small Animal Sale.
K. All exhibitors must provide their own feed.
Premiums for Divisions A-E:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division: A - WOOLY:
Buck Doe Buck Doe
Over 6mo. Over 6 mo. Under 6 mo. Under 6 mo.
1 2 3 4 Angora
5 6 7 8 Fuzzy Lop
9 10 11 12 Lionhead
13 14 15 16 Wooly Jersey
Division: B - FANCY:
Buck Doe Buck Doe
Over 6mo. Over 6 mo. Under 6 mo. Under 6 mo.
1 2 3 4 Angora
5 6 7 8 Britania Petite
9 10 11 12 Czech Frosty
13 14 15 16 Dutch
17 18 19 20 Dwarf Hotot
21 22 23 24 Florida White
25 26 27 28 Harlequin
29 30 31 32 Havana
33 34 35 36 Himalayan
37 38 39 40 Mini Lops
41 42 43 44 Mini Rex
45 46 47 48 Mini Satin
49 50 51 52 Netherland Dwarf
53 54 55 56 Polish
57 58 59 60 Rex
61 62 63 64 Rhinelander
65 66 67 68 Tans
69 70 71 72 Thrianta
73 74 75 76 Any other Fancy
(not cross)
Best and Reserve Fancy (ribbons)
Division: C – COMMERCIAL
Buck Doe Intermediate Buck Intermediate Doe Buck Doe
Over 8 months Over 8 months 6 - 8 months 6 - 8 months Under 6 months Under 6 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 American Chinchilla
7 8 9 10 11 12 Californian
13 14 15 16 17 18 Cinnamon
19 20 21 22 23 24 Champange d’Argent
25 26 27 28 29 30 Crème d’Argent
31 32 33 34 35 36 English Lop
37 38 39 40 41 42 Flemish Giant
43 44 45 46 47 48 French Lop
49 50 51 52 53 54 New Zealand
55 56 57 58 59 60 Palomino
61 62 63 64 65 66 Silver Fox
67 68 69 70 71 72 Satin
73 74 75 76 77 78 Any other commercial (not cross)
Best and Reserve Commercial (Ribbon)
Best of Show, Opposite of Show (Champion and Reserve Ribbons)
Best of Show, Best Opposite of Show, Champion Reserve (Ribbon)
Class #:
1. Single fryer - Crossbred or purebred. Not over 69 days of age, must weigh
between 3 - 5 lbs., either sex, not to be shown in any other class.
2. Roaster rabbit - Crossbred or purebred, between 70 and 180 days of age,
over 5 lbs., either sex, not to be shown in any other class.
Division: E - MEAT PEN
Class #:
1. Three rabbits of the same breed, color, and variety; crossbred or purebred.
No rabbit may be over 69 days old and must weigh between 3 - 5 lbs.. Not
to be shown in any other class.
Exhibit will consist of one animal which is the offspring of a rabbit shown (not
bought) at the previous year’s Kenosha County Fair. Only one rabbit or both may
have been shown at the previous year’s fair. Exhibitor must be able to furnish a
parent to the rabbit being shown. Rabbits may be shown in another rabbit class.
(Ribbons Only)
Class #:
1. Buck, any age or breed 2. Doe, any age or breed
An award will be presented for the Best Get of Sire, Produce of Dam exhibit of
all breeds, ages and sexes.
A. Check-in Time: Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class Building.
See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Wednesday 9AM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles)
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division or
class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make
sure the entry tags are correct before judging and all changes to existing entry
tags must be done by 6PM on Tuesday. No exceptions allowed.
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number. Farms may
exhibit in the name of the farm. However, only one exhibitor number will be
issued to the farm.
F. A pamphlet titled, “Exhibiting and Judging Vegetables” is available at the
UW-Extension ofce and offers many tips and hints for exhibitors for this
G. All entries must be grown by the exhibitor.
H. Paper plates will be provided for all entries, as needed.
I. Spray residue should be wiped off of entries.
J. A Champion exhibit will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits in Division
A, Division B and Division C.
K. A Plants and Soil Science Department Grand Champion exhibit will be
selected from the Champion exhibits of Division A, Division B or Division C.
L. A “Judges Choice” ribbon may be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in the Plants and Soil Science Department.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
Sheaf Grains
1. Any variety of yellow eld corn 6. Popcorn, yellow or white (3 ears)
(3 ears of current crop) 7. Popcorn, strawberry (3 ears)
2. Any variety of yellow eld corn 8. Corn, multi-color harvest (3 ears)
(3 ears of previous year’s crop) 9. Gourds, large swan, 1
3. Three stalks of eld corn 10. Gourds, winged, 3
4. Sweet corn, yellow (3 ears) 11. Gourds, warty, 3
5. Sweet corn, bi-color or white 12. Gourds, any other, 1
(3 ears)
Sheaf Hay (2 inches at upper band)
13. Bundle, winter wheat
14. Bundle, any variety oats
15. Bundle, broomcorn
Hay (3 inches at lower band)
16. Bundle, alfalfa
17. Bundle, soybeans, any variety
Class #:
18. Yukon Gold, plate of 3 24. Norland, plate of 3
19. Kennebeck, plate of 3 25. Any other red variety,
20. Ontario, plate of 3 properly named, plate of 3
21. Red Pontiac, plate of 3 26. Any other white variety,
22. Russet, plate of 3 properly named, plate of 3
23. Superior, plate of 3 27. Any other gold variety,
properly named, plate of 3
A Champion Exhibit of Division A will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Class #:
1. Beans, lima, 10 pods
2. Beans, green snap, stems and tips on, 10 pods
3. Beans, wax snap, stems and tips on, 10 pods
4. Beets, table, trim tops to 3”, leave root on, 3
5. Broccoli, green sprouting, 1 head long
6. Brussel Sprouts, 10 sprouts
7. Cabbage, market or table, 1 head
8. Cabbage, kraut, 1 head
9. Cabbage, red, 1 head
10. Cabbage, savoy, 1 head
11. Carrots, long, trim tops to 3”, 3**
12. Cauliower, 1 head
13. Celery, 1 plant
14. Chard, 6 leaves
15. Cucumbers, dill pickle size, 3" - 5” long, 6
16. Cucumbers, slicing, over 5”, 3
17. Cucumbers, pickle size, under 3”, 10
18. Cucumbers, burpless, 3
19. Eggplant, 2
20. Garlic, trim tops to 1/2” - 1” and roots to 1/4”” - 1/2”, 3 bulbs
2024 Plants and Soil Science – Create a cow made with at least 5 fruits and/or vegetables and/or herbs. It’s tail must be made from
herbs. May be purchased or grown by exhibitor. No larger than 18” x 18” and must be easily moveable. Exhibit accepted Tuesday
of fair week: 2PM - 7PM in the Open Class Building
2025 Plants and Soil Science – Display of 5 tomatoes, any one variety, grown by exhibitor in 5 gradual sizes (small to large, unripe to
ripe) in a basket or box. Packing materials only will be allowed (to keep tomatoes from rolling). Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week:
2PM - 7PM in the Open Class Building
21. Kale, 6 leaves
22. Kohlrabi, trim tops to 3”, 3
23. Leeks, 3
24. Muskmelon, 1
25. Okra, 3
26. Onions, green bunching, trim tops to 6”, 6
27. Onions, mature, white, trim tops to 1”, 3
28. Onions, mature, red, trim tops to 1”, 3
29. Onions, mature, yellow, trim tops to 1”, 3
30. Onions, Spanish, trim tops to 1”, 3
31. Peppers, sweet bell, stems on, 3
32. Peppers, banana, 3
33. Peppers, sweet any other, 3 of the same
34. Peppers, hot, cayenne/tabasco, 3
35. Peppers, hot, jalapeno, 3
36. Peppers, hot, long chili, 3
37. Peppers, hot, any other large, 3
38. Peppers, hot, any other small, 3
39. Any other bell pepper, 3
40. Pumpkin, for Halloween, jack o’lantern variety, 1**
41. Pumpkin, decorative small, 1
42. Pumpkin, any other medium size (diameter of approx. 5"- 9")
43. Pumpkin, any other variety, large decorative
44. Rhubarb, 6 stalks
45. Squash, buttercup or greengold, 1
46. Squash, hubbard type, 1
47. Squash, spaghetti, 1
48. Squash, butternut, 1
49. Squash, summer, yellow, 1
50. Squash, summer, zucchini type, 2
51. Squash, acorn, 1
52. Squash, summer, any other variety, 1
53. Squash, winter, any other variety, 1
54. Sunower, 8" or over, 1 head, judged on seed quality
55. Sunower, under 8", 1 head, judged on seed quality
56. Tomatoes, orange or yellow, 3
57. Tomatoes, green, 3
58. Tomatoes, grape, 10
59. Tomatoes, heirloom, list variety, 3
60. Tomatoes, ripe (red), cherry-like, plum or pear, any variety, not mixed, 10
61. Tomatoes, ripe (yellow), cherry-like, plum or pear, any variety, not mixed, 10
62. Tomatoes, paste variety, Italian, etc., 3
63. Tomatoes, red, any variety, 2" or smaller, not listed above, 3**
64. Tomatoes, red any variety, 2" or larger, not listed above, 3
65. Turnips, 3
66. Watermelon, 1
67. Heaviest Zucchini. 1
68. Novelty vegetable, 1 (any vegettable that has grown into an unusual non-
natural form, whether naturally or altered by the gardener. Entry must be
in naturaal state with no decorations.
HERBS (5 stems of each, displayed in water)
68. Basil 74. Rosemary
69. Chives 75. Sage
70. Dill 76. Tarragon
71. Mint 77. Thyme
72 Oregano 78. Any other herb, properly named
73. Parsley
A Champion Exhibit of Division B will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: C - FRUIT
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
Apples (Single plate - 5 per plate)
1. Fuji 6. McIntosh
2. Gala 7. Red Delicious
3. Golden Delicious 8. Crab Apple, any variety
4. Honey Crisp** 9. Any other variety, properly named
5. Jonathan
Class #:
Pears & Plums (Single plate - 5 per plate)
10. Any pear, properly named
11. Any red plum, properly named
12. Any other plum, properly named
Class #:
Grapes (Single plate - 3 bunches)
13. Beta 17. Fredonia
14. Delaware 18. Concord
15. Ontario 19. Niagara
16. Bluebell 20. Any Other Variety
Miscellaneous Fruits
21. Homegrown peaches, plate of 5
22. Any other variety of fruit, properly named
A Champion Exhibit of Division C will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
A Plants and Soil Science Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected
from the Champion exhibits of Division A, Division B or Division C.
A. Check-in Time: (Divisions A-B) Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open
Class Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: (Divisions A-B) Wednesday 9AM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles)
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division
or class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to
make sure the entry tags are correct before judging and all changes to ex-
isting entry tags must be done be 6PM on Tuesady. No exceptions allowed.
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number. Garden
Club members may exhibit in the name of the organization. However, only
one exhibitor number will be issued to the club.
F. A pamphlet titled, “Evaluating and Judging Flowers and Indoor Plants” is
available at the UW-Extension ofce and offers many tips and hints for
exhibitors for this Department.
G. Flowers and foliage must be grown by the exhibitor.
H. Exhibitor must furnish containers. A container that has a 3-inch base and
is at least 7 inches in height is suggested. Entries in Division A will not be
judged if the exhibit will not stand without support.
I. Entries in Division A may be replaced prior to judging on Wednesday morn-
ing until 8:45 AM. Please maintain your exhibit during the fair with fresh
owers in Division A to maintain a good quality exhibit.
J. Only attached foliage is allowed in Division A. It is to your advantage to not
have foliage in the water.
K. The use of oral “oasis” to arrange exhibits in Division A is NOT permitted.
L. All entries must be cleaned, groomed and free from garden pests and
M. Only the indicated number of stems, spikes, blooms or plants should be
N. A stem may have more than 1 bloom, but it is to your advantage to remove
blooms and keep the best blooms.
O. Superintendents have the right to remove any exhibit once its appearance
becomes unsuitable.
P. Champion Exhibits will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits in Divi-
sions A and B.
Q. A Flowers and Plants Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected
from the Champion exhibits of Divisions A and B.
R. One “Judges Choice” ribbon will be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in Division A or B.
Premiums for Divisions A - B:
1st - $1.75 2nd - $1.50 3rd - $1.25 4th - $1.00
Class #:
1. Amaranthus (Love Lies Bleeding), 3 stems
2. Amaryllis (including Surprise Lily), 1 stem
3. Aster, 3 stems
4. Baby’s Breath, 3 stems
5. Bachelor Buttons, 3 stems
6. Black Eyed Susan, 3 stems
7. Cleome (spider ower), 3 stems
8. Cockscomb, 1 stem
9. Coleus, 1 stem
10. Coneower, 3 stems
11. Cosmos, 3 stems
12. Dahlias, white or cream, 1 stem
13. Dahlias, yellow, 1 stem
14. Dahlias, orange, 1 stem
15. Dahlias, pink or salmon, 1 stem
16. Dahlias, red or burgundy, 1 stem
17. Dahlias, lavender or purple, 1 stem
18. Dahlias, bi-colored or blended, 1 stem
19. Dahlias, same, 3 stems
20. Dahlias, assorted colors, 3 stems
Osa “The Flower Lady” Memorial Award
In loving memory of Osa Herreid, “The Flower Lady”, a long-time exhibitor
and superintendent of the Kenosha County Fair, a $50.00 cash prize will be
awarded to the outstanding Dahlia entry within Division A, class numbers
#13 - 20. Sponsored by the family of Osa Herreid for her love of dahlias.
21. Daisies, 3 stems, any variety
22. Dianthus (pinks), 3 stems
23. Gaillardia (blanket ower), 3 stems
24. Geraniums, 3 stems
25. Gladiolus, single spike, white or cream
26. Gladiolus, single spike, yellow
27. Gladiolus, single spike, orange
28. Gladiolus, single spike, pink or salmon
29. Gladiolus, single spike, red or burgundy
30. Gladiolus, single spike, lavender or purple
31. Gladiolus, single spike, bi-color or blended
32. Gladiolus, 3 spikes, same color
33. Gladiolus, 3 spikes, assorted colors
34. Hibiscus, 1 stem
35. Hosta,one leaf over 9 in. width, green
36. Hosta, one leaf under 9 in. width, green
37. Hosta, one leaf over 9 in. width, variegated
38. Hosta, one leaf under 9 in. width, variegated
39. Hydrangea, mophead, 1 stem
40. Hydrangea, panicle, 1 stem
41. Impatiens, 3 stems
42. Liatrus, 1 stem
43. Lily, (Day Lily or Asiatic Lily), 1 stem
44. Lisianthus, 3 stems
45. Marigolds, over 2 in. diameter, 3 stems
46. Marigolds, bi-color or blended, under 2 in. diameter, 3 stems
47. Marigolds, one solid color, under 2 in. diameter, 3 stems
48. Ornamental grasses, 3 stems, with or without seed head
49. Pansies, assorted, 3 stems
50. Petunias, one color, 3 stems
51. Petunias, bi-color or blended, 3 stems
52. Phlox, 3 stems
53. Salvia, red, 3 stems
54. Salvia, any other color, 3 stems
55. Straw Flower, 3 stems
56. Rose, one stem, white or cream
57. Rose, one stem, yellow
58. Rose, one stem, orange
59. Rose, one stem, pink or salmon
60. Rose, one stem, red or burgundy
61. Rose, one stem, lavender or purple
62. Rose, three stems, same color
63. Rose, three stems, assorted colors
64. Rose, shrub, one cluster, any color
65. Sedum, 3 stems
66. Snapdragons, 3 stems
67. Sunowers, 3 stems
68. Tuberous begonia, 1 stem
69. Yarrow, 3 stems
70. Verbena, 3 stems
71. Zinnias, under 3 in. diameter, red, rose, pink, salmon,
3 stems of the same color
72. Zinnias, under 3 in. diameter, yellow, orange, white, green,
3 stems of the same color
73. Zinnias, under 3 in. diameter, blue, purple, lavender,
3 stems of the same color
74. Zinnias, over 3 in. diameter, red, rose, pink, salmon,
3 stems of the same color
75. Zinnias, over 3 in. diameter, yellow, orange, white, green,
3 stems of the same color
76. Zinnias, over 3 in. diameter, blue, purple, lavender,
3 stems of the same color
Two Champion Exhibits from Division A will be selected from the blue-ribbon
exhibits. (One from classes #1 - 38 and one from classes #39 - 76)
Division Letter: B - POTTED PLANTS
A. Pots/containers must be clean.
B. Classes #1-6: one plant of one variety per pot or container.
Classes #7-11: May include one or more plants of one or more
varieties or species in your one pot or container.
C. Pots/containers must be under 12 in. in diameter. Potted plants may be
no higher than 30 in. including the pots/containers
2024 Flowers and Plants ‘Tails of Ribbon’ – Construct a Flower Girl Bouquet with tails of ribbon (note the use of ribbon here is an
exception to the general bouquet and arrangement rules. Other rules for Department 115, Division C will apply). All owers must
be grown by the exhibitor with the addition of purchased ribbons. Bouquet may be displayed in a water vessel or vase but must be
bound so may be easily removed to be handheld. Exhibit accepted Friday of fair week: 8AM – Noon in the Open Class Building
2025 Flowers and Plants – ‘Teacup Garden’ – (search Pinterest for general idea) Prepare this exhibit like a Department 115, Division B
mini dish garden. Must include at least one live plant potted in soil in a common sized teacup and saucer. May include additional
owers, plants, and/or accessories but all must be contained within the cup and/or saucer. Any and/or all materials in this exhibit may
be purchased or from your own gardens or collections. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. African violet
2. Begonia
3. Coleus
4. Fern
5. Geranium
6. Orchid
7. Cactus or Succulent dish garden
8. Caladiums
9. Herb dish garden
10. Impatiens
11. Ivy, vines or trailing plant
A Champion Exhibit of Division B will be selected from blue-ribbon exhibits.
A. Check-in Time: (Division C) Friday between 8AM and Noon in the Open
Class Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the
B. Judging Time: (Division C) Friday 1PM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles)
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong class,
the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make
sure the entry tags are correct before judging. No exceptions allowed.
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number. Garden
Club members may exhibit in the name of the organization. However,
only one exhibitor’s number will be issued to the club.
F. Compositions and Arrangements are placed in niches. Bouquets are
NOT placed in niches. Colored backdrops for niches are provided by
the Fair. Dimensions of the niches are 28 inches high by 24 inches
wide. Compositions and Arrangements MUST BE placed within these
dimensions. Exhibits that exheed these dimensions may be disqualied
by the Judge.
G. All plant material used must be grown by the exhibitor.
H. No invasive owers allowed, i.e. purple loosestrife, buckthorn, garlic
mustard, etc.
I. The use of the following is not permitted: Commercially grown
purchased plant material, dyed and/or sprayed fresh owers, articial
owers or foliage, articial fruit, prepared food or candy, cut fruit or
vegetables, atware, plants with roots, natural bird nests, the ag of the
United States or any other country.
J. The use of accessories in Compositions is allowed but not limited to:
candles (ameless), draping, sea fans, coral, sponges, bones, antlers,
naturally shed feathers (from non-endangered species).
K. No accessories are allowed in Arrangements and/or Bouquets.
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Compositions Accessories permitted
Class #
1. “Group Practice” – Composition of 6 to 12 individual vases of owers
and/or greens or llers
2. “Vegetable Garden” – Composition including something from your
vegetable garden (as in vegetables themselves or vegetable greens
remembering NO cut vegetables) as well as cut owers and/or llers
from your ower gardens
3. “The Woodlands” – Composition in predominantly greens, and browns.
Might include items such as potted plants (exception to stated rules),
bark, wood, pinecones, and mosses
4. “Rock Solid” – Composition including one or more rocks. Rocks may be
in or around or vases placed on rocks.
Arrangements Accessories not permitted
Class #
5. “My Punkin” – Arrangement in a pumpkin. Pumpkin may be homegrown,
articial, or ceramic
6. “Floating Around” – Arrangement of owers and/or twigs and/or greens
oating in a water lled, clear, glass bowl
7. “Spring has Sprung”Arrangement in a basket with handle and must
include one or more eggs (no raw eggs). Remember, the stated rule, no
plants with roots.
8. “Hosta la Vista” – Arrangement including Hosta leaves and/or Hosta
owers. May include other owers or greens from your garden
Class #
9. Mini Bouquet – not to exceed 6” in height, width and depth
10. Bouquet in a pint or quart canning jar
11. Bouquet of sunowers. Homegrown. Fillers optional
12. Bouquet of predominantly pink and/or salmon owers
13. Bouquet in a coffee cup or mug
14. Bouquet for winter or Christmas display
A Champion Exhibit of Division C will be selected from blue-ribbon exhibits. A
Judges choice ribbon many be given at the judges discretion in Division C.
A Flowers and Plants Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected
from the Champion exhibits of Divisions A and B.
A. Check-in Time: Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class
Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Friday at 10PM in the Open Class Building.
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only & 8PM (vehicles). Claim
checks must be presented to claim your exhibits.
D. If entry is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division or
class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to
make sure the entry tags are correct before judging and all changes to
existing entry tags must be done by 6PM on Tuesday. No exceptions
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number.
Division Letter: A - HONEY
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Sections, white, comb honey
2. Sections, white, cut comb honey
3. Three, one-pound jars, extracted white honey
4. Three, one-pound jars, extracted amber honey
Division Letter: B - BEESWAX
Premiums: 1st - $1.75 2nd - $1.50 3rd - $1.25 4th - $1.00
Class #:
1. 1 - 3 pounds of beeswax
Division Letter: C - OBSERVATION HIVE
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
Class #:
1. Observation hive
A Champion & Grand Champion Exhibit of Department 116 will be selected
from blue-ribbon exhibits.
A. Check-in Time: Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class Building.
See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Wednesday 9AM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles) Claim checks
must be presented to claim your exhibits.
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division or
class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make
sure the entry tags are correct before judging and all changes to existing
entry tags must be done by 6PM on Tuesday. No exceptions allowed.
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number.
F. Entries must not have been in previous competitions at the Kenosha County
G. All entries must be original. Commercial kits or molds (or copies thereof) will
not be accepted.
H. Work must have been completed WITHIN THE LAST TWO YEARS.
I. Framed art pieces cannot be larger than 24” x 24”.
J. Name of exhibitor must not appear on exhibit. Please cover signature with
any tape or other method of your choosing.
K. All entries must be ready for immediate display – equipped to hang with screw
eyes and wire. Please, no saw tooth brackets or woven adhesive hangers.
L. We do not accept any “wet, unnished, or unred” craft or art forms
including paintings, sculpture, clay, etc. Nothing over 20 lbs
M. All oil and acrylic paintings must be framed and ready to hang. Paintings
without a frame must have no staples showing and sides must be painted.
N. All watercolors, pastels and drawings must be framed or matted under
glass or other transparent protective covering and ready to hang.
O. Any work not in harmony or good taste with the family-oriented Kenosha
County Fair will be disqualied.
P. A “Judge’s Choice” ribbon may be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in the Arts & Crafts Department.
Professional is dened as anyone who holds a degree in art and/or anyone
who derives the major source of their income from teaching art or selling
commercial illustrations, or ne artwork.
Division Letter: A
Premiums: 1st - $9.50 2nd - $8.00 3rd - $6.50 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Oil painting, landscape
2. Oil painting, any subject
3. Acrylic painting, landscape
4. Acrylic painting, any subject
5. Transparent watercolor
6. Animal subject, oil or acrylic
Division Letter: B
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Drawing, black & white
2. Drawing, color
3. Collage
4. Montage
5. Graphic, any print media including computer art
6. Pastel
7. Sculpture (ex. relief, metal, assemblage, etc.)
Division Letter: C
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Mosaic
2. Ceramics (NO commercial molds accepted)
3. Pottery (ex. hand formed, thrown, slab, coil, etc.)
A Champion Exhibit of Divisions A, B and C will be selected from the blue-ribbon
Semi-Professional is dened as more than one year of formal art training after
high school and must not derive the major source of income from teaching art
or selling commercial illustrations or ne artwork. This class open to anyone
except Professionals (as dened above).
Division Letter: D
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
Class #:
1. Oil painting, landscape
2. Oil painting, any subject
3. Acrylic painting, landscape
4. Acrylic painting, any subject
5. Transparent watercolor
6. Animal subject, oil or acrylic
Division Letter: E
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Drawing, black & white
2. Drawing, color
3. Collage
4. Montage
5. Graphic, any print media including computer art
6. Pastel
7. Sculpture (ex: relief, metal, assemblage, etc.)
Division Letter: F
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Mosaic
2. Ceramics (NO commercial molds accepted)
3. Pottery (ex. hand formed, thrown, slab, coil, etc.)
A Champion Exhibit of Divisions D, E and F will be selected from the
blue-ribbon exhibits.
Amateur category is open to anyone except PROFESSIONAL OR SEMI-
PROFESSIONAL (as dened above). To enter the Amateur Division, the exhibitor
must satisfy the following two regulations: (1) Must have no formal art training
above the high school level. (2) Must not derive the major source of their income
from teaching art or selling commercial illustrations or ne artwork.
Division Letter: G
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
Class #:
1. Oil painting, landscape
2. Oil painting, any subject
3. Acrylic painting, landscape
4. Acrylic painting, any subject
5. Transparent watercolor
6. Animal subject, oil or acrylic
The Kenosha Art Association will be awarding a $100.00 cash prize to the
Judge’s Choice for an oil or acrylic painting in the AMATEUR CLASS. Rules of
Open Class Department 118 will apply.
2024 Arts & Crafts – Draw a picture of a cow, with or without a hay bale and ll it in using “Zentangle”. The exhibit should be no larger
than 11” x 14”, framed and ready to hang. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
2025 Arts & Crafts – Make a garden stepping stone with a oral motif. Stone should be no larger than a 10” x 10” square or 10” circle.
No kits allowed. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
Division Letter: H
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Drawing, black & white
2. Drawing, color
3. Collage
4. Montage
5. Graphic, any print media including computer art
6. Pastel
7. Sculpture (ex. relief, metal, assemblage, etc.)
Division Letter: I
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Mosaic
2. Ceramics (NO commercial molds accepted)
3. Pottery (ex. hand formed, thrown, slab, coil, etc.)
A Champion Exhibit of Divisions G, H and I will be selected from the blue-ribbon
Premiums for Divisions J-N:
1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Division Letter: J - NOVELTY (Anyone may enter this class)
Class #:
1. Art made from feathers, paper, seeds, etc. pasted, glued or otherwise
attached to a solid piece.
2. Painting on any item other than canvas, oil or acrylic
3. Decorated wooden birdhouse
4. Garden Art - Whimsical art creation for yard or garden. Original work,
your choice of materials, nothing too heavy, one person must be able to
lift entry.
5. Dried gourds - painted or decorated
6. Glass - stained, leaded, etched, or painted
7. Framed drawing using “Zentangle”
8. Folded book art
9. String art
10. Decoupaged Item
11. Quilling
A Champion Exhibit of Division J will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Class #:
1. Garden accessory/decoration - one person must be able to lift entry
2. Home Furnishings item
3. Sculpture from recycled material – one person must be able to lift entry
4. Wind chime
5. Jewelry
6. Item for home made from fabric (ex: old jeans, dresses, skirts, etc.)
A Champion Exhibit of Division K will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: L - CRAFT AND WOODCRAFT
All pieces must be made by the exhibitor. Please NO KITS.
Class #:
1. Baskets and Mats – woven using only reed
2. Baskets and Mats – woven using other bers (cotton, yarn, fabric and
no reed)
3. Metal - Objects produced by beating, casting, etching, engraving,
soldering, or enameling. Objects merely hand decorated will not be
4. Textiles - Loomed or hand-woven fabrics, printed or hand decorated
items, batik and creative stitchery. Only items that show evidence of
original design will qualify.
5. Ethnic Art - Art that is indigenous to a certain country or nationality.
6. Macramé - Cord or rope, tied craft objects.
Class #:
7. Wood burning item
8. Hand carved – bird
9. Hand carved – sh
10. Hand carved – animal
A Champion Exhibit of Division L will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: M - JEWELRY
Classes 1-9: Jewelry created from any material. NO BEADS for embellishments.
Class #:
1. Earrings 6. Pin
2. Necklace 7. Hair Clip
3. Bracelet 8. Lanyard
4. Rings 9. Keychain
5. Necklace & Earrings (matching set)
Classes 10-17: Jewelry with beads
10. Earrings 15. Pin
11. Necklace 16. Hair Clip
12. Bracelet 17. Lanyard
13. Rings 18. Keychain
14. Necklace & Earrings (matching set)
A Champion Exhibit of Division M will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
An Arts and Crafts Department Grand Champion will be selected from the
Champion exhibits of Divisions A, B & C; Divisions D, E & F; Divisions G, H & I;
Division J; Division K; Division L; Division M.
A. Check-in Time: Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class
Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Wednesday 9AM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles) Claim
checks must be presented to claim your exhibits.
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division or
class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make
sure the entry tags are correct before judging and all changes to existing
entry tags must be done by 6PM on Tuesday. No exceptions allowed.
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number.
F. All photos must be MOUNTED on an 11” x 14” black or white mounting/
matting board or foam board only (NO poster board and NO cut matting).
Prints CANNOT be framed or covered with plastic. Using rubber cement
to mount your photos is highly recommended. Photos may have matte
or glossy nish. NOTE: Specials Dept 150 has different mounting
G. Punch two holes on the top of your mounting board (1/4” diameter or
larger) EXACTLY 9” apart and NO MORE THAN 1” from the top of the
mounting board. Attach entry tag SECURELY with a loop of string through
the hole in the upper right (front) corner of mounting board. String (no
thread) must be white.
H. No white borders around photo in any division.
I. Photos must not have been in previous competitions at the Kenosha
County Fair.
J. Photos must have been taken by the exhibitor within the past 2 years
(with the exception of Division C, Class 36 Archival). No dated photos will
be allowed.
K. Superintendent reserves the right to disqualify inappropriate photos
based on the subject or enhancement.
2024 Photography Appropriate “Tail End” of any subject. Must follow the rules in the Photography Department 120. Must be 8” x 10”,
mounted on a 14” x 14” black mounting board. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
2025 Photography – Series of 4 images (no less than 4” on any side) depicting stages of growth of any subject. Must follow the rules
in the Photography Department 120. Must be 4 separate photos, mounted on a 14” x 14” black mounting board. Exhibit accepted
Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
L. A Champion Exhibit will be selected from the blue-ribbon winners in
Division A, Division B and Division C.
M. A Photography Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected from
the Champion exhibits winners of Division A, Division B or Division C.
N. Each Judge awards a “Judges Choice” ribbon at the Judge’s discretion
to an outstanding exhibit in the Photography Department.
Premiums for all Divisions: 1st-$6.00 2nd-$4.50 3rd-$3.00 4th-$1.50
Division Letter: A – AMATEUR
A. Amateur means you have earned NO money and have not taken any
classes in photography
B. All photos in this class must be 8"x 10" or 8"x 12"
C. All photos may be black & white, sepia, or color unless noted otherwise
D. Photo can be made from traditional lm or digital
E. Digital enhancements limited to crop, contrast, conversion to black and
white or sepia
F. Photos deemed inappropriate or that have been enhanced in any way
(including, but not limited to Lightroom or Photoshop) can and will be
disqualied per the superintendent’s decision.
Class #
1. Kenosha County Fair from the previous year (2023/2024)
2. Seascape/Landscape
3. Trails/Paths
4. Nature study, plants or owers
5. Nature study, living thing (not bird)
6. Nature study, bird
7. Animal, domestic
8. Animal, wild - non-zoo
9. Animal or sh, zoo or aquarium
10. Children, one or more – newborn to middle school
11. Persons, high school and older
12. People with pets
13. Portrait, head shot only
14. Sunrise or sunset
15. Close-up, any subject
16. Windows or doors
17. Weather (clouds, storms, etc.)
18. Still life – 3 or more inanimate objects
19. Architectural (building or part of)
20. Transportation, any type
21. Seasonal photo, spring and summer
22. Seasonal photo, fall and winter
23. Bridges
24. Family photographs
25. Parade, Carnival, Festival
26. Food
27. Farm scene
28. Patterns and textures
29. Action
30. Night scene
31. My favorite photo, any subject
32. Reections and/or shadows
33. Any subject, must be black & white
34. Any subject, must be sepia
35. Any subject, must be color
A Champion Exhibit of Division A will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: B – ADVANCED AMATEUR
A. Advance Amateur means, you may have taken classes in photography
and have earned NO money for your photos. Or have entered and won a
grand champion in photography at the Kenosha County Fair
B. All photos in this class must be 8"x 8", 8"x 10"” or 8"x 12"
C. All photos may be black & white, sepia or color unless noted otherwise
D. Photo can be made from traditional lm or digital
E. Digital enhancements limited to crop, contrast, conversion to black and
white or sepia, unless noted otherwise
F. Photos deemed inappropriate or that have been enhanced in any way
(including, but not limited to Lightroom or Photoshop) can and will be
disqualied per the superintendent’s decision.
Class #
1. Kenosha County Fair from the previous year (2023/2024)
2. Seascape/Landscape
3. Nature study, plants or owers
4. Nature study, living thing (not bird)
5. Nature study, bird or birds
6. Flags
7. Animal(s), no birds
8. Cityscape/Townscape
9. Children, one or more – newborn to middle school
10. Persons – high school and older
11. Portrait, head shot only
12. Stairs/Ladders
13. Sunrise or sunset
14. Close-up, any subject
15. Windows or doors
16. Tools of the Trade (items used on the job)
17. Still life – 3 or more inanimate objects
18. Architectural (building or part of)
19. Transportation, any type
20. Nightscape
21. Seasonal photo, spring and summer
22. Seasonal photo, fall and winter
23. Bridges or fences
24. Group photo (3 or more people in photo)
25. Lights / Candlelight
26. Food
27. Farm scene
28. Patterns and textures
29. Action
30. My favorite photo, any subject
31. Computer enhanced (put a small “before” photo in the corner)
32. Reections and/or shadows
33. Any subject, must be black & white
34. Any subject, must be sepia
35. Any subject, must be color
A Champion Exhibit of Division B will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: C – SEMI PROFESSIONAL
A. Semi – professional means, you have earned money for your photos
B. All photos in this class must be 8”x 8”, 8”x 10” or 8”x 12”, or 10”x 10”
C. All photos may be black & white, sepia or color unless otherwise noted
D. Photo can be made from traditional lm or digital
E. All photos may be in enhanced using Lightroom (or equivalent) but NOT
Photoshop (except #25 and #32)
F. Photos deemed inappropriate can and will be disqualied per the
superintendent’s decision.
Class #
1. Kenosha County Fair from the previous year (2023/2024)
2. Seascape/Landscape
3. Minimalist
4. Nature study, plants or owers
5. Nature study, living thing (no ower)
6. Animal, wild
7. Street/Lifestyle
8. Patterns & Textures in Nature
9. Children, one or more – newborn to middle school
10. One or more persons – high school and older
11. Light Painting
12. Action
13. Sunrise or sunset
14. Macro, any subject
15. Weather (clouds, storms, etc.)
16. Still life – 3 or more inanimate objects
17. Architectural (building or part of)
18. Transportation, any type
19. Seasonal photo, spring and summer
20. Seasonal photo, fall and winter
21. Bridges
22. Group photo (3 or more people in photo)
23. Color (Tan/Beige (no sepia tint 2024 and Pearlescent/Iridescent 2025)
24. Food
25. Composite photo (a photograph made by combining several distinct
images - include small copy of all photos in composite). MAY USE
26. Reections and / or shadows
27. Town/Cityscape
28. Nightscape
29. Long exposure
29. Abstract
30. Silhouette effect photo
31. Computer enhanced (put a small “before” photo in the corner), MAY USE
32. Any subject, must be black & white
33. Any subject, must be in color
34. Any subject, must be in sepia
35. My favorite photo, any subject
36. Archival – best image taken any time (must not have been previously
entered in the Kenosha County Fair)
A Champion Exhibit of Division C will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
A Photography Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected from the
Champion exhibits of Division A, Division B or Division C.
A. Check-in Time: (Divisions A-F) Wednesday between 2PM and 7PM in the
Open Class Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the
B. Check-in Time: Division G – Food Preservation – Tuesday between 2PM
and 7PM and Wednesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class
Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
C. Judging Time: (Divisions A-G) Thursday 9AM in the Open Class Building
D. Release Time: Sunday 7PM – 9PM in the Open Class building 7PM (walk
out only) & 8PM (vehicles). Perishable items will be disposed of at the end
of the fair. Items must remain on display until 7PM on Sunday.
E. Please read each entry description carefully. If entry tag is NOT correct
or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division or class, the entry will be
disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make sure the entry tags
are correct before judging and all changes to existinig entry tags must be
done by 6PM on Tuesday.
F. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number. All entries
G. Classes designated as “any other” are for items that are not eligible
for prizes in previously listed classes. Duplications or variations are
not eligible for prizes. For example, if you enter in Division F, Decorated
Cookies, you may NOT enter the same cookies as Decorated Holiday
H. Paper plates will be provided for all baking entries.
I. No commercial mixes or doughs are allowed in this department.
J. No frosting will be allowed on any food item in this department with the
exception of those classes where frosting is explicitly called for.
K. A Champion Exhibit will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits in
Divisions A through G in this Department.
L. A Foods and Nutrition Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be
selected from the Champion exhibits of Divisions A through G in this
M. One “Judges Choice” ribbon may be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in Divisions A through G in this Department.
Premiums for Division A-F:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: A - YEAST BREADS & ROLLS
**Loaf must measure at least 4" by 7"
Class #:
Yeast Breads
1. White yeast bread, 1 loaf
2. Whole wheat bread – over 25% whole wheat, 1 loaf
3. Machine bread, any, designate type, 1 loaf
4. Nationality bread, designate type, 1 loaf
5. Multiple Grain Yeast Bread, list grains on label, 1 loaf
6. Rye Bread, 1 loaf
7. Sourdough Bread, round loaf, 1 loaf
8. Gluten Free Bread, include recipe, 1 loaf
9. Bread Sticks, any avor, designate type, each at least 6” long, Plate of 5
10. Stollen, Sweet Yeast Bread, unfrosted, ½ loaf OR piece to t 8” plate
11. Kringle, unfrosted, ½ loaf OR piece to t 8” plate
12. Any other yeast bread, designate type, 1 loaf
13. Cinnamon Rolls, unfrosted, Plate of 5
14. Pan Rolls, Plate of 5
2024 Foods & Nutrition – Hay Bales & Cow Tails — Chocolate chip coffee cake - designate kind. Exhibit accepted Wednesday of fair
week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
2025 Foods & Nutrition – Let the Good Times Grow — Savory yeast bread with garlic, onion, or other savory herbs/spices - designate kind
Exhibit accepted Wednesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
15. Croissants, Plate of 5
16. Potato Rolls, Plate of 5
17. Whole Wheat Rolls, Plate of 5
18. Kolaches, unfrosted, Plate of 5
19. Soft Pretzel, Plate of 5
20. Raised yeast doughnut, plate of 5
21. Any other yeast roll, designate type, Plate of 5
A Champion Exhibit of Division A will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: B - QUICK BREADS / MUFFINS
**Small loaf, no larger than 6”. Loaf will not be accepted if cut to meet size
No paper liners will be allowed on mufn entries.
Class #:
1. Banana nut bread, 1 loaf
2. Apple bread, nuts optional, 1 loaf
3. Pumpkin bread, 1 loaf
4. Zucchini bread, 1 loaf
5. Date nut bread, 1 loaf
6. Any other fruit or vegetable bread, designate type, 1 loaf
7. Cornbread, 1 loaf
8. Gingerbread, 1 loaf
9. Quick Coffee cake, Baking Powder or soda, No frosting, toppings, or
lling, ½ Cake
10. Baking powder biscuits, Plate of 5
11. Scones, designate type, Plate of 5
12. Cream puffs, unlled, Plate of 5
13. Any other pastry without yeast or leavening agent, designate type,
plate of 5
14. Plain mufns, white our, Plate of 5
15. Bran mufns, designate type of Bran, Plate of 5
16. Fruit mufns, designate type, Plate of 5
17. Chocolate mufns, Plate of 5
18. Any other mufns, designate type, Plate of 5
A Champion Exhibit of Division B will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: C - CAKES
**NOT frosted. ½ Cake
Class #:
1. Angel food cake
2. Holiday fruit cake
3. Chiffon cake
4. Chocolate cake
5. Rolled cake (no less than 5”), suitable lling, unfrosted
6. Pound cake
7. Spice cake
8. Carrot cake
9. Sponge cake
10. White cake
11. Cupcakes, light, Plate of 5, paper cups
12. Cupcakes, dark, Plate of 5, paper cups
Layered Cakes, 2 or more layers, frosted, 1/2 cake on a domed cake plate
13. Layered chocolate cake (any kind)
14. Layered coconut cake
15. Layered marble cake, suitable frosting
16. Any other layered cake, designate type
A Champion Exhibit of Division C will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: D – COOKIES, BAR, CANDY
**NO frosting
Drop Cookies – Plate of 5
Class #:
1. Sugar 6. Molasses, soft
2. Chocolate chip 7. Macaroon
3. Oatmeal, plain 8. Molasses
4. Oatmeal with raisins or craisins 9. Any other drop cookie, designate
5. Chocolate type
Rolled, Cutout, Molded Cookies – Plate of 5
10. Sugar 13. Chocolate
11. Gingerbread 14. Shortbread
12. Peanut butter 15. Biscotti
Sandwich, Filled Cookies – Plate of 5
16. Macarons (2 macaron cookies sandwiched together), any avor, may
have any type of lling, designate type
17. Thumbprint cookie, may have any type of lling, designate type
18. Any other sandwich or lled cookie, may have any type of lling,
designate type
No-bake, Refrigerator, Pressed Cookies – Plate of 5
19. Refrigerator cookie, e.g. Pinwheel, designate type
20. Pressed cookie, e.g. Spritz, designate type
21. No bake cookie, designate type
Dietary needs Cookies – Plate of 5
22. Sugar free, designate type
23. Gluten free, designate type
24. Any other dietary needs cookies, designate type
Bar Cookies – Plate of 5
25. Brownies, chocolate, with or without nuts
26. Brownies, blond, with or without nuts
27. Lemon bars
28. Any other fruit bars, designate type
29. Granola bars
30. Any other bar cookie, designate type
Candies/Sweets – Plate of 5
31. Caramels
32. English Toffee
33. Fudge, any avor, designate type
34. Peanut brittle, designate type
35. Turtles
36. Sugar free candy, designate type
A Champion Exhibit of Division D will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: E – PIES and CHEESECAKES
A. Pie crust must be homemade from scratch & rolled out, no graham
cracker crust.
B. Pies must be 8” or less in diameter at the inside top edge.
C. Cheesecakes may have any type homemade crust
Class #:
1. Apple Pie, 2 crust
2. Berry Pie, designate type
3. Cherry Pie
4. Lemon Meringue Pie
5. Peach Pie
6. Pecan Pie
7. Pumpkin Pie
8. Any other pie, designate type
9. Cheesecake, plain, baked, ½ cake
10. Cheesecake, plain, no bake, ½ cake
11. Any other baked cheesecake, designate type, ½ cake
12. Any other no bake cheesecake, designate type, ½ cake
A Champion Exhibit of Division E will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
A. A dummy cake must be used where specied
B. Use any suitable frosting
C. Exhibits must be on a sturdy base of covered cardboard
Class #:
1. Decorated cake, any occasion, dummy cake
2. Decorated Tier cake, any occasion, dummy cake
3. Decorated cake with fondant frosting, dummy cake
4. Decorated cake, Current Year Fair Theme, dummy cake
5. Decorated cookies, any occasion, real cookies, Plate of 5
6. Decorated cupcakes, real cupcakes, Plate of 3
7. Decorated sculptured cake, real cake
8. Decorated gingerbread sculpture, real gingerbread
9. Decorated holiday cookies, 4 distinctly different cookie avors, 2 cookies
of each avor, 8 total cookies
10. Decorated pull-apart cupcake cake
A Champion Exhibit of Division F will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
A. Each jar is to be properly labeled on the lid – not on the ring – as
content, date of canning, and method used in preparation and
processing. For example: Peaches, Jul/2024, Raw Pack, Thin Boiling
Syrup, Boiling Water Bath, 25 Minutes.
B. All canning is to be in standard type jars with a NEW 2-part lid including
ring. All entries MUST have the ring left on the jar. No parafn will be
C. No refrigerator or freezer recipe products.
D. All entries will be judged based on the most recent USDA guidelines
(available from UW-Extension ofce). Refer to the Ball/Kerr Canning and
Preserving Book and/or UW-Extension Publications.
Premiums: 1st - $1.75 2nd - $1.50 3rd - $1.25 4th - $1.00
Class #:
Fruits (not to be opened unless judging requires opening)
1. Any Canned Fruit Pie Filling, labeled
2. Applesauce
3. Blackberries
4. Cherries, pitted
5. Peaches
6. Pears
7. Raspberries, red or black
8. Any Other Canned Fruit, labeled
Vegetables (not to be opened unless judging requires opening)
9. Asparagus
10. Beans, green, cut
11. Beans, wax, cut
12. Beets
13. Corn, whole kernel, cut from cob
14. Mixed Vegetables
15. Peppers
16. Red Tomato Juice
17. Sauerkraut, fermentation must be complete
18. Tomatoes, whole or quartered, canned in own juice
19. Any other canned vegetable, labeled
Jellies, Jams, and Preserves
Jars may be opened for judging. Must include method of processing and
minutes. No wax parafn. Preserves are to be in pint or quart sized jars. Jellies
and jams must be in jelly jars.
20. Crabapple or apple, labeled
21. Grape
22. Mint Jelly
23. Raspberry, red or black
24. Combination of Two Fruits, labeled
25. Any other jelly not listed, labeled
Fruit Jams (cooked)
26. Cherry
27. Grape
28. Peach
29. Raspberry, red or black
30. Strawberry
31. Two or more fruit jams, labeled
32. Any other single fruit jam, labeled
33. Marmalade, labeled
34. Apple butter or other butter, labeled
35. Cherry
36. Peach
37. Plum
38. Raspberry, red or black
39. Strawberry
40. Any other fruit preserve not listed above, labeled
Pickles, Relishes, and Others (not to be opened unless judging requires opening)
41. Asparagus, pickled
42. Beets, pickled
43. Chutney, labeled
44. Corn relish
45. Dill Cucumbers, sliced pickles
46. Dill Cucumbers, spears
47. Dill Cucumbers, whole
48. Dilly Beans
49. Any fruit relish, labeled
50. Salsa, any variety, labeled
51. Sliced bread & butter pickles
52. Combination of two or more pickled vegetables, labeled
53. Any Other Pickle, not listed above, labeled
54. Any Other Vegetable Relish, not listed above, labeled
Dehydrated Foods
Display in pint jars with label that includes the following:
Name of Product, Length of Dehydration, Dehydration process (commercial
dehydrator or oven).
55. Apples
56. Bananas
57. Peaches
58. Pears
59. Cherries
60. Any Other Fruit, labeled
61. Fruit leather, labeled
62. Peppers
63. Potatoes
64. Mixed Vegetables for Soup or Stew, name vegetables on label
65. Other Vegetable, labeled
66. Herbs, labeled
67. Meat Jerky, whole meat, labeled, attach card explaining pre-treatment
68. Meat Jerky, ground meat, labeled, attach card explaing pre-treatment
A Champion Exhibits of Division G will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
A Foods and Nutrition Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected
from the Champion exhibits of all divisions.
Division Letter: H - DAIRY PRODUCTS
A. A. Check-in Time: (Division H) Friday between 9AM and Noon in the
Open Class Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of
the book.
B. Judging Time: (Division H) Friday 1PM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles)
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong class,
the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make
sure the entry tags are correct before judging. No exceptions allowed.
E. Entry shall be labeled as to the category, type of entry and date that the
entry was made.
F. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number.
G. No commercial product may be entered.
H. Paper plates will be provided for all entries.
I. Entry should be transported in containers that are kept cold with ice or
ice packs such that the temperature of the entry is maintained at 40
degrees or less.
J. Entry must be made from pasteurized milk.
K. Entry must be free from mold or other growth and discoloration, except
in certain specialty cheeses (i.e. Bleu, Smoked Caraway, Cheddar, etc.).
L. Cheese shall be displayed as either a 1/4 cup sample of soft cheese
or 1/8th of a 2-pound wheel. Other pieces of larger cheese will be
accepted, so long as they are approximately 1/2 pound.
M. Depending on availability of refrigeration, entry will either be on display
or pictures of the winning entry will be displayed for the duration of the
N. A “Judges Choice” ribbon may be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in this division.
Premiums for Divisions H:
1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Hard Cheese, made from the milk of a cow, goat, sheep or a blend of
milk, with or without avoring. Examples include but are not limited to:
Cheddar, Parmesan, Asiago, Swiss
2. Soft Cheese, made from the milk of a cow, goat, sheep or a blend of
milk, with or without avoring. Examples include but are not limited to:
Cheese Curds, Cottage Cheese, Brie, Cream Cheese
3. Hard Fruit and Cheese, must contain fruit. Examples include but are not
limited to: Cheddar and Apple
4. Soft Fruit and Cheese, must contain fruit.
5. Cultured Butter, non-commercial grade, handmade butter without
6. Cultured Butter, non-commercial grade, handmade butter with avoring
7. Yogurt, any type, with avor
8. Yogurt, any type, without avor
A Champion of Division H will be selected from the blue-ribbon winners and the
judge’s choice ribbon.
Division Letter: I - CHARCUTERIE BOARD FOR 2
A. Check-In Time: Friday 10:30AM-12:30PM. A photo will be taken of you
and your entry to be on display throughout the fair.
B. Judging Time: Friday following Department 125 Division H – Dairy
Products judging in the Open Class Building.
C. Release time: Can be picked up directly following judging or will be used
for sampling.
D. Judging criteria:
a. Appearance, taste,
b. Must meet the following requirements:
i. Must use a board no larger than 10” x 10”
ii. Must include 3”x 5” note card with your entry indicating all
components including type of product, weight (for meat/cheese),
and if purchased/made
Class #:
1. 2024 Theme: A Picnic in the Hay Field for 2 (Main Course Charcuterie)
2025 Theme: Let the Good Times Grow for 2 (Main Course Charcuterie)
2. Holiday Theme (ex: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc.)
A. Check-in Time: Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class Building.
See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Wednesday 9AM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles) Claim checks
must be presented to claim your exhibits.
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division
or class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to
make sure the entry tags are correct before and all changes to existing entry
tags must be done by 6PM on Tuesday. No exceptions allowed.
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number.
F. Attach entry tag to the upper right hand corner of the entry as you look at it
using a safety pin.
G. Items must be clean and ready for exhibiting. (No animal hair, spots, etc.)
H. Entries must not have been in previous competitions at the Kenosha County Fair.
I. Entries must have been nished within the last 2 years.
J. Unless specied, entries are NOT to be store bought.
K. Embellishments must be washable and sewn.
L. A Champion Exhibit will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits in Division
A and Division B.
M. A Clothing Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected from the
Champion exhibits of Division A and Division B.
N. A “Judges Choice” ribbon may be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in the Clothing Department.
Division Letter: A
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Lined Coat or Blazer
2. Unlined Jacket, Coat, Blazer – not Fleece
3. Suit or Pant Suit – 2 or more pieces
4. Bridal Gown/Dress
5. Special Occasion Dress or Pant Dress – not Bridal
6. Adult Costume
7. Dress or Jumper
8. Any garment featuring Hand Stitchery – Smocking, Embroidery (garment
to be homemade)
9. Any garment featuring Machine Embroidery (garment to be homemade)
10. Any patchwork garment (garment to be homemade)
11. Accessory to be worn – ties, scarf, collar
12. Head Covering – bridal veil, cap, hat
13. Sleeveless or Strapless Top
14. Sweatshirt or T-Shirt
15. Blouse or Shirt with Collar
16. Any Lingerie
17. Robe or Housecoat
18. Sleepwear
19. Pants – any length with zipper
20. Pants – any length without zipper
21. Skirt
22. Vest
23. Tote Bag
24. Purse
25. Fleece, any garment
26. Purchased Garment – Machine Embroidered
27. Purchased Garment – Hand Embroidered
28. Purchased Garment – Embellished
29. Garment, recycled, washable and wearable
30. Denim Garment
31. Any other women’s garment not listed above
32. Any other men’s garment not listed above
33. Any clothing item made by a special needs adult
A Champion Exhibit of Division A will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: B
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Cap or Hat
2. Sleepwear
3. Sweatshirt or T-Shirt
4. Top with Collar
5. Pants with Zipper
6. Overalls
7. Dress
8. Pants – any length without zipper
9. Fleece, any child’s garment
10. Outt – 2 Pieces
11. Child’s Costume
12. Garment for Special Occasion
13. Child & Doll Coordinating Outt
14. Purchased Garment – Machine Embroidered
15. Purchased Garment – Hand Embroidered
16. Purchased Garment – Embellished
17. Any garment featuring Hand Stitchery – Smocking, Embroidery (garment
to be homemade)
18. Any garment featuring Machine Embroidery (garment to be homemade)
19. Any other children’s garment not listed above
20. Infant, bonnet, cap or hat
21. Bib
22. Sleepwear
23. Dress
24. Fleece, any garment
25. Snowsuit/Bunting
26. Costume
27. Overalls
28. 2 or more piece outt
29. Special Occasion outt
30. Purchased Garment – Machine Embroidered
31. Purchased Garment – Hand Embroidered
32. Purchased Garment – Embellished
33. Any garment featuring Hand Stitchery – Smocking, Embroidery
(garment to be homemade)
34. Any garment featuring Machine Embroidery (garment to be homemade)
35. Any other infant or toddler garment not listed above
A Champion Exhibit of Division B will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
A Clothing Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected from the
Champion exhibits of Division A and Division B
A. Check-in Time: Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class
Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Wednesday 9AM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles) Claim
checks must be presented to claim your exhibits.
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division
or class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility
to make sure the entry tags are correct before judging and all changes
to existing entry tags must be done by 6pm on Tuesday. No exceptions
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number.
F. Items must be clean and ready for exhibiting. (No animal hair, spots, etc.)
G. Entries must not have been in previous competitions at the Kenosha
County Fair.
H. Entries must have been nished within the last 2 years.
I. Attach all entry tags on the bottom right side of the quilt front.
J. Coverall quilt labels with masking tape or equivalent.
K. Exhibitors are able to donate their quilts to the Pie Auction. Please let us
know at check-in if you would like to donate your quilt.
L. A Champion exhibit will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits in
Division E, Division F, Division G, Division H and Division I.
M. A Home Furnishings-Quilting Department Grand Champion exhibit will
be selected from the Champion winners of Division E, Division F, Division
G, Division H or Division I.
N. A “Judges Choice” ribbon may be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in the Home Furnishings-Quilting Department.
Premiums for Division E-H:
1st – 6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $1.50
Class #
1. Baby Quilt, no larger than 58”, may be rectangle
2. Pieced Quilt, any size**
3. Whole Cloth Quilt, any size
4. Quilt made by a special needs adult, any size
5. Quilt made by a First Time Quilter, any size
**In loving memory of Amalie Michajlak, a Kenosha County Fair Exhibitor for
57 years, a ribbon and a $50.00 check will be awarded to the blue-ribbon
winner of Division A, Class #2. Sponsored by the family of Amalie Michajlak.
A Champion Exhibit of Division A will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
1. Baby Quilt, no larger than 58”, may be a rectangle
2. Pieced Quilt, Lap to Full
3. Pieced Quilt, Queen to King
4. Appliquéd Quilt, Lap to Full
5. Appliquéd Quilt, Queen to King
6. Hand Work Quilt, any size
7. Scrap Quilt, Lap to Full***
8. Scrap Quilt, Queen to King***
9. Log Cabin Quilt, Lap to Full
10. Log Cabin Quilt, Queen to King
11. Flannel Quilt, Lap to Full
12. Flannel Quilt, Queen to King
13. Sampler Quilt, any size
14. Machine Embroidery Quilt, any size
15. Quilt made by a special needs adult, any size
16. Quilt made by rst time quilter, any size
17. Original Design Quilt, any size
18. Quilt made by two or more people, any size
2024 Clothing – Black and White Apron. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
2025 Clothing – Child’s clothing item with a feature to allow for growth. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open
Class Building
19. Art Quilt, any size. May include piecing, appliqué, embroidery or
embellishments. May depict a person, place or thing in realistic or
abstract manner.
***Southport Quilters Guild will sponsor a ribbon and a $50.00 check
to the blue-ribbon winner of Division B, Class #16
A Champion Exhibit of Division B will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
1. Baby Quilt, no larger than 58”, may be rectangle
2. Scrap Quilt, Lap to Full
3. Scrap Quilt, Queen to King
4. Pieced Quilt, Lap to Full
5. Pieced Quilt, Queen to King
6. Appliquéd Quilt, Lap to Full
7. Appliquéd Quilt, Queen to King
8. Hand Work Quilt, any size
9. Log Cabin Quilt, Lap to Full
10. Log Cabin Quilt, Queen to King
11. Flannel Quilt, Lap to Full
12. Flannel Quilt, Queen to King
13. Sampler Quilt, any size
14. Machine Embroidery Quilt, any size
15. Original Design Quilt, any size
16. Quilt made by two or more people, any size
17. Art Quilt, any size. May include piecing, appliqué, embroidery or
embellishments. May depict a person, place or thing in realistic or
abstract manner
18. Quilt made by a rst time quilter, any size
19. Quilt made by a special needs adult, any size
A Champion Exhibit of Division C will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
1. Baby Quilt, no larger than 58”, may be rectangle
2. Scrap Quilt, Lap to Full***
3. Scrap Quilt, Queen to King***
4. Appliquéd Quilt, Lap to Full
5. Appliquéd Quilt, Queen to King
6. Hand Work Quilt, any size
7. Log Cabin Quilt, Lap to Full
8. Log Cabin Quilt, Queen to King
9. Flannel Quilt, Lap to Full
10. Flannel Quilt, Queen to King
11. Sampler Quilt, any size
12. Machine Embroidery Quilt, any size
13. Pieced Quilt, Lap to Full
14. Pieced Quilt, Queen to King
15. Original Design Quilt, any size
16. Quilt made by a rst time exhibitor, any size
17. Quilt made by a special needs adult, any size
18. Quilt made by two or more people, any size
19. Art Quilt, any size. May include piecing, appliqué, embroidery or
embellishments. May depict a person, place or thing in realistic or
abstract manner
A Champion Exhibit of Division D will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Premiums: 1st – 6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $1.50
1. Quilted Wall Hanging, Not Holiday
2. Quilted Wall Hanging, Holiday
3. Quilted Christmas Tree Skirt
4. Quilted Christmas Stocking
5. Quilted Table Runner, Not Holiday
6. Quilted Table Runner, Holiday
7. Quilted Pillow
8. Quilted Hot Pads, set of two attached together
9. Quilted Place Mats, set of 4 attached together
10. Table Topper, not rectangular
11. Any item made by a special needs adult, not previously mentioned
12. Any item not previously mentioned
A Champion Exhibit of Division E will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
A Quilting Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected from the
Champion blue-ribbon exhibits.
A. Check-in Time: Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class Building.
See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Wednesday 9AM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles). Claim checks
must be presented to claim your exhibits. Items must remain on display until
7PM on Sunday.
D. Please read each entry description carefully. If entry tag is NOT correct
or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division or class, the entry will be
disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make sure the entry tags
are correct before judging and all changes to existing entry tags must be
done by 6pm on Tuesday. No exceptions allowed. Each exhibitor must put
entry tags securely on their own exhibits.
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number. All entries
F. Items must be clean and ready for exhibiting. (No animal hair, spots, etc.)
G. Entries must not have been in previous competitions at the Kenosha County
H. Entries must have been nished within the last 2 years.
I. Do not bring furniture for decorative use. Only bring entry to be judged.
J. In this department, classes which say “any other” are only for items that are
not eligible for prizes in other listed classes.
K. NEW REQUIREMENT: Label Fiber content of yarn used per exhibit on
entry tag.
L. A Champion Exhibit will be selected from the blue-ribbon winners in each
Division (A through I).
M. A Knitting and Crocheting Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be
selected from the Champion exhibits in the Knitting and Crocheting
N. A “Judges Choice” ribbon may be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in the Knitting and Crocheting Department.
Division Letter: A - KNITTING FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN’S (Newborn to
10 years)
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Afghan or Blanket for baby or toddler
2. Cap or Hat
3. Dress
4. Infant set, 2 or more pieces
5. Mittens
6. Footwear, Slippers, or Booties
7. Stuffed toy or doll
8. Sweater or Coat, for infant
9. Children’s hat and scarf set
10. Socks
11. Any other knitted item for newborn to 10 years, NOT listed above
Division Letter: B - KNITTING FOR ADULTS
Class #:
1. Adult Set (scarf, hat, and mittens)
2. Cap or Hat
3. Mittens
4. Scarf
5. Slippers or socks
6. Socks
7. Shawl, Poncho, or Cape
8. Any other knitted item for adult NOT listed above
1. Any Finger knitted item
2. Any Arm knitted item
3. Holiday decoration
4. Kitchen Ensemble Set, 2 or more pieces
5. Doily
6. Edging or Lace, 2 yards
7. Dog coat or sweater
8. Doll or teddy bear clothing displayed on a doll or teddy bear, one outt
9. Purse or tote bag
10. Stuffed toy or doll
11. Any other knitted item for the home, NOT listed elsewhere
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $2.00
1. Cardigan or coat, one color (or multi-color skeins), age up to 10 years
2. Cardigan or coat, one color (or multi-color skeins), Adult
3. Pullover, one color (or multi-color skeins), age up to 10 years
4. Pullover, one color (or multi-color skeins), Adult
5. Sleeveless sweater or vest, Adult
6. Pullover or Cardigan, mixed colors, carrying yarn or bobbins, age up to
10 years
7. Pullover or Cardigan, mixed colors, carrying yarn or bobbins, Adult
8. Afghan, 48” x 60” or larger (not including fringe)
9. Afghan, lap size, at least 36” x 30” but less than 40” x 48” (not including
to 10 years)
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Afghan or Blanket for baby or toddler
2. Cap or Hat
3. Dress
4. Infant set, 2 or more pieces
5. Mittens
6. Footwear, Slippers, or Booties
7. Stuffed toy or doll
8. Sweater or coat, for infant
9. Children’s hat and scarf set
10. Socks
11. Any other crocheted item for newborn to 10 years NOT listed above
Class #:
1. Adult set (scarf, hat, and mittens)
2. Cap or Hat
3. Mittens or gloves
4. Scarf
5. Slippers
6. Socks
7. Shawl, Poncho, or Cape
8. Any other crocheted item for adult NOT listed above
Division Letter: G - Miscellaneous Crochet
Class #:
1. Holiday decoration
2. Kitchen Ensemble Set, 2 or more pieces
3. Doily, more than 10” across
4. Edging or Lace, 2 yards
5. Doll or teddy bear clothing displayed on doll or teddy bear, one outt
6. Purse or tote bag
7. Stuffed toy or doll
8. Pillow
9. Any other crocheted item for the home, NOT listed above
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $2.00
1. Cardigan or coat, age up to 10 years
2. Cardigan or coat, Adult
3. Pullover, age up to 10 years
4. Pullover, Adult
5. Sleeveless sweater or vest, adult
6. Afghan, 48” x 60” or larger (not including fringe)
7. Afghan, lap size, at least 36” x 30” but less than 40” x 48” (not including
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
Felting – Hand Knitted or Crocheted and Felted
1. Hat
2. Mittens
3. Purse or tote
4. Slippers
5. Any other hand knit or crocheted and felted item
Hand Spun Yarn
6. 1 oz. skein of hand spun yarn, lace weight with a 4” swatch using the
yarn, label with ber content
7. 2 oz. skein of hand spun yarn, worsted weight with a 4” swatch using
the yarn, label with ber content
8. Knitted or crocheted item made with yarn spun by exhibitor, label with
ber content
A Champion Exhibit of each Division will be selected from the blue-ribbon
A Knitting and Crocheting Department Grand Champion exhibit will be selected
from the Champion exhibits of all Divisions.
2024 Knitting and Crocheting – Knit or crochet a stuffed animal toy cow suitable for a toddler. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week:
2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
2025 Knitting and Crocheting – Knit or crochet a scarf at least 60” long (not including length of any fringe). Exhibit accepted Tuesday of
fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
A. Check-in Time: Tuesday between 2PM and 7PM in the Open Class
Building. See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Wednesday 9AM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles). Claim
checks must be presented to claim your exhibits.
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division
or class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility
to make sure the entry tags are correct before judging and all changes
to existing entry tags must be done by 6PM on Tuesday. No exceptions
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number.
F. Attach entry tag to the upper right hand corner of the entry as you look
at it using a safety pin.
G. Items must be clean and ready for exhibiting. (No animal hair, spots, etc.)
H. Entries must not have been in previous competitions at the Kenosha
County Fair.
I. Entries must have been nished within the last 2 years.
J. Do not bring furniture for decorative use. Only bring entry to be judged.
K. Unless specied, entries are NOT to be store bought.
L. Embellishments must be washable and sewn.
M. A Champion Exhibit will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits in
each Division.
N. A Home Furnishings Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be
selected from the Champion exhibits of all Divisions.
O. A “Judges Choice” ribbon may be given at the Judge’s discretion to an
outstanding exhibit in the Home Furnishings Department.
Division Letter: A - NEEDLEWORK
Premiums for Division A-C:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $2.00 3rd - $1.75 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Napkins, hand or machine embroidered, set of 4
2. Napkins, plain, set of 4
3. Pillowcases, hand embroidered, 2
4. Pillowcases, lace trimmed, no embroidery, 2
5. Pillowcases, plain, no embroidery, 2
6. Pillowcases, machine embroidered, 2
7. Any other hand embroidered home furnishing linen, not a garment
8. Any other machine embroidered home furnishing linen, not a garment
9. Decorated Kitchen Hand or Dish Towels – set of (2) – applique,
embroidery by hand or machine
10. Hot Pads – set of (2) attach together
11. Placemats, not quilted (4)
12. Counted Cross-Stitch any article, 14 count or fewer stitches per inch
13. Counted Cross-Stitch any article, 16 count or more stitches per inch
14. Printed Cross-Stitch Picture (in frame)
15. Novelty Needlework
16. Crewel Picture – Wool Embroidery
17. Needlepoint Picture
18. Wall Hanging – holiday decoration
19.Wall Hanging, wool, no larger than 30”
20. Table Runner – not quilted
21. Table Topper – not quilted (no bigger than 24” x 24”)
22. Pillow – Cross-Stitch
23. Pillow – Embroidered
24. Pillow – Crewel
25. Pillow – Needlepoint
26. Pillow – Latch Hook
27. Stuffed Toy
28. Handmade Fabric Doll
29. Doll Clothes, single item (no doll)
A Champion Exhibit of Division A will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
Division Letter: B - MISCELLANEOUS
Class #:
1. Holiday Door Hanger
2. Seasonal Door Hanger
3. Any Tree Ornament (no kits)
4. Gift Wrapping, shirt sized box, Seasonal Holiday
5. Gift Wrapping, shirt sized box, Baby/Wedding Shower
6. Gift Wrapping, shirt sized box, Child’s Birthday
7. Homemade soap (no kits)
8. Homemade Candle, poured or molded
9. Four different homemade cards for special occasion
10. Scrapbook Page – any occasion and placed in plastic sleeve
11. Scrapbook Double Page – any occasion, placed in plastic sleeves and
tied together
12. Wreath for any season
13. Any Fleece Blanket, crib to lap, not larger than 60” x 78”
Class #
1. Corsage
2. Flower arrangement, spring, no taller than 20”
3. Flower arrangement, summer, no taller than 20”
4. Flower arrangement, fall, no taller than 20”
5. Flower arrangement, winter, no taller than 20”
6. Flower arrangement, special occasion, not holiday, no taller than 20”
7. Flower arrangement, holiday, no taller than 20"
A Champion Exhibit of Divisions B & C will be selected from the blue-ribbon
Division Letter: D – WOODWORKING - FURNITURE (no kits allowed)
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
Class #:
1. Small piece of furniture (chair, stool, table, etc.)
2. Large piece of furniture (table, chest, etc.)
Division Letter: E – WOODWORKING - OTHER WOOD ITEMS (no kits allowed)
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Clock for shelf or wall hanging
2. Wood, hand carved, dish
3. Wood, turned, dish
4. Doll House
5. Any small article, not furniture
6. Painted wood item
7. Decorated doll furniture, made by exhibitor, Item must be under 20”
8. Birdhouse
9. Yard/Garden decoration
10. Trivet, any style
A Champion Exhibit of Divisions D & E will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
2024 Home Furnishings Wreath representing the Fair Theme - Hay Bales and Cow Tails. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM –
7PM in the Open Class Building
2025 Home Furnishings – Set of Four Different Homemade Birthday cards, one each for the following age groups: toddler, child, adult,
senior adult. Exhibit accepted Tuesday of fair week: 2PM – 7PM in the Open Class Building
Division Letter: F – TABLE SETTINGS
Premiums: 1st – $4.50 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.50 4th - $1.50
Class #
1. Informal – Picnic in the Pasture
2. Dinner – Black and White Colors
3. Children – Rustic Cabin
1. Informal – All American County Fair
2. Holiday – Lunch – Lakehouse Luncheon
3. Birthday – Marvelous Monochrome
Note: Card tables will be furnished for two table settings per exhibitor. Exhibitor
may enter more table settings, however, it is requested you furnish the additional
card tables. Each exhibit must iniclude the following items: tablecloth and/or
placemat, napkin, plate, glass and/or mug and/or cup and saucer and a oral
or decorative arrangement. No cut fruit, dehydrated food is acceptable. Plan
the arrangement, cloth, etc. in keeping with the kind of setting rather than in
proportion to the tables provided. Table must be set with only one place setting.
Champion Exhibit of Division D will be selected from the blue-ribbon exhibits.
A Home Furnishings Department Grand Champion Exhibit will be selected from the
Champion exhibits of Division A, Division B, Division C, Division D.
A. Check-in Time: Wednesday from 2PM – 5PM in the Open Class Building.
See General Rules for All Exhibitors in the front of the book.
B. Judging Time: Wednesday at 6PM in the Open Class Building
C. Release Time: Sunday 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles)
D. If entry tag is NOT correct or the exhibit is entered in the wrong division
or class, the entry will be disqualied. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility
to make sure the entry tags are correct before judging and all changes
to existing entry tags must be done by 6PM on Tuesday. No exceptions
E. One entry will be allowed per exhibitor in any one class number.
F. All exhibitors are required to pay an entry fee based upon their age (see
entry form for details. Allows entry for all ve days of the fair).
G. Entries shall be the result of the exhibitor’s own labor.
Premiums for Divisions S: 1st - $1.75 2nd - $1.50 3rd - $1.25 4th - $1.00
Division Letter: A - PHOTOGRAPHY (5-8 year old)
5” x 7” color photo, mounted on 8” x 10” black or white poster board or foam
board, ready to hang.
Class #:
1. Any kind of animal
2. A person
3. Nature
4. Any photo taken by special needs child
Division Letter: B - BAKING (5-8 year old)
Class #:
1. Chocolate chip cookies, 3
2. Brownies, frosted, 3
3. Cupcakes, decorated, 3
4. Cut out sugar cookies, decorated, 3
5. Small pie amde inn a mini tart pan (5 inches), any kind
6. Mufns, any kind, 3
7. Item made by child with special needs
Division Letter: C - ARTS AND CRAFTS (5-8 year old)
Class #:
1. Any media picture/drawing, no larger than 12” x 18”, framed & ready to
2. Novelty art, mosaic, collage/montage, sculpture
3. Woodworking – made by exhibitor (ex: birdhouse, picture frame, clock,
trivet, etc.)
4. Decorated wood item
5. Lego sculpture - no taller than 12” or wider than 12”
6. Tree ornament for any holiday
7. Jewelery – necklace
8. Jewelery – bracelet
9. Macrame (ex. keychain, plpany hanger, necklace, etc.)
10. Item made by child with special needs
Division Letter: D - CLOTHING (5-8 year old)
Class #:
1. Any garment for a person
2. Tie-dyed, any garment, may be purchased
3. Embellished garment, must be washable, may be purchased
4. Scarf, headband, or hat
5. Doll clothes
6. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: E - KNITTING AND CROCHETING (5-8 year old)
Class #:
1. Any knitted or crocheted item
2. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: F - HOME FURNISHINGS
Class #:
5 - 8 year-old
1. Quilt
2. Any eece blanket, crib to lap, not larger than 60” x 78”
3. One special occasion card
4. Scrapbook page in plastic insert
5. Potholder
6. Decorated ower pot
7. Decorated picture frame, no larger than 8” x 10”
8 Any other home furnishings article
9. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: G - PHOTOGRAPHY (9 - 12 YEARS OLD)
5” x 7” color photo, mounted on 8” x 10” black or white poster board or foam
board, ready to hang
Class #:
1. Any kind of animal
2. A person
3. Nature
4. Any photo taken by a child with special needs
Division Letter: H – BAKING (9 – 12 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Chocolate chip cookies, 3
2. Brownies, frosted, 3
3. Cupcakes, decorated, 3
4. Cut out sugar cookies, decorated, 3
5. Small pie made in a mini tart pan (5”), any kind
6. Mufns, any kind, 3
7. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: I - ARTS AND CRAFTS (9 – 12 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Any media picture/drawing, no larger than 12” x 18”, framed & ready to
2. Novelty art - mosaic, collage/montage, sculpture
3. Woodworking – made by exhibitor (ex: birdhouse, picture frame, trivet,
clock, etc.)
4. Decorated wood item
5. Lego sculpture – no taller than 12” or wider than 12”
6. Tree ornament for any holiday
7. Jewelry – necklace
8. Jewelry – bracelet
9. Macrame (ex: keychain, plant hanger, necklace, etc.)
10. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: J – CLOTHING (9 – 12 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Any garment for a person
2. Tie-dyed, any garment, may be purchased
3. Embellished garment, must be washable, may be purchased
4. Scarf, headband, or hat
5. Doll clothes
6. Item made by a child with special needs
Class #:
1. Any knitted or crocheted item
2. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: L - HOME FURNISHINGS (9 –12 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Quilt
2. Any eece blanket, crib to lap, not larger than 60” x 78”
3. One special occasion card
4. Scrapbook page in plastic insert
5. Potholder
6. Decorated ower pot
7. Decorated picture frame, no larger than 8” x 10”
8. Any other home furnishings article
9. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: M - PHOTOGRAPHY (13 - 17 YEARS OLD)
5” x 7” color photo, mounted on 8” x 10” black or white poster board or foam
board, ready to hang
Class #:
1. Any kind of animal
2. A person
3. Nature
4. Any photo taken by a child with special needs
Division Letter: N – BAKING (13 - 17 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Chocolate chip cookies, 3
2. Brownies, frosted, 3
3. Cupcakes, decorated, 3
4. Cut out sugar cookies, decorated, 3
5. Small pie made in a mini tart pan (5”), any kind
6. Mufns, any kind, 3
7. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: O - ARTS AND CRAFTS (13 - 17 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Any media picture/drawing, no larger than 12” x 18”, framed & ready to
2. Novelty art - mosaic, collage/montage, sculpture
3. Woodworking – made by exhibitor (ex: birdhouse, picture frame, trivet,
clock, etc.)
4. Decorated wood item
5. Lego sculpture – not taller than 12” or wider than 12”
6. Tree ornament for any holiday
7. Jewelry – necklace
8. Jewelry – bracelet
9. Macrame (ex: keychain, plant hanger, necklace, etc.)
10. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: P – CLOTHING (13 - 17 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Any garment for a person
2. Tie-dyed, any garment, may be purchased
3. Embellished garment, must be washable, may be purchased
4. Scarf, headband, or hat
5. Doll clothes
6. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: Q - KNITTING AND CROCHETING (13 - 17 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Any knitted or crocheted item
2. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: R - HOME FURNISHINGS (13 - 17 YEARS OLD)
Class #:
1. Quilt
2. Any eece blanket, crib to lap, not larger than 60” x 78”
3. One special occasion card
4. Scrapbook page in plastic insert
5. Potholder
6. Decorated ower pot
7. Decorated picture frame, no larger than 8” x 10”
8. Any other home furnishings article
9. Item made by a child with special needs
Division Letter: S – FAIR THEME
Class #:
1. 2024 Theme – Draw a picture of a cow, no larger than 8” x 10”, framed
and read to hang.
2. 2025 Theme – Make three owers out of anything but food and display
in a container.
Class #:
1. Ages 5 – 8
2. Ages 9 – 12
3. Ages 13 - 17
JJuunniioorr FFaaiirr DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt
CChheecckk--IInn TTiimmee
JJuuddggiinngg TTiimmee
JJuuddggiinngg LLooccaattiioonn
1 Dairy Cattle
Tuesday, 5 9PM
Wednesday, until 8AM
Friday, approx. 10AM
(following Open Show)
Show & Sale Arena
2 Beef Cattle
Tuesday, 12 – 8PM
Thursday, approx. 10AM
(following Open Show)
Show & Sale Arena
3 Swine
Tuesday, by 3PM
Wednesday, approx. 9AM
(following Open Show)
Show & Sale Arena
4 – Sheep
Tuesday, by 6PM
Wednesday, approx. 3:30PM
(following Open Show)
Show & Sale Arena
5 Goats
Tuesday, by 9PM
Thursday, approx. 3PM
(following Beef Show)
Show & Sale Arena
6 Horse & Pony
Wednesday, before 8AM
Friday, 8AM
Horse Show Ring
7 Poultry Tuesday, 5 9PM Thursday, 8:30AM Tent north of Poultry Barn
8 Rabbits
Tuesday, 4 9PM
Friday, 8:30AM
Tent north of Rabbit Barn
9 – Dogs Wednesday, prior to 9AM Wednesday, 9AM Grass area east of Fair Office
10 Animal and Veterinary Science
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
13 Cats
Tuesday, prior to 7PM
Tuesday, 7:30PM
Discovery Barnyard Building
14 Plant & Soil Sciences
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
15 Flowers and House Plants
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
16 - Natural Science, Environment, Recycling
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
17 Cloverbuds
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7P
Gold 4-H Building
18 Arts & Crafts (formerly Cultural Arts)
Monday, Noon 7PM
Monday, Noon 7PM
Blue 4-H Building
20 Photography, Computers
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
22 – Woodworking
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
23 Electricity
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
24 Mechanics
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
25 Foods and Nutrition
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Blue 4-H Building
26 Clothing and Sewing
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Blue 4-H Building
27 Knitting and Crocheting
Monday, Noon 7PM
Monday, Noon 7PM
Blue 4-H Building
28 Home Environment
Monday, Noon 7PM
Monday, Noon 7PM
Blue 4-H Building
29 Family Living, Child Development
Monday, Noon 7PM
Monday, Noon 7PM
Blue 4-H Building
32 Youth Group Scrapbooks & Banners
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
33 Youth Leadership
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
34 Health, Social and Political Science
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Tuesday, Noon 7PM
Gold 4-H Building
Junior Fair Regulations
A. Junior Fair entries are due to Club General Leader before June 30th of the
exhibit year. Club General Leaders are responsible for delivering entries to
the Kenosha County Fair Ofce, no later than July 1st of the exhibit year.
Please check with the General Leader of your organization/club for exact
deadline date for your club.
B. All exhibitors in the Junior Fair must be members in 4-H, FFA, FHA or any
other youth organization having adult leadership in Kenosha County. Adult
leaders must be conrmed by their organization and must show educational
plan from their organization to the Kenosha County Fair Executive Board
prior to February 1st of the year the organization wishes to participate in
the Fair. The Executive Board has the authority to approve organizations
participation into the Fair. Junior Fair members in kindergarten, 1st and 2nd
grade will be judged with 4-H Cloverbuds only. Exhibitors in the above-
mentioned groups are required to be in Grade 3 as of January 1 of the
exhibit year and through one year past high school.
C. Entries by youth will be disallowed from showing at the Kenosha County
Fair if there is not a record of their enrollment in one of the county youth
organizations with their address. 4-H youth entries will be disallowed if the
youth does not have an approved enrollment in 4-H Online by May 1st. A
4-H Club Leader will certify entrants are registered for countywide projects
and are members in good standing. Project certication for entries outside
of county wide level projects is not necessary.
D. Exhibits in the Junior Fair must be a result of the exhibitor’s project or
projects in which he or she is currently enrolled, and must be the result of
the member’s own labor during the current school or enrollment year.
E. The Kenosha County Fair Executive Board has the right to disqualify any
Junior Exhibitor from the Kenosha County Fair at any time.
F. The Kenosha County Fair Executive Board will set the rules regarding tag-in
dates, weights, tagging, tattooing, rate of gain and other rules regarding the
Kenosha County Fair book exhibits.
G. Any Junior Fair exhibitor that has been disqualied from any county fair for
a project and/or behavioral violation will not be eligible to enter the Kenosha
County Fair for three (3) years from the time the violation has taken place.
H. No exhibitor shall make more than one entry in any one class number
(exceptions are livestock exhibits).
I. All Junior Fair exhibits are judged by Danish system unless otherwise
indicated. When divisions in the Junior and Education Departments are
judged according to the Danish system, 4 group placings will be awarded.
J. First Prize (Blue Ribbon), Second Prize (Red Ribbon), Third Prize (White
Ribbon), Fourth Prize (Pink Ribbon)
K. Exhibitor’s ticket. All exhibits in the Junior Fair will be required to purchase
an exhibitor’s ticket costing $12.00, except Cloverbud exhibitors. Cloverbuds
are exempt from the exhibitor’s ticket and therefore have free admission
into the Fair.
L. Health certicates for livestock. See Health Regulations in the front of the book.
M. Registration papers on livestock exhibited as registered MUST be checked
by superintendent before judging begins.
N. Junior Fair exhibitors may exhibit (if they so choose) in the Open Class.
However, if they exhibit in the Open Class, they may not exhibit the same
animals, article, or product in the Junior Fair.
A Junior Fair Exhibitor wishing
to enter Open Class can upgrade their Junior Exhibitor Ticket to a Dual
Exhibitor ticket for an additional $5.00. An entry form for both the Junior
Fair and Open Class must be submitted by the respective deadline dates.
O. Any exhibitor showing in a division that designates a specic grade, for
example, showmanship contests, will be considered on the basis of his or
her grade as of January 1 of the present year.
P. Junior Fair and Open Class livestock shall be housed separately and any Junior
Fair exhibitor who fails to house his or her livestock in the area assigned by
the superintendent shall forfeit his/her premiums. Mechanical ventilation in
the livestock buildings will be used at the discretion of the superintendent.
Q. When there are 16 or more animals entered in any Junior Fair division - at
the discretion of the fair superintendents - the division may be divided into
approximately equal groups and each group judged as a division. (Swine
will split at 10 or more)
R. No commercial or farm names may be worn by Junior Fair exhibitors while
in show or sale ring. Proper and clean attire must be worn in the show and
sale ring.
S. Members staying overnight with livestock must register with the Fair Ofce,
present written permission signatures from parent and superintendent to
Fair Police before 9:00 PM of the current day and obtain Police wrist band.
T. All entry tags must be attached to the projects (non-animal) and lled out
properly before the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed
and used when picking up the project on Sunday night.
U. All Junior Fair exhibits must be brought to the judge by the exhibitor.
Please see the schedule of judging on Page 34. Each exhibit will receive an
evaluation and placing at the time of entry. If it is impossible for an exhibitor
to be available at this time, their representative may bring the exhibit to
the judge. Youth are strongly urged to participate in the fair face-to-face
judging. Youth who do not participate in the face-to-face judging will have
their entry automatically lowered one placing. In addition, the judge will
have the right to further lower the exhibit placing if the judge is in doubt that
it is indeed the youth’s project.
V. No exhibits are to be released before 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles)
Sunday. Exhibits should be picked up before 9pm on Sunday.
W. Special care will be exercised in the care of exhibits, but the exhibits are
displayed at the owner’s risk. Once the item has been judged, in order to
receive premium money, it must be left as an exhibit for the duration of the
fair, no exceptions. The Department is not responsible for exhibits left on the
fairgrounds after the close of the Fair.
X. Rules specic to individual departments are listed at the beginning of each
department section. Also refer to “Rules for Livestock Show at Kenosha
County Fair”.
Y. Any youth may participate in Junior Fair regardless of where they live in
relation to Kenosha County.
Z. All animals must be housed in Kenosha County for the duration of project
to be eligible for sale at the Fair. If an exception is requested, follow this
procedure: Prior to starting a livestock project, a youth must send an email
to the Kenosha County Fair Manager (fairmanager@kenoshacofair.com)
explaining the need for housing animals outside of Kenosha County. The
request will be reviewed by the Kenosha County Fair Executive Board and a
decision will be reached and communicated to the youth within 30 days.
AA. Animal Project Standard Sheets must be signed every year and must be
strictly adhered to.
BB. Participation in Kenosha County Fair events, pre-fair judging, meetings
of related activities implies parental/exhibitor permissionn regarding the
use and distribution of your image, including but not limited to your name,
voice and likeness (image). By attending the events you acknowledge and
agree that photographs, video and/or audio recordings may be taken of the
exhibitor and the exhibitor grants Kenosha County Fair the right to use the
images in electronic and/or print distribution both now and in the future.
CC. The Kenosha County Fair requires that all exhibitors grades 3 through one
year past high school exhibiting an animal in the Beef, Dairy, Goat, Poultry,
Rabbit, Sheep, or Swine projects participate in Youth for the Quality Care
of Animals (YQCA), a national program focusing on food safety, animal
well-being and character development. This program will allow youth to
learn about other species of animals; not just the species they show. YQCA
content and modules will demonstrate a progression of topic knowledge in
designated categories based on youth ages as of January 1: Junior (ages
8-11), Intermediate (ages 12-14), Senior (ages 15-18), and Young Adult
(ages 19-21). Exhibitors must be in 4th grade or older to sell in Swine
DD. No cell phones are allowed in the Show & Sale ring while showing.
EE. All Junior Fair Exhibitors will be held to the Kenosha County Fair Code of
Conduct located on page 5 of the Premium Book.
A. Day of Judging: Friday immediately following Open Class Dairy show.
B. All entries must be in assigned dairy barns on Wednesday before 8AM.
Superintendent will begin animal check-in Tuesday evening for animals
already present at the fairgrounds and must be completed by 8AM on
Wednesday. A representative must be present at the time of check-in.
C. For age classications, see State Rules and Regulations in the front of the book.
D. First and second in the Blue-Ribbon group in the registered divisions will be
eligible to show for junior breed championships.
E. Exhibitors must be in 3rd grade to show dairy cattle.
F. First year members may only exhibit one animal. Second year members and
beyond may exhibit one or more animals. Exhibitors will be held responsible
for all animals they choose to exhibit at the fair.
G. The breed judging order will begin with Holsteins, alternating with Brown
Swiss, Ayrshire, Guernsey, etc.
H. Exhibitors are required to clip and groom their own animals for the Junior
Dairy Show.
I. Members will conduct themselves at all dairy events in a manner reecting
the positive ideals and goals reected by the Junior Program.
J. In order to earn the Special Dairy Premium, ALL dairy project members are
required to complete one of the following service options:
Work one, two-hour shift at the Kenosha County Dairy Breakfast and
one, two-hour shift in the Dairy Promotions Milk Booth at the Kenosha
County Fair before NOON on Sunday.
Work two, two-hour shifts in the Dairy Promotions Milk Booth at the
Kenosha County Fair before NOON on Sunday.
• Clean clothes and a good attitude are expected.
K. All animals must be shown by the project member who is exhibiting the
animal. If the project exhibitor is unable to show the animal another dairy
project member may show the animal. The superintendent is to be notied
before the start of the specied dairy division in order to receive the
superintendent’s approval.
L. Proper show attire (white pants and white shirt with no commercial
advertisement) is expected to be worn by all members at any exhibition of
their project animals. (At his or her discretion the show ofcial may prevent
an exhibitor from showing until proper show attire is worn.)
M. ALL Dairy Project members are required to complete “Thank You” cards
to businesses or individuals who donated money to the Special Dairy
Premium. Members are to complete these “Thank You Cards” and turn
them in to the superintendents by the designated time in order to receive
their Special Dairy Premium Money. If the “Thank You” cards are not turned
in, the project members will not receive their money. Club “Thank You”
cards or Project “Thank You” cards are accepted. Any unclaimed money will
be returned to the Special Dairy Premium fund.
N. There is to be NO furniture in the dairy barns (i.e. couches, futons, or
benches from outside the barn). Lawn chairs or one picnic table per club
will be permitted as long as the space stays clean. Show boxes are to be put
on the outside of barn.
O. All animals must be housed in Kenosha County.
Division Letter:
A. Holstein/Red-White D. Brown Swiss
B. Guernsey E. Ayrshire
C. Jersey F. Milking Shorthorn
Premiums: 1st - $10.50 2nd - $9.00 3rd - $7.50 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Bull calf, Spring 4. Heifer calf, Fall
2. Heifer calf, Spring 5. Heifer calf, Summer Yearling
3. Heifer calf, Winter 6. Heifer calf, Spring Yearling
Premiums: 1st - $13.50 2nd - $10.50 3rd - $9.00 4th - $7.50
7. Heifer calf, Winter Yearling
8. Heifer calf, Fall Yearling
9. Unfreshened Two-Year old
Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $12.00 3rd - $9.00 4th - $6.00
10. Junior Two-Year old 15. Cow, 6 years
11. Senior Two-Year old 16. Cow, 7 years & older
12. Cow, 3 years 17. Dry Cow - Three-Year old
13. Cow, 4 years 18. Dry Cow - Four-Year old
14. Cow, 5 years 19. Dry cow, Five-Years & older
Trophies and Awards
Champion Male (Holstein only)
Junior Champion (for each breed exhibited)
Senior Champion (for each breed exhibited)
Grand Champion (for each breed)
Supreme Champion Overall (all breed winners compete) - Traveling Trophy
Premiums for Divisions G - I:
1st - $12.00 2nd - $9.00 3rd - $6.00 4th - $3.00
Division Letter: G - DAM AND OFFSPRING
A. Open to any Junior Fair exhibitor showing a dam, exhibited at the Fair
this year in either Open Class or Junior Fair, and one of her offspring
B. All breeds compete in the same division.
Best Dam and Offspring --- Trophy
Division Letter: H - PRODUCE OF DAM
A. Must be animals shown by one exhibitor
B. All breeds compete in the same division
C. 2 animals, any age, any sex, and produce of one cow
D. Animals need not be owned by same exhibitor
Best Produce of Dam - Trophy
Division Letter: I - GET OF SIRE
A. Three animals or any age (not more than one may be a bull) which are the
offspring of the same bull. The name of the sire shall be designated by the
exhibitor. The animals need not be owned by a single exhibitor.
Best Get of Sire - Trophy
Division Letter: J - CLUB HERD
1st - $10.00 2nd - $8.00 3rd - $6.00 4th - $4.00 5th - $2.00
1. Four animals shown by not less than three members of one
junior dairy group. Any breed, any age and either sex. Only one herd
per club eligible for prize money. Not Danish system. Heeler to be a
junior exhibitor.
Show halters to the best tted in each of the Beginning, Junior,
Intermediate, and Senior Showmanship classes.
Division Letter: K - DAIRY SHOWMANSHIP
A. Entrant must show his or her own calf unless otherwise approved by the
Dairy Superintendents
B. To be judged on showmanship and the way the animal is tted for showing
C. The top four individuals will receive premium money as listed below,
however, all entries will receive ribbon
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Beginning Showmanship (3rd-4th grade on January 1 or 1st year showing)
2. Junior Showmanship (5th-6th grade on January 1)
3. Intermediate Showmanship (7th-8th grade on January 1)
4. Senior Showmanship (9th grade and above as of January 1. Previous rst
place winners in the Senior Showmanship are not eligible to show in the
above showmanship classes but will show in the Champion Showman
5. Champion Showman - The winning showman from each age division will
compete for Champion Showman.
Top showman in each of the showmanship classes (Award)
Any former Fair parent or participant may enter alumni class judging for
Showmanship. Entrants must show an animal which is being exhibited in Junior
Fair or Open Class. Judging will take place after the Champion Showman.
A. Day of judging: Thursday at 10 AM following Open Class judging
B. All entries must be in assigned beef barn on Tuesday between 12-8 PM
C. All beef project members must be in the 5th grade by January 1st of the
current year to be able to show and sell at the fair. EXCEPTION- any beef
project member who has shown in Open Class beef while in 2nd AND 3rd
grade is eligible to show and sell at the fair beginning in 4th grade (if in 4th
grade by January 1st of the current year). 4th grade can only sell and show
ONE animal.
D. All exhibitor beef project market steers must be tagged in by superintendent
team. Any tag that is not a KCB tag must be removed before fair.
E. All beef project animals (steers and heifers) must be in the project member’s
possession by the November weigh-in date with the exception of a junior
calf, which is born after January 1st of the exhibit year.
F. All animals must be housed in Kenosha County and the beef superintendent
has the right to “spot check” at any time. Superintendent team must be
notied any time your fair steer leaves designated address where animal is
housed and again upon animal’s return.
G. All animals must be shown by the Junior Fair member who is exhibiting the
animal. In cases of extreme hardship where the project exhibitor is unable
to show the animals, another project member may show the animals.
H. Wild and uncontrollable animals, as declared by the superintendent and/or
judge, shall be removed from the fair and showing rights revoked.
I. No steer can be shown that was born before January 1st, two years
preceding fair. Steers will be mouthed by fair veterinarian to determine age
and the rst pair of incisor teeth cannot be in wear.
J. Horns are NOT allowed on steers or market heifers.
K. No blindfolds, nose leads, breaking halters, etc. will be allowed at the fair.
L. All steers must be weighed on the Wednesday of fair week beginning at 2
PM. Minimum weight for colored steers is 1100 lbs and for dairy breeds are
1300 lbs.
M. The beef show will be a blow and go show with no hair length limit. In
regard to tting, blow and go will be dened as NO adhesives, waxes,
coloring agents, paints, natural or synthetic bers, or any other items that
would change the basic appearance of any animal. No adding of articial
tail heads, switches, polls, hair, or heels allowed.
N. To maintain a high degree of condence and integrity in the show and
sale, there will be NO injection of a gas, solid, or liquid to alter the normal
conformation or degree of rmness of any animal.
O. All tting and grooming will be done in designated tting area between 5 –
10 AM each day. No tying of steers outside of the barns (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Kenosha County Fair exhibitors are required to t their own animals for the
Junior Show once they are on the fairgrounds. They may be assisted by
immediate family members or by another current Kenosha County Fair beef
P. All beef chutes must be taken down daily by 10 AM.
Q. Animals must be stalled in barns and pens cleaned by 10 AM. Animals may
not leave for remainder of the day/night without superintendent approval.
R. We reserve the right to request samples on any animal. If there is a question
on any animal, we shall request a post mortem tissue sample at the expense
of the Livestock Sales Team. A signed market animal drug history form is
required for all livestock entries.
S. No dismantling of decorations or equipment in the barns without
superintendent approval.
T. Failure to comply with superintendent’s interpretation of rules could result
in removal from the show and/or sale.
Division Letter: Heifers
A. Angus E. Simmental
B. Charolais F. All Other Breeds
C. Hereford G. Crossbred
D. Shorthorn
Base dates for beef heifers:
Junior Calf: Born on or after January 1 of exhibit year. Must be at least
four months old at time of exhibit.
Senior Calf: Born during the period of September 1 to December 31 of
year preceding fair.
Summer Yearling: Born during the period of May 1 to August 31 of year
preceding fair.
Junior Yearling: Born during the period of January 1 to April 30 of year
preceding fair.
Senior Yearling: Heifer born during the period of September 1 to December
31 two years preceding fair.
Premiums: 1st - $10.50 2nd - $9.00 3rd - $7.50 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Heifer, Junior Calf
Premiums: 1st - $13.50 2nd - $10.50 3rd - $9.00 4th - $7.50
2. Heifer, Senior Calf
3. Heifer, Summer Yearling
4. Heifer, Junior Yearling
5. Heifer, Senior Yearling
Premiums: 1st - $9.00 2nd - $7.50 3rd - $6.00 4th - $5.00
6. Cow, 2 years old and older (Cow only)
Champion female of all breeds (Ribbon & Trophy)
Champion Heifer - Ribbon
Division Letter:
H. Angus
I. Hereford
J. Shorthorn
K. Simmental
L. Maine-Anjou
M. English Crossbred – both parents are of English breeds (no exotics). i.e.
Herefored, Angus, Shorthorn.
N. Exotic Crossbred – one parent of exotic breed. i.e. Simmental, Charolais,
Santa Gertrudis, etc.
O. Dairy Beef Crossbred- one parent is beef breed and one parent is dairy breed
P. Dairy Steer- both parents are dairy breeds
Q. Any Other Breed - will follow breed association guidelines. Red Angus, Chi,
and Charolais will fall in this class.
R. Maintainer
Premiums: 1st - $9.00 2nd - $7.50 3rd - $6.00 4th - $5.00
Light Weight Medium Weight Heavy Weight
Champion (Ribbon)
No state aid shall be paid for more than one premium awarded to an exhibitor
under one weight class, except 2 may be awarded in the highest weight class.
The champion animal from each of the above market beef divisions will
compete for:
Grand Champion & Reserve Champion (Ribbons)
One Champion market steer from each Division (H-Q) - Trophies
Grand Champion & Reserve Champion Market Steer - Trophies
Entrants must show his or her own beef to be judged on showmanship and the
way the animal is presented for showing. Only the top four individuals receive
premium money as listed below, however, all entries will receive ribbons.
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.23 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Junior Showmanship (4th – 6th grade on January 1 of exhibit year)
2. Intermediate Showmanship (7th – 8th grade on January 1 of exhibit year)
Previous rst place winners in Junior and Intermediate Showmanship
must show in the NEXT level up of showmanship class.
3. Senior Showmanship (9th grade and above as of January 1 of exhibit
year) Previous rst place winners in the Senior Showmanship are not
eligible to show in the above showmanship classes, but will show for
Champion Showman.
4. Champion Showman- Open to this year’s rst place winners in the
Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Showmanship classes and rst
place winners of previous years in the Senior Showmanship who are
exhibiting in the Junior Beef Department this year.
An award will be presented to the top showman in each of the above classes.
In addition, an award for the top showmen of Polled Hereford cattle in the
Junior Fair, FFA organizations, and Junior, Intermediate, and Senior classes will
be awarded.
A. Day of judging: Wednesday at 9:00 AM (immediately following the Open
Class show)
B. All entries must be in assigned pens by Tuesday at 3 PM.
C. For age classications, see State Rules and Regulations in the front of the book.
D. Any swine project member (3rd grade and older) may enroll in the swine
project. However, if they don’t meet the age/grade requirement for selling at
the auction, they may show in the Open Class at the Fair. In short, only swine
project members in the 4th grade or above may show Junior Fair market
swine. 4th graders and any rst-year project member in 4th grade or above
may sell two (2) market swine or up to two (2) large animals.
E. We will follow the Wisconsin State Fair Health Rules, subject to change.
Health papers must be presented to barn superintendent before animals are
unloaded. No faxed papers are allowed.
F. All pigs will be tagged and registered by May 1st. Exhibitor can tag up to and
register up to four (4) pigs.
G. All animals must be shown by the Junior Fair member who is exhibiting
the animal. If the exhibitor is unable to show the animal, another project
member may show the animal with consent of the superintendent.
H. Sampling to be done by the Livestock Sales Team for the Champion and
Reserve Champion will be at the expense of the Livestock Sales Team. We
do reserve the right to request samples of any animal. On any animal that
there is a question about, we shall request a post mortem tissue sample at
the expense of the Livestock Committee. A signed market animal drug history
form is required for all livestock entries.
I. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug
or the external application of any substance (irritant, counterirritant, or
similar substance) which could affect the animal’s performance or alter its
natural contour, conrmation, or appearance, except external applications
of substances to the hoofs or horns of animals which affect appearance
only and except for surgical procedures performed by a duly licensed
veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is
J. Use of wood shavings is mandatory at the Fair. The exhibitor must have all
pens cleaned and feed pans out by 9AM each day of the fair.
K. The only scale allowed on the fairgrounds is the ofcial swine scale.
L. Ear tag numbers must be listed on health papers.
M. All animals must be housed in Kenosha County or as approved by the
Kenosha County Fair Executive Board.
N. The Swine Show is a terminal, or all kill show. Any hog that is on the
fairgrounds will be bound for slaughter.
O. The barrow or gilt must weigh between 225 and 290 pounds.
P. Junior Exhibitors must have attended at least 3 – 4H project meetings or
made arrangements with the Junior Swine Education Team
Q. Junior Exhibitors must be registered as an active 4H member through the
UW-Extension 4H ofce for Kenosha County.
Division Letter: A Market Stock
1. Market Duroc 6. Market Yorkshire
2. Market Chester White 7. Market Berkshire
3. Market Poland China 8. Market - All Other Breeds
4. Market Spot 9. Market Crossbred
5. Market Hampshire
MARKET SWINE SHOW: Only single market animals will be shown. There
will be separate divisions for all breeds. Each exhibitor can show two single
market hogs. Example: You may show 1 purebred & 1 crossbred or 2 purebred
or 2 crossbreds. Each will be broken into their own weight class. There must
be at least 10 entries per class before superintendents will consider splitting
classes. Identication registry papers of registered pigs must be turned in
at the time of weigh in to the superintendent and their staff. Telephone calls
and other communications from the breed associations certifying application
for registration will not be accepted. All animals shown in the junior swine
department shall be owned by the junior exhibitor.
To prove ownership, youth must provide evidence that junior exhibitor is part
of family or farm operation as legal owners on registration papers as veried
by letter from Breed Association or notarized statement signed by parent/
legal guardian, junior exhibitor and notary public. Litter recording or individual
registration will be accepted if they comply with the specic Breed Association
regulations or rules. Duroc Breed Association does not provide litter recording
service. The identication and ear notching indicated on the registration
certicate must correspond with the animal to be exhibited. All pigs must
comply with the acceptable ear notch system. Purebred market hogs must have
an individual registration paper. Market hogs without purebred papers will be
shown as crossbreds.
Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, & Champions of Each Breed (Awards)
Division Letter: S - SWINE SHOWMANSHIP
Exhibitor must show his/her own hog. To be judged on basis of appearance
of the showman, showmanship and the tting of the animal. Only the top four
individuals receive premium money in each division as listed below, however,
all entries will receive ribbons. Exhibitors that win their class must move up to
the next class the next year.
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - 2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Beginning Showmanship - 3rd-4th grade members as of January 1 of
exhibit year and any rst year member of the swine project regardless
of age. All returning members will be placed in age appropriate bracket.
2. Junior Showmanship - 5th-6th grade members as of January 1 of
exhibit year (Champion Junior Showman Award)
3. Intermediate Showmanship - 7th-8th grade members as of January 1
of exhibit year. (Champion Intermediate Showman Award)
4. Senior Showmanship - 9th grade and above members as of January 1
of exhibit year. (Champion Senior Showman Award)
5. Open to this year’s rst place winners in the Beginning Junior,
Intermediate and Senior Showmanship classes and rst place winners
of previous years Senior Showmanship, who are exhibiting in the Junior
Swine Department this year.
Champion Showman (Award) & Reserve Showman Award
A. Day of judging: Wednesday at 3:30 PM, after Open Class Sheep
B. All animals must be in place by 6 PM Tuesday night of the fair. The weigh-in
will be Tuesday of the Kenosha County Fair after 6 PM.
C. Any Junior Fair exhibitor (3rd grade or older) may show in the Sheep Project.
D. See additional requirements listed under Market Lambs.
Division Letter:
A - Shropshire
B - Hampshire
C - Suffolk
D - Corriedale
E - Natural Colored
F - Oxford
G - Dorset
H - Southdown
I - Crossbred
J - Dorset Advantage
K - All Other Breeds
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Ram, spring lamb (born in year of fair)
2. Ram, fall lamb
3. Ram, 1 year & under 2
4. Ewe, spring lamb (born in year of fair)
5. Ewe, fall lamb
6. Ewe, 1 year & under 2
7. Mature ewe
8. Ewe, pen of 2 ewe lambs bred & owned by exhibitor
Champion & Reserve Champion ram of each breed (Ribbons)
Champion & Reserve Champion ewe of each breed (Ribbons)
Champion ram of all breeds & Champion ewe of all breeds (Trophies)
1. Sheep Project exhibitors 4th grade and above may show and sell market
lambs, but any sheep project member may show breeding stock.
2. Market lambs must be born on or after January 1st of the current fair year. All
male market lambs must be castrated, all female market lambs are eligible.
Ewe lambs to be shown as breeding stock do not need to be tagged.
3. No one can contact WLIC for tags as all the tags can only come from Kenosha
4. The only ear tags that will be allowed are the Kenosha County Fair tag,
Wisconsin State Fair tag, and Scrapie tag. All other tags will be removed at
identication. If a lamb loses an ear tag, the exhibitor must notify Kenosha
County Fair Sheep Superintendents immediately so the tag can be replaced. If
a lamb is missing a tag upon a visit or arriving at the fair and a Superintendent
was not notied, this lamb will be disqualied.
5. Exhibitors may identify up to four (4) market lambs at the initial identication.
Lambs must be identied by exhibitor or family. A lamb may not be shown at
another fair or be shown by another exhibitor other than an immediate family
member. Exhibitors that are going to show market lambs must have the lambs
tagged by the date set by Kenosha County Fair Superintendent. Exhibitors may
only sell two (2) large animals.
6. All lambs must physically be at the tag-in, unless specied by Superintendent.
7. All lambs must be owned and housed at the location stated on the signed
identication form. The Superintendent must be notied prior to moving the
lambs in the event of a change in residency. If a project animal is moved from
the location stated on the identication form, for any reason or length of time,
the exhibitor must notify the Sheep Superintendent prior to taking the animals.
8. Kenosha County Sheep Superintendent may make a surprise inspection after
contacting a member or a member’s parent/guardian to accompany them
on their visit to the location where the animal is housed. Superintendent will
check to make sure the animal has its proper tag and is receiving care and
9. All market lambs must be slick sheared seven (7) days or less before the fair
date. No patch shearing will be allowed in the show or sale ring.
11. All shearing, grooming, and handling of sheep at the Kenosha County Fair will
only be done by people actively involved in the Kenosha County Sheep Project.
12. Lambs not displaying proper breed character will be shown in the AOB class
as determined by the Superintendent. Pens will be shown based on the
criteria of: 50% similarity of nish, weight, and phenotype, 50% overall quality
of lambs.
13. Pens will be shown rst at Kenosha County Fair. An exhibitor is allowed to
show two singles, not of the same breed. That exhibitor must show those
two singles as a pen to be eligible to show both singles. Pens will be shown
by weight and singles by breed, with classes divided at the discretion of
14. On Show Day, two hours prior to the beginning of the show, and the ½ hour
following the conclusion of the show, the barn will be closed to anyone other
than exhibitor, immediate family, and Sheep Project Leaders.
15. All sheep are required to stay within a designated area during Show Day and
Grand Champion and Reserve Champion market lambs will only be allowed
to leave the show ring after the show if accompanied by a Superintendent. All
sheep will have DNA pulled.
16. Designated areas will consist of the area by the sheep barn, creek, and wash
racks and must be visible to Superintendent at all times, until classes are
17. Lambs showing signs of distress due to unusual handling methods or
symptoms of health distress from possible use of drugs or steroids will not be
allowed to show. Cool-toweling of lambs is permitted, holding of ice or any
frozen object against the lamb is prohibited.
18. Each exhibitor will be required to perform barn duty. All pens and feed pans
must be removed from the pens by 10AM each day.
19. Exhibitors must adhere to proper dress code and must follow drug, alcohol,
profanity, and misconduct policy as stated in the fair book.
20. All thank you notes for trophy sponsors and buyers must be turned in by 1PM
on Sunday to Sheep Superintendent. All pens must be cleaned before leaving
the fair on Sunday night.
21. Any infraction of the rules and expectations will result in consequences as
described in the Kenosha County Fair Code of Conduct policy.
Division Letter: K - PEN OF TWO MARKET LAMBS
Pens of market lambs are NOT shown by breed. Classes are separated based
on the combined weights of both pen lambs.
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Pen of two market lambs
-Light Weight -Medium Weight -Heavy Weight
Champion & Reserve Champion Pen of 2 Market Lambs (Trophies)
All market lambs weighed in May of exhibit year, are a part of the Rate of Gain
contest. Award will be determined on the basis of the average daily rate of gain
from the day of preliminary weighing to the weigh-in at Fair.
Division Letter: Single Market Lambs
L - Shropshire
M - Hampshire
N - Suffolk
O - Corriedale
P - Natural Colored
Q - Oxford
R - Dorset
S - Southdown
T - Dorset Advantage
U - All Other Breeds (AOB) Purebred
V - Crossbred
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Single market lamb (will be shown by breed)
- Light Weight
- Medium Weight
- Heavy Weight
Champion & Reserve Champion Market Lamb (Trophies)
Division Letter: V - SHEEP SHOWMANSHIP
A. All exhibitors in grades 3rd-5th as of January 1 of the exhibit year must
participate in showmanship classes.
B. Entrants must show his/her own animal.
C. Exhibitor is judged on the basis of appearance of the showman, showmanship
and the tting of the animal.
D. Only the top four individuals receive premium money in each class as listed
below, however, all entries will receive ribbons.
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Junior Showmanship, 3rd-5th grade on January 1 of exhibit year.
2. Intermediate Showmanship, 6th-8th grade on January 1 of exhibit year.
3. Senior Showmanship, 9th grade or over as of January 1 of exhibit year.
4. Open to current year’s rst place winner and rst place winners of
previous years in the Senior Showmanship, who are exhibiting in the
Junior Sheep Department in the current year.
A. Day of judging: Thursday afternoon following Beef Show in Show & Sale
Arena (approximately 3PM). Champion Goat classes will run Friday following
the Dairy Cow Show in the Show & Sale Arena.
B. All animals must be in place by Tuesday at 9PM.
C. Members must have met the Kenosha County Goat Project requirements to
be eligible to show at the Kenosha County Fair, all animals must be housed
in Kenosha County. Exhibitors must be 3rd grade or older to show dairy/pet/
market breeding doe class and 4th grade or older to auction market animals
D. Goats with full natural horns may be entered in MARKET and COMPANION
CLASSES ONLY. Dairy goats must be neatly disbudded or dehorned per AGDA
standards (if not naturally polled) and scurs should be less than 2 inches.
Goat Superintendent reserves the right to disqualify, remove or isolate goats
deemed unsafe.
E. All MALE goats (wethers) must be castrated.
F. Youth Show order is as follows: Market Show, Senior Dairy Does, Junior
Dairy Does, Showmanship, and Fiber.
G. In dairy and market breeding stock classes, exhibitors may enter a maximum
of 5 animals per class number but will only receive premiums on one entry.
(Exhibitor must arrange enough Junior Fair member handlers prior to the
start of the show.)
H. Superintendent may consolidate age classes in the Junior Dairy Doe show
if there are fewer than 5 animals entered for that breed.
I. Appropriate show attire is required. (All white attire for Dairy Show, must
have closed toe shoes.)
J. Goats should be body clipped BEFORE the fair. Body clipping of goats at fair
is strongly discouraged, touch up is allowed.
K. Dry Does (not in milk) but have freshened in the past may be shown in their
respective age classes. Dry milkers over 24 months of age that have never
freshened may only be exhibited in the companion goat division.
L. Pen cleaning and milking must be completed by 10AM each day of the fair.
DAIRY BREEDING DIVISIONS (After each breed, a champion of breed will be chosen)
Division Letter:
A - Alpine
B - Lamancha
C - Nigerian Dwarf
D - Nubian
E - Toggenburg
F - Oberhasli
G - Saanen
H - Sable
I - Recorded Grade (Crossbred Dairy Breed)
J - Any Other Breed (Guernsey, Pygmy, Mini Breeds)
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
Class #:
Animals in classes 1-5 must not have ever freshened
1. Junior Doe Kid (born May of current year or after)
2. Intermediate Doe Kid (born March - April of current year)
3. Senior Doe Kid (born January - February of current year)
4. Junior Yearling Doe (born August 1 - December 31 of two preceding
exhibit years)
5. Senior Yearling Doe (born before August 1, two years preceding exhibit
year and less than 24 months of age)
A Champion and Reserve Champion will be chosen from each breed. An overall
Grand and Reserve Champion of the Junior Doe Show will be chosen to com-
pete for Supreme Champion of the Dairy Show.
Class #:
Animals in classes 6-11 must have freshened including dry milkers
6. Yearling Milker Doe, under 2 years in milk
7. Junior Milker Doe, 2 years and under 3
8. Senior Milker Doe, 3 years and under 4
9. Mature Milker Doe, 4 years and under 5
10. Senior Aged Does, 5 years and over
A Champion and Reserve Champion will be chosen from each breed.
An overall Grand and Reserve Champion of the Senior Doe Show will be
chosen to compete for Supreme and Reserve Supreme Champion of the Dairy
Show (the fair awards a champion and reserve champion ribbon to the dairy
goat show).
A. Group classes will follow the Junior and Senior Breed Classes
B. Group classes will be grouped by class, not by breed
C. Exhibitors must identify individual animals in each group and submit this list
to the Superintendent prior to the start of the show.
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $5.00 3rd - $4.00 4th - $3.00
Division Letter: K
Class #:
11. Senior Get of Sire - 3 does, all by the same sire, one (1) must be in milk,
ALL must be in the senior goat classes (they do not need to be owned
by the same exhibitor)
12. Junior Get of Sire - 3 does not in milk with the same sire, under 2 years
(they do not need to be owned by the same exhibitor).
13. Produce of Dam - 2 does, any age, both must have the same mother,
both animals owned by the same exhibitor.
14. Dam and Daughter - 1 doe and Its offspring (offspring can be any age)
15. Exhibitor’s Herd - ALL animals must be owned by the same exhibitor - 1
doe under the age of 1 year, 1 doe between 1-2 years, and 1 doe over 2
years of age
A. Any infraction of the rules may result in the loss of show/sale rights.
B. Any Junior Fair Member (3rd grade and above) may exhibit breeding stock. Only
members in the 4th grade and above may show market goats for auction.
C. Markets must have been born after January 1st of current year and be
castrated and dehorned before May weigh-in.
D. A full-sized market goat must be capable of reaching a minimum market
weight of 50 pounds and be of appropriate body grade (as determined by
the appointed grader at Fair) before fair time to be eligible for auction.
E. Maximum of 4 market goats may be weighed in May and a maximum of 2
market animals may be brought to the Fair. Exhibitors may only sell two (2)
large animals total at the auction.
F. All animals must be housed in Kenosha County. They must be housed at the
location stated on the signed Identication form. The superintendents must be
informed in the event of a change of residency prior to moving the animals.
G. Kenosha County Goat Superintendent reserves the right to make an inspection
after notifying the exhibitor and his or her parent/guardian to see the location
where the animal is housed. A tag and wellness check will be performed.
H. The only ear tags that will be allowed at the Kenosha County Fair are the
Kenosha County Fair tag and a Scrapie Identication tag. All other tags will
be removed at identication. If a goat loses its ear tag, the Goat Project
Superintendent needs to be notied immediately so that it can be replaced.
If a tag is missing upon arrival to the Fair, the goat will be disqualied.
I. Weigh-in at the Fair will be Tuesday following the market lambsin an area
designated by the Livestock Sales Team.
J. All market goats must be slick shorn in order to qualify for show and auction.
K. Female market breeding stock goats are allowed horns per the breed
standard. Goat Superintendent reserves the right to disqualify, remove or
isolate goats deemed unsafe.
L. No Female Dairy Breed Goats will be eligible for auction.
M. Appropriate show/sale attire is required. (Jeans and plaid long sleeved shirt,
closed toe shoes)
N. Members auctioning animals must hand in a thank you card by the end of the
day Saturday of the Fair to the Goat Superintendent to receive their auction
check. The card must have a properly addressed and stamped envelope.
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
L - Boer
M - Any other Market Breed or Crossbred of Market Breeds (to include: Kiko,
Spanish, Boer, Texmaster/Genemaster, Kinder, Boer, Tennessee Meat Goat,
Savannah, Myotonic)
N - Crossbred Market/Dairy Breed (up to 50% dairy breed allowed)
O - Dairy Wether (castrated male dairy breed)
P - Boer
Q - Any other Market Breed (Kiko, Spanish, Boer, Texmaster/Genemaster, Kinder,
Tennessee Meat Goat, Savannah, Myotonic)
R - Any other Crossbred Market (up to 50% dairy breed allowed)
Class #:
1. Breeding Doe - Doeling (under 12 months)
2. Breeding Doe - Yearling (12-24 months)
3. Breeding Doe - Aged Doe (24 months and above)
Reserve Grand Champion & Grand Champion (Ribbon)
Division Letter: S - FIBER GOATS
This division includes: Angora, Cashmere, Pygora, and any crossbred ber type.
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Junior Doe Kid (born in current year)
2. Yearling Doe (born Jan 1 – Dec 1 of previous year)
3. Adult Doe (born before Dec 31 of previous year)
4. Wether (any age)
Division Letter: T - GOAT SHOWMANSHIP
Exhibitors are encouraged to participate in showmanship. They will be judged
on the basis of appearance of the showman, showmanship, and the tting of
the animal. Only the top four individuals will receive premium money as listed
below. All entries will receive ribbons. All entries are as of January 1st of the
current year.
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Novice Showmanship (any age, 1st year members ONLY)
2. Junior Showmanship (3rd-5th grade)
3. Intermediate Showmanship (6th-8th grade)
4. Senior Showmanship (9th grade and above)
5. Champion Showman – Open to this year’s rst place winners in the
Novice, Junior, Intermediate and Senior Showmanship classes and
rst place winners of previous years Senior Showmanship, who are
exhibiting in the Junior Goat Department this year.
Overall Champion Showman (Ribbon and Award sponsored by the Goat Project
Division Letter: U - COMPANION GOAT
All Companion Goat Classes will run in the Show & Sale Arena following the
Dairy Cow Show on Friday.
1. Pack and Cart Goats: Exhibitor will be judged on their knowledge of
pack or cart goats and how well the handler and animal work as a team.
This class is ribbons only.
2. Pet Goat: Class is judged on animal’s responsiveness to exhibitor (ex:
ease of handling, response to name) and exhibitor’s general goat project
knowledge. Pet animals are NOT judged on conrmation. This class is
ribbons only.
3. Goat Costume: Class is judged on creativity of exhibitors and goat’s
costume. This class is ribbons only.
4. Goat Obstacle Course: Class is judged on the speed and accuracy in
which the goat completes the course. This class is ribbons only.
Chairman: Randall Rossi
There will be no discrimination of any exhibitor at the show because of race,
creed, color, or national origin.
1. All entry and weigh-in deadlines SHALL be followed. No exceptions.
2. Each exhibitor must be in at least 4th grade and not more than the year
following high school graduation as of January 1 of the current calendar year.
3. All animals shown in market classes shall be owned and under the daily
care of the Junior Fair exhibitor. Other housing and care situations will be
approved by the Livestock Sales Team. ALL ANIMALS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED
4. All forms must be completed and signed by 6PM Thursday of the fair to be
eligible for the Livestock Auction on Saturday
1. Market steers, sheep, swine, goats, and baskets for dairy (champion &
reserve champion) will be sold at the Junior Fair Livestock Sale, beginning
Saturday at 1PM.
2. To be eligible for the sale, animals must meet the following requirements:
(a) Steers - Minimum weight 1,100 lbs. Holstein steer must be a minimum
weight of 1,300 lbs.
(b) All eligible animals will be sold.
(c) All eligible Grand Champions and Reserve Grand Champions will be sold
for slaughter.
(d) Market hogs - Weights between 225 lbs. - 290 lbs. only.
(e) Market lambs - Must weigh 100 lbs. or over with the exception of
purebred Dorpers and Southdowns which must weigh 90 lbs. or more.
All lambs must grade prime or choice.
(f) Market goats must weigh a minimum of 70 lbs. and grade prime or choice.
3. Animals not making weight requirements, grading of nish as determined
by the Livestock Sales Team representative (judges or other designated
evaluator) will not be sold at the sale. Any and all questions regarding
weights, grades or eligibility must be resolved by the evaluator at the time
of the initial grading. All decisions are nal.
4. Animals must be identied by tag or tattoo given at ofcial weigh-in date or
its veried replacement.
5. All eligible Grand and Reserve Champions sell. A maximum of two animals
may be sold by one exhibitor. No exceptions. The Livestock Sales Team
reserves the right to determine which 2 champions will sell if more than
2 champions are shown per exhibitor. Exhibitors selling animals in the sale
must be present to offer his or her animal in the sale ring. Another club
member may sell animals for an owner in cases of extreme hardship. Prior
approval from sale chairperson is necessary.
6. All sale animals must be clean in order to be eligible for sale.
7. Only approved show halters of animals will be allowed. NO other accessories
allowed on animal. Ribbon won at the fair may be attached to show halter or
exhibitor. NO advertising of farm, company, or rm on clothing or hat.
8. All species will have a re-weigh immediately after their prospective shows.
The top two placing animals in each breed class will be re-weighed at the
discretion of the Livestock Sales Team. A 5% variance from the original
fair weigh-in will be allowed. Any other weights will result in immediate
disqualication of sale rights.
9. All animal weights accepted and eligible for auction must be Kenosha
County weights. No weights from any other source will be accepted.
10. Any animal pulled from the sale must be withdrawn by 6PM on the day of
the show. Notice is to be given to the department superintendent.
11. Exhibitors are responsible for market livestock sold, until the exhibitor has
turned the animals over to a Livestock Superintendent on Sunday evening
at the close of the Fair. Buyers must make arrangements for all livestock to
be removed from the fairgrounds on Sunday of the Fair and no later than
midnight. No livestock will be allowed on the fairgrounds after midnight. The
Fair and Sale Committee will assume no responsibility for lost or missing
livestock. Five percent of sale receipts will be withheld by the Livestock Sale
Team to be used for promotion.
12. No reserve of show rights. No buy backs.
13. The mandatory beef, pork and sheep check-off program will be in effect. Beef:
$1 per head sold. Pork: 0.35 of 1% gross value. Sheep: 0.005 per weight.
14. All trucking is arranged by the packing houses and Livestock Sales Team.
15. Youth project member(s) must grant a member of the Livestock Sales Team
access to premise where any animal intended for sale is housed or youth
forfeits rights of sale.
A. Written veterinarian proof of tetanus, East/West sleeping sickness and
original negative Coggins is required and must be dated within the calendar
year of the Fair. Proof of Flu and Rhino immunization is also required and
must be dated 2 weeks prior but within 6 months of the Fair opening. If
administering your own shots, proof of purchase and/or veterinarian proof
(letter head) of shots is required. No phone verication will be accepted. This
paperwork must be turned in to the barn superintendent before your horse
is unloaded from the trailer and will be held until your horse is released
on Sunday evening. Any out-of-state animal requires a valid 30-day health
certicate. Horses can be checked by the Fair veterinarian at any time
during the duration of the Fair. Sick horses will be sent home.
B. Current Wisconsin Junior Fair Horse Project class rules and check sheet apply.
C. No stallions over one year as of fair time are eligible to enter.
D. Grade of exhibitor will be 3rd grade as of the current Junior Fair year. Youth
under 3rd grade (of the current Junior Fair year) may not participate.
E. Junior Fair horses to be owned or managed by exhibitor no later than May
1st, of the current Junior Fair year. In hardship cases, exhibitor, with a
signed statement from veterinarian, must appear before the Horse Project
Superintendents for ruling. Hardship classes will show ONLY in the specied
hardship classes. ID sheets must be received at the Fair ofce by May 1st
for both Horse and Horseless Horse.
F. All horses and ponies will be kept on the Fairgrounds for the duration of the
Fair. Horseless Horse buddies supporting the Horse project may be excluded
from the mandatory barn housing rule (approval must be requested to
Superintendent prior to May 1 of the Fair year).
G. Horses must be in place by 8AM on Wednesday and will be released on
Sunday at 7PM (walk out) or 8PM (vehicle access). No exceptions.
H. Stalling arrangements will be made on a rst-come, rst-served basis.
Contact the Superintendent before July 1st.
I. Each exhibitor must participate in a showmanship class to be eligible to ride
that same day.
J. An exhibitor may show no more than two (2) horses per show.
K. No exhibitor may take part in more than eight (8) classes; to include not more
than one (1) English showmanship, one (1) Western showmanship, one (1)
Western pleasure, one (1) Western riding, one (1) English pleasure, one (1)
Western horsemanship, one (1) English equitation, one (1) Country Pleasure
Driving, one (1) reinsmanship and two (2) trail classes. This rule does not
apply to championship classes, the fun classes, the horseless horse classes
or exhibition classes.
L. The same horse may be shown by more than one exhibitor unless they
are in the same age group. The only exception is trail. If there is a conict
to meet the show requirements, the state non-qualifying open classes are
added to allow for the member to meet their requirement.
M. Attire:
Friday Junior Fair Show: Proper Western or English attire required for
respective classes (exception for exhibition classes).
Fun Classes: Long pants, boots, and a full-length shirt are required. (Tucked
in t-shirts will be allowed, provided that they are unaltered. They must be
plain solid colors or contain the Junior Fair logo. NO CONCERT T-SHIRTS
SEI Helmets must be worn whenever mounted.
Boots: Riding boots or hard sole work type shoes will be worn by the
exhibitor at all times around the barns and while handling and riding horses
for the duration of the fair.
N. Ponies will measure fty-six (56) inches and under. All horse breeds will be
considered ponies, with the exception of the miniature horse.
O. Horseless Horse members are limited to eight (8) classes to include one
(1) each (Western Horseless Horse Showmanship, English Horseless
Horse Showmanship, Western Horseless Horse Walk Trot Pleasure, English
Horseless Horse Walk Trot Pleasure, Western Horseless Horse Walk Trot
Horsemanship, English Horseless Horse Walk Trot Equitation, Horseless
Horse Walk Trot Trail, and In-Hand Trail. Horseless Horse members may also
participate in the costume class which is not one of the 8 class limitations.
P. Members grade 6 and over as of the current Junior Fair year, are eligible for
horse and pony classes at the State Junior Fair Horse Expo.
Q. No professional trainers are allowed on the rail during the Friday Junior Fair
Show. For questions, see Superintendant.
R. Adult Class Participants must use a horse that has been exhibited that day.
Proper Western or English attire is required - SEI Helmets are required.
Participant must complete a liability sheet prior to the adult class. This class
will be held on Friday.
S. Trail will be held on Friday (Can ride English or Western). A minimum of 7
riders is required to run the Trail class. Novelty riding will be after Gymkhana.
T. No hitting of horses in front of the saddle. This is cause for disqualication.
U. Some horse displays can be entered under Veterinary Science or Exploring
if the member is enrolled in that project.
Friday - 8AM SHARP (This show will be moved to Saturday in the case of rain at
the Superintendent discretion.)
Friday - 8AM SHARP (This show will be moved to Saturday in the case of rain at
the Superintendent discretion.)
Premiums: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $7.00 3rd - $6.00 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Pony - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
2. Pony - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
3. Horse - Member 13th grade - 12th grade
4. Horse - Member 11th grade - 10th grade
5. Horse - Member 9th grade - 8th grade
6. Horse - Member 7th grade - 6th grade
7. Horse - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
8. Horseless Horse - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
9. Horseless Horse - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
10. Hardship - Showmanship - English or Western Pony or Horse.
Member any age (open only to hardship cases approved by the Fair
11. Open Western Showmanship: This class is added for specic cases only.
Registration will be day of fair. Determined by the Superintendent
12. Championship Western Showmanship (1st & 2nd blue from classes 1 - 9)
13. Ranch Showmanship Exhibition - All ages (Ribbons only)
A. Must show in bridle
B. The Danish System will be used
Premiums: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $7.00 3rd - $6.00 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Pony - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
2. Pony - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
3. Horse - Member 13th grade - 12th grade
4. Horse - Member 11th grade - 10th grade
5. Horse - Member 9th grade - 8th grade
6. Horse - Member 7th grade - 6th grade
7. Horse - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
8. Horseless Horse - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
9. Horseless Horse - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
10. Open English Showmanship - Non State qualifying: This class is added
for specic cases only. Registration will be day of fair. Determined by the
11. Championship English Showmanship (First & Second blue from classes
1 - 9)
Division Letter: C - ENGLISH PLEASURE
A. Horse or pony judged to its performance as a pleasure mount
B. Trophies and ribbons only
Class #:
1. Pony - Hunter Under Saddle or Saddle Seat Pleasure - Member 13th
grade - 6th grade
2. Pony - Hunter Under Saddle or Saddle Seat Pleasure - Member 5th
grade - 3rd grade
3. Championship Pony English Pleasure - (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from
classes 1- 2)
4. Horse - Hunter Under Saddle - Member 13th grade - 12th grade
5. Horse - Hunter Under Saddle - Member 11th grade - 10th grade
6. Horse - Hunter Under Saddle - Member 9th grade - 8th grade
7. Horse - Hunter Under Saddle - Member 7th grade - 6th grade
8. Horse - Hunter Under Saddle - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
9. Championship Horse English Pleasure (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from
classes 4-8)
10. Saddle Seat Pleasure - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
11. Saddle Seat Pleasure - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
12. Championship Saddle Seat Pleasure (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from
classes 10-11)
13. English Walk-trot - Member any age. Judged 50% Pleasure, 50%
Equitation. Non-qualifying for the State Expo. Cannot cross enter
with any cantor or lope class. Exhibitor must enter their respective
showmanship class.
14. Horseless Horse - English Walk-Trot Pleasure - Member 13th grade -
6th grade
15. Horseless Horse - English Walk-Trot Pleasure - Member 5th grade - 3rd
16. Open English Pleasure Non-State Qualifying: This class is added for
specic cases only. Registration will be day of fair. Determined by
17. English Pleasure Driving - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
18. English Pleasure Driving - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
19. Championship English Pleasure Driving (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from
classes 17-18)
A. Judged on the exhibitor’s ability to ride a horse or pony under saddle
Premiums: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $7.00 3rd - $6.00 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Reinsmanship - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
2. Reinsmanship - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
3. Championship Reinsmanship (1st & 2nd blue from classes 1- 2)
4. Pony Equitation - Hunt or Saddle Seat - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
5. Pony Equitation - Hunt or Saddle Seat - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
6. Championship Pony Equitation (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from classes 4-5)
7. Horse Hunt Seat Equitation - Member 13th grade - 12th grade
8. Horse Hunt Seat Equitation - Member 11th grade - 10th grade
9. Horse Hunt Seat Equitation - Member 9th grade - 8th grade
10. Horse Hunt Seat Equitation - Member 7th grade - 6th grade
11. Horse Hunt Seat Equitation - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
12. Championship Hunt Seat Equitation - (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from
classes 7-11)
13. Horse Saddle Seat Equitation - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
14. Horse Saddle Seat Equitation - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
15. Championship Saddle Seat Equitation - (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from
classes 13-14)
16. Open English Equitation Non-State Qualifying: This class is added for
specic cases only. Registration will be day of fair. Determined by
17. Horseless Horse Walk-Trot English Equitation - Member 13th grade -
6th grade
18. Horseless Horse Walk-Trot English Equitation - Member 5th grade - 3rd
Division Letter: E - WESTERN PLEASURE
A. Horse or pony judged to its performance as a pleasure mount
B. Trophies and ribbons only
Class #:
1. Pony - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
2. Pony - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
3. Championship Pony - (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from classes 1- 2)
4. Horse - Member 13th grade - 12th grade
5. Horse - Member 11th grade - 10th grade
6. Horse - Member 9th grade - 8th grade
7. Horse - Member 7th grade - 6th grade
8. Horse - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
9. Championship Horse - (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from classes 4-8)
10. Western Walk-trot - Member any age. Judged 50% Pleasure, 50%
Equitation. Non-qualifying for the State Expo. Cannot cross enter
with any cantor or lope class. Exhibitor must enter their respective
showmanship class.
11. Horseless Horse - Western Walk-Trot Pleasure - Member 13th grade -
6th grade
12. Horseless Horse - Western Walk-Trot Pleasure - Member 5th grade - 3rd
13. Open Western Pleasure Non-State Qualifying: This class is added for
specic cases only. Registration will be day of fair. Determined by
14. Country Pleasure Driving - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
15. Country Pleasure Driving - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
16. Championship Country Pleasure Driving (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from
classes 14-15)
A. Judged on the exhibitor’s ability to ride a horse or pony under saddle.
Premiums: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $7.00 3rd - $6.00 4th - $5.00
Class #:
1. Reinsmanship - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
2. Reinsmanship - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
3. Championship Reinsmanship (1st & 2nd blue from classes 1 - 3)
4. Pony - Member 13th grade - 6th grade
5. Pony - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
6. Championship Pony (1st & 2nd blue ribbons from classes 4-5)
7. Horse - Member 13th grade - 12th grade
8. Horse - Member 11th grade - 10th grade
9. Horse - Member 9th grade - 8th grade
10. Horse - Member 7th grade - 6th grade
11. Horse - Member 5th grade - 3rd grade
12. Championship Western Horsemanship (1st & 2nd blue from classes 7 –
13. Open Western Horsemanship Non-State qualifying: This class is added
for specic cases only. Registration will be day of fair. Determined by
14. Horseless Horse Walk-Trot Western Horsemanship - Member 13th
grade - 6th grade
15. Horseless Horse Walk-Trot Western Horsemanship - Member 5th grade
- 3rd grade
16. Hardship Horsemanship English or Western - Pony or Horse - Member
any age. (Open only to hardship cases approved by Fair Superintendents.
Non-qualifying for the State Expo.)
Division Letter: G - TRAIL / WESTERN RIDING
A. Will take place after the nal show on Friday
B. Can ride English or Western
C. Western Riding will be held immediately following the Western show
D. Trophies and ribbons only
Class #:
1. Trail Class - Member 13th grade - 3rd grade
2. Horseless Horse Trail Class - Member 13th grade - 3rd grade
3. In hand trail – Member 13th grade – 3rd grade
4. Western Riding - Member 13th grade - 3rd grade
5. Ranch Rail Pleasure Exhibition – Member 13th grade – 3rd grade
6. Ranch Horsemanship Pattern Exhibition – Member 13th grade - 3rd
Division Letter: H - ADULT
A. Must use a horse that is already on the fair grounds
B. Only held on Friday
C. Trophies and ribbons only
Class #:
1. Adult Class
A. Trophies & Ribbons only. Day of Judging: Saturday or Sunday at 8:30AM
(at the Superintendent’s discretion)
B. Long sleeve shirts, pants and boots must be worn.
C. Classes shall include all grades from 3rd - 13th with no class split with
regard to grade in school or size of horse or pony.
D. In all classes, a rst-place medal will be awarded and ribbons down to
place #6.
E. All participants must complete 2 workouts and earn certication by
designated clinician for 2 consecutive years (Horse/Rider Combination).
Requirements must be completed by August 1 of the current year and
must be validated by a Kenosha County Horse Project Leader.
Class #:
1. Barrel Race 5. Keyhold Race
2. Flag Race 6. LT Special
3. Plug Race
4. Pole Bending
Division Letter: J - NOVELTY RIDING
(Trophies & Ribbons only. For classes 1 - 2, Walk-Trot participants are not
eligible to participate.)
Class #:
1. Egg & Spoon
2. Water Race
3. Bribe Your Horse
4. Costume - All costumes must be safely secured on the horse & rider.
This is a safety factor. No loose articles. All exhibitors must wear SEI
approved helmets when mounted & riding boots to participate in this
class. Non-lope class. This will include walk-trot participants.
A. All entries must be brought between 5-9 PM on Tuesday and caged.
B. Day of Judging: Thursday, 8:30 AM (Poultry showmanship classes will be
judged in the morning).
C. Required proper show attire of long sleeves and appropriate long pants
must be worn. Exhibitor should be present 1/2 hour before the class starts.
D. All entrants MUST HAVE a certicate stating that their birds have come
from a ock designated as U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid clean, or have a negative
Pullorum-Typhoid test within 90 days of movement to public exhibition. See
Animal Health Regulations near the front of the fair book, also in Poultry,
Department 107 (Open Class). All regulations will be strictly enforced. BIRDS
E. All turkeys, ducks, geese, poultry, Guinea hens, & peacocks must be tested.
F. All meat birds which have been pre-registered for the Sale and qualify will
be weighed on Thursday afternoon following the show. Junior Fair member
and parent are responsible for weigh-in. Weigh-in Committee decisions will
be nal. If not present for weigh-in, animals will be scratched.
G. Attendants will feed and water all birds. Water cup and feed cup will be
assigned to exhibitors of standard and bantam chickens only. Exhibitors are
required to periodically check on their exhibits. All exhibitors are required to
sign up for barn duty when their birds are brought in.
H. All fowl are to be in the possession of the Junior Fair member before April
15th of the current year or from birth.
I. Review the State Rules & Regulations in the front of the Fair book for
guidelines. (Page 11 - Cat. G)
J. It is suggested that exhibitors band each bird for identication. All birds pre-
registered for the sale will be banded on Thursday.
K. All animals must have clean bedding by 10AM or result in discipline infraction.
L. All animals must be shown by the youth member who is exhibiting the
animal. If the project exhibitor is unable to show the animal, another project
member may show the animal subject to the Superintendent’s approval.
Required proper show attire of long sleeves and appropriate long pants
must be worn. Exhibitor should be present 1/2 hr. before the class starts.
Closed toe shoes must be worn.
M. All varieties are as recognized and dened by the Standard of Perfection
except market classes. All birds will be checked for health.
N. Only exhibitor, judge and clerks will be allowed in the show ring during
show. An area will be provided for spectators.
O. Poultry will be released at 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles).
P. Only small animals in Small Animal Auction released after auction.
Q. Exhibitors may only show a maximum of 3 turkeys.
R. No cell phone usage in the show ring at any time.
S. To be eligible to sell, all animals must be housed in Kenosha County. See
page 35 letter Z for exceptions.
T. Judge’s decisions are nal once awards are presented to the exhibitor.
U. Birds residing outside of Wisconsin must have a Pullorum Typhoid free
certicate as well as a Premise ID and a 9-3 Form or a Veterinary Inspection
V. Youth in 3rd grade and above may sell their poultry.
W. Age classications. The date of hatching for determining the distinction
between young and old is January 1st of the exhibit year. Age classication
and Poultry categories are as follows:
Male Female Male Female
Chickens Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet
Ducks Old Drake Old Duck Young Drake Young Duck
Geese Old Gander Old Goose Young Gander Young Goose
Turkeys Old Tom Old Hen Young Tom Young Hen
Pigeons Old Cock Old Hen Young Cock Young Hen
Division: A TURKEY
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Old Tom Old Hen Young Tom Young Hen
1 2 3 4 Beltsville Small White
5 6 7 8 Black
9 10 11 12 Bourbon Red
13 14 15 16 Bronze
17 18 19 20 Narragansett
21 22 23 24 Royal Palm
25 26 27 28 Slate
29 30 31 32 White Holland
(Commercially known as Broad
White or Large Whites)
33 34 35 36 Any Other Turkey
Division: B DUCKS
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Old Drake Old Duck Young Drake Young Duck
Heavy Weight
1 2 3 4 Aylesbury
5 6 7 8 Muscovy
9 10 11 12 Pekin
13 14 15 16 Rouen
17 18 19 20 Any Other Heavy Weight
Medium Weight
21 22 23 24 Cayuga
25 26 27 28 Buff
29 30 31 32 Swedish
33 34 35 36 Crested
37 38 39 40 Any Other Medium
Light Weight
41 42 43 44 Runner
45 46 47 48 Campbe
49 50 51 52 Magpie
53 54 55 56 Welsh Harlequin
57 58 59 60 Any Other Light Weight
Bantam Duck
61 62 63 64 Call, white
65 66 67 68 Any other Call
69 70 71 72 Mallard
73 74 75 76 East Indie
77 78 79 80 Any Other Bantam Duck
Division: C GEESE
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Old Gander Old Goose Young Gander Young Goose
Heavy Weight
1 2 3 4 African
5 6 7 8 Embden
9 10 11 12 Toulouse
13 14 15 16 Any Other Heavy Weight
Medium Weight
17 18 19 20 Buff
21 22 23 24 Pilgrim
25 26 27 28 Saddleback Pomeranian
29 30 31 32 Sebastopol
33 34 35 36
Any Other Medium Weight
Light Weight
37 38 39 40 Chinese, brown
41 42 43 44 Chinese, white
45 46 47 48 Canada
49 50 51 52 Egyptian
53 54 55 56 Tuffed Roman
57 58 59 60 Any Other Light Weight
Cockerel Pullet
1 2 Hybrid/Crossbred Egg types (white ear lobe)
3 4 Hybrid/Crossbred Meat Types (red ear lobe)
5 6 Broilers (2 birds, 2 1/2 lbs. - 4 1/2 lbs. each)
7 8 Roasters (2 birds, each over 5 lbs.)
Division: E LARGE FOWL
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet
1 2 3 4 White Plymouth Rock
5 6 7 8 Any other color
Plymouth Rock
9 10 11 12 Wyandotte – White
13 14 15 16 Wyandotte – Any other
17 18 19 20 Rhode Island Red
21 22 23 24 Jersey Giants
25 26 27 28 New Hampshire
29 30 31 32 Any other APA
recognized American
(examples: Dominiques,
Buckeyes, Javas)
33 34 35 36 Light Brahmas
37 38 39 40 Buff Brahmas
41 42 43 44 Any other color Brahmas
45 46 47 48 Cochins
49 50 51 52 Langshan
53 54 55 56 Any other color APA
recognized Asiatic
57 58 59 60 Orpingtons
61 62 63 64 Australorps
65 66 67 68 Cornish
69 70 71 72 Any other APA
recognized English
73 74 75 76 White Leghorns
77 78 79 80 Brown Leghorns
81 82 83 84 Minorcas
85 86 87 88 Any other APA
recognized Mediterranean
(examples: Sicilian, Buttercups,
Andulusians, Anconas)
89 90 91 92 Polish
93 94 95 96 Hamburg
97 98 99 100 Campine
101 102 103 104 Any other APA recog-
nized Continental Class
All Other Standard Breeds
105 106 107 108 Sumatra
109 110 111 112 Phoenix
113 114 115 116 Ameraucana
117 118 119 120 Any other APA reco-
nized Standard Breeds
(example: Yokohamas)
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Game Bantam
Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet
1 2 3 4 Modern
5 6 7 8 Old English
9 10 11 12 American Game
13 14 15 16 Any Other Game
Single Comb Clean Legged
17 18 19 20 Leghorns
21 22 23 24 Japanese
25 26 27 28 New Hampshire
29 30 31 32 Plymouth Rocks
33 34 35 36 Rhode Island Red
37 38 39 40 Austrolorp
41 42 43 44 Any other APA
recognized SCCL
(example: Dutch, Delawares)
Rose Comb Clean Legged
45 46 47 48 Belgian Bearded D’Anvers
49 50 51 52 Leghorns
53 54 55 56 Rhode Island Red
57 58 59 60 Rosecombs
61 62 63 64 Sebrights
65 66 67 68 Wyandottes – Black
69 70 71 72 Wyandottes White
73 74 75 76 Wyandottes – Any other
77 78 79 80 Any other APA
recognized RCCL
(example: Hamburgs)
Any other Comb Clean Legged
81 82 83 84 Ameraucana
85 86 87 88 Cornish
89 90 91 92 Polish
93 94 95 96 Any other APA
recognized AOCCL
(example: Sumatras,
Houdans, Araucanas)
Feather Legged
97 98 99 100 Brahmas
101 102 103 104 Cochins, white
105 106 107 108 Cochins, black
109 110 111 112 Cochins, buff
113 114 115 116 Any other Cochins
117 118 119 120 Silkies, whites
121 122 123 124 Any other Silkies
125 126 127 128 Langshans
129 130 131 132 Belgian D ‘Uccle,
Mille Fleur
133 134 135 136 Any other
Belgian D ‘Uccle
137 138 139 140 Any other APA reco-
nized Feather Legged
(example: Faverolles, Sultans)
Division: G - PIGEONS
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Old Tom Old Hen Young Tom Young Hen
1 2 3 4 Performing or Sporting
5 6 7 8 Utility Breeds
9 10 11 12 Fancy Breeds
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet
1 2 3 4 Lavender
5 6 7 8 White
9 10 11 12 Pearl
In the morning - during ring show.
Exhibitors must show his or her own bird. Exhibitor Is judged on the basis of the
appearance of the animal, the appearance and attitude of the exhibitor, showing
the animal and knowledge of the animal. The top four individuals receive
premium money in each class as listed, however, all entries will receive ribbons.
If an exhibitor has won a showmanship level, they must move up to the next
level, regardless of grade.
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
1. Novice (any 1st time show exhibitor)
2. Beginner (3rd to 5th grade as of January 1 of exhibit year)
3. Junior (6th - 8th grade as of January 1 of exhibit year)
4. Senior (9th grade and above as of January 1 of exhibit year)
5. Champion Showman - this will be made up of all the age champions
along with any previous year Senior Champion winners
6. Parent / Alumni Showmanship (no premium awarded)
Class No.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
1. Any standard layer hen and one dozen of her own eggs
2. Eggs, one dozen, in egg carton
3. Eggs, one dozen, any color in decorative basket
4. Single egg, etched, painted or embellished in any artistic way
Class No. 1 – Photos of Poultry
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Photography Rules:
A. Photos must be of domestic poultry only which includes: ducks, geese,
turkeys, pigeons, chickens and Guineas. No photos of wild poultry, birds
or game will be considered.
B. Entries must be 8” x 10” and mounted on heavy, stiff background, cut to
11” x 14”.
C. Punch two holes (minimum 1/4” in diameter) at the top of the mounting
board exactly 9” apart. Attached your name and club on the back of the
mounting board.
D. Entry deadline is Tuesday of Fair Week during bird check-in at 9PM.
E. Photos will be judged on quality, clarify and composition. The bird must
be the main subject.
F. Entries taken by a person that are similar or nearly identical to that
person’s winning photo the previous year will not be considered. Please
avoid the same/similar bird in the same/similar background.
G. All eligible entries will be privately judged and displayed in the Poultry
Barn during the Kenosha County Fair.
Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $10.00 3rd - $5.00 4th - HM
This award will be based on the following criteria:
1. Cleanliness in the care of exhibits and animals maintained
2. Club name displayed
3. Shavings changed daily by 10AM
Prizes for the Best Darn Barn Award are sponsored by the Small Animal Team.
Prizes will be awarded at the Junior Fair Awards Banquet in October. Awards
for overall champions will be provided by the Kenosha County Junior Fair Small
Animal Team.
A. Day of Judging: Friday, 8:30 AM
B. Rabbit showmanship will be judged from 8:30 AM - NOON on Friday.
C. All entries should be brought between 4-9 PM on Tuesday and caged.
D. Unlimited exhibits per exhibitor. (Breed of rabbit must be given on entry tag.)
(Only one entry per class number.)
E. All barn duty shift exhibitors will keep barn swept and refresh the rabbits
water. All exhibitors are required to sign up for barn duty when their rabbits
are brought in.
F. All rabbits must be in possession of a Junior Fair member from birth or
before April 15 of the current 4-Hyear.
G. All rabbits must be tattooed by July 31st.
H. All varieties are as recognized and dened by the standard of perfection
except market classes.
I. All animals must be shown by the Junior Fair member who is exhibiting the
animal. If the project exhibitor is unable to show the animal, another project
member may show the animal subject to the superintendent’s approval.
J. All exhibitors must be present 1/2 hour before judging begins. Required
proper show attire of long sleeves and appropriate long pants must be worn.
Closed toe shoes must be worn.
K. No rabbits are to be sold during the Fair except at the Poultry and Rabbit Sale.
L. Rabbits will be released Sunday at 7PM (walk out only) & 8PM (vehicles)
M. No health certicates required. Rabbits housed outside of Wisconsin must
have a state certied health certicate from a Wisconsin veterinarian.
N. Thank you cards must be turned in at the Rabbit Barn starting at 5PM Sunday.
O. All fur breeds show rst on the day of the show.
P. Only exhibitors, judges, and clerks will be allowed at the show table during
Q. No cell phone usage will be allowed in the show ring. Any infraction will
result in immediate forfeit of the remaining show and sale rights.
R. To be eligible to sell, all animals must be housed in Kenosha County.
S. All animals must be placed on show table by the exhibitor.
T. Youth in 3rd grade and above may sell their rabbit(s).
U. All exhibitors need to provide their own feed. Feed can be stored in Rabbit barn
in a small-medium sized container with lid.
V. No rabbits under three months old may be exhibited except for the market class.
Premiums for Divisions A - E:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division: A - WOOLY
Buck Doe Buck Doe
Over 6mo. Over 6 mo. Under 6 mo. Under 6 mo.
1 2 3 4 Angora
5 6 7 8 Fuzzy Lop
9 10 11 12 Lionhead
13 14 15 16 Wooly Jersey
Division: B - FANCY
Buck Doe Buck Doe
Over 6mo. Over 6 mo. Under 6 mo. Under 6 mo.
1 2 3 4 Britania Petite
5 6 7 8 Czech Frosty
9 10 11 12 Dutch
13 14 15 16 Dwarf Hotot
17 18 19 20 English Spot
21 22 23 24 Florida White
25 26 27 28 Harlequin
29 30 31 32 Havana
33 34 35 36 Himalayan
37 38 39 40 Holland Lops
41 42 43 44 Mini Lops
45 46 47 48 Mini Rex
49 50 51 52 Mini Satin
53 54 55 56 Netherland Dwarf
57 58 59 60 Polish
61 62 63 64 Rex
65 66 67 68 Rhinelander
69 70 71 72 Standard Chinchilla
73 74 75 76 Silver Martin
77 78 79 80 Tans
81 82 83 84 Thrianta
85 86 87 88 Any other Fancy
(not cross)
Best and Reserve Fancy (ribbon)
Division: C – COMMERCIAL
Buck Doe Intermediate Buck Intermediate Doe Buck Doe
Over 8 months Over 8 months 6 - 8 months 6 - 8 months Under 6 months Under 6 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 American Chinchilla
7 8 9 10 11 12 Californian
13 14 15 16 17 18 Cinnamon
19 20 21 22 23 24 Champange d’Argent
25 26 27 28 29 30 Crème d’Argent
31 32 33 34 35 36 English Lop
37 38 39 40 41 42 Flemish Giant
43 44 45 46 47 48 French Lop
49 50 51 52 53 54 New Zealand
55 56 57 58 59 60 Palomino
61 62 63 64 65 66 Silver Fox
67 68 69 70 71 72 Satin
73 74 75 76 77 78 Any other commercial (not cross)
Best and Reserve Commercial (Ribbon)
* Ribbons will be awarded to the Best of Breed and Best Opposite in each breed listed above.
* Champion ribbons will be awarded to the rabbits judged to be the Best of Show and Best Opposite of Show.
* Trophies will be awarded.
* Awards donated through the effort and hard work of the Small Animal Project members.
Class #:
1. Single fryer - Crossbred or purebred. Not over 69 days of age, must
weigh between 3 - 5 lbs., either sex, not to be shown in any other class.
2. Roaster rabbit - Crossbred or purebred, between 70 and 180 days of
age, over 5 lbs., either sex, not to be shown in any other class.
3. Stewer rabbit - Must be over 6 months of age and over 8 lbs. May be of
either sex and not shown in any other class.
Division: E - MEAT PEN
Class #:
1. Three rabbits of the same breed, color, and variety; crossbred or
purebred. No rabbit may be over 69 days old and must weigh between
3 - 5 lbs. Not to be shown in any other class.
Awards for overall champions will be provided by the Kenosha County Junior
Fair Small Animal Team.
Entrants must show his or her own rabbit. To be judged on the basis of carrying
the animal, showing the animal, and appearance, action and general rabbit
knowledge of exhibitor. The top four individuals receive premium money in each
class as listed, however, all entries will receive ribbons. If an exhibitor has won
a showmanship level, they must move up to the next level, regardless of grade.
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Novice (any 1st time show exhibitor)
2. Beginner (3rd to 5th grade as of January 1 of exhibit year)
3. Junior (6th - 8th grade as of January 1 of exhibit year)
4. Senior (9th grade and above as of January 1 of exhibit year)
5. Champion Showman - this will be made up of all the age champions
along with any previous year Senior Champion winners. These exhibitors
will compete for the Nancy Nienhaus Top Showman plaque.
Exhibit will consist of one animal which is the offspring of a rabbit shown (not
bought) at the previous year’s Kenosha County Fair. Only one rabbit or both may
have been shown at the previous year’s Fair. Exhibitor must be able to furnish a
parent to the rabbit being shown. Rabbits may be shown in another rabbit class.
(Ribbons Only)
Class #:
1. Buck, any age or breed
2. Doe, any age or breed
An award will be presented for the best Get-of-sir / Produce of Dam exhibit of
all breeds, ages and sexes.
Competition for judging will be on Friday with announcement of winners at the
end of the show, Prizes TBA.
Class #
1. Judging Contest
Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $10.00 3rd - $5.00 4th - HM
Prizes for educational display and rabbit decorations. Must have some
educational component to educate the general public. Evaluated on educational
and decorative value. Sponsored by the Small Animal Team and awarded at the
Small Animal Sale on Sunday.
Class No. 1 - Photo of a Rabbit
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Photography Rules:
A. Photos must be of domestic rabbits only. No photos of wild rabbits will be
B. Entries must be 8” x 10” and mounted on heavy, stiff background, cut to
11” x 14”.
C. Punch two holes (minimum 1/4” in diameter) at the top of the mounting
board exactly 9” apart. Attached your name and club on the back of the
mounting board. The Grand Prize winner will also need the .jpeg le.
D. Entry deadline is Tuesday of Fair Week during rabbit check-in from 5PM
E. Photos will be judged on quality, clarity and composition. The rabbit must
be the main subject.
F. Entries taken by a person that are similar or nearly identical to that
person’s winning photo the previous year will not be considered. Please
avoid the same/similar rabbit in the same/similar background.
G. The Grand Prize photograph will become property of the Kenosha County
Fair and will be reproduced to be hung in the Rabbit barn.
H. All eligible entries will be privately judged and displayed in the Rabbit Barn
during the Kenosha County Fair
Co-Chairmen: Sue Kaminski & Colleen Knapp
1. Chickens, Bantams, Market Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys and Rabbits
will be sold at the Junior Fair Small Animal Sale, Sunday at 1PM.
2. To be eligible for the Sale, all animals must have received a blue or red
ribbon during judging and be within the breed requirements of the Standard
of Perfection for the particular breed. All meat birds or rabbits must be of
market weight and condition. Final eligibility will be determined by the judge
and superintendent of the respective department.
3. Exhibitor may pre-register 3 animals and sell a maximum of two. If selling
a pen, it will be considered as one entry. All animals in the pen will be sold
together and will not be split. No animals which were not pre-registered will
be sold.
4. Exhibitors selling animals in the Small Animal Sale must be present to offer
his or her animal in the sale ring. Another Junior Fair member may sell
animals for an owner in cases of extreme hardship. Prior approval from sale
chairpersons is necessary.
5. Required proper show attire of long sleeves, appropriate long pants and
closed toed shoes must be worn.
6. No rabbits or poultry will be sold during the Fair except at the Small Animal
7. Only pullets and cockerels may be sold at auction, no hens or cocks allowed.
8. Exhibitors selling at the sale are required to be present at 12PM. All
exhibitors selling in the Small Animal Sale are required to help with the
Sale, during the Sale and after the Sale. All animals will be left in the ring
until after the Sale. If exhibitors do not return animals to pens after the Sale,
Sale checks and Sale rights could be affected.
9. Exhibitors are responsible for animals sold along with deliery after the sale.
Animals sold at the sale are to be claimed by the purchaser before 7 PM on
the last day of the fair. The Kenosha County Fair is not responsible for any
animals lost, strayed or stolen. Five percent (5%) of a member’s gross sale
receipts will be assessed and used for sale promotion.
10. Thank you cards must be turned in by 5 PM Sunday.
11. All sale sheets must be received by July 31st to Sue Kaminski for eligibility.
A. Day of Judging: Wednesday at 9AM
B. Dogs are to be brought to the Fair on the day of show and removed from the
grounds the same day. All dogs must remain in the designated area. If found
in any other place, it will result in removal from the Fair.
C. All dogs must have required shots.
D. Dogs not permitted off leash except when requested by judge.
E. Exhibitor must have been enrolled in the Kenosha County Junior Fair Dog
Project the current year and meet the requirements of attendance, training
and exhibiting.
F. A Junior Fair dog also being trained outside of the Junior Fair program may
not enter Beginner or Pre-Novice classes.
G. Dogs in Beginners or CGC non-regular classes are not eligible for High
Scoring Dog in trial. Dogs must have a qualifying score to receive High
Scoring Dog in Trial.
H. Any dog with qualifying score received in Junior Fair or in outside show may
not enter Pre-Novice with a new handler.
I. BITCHES IN SEASON will be judged LAST in Obedience & Rally Obedience.
Report to the ring steward that you are there BUT DO NOT BRING YOUR DOG
TO RING SIDE until judge or steward noties you. Bitches in season may not
be shown in Showmanship and Agility or Versatility.
Division Letter: A - SHOWMANSHIP
Showmanship is judged on ability of the handler to train, groom and show
their dog. Dogs may be purebred or mixed. The four highest individuals in each
class will receive rosettes. The Dutch System will be used for all placements in
each ribbon group.
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Beginning Showmanship - Members in rst year of showmanship training
2. Intermediate Junior. Showmanship - 4th - 8th grade and second year or
more of showmanship training
3. Intermediate Senior. Showmanship - 9th grade and above and second
year or more of showmanship training
4. Open Junior. - 4th-8th grade
5. Open Senior. - 9th grade and above
* Classes 4 & 5 from Division A - Eligible handlers will be placed in these
classes at the discretion of the instructor.
* Champion Showmanship - For Best Junior Handlers from previous years.
* The above classes will compete for Best Junior Handler.
* Masters Class - For handlers who have won Best Junior Handler at two
Kenosha County Fair shows or at the discretion of the instructor.
Division Letter: B - DOG OBEDIENCE
Junior Fair dogs also being trained outside of the Junior Fair program or being
trained professionally may not enter Beginner or Pre-Novice Classes. Beginner,
Pre-Novice and Non-Trophy Classes not eligible for High Scoring Dog in Trial.
Premiums: 1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. CGC Class - 2nd year or above member and 2-year or above dog
2. Beginner Class - 1st year member and 1st year dog
3. Pre-Novice A - 2nd year member and 2nd year dog
4. Pre-Novice B - 1st year dog with advance member, previously trained dog
and 1st year member, OR dog and member are in 2nd year of Pre-Novice.
5. Novice A - Dog in Novice training for 1st year.
6. Novice B - Dog in Novice training for 2nd year.
7. Graduate - Novice A - Dog in Grad - Novice for 1st year.
8. Graduate - Novice B - Dog in Grad - Novice for 2nd year. (Pre-Open New
Exercises include Broad Jump & Retrieve on Flat)
9. Pre-Open A - Dog required to do one of new exercises. This class eligible
for ribbon/qualifying ribbon, not trophy.
10. Pre-Open B - Dog required to do both new exercises. This class eligible
for ribbon and trophy.
11. Open (Pre-Utility New Exercises include signal Exercise, Moving Stand,
Directed Retrieve, and Directed Jump)
12. Pre-Utility A - Dog required to do one of new exercises. This class
eligible for ribbon/qualifying ribbon, not trophy.
13. Pre-Utility B - Dog required to do two of new exercises. This class
eligible for ribbon/qualifying ribbon, not trophy.
14. Pre-Utility C - Dog required to do three of new exercises. This class
eligible for ribbon/qualifying ribbon, not trophy.
15. Pre-Utility D - Dog required to do all new exercises. This class eligible
for ribbon/qualifying ribbon and trophy.
16. Utility
17. Pre-novice Brace
18. Novice Brace
19. Team Obedience
20. Versatility
Premiums for Division C & D:
1st - $6.00 2nd - $4.50 3rd - $3.00 4th - $1.50
Division Letter: C - AGILITY
Member and dog team will be placed in correct classes by instructor.
Class #:
1. Agility I - Member has only 1 dog
2. Agility II - If the member has a 2nd dog in Agility
3. Agility III - Tunnels and Jumps - if member has one dog
4. Agility IV - Tunnels and Jumps - if member has 2nd dog in Agility
Division Letter: D - RALLY OBEDIENCE
Member and dog team will be placed in correct class by instructor.
Class #:
1. Member has only one dog
2. If member has a 2nd dog in Rally Obedience
3. Brace Rally
Division Letter: E – COMPANION or TRICK DOG
(Exhibitors will be assigned per trainers discretion)
Class #:
1. Companion Dog
2. Trick Dog
Division Letter: F – COSTUME
Division is judged on the creativity of exhibitors and dogs costume. This is an
exhibition division only. Ribbons awarded.
Class #:
1. Exhibitor & Dog Costume
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12PM - 7PM
B. All work must be original and produced by the young person exhibiting
C. Open to Junior Fair members, enrolled in any animal science project or
doing equivalent work under adult leadership.
D. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday.
Premiums for Divisions A - E:
1st - $1.75 2nd - $1.50 3rd - $1.25 4th - $1.00
Exhibitors are urged to display actual items. Entry may consist of poster or
display with poster explanations as related to classes below:
Class #:
First Year
1. Keeping animals clean & healthy - basic sanitation
2. Healthy animal, temperature, pulse, respiratory, attitude, behavior, etc.
3. Anatomy - the animal body
4. Poster showing how to give an intravenous shot
5. Display of animals from around the world
6. Poster on endangered species
7. Animal care, grooming, equipment, etc.
8. Any other exhibit not listed above
Second Year
9. Diseases
10. Parasites
11. Nutrition
12. Promotional materials for having a pet spayed/neutered
13. Genetics - how traits are passed on
14. Any other exhibit not listed above
Third Year and over
15. Immunology
16. Physiology, function of organs
17. Zoonosis of public health
18. Display giving pros and cons of animal rights movement
19. Poster or display describing a current animal science issue (i.e. cloning,
organ donations, scientic experimentation)
20. Any other exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: B - ANIMAL SCIENCE
Class #:
1. Chart or display of at least 5 nutrients, source and function
2. Preserved chick embryos, at least 3 showing development
3. Chart or display showing cuts of meat and where they come from
4. Chart, display or poster related to the horse project
5. Any other exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: C - HORSE MODELS
Class #:
1. Model showing proper horse health
2. Model showing body parts
3. Model showing proper tack or equipment
4. Any other model
Division Letter: D - DOG EXHIBITS
Class #:
1. Scrapbook from this project
2. Poster from this project
3. Mini booth (box approximately 18” x 24”), showing some
phase of dogdom.
4. Any other exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: E - DAIRY EXHIBITS
Class #:
First and Second year
1. Display of milking process
2. Display showing how milk goes from cow to consumer
3. Completed calf examination
Third year and over
4. Chart or poster comparing nutritional value of different dairy products
5. Complete feed ration, include age of animal for dairy
Division Letter: F - HORSELESS HORSE
A. 1st year member or non-buddy Horseless Horse Member to be entered,
displayed and judged in Department 10.
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Poster depicting history of a breed
2. Horse safety poster
3. Scrapbook containing ten breeds with information about each
4. Poster on diseases and parasites of horses
5. Poster on careers in the horse world
6. Drawing or making of horses
7. Poster on good horse grooming
8. Any other project related to horses
1. Day of Judging: Tuesday, 7PM
2. Cavies will be removed from grounds the same day.
3. All cavies must be tagged. Also put your tag number on your entry tag.
4. All exhibitors of cavies must provide a large cage for exhibiting and
are responsible for feeding and watering their animals. An ample water
supply must be made available to each animal by the exhibitor.
5. If you are unable to be present at feeding time, please leave a container
with food, clearly marked with your name and feeding instructions, with
the barn superintendent.
6. All animals must be housed in Kenosha County.
Division Letter:
G – American (all) K – Silkie (all)
H – Abyssinian (all) L – Teddy (all)
I - Coronet M – Texel
J – Peruvian (all) N – White Crested
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Young male (up to 4 months old and less than 22 ounces)
2. Young female (up to 4 months old and less than 22 ounces)
3. Intermediate male (4-6 months and 22-30 ounces)
4. Intermediate female (4-6 months and 22-30 ounces)
5. Old male (over 6 months old and over 30 ounces)
6. Old female (over 6 months old and over 30 ounces)
Ribbons will be awarded to the Best of Breed and Best Opposite in each breed
listed above.
Champion ribbons and trophies will be awarded to the cavies judged to be the
Best of Show and Best Opposite of Show.
Division Letter: O - PETS
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Poster giving information on favorite pet (i.e. health, anatomy, history,
habits, etc.)
2. Samples of feed for pet Including nutritional information
3. Construct or decorate a cage or aquarium that a favorite pet could live in
4. A lesson or teaching kit to teach others about your pet
5. A short story about your pet - 1-2 pages
6. Any other exhibit for pets
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 7:30PM
B. Cats will be removed from grounds the same day
C. No adult, whole males to be shown
D. Mixed and purebred cats can be shown
E. Exhibitor must bring proof of vaccination for feline distemper, rhinotracheitis,
calici virus and rabies or annual booster. Vaccinations must be given at least
3 weeks prior to show and not more than one year prior to show
F. Exhibitor must be present 1/2 hour prior to judging and present proof of
vaccination to the superintendent
G. All animals must be housed in Kenosha County
Premiums for Divisions A-B:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: A - KITTENS (4-8 months of age)
Class #:
1. Males - Long Hair – Entry # 1
2. Males – Long Hair – Entry # 2
3. Female – Long Hair – Entry # 1
4. Female – Long Hair – Entry # 2
5. Male – Short Hair – Entry # 1
6. Male – Short Hair – Entry # 2
7. Female – Short Hair – Entry # 1
8. Female – Short Hair – Entry # 2
Division Letter: B - ADULTS (ages 8 months & over)
Class #:
1. Female – Long Hair – Entry # 1
2. Female – Long Hair – Entry # 2
3. Female – Short Hair – Entry # 1
4. Female – Short hair – Entry # 2
5. Male Altered – Long Hair – Entry # 1
6. Male Altered – Long Hair – Entry # 2
7. Female Altered – Long Hair – Entry # 1
8. Female Altered – Long Hair – Entry # 2
9. Male Altered – Short Hair – Entry # 1
10. Male Altered – Short Hair – Entry # 2
11. Female Altered – Short Hair – Entry # 1
12. Female Altered – Short Hair – Entry # 2
Division Letter: C - Fun Classes
1. Dress a cat
2. Dress like your cat
3. Handmade cat toy
Division Letter: D – Exhibit Cage
(Should include a cover with sides, top, back, and a oor mat cover. Include a
litter pan and food/water dishes. Exhibitor picture with cat entry should be on
display in the cage until 7pm on Sunday since the cat will not be on display
during the Fair.)
1. Fair theme
2. Choice theme
A merit award will be presented for Best Cat, Second Best Cat, Best Kitten,
Best Long Hair and Best Short Hair.
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday.
Premiums for Divisions A-D:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: A - BUDDING GARDENERS (1st year members & up)
Class #:
1. Germination display
2. Pollination display
3. Exhibit showing the needs of plants
4. Any other plant and soil exhibit
Division Letter: B - BRANCHING OUT (2nd year members & up)
Class #:
1. Exhibit on plant pests
2. Any other plant & soil exhibit
Division Letter: C - DIGGING DEEPER (3rd year members & up)
Class #:
1. Herb garden
2. Any other plant & Soil exhibit
Division Letter: D - FIELD CROPS
(Each exhibit must be labeled with a variety name.)
Class #:
1. 1-peck oats
2. 1-peck barley
3. 1-peck wheat
4. 3 stalks, eld corn, with roots
5. 6 ears corn, husk removed
6. 1-peck soybeans or 10 plant bundles
7. Weed Collection, at least 12 weeds, properly pressed, mounted and
8. Any exhibit in this project not listed above
Division Letter: E - VEGETABLES & SPICES
Exhibitor may enter only one item per class number. There is no limit on the
class numbers that may be entered. Please refer to your project literature as
to how to display your vegetables. Waxing of vegetables is not allowed. All root
crops to be shown without tops. Be sure to have your vegetables plated when
you bring them.
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Beans, lima, 10 pods
2. Beans, green snap, 10 pods
3. Beans, wax snap, 10 pods
4. Beans, 10 pods or 1/2 cup shelled/dried beans or lentils
5. Beets, table 3, without tops
6. Broccoli, green, sprouting, 1 head
7. Brussel Sprouts, 6 heads
8. Cabbage, green, market, 1 head
9. Cabbage, kraut, 1 head
10. Cabbage, savoy, 1 head
11. Cabbage, red, 1 head
12. Carrots, half long, without tops, 3
13. Carrots, long, 3
14. Carrots, short, ox-heart type, 3
15. Cauliower, 1 head
16. Celery, any type, 1 plant
17. Chard, 6 leaves
18. Cucumbers, dill pickle size, 6
19. Cucumbers, slicing, 3
20. Cucumbers, small, sweet, 10
21. Dill, small bunch
22. Eggplant, 2
23. Garlic, 3 bulbs
24. Kale, 6 leaves
25. Kohlrabi, without tops, 3
26. Leeks, 3
27. Muskmelon, 1
28. Okra, 3 pods
29. Onion, green bunching, 6
30. Onions, mature, yellow, 3
31. Onions, mature, white, 3
32. Onions, mature, red, 3
33. Onions, immature, yellow, 3
34. Onions, immature, white, 3
35. Onions, immature, red 3
36. Parsley, 1 bunch
37. Parsnips, without tops, 3
38. Peppers, hot, green, 3
39. Peppers, hot, ripe, 3
40. Peppers, mild, green, 3
41. Peppers, mild banana, 3
42. Peppers, mild other, 3
43. Popcorn, 3 ears
44. Potatoes, red, early, 3
45. Potatoes, red, late 3
46. Potatoes, white, early 3
47. Potatoes, white, late 3
48. Pumpkin, pie, 1
49. Pumpkin for Halloween, Jack-o-Lantern, 1
50. Pumpkin, small decorative, 1
51. Radishes, any, without tops, 6
52. Spinach, large bunch
53. Squash, summer yellow, small, 2
54. Squash, zucchini or similar, 2
55. Squash, acorn type, 1
56. Squash, scallop type, 1
57. Squash, buttercup or similar, 1
58. Squash, butternut or similar, 1
59. Squash, hubbard or similar, 1
60. Sunower, head for seed, 1
61. Sweet Corn, husk removed, 3 ears
62. Tomatoes, green, 3
63. Tomatoes, red, 3
64. Tomatoes, cherry, 10
65. Tomatoes, paste varieties, 3
66. Tomatoes, yellow pear or plum, 10
67. Tomatoes, any heirloom, 3
68. Turnips, glove, without tops, 3
69. Turnips, green, 1 bunch
70. Watermelon, 1
71. Any other spice
72. Any other crop not listed above
73. Any spice dried and prepared, ready for use
The garden box makes it possible for the members to make an exhibit based
on the entire garden effort rather than just one or two exceptionally good vege-
tables. Waxing of vegetables is not allowed. Each vegetable listed may only be
used one time in each garden box. The merit of the exhibit is judged 50% on
presentation and arrangement and 50% quality on the vegetables.
Beans - either green, yellow, or lima - 10 pods
Beets, 3
Broccoli, 1
Cabbage, 1
Carrots - either long or short, 3
Cauliower, 1
Cucumbers - slicing, 2
Cucumbers - either pickling or dill, 3
Eggplant, 1
Kohlrabi, 3
Muskmelon, 1
Onions - either white or yellow, 3
Parsnips, 3
Peppers - either green or red, 3
Potatoes, 3
Rutabaga, 1
Squash, 1
Sweet Corn, 3 ears
Tomatoes - either green or ripe, 3
Watermelon, 1
Division Letter: F
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Garden Box Exhibit I - Open to garden members 3rd - 5th grade on
January 1. Select 4 different vegetables from the garden list.
Division Letter: G
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
2. Garden Box Exhibit II - Open to garden members 6th - 7th grade on
January 1. Select 6 different vegetables from the garden list.
Division Letter: H
Premiums: 1st - $4.50 2nd - $3.75 3rd - $3.00 4th - $2.25
Class #:
3. Garden Box Exhibit, Advanced - Open to garden members 8th grade and
above on January 1. Select 8 different vegetables from the garden list.
Division Letter: I - FRUIT PROJECT
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Apples, plate of 5 4. Strawberries, 1 pint
2. Pears, plate of 5 5. Raspberries, 1 pint
3. Grapes, plate of 3 bunches 6. Other fruit
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday.
Division Letter: A
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Cut owers, 3 spikes or blooms (include card with variety and method
of growing)
Division Letter: B
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
2. Bouquet of owers (include card with variety and method of growing)
Premiums for classes C-E:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: C - HOUSE PLANTS
All rst year house plant project exhibits must have been propagated as leaf,
stem cutting, division, air layering, or other asexual method after November 1,
two years preceding and before June 15, preceding the exhibit year. Plants must
be taken out of pots that plants were purchased in and planted in your own
container when brought for exhibit. Plastic containers that you purchased your
plants in should not be inserted in other pots. They must be replanted in larger
pots for exhibiting.
Class #:
1. Cactus 9. Orchids and Bromeliads
2. Succulent 10. Begonias
3. Fern 11. Gloxianias, African Violets, Episcia, etc.
4. Aroid 12. Other owering houseplant
5. Dracaenas 13. Bulb plant
6. Ivy 14. Propagated plant
7. Other tropical foliage 15. Herbarium
8. Other non-tropical foliage 16. Terrarium
Division Letter: D - PLANT CRAFTS
Plant materials should have been dried and prepared by youth
Class #:
1. Simple vase or container arrangement of dried plant materials
2. Any other item made from dried plants or owers
Division Letter: E - HOME GROUNDS
Class #:
1. Herbarium -15 mounted specimens of shrubs/tree leaves, properly
identied. Indicate use in home grounds planting.
2. Annual landscape owers (containerized)
3. Perennial landscape owers (containerized)
4. Landscape perennial (containerized)
5. Any exhibit in this project, not listed above
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday night.
C. All entries must be mounted on either a full sized poster board (28’ x 22’) or
a half sheet poster board (14’ x 22’). No foam core board is allowed. Entries
not on either the full-sized or half- sized poster board will be disqualied.
This rule affects all poster entries in this Department.
Premiums for All Divisions:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. A display on how to recycle products
2. An exhibit showing new products made from recycled material-show
the initial product and the new product
3. Any other exhibit in this project not listed above
Division Letter: B - WILDLIFE-BIRDS
Class #:
1. Ten pictures or drawings of birds seen and identied by you
2. A homemade bird feeder made by member with bird feed in it. Identify
for what birds on a 3” x 5” card attached to the feeder
3. A bird house made by member. Identify for what bird, where placed and
if used, what bird did you attract on a 3” x 5” card attached to the house
4. Photographs of four or more bird nests. Identify type, place located and
date found
5. Any other exhibit in this project not listed above
Division Letter: C - FISH/FISHING
To enter the casting contest, you must be a member of the shing project and
have attended at least two (2) meetings/outings/events during the project
year. Casting contest to be held Friday, 5 PM at the Fish Pond, Kenosha County
Fairgrounds. Awards and prizes donated by the Kenosha County 4-H Fishing
All entries containing hooks or sharp objects - the tips must be covered or
protected to prevent injury.
Class #:
1. Casting contest - 3rd - 6th grade (before January 1 of current year)
2. Casting contest - 7th grade and above (before January 1 of current year)
3. Display of various sh hooks, lines and leaders with an explanation of
major uses
4. Display of y tying with a minimum of two different examples
5. Display of two or any handmade lures, jigs, or spinner baits
6. Display showing steps in building rods
7. Display on carving crank baits or minnow baits and an explanation of
their use
8. Display of sh species - fresh water
9. Display of sh species - salt water
10. Display of ice shing project
11. Display of open water shing project
12. Self-built rod
13. Scrapbook of your shing project year. Minimum of 4 shing project outings
14. Display of native aquatic plants
15. Display of invasive aquatic plants
16. Poster or display of boat safety/equipment
17. Display board depicting the contents of a tackle box
18. Any other project not listed above
Division Letter: D - INSECTS
Class #:
1. Collection of two or more specimens of at least 10 species of insects,
properly mounted and identied, using common names and scientic
names (For 1st year project members)
2. Poster of life stages of an insect
3. Any other exhibit in this project not listed above
Class #:
1. A display of 12 mounted plant specimens that are important wildlife
food plants
2. Scrapbook of 20 wildlife tracks labeled. Note location and date of any
tracks actually seen by the member
3. A poster showing drawings or photographs of fur-bearing animals found
in your nature study area. Note the area and date they were identied.
4. Any other exhibit in this project not listed above
Division Letter: F - WILDFLOWERS
Exhibit will be disqualied if any endangered wildowers are included in exhibit.
Class #:
1. A scrapbook of fteen (15) wildowers pressed, identied, labeled and
2. Any other exhibit in the project not listed above
No live ammunition or actual rearms to be displayed
Class #:
1. Ammunition display. Can be a poster of display of spent shell casings
with descriptions and information on each.
2. Homemade shooting sports accessory.
3. Decorate piece relating to shooting sports.
4. Display relating to wildlife conservation.
5. Homemade decoy.
6. Exhibit on proper rearm maintenance.
7. Display on gun safety and/or hunter safety.
8. Exhibit/display on wild game cooking.
9. Display/poster showing types of rearms, actions, pieces and parts
10. Design a shooting sports patch
11. Design a t-shirt
12. Any exhibit related to shooting sports.
13. Any other exhibit in the project not listed above.
Competitive Shoot Event
Pre-Fair Activity. Participants must be enrolled in the 4-H Shooting sport project
in order to participate in the competitive shoot. Participants must be a minimum
of 8 years old and in at least the 3rd grade. Date, place and time of shoot TBD.
Class #
14. Air Rie Shoot
15. Air Pistol Shoot
16. .22 Rie Competitive Shoot, 12 Years of Age and over
17. .22 Pistol Competitive Shot, 12 Years of Age and over
Division Letter: H - ARCHERY
Class #:
1. Display of proper archery equipment with explanation of its use
2. Exhibit of two or more homemade pieces of archery equipment
3. Any other exhibit in the project not listed above
Division Letter: I - ARCHERY SHOOT
Open to Certied Project Members ONLY. It will take place on Sunday (before
the fair) at 1 PM near the Pond Area at the Kenosha County Fair.
Class #:
1. All ages
Class #:
1. Display of camping equipment with an explanation of its use
2. Display or poster on camp cooking. Include at least 1 recipe and picture
of the meal
3. Display with explanation on how to pack and wear a backpack
4. A display featuring state and/or national parks
5. A poster or scrapbook featuring your outdoor adventures
6. A display featuring labeled examples of knots
7. A report or poster on water safety
8. Any other exhibit in this project not listed above
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday.
Division Letter: A - CLOVERBUD (Kindergarten through 2nd grade)
Open to youth enrolled in Cloverbuds. Members may exhibit FOUR items. A
participation ribbon and $1.00 will be awarded.
NOTE: Group projects MUST be listed on club entry form, not individual.
Class #:
1. Entry # 1
2. Entry # 2
3. Entry # 3
4. Entry # 4
A. Day of Judging: Monday 12-7PM
B. All exhibits must be the result of the year’s project and completed since
the last Fair. All projects should be based on exhibitor’s original designs. Kit
designs will only be allowed under class #79. Emphasis in judging will be
placed on originality of design and craftsmanship.
C. All projects should be completely nished and able to be readily
hung or displayed. Drawing, painting, prints, etc., MUST be matted or
mounted and ready for hanging. They must have a suitable, secure
hanger. Those not matted or mounted and ready for hanging will be
dropped one placing.
D. Media included in the project are: paper, ber, clay, leather, textiles, wood,
chalk/carbon/pigment, glass/plastic, metal, natural.
E. Exhibitor may enter up to 3 baskets as long as they are different and would
receive up to 3 premiums.
F. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly
before the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed
and used when picking up the project on Sunday night. If a tag is not
attached, it will be dropped one placing.
G. All cards, stationary, small items, Christmas ornaments, and jewelry must
be put in clear Ziploc bags with entry tags securely attached, or the projects
will be dropped one placing.
Premiums for All Divisions:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: A - ARTS AND CRAFTS
Class #:
1. Batik
2. Basket Entry # 1
3. Basket Entry # 2 - must be different type than Entry #1
4. Basket Entry # 3 - must be different type than Entries # 1 and # 2
5. Candle - bees wax
6. Candle - wax
7. Candle - any other candle making medium
8. Ceramics - hand built
9. Ceramics - pre-cast item
10. Ceramics - wheel thrown item
11. Molded plaster item
12. Clay pot creation
13. Collage - any other media or combination of media
14. Decorated lampshade
15. Decorative or useful item made from beads
16. Decorated holiday ornaments - set of 3
17. Decorated ower pot
18. Decorated picture frame
19. Decoupage - useful or decorative item
20. Drawing - # 1 pen, pencil, colored pencil
21. Drawing - # 2 pen, pencil, colored pencil
22. Drawing - # 1 pastel, crayon, charcoal
23. Drawing - # 2 pastel, crayon, charcoal
24. Drawing - any other media or combination of media
25. Fabric creations - use of pom-poms, yarns, pipe cleaners, felt, etc.
26. Prints on fabric - stenciling, stamping, etc.
27. Decorated ready-to-wear clothing item - stencil painting, fabric painting,
beads, etc.
28. Jewelry - beaded single item
29. Jewelry - beaded set
30. Jewelry - handmade beads
31. Jewelry, any material
32. Latch hook or continuous loop hooked item - useful or decorative
33. Leather - article of own construction with or without pattern decoration
34. Leather - an article with tooled, stamped or carved design
35. Leather - article using pre-cut materials
36. Leather - decorative accessory or useful article
37. Macramé - useful or decorative item
38. Metal work - metal enameling or tin punch (may be recycled material)
decorative accessory
39. Mosaics - # 1 useful or decorative item
40. Mosaics - # 2 useful or decorative item
41. Painting - # 1 watercolor, tempura, casein
42. Painting - # 2 watercolor, tempura, casein
43. Painting - # 1 oil, acrylic
44. Painting - # 2 oil, acrylic
45. Painting - any other media or combination of media
46. Prints on paper - lithography, stamping, etc.
47. Design with paper - includes quilling, paper sculpture or paper twist
48. Hand decorated cards
49. Article made from reeds, corn husks or other natural materials (not
dried arrangement)
50. Sculpture - ceramic
51. Sculpture - wire, metal or wood
52. Sculpture - soft (i.e. dolls)
53. Sculpture - made from recycled materials
54. Stitchery - clothing article
55. Stitchery - plastic canvas
56. Ukrainian eggs - decorative
57. Weaving - useful or decorative article
58. Weaving - woven rug made from rags
59. Wind chimes Any other media not listed above
60. Wood burning - useful or decorative item Any combination of above
61. Prints on wood - stenciling or stamping
62. Pre-cut, wood shapes - painted, stained or decorated
63. Any natural or decorated wreath
64. Diamond Dot picture #1
65. Diamond Dot picture #2
66. Garden decoration
67. Painted mason jar
68. Painted glass #1
69. Painted glass #2
70. Etched glass
71. Painted wooden egg
72. Painted vase
73. Painted rock (3 – 4 rocks)
74. Terracotta clay pot gure or creation
75. Any other media not listed above #1
76. Any other media not listed above #2
77. Any combination of above media #1
78. Any combination of above media #2
79. Any item made from a kit
80. Any item made from recycled material
81. Article made with resin, entry #1
82. Article made with resin, entry #2
Division Letter: B – UKRAINIAN EGGS
Class #:
1st year in the project
1. Historical or Symbol
2. Different size egg(s) (ex: Bantam, Quail, Duck, Goose, Ostridge, etc.)
3. Colored egg(s) (ex: brown, blue, green, pink)
4. Free style egg design
5. Ornament
6. Decorated egg made from any material
7. Educational display on a poster board (no foam core boards)
8. Directions created for a Ukrainian Egg design on an 8” x 10” piece of
paper in a plastic page protector
9. Any other egg creation not listed above
2nd – 3rd year in the project
10. Historical or Symbol
11. Different size egg(s) (ex: Bantam, Quail, Duck, Goose, Ostridge, etc.)
12. Colored egg(s) (ex: brown, blue, green, pink)
13. Free style egg design
14. Ornament
15. Decorated egg made from any material
16. Educational display on a poster board (no foam core boards)
17. Directions created for a Ukrainian Egg design on an 8” x 10” piece of
paper in a plastic page protector
18. Any other egg creation not listed above
4th year and up in the project
19. Historical or Symbol
20. Different size egg(s) (ex: Bantam, Quail, Duck, Goose, Ostridge, etc.)
21. Colored egg(s) (ex: brown, blue, green, pink)
22. Free style egg design
23. Ornament
24. Decorated egg made from any material
25. Educational display on a poster board (no foam core boards)
26. Directions created for a Ukrainian Egg design on an 8” x 10” piece of
paper in a plastic page protector
27. Any other egg creation not listed above
Division Letter: C - MUSIC
Class #:
1. Scrapbook on member’s work in music. May include new words for
existing melodies, and/or original music - must bring tape recordings
2. Poster showing how member uses music in his or her Junior Fair work
3. Musical instrument made by member
4. Any other exhibit in this project not listed above
Class #:
1. Original one act play performed by member.
2. Original play written and performed by a group. Maximum performance
time: 10 minutes
3. Mini booth showing a play set. Box should be approximately 18” x 24”.
Include brief description on card
4. Photograph story of your play. Describe your participation. Mount on
poster board 14” x 22”
5. Written critique of two plays viewed by member. Identify play: the title,
author, date of performance and performing group
6. Display of costumes you have created
7. Display on light and shadow
8. Display on make-up
9. Display on sound effects
10. Display of puppetry activity including completed puppets and play for
which prepared. Play need not be original.
11. Rod puppet
12. Puppet with movable mouth (no play needed)
13. Original written play - one act or more
14. Written monologue - one page minimum
15. A play prompt book
16. Props for a character representing a specic culture
17. Costume for a character representing a specic culture
18. Clown costume. Should be worn by exhibitor. After judging, costume will
be left for display
19. Clown make-up kit
20. Clown face: Make-up should be worn by exhibitor. After judging, a head-
size photo of the made-up clown face would be left for display
21. Any props made as part of a clown kit
22. Photographic story of clown project work
23. Any other exhibit in this project not listed above
Class #:
1. A photo exhibit, scrapbook or collage about what you learned from
interviewing a person
2. A poster or collage that illustrates things families can do together
instead of watching television
3. A poster, signed by club members, listing rules and guidelines the club
has created to make sure people treat each other with courtesy and
4. A hand written “commonplace book”
5. A scrapbook or notebook or original poetry including at least one of the
following: found poems, nature poem, cinquaine, telephone or vertical
poem, or any other original poem
6. A poster about proper e-mail etiquette
7. A handmade “few kind words” book
8. Any other piece of original creative writing (poem, short story, essay or
9. A poster of stress reduction tips and suggestions for dealing with
speech anxiety
10. An exhibit that includes books, props and visual aids to illustrate the
book you or your group has read
11. A scrapbook or collage about the various books that were read and
12. A poster illustrating your top 10 favorite books
13. An exhibit, including photos and other items you’ve gathered that relate
to the project
14. A family scrapbook of special event; Birthday Book, Holiday Book; or any
other family journal that was created by two or more family members
15. Any other item not listed above
Division Letter: F - SCRAPBOOKING
For the scrapbooking project, a kit is dened as one that has directions or
suggestions on how to place pictures, ribbons, and other details. NOTE: For all
age levels, one page is equivalent to a single-sided page.
Class #:
3rd - 5th Grade
1. Any size album - 10 or more pages
2. Album made form a kit
3. Junior Fair themed album
4. Display of scrapbooking or card making techniques
5. Set of 4 hand stamped cards
6. Set of 4 other handmade cards
6th - 8th Grade (or 1st year in Scrapbooking Project)
7. 12” x 12” size album - minimum 20 pages
8. Any other size album - minimum 15 pages
9. Junior Fair themed album
10. Unique construction of an album - i.e. accordion, paper bag, etc.
11. Digital Scrapbook
12. Set of 4 hand stamped cards
13. Set of 4 other handmade cards
14. Any other stamped media or paper crafting article
15. Display of scrapbooking or card making techniques
9th Grade and up (albums or projects at this level made from a kit or part of
kits are NOT accepted)
16. 12” x 12” size album - minimum 30 pages
17. Any other size album - minimum 20 pages
18. Junior Fair themed album
19. Unique construction of an album - i.e. accordion, paper bag, etc.
20. Digital scrapbook
21. Set of 4 hand stamped cards
22. Set of 4 other handmade cards
23. Any other stamped media or paper crafting article
24. Display of scrapbooking or card making techniques
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. Each exhibitor is limited to 10 entries – 1 per class – in Divisions A, B, & C.
All photographs must be the result of the exhibitor’s project for the current
Fair year. Exhibitors must be enrolled in the correct division.
C. Photographs will be judged on the basis of technical quality, composition
and story-telling ability.
D. Photographs may be color or black and white.
E. Member must be able to provide technical information about type of camera,
lighting (natural or ash), exposure details and any cropping or editing used.
F. A photo may only be used once.
G. All photos must be mounted on white or black poster board (NO foam
• 4 x 6, and 5 x 7 photos to be mounted on 8 x 10 poster board
• 8 x 10 enlargements are to be mounted on 11 x 14 poster board
Photos must be securely attached to poster board using rubber cement
or high-quality mounting tape
• Photos must have a caption
Entry tag must be stapled to upper right corner of poster board. Please
remove Claim Ticket.
H. Failure to follow entry rules will result in entries being dropped one placing.
I. Posters in Class 18 and 19 may only be on Poster Board 14 x 22
J. Class 18 and 19 suggestions:
Posters/displays on types of cameras, photography tips and tricks,
lighting, etc.
• Items such as puzzles, photo mug, calendar, photo collage, etc.
K. Class 16 and 17:
A computer enhanced photo must have obvious alternations and/or
enhancement: in camera effects, lters, lenses or programs used to
dramatically change the way the image would normally look.
Premiums for All Divisions:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter:
A - BEGINNER Photography (1 – 3 years in project)
B - INTERMEDIATE Photography (4 – 6 years in project)
C – ADVANCED Photography (Over 6 years in project)
Class #:
1. One 4 x 6 photo of your choice
2. One 4 x 6 photo of your choice
3. One 4 x 6 photo of your choice
4. One 4 x 6 photo of your choice
5. One 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 photo of your choice
6. One 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 photo of your choice
7. One 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 photo of your choice
8. One 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 photo of your choice
9. One 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 photo of your choice
10. “My Best Photo” – one 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 of exhibitor’s most technically and
compositionally correct image
11. “My favorite B&W photo”, limited to Black & White (grayscale) phots (4
x 6, 5 x 7 or 8 x 10) mounted per guidelines
12. “My favorite Sepia photo”, limited to Sepia photos (4 x 6, 5 x 7 or 8 x 10)
mounted per guidelines
13. “My favorite mono-tone photo”, limited to mono-tone photos (4 x 6, 5 x
7, 8 x 10) mounted per guidelines
14. “I learned something new photo”, (4 x 6, 5 x 7, 8 x 10) mounted per
guidelines, any color; the photo should demonstrate a new skill the
member has learned or is trying to learn. The member is encouraged to
stretch their creativeness
15. Photo story – 3-4 photos (4 x 6) that tell a story (mounted on 11 x 14
poster board)
16. Computer enhanced photo (5 x 7) with original (4 x 6) mounted on 11 x
14 poster board
17. Computer enhanced photo (5 x 7) with original (4 x 6) mounted on 11 x
14 poster board
18. Photography related poster, display, or item using exhibitor’s photos
19. Photography related poster, display, or item using exhibitor’s photos
20. Panoramic pieced display – 3 or more images stitched together to
create a panoramic print mounted on 8 x 22 poster board. Show the
original images, 4 x 6 or 2 x 3 along with the panoramic print
21. HDR print – 3 or more images combined to create a high dynamic range
image mounted on 11 x 14 poster board. Show the original Images, 4 x
6 or 2 x 3, along with the HDR edited image
20. Any other photography exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: D – VIDEOGRAPHY
Class #:
1. Video or slide show of any subject up to 3 minutes in length. (Must
provide viewing device for judging)
2. Video or slide show of any subject up to 3 minutes in length. (Must
provide viewing device for judging)
3. Any other videography exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: E - COMPUTERS
Class #:
1. Create a yer promoting Junior Fair, Youth Organization, Kenosha
County Fair, etc.
2. Computer generated T-shirt design
3. Create a display of a dismantled computer, identifying parts and their
functions (not to exceed 24” x 30”)
4. Create a child’s story book or newspaper
5. Create a database of at least 6 elds and 20 records. Include a
description of how the database would be used
6. Create a spreadsheet containing at least 6 elds and 20 records. Include
a description of how the spreadsheet would be used.
7. Create a 4-page newsletter that includes graphics. A 4-page newsletter
consists of two 8.5” x 11” page printed on both sides.
8. Create a trifold 6 panel brochure that includes graphics. The original
paper size must be 8.5” x 11” and the brochure must have text or
graphics on every panel.
9. Create an original piece of art on the computer.
10. Create a design. (examples may include, but not limited to: landscape,
garden, home, building, CAD-CAM designs.)
11. Create a set of business stationary on the computer, including a business
card (3.5” x 2”), a piece of letterhead (8.5” x 11”), and a business sized
envelope (9.5” x 4”).
12. Create a piece of artwork on the computer (may include a digital photo)
to print onto transfer paper. Then apply to a t-shirt, tote bag, or other
item. Bring the completed item to show at the fair.
13. Exhibit a website you have designed.
14. Create a Digital Hand Drawing/Painting on a computer, tablet, or phone
with the use of your nger, mouse, or computer/tablet drawing pen.
Print your design on any size paper up to a maximum 8 ½” x 14” and
mount on an 11” x 14” posterboard.
15. Any other computer exhibit not listed above.
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. Articles to be eligible for entry must have been made since last September.
Any work previously shown will be disqualied. Exhibited items must be
a result of member’s own work in a youth organization and not made in
connection with school activities, unless otherwise noted.
C. It is recommended that articles exhibited be nished appropriately for their
expected use.
D. Examples in parenthesis.
E. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday.
Premiums for Divisions A & B:
1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: A - MEASURING UP
Open to 3rd graders with 1 year of woodworking training
Class #:
1. An article for use in farm or home workshop
2. Article for use outdoors (airplane)
3. An article for use in storage (wooden box)
4. An article for use in kitchen or living room (letter holder)
5. An article for use in the home (picture frame)
6. A toy or homemade game (puzzle)
7. An article of creative design from wood or wood and other materials or
using recyclable materials
8. An article made in industrial arts, vocational agriculture class or shop as
part of classwork or for class grade or extra credit
Division Letter: B - MAKING THE CUT
Open to 4th graders with 2 years or less of woodworking
Class #:
1. An article for use in farm or home workshop (saw horse)
2. An article for use outdoors (birdhouse)
3. An article for use in storage (toolbox)
4. An article for use in kitchen or living room
5. An article for use in the home (stool)
6. A toy or homemade game (whistle)
7. An article of creative design from wood or wood and other materials or
using recyclable materials
8. An article made in industrial arts, vocational agriculture class or shop as
part of classwork or for class grade or extra credit.
Division Letter: C - NAILING IT TOGETHER
Open to 5th grade and above with 3 years or less of woodworking
Premiums: 1st - $2.50 2nd - $2.25 3rd - $2.00 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. An article for use in farm or home workshop
2. An article for use outdoors (boomerang)
3. An article for use in storage (bookshelf)
4. An article for use in kitchen or living room (belt buckle??)
5. An article for use in the home (corner shelf)
6. A toy or homemade game (puzzle)
7. Repaired or renished article
8. An article of creative design from wood or wood and other materials or
using recyclable materials
9. An article made in industrial arts, vocational agriculture class or shop as
part of classwork or for class grade or extra credit
Open to 6th grade and above with 4 years or less of woodworking
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. An article for use in farm or home workshop
2. An article for use out-of-doors (wood vehicle, picnic table)
3. Useful article of furniture or cabinet making (step stool/chair)
4. An article for use in the home (door knocker)
5. Article for use in some building other than the home
6. Useful article of farm carpentry
7. Repaired or renished article
8. An article of creative design from wood or wood and other materials or
using recyclable materials
9. An article made in Industrial arts, vocational agriculture class or shop as
part of classwork or for class grade or extra credit
Division Letter: E - SHOWING IT OFF
Open to 7th grade and above
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. An article for use in farm or home workshop
2. An article for use out-of-doors
3. Useful article of furniture or cabinet making
4. An article for use in the home
5. An Article for use in some building other than the home
6. Useful article of farm carpentry
7. Repaired or renished article
8. An article of creative design from wood or wood and other materials or
using recyclable materials
9. An article made in industrial arts, vocational agriculture class or shop as
part of classwork or for class grade or extra credit
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday.
Open to 1st & 2nd year members
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Circuit Board
2. Homemade compass
3. Model electric motor
4. Scrapbook of experiments
5. Electric question board
6. Electromagnet
7. Galvanometer
8. Any other exhibit not listed above
Premiums for Divisions B & C:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $2.00 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Open to 2nd & 3rd year members
Class #:
1. Display showing types of fuses
2. Display of electric cords, wires or cables
3. Test lamp
4. Demonstration board with 3-way & 4-way switches
5. Trouble light
6. Light-duty extension cord
7. Heavy-duty extension cord
8. 22” x 28” sample of circuit diagram (must include battery conductor
light, resistor or switch)
9. Parallel circuit board
10. Rocket launcher
11. Any other piece of homemade electrical equipment not listed above
Division Letter: C - WIRED FOR POWER
Open to 3rd year members and up
Class #:
1. Display of bulbs, tubes or lighting equipment
2. Homemade lamp or lighting unit
3. Lighting poster or chart
4. Any other piece of homemade electrical equipment not listed above
Heat & Power Open to 3rd year members and up
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Display showing motor types, operation or maintenance
2. Any other piece of homemade electrical equipment not listed above
Open to 3rd year members and up
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Any piece of homemade electronic equipment
2. Display or plan of an electrical control system
3. Diagram or photographs of electrical or electronic equipment installed
at home
4. Any piece of electrical equipment made from commercial kit
5. Any other piece of homemade electrical equipment not listed above
Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday.
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Drawing or display, illustrating, identifying part of and explaining function
of one tractor engine component such as spark plug, carburetor, etc.
2. Mounted exhibit of worn tractor engine parts caused by poor tractor
maintenance, collected by member. Include explanation of cause and
how to prevent it.
3. Display of tractor maintenance records and operating costs
4. Display on plywood or pressed board of different kinds of nuts, bolts,
screws, washers and other fasteners used on farm machinery, properly
5. Poster on tractor or farm machinery safety
6. Diagram showing a dangerous tractor or farm machinery situation and
explaining how to prevent it.
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Panel exhibit of small engine parts with identication of parts
2. Poster or panel illustrating steps in a small engine service job (14” x 22”)
3. Poster or panel showing correct steps in preparing a small engine for
off-season storage (14” x 22”)
4. Panel exhibit showing diagram of: Ignition system or fuel system or
lubrication system
5. Panel showing worn or faulty engine parts with statement as to cause
and prevention
6. Poster or panel showing the events in a four-cycle engine with a brief
explanation (14” x 22”)
7. Small engine safety poster (14” x 22”)
8. Any other exhibit not listed above
Premiums: 1st - $2.50 2nd - $2.25 3rd - $2.00 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Panel showing events in a two-cycle engine with a brief explanation
2. Panel exhibit or carburetor parts with explanation of functions of part,
oat type or diaphragm type.
3. Poster listing preventative maintenance measures recommended for
two-cycle engine (14” x 22”)
4. Any other exhibit not listed above
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $2.00 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
Preight - 3rd grade & up
1. Model of homemade airplane made with no kit, not made to y
2. Poster explaining the four forces affecting a model plan in ight
3. Model of airplane made from kit, not made to y
4. Paper airplane
5. Any other exhibit not listed above
Lift-off - 4th grade & up
7. Part of an airplane, displayed and labeled
8. Photos of types of aircraft with description
9. Model of homemade airplane made with no kit, made to y
10. Model of airplane made from kit, made to y
11. Any other exhibit not listed above
Reaching New Heights - 5th grade & up
12. Homemade hang glider
13. Model of homemade airplane made with no kit, made to y
14. Model of airplane made from kit, made to y
15. Scrapbook of aviation project
16. Poster showing at least 5 ight instruments and their purpose
17. Match parts and function of a remote control
18. Altitude tracker
19. Any other exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: E - MODEL ROCKETRY
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Edible rocket
2. Homemade space helmet
3. Straw and balloon rocket
4. Poster relating to rocketry
5. A non-metallic model rocket you have built and own (include a ight
log of recent ight-rocket not used in county-wide competitions)
6. A non-metallic model rocket that has not yet own
7. A non-metallic model rocket that was own in the countywide rocketry
8. Any other rocket made from recycled material
9. Design a mission patch or T-Shirt (may be on paper or actual article)
10. Any other exhibit not listed above
Competition Launch
11. Junior grades 3 – 7
12. Senior grades 8 – 12+
Premiums for Divisions F - I:
1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: F - SCALE MODELS
A. Kits may be used but you must label your model “kit used” or “original
model” (original model: no kit was used in any way.)
B. Model display must be one unit. Be sure model and all other objects are
securely fastened.
C. Motorized or remote powered models may only be entered under class # 7.
D. Snap together models can be exhibited for 6th grade and under
E. Each model must have the following information on a 3” x 5” card:
1. number of pieces in kit
2. model diagram stapled to card
3. any modications made to kit
F. Guidelines for Model Railroad Displays:
1. display board must be 24” x 24”
2. nothing can be taller than 8”
3. First Year Members: display must have six trees, one small hill, one switch,
track with any pattern, telephone poles, grass and/or gravel landscape
Class #:
1. Auto & Motorcycle
2. Truck
3. Boat or Ship
4. Military Track Vehicle
5. Military Wheel Vehicle
6. Any other model (excluding those listed above)
7. Any motorized/remote powered model (not an airplane)
8. Poster of your model railroad setup
Division Letter: G - ROBOTICS
Class #:
1. Printed copy of an original robotics program developed by the exhibitor
2. 22” x 28” poster Including photos and other items that relate to the
3. Any other individual project
Division Letter: H - LEGOS
Display needs to be mounted on a Lego mat ATTACHED TO WOOD OR OTHER
FIRM BASE. No minimum size, maximum size of display base is 16” x 16”
Class #:
1. Lego display (i.e. landscape, village, scene, etc.)
2. Free standing Lego creation built without instructions (not a kit)
3. Lego display from a kit (exhibit must be marked as such)
4. Any other building material (not Legos) such as K’Nex, Magnetix,
Erector, Lincoln Logs, etc.
Division Letter: I – METAL WORKING
Class #:
1. Any project that is welded
2. An exhibit that is designed by cutting or forging metal
3. An exhibit that has been designed by using a drill
4. A self-determined exhibit not listed above
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. No two members of the same family may exhibit the same recipe
C. All perishable foods become the property of the Kenosha County Fair. Food
will be disposed of at superintendent’s discretion
D. Each entry must have a 3” x 5” card attached with the following: age of
exhibitor, number of years in the project, recipe. Entries not accompanied by
this card will automatically be dropped one place
E. All entry tags must be attached to the projects and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday
F. Mixes will not be permitted. Members will be dropped one place for using one.
Premiums for Divisions A - D:
1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: A - BEGINNER
Grades 3-5 Recipes must be included with all entries
Class #:
1. Snack pizza
2. Mufns, no cupcake liners, all from the same recipe, plate of 3
3. Drop cookies, plate of 3
4. Bar cookies, plate of 3
5. Any other cookie, plate of 3
6. Drop biscuits, plate of 3
7. Fudge candy, plate of 3
8. Candy, chocolates, molded or painted, plate of 3
9. Quick bread, 1/2 loaf
10. Coffeecake with streusel topping. 4” x 4” square, must include corner
11. Any food item made from a recipe that has been handed down through
the generations
12. Cold pasta salad - 1 cup portion
13. Ethnic food - single serving portion
14. Homemade soup - 1 cup portion
15. Any other food item not listed above
16. Scrapbook with 6 or more of your favorite recipes, recipes must be on a
3” x 5” card
Division Letter: B - JUNIOR
Grades 6-7 Recipes must be included with all entries
Class #:
1. Baking powder biscuits - rolled, no mixes, plate of 3
2. Bar cookies, plate of 3
3. Sliced, formed, molded cookies, plate of 3
4. Any other cookie, plate of 3
5. Mufns, no cupcake liners, all from the same recipe, plate of 3
6. Quick bread, 1/2 loaf, from scratch
7. Pastry pie, one crust
8. Pastry pie, two crusts
9. Cake, 1/2 of 8” or 9” round, unfrosted, from scratch
10. Coffeecake with streusel topping. 4” x 4” square, must include corner
11. Ethnic food - single serving portion
12. Cold vegetable/pasta salad - 1 cup portion
13. Homemade soup - 1 cup portion
14. Graham cracker crust pie
15. Candy, chocolates, molded or painted, plate of 3
16. Fudge candy, plate of 3
17. Drop cookies,, plate of 3
18. Any food item made from a recipe that has been handed down through
the generations
19. Main dish - 1 cup portion
20. Experiment with changing a recipe for healthy living
21. Scrapbook with 9 or more of your favorite recipes
22. Any other food item not listed above
Division Letter: C - INTERMEDIATE
Grades 8-10 Recipes must be included with all entries
Class #:
1. Cupcakes, plate of 3
2. Quick coffee cake, 6” square, must include corner
3. Quick bread, 1/2 loaf
4. Main dish casserole
5. Pressed or rolled cookies, plate of 3
6. Cake, homemade, unfrosted 6” square, must Include corner
7. 3 varieties of cookies, no drop cookies, 2 of each type, know the name
of the cookies
8. One pastry crust pie
9. Two pastry crust pie
10. Yeast bread, 1/2 loaf
11. Any other yeast item
12. Recipe changed for healthy living plus sample made from recipe
13. Main entrée
14. Fudge candy, plate of 3
15. Candy, any type, plate of 3
16. Candy, chocolates, molded or painted, plate of 3
17. Healthy snack created by the exhibitor
18. Any food item made from a recipe that has been handed down through
the generations
19. Coffeecake with streusel topping. 4” x 4” square, must Include corner
20. Ethnic food - single serving portion
21. Homemade soup - 1 cup portion
22. Graham cracker crust pie
23. Scrapbook of recipes of leftover foods (6 or more)
24. Any food item made for those who have diets that are gluten free our
or egg free or dairy free, or have allergies to different food items
25. Any other food item not listed above
Division Letter: D - SENIOR
Grades 11-13 Recipes must be included with all entries
Class #:
1. Doughnuts, yeast or cake, plate of 3
2. Sponge or chiffon cake, 1/2 cake
3. Any layer cake, homemade, frosted, 1/2 cake, must include corner
4. Angel food cake, unfrosted, 1/2 cake
5. Cookies for special occasion, plate of 3
6. 3 varieties of cookies, no drop cookies, 2 of each type, know the name
of the cookies
7. A one pastry crust pie
8. A two pastry crust pie
9. Candy, chocolates, molded or painted, plate of 3
10. Any other yeast item, plate of 3 or 1/2 loaf
11. Yeast bread, 1/2 loaf
12. Yeast item - 3 on a plate (ex: dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, donuts, etc.)
12. Main entrée
13. Recipe changed for healthy living plus sample made from recipe
14. Any food item made from a recipe that has been handed down through
the generations
15. Coffeecake with streusel topping. 4” x 4” square, must include corner
16. Ethnic food - single serving portion
17. Homemade soup - 1 cup portion
18. An Instant Pot dish
19. Any other pastry item
20. Any food item made for those who have diets that are gluten free, or egg
free, or dairy free or have allergies to different food items
21. Any other food item not listed above
A. All cookies and cakes must be home-baked, mixes are acceptable.
B. Styrofoam bases will be accepted unless otherwise noted.
C. Cake board cannot exceed 2” beyond cake. Will be marked down one
placing if they exceed size limitations.
D. Cupcakes and cookies should be displayed on an 9” or 10 ¼” disposable
E. Each entry must have a 3” x 5” card attached with the following information:
the age of the exhibitor, number of years in the project, and the recipe used
for the frosting. Entries not accompanied by this card will automatically be
dropped one place.
F. Canned frosting will not be permitted. Exhibitors using canned frosting will
be disqualied.
Premiums for Divisions E & F:
1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: E - BEGINNERS First year in project
Class #:
1. Character cake - use molded pan and must be real cake
2. Special occasion - at, 1 layer 8” x 9” or larger, not in pan (birthday,
graduation, etc.)
3. Multi-layer cake - real cake
4. Cut out cake
5. Cake decorated for a holiday
6. Decorated cupcakes, 3
7. Decorated cookies, 3
8. Professional sports team cake, cupcakes or cookies (MLB, NFL, NHL, etc.)
9. Gingerbread house
10. A design made using 6 or more cupcakes
11. Any other cake or cookie decorating exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: F - ADVANCED Two or more years in project
Class #:
1. Character cake - use molded pan
2. Special occasion - must be two layered, real cake
3. Multi-layered using pillars
4. Cake decorated for a holiday
5. Cake using gure piping
6. Cake using royal icing owers
7. Sugar-molded eggs, 1
8. Any other cake or cookie decorating exhibit not listed above
9. Gingerbread house
10. Decorated cupcakes, 6 with a theme – each with a different design
11. Decorated cupcakes, 6 with the same design
12. Cut- up cake
13. Cake decorated with fondant
14. Professional Sports Team cake, cupcakes or cookies (MLB, NFL, NHL,
A. Fruit and vegetable exhibits may be in pint or quart jar. Jam and jellies may
be in conventional jelly or jam glasses. Standard jar, clear in color, should be
used. Food must have been canned since previous year’s Fair.
B. All jars must be labeled with name of ingredients, method of canning,
processing time, and date.
C. Awards will be based on color, pack, method used and appearance of jar
and cover. Canned goods will be judged on latest USDA guidelines (available
from the UW-Extension Ofce).
D. Judges have the right to open a jar only if it is in question.
E. No parafn sealed food will be accepted for display and judging.
Premiums for Divisions G & H:
1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: G
Open to members enrolled in a 1st year Food Preservation project
Class #:
1. Tomatoes, chopped or crushed, 1 jar
2. Tomato juice, 1 jar
3. Any other tomato item, 1 jar
4. Salsa, 1 jar
5. Pears, sliced, quartered or halved, 1 jar
6. Cherries, pitted, 1 jar
7. Apples, sliced, quartered or halved, 1 jar
8. Peaches, sliced, quartered or halved, 1 jar
9. Applesauce, 1 jar
10. Any other fruit sauce, 1 jar
11. Jam, any variety, 1 jar
12. Jelly, any variety, 1 jar
13. Dilly beans, 1 jar
14. Dill pickles, 1 jar
15. Freezer jam, any variety, 1 jar
16. Any other item not listed above
Division Letter: H
Open to members enrolled in a 2nd year Food Preservation project and above
Class #:
1. Tomatoes, whole, 1 jar
2. Tomato juice, 1 jar
3. Ketchup, 1 jar
4. Pizza sauce, 1 jar
5. Spaghetti sauce, 1 jar
6. Any other tomato item, 1 jar
7. Relishes, 1 jar
8. Peaches, quartered or halved, 1 jar
9. Cherries, 1 jar
10. Pears, quartered or halved, 1 jar
11. Snap beans, 1 jar
12. Sweet corn (off the cob), 1 jar
13. Any other vegetable, 1 jar
14. Apples, quartered or halved, 1 jar
15. Applesauce, 1 jar
16. Any other fruit sauce, 1 jar
17. Bread and butter pickles, 1 jar
18. Sweet pickles, 1 jar
19. Dill pickles, 1 jar
20. Any pickle, 1 jar
21. Dilly beans, 1 jar
22. Beets, pickled, 1 jar
23. Jam, any variety, 1 jar
24. Jelly, any variety, 1 jar
25. Any other fruit, 1 jar
26. Any dried foods
27. Freezer jam, any variety, 1 jar
1. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
2. Each entry must be original work of the exhibitor and must be the result of
this year’s project. Members can enter as many entries in their division, but
only one garment per class number.
3. The superintendent has the right to reject any garment brought in should it
be soiled or in an unpressed condition.
4. Special care will be exercised to keep the garment in good condition and
to prevent losses. However, the garment is displayed at the owner’s risk.
The department is not responsible for garment left on the fairgrounds at the
close of the fair.
5. FASHION EXPLOSION garments may be judged at the fair for construction,
must be entered under divisions A-D at the fair. FASHION EXPLOSION
garments must be listed on the fair entry form using divisions E-H to receive
premium money.
6. FASHION EXPLOSION tags need not be attached to the garment for the fair.
7. All articles, excluding quilts & stuffed items, must be attached to clothing
8. All fair tags must be secured to article, not to the hanger, safety pins
Division Letter: A - LET’S SEW
Open to members who are in their 1st & 2nd years sewing
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Scarf or headband or hat or scrunchy
2. Simple article for home use such as slippers, pillow case, hanging cover,
laundry bag, etc.
3. Simple top
4. Simple sleepwear
5. Simple skirt, dress or jumper
6. Simple pants, shorts or skorts
7. Sewing sculpture, any sewn form, stuffed to retain that form
8. Scrapbook of at least 8 seam nishes, hems or other beginning sewing
9. Any garment made or altered using recycled materials (include
description of where materials came from)
10. Article for another person
11. Costume
13. Item made from 4-H theme fabric (material provided)
14. Any other article not listed above
Division Letter: B - READY, SET, SEW
Open to members in their 3rd and 4th years sewing
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Accessory for self (tote bag, hat, belt, etc.)
2. Sleepwear, 2 piece or nightgown
3. Article for home use
4. Blouse or shirt with pants, skort or shorts
5. Blouse or shirt with jumper or skirt
6. Dress, general wear, 1 or 2 pieces
7. Swimwear
8. Sewing sculpture, any sewn form stuffed to retain that form
9. Scrapbook of at least 16 samples of seam nishes, hems or other
sewing techniques
10. Any garment made or altered using recycled materials (include
description of where materials came from)
11. Article for another person
12. Costume
13. Simple outerwear, unlined jacket, coat or poncho
14. Item made from 4-H theme fabric (material provided)
15. Any other article not listed above
Division Letter: C - SEW SOME MORE
Open to members with 5 or more years sewing
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Sleepwear or loungewear garment (if pajamas, top and bottom)
2. Swimsuit with cover-up
3. Sportswear, 2 pieces
4. Dress, general wear, 1 or 2 pieces
5. Outt, special occasion, formal
6. Outt for school wear
7. Outt for best wear
8. Outerwear, unlined jacket or coat
9. Outerwear, lined jacket or coat
10. Garment constructed for another person, infant - age 12
11. Garment constructed for another person, teen or adult
12. Article for home use
13. Lingerie
14. Any garment made or altered using recycled materials (include
description of where materials came from)
15. Item made from 4-H theme fabric (material provided)
16. Costume
17. Any other item not listed above
Premiums for Divisions D & E:
1st - $2.50 2nd - $2.25 3rd - $2.00 4th - $1.50
Division Letter: D - EQUESTRIAN ATTIRE
Exhibitors entering items under this category must be enrolled in the clothing
Class #:
1. Grooming apron
2. Hunt coat
3. Western shirt
4. Jodhpurs, breeches
5. Saddle seat suit
6. Chaps
7. Horse blanket
8. Horse attire - sewn
9. Vest
10. Any other item
Division Letter: E - QUILTING
Examples of quilted items: Pillows, table runners, wall hangings, kitchen
accessories, appliance covers, personal accessories, clothing, quilts.
Class #:
1. One quilted patchwork item
2. Applique - machine or by hand
3. Example of machine quilting
4. Quilted item designed by exhibitor
5. Exhibit using a combination of quilting techniques
6. Holiday themed item
7. Any other quilted item not listed above
**Southport Quilters Guild will sponsor a ribbon and a $25.00 check
to the judges choice for top exhibit in Classes #1-6.
Garments must be modeled in the County Fashion Explosion in the exhibit
year at the Kenosha County Center.
A garment must be listed on fair entry form and exhibited at the Fair to
receive premium money.
Entries will be judged on the “Total Look” which includes the suitability
of garment to the individual purpose, design, color, general appearance,
neatness, posture, t and construction, to the extent that it affects general
Scarves, hats, headbands, mittens, etc. are not considered garments They
are considered accessories.
Premiums for Divisions F - I: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $2.00 3rd - $1.50
Division Letter: F Open to members enrolled in LET’S SEW
Class #:
1. Skirt, washable
2. Simple pants, shorts, or skort
3. Simple top
4. Simple sleepwear (bottoms or gown)
5. Garment for another person
6. Any other garment not listed above
**A plaque and a $20 gift card will be awarded to a 1st year sewer for
outstanding work in the project. (given in honor of Shirley Daniels)
Division Letter: G Open to members enrolled in READY, SET, SEW
Class #:
1. Sleepwear, 2 piece or nightgown
2. Blouse/shirt with pants, skort, or shorts
3. Blouse/shirt with jumper or skirt
4. Dress, general wear, 1 or 2 pieces
5. Swimwear
6. Garment for another person
7. Any other garment not listed above
8. Simple outerwear, unlined jacket, coat or poncho
Division Letter: H Open to members enrolled in SEW SOME MORE
Class #:
1. Sleepwear or loungewear, 2 pieces
2. Sportswear, 2 pieces
3. Swimsuit with cover-up
4. Dress, general wear, 1 or 2 pieces
5. Special occasion outt
6. Outerwear, lined garment, suit or coat
7. Outerwear, unlined garment, suit or coat
8. Garment constructed for another person, infant - Age 12
9. Garment constructed for another person, teen or adult
10. Costume
11. Any other complete outt not listed above
Class #:
1. Shirt - Western or English 3. Vest
2. Pants - Western or English 4. Complete outt
1. Day of Judging: Monday 12-7PM
2. Each garment or article must have a 3” x 5” card attached listing the
following: age of exhibitor and number of years In the project, type of
yarn used, intended care of article, source of pattern (if magazine is used,
include name and date), pattern stitch used, size of needle used. Entries not
accompanied by this card will automatically be dropped one place.
3. All entry tags must be attached to the project and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday
Open to rst year members
Division Letter: A
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Scarf
2. Slippers
3. Hat or cap
4. Two needle mittens, one pair
5. Holiday decorations, such as snowakes or ornaments must be
exhibited as a set of 3
Division Letter: B
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Baby afghan
2. Simple sweater
3. Simple pillow
4. Vest
Division Letter: C
Premiums: 1st - $1.75 2nd - $1.50 3rd - $1.25 4th - $1.00
Class #:
1. Any other article not listed above (I.e., toys, animals, etc.)
Open to 2nd & 3rd year members
Division Letter: D
Premiums: 1st - $2.50 2nd - $2.25 3rd - $2.00 4th - $1.75
Class #:
1. Hat and scarf set
2. Two needle mittens, one pair
3. Holiday decorations, such as snowakes or ornaments must be
exhibited as a set of 3
4. Vest
5. Patterned pillow
Division Letter: E
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Any article to use in the home
2. Sweater
3. Afghan
4. Any article made on a knitting machine
Division Letter: F
Premiums: 1st - $1.75 2nd - $1.50 3rd - $1.25 4th - $1.00
Class #:
1. Any other article not listed above (i.e., toys, animals, etc.)
Open to members in project 4 or more years
Division Letter: G
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.75 3rd - $2.50 4th - $2.25
Class #:
1. Holiday decorations, such as snowakes or ornaments must be
exhibited as a set of 3
2. Four needle mittens or gloves, one pair
3. Four needle socks, one pair
4. Sets (2 or more pieces)
5. Swimsuit or beach cover-up
6. Garment, knitting combined with fabric
7. Sweater, advanced
8. Hat
9. Scarf
10. Any Item made on a knitting machine
11. Any other advanced article
Division Letter: H
Premiums: 1st - $3.75 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Blanket
2. Pillow
3. Advanced article to use in the home
4. Any article, pattern drafted by exhibitor
Division Letter: I
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Hat
2. Scarf
3. Slippers
4. Blanket
5. Afghan
6. Holiday decorations, such as snowakes or ornaments must be
exhibited as a set of 3
7. Any other article not listed in Division D (I.e., toys, animals, etc.)
Division Letter: J
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Vest
2. Simple pillow
Open to 2nd & 3rd year members
Division Letter: K
Premiums: 1st - $2.50 2nd - $2.25 3rd - $2.00 4th - $1.75
Class #:
1. Hat and scarf set
2. Holiday decorations, such as snowakes or ornaments must be
exhibited as a set of 3
3. Vest
4. Pillow
5. Slippers
6. Any article or garment made from Granny Squares
7. Any other article of clothing
8. Novelty crocheting, such as hairpin or broomstick lace
9. Any other article not listed (i.e., toys, animals, placements, etc.)
Division Letter: L
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $1.50
Class #:
1. Sweater 2. Afghan
Open to members in project 4 or more years
Division Letter: M
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.75 3rd - $2.50 4th - $2.25
Class #:
1. Holiday decorations, such as snowakes or ornaments must be
exhibited as a set of 3
2. Stole, cape or poncho
3. Afghan
4. Hat and scarf set
5. Any crocheted article or garment made from Granny Squares
6. Sweater, patterned and/or 2 or more colors
7. Any other clothing article not listed
8. Any article, pattern drafted by exhibitor
9. Any advanced accessory for the home not listed above (i.e., doilies,
placemats, tablecloths, etc.)
10. Any other article not listed above (i.e. toys, animals, etc.)
A. Day of Judging: Monday 12-7PM
B. All entry tags must be attached to the project and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday.
C. All entries should be made, designed and assembled by member
D. No kits may be entered except in the class where specied
Open to rst year members
Premiums: 1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Class #:
1. Placemats (4), tablecloth (1), or runner (1) made and decorated with
stitchery, applique or stenciling
2. Decorative pillow - cross stitch, needlepoint, crewel, appliqued,
patchwork, trapunto or any other stitchery
3. Bulletin board, for any room, ready to hang
4. Creative wall hanging, any subject, any method, any material, ready to hang
5. Storage cases or containers, wastebasket (set of 2), renovated,
redecorated, or newly constructed
6. Picture featuring needlepoint, crewel, counted cross stitch, or other
media. No professional framing
7. Flower arrangement - fresh, articial or dried
8. Place setting created with selected or handmade items - napkin,
placemat, centerpiece (member must bring card table to display)
9. Poster illustrating a color scheme for a room, using samples of wood
tones, paint, wall and oor covering
10. Any article made from a kit
11. Stitchery - household article
12. Stitchery - decorative accessory, including needlepoint
13. Stitchery - quilting or applique
14. Any creative furnishing item not listed above
Open to 2nd & 3rd year members
Premiums: 1st - $2.50 2nd - $2.25 3rd - $2.00 4th - $1.00
Class #:
1. Placemats (4), tablecloth (1), or runner (1) made and decorated with
stitchery, applique or stenciling
2. Decorative pillow - cross stitch, needlepoint, crewel, appliqued,
patchwork, trapunto or any other stitchery
3. Window shade - decorated by member
4. Bulletin board, for any room, ready to hang
5. Simple curtains
6. Bed cover - quilt, bedspread or decorative cover
7. Area rug
8. Creative wall hanging, any subject, any method, any material, ready to
hang (could include mosaic, tile, stitchery, plaque, printing, weaving,
quilting, etc.)
9. Flower arrangement - fresh, articial or dried
10. Place setting created with one handmade item, such as placemat,
napkin, pottery dish. Bring own card table to display
11. Picture featuring needlepoint, crewel, counted cross stitch, or other
media. No professional framing
12. Simple piece of renished furniture (new or old)
13. Floor plan of any room drawn to scale with furniture arrangement.
Include description of family activities and trafc patterns of the room
14. Holiday item that ts no other listing
15. Any article made from a kit
16. Stitchery - household article
17. Stitchery - decorative accessory, including needlepoint
18. Stitchery - quilting or applique
19. Any creative furnishing item not listed above
Open to members in project 4 or more years
Premiums: 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.50 3rd - $2.25 4th - $2.00
Class #:
1. Simple curtains or draperies
2. Tablecloth with napkins
3. Window shade decorated by member
4. Area rug
5. Bed cover, quilt or bedspread
6. Decorative pillow - cross stitch, needlepoint, crewel, appliqued,
patchwork, trapunto or other stitching
7. Creative wall hanging, any subject, any method, any material, ready to
hang (could include mosaic, tile, stitchery, plaque, printing, weaving,
quilting, etc.)
8. Renished or remodeled piece of furniture (new or old - renished,
antiqued, reupholstered, caned or recovered, with before pictures)
9. Three to ve items, selected or made for a specic room and arranged
to show color and texture
10. Floor plan of any room drawn to scale with furniture arrangement.
Include description of family activities and trafc patterns of the room
11. Flower arrangement - fresh, dried or articial
12. Useful storage unit planned and made by member
13. Poster illustrating a color scheme for a room, using samples of wood
tones, fabric, paint, wall or oor covering
14. Table setting created around a theme. Bring own card table to display.
(1 item must be homemade)
15. Stitchery – household item
16. Stitchery – decorative accessory, including needlepoint
17. Stitchery – quilting or applique
18. Holiday item that ts no other listing
19. Any article made from a kit
20. Any home furnishing item not listed above
A. Day of Judging: Monday 12-7PM
B. All entry tags must be attached to the project and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday night.
Premiums for all Divisions:
1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Open to all members enrolled in beginning child development and babysitting. All
classes must include a written explanation of age of child and why appropriate.
Class #:
1. Photo story of family activity. Include a description with each picture.
Can be a book or poster
2. Interview a grandparent and make a scrapbook of your observation
3. Make a coupon book for someone special of things you can do to show
you are responsible
4. Selection of 3-5 toys appropriate for a child. Group together and include
age and explanation of why you chose them
5. Make a “Home Alone” game board. Include all pieces and instructions
on how to play
6. Make a poster of snack foods showing where they t on the food pyramid
7. Make a toy store poster. List three age groups and choose ve toys that
are appropriate for each age groups and explain why
8. Toy or game made by exhibitor. Explain age and what it will teach
9. Poster showing safe play in a park or playground
10. Puppet show to teach safety, colors, numbers, or letters. Include
explanation of age it is appropriate for
11. Make a poster of scrapbook showing pictures of yourself teaching a
lesson or class to younger youth
12. Make an example of a craft you have done with one or a group of youth
younger than yourself. In your written explanation tell what age of the
youth or group you were working with, why you chose this craft, what
went well, and what you might change about it if you were to do this
craft again.
13. Write up a lesson/activity plan for a class or lesson that you will present
or have already presented to younger youth. Include an objective (Youth
will be taught…), materials, and procedure (be specic). Be sure to
include activities and opportunities for the youth learn by doing. If you
have already taught this lesson, write a reection of what went well and
what you’d change in the future.
14. Group project: Write up a plan for a large event such as a game night, craft
night, science day, etc. where younger youth are led through a series of
activities or lessons. Together, determine how long each session will last,
who will lead each session, and what activities will be included.
Open to all other members enrolled in child development and babysitting. All
classes must include a written explanation of age of child and why appropriate.
Class #:
1. Write a resume to seek a job in child care
2. Visit a daycare center. Pick one child to observe and complete a Child
Development Observation Record sheet
3. Observe three television programs or videos for children. Complete a
Television Evaluation Form for each
4. Create your family tree. Display as poster or scrapbook
5. Create a plan for a neighborhood “Movin’ and Shakin’” Olympics
6. Select 3-5 items that represent characteristics of someone in your
family. Explain how they represent the person
7. Create a community service project for your club that includes senior
citizens or youth. Prepare a plan that includes: activities, date, time,
location, costs and who will be involved
8. Storybook or scrapbook made by exhibitor for a child to teach safety,
getting along with others, or responsibility. Include age of child
9. Toy or game made by exhibitor. Include how it is used and age of child
it is made for
10. Plan for a child’s party. Include age of child, number of guests,
refreshments, and games
11. Cookbook of foods suitable for a child’s lunch that are easy to prepare
12. Exhibit of 5 household items found around your home that can be used
for creative play. Explain how they are used and for what age
13. Make a poster of scrapbook showing pictures of yourself teaching a
lesson or class to younger youth
14. Make an example of a craft you have done with one or a group of youth
younger than yourself. In your written explanation tell what age of the
youth or group you were working with, why you chose this craft, what
went well, and what you might change about it if you were to do this
craft again.
15. Write up a lesson/activity plan for a class or lesson that you will present
or have already presented to younger youth. Include an objective (Youth
will be taught…), materials, and procedure (be specic). Be sure to
include activities and opportunities for the youth learn by doing. If you
have already taught this lesson, write a reection of what went well and
what you’d change in the future.
16. Group project: Write up a plan for a large event such as a game night, craft
night, science day, etc. where younger youth are led through a series of
activities or lessons. Together, determine how long each session will last,
who will lead each session, and what activities will be included.
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
B. The club scrapbook may be of cumulative years, but the current Junior
Fair year must be included. Judging will be based on the presentation,
appearance, clarity and the diversity of the club’s activities (current year
C. All entry tags must be attached to the project and lled out properly before
the project can be judged. The bottom stub is to be removed and used when
picking up the project on Sunday night.
Division Letter: A
Premiums: 1st - $7.50 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.50 4th - $3.00
Class #:
1. Club scrapbook
2. Club promotional display
3. Any other exhibit created by a club
4. Junior Fair Club banner measuring at least 30” x 44” but no more than
36” x 48” made with any material
5. Scrapbook of a countywide project or activity, 5 or more pages with
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
Premiums: 1st - $2.25 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: A
Class #:
1. A poster designed to recruit members to join Junior Fair (14” x 22”)
2. A poster designed to assist in teaching at a specic project meeting
(14” x 22”)
3. Summary of 4 project meetings for one project or activity including:
What was planned, what was accomplished, and an evaluation of each
4. Mini booth (box approximately 18” x 24”) showing some phase of
leadership. Include a brief description on card.
5. Promotion display of Junior Fair trip or award (CWF, camp, etc.)
6. Any exhibit in this project not listed above
A. Day of Judging: Tuesday 12-7PM
Premiums for all Divisions:
1st - $2.00 2nd - $1.75 3rd - $1.50 4th - $1.25
Division Letter: A - HEALTH
Class #:
1. A scrapbook or portfolio which depicts what the member has learned
about nutrition
2. Poster or display on rst aid
3. First aid kit for home, work, auto, farm or school
Division Letter: B - BOWLING PROJECT
Class #:
1. Minimum of 4 photographs showing member bowling with correct form
and/or approach
2. Display or poster showing correct ways of picking up spares
3. Any other bowling exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: C - BICYCLE SAFETY
Class #:
1. Mini booth (approximately 18” x 24”) showing bicycle safety. Include
brief description on card.
2. Display of bicycle parts - include functions of these parts
3. Poster showing points to be checked on a bicycle during a safety check
4. Any other bicycle safety poster
5. Any other exhibit not listed above
Division Letter: D - ROLLER BLADING
Class #:
1. Poster on roller blade safety
2. Poster on parts and/or maintenance of roller blades
3. Scrapbook on roller blading
4. Scrapbook of professional athlete in roller blading
5. Scrapbook or poster on history of roller blading
6. Building design of rink or ramp used for roller blading (must be an
original design by exhibitor)
7. Original artwork with roller blading theme
8. Video on roller blade safety
9. Video on roller blade techniques
10. Video on roller blade demonstrations
11. Any other roller blading item not listed above
Division Letter: E - CITIZENSHIP
This class is open to youth who participated in the Citizenship project and
completed a “Public Adventures” community service project this year. Refer to
the “Public Adventures” curriculum for more information.
Class #:
1. Poster listing your group’s ground rules
2. Magazine picture collage that illustrates your group’s issues
3. Scrapbook or poster displaying any media coverage your project
received, including newspaper articles, TV or radio coverage or other
4. Scrapbook or notebook telling what your group has done and learned
from your citizenship project
5. Samples of letters written to support your citizenship project
6. Typed transcript of a public speech written to support your citizenship
7. Personal journal reecting what you learned during the citizenship
8. Any other communication item by you to support your group’s project
Division Letter: F - SELF DETERMINED
Projects will be judged and displayed with the department that most closely
relates to the self-determined exhibit. Example: Quilting projects will be judged
and displayed in the Home Furnishings area. If you have questions about
where your project should be, call the Fair Ofce before judging day. Posters
must be a maximum of 20” x 30”.
Class #:
1. Poster, scrapbook or other written material relating to project
2. Any small article made as part of the project
3. Any large article made as part of the project
4. Any other display not listed above
The Kenosha County School System has had an exhibit at the Fair for many
years. We take pride in showing the public some of the ne work which is the
result of the activities taking place in the Kenosha County Schools under the
direction of the individual classroom teachers. We appreciate the efforts and
cooperation of the Education Associations of Kenosha County Schools and
Parent-Teacher Organizations in the organization of this exhibit.
1. No exhibitor’s ticket is required in this department.
2. All entries in this department close as per schedule of judging.
3. No student shall make more than one project for each entry.
4. Each student is allowed to enter three items into the fair.
5. A maximum of 5 group projects will be allowed from each teacher.
6. A school representative will be responsible for putting up and taking
down the exhibit. Booths up by Tuesday before the Fair; may be taken
down after 7PM (walk out only) and 8PM (vehicles allowed on grounds)
Sunday of Fair week.
7. Individual or Group Project Prizes: rst place $1.75; second place $1.50;
third place $1.25; fourth place $1.00.
8. Booth Entry Prizes: rst place $15.00; second place $12.00; third place
$9.00; fourth place $6.00. Booths will be judged on Wednesday morning
of the Fair at about 10:00 AM.
9. In all cases, the judges’ decision will be nal.
10. Premium lists may be obtained from the Fair Ofce.
Kenosha County Fairest of the Fair Competition
Calling all men and women who live in Kenosha County
or have shown at the Kenosha County Fair!
The Kenosha County Fair is seekings all individuals interested (yes that’s right – MEN
and WOMEN) interested in representing the Kenosha County Fair! If you are selected
for this prestigious role, you will represent the Fair throughout the upcoming year at a
variety of local events around the county throughout the year ( such as events, parades,
community events, fairs, and more). You will also be the host of the Kenosha County
Fair ve-day event that takes place the following August. As ofcial host of our Fair, you
will be involved in a wide variety of events such as judging sessions, contests, media
interviews, greet Fair-goers, and so much more!
During the nal days of your reign, you will have the opportunity to compete for the title of
Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs at the Wisconsin Association of Fairs Annual Convention.
This is an amazing opportunity to grow your personal, professional, and community
engagement skills to use in your future endeavors.
The person who holds the title of Kenosha County Fairest of the Fair, will be awarded a
lifetime membership to the Fair, a $1000 scholarship, and many other items throughout
the year.
If you are ready for the opportunity to reign as the Fairest of the Fair,
you will nd additional information and the entry form at
Follow the link under Fair info, Contests/Competitions, Fairest of the Fair.
You can also email us at: [email protected].
Open to contestants 5 thru 12 years of age
Classes are listed on the website.
Entries will be accepted between 10AM - 11AM Thursday and Friday
Thursday Pedal Pull - 11AM start
Friday Pedal Pull - 11:30AM
Friday, 6:30
Sponsored by
Slades Corners Lucky Clovers 4-H Club
Pre-registration starts at 5:30PM
$1.00 entry fee
Ten classes - male and female
See full description on the website
2 Categories: Brewers & Vintners
in the Show and Sale Arena. Public is welcome to
participate! Try your hand at bobbing for apples,
wheelbarrow races and more!
Junior (Ages 8-11)
Intermediate (Ages 12 - 14, 2 person teams)
Seniors (ages 15 - 18 - 2 person team, 1 guy and 1 girl
Adults (At least 19 years of age - 2 person teams,
1 guy and 1 girl)
On Friday there will be a parade for children ages 14 and under which
will begin at 10:30AM sharp. Entrance into the Fair is free for children
in costume until 10:30AM. The parade is held at the Southeast end of
the Fair near the Fair Ofce. On-sight registration begins at 9:30AM.
All entries must be registered by 10:15AM to participate. More informa-
tion available on the website.
You can nd a full list of contests and competitions on the website
Entry Categories
Pale Ale
Dark Ale
Fruit Beer
Any other beer
Entry Categories
Red Wine
White Wine
Blush Wine
Fruit Wine
Any other wine
Participants must be 21 years of age. Fair admission
required for results and tasting event.
Saturday, August, 17, 2024
Saturday, August 16, 2025
Auction begins at 1PM in the Show & Sale Arena
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Sunday, August 17, 2025
Auction begins at 1PM in the Show & Sale Arena
Saturday, August, 17, 2024
Saturday, August 16, 2025
Auction begins at 7PM in the Show & Sale Arena
Pies, desserts, wood carvings and amazing baskets of
goodies from local dignitaries, champion bakers and 4-H
families will be auctioned at this fun event for the entire
family! Proceeds benet the Building Fund.
Public Invited! Come and join in on
the bidding fun!
Located inside the Kenosha County Fair main gate is a taste of
yesteryear. See the old tractors, engines and machinery from a
time gone by. You are likely to see:
An old-fashioned pitcher pump to draw water
A rope maker which makes rope from bailing
twine – make a rope of your own to take home!
How corn was ground into feed
John Deere, Allis Chalmers and Farmall
Tractors – along with many others
The Antique Tractor Parade will start at the Antique
Farm Machinery Exhibit and head to the Grandstand
area at 6PM on Thursday of the Fair.
If you have any old engines, tractors, horse drawn
equipment, garden or farm equipment, tools or any
farm related paraphernalia you would like to display,
please join us in the Antique Machinery Exhibit and
have some fun displaying your toys!
Please visit the website at www.kenoshacofair.com for an entry form and more information.
Entry Forms must be received at the Fair Office by 4PM on Friday, July 26, 2024
or Friday, July 25, 2025 to prevent late fees.
Kenosha County Fair
PO Box 96 Wilmot, WI 53192
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________ Telephone: ________________
City: _____________________________ State: ____ Zip: __________ Age: (Dept 156 Only) _____
Email: __________________________________________________________________________
Fair Office: Enclosed find payment for an Exhibitor’s ticket.
This entry is subject to the rules and classification
governing the exhibits of the Kenosha County Fair, as
published in the premium list, by which I agree to be
governed. I further declare that is all statements made in
connection with these entries are true.
Tomatoes, red, any variety, 3 EXAMPLE
Enclose a check made payable to Kenosha County Fair.
The last day for entries to be submitted is the Friday prior to the start of the fair (late fees apply for entries received after the last Friday in July).
This form may be reproduced. Exhibitors are responsible for picking up entry tags and exhibitor tickets prior to opening day of Fair.
Release times: Sunday 7PM (walkout only) and 8PM (vehicles allowed on grounds)
Exhibitors may purchase a reserved season parking
ticket for $25.00. Parking in general parking is free.
Animal Exhibitors:
Livestock Premise ID # _______________
Dairy, Beef, Sheep,
Pigs and Goats _____ head x $1.00 = ______
Rabbits, Poultry _____ head x $.0.50 = ______
Total: $ ______
All ExhibitorsEntry Fees:
Lifetime Member No Fee = $ ___0__
Exhibitor Ticket (2 Day) $20.00 = $ _______
Exhibitor Ticket (5 Day) $35.00 = $ _______
Dual Exhibitor
(Junior+Open)* $5.00 = $ ______
*(Must have a Junior Exhibitor Ticket and entry form)
Dept 156 Youth Exhibitor Ticket (5 11)
Ages 5 – 6 $6.00 = $ _______
Ages 7 11 $12.00 = $ _______
Exhibitor Parking Sticker $25.00 = $ _______
Indicate what Parking Lot by circling: A B C D E
Fair Theme T-Shirt see website or office = $ _______
Add’t Adult Season Ticket $40.00 = $ _______
Late Fee - $1.00 per line item = $ _______
(if not submitted by dates listed above)
Grand Total: $ _______
Office Use: Exhibitor ID# _____________________
May - September
For more information, raceway announcements,
cancellations, race schedule and start times
or call 262-862-2090
Lot B
Lot A
Food Vendors
KC Corn
& First
& Sale
Creekside Stage
Open Class
Salem Lakes
Fire Dept.
Safety Exhibit
Kenosha County
Sheriff Exhibit
Carnival Midway
Red Barn
Junior Fair
Junior Fair
Highway “W”
North Street
Center Street
South Street
Main Street
111th Street
3rd Avenue
2nd Avenue
1st Avenue
4th Avenue
5th Avenue
6th Avenue
Fun Zone
Pony Rides
Petting Zoo