Property Owner Permission
To Discharge A Firearm
500 Feet
No person shall, without permission of the current owner or lawful occupier of such
property, discharge a firearm within five hundred (500) feet of a dwelling or structure,
which is designed to be occupied by human beings, except in defense of person or property,
pursuant to lawful directions of Law Enforcement Officers, by persons lawfully engaged in
pest control, by persons lawfully taking dangerous animals, by members of the Armed
Forces acting in the line of duty, or by persons discharging firearms at shooting ranges
approved pursuant to zoning permit. If any person shall violate this ordinance, he shall be
guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars
($500). Lewisville Ordinance 97010 effective July 15, 1997 as amended by Lewisville
Ordinance 2000014 effective April 11, 2000, as amended November 9, 2006
The undersigned hereby grants permission to _________________________________________________,
Printed name of person to discharge firearm
of __________________________________________________________________________________
Address, City, State, Zipcode and Telephone Number of person authorized to discharge firearms
to safely discharge firearms within 500 feet of the undersigneds dwelling or other building or structure
designed to be occupied by human beings located at
Address or other positive identification of location within 500 feet of which grantee may discharge firearms
and such permission is valid for the lesser of one year after issuance date or the date the ownership or
occupancy of the property which granted permission changes. This permit, or other acceptable substitute, shall
be displayed upon the request of any law enforcement officer with authority to enforce Town of Lewisville
ordinances. This permission may be rescinded at any time by written notice to the grantee, mailed to the
address of the person granted permission as shown above.
Property Owner or Grantor of Permission: _________________________________ _______________
Signature Date
Printed Name, Address, and Telephone Number of Property Owner or Grantor of Permission
Note: Do Not Return Permission Forms to Town Hall
Retain Completed Form for Your Record