Work Injury Compensation
Claim Form
Important Information:
The information requested and documents mentioned in this form are a general guide. Further documents or information may be required depending on the circumstances
of your claim. Note that failure to provide supporting documentation may result in delays in the processing of your claim. Your Policy may not provide cover under every
section shown in this Claim Form. The issuance and acceptance of this form does NOT constitute an admission of liability by Chubb Insurance Singapore Limited (Chubb) or
waiver of its rights.
Please download/save this claim form to enter your claim details. Kindly submit the completed claim form via one of the following options:
By email: WICAclaims.SG@chubb.com (Recommended); or
Contact your broker/agent.
When submitting your claim, please include copies of the relevant supporting documents. For more information, contact us
O +65 6398 8000; or
Visit our website at www.chubb.com/sg
Important Note: Please ensure that you retain the original medical receipts/hospital bills/medical certicates for 3 years. We reserve the rights to request for sight of the
original documents on a need-be basis.
Section A: Particulars of Insured Company and Injured Worker
Name of Insured Company
Address of Insured Company
Tel No. (Ofce) ____________________________________________________________________ Name of Agent/Broker ____________________________________________________________________
Fax No. (Ofce) ___________________________________________________________________ Total No. of Employees ____________________________________________________________________
Industry of Business ___________________________________________________________________ Email Address ____________________________________________________________________
Policy No. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Period of Insurance From DD / MM / YYYY To DD / MM / YYYY
Name of Injured Worker __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address of Injured Worker
NRIC/Passport No. ___________________________________________________________________ Nationality ____________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth DD / MM / YYYY Age ____________________________________________________________________
Tel No. (Mobile) ___________________________________________________________________________ Gender
Male Female
Tel No. (Residence) ___________________________________________________________________________ Occupation ____________________________________________________________________
Date of Employment DD / MM / YYYY No. of days worked per week ____________________________________________________________________
Direct Employment
Ye s No Others (please specify) ___________________________________________________________
Type of Employment
Permanent Contract Others (please specify) ___________________________________________________________
Was the Injured Worker free from any physical defect or inrmity at the time of accident?
Yes No
If No, please furnish with details.
Would such physical defect or inrmity have contributed towards this accident?
Yes No
If Yes, please furnish with details.
Section B: Payment Details
Please provide details for payment of your claim in the event that the claim is deemed payable by Chubb.
I hereby authorise and request Chubb to pay benet due in respect of this claim as follows:
Electronic Funds Transfer (For payments in SGD and to bank accounts in Singapore)
Payee Name (As per bank account name): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Bank: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Branch Code Number: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Account Number: _____________________________________________________
Note: For a more seamless experience, we recommend selecting the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) option so you can receive the remittance within 3-5 days upon
approval of claim.
Cheque Payment (Not recommended)
Payee Name (As per bank account name): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Important Notice:
Chubb shall (i) be discharged from all liability under this claim and (ii) not be liable for any and all losses incurred by you, as a result of you providing Chubb with an
incorrect bank account number under this section for the payment of this claim.
Section C: Details of Accident
Date of the Accident DD / MM / YYYY Time of the Accident (24-hr) H H : M M
Country of Accident __________________________________________________________________ Place of Accident ____________________________________________________________________
Describe in detail how the Accident occurred (Please use supplementary sheet if necessary and also state the type of machinery involved, if any)
When did you receive news of the Accident ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
When and by whom was the Accident discovered ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship of person to the Injured Worker ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Were there witnesses to the incident?
Yes No
If Yes, please provide details below:
Witness 1 Witness 2
Contact Number
Describe the nature of the work or contract going on at the material time.
Are you satised that the Injured Worker has met with a bonade accident of employment?
Yes No
If No, please state reason(s):
Did this accident occur as a result of another person’s negligence?
Yes No
If Yes, please provide details of Negligent party:
Was the Injured Worker guilty of any misconduct/disobedience to orders/rules?
Yes No
If Yes, please state the misconduct:
Was the Injured Worker under the inuence of drink or drugs at the material time? Yes No
If Yes, please specify:
Has the Injured Worker met with any previous accident under your employment?
Yes No
If Yes, please furnish details:
Has this accident been reported to the Ministry of Manpower?
Yes No
If Yes, please attach a copy of I-REPORT.
Please state the date that the Injured Worker returned to work DD / MM / YYYY
Section D: Nature of Injury
Describe in detail the injuries sustained, indicating the Part(s) of body injured and its type of injury (E.g. Fracture, Cut, Bruise, etc).
(Please use supplementary sheet if necessary)
Has the Injured Worker ever had this or any similar condition or injury?
Yes No
If Yes, please furnish details:
Please state all medical condition(s) or previous injury sustained by the worker and also indicate which are the injuries that arose out of Work Injury accidents.
(Please use supplementary sheet if necessary)
Date of rst treatment sought DD / MM / YYYY
Name of Hospital/Clinic _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address of Hospital/Clinic _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tel/Fax No. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Period of Hospitalisation From DD / MM / YYYY To DD / MM / YYYY
Period of Medical Leave From DD / MM / YYYY To DD / MM / YYYY
Light Duties From DD / MM / YYYY To DD / MM / YYYY
Work Injury Compensation Claim Form. Singapore. Published 09/2020.
© 2020 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb. 4
Section E: Detailed Earnings of The Injured Worker
Please provide detailed gross monthly earnings of the Injured Worker for 12 months (before month of accident):
Month/Year Gross Monthly Earnings
(Exclude Bonuses, Transport Allowance, CPF Employer’s Portion)
Annual Wage Supplement/Bonus Paid During Last 12 Months
Total Annual Earnings
Average Monthly Earnings
Section F: Declaration
Did you remember to enclose the following? (Where applicable)
Document Yes N/A
Copy of iReport submitted to Ministry of Manpower
Medical Bills and Medical Certicates
Copy of Salary Vouchers for the last 12 months (before month of accident)
Copy of Work Permit or Employment Pass (for Foreign employees)
Written notes from Physician on type of injury sustained/Inpatient Discharge Summary or Medical Report
Copy of Death Certicate, Post Mortem Report, Autopsy Report, Police Reports, Letter of Administration (if involved fatalities)
Copy of Contractual Agreement between Insured, Sub-Contractor(s) and/or Main Contractor
Copy of Sub-Contractor’s and/or Main Contractor’s Work Injury Compensation Insurance Policy
By signing this form, I/We agree that Chubb will use the information supplied here and during the formation and performance of the policy, for policy administration, customer
services, claims handling and fraud analysis and prevention, and that Chubb may disclose such information to its service providers, agents, authorities and other parties for these
I/We hereby authorise any hospital, physician, and any other person or entity who has attended to or examined the injured party, to furnish to Chubb or its authorised
representatives, any and all information with respect to any illness or injury or loss, medical history, consultation, prescriptions or treatment, copies of all hospital, medical or other
records, investigation status and results, and such personal information as Chubb in its absolute discretion considers relevant for its assessment of this claim. A photostatic copy of
this authorisation shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.
I/We do solemnly and sincerely declare that the foregoing particulars are true and correct in every detail and I/We agree that if I/We have made or in any further declaration or
representation shall make any false or fraudulent statements or suppress, conceal or falsely state any fact whatsoever the Policy shall be void and all rights to recover thereunder in
respect of past, present or future claims shall be forfeited.
_____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
Name and Designation of Authorised Person Signature with Company Stamp Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
_____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
Name of Injured Worker Signature of Injured Worker Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
NRIC/Passport No./Work Permit No. of Injured Worker
Please click on the button to submit your claim form