Colorado Bureau of Investigation
Report Date: 02/18/2019
Primary Information
Description: Follow-up interview with CHRISTOPHER WATTS at the
Occurrence From: 02/18/2019 08:00
Occurrence To: 02/18/2019 16:00
Source Reliability: Reliable
Content Evaluation: Confirmed
Reporting LEO: LEE, TAMMY AGT (5202 / DENVER / CBI - Denver)
Approval Status: Approved
Approved Date: 02/22/2019
Approved By: LEWIS, KIRBY QUINN AIC (5223 / DENVER / CBI - Denver)
Agency Reference Numbers
Agency Case/File Number
CBI - Denver 2018-273
On February 18, 2019, at approximately 7:45 A.M., I, Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Agent, TAMMY LEE, along with Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent (SA), GRAHM CODER, and Frederick Police Department Detective, DAVE BAUMHOVER,
arrived at the The purpose for our visit to the
was to interview CHRISTOPHER LEE WATTS (05/16/1985) concerning the murder of his pregnant wife and daughters as well as to
discuss other individuals who claimed to have had an affair with WATTS during his marriage.
This report documents a follow-up interview conducted with CHRISTOPHER LEE WATTS who was sentenced in November of 2018 to
three (3) consecutive life terms in prison (+84 years) without the possibility of parole.
Primary Information
Record Type: PERSON
Bio: 33 yr. old, WHITE, MALE
Birth Date: 05/16/1985
Juvenile: NO
Employment Information
Relationship Address
Telephones / E-Addresses
Relationship Number/E-Address
HOME (910) 309-1702 ()
02/28/2019 11:46:15 Page 1 of 31
Colorado Bureau of Investigation
Report Date: 02/18/2019
Narrative begins on the following page.
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LEE, TAMMY AGT (5202 / DENVER / Colorado Bureau of Investigation - Denver) 02/22/2019 Page 1
On February 18, 2019, at approximately 7:45 A.M., I, Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Agent,
TAMMY LEE, along with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent (SA), GRAHM CODER, and
Frederick Police Department Detective, DAVE BAUMHOVER, arrived at the
The purpose for our visit to the was to interview
CHRISTOPHER LEE WATTS (05/16/1985) concerning the murder of his pregnant wife and daughters as
well as to discuss other individuals who claimed to have had an affair with WATTS during his marriage.
This report documents a follow-up interview conducted with CHRISTOPHER LEE WATTS who was
sentenced in November of 2018 to three (3) consecutive life terms in prison (+84 years) without the possibility
of parole.
On February 18, 2019, at approximately 7:45 A.M., I, Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Agent,
TAMMY LEE, along with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent (SA), GRAHM CODER, and
Frederick Police Department Detective, DAVE BAUMHOVER, arrived at the
. The purpose for our visit to the was to interview
CHRISTOPHER LEE WATTS concerning the murder of his pregnant wife, SHANANN, and their two
young daughters, BELLA (Age 4) and CELESTECECE (Age 3) in August of 2018. In addition,
information was provided during the investigation to suggest WATTS may have had additional affairs during his
marriage to SHANANN with a male named TRENT BOLTE and a female named AMANDA MCMAHON.
WATTS was unable to be interviewed about BOLTE and MCMAHON prior to being moved out of state by
the Colorado Department of Corrections.
Upon arrival to the prison, we were escorted into a large open room, which the staff referred to as the
computer room.” The room contained empty cubicles with chairs (no computers), which lined the walls. We
activated our covert digital recording devices and also used several covert video recording devices. WATTS
was brought into the room a short time later and we asked him if he remembered us. WATTS looked puzzled
for a brief second and then indicated he recalled who we were. We asked WATTS how he was doing and he
said “good” and asked how we were doing. WATTS said he did not expect to see us. SA CODER initiated
the interview with WATTS and explained we were not there to speak with him about an open investigation.
SA CODER explained to WATTS that his life and situation was unique and we wanted to fully understand
what happened. SA CODER asked WATTS if he was available to speak with us and he answered,
definitely.” SA CODER told WATTS if there was something he didnt want to talk about, that was okay.
SA CODER told WATTS to tell us if he needed to take a break at any point.
WATTS explained he enjoyed being in the prison much more than the Weld County Jail in
Colorado. WATTS said when he was in jail in Colorado, other inmates would constantly yell at him from their
cells giving him (WATTS) advice on how he could kill himself in his cell and what the other inmates would do
to him given the chance. WATTS said everyone in the jail knew him and why he was there. WATTS
explained the jail had to lock down all of the inmates just for him to walk down the hallway. WATTS said he
never actually saw any other inmates in the Weld County Jail, but he could hear them yell at him.
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WATTS said he has been able to call his father, mother, and sister since he’s been incarcerated. WATTS
said he wasn’t sure what his parents were going to say at his sentencing hearing in Colorado and didn’t expect
them to be present since they had just returned to North Carolina.
SA CODER asked WATTS if we could start to ask him questions and WATTS said, go ahead.” SA
CODER asked WATTS if he knew the case was a national story and WATTS said he learned it was after his
attorney told him there were people from Australia asking about his case. WATTS said he received numerous
letters with no return addresses, but he was only allowed to read them and could not keep the letters in his cell.
WATTS said there was a person who lived in Broomfield, Colorado, who wrote him four (4) times a week
and wanted to come and visit him. WATTS said he also had people write to him that told him he was a
(With regard to TRENT BOLTE.) SA CODER explained the investigation revealed numerous people who
claimed to have known, dated, or had sexual relations with him (WATTS). SA CODER asked WATTS if he
had heard about the people claiming to have had affairs with him and he said yes. WATTS said his attorney,
JOHN WALSH, told him a male from Wyoming named TRENT BOLTE claimed to have had an affair with
him. SA CODER explained BOLTEs claims and WATTS denied knowing or having a relationship with
BOLTE. WATTS said he was shown a picture of BOLTE by his attorney and did not recognize him.
WATTS claimed he had never been to Wyoming and indicated he has never had any gay experiences or
interests in the past. WATTS said BOLTE claimed to have met him on an application called, WhatsApp,”
and he (WATTS) had never heard of it before.
(With regard to AMANDA MCMAHON.) Detective BAUMHOVER asked WATTS about AMANDA
MCMAHON. WATTS said he didn’t know MCMAHON. Det. BAUMHOVER showed WATTS a
picture of MCMAHON’s driver’s license photo on his cellphone. WATTS advised it was the same
photograph shown to him by his attorney (WALSH). WATTS said WALSH explained MCMAHON
claimed to have had a rendezvous” in a Chick-Fil-A parking lot. WATTS said he had only been to one (1)
Chick-Fil-A in Colorado and it was located in Broomfield off of Highway 7.
We asked WATTS if he wanted to see BOLTE and MCMAHON charged with a crime if it was warranted
and he said no. WATTS said there are always people who take advantage of situations and they (BOLTE
and MCMAHON) need to look into themselves to figure out why they did it. WATTS said he did not believe
charging them with a crime would do anyone any good.
(With regard to WATTS’ relationship with NICHOL KESSINGER.) SA CODER asked WATTS if
he felt comfortable telling us if he had affairs with other people and WATTS said yes. WATTS told us he only
had an affair with NICHOL KESSINGER. SA CODER asked WATTS if he ever had any one night stands
and he said no.
Around June 1, 2018, he met KESSINGER at work (Anadarko).
He had a gas meter that didn’t work and took it to KESSINGER to have it fixed.
He and KESSINGER ran into each other a few times in the office and would chat about work.
Around the fourth time meeting KESSINGER, he mentioned “we” moved from North Carolina.
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o KESSINGER asked him what he meant by we” and he took out his cellphone and showed
her a picture of his daughters.
o KESSINGER also saw a picture of SHANANN on his lock screen.
o KESSINGER knew he was married and had children.
He knew KESSINGER lied and said she didn’t know he was married.
KESSINGER was trying to “save face.”
He has not talked to KESSINGER since his arrest.
He hopes KESSINGER hasnt written to him in a different alias that he does not
He didn’t wear a wedding ring at work because it was getting sized since it was too big after he lost
weight and it kept falling off.
KESSINGER texted him one day when he was working in the field and their text messages to each
other continued.
One day, he and KESSINGERs text messages “kinda went to a different level.”
KESSINGER talked about them meeting up after he returned from a trip with SHANANN to San
o He went to San Diego from June 22-26, 2018.
o After he returned home from San Diego, he and KESSINGER met at a park in Thornton,
o He and KESSINGER continued to see each other almost the entire month of July 2018.
He initially thought his relationship with KESSINGER was just flirting at work.
He wished he would have worked more out in the field, so he never got close to KESSINGER.
o When he became a Field Coordinator, he was forced to spend more time in the office and he
would constantly run into KESSINGER.
He wished he could talk to KESSINGER one last time to apologize to her about what happened and
what she went through.
He didn’t know if KESSINGER had received counseling or if she had to leave the state due to the
publicity of the case.
KESSINGER refused to speak to his (WATTS’) attorney.
He hoped KESSINGER found normalcy because Anadarko was her dream job.
(With regard to if he loved KESSINGER.) “I felt like it was true.”
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He felt like KESSINGER pursued him, which was unusual for him.
He feltmore in control when he was with KESSINGER because she would ask his opinion on things
and what he wanted to do.
He felt like he could be himself around KESSINGER, unlike SHANANN.
The first time he and KESSINGER went out, they went to a movie at The Orchard off of144
o He asked KESSINGER if she wanted to see a movie and she agreed.
The movie was sold out and they walked around for two (2) hours and talked.
KESSINGER wanted to go to a Shelby car museum in Boulder, which he enjoyed.
He and KESSINGER went to a drag race at Bandimere Speedway, which reminded him of his
He and KESSINGER went camping in the Sand Dunes National Park, which he always wanted to do.
Every time he opened up his phone and saw pictures of his wife and children he questioned what he
was doing with KESSINGER.
Every time he was with KESSINGER, he felt like he didn’t think and “there was a blinder in my face.”
He has pictures of his wife and daughters in his prison cell and he talks to them every morning and
every night.
o He has a book in his cell, which was the same book he used to read to CELESTE.
o He reads the book to his daughters, along with some scripture, every night.
o He wished it never happened and he never had a blinder over his eyes and could have seen
what was going on.
He stayed at KESSINGERs house almost every night his wife and daughters were in North Carolina.
o He felt like he didnt have time at home to think about his marriage when SHANANN and the
girls were out of state.
o He went home after work to work out, eat dinner, and then would go over to KESSINGER’s
o He slept over at KESSINGER’s house almost the entire month of July.
o Being away from home allowed him to not think about being a father and husband because he
wasn’t surrounded by reminders of his family.
He wished he had met KESSINGER at work and kept it as a work relationship only.
It feels like a roller coaster ride that I just kept punching a ticket on and never could get off.”
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KESSINGER wanted to have sex all the time.
He never had to worry about saying something stupid around KESSINGER and never had to plan
what he was going to say when he was with her (KESSINGER).
KESSINGER asked him if he had everstrayed away before and he told her no.
o He told KESSINGER that it felt like she had a leash on him and she was able to tug him away
(With regard to WATTS’ relationship with SHANANN.) WATTS explained his first date with
SHANANN, SHANANN said he wasn’t her type. WATTS said he always had to pursue SHANANN and
always helped organize her medications inside her pill box. WATTS said he went to SHANANN’s
colonoscopy a few months after they got together and she told him she knew he was a “keeper after he went.
His mother was always “hesitant” about SHANANN.
He was the baby of the family and never had a girlfriend in high school.
He moved out of the house after high school graduation (18 years old) and never came back.
His sister always moved in back and forth with their parents.
He met SHANANN when he was 25 years old.
The longest relationship he had before SHANANN was approximately six months.
He is more reserved and “goes with the flow.”
SHANANN made most of the decisions in the house.
(With regard to what happened to SHANANN, BELLA, and CELESTE.) SHANANN arrived home
around 2:00 A.M. and he felt her get into bed.
He felt SHANANNstirring around” in bed and he felt like she knew he was having an affair.
o He had used his credit card when he went out to dinner with KESSINGER because he didn’t
have another Anadarko gift card and couldn’t ask KESSINGER to pay.
SHANANN started rubbing her hand on his leg or chest and they had sexual intercourse. (WATTS
said he and SHANANN had sexual intercourse at approximately 2:30 A.M.)
o He and SHANANN had sex in the missionary position.
o He felt like sex with SHANANN was more of a “test.”
o He felt “strange” when he had sex with SHANANN and questioned who he was and who he
had become.
o Having sex with SHANANN may have been a trigger point…or like you hit the push button
on a bomb and it just blows up.”
He and SHANANN fell asleep after they had sex.
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o When he woke up that morning, he got ready for work and then returned to the bed and woke
SHANANN up to talk.
o SHANANN was sleeping face down and rolled over onto her back to talk to him.
o He felt like he had to say something to SHANANN.
o He straddled SHANANN on the bed around her waist.
He believed SHANANN initially thought he wanted to have sex with her again since
he was on top of her.
SHANANN told him he was hurting the baby.
o He and SHANANN talked for approximately 15-20 minutes with him straddling on top of
o He was concerned SHANANN knew about his affair and she and the kids wouldn’t be there
when he got home from work that evening.
He felt like either SHANANN would take the kids away from the house or would
lock him out when he tried to come home after work.
o He asked SHANANN if they could cancel their couple’s trip to Aspen.
o He asked SHANANN if they could move to Brighton, Colorado, so they could get away
from their house.
o He felt like going out on Saturday evening with KESSINGER and using their credit card was
going to be “the last straw.”
SHANANN told him she knew there was someone else and cried.
He denied having an affair.
I just felt guilty…more guilty than ever before.”
o He told SHANANN he didn’t think their marriage was going to work.
o He did not feel like he and SHANANN were compatible with each other.
Anything that’s new (referring to his relationship with KESSINGER), always feels
better than the old.”
He always felt nervous around SHANANN and never felt like he could be himself.
o SHANANN asked him, “What about last night?”
o SHANANN hadn’t taken off her bra and didn’t wash her face before she got into bed, so she
had mascara running down her face.
o He and SHANANN’s conversation lasted less than 30 minutes.
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o SHANANN told him to get off of her and that she knew he had someone else.
o He couldn’t bring himself to tell her about KESSINGER.
o He told SHANANN he didnt love her and SHANANN said, You’re never gonna see the
kids’re never gonna see them again…get off me…don’t hurt the baby.”
He immediately put both of his hands around SHANANN’s neck and
strangled her.
“Every time I think about it, I’m just like, did I know I was going to do that
(referring to strangling SHANANN) before I got on top of her?”
“Like, the whole—everything that happened that morning I just don’t—I dont
know, like…like, I try to go back in my head…I’m just like, I didnt want to do
this, but I did it…everything just kinda like…it just felt like it was…I dont
even want to say it felt like I had to, it just felt like there was already
something in my mind that was implanted that I was gonna do it and when I
woke up that morning it was gonna happen and I had no control over it.”
At the sentencing he heard the prosecutor said it takes 2-4 minutes to strangle
someone to death, so “Why couldnt I just let go?”
He doesnt want to know what SHANANN saw when she looked back at him
while he was strangling her. (WATTS denied covering SHANANNs head or
face with anything when he strangled her.)
SHANANN never fought back or screamed.
He does not know why SHANANN didn’t fight back.
He believes SHANANN may have been praying.
He read the bible that said, “Forgive these people for they do not know what
they do,” and maybe SHANANN was saying that in her head at the time.
When he was asked to take off his shirt so we could check for defensive
wounds, he knew immediately he didn’t have any because SHANANN never
fought back.
He does not recall SHANANN’s arm being pinned down (by his knees).
“I feel like in the back of my head…that was gonna happen…and just like, at
the end of the conversation, it was just like, that’s what happened…I just
wished I couldve let go.”
Time seemed to stand still and he saw his life disappearing before his eyes but
he couldnt let go.
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“It was like picturing someone around you, holding your hands, holding you
and keeping you from letting go.”
He felt like he was in a rage and “snapped.”
His attorney mentioned the crime of strangulation was “passionate and he
does understand how that could be passionate.
o That morning, “it was a new type of fight.”
o There was emotion at first, but it was more anger than anything else because there was no love
o I think it was more anger from me and more like desperation from her.”
o SHANANN knew something wasnt right and wanted to fix it.
After SHANANN was gone,” he didn’t know what was happening and felt like it was traumatic
o He was shaking and didnt know what had happened.
o He didn’t know what to do and didnt know what he had done.
o He wasn’t in the right state of mind and wasn’t in control of his thoughts or actions.
o People asked him why he didn’t call 911, but no one knows what they would do in the same
After SHANANN was dead, BELLA walked into their bedroom holding her blanket and asked what
was wrong with mommy.
o He believed BELLA may have been woken up by the noise.
o He told BELLA, “Mommy don’t feel good.”
o BELLA thought SHANANN was sleeping.
o He wrapped SHANANN face down in the bed sheet, which was recovered at the oil site.
(SHANANN was still wearing her shirt, bra, and underwear she had on when she got
into bed.)
o He tried to carry SHANANN down the stairs and lost his grip and ended up having to pull her
down the stairs.
BELLA watched him drag SHANANN down the stairs and began to cry and said,
What’s wrong with mommy?”
He told BELLA again that her mommy didn’t feel good.
BELLA is a smart girl and knew what was going on.
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BELLA never touched SHANANN or tried to wake her up.
BELLA followed him down the stairs.
He backed his pick-up into the drive-way and put SHANANN into the back seat of
his truck on the floorboard.
o When he returned inside, CELESTE was in her room and was starting to get out of her bed.
He believed the noise of SHANANN’s feet hitting the stairs as he dragged her down
the stairs, may have woken up CELESTE.
BELLA and CELESTE were light sleepers.
BELLA and CELESTE were walking around the house.
Every time he sees pictures of BELLA and CELESTE he doesn’t understand how it
all could have happened.
Being a dad was the best part of his life and he took it all away.
He felt like someone else had control over him that day and he wasnt able to fight
When the prosecutor said BELLA bit her tongue repeatedly, he wanted to bang his
head up against the wall.
o At that point, he put his lunch box in the truck and then put both BELLA and CELESTE in the
back of his truck on the bench seat.
SHANANN was lying on the floorboard.
BELLA asked, “Is mommy okay?”
He told BELLA and CELESTE that mommy would be fine.
BELLA and CELESTE each had a blanket with them and CELESTE had a stuffed
animal (barking dog).
o He put a gas can in the back of his truck and felt like he could get rid of himself at the same
He didn’t feel like he deserved to live or be on this earth after what had happened.
After everything happened, he considered taking his own life as well.
He did not commit suicide because he felt like if he did it out at the oil site, he may
have ended up hurting more people than just himself.
He knew there were other people in the area and didn’t want something to catch fire
or blow up.
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He does not own any weapons, but nothing seemed right that morning.
o As he drove to the oil site with SHANANN, BELLA, and CELESTE, he was nervous,
shaking, and didnt know what was going to happen.
He knew at that moment that his life was completely changed.
He has tried to picture the long ride out to the oil site and wondered if he could have
saved his girls’ life.
He wasn’t thinking during the entire drive.
He has read books about how dads could never hurt their children and he has
wondered, “Was I even a dad at one point? I don’t know.”
He had wanted his whole life to be a dad and nothing made sense, including the oil
During the ride, the girls were dozing on and off, held each other, and laid in each
other’s laps.
During the ride, BELLA said, “Daddy, it smells.”
o When he got to the oil site, he took SHANANN out of the back of the truck and pulled her
over and laid her on the ground near where she was ultimately buried.
BELLA and CELESTE were still sitting in the back of the truck as he removed
BELLA and CELESTE asked him, “What are you doing to mommy?”
He doesnt recall what he told them.
o He returned to the truck and “CECE was first.”
CELESTE had a blue Yankees blanket and he put it over her head.
He strangled CELESTE in the back seat.
He put his hand over CELESTE’s mouth and nose (over the blanket) and his
other hand around the front of CELESTE’s neck.
BELLA was seated right beside CELESTE as he strangled her, but BELLA
didn’t say anything.
He had no idea how long it took to strangle/smother CELESTE because he
had no concept of time.
(With regard to what he was thinking at the time.) “I wasnt…if I was
thinking, this wouldn’t have happened…or any partial hint of what I feel for
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those girls and what I feel for my wife then none of this would have
happened…so I wasnt thinking.”
o After CELESTE died, he took CELESTE out of the truck, walked her up to the oil
tank, opened the hatch, and dropped her inside, feet first.
He believed it was tight when he put CELESTE through the hatch on the oil
He did not have to “hit” CELESTE into the tank, but may have had to
manipulate her to get her inside.
He closed the hatch on the oil tank and returned to his truck.
o When he got in the truck, BELLA asked him, “What happened to CECE?”
BELLA asked him in her soft voice, “Is the same thing gonna happen to me as
He is not sure if he told BELLA “yes” like a horrible person.
o He then put the same Yankees blanket over BELLA’s head and “did the same
BELLA said, “Daddy, No!” and it was the last words she spoke.
He put his hand over BELLA’s nose and mouth (over the blanket) and his
other hand around the front of her neck.
(With regard to BELLA’s injuries in her mouth.) BELLA’s head was twisting
back and forth under the blanket while he smothered/strangled her.
He could hear BELLA “grunt” as she tried to breathe.
He noticed a couple of spots over BELLA’s eye when he picked her up.
He walked BELLA up to a separate oil tank, opened the hatch, and dropped
her inside, feet first.
BELLA seemed harder to get into the tank than CELESTE, but he just had to
manipulate her to get her inside.
He does not know why he put BELLA and CELESTE in separate oil tanks.
BELLA and CELESTE were not alive when he put them into the oil tanks.
o After he put BELLA into the oil tank, he returned to where SHANANN was located
and started to clear away some weeds with his rake.
The rake broke when he used it remove weeds and he left part of it out at the
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He does not believe he ever thought about going back for the broken part of
his rake.
He dug a hole with his shovel and put SHANANN inside.
SHANANN was not bleeding or cut when he buried her.
He recalled SHANANN’s eyes were bloodshot.
SHANANN had not partially given birth when he buried her in the ground.
SHANANN was wearing a shirt and blue colored underwear.
o Every time he closes his eyes, he hears BELLA say, “Daddy, No!
He hears it every day.
o Just thinking about the oil tank makes him want to throw up.
FRANK RZUCEK said at his sentencing that he was trying to separate everyone and
that was not true.
He felt like someone else was in control of what he was doing.
He did not consider the fact that it may have helped with detection by putting the girls
in separate oil tanks.
He didnt consider putting the girls with SHANANN because everything happened so
fast and “I had no time to really have a thought that was my own.”
He didn’t purposely try to separate any of them.
o (With regard to the trash bags found at the oil tank site.) He didn’t want his girls looking
at SHANANN in the backseat of his truck, so he placed one trash bag on her feet and the
other around her head.
The girls didn’t know what was going on.
o After the murders, the Yankees blanket was still in his truck and he threw it away.
He stopped by a construction dumpster in his neighborhood and threw away his
clothes and the Yankees blanket on his way home from work on Monday.
He keeps extra boots and clothes in his work truck, which he changed into after the
o He felt like taking CELESTE and BELLA’s lives was caused by an anger with SHANANN
that he took out on everyone in front of him that morning.
He had never been angry before “and this was like the epitome of being angry.”
He had rage and lost his mind.
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He was angry with SHANANN over separating him from his family.
When he and SHANANN got married, he told his family he didn’t need them
anymore because he had SHANANN.
He cussed his mother out and did things to his family he never thought he
would do.
He is not sure if SHANANNcoached” him or not (referring to how
WATTS treated his family).
He was angry since July (2018) when SHANANN told him his parents could
never see their granddaughters again.
I don’t know if that had something to do with it…that something inside me
just triggered it and then it just like, all that pent up from the wedding and
everything…it’s like a long fuse that finally just went to its end.”
o His mother and SHANANN never got along after he proposed
o His mother and SHANANN never agreed on anything.
o His mother possibly thought SHANANN wasn’t good enough.
o His mother always thought SHANANN was hiding something from
her past from him.
o His mother and sister didn’t like SHANANN and felt like
SHANANN took him away from them and moved him out to
o His grandmother was the only one who came to his wedding.
o He danced with his grandmother and his friend’s mother during the
groom’s dance at his wedding.
o He would never have thought his marriage and relationship to
SHANANN was bad if he hadn’t met KESSINGER.
He looks outside every day and wonders what he could have been doing with his kids.
Right now I’d have a 5-year-old…a 3-year-old…and more than likely, a one-month
old son…and a beautiful wife…and right now it’s just me.”
(With regard to finding out SHANANN was pregnant with NICO.) SHANANN
was pregnant with NICO within two weeks of trying.
He was surprised and scared when he found out SHANANN was pregnant.
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He may have not looked excited about the pregnancy because he may have
felt guilty about talking to KESSINGER at work.
o There were never any incidents of domestic violence between he and SHANANN during their
SHANANN was the dominant person who always took control of everything.
He always just went with flow and always wanted to be in the back row.
He never felt belittled by SHANANN.
He was the introvert and SHANANN took control of most situations.
He hated being in videos, but he went along with it because it was for SHANANN’s
He couldnt tell SHANANN he didn’t want to be in the videos because it would have
made her mad.
SHANANN was a good salesperson and could have sold everything we were
wearing back to us without us even knowing.
He hated being out there for everyone to see and was against doing their gender
reveal on Facebook Live.
(With regard to what WATTS planned to do about his ‘missing’ family.) He had no idea what
he was going to do.
o He didn’t understand how he was able to act normal around his co-workers.
o His plan was not well thought out and not a “criminal minds” type of thing.
(With regard to how WATTS felt when he wore Thrive patches.) When he put on the Duo
Burn patches, his Apple watch would show he was exercising all day because of his increased heart
o When he wore the Duo Burn patches, it felt like he was working out all day.
o KESSINGER told him he would sometimes fall asleep on her couch in the middle of a
conversation and then would wake up and finish what he was saying. (WATTS indicated it
may have been related to insomnia.)
o He felt different on the Duo Burn patches than when he wore any other Thrive patch.
o The Duo Burn patches made him feel like he could go “longer and longer each day.
o He only slept approximately three (3) hours each night.
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Looking back, he realized God gave him plenty of opportunities for him to get out (referring to
getting out of his relationship with KESSINGER).
o His friend, JEREMY LINDSTROM, asked him to go to a Broncos game with him on
Saturday (August 11, 2018) evening and he (WATTS) said no.
He should have gone with LINDSTROM and told KESSINGER he couldn’t find a
Being away from KESSINGER might have caused a light switch to go off in his head.
If he would have gone to the Broncos game, it may have put him on a different
o He wished now that he and SHANANN only went to North Carolina for a week and
SHANANN wasnt gone for five weeks straight.
When the incident with CELESTE and the nut allergy occurred at his parents (which he referred to
as “Nutgate”), he should have stopped everything with KESSINGER and concentrated on fixing the
relationship with SHANANN and his family.
o SHANANN and his parents got into a serious argument over the nut incident and his nephew
told BELLA to hide behind the curtain because he didn’t think her mom (SHANANN) would
let her ever come back again.
o CELESTE celebrated her birthday in North Carolina a few days after July 17, 2018, and his
parents did not attend after SHANANN made a post of Facebook about allergies.
SHANANN said the post wasn’t directed at anyone in particular, but SHANANN
had a method to the madness.”
SHANANN was convinced his (WATTS’) mother tried to kill their daughter by
putting nuts in front of CELESTE.
His mother felt like CELESTE’s allergy was not serious.
o After the incident with the nut allergy and CELESTE, he didnt speak to his parents until
August 6, 2018.
His parents said they weren’t sure they could ever forgive SHANANN.
His parents asked him if he had someone else because they saw him (WATTS) texting
someone (KESSINGER) the entire time he was at their house in North Carolina.
SHANANN told him (WATTS) he wasn’t allowed to call or talk to his parents.
His dad was his hero and he felt like he lost him because he wasnt able to talk to him
for 3 weeks.
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o His father took the entire week off when they were in North Carolina, but SHANANN
booked them for five (5) days at the beach instead.
(With regard to what WATTS and KESSINGER talked about regarding their future
together.) KESSINGER told him she would help him find an affordable apartment around Brighton
or Fort Lupton.
o KESSINGER did not want him to move in with her.
o It would have been too soon to move in with KESSINGER because they had only dated for
about a month.
o KESSINGER’s apartment was her shield” or her safe place” and was the reason she never
like people to come over.
o KESSINGER let him come over because her dog liked him and she felt like he belonged
o SHANANN always checked his cellphone, so he communicated with KESSINGER on his
work phone.
o He used a secret calculator app on his personal cellphone to store his and KESSINGER’s
o He deleted his Facebook account on August 8, 2018, after KESSINGER told him she told
her friends about him.
He was afraid KESSINGER’s friends would try to look him up on Facebook and
would see his wife was pregnant.
o (With regard to if he and KESSINGER ever fought.) They never fought, but he had to
calm KESSINGER down a few times.
KESSINGER got upset when she realized she would always be the other person
and he (WATTS) would always put his wife first.
The first incident where KESSINGER realized he put his wife first was when he left
her house on July 4, 2018.
He told KESSINGER just because he had to leave didn’t mean she needed to take a
step back.
KESSINGER told him she thought it was better they didn’t see each other the rest of
the day (July 4, 2018).
KESSINGER ended up asking him to come over after she returned from a
baseball game and he went to her house.
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KESSINGER set up a couple of dates on her eHarmony app and the men never
showed up.
He didn’t know KESSINGER was dating other people until a few weeks
KESSINGER thought he was different because he would fix things around her
apartment for her, which no one had done for her in the past.
KESSINGER’s friend, JIM, was her friend for a long time and worked in the
oil field.
(With regard to the selling of his and SHANANN’s house.) Around the first week of August
2018, SHANANN sent an email to ANN MEADOWS about selling their house.
o MEADOWS recommended they get pre-approved for another house before they sold their
o He and SHANANN talked about buying a home in Brighton, Colorado, so they could stay in
the Adams 12 school district.
o He and SHANANN had a lot of stress during their marriage, which included SHANANN’s
parents living with them for 16 months and not having much alone time.
o He never thought he and SHANANN would have to file for bankruptcy.
Most of the bankruptcy dealt with credit card debt from their wedding.
They had a lot of doctor bills from the girls always being sick.
They were behind on their mortgage payments.
SHANANN was sending checks for their HOA payment to the wrong address for an
entire year.
He didn’t have access to their bank account on his cellphone and never asked
SHANANN to see their account.
Ever since he sold his 4-wheeler for less than what he owed on it, SHANANN
wouldn’t let him do anything with their finances.
When he worked for Longmont Ford, he would just bring SHANANN his paycheck.
(With regard to WATTS calling the school the morning after the murders.) He was freaking
out about what he had just done.
o It was stupid to call the school or ANN MEADOWS.
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o It made sense they were suspicious about him because he probably sounded eccentric on the
(With regard to why WATTS pled guilty.) I didn’t want anybody else—I didnt want them to go
through this for 2 or 4 years…I didn’t want my attorneys to lie for me for 2-4 years…they would’ve
done anything I told them to do…I don’t see how they can do that…like, you know, that’s what
attorneys do…you know, like, they take their defendant and they say hey, like, what happened, okay
we’ll go with that story.”
o A few weeks after his arrest, he told his attorneys the truth about everything that happened.
o His attorneys asked him if he was ever offered a plea to plead guilty, would he take it.
o He said he would plead guilty in order to end it all.
o His attorneys asked him about a 100 times if he was sure he wanted to take the plea deal.
Before he walked into the courtroom, his attorneys asked him again if was sure he
wanted to take the plea deal.
His attorneys never told him he had to take the plea deal and they had a lot of creative
motions to file and were “ready to fight.”
He told WALSH he didn’t want him to fight for something where the story wasn’t true
because it only would have gotten worse for everyone.
He does not regret taking a plea deal, but he never thought he’d be in prison for the
rest of his life.
He didn’t want for everyone to have to relive the case every day.
o He told his parents the night before he pled guilty that he was pleading guilty for a reason.
His parents had received correspondence from people all over the world who told
them the Thrive patch wasn’t FDA approved and can alter someone’s mind.
His parents still believe he was “railroaded” and felt pressured to plead guilty.
He does not feel he was pressured because his defense team asked him plenty
of times.
His parents talked to him about using the defense of CPTSD (Complex Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder) for being in an emotionally abusive relationship.
He could relate to some of the information, but it doesn’t make up for what
When he talks to his parents on the phone, they believe there is a chance he
could get out of prison.
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On his parent’s bad days, they tell him he should fight it.
His mother “loses it a lot” on the phone.
His dad always tells his mother not to talk about it with him on the phone
because he (WATTS) will go back to his cell and think about it all night.
He plans on telling his parents the truth about what happened when they visit him in
His parents sold his tool box so they could afford their travel to
o In October 2018, the prosecutors went to SANDY and FRANK RZUCEK, and asked them
about a possible plea deal instead of the death penalty.
o His defense team told him there wasn’t enough evidence on certain things and he (WATTS)
told the defense team it needed to end.
o He felt like his attorneys were fair and were similar to guidance counselors.
o He felt like he (WATTS) was in charge of his own decisions regarding his case.
o His attorneys told him he needed to show more emotion in court, so he didn’t look like a “cold
o His attorneys told him he could look at the crime pictures and he (WATTS) refused.
He prayed for the Haz-Mat workers and anyone else who had to see the “aftermath.”
His attorneys told him if the case went to court, he would have to look at the pictures
so he didn’t have a reaction when they were shown in court. (WATTS asked if
SANDY and FRANK RZUCEK saw the crime scene pictures and he was told no.)
He didn’t want SANDY or FRANK RZUCEK to have to see any of the pictures,
hear anyone talk about what they saw, or hear anyone “bash their daughter’s
He wanted everyone to know SHANANN was a loving wife and always helped
everyone else.
He remembered we (Agent LEE and SA CODER) came into the room after his father
left and tried to get the “true” the story from him.
He wanted to bang his head against the table.
o He didn’t want all of us (SA CODER, Det. BAUMHOVER, or myself) to have to get on the
witness stand and testify about what we saw.
o He didn’t want everyone to have to relive what happened over and over for years.
o He felt like SHANANN’s family could start to have closure.
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o (With regard to if his decision involved not having the death penalty.) When he was in
his cell in the Weld County Jail, he felt like he should have died.
All the inmates would yell at him at night and would explain to him all the ways he
could kill himself in his cell by drowning himself in the toilet or hanging himself.
He didn’t kill himself because he felt like he may have a different purpose.
He prayed to God that God would move him away from Colorado.
He heard there was a “hit” on him in Colorado.
He felt like he would last a week in Colorado DOC before someone would kill him.
He felt like God moved him to for a reason.
(With regard to if WATTS thought about trying to use the defense about SHANANN killing
the girls at trial.) He never thought about SHANANN killing the girls until it was mentioned to him
during the interrogation.
o After it was mentioned that SHANANN may have killed the girls, he “just went with it.”
o He knew his dad was out in the lobby and his parents would probably believe SHANANN
was involved because they never liked SHANANN.
o I never thought about that story…and, you know, that’s what my attorneys were going with.”
o Two weeks after his arrest, he told his attorneys the truth about what happened and they were
quiet and wrote it down.
o His attorneys told him they wouldnt judge him and appreciated his honesty.
(With regard to WATTS’ past/childhood.) He was always someone who tried to coax people
o He was in one fight in his entire life, which was in 3
grade and he and the other kid ripped
each other’s shirts and left crying.
o He wasn’t popular, but was never bullied in school.
He had braces and a “Jim Carey bowl cut haircut.
o He never talked to many people at school even though people knew who he was.
o He never had a girlfriend in high school and always “flew under the radar.”
o He didn’t have low self-esteem, but also didn’t want to be part of a group or clique.
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o He had a couple of friends and appreciated his close knit relationships.
o His sister was always the popular one and was outgoing.
o He and his grandmother would sit outside the middle school and his sister would always be the
last one out of the school because she had to talk to everyone in the hallway.
He was the opposite of his sister.
He didn’t want to be popular and just wanted to be “a regular guy.”
o He cannot recall anything he would have had pent up from childhood.
o (With regard to if/how his father’s addiction affected him.) His father became addicted to
a white, powdery substance (possibly cocaine) after he left home.
His father’s addiction didnt hurt him (WATTS) as much as he thought it would.
When he talked to his father about his addiction, his father immediately changed the
His father was coping with the fact that he (WATTS) never came back home.
His mother initially believed his father was having an affair because he couldnt account
for missing money.
He (WATTS) has never used drugs and tried to talk to his father about why he was
using drugs.
He told his father he was throwing his life away.
His father lost a lot of weight and his nose bled all the time.
After he (WATTS) talked to his father, his father stopped using drugs.
o He was always closer to his father than his mother.
His father always came to every one of his sporting events.
His father would come to his games even if he (WATTS) wasn’t going to play.
He never saw his father cry.
o His mother was a loving mother and gave him affection.
His mother always wanted to know how he felt.
If there was something wrong, he would never have told anyone and dealt with it
I don’t know if growing up that way, kept me that way…deal with things on your
own, but then they build up so much that you can’t deal with them and they take a hold
of you, you never thought, in a way they could take hold of you.”
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(With regard to WATTS planting evidence.) After he murdered SHANANN, he threw her
cellphone and Apple watch on the couch.
o If he had planned it, he would have taken her items out to the oil tank site with him.
o He took off SHANANN’s wedding ring and put it on the counter, so it looked like she didn’t
want to fix their marriage and wanted a divorce.
o He threw the therapy book away in the trash, so it looked like she believed nothing would
work in their marriage.
o He may have gone down to the basement to get trash bags (motion alarm on basement door).
He does not recall going downstairs to work out that morning.
o (With regard to what he did after he went into the house the afternoon of Monday,
August 13, 2018. WATTS was in the house for approximately one minute before he
went to the front door and opened it for law enforcement.) He went in through the garage
door and opened the front door.
He ran upstairs and pretended to look around for SHANANN and the girls.
ATKINSONs son found SHANANN’s cellphone.
(With regard to WATTS looking in the passenger side of SHANANN’s vehicle
when he entered the garage.) He does not recall looking in SHANANN’s vehicle,
but he possibly opened the passenger door because ATKINSON had mentioned
seeing the girls’ car seats.
o He threw the sheet to their bed away the day after the murders.
When you strangle someone, sometimes they evacuate their bowels, and that occurred
with SHANANN and was the reason he threw away the sheet.
(With regard to WATTS communication with his father the morning he picked him up from
the airport.) It was strange when he picked up his father because he knew it was probably the last
time he would see himon the outside.”
o His father just wanted to talk about sports when they were in the car together.
o His father always tries to deflect the conversations and change the conversation when they
needed to discuss something important.
o His father asked him (WATTS) if he knew where SHANANN and girls were.
o Maybe he kinda figured out something maybe happened and he just wanted to talk to me as a
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o He was told his father never left during his (WATTS) entire polygraph and interview.
o If his father knew what actually happened, his father would have told him to admit what he had
o His mother was always the more aggressive one in his parent’s marriage.
His and SHANANN’s marriage seemed to mirror SHANANN’s mom and dad’s
relationship (SHANANN similar to her mother and he (WATTS) was like
SHANANN’s father).
SHANANN’s mother always told her she would marry someone like her father.
SHANANN’s father always liked him because he helped fix SHANANN’s car when
they were dating.
He (WATTS) has always been the one to help people, not hurt them.
He (WATTS) never tried to change SHANANN.
SHANANN’s husband in her first marriage was more like her mother and it didnt
(With regard to if WATTS knew walking into the police department the morning of the
polygraph that he would confess to what happened.) He knew there was a reason he was
brought back into the police department the following day.
o The polygraph was “horrible.”
o He was asked questions for 3-4 hours before the polygraph and it’s like you just break down
somebody’s brain to where, like, to mush, to Jell-O…I know you guys have a job, and you
have a plan, and you executed it.”
o He knew when he was asked about what he did on Saturday night and he had to talk about
the Rockies game, it was going to be a thorough interview.
o Walking in there that day, just walking into that room, I knew I wasn’t walking out.”
(With regard to WATTS media interviews.) He never wanted to speak with the media.
o He felt like the media was going to continue to knock on his door until he answered.
o NICOLE ATKINSON called him and told him Fox would be at his house at 10:30 for an
o He doesnt even want to know what he said or what he looked like on the news.
o Some people said he made itlook worse after the fact.
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o He ended up just lying to more and more people by talking to the media.
o He heard he looked like a “heartless, soulless person.”
(With regard to if WATTS spoke to KESSINGER after the murders.) He spoke to
KESSINGER on Monday, August 13, 2018.
o He and KESSINGER texted and then spoke on the phone.
o KESSINGER said she believed SHANANN took off with his daughters.
o On Tuesday, August 14, 2018, KESSINGER kept asking him weird” questions through text
message to try and determine if it was really him.
KESSINGER asked him what his dog’s name was and what yoga studio he went to.
It was possible KESSINGER believed SHANANN had his cellphone and she was
making sure.
o KESSINGER told him it was the last time he would hear from her and she was going to stay
with her friend, JIM.
o KESSINGER told him not to contact her “until this is done.”
o KESSINGER told him to delete everything on his cellphone.
He didn’t delete everything from KESSINGER and he is not sure why.
o When he was on vacation in San Diego, he told his friend “MARK about KESSINGER.
MARK had a similar situation occur where he started dating a female who was
engaged and the female ended up cheating on him.
He never completely opened up to MARK about KESSINGER and wished he did
because MARK may have been able to offer him some advice.
(With regard to KESSINGER being directly or indirectly involved in the murders.) “She
(KESSINGER) had her moments where I had to talk her, like, off a ledge kind of deal.”
o There were videos of her (KESSINGER) recording herself because she was bi-polar.
His father or his attorney told him about a few videos KESSINGER made where she
was talking about being bipolar.
o She would get worked up about nothing.”
o KESSINGER came to his house one time on July 4, 2018.
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He woke up the morning of July 4, 2018, at KESSINGERs house because he didnt
have to work that day.
When he woke up, he had 10 missed calls from SHANANN.
He went outside and called SHANANN back and SHANANN was “pissed.”
SHANANN yelled at him and asked him where he was at.
He told SHANANN he was sleeping and SHANANN told him she didnt know
where he was at and hung up on him.
He went back inside and told KESSINGER he had to go home in case SHANANN
called back.
KESSINGER asked him if he was going to come back and he said no.
KESSINGER was “pissed” he left.
KESSINGER said she felt like she was always going to be “second fiddle.”
KESSINGER told him she researched online if mistresses could turn into a real
Around the first week of August, he told KESSINGER he talked to SHANANN
about separating, so KESSINGER started looking for apartments for him.
o KESSINGER never asked him to get rid of his family.
His relationship with KESSINGER contributed” to the murders, but she never asked
him to do anything.
KESSINGER never knew if she wanted to have kids, but she told him she wished she
could give him a son.
KESSINGER never knew SHANANN was pregnant.
It was possible KESSINGER saw SHANANN was pregnant from Facebook, but
KESSINGER never mentioned it to him if she saw it.
o (With regard to the possibility he named his son, “NICO,” after KESSINGER.)
SHANANN picked the name for their son.
He wanted to spell his son’s name “NEKO,” but SHANANN said no.
NICO is an Italian name that SHANANN always liked.
He did not get to pick any of his children’s names, but he told SHANANN he
liked them.
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(With regard to him looking up lyrics to the Metallica song, “Battery.”) KESSINGER liked
the song, Battery, and asked him what the song meant.
o He researched the meaning behind the lyrics and learned it referenced “a family coinciding as a
o He did not look up the lyrics to the song when he was driving to or from the oil site after the
o KESSINGER was into different types of music and Battery was a song she asked him about
because he knew Metallica very well.
(With regard to how WATTS was doing mentally.) He didn’t know he was going to
o When he was at DRDC (Denver Reception & Diagnostic Center), he was put through the
o He took eleven (11) separate tests to figure out his IQ.
His IQ was 135 or 140.
o After dinner one evening, he was told to change clothes and was put into a van and transported to
He got staffed at the prison in and hopes to get a job soon.
He has a female he sees at the prison who asks him how things are going and if he needs
anypsych meds.”
He has declined any/allpsych medication.
Most of the men in his unit are on medication.
o He tries to keep a “low profile” in the prison.
o (With regard to what food he misses the most.) He misses Bojangles, Georgia Boys BBQ, and
SHANANN’s cooking (spaghetti sauce and fried pizza).
SHANANN had her grandmother’s recipe for pizza dough and she made amazing pizza.
(With regard to what WATTS does with all the letters he received while in jail/prison.) If
someone writes him once, he will not write them back.
o He keeps most of the supportive letters, but will throw away anyweird” letters.
o There is a male who is a high school senior who wrote him, so he (WATTS) threw the letter away.
The same male wrote him again a few weeks ago and told him he supported him.
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o Many people, including journalists, have tried to write him to ask him a lot of questions.
o He has responded to a few people, but they were people his parents had talked to so he knew
they were real.
o Many people ask him (WATTS) for spiritual advice.
He had one female write him who was in an abusive relationship and couldn’t find a
relationship with God.
He had never read the bible before going to prison, and has since read it cover to cover.
He writes down a couple of scriptures a day for his parents.
His uncle and aunt are missionaries and were amazed how mature he has become with the
His (WATTS) gift is a great memory, so he tries to help people by memorizing scriptures.
He has had other inmates write him just to ask him if he could send them some scriptures.
o If people ask about the case, he won’t write them back.
o (With regard to if he ever thought he’d fall in love again.) No…I don’t think that’s gonna
happen…I’m not the guy that’s down the street, what’s his name,
o He heard got engaged over a letter and that is “pretty insane.”
o He heard one female sent him a letter while he was in Colorado, which included a picture of her in
a bikini, and the press found out.
o He does not write back anyone associated with the media.
The news stations have asked to talk to him and the prison has declined.
o He has never thought about writing a book.
His parents have suggested he write down how he feels and how he has been dealing with
He has always had a “crazy imagination,” ever since he was a little kid.
He convinced his teacher in grade school that he went to Japan or China over the
summer, which was not true.
He wrote a whole story about it and his teacher believed him.
(With regard to what WATTS thinks of himself now.) When he was incarcerated in Weld County,
he didn’t feel like himself.
o He wondered how any of his friends could say good things about him after what happened.
o He shouldnt take to heart what people think about him because what God thinks about him is the
only thing that matters now.
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He has asked God for forgiveness.
I was hoping they could one day forgive me too.”
o He has done some good things in his life, but he screwed up the most important thing.
o He hopes he can help other people with the time he has left.
o It’s going to take a long time for the guilt to go away.
o People are defining him by one moment in his life.
o I never knew I could have a relationship with God like I do now…it’s like the amazing grace with
all of this, but I just wish nobody had to pay any kind of price for this…I know there is a purpose
for everybody, I just hope I can find mine.”
(With regard to what we could have said in order for him to have told us the truth during his
interview at the Frederick Police Department.) When he was in the interrogation room he was
nervous, knew he did something wrong, and knew we were going to find out.
o He has watched enough TV shows, but never talked to a police officer in the past.
o He struggled with the “horror” of knowing what he did and trying to tell someone else about it.
He didn’t even want to admit to himself what he had done.
He knew what he did was horrific and how much it would hurt other people.
He couldn’t admit to himself that he had done it, so he couldnt admit it to the police.
o He believed if he wasn’t asked about SHANANN hurting the kids, it may have come out a
different way.
He believed if we would have lied and told him we saw the video of the kids in the truck,
he would have told us the truth.
o He asked to talk to his dad because he wanted to tell him he loved him and that it was probably
the last time he would see him outside of a cell.
o He felt like the interviewers leaving the room from time to time gave him (WATTS) time to stew
and was a successful tactic.
o He had never seen the picture before of his two girls, which we showed him during the
He had never seen CELESTE wearing the white dress in the picture.
The picture of CELESTE and BELLA we showed him may have come from when they
were in North Carolina.
Showing him pictures of the girls during the interrogationdefinitely got in my head.”
He didn’t show emotion when we showed him the picture because he is the type of person
to hold it all in and not show emotion.
At the end of the interview, we left the prison as WATTS was required to eat lunch and be present during their
count. We told WATTS we may return after lunch to ask him additional questions and he said okay. SA
CODER also told WATTS we may come back in a month, in a year, or even in two years to speak with him
and to keep it in the back of his mind.
We returned to the prison several hours later to speak with WATTS. We told WATTS we had additional
questions regarding the events of August 13, 2018. WATTS agreed to answer additional questions, which are
reflected above in the timeline provided by WATTS. At the end of the interview, we thanked WATTS for
LEE, TAMMY AGT (5202 / DENVER / Colorado Bureau of Investigation - Denver) 02/22/2019 Page 29
speaking to us and asked him if he would speak to us again in the future. WATTS agreed. We asked
WATTS what he wanted to have happen with the information he provided us. WATTS said he figured we
would most likely tell SANDY, FRANK and FRANKIE RZUCEK about what he said to give them closure.
Det. BAUMHOVER said he wasn’t sure what he would tell the RZUCEK family and he had no intention on
telling anyone what he said, outside of law enforcement. WATTS said he would appreciate being able to tell
his parents about what happened before they heard it anywhere else.
Before the interview was concluded, I asked WATTS if I could take a picture of him for the file. WATTS
agreed and the two pictures I took are attached to this report.
Nothing further.
1. Chris Watts Interview (Audio) 02.18.19 (1)
2. Chris Watts Interview (Audio) 02.18.19 (2)
3. CHRISTOPHER WATTS 02.18.19 (picture)
4. CHRISTOPHER WATTS 02.18.19 (2) (picture)