Checklist for Creating or
Revising a Protocol
Review the Glossary of Terms located on the Policy website, to determine whether to create a policy,
procedure or protocol. To create or revise a protocol, contact your policy division representative who will
provide guidance throughout the process.
Policy Division Representatives
- Academic Services: Kelsey Bright ([email protected])
- Administrative Services: Darrell Jachim-Moore (djachim[email protected])
- Diversity, Equity & Belonging: Shannon Glasgow ([email protected])
- Economic & Workforce Development Center (EDIWS): Kristin Sine-Kinz
- Institutional Advancement: Karen Chin ([email protected])
- Student Services: Ryan Messenger (rmessenger@monroecc.edu)
Note: The review process for approved protocols is a five-year cycle. Institutional Compliance and
Internal Audit will notify the responsible executives and the division representative when a protocol is
due for review. Exceptions to the five-year cycle are legal, compliance regulations, and/or
reorganizational changes that require immediate attention.
1. If creating a new or revising an existing protocol, discuss the rationale with the responsible College
Officer. If the College Officer supports the creation of a new or the revision of an existing protocol, the
College Officer will inform the College President and identify:
Responsible executive:
(The responsible executive is the College Officer or their designee)
Protocol author:
(The protocol author is responsible for completing this checklist)
College Officer consulted:
Note: The Institutional Compliance and Internal Audit Office will notify the responsible executive when
a protocol is due for the five-year review cycle unless the protocol requires an immediate revision.
2. Prior to writing a new protocol or revising an existing protocol, identify and consult all key stakeholders
(e.g., subject matter experts and related policy owners).
Key stakeholders consulted:
3. If a new protocol or revisions are deemed necessary, the protocol should be submitted on the Protocol
Template, located on the Policy website.
Note: Revised protocols must utilize track changes to create a redline version.
Note: Template usage requires Adobe Acrobat Professional software. If you do not have the software
4. Distribute the new or revised protocol to the key stakeholders to provide feedback and build consensus.
Review the language of the protocol to assure it is easily understood with a high probability of clarity
by all intended audiences.
5. Submit the new or revised protocol to [email protected]du. Institutional Compliance and
Internal Audit Office will work with the President’s Office to add the new or revised protocol to the
Executive Leadership Team (ELT) meeting agenda for review and approval by College Officers. The
responsible executive will present the protocol to the College Officers and may ask the protocol author to
Date reviewed at President’s Officers meeting:
6. Upon approval by the College Officers, the new or revised protocol will be added to the Policy website
by the Institutional Compliance & Internal Audit Office.
7. The responsible executive will communicate the new or revised protocol as appropriate with impacted