Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
1. Website homepage ....................................................................................................................... 3
2. Create an account ......................................................................................................................... 9
3. Account activation by email verification ....................................................................................... 14
4. Sign In ......................................................................................................................................... 17
5. Forgot password ......................................................................................................................... 18
6. Dashboard ................................................................................................................................... 20
7. Apply for a new visa .................................................................................................................... 21
8. Manage your visa application ...................................................................................................... 32
9. Check the status of your application ........................................................................................... 35
10. Download your e-Visa ............................................................................................................... 36
11. Edit profile.................................................................................................................................. 37
12. Change password ..................................................................................................................... 40
13. Request Document ................................................................................................................... 42
Table of Content
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
1. Website homepage
The e-Visa homepage, www.thaievisa.go.th, contains the information that will guide you
towards our online application process.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
How to apply online : a step by step guide for our e-Visa application
1. Create an Account
2. Fill in an Application Form
3. Upload Supporting Documents
4. Pay Visa Fee
5. Wait for the Visa to be Processed
6. e-Visa confirmation document sent by email
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Frequently Asked Question: questions and answers that provide clarifications regarding all
aspects of e-Visa applications
1. “Do I need a tourist visa?” Find out if you need a visa to travel to Thailand.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
2. “Am I eligible to apply online?” Find out if you can apply for an e-Visa on this website.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3. “Which visa type should I apply for?” Find out the right type of visa for your application.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Visa Category contains information on types, required documents and validity of our visas.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
2. Create an account
1. Click on “Create Account” button at the top right corner of the e-Visa homepage.
2. Click on “Individual” tab menu.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3. Fill in the following personal details in English.
First Name / Family Name
Contact No.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
4. Fill in your email and password.
Password requirement
Use a minimum length of 8 characters.
Include at least one lowercase letter (a-z)
Include at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
Include at least one number (0-9)
5. Read the terms and policy carefully and click the checkbox.
6. Enter your code
7. Click on “Create Account” Button.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
7. The verification link will be sent to your email. Please check your inbox to verify the email.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3. Account activation by email verification
Account activation email with the activation link will be sent to the email address you provided
when creating an account. Follow the link as instructed in the email to activate the account.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Please enter your code on CAPTCHA accurately as displayed and then click on “Confirm”
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
a. In case that you have not received a verification link
The account activation email will be sent to your email address within 30 minutes. Please
check your junk mailbox or spam folder. If you still have not received any email after 30 minutes,
go to the Log-in page and enter your registered email and password. You should be able to get to
click “resend”. The system will then generate and send another activation link to your email.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
4. Sign In
Once you have activated your account via email.
1. You can log in to your account by clicking on the “Sign In” button at the top right corner of
the Thailand E-visa home page.
2. Fill your registered email address and password.
3. Click on “Sign In” button.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
5. Forgot password
1. click on the Sign in Button at the top right corner of the Thai e-Visa homepage.
2. click on the Forgot Password link below the Sign In button.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3. fill your email address you have registered for to request for a new password which will be
sent to your email.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
6. Dashboard
After you log in, you will find comprehensive information on your applications on the
dashborad page.
1. Apply for a new visa button.
2. Number of application created.
3. Status of the application.
4. Incomplete visa application.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
7. Apply for a new visa
1. Click on “Apply for a new visa” in “Dashboard” menu or click on “Apply for new visa” in
“Manage Application” menu.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
2. Step 1: Check your eligibility:
2.1 Checking your eligibility
Country/Territory issuing travel document
Current Location
Apply at
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
2.2 Purpose of Visit
Passport Type
Visa Type
Purpose of Visit
Number of Entries
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3. Step 2: Applicant Information
3.1 Upload your biodata page of passport
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3.2 Upload your photograph
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3.3 Fill your information
Personal information
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Travel Document
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Address Information
Employment Details
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
4. Step 3: Travel Information
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
5. Step 4: Supporting Documents
Upload and edit your supporting documents
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
8. Manage your visa application
You can easily manage all the applications you created here.
Incomplete Tab Menu : this tab allows you to browse your incomplete applications. You can
edit and complete these applications or delete them.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Ready to Submit Tab Menu: this tab enlists all the complete applications that are still pending
1. Select the checkbox of the complete application you want to submit to consulate.
2. Click on “Proceed to Payment” button
(Where several applications are lodged at the same Embassy or the Consulate-General, you can
select these applications and pay only once)
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3. Click “Pay Now” button to pay the visa fees.
(Please carefully check the payment information. Once the payment is made and successful,
it will not be refundable.)
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
9. Check the status of your application
1. Click on “Check Status” tab menu.
2. Your applications, including your grouped applications, will be displayed by booking no.
and Paid Date.
3. Click on “View” button to view the list of applications.
4. You can also pay for your complete application here. Where payment is made and
successful, you can download the receipt of your application.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
10. Download your e-Visa
You can download your e-Visa confirmation documents as listed here.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
11. Edit profile
1. Click on “Your name” link at the top right corner.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
2. Select the “Account Information” tab menu.
3. Click on the “Edit Profile” button to edit your personal details.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
4. Fill your information you want to edit.
5. Click on “Save” button.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
12. Change password
1. Click on “Your name” text link at the top right corner.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
2. Select the “Change Password” tab menu.
3. Fill your current password and new password.
4. Click on “Save” button.
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
13. Request Document
1. After logging into the e-Visa website, click notification on the right corner and select
"Request Document";
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
2. On Visa Management page, scroll down to the application in red and press "View";
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
3. After clicking on the "Reference No." tab, a list of requested documents will appear;
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
4. Please read the officer's remarks in red;
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
5. Attach the requested documents and press "Submit";
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
6. Press "Accept & Confirm" after reviewing the message in the box;
Guide to Thailand E-Visa Application | Thai E-Visa Official Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
7. The status will alter to “Pending document check”.