checklist and tips
Campus France USA is the French
government agency that works with
students in the US going to France for an
academic program of 90 days or more.
The Campus France
Etudes en France
application is the mandatory first step for all
student visa applicants. Campus France
USA ensures all academic criteria are met
before the applicant submits a student visa
application. Students participating in a
program in France of under 90 days do not
need to complete the Campus France
procedure. Depending on their nationalities,
they might need to request a
short-stay visa.
VFS Global is an external agency
responsible for managing all visa
appointments and visa application
submissions across the US in 9 consular
After completing an online student visa
application on the France-Visas platform,
students will visit a VFS Global Center in
person to submit the visa application.
Once students have submitted a
visa application at VFS Global, the
application is sent to the Visa Service of
the French Consulate in Washington D.C.
for processing.
The Visa Service reserves the right to
contact students if they require any
additional supporting documents during the
visa review process. The Visa Service
makes decisions on the issuance of
student visas.
study abroad
French language
Complete an Etudes
en France (EEF)
Submit your Campus
France payment and
paperwork on DocBox
The Campus France
team will review your
EEF application (3-
day or 3-week review)
Receive your
confirmation email
when your EEF
application has been
Complete a student
visa application on
France-Visas platform
Schedule a visa
appointment at a VFS
Global Center and
attend appointment**
Receive visa in the
mail or pick it up at a
VFS Global Center
after processing time
of 3 to 4 weeks
Travel to France
Within the first 3
months following
arrival, register and
validate visa online
Register with French
social security
* Students may begin the EEF application anytime. It is recommended to begin the application at least 10-12 weeks before departure
**Students may attend a VFS Global appointment only within the 90 days prior to the start date of their program in France
You have been
accepted to a
program in
1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
q Visa application form
q France-Visas receipt
q ID Photograph
q Travel document (passport)
q For non-US citizens, proof of legal status in the U.S.
q Campus France USA confirmation email
q Pre-registration certificate generated by EEF-Pastel
q Proof of accommodation in France
q Proof of sufficient funds for program period in France
Please note that requirements are subject to change. Students should always follow the checklist generated by France-Visas
or VFS, which may include additional documents not listed here. This document serves an explanatory purpose to help
students understand the items they will see on the France-Visas and VFS checklists. Please note that one requirement for all
student visa applicants is the Campus France confirmation email. This requirement may not appear on the general global
France-Visas checklist, but is mandatory for applicants from the US.
to the France-Visas platform as
you complete your application.
All details on document specifications
can be found here.
Uploading documents is recommended,
but does not change the processing time
for student visas.
Note: Students can use regular letter
sized paper (8.5 x 11 inches) instead of A4
supporting documents
hard copies of documents
to the VFS Global in-person
Even if you upload documents to the
France-Visas platform, you must also
bring hard copies of all documents to
your in-person VFS Global appointment.
q Visa application form
Demande de visa pour un long séjour
1 copy
This is the PDF visa application form that is
generated by the France-Visas platform.
You will need to print a copy of this application form
that you completed online.
Print one copy of this three-page document and
sign and date the application on the day of your
appointment at your local VFS Global Center.
You will also be requested to upload supporting
documents to the France-Visas platform when you
complete this application. In addition, bring original
copies of supporting documents to your in-person
VFS Global appointment.
To print the application, log into your France-Visas
account and click the magnifying glass icon to
generate the PDF for printing.
q France-Visas receipt
1 copy
This is the receipt of your visa application
generated by the France-Visas platform
when you complete the visa application
online. This documents includes an
application reference number, your name
and DOB, and a bar code.
You’ll also see a checklist of what you need
to bring with you. If you see additional items
on the France-Visas checklist other than
what you see on this Guidelines document,
you should always bring those items.
q ID Photograph
1 original photo
This is a passport-style headshot
photograph, 3.5 cm by 4.5 cm, in color,
against a uniform and clear background.
You can have these taken at your local
pharmacy, FedEx, some USPS locations, or
your university may offer photo services.
Please do not take this photo yourself, your
application will be rejected.
The photo must be recent, but does not
need to match the photo in your passport.
Your mouth must be closed and your eyes
and ears need to be visible. You must not be
wearing glasses, a hat, or a scarf.
q Travel document
The original + 1 copy of the ID information
and signature pages (shown in top image)
Your passport must be valid for at least three months
after your planned date of return from France. For
example, if your program starts September 1, 2022 and
ends May 1, 2023, your passport needs to be valid until at
least August 1, 2023. If your passport expires before this
time, you will need to renew your passport before
applying for a visa.
Your passport must have two consecutive blank visa
pages that are side by side (so when you open the
passport you see two blank visa pages like an open
book) plus a third blank page. Pages with the label
considered visa pages. If your
passport does not meet these requirements, you will
need to renew your passport.
It must also be signed, or your application may be
rejected. You will need to leave your passport with the
visa service for the duration of visa processing, please
plan accordingly.
q For non-US citizens,
proof of legal status
in the U.S. (resident
card, visa, etc.)
The original + 1 copy
You will need to bring the original document
and also one photocopy of your residency
card or US visa to your VFS Global
appointment, as well as your passport or
travel document from your country of
Only students with U.S. citizenship or legal
U.S. residency exceeding the length of their
proposed stay in France may apply for a
French visa from the U.S. If this does not
apply to you, you may need to apply through
the Campus France office of your country of
q Campus France USA
confirmation email
1 copy
This item may not appear on the general
global France-Visas or VFS checklist, but is
mandatory. This email confirms that Campus
France USA has processed your Etudes en
France application and that it is ready for
review by the Visa Service of the French
Consulate. Depending on the language you
selected on Etudes en France, this email will
either be in French or English.
This confirmation email will be sent to the
email address used to create your Etudes en
France account, and will have the subject
line: USXX-XXXXX / Your Campus France
file has been processed OR USXX-XXXXX /
Etudes en France: l’instruction de votre
dossier est terminée.
q Pre-registration
certificate generated
by EEF-Pastel
1 copy
This PDF is generated when Campus France has
processed your Etudes en France application.
Depending on your application type, this will be
entitled ‘Confirmation d’acceptation’ or ‘Accord
préalable d’inscription’.
To find this document, log-in to your Etudes en
France account. From the Welcome page, click on
your application tab (either ‘Not Yet Accepted’ or
Already Accepteddepending on your application
type), and click on 1 Finalize the procedure. The
PDF icon will be under the « Select a Program »
q Proof of
accommodation in
1 copy of all documents
It is required that all students have adequate
accommodation arranged for the first three
months* of their stay in France and that they
provide an address in France at which they
can be contacted.
*If at the time of your visa application you have not yet secured
accommodation for the first 3 months of your stay in France, please provide
proof of accommodation for at least the first week following your arrival in
France, along with a letter explaining clearly your concrete plans regarding
long term accommodation. If possible, please have this letter signed by an
official representing your program of study.
If you, as the student, are responsible for securing your
own housing in France, please provide the proof of
housing in one or more of the following ways:
1. A rental agreement or lease in your own name;
2. A printed reservation at a hotel or apartment for the first three
months of your stay in France;
3. Proof of a reservation in a student residence;
4. A written statement from a friend, family member, or individual
who will house you in their home, including their address, the
dates of your stay, the host’s contact information, and the host’s
signature; AND a copy of your host’s ID AND proof of address
(the only documents accepted in this case as proof of address
are copy of the lease or house deed).
If your home institution, host institution, or study
abroad program will arrange housing for you in
France, please provide the proof of housing in one or
more of the following ways:
1. An official letter from either the host institution in France or home
university that explains in detail any arrangements made by
these institutions to arrange your housing for at least the first
three months of your stay in France. That letter must include the
full address of the residence, contact information for all
institutions involved, and the residence type (ex: student housing,
hotel, home stay, etc.);
2. Proof of a reservation in a student residence.
q Proof of sufficient
funds for your time
in France
1 copy of all documents
You will need to provide proof that you have
sufficient resources to sustain yourself for
the duration of your program.
The French government considers this
threshold to be 615 per month.
You will need to provide the proof that,
AFTER you pay all tuition fees related to your
program period (both fees from your French
institution and American institution, and all
travel costs, if applicable) you will have at
least 615 per month at your disposal for all
living expenses.
Provide proof of sufficient funds in one of the
following ways:
1. The three most recent official bank statements from your own
checking and/or savings account that show either a balance of
(615 x # of months you’ll be in France) OR that show a steady
monthly income of over 615 per month. If you provide bank
statements showing an existing income that is planned to
continue, you need to provide proof of this future continuity, such
as a valid employment contract with dates that cover your
program period in France, or a letter from your employer.
2. A financial guarantee form completed by a sponsor who agrees
to provide you with at least 615 per month for the entirety of
your time in France AND copies of that individual’s bank
statements from the past three months showing sufficient and
reliable funds, and showing that this person has the financial
means to provide you with at least 615 per month for the
duration of your time in France. The sponsor could be a parent,
another family member, or an individual who agrees to support
you. The form must be notarized.
3. An official written statement from your university or the awarding
institution confirming that you are the recipient of a scholarship
or student loan package of a value of over (615 x # of months
you’ll be in France) beyond all tuition, administrative, and
program fees. You must provide proof that you will have at your
disposal at least 615 per month after having paid all program
fees for France and all outstanding tuition fees for the program
period at your American institution (if applicable).
1. What fees are involved in obtaining a student visa for France?
2. I’ve been asked to provide additional information about my
accomodation in France. How to proceed
3. I’ve been asked to provide additional information about my
financial resources. How to proceed?
4. I’m scheduled to depart soon for France and I haven’t received my
visa yet. How to proceed
5. Who should I contact with questions?
6. What should I do upon my arrival in France?
What fees are
involved in
obtaining a
student visa for
Before applying for a student visa, you will need to have paid the
Campus France processing fee of either $250 (3-week processing time
for regular service) or $390 (3-day processing time for expedited
service). Please note that the processing time of your Campus France
application is unrelated to the visa processing time. The Visa Service
of the French Consulate does not offer an expedited visa processing
You will pay the VFS Global fee approximately $30 when you schedule
the VFS Global visa appointment online.
A visa fee of approximately $60 may be paid by Visa or MasterCard
during your VFS Global appointment. Personal checks/cash are not
There is a fee of $35 for express mailing of your passport once your
visa has been processed. If you live close to the VFS Global Center,
you may choose to return to VFS to pick up your passport and visa in
person when it is ready, in which case you would not pay this fee.
Expect the total cost to be between $340 and $515, depending on
services selected.
I’ve been asked to
provide additional
information about
my accomodation
in France. How to
All students going to France must provide proof that they have
organized accommodation for themselves for at least the first three
months of their stay.
Please see page 14 of this document for details of how to provide
this proof depending on your housing type.
If, at the time of your visa application, you have not yet secured
accommodation for the first 3 months of your stay in France, please
provide proof of accommodation for at least the first week following
your arrival in France, along with a letter explaining clearly your
concrete plans regarding long term accommodation. If possible,
please have this letter signed by an official representing your
program of study.
I’ve been asked to
provide additional
information about
my financial
resources. How to
All students going to France must provide proof that they have at
their disposal at least 615 per month during their stay. You can do
this in a variety of ways.
If you plan to receive support from your parents or another individual,
they need to fill out the Financial Guarantee Form AND provide their
bank statements from the past three months that show that they
could support you with 615 per month during your stay. The 615
per month need to be at your disposal after you have paid your full
tuition, administrative, and program fees .
If your housing costs and/or food costs are covered by your program,
please provide an official letter that explains this in detail along with
the proof of funds.
If you provide a letter of financial aid from your university, the letter
needs to show that you will receive enough financial aid to give you
615 per month of your stay after you have paid all all tuition,
administrative, and program fees to your university.
Any application submitted without all the documents listed on the
France-Visas checklist or with inadequate documents will face visa
refusal. The visa service of the French Consulate will e -mail you only
if you need to provide documents.
I’m scheduled to
depart soon for
France and I
haven’t received
my visa yet. How
to proceed?
Processing time may vary. For well-prepared applications, the
average processing time is 3 weeks from the date of your
appointment at VFS. However, in some cases it may take longer.
If you submitted your visa application at a VFS Global Center less
than three weeks ago, please check the VFS application tracking
Choose United States, and follow the instructions to access the
If you submitted your visa application at a VFS Global Center over
three weeks ago, please contact the Visa Service of the French
Consulate at
Who should I
contact with
Etudes en France
Campus France USA
DocBox or Campus
France Payment
Campus France USA
Required documents
for visa application
Check the France-Visas FAQs
Contact the visa service of the French
Consulate at visas@consulfrance-
Please note that your email will only receive a response
your question has not been already addressed on the
France-Visas platform.
Tracking my visa
application after the
If you submitted your visa application at a VFS
Center under three weeks ago, check the VFS
application tracking.
Choose ‘United States’ and follow the instructions to
access the tracking. If you submitted your visa
application at a VFS Center over three weeks ago, have
already checked VFS tracking, and still have questions,
email the Visa Service of the French Consulate at to inquire.
What should I
do upon my
arrival in
08 06 001 620
You have just been issued a long-stay visa serving as a residence
permit, enabling you to legally stay in France. Within the first three
months following your arrival, you must register and validate your
visa at this site:
This quick and simple process will ensure that you are registered as
a legal resident in France in order to complete your relocation.
To complete the online visa registration, you will need to provide: a
valid email address, your visa information, the date on which you
entered France, your home address in France, your credit card
details in order to pay a fee online for the issuance of your residence
permit. If you fail to validate your visa within the first three months
following your arrival, you will no longer be considered a legal
resident in France and will be unable to re-enter the Schengen Area
if you leave.
Soon after you arrive in France, and after registering and validating
your visa following the procedure explained above, all students need
to register with the French Social Security by visiting this site :
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