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Ohio Department of Commerce
MMCP eLicense Portal User Manual
Ohio Department of Commerce
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Medical Marijuana Control Program – Ohio Department of Commerce. All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Getting Started with MMCP eLicensing ................................................................................................................................. 4
Logging in to the Portal .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Navigating the MMCP eLicense Portal .............................................................................................................................. 8
Manage Licenses Module ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
View License .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
View an Application ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Add Form .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Renew a License ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
View Employee Licenses per Facility License ................................................................................................................. 21
Manage Employee Module ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Renew an Employee.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Save and View a Draft Employee Renewal Application .................................................................................................. 22
Updating an Employee ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
Updating an Employee License and Inactivating an Employee License .......................................................................... 25
Updating Employee License Affiliations .......................................................................................................................... 27
Manage Contacts ................................................................................................................................................................... 29
View Contacts ................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Edit Contact ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Add Contact ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Manage Payments Module .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Making an Online Credit Card Payment ........................................................................................................................... 33
View Receipts .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
View Invoices .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Making an Online Electronic Check Payment .................................................................................................................. 42
Making a Payment by Mail ............................................................................................................................................... 49
Check Payments by Mail .................................................................................................................................................. 53
Check Payments in Person ................................................................................................................................................ 53
Viewing Receipts .............................................................................................................................................................. 54
Apply Now Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Adding a New Employee .................................................................................................................................................. 56
Request Dispensary Temporary Access ............................................................................................................................ 63
Submit Request for Medical Marijuana Dispensary Special Event .................................................................................. 63
Report a Medical Marijuana Dispensary Returned Product .............................................................................................. 63
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Submit a Medical Marijuana Dispensary Operational Request ........................................................................................ 64
Request for Medical Marijuana Dispensary Incident ........................................................................................................ 64
Submit a Facility Renewal Application ............................................................................................................................ 64
Request a Dispensary Major Modification/Renovations .................................................................................................. 64
Request to Sell a Medical Marijuana Device .................................................................................................................... 64
Request for Advertisement Approval ............................................................................................................................... 65
Request a Variance............................................................................................................................................................ 65
Questions or Comments? ...................................................................................................................................................... 65
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This user manual contains the essential information for Licensess to make full use of the MMCP eLicense Portal. This
manual includes a step-by-step walkthrough for system access and use, as well as a true depiction of the user experience
based on the current state of the site.
Getting Started with MMCP eLicensing
The MMCP eLicense Portal is a tool that is used to manage license requests and applications, manage employee
applications and status, and submit payments to the Ohio Department of Commerce Medical Marijuana Control Program
for licensees who have been awarded a license to cultivate, process, dispense, or conduct testing for the Medical
Marijuana community in Ohio. In order to begin using the MMCP eLicense Portal, an Authorized Requestor (Owner or
Responsible Party) will need to complete the eLicense Portal Account Administrator Designation Form and submit to
[email protected]. The designated Account Administrator can grant eLicense Portal Access Rights within
the eLicense Portal to other licensed employees. MMCP eLicense user access may only be granted to Badged employees.
Please review the instructions on the eLicense Portal Account Administrator Designation Form for more information.
Once a user has been established in the MMCP eLicense Portal, an email will be sent to the user’s email address with
instructions on how to proceed. The email is coming from Salesforce and may end up in your junk/spam box. An
example of that email is included below for reference.
Upon selecting the hyperlink to activate the account, the user will be prompted to create a password for their account. To
ensure the user account is secure, the new password will need to meet the minimum qualifications of 10 characters
comprised of at least 1 letter, 1 number, and 1 special character. If the entered password does not meet the minimum
qualifications, the system will prompt the user to re-enter a qualifying password until one is established.
Please note that each user may be prompted to reset their password periodically to comply with standard system security
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After a qualifying password has been established, the user will be directed
to the MMCP eLicense Portal home screen where the user will have the
ability to manage active facility licenses, employee licenses, and pay any
outstanding fees to the Medical Marijuana Control Program.
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Logging in to the Portal
To log in to the MMCP eLicense Portal, a user must enter the username and password established at registration. The
MMCP eLicense Portal can be found at the following URL: https://elicense.com.ohio.gov.
The user will be directed to the following login page:
If an invalid username and password combination is entered, the user will be prompted to check the entry to ensure that
the username and password are entered correctly. The user will have the opportunity to try to login up to 5 times. If the
user is unable to successfully login after 5 attempts, the user will be locked out for a period of 24 hours.
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If the user selects the Forgot Your Password? link, the user will be directed to another page where the user will be
prompted to enter a username.
Upon selecting the Submit button, an email will be sent to the entered username with instructions on how to reset the
associated account password. If the user has had 5 incorrect attempts to login and selects the Forgot Your Password?
link, the user will receive an email stating that the user will be unable to login until the 24-hour lock-out period has
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Upon successfully logging into the MMCP eLicense Portal, the user will be directed to the account HOME page where the
user will have access to manage active facility licenses, employee licenses, and pay any outstanding fees to the Medical
Marijuana Control Program.
Navigating the MMCP eLicense Portal
The HOME page of the MMCP eLicense Portal serves multiple purposes. The user will have the ability to quickly
navigate to key functionality such as Apply now for any application/request to the MMCP and view upcoming renewals,
pending applications, and outstanding invoices.
From the HOME page you can quickly access Apply Now to apply for any application/request to the MMCP.
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This currently includes:
All License Types - New Employee, Renew Employee (if applicable), Renew License (if applicable), New
Dispensary License Types – Special Event Request, Returned Product Form, Operational Request, Incident
Report, Advertisement Request, Device Request, Variance Request, Temporary Access Request, Major
Modifications/Renovations Request
Cultivator License Types – Strain Name Request, Advertisement Request, Event Advertising & Participation
Request, Bond Reduction Request, Pesticide Application, Variance Request, Change of Location
Processor License Types - Advertisement Request, Event Advertising & Participation Request, Bond Reduction
Request, Packaging & Labeling Request, Variance Request, Change of Location
Testing Laboratory - Advertisement Request, Event Advertising & Participation Request, Bond Reduction
Request, Variance Request, Change of Location
All applications except New Employee, Employee Renewal, and Renew a License can be found under Apply for a
Change Request.
All applications are auto saved once started and can be retrieved in draft mode for completion and submission. Once an
application is submitted it can no longer be modified.
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From the HOME page you can quickly view all pending applications with the following statuses: Draft, Submitted not
paid, or Submitted. The most recent pending applications display upon page load. Click View all next to Pending
Applications to view all applications in these statuses.
From the HOME page you can quickly view all outstanding invoices. Click View all next to Payments Due to view a
complete list of unpaid invoices.
From the HOME page the user can quickly see if any Company Licenses or Employee Licenses are ready to renew. All
license types are available for renewal 90 days prior to the expiration date.
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The MMCP eLicense Portal features 4 interconnected modules; the Manage Licenses Module, the Manage Employees
Module, the Manage Contact Module, and the Manage Payments Module. These modules can be accessed by selecting
one of the tabs located in the upper right portion of the MMCP eLicense Portal.
The Manage Licenses Module features a display where the user can view more detailed information on all inactive and
active facility licenses associated with the business. This is also the module where business licenses can be renewed.
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The Manage Employees Module features a display where the user can view high level information on all inactive and
active employee licenses for associated employees of the business.
The user will see the issued facility license number, the issued employee license, the employee’s first and last name, the
assigned employee type, the status of the employee license, and expiration dates. The detailed view of each employee
license has been addressed in the Manage Employees section of this manual.
The Manage Payments Module features a display where the user can view high level information on all outstanding fees,
receipts of previous payments, and previously paid invoices associated with the business account for all facility licenses.
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The user will see the various details throughout the Manage Payments module. This module has been subdivided into
two sections, Make Payments and Receipts. The first section, Make Payments, lists all outstanding fees and fines by the
invoice number for the associated business account. This section is the starting point for making payments to the Ohio
Department of Commerce. More details on how to pay for an outstanding fee or fine have been addressed in the Make
Payments section of this manual.
The next section within the Manage Payments module is the Receipts section. This section lists all receipts for any
previous payments made by the associated business account. The user will see the receipt number, the amount paid, the
payment method used when paying any fee or fine, and the date the receipt was created. The detailed view of each receipt
has been addressed in the Receipts section of this manual.
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Manage Licenses Module
The Manage Licenses Module is available for any business with an active license to request the Medical Marijuana
Control Program to review and determine whether proposed actions such as new advertising, packaging and labeling,
bond reduction, or strain names are compliant with Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administration Code found in Chapter
Any active licensed facility is required by the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3796 to provide the Ohio Medical
Marijuana Control Program with a complete, detailed application describing proposed actions for approval prior to
implementation. To expedite the review of an application, please submit all relevant materials in an organized and
detailed manner.
The Manage Licenses Module also provides the user with detailed license information, previously submitted
applications, a list of employee licenses, and invoices. Licenses can be renewed from this module and certificates can be
From the Manage Licenses Module the user can click on the down arrow and then click View to display detailed license
information as well as applications, employee licenses, invoices, and attached documents, Add Form to create a new
application for various requests to MMCP.
View License
To view Facility License details select View. Details of the license will display as well as sections to view applications,
employee licenses, invoices, and documents associated to the specific license.
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View an Application
Expand the Applications section on the License Details page. Locate the Application you wish to view; click the down
arrow next to the Application Number and click View.
The application will render to the screen for review.
Add Form
To add a form (examples include: Advertising Request, Bond Reduction Request, Packaging & Labeling Request), click
the Forms button then select the appropriate form from the drop down menu and click Apply OR select the down arrow
next to the license number and select Add Form. The forms list includes all requests to the MMCP for review and
determination prior to implementation. Specific forms may only be available to relevant license types. Forms currently
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All License Types - New Employee, Renew Employee (if applicable), Renew License (if applicable), New
Dispensary License Types – Special Event Request, Returned Product Form, Operational Request, Incident
Report, Advertisement Request, Device Request, Variance Request, Temporary Access Request, Major
Modifications/Renovations Request
Cultivator License Types – Strain Name Request, Advertisement Request, Event Advertising & Participation
Request, Bond Reduction Request, Pesticide Application, Variance Request, Change of Location
Processor License Types - Advertisement Request, Event Advertising & Participation Request, Bond Reduction
Request, Packaging & Labeling Request, Variance Request, Change of Location
Testing Laboratory - Advertisement Request, Event Advertising & Participation Request, Bond Reduction
Request, Variance Request, Change of Location
*The MMCP plans to add additional forms to this section.
Select the application/request you wish to complete and submit to the MMCP and click Apply.
The Application Wizard will appear with question(s) related to the application/request you selected to complete and
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Navigate through the wizard by clicking Next or Previous. Next will navigate to the next section to complete and
Previous will navigate to the prior section. The application will auto save in Draft status as you navigate through the
sections; fields will be validated for completion and format where applicable upon selecting Submit at the end of the
Some applications may require files to be uploaded. For each file upload question, multiple files can be uploaded.
By clicking Submit at the end of the application, 3 actions occur: validation of data entered, finalization of application,
and status changed to Submitted (if no fee is required) or Submitted Not Paid (if fee is required for processing).
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Field validation will verify all required questions, noted with an “*”, have been completed. If a required field was not
completed, the wizard will take you to the first step in the application not completed. From here, complete the required
fields by stepping through the application using the Next button.
After all required fields are completed and Submit is selected, the user will receive confirmation of application
submission. The application is then in a read only mode and no additional changes can be made.
By clicking Go Back to Home, the user is returned to the HOME page. From the HOME page, the application can be
selected and viewed. From the Pending Applications grid, click the down arrow next to the application and select
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The view application screen will display. To see the full application click View Application.
To print or download the application, click Print at the bottom of the detailed application view screen to render to PDF.
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If the application is in a Submitted Not Paid status, payment MUST be remitted prior to the application being reviewed.
Please see the Manage Payments Module section of this manual for details on how to make a payment.
Renew a License
Pursuant to Ohio Admin. Code 3796:2-1-10, 3796:3-1-09, and 3796:4-1-08, licensees’ Facility Renewal Application and
renewal fee must be submitted to the MMCP at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the certificate of operation.
To renew a facility license from the Manage Licenses Module, select the down arrow next to the appropriate facility
license number and click Renew.
The Facility Renewal Application wizard will render. Complete all sections of the application and submit.
A complete Facility Renewal Application includes a complete submitted application AND the renewal application fee.
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View Employee Licenses per Facility License
To view Employee Licenses for a specific Facility License, select the Manage Licenses tab. Select the down arrow next
to the Facility License you wish to view employees, click View.
Expand the Employee Licenses section.
Manage Employee Module
The Manage Employee Module is available for a licensee to request the Medical Marijuana Control Program to review
and determine whether the proposed employee is eligible to work within the Ohio Medical Marijuana Industry based on
rule found in the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3796.
In accordance with Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3796: 5-2-01 (A), employees are defined as ‘Every owner,
principal officer, board member, employee, administrator, agent, or other person who may significantly influence or
control the activities of a cultivator, processor, or testing laboratory.’
Any active licensed facility is required by the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3796 to provide the Ohio Medical
Marijuana Control Program with a completed employee application, employee sworn statement, verification that a BCI
and FBI background check has been conducted (reference 3796: 5-2-02 for details), application fee, and any additional
information the program may request. Please note that the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program will not process any
employee applications that have not been completed as defined in Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3796: 5-2-01 (A).
The Manage Employee Module also provides the user with a means to update employee information as well as inactivate
an employee that is no longer associated to a facility.
The Manage Employees landing page will have 3 tabs: Pending Employees, Approved Employees, Inactivated
Employees. Theses tabs will list all current, future, and past employees associated to all licensees under the Account.
This Screen can be searched by either Employee Name or the Business License number an employee is associated to.
Renew an Employee
To renew an Employee, the user should navigate to the Manage Employees Module. In the Approved Employees tab
employees within 90 days of expiration will have a Renew button next to their name. To renew an Employee click
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The Renew Employee Application wizard will render. Complete each step of the application which includes confirming
existing employee information, uploading a current image of the employee’s Driver’s License and Head Shot taken within
the prior 6 months. A complete Employee Renewal Application must be submitted and paid prior to the MMCP
processing the application.
A complete Employee Renewal Application includes:
1. A complete and accurate Employee Renewal Application which you may access through your eLicensing
2. A copy of the applicant’s valid government issued identification evidencing that the employee is at least twenty-
one (21) years of age;
3. A recognizable headshot photograph of the applicant taken no more than six (6) months before the date of
4. Signed Employee Applicant Attestation document.
5. The $100 renewal application fee
Save and View a Draft Employee Renewal Application
While working on a Employee Renewal Application, the application can be saved and exited. Selecting “Next” on each
page will automatically save the application.
To access this draft again after exiting, navigate to the Pending Applications table on the home page. Locate the Draft
application to be completed. Click on Actions. Then, select View to be navigated to the Applications Details page. Select
View Application to view and continue completing the application.
The application can also be viewed by selecting Manage Employees locate and select the employee license. Select
Renew to open the application to be completed.
Updating an Employee
The MMCP eLicense Portal provides any active licensed facility with the ability to update employee demographic
information associated to an employee who possesses an active employee license with the Ohio Medical Marijuana
Control Program.
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To update information within the employee demographics, the user should navigate to the Manage Employees Module
upon successful login.
Once the user has navigated to the Manage Employee Module, select the down arrow then View action to view details
of an active employee license.
Upon selecting the View action for an active employee license, the employee license detail will display. The user will see
all pertinent information associated to the employee license details.
Within the employee license detail, the user can select the Employee number hyperlink to open the employee record.
Upon selecting the Employee number hyperlink, the user will have the ability to view the employee’s personal
information such as the employee’s first name, last name, address, phone numbers, and email address.
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Within the employee detail screen, the user will have the ability to modify the employee demographic information by
selecting the Edit feature.
Once the user has selected the Edit feature, the user will be directed to the editable version of the employee detail screen.
The critical data elements of the employee record are prepopulated and cannot be modified. The user will have the ability
modify the employee’s email address, home address, mobile phone number, home phone number, and 2 of the required
documentation items previously submitted during the New Employee Application process.
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Please note that if any of the prepopulated employee information is incorrect, the user should contact the Ohio Medical
Marijuana Control program to update the information accordingly.
Please note that if the employee license associated to the employee number selected is inactive, the Edit feature will not
be available for selection.
Once the user has finished updating the employee demographic details, the user can select the Submit feature to complete
the update employee process.
Upon selection of the Submit feature, the user will be prompted with a Submission Successful message.
If the user selects the Cancel feature, the user will be redirected to the uneditable version of the employee details screen
where any field updates will be displayed.
Updating an Employee License and Inactivating an Employee License
The MMCP eLicense Portal provides any active licensed facility with the ability to update license detail information
associated to an employee who possesses an active employee license with the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program.
To update information within the employee license, the user should navigate to the Manage Employees Module upon
successful login.
Once the user has navigated to the Manage Employees Module, select the View action for an active employee license.
Upon selecting the View action for an active employee license, the employee license detail will display. The user will see
all pertinent information associated to the employee license details.
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Within the license detail screen, the user will have the ability to modify the employee license by selecting the Edit
Please note that if the employee license is inactive, the Edit feature will not be available for selection.
Once the user has selected the Edit feature, the user will be directed to the editable version of the employee license
screen. The critical data elements of the employee license record are prepopulated and cannot be modified. The user will
have the ability to modify only the employee license status of the selected employee license.
Please note that if any of the prepopulated employee license information is incorrect, the user should contact the Ohio
Medical Marijuana Control program to update the information accordingly.
*Upon selection of the employee license status field, the user will have the ability to update the employee license from
active to inactive.
Please note that if the user updates the employee license status to inactive, the employee badge will no longer be valid
indicating that the employee is no longer employed with the associated facility.
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*Once the user has finished updating the employee license, the user can select the Save feature to complete the update
employee license process.
Upon selection of the Save feature, the user will be redirected to the Employee License screen where the user can
validate that the update was successful.
An employee can be quickly inactivated by utilizing the Active toggle feature on the main Manage Employee screen.
Click on the Active toggle; a pop up will display to warn that the employee will be inactivated. Once inactivated an
employee cannot be reinstated. Click Save to inactivate the employee or Cancel to exit the action.
Updating Employee License Affiliations
To update Employee License Affiliations, select Manage Employees on the top right of the screen. Click the down arrow
next to the Employee Name to update, select View.
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Locate the License area of the screen.
Click Add to add a facility license affiliation. Select the business license number the Employee will be working at as well
as the Employee Type. If the Employee is designated as a Responsible Party you must select either Primary or
NOTE: Only 1 Primary Responsible Party and only 2 Secondary Responsible Parties may be assigned per Facility
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Select Save to save these updates.
Manage Contacts
The Manage Contacts Module is available for the Account Administrator of any business who has active licensed
facilities. The Account Administrator can view, edit, add, and manage associated contacts within the MMCP eLicense
Portal. It is the responsibility of the company to keep contacts current. The individuals listed in this section for specific
roles will serve as a point of contact for the MMCP. Only licensed employees can be added as Company contacts.
Contacts can have multiple roles associated to a single licensed employee. The assigned role will signal a point of contact
for the specific function. The role options include the following:
Registered Agent/Statutory Agent
Compliance Lead
Processing Lead
Cultivation Lead
HR Manager
Patient/Public Inquiries
Financial Representative
Legal Representative
Marketing/Advertising Manager
Facility Manager
Contacts can also be granted MMCP eLicense Portal access rights. There are two levels of access that may be assigned by
the Account Administrator: Account Manager and HR Manager. Assignment of access will grant the employee rights
and the authority to submit requests on behalf of the Company for any license type the Company may hold.
Account Manager: Ability to view, add, and edit all functions within the Portal. Cannot grant MMCP eLicense
Portal access rights to another user or manage contacts.
HR Manager: Ability to view all modules within the Portal and add/edit employee and employee license
information. Cannot grant MMCP eLicense Portal access rights to another user or manage contacts.
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View Contacts
To view all contacts associated to a Company, the user will navigate to the Manage Contacts module.
To view an individual contact, select the down arrow next to the contact name then select View.
Edit Contact
To edit a contact, the user will navigate to the Manage Contacts module, select the down arrow next to the contact
name, then select View. From the View screen select Edit.
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From the Edit screen the phone, email address, contact type, and Portal Access Rights can be modified appropriately.
After changes are completed click Save.
From the View contact screen, a contact may be inactivated disabling Portal login access if applicable by clicking
Add Contact
To add a Licensed Employee as a contact, the user will navigate to Manage Contacts then click Add Contact.
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The user will be taken to the Add Contacts screen to select the Accounts/Facility Licenses the contact will be associated
NOTE: if you select the parent account the Employee will have access to ALL licenses under that family of accounts.
Locate and Select the Licensed Employee to be added as a contact from the drop-down list.
Complete the requested information and select the appropriate Portal Access Rights. Click Submit to save the
information and if Portal Access Rights are assigned activate the Access level.
An email will be sent to the Email address provided in the above screen for the user to complete their Portal Account
setup and password.
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Manage Payments Module
The Manage Payments Module is available for any business who has active licensed facilities to view all outstanding
fees, fines levied on the business, previously paid invoices, and copies of receipts for previously paid invoices.
The fees incurred by the business will include those for facility applications, facility licenses, employee licenses, and any
additional request made to the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program that causes an impact on either a facility or
employee license. Any fines levied on the business will be done so in accordance with the Ohio Administrative Code
Chapter 3796.
The Manage Payments Module also allows businesses to pay fees and fines to the Ohio Department of Commerce in one
of two forms; Pay by Mail or Pay Online. The Pay Now option allows the user to pay their invoices by credit card or
electronic check using the CBOSS payment system. The Pay by Mail option allows the user to print an invoice and
either mail the payment to the Ohio Department of Commerce or pay in person at the Ohio Department of Commerce
Making an Online Credit Card Payment
To make an online credit card payment for an outstanding fee or fine, the user should navigate to the Manage Payments
Module upon successful login.
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The Manage Payments Module is subdivided into two sections. The first section on the Manage Payments Module is
the Make Payments section. This section lists all outstanding application fees, licensing fees, fines, and any additional
request fees incurred by the business in order by the assigned invoice number.
Within the Make Payments area, the user will have the ability to select the invoices in which they wish to pay by selecting
the checkbox to the left of the invoice number. The user may select one or multiple open invoices to be included in one
payment transaction.
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To select all outstanding invoices for payment, the user can simply select the checkbox at the top of the Make Payments
section and the system will automatically select each invoice listed.
Once one or multiple invoices have been selected for payment, the user will have the ability to view the Total Value of
Selected Invoices field located at the top of the Make Payments section which will be updated with the amount due for
the selected invoices.
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The user will also have the ability to select the method in which the outstanding invoices will be paid; by mail or online.
If the Pay Now feature is selected, the user will be provided a prompt stating that the MMCP eLicense Portal will be
redirecting the user to the Ohio Department of Commerce Online Payment Processing system, CBOSS.
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If the user selects the OK feature, the MMCP eLicense Portal will redirect the user to the Select Payment Method screen
of the CBOSS payment processing site where the user can select to pay using a credit card or electronic check.
Upon selecting the credit card payment method, the user will proceed to the Enter Payment Information screen of CBOSS.
The Enter Payment Information screen of CBOSS will display the high level details of the invoices selected for payment,
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the total amount of those invoices, and will require the user to enter the standard payment information such as the credit
card number and associated details, as well as enter the associated billing information.
The high level details of the invoice include the invoice number, the invoice amount, and the total of all invoices.
The user will be required to enter the credit card number, credit card type, expiration month and year, and credit card
security code.
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To complete the payment information, the user will also be required to enter the billing information associated to the
Once the user has entered all required payment information in the CBOSS payment processing site, the user can select the
Continue feature to complete the online payment process.
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Selection of the Continue feature will notify the system to authenticate the payment information entered by the user is
valid. If the payment information entered passes the validation check, the user will be presented with a confirmation
screen where the user will be required to confirm the transaction to finalize the payment.
If the user selects the Confirm feature, the payment will be processed and finalized. Once the payment has been finalized
within the CBOSS payment processing site, the user will be redirected to the MMCP eLicense Portal Manage Payments
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Module where the user can validate completion of payment by locating the paid invoice in the Receipts section. The
details on Receipts section have been addressed in the Receipts section of this manual.
If the Back feature is selected, the user will be redirected to the CBOSS payment processing sites payment screen to make
any updates necessary to the payment information before continuing with the payment process.
View Receipts
Select the Manage Payments button on the Home page. After being navigated to the Manage Payments page, select
Receipts. Then select View, which will allow you to view receipt details.
View Invoices
Navigate to the Payment Due table on the Home page. Select the Manage Payments table, and navigate to the Invoices
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Select the proper Invoice number, which will display the Invoice details on the side.
Making an Online Electronic Check Payment
To make an online electronic check payment for an outstanding fee or fine, the user should navigate to the Manage
Payments Module upon successful login.
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Within the Make Payments area, the user will have the ability to select the invoices in which they wish to pay by
selecting the checkbox to the left of the invoice number. The user may select one or multiple open invoices to be included
in one payment transaction.
To select all outstanding invoices for payment, the user can simply select the checkbox at the top of the Make Payments
section and the system will automatically select each invoice listed.
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Once one or multiple invoices have been selected for payment, the user will have the ability to view the Total Value of
Selected Invoices field located at the top of the Make Payments section which will be updated with the amount due for
the selected invoices.
The user will also have the ability to select the method in which the outstanding invoices will be paid; by mail or online.
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If the Pay Now feature is selected, the user will be provided a prompt stating that the MMCP eLicense Portal will be
redirecting the user to the Ohio Department of Commerce Online Payment Processing system, CBOSS.
If the user selects the OK feature, the eLicensing self-service portal will redirect the user to the Select Payment Method
screen of the CBOSS payment processing site where the user can select to pay using a credit card or electronic check.
Upon selecting the electronic check payment method, the user will proceed to the Enter Payment Information screen of
CBOSS. The Enter Payment Information screen of CBOSS will display to the user the high-level details of the invoices
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selected for payment, the total amount of those invoices, and will require the user to enter the standard payment
information such as the bank account number and associated details, as well as enter the associated billing information.
The high-level details of the invoice include the invoice number, the invoice amount, and the total of all invoices.
The user will be required to enter the bank routing number, bank account number, and select the bank account type
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To complete the payment information, the user will also be required enter the billing information associated to the
Please note that if any of the prepopulated business account information is incorrect, the user should contact the Ohio
Medical Marijuana Control program to update the information accordingly.
Once the user has entered all required payment information in the CBOSS payment processing site, the user can select the
Continue feature to complete the online payment process.
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Selection of the Continue feature will notify the system to authenticate the payment information entered by the user is
valid. If the payment information entered passes the validation check, the user will be presented with a confirmation
screen where the user will be required to confirm the transaction to finalize the payment.
If the user selects the Confirm feature, the payment will be processed and finalized. Once the payment has been finalized
within the CBOSS payment processing site, the user will be redirected to the MMCP eLicense Portal Manage Payments
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Module where the user can validate completion of payment by locating the paid invoice in the Receipts section. The
details on Receipts section have been addressed in the Receipts section of this manual.
If the Back feature is selected, the user will be redirected to the CBOSS payment processing sites payment screen to make
any updates necessary to the payment information before continuing with the payment process.
Making a Payment by Mail
To make a payment by mail via check or money order for an outstanding fee or fine, the user should navigate to the
Manage Payments Module upon successful login.
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Within the Make Payments area, the user will have the ability to select the invoices in which they wish to pay by selecting
the checkbox to the left of the invoice number. The user may select one or multiple open invoices to be included in one
payment transaction.
To select all outstanding invoices for payment, the user can simply select the checkbox at the top of the Make Payments
section and the system will automatically select each invoice listed.
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Once one or multiple invoices have been selected for payment, the user will have the ability to view the Total Value of
Selected Invoices field located at the top of the Make Payments section which will be updated with the amount due for
the selected invoices.
The user will also have the ability to select the method in which the outstanding invoices will be paid; if payment will be
mailed, select PAY BY MAIL; or if payment will be made online, select PAY NOW.
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If the Pay By Mail feature is selected, a new window will open containing a PDF version of the invoice containing all
fees that have been selected to be paid.
Please note that the Pay by Mail feature provides the user with several additional methods for paying their fees to the
Ohio Department of Commerce. Fees may only be paid with check or money order for the Pay by Mail option. Any
outstanding fee may also be paid for in person at the Ohio Department of Commerce.
Each invoice selected on the Make Payments screen will be listed sequentially on the generated invoice document.
Please note that the generated invoice document must be printed and included with the payment for all Pay by Mail or in
person payment options in order for the Ohio Department of Commerce to process and apply the payment properly.
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Check Payments by Mail
If the user chooses to pay for an outstanding invoice by mail with a check, a representative from the business must
perform the following actions:
Print off the generated invoice and mail the invoice with the check payment to the Ohio Department of Commerce. Please
address all mail payments to:
Ohio Department of Commerce
ATTN: Medical Marijuana Control Program
77 South High St
Columbus, OH 43215
Please note that the Ohio Department of Commerce will not be responsible for lost or missing funds.
Check Payments in Person
If the user chooses to pay for an outstanding invoice in person with a check, a representative from the business must
perform the following actions:
Print off the generated invoice and travel to the Ohio Department of Commerce with the invoice and check payment in
hand. The Ohio Department of Commerce is located at:
77 South High St
Columbus, OH 43215
Present the invoice along with the payment in person to the Ohio Department of Commerce representative who will
complete the payment process and provide the payee with proof of payment.
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Viewing Receipts
To view a previously paid invoice, the user should navigate to the Manage Payments Module upon successful login.
The Manage Payments Module is subdivided into two sections. The Receipts section lists all receipts for paid invoices
associated to the business account.
To see the receipt details click on View next to the receipt you’d like to view.
The user will see the receipt number, the amount tendered, and the receipt create date. The user will also be able to see
the details of the invoice(s) which include the invoice number, facility license number, application ID, fee type,
application type, employee name (if applicable), fee amount, fee outstanding, and the date the fee was created.
Within the Receipts area, the user will have the ability to view a copy of the receipt document by selecting the down
arrow next to the invoice to view and selecting View.
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Upon selecting the View action for a receipt, the receipt PDF will render in the browser.
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Apply Now Overview
Adding a New Employee
The MMCP eLicense Portal provides any active licensed facility with the ability to add new employees to associate to the
business account.
To add a new employee to an active licensed facility, from the HOME page the user selects Apply Now.
Click Add a New Employee.
The user will then be prompted to select the business license the employee will be working for by clicking Add
Employee next to the appropriate license number.
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The New Employee Application wizard will then begin.
The New Employee Application wizard can also be reached from Manage Licenses and selecting the down arrow next
to the appropriate license number and clicking Add Employee.
Please note that if the facility license is inactive, the Add New Employee feature will not be available for selection.
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Once the user has selected the Add New Employee feature, the user will be directed to the New Employee Application
The New Employee Application is made up of four components, the Business Information, the Employee Information
(Contact and Address), the Required Documentation for the employee application, and the Employee Attestation.
The Business Information component contains the business name, facility license number, and FEIN number of the
business account. This component is prepopulated with the facility information that the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control
Program has on file for the business.
Please note that if any of the prepopulated business information is incorrect, the user should contact the Ohio Medical
Marijuana Control program to update the information accordingly.
The Employee Information, Contact Information, and Address Information components contain the identifying
information of the employee that is required for the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program to process a new employee
application. The identifying information encompasses the first name, middle initial, last name, date of birth, social
security number, mobile phone number, home phone number, street address of the employee, and the email address of the
employee. The first name, middle initial, last name, date of birth, and social security number will need to be an
exact match on all new employee applications submitted on behalf of a prospective employee. The user is also
required to define the employee type of the proposed employee.
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The Required Documentation component contains the documentation that the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program
will need in order to properly evaluate and process a proposed employee submitted by a facility. The user is required to
submit electronic copies of the proposed employee’s driver’s license and headshot photo. The requirements for each of
the required document are defined in Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3796: 5-2-01 (A). This document can be found
here: DCC_Employee_Applicant_Attestation.pdf (ohio.gov)
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To upload the required documentation, the user will have the ability to select the Upload Files feature.
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Upon selecting the Upload Files feature, the user will be prompted with the file explorer feature available on the user’s
Once a file has been selected, the associated file name will be visible within the Required Documentation component to
the right of the Choose File feature.
The Attestation component indicates confirmation from the user that both the employer and employee acknowledge the
requirement of a background check to be considered for an employee license. The Attestation includes directions to the
user on where to find a list of available vendors to perform the background check, as well as instructions on where the
vendor should direct the completed background check results to ensure delivery to the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control
Program. The Attestation must be selected in order for the New Employee Application to be submitted for review.
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Once all the components of the New Employee Application have been completed, the user will have the ability to select
the Submit feature.
Upon successful submission of the New Employee Application, the user will be prompted with a submission successful
Please note that once the New Employee Application has been submitted, the user will not have the ability to edit the
If the user selects the Go Back To Home button, the user will be redirected to the HOME page.
After submitting a New Employee (Initial) Application, a fee will automatically be generated under the account.
The user can verify the successful submission of a New Employee Application by navigating to the Manage Employees
Once in the Manage Employee Module, the user can view the pending employee license submission by locating the
employee record in the Pending Employees list. The user will see the associated facility license number, the associated
employee license number, the last name of the employee, the first name of the employee, the selected employee type
associated to the employee record, the employee license status, and the employee license create dates.
The New Employee Application will only be reviewed and processed once the application fee has been paid and the
background check has been submitted according to the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3796: 5-2-02. Details on
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completing the background check forms can be found at:
https://www.com.ohio.gov/documents/MMCP_Employee_Background_Check_Guidance.pdf. The details on how to pay
the New Employee Application fee has been addressed in the Manage Payments section of this manual.
Upon Application submission and payment, a Provisional Employee Badge will be issued. The Provisional Employee
Badge is valid for 90 days and will automatically expire if the Application is not approved. Application approval is
dependent upon submission of complete, accurate documents as well as receipt of background check results.
Upon Employee Application approval, the Employee Badge will be generated an available in the portal to be printed.
Request Dispensary Temporary Access
Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request to the preferred license. Select
Dispensary Temporary Access for Form Type and clicks Apply button. Read the Application Verification selection
page. Select Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
Read the Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce. Click Next. Complete Business
Verification section and click Next. Complete Visitors sections and click Next. Completes Visitor Details section and
click Next button. Complete Attestations and click Next button. Complete Acknowledgement sections and click Submit.
Submit Request for Medical Marijuana Dispensary Special Event
Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request and the Add Form to the
appropriate license. Select Special Event Request for Dispensary License for Form Type and click Apply button. Read
Application Verification selection page and click Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
Read the Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce. Click Next. Complete Business
Verification section and click Next. Complete Event Details section and clicks Next button. Complete Additional Event
Details section and click Next button. Complete Required Documentation section and click Next button. Complete
Acknowledgement sections and click Submit.
Report a Medical Marijuana Dispensary Returned Product
Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request and the Add Form to the
appropriate license. Select Returned Product for Dispensary License for Form Type and click Apply button. Read
Application Verification selection page and click Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
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Read Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce and click Next. Complete
Business Verification and click Next button. Complete Product Information section and click Next button. Complete
Acknowledgement section and click Submit button.
Submit a Medical Marijuana Dispensary Operational Request
Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request and the Add Form to the
appropriate license. Select Operational Request for Form Type and click Apply button. Read Application Verification
selection page and click Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
Read Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce and click Next. Complete
Business Verification and click Next button. Complete Operational Request section and click Next button. Complete
Acknowledgement section and click Submit button.
Request for Medical Marijuana Dispensary Incident
Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request and the Add Form to the
appropriate license. Select Incident Request for Dispensary License for Form Type and click Apply button. Read
Application Verification selection page and click Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
Read Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce and click Next. Complete
Business Verification and click Next button. Complete Incident section and click Next button. Complete
Acknowledgement section and click Submit button.
Submit a Facility Renewal Application
Select Apply Now from the home page. User should then select the Renew License option. User is then navigated to the
Manage Licenses tab.
Click the Renew button next to the License to be renewed.
After clicking Renew, the user will be navigated to the Renewal Application page.
Request a Dispensary Major Modification/Renovations
Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request and the Add Form to the
appropriate license. Select Major Modifications/Renovations Request for Form Type and click Apply button. Read
Application Verification selection page and click Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
Read Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce and click Next. Complete
Business Verification and click Next button. Complete Device Information section and click Next button. Complete
Device Details and click Next. Complete Acknowledgement section and click Submit button.
Request to Sell a Medical Marijuana Device
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Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request and the Add Form to the
appropriate license. Select Request to Sell Medical Marijuana Device for Form Type and click Apply button. Read
Application Verification selection page and click Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
Read Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce and click Next. Complete
Business Verification and click Next button. Complete Details section and click Next button. Complete
Acknowledgement section and click Submit button.
Request for Advertisement Approval
Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request and the Add Form to the
appropriate license. Select Advertisement Request for Dispensary License for Form Type and click Apply button. Read
Application Verification selection page and click Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
Read Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce and click Next. Complete Business
Verification section and click Next. Complete Types of Advertisement section and click Next button. Complete
Advertisement Information section and click Next button. Complete Required Documentation section and click Next.
Complete Acknowledgement section and click Submit button.
Request a Variance
Select the Apply Now button on the Home page. Then click Apply for a Change Request and the Add Form to the
appropriate license. Select Variance Request for Dispensary License for Form Type and click Apply button. Read
Application Verification selection page and click Next button. Read the Legal Application Terms.
Read Application Instructions provided by Ohio Department of Commerce and click Next. Complete
Variance Details and click Next button. Complete Required Documentation and click Next button. Complete
Acknowledgement section and click Submit button.
Questions or Comments?
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Ohio Department of Commerce Medical Marijuana Control
Program at [email protected].