2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine the function that represents the relationship shown in the
table, the student could have used the slope-intercept form of a linear
equation (y = mx + b, where represents the slope of the line
and b represents the value of the y-intercept). The student first could
have substituted the x- and y-coordinates of (4, 10) and (2, 7) into the
slope formula, resulting in . Next, the student could
have substituted the x- and y-coordinates of (6, 5) and the slope,
, into y = mx + b and solved for b:
, or b = 4. Since . This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely determined the slope of the line correctly but
subtracted 9 instead of adding when solving for b. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to write a linear function in slope-intercept
form when given a table.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely used the change in x divided by the change in y to find
the slope of the line and subtracted 4 instead of adding when solving for
b. The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a linear
function in slope-intercept form when given a table.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely used the change in x divided by the change in y to find
the slope of the line and correctly used the point (6, 5) to find the value
of b. The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a linear
function in slope-intercept form when given a table.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
decreases, 0.25
To complete the statement that describes the rate of change (constant
rate of increase or decrease) of the water level with respect to time, the
student could have chosen two points from the graph and calculated the
amount of change. The student could have used the ordered pairs (0, 9)
and (4, 8) and applied the slope formula, , resulting in
. Since the rate of change is negative, this
indicates that the water level is decreasing at a rate of 0.25 meter per
hour. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Option A is correct
To determine the function that best represents the graph, the student
could have identified the solutions (x-values when y is equal to zero) of
the function as u and v and used the solutions to construct and simplify
the equation of a quadratic function using h(x) = a(x u)(x v), where a,
u, and v represent values. The solutions can be identified as the x-values
where the parabola (U-shaped graph) crosses the x-axis (at x = 3 and
x = 1). Letting u = 3 and v = 1, the student could have substituted those
values into the equation h(x) = a(x u)(x v), resulting in
h(x) = a[x (3)](x 1) h(x) = a(x + 3)(x 1). The student could have
then multiplied the expressions (x + 3) and (x 1), resulting in
h(x) = a(x x + 3x 3) → h(x) = a(x
+ 2x 3). Next, the student could
have solved for a by substituting the coordinates of the vertex (high or
low point of the curve), (1, 4), into the function h(x) = a(x
+ 2x 3),
resulting in 4 = a((1)
+ 2(1) 3) → –4 = a(1 2 3) → –4 = 4a
a = 1. The student could have then substituted the value of a into the
function h(x) = a(x
+ 2x 3), resulting in h(x) = 1(x
+ 2x 3) →
h(x) = x
+ 2x 3. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely made a sign error when substituting u = 3 and v = 1
into the equation h(x) = a(x u)(x v), resulting in h(x) = a(x 3)(x + 1).
The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the
solutions of a quadratic function and write the equation of the function
using those solutions.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely made a sign error when substituting u = 3 and v = 1
into the equation h(x) = a(x u)(x v), resulting in h(x) = a(x + 3)(x + 1).
The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the
solutions of a quadratic function and write the equation of the function
using those solutions.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely made a sign error when substituting u = 3 and v = 1
into the equation h(x) = a(x u)(x v), resulting in h(x) = a(x 3)(x 1).
The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the
solutions of a quadratic function and write the equation of the function
using those solutions.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option D is correct
To determine the value of x, the student could have modeled the
equation by using the formula for the area of a rectangle (A = bh where
A is the area of the rectangle, b is the length of the base of the
rectangle, and h is the height of the rectangle) and the formula for the
area of a triangle ( , where A is the area of the triangle, b is the
length of the base of the triangle, and h is the height of the rectangle)
to find the expressions on either side of the equation. Substituting
b = 5 + 2x and h = 10 into the formula for the area of a rectangle, the
student should obtain (5 + 2x)(10) or 50 + 20x. Substituting b = 30 and
h = 4x 10 into the formula for the area of triangle, the student should
obtain   or 60x 150. Next, the student should have set
the two expressions equal one another since the area of the rectangle
is equal to the area of the triangle, resulting in 50 + 20x = 60x 150.
The student could have then subtracted 20x from both sides of the
equation, resulting in 50 = 40x 150, and then added 150 to both sides,
resulting in 200 = 40x. Finally, the student could have divided both
sides of the equation by 40, resulting in 5 = x, or x = 5. This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely subtracted 50 from 150 on the left side of the
equation instead of adding 150, resulting in 100 = 40x. Dividing by 40
on both sides, the student likely concluded that x = 2.5. The student
needs to focus on understanding the arithmetic of solving equations.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely used the incorrect formula for the area of a triangle,
resulting in 10(5 + 2x) = 2(30)(4x 10) → 10(5 + 2x) = 60(4x 10). Next,
the student likely distributed (multiplied) the number in front of the
parentheses to the terms inside the parentheses, resulting in
50 + 20x = 240x 600. After subtracting 20x from both sides and adding
600 to both sides, the student likely obtained the equation 650 = 220x.
Dividing by 220 on both sides, the student likely concluded that
x 2.95, which is close to x = 3. The student needs to focus on
understanding the arithmetic of solving equations.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely set the two given expressions equal, resulting in
5 + 2x = 4x 10. After subtracting 2x from both sides and adding 10 to
both sides, the student likely obtained the equation 15 = 2x. Dividing by
2 on both sides, the student likely concluded that x = 7.5. The student
needs to focus on understanding the arithmetic of solving equations.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine a factor of the given expression, 30x 4x 16, the
student could have found the factors (numbers or expressions that can
be multiplied to get another number or expression) of the expression.
The student could have first factored out the greatest common factor
(largest factor that divides evenly into all the terms) from each term,
2 2
resulting in 2(15x 2x 8). Next, the student could have multiplied 15x
by 8, resulting in 120x . The student then could have identified two
terms that have a product of 120x
and a sum of 2x, which are 12x
and 10x. Then the student could have rewritten the expression in
expanded form using these two terms, resulting in
2(15x 12x + 10x 8). The student could have grouped the first two
terms and last two terms of the expression and factored out the greatest
common factor (largest factor that divides evenly into all the terms) from
each group of terms, resulting in 2[3x(5x 4) + 2(5x 4)]. Next, the
student could have factored out the binomial (5x 4) from the
expression, resulting in the factored form 2(5x 4)(3x + 2). Finally, the
student could have recognized that (5x 4) is one of the factors of the
given expression. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely determined that two factors of 15x are 5x and 3x and
that two factors of 8 are 4 and 2 but disregarded the value of the
linear term of the quadratic expression, resulting in 2(5x + 4)(3x 2). The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression of
the form ax
+ bx + c.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely determined that two factors of 15x
are 5x and 3x and
that two factors of 8 are 4 and 2 but disregarded the value of the
linear term of the quadratic expression, resulting in 2(5x + 4)(3x 2). The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression of
the form ax
+ bx + c.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely determined that two factors of 15x
are 5x and 3x and
that two factors of 8 are 2 and 4 but disregarded the value of the
linear term of the quadratic expression, resulting in 2(5x + 2)(3x 4). The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression of
the form ax
+ bx + c.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine the correlation (measure of strength of a relationship
between two variables), the student should have determined the
correlation coefficient (a value represented by r that measures the
strength of a linear association) using the linear regression feature on a
graphing calculator. The correlation coefficient that best models this
data is r 0.09. Since the correlation coefficient is negative and close to
zero, the linear association is a weak negative correlation.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely interpreted the strength of the linear association
correctly but identified (1 + r) as the correlation coefficient. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to determine the
correlation coefficient between two quantitative variables and how to
interpret this quantity as a measure of the strength of the linear
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified (1 + r) as the correlation coefficient. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to determine the
correlation coefficient between two quantitative variables and how to
interpret this quantity as a measure of the strength of the linear
Option D is incorrect
The student likely identified the correlation coefficient but interpreted a
correlation coefficient close to zero as representing a strong negative
correlation. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
determine the correlation coefficient between two quantitative
variables and how to interpret this quantity as a measure of the strength
of the linear association.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
greater than 4, less
than or equal to 2
To determine the range (all possible y-values) of the part of the linear
function shown, the student could have identified all the values of y for
which the graph has an x-value. The graph extends from 4 at its lowest
point to 2 at its highest point and includes y = 2 and all y-values between
y = 4 and y = 2. Therefore, the range is all real numbers greater than 4
and less than or equal to 2. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option D is correct
To determine which statement is true, the student could have first
found the factors (numbers or expressions that can be multiplied to get
another number or expression) of 4x 36x + 81. The student could
have recognized that 4x
and 81 represent perfect squares (numbers
made by squaring whole numbers). Using this, the student could have
also noticed that the square root of 4x
is 2x and the square root of 81
is 9. Multiplying the two square roots gives 2x • 9 = 18x. Since 36x is
twice 18x, the student could have correctly realized that 4x 36x + 81
has the form of a perfect square trinomial a 2ab + b
, which factors
as (a b)
. In this case, a = 2x and b = 9, so that the factored form of
the function can be written as (2x 9)
. Finally, the student could have
solved for the zero (input value, x, that produces an output value, y, of
zero) by setting the factor equal to zero and solving for x, resulting in 2x
9 = 0 or . This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely determined that two factors of 4x
are 4x and x and
that two factors of 81 are 3 and 27 but disregarded the value of the
linear term of the quadratic equation, resulting in (4x 3)(x 27). The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression
representing a perfect square trinomial.
Option Bis incorrect
The student likely determined that two factors of 4x
are 2x and 2x and
that two factors of 81 are 3 and 27 but disregarded the value of the
linear term of the quadratic equation, resulting in (2x + 3)(2x + 27). The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression
representing a perfect square trinomial.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely incorrectly identified the perfect square trinomial
pattern as a difference of squares, resulting in (2x 9)(2x + 9). The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression
representing a perfect square trinomial.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
y, 0 or 0, y
To determine the equation of the asymptote (a line that a curve
approaches), the student could have used a graphing calculator to
generate the graph of y = 16(0.75)
. Since the graph is an exponential
curve that extends forever to the left and the right and never crosses the
x-axis (horizontal axis), the equation of the asymptote of the graph is
y = 0. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine the equivalent expression, the student could have
applied the power of a power property ((a = a
), resulting in
, or
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student multiplied both the numerator (top number in a fraction)
and the denominator (bottom number in a fraction) of the exponent
(power that a number is raised to) by 2, resulting in
, or
. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to use the properties of
exponents to simplify expressions with a power raised to a power.
Option B is incorrect
The student added instead of multiplying the exponents, resulting in
, or
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to use
the properties of exponents to simplify expressions with a power raised
to a power.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely added the numerator (top number in a fraction) of
the exponent to the power of 2, resulting in
, or
. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to use the properties of
exponents to simplify expressions with a power raised to a power.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine which statement is true, the student could have graphed
the quadratic function and analyzed the parabola (U-shaped graph). To
identify the domain (all possible x-values) of the function, the student
could have identified all the x-values for which the graph has a y-value.
The student could have determined that the graph continues to expand
upward and outward indefinitely, making the domain all real numbers.
To identify the range (all possible y-values) of the function, the student
could have identified all the y-values for which the graph has an x-value.
The student could have identified- the y-coordinate of the graph’s
lowest point, (2, 8), and all the y-values greater than that y-coordinate,
which means that the range is all values greater than or equal to 8, or
n(x) ≥ –8. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely identified the domain of the function as the
x-coordinate of the graph’s lowest point and all the x-values greater than
that x-coordinate, resulting in all values greater than or equal to 2, or
x 2. The student needs to focus on understanding how to represent the
domain of a quadratic function.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified the domain of the function as the positive
x-values, resulting in all values greater than or equal to 0, or x 0. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to represent the domain
of a quadratic function.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely identified the range of the function as the
y-coordinate of the graph’s y-intercept and all the y-values less than that
y-coordinate, resulting in all values less than or equal to 12, or n(x) 12.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to represent the
range of a quadratic function.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
7, 10, >, 100
To determine the inequality that represents all possible combinations of
hats, x, and T-shirts, y, in an order that qualifies for free shipping, the
student should have first identified that each hat costs $7 and each
T-shirt costs $10 and represented those costs by the expressions 7x and
10y. The total cost of the hats and T-shirts in an order should be
represented by the expression 7x + 10y. Then the student should have
realized that the phrase “is over” can be represented by the inequality
symbol “>”, so the phrase “is over $100 can be represented by “ > 100”.
Therefore, all possible combinations of x and y in an order that qualifies
for free shipping should be represented by the inequality 7x + 10y > 100.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine the best estimate for the miles per gallon when the speed
is 65 miles per hour, the student could have first used a graphing
calculator to generate the function using quadratic regression (a method
of determining a quadratic function, y = ax
+ bx + c, where a, b, and c are
real numbers). The quadratic function that best models the data is
y = 0.00734x
+ 0.689x + 14.115. Next, the student could have
substituted 65 for x in the function and solved for y, resulting in
y = 0.00734(65)
+ 0.689(65) + 14.115 = 27.8885. Therefore, 27.9
represents the best estimate for the miles per gallon when the speed is
65 miles per hour. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely generated the function using a linear regression (a
method of determining a linear function, y = mx + b, where m represents
the slope of the linear function and b represents the y-intercept),
resulting in y = 0.096x + 24.807. Next, the student likely substituted 65
for x in the function and solved for y, resulting in
y = 0.096(65) + 24.807 = 31.047. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write a quadratic function that was generated
using quadratic regression.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely generated the function using a linear regression using
only the first two ordered pairs in the table, resulting in y = 0.34x + 18.1.
Next, the student likely substituted 65 for x in the function and solved for
y, resulting in y = 0.34(65) + 18.1 = 40.2. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write a quadratic function that was generated
using quadratic regression.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely interpreted the point (40, 30.1) as the vertex (high or
low point of the curve) and chose the first y-value in the table. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to write a quadratic
function that was generated using quadratic regression.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine which exponential function models the given values, the
student could have recognized that an exponential function is of the
form p(x) = ab
, where a is the initial value (starting value), b is the
common factor (constant rate by which successive values increase or
decrease), and x is the variable (symbol used to represent an unknown
number). From the information given, the student could have
determined that the initial population of the town was 48,000,
resulting in a = 48,000. Next, the student could have determined the
common factor, b, by dividing the population of the town after one
year by the initial population, resulting in . Substituting
a = 48,000 and into the exponential function p(x) = ab
, the
student could have obtained
 . This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely correctly determined the value of b as . When
determining the initial value, a, the student likely used the value of p(x)
when x = 1 instead of when x = 0, resulting in a = 50,400. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to determine the initial value of
an exponential function from the given information.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified the initial value as the value of p(x) when
x = 1 instead of when x = 0, resulting in a = 50,400. Then the student
likely divided 1 by the population of the town when x = 0 to determine
the common factor, resulting in . The student needs to focus
on understanding how to determine the initial value and common
factor of an exponential function from the given information.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely correctly determined that the value of a is 48,000.
When determining the value of the common factor, b, the student
likely divided 1 by the population of the town after one year, resulting
in . The student needs to focus on understanding how to
determine the common factor of an exponential function from the
given information.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Option D is correct
To determine which graph represents functions f and g, the student
should have compared the slope (steepness of a straight line when
graphed on a coordinate grid; ) and y-intercept (value where
a line crosses the y-axis) of both lines on the grid. The graph of function f
increases at a rate of 1 (each time the x-value increases by 1 unit, the
y-value also increases by 1 unit) and has a y-intercept of 0. The graph of
function g increases at a rate of 3 (each time the x-value increases by 1
unit, the y-value increases by 3 units) and has a y-intercept of 0. The
difference between the two graphs is that the graph of function g is
increasing 3 times as fast as the graph of function f. This relationship is
best represented by the graph where each y-value of function g is 3
times the y-value of function f for the same x-value. This is an efficient
way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to
solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely identified the graph of a function g that has a slope of
1 instead of 3 and a y-intercept of 3 instead of 0. The student needs to
focus on understanding how transformations affect the slope and
y-intercept of the graph of a line.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely identified the graph of a function g that has a slope of
1 instead of 3 and a y-intercept of 3 instead of 0. The student needs to
focus on understanding how transformations affect the slope and
y-intercept of the graph of a line.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified the graph of a function g that has a slope of
instead of 3 and a y-intercept of 0. The student needs to focus on
understanding how transformations affect the slope and y-intercept of
the graph of a line.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine the quotient (answer when divided) represented by the
expression, the student could have eliminated the factors (numbers or
expressions that can be multiplied to get another number or expression)
in the numerator (top number in a fraction) that are in common with
factors in the denominator (bottom number or expression in a fraction).
To determine the factors of the numerator, 8w 20w 12, the student
could have first factored out the greatest common factor (largest factor
that can be divided evenly into all the terms) from each term, resulting
in 4(2w 5w 3). Next, the student could have multiplied 2w
by 3,
. The student then could have identified two terms that
have a product (answer when multiplied) of 6w
and a sum (answer
when added) of 5w, which are w and 6w. Then the student could have
rewritten the expression in expanded form using these two terms,
resulting in 4(2w 6w + w 3). The student could have grouped the
first two terms and last two terms of the expression and factored out the
greatest common factor from each group of terms, resulting in 4[2w(w
3) + 1(w 3)]. Next, the student could have factored out the binomial (w
3) from the expression, resulting in the factored form 4(w 3)(2w + 1).
Finally, the student could have recognized that (2w + 1) is a factor that
the numerator and denominator have in common and eliminated that
factor from both expressions, resulting in 4(w 3), or 4w 12. This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely determined that two factors of 8w are 4w and 2w
and that two factors of 12 are 12 and 1, but disregarded the value of
the linear term of the quadratic equation, resulting in (4w + 12)(2w + 1).
Then the student likely recognized that (2w + 1) is a factor that the
numerator and denominator have in common and eliminated that factor
from both expressions, resulting in 4w + 12. The student needs to focus
on understanding how to determine the quotient of a polynomial of
degree two divided by a polynomial of degree one.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely removed the greatest common factor from the
numerator before finding the quotient, resulting in or
. Then the student likely recognized that (2w + 1) is a factor
that the numerator and denominator have in common and eliminated
that factor from both expressions, resulting in w 3. The student needs
to focus on understanding how to determine the quotient of a
polynomial of degree two divided by a polynomial of degree one.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely removed the greatest common factor from the
numerator before finding the quotient, resulting in . Then, the
student likely determined that two factors of 2w are 2w and w, and that
two factors of 3 are 3 and 1, but disregarded the value of the linear
term of the quadratic equation, resulting in (2w + 1)(w + 3). Then, the
student likely recognized that (2w + 1) is a factor that the numerator and
denominator have in common and eliminated that factor from both
resulting in
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
expressions, resulting in w + 3. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to determine the quotient of a polynomial of degree
two divided by a polynomial of degree one.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine which ordered pair is in the solution set of ,
the student should have recognized that the “≤” symbol indicates that
the solution set of the inequality includes the points on the boundary
line. Next, the student could have used the test point (5, 4) to
determine which half-plane is included in the solution set. Substituting
(5, 4) into , the student could have obtained
  , which simplifies to 4 ≤ –3. Since that is a true
statement, the student could have concluded that the solution set of the
inequality is the half-plane that contains (5, 4). This is an efficient way
to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve
the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely interpreted the “≤” symbol in the inequality as
meaning “greater than or equal to” and identified an ordered pair in that
solution set. The student needs to focus on understanding the meaning
of the inequality symbol.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely used the point with coordinates of (9, 1) instead of
(9, 1) as a test point and substituted it into  resulting in
, which simplifies to –1 ≤ 0.6. Next, the student likely
concluded that the solution set of the inequality is the half-plane that
contains that point. The student needs to focus on understanding how
to determine whether an ordered pair is in the solution set of an
Option D is incorrect
The student likely reversed the coordinates of (8, 3) when using it as a
test point and substituted it into  resulting in
, which simplifies to 8 4.2. Next, the student likely
concluded that the solution set of the inequality is the half-plane that
contains that point. The student needs to focus on understanding how
to determine whether an ordered pair is in the solution set of an
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine which statement is true, the student could have used a
graphing calculator to generate the graph of p(x) = 7(4)
. Since the
graph is an exponential curve that extends infinitely to the left and the
right, the domain (all possible x-values) is all real numbers. No matter
which x-value is chosen, its corresponding y-value is negative; therefore,
the range (all possible y-values) is all real numbers less than 0. This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely identified the base (value of b in an exponential
function in the form of p(x) = ab
) of the exponential function, b = 4, as
representing the lower boundary of the domain of the function. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to identify and express
the domain and range of a function.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified the set of values of the range as the domain
and included zero. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
identify and express the domain and range of a function.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely identified the set of values of the domain as the range.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify and
express the domain and range of a function.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option D is correct
To determine which statement is true, the student could have analyzed
the parabola (U-shaped graph) graphed on the grid. The student could
have recognized that the graph of the function has exactly two
x-intercepts (points where the curve touches the x-axis [horizontal axis]),
which are located at (1, 0) and (3, 0). The student then should have
concluded that the zeros (input value, x, that produces an output value,
y, of zero) of the function are x = 1 and x = 3. The student could have
also recognized that the vertex (high or low point of the curve) of the
graph is located at (1, 4) and that the graph is facing downward; thus,
the maximum value of the function is 4. Next, the student could have
recognized that the axis of symmetry (an imaginary vertical line that
goes through the vertex of a parabola) is represented by the equation
x = n, where n represents the x-coordinate of the vertex. Therefore, the
equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of the function is x = 1.
This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods
could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely counted the y-intercept (value where a graph crosses
the y-axis) as a zero of the function. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the key features of a quadratic function
when given a graph of the function.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely used the greatest value of the x-intercept (value
where a graph crosses the x-axis), x = 3, as the maximum value of the
function. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify
the key features of a quadratic function when given a graph of the
Option C is incorrect
The student likely switched the coordinates in the vertex of the graph of
the function, resulting in (4, 1). The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the key features of a quadratic function
when given a graph of the function.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine the equivalent expression, the student could have
 as
 and then calculated the square root (a
value that when multiplied by itself is equal to the number under the
) of 100, to
, or 
. This is an efficient way to solve
the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the
problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely reversed the placement of the values after
calculating the
square root, resulting in
. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to simplify square roots.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely r
ewrote 600 as
25 • 24 and then used the 24 from
under the radical as the coefficient. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to simplify square roots.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely r
ewrote 600 as
25 • 24 and then used the 25 from
under the radical as the coefficient. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to simplify square roots.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine which statement is true, the student could have
recognized that the equation of a vertical line can be written as x = a,
where a is the value where the line intersects (crosses) the x-axis
(horizontal axis). Therefore, the equation of the line is x = 4. To
determine the slope (steepness of a straight line when graphed on a
coordinate grid, represented by ), the student should have
chosen two points on the line and substituted the corresponding values
in the equation for the slope of a line. Using (4, 0) and (4, 2),
, which is “undefined” because division by zero is not
possible. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely used the variable (symbol used to represent an
unknown number) y for the equation because the line is parallel to the
y-axis (vertical axis), and then used the x-value of 4 as the slope. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to write the equation of
a vertical line and on understanding that the slope of all vertical lines is
Option C is incorrect
The student likely used the correct variable, x, for the equation because
the line is perpendicular to the x-axis, but used the x-value of 4 as the
slope. The student needs to focus on understanding that the slope of
all vertical lines is undefined.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely found the correct slope of the line but used the
variable y for the equation because the line is parallel to the y-axis. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to write the equation of
a vertical line.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine the zero (input value, x, that produces an output value, y,
of zero) of linear function f, the student could have identified the
x-value where the line crosses the x-axis (horizontal axis), which is 2.
Therefore, the zero of f is 2. This is an efficient way to solve the
problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
Option A is incorrect
The student likely interpreted the zero of the function as representing
the opposite value of the slope (steepness of a straight line when
graphed on a coordinate grid, represented by ), which is 3.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify key
features of linear functions.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely interpreted the zero of the function as representing
the slope, which is 3. The student needs to focus on understanding how
to identify key features of linear functions.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely interpreted the zero of the function as representing
the y-value where the line crosses the y-axis (vertical axis), which is 6.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify key
features of linear functions.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine the solution to the system of linear equations, the
student could have used the elimination method. Multiplying the first
equation by 2 results in the equation 6x + 10y = 42. The student could
have added this to the second equation, 6x y = 15, to get the result
9y = 27. The student then could have divided both sides of the resulting
equation by 9, obtaining y = 3. Next, to find the corresponding value of
x, the student could have substituted y = 3 into the second equation,
resulting in 6x 3 = 15. Adding 3 to both sides of that equation results
in 6x = 12. Finally, the student could have divided both sides of the
equation by 6, resulting in x = 2. Since x = 2 and y = 3, the ordered
pair that is a solution to the system of equations is (2, 3). This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely multiplied the second equation by 5, obtaining
30x 5y = 75 but made a sign error when adding to the first equation,
resulting in 27x = 54. The student then likely divided both sides of
the resulting equation by 27, obtaining x = 2. Next, the student likely
substituted x = 2 into the second equation of the system, resulting in
6(2) y = 15 or 12 y = 15. Subtracting 12 from both sides of the
equation results in y = 27. Finally, the student likely divided both
sides of the equation by 1, resulting in y = 27. Since x = 2 and y = 27,
the student likely determined that the solution to the system of
equations is (2, 27). The student needs to focus on understanding how
to complete all the steps to calculate the solution to a system of
Option C is incorrect
The student likely used the elimination method incorrectly by adding
the two equations without eliminating a variable, resulting in
3x + 4y = 6. The student likely then recognized that (2, 0) is a solution to
the resulting equation, since 3(2) + 4(0) = 6. The student needs to focus
on understanding how to complete all the steps to calculate the
solution to a system of equations.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely multiplied the first equation by 2, obtaining
6x + 10y = 42, but made a sign error when adding to the second
equation, resulting in 9y = 27. The student then likely divided both
sides of the resulting equation by 9, obtaining y = 3. Next, the
student likely substituted y = 3 into the second equation, resulting in
6x + 3 = 15. Subtracting 3 from both sides of the equation results in
6x = 18. Finally, the student likely divided both sides of the equation
by 6, resulting in x = 3. Since x = 3 and y = 3, the student determined
that the solution to the system of equations is (3, 3). The student
needs to focus on understanding how to complete all the steps to
calculate the solution to a system of equations.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine which expressions are equivalent to 12x 48x + 48, the
student could have found the factors (numbers or expressions that can
be multiplied to get another number or expression) of the expression.
The student could have first factored out the greatest common factor
(largest factor that divides evenly into all the terms), 12, from each
term, resulting in 12(x 4x + 4). Next, the student could have
recognized that x
is equal to x times x and written x as the first term in
each factor. The student could then have determined that the second
terms in the factors are 2 and 2 because their product (answer when
multiplied) is 4 and their sum (answer when added) is 4. The student
could have then written the factors as 12(x 2)(x 2), or 12(x 2)
This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods
could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option E is correct
To determine which expressions are equivalent to 12x 48x + 48, the
student could have found the factors of the expression. The student
could have first factored out the greatest common factor, 12, from
each term, resulting in 12(x 4x + 4). This is an efficient way to solve
the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the
problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely made a sign error when factoring out the greatest
common factor from each term, resulting in 12(x
+ 4x + 4). The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression
of the form ax
+ bx + c.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely determined that two factors of x are x and x and
that two factors of 4 are 4 and 1 but disregarded the value of the
linear term of the quadratic equation, resulting in 12(x 4)(x 1). The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression
of the form ax
+ bx + c.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely made a sign error when factoring out the greatest
common factor from each term, resulting in 12(x
+ 4x + 4). Next, the
student likely determined that the first term in each factor is x and that
the second term in each factor is 2, resulting in 12(x + 2)(x + 2), or
12(x + 2)
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to factor
an expression of the form ax
+ bx + c.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option D is correct
To determine the quadratic function in vertex form (y = a(x h)
+ k,
where (h, k) is the vertex [high or low point of the curve] and a is the
coefficient of the quadratic term), the student could have identified the
vertex of the function as (h, k) and used the additional given point to
create the equation of the quadratic function. Letting h = 1 and k = 46,
the student could have substituted those values into the function
y = a(x h)
+ k, resulting in y = a(x 1)
+ 46. Next, the student could
have solved for a by substituting the coordinates of the additional point,
(3, 10), into the function y = a(x 1)
+ 46, resulting in 10 = a(3 1)
+ 46
→ 10 = 4a + 46 → –36 = 4a → –9 = a. The student could have then
substituted the value of a into the function y = a(x 1)
+ 46, resulting in
y = 9(x 1)
+ 46. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely subtracted 10 from 46 instead of subtracting 46 from
10 when solving for a, resulting in 36 = 4a or 9 = a. Then the student
likely identified the coordinates of the given point as the values of h and
k, resulting in y = 9(x 3)
+ 10. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write quadratic functions in vertex form.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely subtracted 10 from 46 instead of subtracting 46 from
10 when solving for a, resulting in 36 = 4a or 9 = a. The student likely
then substituted the value of a into the function y = a(x 1)
+ 46,
resulting in y = 9(x 1)
+ 46. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write quadratic functions in vertex form.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified the coordinates of the given point as the
values of h and k, resulting in y = 9(x 3)
+ 10. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to write quadratic functions in vertex form.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine which function (relationship where each input has a single
output) best models the data in the table, the student could have used a
graphing calculator to generate the function using linear regression (a
method of determining a linear function, y = mx + b, where m represents
the slope and b represents the y-intercept). The function that best
models the data is f(x) = 41x + 337, or f(x) = 337 41x. This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely correctly identified the slope of the linear function
and used the first y-coordinate from the table, y = 296, as the value of b,
the y-intercept. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
use technology to generate the equation of a function when given data
in a table or graph.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely generated the function using only the last two
ordered pairs from the table, (6, 89) and (7, 51). Substituting the two
ordered pairs into the formula for the slope of a line, the student likely
obtained . Next, the student likely substituted the
coordinates (7, 51) and the slope m = 38 into y = mx + b and solved for
b, resulting in 51 = 38(7) + b → 51 = 266 + b → 317 = b. Since b = 317
and m = 38, the student obtained the equation f(x) = 38x + 317, or
f(x) = 317 38x. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
use technology to generate the equation of a function when given data
in a table or graph.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely used only the last two ordered pairs from the table,
(6, 89) and (7, 51), to calculate the slope of the line and then used the
first y-coordinate from the table as the value of b, the y-intercept. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to use technology to
generate the equation of a function when given data in a table or graph.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option D is correct
To determine what 1.029 represents in the function w(t) = 270(1.029)
the student should have recognized that in an exponential function
w(t) = ab
, a represents the initial value (starting value), b is the
common factor (constant rate by which successive values increase or
decrease), and t is the variable (symbol used to represent an unknown
number). In this situation, the variable t represents the number of
years. In w(t) = 270(1.029)
, the student should have recognized that
the initial number of whales is 270 since a = 270. The student should
have also recognized that the number of whales are increasing at a rate
of 2.9% per year since b = 1.029 and that 1.029 represents the growth
factor of the number of whales since 1.029 > 1.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely interpreted b = 1.029 as the initial number of whales
in the North Atlantic Ocean, instead of recognizing that b = 1.029 is a
growth factor since b > 1 and that a = 270 is the initial value. The
student needs to focus on interpreting the meaning of the values of a
and b of an exponential function in the form w(t) = ab
Option B is incorrect
The student likely interpreted b = 1.029 as the decay factor of the
number of whales in the North Atlantic Ocean, which indicates a
decrease of 2.9% per year, instead of recognizing that b = 1.029 is a
growth factor since b > 1. The student needs to focus on interpreting
the meaning of the values of a and b of an exponential function in the
form w(t) = ab
Option C is incorrect
The student likely interpreted b = 1.029 as the number of whales in the
North Atlantic Ocean at the end of the first year, instead of recognizing
that b = 1.029 is a growth factor since b > 1 and that the value of w(t)
when t = 1 is the number of whales at the end of the first year. The
student needs to focus on interpreting the meaning of the values of a
and b of an exponential function in the form w(t) = ab
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Option C is correct
To determine the slope (steepness of a straight line graphed on a
coordinate grid) of the line, the student could have used the given
ordered pairs and applied the slope formula, Substituting
the x-values and y-values of (−2, 2) and (4, 2) into the slope formula,
the student could have calculated . This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely calculated the slope as the change in the y-values
divided by the change in the x-values but made a sign error. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to use the formula for the slope of
a line when given two ordered pairs.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely calculated the slope as the change in the x-values
divided by the change in the y-values, . The
student needs to focus on understanding how to use the formula for the
slope of a line when given two ordered pairs.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely calculated the slope as the change in the x-values
divided by the change in the y-values and made a sign error. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to use the formula for the slope of
a line when given two ordered pairs.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine the solution to the equation 5(2w + 4) = 4(2w + 9), the
student could first have distributed (multiplied) the number in front of
the parentheses to the terms inside the parentheses, resulting in
10w + 20 = 8w + 36. Next, the student could have subtracted 8w from
both sides of the equation, resulting in 2w + 20 = 36. The student then
could have subtracted 20 from both sides of the equation, resulting in
2w = 16. Finally, the student could have divided both sides of the
equation by 2, resulting in w = 8. This is an efficient way to solve the
problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
Option A is incorrect
The student likely distributed only to the first terms in the parentheses,
resulting in 10w + 4 = 8w + 9. Then, subtracting 8w and subtracting 4
from both sides of the equation, the student likely obtained 2w = 5.
Finally, dividing both sides of the equation by 2, the student likely
found that . The student needs to focus on understanding how to
apply the distributive property when solving equations.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely added instead of subtracting when moving terms
across the equal sign, resulting in 10w + 20 = 8w + 36 → 18w = 56.
Dividing both sides of the equation by 18, the student likely found that
 
. The student needs to focus on understanding the
arithmetic of solving equations.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely used addition instead of multiplication when
distributing and distributed only to the first terms in the parentheses,
resulting in 7w + 4 = 6w + 9. Then, subtracting 6w and subtracting 4
from both sides of the equation, the student likely obtained w = 5. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to apply the distributive
property when solving equations.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Option D is correct
To determine the best estimate of the price of a discounted ticket for
the baseball game, the student could have graphed the first equation
and the second equation on the same coordinate plane and estimated
the coordinates of the point where the two lines intersect (cross) given
the graph of the first equation. The student then could have estimated
that the two lines intersect at (13.95, 11.15). Since y represents the price
of a discounted ticket in dollars, the student could have concluded that
the price of a discounted ticket is $11.15. This is an efficient way to solve
the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the
problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely estimated the price of a standard ticket instead of
estimating the price of a discounted ticket, resulting in $13.95. The
student needs to focus on interpreting the point of intersection of two
intersecting lines.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely overestimated the price of a standard ticket instead of
estimating a discounted ticket, resulting in $14.55. The student needs to
focus on estimating the solution to a system of equations using the
graphing method.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely divided the total amount of ticket sales by the sum
(answer when added) of the number of standard tickets sold and the
number of discounted tickets sold, resulting in
 
. The student needs to focus on estimating the
 
solution to a system of equations using the graphing method.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Option A is correct
To determine the first four terms of the sequence
where f(1) = 27, the student could have substituted n = 2, n = 3, and
n = 4 into the function to determine the second, third, and fourth terms
of the sequence, respectively. Since f(1) = 27, the student should have
concluded that the first term of the sequence is 27. Substituting n = 2
into the function, the student could have obtained
 so the second term of the
sequence is 9. Substituting n = 3 into the function, the student could
have obtained
 so the third
term of the sequence is 3. Last, substituting n = 4 into the function, the
student could have obtained
 so the fourth term of the
sequence is 1. The first four terms of the sequence are 27, 9, 3, 1. This is
an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely multiplied by 3 instead of multiplying by when
evaluating the function for n = 2, n = 3, and n = 4, resulting in the terms
27, 81, 243, 729. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
identify terms of a geometric sequence when the sequence is given in
function form using a recursive process.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified as the first term of the sequence and then
added 27 to the numerator (top number in a fraction) for each
  
additional term, resulting in the terms , , , . The student needs to
focus on understanding how to identify terms of a geometric sequence
when the sequence is given in function form using a recursive process.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely identified as the first term of the sequence and then
multiplied the denominator (bottom number in a fraction) by 27 for
each additional term, resulting in the terms , , , . The
  
student needs to focus on understanding how to identify terms of a
geometric sequence when the sequence is given in function form using a
recursive process.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Option B is correct
To determine the range (all possible y-values) of g, the student could
have plotted the six ordered pairs presented in the table on a coordinate
grid and analyzed the shape of the graph. The student could have
plotted points at , (1, 4), , (2, 4), , and (3, 2) on a
coordinate grid and determined that the points of the graph represent a
parabola (U-shaped graph). Since the graph of the parabola opens
downward, the maximum value should be identified as because the
vertex (high point of the curve) is the same distance horizontally
from the points (1, 4) and (2, 4), which means the vertex must be
halfway between the two points. Therefore, the range of function g is all
real numbers less than or equal to . This is an efficient way to solve the
problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
Option A is incorrect
The student likely identified the x-coordinate, instead of the
y-coordinate, of the vertex as the maximum value of the range. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to represent the range of
a quadratic function from a table of values.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified the x-coordinate, instead of the
y-coordinate, of the vertex as the boundary for the range and did not
recognize that the parabola opens downward. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to represent the range of a quadratic
function from a table of values.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely identified the y-coordinate of the vertex as the
boundary for the range but did not recognize that the parabola opens
downward. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
represent the range of a quadratic function from a table of values.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine which expression is equivalent to (2a + 5)(3a 2), the
student could have multiplied each term in the factor (2a + 5) by each
term in the factor (3a 2) and then combined like terms (terms that
contain the same variables raised to the same powers or constant
terms). The multiplication steps are 2a(3a 2) + 5(3a 2), resulting in
6a 4a + 15a 10. The student could have combined like terms to
obtain 6a
+ 11a 10. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely multiplied each term in the factor (2a + 5) by each
term in the factor (3a 2) but determined the product of 2a and 3a to
be 6a instead of 6a
. The student likely multiplied 2a(3a 2) + 5(3a 2)
to get a result of 6a 4a + 15a 10, and then combined like terms,
resulting in 17a 10. The student needs to focus on understanding how
to find the product of two binomials.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely multiplied only the first terms and the last terms in
the two factors, resulting in 2a(3a) + 5(2), or 6a 10. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to find the product of two
Option D is incorrect
The student likely did not apply the negative sign when distributing
(2a + 5) to the factor (3a 2), resulting in 6a
+ 4a + 15a + 10. The
student likely then combined like terms to obtain 6a
+ 19a + 10. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to find the product of
two binomials.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option D is correct
To determine the linear function that models the total cost, t, for a
single order of c cartridges, the student could have used the slope-
intercept form of a linear equation (t = mc + b, where m represents the
slope of the line and b represents the value of the t-intercept). The
student could have identified the slope and y-intercept from the
situation. Since the printer ink cost is a constant rate, $18.99 per
cartridge, the student could have recognized that this represents the
slope of the function, so m = 18.99. Since the shipping fee is a flat rate,
$7.95, no matter the number of cartridges purchased in a single order,
the student could have recognized that this represents the initial value
(when c = 0) or t-intercept of the function, so b = 7.95. Therefore, the
linear function that models the total cost for a single order of cartridges
is t = 18.99c + 7.95. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely reversed the variables (symbols used to represent an
unknown number) in the function and added the cost per cartridge and
the shipping fee, resulting in c = 26.94t. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write linear functions given a description of a
Option B is incorrect
The student likely reversed the variables in the function, resulting in
c = 18.99t + 7.95. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
write linear functions given a description of a situation.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely added the cost per cartridge and the shipping fee,
resulting in t = 26.94c. The student needs to focus on understanding
how to write linear functions given a description of a situation.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
4, 4
To determine the correct value of the exponent for each term, the
student could have applied the negative exponent property,
to the y in the denominator (bottom of a fraction), resulting in
6 2 1
x y
÷ x y . Next, the student could have applied the quotient of powers
property, , to the factors containing x and y, resulting in
6 2 3 (1) 4 4
x y = x y . This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Option C is correct
To determine the function that models the number of students
participating in sports after x years, the student could have used an
exponential function of the form f(x) = ab
, where a is the initial value
(starting value), b is the common factor (constant rate by which
successive values increase or decrease), and x is the variable (symbol
used to represent an unknown number). From the given information,
the student could have determined that the initial number of students
who participated in sports was 317, so a = 317. The student should have
recognized that since the number of students who participate in sports
increases, this situation represents exponential growth, with a growth
factor of b = 1 + 0.04, or b = 1.04. Substituting a = 317 and b = 1.04 into
the exponential function f(x) = ab
, the student could have obtained
f(x) = 317(1.04)
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely identified the correct initial value, a = 317, but used
the growth rate, 4%, as the growth factor, resulting in f(x) = 317(4)
. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to determine the
common factor of an exponential function from the given information.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely identified the growth rate, 4%, as a rate of change
(constant rate of increase or decrease) and represented the situation
with a linear function instead of an exponential function, resulting in
f(x) = 4x + 317. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
determine the initial value and common factor of an exponential
function from the given information.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely identified the growth factor, b = 1.04, as a constant
rate of change and represented the situation with a linear function
instead of an exponential function, resulting in f(x) = 1.04x + 317. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to determine the initial
value and common factor of an exponential function from the given
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option D is correct
To determine which system of equations (two or more equations
containing the same set of variables [symbols used to represent
unknown numbers]) represents the graph of the two lines, the student
could write each equation in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b, where m
is the slope and b is the y-intercept) and then convert each equation to
standard form (ax + by = c where a, b, and c are integers).
To find the equation for line a, the student could have used the first
two sets of values in the table and applied the slope formula,
 
, resulting in . Next, the student
could have substituted one of the ordered pairs from the table, (4, 9),
and the slope, m = 6, into y = mx + b and solved for b, resulting in
9 = 6(4) + b → –9 = 24 + b 15 = b. Since b = 15 and m = 6, the
equation for line a in slope-intercept form is y = 6x + 15. To convert
the equation from slope-intercept form to standard form, the student
could have added 6x to both sides of the equation, resulting in
6x + y = 15.
To find the equation for line b, the student could have used the first
two sets of values in the table and applied the slope formula,
 
, resulting in . Next, the student
 
could have substituted one of the ordered pairs from the table,
(1, 12), and the slope, m = 3, into y = mx + b and solved for b,
resulting in 12 = 3(1) + b → –12 = 3 + b → –9 = b. Since b = 9 and
m = 3, the equation for line b in slope-intercept form is y = 3x 9. To
convert the equation from slope-intercept form to standard form, the
student could have added 3x to both sides of the equation, resulting in
3x + y = 9.
This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods
could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely identified the slopes as positive instead of negative
and multiplied the y-term and constant by the coefficient of the x-term
in each equation, resulting in 6y = x + 90 for line a and 3y = x 27 for
line b. The student likely then converted the equations from slope-
intercept form to standard form by subtracting the y-term and the
constant value from both sides of the equations, obtaining x 6y = 90
for line a and x 3y = 27 for line b. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write a linear function in standard form when
given a table.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely multiplied the y-term and constant by the coefficient
of the x-term in each equation, resulting in 6y = x + 90 for line a and
3y = x 27 for line b. The student likely then converted the equations
from slope-intercept form to standard form by adding the x- and
y-terms on one side of the equations, obtaining x + 6y = 90 for line a
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
and x + 3y = 27 for line b. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write a linear function in standard form when
given a table.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely identified the y-intercepts but identified the slopes
as positive instead of negative before converting the equations into
standard form, resulting in y = 6x + 15 for line a and y = 3x 9 for line b.
The student likely then converted the equations from slope-intercept
form to standard form by subtracting the y-term and the constant
value from both sides of the equation, obtaining 6x y = 15 for line a
and 3x y = 9 for line b. The student needs to focus on understanding
how to write a linear function in standard form when given a table.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
3, 9
To determine the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of g, the
student could have identified f(x) = x as the quadratic parent function
and recognized that the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of f are
(0, 0). The student could have recognized that f(x 3) represents the
vertex of the graph of f shifted 3 units to the right. Then the student
could have recognized that 9 in g(x) = f(x 3) 9 represents the vertex
of the graph of f shifted down 9 units. Thus, the coordinates of the
vertex of the graph of g are (3, 9). This is an efficient way to solve the
problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine which expression is equivalent to 24gh 12g
+ 18g, the
student could have determined that 6g is the greatest common factor
(largest factor [numbers multiplied together to produce another
number] that the numbers share) of 24gh, 12g , and 18g. Because
6g(4h) = 24gh, 6g(2g) = 12g
, and 6g(3) = 18g, the student could have
factored out 6g from the expression, resulting in 6g(4h 2g + 3). This is
an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could
be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely recognized that 6g is the greatest common factor but
did not factor out the 6 from the last two terms, resulting in
6g(4h 12g + 18). The student needs to focus on understanding how to
identify the greatest common factor of an expression.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely recognized that 12g is the greatest common factor
for the first two terms but did not factor out the 12 from the last two
terms, resulting in 12g(2h 12g + 18). The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the greatest common factor of an
Option D is incorrect
The student likely recognized that 12g is the greatest common factor
for the first two terms but divided the last term by 6g, resulting in
12g(2h g + 3). The student needs to focus on understanding how to
identify the greatest common factor of an expression.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option D is correct
To determine the cost per click on Website 1, the student could set up
and solved a system of equations (two or more equations containing
the same set of variables [symbols used to represent unknown
numbers]). If x represents the cost per click on Website 1 and y
represents the cost per click on Website 2, the student could have set
up two equations:
15x + 29y = 94.15 (15 clicks on Website 1 and 29 clicks on Website 2 on
Monday for a total cost of $94.14) and
25x + 29y = 121.15 (25 clicks on Website 1 and 29 clicks on Website 2
on Tuesday for a total cost of $121.15).
Next, the student could have solved the system of equations using the
elimination method. Subtracting the first equation from the second
equation to eliminate the term containing y, the student could have
obtained 10x = 27. Dividing both sides of the equation by 10, the
student could have obtained the result x = 2.7. Since x represents the
cost per click on Website 1, the student could have concluded that the
cost is $2.70. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely set up and solved the system of equations correctly
but switched the values of x and y, concluding that the cost per click on
Website 1 was $1.85 instead of $2.70. The student needs to focus on
understanding what value each variable represents in terms of the
situation when solving a system of equations.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely found the sum of the number of clicks on Website 1,
15 + 25 = 40, and the sum of the total costs, 94.15 + 121.15 = 215.3,
and then divided the sums, obtaining . Last, the student
likely rounded 5.3825 to 5.38. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write a system of equations from a verbal
Option C is incorrect
The student likely found the sum of the numbers of clicks on Website 1
and Website 2, 15 + 25 + 29 + 29 = 98, and the sum of the total costs,
94.15 + 121.15 = 215.3, and then divided the sums, obtaining
. Last, the student likely rounded 2.1969 to 2.20. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to write a system of
equations from a verbal description.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine the solutions to k(x) = 0, the student could have used the
quadratic formula ( , where a, b, and c are the
coefficients of the quadratic equation ax
+ bx + c = 0) to solve for x.
The student could have recognized that a = 1, b = 32, and c = 248, since
the quadratic equation is x
+ 32x + 248 = 0. Next, the student could
have substituted a = 1, b = 32, and c = 248 into the quadratic formula
and evaluated, resulting in
 
 
. Therefore, the solutions to k(x) = 0 are
and 
This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods
could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely used the quadratic formula to solve for x but started
the formula with b instead of b in the numerator (top number or
expression in a fraction), resulting in
 
 
The student needs to focus on understanding how to apply the
quadratic formula when finding solutions to a quadratic equation.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely used the quadratic formula to solve for x but started
the formula with a instead of 2a in the denominator (bottom number
or expression in a fraction), resulting in
 
 
The student needs to focus on understanding how to apply the
quadratic formula when finding solutions to a quadratic equation.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely used the quadratic formula to solve for x but started
the formula with b instead of b in the numerator and with a instead of
2a in the denominator, resulting in
 
 
The student needs to focus on understanding how to apply the
quadratic formula when finding solutions to a quadratic equation.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine which statement is true about the graph that represents
the relationship between the value of a device in dollars and the
number of years since the device was purchased, the student could
have modeled the exponential function in the form y = ab
, where a is
the initial value (starting value), b is the common factor (rate by which
successive values increase or decrease), and x is the variable (symbol
used to represent an unknown number) and then used a graphing
calculator to generate the graph of the function. From the given
information, the student could have determined that the initial value of
the electronic device was $650, so a = 650. The student should have
recognized that since the value of the electronic device decreases by
30%, this situation represents exponential decay, with a decay factor of
b = 1 0.3, or b = 0.7. Substituting a = 650 and b = 0.7 into the
exponential function y = ab
, the student could have obtained
y = 650(0.7)
. Next, the student could have used a graphing calculator
to generate the graph of y = 650(0.7)
. Since the graph is an exponential
curve that extends infinitely to the left and the right and never crosses
the x-axis (horizontal axis), the equation of asymptote (a line that a
curve approaches) of the graph is y = 0. Next, the student could have
recognized that the y-intercept (value where a graph crosses the y-axis)
of the graph is 650. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely identified the initial value as the value of y when
x = 1 instead of when x = 0, resulting in a = 455. Substituting a = 455
and b = 0.7 into the exponential function y = ab
, the student likely
obtained y = 455(0.7)
. Next, the student likely recognized that the
y-intercept of the graph is 455. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the key features of exponential
Option C is incorrect
The student likely confused horizontal with vertical when describing
the asymptote of the graph of the function. The student needs to focus
on understanding how to identify the key features of exponential
Option D is incorrect
The student likely interpreted the rate of decrease as the horizontal
asymptote. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
identify the key features of exponential functions.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
solid boundary line
with a slope of 1 and
y-intercept 2; shaded
half plane that does
not include test point
(0, 0)
To determine the solution set for the linear inequality y ≥ –x + 2, the
student should have recognized that the graph of the solution set of the
inequality would have a boundary line that is solid because the “≥”
symbol indicates that the solution set includes the boundary line. The
student should have recognized that the y-intercept of the inequality is 2
and the slope is 1 and graphed the line. Next, the student could have
used the test point (0, 0) to determine which half plane is included in the
solution set. Substituting (0, 0) into y x + 2, the student could have
obtained 0 ≥ 0 + 2, or 0 ≥ 2. Since that is a false statement, the student
could have then concluded that the solution set of the inequality is the
half plane that does not contain (0, 0) and shaded that region. This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine the equation that best represents the line that passes
through point P and is parallel (lines that do not intersect [cross] and
are always the same distance from each other) to line m, the student
could have first chosen two points from the graph of line m and
calculated the slope (steepness of a straight line when graphed on a
coordinate grid, represented by ). The student could have
substituted the x- and y-coordinates of (0, 3) and (2, 0) from the graph
of line m into the slope formula, resulting in . Since
parallel lines have the same slope, the student should have concluded
that the line passing through point P has a slope of . Next, the student
could have substituted the x- and y-coordinates of point P, (2, 2), and
into y = mx + b and solved for b, resulting in
, or
b = 5. Since b = 5 and , the equation of the line that passes
through point P and is parallel to line m is . This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely identified the correct slope for both lines but
switched the x- and y-coordinates of point P when substituting into
y = mx + b, resulting in 
, or b = 5. Since b = 5 and
, the student likely obtained the equation . The
student needs to focus on understanding how to determine the
y-intercept of a line that is parallel to a given line.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely used the slope of the line that passes through point P
and is perpendicular to line m, which is . Next, the student likely
substituted the x- and y-coordinates of point P, (2, 2), and
into y = mx + b and solved for b, resulting in
, or
. Since and , the student likely obtained the
equation . The student needs to focus on understanding
how to determine the slope of a line that is parallel to a given line.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely used the slope of the line that passes through point P
and is perpendicular to line m and switched the x- and y-coordinates of
point P when substituting into y = mx + b, resulting in
or . Since and , the student
likely obtained the equation . The student needs to focus
on understanding how to determine the slope and y-intercept of a line
that is parallel to a given line.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option A is correct
To determine which equation is equivalent to S = Ph + 2B when solved
for B, the student could have first subtracted Ph from both sides of the
equation, resulting in S Ph = 2B. Next, the student could have divided
both sides of the equation by 2, resulting in . This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely divided both sides of the equation by Ph and then
multiplied both sides of the equation by 2, resulting in . The
student needs to focus on understanding the arithmetic of solving
literal equations.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely multiplied both sides of the equation by Ph instead
of subtracting, resulting in . The student needs to focus on
understanding the arithmetic of solving literal equations.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely subtracted 2 from both sides of the equation and
then divided both sides of the equation by Ph, resulting in The
student needs to focus on understanding the arithmetic of solving
literal equations.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine which graph could represent the part of a linear function
(a function representing a straight line) given x > 5 and y < 2, the
student could have identified the graph containing an open circle at the
point with coordinates (5, 2) and a partial line that continues down and
to the right infinitely (as represented by the arrow) since y < 2 and
x > 5. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely interpreted x > 5 as meaning x is less than 5 and y < 2
as meaning y is greater than 2, resulting in a graph that contains an
open circle at the point with coordinates (5, 2) and a partial line that
continues up and to the left infinitely. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the domain and range of a linear
function from a graph.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely interpreted x > 5 as meaning x is less than 5, resulting
in a graph that contains an open circle at the point with coordinates
(5, 2) and a partial line that continues down and to the left infinitely.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the
domain and range of a linear function from a graph.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely interpreted y < 2 as meaning y is greater than 2,
resulting in a graph that contains an open circle at the point with
coordinates (5, 2) and a partial line that continues up and to the right
infinitely. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify
the domain and range of a linear function from a graph.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option B is correct
To determine the value of g(20), the student should have substituted
20 for x in the function (relationship where each input value has a
single output value) and then simplified the function, resulting in
g(20) = 6(2(20) + 7) = 6(40 + 7) = 6(47) = 282.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely added 6 to 2x before evaluating the function,
obtaining 8x + 7. The student then likely substituted x = 20 into the
function, resulting in g(20) = 8(20) + 7 = 160 + 7 = 167. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to apply the order of operations
when simplifying a numeric expression.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely added 20 and 7 before multiplying 20 by 2, resulting
in 6(2(20 + 7)) = 6(2(27)) = 6(54) = 324. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to apply the order of operations when simplifying a
numeric expression.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely distributed (multiplied) the factor 6 to 2x but not to
7, obtaining 12x + 7. The student then likely substituted x = 20 into the
function, resulting in g(20) = 12(20) + 7 = 240 + 7 = 247. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to apply the order of operations
when simplifying a numeric expression.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine the x-intercept (value where a graph crosses the x-axis)
and y-intercept (value where a graph crosses the y-axis) of the line, the
student could have determined that the graph of the linear function
intersects (crosses) the x-axis when x = 2, so the x-intercept is (2, 0).
Next, the student could have determined that the graph of the linear
function intersects the y-axis when y = 8, so the y-intercept is (0, 8).
This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods
could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely switched the intercepts. The student needs to focus
on understanding how to identify the intercepts of a linear function
when given a graph.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely chose the correct value for the x-intercept but used
the slope (steepness of a straight line when graphed on a coordinate
grid, represented by ) of the line as the y-intercept. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the intercepts
of a linear function when given a graph.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely chose the correct value for the y-intercept but used
the slope of the line as the x-intercept. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the intercepts of a linear function when
given a graph.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine the values that best represent the zeros (input values, x,
that produce an output value, y, of zero) of the function, the student
could have identified the x-values where the graph crosses the x-axis
(horizontal axis), which are 1 and 3. Therefore, the zeros of the
function are x = 1 and x = 3. This is an efficient way to solve the
problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
Option D is correct
To determine the values that best represent the zeros of the function,
the student could have identified the x-values where the graph crosses
the x-axis, which are 1 and 3. Therefore, the zeros of the function are
x = 1 and x = 3. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely identified the x-coordinate of the vertex (high or low
point of the curve) as a zero of the function, resulting in x = 1. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the key
features of a quadratic function when given a graph of the function.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely identified the y-coordinate of the vertex as a zero of
the function, resulting in x = 4. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the key features of a quadratic function
when given a graph of the function.
Option E is incorrect
The student likely identified the x-coordinate of the y-intercept (value
where a graph crosses the y-axis) as a zero of the function, resulting in
x = 0. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the
key features of a quadratic function when given a graph of the function.
Option F is incorrect
The student likely identified the y-coordinate of the y-intercept as a
zero of the function, resulting in x = 3. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the key features of a quadratic function
when given a graph of the function.
2023 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item #
Option C is correct
To determine the rate of change (constant rate of increase or decrease)
of height off the ground with respect to the number of steps, the
student could have chosen two points from the table and calculated
the rate of change. The student could have used the first two sets of
values in the table and applied the slope formula, , resulting
 
in . Therefore, the rate of change is 7 inches per
step. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely calculated the change in y but did not divide by the
change in x, resulting in 14 inches per step. The student needs to focus
on understanding that the rate of change of a linear relationship is
equal to the change in the values of the dependent variable divided by
the corresponding change in the values of the independent variable.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely calculated the change in x over the change in y,
resulting in inch per step. The student needs to focus on
understanding that the rate of change of a linear relationship is equal
to the change in the values of the dependent variable divided by the
corresponding change in the values of the independent variable.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely calculated the change in x over the change in y and
used 1 as the change in x, resulting in inch per step. The student
needs to focus on understanding that the rate of change of a linear
relationship is equal to the change in the values of the dependent
variable divided by the corresponding change in the values of the
independent variable.