Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
1 Option D is correct To determine the x-intercepts (values where a graph crosses the x-axis [horizontal axis]) from the
graph of a quadratic function, the student should have determined that the graph of function r
intersects (crosses) the x-axis where x = −10 and x = 2, so the x-intercepts are (−10, 0) and (2, 0).
To find the y-intercept (value where a graph crosses the y-axis [vertical axis]), the student should
have determined that the graph of function r intersects the y-axis where y = −5, so the y-intercept is
at (0, −5).
Option A is incorrect The student switched the values of the x- and y-intercepts and reversed the signs of the intercepts, likely
because of confusion about the relationship between the intercepts and the factored form of a quadratic
equation. In addition, the student switched the x- and y-coordinates of the ordered pairs. In choosing
(5, 0) as the x-intercept, the student confused the x-intercept with the y-intercept (y = 5), reversed the
sign, and placed the intercept in the x-coordinate position. In choosing (0, 10) and (0, 2) as
y-intercepts, the student confused the y-intercept (y = −5) with the x-intercepts (x = −10 and x = 2),
reversed the signs, and placed the intercepts in the y-coordinate positions. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the intercepts of a quadratic function when given a graph.
Option B is incorrect The student chose the correct values for the intercepts but switched the x- and y-coordinates of the
ordered pairs. The x-intercepts are located at −10 and 2, but the correct ordered pairs are (10, 0) and
(2, 0) instead of (0, −10) and (0, 2). Similarly, the student chose the correct location of the y-intercept
but transposed the values of the coordinates; the correct ordered pair is (0, 5) instead of (−5, 0). The
student needs to focus on understanding the correct order of the values in an ordered pair.
Option C is incorrect The student switched the values of the x- and y-intercepts and reversed the signs of the intercepts, likely
because of confusion about the relationship between the intercepts and the factored form of a quadratic
equation. In choosing (0, 5) as the x-intercept, the student confused the x-intercept with the y-intercept
and reversed the sign. In choosing (10, 0) and (−2, 0) as y-intercepts, the student confused the
y-intercept with the x-intercepts and reversed the signs. The student needs to focus on understanding
how to identify the intercepts of a quadratic function when given a graph and on understanding the
correct order of the values in an ordered pair.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
2 Option H is correct To determine the rate of change (constant rate of increase or decrease) of the number of items the
worker packed in boxes with respect to the number of minutes the worker has been packing items in
boxes, the student could have chosen two points from the table and calculated the amount of change. The
student could have used the first two sets of values in the table and applied the slope formula,
, resulting in
28 20 8
7 5 2
= = =
Therefore, the rate of change is 4 items packed per
minute. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the
problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely subtracted the first two values in the Number of Items Packed column (28 20 = 8),
disregarding the corresponding change in the number of minutes. The student needs to focus on
understanding that the rate of change of a linear relationship is equal to the change in the values of the
dependent variable divided by the corresponding change in the values of the independent variable.
Option G is incorrect The student likely found the average of the values in the Number of Items Packedcolumn,
20 28 44 56 148
+ + +
. The student needs to focus on understanding that the rate of change of a
linear relationship is equal to the change in the values of the dependent variable divided by the
corresponding change in the values of the independent variable.
Option J is incorrect The student likely used the first row of values from the table and subtracted 5 from 20 (20 5 = 15). The
student needs to focus on understanding that the rate of change of a linear relationship is equal to the
change in the values of the dependent variable divided by the corresponding change in the values of the
independent variable.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
3 Option B is correct To determine the system of equations that is best represented by the graph, the student could have
found the equation of each line shown in the graph in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b, where
represents the slope of the line and b represents the value of the y-intercept). To find the
equation of the line that is increasing from left to right, the student could have recognized that the
graph intersects the y-axis at (0, −3), so the value of the y-intercept, b, is −3. The student could
have substituted the x- and y-coordinates of (0, −3) and (−5, −5) into the slope formula, resulting in
( )
5 0 5 5
= = =
. Since b = −3 and
m =
, the equation for the line that is increasing from left
to right is
. Similarly, to find the equation of the line that is decreasing from left to right,
the student could recognize that the graph intersects the y-axis at (0, −8), so the value of the
y-intercept, b, is −8. The student could have substituted the x- and y-coordinates of (0, −8) and
(−5, −5) into the slope formula, resulting in
( )
5 0 5 5
= = =
. Since b = −8 and
m =−
, the
equation for the line that is increasing from left to right is
This is an efficient way to
solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely found the correct slope of each line but reversed the values of the y-intercepts,
using −8 for the value of b in the line that is increasing and −3 for the value of b in the line that is
decreasing. The student needs to focus on correctly identifying the y-intercept of a linear equation
when given a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option C is incorrect
The student likely used the reciprocal of the slope formula,
to calculate the slopes as
( )
5 0 5 5
= = =
for the line that is increasing and
( )
5 0 5 5
= = =
for the line that is
decreasing. In addition, the student likely switched the values of the y-intercepts, using −8 for the
value of b in the line that is increasing and −3 for the value of b in the line that is decreasing. The
student needs to focus on correctly applying the slope formula and correctly identifying the
y-intercept of a linear equation when given a graph.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely used the reciprocal of the slope formula,
, to calculate the slopes as
( )
5 0 5 5
= = =
for the line that is increasing and
( )
5 0 5 5
= = =
for the line that is
decreasing. The student correctly identified the values of the y-intercepts. The student needs to focus
on correctly applying the slope formula.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
4 Option J is correct To determine whether a graph represents y as a function of x, the student could have recalled that a
function represents a relationship where each input, x, has a single output, y. Also, the student could
have recalled that a function could have repeated output values if all the input values are different.
The student could have analyzed the graph and noticed that each value of x on the continuous
function has only one corresponding value of y. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely concluded that any parabola represents a function. A parabola represents a function
only when it opens vertically, either up or down. The student needs to focus on understanding
whether a relation (relationship between the x- and y-values of ordered pairs) represented in a graph
defines a function.
Option G is incorrect The student likely concluded that any parabola represents a function. A parabola represents a function
only if it opens vertically, either up or down. The student needs to focus on understanding whether a
relation (relationship between the x- and y-values of ordered pairs) represented in a graph defines a
Option H is incorrect The student likely concluded that any continuous graph represents a function, failing to observe that,
for example, when x = 0, there are three corresponding values of y at y = 6, y = 0, and y = −6. The
student needs to focus on understanding whether a relation (relationship between the x- and y-values
of ordered pairs) represented in a graph defines a function.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
5 Option A is correct To determine the solution to the system of linear equations, the student could have used the
elimination method. Multiplying the first equation by 2 results in the equation 4x + 2y = 80. The
student could have added this to the second equation, x 2y = −20, to get the result 5x = 60. The
student then could have divided both sides of the resulting equation by 5, obtaining x = 12. Next, to
find the corresponding value of y, the student could have substituted x = 12 into the second equation,
resulting in 12 2y = −20. Subtracting 12 from both sides results in −2y = −32. Finally, the student
could have divided both sides of the equation by −2, resulting in y = 16. Since x = 12 and y = 16, the
ordered pair that is a solution to the system of equations is (12, 16). This is an efficient way to solve
the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect The student likely switched the coefficient of y in the second equation with the coefficient of x to solve
the system using the elimination method, resulting in the equations 2x + y = 40 and 2x y = 20.
Next, the student likely found the sum of the two equations, but when adding 40 + (20), the
student likely ignored the negative sign and found the sum to be 60, resulting in the equation
4x = 60. Next, the student likely divided both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate the x, resulting in
x = 15. Finally, the student likely substituted 15 for x in the second equation to solve for y, resulting
in x 2y = 20; (15) 2y = 20; 2y = 35; y = 17.5. The student needs to focus on correctly
using the elimination method to solve a system of equations.
Option C is incorrect The student likely used the elimination method incorrectly by multiplying the y-term in the first
equation by 2 and multiplying the x-term in the second equation by 2, understanding that the
coefficients must be opposites of each other. The student likely obtained 2x + 2y = 40 and
2x 2y = 20 and added these equations together to obtain the result 0 = 20 and concluded that
there was no solution. The student needs to focus on correctly using the elimination method to solve a
system of equations.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option D is incorrect The student likely used the elimination method incorrectly by multiplying the y-term in the first
equation by 2 and by multiplying the x-term and the constant term in the second equation by 2,
understanding that the coefficients must be opposites of each other. The student likely obtained
2x + 2y = 40 and 2x 2y = 40. Next, the student likely added x- and y-terms together but
subtracted the constant terms, resulting in 0 = 0. The student then concluded that there are an
infinite number of solutions to the system of equations. The student needs to focus on correctly using
the elimination method to solve a system of equations.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
6 Option J is correct To determine the graph that best represents a quadratic function with a range (all possible y-values)
of all real numbers greater than or equal to 3, the student could have analyzed the graph and
determined that it represents a parabola with vertex at (−2, 3). The student could have observed that
the parabola opens upward and that the least y-value occurs at 3 and that all other y-values on the
parabola are greater than 3. The student then could have concluded that the range of the quadratic
function represented in this graph is all real numbers greater than or equal to 3. This is an efficient
way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely analyzed the graph and determined that it represents a parabola with vertex at
(2, −3). The student likely reversed the sign of the y-coordinate and concluded that 3 is the least
y-value instead of the greatest, perhaps because it is a negative number. The student needs to focus
on identifying the correct graph when given the range of a quadratic function.
Option G is incorrect The student likely analyzed the graph and determined that the graph represents a parabola with
vertex at (−2, 3). The student then likely incorrectly concluded that since 3 is the greatest y-value,
the range must be all numbers greater than 3. The student needs to focus on identifying the correct
graph when given the range of a quadratic function.
Option H is incorrect The student likely analyzed the graph and determined that the graph represents a parabola with
vertex at (2, −3). The student then likely reversed the sign of the y-coordinate and concluded that
since the parabola opens in an upward direction, the graph must represent a quadratic function with a
range of all real numbers greater than or equal to 3. The student needs to focus on identifying the
correct graph when given the range of a quadratic function.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
7 Option C is correct To determine the value of y when x = 64 in a directly proportional relationship, the student could
have recognized that the relation can be represented by the equation y = kx, where k is the constant
of proportionality. To determine the value of k, the student could have substituted x = 512 and
y = 128 into the equation and solved for k. The result would be 128 = 512k. Then the student could
have divided both sides by 512, obtaining
k =
. Next, the student could have rewritten the equation
. Finally, the student could have substituted x = 64 into the equation and solved for y,
resulting in
( )
64 16
y ==
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods
could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely transposed the values of x and y when substituting into the direct variation
equation y = kx, resulting in 512 = 128k. The student then likely divided both sides by 128, obtaining
k = 4. Finally, the student likely multiplied k, the constant of proportionality, by x = 64, resulting in
y = 256. The student needs to focus on understanding how to set up and solve direct variation
Option B is incorrect The student likely correctly solved the variation equation y = kx by substituting x = 512 and y = 128
into the equation and solving for k, resulting in
k =
. Next, the student likely rewrote the equation
. Finally, the student likely incorrectly multiplied the constant of proportionality by 128
instead of 64, resulting in
( )
128 32
y ==
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to set
up and solve direct variation problems.
Option D is incorrect The student likely calculated the answer by incorrectly dividing the two given values of x, resulting in
y ==
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to set up and solve direct variation
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
8 Option G is correct To determine which graph best represents the solution set for the inequality 8x + 5y ≤ 100 in the
given context, the student could have recognized that the “≤” symbol represents an inclusive
inequality and would be represented by a solid boundary line on the graph. To graph the boundary
line, the student could have rewritten the equation of the boundary line in slope-intercept form,
y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of the boundary line and b represents the y-intercept.
First, the student could have subtracted 8x from both sides of the equation of the boundary line,
obtaining 5y = −8x + 100. Next, the student could have divided both sides of the equation by 5, with
the result
yx= +
. The student could then have recognized that the slope of the boundary line
m =−
and the y-intercept would be located at the point represented by the ordered pair (0, 20).
The student could have determined the correct region to be shaded by substituting the ordered pair
(0, 0) into the inequality
yx +
to test for a true statement. Since
( )
0 0 20
equivalent to 0 ≤ 20, which is a true statement, the ordered pair (0, 0) should be included in the
shaded region of the graph. Therefore, the student should have shaded the part of the graph that
contains the origin. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect
The student likely identified the correct boundary line in slope-intercept form,
yx= +
, with
correct slope,
, and y-intercept, 20. The student likely interpreted the inequality symbol “≤” as
meaning “greater than” instead of “less than or equal to,” which would be represented by a dashed
line instead of a solid line, and a shaded region that would not include the origin. The student needs
to focus on understanding how the inequality symbol affects the graph of the solution set of a linear
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option H is incorrect
The student likely identified the correct boundary line in slope-intercept form,
yx= +
, with
correct slope,
, and y-intercept, 20. The student likely interpreted the inequality symbol “≤” as
meaning “greater than or equal to” instead of “less than or equal to,” which could be represented by a
solid line, and identified the shaded region of the graph as not including the ordered pair (0, 0), since
0 20 is not a true statement. The student needs to focus on understanding how the inequality
symbol affects the graph of the solution set of a linear inequality.
Option J is incorrect
The student likely identified the correct boundary line in slope-intercept form,
yx= +
, with
correct slope,
, and y-intercept, 20. The student likely interpreted the inequality symbol “≤” as
meaning “less than” instead of “less than or equal to,” which would be represented by a dashed line
instead of a solid line. The student needs to focus on understanding how the inequality symbol affects
the graph of the solution set of a linear inequality.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
9 Option A is correct To determine which function best represents the graph of an exponential function, the student could
have recognized that an exponential function is in the form p(x) = ab
, where a is the y-intercept
(value where the graph crosses the y-axis), b is the decay factor (constant rate by which successive
values decrease), and x is the variable (symbol used to represent an unknown number). From the
graph, the student could have interpreted that the y-intercept at (0, 1) means that the value of a is 1.
To write the exponential function, the student could have substituted the values from the ordered pair
(−1, 4) into the equation p(x) = ab
, using a = 1, x = −1, and p(−1) = 4, obtaining 4 = (1)(b)
. To
solve for b, the student could have rewritten the equation as
and then multiplied both sides of
the equation by b, obtaining 4b = 1. Next, the student could have divided both sides of the equation
by 4, resulting in the solution b = 0.25. Substituting a = 1 and b = 0.25 into the exponential equation
p(x) = ab
, the student could have obtained p(x) = (1)(0.25)
= (0.25)
. This is an efficient way to
solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect The student likely interpreted the ordered pair near (2, 0) as the y-intercept, using 2 for the initial
value (a). Then the student likely determined that the value of the common factor was 0.25 but
multiplied 0.25 by the initial value to obtain b = (0.25)(2) = 0.5. Using a = 2 and b = 0.5 in the
exponential equation p(x) = ab
, the student likely obtained p(x) = (2)(0.5)
= 2(0.5)
. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to determine the initial value of an exponential function when
given a graph.
Option C is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the initial value from the graph as 1 and the decay factor as 0.25.
The student likely interpreted the value of b in the exponential equation p(x) = ab
as the sum of the
initial value and the decay factor and used b = 1 + 0.25 = 1.25. Substituting b = 1.25 into the
exponential equation, the student likely obtained p(x) = (1.25)
. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to determine the decay factor of an exponential function when given a graph.
Option D is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the initial value from the graph as being 1 and the decay factor
as being 0.25. When substituting these values into the exponential equation p(x) = ab
, the student
likely neglected the decimal point in the decay factor and obtained p(x) = (1)(25)
= (25)
. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to correctly write the value of the decay factor of an
exponential function when given a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
10 Option J is correct To determine which expression is equivalent to (n 4)(2n + 7), the student could have multiplied
each term in the factor (n 4) by each term in the factor (2n + 7) and then combined like terms
(terms that contain the same variables raised to the same powers or constant terms). The
multiplication steps are n(2n + 7) 4(2n + 7), resulting in 2n
+ 7n 8n 28. The student could
have combined like terms to obtain 2n
1n 28, which is equivalent to 2n
n 28. This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
Option F is incorrect The student likely found the sum of the binomials instead of the product, adding the terms containing
the variable n and the terms that are constants to obtain n + 2n + (−4) + 7 = 3n + 3. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to find the product of two binomials.
Option G is incorrect The student likely multiplied each term in the factor (n 4) by each term in the factor (2n + 7)
but determined the product of n and 2n to be 2n instead of 2n
. The student likely multiplied
n(2n + 7) 4(2n + 7) to get a result of 2n + 7n 8n 28 and then combined like terms get as a
result the expression 1n 28, which is equivalent to n 28. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to find the product of two binomials.
Option H is incorrect The student likely multiplied each term in the factor (n 4) by each term in the factor (2n + 7) to
obtain n(2n + 7) 4(2n + 7) = 2n
+ 7n 8n 28. Next, the student likely combined the like terms
7n and −8n incorrectly to get a result of −15n instead of −n. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to find the product of two binomials.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
11 Option B is correct To determine the situation that best shows causation (in which an event is the result of the
occurrence of another event), the student should have recognized that the number of hours an
employee works causes the amount of money an employee earns to change. If the number of hours
an employee works decreases, the amount of money the employee earns will also decrease.
Option A is incorrect The student likely did not realize that the two events are not related and that the number of people on
a bus has no effect on the number of animals in a zoo. The student needs to focus on understanding
causation in real-world problems.
Option C is incorrect The student likely identified a situation that shows possible association (relationship) but not
causation. The student likely did not realize that if the amount of a discount for a sale increases, the
number of items sold may or may not decrease. The student needs to focus on understanding
causation in real-world problems.
Option D is incorrect The student likely did not realize that the two events are not related and that the number of bike trails
in a city has no effect on the amount of rainfall in the city. The student needs to focus on
understanding causation in real-world problems.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
12 Option J is correct To determine which system of equations (two or more equations containing the same set of variables
[symbols used to represent unknown numbers]) can be used to represent line h, represented in a
table, and line j, represented by a graph, the student could write each equation in slope-intercept
form, y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of each line and b represents the y-intercept of each
line. To find the equation for line h, the student could have used the first two sets of values in the
table and applied the slope formula
, resulting in
( )
1 7 6 3
8 16
= = =
. To determine
the y-intercept of line h, the student could have substituted the slope and one of the ordered pairs
from the table, (−16, 7), into the point-slope equation, y y
= m(x x
), where m represents the
slope of the line and (x
, y
) represents a point on the line. The student could have obtained
( )
7 16
and then solved for y, by first distributing the
, resulting in
7 12
yx =
. Next, the student could have added 7 to both sides to isolate the y, resulting in the
. To find the equation of line j, which is represented by a graph, the student
could have used the slope-intercept form of a line, y = mx + b. The student could have first located
the y-intercept at (0, 1) and identified that b = 1. The student could then have applied the slope
, using the ordered pairs (4, −4) and (−4, 6), to get the result
( )
10 5
4 4 8 4
= = =
. Next, the student could have substituted
m =−
and b = 1 into y = mx + b
to obtain
yx= +
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option F is incorrect The student likely determined the correct y-intercepts for both line h and line j but incorrectly applied
the slope formula, using
instead of
For line h, the student likely calculated
the slope using the first two ordered pairs represented in the table and then made a sign error,
resulting in
( )
8 16
1 7 6 3
= = = =
. The student likely substituted
m =
and b = −5 into
y = mx + b to get the result
. For line j, the student likely calculated the slope using the
ordered pairs (4, −4) and (−4, 6) and then made a sign error, resulting in
( )
4 4 8 4
10 5
= = = =
Next, the student likely substituted
m =
and b = 1 into
y = mx + b to obtain
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the
slope and y-intercept of a line when given a table of values or a graph.
Option G is incorrect The student likely determined the correct y-intercepts for both line h and line j but incorrectly used
the opposite of the value of each slope. For line h, the student likely substituted
m =
and b = −5
into y = mx + b, resulting in
. For line j, the student likely substituted
m =
and b = 1
into y = mx + b, obtaining
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify
the slope and y-intercept of a line when given a table of values or a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option H is incorrect The student likely determined the correct y-intercepts for both line h and line j but incorrectly applied
the slope formula, using
instead of
. For line h, the student likely calculated
the slope using the first two ordered pairs represented in the table, resulting in
( )
8 16
1 7 6 3
= = = =
Next, the student likely substituted
m =−
and b = −5 into
y = mx + b, resulting in
. For line j, the student likely calculated the slope using the
ordered pairs (4, −4) and (−4, 6), resulting in
( )
4 4 8 4
10 5
= = = =
. Next, the student
likely substituted
m =−
and b = 1 into y = mx + b, obtaining
yx= +
. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to identify the slope and y-intercept of a line when given a table of values
or a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
13 Option C is correct To determine which answer choice best describes the transformation of the graph of f(x) = x
to the
graph of n(x) = x
1, the student could have recognized that subtracting 1 from x
causes the
vertex of the parabola to shift from the origin, (0, 0), down 1 unit to (0, −1). The student then could
have realized that all the y-values on the parabola would also shift down 1 unit, representing a
vertical translation down of the entire parabola. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely determined that the “−1” in n(x) would cause the graph to translate up 1 unit
instead of down. The student needs to focus on understanding how changes to a function affect the
graph of the function.
Option B is incorrect The student likely determined that the “−1” in n(x) would cause the graph to translate left 1 unit
instead of down. The student needs to focus on understanding how changes to a function affect the
graph of the function.
Option D is incorrect The student likely determined that the “−1” in n(x) would cause the graph to translate right 1 unit
instead of down. The student needs to focus on understanding how changes to a function affect the
graph of the function.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
14 −3 and any equivalent
values are correct
To determine the value of k represented in the binomial factor (d + k), the student could have
recognized the need to find the factors (numbers or expressions that can be multiplied to get another
number or expression) of d
d 6. The student could have determined that d
is equal to d d and
written d as the first term in each factor. The student could have determined that the second terms in
the two factors are 2 and −3 because their product (answer when multiplying) is −6 (the last term in
the given expression) and that their sum is −1 (the coefficient of the middle term in the expression
given). The student then could have written the factors as (d + 2)(d 3). Finally, the student could
have compared (d + 2)(d 3) to the given factored form, (d + 2)(d + k) and recognized that the
value of k must be −3. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could
be used to solve the problem correctly.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
15 Option B is correct To determine the equation that is best represented by the graph, the student could have found the
equation of the line shown in the graph by using the slope-intercept form of a linear equation
(y = mx + b, where
represents the slope of the line and b represents the value of the
y-intercept). The student could have recognized from the graph that the line intersects the y-axis at
(0, 7) and concluded that the value of b is 7. Then the student could have used the ordered pairs (4,
0) and (8, −7) from the graph and applied the slope formula,
, resulting in
7 0 7 7
8 4 4 4
= = =
. Next, the student could have substituted
m =−
and b = 7 into y = mx + b,
yx= +
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could
be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely calculated the slope correctly but then determined that the x-intercept is at (4, 0)
and concluded that the value of b is 4. Next, the student likely substituted
m =−
and b = 4 into
y = mx + b, with the result
yx= +
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
determine the y-intercept of a linear function when given a graph.
Option C is incorrect The student likely concluded that the value of b is 4 by using the x-intercept of the line at (4, 0) and
then incorrectly applied the slope formula, using
instead of
. The student
likely substituted the ordered pairs (4, 0) and (8, −7) from the graph into
, resulting in
8 4 4 4
7 0 7 7
= = = =
. Finally, the student likely substituted b = 4 and
m =−
y = mx + b, resulting in
yx= +
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a
linear function in slope-intercept form when given a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option D is incorrect The student likely recognized from the graph that the line intersects the y-axis at (0, 7) and correctly
concluded that the value of b is 7. Next, the student likely applied the slope formula incorrectly, using
instead of
. The student likely substituted the ordered pairs (4, 0) and (8, −7)
from the graph into
, resulting in
8 4 4 4
7 0 7 7
= = = =
. Finally, the student
likely substituted b = 7 and
m =−
into y = mx + b, resulting in
yx= +
. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to find the slope of a linear function when given a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
16 Option J is correct
To determine the expression equivalent to
( )
, the student could have applied the power of a
power property, (a
= a
, to the factor (d
, obtaining
( )( )
8 8 18
c d c d
. Next, the student could
have applied the quotient of powers property,
, to the factors containing c, obtaining
8 18
8 2 18 6 18
c d c d
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely applied the properties of exponents incorrectly by dividing the exponents of the
factors containing c and adding the exponents of the factor containing d, obtaining
. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to apply the power of a power property and the quotient
of powers property when simplifying expressions.
Option G is incorrect The student likely applied the quotient of powers property incorrectly by dividing the exponents of the
factors containing c instead of subtracting, obtaining
( )
4 18
c d c d=
. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to apply the quotient of powers property when simplifying expressions.
Option H is incorrect The student likely applied the power of a power property incorrectly by adding the exponents of the
factor containing d, obtaining
8 2 6 3 6 9
c d c d
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
apply the power of a power property when simplifying expressions.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
17 Option A is correct To determine which value of x is a solution to the equation, the student could have first recognized
that one side of the equation must be set equal to 0. The student could have subtracted 30x and
added 45 to both sides of the equation, resulting in 5x
30x + 45 = 0. Next, the student could have
found the factors (numbers or expressions that can be multiplied to get another number or
expression) of 5x
30x + 45 = 0 and solved for the value of x. The student could have factored out
a 5 from the equation, resulting in 5(x
6x + 9) = 0. The student could have then found the factors
of x
6x + 9. The student could have recognized that x
and 9 represent perfect squares (numbers
made by squaring whole numbers). Using this, the student could have noticed that x
6x + 9 has
the form of a perfect square trinomial, a
2ab + b
, which factors as (a b)
. In this case,
2ab + b
= x
2(3)x + 3
, which makes a = x and b = 3, so the factors can be written as
(x 3)
. Finally, the student could have set the factor (x 3) equal to 0 and solved for x, obtaining
x = 3. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve
the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect The student likely used x
6x + 9 and identified the equation as a perfect square trinomial but wrote
the factored form as (x + 3)
instead of (x 3)
. The student then likely set the factor (x + 3) equal
to 0 and solved for x, obtaining x = −3. The student needs to focus on understanding how to find the
factors and solutions of a quadratic equation.
Option C is incorrect The student likely factored out a 5 from the equation, resulting in 5(x
6x + 9) = 0, and concluded
that the solution to the quadratic equation is x = 5 instead of continuing to factor the expression. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to find the factors and solutions of a quadratic equation.
Option D is incorrect The student likely factored out a 5 from the equation, resulting in 5(x
6x + 9) = 0, and concluded
that the solution to the quadratic equation is x = −5 instead of continuing to factor the expression.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to find the factors and solutions of a quadratic
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
18 Option G is correct To determine the domain (all possible x-values) of the part of the discrete linear function shown, the
student could have identified all the x-values for which the graph has a corresponding y-value. The
x-values for the ordered pairs represented on the graph are {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. Therefore, the
domain is the set of these numbers, which is {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. This is an efficient way to
solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely used the values on the scale of the x-axis as the values of the domain. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to identify the domain of a discrete function from its graph and
express the domain using set notation.
Option H is incorrect The student likely switched the values of the domain and range and then used the values on the scale
of the y-axis as the values of the domain. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
identify the domain of a discrete function from its graph and express the domain using set notation.
Option J is incorrect The student likely switched the values of the domain and range and listed the y-values for the ordered
pairs instead of the x-values. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the domain
of a discrete function from its graph and express the domain using set notation.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
19 Option D is correct To determine the rate of change (constant increase or decrease) of y with respect to x, the student
could have chosen two points from the graph and calculated the amount of change. The student could
have used the ordered pairs (−3, 5) and (9, −5) and applied the slope formula,
, resulting
( )
5 5 10 5
12 6
= = =
. Therefore, the rate of change is
. This is an efficient way to solve the
problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely identified the y-intercept of the line as the rate of change. The student needs to
focus on understanding the meaning of the rate of change and how to find it when given a graph.
Option B is incorrect The student likely calculated the rate of change as the change in x divided by the change in y, using
instead of
The student likely used values from the ordered pairs (−3, 5) and
(9, −5), resulting in
( )
12 6
5 5 10 5
= = =
. The student needs to focus on correctly applying the
slope formula to find the rate of change when given a graph.
Option C is incorrect The student likely used the x-intercept of the line, 3, and then likely estimated the y-intercept to be 2.
The student likely understood that rate of change is the change in y divided by the change in x,
interpreted these two values as changes from the origin, and found the rate of change to be
. The
student needs to focus on correctly applying the slope formula to find the rate of change when given a
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
20 12.3 and any equivalent
values are correct
To determine the value of the y-intercept of the graph, the student could have realized that
h(x) = 12.3(4.9)
represents an exponential function in the form h(x) = a(b)
, where a is the
y-intercept (the value where the graph crosses the y-axis), b is the growth factor, and x is the
variable (symbol used to represent an unknown number). Therefore, the value of the y-intercept of
the graph of h(x) = 12.3(4.9)
is 12.3. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
21 Option A is correct
To determine the equivalent expression, the student could first have found the quotient
Next, the student could have applied the quotient of powers property,
, to
, obtaining
( )
10 10
. Finally, the student could have recognized that the simplified expression is equal
to the product of 4 and 10
, or 4 × 10
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely correctly determined the quotient
but did not apply the quotient of powers
property correctly, adding the exponents instead of subtracting. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to apply the quotient of powers property when simplifying expressions.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely correctly determined the quotient
but did not apply the quotient of powers
property correctly, dividing the exponents instead of subtracting. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to apply the quotient of powers property when simplifying expressions.
Option D is incorrect
The student likely correctly determined the quotient
but did not apply the quotient of powers
property correctly, adding the exponents instead of subtracting, and made a sign error. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to apply the quotient of powers property when simplifying
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
22 Option H is correct To determine which function (relationship where each input has a single output) best models the data,
the student could have used a graphing calculator to generate the function using quadratic regression
(a method of determining the quadratic function of best fit). The function that best models the data is
d(x) = 0.26x
3.11x. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely reversed the values of time, x, and depth, d(x), when entering the data into a
graphing calculator and disregarded the value of the constant term, c, that was generated. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to use technology to determine a quadratic function
that best fits a table of data.
Option G is incorrect The student likely reversed the values of time, x, and depth, d(x), when entering the data into a
graphing calculator. The student needs to focus on understanding how to use technology to determine
a quadratic function that best fits a table of data.
Option J is incorrect The student likely used the quadratic regression feature on a graphing calculator correctly but used
the value of the coefficient of determination, r
= 1, as the value of the constant term, c. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to use technology to determine a quadratic function that best
fits a table of data.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
23 Option B is correct To determine the equivalent expression, the student could have applied the commutative property,
a + b = b + a, to rearrange the terms, resulting in
(5rt 3rw 8tw) + (6rt 4rw + 2tw) = 5rt + 6rt 3rw 4rw 8tw + 2tw. Next, the student could
have combined like terms (terms that contain the same variables raised to the same powers),
obtaining (5 + 6)rt + (3 + (4))rw + (8 + 2)tw = 11rt 7rw 6tw. This is an efficient way to solve
the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely made sign errors when combining the rw terms, using −3rw + 4rw = rw, and tw
terms, using −8tw 2tw = −10tw. The student needs to focus on understanding how to combine like
terms in polynomials.
Option C is incorrect The student likely made a sign error when combining the rw terms, using −3rw + 4rw = rw. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to combine like terms in polynomials.
Option D is incorrect The student likely made a sign error when combining the tw terms, using −8tw 2tw = −10tw. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to combine like terms in polynomials.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
24 Option F is correct To determine which function could be represented by the quadratic function p(x) with the given
solutions (x-values when p(x) is equal to 0), the student could have used the solutions to construct
and simplify the equation of a quadratic function using p(x) = (x u)(x v), where u and v represent
solutions to the equation p(x) = 0. The student could have used the values of the given solutions,
x = −7 and x = 7, letting u = −7 and v = 7, and substituted those values into p(x) = (x u)(x v) to
obtain p(x) = [x (−7)](x 7). Then the student could have found the product of [x (−7)](x 7)
to equal (x + 7)(x 7) = x
49, so p(x) = x
49. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option G is incorrect The student likely substituted the correct solutions into p(x) = (x u)(x v) to obtain
p(x) = [x (−7)](x 7) but then made a sign error when multiplying −7 and 7, obtaining 49 instead
of −49. The student needs to focus on understanding how to multiply binomial expressions.
Option H is incorrect The student likely substituted the correct solutions into p(x) = (x u)(x v) to obtain
p(x) = [x (−7)](x 7) but then the student likely added −7 to −7 to obtain −14, instead of
multiplying −7 and 7. The student needs to focus on understanding how to multiply binomial
Option J is incorrect The student likely substituted the correct solutions into p(x) = (x u)(x v) to obtain
p(x) = [x (−7)](x 7) but then added 7 to 7 to obtain 14, instead of multiplying −7 and 7. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to multiply binomial expressions.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
25 Option D is correct To determine the equation of the line in slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, where m represents the
slope of the line and b represents the y-intercept of the line, when given the graph of the line, the
student could have first identified the two ordered pairs shown on the graph, (−2, 6) and (1, −4). The
student then could have substituted those two points into the slope formula,
, resulting in
( )
4 6 10 10
= = =
. To determine the y-intercept of the line, the student could have substituted
the slope and one of the ordered pairs from the graph, (−2, 6), into the point-slope equation,
y y
= m(x x
), where m represents the slope of the line and (x
, y
) represents a point on the
line. The student could have obtained
( )
( )
yx =
and then solved for y, by first distributing
, resulting in
10 20
yx =
. Next, the student could have added 6 to both sides of the
equation to isolate the y, resulting in the equation
10 2
. This is an efficient way to solve the
problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect
The student likely correctly determined the value of the y-intercept,
The student then likely
correctly calculated the change in x, 3, but when determining the change in y, counted the horizontal
grid lines, including the grid lines at y = 6 and y = −4, and found the change in y to be −11 instead
of −10 and the value of the slope to be
. Finally, the student likely reversed the values of the
slope and the y-intercept when substituting those values into the slope-intercept form of a linear
equation, y = mx + b. The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a linear function in
slope-intercept form when given a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option B is incorrect
The student likely correctly determined the value of the y-intercept,
The student then likely
correctly calculated the change in x, 3, but when determining the change in y, counted the horizontal
grid lines, including the grid lines at y = 6 and y = −4, and found the change in y to be −11 instead
of −10 and the value of the slope to be
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to
write a linear function in slope-intercept form when given a graph.
Option C is incorrect The student likely identified the correct values for the slope, m, and the y-intercept, b, but reversed
those values when substituting them into the slope-intercept form of a linear equation, y = mx + b.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a linear function in slope-intercept form
when given a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
26 Option G is correct To determine which exponential function models the values given in the table, the student could have
recognized that an exponential function is of the form
( )
v x ab=
where a is the y-intercept (value
where the graph crosses the y-axis), b is the common factor (constant rate by which successive
values decrease), and x is the variable (symbol used to represent an unknown number). From the
table, the student could have determined that the y-intercept at (0, 9,000) means that the value of a
is 9,000. Next, the student could have determined the common factor, b, by dividing each v(x) value
by the previous v(x) value, calculating
8,100 7,290 6,561
9,000 8,100 7,290
. Substituting a = 9,000 and
b = 0.9 into the exponential equation v(x) = ab
, the student could have obtained
v(x) = (9,000)(0.9)
= 9,000(0.9)
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely correctly determined that the value of a is 9,000. When determining the value of
the common factor, b, the student likely inverted the division to obtain b = 1.1 instead of 0.9. The
student needs to focus on how to find the value of the common factor of an exponential function from
a table of values.
Option H is incorrect The student likely identified the y-intercept of the function as the value of v(x) when x = 1 instead of
when x = 0, to obtain a = 8,100. When determining the value of the common factor, b, the student
likely inverted the division to obtain b = 1.1 instead of 0.9. The student needs to focus on how to
identify the y-intercept and how to find the common factor of an exponential function from a table of
Option J is incorrect The student likely identified the y-intercept of the function as the value of v(x) when x = 1 instead of
when x = 0, to obtain a = 8,100. When determining the value of the common factor, b, the student
likely correctly calculated that the value of the common factor, b, is 0.9. The student needs to focus
on how to identify the y-intercept of an exponential function from a table of values.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
27 2 and any equivalent
values are correct
To determine the positive solution to x
+ 9x 22 = 0, the student could have recognized the need to
find the factors (numbers or expressions that can be multiplied to get another number or expression)
of x
+ 9x 22. The student could have determined that x
is equal to x x and written x as the first
term in each factor. The student then could have determined that the second terms in the two factors
are 11 and −2, because their product (answer when multiplying) is −22 (last term in the expression
given) and their sum is 9 (coefficient of middle term in the expression given). The student could have
then written the factors as (x + 11)(x 2). Next, the student could have set each factor equal to zero
(x + 11 = 0 and x 2 = 0) and solved each equation for x, resulting in x = 11 and x = 2. Finally,
the student could have recognized that x = 2 is the positive solution to x
+ 9x 22 = 0. This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
28 Option G is correct To determine the inequality representing all possible combinations of x, the number of monitors, and
y, the number of keyboards, that can be purchased for the computer lab, the student should have
first identified that each monitor costs $250 and each keyboard costs $50, and represented those
costs by the expressions 250x and 50y. So the total cost of the monitors and keyboards for the
computer lab should be represented by the expression 250x + 50y. Then the student should have
realized that the phrase “at most” can be represented by the inequality symbol “≤”, so the phrase “at
most $4,500” can be represented by “≤ 4,500”. Therefore, all possible combinations of x and y should
be represented by the inequality 250x + 50y ≤ 4,500.
Option F is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the coefficients (numbers multiplied by a variable) representing
the costs of each monitor and each keyboard but identified the phrase “at most” as being represented
by the inequality symbol “<”, instead of “≤”, resulting in 250x + 50y < 4,500. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to write a linear inequality given a real-world situation.
Option H is incorrect The student likely reversed the coefficients (numbers multiplied by a variable) representing the costs
of each monitor and each keyboard and identified the phrase “at most” as being represented by the
inequality symbol “<”, resulting in 50x +250y < 4,500. The student needs to focus on understanding
how to write a linear inequality given a real-world situation.
Option J is incorrect The student likely reversed the coefficients (numbers multiplied by a variable) representing the costs
of each monitor and each keyboard, resulting in 50x + 250y ≤ 4,500. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write a linear inequality given a real-world situation.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
29 Option A is correct To determine which function (relationship where each input has a single output) best models the data
in the table and graph, the student could have used a graphing calculator to generate the function
using linear regression (method of determining a linear function, y = mx + b, where m represents the
slope of the linear function, and b represents the y-intercept). The function that best models the data
is y = −13.5x + 97.8. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the slope of the linear function and estimated from the graph
that the x-intercept would occur near x = 7.3, but used that value for b, the y-intercept. The student
needs to focus on how to use technology to generate the equation of a function when given data in a
table or graph.
Option C is incorrect The student likely generated the correct function using linear regression but reversed the values of
the slope and y-intercept. The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a linear function
that was generated with technology using linear regression.
Option D is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the slope of the linear function and estimated from the graph
that the x-intercept would occur near x = 7.3. Next, the student likely reversed the values of the
slope and y-intercept, using the estimated x-intercept as the slope and the slope as the y-intercept.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to use technology to generate the equation of a
function when given data in a table or graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
30 Option H is correct To determine which statement is true, the student could have first found the factors (numbers or
expressions that can be multiplied to get another number or expression) of x
36. The student could
have recognized that x
36 can be rewritten as (x)
, which represents the difference of
squares pattern, where a
can be written as the product of the binomial factors (a + b) and
(a b). Applying this pattern, the student could have rewritten the expression x
36 = (x)
the product (x + 6)(x 6). Finally, the student could have solved for the zeros (input value, x, that
produces an output value, y, of zero) by setting each factor (expression within the parentheses) equal
to zero (x + 6 = 0 and x 6 = 0) and solving for x, resulting in x = 6 and x = 6. This is an efficient
way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely incorrectly identified the difference of squares pattern as a
= (a b)(a b),
obtaining (x 6)(x 6) instead of (x + 6)(x 6). The student needs to focus on understanding how
to factor an expression representing the difference of squares.
Option G is incorrect The student likely incorrectly identified the difference of squares pattern as a
(a b)(a b),
and then likely divided 36 by 2 instead of taking the square root of 36, resulting in (x 18)(x 18).
The student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression representing the difference
of squares.
Option J is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the difference of squares pattern as a
= (a + b)(a b).
The student then likely divided 36 by 2 instead of taking the square root of 36, resulting in
(x + 18)(x 18). The student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression
representing the difference of squares.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
31 Option A is correct To determine the value of f(−5), the student should have substituted −5 for x in the function
(relationship where each input has a single output) and then simplified the function, resulting in
f(−5) = 7 4(−5) = 7 (−20) = 27.
Option B is incorrect The student likely made a sign error when multiplying 4(−5), resulting in 7 – 20 = −13. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to perform arithmetic with rational numbers.
Option C is incorrect The student likely subtracted 4 from 7 before multiplying by −5, obtaining 3(−5) = −15. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to apply the order of operations when simplifying a numeric
Option D is incorrect The student likely calculated the product 7(−4)(−5) = 140. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to apply the order of operations when simplifying a numeric expression.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
32 Option H is correct To determine which graph best represents the linear function y = −4(x + 3) 2, the student could
have applied the point-slope equation, y y
= m(x x
), where m represents the slope of the line
and (x
, y
) represents a point on the line. Solving for y, the student could have obtained
y = m(x x
) + y
and then determined that the graph of the given line has a slope of −4 and
contains the point (−3, −2). To graph the line, the student could have plotted the point (−3, −2)
and used the slope to find that the points (−2, −6) and (−4, 2) also lie on the line. Therefore, this
graph could represent y = −4(x + 3) 2 because it has a slope equal to −4 and contains the point
(−3, −2). This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to
solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely solved the point-slope equation, y y
= m(x x
), for y, resulting in
y = m(x x
) + y
. The student then likely interpreted the slope of the line y = −4(x + 3) 2 as
4 instead of 4 and identified a point on the line as (−3, 2) instead of (−3, −2). The student needs to
focus on understanding how to identify the key features of a linear graph when given an equation in
point-slope form.
Option G is incorrect The student likely solved the point-slope equation, y y
= m(x x
), for y, resulting in
y = m(x x
) + y
. The student then likely interpreted the slope of the line y = −4(x + 3) 2 as
4 instead of −4 but correctly identified that the line contains the point (−3, −2). The student needs to
focus on understanding how to identify the key features of a linear graph when given an equation in
point-slope form.
Option J is incorrect The student likely solved the point-slope equation, y y
= m(x x
), for y, resulting in
y = m(x x
) + y
. The student then likely identified a point on the line as (−3, 2) instead of
(−3, −2) but correctly identified the slope of the line as −4. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the key features of a linear graph when given an equation in point-
slope form.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
33 Option D is correct To determine a factor of the given expression, 10x
19x + 6, the student could have found the
factors (numbers or expressions that can be multiplied to get another number or expression) of the
expression. The student could have first multiplied 10x
by 6, resulting in 60x
. The student then
could have identified two terms that have a product of 60x
and a sum of −19x, which are −15x and
−4x. Then the student could have rewritten the expression in expanded form using these two terms,
resulting in 10x
15x 4x + 6. The student could have grouped the first two terms and last two
terms of the expression and factored out the greatest (largest) common factor from each group of
terms, resulting in 5x(2x 3) 2(2x 3). Next, the student could have factored out the binomial
(2x 3) from the expression, resulting in the factored form (5x 2)(2x 3). Finally, the student
could have recognized that (5x 2) is one of the factors of the given expression. This is an efficient
way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely determined that two factors of 60x
are 10x and 6x, and that two factors of 6 are
−3 and −2 but disregarded the value of the linear term of the quadratic equation. The student needs
to focus on understanding how to factor an expression of the form ax
+ bx + c.
Option B is incorrect The student likely determined that two factors of 60x
are 10x and 6x, and that two factors of 6 are
−1 and −6 but disregarded the value of the linear term of the quadratic equation. The student needs
to focus on understanding how to factor an expression of the form ax
+ bx + c.
Option C is incorrect The student likely determined the correct expanded form of the expression, 10x
15x 4x + 6, but
likely switched the constant terms when factoring out the common factor from each group. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to factor an expression of the form ax
+ bx + c.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
34 8 and any equivalent
values are correct
To determine the rate of change (constant rate of increase or decrease) of the distance in feet below
sea level with respect to time in seconds the submarine traveled, the student could have chosen two
points from the table and calculated the amount of change. The student could have used the first two
sets of values in the table and applied the slope formula,
, resulting in
604 460 144
18 0 18
= = =
Therefore, the student could have concluded that the rate of change is
8 feet per second. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
35 Option B is correct To determine which equation best represents the line shown on the grid, the student could have
recognized that because the line is horizontal, the equation of the line can be written as y = c,
where c is the value through which the line intersects (crosses) the y-axis, resulting in y = −6. This is
an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
Option A is incorrect The student likely recognized that because the line is horizontal, the equation of the line can be
written as y = c, and that the slope of a horizontal line is 0. The student then likely used the value of
the slope, 0, as the constant in the equation, obtaining y = 0. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write the equation of a horizontal line.
Option C is incorrect The student likely recognized that the line is horizontal and that the slope of a horizontal line is 0.
Then the student likely used the value of the slope, 0, and used x = 0 since a horizontal line is parallel
to the x-axis. The student needs to focus on understanding how to write the equation of a horizontal
Option D is incorrect The student likely recognized that the line is horizontal and has a y-intercept of −6. Then the student
likely used x = −6 since a horizontal line is parallel to the x-axis. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to write the equation of a horizontal line.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
36 Option H is correct To determine the best interpretation of one of the values in the function g(x) = 18(1.3)
, the student
should have recognized that in an exponential function g(x) = ab
, a represents the initial value of the
function (when x = 0), b is the common factor (constant rate by which successive values increase or
decrease), and x is the variable (symbol used to represent an unknown number). In this situation, the
variable x represents the number of months. In g(x) = 18(1.3)
, the initial value of the population is
18 insects, and the value of the common factor is b = 1.3. The student should have recognized that
since 1.3 > 1, this situation represents exponential growth, with a growth factor of 1.3 or 130% and a
growth rate of 0.3 or 30% per month. The student should then have concluded that the insect
population increased at a rate of 30% per month.
Option F is incorrect The student likely misinterpreted b = 1.3 as representing that the population increases by 13 insects
per month, instead of recognizing that 1.3 is a factor of growth and not a constant rate of change of
the population. The student needs to focus on interpreting the meaning of b in exponential function in
the form g(x) = ab
Option G is incorrect The student likely misinterpreted b = 1.3 as representing that the population decreases by 13 insects
per month, instead of recognizing that 1.3 is a factor of growth and not a constant rate of change of
the population. The student needs to focus on interpreting the meaning of b in exponential function in
the form g(x) = ab
Option J is incorrect The student likely misinterpreted b = 1.3 as representing that the insect population decreases at a
rate of 30% per month, instead of recognizing that 1.3 is a factor of growth. The student needs to
focus on interpreting the meaning of b in exponential function in the form g(x) = ab
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
37 Option A is correct
To determine which ordered pair is in the solution set of
the student should have
recognized that the graph of the solution set of the inequality would have a boundary line that is
dashed because the “>” symbol indicates that the solution set of the inequality does not include the
points that lie on the boundary line. Next, the student could have used the test point (0, 0) to
determine which half-plane is included in the solution set. Substituting (0, 0) into
, the
student could have obtained
( )
0 0 4
and then 0 > −4. Since that is a true statement, the
student could have then concluded that the solution set of the inequality is the half-plane that
contains (0, 0), not including the points on the boundary line. Finally, the student could have realized
that the point (−8, 8) lies in that half-plane. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect
The student likely determined that the point (6, −5) lies on the line
, not understanding
that the points on the boundary line are not included in the solution set of the inequality
The student needs to focus on understanding how to determine whether an ordered pair is in the
solution set of an inequality.
Option C is incorrect
The student likely used (4, 6) as the test point and substituted it into
to obtain
( )
6 4 4
and then
. Next, the student likely incorrectly concluded that the inequality
is true and that the solution set of the inequality is the half-plane that contains (4, 6). The student
needs to focus on understanding how to determine whether an ordered pair is in the solution set of an
Texas Education Agency
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May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option D is incorrect The student likely reversed the coordinates of (−2, −7) when using it as test point and substituting
( )
2 7 4
and then
. Next, the student likely concluded
that the solution set of the inequality is the half-plane that contains that point. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to determine whether an ordered pair is in the solution set of an
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
38 Option J is correct To determine the equation that best represents the line shown in the graph, the student could have
used the slope-intercept form of a linear equation (y = mx + b, where
represents the
slope of the line and b represents the value of the y-intercept). The student first could have
recognized that the graph intersects the y-axis at (0, 32), so the value of the y-intercept, b, is 32.
Next, the student could have substituted the x- and y-coordinates of (0, 32) and (10, 104) into the
slope formula, resulting in
104 32 72 9
40 0 40 5
= = =
. Since b = 32 and
m =
, the equation for the line
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used
to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely used the change in x divided by the change in y to find the slope of the line,
ignoring the y-intercept of 32. The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a linear
function in slope-intercept form when given a graph.
Option G is incorrect The student likely determined the slope of the line correctly but disregarded the y-intercept of 32. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to write a linear function in slope-intercept form when
given a graph.
Option H is incorrect The student likely used the change in x divided by the change in y to find the slope of the line, using
the correct value for b, the y-intercept. The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a
linear function in slope-intercept form when given a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
39 Option C is correct  To determine which graph best represents the solution set of x + 2y < −2 and y x < 3, the student
could have graphed each inequality and its solution set and determined where the two solution sets
overlap with each other. To graph the first inequality, the student could have isolated the y on one
side of the inequality and subtracted x from both sides of the inequality, resulting in 2y < −x 2.
Next, the student could have divided both sides of the inequality by 2, to obtain
. The
boundary line for this inequality,
, will cross the y-axis (vertical axis) at the point (0, −1)
and will have a slope (steepness of a straight line graphed on a coordinate grid;
) of
m =−
. The student could have then determined that the “<” symbol means “less than,” indicating
that the boundary line is represented by a dashed line. Next, to determine where to shade, the
student could have used the test point (0, 0) to determine which half-plane represents the solution to
the inequality. Substituting (0, 0) into the original inequality, the student could have obtained
(0) + 2(0) < −2 and then simplified, resulting in 0 < −2. Since this statement is not true, the student
could have concluded that the solution set for the inequality x + 2y < −2 is the half-plane that does
not contain (0, 0) and does not include the points on the boundary line.
For the second inequality, y x < 3, the student could have added x to both sides of the inequality to
obtain y < x + 3. The boundary line for this inequality will cross the y-axis at the point (0, 3) and will
have a slope of 1. The student could have then determined that the “<” symbol means “less than,”
indicating that the boundary line is represented by a dashed line. Next, to determine where to shade,
the student could have used the test point (0, 0) to determine which half-plane represents the
solution to the inequality. Substituting (0, 0) into the original inequality, the student could have
obtained (0) (0) < 3 and then simplified, resulting in 0 < 3. Since this statement is true, the student
could have concluded that the solution set for the inequality y x < 3 is the half-plane that contains
(0, 0) and does not include the points on the boundary line. Finally, the student could have verified
the region where the shaded half-planes overlap. This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option A is incorrect  The student likely found and graphed the correct equation for each boundary line but misinterpreted
the “<” symbols as meaning that the boundary lines are included in the solution set. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to graph the solution set of a system of inequalities.
Option B is incorrect  The student likely found and graphed the correct equation for each boundary line but chose the
incorrect half-plane to shade for the inequality
. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to graph the solution set of a system of inequalities.
Option D is incorrect  The student likely found and graphed the correct equation for each boundary line but chose the
incorrect half-plane to shade for the inequality
and misinterpreted the “<” symbols as
meaning that the boundary lines are included in the solution set. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to graph the solution set of a system of inequalities.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
40 Option F is correct  To determine which graph best represents the function h(x) = (x + 1)(x 3), the student could have
identified that the zeros of h(x) could be obtained by setting each factor equal to 0 and solving for x.
Setting x + 1 = 0, the student could have solved for x by subtracting 1 from both sides of the
equation to obtain x = −1. Setting x 3 = 0, the student could have solved for x by adding 3 to both
sides of the equation to obtain x = 3. Next, the student could have recognized that the zeros of a
function are the x-intercepts (values where the graph of a function crosses the x-axis) of the graph of
the function. The student then could have identified that the graph has x-intercepts of −1 and 3.
Finally, the student could have determined the value of the y-intercept by substituting x = 0 into the
function and solving for y, resulting in h(0) = (0 + 1)(0 3) = −3. The student could have chosen the
graph with x-intercepts of −1 and 3 and y-intercept of −3. This is an efficient way to solve the
problem. However, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option G is incorrect  The student likely used the values of the constants in the binomial factors (x + 1) and (x 3) and
interpreted that the x-intercepts would occur at x = 1 and x = 3. Also, the student did not find the
correct y-intercept. The student needs to focus on identifying the correct graph of a quadratic function
in the form h(x) = (x u)(x v).
Option H is incorrect  The student likely correctly found the correct zeros of the function and interpreted those values to be
the x-intercepts but did not find the correct y-intercept. The student needs to focus on identifying the
correct graph of a quadratic function in the form h(x) = (x u)(x v).
Option J is incorrect  The student likely found the correct y-intercept but used the values of the constants in the binomial
factors (x + 1) and (x 3) and concluded that the x-intercepts would occur at x = 1 and x = 3. The
student needs to identify the correct graph of a quadratic function in the form
h(x) = (x u)(x v).
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
41 Option B is correct To determine which equation can be used to find the n
term in the geometric sequence, the student
could have used the pattern, or the sequence, to determine the initial value, the number where the
sequence begins, a
, and the common ratio by dividing each term in the sequence by the preceding
term. Examining the sequence, the student could have realized that
16 64 256 1,024 4,096
4 16 64 256 1,024
= = = = =
. Next, the student could have realized that the pattern is
= −1(4)
, a
= −16 = 1(4)
, a
= −64 = −1(4)
, a
= −256 = −1(4)
, a
= −1,024 = −1(4)
and a
= −4,096 = −1(4)
and concluded that the equation for the n
term of the sequence is
= −1(4)
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to
solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely chose a negative coefficient, since all the term values are negative, and likely
misinterpreted that the common ratio is multiplied by the term number to generate a geometric
sequence rather than multiplying the common ratio by the preceding term. The student needs to
focus on how to write the equation for the n
term of a geometric sequence when given several terms
of the sequence.
Option C is incorrect The student likely recognized that each term value is negative and is a perfect square so used an
equation of a sequence that generates the opposite of perfect squares. The student needs to focus on
how to write the equation for the n
term of a geometric sequence when given several terms of the
Option D is incorrect The student likely calculated the correct common ratio, 4, but recognizing that all term values are
negative used −4 as the common ratio in the equation instead of 4. The student needs to focus on
how to write the equation for the n
term of a geometric sequence when given several terms of the
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
42 13 and any equivalent
values are correct
To determine the solution to 4(q + 56.5) = 30q 112, the student could have first distributed
(multiplied) the number immediately in front of the parentheses by the terms inside the parentheses.
This step would result in the equation 4q + 226 = 30q 112. Next, the student could have subtracted
4q from both sides, obtaining 226 = 26q 112. The student could then have added 112 to both sides
with the result 338 = 26q. Lastly, the student could have divided both sides of the equation by 26,
obtaining 13 = q or q = 13. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods
could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
43 Option B is correct To determine the expression equivalent to 36m
100, the student could have first recognized that
36 and 100 have a greatest (largest) common factor of 4 and factored that out, resulting in
100 = 4(9m
25). Next, the student could have recognized that the expression inside the
parentheses, 9m
25, can be rewritten as (3m)
, which represents the difference-of-squares
pattern, where a
can be written as the product of the binomial factors (a b) and (a + b).
Applying this pattern, the student could have rewritten the expression 4(9m
25) = 4[(3m)
as the product 4(3m 5)(3m + 5). This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely determined that two factors of 36m
are 9m and 4m, and that two factors of −100
are −20 and 5, but disregarded the value of the linear term of the quadratic equation. The student
needs to focus on understanding how to factor quadratic expressions.
Option C is incorrect The student likely recognized that 36 and 100 have a common factor of 2 and factored out the 2,
obtaining 2(18m
50). Then the student likely recognized that 2m and 9m are factors of 18m
that −5 and 10 are factors of −50 but disregarded the value of the linear term of the quadratic
equation. The student needs to focus on understanding how to factor quadratic expressions.
Option D is incorrect The student likely recognized that 36 and 100 have a greatest (largest) common factor of 4 and
factored that out, resulting in 36m
100 = 4(9m
25). Next, the student likely recognized that
9 and 25 are perfect squares and applied the perfect-square trinomial pattern for factoring
2ab + b
= (a b)
) instead of the difference-of-squares factoring pattern, obtaining
4(3m 5)
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to factor quadratic expressions.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
44 Option F is correct To determine which function (relationship where each input has a single output) best models the data,
the student could have used a graphing calculator to generate the function using exponential
regression (method of determining the exponential function, r(x) = ab
, where a is the initial
[beginning] value, b is the common factor [constant rate by which successive values increase or
decrease], and x is the variable [symbol used to represent an unknown number]). The function that
best models the data is r(x) = 223.06(1.09)
This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however,
other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option G is incorrect The student likely transposed the values of a and b when writing the exponential function that models
the data. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the different parts of an
exponential regression equation that are generated using technology.
Option H is incorrect The student likely switched the independent values (inputs, or exponent values) with the dependent
values (outputs, or the values that change depending on the inputs) when calculating the exponential
regression, using the time in months as the dependent variable and the net revenue as the
independent variable. The student needs to focus on how to identify independent and dependent
values when using technology to find a regression equation.
Option J is incorrect The student likely switched the independent values (inputs, or exponent values) with the dependent
values (outputs, or the values that change depending on the inputs) when calculating the exponential
regression, using the time in months as the dependent variable and the net revenue as the
independent variable. Next, the student likely transposed the values of a and b when writing the
exponential function that models the data. The student needs to focus on how to identify independent
and dependent values and how to identify the different parts of an exponential regression equation
when using technology to find a regression equation.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
45 Option B is correct To determine which graph best represents the system of equations (two or more equations containing
the same set of variables [symbols used to represent unknown numbers]) and its solution, the
student can first rewrite each equation into slope-intercept form. Slope-intercept form of a linear
equation is y = mx + b, where m represents the slope (steepness of a straight line graphed on a
coordinate grid;
) of each line and b represents the y-intercept (value where a line crosses
the y-axis) of each line. To rewrite the first equation, 2x = 6 y, the student could have first added y
to both sides of the equation, obtaining 2x + y = 6. Next, the student could have subtracted 2x from
both sides, resulting in the equation y = −2x + 6. Next, for the first equation, the student could have
recognized that the graph of the line will cross the y-axis (vertical axis) at the point (0, 6) and will
have a slope (steepness of a straight line graphed on a coordinate grid;
) of −2.
To find the slope-intercept form of the second equation, 5x 4y = 28, the student could first have
subtracted 5x from both sides, resulting in −4y = −5x + 28. Next, the student could have divided
both sides of the equation by −4, obtaining the equation
. Finally, the student could have
recognized that the graph of the line will cross the y-axis (vertical axis) at (0, −7) and will have a
slope (steepness of a straight line graphed on a coordinate grid;
) of
. This is an
efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem
Option A is incorrect The student likely made sign errors when converting each equation to slope-intercept form, resulting
in identifying the slopes and y-intercepts as being the opposite signs of the correct values. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to rewrite linear equations from standard form or other
forms into slope-intercept form.
Option C is incorrect The student likely made sign errors when converting each equation to slope-intercept form, resulting
in identifying the y-intercepts as being the opposite signs of the correct values. The student needs to
focus on understanding how to rewrite linear equations from standard form or other forms into slope-
intercept form.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option D is incorrect The student likely made sign errors when converting each equation to slope-intercept form, resulting
in identifying the slopes as being the opposite signs of the correct values. The student needs to focus
on understanding how to rewrite linear equations from standard form or other forms into slope-
intercept form.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
46  Option H is correct  To determine the function equivalent to k(x) = x
+ 2x 15, the student could have recognized the
need to find the factors (numbers or expressions that can be multiplied to get another number or
expression) of x
+ 2x 15. The student could have determined that x
is equal to x x and written x
as the first term in each factor. The student could then have determined that the second terms in
each factor are 5 and −3 because their product (answer when multiplying) is −15 (last term in the
expression given) and their sum is 2 (coefficient of middle term in the expression given). The student
could have then written the factors as (x + 5)(x 3). This is an efficient way to solve the problem;
however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect  The student likely determined that two factors of x
are x and x, and that two factors of −15 are
15 and −1 but disregarded the value of the linear term (middle term, or the term with a degree of 1)
of the quadratic equation. The student needs to focus on understanding how to factor a quadratic
equation of the form f(x) = x
+ bx + c.
Option G is incorrect  The student likely determined that two factors of x
are x and x, and that two factors of −15 are
1 and −15 but disregarded the value of the linear term (middle term, or the term with a degree of 1)
of the quadratic equation. The student needs to focus on understanding how to factor a quadratic
equation of the form f(x) = x
+ bx + c.
Option J is incorrect  The student likely determined that two factors of x
are x and x, and that two factors of −15 are
3 and −5 but disregarded the value of the linear term (middle term, or the term with a degree of 1) of
the quadratic equation. The student needs to focus on understanding how to factor a quadratic
equation of the form f(x) = x
+ bx + c.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
47 Option C is correct  To determine which graph best represents part of a quadratic function with a domain (all possible
x-values) of all real numbers less than −4, the student could have identified a graph with a vertex
(highest or lowest point of the curve) containing an x-coordinate of −4 (which represents the greatest
x-value) and a partial parabola that continues up forever (as represented by the arrow) to the left.
This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the
problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect  The student likely identified a graph with a domain of all real numbers less than 0, using the y-value
of the y-intercept, (0, −4), instead of the x-value. The student needs to focus on understanding how
to identify the domain of a quadratic function from a graph.
Option B is incorrect  The student likely identified a graph with a domain of all real numbers greater than −4, confusing
“greater than” with “less than.” The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the
domain of a quadratic function from a graph.
Option D is incorrect  The student likely identified a graph with a domain of all real numbers greater than 0, using the
y-value of the y-intercept, (0, −4), instead of the x-value, and confusing “greater than” with “less
than.” The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the domain of a quadratic function
from a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
48 Option G is correct  To determine the slope (steepness of a straight line when graphed on a coordinate grid) when given
two points, the student could have used the given ordered pairs and applied the slope formula
. Substituting the values of (−3, 1) and (5, 8) into the slope formula, the student could
have calculated
( )
8 1 7
. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect  The student likely misapplied the slope formula, adding the x-values and the y-values, obtaining
( )
8 1 9
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to use the formula for the slope
of a line when given two ordered pairs.
Option H is incorrect  The student likely misapplied the slope formula, adding the x-values and the y-values and making a
sign error when calculating, obtaining
( )
8 1 9 9
= = =
. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to use the formula for the slope of a line when given two ordered pairs.
Option J is incorrect 
The student likely made a sign error when calculating the slope, resulting in
( )
8 1 7 7
= = =
instead of
m =
. The student needs to focus on understanding how to use the formula for the slope
of a line when given two ordered pairs.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
49 Option A is correct  To determine the distance the mail carrier traveled on the morning route, the student could set up
and solve a system of equations [two or more equations containing the same set of variables
(symbols used to represent unknown numbers)]. If x represents the number of miles the mail carrier
traveled on the morning route and y represents the number of miles the mail carrier traveled on the
afternoon route, the student could have set up the two equations; 16x + 12y = 141 (16 times the
number of miles in the morning route + 12 times the number of miles in the afternoon route = 141 miles)
and 10x + 15y = 123.75 (10 times the number of miles in the morning route + 15 times the number
of miles in the afternoon route = 123.75 miles). Next, the student could have solved the system of
equations using the elimination method, multiplying the first equation by 5 and the second equation
by −4, resulting in the equations 80x + 60y = 705 and −40x 60y = 495. Next, the student could
have added the two equations together to eliminate the terms containing y, resulting in 40x = 210.
Dividing by 40, the student obtained the result x = 5.25. Since x represents the number of miles the
mail carrier traveled on the morning route, the student could have concluded that the distance of the
morning route in miles is 5.25 miles. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other
methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option B is incorrect  The student likely subtracted the number of times the mail carrier delivered mail on the morning route
this month, 10, from the number of times the mail carried delivered mail on the morning route last
month, 16, and concluded that the difference represents the distance of the morning route in miles.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to write a system of equations from a verbal
Option C is incorrect  The student likely set up and solved the system of equations correctly, but switched the values of
x and y, concluding that the distance of the morning route was 4.75 miles instead of 5.25. The
student needs to focus on understanding what value each variable represents in terms of the situation
when solving a system of equations.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
Option D is incorrect  The student likely found the sum of the total distances traveled both months, 141 + 123.75 = 264.75,
and the sum of the total number of routes the mail carrier delivered, 16 + 12 + 10 + 15 = 53, and
then divided the sums, obtaining
. Lastly, the student likely rounded 4.99 to 5. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to write a system of equations from a verbal
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
50 Option J is correct To determine which function best represents the graph of q, the student could have first identified
p(x) = x
as the quadratic parent function and used the function q(x) = af(x) + d to analyze the
transformation. Next, the student could have recognized that the graph of p was reflected over the
x-axis and translated up 2 units to create the graph of q. The student could then have determined
that a reflection over the x-axis indicates that the coefficient of the quadratic term, a, is −1, and that
a vertical translation up 2 units indicates that the value of d is 2. This is an efficient way to solve the
problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the reflection of the graph over the x-axis but did not recognize
replacing x with x 2 in a quadratic function would indicate that the graph was translated 2 units
right instead of up 2 units. The student needs to focus on how the direction of the transformation
affects the function.
Option G is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the reflection of the graph over the x-axis but did not recognize
that replacing x with x + 2 in a quadratic function would indicate that the graph was translated 2 units
left instead of up 2 units. The student needs to focus on how the direction of the transformation
affects the function.
Option H is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the reflection of the parent graph over the x-axis but interpreted
a vertical translation 2 units up as 2 being subtracted from the quadratic term instead of added. The
student needs to focus on how the direction of the transformation affects the function.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
51 Option C is correct To determine the solution to the equation 2(40 5y) = 10y + 5(1 y), the student could first have
distributed (multiplied) the number in front of the parentheses by the terms inside of the parentheses,
resulting in 80 10y = 10y + 5 5y. Next, the student could have combined like terms (terms that
contain the same variables raised to the same powers) on the right side of the equation, obtaining
80 10y = 5y + 5. The student could then have added 10y to both sides of the equation, resulting in
the equation 80 = 15y + 5, and then subtracted 5 from both sides with the result 75 = 15y. Finally,
the student could have divided both sides of the equation by 15, with the result that 5 = y, or y = 5.
This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to solve the
problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely distributed 2 to only the first term in the parentheses, resulting in
80 5y = 10y + 5 5y. After combining like terms, the student likely obtained 80 5y = 5y + 5.
Then, adding 5y and subtracting 5 from both sides, the student likely obtained the result 75 = 10y.
Finally, dividing both sides by 10, the student found that y = 7.5. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to apply the distributive property when solving equations.
Option B is incorrect The student likely made a sign error when applying the distributive property and identified all the
terms as positive after distributing (multiplying) the numbers immediately in front of the parentheses
to the terms inside the parentheses, resulting in 80 + 10y = 10y + 5 + 5y. When combining like
terms, the student likely obtained 80 + 10y = 15y + 5. After subtracting 10y and subtracting 5 from
both sides, the student likely obtained the equation 75 = 5y. Dividing by 5 on both sides, the student
concluded that y = 15. The student needs to focus on understanding how to apply the distributive
property when solving equations.
Option D is incorrect The student likely solved the equation for y and did not get a solution of either 5, 7.5, or 15. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to apply the distributive property and on the arithmetic
of solving equations.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
52 Option F is correct To determine which graph best represents the situation in which the initial value of a home is
$200,000 and the value of the home increases at the rate of 6% per year, the student first could have
recognized that the graph will represent an exponential function in the form y = ab
, where a is the
y-intercept (value where the graph crosses the y-axis), b is the common factor (constant rate by
which successive values increase or decrease), and x is the variable (symbol used to represent an
unknown number). Since it is given that the initial value of the house is $200,000, the student could
have recognized that the value of a is 200,000. Since the value of the home increases at a rate of 6%
per year, the student could have understood that the common factor, b, will be 1 + 0.06, or b = 1.06.
Substituting these values into the exponential function y = ab
, the student could have obtained the
result y = 200,000(1.06)
, where x represents the time in years. The student then could have
calculated the value of the function when x = 5, resulting in y = 200,000(1.06)
. Finally, the student
could have concluded that the point located at approximately (5, 267,645) lies on the graph of the
exponential function. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option G is incorrect The student likely miscalculated the value of the base, b, as b = 1.6 instead of 1.06, and used an
initial value of a = 100,000. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the graph of
an exponential function.
Option H is incorrect The student likely miscalculated the value of the base, b, as b = 1.6 instead of 1.06, but used the
correct initial value of a = 200,000. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the
graph of an exponential function.
Option J is incorrect The student likely correctly calculated the value of the base, b, as b = 1.06, but used an incorrect
initial value of a = 100,000. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the graph of
an exponential function.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
53 Option C is correct To determine the range (all possible y-values) of the part of the discrete linear function shown, the
student could have identified all the y-values of the points that are plotted. The ordered pairs on the
graph are (0, 96), (1, 88), (2, 80), (3, 72), (4, 64), (5, 56), and (6, 48). The student could have
realized that the set of y-values {96, 88, 80, 72, 64, 56, 48} represents the range of the function for
this situation. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be used to
solve the problem correctly.
Option A is incorrect The student likely identified the set of seven y-values on the scale of the y-axis, beginning with 96
and decreasing in increments of 12, {96, 84, 72, 60, 48, 36, 24}, as representing the range of the
function. The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify and express the domain and
range of a function from a graph.
Option B is incorrect The student likely identified the set of sums of the values in the domain and the number of balls given
to each player, {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, as the range. The student needs to focus on understanding
how to identify and express the domain and range of a function from a graph.
Option D is incorrect The student likely identified the set of values of the domain, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, as the range. The
student needs to focus on understanding how to identify and express the domain and range of a
function from a graph.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
May 2022
2022 STAAR Algebra I Math Rationales
Item # Rationale
54 Option G is correct To determine which graph best represents linear function (a relationship where each input has a
single output) k, the student could have recognized that the zero of a linear function is located at the
x-intercept of the graph. The student could then have identified the graph of a line that appears to
have an x-intercept of −2 and a y-intercept of 6. The student could have determined that the line
intersects (crosses) the x-axis at (−2, 0) and the y-axis at (0, 6), representing an x-intercept of −2
and a y-intercept of 6. This is an efficient way to solve the problem; however, other methods could be
used to solve the problem correctly.
Option F is incorrect The student likely correctly identified the y-intercept of 6 to be located at the point (0, 6), but likely
confused the slope (steepness of a straight line graphed on a coordinate grid;
) of the line
with the x-intercept of the line, choosing a line with a slope of 2. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the zero and the y-intercept of a linear function.
Option H is incorrect The student likely reversed the values of the zero of the function and the y-intercept of the function.
The student needs to focus on understanding how to identify the zero and the y-intercept of a linear
Option J is incorrect The student likely reversed the values of the zero of the function and the y-intercept of the function
and then used 6, the opposite of 6, as the zero of the function. The student needs to focus on
understanding how to identify the zero and the y-intercept of a linear function.