Effective Date:
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Airport Improvement Program Construction Project Change Orders
The purpose of this SOP is to establish uniform procedures for the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) Office of Airports (ARP) that address reviewing and approving Change
Orders for airport construction projects.
The scope of this SOP applies to all Change Orders for airport construction projects funded in
whole or in part under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP). The scope is limited to the
review and approval of Change Orders associated with a project that is underway or with the
close-out process at the end of the project. This SOP does not address funding decisions
associated with Change Orders.
This is the first version of this SOP, so it does not cancel a previous version.
Requirements identified within this SOP originate in or are further described in various FAA
publications including Orders, regulations, and Advisory Circulars. See the current versions.
1. Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations 200.323
2. FAA Order 5100.38, Airport Improvement Program Handbook
3. Advisory Circular 150/5370-10, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports
Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations 200.323 replaced Part 18.36 after December 26, 2014.
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
The AIP Handbook (FAA Order 5100.38) requires FAA Airports Personnel (FAA Airports
specialists or FAA Airports staff in Regional offices and Airport District Offices) to review
Change Orders associated with construction contracts.
The objective of this SOP is to provide a common understanding, frame of reference, and
minimum requirements for the processing of AIP Change Orders by FAA Airports staff.
The following limitations apply to this SOP:
1. This SOP only addresses the actions necessary for the review and approval of change
orders on AIP-funded construction contracts.
2. This SOP is not applicable to the review and approval of construction Change Orders on
Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) funded construction projects.
3. This SOP is not applicable to the review and concurrence of Supplemental Agreements.
4. This SOP addresses procedures for complying with existing FAA policy. This SOP does
not establish or modify FAA policy.
5. This SOP will not focus on funding decisions associated with a Change Order.
This SOP will be implemented in accordance with FAA Order 5100.38D, Airport Improvement
Program Handbook.
This SOP is distributed to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airports Organization
(ARP) and all interested parties. The SOP will be available electronically on the Airports section
of the FAA website.
Date of
Reason for Change
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
Elliott Black ______9/21/2015__________
Director, Office of Airport Planning and Programming Date
Michael J. O’Donnell ______9/14/2015__________
Director, Office of Airport Safety and Standards Date
Byron K. Huffman
Manager, Alaskan Region Airports Division
Jim A. Johnson
Manager, Central Region Airports Division
Debbie Roth
Manager, Eastern Region Airports Division
Susan Mowery-Schalk
Manager, Great Lakes Region Airports
Mary T. Walsh
Manager, New England Region Airports
Carolyn Read
Manager (Acting), Northwest Mountain
Region Airports Division
Winsome A. Lenfert
Manager, Southern Region Airports
Ignacio Flores
Manager, Southwest Region Airports
Mark A. McClardy
Manager, Western-Pacific Region Airports
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
Table of Contents
1. Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Airport Sponsor ................................................................................................................1
1.2. FAA Airports Personnel ...................................................................................................1
2. Process and Procedures ............................................................................................................ 2
2.1. General Characteristics of Change Orders ....................................................................2
2.2. Standard Change Order Process .....................................................................................3
2.2.1. Step 1: Receive Change Order from Sponsor ........................................................... 4
2.2.2. Step 2: Screen Change Order for Adequacy of Information ..................................... 4
2.2.3. Step 3: Evaluate Change Order for Eligibility .......................................................... 4
2.2.4. Step 4: Initiate Correspondence for Action Taken ................................................... 6
2.2.5. Step 5: Archive Correspondence in Grant File ......................................................... 8
2.3. Emergency Change Order Process ..................................................................................8
2.3.1. Step 1: Initial Coordination ....................................................................................... 9
2.3.2. Step 2: Follow-On Coordination ............................................................................. 10
2.3.3. Step 3: Initial Approval Action ............................................................................... 10
2.3.4. Step 4: Revert to Standard Change Order Process .................................................. 10
Appendix A. Glossary ............................................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B. Change Order Contents ..................................................................................... B-1
Appendix C. Samples of Change Order Correspondence ..................................................... C-1
C.1. Sample: Change Order Approval Correspondence ................................................. C-1
C.2. Sample: Change Order Disapproval Correspondence ............................................ C-3
Appendix D. List of Steps ......................................................................................................... D-1
D.1. Standard Change Order Process ............................................................................... D-1
D.2. Emergency Change Order Process ............................................................................ D-1
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
1.1. Airport Sponsor
As the recipient of an AIP grant, the airport sponsor must conform to the terms and conditions of
the grant agreement and the obligations established under the associated grant assurances. As
such, sponsors are the contractual authority that administers any proposed contract Change
Order. Sponsors are responsible for settling all contractual and administrative issues that arise
from their procurement actions. To remain eligible, such actions must conform to the approved
scope of work as defined in the Grant description and the accepted plans and specifications. As
they pertain to Change Orders, sponsor responsibilities include:
1. Maintaining records that detail the significant history of their procurement actions,
including Change Orders.
2. Documenting a clear and accurate description of the technical requirements for the
material, product, or service to be procured.
3. Preparing an independent estimate prior to receiving a Change Order proposal from the
4. Performing some form of a cost or price analysis for all contract modifications.
5. Negotiating profit as a separate element of price for each Change Order in which a cost
analysis is necessary.
6. Making available to the FAA specialist all required documentation, which may include
additional supporting documentation as requested by the FAA specialist.
7. Providing justification for why the Change Order is necessary for completion of the AIP-
funded project.
1.2. FAA Airports Personnel
FAA Airports Personnel are responsible for reviewing the sponsor’s Change Order request and
determining if the Change Order is eligible and justified for potential funding under an AIP
grant. Their responsibilities include:
1. Reviewing all Change Orders to determine AIP eligibility.
2. Determining whether a portion of the Change Order cost or associated costs (i.e., design
or inspection costs) are due to errors and omissions.
3. Ascertaining whether additional costs are directly related to the approved scope of work
and are necessary to accomplish the project.
4. Verifying Change Order elements conform to AIP standards and requirements.
5. Preparing correspondence documenting the FAA specialist’s determination of AIP
6. Archiving the eligibility decision in the project file.
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
2.1. General Characteristics of Change Orders
Change Orders occur on AIP-funded projects for a variety of reasons. Some Change Order work
items may be eligible while other work items may not. Change Order work items that are
otherwise allowable under the AIP may become ineligible if the sponsor does not conform to
AIP requirements for establishing reasonableness of price. It is the FAA specialist’s
responsibility to evaluate each Change Order item for AIP eligibility based on
Reasonableness of price
Table 2-1 addresses common Change Order types and useful information associated with each
type. A sponsor’s Change Order may include one or more of the Change Order types depending
on the specific Change Order situation.
Table 2-1. Types of Change Orders
Eligible if within
approved scope
of work.
if outside of
approved scope
of work.
quantities should
be limited to that
necessary to
complete work as
intended by
approved scope.
Ensure omitted
work items do not
compromise the
approved scope
of work.
reasonableness is
established by
existing unit
Changes to major
contract items:
unit price should
be subject to
renegotiation if a
major contract
item changed by
more than 25%.
Sponsors may
wait, at risk, until
the end of the
project to process
Change Orders
and any
associated grant
request for
Extra Work/New
Bid Item
Eligible if within
approved scope
of work.
if outside of
approved scope
of work.
Ineligible if not
permitted by AIP.
Ineligible if
outside of
approved scope
of work, even if
increase is due to
favorable bids.
quantities should
be limited to that
necessary to
complete work as
intended by
approved scope.
The sponsor
needs to perform
some form of
price analysis or
cost analysis.
The sponsor
needs to provide
assurance that it
conducted a price
or cost analysis.
The sponsor
should establish a
firm fixed price
before starting
extra work.
If uncertain about
the level of effort,
duration, and/or
material costs,
the sponsor
should not permit
the establishment
of a firm fixed
price for the extra
work. Instead, the
sponsor may use
a time and
material contract
method upon
approval by FAA.
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
Altering materials
or construction
methods, post-
bid, can result in
a modification to
AIP standards.
Unless explicitly
approved by the
FAA, modification
to AIP standards
are not allowed.
Emergency Change
Eligible if within
approved scope
of work.
if outside of
approved scope
of work.
Ineligible if not
permitted under
Ineligible if due to
covered by
Builders Risk or
other insurance.
quantities should
be limited to that
necessary to
complete work as
intended by
approved scope.
Omitting work
items can alter
the project such
that it deviates
from the
approved scope
or work.
Existing bid items:
reasonableness is
established by
contract unit
New bid items:
may be
established by
price analysis if
cost data is
readily available.
Time and Material
(T&M) method if
time critical; need
to establish
burdened hourly
rates before
starting extra
To avoid project
Change Orders
are typically
handled by
approval by FAA;
the sponsor
should generally
follow-up with a
standard Change
Order document.
The T&M
approach requires
the sponsor to
provide a high
level of oversight
that assures
performs in an
efficient manner
that minimized
Corrective Change
depends on the
circumstances of
the Change Order
and only those
costs directly
necessary to
accomplish the
project may be
AIP cannot
participate in
costs associated
with re-work.
Participation in
additional work
due to errors and
omission requires
an evaluation of
costs to
determine what
reasonably would
have been
incurred under
The sponsor
demonstrate why
corrective action
or measure is
If the sponsor
proposes an
solution, the
alternative must
demonstrate an
product to what is
in the accepted
plans and
Same as quantity
adjustment and
new work item
Change Orders
can result in
secondary project
cost increases
such as additional
design and
inspection fees.
Such secondary
costs may or may
not be AIP
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
the project if the
error or omission
had not occurred.
Deductive Change
Omitting a work
item can
adversely affect
the allowability of
the project.
The sponsor
should explain
why a work item
is being omitted.
Omitting work
items can alter
the project such
that it deviates
from the
approved scope
of work.
Omitting existing
bid item: price
reasonableness is
established by
current contract
Omitting partial
bid item: sponsor
needs to enter in
negotiation with
contractor to
establish a new
contract price.
Deleting work
items can modify
the project scope
so it no longer
matches the grant
No Cost Change
Allowability will
depend on the
circumstances of
the Change
Justification will
depend on the
circumstances of
the Change
Not applicable
A no cost Change
Order could
increase or
secondary project
costs such as
design or
inspection fees
for period of
2.2. Standard Change Order Process
The standard process for reviewing a Change Order assumes sufficient time is available for the
sponsor to properly define the scope of the Change Order work item and to negotiate a firm fixed
price that is fair and equitable. The process for administering an emergency Change Order differs
slightly from the standard Change Order process. Refer to Section 2.3 to learn more about
emergency Change Orders.
Figure 2-1. Standard Change Order Process
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
2.2.1. Step 1: Receive Change Order from Sponsor
Unless specifically requested by the FAA specialist, the sponsor does not have to obtain prior
FAA approval for contract changes. However, if a sponsor proceeds with a contract change
without prior FAA approval, it is at the sponsor’s risk. The FAA specialist’s review at a later
date determines which portion of Change Order costs are eligible for AIP participation. Sponsors
that submit proposed Change Orders to the FAA for review prior to execution can avoid
incurring costs for work items the FAA determines are ineligible.
Sponsors may not request reimbursement under the AIP for any Change Order work item unless
the FAA has approved AIP participation in the Change Order work item
2.2.2. Step 2: Screen Change Order for Adequacy of Information
This step represents an efficiency measure to limit the time spent reviewing a Change Order that
has inadequate documentation or that is clearly not eligible.
1. Verify if the Change Order addresses work associated with the approved scope of work.
If the extra work does not fall within the approved scope of work, the FAA specialist may
end the review with a non-approval determination.
2. Verify if the provided documentation is sufficient to allow the FAA specialist to evaluate
the Change Order for AIP eligibility. Refer to Appendix B for Change Order
documentation. Contact the sponsor if documentation is insufficient.
2.2.3. Step 3: Evaluate Change Order for Eligibility Evaluate Change Order for Allowability
To verify the sponsor’s due diligence, the FAA specialist reviews the Change Order to determine
if the extra work is allowable or if deleting a contract work item causes project elements to
become non-allowable. To be allowable, the work item costs must be necessary to accomplish
the original scope of work, as per the grant agreement and accepted plans and specifications. The
evaluation of allowability involves the following checks:
1. Verify the extra work does not involve non-allowable work as established within FAA
Order 5100.38, AIP Handbook.
2. Verify the extra work conforms to applicable FAA Standards for design and construction
(e.g., AC 150/5370-10 and AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design).
3. Verify the Change Order does not adversely affect compliance with applicable AIP
procurement requirements such as Buy American Preferences and Disadvantage Business
Enterprise participation:
a. Buy American Preference. For new contract work items, evaluate the item for
conformance with AIP preference for 100-percent U.S.-made product. If the item is
less than 100-percent U.S. domestic product or if it is not already included on the
FAA-approved list of Buy American waivers, the sponsor must obtain appropriate
This does not apply to necessary contract quantity adjustments, which are permitted under Section 90 of Advisory
Circular 150/5370-10.
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
information from the contractor to support a permissible waiver. If the Change Order
is deleting a work item, the FAA specialist must assess the effect the deletion may
have on any previously approved Buy American waiver.
Note: Under an FAA AIP Buy American Type III waiver, it is possible the new U.S.
domestic product content may drop below the previously approved percentage or
even below the 60-percent permissible threshold.
b. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). Assess the effect the Change Order
may have on the previously accepted DBE participation percentage for the project. A
Change Order that removes work items proposed for a DBE firm will likely result in
an overall lower DBE participation percentage from that approved at the time of
contract award. The sponsor may need to encourage the contractor to identify other
opportunities for DBE participation that fulfill the original obligation.
c. Davis-Bacon. Assess whether or not the current wage rate schedule incorporated into
the contract addresses the labor classifications necessary for the Change Order work.
The current wage rate schedule may need to be incorporated into the Change Order. Evaluate Change Order for Justification
The FAA specialist evaluates the Change Order work items to determine if the extra work or
deleted work items are justified. FAA Order 5100.38 addresses three basic tests to establish
1. Work Advances AIP Policy. The added work items must be consistent with AIP goals
that address agency objectives such as safety, security, environment, capacity, and
preserving airport infrastructure.
2. Actual Need. The sponsor must demonstrate to FAA satisfaction why it is necessary to
add or delete the work item(s) addressed in the Change Order in order to complete the
project as intended under the original approved scope of work. The FAA specialist
evaluates the Change Order to determine:
a. If the sponsor has established need for the Change Order.
b. If the Change Order addresses re-work due to errors or omissions.
c. If a request to increase contract time is supported by documentation that demonstrates
delays were due to circumstances outside of the contractor’s control.
3. Change Order Scope Is Appropriate. The extra work must be necessary to carry out
the project so a useable unit results at the conclusion of the project. The FAA specialist
evaluates the Change Order to determine:
a. If the additional work item exceeds FAA standards, resulting in unnecessary costs.
b. If the additional work items meet applicable AIP standards for design and
c. If deleting work items alters the original approved scope of work. Check for Reasonableness of Costs
The FAA specialist makes the final determination of cost reasonableness as outlined in Chapter
3, Section 14, of FAA Order 5100.38, AIP Handbook. The FAA specialist makes this
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
determination by issuing correspondence that conveys approval, partial approval, or disapproval.
In making this determination, the FAA specialists relies on a statement signed by the sponsor
that it has performed either a price or cost analysis and that it recommends the FAA accept the
price as fair and reasonable. The FAA specialist may ask the sponsor to submit additional
documentation (e.g., documentation that supports the price/cost analysis, bid abstracts from
recent projects, etc.) to support a determination of a fair and reasonable price.
2.2.4. Step 4: Initiate Correspondence for Action Taken The FAA specialist prepares and submits correspondence that conveys to the sponsor a
determination of AIP eligibility. There are three potential Change Order actions and
1. Approved
2. Partially Approved
3. Disapproved Because the sponsor has the option to submit changes as they occur or at the end of the
project, the FAA specialist can address each Change Order individually or collectively at the end
of the project, but also should not purposely refrain from making a determination of eligibility
until the end of the project. The FAA specialist can use any of the following forms of correspondence:
Hard copy letter
Emailed copy of the action letter (approval, partial approval, disapproval)
Email In all cases, the correspondence must address the following minimum elements in Table
2-2 for the type of action being taken.
Table 2-2. Change Order Correspondence
Partial Approval
1. Basic Information
Sponsor Name
Airport Name
Grant Number
Project Description
Contract Identifier (if
Sponsor Name
Airport Name
Grant Number
Project Description
Contract Identifier (if
Sponsor Name
Airport Name
Grant Number
Project Description
Contract Identifier (if
2. Change Order Sequence
e.g., Change Order
No. 5
e.g., Change Order
No. 5
e.g., Change Order
No. 5
3. FAA [Action]
[Approval] based on
sponsor’s submitted
[Partial Approval]
based upon sponsor’s
[Disapproval] action
that declares work item
4. Listing of Change Order
Approved Change
Approved Change
Restrictions on
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
Partial Approval
Order items
Order items
including non-
participating work:
The incorporation of
work items must not
directly or indirectly
result in additional
costs to the AIP-
eligible portion of
the project.
Maintain separate
and accurate cost
accounting of the
costs that will
permit a third-party
auditor to quickly
verify proper cost
5. Change Order Cost
Amount of approved
Change Order costs
Listing of non-
participating items
Cost of non-
participating items
Brief explanation of
why item is non-
Cumulative values of
approved and
disapproved Change
Order items
Not applicable
6. Time Extension
Amount of approved
contract time
Amount of approved
and disapproved
contract time extension
Not applicable
7. Limitations of Approval
“This determination is
solely for the purpose
of establishing
eligibility of costs
under the AIP
program. This action
does not represent a
commitment of Federal
funds in addition to the
original grant
“Our approval with the
increase in contract
time does not
represent FAA
concurrence with
additional contract
time for construction
phase services.”
“This determination is
solely for the purpose
of establishing
eligibility of costs
under the AIP
program. This action
does not represent a
commitment of Federal
funds in addition to the
original grant
“Our approval with the
increase in contract
time does not
represent FAA
concurrence with
additional contract time
for construction phase
The incorporation of
non-participating work
items must not directly
or indirectly result in
Not applicable
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
Partial Approval
additional costs to the
AIP-eligible portion of
the project. Maintain
separate and accurate
cost accounting of the
non-participating costs
that will permit a third
party auditor to quickly
verify proper cost
8. Required Actions
Forward one copy
(preferably emailed
pdf) of the executed
Change Order to my
attention as soon as it
is available.
Indicate details of this
Change Order on your
as-built drawings.
Forward one copy
(preferably emailed
pdf) of the executed
Change Order to my
attention as soon as it
is available.
Indicate details of this
Change Order on your
as-built drawings.
Not applicable
9. Clarification Comments
Not applicable
As applicable
Not applicable
2.2.5. Step 5: Archive Correspondence in Grant File
The FAA specialist should archive the correspondence in the grant document file.
2.3. Emergency Change Order Process
An emergency Change Order addresses extra work that the sponsor and the FAA mutually agree
is time critical for mitigating an immediate safety or airport operational concern or addressing
differing site conditions that have the potential to adversely impact the project’s progress.
Emergency Change Orders can result in premium prices for Change Order work. The
application of the emergency Change Order process should be limited to situations where it is
absolutely necessary. Insufficient planning and convenience are not adequate reasons to use the
emergency Change Order process.
Administration of emergency Change Order work differs from the standard process in that it is
typically in the best interest of the FAA to immediately commence extra work rather than wait
until the standard process is finished. Initial coordination of emergency Change Orders is
typically via telephone or email. The complete description of the work may not be readily
available to allow a contractor to determine the necessary level of effort and risk that may apply.
A valid emergency Change Order is a situation where the time and material (T&M) payment
approach is justified under the AIP.
The steps for administering an emergency change will vary according to the extent and context
of the emergency. Generally, the Change Order process for valid emergencies begins with
required immediate actions but concludes with steps from the standard process flow.
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
Figure 2-2. Emergency Change Order Process
2.3.1. Step 1: Initial Coordination Initial coordination will generally be either verbal communication (i.e., telephone
conversation) or by email. If initial coordination is verbal, the FAA specialist should request the
caller to follow up the phone conversation with an email that documents the main discussion
points. When initially discussing an emergency Change Order, the FAA specialist should
address the following issues:
1. What happened?
2. What are the immediate consequences?
a. Are airport operations adversely affected?
b. Are there immediate construction safety issues?
3. Is the Change Order allowable and justified?
Note: Characterizing the situation as an “emergency” does not make the work
automatically eligible.
a. Example 1: Immediate replacement or stabilizing of an isolated pocket of unsuitable
subgrade may be eligible.
b. Example 2: Mitigating subgrade due to discovery of hazardous contamination may
not be eligible.
4. What conversations has the sponsor had with the Contractor about corrective action?
5. How will Change Order costs be established?
a. For some emergency work items, cost data from current project (i.e., bid prices) and
recent AIP projects may be sufficient to establish reasonableness of costs under a
price analysis approach;
b. For most emergency work items, it may be impractical to determine the extent of
work or the level of required effort. In such cases, a time and material contract is
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
appropriate provided the sponsor is made aware of the constraints associated with a
T&M approach.
2.3.2. Step 2: Follow-On Coordination
While the coordination may be verbal at first, the FAA specialist should emphasize use of email
to document discussions with the sponsor and the consultant. File copies of such email
discussions in the grant project file.
2.3.3. Step 3: Initial Approval Action
Once the sponsor provides sufficient information to provide direction to the contractor, the FAA
specialist may grant initial approval of the emergency Change Order. The type of initial approval
will depend on the specific circumstances of the emergency.
1. Conditional Approval. Send an email offering approval with additional work
conditioned on the following:
a. The sponsor can base the extra work item cost on existing contract unit prices.
b. The FAA will establish a not-to-exceed value with the sponsor.
c. The FAA will require the sponsor to submit a formal Change Order with final costs.
2. Provisional Approval. Send an email offering provisional approval:
a. When the extent and effort required of work items are not initially known;
b. Advising the sponsor that given the unknown circumstances of the emergency action,
anticipated costs will be determined eligible, provided they are allowable under AIP
and justified for the project.
3. Permit Use of Time and Material (T&M) Payment Approach. If using this type of
a. Require the sponsor to negotiate a value for profit to be used in the T&M; this may be
a firmed fixed value or may be incorporated into a burdened hourly rate for the
b. Require the sponsor to establish a ceiling price that cannot be exceeded unless at the
contractor’s risk.
c. Require the sponsor to provide active oversight of the contractor’s performance to
establish the level of effort and efficiency. The sponsor must maintain detailed notes
documenting the contractor’s performance.
2.3.4. Step 4: Revert to Standard Change Order Process Once the emergency work is fully defined and the level of effort necessary to carry out
the remaining emergency work is known, the sponsor should consider reverting to a firm fixed
price Change Order if it is practical to do so. If not, the agreements that are informally in place
may continue. However, the sponsor should proceed with establishing a standard Change Order
to cover this work. Once the sponsor submits the standard Change Order, the FAA specialist should review
the Change Order similar to a standard process but starting at Standard Step 3 (paragraph
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
2.2.3). Since the FAA specialist should already be well informed of the Change Order details, the
review of Standard Steps 35 (paragraphs will likely be cursory. The intent of this
second review is to verify that the agreed-upon elements of the initial approval are still valid with
the formal Change Order. The FAA specialist completes the emergency Change Order process by initiating an
approval/partial approval/disapproval letter per Standard Step 4 (paragraph 2.2.4) and archiving
the letter action and supporting documentation per Standard Step 5 (paragraph 2.2.5).
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
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Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
1. Accepted Plans and Specifications: approval based on airport sponsor self-certification
as defined in FAA Order 5100.38.
2. Approved Scope of Work: synonymous with Project” as defined in Section 10 of
AC 150/5370-10.
3. Bid Item: synonymous with Contract Item” as defined in Section 10 of AC 150/5370-
4. Burdened Rate: the allocation rate at which indirect costs are applied to the direct costs
of either labor or inventory.
5. Change Order: See Section 10 of AC 150/5370-10 for a definition of Change Order as
it applies to this SOP.
6. Contract Item (Pay Item): See Section 10 of AC 150/5370-10 for a definition as it
applies to this SOP.
7. Corrective Change Order: a Change Order issued to either correct work already
completed or to prevent a design deficiency from occurring. Corrective Change Orders
are typically a result of an error, omission, or design change. Corrective Change Orders
that are preventative may be eligible. Corrective Change Orders that cause re-work may
not be fully eligible.
8. Deductive Change Order: a Change Order issued to reduce the contract work by
deleting a contract work item (i.e., omitted work) or removing a contract requirement.
9. Emergency Change Order: a Change Order that requires urgent action to avoid a
significant delay to the project critical path or to mitigate an immediate airport safety or
operational deficiency.
10. Extra Work: See Section 10 of AC 150/5370-10 for a definition of “Extra Work” as it
applies to this SOP.
11. Omitted Item: work/contract/bid items that are being deleted from the original approved
project scope. See Section 40 of AC 150/5370-10. Synonymous with a deleted work item.
12. Project: See Section 10 of AC 150/5370-10 for a definition as it applies to this SOP.
13. Supplemental Agreement: See Section 10 of AC 150/5370-10 for a definition of
Supplemental Agreement as it applies to this SOP.
14. Time and Material: contract methods that allows acquiring material and services on the
basis of negotiated burdened labor hours (i.e., wages, overhead, general administrative
expenses, and profit) and materials at cost. The time and material method is appropriate
only if other contract methods are not suitable, and if at the time of the procurement
action, it is not possible to estimate accurately the extent or duration of the work or to
estimate costs with any reasonable degree of confidence.
15. Usable Unit of Work: See Table A1 of FAA Order 5100.38 for a definition of usable
unit of work as it applies to this SOP.
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
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Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
The sponsor Change Order may address individual work items or they may include multiple
work items. When applicable, Change Orders under an AIP-funded construction project should
contain the following basic components and supporting documentation.
Note: FAA Order 5100.38 allows the FAA specialist to request additional documentation as
necessary to determine AIP eligibility.
1. General Change Order Information
2. Airport Name
3. AIP Grant Number
4. Project Description (i.e., Reconstruct Runway 02/20)
5. Contract Identifier: if the AIP grant includes more than one prime contract (i.e., Contract
Number, Contractor Name, or Work Scope Number)
6. Change Order Sequence Number
7. Description of Construction Change Order
8. Justification for the Construction Change Order. The Change Order
a. Should clearly explain and document the circumstances that necessitated a Change
Order. Examples include unforeseen site conditions, work necessary to have a usable
unit at the close out of the grant, and omissions in the plans and specifications that
could not have been foreseen during the project design phase.
b. Must provide sufficient information to allow the FAA specialist to determine if the
Change Order work is the result of an error or omission on the part of the airport
c. Must document that the change is needed and directly related to the work identified in
the grant description rather than an afterthought, do-over, “nice to have item,” or
maintenance after construction.
d. Must provide enough information to allow the FAA specialist to determine that the
changes are consistent with FAA standards or provide the disposition of any
modifications to standards.
e. Must address the reason for any proposed contract time extensions or modifications
(i.e., document the abnormal conditions or circumstances and how it affected the
original project schedule). This should include a discussion of liquidated damages.
9. Cost Reasonableness
a. The sponsor must perform either a price or cost analysis with every Change Order.
b. The sponsor must prepare an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) prior to receipt of the
contractor’s proposal. Evidence of this must be by signature of preparer and date the
estimate was prepared.
c. The sponsor must provide the FAA a written statement that addresses the type of
analysis they used to establish a fair and equitable price for the extra work.
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
d. The statement should typically include a recommendation to accept their analysis as
evidence of cost reasonableness.
e. The FAA specialist has the final determination on whether the costs are reasonable.
10. Consequences of Change Order Attachment
a. The sponsor’s attachment should address the consequences of the Change Order,
contract time, and related services.
b. The sponsor’s attachment must address itemized cost breakdown of the associated
costs and include the original contract value (FAA federal share) and cumulative
value of contract to-date (with all Change Orders).
c. The attachment must justify, in accordance with AC 150/5370-10, the original
schedule and any proposed changes to schedule (Change in Contract Time).
d. The attachment should indicate any effect on other costs such as engineering,
construction management, or inspection.
11. Conformance to AIP Standards and Regulations
a. The Change Order documentation should include a statement addressing
conformance to AIP standards and regulations. The following are some of the more
common FAA Standards and Regulations that might be affected:
i. FAA design and construction standards
ii. Procurement standards and requirements
iii. Buy American provisions
iv. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
12. Supporting Documentation
13. Sketches/Diagrams/Drawings
14. Revised CSPP
15. Other Information as Requested by FAA Specialist
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
C.1. Sample: Change Order Approval Correspondence
XXX Airport Manager
555 Airport Parkway
Anywhere USA, US 99999
Airport: Anywhere Airport
[Project Name]
Contract No. (if applicable)
Change Order No. X
I have reviewed the subject Change Order and associated costs and determined that [a portion of]
the additional contract items are eligible for AIP participation.
The following contract items are approved in the total amount of $00 and [no | a # day] increase
in contract time:
AIP will not participate in the following contract items. Refer to the attachment for an
The following limitations apply to this action:
This determination is solely for the purpose of establishing eligibility of costs under the
AIP program. This approval does not represent a commitment of Federal funds in
addition to the original grant obligation.
The incorporation of non-participating work items must not directly or indirectly result in
any additional cost to the AIP-eligible portion of the project. Please maintain a separate
and accurate cost accounting of the non-participating work that will permit a third party
auditor to quickly verify proper allocation of costs.
[**]Our approval with the increase in contract time does not represent FAA concurrence
with additional time for construction phase services.
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
Please forward a copy of the executed change to my attention as soon as it is available. Your
record drawings should indicate details addressed by this Change Order.
If you have questions, please call me at (555) 555-5555.
[FAA Specialist’s Name]
Notes to the FAA Specialist:
*Provide explanation of ineligible or non-participating work in separate attachment.
**This item only applies to time extension requests.
ADO may elect to use their approval block with appropriate disclaimers if all items in the Change Order
are approved.
Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
C.2. Sample: Change Order Disapproval Correspondence
Mr. [Ms.]
XXX Airport Manager
555 Airport Parkway
Anywhere USA, US 99999
Airport: Anywhere Airport
[Project Name]
Contract Identified (If applicable)
Change Order No. X
I have reviewed the subject Change Order and associated documentation and find the work to be
ineligible under the subject grant agreement for the following reasons:
Extra work unnecessary to accomplish the project scope as originally approved.
Extra work is the result of errors or omissions that could foreseeably been avoided.
Extra work not allowable under the AIP.
Cost of extra work is not reasonable.
Change Order No. X is disapproved.
Note the following if you proceed with this work:
The incorporation of non-participating work items must not directly or indirectly result in
additional costs to the AIP-eligible portion of the project.
Maintain separate and accurate cost accounting of the non-participating costs that will
permit a third party auditor to quickly verify proper cost allocation.
If you have questions, please call me at (555) 555-5555.
[FAA Specialist’s Name]
ARP SOP No. 7.00 Effective Date: October 1, 2015
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Effective Date: October 1, 2015 ARP SOP No. 7.00
D.1. Standard Change Order Process
1. Step 1 Receive Change Order from Sponsor
2. Step 2 Screen Change Order for Adequacy of Information
3. Step 3 Evaluate Change Order for Eligibility
a. Allowability
b. Justification
c. Reasonableness of costs
4. Step 4 Initiate Correspondence for Action Taken (Approval/Partial
5. Step 5 Archive Correspondence in Grant File
D.2. Emergency Change Order Process
1. Step 1 Initial Coordination
2. Step 2 Follow-on Coordination
3. Step 3 Initial Approval Action
4. Step 4 Revert to Standard Change Order Process