MOSSA Group Fitness Classes
Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex
Aerobics Room
6:00 am
7:00 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Pre-Registration Required (click here)
Registration opens 7 days prior to class
Adult Per Class: $8.70 | Senior/Student: $7.85
Adult 10 Class Pass: $73.95 | Senior/Student: $66.75
Adult Monthly Membership: $57.85 | Senior/Student: $48.45
60-minute classes
Amazing instructors!
Great for all fitness levels!
Class Capacity: 15 people
RIDE Class Capacity: 12 people
Parks & Recreation
Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex
550 Belsyde Avenue East, Fergus
519-846-9691 ext. 903
MOSSA Fitness Class Information
Group Active is a diverse
workout that improves
cardiovascular fitness,
builds total-body
strength, and enhances
Movement Health for
daily life. Inspiring music
and professional coaching
will ensure you succeed
with a variety of
innovative and athletic
exercises using
dumbbells, body weight,
and The STEP.
Group Blast Athletic
cardio training that uses
The STEP in a variety of
ways. This highly effective
workout will get your
heart pounding as you
improve your cardio
fitness, agility,
coordination, power, and
strength with exciting
music and motivational
Grow longer and stronger
with Group Centergy , an
invigorating mind-body
workout. It incorporates
yoga and Pilates
fundamentals with
athletic training for
strength, balance,
mobility, and flexibility.
Emotive music drives the
experience as you breathe
and sweat through this
full-body movement
Group Power is a
cutting-edge strength
training workout
designed to get you
muscle and movement
strong. It combines
traditional strength
training with full-body,
innovative exercises using
an adjustable barbell,
weight plates, body
weight, The STEP , heart-
pounding music, and
expert coaching.
Group Ride is a cycling
experience brought
indoors that will get you
heart, lung, and leg
strong. Inspiring music
sets the pace and
creates the terrain as you
roll over hills, chase the
pack, spin the flats,
climb mountains, and
sprint to the finish!
R30 is a cycling workout
that will improve your
cardio fitness and
muscular endurance in
only 30 minutes.
Inspiring music and
motivating coaching sets
the pace for a workout
that will leave you
feeling sweaty and