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To assist in incident mobilization efforts, the Great Basin Incident Business Group has established Blanket Purchasing Agreements
(BPA) to be used in the support of protecting lands for fire suppression, severity, and all-hazard incidents. The BPA may be used for
federal resources, as well as for non-federal resources whose agency does not have an existing rental car agreement in place. This
document provides the process for utilizing the BPAs listed below:
Enterprise Car Rental
Rush Truck
Salmon Motors
Prior to utilizing a rental car on an emergency incident the proper mode of transportation must be determined. The mode of
transportation must result in the greatest advantage to the Government and be approved in advance by the incident agency (via the
resource order) and the employee’s supervisor.
When use of a rental car has been approved, it is recommended that SUVs or pickups be utilized. A standard/intermediate SUV or ½-
ton pickup should be sufficient in most cases. For line-going personnel, it is recommended that ¾-ton or larger pickups be rented.
These vehicles are equipped with higher ground clearance and E-class rated tires. Employees may be approved to upgrade rental
vehicle size under the following circumstances:
To accommodate the transportation of additional government equipment that is so large that it cannot reasonably fit into a
compact vehicle.
Travelers will be accessing areas of extremely rough terrain, which would require the use of a Sport Utility Vehicle with off
road capabilities to ensure safe travel.
Sharing a rental vehicle with other employees.
For longer term assignments (i.e., fire pre-positions and details) rentals may be procured and paid under the centrally billed account
to avoid potential credit availability issues with charge cards. Users will need to submit spreadsheets or other documentation that
indicates which fires and dates the vehicle should be charged to. Arrangements for this documentation should be made at the time
of rental between the user and the payment office.
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A government employee, that has a government-issued charge card, shall utilize this BPA and pay (for themselves only) using that
charge card at the time of rental. This option allows the employee to arrange and pay for their own travel, but fall within these
terms and conditions unique to incident support (i.e. claims, off road use, etc.).
All vehicle operators must possess a valid State-issued driver’s license.
A resource order will be generated for the employee incident assignment, specifying in the “Special Needs” block that a
rental vehicle is authorized. No 15-passenger vans are to be rented.
The employee may reserve the vehicle by:
Enterprise Rentals Only - Reserving online at: Enterprise Direct Bill. Online reservation instructions can be found
Contacting the rental car vendor directly to make arrangements for the rental. Employee MUST provide either a
Vehicle Rental Order Form (Form B-1) or the above-mentioned resource order via fax, email or in person.
Employee must specify if a 4X4 or all-wheel vehicle is required at the time of order.
The employee shall provide their charge card number at the time of rental. Per the BPA terms and conditions, pre-charging
or placing holds on charge cards is prohibited, including pre-authorization fees.
The employee will obtain a copy of the rental agreement. The rental agreement should contain either the customer
number or the incident number and resource order number. Employees must ensure their government-issued charge card
has been utilized on the rental agreement at the time of rental. If an employee encounters resistance to utilization of the
employee’s government-issued charge card, contact the local dispatch center or incident business personnel for assistance.
Employee will decline the following:
Any and all insurance coverage options
Prepayment of fuel upon return of the vehicle
The employee responsible for the vehicle is required to perform a pre-use inspection of the rental vehicle according to the
rental company’s procedures/forms. Physical inspection shall include the body, undercarriage and roof of the vehicle. Any
existing or questionable pre-existing damage should be documented with photos (camera or phone) and
discussion/documentation with the rental car lot agent. Ensure that pictures reflect the damage in terms of size and depth.
A copy of the commercial rental agreement should remain in the glove box of the vehicle at all times until vehicle is
returned to vendor.
In the event the renter is reassigned to an additional incident prior to returning the vehicle to the vendor, the
resource order for the new incident (specifying that a rental car is authorized) should be kept with the original
documentation until vehicle is returned to vendor.
All vehicles shall be returned in the condition received (fueled and clean). If this is not possible, it is the employees
responsibility to contact a local representative to assist in the re-fueling and/or cleaning of the vehicle. The employee
responsible for the vehicle is required to perform a post-use inspection of the rental vehicle according to the rental
company’s procedures/forms. Physical inspection should include the body, undercarriage and roof of the vehicle. All
damage should be documented with photos (camera or phone). Ensure that pictures reflect the damage in terms of size
and depth. See DAMAGES below.
Vehicles dropped off at a location other than where rented will require a cost comparison in order to document that the
additional drop off fee was warranted. The cost comparison shall become part of the employee’s travel claim.
Employee will obtain a final invoice from the rental car company. Documentation contained in the glove box should be
retained for employee charge card statement reconciliation.
Claims and damages will be settled by the employee’s servicing contracting officer at their home unit and should not be billed to
the government-issued charge card. The employee is responsible for completion of the appropriate forms and photos of
damage. The OF-289, Property Loss or Damage Report or SF-91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report and SF-94, Statement of
Witness shall be completed. Forms and other documentation (photos, etc.) shall be submitted to the employee’s incident
business or administrative point of contact, who will forward the paperwork to the agency payment contact where the vehicle
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was rented. The agency payment contact will coordinate with the servicing contracting officer for claims settlement. See Page
12 for a list of agency payment contacts. If the damage occurred at the incident, the incident finance section shall retain a copy
of the paperwork with a notation on disposition of the original paperwork. The claim should not be settled by incident
personnel. Employees are responsible for notifying their home unit supervisor of the damage. Refer to the Interagency Incident
Business Management Handbook (chapters 30 and 70) for specific information. The servicing contracting officer will forward a
copy of all documentation and claim adjudication results to the employee’s home unit. Accountability for damages will be
determined by the home unit.
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Orders for vehicles under this category, utilizing this BPA, shall only be placed by dispatch, buying team members, or other
authorized officials. Employees without charge cards are NOT authorized to order vehicles for themselves.
All vehicle operators must possess a valid State-issued driver’s license.
Resource order will be generated for the employee incident assignment, specifying in the “Special Needs block that a
rental vehicle is authorized. No large (15-passenger) vans are to be rented.
Dispatch or other authorized official will provide the employee with a copy of the Standard Operating Procedures and
ensure the employee understands their responsibilities in regards to the rental of the vehicle.
Employee will be provided and complete Form A-1, Great Basin Rental Car BPA Checklist for Centrally Billed
Reservations. Form A-1 shall be kept on file with the entity making the reservation (i.e., dispatch or hiring unit).
Dispatch or other authorized officials will reserve a rental vehicle for the employee. Vehicles can be reserved by:
Enterprise Rentals Only - Reserving online. The web link to reserve vehicles that will be centrally billed can be
obtained from local dispatch or incident business personnel. Online reservation instructions can be found
Contacting the rental car vendor directly to make arrangements for the rental. Complete the Vehicle Rental
Order Form (Form B-1) and provide via fax, email or in person to the vendor. A Vehicle Rental Order Form is
REQUIRED before the vendor can arrange any rental unit. The Vehicle Rental Order Form (Form B-1) should
specify if a 4X4 or all-wheel vehicle is required. The Vehicle Rental Order Form shall specify “Invoiced through
BPA Payment Process” and the appropriate contact information provided.
Dispatch or other authorized official will provide the appropriate payment contact with a copy of the resource order
associated with the rental and a copy of the B-1 form for those vehicles which will be centrally billed.
Vendor will contact the renter within 2 hours of the order to arrange delivery or pickup.
The employee will obtain a copy of the rental agreement. The rental agreement should contain either the customer
number or the incident number and resource order number. Customer numbers can be obtained by local dispatch or
incident business personnel. Renters must ensure their personal charge card has not been provided for the vehicle
rental. If personnel encounter resistance to utilization of the centrally billed account, contact the local dispatch center
or incident business personnel for assistance. DO NOT PROVIDE PERSONAL CHARGE CARD INFORMATION to the rental
Renter will decline the following:
Any and all insurance coverage options
Prepayment of fuel upon return of the vehicle
The renter responsible for the vehicle is required to perform a pre-use inspection of the rental vehicle according to the
rental company’s procedures/forms. Physical inspection shall include the body, undercarriage and roof of the vehicle.
Any existing or questionable pre-existing damage should be documented with photos (camera or phone) and
discussion/documentation with the rental car lot agent. Ensure that pictures reflect the damage in terms of size and
A copy of the commercial rental agreement should remain in the glove box of the vehicle at all times until vehicle is
returned to vendor.
In the event the renter is reassigned to an additional incident prior to returning the vehicle to the vendor, the
resource order for the new incident (specifying that a rental car is authorized) should be kept with the original
At the end of the incident, unless otherwise approved, vehicles shall be returned to point of pickup in condition in
which it was received (fueled and clean). If this is not possible, it is the renter’s responsibility to contact a local
representative to assist in the re-fueling and/or cleaning of the vehicle. The employee responsible for the vehicle is
required to perform a post-use inspection of the rental vehicle according to the rental company’s procedures/forms.
Physical inspection should include the body, undercarriage and roof of the vehicle. All damage should be documented
with photos (camera or phone). Ensure that pictures reflect the damage in terms of size and depth. See DAMAGES
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Vehicles dropped off at a location other than where rented will require a cost comparison in order to document that
the additional drop off fee was warranted. Cost comparisons shall be turned in to the hiring official, who will forward
the cost comparison to the agency payment contact for payment documentation. See Page 12 for a list of agency
payment contacts.
The vendor will invoice through the BPA Payment Process to the contact listed on the Vehicle Rental Order Form.
Claims and damages will be settled by the servicing contracting officer of the payment agency who rented the vehicle and
should not
be billed to the renter’s charge card. The individual assigned to the vehicle is responsible for completion of the
appropriate forms and photos of damage. The OF-289, Property Loss or Damage Report or SF-91, Motor Vehicle Accident
Report and SF-94, Statement of Witness shall be completed. The renter shall submit forms/photos/documentation directly
to their hiring unit incident business or administrative point of contact, who will forward the paperwork to the agency
payment contact where the vehicle was rented. The agency payment contact will coordinate with the servicing contracting
officer for claims settlement. See Page 12 for a list of agency payment contacts. If the damage occurred at the incident, the
incident finance section shall retain a copy of the paperwork with a notation on disposition of the original paperwork. The
claim should not be settled by incident personnel. Employees are responsible for notifying their home unit supervisor of
the damage. Refer to the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (chapters 30 and 70) for specific
information. The servicing contracting officer will forward a copy of all documentation and claim adjudication results to the
employee’s home unit. The individual may be contacted to assist in the processing of the claim for damages. If any
negligence is determined, the individual may be held financially accountable for a portion of the claim. This will be
determined by the individual’s hiring unit.
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Orders for vehicles under this category, utilizing this BPA, shall only be placed by buying team members or other authorized officials.
All vehicle operators must possess a valid State-issued driver’s license.
Resource orders (one per vehicle) will be generated for the vehicles by Dispatch. Resource orders will specify the type of
vehicle needed (i.e., 4x4, ½-ton, sedan, etc.). Additionally, vehicle identifying information (i.e., color, license plate #, etc.)
shall be entered into ROSS after the vehicle has been picked up from the rental agency. Dispatch should coordinate with
those individuals picking up the vehicles to obtain this information. No large (15-passenger vans) are to be rented.
Dispatch or other authorized officials (i.e., buying team members) will reserve rental vehicle(s). Vehicles can be reserved
Enterprise Rentals Only - Reserving online.
Government-Issued Charge Card - The web link for those vehicles that will be paid with a government-
issued charge card is:
Centrally Billed - The web link to reserve vehicles that will be centrally billed can be obtained from local
dispatch or incident business personnel. Online reservation instructions can be found
Contacting the rental car vendor directly to make arrangements for the rental. Authorized officials will complete
the Rental Vehicle Request Form (Form B-2) and provide via fax, email or in person to the vendor. The Rental
Vehicle Request Form is REQUIRED before the vendor can arrange any rental unit. The Rental Vehicle Request
Form should specify if a 4X4 vehicle is required. The Rental Vehicle Request Form shall specify “Invoiced through
BPA Payment Process” and the appropriate contact information provided.
Dispatch or other authorized official will provide the receiving unit with a copy of this portion of the Standard Operating
Procedures and ensure the receiving unit understands their responsibilities in regards to the rental of the vehicle(s).
Dispatch or other authorized official will provide the appropriate payment contact with a copy of the resource order
associated with the rental and a copy of the B-2 form for those vehicles which will be centrally billed.
Vendor will contact the renter within 2 hours of the order to arrange delivery or pickup.
Personnel assigned to pick up the vehicle(s) will obtain a copy of the rental agreement. The rental agreement should
contain either the customer number or the incident number and resource order number. Customer numbers can be
obtained by local dispatch or incident business personnel. Personnel must ensure a personal charge card is not been
provided for the vehicle rental. If personnel encounter resistance to utilization of the centrally billed account, contact the
local dispatch center or incident business personnel for assistance. DO NOT PROVIDE PERSONAL CHARGE CARD
INFORMATION to the rental agency.
Renter will decline the following:
Any and all insurance coverage options
Prepayment of fuel upon return of the vehicle
Personnel assigned to pick up the vehicle(s) are required to perform a pre-use inspection of the rental vehicle according to
the rental company’s procedures/forms. Physical inspection shall include the body, undercarriage and roof of the vehicle.
Any existing or questionable pre-existing damage should be documented with photos (camera or phone) and
discussion/documentation with the rental car lot agent. Ensure that pictures reflect the damage in terms of size and depth.
Any photos taken should be provided to the Transportation Unit or Ground Support Unit upon delivery of the vehicle.
A copy of the commercial rental agreement shall remain in the glove box of the vehicle at all times until vehicle is returned
to vendor.
Pool vehicles shall NOT be reassigned to a new fire without approval from the incident agency AND coordination
with the dispatch center who reserved the vehicle. New resource numbers shall be assigned for vehicles with
approved reassignments. If the vehicle is reassigned and the rental exceeds the initial agreement with the rental
agency, the rental agency shall be notified of the rental extension.
In the event the vehicle is reassigned to an additional incident prior to returning the vehicle to the vendor, the
resource order for the new incident (specifying that a rental car is authorized) should be kept with the original
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Staff responsible for the pooled vehicles shall maintain a log of operator use and any associated damages for each vehicle
on a daily basis. The logs shall be returned to the incident agency and a copy retained in the Logistics portion of the final
incident package at the conclusion of the incident. Operator logs received by the incident agency shall be maintained with
the request order information and shall be available if requested by the payment agency.
At the end of the incident, vehicles shall be returned in the condition in which they were received (fueled and clean) to
point of rental unless other arrangements have been made. Whenever possible, vehicles should be fueled prior to leaving
the incident and should be returned in a cleaned condition. If this is not possible, it is the incident’s responsibility to
contact a local representative to assist in the re-fueling and/or cleaning of the vehicle. Vehicle shall be returned to point of
pickup. Personnel responsible for the return of the vehicles are required to perform a post-use inspection of the rental
vehicle according to the rental company’s procedures/forms. Physical inspection should include the body, undercarriage
and roof of the vehicle. All damage should be documented with photos (camera or phone). Ensure that pictures reflect the
damage in terms of size and depth. Any photos taken should be provided to the appropriate payment contact. See
DAMAGES below.
Vehicles dropped off at a location other than where they were rented will require a cost comparison in order to document
that the additional drop off fee was warranted. Cost comparisons shall be approved by the incident agency representative
(i.e., IBA) and forwarded to the agency payment contact for payment documentation. See Page 12 for a list of agency
payment contacts.
The vendor will invoice through the BPA Payment Process to the contact listed on the Rental Vehicle Request Form.
Ground Support Unit Leaders are responsible for ensuring the completion of the appropriate forms and photos of damage, as well as
verification of the operator on the daily operator log. The OF-289, Property Loss or Damage Report or SF-91, Motor Vehicle Accident
Report and SF-94, Statement of Witness shall be completed. Forms/photos/documentation shall be submitted to the agency
payment contact where the vehicle was rented, who will coordinate with their servicing contracting officer for claims settlement.
See Page 12 for a list of agency payment contacts. If the damage occurred at the incident, the incident finance section shall retain a
copy of the paperwork with a notation on the disposition of the original paperwork. The claim should not be settled by incident
personnel. Refer to the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (chapters 30 and 70) for specific information. The
servicing contracting officer will forward a copy of all documentation and claim adjudication results to the vehicle operator’s home
unit. The Ground Support Unit Leader and/or vehicle operator may be contacted to assist in the processing of the claim for
damages. If any negligence is determined, the vehicle operator may be held financially accountable for a portion of the claim.
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Occasionally, single resources will fly into the Great Basin and need rental cars upon their arrival at the airport. Use the following
process to reserve rental cars for this need.
All vehicle operators must possess a State-issued driver’s license.
The incident agency dispatch will receive the rental card need via the sending dispatch center or ROSS. Dispatch should
complete the Vehicle Rental Order Form (Form B-1) with information for those needing a rental car reservation.
Dispatch will forward the Vehicle Rental Order Form to the buying team or other authorized official who will be placing the
order with the rental car company. No large (15-passenger) vans are to be rented.
Dispatch or other authorized officials (i.e., buying team members) will reserve rental vehicle(s). Vehicles can be reserved
Enterprise Rentals Only - Reserving online.
Government-Issued Charge Card - The web link for those vehicles that will be paid with a government-
issued charge card is: Enterprise Direct Bill.
Centrally Billed - The web link to reserve vehicles that will be centrally billed can be obtained from local
dispatch or incident business personnel. Online reservation instructions can be found
Contacting the rental car vendor directly to make arrangements for the rental. Authorized officials will complete
the Vehicle Rental Order Form (Form B-1) and provide via fax, email or in person to the vendor. A Vehicle Rental
Order Form is REQUIRED before the vendor can arrange any rental unit. The Vehicle Rental Order Form should
specify if a 4X4 or all-wheel vehicle is required. The Vehicle Rental Order Form shall specify “Invoiced through BPA
Payment Process” and the appropriate contact information provided for those resources listed on the spreadsheet
that do not have a Government-issued charge card. The Vehicle Rental Order Form should specify “Government
Employee Charge Card” those employees listed on the spreadsheet who possess a Government-issued charge
Dispatch or other authorized official will provide the employee with a copy of this portion of the Standard Operating
Procedures and ensure the employee understands their responsibilities in regards to the rental of the vehicle.
Dispatch or other authorized official will provide the appropriate payment contact with a copy of the resource order
associated with the rental and a copy of the B-1 form for those rentals which will be centrally billed.
Vendor will contact the buying team member or other authorized official within 2 hours of the order to confirm the order
and vehicle pickup instructions.
Buying team member or other authorized official will fill in the car rental company name on the spreadsheet and return the
spreadsheet to the single resource or other designated contact.
Single resource arrives at airport and retrieves vehicle from assigned rental car location.
Employees who are in possession of a Government-Issued charge card are to follow the procedures listed under
Employee With a Government-Issued Charge Card” and are expected to rent the vehicle with their Government-
Issued Charge Card.
Employees who do not possess a Government-Issued charge card are to follow the procedures listed under
“Employee Without a Government-Issued Charge Card”
At the end of the incident, vehicles shall be returned in the condition in which they were received (fueled and clean) to point of
rental unless other arrangements have been made. If this is not possible, it is the renter’s responsibility to contact a local
representative to assist in the re-fueling and/or cleaning of the vehicle. The employee responsible for the vehicle is required to
perform a post-use inspection of the rental vehicle according to the rental company’s procedures/forms. Physical inspection should
include the body, undercarriage and roof of the vehicle. All damage should be documented with photos (camera or phone). Ensure
that pictures reflect the damage in terms of size and depth. See DAMAGES below.
Vehicles dropped off at a location other than where rented will require a cost comparison in order to document that the additional
drop off fee was warranted. For those vehicles that will be billed against the employee’s government issued charge card, the cost
comparison shall become part of the employee’s travel claim. For those vehicles that will be centrally billed, the cost comparison
shall be approved by the incident agency representative (i.e., IBA) and forwarded to the agency payment contact for payment
documentation. See Page 12 for a list of agency payment contacts.
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For those rental vehicles that will be billed against the BPA, the vendor will invoice through the BPA Payment Process to the contact
listed on the Vehicle Rental Order Form.
Employees With Charge Card Claims and damages will be settled separately by the employee’s servicing contracting officer and
should not be billed to the government-issued charge card. The employee is responsible for completion of the appropriate forms
and photos of damage. The OF-289, Property Loss or Damage Report or SF-91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report and SF-94, Statement
of Witness shall be completed. Forms and other documentation (photos, etc.) shall be submitted to the employee’s incident
business or administrative point of contact, who will forward the paperwork to the agency payment contact. The agency payment
contact will coordinate with the servicing contracting officer for claims settlement. See Page 12 for a list of agency payment
contacts. If the damage occurred at the incident, the incident finance section shall retain a copy of the paperwork with a notation
on disposition of the original paperwork. The claim should not be settled by incident personnel. Employees are responsible for
notifying their home unit supervisor of the damage. Refer to the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (chapters
30 and 70) for specific information. The servicing contracting officer will forward a copy of all documentation and claim adjudication
results to the employee’s home unit. Accountability for damages will be determined by the home unit.
Employees Without a Charge Card - Claims and damages will be settled separately by the servicing contracting officer and should not
be billed to the renter’s charge card. The individual assigned to the vehicle is responsible for completion of the appropriate forms
and photos of damage. The OF-289, Property Loss or Damage Report or SF-91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report and SF-94, Statement
of Witness shall be completed. The renter shall submit forms/photos/documentation directly to their hiring unit incident business
or administrative point of contact, who will forward the paperwork to the agency payment contact. The agency payment contact
will coordinate with the servicing contracting officer for claims settlement. See Page 12 for a list of agency payment contacts. If the
damage occurred at the incident, the incident finance section shall retain a copy of the paperwork with a notation on disposition of
the original paperwork. The claim should not be settled by incident personnel. Employees are responsible for notifying their home
unit supervisor of the damage. Refer to the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (chapters 30 and 70) for specific
information. The servicing contracting officer will forward a copy of all documentation and claim adjudication results to the
employee’s home unit. The individual may be contacted to assist in the processing of the claim for damages. If any negligence is
determined, the individual may be held financially accountable for a portion of the claim. This will be determined by the individual’s
hiring unit.
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On occasion, Incident Management Teams (IMT) will fly into the Great Basin and need rental cars upon their arrival at the airport.
Use the following process to reserve rental cars for this need.
All vehicle operators must possess a State-issued driver’s license.
The incident agency dispatch will receive the IMT roster. Dispatch should submit Rental Vehicle Request Form (Form B-2)
to the incoming Incident Commander (IC) or their designee. IMT designee will complete the spreadsheet with information
for those needing a rental car reservation and will return the Rental Vehicle Request Form to Dispatch.
Dispatch will forward the Rental Vehicle Request Form to the buying team or other authorized official who will be placing
the order with the rental car company. No large (15-passenger) vans are to be rented.
Dispatch or other authorized officials (i.e., buying team members) will reserve rental vehicle(s). Vehicles can be reserved
Enterprise Rentals Only - Reserving online.
Government-Issued Charge Card - The web link for those vehicles that will be paid with a government-
issued charge card is: Enterprise Direct Bill.
Centrally Billed - The web link to reserve vehicles that will be centrally billed can be obtained from local
dispatch or incident business personnel. Online reservation instructions can be found
Contacting the rental car vendor directly to make arrangements for the rental. Buying team members or other
authorized officials will complete the Rental Vehicle Request Form (see Form B-2) and provide via fax, email or in
person to the vendor. The Rental Vehicle Request Form is REQUIRED before the vendor can arrange any rental
unit. The Rental Vehicle Request Form should specify if a 4X4 or all-wheel vehicle is required. The Rental Vehicle
Request Form shall specify “Invoiced through BPA Payment Process” and the appropriate contact information
provided for those resources listed on the spreadsheet that do not have a Government-issued charge card. The
Rental Vehicle Request Form should specify “Government Employee Credit Card” those employees listed on the
spreadsheet who possess a Government-issued charge card.
Dispatch or other authorized official will provide the employee(s) with a copy of this portion of the Standard Operating
Procedures and ensures the employee(s) understands their responsibilities in regards to the rental of the vehicle.
Dispatch or other authorized official will provide the appropriate payment contact with a copy of the resource order
associated with the rental and a copy of the B-2 form for those rentals which will be centrally billed.
Vendor will contact the buying team member or other authorized official within 2 hours of the order to confirm the order
and vehicle pickup instructions.
Buying team member or other authorized official will fill in the car rental company name on the spreadsheet and return the
spreadsheet to the IC or other designated contact.
IMT arrives at airport and retrieves vehicles from assigned rental car locations.
Employees who are in possession of a Government-Issued charge card are to follow the Procedures listed under
“Employee With a Government-Issued Charge Card” and are expected to rent the vehicle with their Government-
Issued Charge Card.
Employees who do not possess a Government-Issued charge card are to follow the procedures listed under
“Employee Without a Government-Issued Charge Card”.
At the end of the incident, vehicles shall be returned in the condition in which they were received (fueled and clean) to point of
rental unless other arrangements have been made. If this is not possible, it is the renter’s responsibility to contact a local
representative to assist in the re-fueling and/or cleaning of the vehicle. The employee responsible for the vehicle is required to
perform a post-use inspection of the rental vehicle according to the rental company’s procedures/forms. Physical inspection should
include the body, undercarriage and roof of the vehicle. All damage should be documented with photos (camera or phone). Ensure
that pictures reflect the damage in terms of size and depth. See DAMAGES below.
Vehicles dropped off at a location other than where rented will require a cost comparison in order to document that the additional
drop off fee was warranted. For those vehicles that will be billed against the employee’s government issued charge card, the cost
comparison shall become part of the employee’s travel claim. For those vehicles that will be centrally billed, the cost comparison
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shall be approved by the incident agency representative (i.e., IBA) and forwarded to the agency payment contact for payment
documentation. See Page 12 for a list of agency payment contacts.
For those rental vehicles that will be billed against the BPA, the vendor will invoice through the BPA Payment Process to the contact
listed on the Rental Vehicle Request Form.
Employees With Charge Card Claims and damages will be settled separately by the employee’s servicing contracting officer and
should not be billed to the government-issued charge card. The employee is responsible for completion of the appropriate forms
and photos of damage. The OF-289, Property Loss or Damage Report or SF-91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report and SF-94, Statement
of Witness shall be completed. Forms and other documentation (photos, etc.) shall be submitted to the employee’s home unit
incident business or administrative point of contact, who will forward the paperwork to the agency payment contact where the
vehicle was rented. The agency payment contact will coordinate with the servicing contracting officer for claims settlement. See
Page 12 for a list of agency payment contacts. If the damage occurred at the incident, the incident finance section shall retain a copy
of the paperwork with a notation on disposition of the original paperwork. The claim should not be settled by incident personnel.
Employees are responsible for notifying their home unit supervisor of the damage. Refer to the Interagency Incident Business
Management Handbook (chapters 30 and 70) for specific information. The servicing contracting officer will forward a copy of all
documentation and claim adjudication results to the employee’s home unit. Accountability for damages will be determined by the
home unit.
Employees Without a Charge Card - Claims and damages will be settled by the servicing contracting officer of the payment agency
who rented the vehicle should not be billed to the renter’s charge card. The individual assigned to the vehicle is responsible for
completion of the appropriate forms and photos of damage. The OF-289, Property Loss or Damage Report or SF-91, Motor Vehicle
Accident Report and SF-94, Statement of Witness shall be completed. The renter shall submit forms/photos/documentation directly
to their hiring unit incident business or administrative point of contact, who will forward the paperwork to the agency payment
contact where the vehicle was rented. The agency payment contact will coordinate with the servicing contracting officer for claims
settlement. See Page 12 for a list of agency payment contacts. If the damage occurred at the incident, the incident finance section
shall retain a copy of the paperwork with a notation on disposition of the original paperwork. The claim should not be settled by
incident personnel. Employees are responsible for notifying their home unit supervisor of the damage. Refer to the Interagency
Incident Business Management Handbook (chapters 30 and 70) for specific information. The servicing contracting officer will
forward a copy of all documentation and claim adjudication results to the employees home unit. The individual may be contacted
to assist in the processing of the claim for damages. If any negligence is determined, the individual may be held financially
accountable for a portion of the claim. This will be determined by the individual’s hiring unit.
Form A-1 Great Basin Rental Car BPA Checklist for Centrally Billed Reservations
Form B-1 Vehicle Rental Order Form
Form B-2 Rental Vehicle Request Form
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All Utah: Karren Haslam (BLM)
Phone: 801-539-4248
Cell: 801-386-1599
Billing Address: 440 W. 200 S., Ste. 500
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
All Nevada: Cindy Savoie (BLM)
Phone: 775-861-6521
Billing Address: 1340 Financial Blvd.
Reno, NV 89502
Payette, Twin Falls: Tonya Campbell (FS)
324 25
Ogden, UT 84401
Email: tonyamcampbe[email protected]
Work: 801-625-5811
Cell: 208-521-6835
Salmon-Challis, Idaho Falls: Tonya Campbell (FS)
324 25
Ogden, UT 84401
Email: tonyamcampbe[email protected]
Work: 801-625-5811
Cell: 208-521-6835
Teton: Tonya Campbell (FS)
324 25
Ogden, UT 84401
Email : tonyamcampbe[email protected]
Work: 801-625-5811
Cell: 208-521-6835
Boise: Joanne Woods (BLM)
3948 South Development Ave
Boise ID 83705
Work: 208-384-3355
Cell: 208-871-1834