SalmiL, etal. BMJ Open 2020;10:e037016. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037016
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Six countries, six individuals:
resourceful patients navigating medical
records in Australia, Canada, Chile,
Japan, Sweden and the USA
Liz Salmi ,
Selina Brudnicki,
Maho Isono,
Sara Riggare,
Cecilia Rodriquez,
Louise K Schaper,
Jan Walker ,
Tom Delbanco
To cite: SalmiL, BrudnickiS,
IsonoM, etal. Six countries, six
individuals: resourceful patients
navigating medical records in
Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan,
Sweden and the USA. BMJ Open
2020;10:e037016. doi:10.1136/
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JW and TD are joint senior
Received 15 January 2020
Revised 29 June 2020
Accepted 15 August 2020
For numbered afliations see
end of article.
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Liz Salmi;
lsalmi@ bidmc. harvard. edu
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In the absence of international standards, widely differing
attitudes and laws, medical and social cultures strongly
inuence whether and how patients may access their
medical records in various settings of care. Reviewing
records, including the notes clinicians write, can help
shape how people participate in their own care. Aided at
times by new technologies, individual patients and care
partners are repurposing existing tools and designing
innovative, often ‘low- tech’ ways to collect, sort and
interpret their own health information. To illustrate diverse
approaches that individuals may take, six individuals from
six nations offer anecdotes demonstrating how they are
learning to collect, assess and benet from their personal
health information.
As increasing numbers of nations spend
billions on health information technology,
what patients might want in this new and
rapidly evolving context is often lost or
unheard. Many individuals feel stuck, whether
in a paper- based system or a health portal to
1 2
Rhetoric about ‘patient- centred
care’ abounds, but only rarely does it extend
to accessible medical records in primary,
specialty and even hospital care.
In the spring, 2017, healthcare teams
from 11 countries convened at a Salzburg
Global Seminar in Austria to examine how
patients might engage more actively in their
care with the help of transparent electronic
medical records that are evolving globally.
More than 60 participants gathered, repre-
senting diverse points of view—clinicians,
researchers, policy- makers, social scientists
and patients. The participants discussed the
untapped potential of electronic medical
records and how secure systems might help
patients and clinicians share personal health
information. In the absence of international
standards, the degree to which individual
patients participate in their care is largely
moulded by widely differing attitudes, laws
and interpretations of laws,
4 5
and medical
and social cultures. However, patients are
increasingly convening across cultures, and
patient advocates are learning to push the
professions to open doors that until recently
have been firmly shut.
In this article, six Seminar participants with
different healthcare needs provide a personal
snapshot of what it is like to be a patient and
read records in their respective countries.
Each reported on salient characteristics of
the country’s health records systems (table 1)
and considered five questions (Sidebar) as
they wrote about their experience living—
and thriving—in evolving digital climates.
Sidebar: each patient/care partner
author was prompted to think about these 5
As a patient, what information can you
(and can you not) access in your medical
How has access/lack of access impacted
your medical decision- making?
How are patients in your country ‘hacking’
(modifying) traditional/approved
methods of access to medical information
in search of improved health outcomes?
How are patients in your country rede-
fining their roles, including the words
‘patient’ and ‘health outcomes’?
How might medicine profit from listening
carefully to patients and their evolving
Sweden: knowledge is power
Sara Riggare
In the mid- 1980s, I discovered in my early
teens that something was not right with my
body. At times, my muscles became rigid and
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SalmiL, etal. BMJ Open 2020;10:e037016. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037016
Open access
tense, making me slow and clumsy, especially during
repetitive movements such as brushing my teeth. I learnt
I have a form of Parkinson’s disease, and for more than 30
years now, I have been living with this condition.
My overall strategy? Care for myself. Without medi-
cations, my body does not function, but my doctor has
no way of knowing if and how I take medications he
prescribes. Until recently, my neurologist did not provide
online access to my healthcare records, but I collected
them all on paper and placed them in a binder. I review
open access scientific publications online, looking for
new research results that might benefit me. I combine
what I learn with data and observations I collect myself,
all of which enables me to understand and better manage
my condition.
Some years back I came across a new study docu-
menting effects of a drug under evaluation for freezing
of gait, one of my symptoms. I emailed the article to my
neurologist. We agreed that it was worth exploring, and
I got a prescription. Soon we both concluded that it did
indeed improve my gait.
Working with a doctor this way is not unique to me. In
a recent survey, 68% of Swedish respondents with Parkin-
son’s disease saw their neurologist for an hour or less
As patients, we take prime responsibility for managing
our own health. Meanwhile, our neurologists can attend
to people who need more help.
Chile: my arthritis, in bits and pieces
Cecilia Rodriguez
I have rheumatoid arthritis, and when I go to the hospital
for a day to get my intravenous medication, they print a
copy of the visit and give it to me. Often it is handwritten
and hard to read. Beyond that, I can get some exam
results from the clinic website, but only with a special
code for a one- time download. I cannot compare results
of my exams in one place, so I print them or save them on
my computer in case I need to look at them again. I want
to make my own decisions, so this has meant getting lots
of paper together. But often I cannot find the right one. I
know I put it somewhere!
This year, my mom gave me a notebook for my birthday.
It had the medical information she had saved from the
first 14 years of my life! It might sound crazy or unneces-
sary, but it is important for me. I was once admitted for
pericarditis (a swelling of the membrane surrounding the
heart). Afterwards, I could not remember my actual diag-
nosis; I kept forgetting things I wanted to tell my doctor
and he kept telling me things that were so important. I
laugh about this present from my mom, but it makes me
feel safe to have my medical story together again.
Japan: can technology help patients become more active
agents in their care?
Maho Isono, PhD
I think medicine in Japan is profiting from listening
carefully to patients. As anthropologist Arthur Kleinman
Table 1 Electronic health record systems in Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Sweden, and the USA
Country Description
Australia In early 2019, the Australian government assigned citizens a secure, online health record. My Health Record
aspires to house summary information uploaded from encounters with the health system nationwide.
Canada In Canada, 85% of family practice physicians, and 79% of specialist physicians report using an electronic
medical record.
However, only 22% of Canadians can access portions of their medical records
electronically. No patients have access to their entire records.
Chile Chile has a two- tier health system, with public and private health insurance.
Roughly, 73% of community
hospitals, 68% of primary care networks and 50% of emergency care units use electronic health records.
However, use of health information technology (IT) by patients is limited to making online appointments or
accessing public health resources. If at all, citizens can access only very limited personal health information.
Japan In Japan, health systems, hospitals and small practices work with various electronic health record systems.
Citizens have the legal right to request medical records, but most are unaware of this opportunity. The
majority of citizens do not have digital access to their health records, although apps are available that display
lists of prescriptions available at pharmacies.
Sweden Swedish citizens have the right to receive copies of their medical records. The Swedish government
established a national health information infrastructure connecting a national patient portal with all different
electronic health record systems used in the country. The patient portal gives everyone access to their
electronic health record, which is accessible using an ID based on a national personal identication number.
Individual counties decide what information patients can access from their electronic health record systems.
As of May 2020, 68.3% of citizens had logged into the patient portal account, and 36.8% had accessed their
record through the portal at least once.
The USA About 80% of doctors, and nearly all hospitals in the USA use electronic health records.
In 2017, a little over
half of patients reported offers of online access to their records, either by their providers or by their insurers.
Among them, a little more than half registered on their health systems’ secure portals and viewed their
records at least once.
Health providers control what patients can and cannot access through these portals.
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SalmiL, etal. BMJ Open 2020;10:e037016. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037016
Open access
pointed out, the community is the biggest space in which
patients deal with illness.
Today, this space is changing
and growing rapidly because of the expansion of online
platforms where patients can take in and mingle knowl-
edge from scientific medicine and traditional medicine.
Then they establish their own understanding and manage-
ment for their illness. Patients move beyond being objects
of biomedicine to become active agents who choose how
and when to move around within the various sectors of
health and illness.
Numerous communities organised by patients with
various diseases exist in Japan. One remarkable approach
to achieve patient- centred medicine is tojisha- kenkyu.
Kenkyu means study, investigation and research. Tojisha
refers to interested persons, disabled persons themselves
or patients themselves. In tojisha- kenkyu, tojisha share
their everyday problems with one another, then analyse
and discuss how to deal with them. This is noteworthy
since, rather than getting advice from medical profes-
sionals, tojisha find solutions or a way of managing prob-
lems from the perspectives of tojisha themselves. Founded
initially in 2001 by the social welfare facility Bethel House
in Hokkaido, it has become a prominent activity of
people with mental disorders. Different from self- support
groups, individuals conducting tojisha- kenkyu share
their findings with the public. This has been particularly
significant for people with mental disorders, since in our
country their experiences have often been suppressed
and hidden.
Tojisha- kenkyu has been further developed.
For instance, tojisha and researchers from fields such as
cognitive science and robotics are working together to
explore the scientific validity of the hypotheses generated
by tojisha- kenkyu.
In light of the purpose of this paper,
tojisha- kenkyu made it possible for tojisha to create, accu-
mulate and update their own record of everyday prob-
lems which is not restructured by medical gaze.
Some patients are trying and reporting that new tech-
nologies are helping. However, patients occasionally
report that technology is increasing anxiety, rather than
helping. In my medical anthropological research, I inter-
viewed an individual whose atrial fibrillation (irregular
heartbeat) comes and goes. He bought a micro ECG
machine to keep track of his pulse. He tried to find
a pattern in his irregular pulse, but over time could’nt
make one out. He did not enjoy watching his irregular
pulses every day, and eventually he stopped wearing the
device. Our engaged patients are still discovering how to
strike the right balance in patient empowerment.
Canada: from access to control of our own health data
Selina Brudnicki
I saw first- hand the hardships my late mother experienced
obtaining copies of her records. She had to navigate her
health and share information with her care team. She
underwent breast cancer treatment at several facilities
and learnt to interpret her results with the help of her
doctors. I kept her ‘big binder’ of results. It includes
pathology and diagnostic imaging reports, and even
a few oncologists’ notes. Therein lies also my mother’s
own handwritten note: ‘[The doctor’s] report does not
seem correct. I always mention ‘pain,’ not discomfort. I
kept complaining about a new pain’. One year too late, a
second opinion and review of her medical notes revealed
that she and her doctor were not on the same page. There
was evidence that her cancer had already spread to her
lungs and liver. She died soon thereafter.
I am a senior manager at University Health Network,
Toronto, and my colleagues and I work closely with
patients to understand their needs and priorities so
they can better manage their health. Co- designed with
patients, care partners and staff, we co- created a secure
website that enables patients to see their appointment
schedules, test results, pathology and diagnostic imaging
reports, and clinical notes at the same time they become
available to their care team. There are links to patient
education resources, and patients may share their health
record with others. After a year, 94% of patients reported
improved patient experience. They felt better prepared
for appointments, for decisions they needed to make and
reported improved communication and management of
their care.
Today, patients want visibility and transparency into all
their health data, but they face a large cultural divide:
health information custodians and care providers in
our country currently control what, when and whether
patients can access their own data. In response, we collab-
orated with patients, their care partners, government
and industry subject matter experts to advance a new
paradigm in which patients have the ability to authorise,
revoke and monitor secondary use of their data. That
way they can both take control over their health data and
consent to sharing their data with trusted sources.
Australia: dad is old and ill. What may his future hold?
Louise K Schaper, PhD
Today, dad sent me a picture of prescription medications
that would fill two shoe boxes. He has been ‘shopping
up’ big, in preparation for a 2- month vacation. I suspect
it will be his last. Ever the stoic head of household, dad
tells us he is fine, and while we know that’s untrue, we do
not know if he is a bad liar or in denial. Every time he is
prescribed a new drug or there is a new symptom, mum
phones to fill me in. My parents do not have the internet,
and since I am the one with a health degree, I get asked to
interpret medical symptoms and pill prescriptions.
Given dad’s deteriorating health, I was desperate to see
what his doctors actually think, and dad granted me proxy
access to his My Health Record (MyHR). Now I can help
interpret information and often put his and my family’s
mind at ease. But he does not tell his medical team about
how regularly his blood pressure goes to levels that could
kill most people. He ‘wouldn’t want to bother them’.
I learnt from dad’s record that he is on 12 different
prescription medications, and there is also an audit trail
of every medical appointment he has had. But it is limited
to the date and name of the clinician only. Basically, the
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SalmiL, etal. BMJ Open 2020;10:e037016. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037016
Open access
information in MyHR is limited to what is in a government
database of prescriptions and appointments, information
we already have. Dad’s clinicians are not uploading any
of his clinical notes, and neither are the pathologists. He
could actually request more information, but I can hear
dad’s voice in my head: ‘No. The doctor is too busy and I
don’t want to make a fuss’.
So meanwhile, my family and I are none the wiser. Our
hopes remain unrealied: to uncover information that
could help dad change his behaviours or reveal errors (if
he would dare point them out to his doctors). For now,
I am left with a question that gnaws at me: ‘If they’re
denied access to their own health information, how can
patients have agency over their own health?”.
The USA: even the activist struggles
Liz Salmi
I was diagnosed with an astrocytoma (a slow- growing
brain cancer) 1 week after my 29th birthday, and since
then I have lived in a world of uncertainty: 20 more years,
or 20 more months?
My way of coping with uncertainty? Understand as
much as I can about my condition and plan for treatment.
For this, I have found the patient portal a trusted side-
kick. After surgeries, seizures, appointments and tests,
the patient portal is where I turn to be reminded of the
growing narrative, that is, my medical history.
One day, after a few months of chemotherapy, I
recognised a pattern in the laboratory results available on
my patient portal. It showed me when I was at risk for
thrombocytopenia and would need to delay treatment.
Thereafter, instead of waiting for permission to start
my next round of oral chemotherapy, I would email my
Dear Dr. S,
My lab work appears to be the same as last month.
Please authorize a refill for temozolomide. Per the
plan we discussed during our last visit, I will pick up
the prescription on my way home from work tomor-
row and begin my next round of chemo on Monday.
She agreed with this process, and my ability to turn
information into knowledge (with guidance from my
doctor) returned a sense of autonomy to me at a time
when I felt I had almost no control over any other aspect
of my health.
Positive reinforcement from my doctors has moulded
me into the proactive patient I am today. However, even
with widespread availability of patient portals, patient
activists like me continue to struggle to gain access to the
most important part of our medical records: the doctor’s
note. In the USA, we have had the right by law for more
than 20 years to request and receive copies of our full
medical records—including our doctors’ notes. But these
requests take time and effort, and costs can be involved.
I once requested a copy of my record and finally got it on
a DVD. Had I asked for a paper copy, I would have had
to pay $725.40 out of my own pocket. All that just to own
what is inherently mine! Today, almost 15% of Americans
have gained access to clinical notes through a portal, but
the actual ‘read rates’ of notes remain low, virtually across
the board.
12 13
It is not easy to change long- standing
culture and habits!
As these anecdotes demonstrate vividly, the global impact
of electronic medical records varies widely and will
no doubt continue to do so for a very long time. The
emerging technologies that will further define and refine
medical records need to reflect different cultures, indi-
vidual sensibilities, socioeconomic factors and myriad
other phenomena. But the perspectives we display have
a common denominator: persistent resourcefulness as
individuals work to bridge gaps in their personal health
Some describe patient engagement as the ‘block-
buster drug’ of the 21st century, but how many will want
to engage in ways described by those featured in this
Are large numbers of people, perhaps even most
people, capable of becoming so resourceful? We suggest
the answer may be ‘yes’. We suspect the potential is there,
with the caveat that patients become truly engaged only
when they have a more complete picture of their own
Transparent medical information is spreading. While
in some cultures different views prevail, most nations
agree today that patients have a right to access their
own health information. Offering patients ready access
to their own medical records makes sense, because
patients (and their care partners) need abundant infor-
mation in order to engage optimally in their care, while
regaining and retaining autonomy in their lives.
Author afliations
Department of General Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
International University of Health and Welfare, Ōtawara, Japan
Health Informatics Centre, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Fundacion Me Muevo, Santiago, Chile
Health Informatics Society of Australia, Victoria, South Australia, Australia
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Twitter Liz Salmi @TheLizArmy and Selina Brudnicki @sbrudnicki
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the alumni and staff of Salzburg
Global Session 553, 'Toward a Shared Culture of Health: Enriching and Charting the
Patient- Clinician Relationship', for their leadership on this topic.
Contributors All authors contributed substantially to the manuscript. TD, LS and
JW conceived the idea and design, and drafted and critically revised the text. LS,
SB, MI, SR, CR and LKS developed country- specic content.
Funding This work was supported by the Salzburg Global Seminar, the John F.
Keane & Family Foundation, and the Wang Foundation.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not required.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY- NC 4.0) license, which
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SalmiL, etal. BMJ Open 2020;10:e037016. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037016
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properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
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LizSalmi http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0003- 3798- 7438
JanWalker http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0001- 9366- 1200
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