ProCard User Manual
Last Revised: May 9, 2024
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Purpose of the Procurement Card .......................................................................................... 3
Benefits of the ProCard Program ........................................................................................... 3
Apply for a ProCard ............................................................................................................... 3
HAT DO I NEED TO DO BEFORE APPLYING FOR A PROCARD? ............................................................................. 3
OW DO I COMPLETE THE PROCARD TEST? ...................................................................................................... 4
OW DO I APPLY FOR A PROCARD? ................................................................................................................. 5
HEN CAN I PICK-UP MY PROCARD? ............................................................................................................... 5
Card Cancellation or Surrender .............................................................................................. 5
ERMANENT CANCELLATION ........................................................................................................................... 5
WELVE (12) MONTHS OF NO ACTIVITY ............................................................................................................ 6
ARD SURRENDER: ACTIVE LEAVE OF ABSENCE STATUS ...................................................................................... 6
Card Renewal ........................................................................................................................ 6
Role Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 7
ARDHOLDER RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................................... 7
ROXY RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................ 8
UNDING REVIEWER RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................. 9
PPROVER RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 9
INANCIAL ADMINISTRATION RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................... 10
Using the ProCard ................................................................................................................ 10
LCOHOL/ENTERTAINMENT PURCHASES ........................................................................................................ 10
MAZON BUSINESS ..................................................................................................................................... 10
ARD SHARING ........................................................................................................................................... 11
ELIVERY OF GOODS ................................................................................................................................... 12
QUIPMENT PURCHASES .............................................................................................................................. 12
NTERNET PURCHASES .................................................................................................................................. 12
ABORATORY CHEMICALS ............................................................................................................................. 13
ECEIPT AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 13
ETURNS & EXCHANGES .............................................................................................................................. 15
ALES TAX EXEMPTION ................................................................................................................................ 15
ProCard Compliance ............................................................................................................ 15
NFORMATION & PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................... 15
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
EVIEW PROCESS & PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................. 16
MPLOYEE USAGE AGREEMENT .................................................................................................................... 16
UMBER OF CARDS ..................................................................................................................................... 17
ESTRICTED PURCHASES .............................................................................................................................. 17
PENDING LIMITS AND GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................... 19
UGGESTED USES ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Fraud & Misuse ................................................................................................................... 19
ISPUTED TRANSACTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 19
OST OR STOLEN CARDS ............................................................................................................................... 20
EPORTING FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE ........................................................................................................ 20
USPENSION/REVOCATION OF PROCARD PRIVILEGES ....................................................................................... 22
Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 23
ROCARD FORMS ....................................................................................................................................... 23
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Purpose of the Procurement Card
The Procurement Card (ProCard) Program allows departments the opportunity to use a
University credit card to purchase certain goods costing less than $4,500.00. The University
benefits by having a more efficient, cost-effective method of purchasing and payment for small
dollar transactions. Expenditures must be reasonable and must be managed in a prudent and
fiscally responsible manner. Units are expected to operate within their approved budget and
any allowable expense must be funded from within that approved budget. If a department
decides it is appropriate for their use and would like to participate, the cardholders shall be
expected to follow the established guidelines and shall be held accountable for use of the card.
The program complements the existing purchasing and payment process. Use of the card does
not replace current travel or competitive bid regulations, nor does it allow departments to
bypass Purchasing policies and procedures.
Benefits of the ProCard Program
Efficient, timely, and cost-effective method of payment for small dollar transactions
(expenses incurred to process a small dollar purchase can run as high as the price of the
item itself).
The card may be used for items that are needed immediately.
Participating departments will be allowed to procure low dollar items in person, or by
mail, phone, or through the Internet.
Eliminates the need for most requisitions that currently generate an automatic
payment. (Registrations, memberships, subscriptions, etc.)
Vendors will be paid immediately by the credit card company, increasing vendor good
will, and at times generating better discounts.
The university will make one payment per month to PNC Bank, rather than one payment
per vendor.
Eliminates the need for petty cash reimbursements
Apply for a ProCard
Must be an employee of University of Louisville, University of Louisville Athletic
Association, or the University of Louisville Research Foundation. Temporary employees
are not eligible to receive a ProCard.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Identify who will be the cardholder, proxy, funding reviewer, approver, and
Director/Department Chair or Dean/Vice President associated with the account. The
cardholder can be the funding reviewer of the account, but not the approver.
Make sure all roles have completed the required testing and training as applicable:
o Cardholder ProCard Policies/Procedures Test score of 100%.
o Proxy- ProCard Policies/Procedures Test score of 100%.
o Funding Reviewer ProCard Policies/Procedures Test score of 100%
o Approver ProCard Policies/Procedures Test score of 100%
All University employees are automatically registered for both ProCard training/testing.
All Cardholders, Funding Reviewers, Proxies, and Approvers of ProCards are required to pass
the online ProCard Policy/Procedures Test with a score of 100%.
Instructions for OnBase ProCard Reallocation process can be found here.
Step 1
Log into Blackboard with your ULink User ID/Password and complete the
ProCard Policies/Procedures Test, if not already taken. Blackboard
instructions can be found here. (Skip to step 3 if you’ve already completed
the test.)
Step 2
Complete the test with a score of 100%. Within 1 business day, you will
receive an email from the ProCard Office indicating your test/training
record is updated to proceed to the next step.
Step 3
Complete the Application with required signatures and send to ProCard
Office. Cards cannot be transferred from one cardholder to another.
Step 4
ProCard Office will submit request to the bank.
Step 5
ProCard Office will notify the cardholder, funding reviewer, and approver
via email when card has arrived and is ready for pick up.
In person training is available upon request. Contact the ProCard Office at
[email protected] or 502-852-9058.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Complete the application process in PeopleSoft.
o If you do not have access to the application in PeopleSoft Financials, please
contact the financial administrator or Unit Business Manager (UBM) of your
department who can assist.
Print the application through Power BI (the hard copy application will be available to
print immediately upon completing the electronic application in PeopleSoft).
Review printed application for accuracy, obtain required signatures, add address, and
send application to the ProCard Office.
The new ProCard will arrive within 3-5 business days after the completed application is
received and processed.
The ProCard Office will notify the cardholder when the ProCard is available to be picked
The following information is required when picking up ProCard:
o Picture ID
o Certificate of Destruction - for old card if a replacement is being issued
o Proxy Statement if another employee is picking up the card on behalf of the
The cardholder must sign the back of the ProCard immediately upon receipt and call the
telephone number indicated on back of the card to activate the card.
Card Cancellation or Surrender
To cancel a ProCard:
1. Destroy the card - shred or cut into multiple pieces by or in the presence of the
2. Complete the Certificate of Destruction Form. The original copy of this form should be
sent to the ProCard Office. Do NOT send the destroyed card(s) to the ProCard Office.
The ProCard must be cancelled for the following reasons:
The cardholder's termination of employment with the university.
The cardholder's transfer to another department within the university.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
The card is revoked by the cardholder's supervisor or ProCard Office due to policy
violations or fraudulent activity/misuse.
The person responsible for a departmental card changes for any reason.
All cards that have had no activity for twelve (12) continuous months will be monitored and
cancelled as appropriate. The cardholder, funding reviewer, and approver will receive
notification when a card has had 12 months of inactivity.
The ProCard must be temporarily surrendered to the employee's supervisor at the beginning of
a leave of absence. The card will be deactivated by the ProCard Office and cannot be used for
purchases. The supervisor must appropriately secure the card, as stated in the Cardholder
Responsibilities section. Examples of a Leave of Absence can include:
The ProCard may be kept open on a case-by-case basis (ex: it is the only card within the
department). The department must provide justification for keeping the card open and who
would have temporary responsibility over the card. This would require approval from the
Director of Card Operations.
If the ProCard is released back to the employee upon their return authorizing continued use,
the supervisor should contact the ProCard Office requesting that the card be reactivated. If the
employee will not be returning to work, the supervisor must destroy the card, complete and
submit the Certificate of Destruction Form.
Card Renewal
A renewal ProCard will automatically be mailed to the ProCard Office three years after the issue
date. Cardholders will be notified when their ProCard(s) is/are available for pick-up. Renewal
cards must be picked-up by the cardholder or another person with a properly completed Proxy
Statement for Card Pick-Up form. A valid UofL ID is required and new cardholder agreement
must be completed and signed.
A Grant Renewal Form will be required from the department when a grant is extended. (Please
note: The Office of Grants Management must update the grant end date in PeopleSoft before
we can extend the date on the ProCard.)
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Once the ProCard Office has received this form, the grant expiration date will be extended, and
the card re-activated for use. Any ProCard will be cancelled ninety (90) days following the
expiration of a grant unless a Renewal Form for Grants is received by the ProCard Office.
Role Responsibilities
Must be an employee of University of Louisville, University of Louisville Athletic Association, or
the University of Louisville Research Foundation. Temporary employees are not eligible to
receive a ProCard. The cardholder can be the funding reviewer on their account, but never the
Monitor the ProCard web site for any changes to the program's policies and procedures.
Refer to the ProCard-Card Security/Possession page on the ProCard website for details
on card security and the process for allowing other employees to utilize the ProCard.
Complete the Monthly Activity Report (MAR) monthly in OnBase by the 25th of the
month following the end of the billing cycle. This process is mandatory.
OnBase will retain electronically filed receipts and monthly activity report (MAR) for the
current fiscal year plus 3 prior years. (Refer to the Controller's Office Retention of
Records Policy for the archival period associated with grants and contracts.)
Verify all transactions on the MAR. Any charges that need to be disputed must be
reported to PNC and the ProCard Office within 60 days of the transaction date.
Complete the ProCard Missing Receipt Form when no receipt is available.
Related information for Missing Receipt: When an original, itemized receipt is lost or
otherwise unavailable and all measures to obtain a copy have been exhausted, the
ProCard Missing Receipt Form should be completed. It must be signed by the
cardholder/responsible party and his/her supervisor. This form should be retained with
all other receipts, bank statements, and the monthly MAR. The ProCard Missing Receipt
Form should be used on rare occasions and may not be used on a routine
basis. Excessive use of the ProCard Missing Receipt Form may result in the revocation of
your ProCard.
Ensure receipt of materials and services. Contact the vendor to resolve any delivery
problems, discrepancies and damaged goods claims.
Cardholder Verification - Bank Statements and Monthly Activity Report (MAR)
Each cardholder will receive a detailed statement from PNC Bank for each card that had
transaction activity during the billing cycle. (A statement will not be generated for a card with
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
no activity.) This statement will list the transactions that PNC Bank has transmitted to the
University for the month and should match your records. A verification of the PNC statement
to actual charges should be performed by the 25th of the following month. In more detail:
Throughout the monthly billing cycle, the cardholder must record transaction activity,
including the business purpose and receipt, on the OnBase form as purchases are made.
This includes any item(s) returned and any credits issued.
Transactions occurring after the 15th of the month will not appear on your statement.
These items should be carried forward to the next month.
Reconcile all monthly ProCard documentation consisting of the PNC bank statement,
MAR, and itemized receipts. This review must be completed by the 25th of the month
following the end of the billing cycle.
Electronically sign and date the Monthly Activity Report (MAR) in OnBase confirming: (1)
a reconciliation was performed, and (2) all purchases are legitimate business expenses
and the appropriate documentation is on file for each transaction.
A cardholder's failure to execute his or her responsibilities is a significant violation of policy that
can result in revoking authorization to use a ProCard.
*Please Note: A cardholder can assign a “Proxy”. This role has the ability to upload
receipts/backup documentation and enter in a business purpose in OnBase. The proxy must
complete the ProCard Policies/Procedures Test with a score of 100% before they can be added
to a card. The cardholder can be the funding reviewer on their account, but never the approver.
Instructions for OnBase ProCard Reallocation process can be found here.
The proxy must be an employee of the University of Louisville, the University of Louisville
Athletic Association, or the University of Louisville Research Foundation. Assigning a proxy is
If assigned to a card, the proxy responsibilities in OnBase are attaching receipts/backup
documentation and adding a business purpose. They may also have the added responsibility of
ensuring the charges are allocated to the appropriate speedtype and account code. OnBase
reconciliation and reallocation of transactions can be performed daily or weekly, but must be
completed by the monthly cut-off date. Any charges not reallocated through OnBase by the
cut-off date should be corrected using a Journal Voucher.
The proxy must complete the ProCard Policies/Procedures Test with a score of 100% before
they can be added to a card.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Temporary employees, including student workers, may be allowed Proxy access on a case-by-
case basis and would require approval from the Director of Card Operations prior to the
submittal of a ProCard Application or a Role Change Form.
Instructions for OnBase ProCard Reallocation process can be found here.
The funding reviewer must be an employee of the University of Louisville, the University of
Louisville Athletic Association, or the University of Louisville Research Foundation.
The funding reviewer’s responsibility is to ensure all charges are allocated to the appropriate
speedtype and account code. OnBase reconciliation and reallocation of transactions can be
performed daily or weekly, but must be completed by the monthly cut-off date. Any charges
not reallocated through OnBase by the cut-off date should be corrected using a Journal
The funding reviewer must complete the ProCard Policies/Procedures Test with a score of 100%
before they can be added to a card.
Instructions for OnBase ProCard Reallocation process can be found here.
The approver must be an employee of the University of Louisville, the University of Louisville
Athletic Association, or the University of Louisville Research Foundation.
The approver's responsibility is to verify that purchases are appropriate for the funding source
and are for the benefit of the university. The approver must not be a subordinate in the direct
reporting line of the cardholder. Furthermore, the cardholder cannot be an approver of their
own card.
The approver is required to review all monthly ProCard documentation in OnBase consisting of
the Monthly Activity Report (MAR), itemized receipts, and any backup documentation
provided. The approver sees the MAR after the cardholder has certified the report. This review
must be completed by the 25th of the month following the end of the billing cycle. The
approvers signature and date of the monthly ProCard documentation reviewed will be captured
electronically in OnBase.
The approver must first pass the ProCard Policies/Procedures Test with a score of 100% before
they can be added to a card.
Instructions for OnBase ProCard Approver process can be found here.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Each department's Financial Administrator/Partner is responsible for the following items in
terms of ProCard oversight:
1. Be aware of the active cards within the department. The Procurement Card Data by
Department report will provide this information. Power BI Reports > FI > Procard >
Procurement Card Data by Dept or Empl ID
2. Reconcile the approved Monthly Activity Report(s) to the budget account(s) to ensure
all charges were transmitted and reallocated properly. (The PI-03/CONT-03 report links
to the ProCard detail. Power BI Reports > FI > Individual > PI-03/CONT-03A/CONT-
03B) Spot check the business purposes as indicated on the report. Business purpose
should be for the benefit of the department/university/project.
3. Ensure ProCards are canceled upon employee termination or transfer to another
4. Work with the unit liaison to address ProCard issues as needed.
Using the ProCard
The ProCard is the required method of payment for business meals, entertainment, and alcohol
expenses. On a limited exception basis, if a ProCard is not available, an employee or student*
may pay out-of-pocket and request reimbursement through the Controller’s Office. Alcohol
may not be charged to general funds, sponsored programs, or other restricted funding
sources. For a detailed listing of permissible funding sources, refer to the Alcohol Beverage
Purchases Policy.
As a reminder, the ProCard cannot be used for an employee’s meals while traveling unless
the employee is entertaining guests or conducting a business meal.
Refer to the full Entertainment/Business Meal Policy for additional guidance.
*If affiliated with a course curriculum or academic performance, the Financial Aid Office
must be contacted before arrangements are made and/or the expense is incurred.
The University’s partnership with Amazon will allow you to take advantage of the wide
selection and competitive prices of the Amazon marketplace. It should be noted that Amazon is
not a contracted vendor.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Through our Amazon Business account, you will have immediate access to:
Automatic sales tax exemption
Free Two-Day Shipping on Prime eligible items
Pricing and quantity discounts
Separation of personal and Amazon Business accounts
Access to a specialized Customer Service team - Amazon Business Customer Service
at (888) 281-3847
Warnings on out-of-policy items (such as office supplies)
Using the Amazon Business marketplace is as simple and user-friendly as with the
added benefit of business tools and features.
For more information and answers to frequently asked questions see our FAQs page.
Contact the ProCard Office at or (502) 852-9058 to receive an invitation
to join UofL's Amazon Business account.
Note: Purchases on items currently under contract with a UofL Preferred Vendor should not be
made through Amazon. Departments should be utilizing the contracted vendors that
purchasing has identified first. Amazon should be used as a last resort if the item(s) needed are
not available through a contracted vendor. Questions about purchasing an item not on contract
should be directed to purchasing at purchas[email protected] or 502-852-6247.
No personal purchases may be made using your official email address
once it is registered with our University of Louisville's Amazon Business account.
It is permissible for a Cardholder to occasionally share their card with another individual for the
purpose of picking up ordered items locally and/or placing orders verbally or electronically. In
granting this secondary use authorization, the Cardholder remains directly responsible for the
proper use of the card in accordance with established procedures. Therefore, the Cardholder
must take great care in explaining the proper use of the Purchasing Card to the secondary user
and insist that itemized receipts are returned.
The Employee Usage Agreement is provided for use when sharing the Purchasing Card, it serves
to introduce the secondary user to the ProCard Program and authorizes the use of the card by
this individual. The Sign In-Out Log must be utilized when someone other than the cardholder
utilizes the card.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Goods purchased with the ProCard may be shipped for "desktop delivery" to the designated
department or to Central Receiving. Vendors should be given a complete ship-to address (must
be a university address), including the name of the individual who should receive the order.
Exception: If there is a valid business need/purpose to have items shipped to a non-University
address, the ProCard Office must be contacted for approval prior to making the purchase.
The ProCard may be used to pay for equipment valued less than $5,000.
However, capital assets (items valued at $5,000 or greater) cannot be purchased using a
ProCard. In order to properly track the University's capital assets, all purchases of capital
assets, including computers, furniture, and equipment with a unit or system cost of $5,000 or
greater will need to be procured using a Purchase Order.
When a single piece of equipment is purchased or assembled from parts resulting in a value of
$1,000 or greater, it must be tagged/tracked for insurance purposes. This includes items
acquired as a gift/donation or transferred from another institution.
When submitting a Purchase Order for capital assets, Inventory Control will be notified through
PeopleSoft that the item needs to be tagged. If you purchased a non-capital asset using the
ProCard, the person responsible for acquiring these items should complete the Inventory
Control online form to have these items inventoried and tagged. If you have any questions
about what should be tagged or about the online form, please contact Inventory Control at
Failure to submit the form to Inventory Control will result in the piece of equipment not being
covered by the University's insurance policy and is a significant violation of policy that could
lead to revocation of ProCard privileges.
All current restrictions to ProCard use also apply to the use of the card for Internet transactions.
On-line purchases must be made with vendors using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) browser
session. There are several ways to confirm that a secure area has been accessed. All SSL
capable browsers have a symbol to indicate secure mode, but the secure mode may not appear
until going further into the web site.
To find out if your transaction is guarded by SSL, look for the picture of the unbroken key or
closed lock in your browser window. Either indicator means SSL is activated. If you don’t see
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
either sign, or if you see a broken key or an open lock, the SSL is not working to protect your
Another quick way to see if SSL is guarding your transaction is to check the URL of the site you
are visiting. It should change from “http” to “https” when processing secure transactions.
Receipt documentation must be maintained to support the Internet order.
Websites that present an on-line receipt, reflecting the billing amount and a company
logo or name will serve as proper documentation. Simply print the on-screen document.
Websites that reflect the billing amount only will serve as proper documentation by
printing the on-screen receipt and then writing the company name on the document.
Websites that do not present an on-line receipt can still be utilized. The customer
should print screens that reflect the items being purchased and the amount, and then
ensuring that transaction date, vendor, and other pertinent information is recorded on
the printed documentation.
Each department is responsible for obtaining a Material Safety Data Sheet for every chemical
Each department is responsible for updating their file of Material Safety Data Sheets when a
new chemical is ordered.
Departments must make their chemical inventories available to Environmental Health &
Safety and emergency response agencies during a fire or other emergency, or upon request
from the ProCard Office.
Each cardholder should maintain files by billing cycle. Included in each electronic file should be
itemized receipts/invoices/backup documentation, and the completed, electronically
signed monthly activity report (MAR).
For each purchase, the cardholder must request a receipt or confirmation of the order and
provide a detailed business purpose for the transaction. The business purpose is a statement
that adequately describes why the expense is a necessary, reasonable, and appropriate
business expense. When using University funds, documentation of a clear business purpose is
required so that an approver, reviewer and/or auditor may reasonably conclude and agree that
the expenditure supports or advances the goals, objectives, and mission of the University.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
The business purpose should include:
who the purchase is for or a list of attendees for an event/business meal
what was purchased
when the event occurred (if an entertainment/business meal)
where the business activity took place
why the expenses are reasonable and appropriate for the university
Receipts are required as an internal control that helps substantiate transactions, are evidence
that transactions are legitimate, and help prevent abusive practices. All receipts/invoices must
the date of purchase
vendor name and address
detail listing of purchase, including item description, quantity and price
the total amount of the order
shipping address
Examples of acceptable supporting documentation include, but are not limited to:
Original sales receipt
Original packing slip
Original cash register receipt
Copy of order form or application
Email confirmation of internet order
The cardholder should add all shipping documentation to the transaction in OnBase as part of
the backup documentation. Receipts for business meals or entertainment expenditures must be
reasonable and must be managed in a prudent and fiscally responsible manner. Units are
expected to operate within their approved budget and any allowable expense must be funded
from within that approved budget. See Entertainment/Business Meal Policy for more details.
Policy for Missing Receipt: When an original, itemized receipt is lost or otherwise unavailable
and all measures to obtain a copy have been exhausted, the ProCard Missing Receipt
Form should be completed. It must be signed by the cardholder/responsible party and his/her
supervisor. This form should be retained with all other receipts, bank statements, and the
transaction summary log in the monthly ProCard reconciliation file. The ProCard Missing
Receipt Form should be used on rare occasions and may not be used on a routine
basis. Excessive use of the ProCard Missing Receipt Form may result in the revocation of your
ProCard. A pattern of missing receipts could be an indicator of fraud.
OnBase will retain electronically filed receipts and monthly activity report (MAR) for the current
fiscal year plus 3 prior years. (Refer to the Controller's Office Retention of Records Policy for the
archival period associated with grants and contracts.)
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Make arrangements with the merchant before shipping an item for return.
A credit to the same PNC account may be issued by the merchant for returned good(s)
OR you may exchange the item. If the exchange is not an even transaction, i.e. dollar
amounts are not the same, it's best to ask the vendor to credit the full amount of the
item you are returning and complete a new transaction for the new item.
Do not allow merchants to refund cash for a credit card return. In the unlikely event that
a vendor will only provide a cash refund, please notify the ProCard Office immediately.
Document all returns and exchanges. This information may be needed for a formal
dispute of the charge.
University purchases are exempt from Kentucky Sales Tax. Advise the seller/cashier/clerk that
your purchase is tax exempt before the sale/transaction is completed. If tax is added in error,
the cardholder should request a credit from the vendor.
UofL Sales Tax Exemption Certificate sales tax refund process
ProCard Compliance
ProCard activity shall be analyzed and monitored by the University of Louisville ProCard Office.
The ProCard Office will perform regular compliance reviews (audits) of ProCard account files.
Such reviews will be designed to verify the completion of the Monthly Activity Report (MAR),
and other obligations and restrictions in reference to the ProCard policies and procedures. The
types of reviews include: individual cardholder, departmental, and daily review of transactions
in OnBase. The following sanctions may be imposed following a review, depending on the
severity of the findings:
Surrender, suspension and/or cancellation of the ProCard.
Improper or fraudulent use of the ProCard may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including prosecution and/or termination of employment.
Departments should periodically conduct their own internal review of ProCards. The ProCard
Audit Checklist can be used as a tool to facilitate internal reviews. Fraudulent purchases
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
originating from outside the university should be reported to PNC and the ProCard Office. Any
policy violations should be reported immediately to the Director of Procurement Systems and
Card Operations, at 502-852-5280 or anonymously through the Compliance Hotline.
For any fraudulent purchases suspected to have been made by an employee that is discovered
during an internal review, please see the section Reporting Fraud, Waste and Abuse within this
manual for information on how to report those findings.
The cardholder or departmental liaison (if it's a departmental review) will be contacted
by the ProCard Compliance Analyst with a notification that an electronic review will be
Compliance reviews will be conducted within the ProCard Office since most transaction
records are now electronic. The Compliance Analyst may request copies of ProCard
documentation that occurred prior to the start of the OnBase reallocation process.
Copies of Sign in/out logs, and user agreements will be requested as needed.
A draft report will be sent to the cardholder and/or department liaison for their review
and comments. A meeting with the Compliance Analyst and/or training with the
relevant parties may also be required. The relevant parties will be determined by the
ProCard Office and will be dependent on the review findings. A final report will be
issued, with a copy sent to the department head/chair and VP/Dean, at the conclusion
of the review.
The required parties must sign the final page of the report and return this page (with
original signatures) to the Compliance Analyst by the date given in the notification.
Required parties will be identified by the ProCard Office based on the review findings
and may differ from the relevant parties noted above.
Anyone who uses a ProCard, as authorized by the cardholder, must complete an Employee
Usage Agreement. This agreement serves as verification that the card will be used for business-
related purchases only. Each form should be sent to the ProCard Office, Houchens LL05, or
emailed to our service account,
The cardholder/responsible party does not need to complete this form. That person's signature
on the ProCard application certifies their acceptance of the Employee Usage Agreement.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
The ProCard Office will limit one (1) card per individual*.
*Exemption: All cardholders with ProCards that are attached to an externally sponsored
activity are exempt from the policy related to the number of cards that an individual may
hold. However, you are only allowed one (1) card per externally sponsored program number.
This amendment does not apply to individuals holding cards that are not attached to an
externally sponsored activity. Refer to the Definition of Sponsored Activities.
Multiple cards with each having a different speedtype is not an exemption. This is considered a
violation of policy and could lead to sanctions. Department Heads/Directors who have special
needs for an individual to have more than one card should submit a letter to the Director of
Procurement Systems and Card Operations. The letter should address the reason for multiple
cards, describe how the cards will be secured, and confirm that fiscal accountability within the
department will be ensured by timely reconciliations. Requests for exceptions will be reviewed
and approved/disapproved on a case by case basis.
For guidance on approved ProCard purchases, refer to the Procure-to-Pay grid. For guidance on
whether to utilize a PO or Payment Request, refer to the PO vs Payment Request Flowchart.
For guidance on payments to individuals, refer to the Payment Matrix.
The ProCard cannot be used for the following:
Airfare - airline tickets should be booked through the Controller's Office's travel agency
and charged to the central billing card.
Amazon Prime Memberships (new and renewal). Refer to the Amazon Business page
Car Care Services
Cardinal Card deposits - Cardinal Cash or Meal Plans (ProCards can be used to purchase
Departmental Copy Cards.)
Cell Phones and Service Plans as of September 1, 2018- see Cellular/Mobile Device and
Service Plan Policy
Contributions/donations (See VP for Finance's policy for donations, memorial gifts.)
Controlled substances/narcotics
Faculty, staff and student travel: includes passports, lodging, meals, gasoline, airfare,
immunizations, etc. (Employees must continue to follow the Controller's Office
procedures and request reimbursement using a travel voucher. The ProCard must not
be used to reserve or pay for travel expenses. For travel related policies, visit
the Controller's Office website.)
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Gasoline, unless purchased in conjunction with a one-day car rental or group van
rental. A Fuel Card must be used to purchase gasoline for university-owned vehicles.
Gift cards (See VP for Finance's policy for purchasing gift cards.)
Insurance (commercial). Risk Management administers the commercial insurance for
the University, including property and casual insurance. However, medical malpractice
insurance is allowable on the ProCard.
Intra- and inter-departmental charges for U of L departments. These types of payments
must always be taken care of using Journal Vouchers
Legal Services
Movement of household goods/relocation expenses - see Moving Expense Procedure
Office/Facilities Improvements please contact Facilities Management for assistance
Parking permits (UofL permits)
Personal Use
Printing - see the printing policy for additional details
Products available through University Stockroom
Radioactive material
Rental cars/vans - see Controller's Office website for more information
Renovations/Construction please contact Facilities Management for assistance
Scooter Rentals
Services subject to Personal Services Contracts; i.e. consultants, legal services, etc.
Shipment of hazardous materials - contact Environmental Health & Safety regarding the
appropriate method for shipping hazardous materials
Subcontracts on grants
ProCard blocked MCC's (Merchant Category Codes):
The ProCard office has researched transaction activity to determine what MCC's (Merchant
Category Codes) are being used and/or what codes are in compliance with policy and
procedures. We have analyzed a series of data which determined what codes would be
blocked. As of December 16, 2016, these MCC codes were officially blocked on all ProCard
If you find that your ProCard has been declined due to one of the blocked codes when
attempting a purchase, the option to unblock the specific MCC code can be granted upon
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
approval from the Director of Procurement Systems and Card Operations and Department
LFO. Unblocking of an MCC can take up to one business day.
$4,500.00 is the default limit per transaction. The default monthly limit per card is
Single purchases cannot be divided to circumvent the $4,500 limit per transaction. This
type of process is called a “split transaction” and could lead to sanctions.
Purchasing will periodically monitor spending patterns with vendors to determine where
contracts need to be established.
Monthly and transaction limits may be increased either on a temporary or permanent
basis. Limits must be approved by the Department LFO based on budget considerations.
Spending Limit Increase Request Form
Department LFO Listing
For guidance as to the appropriate payment method based on the type of commodity or service
you are procuring, refer to the Procure-to-Pay Grid. For guidance on whether to utilize a PO or
Payment Request, refer to the PO vs Payment Request Flowchart.
For guidance on payments to individuals, refer to the Payment Matrix.
If payment is being made for a category not listed, please contact the Controller's Office,
Purchasing, or the ProCard Office.
Fraud & Misuse
The cardholder is responsible for contacting the vendor about any erroneous charges, returns
or disputed items. If the cardholder is unable to reach out to the vendor to resolve the charge,
please contact the ProCard Office during normal business hours at 852-9058. If the charge
occurred after business hours or over the weekend, the cardholder may contact PNC Bank
directly at 1-800-685-4039. Disputed billing can result from:
failure to receive goods or services charged
fraud or misuse
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
altered charges
defective merchandise
incorrect amounts
duplicate charges
credits not processed
Contact the vendor first to resolve any questionable charges. If agreement cannot be reached
with the vendor, notification to PNC Bank should be made by use of the ProCard Disputed Items
Form. PNC must receive this form no later than the 60 days after receipt of the first bill on
which the error or problem appeared. A completed copy of the dispute form should be emailed
to PNC Bank (billinginqui[email protected]) and the ProCard Service Account
([email protected]) should be copied on this email. The form can also be mailed or faxed
(852-7628) to the ProCard Office. If you have a routine question, PNC Bank Customer Services
Department may be able to provide information at 1-800-685-4039.
After PNC has completed its investigation, the cardholder will be notified of the resolution. If
the dispute is settled in the favor of the cardholder, the account will be credited for the
disputed amount.
If a new card is issued due to the transaction dispute, it will be sent to the attention of the
ProCard Office at the corporate address on file with PNC Bank via FedEx delivery for tracking
purposes. Once the ProCard Office has received the new card, the cardholder will be notified.
If a ProCard is lost or stolen, during working hours, immediately notify the ProCard Office at
852-9058 who will then contact PNC Bank. During non-business and weekend hours,
immediately notify PNC Bank at 1-800-685-4039. If deemed necessary by the cardholder, notify
the University Police, 24 hours a day, at 852-6111. University Police may write a report,
depending on the circumstances.
When contacting PNC Bank, cardholders should not request that a reissued card be sent to
their office. All reissued card requests must be sent to the attention of the ProCard Office at the
corporate address on file with PNC Bank via FedEx delivery for tracking purposes. Once the
ProCard Office has received the new card, the cardholder will be notified.
Submit the electronic Lost or Stolen Card Notification Form to the ProCard Office.
All employees should report suspicious acts to their supervisor, or directly to a higher level if
the supervisor is involved.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
If reports involve fiscal misconduct involving university resources, whether by employees, other
members of the university community, or by persons outside the university, employees are
expected to promptly report the suspected fiscal misconduct to Audit Services.
Audit Services email [email protected]du or call 502-852-8305.
If you are uncomfortable reporting to management, the university has a Compliance Hotline
that offers two easy mechanisms to report concerns or activities that may involve misconduct
or violations of law or university policy.
You may call the Compliance Hotline toll free at: 1-877-852-1167. A trained risk specialist will
document your information and generate a written report to the University Integrity and
Compliance Office. Instances of fiscal misconduct will be forwarded to Audit Services.
You may write and submit an electronic report via the Compliance Hotline. Click on the
following link to submit a web-based report:
The Compliance Hotline is provided by a third-party vendor and is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. Additional information about the hotline can be found at:
UofL has the following policies and procedures in place to help address fraud, waste, and
Code of Conduct applies to all university employees and other university community
members. The code outlines the standards of conduct and behavior of UofL’s employees,
which includes the expectation that all employees, in conducting UofL affairs, will comply
with applicable laws and regulations and UofL policies and
Fiscal Misconduct Policy applies to all university employees. All university employees are
responsible for the proper conduct and handling of any university resources or fiscal
Duty to Report and Non-Retaliation Policy applies to all university employees. The policy
outlines the expectation of employees to report knowledge or suspicion of non-compliance
and prohibits any form of retaliation or retribution against those employees for reporting
such matters.
Reporting and Investigation Procedures applies to all university employees. The procedure
outlines how to report concerns, such as through the compliance hotline, and the
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
investigation process.
Sanction Check Policy applies to the university community, including employees and
students. The policy states that the university will exercise due diligence in hiring/screening
employees, vendors, and affiliates. university employees, vendors, and appropriate
affiliated individuals are checked against appropriate governmental
exclusion/debarment/suspension lists to ensure eligibility for hire and/or to participate in
university programs.
For more information about reporting fraud, waste, and abuse, see
Reasons to Suspend and/or Revoke ProCard Privileges
Failure to adhere to University policies and procedures
Failure to safeguard the ProCard from unauthorized use
Use of ProCard for non-University or personal purchases
Failure to keep all necessary documentation on ProCard transactions
Failure to reconcile monthly charges
Consequences of ProCard Misuse. Possible actions against cardholder include:
Surrender ProCard - privileges revoked.
Improper or fraudulent use of ProCard will result in disciplinary action, up to and
including prosecution and termination of employment.
In all cases of fraudulent use of a ProCard, the University's Audit Services, Human
Resources, Public Safety, and respective Dean/Vice President will be notified. See Fiscal
Misconduct Policy.
University of Louisville Procurement Card User’s Manual
Audit Checklist - to be used by departments when conducting their own internal reviews of ProCards
Billing Address Change
Application for ProCard - once the ProCard Office receives the required paperwork, a new card will
arrive within 3-5 business days.
Certificate of Destruction
Component Purchases Resulting in Equipment in Excess of $1000
Default Speedtype/Account Change Form - do not use this form for grant renewals
PNC Dispute Form
Employee Usage Agreement
Equipment Purchases in Excess of $1,000
Grant Renewal Form
Hotel Credit Card Authorization Form
Liaison Monthly Certification Form
Lost or Stolen Card Notification Form
Missing Receipt Form
Proxy Statement for Card Pick-Up
OnBase Proxy/Funding Reviewer/Approver Change Form
Reconciliation/approval Cut-Off Dates
Request for a Compliance Review
Sales Tax Exemption Form
Sign In-Out Log
Spending Limit Change Request
Transaction Summary & Reconciliation Sheet