Wanda Cabella
Mathias Nathan
Esteban Caballero
Pablo Salazar
Lorna Jenkins
Daniel Macadar
Challenges Posed
by Low Fertility in
Latin America
and the Caribbean
Latin America
and the Caribean
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean
© UNFPA, 2018
The views and opinions expressed in this document do not necessarily reect those of the United
Nations Population Fund.
This document presents a brief overview of the characteristics
of low and very low fertility regimes. In it we identify
the demographic challenges faced by the countries leading these changes,
together with the main public policies implemented to provide solutions
to the ensuing consequences. It likewise seeks to draw lessons
from the experience obtained in these countries that could be useful
for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean2
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................3
What are low fertility regimes and how are they measured? ....................................................8
In what regions of the world do low fertility regimes prevail? .................................................9
What are the main demographic mechanisms that account for low fertility
regimes? ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
What are the main social, economic and cultural forces that explain the low
fertility regimes? ................................................................................................................................................13
Is low fertility a problem? ............................................................................................................................14
Is it possible to reverse very low fertility? ..........................................................................................15
What is the current situation in Latin America regarding replacement regimes? ...16
What is the impact of the sustained drop in adolescent fertility
in Latin America and the Caribbean on the total fertility rate? ...........................................18
Is it necessary to implement policies to prevent the decrease in fertility
to extreme levels? ............................................................................................................................................ 23
What policies have been implemented in countries that have experienced long
years of low fertility regimes? Which have been successful? .................................................23
What policies could be more adequate and more feasibly applied in LAC? .............. 25
References ..............................................................................................................................................................27
According to a recent United Nations estimate -published
in World Population Prospects (2017) - nearly half of the
global population resides in countries affected by low
fertility, with 18 of these countries found in Latin America
and the Caribbean. The falling birth rate is the main factor
that explains these decreasing demographic trends,
the changes in population age structure, aging and the
subsequent pressure on social security systems.
The aim of this document is to facilitate a dialogue
regarding the fall of fertility levels and its implications
for our region. At the same time, it recognizes that low
fertility represents a challenge to societies’ development,
but should not be addressed as a threat. It is UNFPAs
intention to highlight this issue and encourage countries
to adopt strategies allowing them to adequately manage
these realities and their possible impacts, among them
the nourishing of the creative and productive potential of
a society for all ages- empowering those of working age
while simultaneously creating more inclusive communities
which will allow those of a more advanced age to better
lend their experience and energy in ways which will bring
benefit across the board.
Detailed in this document are the common characteristics
of countries faced with low and very-low fertility, including
analysis of the history of those at the forefront of these
changes, the challenges they have faced and the initiatives
they have put into place to confront them. Also presented
are lessons learned which may be of relevant use in dealing
with the extreme fall of fertility in our region.
While acknowledging that the information presented
may not be suitable for general application, since local
particularities may require answers tailored specifically to
them, it is to be stressed that very low fertility can only be
avoided through promotion of certain incentives including,
but not necessarily limited to, childcare services, achieving
a work-life balance condicive to family planning, legislation
pertaining to maternity and paternity leave and a sharing
of domestic responsibilities between parents regardless
of gender which, in turn, is linked with the recognition
of womens sexual and reproductive rights, and greater
participation of women in the labor market.
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean4
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean6
Challenges Posed by Low
Fertility in Latin America and
the Caribbean
In the last two centuries humanity has witnessed the
longest periods of population growth in history. Societies
and governments, therefore, have some experience in how
to face the consequences and eventual problems posed
by demographic growth. Current generations have not
known stages of deceleration of population growth of
the magnitude and stability recorded at present in much
of the developed world (Teitelbaum 2018). The birth
reduction is the main factor that accounts for the scant or
lack of population growth in more developed societies. The
reduction of fertility to low levels during extended periods,
slightly over thirty years in several European countries
and around two decades in some countries of East Asia,
has given rise to the concept of “low fertility regimes. The
installation of these regimes has raised a certain level of
concern among some specialists and among the political
teams of countries where fertility has reached low and very
low levels. The eects of this trend on the age structure,
basically aging, together with the pressure exerted on the
social security system, the slowdown in population growth,
and even the possibility of its decline in absolute terms, are
among the most frequently used reasons mentioned when
drawing attention to the potential social and economic
harm caused by low fertility contexts. Reasons of nationalist
(related to the social identity of the populations) and
even military (related to the decline of potential military
personnel) nature have also been indicated, although as a
side-issue (Rindfuss and Kim Choe 2015).
The controversy surrounding the eects of falling fertility
has become increasingly sophisticated as more countries,
more or less developed, have entered into low fertility
regimes. With the increasing availability of information
and knowledge about the demographic mechanisms
involved in the recent decline, it is possible to reassess
the magnitude of the drop and its consequences, and
even observe how the dierent institutional and cultural
contexts react dierently to the fertility drop.
At the turn of the century, the countries of Latin America
and the Caribbean have begun to reach total fertility rates
in line with low fertility regimes, three or four decades later
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean8
than the countries that led this change. Although levels
are still heterogeneous, the truth is that in the past years
a signicant group of countries in the region converged
towards fertility levels at or below the level of generational
replacement (Cabella and Pardo 2014; ECLAC 2011). At
present, and according to recent United Nations estimates,
18 Latin American countries have Total Fertility Rates (TFR)
below the replacement level (United Nations 2017). So
far none of the Latin American countries has crossed the
limit of 1.5 children per woman (very low fertility), so the
region is in time to evaluate the possibility of fertility drops
below this level and advance solutions to the potential
problematic consequences associated with the extreme
fertility reduction. As will be seen later in this document,
there are relevant nuances among the demographic, social
and economic eects of the low fertility regimes and
those with very low or ultra-low fertility rates. For the
time being, suce it to say that there is a certain consensus
that the challenges posed by very low fertility regimes are
much more dicult to overcome, and that avoiding fertility
reductions that imply the installation of this type of regimes
is a rst lesson we can draw from the recent experience in
European and Asian countries (Morgan 2003). A second
lesson that emerges from the analysis of low fertility
regimes is that their arrival is inevitable and even desirable
as they usually are the result of greater gender equity,
almost perfect contraceptive control, more educational
and employment opportunities for women. A third lesson,
particularly relevant in developing countries, is that so far
low fertility regimes have become installed in countries that
count with the necessary resources to implement adequate
institutional measures to make parenting compatible with
the life-style of these societies (Morgan 2003).
With these two ideas in mind (acceptance of low fertility
and acknowledgment that it is possible to avoid extremely
low fertility) this document aims to: a) highlight the
characteristics of the low and very low fertility regimes, b)
review their evolution in countries leading these changes
together with the main demographic challenges faced, c)
review the policies implemented to meet the challenges
of low fertility and d) draw lessons from the experience in
these countries that could be useful in Latin America and
the Caribbean.
In order to organize information and facilitate its reading,
the document is structured as a set of questions related to
the evolution and characteristics of low fertility regimes,
the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean vis a vis
the recent decline in fertility close to or lower than the
replacement level, and nally in relation to the policies
adopted in the pioneer countries that could serve as a
reference for ours.
1. What are low fertility regimes
and how are they measured?
Low fertility regimes are those in which the total fertility
rate is below replacement fertility levels. Replacement
fertility is equal to the level of fertility which, if maintained
over time, will produce a zero-population growth under
the assumption of constant mortality and absence of
migration. The replacement level corresponds to a total
fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman, the rate that
ensures the replacement of the number of women of
reproductive age.
Thus, the long-term persistence of a
fertility rate below the replacement level would produce a
population decrease.
Countries with very low or extremely low fertility are
those that are below the threshold of 1.5 children per
woman (McDonald 2006, Rindfuss and Kim Choe 2016). The
threshold of a TFR of 1.3 children per woman has also been
used to describe the experience of several European and
East Asian countries that during the 1990s achieved the
lowest fertility levels known to date (Kohler et al., 2002;
Goldstein et al., 2009). Although arbitrary, the denition
1. It is greater than 2.0 because some girls do not manage to sur-
vive until the reproductive ages and due to the imbalance in the
relationship between newborn boys and girls, in favor of boys.
of these thresholds is useful to predict the rate of growth
and the long-term change in the population age structure.
A stable population (and with constant mortality rates)
with a TFR of 1.5, for example, would be reduced by half
in 64 years; with a TGF of 1.9, this would take 230 years
(Toulemon 2011).
The total fertility rate (TFR) is a synthetic period measure,
which expresses the number of children a woman would
have if she were subject throughout her life to the fertility
rates according to age observed during that moment or
period (usually a year). It is the most widely used indicator
to analyze the evolution of the fertility level of a population
given its availability for a broad set of countries and
years, and due to the relative simplicity to estimate it and
communicate results. As will be seen later, this measure is
not free from interpretation diculties, particularly during
periods of change in fertility.
Measures of cohort fertility, which follow the reproductive
experience of a generation, allow direct interpretation of its
value, and the number of children that a certain generation
of women had and at what ages may be unequivocally
estimated. The major problem is that it requires waiting
for each generation to complete its reproductive life. In
this document, we will not refer much to cohort measures,
which will be specically included to underscore the fact
that variations in period measures such as the TFG, for
example, do not strictly correlate with the nal cohort
fertility values.
2. In what regions of the world do
low fertility regimes prevail?
Fertility rates under the replacement level (low fertility,
very low or ultra-low fertility) have been a widespread
phenomenon in Europe since the 70s and a few years
later in several Asian countries. The unprecedented birth
rate increase after the end of World War II was followed in
most of these countries by a reduced fertility trend which
Data source: United Nations, WPP 2017.
Number of countries
1950/ 1955/ 1960/ 1965/ 1970/ 1975/ 1980/ 1985/ 1990/ 1995/ 2000/ 2005/ 2010/
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Europe Asia Latin America and the Caribbean
led to the description of low and very low fertility regimes
as demographic scenarios that would characterize the
new dynamics of family formation in the most developed
countries. This phenomenon is known in the literature as
the passage from baby boom to baby bust.
Fertility has long fallen beyond the replacement level in
developed regions, and most of the countries included
form part of the post-transitional or low fertility group.
However, there is considerable variability: while some
countries have a TFR just below the replacement level,
others present values between 50% and 75% below the
replacement value (Rindfuss and Kim Choe 2016).
According to the recent United Nations estimates (United
Nations 2017), almost half of the world population lives in
low fertility countries. The number of countries with fertility
below the replacement level increased sharply in the past
four decades, going from less than ten in the early 1970s to
more than eighty at present (gure 1). Approximately half
of the low fertility countries are in Europe. This increase was
also registered, although later, in the Asia and Latin America
and the Caribbean regions.
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean10
The Southern Europe and Eastern Europe regions, as well
as East Asia, have the lowest fertility rates in the world,
with levels close to 1.5 children per woman on average
(gure 2). By manner of example, a TGF of 1.6 was observed
in Ukraine, 1.5 in Italy, 1.4 in Spain and 1.3 in Greece,
Portugal, and Poland during the 2010-15 period. Among
the countries with very low fertility in East Asia, we may
mention Japan (1.5) and South Korea (1.3). Fertility levels in
the regions of North-Western Europe are usually closer to
the replacement level: the TFR varies between 1.8 and 2.0
children per woman in countries such as Denmark, France,
Holland, Norway, United Kingdom or Sweden (United
Nations 2017). In some of these countries, TFR proximity to
the replacement level is linked to the implementation of
generous parental leaves, advances in child care coverage
and policies that encourage gender equity, among other
measures. We will later review the main policies associated
with fertility levels close to two children per woman.
Based on the experience observed in the more developed
countries, it may be said that until now there is no
theoretical or empirical limit” in which the TFR stabilizes
once it is below the replacement level. On the contrary,
evidence in low fertility countries indicates that the TFR
tends to be unstable, and subject to changes in the labor
market and the economic situation, or to policy measures
addressed to families among other factors. These changes
often operate through the modication of the fertility
calendar, causing a rise or fall in births in a population in
a given year. On the other hand, the nal cohort fertility
tends to be more stable than period fertility and close
to replacement level (Sobotka 2017). Furthermore, the
instability and diversity of the TFR contrast with the relative
stability observed in the ideal family size in low fertility
countries, that is close to the two children (Sobotka and
Beaujouan 2014).
Similarly, the existing diversity in fertility rate among
developed countries suggests that there are institutional,
political, cultural and historical factors operating at the
national level. The eect of these factors varies among
countries and allows to explain the observed dierences
in fertility within the group of post-transitional societies.
This is central when considering the possible strategies to
reverse future fertility reductions (Rindfuss and Kim Choe
2016). One of the dierential aspects when comparing
these countries with countries in Latin America and Africa
is that adolescent fertility level is low, almost nil in some.
Even so, there also is variability in the adolescent fertility
rate among high-income countries. According to the data
reported in the Di Cesare report (2016) for Western high
income countries, in 2013 the Anglo-Saxon countries
(United States, United Kingdom and New Zealand) showed
the highest values (between 25 and 30 ‰ ), while the vast
majority of countries presented rates close to or below
10 ‰. Within the set of countries below this threshold,
there are some that stand out for their extremely low rates.
In Slovenia the rate is under 1 ‰, in Switzerland it is 1.7
‰, and several countries (Germany, France, Italy, Austria,
among others) are close to 4 ‰ rates. The report highlights
that the low current rates result from a sustained decline
process that started in the 1960s. More importantly, they
1970/ 1975/ 1980/ 1985/ 1990/ 1995/ 2000/ 2005/ 2010/
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Western Europe Nothern Europe Southern Europe
Eastern Europe Eastern Asia
Data source: United Nations, WPP 2017.
are the outcome of the implementation of consistent
policies over time geared to achieve substantial
improvements in adolescent sexual and reproductive
3. What are the main demographic
mechanisms that account for low
fertility regimes?
Three demographic forces leading to the creation of stable
regimes of low and very low fertility have been recognized:
1) the choice of a small number of children (quantum) 2)
the postponement of the rst birth (tempo) and 3) the
increased proportion of women who do not have children
As for the rst, it is important to note that in the most
developed countries the number of women or couples who
have many children is small; consequently, the proportion
of high-order births (3 or more) is very low: between 75 and
90% of births are currently rst or second order (Morgan
2003). Most couples choose to have few children, and this
standard seems to have installed in low fertility countries at
least half a century ago when developed societies reached
the last demographic transition phase.
The recent fall in fertility to low and very low levels in
these countries was mainly driven by the second factor
mentioned above: the delay in the fertility onset to a
more advanced age (Figure 3) which has meant that an
increasing number of women begin their reproductive
life over 30 years of age (Kohler et al., 2002). This process
is known as the Postponement Transition and explains
the importance of the changing fertility calendar in the
fertility drop to low and very low levels. The postponement
of fertility, fundamentally the rhythm at which it was
processed, caused periods of sharp fall of the TFR. The TFR is
aected by changes in the fertility calendar and the female
population distribution according to their parity, which
sometimes causes an equivocal interpretation of these
values (Bongaarts and Sobotka 2012). The postponement
of entry to motherhood among young cohorts, for
example, causes a decrease in births observed over a
period and correspondingly a lower TFR than that observed
in the absence of such a calendar change. In other words,
the delay in the fertility age produces a reduction in the TFR
during the period even if the nal cohort fertility remains
unchanged. This change in the period indicator caused by
variations in the fertility calendar is known as tempo eect
or distortion.
The so-called tempo eect has been a central element
accounting for the decline of the TFR to extremely low
levels in European countries during the 1990s; although
these countries have characteristics that explain having
reached low fertility, none of them would have reached
such extreme levels without the decisive pressure exerted
by the calendar eect (Goldstein et al., 2009).
The variability in the current TFR values between the low
and very low fertility countries is partly due to the “rebound
eect” registered in the great majority of the European
countries that pioneered the fertility decrease to low and
very low levels (Bongaarts and Sobotka, 2012, Bongaarts
and Feeney 2010). The process started in these countries
between the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, and the rate reached
very low values in some. However, in the 1990s period
fertility began to rise, and now the TFR tends to approach
the replacement threshold in several countries. The
demographic explanation for the recovery of the period
fertility level is attributed to the gradual disappearance of
the tempo eect, once the postponement of births ceased
to exert a lowering eect on the GFR.
Postponement to advanced reproductive ages can have
undesirable eects among women who start late (or
reach advanced ages of the reproductive cycle without
having children, but with the desire to have them) since
their time of exposure to the probability of being mothers
is shortened, and this in turn conditions these womens
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean12
possibility of having the expected number of children.
Additionally, postponement to older ages increases the
likelihood that people will choose a life without children
or eventually lose interest in that option (Sobotka 2017).
The postponement of fertility has also resulted in couples
that decide to have children when womens fertility is in
decline (Velde & Pearson 2002), with an increased risk
of prolongation of time to pregnancy, infertility, and
miscarriages, among other aspects related to maternal and
newborn health (Schmidt et al., 2012).
The third factor impacting on the consolidation of low
fertility regimes is the growing number of women who,
for various reasons, reach the end of their reproductive life
without having children. Although in all societies there
is a portion of the population that does not participate
in the process of biological reproduction, in recent years
the growth of nulliparity has been studied as a social and
demographic phenomenon characteristic of societies
undergoing Second Demographic Transition. In European
countries, even though nulliparity gures vary, there is a
convergence towards increased childlessness. At present
this value is approximately 20% among women who have
completed their reproductive cycle in Austria, Germany,
and Switzerland. Without reaching such high values, a
series of other European countries have likewise increased
the proportion of women who remain childless, with an
average value of 15% (Sobotka 2017). In very low fertility
Asian countries (Japan, South Korea, Singapore) this
indicator reaches gures close to 30%. It should be noted
that the registered values of childless women at the end
of their reproductive life oscillate between 5 and 10% for
most of the 20
century. The reasons for this phenomenon
are diverse, but there is some consensus that nulliparity
is partly an unintended consequence of postponement,
and largely the result of a deliberate choice of a child-free
lifestyle, or the outcome of having opted for personal
development and work and having to face the diculties
of combining work with upbringing (Kreyenfeld and
Konietzka 2017).
Source: Our own, with data from the Human Fertility Database.
1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
4. What are the main social,
economic and cultural forces that
explain the low fertility regimes?
Numerous transformations unfolded simultaneously
between the last decades of the 20th century and
the beginning of the 21st century and contributed to
modify reproductive behavior in Europe, especially
the postponement of the rst birth. Sobotka (2017)
summarized the factors indicated in several studies,
stressing the key role played by four factors in delayed
parenthood: 1) the expansion of education, 2) the
increasing economic uncertainty, particularly among young
people, 3) the gender revolution, which has mainly resulted
in the almost complete incorporation of women into the
labor market, and 4) the transformations that have taken
place in the sphere of couple relationships.
Underlying these changes we may recognize an
ideological-cultural change component, ultimately
expressed in the Second Demographic Transition concept.
Its main promoters, the Belgian demographers Lesthaeghe
and Van de Kaa (1986), argued that during last decades
of the 20th century a series of changes converged and
radically modied the role of individuals about both
family and society. According to these authors, the forces
of modernization led to an exacerbation of individualism
which, transferred to fertility decisions, meant that
individuals increasingly evaluated the cost of having
children in relation to the loss of their autonomy that
hindered their personal development and decreased their
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean14
time for leisure. Individual autonomy and self-realization
are at the center of life course decisions, freedom of
choice and equal opportunities become highly valued life
goals; at social level laws are adopted to guarantee the
respect for personal decisions such as divorce, abortion
and reproductive decision making in general (Lesthaeghe
2014; Giddens 1993). In turn, the structural changes
accompanying the consolidation of the industrial and
post-industrial economy made working in the labor market
increasingly incompatible with child-rearing tasks.
None of these changes would have been possible without
three revolutions that began in the 1960s: the contraceptive
revolution, the sexual revolution and the gender revolution
(Giddens, 1993). The invention of highly ecient contraceptive
methods enabled a radical change regarding reproductive
decisions: ... during the First Demographic Transition, the issue
was to adopt contraception in order to avoid pregnancies: during
the Second Demographic Transition the basic decision is to
stop contraception in order to start a pregnancy “(Lesthaeghe
and Surkyn 2004). The invention the pill methods made it
possible to postpone the beginning of reproductive life until
the desired time without abstaining from sexual life and thus
allowed societies where contraception is the default option”
to ourish (Balbo, Billari & Mills 2013). On the other hand, the
sexual revolution questioned the idea that sexual life was only
legitimate within marriage, together with the notion that its
sole purpose was procreation. According to Van de Kaa (2004),
fertility becomes derivative, and results from a long reection
process where the central question in this deliberation
regarding reproduction is: “will the arrival of a child contribute
to my self-realization? . Finally, the gender revolution, with its
hallmark questioning of patriarchal power and connections
with the expansion of womens education and employment,
has resulted in an unprecedented drive towards greater
autonomy of women when taking conjugal and reproductive
decisions. All these changes contributed in general terms to
delay the formation of couples and the arrival of the children.
5. Is low fertility a problem?
There is consensus according to which reduced fertility
results from the capacity of populations to meet their
reproductive objectives both regarding the number of
children and the time to have them. It would thus be
inappropriate to consider that low fertility is a problem per se.
Even so, its consolidation poses challenges for contemporary
societies that must tailor their institutions to adapt to the
new demographic reality. A low fertility sustained over time
leads to an aging population and an eventual negative
population growth. The lower the fertility rates, the faster
these changes will be processed. What are then the concerns
associated with aging and population decline?
With regard to the aging population, the main challenge
is associated with the nancial sustainability of social
security, public health, and elderly care systems. As older
people increase in number and the working-age population
decreases governments are faced with the problem of
nancing the cost of social protection systems and must
review the benets granted to people of retirement age and
the tax burden on the active population. Both options are
unpopular with the electorate and can generate political
costs for governments (Rindfuss and Min Choe 2015).
As for negative growth, concerns range from aspects
related to nationalism, the need to have a relatively large
domestic consumer market to place domestic economic
production and the challenge of sustaining the necessary
size of the countrys armed forces with young people
(Rindfuss and Min Choe 2015).
Low fertility is not a problem, and for some sectors may
even be positive as it lowers the burden for families,
and allows the possibility of achieving more equitable
societies from the gender standpoint if we consider that,
at least until now, it is basically women who are primarily
responsible child care. The fact that it is not a problem in
and on itself does not exempt societies with low fertility
demographic regimes from reecting upon its multiple
impact on social life, intergenerational and generational
relationships (the family network, for example, and with it
the supply for family care) and, fundamentally, to anticipate
its consequences when planning in relation to the negative
eects, particularly those derived from the labor market.
6. Is it possible to reverse very low
The experience in European countries is a good example
of the role that the postponement of fertility can play
in the temporary decline of the TFR. A relevant part of
the explanation of the fall of the TFR to very low levels
responds to the distortion” of the tempo eect that
generated the postponement of the rst birth in these
countries between 1980 and 2000, and its subsequent
recovery once the rate of increase of the deferment began
to slow down, that is, when the tempo eect ceased to
have signicant downward eects at period level. In sum,
from a purely demographic perspective, it is possible to
respond that very low fertility can be reversed insofar as
it is the outcome of a particular combination of intensity
and calendar, which, when diluted, causes the recovery
of period fertility. This rst explanation, of a mechanical
nature, is undoubtedly a relevant factor when weighing the
existence of a transient component in the fall to very low
fertility levels. As shown above in this document, this drop
to very low levels and its subsequent rebound has been
observed in several European countries. However, there still
is signicant heterogeneity in the TFR levels of European
countries and, generally speaking, of developed countries
that experienced drops to very low levels. Although it is
possible to interpret these dierences as dierences in the
rhythm of development of the Postponement Transition,
recent research has analyzed another set of factors, both
institutional and social, that help to explain why within the
set of countries that experienced drastic falls in fertility,
some returned to levels close to two children per woman
and others are still far from recovering a level close to the
replacement threshold.
As indicated by Morgan (2003), it is reasonable to consider
that “even large families will be small in the 21st century as
a fact; this is consistent with two as the ideal number of
children in most of the low-income and very low fertility
countries (Testa 2006). However, in some countries the
TFR is currently very close to two children per woman
(France, Holland and Sweden) while in others it is much
less than two (Italy, Spain and Hungary, for example, have
TGF levels between 1.2 and 1.4). What factors explain these
dierences? What factors impacted in some countries to
make fertility recover while in others this recovery cannot
be even envisaged?
The more widely accepted theories on the decline of post-
transitional fertility agree that the expansion of female
education and the rise in womens wages are powerful
drivers of the fertility reduction, as in the case of the
Second Transitional Demographic Theory (SDT) and the
New Home Economics (Aasve et al., 2015). However, recent
trends are showing that this relationship is not proven
in several countries of the developed world where the
relationship between development and fertility shows the
opposite sign to that expected according to the mentioned
theories: in several of the countries with a very advanced
SDT and with greater development fertility is increasing
rather than decreasing (Aasve et al 2015, Myrskyla et al
2009, Luci and Thévenon 2011).
Part of the explanation refers to the mechanics of the
TFR. But there a considerable debate is also starting in
relation to the role played by the emergence of increasingly
egalitarian societies in relation to gender roles. Between
the end of the 1990s and 2000s, Mc Donald (2000) and
Esping Andersen (2009) placed this issue at the center of
the discussion: the theory of the incomplete revolution
2. For a good analysis of the consequences of aging and the central
dimensions that must be addressed to avoid the diculties that
societies face due to the fall in fertility, see Rofman, Amarante and
Apella (2016)
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean16
posed by Esping Andersen and the theory of gender
equality mismatch in the public and the domestic spheres
are currently form the backdrop of the research that seeks
to unravel the reasons why some developed countries
increased their fertility and others did not.
Esping Andersen (2009) highlights the dierences in
fertility regarding the capacity of societies and institutions
to adapt to the new role of women in all areas of daily life,
and especially highlights the importance of the role played
by the state to make family and working life compatible
together with its eect on fertility. Mc Donald (2000)
interprets the dierences in post-transitional fertility
in relation to the specicities of the gender system in
countries with low fertility. A comparison between the
countries of Southern Europe (very low fertility) with
the Nordic countries (fertility close to replacement level)
shows that in the former there is a signicant gap between
gender equality in the institutions oriented to individuals
(education system, labor market) and gender relations
in the domestic sphere. In other words, gender equality
encourages fertility, if and only if there is a correspondence
between womens opportunities in the public sphere and
an equal division of domestic roles. On the other hand, the
more the state ensures that family-oriented institutions
(e.g. childcare, parental and care leave, etc.) are based on
a foundation that promotes gender equality in the family,
domestic life, the fewer barriers couples will nd when they
decide to start or increase their fertility.
In summary, while the low fertility model is rooted in
developed societies where contributes towards gender
equality in all spheres of life, very low or ultra low fertility
regimes are associated with the existence of a gap in
gender equality when comparing the public and the
family spheres. In this sense, and to answer the question
that opens this section, there is consensus among experts
indicating that it is possible to reverse very low fertility and
that the key to avoid or reverse very low fertility regimes
lies in the construction of increasingly egalitarian societies
at the level of gender relations.
A varied set of measures was implemented in European
countries where the decline in fertility was signicant
and occurred since the mid-’70s, some explicitly aimed
at promoting births, others seeking to promote gender
equality and increasingly reconcile family life and work.
Spain, Sweden, and France (Pardo and Varela, 2013)
are three paradigmatic cases. There is a consensus that
countries, including Spain, that implemented policies
geared to boost the birth rate were hardly successful,
particularly those that did this through monetary incentives
(Thévenon 2011). France is an exception to this rule since
it is one of the countries that has managed to sustain a
TFR of 1.9 children per woman through comprehensive
family policies aimed to reconcile family and work, with a
signicant component of child care provision and a strong
dose of state co-responsibility. Sweden also has one of
the highest fertility rates in Europe, close to 1.9, but in this
country family policies never aimed to raise fertility but
rather to promote gender equality and especially involve
males in parenting tasks. A set of devices aimed to facilitate
the reconciliation between family life and work life was
implemented in both countries and included the public
provision of child care, parental leave, money transfers to
households, exible working hours and the promotion of
shared child care by men and women.
7. What is the current situation
in Latin America regarding low-
fertility regimes?
The Latin America and Caribbean region experienced a rapid
decline in fertility in the past decades. Several countries,
most of the from the Caribbean region (Table 1) present
a total rate below the replacement level, 18 countries in
the subcontinent reached a TFR under 2.1 children in the
2010-2015 ve-year period. In fact, the rst countries to cross
the replacement threshold in the 1980s were Antigua and
Barbuda, Barbados and Cuba. Later, some countries of South
America joined in together with Costa Rica.
Increased access to contraceptive methods is considered
a key factor accounting for the fertility drop in the region
(Guzmán et al., 2006). Nevertheless, the prevalence of
contraceptive methods in the region shows dierences
both among countries and social groups. The socially
most vulnerable sectors of the population have diculties
in accessing ecient methods and present a large gap
between their desired and eective fertility (Cavenaghi and
Alves 2009).
The fall in fertility to low levels in Latin America and the
Caribbean was not accompanied by the delay in the
fertility calendar as in the case of most European and
East Asian countries (Cavenaghi and Alves 2009; Sobotka
2017). Indeed, its uniqueness is due to the persistence
of a pattern of reproduction at early ages, particularly
during adolescence (ECLAC 2012, Cabella and Pardo 2014,
Rodríguez and Cavenaghi 2014).
The persistence of high adolescent fertility rates in
Latin America and the Caribbean responds, according
to Rodríguez (2013), to a combination of early sexual
debut, poor access to contraceptive methods since the
beginning of sexual life and limited access to abortion.
Likewise, fertility at early ages in the region occurs in a
context of strong inequalities in reproductive behavior
associated with the position occupied by individuals in
the social structure: people from low socioeconomic strata
usually have higher and earlier fertility than those in the
upper strata, as well as a higher proportion of unwanted
pregnancies (Cavenaghi and Alves 2009; ECLAC 2012;
Nathan, Pardo and Cabella 2016).
Some studies have shown the emergence of the
postponement of the rst birth, although basically
concentrated among the most educated women (Rosero-
bixby et al., 2009, Nathan 2015, Lima et al., 2017). This has
Caribbean Central America South America
St. Vincent and the Gren. 1.51 Costa Rica 1.85 Brazil 1.78
Puerto Rico 1.52 El Salvador 2.17 Chile 1.82
Cuba 1.71 Mexico 2.29 Colombia 1.93
Barbados 1.79 Nicaragua 2.32 Uruguay 2.04
U.S. Virgin Islands 1.80 Panama 2.60 Argentina 2.35
Aruba 1.80 Belize 2.64 Venezuela 2.40
Bahamas 1.81 Honduras 2.65 Surinam 2.46
Martinique 1.95 Guatemala 3.19 Peru 2.50
Guadeloupe 2.00 Equador 2.59
Trinidad and Tobago 2.01 Guyana 2.60
Curaçao 2.07 Paraguay 2.60
Jamaica 2.08 Bolivia 3.04
Antigua and Barbuda 2.10 French Guiana 3.45
Granada 2.18
Dominican Republic 2.53
Haiti 3.13
Data source: United Nations, WPP 2017.
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean18
produced a slow increase in the average age of women
when giving birth to their rst child in some countries such
as Chile and Uruguay (Nathan, Pardo and Cabella 2016, Lima
et al., 2017), together with an increase in the proportion of
women without children at 25-29 years in a broader set of
countries in the region (Rosero-Bixby et al., 2009, Esteve et
al., 2012). However, the growing contrast between the delay
in maternity of women with greater social and economic
opportunities and the persistence of an early fertility
among the most disadvantaged social sectors has caused a
polarization of the reproductive calendar (Rosero-Bixby et al.,
2009; ECLAC 2012; Rodríguez and Cavenaghi 2014; Nathan
2015; Lima et al., 2017). For this reason, it may be reasonable
to think that progress towards a late fertility context
develops slower in the region as compared to the experience
observed in developed countries.
Although fertility is expected to decline until it consolidates
at low levels close to 1.7 children per woman in 2050
(United Nations 2017), a certain margin of uncertainty
persists regarding the future course of reproductive
dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean. In the
context of strong reproductive gaps between social sectors,
a high number of unplanned pregnancies (Sedgh et al.,
2016) and high rates of adolescent fertility, the possible
trajectories in terms of declining fertility level could present
a diversity of formats and rates of change.
8. What is the impact of the
sustained drop in adolescent
fertility in Latin America and the
Caribbean on the total fertility rate?
The main feature of the recent fertility drop in the
region has been the decoupling of the rate of decline in
adolescent fertility in relation to fertility at all ages. The
behavior of adolescent fertility will therefore play a decisive
role in the future evolution of the fertility rate in Latin
America and the Caribbean.
To what extent is this feature a specicity that may be
reversed with adequate reproductive health programs, or
is it a structural feature that is more dicult to combat?
Evidently the answer is not simple and the trajectories we
may envisage are diverse. This document considers the
United Nations projections as a standard source for the
analysis of prospective fertility scenarios in the region,
so in this section we will use them to describe the most
plausible future evolution of fertility in each country in
Latin America and the Caribbean, and for the region as a
whole. In this case we analyze the United Nations estimates
and projections (revision 2017, between the 2010-2015
and 2045-2050 ve-year periods) of the specic fertility
rates according to age together with total fertility gures,
with special consideration regarding the evolution of
adolescent fertility and its potential impact on the rates of
the immediately superior ages.
Figures 4a and 4b show the evolution of adolescent and
total fertility for Latin America and the Caribbean up to
the 2045-2050 quinquennium. We considered the three
projection variants used by the United Nations (high,
medium and low) and a fourth variant keeping the total
fertility rate constant at replacement level. According to the
projection data it is expected that adolescent fertility in the
region will continue with the downward trend observed in
recent years. A signicant reduction in the rate of age group
15-19 observed in 2010-2015 (67 per thousand) is expected
in the four variants. According to the medium variant,
the adolescent fertility rate would drop more than a half,
reaching a value of 32 per thousand. On the other hand,
the dierent variants predict total fertility rate passing from
2.14 children per woman observed in 2010-2015, to 2.26
(high), 1.77 (average) and 1.27 (low) in 2045-2050. Unlike
the trend registered in recent years, the graphs show a
more pronounced drop in the adolescent fertility than in
the total fertility rate. The model adopted by the United
Nations to project fertility thus reverses the main feature of
the recent reduction in Latin American fertility, namely, the
much faster fall in general fertility than that of adolescent
fertility (Rodríguez 2014; Cabella and Pardo 2014, ECLAC
2012). The United Nations projection even anticipates
the reduction of adolescent fertility also in a theoretical
scenario of constant fertility at replacement level.
The decrease in adolescent fertility is contemplated in
the changing pattern of fertility according to age, which
indicates that the evolution of total fertility will result from
two trends: a) a reduction of births in women at an early
age; and b) an increase in births at ages associated with
the postponement of motherhood (25-29 and 30-34 years).
This low and late fertility model approaches that observed
in European countries, and may be seen as the emerging
reproductive pattern in Latin America for the coming years.
It is worth mentioning that the adolescent fertility rate is
below 20 per thousand on average in the most developed
regions of the world. In Europe, it is currently at values close
to 18 per thousand, and around 26 per thousand in North
America (United Nations 2017). Having reached such low
early fertility values in the more developed regions does
not necessarily imply that the gaps between the social
sectors have been completely overcome. They persist,
and in some cases, there has even been an increase in the
dierences between the probability of having a child at
adolescent ages among women with higher and lower
19901995 TO 20452050
Data source: United Nations, WPP 2017.
1990 - 1995
1995 - 2000
2000 - 2005
2005 - 2010
2010 - 2015
2015 - 2020
2020 - 2025
2025 - 2030
2030 - 2035
2035 - 2040
2040 - 2045
2045 - 2050
Adolescent Fertility Rate (thousand)
Adolescent Fertility Rate
1990 - 1995
1995 - 2000
2000 - 2005
2005 - 2010
2010 - 2015
2015 - 2020
2020 - 2025
2025 - 2030
2030 - 2035
2035 - 2040
2040 - 2045
2045 - 2050
Total Fertility Rate
Total Fertility Rate
THE CARIBBEAN, 20102015 AND 20452050
Data source: United Nations, WPP 2017.
15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
Age Group
2010 - 2015 2045 - 2050
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean20
DIFFERENT SUBREGIONS, 19901995 TO 20452050
Data source: United Nations, WPP 2017.
1990 - 1995
1995 - 2000
2000 - 2005
2005 - 2010
2010 - 2015
2015 - 2020
2020 - 2025
2025 - 2030
2030 - 2035
2035 - 2040
2040 - 2045
2045 - 2050
Latin America and The Caribean
Family rates (in thousands)
1990 - 1995
1995 - 2000
2000 - 2005
2005 - 2010
2010 - 2015
2015 - 2020
2020 - 2025
2025 - 2030
2030 - 2035
2035 - 2040
2040 - 2045
2045 - 2050
The Caribean
Family rates (in thousands)
1990 - 1995
1995 - 2000
2000 - 2005
2005 - 2010
2010 - 2015
2015 - 2020
2020 - 2025
2025 - 2030
2030 - 2035
2035 - 2040
2040 - 2045
2045 - 2050
Central America
Family rates (in thousands)
1990 - 1995
1995 - 2000
2000 - 2005
2005 - 2010
2010 - 2015
2015 - 2020
2020 - 2025
2025 - 2030
2030 - 2035
2035 - 2040
2040 - 2045
2045 - 2050
South America
Family rates (in thousands)
educational levels (Raymo et al., 2015). In any case, these
dierences are noticeably lower than those observed
among dierent educational levels in Latin America.
In the transition towards a late fertility pattern, the fall in
fertility between 15-24 years will be compensated by a less
pronounced decrease in the births of mothers between
25 and 39 years of age, and even by a slight increase at
some of these ages. The evolution of specic fertility rates
by age group according to the United Nations projections
(medium variant) suggests a rebound” in fertility in the
30-34 years group, and a stability of the specic rates in
the 25-29 years and 35+ groups in all subregions of the
continent (graphs 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d). It is worth mentioning
that the specic rates for older women vary both due to
the eect of the age of onset of fertility and the size of
the nal ospring. Thus, in parallel with the reduction in
quantum fertility, it is expected that the intensity at late
ages will experience a decrease since it is at those ages
that high-order births usually occur. But while the decrease
in high-order births tends to reduce rates at late ages of
the reproductive cycle, the postponement of the onset
of maternity acts in the opposite direction, slowing down
the rate of decline in fertility intensity at those ages or
even reversing it. This particular conuence of tendencies
between intensity and calendar is at the basis of the
assumptions used by the United Nations in agreement
with the trends of projected fertility according to age; it
may, therefore, be inferred that its technicians expect Latin
America to converge in the medium term towards a pattern
COUNTRIES, 20102015
Data source: United Nations, WPP 2017.
Note: The blue bars correspond to values for Latin America and the Caribbean
Adolescent fertility rate
(per thousand)
Costa Rica
Total fertility rate
1.50 1.70 1.90 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.30 3.50
similar to that of the Postponement Transition observed in
Twelve countries were selected according to the criteria
of regional and demographic representation (gure 7) to
review in greater detail the future scenario of fertility in the
region. These countries show a relative heterogeneity in the
evolution of adolescent and total fertility. In any case, we
sought to prioritize the analysis of countries with a TFR below
the regional average (below the replacement threshold) to
focus on the prospective analysis in low fertility contexts. In
most of these countries, the adolescent fertility rate ranges
between 50 and 70 per thousand, except Guatemala (80 per
thousand) and Dominican Republic (100 per thousand).
Table 2 shows the adolescent and total fertility rate in
selected countries for the 2010-2015 and 2045-2050 ve-
year periods, the percentage change of both indicators
between these two periods and the relative weight of
adolescent fertility levels in the total fertility rate. A general
reading of this table demonstrates that while a signicant
fall in adolescent fertility is expected, total fertility will show
a much less pronounced fall, suggesting that the pattern of
change in Latin American fertility rests on the assumption
that the fertility decline at early ages will be correlated
with a brake on the fall or possible increase in reproductive
intensity at older ages. In other words, that adolescents will
postpone the beginning of motherhood and that possibly
a portion of young women will move forward the rst birth.
According to this rationale, it is expected that the percentage
of TFR corresponding to the 15-19 years group will decrease
in all countries. The relative weight loss of adolescent fertility
will be much greater for those reaching the lowest total
fertility rates.
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean22
In a scenario of declining adolescent fertility in Latin
America and the Caribbean, it is ultimately plausible that
the total fertility rate will be below the replacement level,
but without reaching extremely low values. This would
occur under the assumption of a progressive consolidation
of a late fertility model in a region where women postpone
births, an expected transition in a low fertility context.
However, the fertility level projection does not include the
distortions that might be observed in the TFR due to the
rate of change in the average age of fertility (tempo eect).
If that were so, the TFR could experience periods of sharp
fall to very low levels, together with greater uctuations
associated with conjunctural factors. These potential drops
should be interpreted with extreme caution if we recall
the European experience that allows us to conclude that in
these the reductions are generally temporary, and do not
translate into drops of similar magnitude in the lifetime
fertility of the cohorts.
It is particularly important to consider this eect on
the TFR level. When women (or couples) change their
preferences and postpone the start of their reproductive
life, the intensity of fertility is aected downwards;
nevertheless, the nal fertility eventually may not change.
Put in demographic jargon, period fertility falls, but
cohort fertility remains unchanged. This occurs because a
sustained change in the reproductive calendar aects the
level of fertility observed each year. Let us use the example
of a population in which women have two children on
average: the rst usually at 19 years of age and the second
at 22, and, for whatever reason, there is a change in the
reproductive behavior in that population and women
postpone the rst birth to 25 years and the second at 28. In
the long term, cohorts that have children while processing
that change will have the same number of children, only
that they will have them later; the fertility of these cohorts
will not change but while the postponement is being
processed there will be a period during which there will be
missing births, so that the fertility of that 6 year period will
be lower than it would have been in the absence of that
postponement of fertility.
2010-2015 2045-2050 Relative Change %15-19 over TFR
15-19 TFR 15-19 TFR 15-19 TFR 2010-2015 2045-2050
Latin America and the Caribbean 66.6 2.14 32.0 1.77 -52% -17% 16% 9%
Argentina 64.0 2.35 41.1 1.93 -36% -18% 14% 11%
Brazil 67.0 1.78 30.0 1.63 -55% -8% 19% 9%
Chile 50.4 1.82 21.6 1.73 -57% -5% 14% 6%
Colombia 57.7 1.93 16.5 1.67 -71% -14% 15% 5%
Costa Rica 59.1 1.85 25.4 1.68 -57% -9% 16% 8%
Cuba 50.6 1.71 15.6 1.76 -69% 3% 15% 4%
Dominican Republic 100.6 2.53 51.0 1.84 -49% -27% 20% 14%
Guatemala 78.6 3.19 39.1 2.06 -50% -35% 12% 9%
Jamaica 60.8 2.08 20.7 1.77 -66% -15% 15% 6%
Mexico 66.0 2.29 29.2 1.72 -56% -25% 14% 8%
Peru 52.1 2.50 24.0 1.84 -54% -27% 10% 7%
Uruguay 58.0 2.04 29.2 1.82 -50% -11% 14% 8%
Data source: United Nations, WPP 2017.
9. Is it necessary to implement
policies to prevent the decrease in
fertility to extreme levels?
The answer to this question is yes if we are speaking of
societies unable to provide friendly environments for
the realization of the reproductive aspirations of the
population, which, as discussed earlier in this document,
are related to how widespread is gender equality in these
societies. To the extent that the breadwinner system is
increasingly less representative of the situation of families
– surely in the developed world, although its decline is
also undeniable in less developed societies - the dual
contributor model creates diculties when trying to
solve conicts between work and parenting tasks, and
specically overburdens women with the responsibility in
the absence of models of shared responsibility between
the state, the market and families and between men and
If fertility in the region gets to the point of reaching long
periods of very low levels, as in European countries, it will
bring about an accelerated population aging together with
a smaller workforce, and surely demand that governments
reconsider social and family policies (or evaluate the
consequences of not having them). One of the risks
entailed in a poorly informed assessment of the fall in
fertility is the implementation of pro-natalist policies.
These policies are linked to the changing role of women in
the family. The reproductive aspirations of the population
are conditioned by several factors, where the cost of raising
children is central. Policies that aim to create more friendly
environments for fertility contemplate the trajectory of
women in the public sphere and the burden of care that
usually befalls them when they have children. In short, they
seek to contribute to make the second shift “ (women’s
second shift) that refers to the domestic chores that women
usually perform after their workday, become a shared
responsibility together with other players, domestic and
Broadly speaking fertility policies may be divided into
control, pro-natalist or work-family reconciliation policies
(linked to the notion of co-responsibility). The latter
does not have a demographic goal proper; however, by
attempting to achieve greater harmonization between
family tasks and paid work, they may remove pressure from
the burden of having children and therefore result in an
increased number of children.
Within this last policy package, it is possible to distinguish:
1) direct economic transfers; 2) parental leaves; 3) care
support; 4) exible jobs. None is optimal, and all have their
pros and cons. For this reason, it is often said that it is most
convenient for governments to develop a set of measures
and not implement one single policy. On the other hand,
decisions of this nature require a strong public investment,
either through the direct execution of services or the
economic subsidy to companies or families; the debate
also regards the relevance of such investment if the result
of these policies is minimal or nil in terms of modifying
reproductive behavior (if governments have established
future goals in this regard). On the other hand, the
combination of a varied menu of policies that remain over
time usually shows positive eects. According to recent
assessments, a stable supply of programs is one of the most
relevant aspects (Gauthier 2015).
10. What policies have been
implemented in countries that
have experienced long years of low
fertility regimes? Which have been
Concern about the undesired eects of the consolidation of
low and very low fertility regimes has been at the center of
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean24
the debate on the eects of demographic change in several
regions of the world for some years now. Many countries
have implemented policies to counter them. Low and
very low fertility regimes are observed in countries with
very dierent institutional structures and welfare regimes
(McDonald, 2006); the variety of measures is also relatively
Although several authors point out the diculty of
evaluating the eects of family policies (Gauthier, 2015,
Thévenon and Gauthier, 2011) and even show that for the
most part, the eects are either ambiguous or marginal,
there are indications that some policies are more eective
than others.
As shown above, one of the explanations with more
consensus in relation to what makes the dierence
between the countries with very low fertility and those that
remain in low fertility regimes, regards the inconsistency
between gender equality in the public sphere (especially
the labor market) and in the domestic ambit (McDonald,
2000; Esping Andersen, 2013). In countries where domestic
gender roles have not changed in line with the changes
towards greater gender equality in other spheres, women
prefer to give up motherhood to avoid compromising their
careers or postpone it to extreme ages of reproductive life.
In these countries there is usually also little investment in
early childhood care, and the caring tasks fall upon the
family and especially women.
European countries have increased eorts to improve
family policies in the last two decades. Ireland, the United
Kingdom and Iceland, for example, raised their investment
in these policies between 2001 and 2009, reaching close to
4% of the GDP in 2009. Most investment in family policies
focuses on maternal, paternal and parental leave, together
with early childhood care services. Among these measures,
we highlight the leave periods strictly reserved for fathers
to promote the participation of men in caring tasks,
encourage gender equality in child care, as well as achieve
greater involvement of men with their children (Thévenon
et al., 2014). Another set of measures seeks to promote the
articulation between family public policies and measures
that depend on employers; the latter seek to increase
awareness in employers so that they contribute with work
schedules that help to manage family life and relieve
tensions between family and job. One of the challenges of
these policies is to achieve exible hours without exerting a
negative impact on working conditions.
In sum, the European experience shows that it is possible
to sustain fertility rates close to replacement levels without
necessarily aiming at demographic objectives. Although
there is controversy as to which mechanisms promoted the
increase in fertility (leaving aside the purely demographic
tempo eects), there seems to be a certain consensus that
gender equality in the domestic and public spheres plays a
key role to help people meet their reproductive aspirations
and that rather than monetary transfers, it is the measures
aimed at providing quality care services and enhance time
management that facilitate parenting tasks.
Family policies are increasingly a key instrument to
ensure that women and men succeed in making work
compatible with family, their role is also crucial to limit
the negative consequences of fertility on the well-being
of people and households (Sobotka 2017). This author
concludes that until now pronatalist programs, generally
based on nancial incentives, fail because they are not
able to integrate the new reality of gender relations and
the growing aspirations of women in the realization of
their working careers in the normative basis of policies.
On the other hand, even in countries that have managed
to mitigate gender discrimination in the labor market, this
aspect continues to be a barrier that must be overcome
by a signicant number of women. A recent paper by
Marianne Bertrand (2018) eloquently shows how women,
especially those with better payed jobs, face the so-called
glass ceiling, increasingly linked to penalties in the labor
market due to demands for exibility in working hours to
manage to harmonize family and work.
11. What policies could be more
adequate and more feasibly
applied in LAC?
In societies with high levels of inequality and where
contraception by default” is not the norm, as is the case
for Latin American countries, it is hard to establish a set of
eective measures for the population as a whole. Is it, for
example, more convenient to invest in universal policies or
in targeted policies capable of addressing the most urgent
demands of the population, but positioned at social scale?
When thinking about family policies, we nd an additional
element: do we want to reduce the fertility of the poorest
and increase that of the most educated? Do we want
to reduce fertility at an early age but ensure that more
educated women do not postpone the rst birth to very
old ages? Do we want to achieve low adolescent fertility
but without a greater drop in total fertility? Is it necessary
to think of policies for dierent social groups? More
importantly, should we think that policies must accompany
the specicities and social realities of the dierent sub-
regions in Latin America and the Caribbean?
This document does not aim to anticipate a possible
answer to these questions, its purpose is to present the
Challenges Posed by Low Fertility in Latin America and the Caribbean26
main challenges that Latin American societies face vis a vis
the demographic changes that have occurred and those
that will soon come. The overview of the measures adopted
by the countries that have processed changes of a similar
nature in the recent past aimed to give a general idea of the
more eective possible interventions at public policy level,
more in line with respect for reproductive rights and the
promotion of gender equality in terms of the biological and
social reproduction of populations.
According to a recent report by the International Labor
Organization (2009), even though the Latin American
region has progressed in the regulation of maternity
protection (maternity leave, for example), the beneciary
population is ultimately small, in particular, because
measures are exclusively linked to the formal labor market.
The report likewise highlights the fact that the legal
framework and policies aimed at reconciling family and
work life are still poorly developed and, more especially,
the scarce promotion of the involvement of men in
domestic and caring responsibilities. In short, the advances
are not proportional to the huge changes that have
occurred in womens lives, especially in relation to their
massive participation in the labor market. The expansion
of coverage of educational services and care for young
children is underscored in the report as one of the most
important advances regarding work-family reconciliation,
although again, these policies are only commencing and
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Deliv ering a world whe re
every pregnancy is wanted
every childbirth is saf e and
every young person s
potential is fulfilled