University of South Dakota
Policy Number:
Originating Office:
Human Resources
Responsible Executive:
Vice President of Human Resources
Date Issued:
Date Last Revised:
Employment Background Checks
Policy Contents
I. Reason for this Policy ......................................................................................................1
II. Statement of Policy ........................................................................................................1
III. Definitions......................................................................................................................2
IV. Procedures .....................................................................................................................3
V. Related Documents, Forms and Tools ..............................................................................4
It is the policy of the University and the SD Board of Regents, to promote a safe and secure
environment for its faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and visitors. Therefore, the system will
take reasonable steps to ensure hiring decisions effectively contribute to lessening unnecessary
risk. The University has established this background check policy and minimum standards to
accomplish this purpose.
All offers of employment for new employees in Career Service, Non-Faculty Exempt, Faculty,
Adjunct and Graduate Assistant positions will be contingent on the favorable results of a
background check conducted by the Board of Regent’s recommended vendor. Background
checks from sources other than the BOR approved vendor (such as SD Department of Criminal
Investigations check or SD Sex Offender Registry) may be considered sufficient as determined by
USD Human Resources.
Special attention is given to employees of the USD Childcare Center, USD Head Start, and
summer camp staff, including all student employees and volunteers with unsupervised direct
access to minors.
Employment Background Checks
University of South Dakota
Failure to submit to a required background check will result in withdrawal of the offer of
employment. Failure to fully and accurately disclose requested information to conduct a
background check will result in withdrawal of the offer of employment.
Assigned Human Resources staff will review the results of the background checks. The results
will only be released by Human Resources staff to hiring managers or other administrators on a
need to know basis.
Electronic records of the background checks will be maintained by Human Resources.
In accordance with BOR Policy 4:47:
1) "Credit history check" means checking the credit history of the selected applicant or
employee. (Federal laws prohibit discrimination against an applicant or employee as a result of
2) "Criminal history check" means verifying that the selected applicant or employee does not
have any undisclosed criminal history in every jurisdiction where the applicant or employee
currently resides, has resided, or has been employed.
3) "Educational verification" means ensuring that the selected applicant or employee possesses
the educational credentials beyond high school listed on the application, resume, or cover letter
or otherwise cited by the candidate that qualify the individual for the position sought.
4) "Employment verification" means ensuring that the selected applicant or employee actually
worked in the positions listed on the application, resume, or cover letter or otherwise cited by
the candidate that qualify the individual for the position sought, as well as all employment
during a period of at least seven (7) years immediately preceding application. This verification
should include dates of employment and reasons for leaving each position.
5) "License verification" means ensuring that the selected applicant or employee possesses all
the licenses listed on the application, resume, or cover letter or otherwise cited by the
candidate that qualify the individual for the position sought and verification of any license
required for the position, including verification of the disposition of such licenses. This includes
any motor vehicle drivers licenses required for the associated position.
6) "Limited criminal history check" means verifying that the selected applicant or employee does
not have any undisclosed criminal history in the jurisdiction where the applicant or employee
currently resides or has been previously employed, or where the applicant or employee last
resided, if the applicant or employee only recently moved to a location near the institution or
location working.
Employment Background Checks
University of South Dakota
7) "Limited sex and violent offender registry check" means verifying that the selected applicant
or employee does not have undisclosed convictions of certain sex and violent crimes in the
jurisdiction where the applicant or employee currently resides, or where the applicant or
employee last Background Checks 4:47 Page 3 of 5 resided, if the applicant or employee only
recently moved to a location near the institution or location working.
8) "Sex and violent offender registry check" means verifying that the selected applicant or
employee does not have undisclosed convictions of certain sex and violent crimes in every
jurisdiction where the applicant or employee currently or has resided.
1. All written and verbal offers of employment for the indicated employee types will be
made contingent on the favorable result of a background check.
2. Based on the duties of the Career Service or Non-Faculty Exempt position, the hiring
manager, in consultation with Human Resources staff, will determine the appropriate
criteria to be checked. A standard, comprehensive background check will uniformly be
used for all faculty and adjunct hires.
3. Human Resources staff will initiate the background check process upon acceptance of
the conditional offer by the new employee.
a. As a condition of the offer of employment, the new employee must authorize
the background check. The authorization may be done on paper, or
electronically. New employees must provide all the information requested to
complete a comprehensive background check.
b. The new employee or volunteer, with the exception of those whose duties have
unsupervised, direct access to minors, may begin work once they have initiated
the background check. Those employees whose duties include unsupervisored,
direct access to minors will be required to have the background check
completed prior to starting their duties.
4. The results of the background check will be reviewed by appropriate Human Resources
a. Results of the background check are considered sensitive and confidential.
Results will only be released by Human Resources to the Hiring Manager if the
results raise questions regarding the candidates ability to perform the essential
functions of the position.
b. If the background check results are deemed favorable by the appropriate
Human Resources staff, no further action is required.
c. If Human Resources staff have concerns about the results in relation to the
position requirements, the results may be communicated to the hiring manager.
The hiring manager and Human Resources staff will then determine if the offer
of employment should be modified or withdrawn. The appropriate Vice
Employment Background Checks
University of South Dakota
President, or the President, will be notified of potential issues and may be called
upon for advice or to make a final determination of the employment decision.
5. Costs for required background checks for employees or volunteers for USD sponsored
events will be paid by the University of South Dakota out of designated funds. External
organizations hosting events on campus which involve access to minors will be
responsible for the cost of required background checks for their staff or volunteers.
Background Checks, South Dakota Board of Regents Policy 4:47
Notifications and authorizations for background checks will be made through emails generated
by the recruitment website/software of the Board of Regents. Results will be stored in the same
system. The Human Resources office has paper authorizations available if email authorization is
not feasible.