Candidates for Employment
Vaccination Guidance
as of February 23, 2022 – SUBJECT TO CHANGE
University of Colorado policy requires that all employees be fully vaccinated by September 1, 2021. In
addition, University of Colorado highly recommends employees receive booster shots for those specific
vaccines, as required or recommended by the World Health Organization or Centers for Disease Control,
unless there is an exemption for medical or religious reasons. Exemptions vary by campus
Job Postings
The following will continue to be included in all job postings:
Campus/Unit-Specific Exemptions:
Anschutz Campus Accommodations may be granted for medical or religious reasons.
Denver Campus - Exemptions may potentially be approved for medical, religious, or
personal reasons.
Consolidated/Central Services Administration Accommodations may be granted for
medical or religious reasons.
This language can be tailored as necessary based on campus and consolidated unit postings.
Selection Process Guidance
Anschutz/Central Services Administration (CSA)/Academic & Student Support services (ASA) on CU Anschutz
Campus) Being fully vaccinated, (or obtaining exemption approval) during the verbal offer stage is considered a
condition of employment.
During the selection process, candidates can be reminded of the vaccination and exemption
requirement, but no decision related to employment can be made based on voluntarily providing
vaccination status.
Questions related to vaccination status or exemption request must only be asked during the verbal
offer stage.
To the finalist identified:
“I am interested in making an offer to you for the position of (POSTION TITLE). The proposed
salary is
and proposed start date is . Before I am able to provide you with a written offer
letter, I will need you to submit a copy of your vaccination card to (BUSINESS PARTNER
NAME). You must be fully vaccinated (second dose administered if two dose protocol) prior
to the proposed hire date. The reason for this is to provide for a safe campus and protect
our employees. The copy of the vaccination card you provide will be destroyed after
Or, if you wish to pursue a religious or medical exemption (personal exemption for CU
Denver), you must submit a request to the respective inbox that reviews and makes
decisions on the requests within 48 hours of receiving the email with procedures for
requesting an exemption or the verbal offer is considered withdrawn.
If you wish to request a medical exemption, please submit the request to:
(include completed attached medical exemption request form)
Medical exemptions are only granted for individuals that have a physician
documented contraindication(s) to all available COVID vaccines per CDC
An accommodation will not be granted if the accommodation would unduly
burden the health and safety of other individuals, patients, or the campus
Or If you wish to request a religious exemption request, please submit the
request to:
(include completed attached religious
exemption request form)
A religious accommodation will be reviewed based on an employee’s religious beliefs.
An accommodation will not be granted if the accommodation would unduly
burden the health and safety of other individuals, patients, or the campus
Process steps for submission of exemption requests:
HR Business Partner will provide the link and applicable form to the candidate and
complete the required information on the exemption request form to ensure notification
of the determination prior to sharing with the candidate
Candidate completes the exemption request form (candidate must include their contact
information) and sends completed form to appropriate e-mail box identified on the form
and above
Upon receipt of all required documentation, the respective exemption team will review
and make a determination on the request within 3 business days
Occupational Health will notify the HR Business Partner listed on the form of the medical
exemption determination (approved or not approved)
The religious exemption request team will notify the HR Business Partner listed on the
form of the determination (approved or not approved)
During the verbal offer stage, the prospective employee (finalist candidate) must confirm that they:
1) will be fully vaccinated on their first day of employment, and provide a copy of their vaccination
card prior to the official offer letter being shared
2) have an approved exemption prior to the official offer letter being shared.
Once the vaccine card is inspected/vaccination status is confirmed or an exemption request is
approved, please follow the steps below:
Provide an offer letter to the candidate
Once a signed letter of offer is received, you can proceed with the hiring
process including creating a Person of Interest (POI) or entering the hire into
HCM (see flowchart below)
Have the employee document the vaccination status/exemption via the
employee portal (see links below) prior to their start date. Ask the employee
to send you a copy of the confirmation e-mail from the vaccination system to
ensure this step is completed before the hire date.
If additional time is needed for the prospective employee to get fully vaccinated or complete the
exemption approval process, and document the vaccine status in our system, the start date
should be extended.
Campus-Specific Policy Information:
CU Anschutz/CSA:
COVID Website (includes verification form that must be completed prior to start date):
CU Anschutz POLICY:
Pre-Employment POI instructions:
Denver and Academic & Student Administration (ASA) on the Denver campus
During the selection process, candidates can be reminded of the vaccination and exemption
requirement, but no decision related to employment can be made based on voluntarily providing
vaccination status.
ASA candidates who may, at any time, be expected to be present on the Anschutz campus
must follow the Anschutz guidance and procedures above.
Denver/ASA employees must disclose their vaccination status or request an exemption within three
days of hire at:
No delay in issuing an offer letter is required for Denver campus only candidates.
Campus-Specific Policy Information:
CU Denver/ASA:
COVID Website: (includes verification form that must be completed within 3 days of hire):
Please contact your Employee Relations consultant if you need help with these discussions. If you need further
assistance in identifying that consultant, please contact