What to do if your program does not appear on the list in Cal State Apply??
First, just a bit of information…..there are several Degree Goals you can choose when applying to San Diego
State University. When you set up your Cal State Apply application you are asked to pick one:
This group includes all Master’s degree and doctorate degrees
Looks like this in the Cal State Apply program list:
Teaching credential only
This group contains all credentials, preliminary, clear and non-teaching credentials
Looks like this in the Cal State Apply program list:
This group contains all Graduate level Certificates
Looks like this in the Cal State Apply program list:
If you are applying to a program in the College of Education at San Diego State and you don’t know what type
of degree you are applying to, we have our programs ordered by type on our main College Admissions page
If the list of programs you are seeing has the incorrect Degree Goal listed then you entered something
incorrectly in your account profile. To get back to your profile you need to:
choose any program on the list (by clicking on the blue box with a + sign), even though it is not the one
you want.
Click on the blue button that says, I am done, Review my Selections, towards the top of the program
Then click on the blue button, Continue to my Application
This should take you to the main application screen that looks like this:
Yours won’t have many green boxes, but it should look similar to this screen shot.
To return to your profile to change your degree goal you will need to click on the arrow next to your name
that should appear on the top right corner of this web page (see red circle).
If you click on this arrow you should see the following menu:
Choose Extended Profile and you will be returned to the page in account creation where you choose the type
of degree you were applying to. Once you make the correct choice on this page and save the changes you
should be taken to a listing of programs where you will be able to find the program you are looking for: