Oracle® Fusion Middleware
User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
12c (
October 2017
Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, 12c (
Copyright © 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Hemala Vivek
Contributing Authors: Suzanne Gill, Leslie Studdard, Reena Titus
Contributors: Oracle Business Intelligence development, product management, and quality assurance teams.
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Audience vii
Documentation Accessibility vii
Related Documentation and Other Resources vii
Conventions vii
New Features for Oracle BI Publisher Users
New Features and Changes for Release 12c ix
Introduction to Using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Overview of Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 1-1
Tasks for Report Consumers 1-1
System Requirements and Certification 1-2
Getting Started
Accessing Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 2-1
Logging in with Credentials 2-1
Logging in as Guest 2-2
Setting My Account Preferences and Viewing My Groups 2-2
General Preferences 2-2
Changing Your Password 2-4
About the Home Page 2-4
Create 2-5
Jobs or Browse/Manage 2-5
Recent 2-5
Favorites 2-5
About the Catalog 2-6
Browsing the Catalog 2-6
Searching the Catalog 2-6
Download BI Publisher Desktop Tools 2-7
Viewing Reports
Viewing a Report 3-1
Using the Report Viewer Options 3-1
Specifying Parameters 3-2
Parameter Search Dialog 3-3
Flexfield Parameter Dialog 3-3
Selecting Layout 3-4
Selecting Output Type 3-4
Output Types 3-5
Performing Actions 3-7
Actions 3-8
Creating Report Jobs
Navigating to the Schedule Report Job Page 4-1
Setting General Options 4-1
Setting Output Options 4-2
Adding Destination Types to Report Output 4-2
Report Output Destination Types 4-3
Content Server Destination Type Properties 4-4
Adding Outputs 4-5
Defining the Schedule for a Job 4-6
Defining a Recurrence Pattern 4-6
Using Schedule Triggers 4-9
Enabling a Schedule Trigger 4-10
Configuring Notifications 4-11
Submitting and Monitoring a Job 4-11
Creating a Job from an Existing Job 4-12
Creating a Bursting Job 4-12
Advanced Topics 4-12
Incrementing Date Parameters 4-12
Defining a Destination File Name Dynamically Using a Date Expression 4-14
Examples 4-14
Viewing and Managing Report Jobs
About the Manage Report Jobs Page 5-1
Accessing the Manage Report Jobs Page 5-1
Viewing Jobs for a Specific Report 5-2
Searching for Report Jobs 5-2
Setting the Time Zone for Viewing Jobs 5-3
Viewing Job Details 5-3
Pausing Jobs 5-3
Resuming Jobs 5-3
Deleting Jobs 5-4
Editing Jobs 5-4
Viewing and Managing Report History
Viewing Report Job History and Saved Output 6-1
Viewing Job History for a Specific Report 6-2
Searching for Report Job History 6-2
Viewing Details of a Job History 6-3
Downloading Data from a Report Job 6-3
Republishing a Report from History 6-3
Sending an Output to a New Destination 6-4
Monitoring Running Jobs 6-4
Processing Stages of Jobs 6-5
Canceling a Running Job 6-5
Getting Error and Warning Information for Reports 6-6
Deleting a Job History 6-6
Managing Reports
Overview of the BI Publisher Folders 7-1
Reporting Components Stored in the Catalog 7-1
Creating a Folder or Subfolder 7-2
Performing Tasks on Catalog Objects 7-2
Downloading and Uploading Catalog Objects 7-4
Understanding the Impact of Taking Actions on Objects Referenced by Reports 7-4
Exporting and Importing Catalog Translation Files 7-5
Accessibility Features
What are Accessibility Features? A-1
Changing to Accessibility Mode A-1
Accessibility Support in the BI Publisher User Interface A-2
Signing In Using Keystrokes A-2
Navigating the Home Page A-3
Navigating Multiple Rows in Tables A-3
Accessibility Support in BI Publisher Report Output A-3
Keyboard Shortcuts A-4
Welcome to Release 12c ( of the User's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher.
This document is intended for report consumers who will be viewing and scheduling
reports in Oracle BI Publisher.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
if you are hearing impaired.
Related Documentation and Other Resources
See the Oracle Business Intelligence documentation library for a list of related Oracle
Business Intelligence documents.
In addition:
Go to the Oracle Learning Library for Oracle Business Intelligence-related online
training resources.
Go to the Product Information Center Support note (Article ID 1338762.1) on My
Oracle Support at
The following text conventions are used in this document:
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
Convention Meaning
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
New Features for Oracle BI Publisher
The Preface describes changes to Oracle BI Publisher report viewing and scheduling
features for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 12c.
New Features and Changes for Release 12c
This section gives you the details of new features and changes added in the 12c
New Features and Changes for Release 12c (
In Release 12c (, you can view the priority of a job and identify the critical
jobs in the Report Job History page.
New Features and Changes for Release 12c (
BI Publisher has no new features that affect report viewing and scheduling for Release
12c (
New Features and Changes for Release 12c (
BI Publisher has no new features that affect report viewing and scheduling for Release
12c (
New Features and Changes for Release 12c (12.2.1)
In Release 12c (12.2.1), the look and feel of the user interface is refreshed. You will
notice new icons and some changes to the presentation of features on the Home
Introduction to Using Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher
This topic introduces the features specific to viewing and scheduling reports for report
Overview of Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Tasks for Report Consumers
System Requirements and Certification
Overview of Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher is an enterprise reporting solution for
authoring, managing, and delivering all your highly formatted documents, such as
operational reports, electronic funds transfer documents, government PDF forms,
shipping labels, checks, sales and marketing letters, and much more.
User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher describes how report
consumers use BI Publisher to view and schedule reports. See the other guides that
are listed in the table for information about using the product for other business roles.
Role Sample Tasks Guide
Administrator Configuring Security
Configuring System Settings
Diagnosing and Monitoring System
Administrator's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher
developer or
Integrating BI Publisher into existing
applications using the application
programming interfaces
Developer's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher
Data Model
Fetching and structuring the data to
use in reports
Data Modeling Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher
Report designer Creating report definitions Designing
Report Designer's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher
Tasks for Report Consumers
Report consumers use BI Publisher to view and schedule reports.
The tasks that are available to you depend on the permission that is assigned to you
by your administrator. A report consumer performs the following tasks:
Run and view reports in real-time from the BI Publisher catalog. See Browsing the
Schedule reports to run at selected intervals and to various destinations such as
printer, fax, or e-mail. See Navigating to the Schedule Report Job Page and
Creating a Bursting Job.
View report history. See Viewing Report Job History and Saved Output and About
the Manage Report Jobs Page.
System Requirements and Certification
Refer to the system requirements and certification documentation for information about
hardware and software requirements, platforms, databases, and other information.
Both of these documents are available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
The system requirements document covers information such as hardware and
software requirements, minimum disk space and memory requirements, and required
system libraries, packages, or patches:
The certification document covers supported installation types, platforms, operating
systems, databases, JDKs, and third-party products:
Chapter 1
System Requirements and Certification
Getting Started
This topic describes the basic features of setting preferences, navigating the catalog,
and accessing task menus.
Accessing Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Setting My Account Preferences and Viewing My Groups
About the Home Page
About the Catalog
Searching the Catalog
If your implementation of BI Publisher is integrated with Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition (BI EE), you access BI Publisher through the Oracle BI EE
application. See Introduction to Oracle BI Enterprise Edition in User's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Accessing Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
You can access Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher by logging in with credentials
or as a guest.
You can access BI Publisher in the following ways:
Logging in with Credentials
Logging in as Guest
Logging in with Credentials
You can get started with BI Publisher application by signing in with your credentials.
1. Navigate to the URL provided by your administrator, for example,
2. Select the language that you prefer for the Sign In page. Your language selection
only remains in effect for the current session of BI Publisher. The next time you
sign in to BI Publisher, the original default language is displayed.
The language selection in the Sign In page does not take effect on any other
pages in BI Publisher. To set the overall BI Publisher UI Language, see General
If your implementation of BI Publisher is integrated with Oracle Business
Intelligence Enterprise Edition, you cannot modify the language selection on the
Sign In page.
3. Enter your credentials to sign in to BI Publisher.
4. Click Sign In.
After you log in,
To set user preferences, see Setting My Account Preferences and Viewing My
To browse the catalog, see Browsing the Catalog.
To schedule reports, see Navigating to the Schedule Report Job Page.
Logging in as Guest
If your administrator has enabled guest access, then a Guest button displays on the
Sign In page.
A guest user does not require credentials and has privileges only to view reports
available in the folder set up for guest access.
1. Select the language you prefer for the user interface.
2. Click Guest.
Setting My Account Preferences and Viewing My Groups
Use the My Account dialog to set your account preferences, change password, and
view your groups.
Your preferences may be inherited from another Oracle product. If this is true for your
work environment, you cannot update your preferences from within BI Publisher. If you
are not sure where to update your preferences, ask your administrator.
When BI Publisher is integrated with Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
(BI EE), the Report Locale, UI Language, and Time Zone user preferences are set in
the Oracle BI EE application. See Setting Preferences in User's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. When you update your BI Publisher
preferences in Oracle BI EE, you must start a new BI Publisher HTTP session for
these to take effect in the BI Publisher interface.
To set your account preferences or view your groups
1. Navigate to the My Account dialog from the global header.
a. In the global header, click your user name displayed after Signed In As.
b. Select My Account.
2. Set your account preferences in the General tab. See General Preferences.
3. View the groups assigned to you in the My Groups tab.
Your user groups are the application roles to which you are assigned. You cannot
modify this list.
General Preferences
Use the My Account dialog to set general preferences and the options on the General
Use the General tab to set the following options:
Chapter 2
Setting My Account Preferences and Viewing My Groups
Option Description
Report Locale A locale is a language and territory
combination, for example, English (United
States) or French (Canada).
BI Publisher uses the report locale selection to
determine the following:
The translation to apply to a report layout.
The number, date, and currency
formatting to apply to the report data.
If a particular report does not have a
translation for the selected locale, BI Publisher
applies a locale fallback logic to select the
most appropriate layout available. See Locale
Selection Logic in Report Designer's Guide for
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
BI Publisher applies localized number, date,
and currency formatting independently of the
layout translation.
UI Language If your implementation of BI Publisher is
integrated with Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition , you cannot change the UI
language here. See Setting Preferences in
User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition.
Time Zone Reports display the time according to the time
zone preference selected here. You can
override this setting when creating a
scheduled report job, see Creating Report
Jobs. The time displayed on the user interface
and reflected in report processing times is
governed by theBI Publisher server time zone.
The Administrator can override your individual
time zone setting so that all reports or some
reports use the same system time zone setting
Chapter 2
Setting My Account Preferences and Viewing My Groups
Option Description
Accessibility Mode Turning on the Accessibility mode enables the
accessibility features if you use only the
keyboard to interact with BI Publisher.
When Accessibility Mode is enabled,
The tables on the user interface pages
display options to enable multi-row
selection and subsequent action.
The assistive technology provides access
to menus.
Skip to content is enabled.
When tabbing into the main page of the
application, the first item you tab to is a
special field that states Skip to content.
When you press the Enter key with focus
on an item, the focus skips over the
header links to the main body of the page.
For example, if you are on the Home page
and you tab to Skip to content, and then
press Enter, the cursor advances to the
Create region with the focus on Report.
The focus skips over Search, Help, Sign
Out, and other links in the global header.
The create report process flow limits the
options to make the selection of a data
model as the first step in the process.
The Administration link is not displayed.
Email Addresses This field is reserved for future use and is not
functional in this release.
Changing Your Password
Use the Password tab to change your password.
If your account password settings are inherited from another application, then you
cannot update your password here.
To change your password:
1. Navigate to the My Account dialog from the global header.
2. Click the Password to change your password.
About the Home Page
The Home page provides an intuitive, task-based window for the BI Publisher
The Home page consists of the following sections:
Jobs or Browse/Manage
Download BI Publisher Desktop Tools
Chapter 2
About the Home Page
The Create section provides links to initiate creation tasks, such as create report,
create report job and create data model.
In the Create section, click More to access options not shown. Oracle BI Publisher
populates this list based on the permissions or roles you have.
Task More Information
Create Report See in Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher:
Creating and Editing Reports
Creating and Implementing Style Templates
Create Style Template
Create Subtemplate Understanding Subtemplates in Report Designer's Guide
for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Create Report Job Creating Report Jobs
Create Data Model Using the Data Model Editor in Data Modeling Guide for
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Jobs or Browse/Manage
Use the Browse/Manage region from the Home page to quickly begin a specific task
by accessing catalog folders, report jobs, and report job history links.
The Jobs section of the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition Home page provides access to
the Report Jobs and the Report Jobs History pages, where you can view and manage
scheduled, running, and completed report jobs.
The Recent section contains the reports and other objects that you have recently
viewed, created, or updated.
You can take actions on these objects directly from the Recent region. For example,
you can open, edit, schedule, and view jobs or job history for a report.
When BI Publisher is integrated with Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, this region is
updated only when the BI Publisher objects are accessed from the Oracle BI EE
The Favorites region enables you to create your own list of objects for quick access.
From the Favorites region you can view, schedule, configure, or edit the objects that
you place there provided you have proper permissions. You can use one of the
following ways to add objects to the Favorites region:
The More option of the object in the catalog
Chapter 2
About the Home Page
The Actions menu from the Report Viewer.
The Manage link on the Home page to add reports.
You can add and delete reports from the Favorites region by using the Manage link.
You can select the report in the Catalog pane and drag the report to the Favorites
About the Catalog
The catalog stores the BI Publisher objects, such as reports, data models, and style
Use the Catalog page to locate objects in the catalog and perform tasks specific to
those objects. The objects and options that are available to you are determined by
your system privileges and the permissions assigned to individual folders and objects.
See Overview of the BI Publisher Folders.
You can use the Catalog page to perform more specialized tasks such as:
Setting object-level permissions
Downloading and uploading objects
Exporting and importing catalog translations
Browsing the Catalog
Browsing the catalog enables you to view the contents of a folder.
Use the Folders pane of the Catalog page to display and navigate the content of
personal, My Folders, and shared folders that all users can access. Select a folder to
view its contents in the display area.
Searching the Catalog
Use the global header search feature to quickly locate an object by type and name
from anywhere in the catalog.
From the Search menu, select the object type and enter all or part of the object's
name in the search field. Click the Search button to display the results that match your
From the results page you can select and perform an action on an object from the
results, filter the search results, or start a new search.
When using BI Publisher as part of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, ensure that
your Administrator has configured BI Publisher to use the BI Search Fields;
otherwise BI Publisher reports do not show up in the search results. See
Configuring BI Publisher to use the Oracle BI EE Catalog in Administrator's
Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
Chapter 2
About the Catalog
Download BI Publisher Desktop Tools
You can download the BI Publisher desktop tools from the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition
Home page or from the BI Publisher Home page.
From the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition Home page:
The Download BI Desktop Tools list displays from the Oracle BI Enterprise
Edition Homepage and contains additional products that you can download and
install. If you are designing BI Publisher RTF or Excel templates, select the
Template Builder for Word, which downloads the BI Publisher Desktop installer.
From the BI Publisher Home page:
Click Help and then select Download BI Publisher Tools.
BI Publisher Desktop includes:
Template Builder for Microsoft Word
Template Builder for Microsoft Excel
Template Viewer
This add-in for Microsoft Word facilitates the design of RTF templates. See .
The Template Builder for Excel is included in the Template Builder for Word
installation. The Template Builder for Excel is an add-in for Microsoft Excel that
facilitates the design of Excel Templates.
The Template Viewer enables the testing of most template types from your desktop.
Oracle SQL Developer is a free and fully supported graphical tool for database
development. With SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL
statements and SQL scripts, and edit and debug PL/SQL statements. You can also
run any number of provided reports, as well as create and save your own. SQL
Developer enhances productivity and simplifies your database development tasks.
See Creating RTF Templates Using the Template Builder for Wordand Creating Excel
Templates in Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
Chapter 2
Download BI Publisher Desktop Tools
Viewing Reports
This topic describes viewing reports in BI Publisher, including interacting with report
components, viewing alternative layouts and changing output options.
Viewing a Report
Using the Report Viewer Options
Viewing a Report
All reports reside in the catalog. The Home page displays recently viewed reports and
your favorite reports for quick access.
You can view a report in your web browser using the report viewer based on the report
properties. Depending on the report properties and your user permissions, you can
select and view different layouts, interact directly with displayed data, change the
output type, or send the report to someone else.
The Catalog displays two main reports folders:
Shared Folders contains the reports and folders you have been granted access to
based on your role.
My Folders contains the reports and folders you have created.
To open a report:
1. Navigate to the report in the Catalog.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the report name.
Click the Open link for the report.
The Open action runs the report using the options set in the report definition.
Some reports are not configured for online viewing. For these reports, the Open
link does not display. Select Schedule to schedule a report job. For more
information, see Navigating to the Schedule Report Job Page.
Some reports require selecting parameter values before running the report. If the
report does not immediately display data, then select values for the displayed
parameters and click Apply. See Specifying Parameters.
Using the Report Viewer Options
Use the illustrated Report Viewer to understand the different options that are available
to you.
The following options are available in the report viewer. Not all options are available
for all reports.
The image shows the report viewer options.
See the following topics for more details:
Specifying Parameters
Selecting Layout
Selecting Output Type
Performing Actions
Specifying Parameters
Reports that require parameter value input present the parameter selection prompts in
the report viewer. The presentation of the prompts varies according to the report
configuration. Parameters can be presented on the top of the report viewing area, to
the left side of the report viewing area, as a pop-up dialog, or as prompts on the page
before the report is displayed.
Use the report editor to configure the parameter settings specifically for each report.
See Configuring Parameter Settings for the Report in Report Designer's Guide for
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
To input parameters:
1. Click Parameters in the upper right area of the report viewer to display or hide
parameter prompts.
2. Input the parameter values.
Depending on the report configuration, the following prompt types are available to
you for providing the parameter values:
Calendar to select a date.
Text box to type a value. Separate multiple values with a comma.
Chapter 3
Using the Report Viewer Options
Choice list to select a value. Some lists support multiple selections. Lists with
many values support search. Click Search at the bottom of the scroll list to
open the Search dialog. See Parameter Search Dialog.
Check box to make multiple selections.
Radio button to make a single selection.
3. Click Apply to re-display the report after selecting parameters. If there is no Apply
button, the report is regenerated automatically after you make a new value
The display of the Apply button is a parameter property setting.
Parameter Search Dialog
Use the parameter search option to search for a parameter value in a list.
To search for a parameter value in a list:
1. Click Search at the bottom of the parameter scroll list to launch the Search dialog.
2. Enter a search string and then choose whether the value you are looking for starts
with, ends with, or contains the entered string.
You can use
as wild cards in your search string:
allows you to match any string of any length, including zero length.
allows you to match on a single character.
For parameters that support multiple value selections, the Search dialog includes
a shuttle interface to select multiple returned values.
Flexfield Parameter Dialog
Use the Flexfield Parameter dialog to enter values for the flexfield segments.
Flexfield parameter applies to Oracle E-Business Suite only. Flexfield parameters
display the identifier.
The image shows the Flexfield Parameter Identifier in the Report Viewer.
To provide values for flexfield parameters:
1. Click the flexfield parameter identifier to open the parameter entry dialog.
2. Enter values for the flexfield segments in the dialog, as shown in the Flexfield
Parameter dialog figure.
Chapter 3
Using the Report Viewer Options
Selecting Layout
When multiple layouts are available, they are displayed as separate tabs in the Report
Viewer page. Different layouts can have different output types.
To select a report layout:
1. In the Report Viewer, select the report layout tab you want to view.
For example the image below shows the Salary by Department, Salary by
Manager, and Breakdown by Office report layout tabs.
2. To change the output type, see Selecting Output Type
Selecting Output Type
You can select an output option from the menu in the Report Viewer.
To select an output option for a report:
In the Report Viewer, select the output option for the report from the output type
See Output Types.
The output automatically renders either in the browser or in a spawned application.
Chapter 3
Using the Report Viewer Options
Output Types
The View Report list contains the output types that are available for a report.
Output Types
Output Type Description
Interactive Enables pop-up chart value displays,
navigable and filterable tables, and other
interactive features for a report. This output is
only available for layouts designed using BI
Publisher's Layout Editor.
HTML Generates the report as an HTML (Hypertext
Markup Language) file for browser viewing.
PDF Generates the report as a PDF (Portable
Document Format) file and opens the report in
Adobe Acrobat reader. This output type is
optimized for printing.
RTF Generates the report as a RTF (Rich Text
Format) file . If you have a word processing
application installed, such as Microsoft Word
or, then you are prompted to
open the application for viewing.
Word Generates the report as a Microsoft Word
document in the .docx format.
Excel (mhtml) Generates an MHTML file that can be opened
in Excel 2003 or later. Select this output type
to view the report in Excel if you have
Microsoft Excel 2003. This option supports
embedded images, such as charts and logos.
Excel (html) Generates an HTML file that can be opened in
Excel. Select this output type only if you are
running the earlier versions of Microsoft Excel
2000 or 2002. This option does not support
embedded images.
Chapter 3
Using the Report Viewer Options
Output Type Description
Excel (*.xlsx) Generates the report as an Excel.xlsx (Excel
XML format) file. If you have Excel 2007 or
later installed, this option provides the best
preservation of layout and formatting.
For output format Excel 2007, that uses the
xlsx file extension, BI Publisher does not apply
any formatting for number and date. BI
Publisher saves the formatting mask and the
actual value (date or number) into the XLSX
output file. The formatting is handled by
Microsoft Excel. For example:
If the Microsoft Windows Region and
Language of the client computer is set to
English (United States), then the numbers
and dates are formatted in en-US locale in
the Excel 2007 output file.
If the Microsoft Windows Region and
Language of the client computer is set to
French (France), then the numbers and
dates in the same Excel 2007 output file
are formatted in fr-FR locale.
PowerPoint (mhtml) Generates a PowerPoint file compatible with
Microsoft PowerPoint 2003. Microsoft
PowerPoint 2010 does not support this output
type. Choose PowerPoint (*.pptx) instead.
PowerPoint (*.pptx) Generates a PowerPoint file in Microsoft Office
Open XML format. This output type supports
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and later.
MHTML Generates a MHTML (Mime HyperText
Markup Language) file. This option enables
you to save a Web page and its resources as
a single MHTML file (.mht), in which all images
and linked files are saved as a single entity.
Use this option to send or save HTML output
and retain the embedded images and
stylesheet formatting.
PDF/A Generates a PDF file, which has an archiving
standard to support reports that require long-
term preservation. PDF/A is a specialized
subset of the PDF standard that prohibits
elements that may interfere with the
preservation of the file as a self-contained
Chapter 3
Using the Report Viewer Options
Output Type Description
PDF/X Generates a PDF file, which supports pre-
press graphics exchange. PDF/X is a
specialized subset of the PDF standard that
streamlines documents for high-quality print
production output and restricts content that
does not serve the print production, such as
signatures, comments, and embedded
Zipped PDFs Generates a zip file containing the report PDF
output and index files. This option is only
available for reports that have been designed
to enable zipped PDF output. For more
information on designing a report to generate
a zipped PDF, see Generating Zipped PDF
Output in Report Designer's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher.
FO Formatted XML Generates an XML file with the XSL-FO
Data (XML) Generates the XML data.
For Safari browser users, the Safari browser
renders XML as text. To view the XML
generated by the data engine as XML, right-
click inside the frame displaying the data and
then click View Frame Source. This is a
display issue only. The data is saved properly
if you choose to export the data.
Data (CSV) Generates the data in comma separated value
format. The data must be in a simple
Flash Generates the output for templates designed
using Adobe Flash. You must have the Adobe
Flash Player Plug-in installed for your Web
Performing Actions
Use the Actions menu to perform operations on a report.
To perform an action on a report:
In the Report Viewer, select the action from the Actions menu.
See Actions.
Chapter 3
Using the Report Viewer Options
The options available to you in the Actions menu depend on your user privileges and
properties set for the report.
Action Menu Options
Menu Option Description
Add to My Favorite Adds the report to your My Favorites list on
your Home page.
Edit Report Enables you to update the report definition.
For example, you can add or create new
layouts, update the report properties, or
change the default parameter values.
Edit Layout Enables you to update the layout you are
viewing. When the layout was created using
the BI Publisher Layout Editor, the Layout
Editor launches in the browser. If the layout is
based on another supported template type
such as RTF, PDF, or Excel then you are
prompted to save the template file. You can
then open it in the appropriate application.
Export Exports the report to the default application for
the output type you select, for example, Adobe
Acrobat for PDF output or Microsoft Excel for
Excel output.
Send Enables you to schedule the report for
immediate delivery to an e-mail address,
printer, or other destination.
The Send action launches the Schedule
Report Job page where you can select the
output, destination, and notification options.
You cannot send a report in Interactive mode.
You must select a different output type such
as PDF or HTML from the View Report list,
and then click Send.
Schedule Creates a job to run and distribute the report.
See Navigating to the Schedule Report Job
Jobs Enables you to view and manage currently
scheduled jobs for this report. See About the
Manage Report Jobs Page.
Job History Enables you to view completed and running
report jobs. See Viewing Report Job History
and Saved Output.
Republish from History Enables you to select a previously scheduled,
completed job and specific output for viewing
in the report viewer.
Chapter 3
Using the Report Viewer Options
Menu Option Description
Share Report Link Enables you to generate a link that you can
copy and reuse, based on the report that you
are currently viewing. When you select an
option, a dialog displays the URL to the report.
You can control what the URL displays as
Current Page displays the current page
as shown.
No Header displays the current report
without the BI Publisher logo, tabs, or
navigation path.
No Parameters displays the current
report without the header or any
parameter selections. The Actions,
Export, and View Report menus are still
Document Only displays the URL to the
current report document only. Displays no
other page information or options.
Chapter 3
Using the Report Viewer Options
Creating Report Jobs
This topic describes how to create and monitor report jobs. Report jobs can be
scheduled to run at defined intervals and to be delivered to multiple destinations.
Navigating to the Schedule Report Job Page
Setting General Options
Setting Output Options
Defining the Schedule for a Job
Configuring Notifications
Submitting and Monitoring a Job
Creating a Job from an Existing Job
Creating a Bursting Job
Advanced Topics
Navigating to the Schedule Report Job Page
Navigate to the Schedule Report Job page to schedule a report job.
To navigate to the Schedule Report Job page:
1. Do one of the following:
From the Home page, under Create, select Report Job.
From the Catalog, navigate to the report you want to schedule, then select the
Schedule link.
From the Report Viewer, click Actions and then click Schedule.
2. Use the Schedule Report Job tabs to define the options for your report job.
Setting General Options
Use the General tab to enter the general information in the table for a report job.
To set the general options of a report job:
1. Select the General tab.
2. Enter the following information for the report job:
Field Description
Report If you accessed the Schedule page from the report, this field
displays the report path and name. If you accessed the
Schedule page from the Create region or the global header,
click Choose to browse for and select the report to schedule.
Parameters Any parameters defined for the report are displayed. Enter
the values for this job. For parameters that allow text entry,
separate multiple values with a comma.
For date parameters, you can use an expression to
increment the date for each run. See Incrementing Date
Setting Output Options
The Output tab has two regions: Output and Destination. Each scheduled job can
have multiple output files with distinct characteristics. Each output file can have
multiple destinations.
To set the output options for a report job:
1. Select the Output tab.
2. Select the output options.
Option Description
Use Bursting
Definition to
Determine Output
and Delivery
Enable this option to use the report bursting definition for output and
delivery. Once selected, all other fields on this page are disabled for
selection. This option is only available when bursting is enabled for the
report. For more information on report bursting, see Creating a
Bursting Job.
Make Output
Enable this option to make this job output available to all users with
permission to access this report. Users with access can view the report
from the Report Job History page.
Save Data for
Enable this option to save the XML data that is generated for this job.
Access the saved data from the Report Job History page (see Viewing
Report Job History and Saved Output) where you can republish it,
selecting a new layout and output options.
Adding Destination Types to Report Output
Enter delivery details in the report’s Destination region to deliver a report to multiple
Delivery servers are set up in the Administration page. See Setting Up Delivery
Destinations in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
To add destination types to report output:
1. From an existing report in the Report Viewer, select Actions, and then select
2. In Schedule Report Job, click the Output tab.
3. In the Output tab, open Destinations, and from the Destination Type list, choose
a destination type.
Chapter 4
Setting Output Options
Only those destination types set up by your administrator are displayed in the
Destination Type list.
4. For each destination, from the Output list, select the documents to send to the
5. Click Add Destination to deliver a report document to multiple destinations.
See Report Output Destination Types and Content Server Destination Type
6. Select Save Output to view the output from the Report Job History page.
Report Output Destination Types
Select and define the destination types for your report’s output in the Schedule Report
Job page.
Only the destination types configured by the administrator are available for selection.
You can add multiple destinations for the report’s output.
Destination Type Description
Email Enter multiple email addresses separated by a
comma. Enter any Message text to include
with the report.
To format the message text, you can use
HTML 4 elements such as fonts, lists, table
cells, hyperlinks, and embedded GIF images.
Printer Select the Printer Group and the Printer,
enter the Number of copies, and select
Single sided or Double sided, the printer must
support duplex printing for this option to take
effect. Optionally select the printer Default
Tray from which to print the report, and the
Print Range pages.
Fax Select the Fax Server to deliver the report and
enter the Fax Number to which to send the
Chapter 4
Setting Output Options
Destination Type Description
FTP When you select the FTP, you must enter a
valid Username and Password credentials.
Specify the following properties:
Remote Directory
(Required) Enter the delivery directory
location, for example,
To deliver the document to the user's
home directory, enter . (period).
Remote File Name
(Required) Enter the file name for BI
Publisher to assign to the delivery
document on the remote server, for
example, myreport.pdf.
You must include the file extension in the
name, for example, .pdf.
To assign a file name dynamically using a
date expression, see Defining a
Destination File Name Dynamically Using
a Date Expression.
Select Use Secure FTP to send the output
using the Secure FTP protocol.
Web Folder After selecting Web Folder , enter valid
Username and Password credentials.
Remote Directory - enter the directory to
which to deliver the document, for example,
. If a value is not entered, then the
document is delivered to the login directory.
Remote File Name - enter the file name for BI
Publisher to assign to the delivery document
on the remote server, for example,
To assign a file name dynamically using a date
expression, see Defining a Destination File
Name Dynamically Using a Date Expression.
Content Server Select Content Server to limit access to the
report on the content server, assign a Security
Group and Account to the report.Oracle BI
Publisher retrieves the Security Group and
Account values from the Administrator
specified content server.
See Content Server Destination Type
Document Cloud Services Select the ODCS Server and the destination
Folder Name.
Content Server Destination Type Properties
Content Server is one of the destination types to deliver your report document. Select
the content server where you want the report delivered.
Use the information in this table to enter appropriate values for the Content Server
Chapter 4
Setting Output Options
Property Name Description
Security Group (Optional) Select the WebContent Server
security group to assign to the report.
Account (Optional) Select an
within the
Security Group to assign to the report.
You can enter values for the following required
metadata fields. If you do not enter values for
these fields, Oracle BI Publisher assigns the
values from the default report information.
Author (Optional) enter a value for
. If you do
not enter an Author, your user name is used
for the Author metadata field on the
WebContent Server.
Title (Optional) Type a
for the report. If you
do not enter a Title, the Layout name is used
for the Title on the WebContent Server.
File Name Enter the file name to assign to the delivered
document on the remote server, for example,
myreport.pdf. The
File Name
field is used as
the Native File Name on the WebContent
Server. If you do not supply a file name value,
the Output name is used.
Comments (Optional) Type a description to include with
the document on the WebContent Server.
Include Custom Metadata The
Include Custom Metadata
option is only
available if the data model for the report
includes a Custom Metadata component.
When you select the Include Custom Metadata
option, the delivered document includes the
custom metadata fields specified in the data
When you can configure an embedded parameterized BI Publisher report to display
online, the parameters display the appropriate values from an analysis or a direct
connection to a subject area. When you schedule a an embedded parameterized BI
Publisher report, the parameters from the analysis are not passed to the report. As a
result, the report displays default values of the parameters used in the analysis. For a
direct connection with a scheduled report, the parameters are passed and the values
are displayed correctly in the report.
Adding Outputs
Use the Output table fields to add outputs to the job. You can create multiple report
documents for one or more layouts using a combination of output format, locale, time
zone, and calendar.
To add outputs to the report job:
1. From an existing report in the Report Viewer, select Actions, and then select
2. In Schedule Report Job page, click the Output tab.
3. In the Output tab, click + to add an output.
4. In Name, type a name for the output.
Chapter 4
Setting Output Options
5. Select the options to use from the Layout, Format, Locale, Timezone, and
Calendar lists.
The output format is the type of document that is generated, for example, PDF,
HTML, or Excel. The options available here are specified in the report definition.
Locale defaults to the
Report Locale
defined in the user Preferences, see Setting
My Account Preferences and Viewing My Groups. If the layout does not have an
available translation for the selected locale, BI Publisher applies a locale fallback
logic to select the layout. See Locale Selection Logic in Report Designer's Guide
for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. The appropriate number and date
formatting are applied independently of the template translation.
The time zone defaults to the time zone defined in the user Preferences, see
Setting My Account Preferences and Viewing My Groups.
6. Click Save Output.
Defining the Schedule for a Job
You can define a schedule for executing a report job.
To schedule a report job:
1. From the Oracle BI Publisher Home page, under Create, select Report Job.
2. In Schedule Report Job, on the General tab, click search next to the Report field.
3. In Open, navigate to and select the report, and then click Open.
4. In Schedule Report Job, click the Schedule tab.
5. In the Frequency list, select the option to use for this report.
6. Complete the options for the specified frequency.
7. Click Submit.
8. (Optional) In Submit, in the Report Job Name field, type a name, and click OK.
Defining a Recurrence Pattern
In the Schedule Report Job page’s Schedule tab, define the when the report is run
from these recurrence pattern options.
Option Description Values
Frequency Defines when to execute the
report job using the scheduler
from the Frequency list.
Once Use the Run Now option or
use the date selector to enter
the specific Start date and
Chapter 4
Defining the Schedule for a Job
Option Description Values
Hourly/Minute Use the following values:
Every - Select Hour(s) or
Minute(s) and enter the
appropriate integer value
for the increment.
Start - Use the date
selector to enter the date
and time to start running
this job. - Use the date
selector to enter the date
and time to start running
this job.
End - (optional) Use the
date selector to enter an
end date and time for this
Daily Use the following values:
Every - Enter the
increment in days, for
example, to run the report
every day enter 1, or to
run the report every other
day, enter 2.
Start - Use the date
selector to enter the date
and time to start running
this job. The time selected
determines when (hour of
the day) the job is
executed each day that it
End - (Optional) Use the
date selector to enter an
end date and time for this
Chapter 4
Defining the Schedule for a Job
Option Description Values
Weekly Use the following values:
Every - Enter the
increment in weeks and
select the desired day or
days of the week. For
example, to run the report
every Tuesday and
Thursday, enter 1, and
then select Tuesday and
Thursday. To run the
report every other
Wednesday, in the
Schedule tab, select
Frequency = Daily,
Every =14, Start = first
Wednesday when you
want to run the report,
and End = future end
Start - Use the date
selector to enter the date
and time to start running
this job. The time selected
determines the time that
the job is executed for
each run.
End - (optional) Use the
date selector to enter an
end date for this job.
Monthly Use the following values:
Every - Select each
month that the job
On - Select either a day
of the week, for example,
1st Monday of every
month; or select a specific
day of the month, for
example, 15.
Start - Use the date
selector to enter the date
and time to start running
this job. The time selected
determines the time that
the job is executed for
each run.
End - (Optional) Use the
date selector to enter an
end date for this job.
Chapter 4
Defining the Schedule for a Job
Option Description Values
Annually Use the following values:
Every - Enter the
increment in years that
the job executes.
On - Select either a day in
a month, for example,
Day 1 of January, or
select a day of the week
for the month, for
example, First Monday of
Start - Use the date
selector to enter the date
and time to start running
this job. The time selected
determines the time that
the job is executed for
each run.
End - (Optional) Use the
date selector to enter an
end date for this job.
Specific Dates Use the Add Date option to
specify the date and time to
run the job. Add multiple
specific dates as needed.
Run Now This option depends on the
selection made from the
Frequency options.
Start This option depends on the
selection made from the
Frequency options.
Specifies the date and time to
start the report job.
Using Schedule Triggers
You can associate a schedule trigger that is defined in any data model.
One trigger per report job is supported. A report runs even if trigger in not defined in
the report’s data model.
Schedule Trigger
A schedule trigger tests for a condition. If the trigger condition returns a result, the
specified job executes. If the trigger condition is not met, the job instance is skipped.
You can also set up a repeat schedule for the trigger to keep checking for the
condition. If the condition is not met, you can set the time interval, in minutes, to wait
before the trigger is executed again.
You could use a schedule trigger when:
A report job should only run after the successful completion of an extract, transfer,
and load process.
Chapter 4
Defining the Schedule for a Job
Account management wants a report triggered if any of the receipts from the
previous day exceed a specified amount.
Human resources needs a report only when new hires entered the system in the
previous week.
Set the triggers in the data model and then they are available for selection from the
Schedules tab. See Adding Event Triggers in Data Modeling Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher.
Enabling a Schedule Trigger
You can enable a trigger defined in the data model.
To enable a schedule trigger:
1. Select Use Trigger.
2. (Optional) Set the Retry Limit value to specify the maximum number of times to
execute the schedule trigger to check for the condition. The default value is 1 and
only positive integer values are allowed in this field.
3. (Optional) Set the Pause Time value to specify the number of minutes to wait
before re-executing the schedule trigger. If the Retry Limit value is set to a value
greater than 1, this field is enabled. Only positive integer values are allowed in this
The retry limit and pause time should not exceed the recurrence schedule time
interval. If the condition returns false when the maximum number of attempts is
reached, then the job status is displayed as Skipped.
4. Select the Data Model that defines the schedule trigger. When the data model is
selected, the Trigger list displays the schedule triggers defined in the data model.
5. Select the trigger from the list.
6. If the schedule trigger includes parameters, select values as appropriate.
The Schedule Trigger Enabled for a Report Job figure shows a schedule trigger with
one parameter enabled for a report job.
Chapter 4
Defining the Schedule for a Job
Configuring Notifications
You can configure email and HTTP notifications.
A notification is a message that a job has finished processing. Oracle BI Publisher
supports the following notification statuses:
Report completed
Report completed with warnings
Report failed
Report skipped
Configure the delivery email servers and HTTP servers in the Administration Delivery
Configuration page, see Setting Up Delivery Destinations in Administrator's Guide for
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
To configure notification:
1. Select the Notification tab.
2. To enable email notification, perform these steps:
a. For Notify By, select Email.
b. Select the report completion statuses for which to send the notification.
c. Enter a comma-separated list of addresses.
3. To enable HTTP notification, perform these steps:
a. For Notify By, select HTTP.
b. Specify the HTTP server to which to send the notification.
c. Specify the user name and password for the HTTP server, if required.
d. Select the report completion statuses for which to send the notification.
Submitting and Monitoring a Job
Use the Submit Job dialog to review the confirmation details of the job.
To submit and monitor a job:
1. Select Submit to invoke the Submit Job dialog with confirmation details for you to
2. Enter a name for this job and click Submit.
3. (Optional) On the global header, click Open and then click Report Jobs to
suspend, edit, or delete a job.
See About the Manage Report Jobs Page.
4. (Optional) On the global header, click Open and then click Report Job History to
monitor a running job or to see the results.
See Viewing Report Job History and Saved Output.
Chapter 4
Configuring Notifications
Creating a Job from an Existing Job
You can create a job from an existing job in the Manage Report Jobs page.
To create a job from an existing job:
1. From the Oracle BI Publisher Home page, under Browse/Manage, click Report
2. In Manage Report Jobs select filter criteria to find the existing job.
3. In the results table, click Edit to open the job for editing.
To edit jobs in the Manage Report Jobs page, see Editing Jobs.
4. Enter the details for the new job definition. When finished, click Save As.
5. Enter a name for the new job and click Save.
Creating a Bursting Job
You can create a bursting job if the report is configured for bursting.
Bursting is splitting of the report data into multiple blocks based on a key field in the
data and then applying specific parameters for the layout and delivery for each block
of data. For example, a customer invoice report can be burst to deliver each
customer's invoice to their own email address.
You must configure the bursting definition for a report in the report's data model. See
Adding a Bursting Definition to Your Data Model in Data Modeling Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher.
To create a bursting job:
1. Make sure the report is enabled for bursting.
Enable a report to use a bursting definition on the Report Properties dialog of the
report editor. See Configuring Report Properties in Report Designer's Guide for
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
2. Select the Use Bursting Definition to Determine Output & Delivery
Destination box on the Output tab.
The Output and Destination options for the job are disabled because output and
destination details are supplied by the bursting definition.
Advanced Topics
You can increment date parameters and dynamically define a destination file name.
Incrementing Date Parameters
Defining a Destination File Name Dynamically Using a Date Expression
Incrementing Date Parameters
You can provide expressions in the report's date parameter fields.
Chapter 4
Creating a Job from an Existing Job
If the scheduled report includes date parameters, when you enter values for the
schedule dates, you cannot change the date values. Every time a scheduled instance
of the report is run, the same date parameters are used. If changing the date
parameters is required for each run, you can enter an expression in the date
parameter field of the scheduler to calculate the date each time the report job
For example, if you create a schedule for a report that runs every Monday to capture
data from the previous week, you need to update the date parameters for the report to
increment to the first and last days of the previous week.
Enter one of the following functions using the syntax shown to calculate the
appropriate date at the scheduled runtime for the report:
{$SYSDATE()$} - Current date, the system date of the server on which BI
Publisher is running.
{$FIRST_DAY_OF_MONTH()$} - First day of the current month
{$LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH()$} - Last day of the current month
{$FIRST_DAY_OF_YEAR)$} - First day of the current year
{$LAST_DAY_OF_YEAR)$} - Last day of the current year
The date function calls in the parameter values are not evaluated until the report job is
executed by the Scheduler.
You can also enter expressions using the plus sign (+) and minus sign (-) to add or
subtract days as follows:
For this example, to capture data from the previous week, each time the schedule
runs, enter the following in the report's date parameter fields:
Date From: {$SYSDATE()-7$}
Date To: {$SYSDATE()-1$}
You can set up the date functions as default parameter values in the data
model. In this case, every time a user views the report from the report viewer,
the date parameter is calculated according to the expression supplied for the
default value. See Adding Parameters and Lists of Values in Data Modeling
Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
Chapter 4
Advanced Topics
Defining a Destination File Name Dynamically Using a Date
When entering the remote file name for a Web folder or FTP destination, you can enter
a date expression to dynamically include a date expression in the file name. The date
is set at runtime, using the server time zone.
The date expressions are described in the following table.
Expression Description
%y Displays the year in four digits: Example: 2011
%m Displays the month in two digits: 01-12 (where 01 = January)
%d Displays the date in two digits: 01-31
%H Displays the hour in two digits based on 24-hour day: 00-24
%M Displays the minute in two digits: 00 - 59
%S Displays the number of seconds in two digits: 00 - 59
%l Displays milliseconds in three digits: 000 - 999
Use these steps to create a file name that appends a date and a file name that
prefixes a date and appends a time.
To create a file name that appends the day, month, and year such as:
Enter the following:
To create a file name that prefixes the day, month, and year and appends the hour
and minute such as:
Enter the following:
If the file name includes an undefined expression such as
, the file
is created as named my_file_%a%b%c.pdf.
Chapter 4
Advanced Topics
Viewing and Managing Report Jobs
This topic describes how to view and manage report jobs submitted to the BI Publisher
About the Manage Report Jobs Page
Viewing Jobs for a Specific Report
Searching for Report Jobs
Setting the Time Zone for Viewing Jobs
Viewing Job Details
Pausing Jobs
Resuming Jobs
Deleting Jobs
Editing Jobs
About the Manage Report Jobs Page
The Manage Report Jobs page displays information about future scheduled and
recurring report jobs and enables you to take actions on these jobs.
Use the Manage Report Jobs page to:
View the future scheduled and recurring jobs for your private, shared, and public
Select the time zone in which you want to view the job start and end time.
Refresh the display page to display the recently submitted jobs.
Link to the report history to view the output of completed job runs.
Edit a report job.
Delete a report job.
Suspend/Resume a report job.
View the job details.
Accessing the Manage Report Jobs Page
You can access the Manage Report Jobs page and then search for the report jobs to
manage; or, you can access this page from the context of a specific report.
To access the Manage Report Jobs page:
1. To search for jobs to manage, navigate to the Manage Report Jobs page in one of
the following ways:
On the Home page, select Browse/Manage, then Report Jobs.
On the global header, click Open, and then click Report Jobs.
2. To access the Manage Report Jobs page from the context of a specific report
perform one of the following:
From the catalog, navigate to the report in the catalog and click Jobs.
From the Report Viewer page, click Actions, and then click Jobs.
Viewing Jobs for a Specific Report
In the Manage Report Jobs page, you can specify the search criteria and view jobs of
a specific report.
To view the jobs of a specific report:
1. Use Catalog or Report Viewer and navigate to Manage Report Jobs from the
context of a specific report.
If you navigated to Manage Report Jobs from the context of a specific report, the
jobs for that report are automatically displayed in the table with the default filters
applied. Following are the default filters applied:
Report Name - The name of the report from which you launched the Manage
Report Jobs page
Owner - Equals your user ID
Scope - Equals All (public and private jobs)
Status - Equals All (active and suspended jobs)
2. Specify the search criteria to further filter the results. See Searching for Report
3. View the reports listed under Report Jobs.
Searching for Report Jobs
You can specify search criteria and search for report jobs.
To search for report jobs:
1. Enter values for the Filter criteria to search for a specific job or group of jobs.
2. Click Search. The jobs that meet the filter criteria are displayed in the Report
Jobs table.
The Report Jobs table displays the general information about the job as well as
the status.
You can sort the table by a particular column by clicking the column heading and
selecting the up arrow or down arrow for ascending or descending.
Possible status values are:
Active - The job runs when the schedule event occurs.
Paused - The job is suspended. The report job does not run again until it has
been resumed. Paused jobs are displayed when searching for Suspended
jobs using the filter criteria.
Chapter 5
Viewing Jobs for a Specific Report
Setting the Time Zone for Viewing Jobs
You can select the time zone for viewing the job start and end times on the Manage
Report Jobs page.
To set the time zone for viewing jobs:
1. Select the time zone from the list.
2. Click Refresh. The Report Jobs table refreshes and displays job start and end
times in the selected time zone.
Viewing Job Details
You can view the details of a job listed in the Manage Report Jobs page.
To view details of a job:
1. Click the Report Job Name to view the details of the job.
2. To view the delivery information for each output, click the expand icon next to the
output name.
3. Click Return to return to the Manage Report Jobs page.
Pausing Jobs
You can search for report jobs in the Manage Report Jobs page and pause jobs.
To pause a job:
1. In the Manage Report Jobs page, select the job by clicking anywhere except the
job name link in the table row that lists the job information.
You can select multiple jobs by pressing
and then clicking the
additional rows. Deselect a row by clicking it again.
2. Click Pause.
Resuming Jobs
You can search for report jobs in the Manage Report Jobs page and change the status
of a paused job to active.
To resume a job:
1. Select the job by clicking anywhere except the job name link in the table row of the
paused job.
You can select multiple jobs by pressing
and then clicking the
additional rows. Deselect a row by clicking it again.
2. Click Resume.
The status of the job changes to Active.
Chapter 5
Setting the Time Zone for Viewing Jobs
Deleting Jobs
You can search for report jobs in the Manage Report Jobs page and delete a job.
To delete a job:
1. Select the job by clicking anywhere except the job name link in the table row that
lists the job information.
You can select multiple jobs by clicking additional rows.
2. Click Delete.
Editing Jobs
You can search for report jobs in the Manage Report Jobs page and edit a job.
To edit a job:
1. In the Manage Report Jobs page, do one of the following:
Click the Edit icon for the job in the results table.
Click the Report Job Name to view the detail page for the job and then click e
Edit icon next to the job name.
2. Edit the job details using the General, Output, Schedule, and Notification tabs.
3. Click Update Job to save your changes to this job or, to save the edited job as a
new job, click Save as New and enter a name for the new job.
Chapter 5
Deleting Jobs
Viewing and Managing Report History
This topic describes the job history features including republishing data from history,
sending the job output to new destinations, and getting error information on report jobs
that did not complete successfully.
Viewing Report Job History and Saved Output
Viewing Job History for a Specific Report
Searching for Report Job History
Viewing Details of a Job History
Downloading Data from a Report Job
Republishing a Report from History
Sending an Output to a New Destination
Monitoring Running Jobs
Canceling a Running Job
Getting Error and Warning Information for Reports
Deleting a Job History
Viewing Report Job History and Saved Output
The Report Job History page displays information about running and completed report
You can access the Report Job History page and then search for the report job history.
You can also access this page from the context of a specific report. Use one of the
following to select Report Job History.
Browse/Manage in the Home page.
Open on the global header.
Use the Report Job History page to:
View the status and details of running and completed report jobs.
Identify the critical jobs.
Cancel a running job.
Monitor a running job.
View job submission details.
Download or view the XML data produced from the report, if you selected Save
Data for the report.
Download or view the report document, if you selected Save output.
Republish the report data using other formats or templates, if you selected Save
Data for the report.
Delete report jobs from history.
Viewing Job History for a Specific Report
If you navigate to the Report Job History page from the context of a specific report,
then the jobs for that report are automatically displayed with the default filters applied.
To view the job history of a specific report:
1. Perform one of the following:
From the Catalog, navigate to the report, and click Job History.
From the Report Viewer, navigate to the report, and click Job History.
2. In the Report Job History page, specify the filters if required and click Search.
Following are the default filters:
Report Path - Equals the path to the report from which you launched the
Report Jobs History page.
Start Processing - Equals to or later than one week ago.
Owner - Equals your user ID.
Scope - Equals All Histories. Includes Private Job Histories and Public Job
Status - Equals All. Includes all the possible values for status — Success,
Failed, Running, Has output errors, Canceled, Cancelling, Has delivery errors,
Skipped, and Waiting.
Searching for Report Job History
Specify the filter criteria for searching a report job history.
To search for report job history:
1. Enter values for the Filter criteria to search for a specific job history or group of
completed report jobs. You can filter the results based on the following:
Filter Description
Report Job
The name assigned to the job when it was submitted.
Report Path The path to the report. If the report resides under Shared Folders, do not
include Shared Folders in the path. If the report resides under My
Folders, the first node is (~) and your user name. For example, if you are
logged in as Administrator and the report resides under My Folders/
Operational Reports, enter
Reserved for future use.
The date and time at or after which the request started processing.
End Processing The date and time at or before which the request ended processing.
Chapter 6
Viewing Job History for a Specific Report
Filter Description
Status Can have one of the following statuses:
Success - The job completed without errors.
Failed - The job failed.
Running - The job is currently running.
Has output errors - The job completed, but with errors.
Canceled - The job was cancelled.
Cancelling - The job is in the process of being canceled.
Has delivery errors - The job cannot be delivered.
Skipped - The job was skipped.
Waiting - The job is queued.
Owner The user ID of the user who submitted the job.
Scope Public or Private.
2. Click Search. The jobs that meet the filter criteria are displayed in the Report Job
Histories table.
You can sort the table by a particular column by clicking the column heading and
selecting the up arrow or down arrow for ascending or descending.
Viewing Details of a Job History
Use the Report Job History page to view the details of a job history.
To view details of a job history:
1. In the Report Job History page, click the Report Job Name to view a detail page
for the job.
2. To view delivery information for each output, click the expand icon next to the
output name.
3. Click Return to return to the Report Job History page.
Downloading Data from a Report Job
You can view the details of a report job, download the XML data, and save the file to
your preferred location.
You must enable the Save Data for Republishing option when you create the job to
make the data available for republishing. See Setting Output Options.
To download XML data from a report job:
1. In the Report Job History page, click the report job name in the
Report Job Histories table to view the job detail page.
2. In the Output & Delivery section, click the XML Data download button.
3. When prompted, select the location to save the file.
Republishing a Report from History
You can republish a report from history.
You must enable the Save Data for Republishing option when you create the job to
make the data available for republishing. See Setting Output Options.
Chapter 6
Viewing Details of a Job History
To republish a report from history:
1. In the Report Job History page, click the Report Job Name to view the job detail
2. From the Output & Delivery section, click Republish. This launches the Report
3. From the Report Viewer you can now apply a new layout, choose a different
output type or export the report. Because you are using data the retrieved from the
previous report run, you cannot update the parameters.
4. To return to the Report Job History page, click the Actions menu and select
Sending an Output to a New Destination
You can send the output of a report to a new destination.
You must enable the Save Output option when you create the job to make the output
available in the history table. See Setting Output Options.
The send functionality does not create any history nor does it save the delivery
status. It simply sends the output to the destination selected.
To send an output to a new destination:
1. In the Report Job History page, click the Report Job Name to view the job detail
2. In the Output & Delivery section, locate the output that you want to send to a new
destination, and click Send.
3. In the Send dialog, do the following:
a. Select the delivery type
b. Click Add Destination
c. Enter the appropriate fields for your delivery type.
4. After you finish adding the destinations, click Submit.
Monitoring Running Jobs
You can monitor the stages of the report processing when a job is in running status.
To monitor a running job:
1. In the Report Job History page, hover over the Running status indicator in the
Report Job Histories table.
The status displays with the instance ID of the cluster instance handling the
2. To check the latest status, refresh the page. The status does not automatically
update while you are viewing the page. See Processing Stages of Jobs.
Chapter 6
Sending an Output to a New Destination
Processing Stages of Jobs
This topic lists the processing stages of a job.
Processing Stage Substages
Job Processor Sending to Job Queue
In job queue
In job processor
Job processor completed
Job processor caused exception
Data Fetching Fetching XML Data
XML Data Fetched
Before calling data model pre-trigger
After calling data model pre-trigger
Before calling data model post-trigger
After calling data model post-trigger
Fetching Bursting Control File (for
bursting jobs only)
Fetching bursting control
XML Bursting control xml fetched
Data Processor In data processor
Parsing control file (applies only to bursting jobs)
Control file parsed (applies only to bursting jobs)
Cutting data based on split key (applies only to bursting
Data cutting completed (applies only to bursting jobs)
Total sub-jobs (applies only to bursting jobs)
Data processor completed
Report Processor
Once the job reaches this stage,
outputs can be viewed as they are
completed by clicking the Report
Job Name.
In report processor
Rendering report document
Report document rendering completed
Report processor completed
Error rendering report document
Delivery Processor
The valid values for
email, fax, File, FTP, Print, WebDAV,
or Document Cloud Services,
depending on the destinations
selected for the report.
Delivering to
Document delivered to
processor completed
Canceling a Running Job
You can cancel a running job.
To cancel a running job:
1. In the Report Job History page, click anywhere within the table row for the report
job to select it (except the job name link).
Chapter 6
Canceling a Running Job
You can select multiple jobs by pressing Ctrl + Shift and clicking the additional
rows. Deselect a row by clicking it again. You can only cancel a job that has the
status, Running.
2. Click the Cancel Running Jobs icon at the top of the table,
The image shows the Report Job Histories page with a cursor pointing to the
cancel icon.
3. Click OK in the confirmation message.
Getting Error and Warning Information for Reports
If a report job fails or completes with warnings, you can view the error and warning
To get error and warning information for a report:
In the Report Job History page, hover over the error or warning status indicator in
the results table
The job details page will also have the error and warning associated with that job.
See Viewing Log Messages in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher.
For more complete diagnostic information on errors or warnings, you can view the
diagnostic log files for the job in Oracle Fusion Middleware Control.
Deleting a Job History
You can delete a job history.
To delete a job history:
1. In the Report Job History page, click anywhere within the table row for the report
job to select it (except the job name link).
You can select multiple rows.
2. Click the Delete icon at the top of the table.
3. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog.
Chapter 6
Getting Error and Warning Information for Reports
Managing Reports
This topic describes how to manage the report components in the Oracle BI Publisher
folders. It includes setting permissions, downloading and uploading reports and
folders, and moving report components in the catalog.
Overview of the BI Publisher Folders
Reporting Components Stored in the Catalog
Creating a Folder or Subfolder
Performing Tasks on Catalog Objects
Downloading and Uploading Catalog Objects
Understanding the Impact of Taking Actions on Objects Referenced by Reports
Exporting and Importing Catalog Translation Files
Overview of the BI Publisher Folders
The Oracle BI Publisher folders store the reports, data models, and style templates,
that you create using Oracle BI Publisher.
You and every other user have their own personal folders, My Folders. Reports in
personal folders can only be accessed by the user who created and saved the content
into the folder. You can add subfolders to My Folders to organize the content in the
way that is most logical to you.
The information in this chapter applies to installations of BI Publisher that are
not integrated with the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Information about the integrated Oracle BI Presentation catalog is in User's
Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
You can also save reports in shared folders where other users or groups can access
them. User permissions determine which folders are available to which users.
Permissions are assigned at the object-level and determine who can view, edit, and
schedule reports within that folder. Your administrator creates and maintains the
shared folder structure.
Reporting Components Stored in the Catalog
Each reporting component has an identifying icon and lists the creation and
modification information. Next to each item is a list of actions you can take.
The following reporting components are shown in the catalog:
Data Models
Style Templates
Sub Templates
See Performing Tasks on Catalog Objects.
Creating a Folder or Subfolder
You can create a subfolder within your My Folder or, if you have the required
permissions, you can create a shared system folder.
To create a folder or subfolder:
1. Navigate to the desired location in the Folders pane in Catalog.
2. On the Catalog toolbar, click New and select Folder.
3. In New Folder, enter the folder name and enter a description (optional).
4. Click Create.
Performing Tasks on Catalog Objects
You can perform tasks such as edit, copy, paste, rename, download, and set
permission on catalog objects.
You can perform tasks on objects in multiple ways such as:
By using the links next to the object.
By using the catalog toolbar.
Chapter 7
Creating a Folder or Subfolder
By selecting the object and choosing the task from the Tasks region.
The image shows the Catalog page.
Your access to these actions depends on the permissions granted to you by your
The task options include the following:
Edit - Opens the object in the appropriate editor or builder.
Copy - Duplicates a folder or object. To paste the object in a different folder,
navigate to the folder location and click Paste to place the copied item in the
desired folder. To paste a copy of the item into the same folder, click Paste. The
copied object is renamed with the prefix Copy_of_.
You can only paste one Copy_of_ item in the same location. Update the name
before pasting additional copies of the same object.
Cut - Cuts the item from the current location. To paste the object in a different
folder, navigate to the folder location and click Paste to place the item in the
desired folder.
Delete - Removes a folder or object from the catalog.
Download - Creates an archive file of the object that you can save to a selected
location. See Downloading and Uploading Catalog Objects.
Chapter 7
Performing Tasks on Catalog Objects
Rename - Renames a folder or object.
Permissions - Sets object-level permissions. See About Catalog Permissions in
Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
Customize - Use this option only when your enterprise has implemented a
customized process that includes the use of the Custom folder. See About
Customizing Reports in Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Folders also include the following tasks:
Expand - Displays the folder contents.
Paste - Pastes a cut or copied object into the selected folder.
Upload - Uploads an archived object to the folder. See Downloading and
Uploading Catalog Objects.
Properties - Enables update of the folder description.
Downloading and Uploading Catalog Objects
The download feature of the BI Publisher catalog enables you to bundle and download
multi-component objects such as reports in an archive file. You can then use the
upload feature to unarchive the data to another location in the catalog.
The ability to download and upload catalog objects enables you to transfer objects
across environments. For example, you can use this feature to transfer BI Publisher
objects from a development environment to a production environment.
Extensions for Archived Objects table lists the file extensions that BI Publisher assigns
to each type of archived object when downloaded.
Catalog Object Extension Assigned to Downloaded Files
Data Model .xdmz
Folder .xdrz
Report .xdoz
Style Template .xssz
Subtemplate .xsbz
If BI Publisher is integrated with the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition,
then use the archive and unarchive features of the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog to
perform this function. See Managing Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog in
User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Understanding the Impact of Taking Actions on Objects
Referenced by Reports
When you move, cut, rename, or delete a Data Model, a Sub Template, or a Style
Template that is used as a resource for a report, the references to the resource are
broken and the report cannot run as expected.
Chapter 7
Downloading and Uploading Catalog Objects
For example, if you have a report that was created with a data model that resides in a
folder called My Data Models, and you move the data model to another folder, the
report cannot run because the report definition is expecting to find the data model in
the My Data Models folder.
If moving a resource object is unavoidable, then you must edit each report that
references the object to refer to the object in its new location.
Exporting and Importing Catalog Translation Files
Export and import catalog translation files function enables administrators to export an
XLIFF file that contains the translation strings.
For users with administrator privileges, the catalog toolbar includes the Export XLIFF
and Import XLIFF function.
This function enables administrators to export an XLIFF file that contains the
translation strings the selected catalog object or group of objects. The XLIFF strings
can then be translated to the desired target language. After the XLIFF file is translated,
the administrator can import the XLIFF file back to the catalog and assign it the
appropriate locale.
See Adding Translations for the BI Publisher Catalog and Reports in Administrator's
Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
Chapter 7
Exporting and Importing Catalog Translation Files
Accessibility Features
This appendix provides information about how to use Oracle BI Publisher accessibility
features for report consumers.
What are Accessibility Features?
Changing to Accessibility Mode
Accessibility Support in the BI Publisher User Interface
Accessibility Support in BI Publisher Report Output
Keyboard Shortcuts
What are Accessibility Features?
The accessibility features in BI Publisher aim to make the aspects of navigating and
using the product easier for persons with disabilities and for the aging population.
The accessibility features support the use of standards-based assistive-technology
hardware and software such as Freedom Scientific JAWS or Microsoft Narrator.
The accessibility features are grouped into these general categories:
Features used by third-party assistive-technology products. These features center
on providing a user interface that consists of standard HTML elements that can be
easily interpreted by third-party assistive technology products.
Accessibility mode, as described in Changing to Accessibility Mode.
Keyboard shortcuts that make it easier to navigate content for users with limited or
no ability to use a mouse.
See Keyboard Shortcuts.
Content design capabilities that make it possible for content creators to create
content that supports users with accessibility needs.
See Designing for Accessibility in Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher.
Changing to Accessibility Mode
Accessibility mode in BI Publisher makes the rendering of the user interface more
compatible with screen readers while allowing only that functionality that is supported
for users with disabilities to be visible.
To change to accessibility mode:
1. Press Tab multiple times to navigate through the global header until the focus is
on your user name in the Signed In As area.
2. Press Enter, then Tab to highlight the My Account link.
3. Press Enter to display the My Account dialog.
4. Press Tab to navigate through the fields on the General tab until you reach the
Accessibility Mode options.
5. Use the arrow keys to select the On option.
6. Press Enter to save your changes and close the dialog.
7. Refresh the page to see it displayed in accessibility mode.
Accessibility Support in the BI Publisher User Interface
Alternative navigation tools, such as keystrokes, enable users to navigate BI Publisher
and work with reports in accessibility mode.
The following list provides information on accessibility mode:
The Home page does not contain links for accessing the Administration page or
for performing most editing functions.
Graphs and map views are not displayed but are instead converted to one or more
annotated tables.
Tables and pivot tables are rendered with appropriate internal annotations to
enable screen readers to describe the contents of cells.
Refer to your assistive-technology documentation for all applicable table
navigation shortcuts.
You cannot use the mouse to modify the layout of a table or pivot table.
By default, Oracle BI Publisher does not use accessibility mode. Each user can decide
whether to enable accessibility mode during sign in as described in Signing In Using
Keystrokes or after sign in by using the following procedure.
Signing In Using Keystrokes
You can sign in to BI Publisher using keystrokes rather than the mouse.
To sign in using keystrokes:
1. In a browser, display the Sign In page for BI Publisher.
2. To change the language that BI Publisher uses for the Sign In page, press
place the insertion point in the Language field and use the arrow keys to select
the desired language. The insertion point is then placed in the User ID field.
3. Enter the ID and press
to place the insertion point in the Password field.
4. Enter the password.
5. To render BI Publisher content in a browser in a way that facilitates the use of a
screen reader, press the spacebar to select the Accessibility Mode box.
Appendix A
Accessibility Support in the BI Publisher User Interface
6. Press
twice to place the insertion point on the Sign In button, then press
to activate the Sign In button.
Navigating the Home Page
If the Home page displays after signing in or by navigating from another location in BI
Publisher, you must press CTRL+ALT+G to place the focus on the Skip to Content link
in the upper-left corner of the Home page.
To navigate to the Home page:
1. Sign in to BI Publisher, as described in Signing In Using Keystrokes.
2. Press
to display the Skip to Content link in the upper-left corner of the
Home page.
3. Press one of the following keys:
on this link to navigate to the default starting location on the Home page
that is the first link in the upper-left corner under the global header.
to navigate to the first element in focus on the global header.
4. Continue to press
to navigate through the elements on the Home page.
Navigating Multiple Rows in Tables
When accessibility mode is turned on, each table row contains a Select option to
assist you in working with multiple rows in a table.
For example, you can use the Select options on the Report Job Histories page to
select multiple report jobs for deletion.
If you position the cursor in the Select option in a row, you can also use the Up/Down
keys to navigate between table rows.
Accessibility Support in BI Publisher Report Output
BI Publisher report output renders accessibility support to HTML generated from RTF
or layout editor-based reports.
Reports with accessibility design features include the following HTML report
Appendix A
Accessibility Support in BI Publisher Report Output
Document title.
Alternative text property to describe images such as charts.
Table summary property to summarize table content.
Header level property to specify the order in which the table header rows are read
in accessibility mode.
See Designing for Accessibility in Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Oracle BI EE and BI Publisher support standard keyboard shortcuts. The table lists the
shortcuts and the actions.
Both Oracle BI EE and BI Publisher support standard keyboard shortcuts that are used
in many software applications. In addition, both components offer shortcuts to perform
tasks that are specific to those components. The general keystrokes table describes
general keyboard shortcuts for use with Oracle BI EE and BI Publisher.
Keyboard Shortcut Result
Navigates to the first focusable element in the global header, which
is the Skip to Content link. This link enables you to bypass the
options available in the global header and move to the features
available in the main part of the Home page.
Navigates to the next focusable element.
Navigates to the previous focusable element.
Down Arrow Navigates to the next menu option.
Up Arrow Navigates to the previous menu option.
Triggers the activity, when the focus is on a link, an image, or a
button with an associated URL or activity.
Closes the menu that has the focus.
The following table describes keyboard shortcuts for navigating reports in BI Publisher.
Keyboard Shortcut Result
+ Up or Down Arrow Opens drop-down and combo boxes.
+ Up or Down Arrow Shows the next or previous item in a combo box.
If you use Freedom Scientific JAWS or other screen reader programs, then
you must first disable the virtual PC cursor before using the keystroke
combinations to navigate the report. You must enable the virtual PC cursor at
other times, including during navigation within table objects on a report.
Appendix A
Keyboard Shortcuts