RFID based Smart Bus using Embedded System
Mr. D. Baskaran, Mr. M. Pattumuthu, Ms. B. Priyadharshini, Mr. P. Shabab Akram, Ms .S. Sripriya
Assistant Professor, Nandha College of Technology,Erode, India
UG Scholar, Nandha College of Technology,Erode, India
UG Scholar, Nandha College of Technology,Erode, India
UG Scholar, Nandha College of Technology,Erode, India
UG Scholar, Nandha College of Technology,Erode, India
Abstract: In this paper, RFID based ticketing system aims at
providing comfort, tension free and easy way of travelling and
also to reduce the man power. In this automated system, we
replace the traditional ticket system by smart card that
contains all details of the user including bank account
information. This is similar to the ATM card. If the people
confirm to go in certain bus, by using smart card the person
can receive the tickets employing RFID technique and by
showing the ticket in front of the bus the door opens
automatically and after some predetermined seconds it gets
closed. By using LCD display we can be know about the count
of passengers inside the bus and free spaces. If the passengers
count exceeding the limit, bus can’t be move from that place.
Voice talking GPS proposed in the transport make the
passenger to identify their departing location.
Keywords: RFID reader, GPS, LCD and PIC Microcontroller
Ticket friend solution mainly proposed to overcome the tricky
problems in traditional ticketing method like transferring tickets
from one person to another, sharing of tickets, to avoid
confrontation. Ticket friendly machine holds the details about
the events provided by promoters, so that consumer can
purchase tickets in their personal account using smartcards,
Time and money are precious every time we strive to find best
way to avoid issues likewise. When it come to travel by the bus
without carrying change, this proposed technique need only one
identification card.Once if the passenger insert the smart card to
ticket friend machine the RFID reader in smart card contains pay
mode terms, which check for the amount in the account. This
payment system automatically recharges all pre-issued card with
the amount preferred by the authorized person and also when the
person used to scan the card. After receiving details from RFID
transmits the data of transport facilities through huge display.
Real time us information system (RTBIS) may also employed in
this system that uses satellite technology to predict the time of
bus which will arrive at a stop. can be get from electronic
displays at bus station and stops. The data’s related to bus routes
along with bus fares and seats available in the bus will be
displayed on the display of the machine make the passenger to
choose or book the tickets with more care.
Here the counter is employed to count the seats entering into
the bus along with this alcoholic sensing system is provided to
ensure safer journey. Once the destination place is reached,
that is intimated to the passenger through voice command from
GPS system provided in the bus. One of the benefits of
portable navigation system is voice guided directions and if we
get into the bus GPS that has text to speech functionality,
meaning the system will speak actual street names that may be
useful to uneducated and blind peoples even better.The system
comprises of two IR Transmitter-Receiver pairs, one of which
is located in front of the door. The other pair is located back
door. Whenever a person tries to enter into the bus, the
receiver of first IR pair identifies the person and pre
programmed controller used to show the availability in the bus.
If the passenger count exceeds the count bus can’t be move
from that place.
Ben Ammar Hatem, et althe paper titled as” Bus Management
System Using RFID In WSN” which describes a novel
approach to integrate RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) in
WSN (Wireless sensor network). WSN is used to support
RFID identification process by extending the read range of an
RFID system. Besides, by the use of the WSN we can monitor
the environment of an object and optimize RFID reader’s
performance and energy. Then methodology to integrate RFID
technology, wireless sensor network to form an intelligent bus
tracking application is studied. The proposed system can
monitor bus traffic inside spacious bus stations, and can inform
administrators whether the bus is arriving on time, early or
late. This information is then displayed on the different
wireless displays inside and outside the bus station.
Md. Foisal Mahedi Hasan, et al the paper titled as” RFID-
based Ticketing for Public Transport System: Perspective
Mega city Dhaka”, which portrays about The public transport
ticketing system, prevailing in the megacity Dhaka
(Bangladesh),introduces severe malfunction in the system,
malicious argument among public, corruption and most of all
traffic jam. This paper actually suggests a much more public
friendly, automated system of ticketing as well as the credit
transaction with the use of RFID based tickets. The total
system mainly acts to bring out the consistency among various
bus agencies that will conclude in uniform access of
passengers in daily rides through an automated server
being updated every single time the passengers travel by
carrying the RFID based tickets.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by, www.ijert.org
COCODANTR - 2016 Conference Proceedings
Volume 4, Issue 11
Special Issue - 2016
Ameer H. Morad,et al the paper is titled as” GPS Talking For
Blind People”,In this paper, a device is designed to help the blind
people to navigate the environment without asking any one. The
device based on GPS (Global Positioning System), the raw data
for location coordinate where the blind people stands is detected
by GPS receiver, processing these data by PIC microcontroller to
calculate real coordinate related with current position, then
translate it to specific voice message which are presorted in voice
recorder and the blind person hears voice message through the
headset. Our design aims are to produce device that is more cheap
by using little number of components and easy to use so that the
blind person need not to do any thing just hearing the voice
message. The device be practically tested by some blind people
who are members of Abdallah Bin Maktoom blinds school in
Jordan, they gives good opinion about device.
Dhruba Ningombam, et al the paper is titled as An Intelligent
Voice Enabled Distance to Empty and navigation System”
,which describes about the Recent years have witnessed a fast
growth in automobile sector, leading to increased urge for an
intelligent man machine interaction system for navigation. This
paper describes the development and implementation of an
intelligent speech agent based navigation system and distance to
empty (DTE) calculation for autonomous land vehicle
applications. This system, initially determines the current location
using Global Positioning System (GPS). The GPS outputs NMEA
(National Marine Electronics association)sentence that contains
information about current location including longitude and
latitude. The input to the system i.e. the desired destination is
through voice command and outputs the following-(i) the road
distance and the amount of fuel required, through speech, (ii)the
altitude difference between the current location and the
destination, which is further used to calculate the mileage
variation with altitude and (iii)displays the route from the current
location to the destination on a map along with the prediction
whether the user will be able to reach the desired destination with
fuel left in the automobile, how much distance it can travel with
the remaining fuel and how much additional fuel is required to be
filled up to reach the destination.
Karin Siebenhadl et. al this paper titled as “A User- Centred
Design Approach to Self-Service Ticket Vending Machines”
describes about the, self-service ticket vending machines (TVMs)
have become an important distribution channel in the public
transport sector, progressively replacing the traditional ticket
counter. In a public transport setting, where ticket counter
closures have left different groups of people dependent on TVM
to meet their mobility needs, a single, effective system is
required. Research questions: (1) Which barriers do currently
hinder the usage of TVM? (2) Which requirements should a
barrier-free TVM full fill? (3) How can we design a new self
service TVM for a nationwide public railway company? (4) How
can we ensure that the usability and user experience (UX) is high
for all users, especially for those with low levels of technological
affinity? Situating the case: Most other studies on the use and
usability of TVMs were conducted as post-hoc evaluations. In
contrast, our case study presents a user centred design (UCD)
approach that takes the needs of the different target groups into
account throughout the whole development process.
Main objective of this project is to provide automation in the
ticket system for the transport sector. This project provides
concept of e-currency and it reduces the human effort.
Interacting with the initial ideas and sculptures of the databases
involved in the past this project faces serious troubles when
used without RFID cards. So, this RFID cards plays a
visionary role of highlighting the vital storage of data
elements. Thus, getting the perspective of the idea behind
mutual computation of interlinking databases with the radio
frequency card would enable a great contribution towards
service based computing. Enriching formats, extended
connections, everlasting working phase algorithms are all
made easy. On the brink of a glorious environment of
interconnected personal computers and standalone operators,
This multi-frame architecture using system booms the virtue of
great interoperability among its software components. One side
faces extensive computation and data links while the other side
sustains the equity between the devices. The relationship
model proposed in this project maintains the integrity of the
resources along with its scalable nature of quality assurance
and quality of service best suited for every business
applications related software. Any system of theoretically
denoted and practically implemented data sharing modules will
be benefitted by the objective listed for this project.
The aim of this project is to implement an intelligent smart
card system to automate the transport ticketing system ( E-
Transport) for public transport. To implement this smart card
system RFID technology is used. Using this smart card any
one can travel in the public transport like Bus, train etc
without buying tickets. RFID technology is used to
automatically detect the smart card and the distance travelled
by the passenger. Based on the distance travelled the transport
charges will be deducted from their account. It is like our
mobile phone system wherein we can top up our mobile any
time we want and when it is in use the amount will be
deducted based on the usage time. Same concept is
implemented here. This smart card can be topped up using the
internet. When we travel instead of carrying money, we can
use this smart card. By TOUCH ON and TOUCH OFF the
RFID reader the status of the card will be known to the user.
This smart card is nothing but RFID tags.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a generic term for
technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify and
track product, animal, or person by means of using RFID tags
that are applied or incorporated on them. An RFID system
consists of a tag, basically a microchip with an antenna. RFID
uses RF to identify “tagged” items. This data is then collected
and transmitted to a host system using an RF Reader. The data
transmitted by the tag may provide identification or location
information, or specifics about the product tagged, such as
price, color, date of purchase, etc.” For the purpose of Bus
Identification, the tags are embedded into the bus. Each bus
will have two tags: one is at front and other is at rear. The front
tag will inform the reader about its arrival to the bus stop
whereas the rear one informs its departure. Each bus will also
have a reader that is connected to the main server for charging
of ticket fare from the passengers through a keypad attached
with the reader on which the passengers give the information
of their departure & destination locations. The reader sends the
electromagnetic waves
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by, www.ijert.org
COCODANTR - 2016 Conference Proceedings
Volume 4, Issue 11
Special Issue - 2016
to the tag. The tags draw the power from this wave and return
back the bus information, which are stored in its memory to
reader. The readers again demodulate this wave and convert it
as a digital data.
Figure 1. Typical RFID system components
For the purpose of Ticketing, the operational feature of the cards
is almost the same but here the tags are attached to special cards
carried by the passengers and the reader collects the detail from
them. By using RFID technology in ticketing system, allowing
passengers to "tag on" and "tag off" and be charged
automatically, according to how many zones they have travelled.
Figure 2. Reader with keypad for selecting location attached to each
Programmed PIC16F877A MICROCONTROLLER used to
monitor the count of passengers in the bus and also visible this
information through LCD. If count of passengers exceeds the
limit, Bus Can’t be move from that starting point.
Once if the passenger inserts the smart card to the ticket friendly
machine the RFID reader reads the user account. This happens
only after the destination place is chosen by the passengers
through the huge display. IR Sensor pair is placed on the steps
of the bus which is used to know the passengers incoming and
out going. After this RFID reader in smart card pay mode
transfers to the bank. At first glance, the problem of finding the
fastest route that travels through a subset of nodes in a graph
might be solved in two steps. First, the best paths between every
two nodes in the subset is calculated. Then, a graph with only
those nodes is formed and the best route found. However, the
large number of
nodes in a network limits the applicability of most theoretical
approaches to the case of a PTN. So another solution had to be
found that enables the calculation of the all pairs shortest paths
in real time. We took an hierarchical approach, as is suggested
in, which enables optimal shortest paths to be calculated in real
time. The stations of the PTN are nodes in a weighted graph,
with edges representing the possible connections between
them whose weight is the travel time. The points of interest are
also mapped as nodes in the graph, connected to station nodes
and between them by edges whose weight is the corresponding
walking time. Average travel times between nodes (stations) of
the PTN were obtained from the PTN. Walking times between
geographically indexed nodes were supplied by an external
entity, e. g. Google Maps API in our case. Average waiting
times for each transport connection were calculated from
amount of transports and their frequencies between every two
Fig.3. Block Diagram For Automatic Ticket Vending Machine
This payment system recharges all pre issued card with
preferred by the authorized person once when user scans his
smartcard. Further it transfer the data to GSM which transfers
the data to the promoters account and also transfers the
information related to seating arrangement and billing receipt.
The entire system is controlled by PIC microcontroller. For
that controller is pre- programmed to do the operations
5.1. RFID Readers
High frequency RFID readers are installed above the roads
prior to every traffic light system in all directions in such a
manner that the entire area comes under the range of RFID
5.2. UART Communication
Serial data communication uses two methods, asynchronous
and synchronous. The synchronous method transfers a block of
data (characters) at a time while the asynchronous transfers a
single byte at a time. It is possible to write software to use
either of these methods, but the programs can be tedious and
long. For this reason, there are special IC chips made by many
manufacturers for serial data transfer communications. These
chips are commonly referred to as UART (Universal
Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) and USART (Universal
Synchronous- Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter). The ARM
chip has a built- in UART.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by, www.ijert.org
COCODANTR - 2016 Conference Proceedings
Volume 4, Issue 11
Special Issue - 2016
5.3. Data transfer rate
The rate of data transfer in serial data communication is stated
in bps (bits per second). Another widely used terminology for
bps is baud rate. The baud rate used in this DHLS for data
transmission is 9600.
5.4. RS232
standards RS232 is the most widely used serial I/O interfacing
standard. This standard is used in PCs and numerous types of
equipment. However, since the standard was set long before the
advent of the TTL logic family, its input and output voltage
levels are not TTL compatible. In RS232, a 1 is represented by -
3 to - 25V, while a 0 bit is +3 to +25V, making -3 to +3
undefined. For this reason, to connect any RS232 to a
microcontroller system we must use voltage converters such as
MAX232 to convert the TTL The LCD's are lightweight with
only a few millimeters thickness. since the LCD's consume less
power, they are compatible with low power electronic circuits,
and can be powered for long durations .The LCD's don't
generate light is needed to read the display. By using
backlighting, reading is possible in the dark
.The LCD's have long life and a wide operating temperature
range. One of the most popular output devices for embedded
electronics is LCD. The LCD interface has become very
simple. This is due to the availability modules for LCDs. The
LCD along with necessary controller (LCD Controller) and
mounting facility is made available in the module itself. The
LCD controller takes care of everything necessary for the
LCD. We communicate with the LCD controller with the help
of a command set provided by the manufacturer.
logic leve
to the
232 voltage level, and vice ve
IC chips are commonly referred to as line drivers.
5.5. Transmitting and receiving
Full duplex or simultaneous two-way Operation is not possible
with these modules. If transmit and receive module are in close
proximity and data is sent to a remote receive module while
attempting to simultaneously receive data from a remote transmit
module, the receiver will be overloaded by its close proximity
transmitter. This will happen even if encoders and decoders are
used with different address settings for each transmitter and receiver
pair. If two way communications is required, only half duplex
operation is allowed.
5.6. Max232
MAX232 is compatible with RS-232 standard, have dual
transceiver. Each receiver converts TIA/EIA-232-E levels into
TTL/CMOS levels. Each driver converts TTL/CMOS levels into
TIA/EIA-232-E levels. The MAX3232 is characterized for
operation from -40°C to +85°C for all packages.MAX3232 is
purposed for application in high-performance information
processing systems and control devices of wide application.
5.7. Lcd Display
modules is used for display the parameters and fault condition.16
characters 2 lines display is used. It has controller which interface
data’s and LCD panel. Liquid crystal displays (LCD’s) have
materials, which combine the properties of both liquids and crystals.
Rather than having a melting point, they have a temperature range
within which the molecules are almost as mobile as they would be
in a liquid, but are grouped together in an ordered form similar to a
crystal. One each polarizer’s are pasted outside the two glass panels.
These polarizer’s would rotate the light rays passing through them
to a definite angle, in a particular direction When the LCD is in the
off state, light rays are rotated by the two polarizes and the liquid
crystal, such that the light rays come out of the LCD without any
orientation, and hence the LCD appears transparent. When
sufficient voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal
molecules would be aligned on a specific direction. The light rays
passing through the LCD would be rotated by the polarizes, which
would result inactivating /highlighting the desired characters.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by, www.ijert.org
COCODANTR - 2016 Conference Proceedings
Volume 4, Issue 11
Special Issue - 2016
Ticket friendly machine holds the details about the events
provided by the promoters so that the consumers can purchase
tickets in their personal account using smart cards. It is a type of
chip or plastic card (an embedded computerized chip either a
memory or microprocessor) that stores or transacts data which
improve the convenience and security of any transaction. It also
holds the user account identity. Once if the passenger inserts the
smart card to the ticket friendly machine the RFID reader reads
the user account. This happens only after the destination place is
chosen by the passengers through the huge display. This display
also used to show the available vacancy of the bus.In
conventional paper based ticketing, each & everyday lots of
tickets are being printed and sealed showing that date manually
by the person sitting in the bus stoppage counter. After finish
travelling, the passengers usually through away the used paper
made tickets here & there which ultimately pollutes the
environment. Again large number of trees is being destroyed
since the current system uses paper based ticketing and the used
tickets are just wasted. But in our proposed system the RFID
tagged card carried out by the passengers does everything
automatically and eventually based ticketing system over
conventional system (both paper based tickets & magnetic
tickets) are mentioned below: Using automatic ticket systems
enables operators such as transportation authorities to save time
and personnel costs; fare collection can be organized much more
Each bus has certain limit of seats availability depends upon the
size of the bus. If the count of incoming passenger exceeding the
limit, The bus won’t be move to another place. Here the
embedded middleware is used in mobility applications. It
consists of real time bus information system which uses satellite
technology to predict the time of bus arrives at a stop. RTBI can
be obtained from electronic displays at bus station and stops.
After this RFID reader in smartcard pay mode transfers to the
bank. This payment system recharges all pre issued card with
preferred by the authorized person once when user scans his
smartcard. Further it transfer the data to GSM which transfers
the data to the promoters account. The entire system is
controlled by PIC microcontroller.GPS receives the signal from
GSM and if the particular location is reached or crossed by the
transport then through voice talking GPS the passengers can
identify their destination place. The display present in the bus
displays the name of the location they are in.
The estimation of O-D matrices from entry-only AFC system
data is a topic that has received substantial research interest.
Reliable O-D information is vital for the monitoring and
planning of public transport systems as it depicts travel demand,
but is generally challenging to obtain. Destination estimation
and O-D matrix estimation are not the same issue, but the
designations are often used interchangeably. The difference falls
upon the level of data aggregation. The objective of O-D matrix
estimation is to determine aggregate travel counts between O-D
pairs, whereas destination estimation looks at each journey
individually. However, most O-D matrix estimation works rely
on a destination estimation algorithm, which outputs are
subsequently aggregated.
Hence, the subjects are intertwined. The creation of O-D
matrices traditionally relies on extensive travel surveys carried
out in a periodic basis, which are expensive to conduct and
prone to response bias. Barry et al. proposed a methodology to
overcome both of those problems with a set of algorithms
applied to entry- only AFC data from the New York City
subway system . Their approach introduced two seminal
assumptions that have been applied in several studies
afterward, and which are based on the fact that passenger
journey origins are known from entry-only AFC data, but
destinations are not. The first of these assumptions is that the
most likely destination of a passenger journey is the origin of
the next journey. The second is that the most likely final daily
destination of a passenger is the first daily origin. From these
assumptions they were able to infer the destination for 83% of
boarding transactions in a single day sample. Barry et al. later
expanded this approach including both New York City subway
and bus data. The addition of bus data required a slight
modification to the aforementioned assumptions, to consider
that an estimated destination may not be the same but the
nearest stop to the related origin.
Evidently these assumptions do not always hold. A public
transport passenger may travel an intermediate journey
segment on foot or by car for instance, which will break the
assumption of the destination being nearest to the next origin.
Similarly, if a public transport passenger stays in different
places overnight the second assumption of the final daily
destination being nearest to the first origin will likely be
broken. Therefore, the validity of results obtained from O-D
estimation methodologies should be verified. Barry et al.
validated their methodology using travel diary information and
found that the assumptions held for 90% of users surveyed.
These authors compared their inferred destination totals with
exit counts at the stations, and estimated peak load point
passenger volumes to increase the robustness of their
assessment. This sort of validations has been called exogenous
because they rely on external data sets instead of the actual
AFC system data to which the assumptions were applied. The
aforementioned assumptions have been used in later research
work on the topic. Trépanieret al. applied a compara-ble
methodology to bus service data from Gatineau, Québec, but
introduced an endogenous validation step with their
methodology. It required the candidate destination to be within
a 2000 m Euclidean distance from the related origin, or else it
was assumed that an intermediate journey segment in an
unrecorded mode of transport might have taken place. Another
difference is how boarding transactions that are single in a day
for a particular passenger were dealt with; instead of not infer-
ring the destination for those records, the authors opted to
carry out a journey regularity analysis for the passenger and
estimate the destination on that basis whenever enough data
was avail-able. They were able to infer the destination for 66%
of journeys. Zhao et al. use a comparable methodology on
Chicago Transit Authority rail system data, but with a stricter
candidate destination cutoff Euclidean distance of only 400 m.
Al-though these authors did not attempt to infer destinations of
single day journeys, they were still able to infer the destination
of 71% of journeys over a six-day period, and their method
was partially validated at aggregate level using O-D survey
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by, www.ijert.org
COCODANTR - 2016 Conference Proceedings
Volume 4, Issue 11
Special Issue - 2016
Further studies have applied similar logic. Farzim applied an O-
D estimation methodology to bus system data in São Paulo and
attempted to validate the results with an O-D household survey.
However, the conclusions were hampered by the scarcity of
buses equipped with Automated Vehicle Location (AVL)
technology and by a time gap between data sets. A methodology
proposed by Li et al. using bus data from Jinan, China, is
claimed to have inferred the destination of 75% of journeys, but
appears to rely exclusively on a transfer distance based
endogenous validation. Wang et al. have applied their
methodology to AFC bus system data from Transport for
London (TfL) combining two types of validations.The first
consisted of a maximum transfer Euclidean distance, whereas
the second was a comparison of the results obtained from
applying their methodology with an extensive bus O-D survey,
which yielded promising results. Their method did not attempt
to infer destinations of single day journeys, and was able to infer
the destination of 57% of journeys. Drawing from several of the
previous methodologies, Gordon proposed a sophisticated
algorithm to infer both the destination and time of arrival of bus
passenger journeys that was similarly tested with TfL data.
Inclusion of the time aspect enabled an additional validation if
the passenger had enough time to transfer on foot or not.
Destinations were inferred for 74% of journeys.
Munizaga and Palma propose a methodology with a slight
variation that considers generalized time (a combination of
walking time and vehicle travel time) in addition to distance in
determining the potential destination of a journey. It has been
applied to AFC bus and metro system data in Santiago and
obtained around 80% inference rate in two weekly samples
considering a maximum transfer Euclidean distance of 1000 m.
The methodology was later used by Devillaine to estimate the
location, time, and purpose of activities of public transport users.
Munizagaet al. later built on that methodology by proposing
more robust endogenous validations methods, and presented
encouraging results from exogenous validation at a disaggregate
level from an O-D survey and an experiment with volunteers.
Recent research has sought to expand the use of AFC system
data beyond destination inference to deduct route choices.
Another new stream of research is automated passenger
tracking, which has shown to be a promising addition to entry-
only systems for recording alighting location without egress
gates. Lastly, it is noted that the estimation of O-D matrices is a
topic of interest in other transport domains, including private
vehicular transport, freight transport, and pedestrian movement,
using count data sources or mobile phone traces. Whereas First
buses in the West of England have already made it. Distance-
based fare structures are likely to become increasingly common
because they deliver fairer pricing for users.
In summary, previous work on the topic has focused on a
number of urban public transport systems around the world, all
of which have their own specificities regarding travel behavior,
data set availability, and degree of integration between systems.
The proposed methodologies equally have specificities, namely
terms of the variety and strictness of validation rules that are
aligned with their particular goals. Hence, the outcomes are
varied and not directly comparable, but there is general belief
that the main assumptions are valid in the majority of instances.
However, all of these works have been applied to entry-only
systems with flat fare structures, hence no previous attempts
have been made to use additional data resulting from the
operation of distance-based fares to increase the accuracy of the
destination inference results. Increasing the accuracy raises
confidence that destinations are correctly inferred, yet decreases
the overall inference rate
The user interacts with the systems in two ways: initially he
communicates the destinations he intendsto visit to the system,
and during his trip he receivesthe navigation indications. The
first occurs over theInternet on the user’s computer or mobile
device, oron kiosks placed at PTN stations or other points inthe
city; the latter occurs per SMS, with text messages being sent
by the system to the user to guide him in real time.
9.1. Kiosk And Web Interface
AJAX is used to provide an intuitive interactive interface that
is platform independent and, thus, offers the same visual aspect
on the kiosk and web. The only differences in the available
possibilities are due to the fact that the hardware available at a
kiosk cannot be assumed to be available at home. The kiosk
has an RFID reader and a touch screen as only peripherals. The
interface is developed specially for the touch screen, having
big buttons with clear functions placed consistently, making
them easy to use even for babies. There is a set of pre-defined
routes with different durations for tourists that want to check
out the city highlights fast. But there is also the possibility to
personalize the destinations. The user is then prompted for his
RFID ticket card and for the phone number and receives the
first indications after a final confirmation screen. At home, the
user can program a route in a similar way, but he can only
associate it with his phone number. The exit screen directs him
to a kiosk to associate his route with his RFID ticket. At the
kiosk, the user can load his pre- programmed route by entering
his phone number, he can edit it if necessary, and finally is
prompted to associate the route with his RFID ticket. Both
interfaces have been tested by several people by now, most of
them fully unfamiliar with the project, and has been found
intuitive and easy to use. Of course, the current interface is
already the result of several improvements motivated by user
suggestions to usability improvement.
9.2. Navigation Intructions Per Sms
Although the ubiquitous availability of broadbandwireless
communications would enable a more sophisticated interface,
SMS were chosen because they are familiar to most people and
represent no additional cost even for roamers. These facts are
important since city visitors are a main target group of the
system. Each time the user passes his RFID ticket in a reader at
the entrance of a transport, the answer SMS is automatically
calculated by a service adjacent to route calculation. First, it is
verified whether the user is where he is expected to be and the
next destination to be visited is determined. If the user is where
the system expects him to be, the route to the next unvisited
destination is calculated.If the user has lost his way, the whole
route is re-calculated with the current station as starting point
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by, www.ijert.org
COCODANTR - 2016 Conference Proceedings
Volume 4, Issue 11
Special Issue - 2016
all unvisited destinies as list of destinations. Then, the user is
guided as if he were not lost. Each time, after the system knows
the route to the next destination, the SMS text is automatically
built, containing the necessary information to guide the user to
the next ticket validation.That information is:
The station to get off the current transport;
The destinations to visit by foot next to that station, if any;
The station to take the next transport, if different from the one
to get off;
The next transport to take. With this information, the user
knows what he needs to visit the places he esires and reach
the next RFID reader, that Functions as the “positioning”
device and triggers the next navigation information.
In proposed system, the design and development of a low cost
transportation management system based on integration of RFID
and GSM. The system consists of different modules which are
wirelessly linked with GSM modems. SMS service of GSM
network is cost effective which is used for the transfer of data
between different modules. To facilitate the people, a new
service is introduced to make use of public transport for
traveling, is introduced inside the city. User is provided with the
service, which gives them the current location information of
desired buses based on which the user can adjust his schedule
The service therefore vanishes the need of waiting at the bus
stop and hence it saves lot of time. For the passengers not
utilizing the service, to let them know the buses location coming
towards that stop, displays are installed at every Bus stop. . The
system is also efficient and beneficial in handling an error and
the emergency situations e.g., in case some kind of technical
fault occurred in bus, the operator at bus terminal is informed
and the departure time between the buses is reduced so that it
will save time of the passengers. It is believed that by the
implementation of this system, problems such as
underutilization of buses fleet and long waiting time at the bus
station will be reduced. So, both passenger and bus station
administrators will benefit from the system as real time
information is provided.
The authors wish to thank the management of Nandha College
of Technology and Head of the department for providing the
facilities to carry out this work
An automatic route guider display can be installed in buses to
better update the alternative route in case of serious road
congestions. We can connect RFID reader wirelessly to the host
application. There are different advanced wireless technologies
that can be used such as Bluetooth (802.15.3) and ZigBee
(802.15.4) to extend the range of an RFID reader. Fare
collecting system can also be automated by providing another
mobile service to which all the passengers using public
transport are subscribed.
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by, www.ijert.org
COCODANTR - 2016 Conference Proceedings
Volume 4, Issue 11
Special Issue - 2016