National Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Engineering & Management (NCETSEM'18)-2018
ISSN: 2395
Assistant Professor
, Final Year U.G Students
Affiliation:Department of Electronics andCommunication Engineering,SRM Institute of Science and
The Public transport system is a major source
ofincome in developing countries like India.But,
this publictransport system faces several problems.
The conductor will face various problems in
issuing the tickets. But,this new system will
provide the tickets automaticallyand deduct the fare
for the distance travelled from thepassenger’s
account.It is also used for passenger’s
identification.RFID has been an emerging
technology inrecent years.RFID technology can be
effectively employed in number of applications due
to its penchant for efficiency.As for its application,
it’s been a widespread tool for both tracking the
transit transports. A fundamental system of RFID
consists of two primary components: The reader
circuit and tag, details of which are discussed
later.The main idea behind this project is to collect
the fare automatically using the RFID technology
and GSM modem.
Literature review was carried out throughout the
whole project to gain knowledge and improve the
skills needed to complete this project. The main
sources for this project are previous related
projects, research thesis, books,journals and online
tutorials. This chapter focuses on the basic concepts
and all fundamental theories which related to this
project and the drawbacks of the current
system.RFID technology can be effectively
employed in number of applications due to its
penchant for efficiency.As for its application, it’s
been a widespread tool for both tracking the transit
transports. A fundamental system of RFID consists
of two primary components: The reader circuit and
tag, details of which are discussed later. The main
idea behind this project is to collect the fare
automatically using the RFID technology and GSM
The objective of this paper is to issue collect money and issues ticket to each passenger.It will take a lot of time as wellas
create manual error.To overcome this problem, anew system is proposed. In this proposed system,Smart card used here
is anRFID.This is user friendly system, which will automatically identify the passenger anddeduct the passenger’s fare
according to the distance travelled.A message will be send to theconcerned persons mobile with well security system.The
security system is provided with the help of GSM modem.IR sensor is used to count the number of persons entering and
exiting the bus.
Keyword-RFID,Network security,Ticket issuing, GSMmodem.
National Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Engineering & Management (NCETSEM'18)-2018
ISSN: 2395-1303 Page 2
RFID TAG holds information about passengers, the
information is about the passenger is contact
number and name. RFID READER used to reads a
RFID TAG and with the help of
MICROCONTROLLER programs are declared in
secure manner to get a ticket. Tickets which
contain information about the source and
destinations and price of the distance travelled.
With the help of GSM modem ticket is downloaded
or displayed on mobile phones.
In the general way, every bus is controlled by a
conductor. The conductor will collect money from
each passenger and issue ticket. Initially, printed
papers or tokens are used as tickets. This will take
more time and waste of human resource as well as
energy. Even handheld ticketing machine is
comparatively slow and need trained person to
operate it.In existing system to overcome these
difficulties, using a RFID with keyboard in which
the passenger has to enter the designation where
he/she is going to get down. The RFID reader will
read the respective information about the passenger
from the RFID tag. The respective amount is
debited from the passenger account with the help of
the RFID tag.But the security system is poor
because anyone can access the RFID tag. So the
implementation of ticketing system with well
addition of application of GSMmodem is
introduced to secure RFID tag.
1. One time password:
A one-time password (OTP) is a password which is
usable and valid for only one login requirement or
transaction. The number of shortcomings is
avoided by OTPs which are associated with
familiar known-as static passwords. The hackers
are not able to replay attacks because the most
important shortcoming is addressed by OTPs and it
is vulnerable comparing to static passwords. The
captured old OTP will be no longer valid when you
have used it already to log into your account or
make a transaction so potential hackers cannot
abuse it. Because OTPs are difficult for most of
people to memorize so they require more advance
technology to get this done.
2. RFID Based Automatic Bus Ticketing:
In near a future public transport bus system with
advanced technologies like Radio Frequency
Identification Device (RFID).The smart card has
the passenger details and account balance that is
credited at the time of card issue, if the account
balance reaches the minimum fixed balance it is
intimated to the passenger by message then the
amount is credited again. The RFID reader system
is fixed in the public bus stand. When the
passengers enter into public transport the RFID
reader detects the smart card and the current
location of the travel (i.e.) source is detected using
number of bus stops at bus stand(number of bus
stops is counted using IR sensor). Every destination
of the route is displayed in the LCD display. By
selecting the source to destination then the distance
is calculated. The bus fare is collected using
distance selecting process. After selecting the
destination RFID reader require one-time password
(OTP) and from passenger mobiles OTP is selected
to RFID reader. A Messaging system is introduced
which messages the information about the boarding
point and the destination.The count on number of
people travelled, peak time (rush hour) are
calculated for further reference.IR sensor is used to
calculate the number of passengers entering and
exiting the bus.for example: If the passenger lost
the smart card there is a chance of misusing the
card by strangers it can be overcome through one-
time password (OTP) system user can only access
the smart card.
1.RFID reader
Radio frequency identification reader (RFID
reader) is a device used to gather information from
an RFID tag, which is used to track individual
objects. Radio waves are used to transfer data from
the tag to a reader. RFID is a technology similar in
theory to bar codes. However, the RFID tag does
not have to be scanned directly, nor does it require
line-of-sight to a reader. The RFID tag it must be
within the range of an RFID reader, which ranges
from 3 to 300 feet, in order to be read. RFID
technology allows several items to be quickly
scanned and enables fast identification of a
particular product,even when it is surrounded by
several other items. RFID tags have not replaced
bar codes because of their cost and the need to
individually identify ever item.
National Conference on Emerging Technologies
ISSN: 2395
2. RFID tag
A Radio Frequency Identification Tag (RFID
is an electronic tag that exchanges data with a
RFID reader through radio waves. Most RFID tags
are made up of at least two main parts. The first is
an antenna, which receives radio frequency (RF)
waves. The second is an integrated circuit (IC),
h is used for processing and storing data, as
well as modulating and demodulating the radio
waves received/sent by the antenna. A RFID t
also known as a RFID chip.
On receiving any
signal from a tag it passes on that information to
the data processor.
These tags can be either active
or passive. While the active tags have on
power, passive tags use the power induced by the
magnetic field of the RFID reader. Thus passive
tags are cheaper but with lower range (<10mts) and
more sensitive to regulatory
and environmental
constraints, as compared to active tags. The RFID
device s
erves the same purpose as a bar
provide a unique identifier for the object, but it was
a scanning technology
rather than using radio
3. Microcontroller
controller is heart of the system. It has
number of features and its controlled over all
process we can write code and load the controller
National Conference on Emerging Technologies
for Sustainable Engineering & Management (NCETSEM'18)
A Radio Frequency Identification Tag (RFID
is an electronic tag that exchanges data with a
RFID reader through radio waves. Most RFID tags
are made up of at least two main parts. The first is
an antenna, which receives radio frequency (RF)
waves. The second is an integrated circuit (IC),
h is used for processing and storing data, as
well as modulating and demodulating the radio
waves received/sent by the antenna. A RFID t
ag is
On receiving any
signal from a tag it passes on that information to
These tags can be either active
or passive. While the active tags have on
power, passive tags use the power induced by the
magnetic field of the RFID reader. Thus passive
tags are cheaper but with lower range (<10mts) and
and environmental
constraints, as compared to active tags. The RFID
erves the same purpose as a bar
code that
provide a unique identifier for the object, but it was
rather than using radio
controller is heart of the system. It has
number of features and its controlled over all
process we can write code and load the controller
for control r
eal time application process
microcontroller is a computer present in a single
integrated circui
t which is dedicated to perform one
task and ex
ecute one specific application.
contains memory, programmable input/output
peripherals as well a processor. Microcontrollers
e mostly designed for embedded a
are heavily used in automatical
electronic devices such as
microwave ove
ns, washing machines etc
The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board
based on a removable, dual-
ATmega328 AVR microcontroller. It has 20 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs and 6 can be used as analog inputs).
Programs can be loaded on to it from the easy
use Arduino computer program. The Arduino has
an extensive support community, which makes it a
very easy way to g
et started working with
embedded electronics. The R3 is the third, and
latest, revision of the Arduino Uno
4. GSM modem
A GSM modem
is a specialized type of modem
which accepts a SIM card, and operates over a
subscription to a mobile operator, just like a
phone. From the mobile operator perspective, a
GSM modem looks just like a mobile phone.When
a GSM modem is connected to a computer, this
allows the computer to use the GSM modem to
communicate over the mobile network.
these GSM modems are mo
st frequently used to
provide mobile internet connectivity, many of them
can also be used for sending and receiving SMS
and MMS messages.
An RFID smart card-
based fare collection
system may reduce operation costs in the
long run.
Fine amount will never be collected.
for Sustainable Engineering & Management (NCETSEM'18)
eal time application process
microcontroller is a computer present in a single
t which is dedicated to perform one
ecute one specific application.
contains memory, programmable input/output
peripherals as well a processor. Microcontrollers
e mostly designed for embedded a
pplications and
are heavily used in automatical
ly controlled
cell phones,
ns, washing machines etc
The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board
-package (DIP)
ATmega328 AVR microcontroller. It has 20 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs and 6 can be used as analog inputs).
Programs can be loaded on to it from the easy
use Arduino computer program. The Arduino has
an extensive support community, which makes it a
et started working with
embedded electronics. The R3 is the third, and
is a specialized type of modem
which accepts a SIM card, and operates over a
subscription to a mobile operator, just like a
phone. From the mobile operator perspective, a
GSM modem looks just like a mobile phone.When
a GSM modem is connected to a computer, this
allows the computer to use the GSM modem to
communicate over the mobile network.
st frequently used to
provide mobile internet connectivity, many of them
can also be used for sending and receiving SMS
based fare collection
system may reduce operation costs in the
Fine amount will never be collected.
National Conference on Emerging Technologies
ISSN: 2395
Tickets must be taken by the user
Well secured.
Misuse of smart card will never happen.
Cashless money and paperless ticket.
1) Instead of doing this in the bus,the
could do this kind of similar process while waiting
in the Bus stop.The passenger could swipe his/her
RFID tag while waiting in the bus stop.
Every time when a passenger enters the bus,
passenger needs to swipe his RFID tag/token in the
D reader. The RFID tag has unique passenger
ID, status register, balance and other blocks
3) IR
sensor is used to count the number of
passengers entering and exiting.
Thus avoiding the
passengers commuting without tickets.
4) The card is valid, then the
next step is to check
the balance.
5)IF the balance is less than a threshold value, then
LCD displays "Insufficient balance, please recharge
your card" else the passenger is requested to enter
the destination point.
6)In this proposal,we introduced
a secur
protect RFID tag. If the passenger
lose the smart
is a chance of getting misused.
avoid this, one-
time password is introduced.
National Conference on Emerging Technologies
for Sustainable Engineering & Management (NCETSEM'18)
Tickets must be taken by the user
Misuse of smart card will never happen.
Cashless money and paperless ticket.
1) Instead of doing this in the bus,the
could do this kind of similar process while waiting
in the Bus stop.The passenger could swipe his/her
RFID tag while waiting in the bus stop.
Every time when a passenger enters the bus,
passenger needs to swipe his RFID tag/token in the
D reader. The RFID tag has unique passenger
ID, status register, balance and other blocks
sensor is used to count the number of
Thus avoiding the
next step is to check
5)IF the balance is less than a threshold value, then
LCD displays "Insufficient balance, please recharge
your card" else the passenger is requested to enter
a secur
e system to
lose the smart
is a chance of getting misused.
Inorder to
time password is introduced.
7)One time password will be sent to the user's
mobile and this has to be entered to get the
icket.Then the card number,the boarding point and
the destination point is sent to the database and
corresponding amount is deducted from the
1) To ensure no or lesser passengers without ticket
a QR based ticket system can be
introduced which
must be scanne
d before getting into and after
leaving the bus.
2) Piezoelectric electric based charging system can
be introduced in the bus. These sensors can be
placed beneath the seat of the passenger and in case
when the passenger is o
ut of charge in his phone
(He could not show his ticket to the checker). He
could charge his phone with the energy obtained
from it.
The proposed system overcomes the manual fare
collection issues. Au
tomated fare collection system
for public
transport using GSM modem and smart
card is an innovative idea which reduces the
calculation of
bus fare and man power. Advanced
technology of smart card to secure i
in this project.
This innovation has made more
desirable and economical. This
is designed with the
for Sustainable Engineering & Management (NCETSEM'18)
7)One time password will be sent to the user's
mobile and this has to be entered to get the
icket.Then the card number,the boarding point and
the destination point is sent to the database and
corresponding amount is deducted from the
1) To ensure no or lesser passengers without ticket
introduced which
d before getting into and after
2) Piezoelectric electric based charging system can
be introduced in the bus. These sensors can be
placed beneath the seat of the passenger and in case
ut of charge in his phone
(He could not show his ticket to the checker). He
could charge his phone with the energy obtained
The proposed system overcomes the manual fare
tomated fare collection system
transport using GSM modem and smart
card is an innovative idea which reduces the
bus fare and man power. Advanced
technology of smart card to secure i
s implemented
This innovation has made more
is designed with the
National Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Engineering & Management (NCETSEM'18)-2018
ISSN: 2395-1303 Page 5
hope that it is more economical and helpful for
passengers and conductors during journey.
Passengers have the idea of amount detected for
each travel in public Transport. Pre-recharge the
card so that the passengers have knowledge how
much they are spending for Transportation.
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