UROPSpring 2021 Application Form
Dear UROP Applicant,
IMPORTANT: For Spring 2021, international students residing outside the US during the semester are not
eligible to receive salary funding from Boston University. Therefore, we cannot accept applications from
international students conducting research outside of the US. Additionally, if you receive funding, and then
move outside of the US, you will need to withdraw from UROP as we will not be able to pay you.
As you prepare your application for funding from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
(UROP), please read these instructions carefully. For more information on funding, eligibility, and any
restrictions, please consult our website here.
Only online submissions of applications will be accepted. Students can submit only one application per
A completed UROP application consists of this online application form and a letter of recommendation form
completed by your BU faculty mentor. An online submission of your application is due by 12:00PM (noon) on
the day of the deadline. Your faculty mentor must complete an online recommendation form by 11:59PM
on the day of the deadline. Please discuss time commitment, award type, and expectations with your mentor
prior to submitting your application. If there are any time or award request discrepancies between you and
your mentor, we will consider you for the lowest requested amount.
Upon submitting this application, your mentor will receive a prompt to submit your letter of recommendation
along with a copy of your application. With that said, it is your responsibility to ensure your faculty mentor
completes the letter of recommendation form. If your mentor is looking to submit their letter of
recommendation, direct them to the "for mentors" page on the UROP website, where they will log in with their
Kerberos information and complete the form.
Keep your responses within the word limit of each field; you may not continue your responses in the
If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, it is your responsibility to contact the UROP Office at
urop@bu.edu or call 617-353-2020.
Statistical Data Collection Page
Providing information on this page is strictly voluntary, and this page will not be included when your application is
sent to reviewers. Data are collected solely for statistical purposes for reporting to agencies that request such
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information (including granting agencies that supply funding to UROP) and for evaluating our program. The data
will not be used during the evaluation or award process.
Please select your race/ethnicity:
Native American
Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian
Please select your immigration status:
US Citizen
US Permanent Resident ("Green Card")
Foreign National/International Student
Please select your gender:
Please enter your GPA:
How did you hear about UROP? (check all that apply)
From my mentor
From another professor
From a non-UROP staff member
Through a BU website
Listened to UROP staff speak to a student group/class
From a Classmate/Friend
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Is your research within the STEM Fields?
Would you be interested in being a mentor for an underrepresented minority student in high
school that is looking to conduct research in STEM during the summer?
As you indicated yes, can we share your email with a BU student-led program that is trying to start
a program that mentors underrepresented minority high school students in STEM during the
Applicant Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Name (if different than above)
Preferred Pronouns *
BU ID Number *
BU E-mail Address *
College *
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Major *
Year at BU (during AY20/21) *
Will you be a full-time student (defined as being enrolled in 12 or more credits) during the
semester that you are applying? *
Yes, I will be enrolled in 12 or more credits during the semester for which I am applying for funding.
No, I will be enrolled in fewer than 12 credits during the semester for which I am applying for funding.
As you will notbe a full-time enrolled student (defined as being enrolled in 12 or more credits) during
thesemester for whichyou are applying for funding, you are not eligible to apply for funding.
As you will be a full-time-enrolled student (defined as being enrolled in 12 or more credits)duringthe
semesterfor which you are applying, you are eligible to apply for UROP. If you reduce your credit load during
the semester to less than 12 credits, you must withdraw your UROP funding, as you will no longer be eligible
for funding.
The month and year you will receive your bachelor's degree *
Faculty Mentor's First Name *
Faculty Mentor's Last Name *
Your mentor must be a member of the Boston University faculty. Neither postdocs nor graduate students may serve
as the mentor of record for UROP projects.
Faculty Mentor's College *
Faculty Mentor's Department *
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Faculty Mentor's BU Email Address *
Have you worked with this mentor before? *
Yes No
For how long? *
Where will you be performing your research? *
Will you be conducting your research in the United States? *
Yes, I will be in the United States while I am conducting research.
No, I will not be in the United States while I am conducting research
If you are an international student conducting research outside of the US, you are not eligible for funding. Do
not complete this application. Additionally, if you are awarded funding, and you must leave the US, you must
withdraw from UROP as we will not be able to pay you.
Will you be receiving any academic credit for this research work? If yes, then you may only apply
for a Supplies Award. *
Yes No
Award Types
Faculty Matching Grant (FMG): a stipend half of which is provided by UROP (the amount chosen below) and
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half is provided by your mentor. Ensure that your mentor has matching funds.For a Faculty Matching Grant
(FMG), your faculty mentor must have matching funds totalling half of your requested award amount. For
example, if you apply for a total award of $1,350.00 (10 hours/week), your mentor must provide $675.00 in
matching funds.
Student Research Award (SRA): a stipend that is funded entirely by UROP.
Supplies Award: funds that are provided to the mentor's department to cover supplies needed forthe
research project. You may only apply for a supplies award or a stipend award, not both.
For what type of award are you applying? *
Please select the approximate number of hours you will be working: *
Please select the approximate number of hours you will be working: *
What amount are you requesting? *
Are you a Kilachand Honors College student? *
Yes No
Is this application for your Honors College project? *
Yes No
Have you previously been awarded UROP funding? *
Yes No
When did you receive funding? (Please list all semesters) *
Previous UROP Funded Project
Is this a continuation of a previously funded project? *
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Summarize the status of your project to date. Provide information on any results and detail new
goals you wish to achieve. Include an explanation of why more funds are necessary. *
Do you feel that your previously funded UROP project was completed? *
Provide a brief justification for why the project was not completed. *
Provide a description of your previously-funded project. Include any results you obtained. *
List goals from your previously funded application and approximate the percentage of each goal
that has been completed. *
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Project Information
Project Title *
Project Description and Goals - Provide a description of your research proposal written in terms
that can be understood by someone outside your field. Include your project's overall objectives as
well as the specific goals you plan to accomplish this semester. *
Project Significance/Importance - Explain in general terms why the information gained from this
research project will be beneficial. What is the bigger picture of your research project? *
Methodology/Process - Clearly state how you plan to accomplish the goals listed in your project
description. Identify the specific steps necessary to perform your research. *
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Time Line - Provide a detailed timeline for completion of goals of your project. Include goals listed
above. *
Background Experience - List any previous research experience, applicable course work, or other
relevant experience you may have. *
Bibliography - List the sources you have consulted in preparation of this proposal, as well as any
references you have cited within this application. *
Emergency Preparedness and Ability to Conduct Research Remotely If
Disclaimer: The ability to adapt your plan to remote research will not affect how your application is scored.
We ask this information to streamline the transition of your work to a remote setting if the situation arises.
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Does this research require you to use Boston University facilities? Please note: if your research is
being conducted in a Boston University facility, and your award is funded, you will need to show
proof that you are part of your mentor's approved plan for return to research. *
Yes, my research involves me physically being at a Boston University facility.
No, I can conduct the research project remotely.
If, for any reason, Boston University goes remote during the fall semester, will you be able to
adapt your project to be conducted remotely? *
If your project must be completed remotely, how will you alter your project goals, methodology,
and/or research timeline to accommodate the shift? *
If you are applying for a Supplies Award and this page is blank, please return to the Applicant Information
page and change your answer to yes.
Otherwise, please click "Next".
Supplies AwardRequest
Supplies Awards are typically under $500. If you are applying for a SuppliesAward, please provide a detailed
description of what you wish to purchase. Indicate the price per unit and the total estimated cost for each item.
Unused lines should be left blank.Supplies Award fundsmay not be used for travel. All applications for travel must
be submitted on a separate travel application, which can be found on the UROP website.If you are not applying for
a Supplies Award, please change your answer to "No" under the Supplies Award question at the bottom of the
Applicant Information page.
Item Name & Price per Unit *
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Estimated Cost *
Type a question
Type a question
Type a question
Type a question
Type a question
Type a question
Type a question
Type a question
Type a question
Type a question
Supplies Award Justification - Describe the role the requested materials will play in your research
and explain your need for each item. *
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Safety Training
All students working in laboratories that use certain hazardous materials are required by the Office of
Environmental Health & Safety to complete training to work with those materials. Animal Safety courses are
coordinated by the Laboratory Animal Care Facility.
Does your research environment require you to take safety training? If you are unsure, please ask your mentor.
Laboratory Safety *
taken on:
Month Day Year
Radiation Safety *
taken on:
Month Day Year
Laser Safety *
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taken on:
Month Day Year
X-Ray Safety *
taken on:
Month Day Year
Animal Safety *
taken on:
Month Day Year
If you have not taken the required training(s), provide the date(s) when you will fulfill the
Human Subjects and Animal Use
If you are going to be using animals in your research, has the Animal User New Project
Application been approved by the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)? If yes,
upload a copy of the approval letter. If no, explain in the box below.
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IACUC Approval Letter - This must be titled as "Last Name, First Name IACUC"
Only .pdf files will be accepted.
If your research will involve humans, has it been approved by the appropriate Boston University
Institutional Review Board (IRB)? If yes, upload a copy of the approval letter. If no, explain in the
box below.
IRB Approval Letter - This must be titled as "Last Name, First Name IRB"
Only .pdf files will be accepted.
Additional Explanation:
This section is not required.You may upload 1 page of additional information only if you feel it is relevant to your
application and is not a resume or CV.Please be aware that you may not continue your answers in this section; if
you do so, it will be removed from your application. Your answers to previous questions must fit within the limits of
the boxes provided.
If you upload an appendix, you MUST title it "Last Name, First Name Apx". If your appendix is not labeled according
to these directions, we cannot guarantee that it will be evaluated with your application.
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